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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  June 11, 2011 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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they're doing privately is not private. i told my son if he did it it would probably go viral and he goes, that's freaky, mom. so i'm hoping that works. >> thank you both for some entertaining and enlightening discussion to end the week. thanks, you guys. send us an e-mail to your bottom line. find me on facebook and twitter, keep it clean, folks! to christine romans. back to saturday, with the stories making news right now. -- captions by vitac -- good morning, everybody. we have just witnessed an extraordinary scene on the streets of new york happen just a few minutes ago, representative anthony weiner, it's not the video you're seeing there, but we'll show it to you in a moment. he stepped out just to run a few errands and he was bombarded by reporters including our own jason carroll and surprised to see him step out this morning. also surprising that many of his supporters were following him
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along as well and were really emphatic in their support. we will check in with our jason carroll in just a moment. we are getting that video turned around for you and you will hear from some of those supporters on the streets who want their representative to be left alone. that's coming up in a live report in just a moment. also out in arizona, fire fighters keep battling the flames, but the weather is not helping. conditions that have been helpful over the past day or so have now taken a turn for the worst. it will not help them in an effort to get this large fire under control. also today, court is in session in the casey anthony trial. she's accused, as you know, of killing her young daughter. now from gruesome photos to people fighting to get inside the courtroom. court is in session, yes o this saturday morning. from the cnn center this, is your "cnn saturday morning." i'm t.j. holmes. thank you for spending part of your day with us. it was the next revelation. the next twist in the anthony
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weiner scandal. a teenage girl has received messages from the congressman. multiple reports say this girl is 17 years old. as you know, representative weiner has admitted sending lewd photos to women he met online, but his representative saying that the girl in particular, now this teenager did not get any of those kinds of messages. this is a statement that was released from a spokesperson from congressman weiner and says, and i quote according to congressman weiner his communications with this person were neither explicit nor indecent. we actually just heard that as well from congressman anthony weiner who again is in new york and stepped out to the street and looked like he was running errands and he was followed by reporters and was again, to answer a question from our jason carroll, and said no, nothing was indecent that went to this young woman. delaware police say detectives interviewed the girl, but she did not say anything about inappropriate contact between her and the congressman. congressman weiner could be
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facing a house ethics investigation and something he said he's not afraid of and he also says he's not stepping down. what do people think back in his district? cnn's jason carroll is with me now. jason, hello, i was watching as this video that you had just a few minutes ago was feeding into us, but the congressman stepped out. what was he doing this morning? it looked like he was just running a few errands, but the media was there, you were there and his supporters were there with a message for you all as well. >> reporter: everyone there in place. i have to say it was somewhat unexpected. that's why we were here. congressman weiner came out and went to the atm, in addition to the atm, went over to pick up some of his laundry. so he was out just doing what he normally does, running errands. i want you to listen, though, to what he had to say when he was questioned about a number of issues. >> good morning.
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how are you today? very good to see you. have a good day today, guys. >> you, too, sir. >> this is ultimately a decision for my constituents. look, i've made mistakes as i said on monday. a lot of these questions i answered on monday. now i'm just going try to get to work. >> one of your constituents told me this morning i support him, but i wonder how effective he can be that the point as a leader and this is what i heard this morning. >> i hear you. i don't have anything more. i'm going to go in here to the atm machine. is that okay? >> yes. >> i support you, no matter what? i support you, that's your private life. you are a great man. i need the right person in the right position, okay? i support you. we all support you. all new york are going to make sure that your the next mayor. >> so you can see that's just some of the responses we got from congressman weiner.
