tv CNN Newsroom CNN June 11, 2011 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT
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possible. there's a tracking group and colleges and a social worker. we work with the family on the value of putting them in school. anytime we get a child close to school, it's a seed mill planting. you hope not to see the child on the street gin. if he returns, he goes off. this is how i was taught to give children a better future. i learned something from the children every day, to be happy even under very complex circumstances. u well, we always want to her from you. tell us about the communities in your community. send them to >> you're in the cnn newsroom where the news unfolds live this saturday, june 11th.
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ynl dab raw ferric in for fredricka whitfield. new developments in the anthony wiener scandal. he said he's going to file for a leave of absence. it would be used to seek professional treatment. this is after calls from top democrat leaders asking for him to resign. let's bring in jason carroll who is in the congressman's district in queens. you spoke to the congressman earlier. did he give you any indication anything was up? >> no, but the indication maybe should have been when he was running errands, picking up money at the atm, picking up clothing at the dry cleaning. he's going to be boarding a tra
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leaving for treatment. i want you to read the quote, congressman weiner departed this morning to seek professional treatment to focus on his professional issues so he can get evaluated and map out a course of treatment to make himself well. it's unclear where he's headed and how long he'll be there. before the congressman left this morning, we had an opportunity to speak with him wiabout a numr of issues, specifically the issue involving the teenage girl from delaware. congress weiner spoke at her school, she admired him, she followed him online, they made communication. he said none of that was inappropriate. he also spoke about paul
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corbett's resignation. >> i just want to get for the record here about the 17-year-old girld because you know that's what a snumber of people are talking about. in terms of the 17-year-old, do you recall any contact with her. >> they put out a statement on that, she's spokespoken. i think that record is made clear. >> this coming from you, can you -- >> nothing, nothing. nothing explicit. nothing indecent. nothing inappropriate. >> i just wanted to also ask you, a reecent poll came out tht said 56% of your constituents support you. >> whe >> i have made mistakes, i hurt my family and my wife. i have to get back to them. >> you have been reaching out taa number of people. can you tell me what advise?
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have you spoken to the clintons and how are they advising you in. >> friends wiconversations with neighbors, family. i have to redeem my s. and try to get back to work with my more personal failings and try not to let them get in the way of my personal work. >> now, checking into treatment, does this stop the calls for his resignation, especially coming from top democrats. i think a lot of people would say the answer to that is probably not. you already heard what nancy pelosi said to say. he urges he get help. he should do so without being a member of congress. >> jason carroll for us, and clearly, it doesn't specify how long that leave of absence will be. weiner's plan to seek presence
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does not quiet democrat leade r leadere leaderers, nancy pelosi, debbie schultz, and weeter are calling for him to step down. dana, what does this mean for a member of congress to request a short leave of absence? >>. >> reporter: the short answer to the question is all he has to do is have a letter read on the floor of the house of representatives seeking it. let me go back to what you were saying. the key thing to underscore here is these leaders who called on anthony wieiner to resign absolutely prompted this to occur. i'm told earlier in the day, this morning, the democratic leader nancy pelosi put a call into weiner saying it's time for you to go. enough is enough.
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also, the head of the comimitte, allegedly democrat, was not happy with the political ram fxzphics of this, had the same thing to say, and the response weiner made was really noncommittal. he said he wanted to wait for his wife huma to get back to the kunlt ray which i'm told will be late wednesday night, early thursday morning. jason mentioned a public stateme statement. she said congress weiner has the love of his family, the confidence ofconstituents, and the recognition of congress. this does not happen lightly. it is very, very different from the kind of thing we heard even from nancy pelosi yesterday.
