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tv   To Be Announced  CNN  June 4, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm PDT

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80 people may have been shot to death in the demonstrators. the violence isn't silences the protests. thousands gathered for the victims of friday's shootings. in yemen, the big question is where is the president? he may have fled the country after friday's attack on the palace. there are conflicting report whether he's in saudi arabia. he was slightly injured and four people were killed when the palace's mosque was shelled. alg jazeera is reporting that te vice president is now the acting president. security troops, meanwhile, are battling rebels suspected of bombing the mosque. meanwhile, a rebel group in pakistan said the man often described as al qaeda's brain is dead. he was killed by a drone attack friday. but officials in pakistan and the usa have not been able to confirm kashmiri's death. he's been described as one of
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the most dangerous men in the world and the top planner in the al qaeda attacks. we go now to orlando, florida. it's day 10 of the casey anthony murder trial. she's charged with killing her 2-year-old daughter caylee in 2008. testimony today focused on hair recovered from anthony's car. karen lowe testified that the hair didn't belong to casey anthony but could have come from her daughter. she also presumed that it came from a decomposing body. the best person to ask about all of this is sunny hostin. she's a contributor to our sister network, trutv. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> this is a sad story and ri t riveting story. what is the takeaway from this week's testimony. it's been a really good week, i would imagine, for the prosecution? >> it has been a good week for
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the prosecution, dpon. i think the big takeaway here is casey anthony is a liar, perhaps a path logical liar. she wove this path of lies during the 31 days her daughter was missing. what is interesting is these lies are really complicated, really detailed lied. i wonder then what the jury is going to think, if she takes the witness stand, is she telling the truth now? was she telling the truth then? the prosecution did a great job of juiusing the jailhouse videotapes as painting her out to be a woman whose stories you can't ever believe. that was the big takeaway. casey anthony can't be believed. >> you mentioned the jailhouse videos. they were fascinating to watch. we're going to play a lot of them at 10:00. how damaging are these videos to
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the defense? i i think they were very damaging, again, because we now know that the defense theory is that caylee died by drowning in june of 20008. yet, all of these tapes took place afterwards, and she's saying i can't wait to find caylee, i believe she's alive. you have to trust me. the last time i saw her was with the nanny, zenaida fernandez gonzalez who we now know is just a fictional character. these videotapes really gave us a bird's eye view into this family, the relationship between casey and george anthony, who of course she has accused of sexually abusing her. the relationship between casey and cindy anthony, who really wanted to find her granddaughter, and the relationship between casey and her brother, lee, who she also accused of sexually molesting her. we got a view into the dynamics of what many people are calling a dysfunctional family. >> there's something about this
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story, maybe we'll discuss that later, that hits the radar for women and for guys. it's interesting, but a sad story. we were talking about it, is she going to take the stand, people were asking me? you have to ask sunny? i feel like from the jailhouse videos she had already taken the stand. this makes it appear like she has. do you think she'll get on the stand or this is enough? >> that's a great point. it's not enough for the defense. she's got to take the witness stand, don. remember, that explosive opening statement by jose baez, i felt like i saw glimpses of johnny cochran in his opening statement. he made a lot of promises to the jury, and the only way to shore up the promises is to put casey anthony on the witness stand. i have been talking about it all week. and a lot of my facebook fans are saying sunny, is it going to happen? i'm taking bets, don. she's going to testify, she has to. >> you said it's almost a johnny
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cochran moment. there were a couple moments when the glove didn't fit, and he said, if the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit. he said he just came up with it. has for been a moment like that so far? >> i don't think so, but jose baez is doing a spectacular job with a case that all of us thought was indefensible going into this trial. so i think we're going to see some really wonderful lawyering in the defense's case in chief. >> sunny, they're asking the jury here to connect a lot of dots. and all these working theories. is that even possible? is it falling apart for them? it appears she keeps contradicting herself. >> exactly. i think the defense is asking the jury to connect a lot of dots. again, in the defense' case in chief, they have to connect the dots. the way they do that is with
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casey anthony. this is not a slam dunk case for the prosecution. i have said this over and over again. this is a circumstantial case. no one is going to get on the witness stand for the prosecution and say they saw casey anthony kill caylee anthony. no one is going to get on the stand and say they saw her put her body in the trunk of the car. this prosecution is working hard in a linear way of putting their evidence on, but have they proven first degree intentional murder without a doubt? not quite yet. >> we keep seeing the mom, the grandparents. there's a little girl involved here, a child. >> there's a victim here, a victim here, and we all need to litt recomme remember little caylee anthony. >> we're focusing in on the casey anthony murder trial at 10:00 p.m. we'll answer all your questions. iny if you have any, you can send
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them to me on twitter. a full hour son the death of caylee, the evidence, the prosecution, and even the fascination. and we have a former criminologist who worked on the case and doesn't work fthere anymore so he can talk to us. you see a cute baby. what do you do? you often ask, is it a boy, is it a girl? the parents of this cutie pie refuse the answer the question. i know it's crazy. you'll hear the story, an exper's take on how bad or good an idea this is. the parents won't say. if you have been asking for information on social media, you can reach out to us on twitter, facebook,, and we're back in a moment.