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we'll get you more as soon as we're able to turn some of that video around for you, t.j. i also asked about what you talked about earlier and that's about the online communication that he had with the alleged 17-year-old girl from delaware. he basically reiterated what was already released in the statement basically saying that none of the contact between himself and the alleged 17-year-old girl was inappropriate. so he also wanted to set that record straight. i also asked him about resignation. he says, look, i'm very eager to get back to work. i have no plans to resign. that's something else he said. once again, we'll get some of this interview with the congressman turned around for you and you'll be able to listen to some of it. >> jason, we will let you get back to that. i know you were hustling. you have that feeding into us. we'll let you take a breather and get some of that cut for us and we'll come back to you in just a bit. our jason carroll in the district of congressman weiner and we'll check back in with him. i want to turn now to what
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we're watching in arizona, what we've been watch for example quite some time now. fire fighters facing another tough tests. higher wind gufrts today up to 40 miles an hour coupled with low humidity could spread the massive fire that is barely contained at this point. the fire already has burned 410,000 acres. to give you some perspective on that number, that's about an area larger than all of los angeles. flames have consumed 29 homes and threatening 5200 more. also being threatened electric transmission lines. those lines supply hundreds of thousands of homes and if those are compromised it could lead to rolling blackouts in southeast new mexico as well as in el paso, texas. our jim spillman has been covering this for us for the past several days. he's in apache county for us. what's the update? everybody knew they had a small window of time to get a lot of work done while those weather conditions cooperated, but it looks like are those conditions
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trying to kick back up and make things difficult again? >> reporter: it's a real race against the clock here, t.j. they have about five hours before the winds kick up. in the last few days they were able to take advantage of the lower winds. they did three drops with a giant dc-10 and after that it's counterintuitive and they were able to use helicopters to use aerial ignition, dropping ping-pong balls, of a chemical that drops fire and the idea is to rob it of fuel so there's nothing to burn and save as many homes and residences as possible. that window will close just in a short time here. when that happens, they can't send these aircraft up. it's much, much hard or the fire fighters when they have to worry more about the fire and how rapidly it's moving. they've been able to set up lines and the goal is to hold them, and these evacuated cities before the winds come here later
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this afternoon, t.j. jim, thousands of people had to be evacuated earlier this week. are they still being told to stay away and do they have any idea of how long they'll be away from their homes? >> reporter: absolutely. they have no idea when they'll come back yet. next week at the earliest. these wins and the weather is so unpredictable. in the morning you see a lot of smoke here. in the morning the smoke sits down and there's an air quality advisory in place, whenever we're not talking to cover our face with bandannas or masks because the smoke after days really gets to you. so they don't want people coming back into that. there are 3,000 fire fighters fighting this fire. all sort of heavy equipment, fire engines, bulldozers and they need these roads cleared. they're in neighboring communities here and in shelters and staying with friends. a town about 40 miles away from here had a fire and they were the ones being evacuated here. they all look out for each other
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here, but it will be a while before they're able to in home, t.j. >> jim spillman for us in apache count pep we appreciate it. thanks so much. let me turn to reynolds wolf to get an idea of what kind of win we're talking about. >> today, unfortunately, it will be increasing. it was light this morning and light right now, but over the afternoon we'll see things heat up. the possibility of these flames spreading not just due to the wind, but because of other conditions. t.j., what happens on occasions you'll have these flames that kick up so high, well over 1,000 degrees fahrenheit and it can spawn, get this, thunderstorms, highlight thing strikes. when it happens guess where they go. when they strike in the foliage, guess what? you have more fires that begin to pop up and the flames just kind of keep at it. this is something that continues to feed itself. right now as it stands we've got winds that are mingling in the single digits for the time being and that's good, but that's just for now. what we forecast today is the humidity will remain at 15% or
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lower and then the big number we're following is this one right here. check it out, winds going 15 to 20 miles per hour and some gusts topping 35, but in the mountain passes the wind will accelerate and possibly times getting closer to 45 and as high as 50 miles per hour. they need rain and they're not going get it there and heavy rain possible for parts of the central, northern plains and into the northeast, more on that and more on the temperatures across the nation coming up in mere moments. we appreciate you and we'll check in with you. >> people that live around the rain-swollen missouri river would love to get rid of the floodwater. friday the mayors of both pierre and fort pierre, south dakota, spoke about flood-damaged areas of their cities. >> it's really, really, as you say, overwhelming, that's right because we never anticipated this kind of thing. >> there is good news, though. the mayor says levees have held
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and it looks like the water level has stabilized. cleanup still weeks away. also a new danger in joplin, missouri. they are still, of course, trying to recover from that tornado that hit last month. state health officials say eight people injured in the twister have contracted now a rare type of fungus and three of them have died. one of those deaths directly attributed to the infection which can occur when dirt becomes lodged under the skin. doctors, tornado survivors and relief workers there to get prompt medical a teksz. >> cia director leon panetta says the u.s. commitment to pakistan is strong. pan ate is in islamabad this morning. as you know he's been nominated as the next defense secretary. he's hoping to mend political fences strained by those killed osama bin laden and continuing air strikes targeting militants along the border between afghanistan and pakistan. well, they have formed long, long lines and it has turned
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ugly at times. what are they lining up for? maybe tickets to a hot concert? maybe the latest movie? no. they're trying to get into a murder trial. and a choice. take advil now... and maybe up to 4 in a day. or, choose aleve and 2 pills for a day free of pain. smart move. ♪ smart move. [ man ] ♪ trouble ♪ trouble, trouble trouble, trouble ♪
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backed by the superguarantee®? up to 1find a businessear. only& suonline.s®. on your phone. or in the book. go to superpages®. and let the good guys save the day. we're at 14 minutes past the hour on this "cnn saturday morning." the casey anthony murder trial resumes this morning. it got started up again just about an hour ago and the defense is hoping to rebound from what many observers would
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call a bad day in court. we'll get more on that in just a moment from john lemon. he's joining us live from orlando to tell us what to expect. this has become a spectacle and as much drama outside in some cases, of the courtroom as we're seeing inside. were people lined up once again today fighting for the seats to get inside? >> reporter: t.j., this was the second day in a row when things got intense outside the orange county courthouse. we saw people fighting to try to get their spot in line. yesterday they had a stretcher come out and take a woman away who lost her spot in line. so today it was less intense, but they did call police and the police had to come and restore order. this morning dr. neil haskell got on the stand and he's an expert in bugs. he testified today that flies came out of that car trunk and they signified that there was a dead or decomposing body in that car trunk, casey anthony's car trunk, of course.
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now the defense disagrees. they have an expert that will be coming up and that expert says they were fruit flies and something unrelated to decomposition. so we'll see who the jury believes once both sides present their cases there. other than that, we had very emotional testimony yesterday where casey anthony kind of got emotional. she was crying throughout the day when she heard about how animals were chewing on the bones of little caylee, her daughter in the wooded area where she was dumped like trash three years ago. >> some of the video you're looking at right now to our viewers, this was reaction to some of those pictures that she was seeing yesterday, the jurors were seeing and many observers in the courtroom were seeing and also the viewers, you were seeing pictures a moment ago. this is a live picture. this is live inside the courtroom right now in orlando, folks. you can see certainly somebody on the stand there and they also have a fixed camera that kind of stays on casey anthony the whole time. that's what you're seeing on the right side of your screen, but yes, the casey anthony trial
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resuming today. this is happening live. so testimony continues in that trial. to our sean lemon, we appreciate you. to a story about a man facing 35 years in prison charged with espionage, but now he probable won't serve jail time at all. the government changed its mind how to punish former official thomas drake. he accepted a plea deal. he's pleading guilty to a misdemeanor count of exceeding authorized use of a computer. he was accused of passing classified information to a newspaper reporter. the government dropped those charges because they didn't want to present classified material in open court. also what could become the largest mass firing in the agency's history, the tsa working to remove as many as 36 people at honolulu's international airport. that includes managers. the move comes after the tsa's investigation into claims that
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screeners routinely let unchecked bags into claims during a four-month period late last year. at least two other tsa workers are facing suspension. preparation is the key to stress-free travel even when severe weather threatens your vacation. our rob marciano has some tips to make sure you are ready for anything when you're on the go. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: you can't control mother nature, but there are some things you can do to minimize the damage to your summer travel plans starting with when you book your flight. >> book a morning flight. if bad weather descends on the airport in the morning and you're delayed for four or five hours you can still get the flight in the early afternoon. >> reporter: your cell phone can also be a great tool. >> make sure that you have the airline's reservation number programmed into your cell phone, that way you can call the 800 number and be at the head of a virtual line instead of rushing up to the gate agent along with 200 other angry passengers. >> you can sign up for arc
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letters from your airline or websites like flight to stay ahead of the curve if your flight is cancelled. on occasion, a delay is inevitable. so just like the boy scout, always be prepared. >> pack your carry-on bag smartly. remember you should have toiletries with you. you want to have a book to read and don't forget to recharge your cable for your cell phone, laptop and ipod. you want to make yourself as comfortable as you can. all right. the republican presidential candidates will be in new hampshire for monday night's cnn debate. even though it's early in this season, one of these candidates may need to have a really good showing on monday night especially after the week he just had. it's 20 minutes past the hour. a quick break. when we come back, the political pulse. 14 clubs. that's what they tell us a legal golf bag can hold.