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why do we need to categorize. why can't we just accept children for who they say they are, who they want to be? >> i have an answer for that, but we'll get to that. she wrote a book about letter her 4-year-old son wear dresses and tiaras. now she's supporting the gender bending move of the mother and father in toronto. they're raising the bundle of joy, his/her name is storm, the parents don't even know which pronoun to use, but we know dr. wendy walsh has to say something about this. here is the thing, my quick answer was, boys have one part. girls have another. and that's the quick answer. >> it's the quick answer, don. remember, what we're talking about are two different c
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constructs. one is biology, one is gender. a big piece is cultural. there's a biological link. the problem i have with this, i have no problem with somebody exposing their kids to a whole range of gender stimulus or gender oriented toys and letting them choose what they want to play with, if a boy want to do b ballet, great, but to deny gender creates shame. now you're creating sosort of a third gender, an androgynous child, they're not science proje projects. they're our children, and they're growing up in our culture. >> you have to assimilate. you have to get along and move through culture. they said their chose was based on extensive research. my question is, he or she has two older brothers. the two older brothers, they're going to let storm know what sex he he or she is. so what if they choose to wear
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dresses or braids? does that concern you at all? >> children, no matter what their biology says they are, can choose any kind of gender role or gender identity. that's not the problem. it's the fact it's an unmenti unmentionable that creates a kind of shame around it. that's the piece that's weird for me. knl okay, let's move on. this is something you and i would talk about over coffee. it's a marriage confidential that said half of divorces happen because of sheer boredom, and one way to liven up the union is to have a non-monogamous union. does, quote, swinging, ever work. >> monogamy is one choice. it's chosen in our culture because it's a pretty good way to have survival of the fittest. it keeps men around, parents together taking care of the
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kids. it keeps men from getting together and creating harems and competing. and there have existed in history and throughout the world today different kinds of constructs. the problem in modern american culture with these kinds of open relationships is eventually somebody gets jealous or somebody falls in love. so it may work a while in the short term. i only have a few seconds. there's this study, swedish marriage study said that people who commute get divorces more often, 40% higher. the question in the office, what is the cutoff, how many miles? >> it's actually more what gender does the commuting. more often the men are leaving. this is my duh study. if you create a greater place between the man and woman in the family, and a guy commuting an hour or more and back, and spending long days away from the
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family, it's separation. >> you're going to be joining us on the 10:00 p.m. show when we do the special report on the florida mom accused of killing her daughter. what do you make of the scene happening every day before the anthony trial even begins? a rush to get a seat in the courtroom. i don't get this? >> this is the perfect storm of what the american people are hungry for. sex, lies, and murder. this is better than any novel, and they want to be in the front seat. >> we'll see you at 10:00. ahead, a somber anniversary marking the first case of a deadly epidemic and what's being done today to try to save lives. first, i want to tell you about this. new guidelines by the agriculture department. the pyramid replaced by the simple plate, and half of it would be fruits and vegetables. wouldn't that cost more money. >> reporter: it's a message from the very top.