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for deep penetrating relief you can feel precisely where you need it most. precise. only from the makers of tylenol. 21 minutes past the hour on this "cnn saturday morning." cnn hosting the republican presidential hopefuls for debate in new hampshire on monday. it kicks off at 8:00 eastern. you can see it here and only here on cnn, but there's one candidate that may need a bigger boost from the debate than all the others. newt gingrich. his campaign, as you may know, took a pretty big hit this week with the resignations of a number of his top staffers including his campaign manager. cnn deputy political director paul steinhauser is live in new hampshire, site of the debate. paul, good morning to you. everybody else might be putting this pressure on newt gingrich and saying he has to do well on monday night, but is he putting
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that same kind of pressure on himself? >> reporter: i'm sure quietly to himself he is. newt gingrich has been kind of defiant since most of his top staffers, advisers quit on thursday. he says he will endure on. he says he'll be at a speech tomorrow flight in los angeles and yeah, he says he'll be right here monday night for our debate, but t.j., a lot of questions for newt gingrich now. without a staff it's hard to campaign, let's be honest and a lot of his staff left, also raising money, not that easy to do. some of the staffers felt he wasn't committed enough to raise money and campaign. gingrich says he is very committed. it's a big deal for him monday night. it's a big deal for us. we brought the bus. if we bring the bus it's a big deal. >> because gas and money is hard to come by around here. >> yes. >> those staffers that left newt gingrich, where did they go? >> reporter: well this is interesting. two of the staffers, two of the top guys for the gingrich campaign were also two of the
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top political advisers to governor rick perry of texas last year when he ran for re-election. there's been lots of concentration on perry lately. will he run for president? he's been saying no, no, no until he said i'm thinking about it. he couldn't make a serious run for the nomination without these two advisers. i guess now they're free. so stay tuned to rick perry. >> rick perry, people may have heard the name, but a lot of people around the country may not be familiar with him. he seems to be getting pushed in the direction of running. why do they like this guy? >> ten years now, 11 years as governor of texas. he was lieutenant governor of texas in 2000 when george w. bush moved to washington d.c. to become president of the united states and perry's been there ever since and reelected three times and it seems to be popular with tea party activists that could come in handy in early states like iowa and south carolina if he decides to run. so i think there's also an
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inkeling there that there may not be a southerner there other than gingrich and maybe gingrich is that person. the site of our debate coming up on monday. paul, good to see you. we'll see you again and to our viewers don't foerth, monday night, 8:00. republican presidential debate. seven taking part and john king nod rating that event. 24 minutes past the hour now. pulling kids literally out of the dumps, right out of the garbage dumps. find out how one cnn hero is turning kids' lives around. that's next.
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25 minutes past the hour now
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on this "cnn saturday morning." children as young as 3 spend the day sorting through rotting garbage and that's all they would have to do if it wasn't for this cnn hero. >> translator: currently in argentina there are a lot of children working. in bariloche most children work recovering waste from the garbage dump to sell for a small profit. they can be very small children, 3, 4, 5 years old. all parents want a better life for their children than what they had, but there are times when the whole family has to work to try to make ends meet. my name is elena duron miranda. i founded an organization to help the boys and girls of the bariloche get out so they no longer have to work there to survive. when i arrived in argentina it hit hard to see so many small children picking through garbage. many of these boys and girls
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have dropped out of school. i decided that i had to do something for them. [ speaking spanish ] . >> translator: we try to be as integrated as possible there is a psychologist and social worker. we work with the family and the value of putting them in school. >> translator: any time we get a child close to school it's a seed we are planting. you hope not to see the child in the street again. if he returns we go after him. education is how we start to break vicious cycles, to give children a better future. i learn something from the children every day. to be happy even under very complex circumstances. >> now her organization provides customized educational programs to about 200 children and their families free of charge and
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again, every cnn hero is chosen from people you tell us about. to nominate somebody you think is changing the world, go to cnn well, we have been reading sarah palin's e-mails. we didn't hack into her computer, no. thousands of them were just released. so what is it they say, exactly? will they have any impact on her decision to run for president? stay with us on this "cnn saturday morning." we're at the bottom of the hour. what do you got? restrained driver... sir, can you hear me? just hold the bag. we need a portable x-ray, please! [ nurse ] i'm a nurse. i believe in the power of science and medicine. but i'm also human.
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taking plavix alone or with some other medicines, including aspirin, may increase bleeding risk, which can potentially be life threatening, so tell your doctor when planning surgery. tell your doctor all medicines you take, including aspirin, especially if you've had a stroke. if fever, unexplained weakness or confusion develops, tell your doctor promptly. these may be signs of ttp, a rare but potentially life-threatening condition, reported sometimes less than two weeks after starting plavix. hello there, everybody. we're right at the bottom of the hour here on this "cnn saturday morning." welcome back. i'm t.j. holmes and glad you could spend part of your day with us. here's what's making head plines a teenager received messages from congressman anthony weiner and police are investigating. the congressman is under pressure to resign because he
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sent lewd photos of himself to women online. his representative said the team did not get any of those lewd messages, however. fire fighters in arizona closely watching the wind and the humidity today. winds expected to pick up threatening to make a wildfire that's already the size of houston even bigger. it's already destroyed 29 homes and threatens 5200 more. also the murder trial of casey anthony resuming today in florida. she broke down in the courtroom yesterday when the prosecution showed a video of her daughter caylee smiling with a skull and duct tape super imposed over her face. anthony is convicted of killing the 2-year-old she could face the death penalty. sarah palin is not officially in the race for president, but she's still getting a lot of attention. yesterday, more than 24,000 e-mails from her term as governor were released creating a lot of fodder for any potential campaign. >> a lot of those e-mails obviously weren't meant for
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public consumption. they're between staff members and probably between family members. so i'm sure people are going to capitalize on this opportunity to go through 25,000 e-mails and perhaps take things out of context. they'll never truly know what the context of each one of the e-mails was. >> so will the e-mails have any kind of an impact on her decision in joining me now to talk about t the race for president and the world of power politics. you know them and you know them well. we see them every weekend at this time. democratic strategist maria cardona in washington. hello to you and lenny mccallister. you give me your political headline of the week. maria, what was it for you? >> sarah palin's e-mails, there's a ton, but the question is will she still run? >> lenny, you have to rhyme now whatever your headline was. >> dr. seuss over there, huh? well, very sifrm el. how the mighty are falling. >> how the mighty are falling.