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fruits. we're going to do fruits and berries. a call to arms from the first lady. her "let's move" campaign to compat childhood obesity and promote exercise. >> we're here because we care about the health and wellboog. >> many people think eating healthier means spending more money. not so says kathleen merrigan. >> i have been on a myth busting exercise to say you can eat flutes fruj and vegetables more than you think. >> a little less for vegetables, more for fruit, but if you boil it all down, it's 50 cents a cup. that means for a 2,000 a day calorie diet, you would spend between $2.18 and $2.50 to meet the half a plate recommendation. >> it's not always easy, but you
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can actually save money. >> we know in this country on average, a family of four is spending about $185 a week on groceries. if you follow a healthy diet plan, as we propose, you can bring the cost down to $170. buy fruits and vegetables while they're in season. frozen and cans are also okay, and have a plan when you hit the supermarket, and of course, there's always your own backyard. >> it's so interesting to see the first graders with their shovels, talking about composting and running a household where you're healthy. you pack lunches where there's no waste. tell me about that. >> it gets dicy sometimes, at 7:35, you're trying to make all the snacks and lunches for the day. the kids are watching over our shoulders. make sure you don't put it in a wrapper. put it in a container we can wash and bring back. it means the food you're packing is better, too. ♪
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this weekend marks the 31 stz anniversary of the discovery of aids. we show the story of a woman in kenya that shows how much things have changes and how much needs
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to be done. >> back in the 1990s, i believed aids was a punishment from god. when i first tested hiv positive, it was, oh, my god. how could i have let this happen to me. i prayed for years, hoping i would be healed. when i went public, i lost my job, my husband lost his job. the landlord wanted us out of his house. i realize said i had to do something. my name is patricia sawo. my idea is to change people's attitudes about hiv. >> all you need is accurate, correct information. hiv is not a moral issue. it's a virus. i do a lot of counseling. when i'm helping somebody else who is hiv positive, i want you to know you can rise from a bad place.
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48 children have the same type. most of them saw their parents dying of aids. my hiv status brings some kind of a bond. i provide that mirotherly love d all their basic needs. hiv is making me a better pirn. we want to be there for people. so if we have it, we share it out. bye. it's what i want to do because it's what i'm meant to do. god has good ways of healing. for me, i'm healing. >> speaking of the battle against aids and memorials, the aids memorial quilt has traveled the world, and we'll have part of it in the studio as well as an hiv positive woman who lost her mom and son to the disease. she'll bring some of the panels she brought for them. one's in the air, one's on the ground, and now the u.s. airlines plane made famous when it landed on the hudson river is
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going. now it's on the move. is it going? what do you got? restrained driver... sir, can you hear me? just hold the bag. we need a portable x-ray, please! [ nurse ] i'm a nurse. i believe in the power of science and medicine. but i'm also human. and i believe in stacking the deck. ♪ [ male announcer ] if you find yourself between a rock and a hard place, on second thought... ♪ she got an attitude never will. the 2011 jeep wrangler.
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dr. sanjay gupta has his story in today's human factor. >> the 83 of charlie kimmel. >> growing up, i wanted to race professionally. i want saed to rasz in the indianapolis 500. >> he's 10.90 seconds behind the race leader. >> this year, charlie finally fulfilled this treme. in order to get there, he had to overcome a big hurdle. four years ago, he was told he had diabetes, so he took time to figure out how to cope with his diagnosis and figure out if he could race with diabetes. something indy car officials said was a first. to qualify for these races, you not only had to be fast, he had to be healthy. >> my go-to is high, my reaction time is slow, and i'm not competitive. if i go too slow, i'm not competitive. go low enough, i could pass out and cause an accident. >> his diabetes led him to a response, and his crew cup cysts
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of mechanics, engineers, and his doctor. he has to make sure his body is ready along with his car, which now has special equipment. >> i wear a continuous glucose monitor which is a sensor i have on my body, and it reads blood glucose, wirelessly transmits to a page i velcro to the steering wheel. >> he has a back-up system designed by his father just in case. >> i have a drink bottle in the car, fill it with orange juice, which is full of sugar. the two run into the helmet, and what having to take my hands off the steering wheel, i can drink the orange juice, and i'm able to stop. >> he's determined to get the message out that diabetes doesn't have to stand in the way of your dreams. >> i'm living proof that you can do almost anything you want in life with diabetes, even drive a race car. we should tell you that kimball finished 13th.
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nice job. >> if you're taking a road trip on the east coast, you may find a piece of aviation history sharing the highway with you. the miracle of the hudson plane is heading to a museumuseum. some wires will be moved along the way to accommodate the size. much of the impact is from 2009 when sully sulilenberger landed it on the water, saving everyone onpen board. ♪ hello sunshine, sweet as you can be ♪ [ female announcer ] wake up to sweetness with honey nut cheerios cereal. kissed with real honey. and the 100% natural whole grain oats can help lower your cholesterol. you are so sweet to me. bee happy. bee healthy. took some wild risks when i was young.
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