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let's start here, lenny, with the e-mails. is this much ado about nothing? this was asked about a number of media outlets. this will really have an impact? >> i don't know if it will have much of an impact, with it may give her a softer image which could if she ran, which i don't think she's running, but if she would run it may actually help her seem to be more reasonable when it comes to some of the policies of the obama administration. she's been seen as the republican attack dog since 2008. this is something that could soften her image and make her look even keel and levelheaded than she had been for several years. it may help going down this path. >> even if she decides to run, maria. what happens if she's in the race and michele bachmann is in the race. is there enough room in the race for both of them? >> that's a very interesting question, t.j., because i do think they will draw upon the same crowd. they're both darlings of the social conservative, social
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conservative women. they are both the ones that would speak to their interests, but i think that what is very interesting is that ed rollins, as you know, is now rung michele bachmann's campaign. michele bachmann is at least making the moves to have people take her seriously. i don't think at the end of the day that will ever really happen, but at least she is flirting with the presidential run, but at least putting together the notion that she is very serious about running. sarah palin has done none of that, but what she has done and what she continues to prove even with these e-mails is that whatever she does is going to be a huge draw presswise. >> i don't think at the end of the day that she'll run. >> lenny, you mentioned oh, how the mighty have fallen. i don't know if this was one of the mighty you were talking about. what a week for this man now it looks like everyone jumped ship on him, his top aides. this decision, he's going cruising in the middle of a campaign. i mean, what happened to newt this week?
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>> bad decisions, and this is what we've seen ever since he decided to run for the presidency. this was a huge gaffe to be on a cruise ship half way around the world when your campaign folks are struggling to raise money, struggling to overcome some of the obstacles he himself put into place. word is he booked the "meet the press" interview himself which became a huge gaffe where he criticized paul ryan's plan. if you're on a cruise ship and behind in the polls this was not the time and place to do that particularly from the guy who was previously seen as being the smartest guy in the room when it came to the republican nominees. >> that has fueled a lot of speculation because some of the folks that left have close ties to texas governor rick perry. for president obama and a lot of republicans are saying we don't like our crop of candidates. what would president obama have to fear in a candidate like governor rick perry, but is that still the least of the president's problems given some of the economic numbers that continue to come out and that
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continue to take a toll on his approval ratings. >> i think what you will see from his president is he will take seriously whoever comes out of the gop primary as the gop nominee because that's just smart politics and the white house is doing that starting now. so i think what you're going to see is whoever comes out of it whether it is rick perry, whether it is mitt romney, you will see the president continue to talk about what he and the democrats are doing to try to continue to create jobs. we just came off of the 15th straight month of private sector job creation. we aren't where we need to be. the president is the first one to say that. he's going to take whoever comes out of the gop primary very seriously because he knows that it is a huge challenge. he's known it from the day that he walked into the oval office when we were losing 800,000 jobs a month. that's what he will continue to say to the american people. >> lenny, i'll let you respond to that because will that argument work from the president? some are saying it's the only one he can make is that, hey,
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we're going chug along. it's going to be difficult at times and we'll get setback, but are american people going to listen to that or are they going to look outside and they see gas prices high and they see the home values low and they see the unemployment rate at 9% plus. we see democrats talkinging about president bush and what president obama walked into -- >> really? again? >> double-dip recession. >> it's reality. >> with the double-dip recession possible and depression coming up, listen, i'm waiting for president obama to start blaming hoofer and roosevelt for the upcoming double dip recession. we keep going backwards in time. he refuses to claim some of the economic policies that have not worked and at this point in time someone like a rick perry who comes from a state where there are jobs being created where he appeals to the tea party and he is republican establishment, that is a very formidable candidate for him if if he chooses to jump into the race. >> i'll leave it there. i just knew maria would respond
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to that. >> i will. no, absolutely. >> no, no, no. i'm teasing, maria. we have to leave it there, guys. >> okay, next time, t.j. >> good to see you all. lenny and maria, great friends of the show on this "cnn saturday morning." if you want more debate you can see it on monday because that is the night for the republican presidential debate from new hampshire. seven candidates taking part and cnn's john king moderating again, that debate you can see only right here on cnn. i want to turn back now to our jason carroll who is standing by for us in new york. he is actually in the district of congressman anthony weiner and jason, we've been covering the story and some of the developments this morning that it's come out that police are investigating the contact he had with a 17-year-old girl he exchanged messages with, reportedly 17 years old, but he came out this morning walking down the street like so many other people do in new york. you come out and run your errands and go to the grocery
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store and go to the atm, but he was followed by folks, you all and constituents who support him. >> reporter: that is correct. first, what we tried to do is question him about this contact that he had with this 17-year-old, this alleged 17-year-old girl from delaware. you'll recall that basically detectives interviewed her about her communications that she'd had with congressman weiner and she told detectives that none of the contact that she had with him was inappropriate. when i spoke to congressman weiner this morning he reiterated that, basically saying that none of the contact between himself and the -- and the teenage girl was arngs proep at. he also talked about calls for his resignation and in addition to that talked about the support he's receiving from his constituents. i want you to listen to this impromptu interview that happened on the street out here just a few minutes ago. >> no inappropriate online communications between you and
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this 17-year-old. can you elaborate about that? >> nope. >> can you tell us anything at all about -- >> no. out of respect for her privacy, it is another person that's gotten sucked into this. this is my dry-cleaners, do you mind if i take a right here? thanks, guys. i'll come out. >> thank you, congressman. >> this is ultimately a decision for my constituents and, you know, look, i've made mistakes as i said on monday. a lot of these questions i answered monday and now i'll just try to get back to work. >> it's a decision for my constituents and, you know, look, i've made mistakes as i said on monday. a lot of these questions i answered on monday and now i'll just try to get to work. >> very quickly, one of your constituents told me this morning who said i support him, but i wonder how effective -- >> reporter: so you can see there weiner answering some of the questions there that were thrown out at him. he also went on to say later
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that none of the contact between himself and the 17-year-old girl was inappropriate. we'll get that sound turned around for you and have that for you during the next hour. >> jason, we'll catch up with you again, jason carroll in new york. thank you so much. we are at 42 minutes past the hour now. as if people need another reason if they already didn't like lebron james, some are saying that he gave them another reason. he said he was having too much fun at another player's expense. it was all caught on tape and then the other player ended up making them pay. also this morning a move to change the dress code for weight lifters carried on the shoulders of a georgia athlete. financing their fleet, sharing our expertise, and working with people who are changing the face of business in america. after 25 years in the aviation business, i kind of feel like if you're not having fun at what you do, then you've got the wrong job. my landing was better than yours. no, it wasn't. yes, it was. was not. yes, it was. what do you think? take one of the big ones out?
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we're bringing in our good friend joe carter from hln sports this morning. as if anyone needed another reason to not night lebron. there are a lot of people rooting against this guy. >> most of the sports fans want to see the dallas mavericks win. tuesday night, game four. we saw dirk nowitzki who is the superstar for the dallas mavericks play in a game where he had a triple digit fever, he had a 101 fever. he was a mess in his nose and coughing into the towel and he helped dallas win that game and he certainly did not impress dwayne wade and lebron james because before game five, two of them, who were the superstars of that team mocking dirk nowitzki saying that he was plague up his sickness. here's part thaft tape.
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>> can i hear you cough? >> i think i'm sick. >> man. hey! >> it's hard to go from 85-degree weather to go to 09. >> that's not going to earn you fans outside of south florida. another reason for people to say no, not cheering for the heat. later that night dirk would get the last laugh and scored 39 points and now dallas has a two-series lead and they play in miami tuesday night. i think most of us see that this series will go seven game, but we'll see. >> they are just having a little fun. a lot of people don't like lebron and that's just another reason they can point to. all right. another nice story here. >> let's finish on a nice story. >> a young lady in atlanta could be changing the rules, if you will, when it comes to how you dress in weightlifting. she wants the international weightlifting federation to change its uniform policy.
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she wants to wear her hijab which basically covers her head. she also wants to cover her arms and legs during her competition as part of her faith. it's a current uniform that exposes the referees and the arms so the judges can judge whether the arms and knees are locking out. part of the judging process. she says she wants to change that. they're looking into it and we'll see at the end of the month whether or not they'll change that, but that could be big for the weightlifting federation. >> good luck to her in getting that rule changed. thanks so much. father's day next weekend. got gift ideas and a lot of you are racking your brain around about it. an alarm that wakes up dad, but not mom. katie linendal joining me after the break to explain that one and some others. we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] splenda® no calorie sweetener is sweet...
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all right. as you know, father's day next sunday. have you found that gift for dad yet? probably not, but a lot of dads like gadgets so the right gadget could be the perfect solution for you. our tech expert katie linendal joins me now with a few suggestions. are these a lot of gadget-related type of things for dad.
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not just ties anymore, right? >> no. forget the ties. it's time to give dad an upgrade. >> okay. let me first start it off and i'll roll through these. first is this revolutionary alarm clock. this is hot off the market and this is brand new and called lark. it's actually on my wrist. it's a comfy wrist band that you wear and here's the deal. lark is made for couples that get up at different times. if you know that dad is getting up and annoying mom, and this is kind of nudging you. the idea here is to wake up naturally and it will track your sleep which is incredibly cool because it will tell you where in the middle of the night you wake up and it will help you be a better sleeper. it is a trainer for those in the nba, nfl and nhl. >> how pricey? >> it's about $129. >> that's doable, but it will wake you up, you're not going sleep through it, right? >> that's correct.
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and it will be just in case. and the other one looks like a coffee dup. >> it's a coffee cup inverter and it's about $30. there's a usb port and two outlets. for the dad on the go to work or from work, maybe he wants to charge his tablet or mp3 player. no problem, it fits in your car and you can charge those gadgets on the go. >> that's pretty good. >> and last up in this segment, t.j., i want to show you with the news with cell phone radiation, why bother taking the chance. this is pong. this is a nice colorful case that comes in nice shapes and sizes and what it does is it's tested and proven in fcc laboratories to reduce radiation when you're talking on your cell phone. it goes anywhere from $40 to $60 bucks and a nice option if you're not using that bluetooth handset to protect yourself. >> that's a pretty good one, too and all of these things are affordable. we're not done with katie just
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yet. we have a few more suggestions to do with dad on his down time and reynolds is getting involved in this one. you don't want to miss this. we're right back. do you have an english menu? no english. [ speaking chinese ] [ gasps, speaks chinese ] do you guys like dumplings? i love dumplings. working with a partner you can trust is always a good decision. massmutual -- let our financial professionals help you reach your goals. i could not make working and going to school work. it was not until the university of phoenix that i was able to work full-time, be a mom, and go to school. the opportunities that i had at the university of phoenix, dealing with professionals teaching things that they were doing everyday, got me to where i am today. i'm mayor cherie wood, i'm responsible for the largest urban renewal project in utah, and i am a phoenix.
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>> all right. let me rejoin katie linendal.
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before the break she was giving us ideas for gadgets for dad. she's got a few more. where do you want to start? >> i want to go to the keurig. >> if dad wants to make cop coffee in the morning it's not like brewing a pot. everybody gets an individual pod and there's iced tea, apple cider and hot chocolate and of course, coffee and everybody gets to pick exactly what they want. these range in prices and styles, but a nice little option to have around the house and last, but not least, i want to finish off with the ultimate geek dad. he deserves a uss enterprise star trek pizza cutter. >> pizza cutter. >> this is the ultimate, t.j. a star trek pizza cutter and it comes with a star trek robe which we brought in a model for this one. the star trek robe. it has the insignia and your rank on it and reynolds wolf,
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showing it off in style. that's how it goes down. >> this is weird. i feel like i should have a highball glass of scotch and a cigar. i feel like hugh hefner wearing this thing. >> katie, people really goes for these and it has the star trek symbol. are these things hot? they're popular? >> reynolds wofrl, he's kind of a big deal around there. oh, look at those 18-inch python biceps -- nice! >> exactly. >> reynolds, you're a good sport. >> something like that. >> since i have worked on this show we have brought in one model to model something and that has been reynolds wofrl. reynolds, we appreciate that. some good stuff and everybody getting ready for dad next weekend. reynolds, thanks. quick break, folks. we'll reset here for the top of the hour on "cnn saturday morning." rooer right back. [ male announcer ] this is lara.
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