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>> absolutely. and dana, another thing, obviously as we point up, there's no indication this leave of absence will stand any sort of ethics investigation. dana bash, thanks so much. we appreciate you being live for us today. cnn is hosting a republican presidential hopefuls for a debate in new hampshire on monday night. it could come at a good time for newt gingrich. he's ready to restart his campaign after the resignation of his top people. can this debate perhaps for newt gingrich, anyway, show he is a viable candidate even though those around him are not convinced, perhaps? >> well, you know, dana, and this would be for anyone on stage at this point is very,
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very important as they introduce themselves to the republican voters, the primary voters in new hampshire. but the bottom line is this could be make or break for newt gingrich. there's been a lot of question if he's comimitted to running. if he's got the time, if he will go out and listen to people's concerns. the senior staff quit in jest at the ipd of the week. they said he wasn't committed to the principiplprinciples. that's why he left. he will ibe at a bank next week, and the next night, he'll be with me here at a college in new hampshire to show the supporters and public that he and committed to the presidential race. >> one of the hopefuls who has probably one of the greatest name recognitions, mitt romney,
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is sort of getting no attention. is that a good thing right now or not a good thing right now? >> it's a great thing right now because, look, you would expect that mitt romney who is considered the front runner for republican nomination, he's ahead in all 12 units. everybody would be sapphiring their weapons at romney. this will be the first of eight romney debates in in the presidential debate contacts. and there are a bunch of other candidates, voters i don't know too much about. president senator, michele bachmann, a congresswoman from iowa, herman cain, they're known in the conservative circles, but they're not known widely among the republicans. one person who won't be on stage but we think is seriously
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considering running for president, rick perry. a governor. rick perry, some say, will benefit from the fact that newt gich rng's campaign has impolodd at that's time. the reason, two of gingrich's aides, they're very close to perry. only 40% of republicps would like to see him run for the n nominati nomination. good thing for rick perry that social folks dp tea party fols z like him. >> fascinating to watch, fascinating to see the first impression all of the candidates make on monday. tune in to cnn monday night, 8:00, seven candidates sharing their thoughts, their ideas, with cnn's john king moderatinm.
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>> international headlines here. this is san fbi wanted poster. the man sought is asewell abdul mohammed. he was regarded as al qaeda's leader in east africa. i talked to barbara starr about him just a short time ago. >> this guy was believed to be a mast mastermind of the architect of several al qaeda attacks against east kafka in the last few years. it seems to be a product of the 1988 attacks in kenya and cans an tanzania that kills about 238 people. >> also, 38 people have fled the city of syria and have gone to aid kamps in turkey. leon punelta is in washington today. this isn't what is popular with days ago. he's urging officials to step up
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efforts to hunt militants in pakistan. >> the wildfire fight intensifies in eastern arizona. winds pick up again, making containment even harder. and it's the time of year where weather can take a sudden turn for the worst. bonnie schneider will join us with things you need to know to stay safe. what's this option? that's new.
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well, hi. witne winds and high mewmidity are believed to begin to spread the fires in arizona. right now, firefighters are trying to cope it from spreading to new mexico. over the past few days, the concentration of particles in the air has hit seven times the national health standard. there last thing anyone living along the missouri needs is more water. yet this is the time of year where a storm can pop out of nowhere and bring a lot of rain. let's bring in bonnie shu thics. >> this afternoon, we'll see a lot of showers and they happen annually in florida. let's take a look at annual video of lightning strikes. most sddo occur between clouds
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the sky wrk t. the ones that dm down come down fast and furious. when you hear the rumble of the thunder, seek shelter, and we're starting with lightning awareness week on the 18th. it injures hundreds of people a year, killing 60. if you hear thunderer it's close enough to hit. and sometimes i mentioned you can get it out of the sky. seek shelter. a shelter is a substantial car that will bring the metal roof. >> doesn't rubber have loiging? >> she said, that's a myth, lightening victims don't carry an electrical charge. they're safe to touch, and they
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ne need. they had been severe or more severe in. this is going to be a rough day for severe weather. relati tativ tativ tative hg storms as far east as oklahoma and west as california. be careful on this saturday. >> thanks so much. well, steven spielberg's new movie is out this weekend. wonder if "super eight" is worth the price of admission? >> the critic is here to tell us what he thinks.
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membership rewards points from american express. the social currency. a we don't go lower than 130. ts a room tonight for 65 dollars. big deal, persuade him. is it wise to allow a perishable item to spoil? he asked, why leave a room empty? the additional revenue easily covers operating costs. 65 dollars is better than no dollars. okay. $65 for tonight. you can't argue with a big deal. >> announcer: this past year alone there's been a 67% spike in companies embracing the cloud-- big clouds, small ones, public, private, even hybrid. your data and apps must move easily and securely to reach many clouds, not just one. that's why the network that connects, protects,
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and lets your data move fearlessly through the clouds means more than ever. according to the national count, 6 of 10 teenagers see bullying every day. some ignore it, others join in, very few try to stop it. a teen rock band is encouraging kids to stand up and do something. steve perry explains in today's perry's principles.
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>> team band radio silence is making nows with its new singling. wewere starting to write our own music. when the wheels start spinning, how do you end up with that? >> let's make three lists, things we love, things we don't really care about, and things we dislike. we all grew up with the word "haters" on the word of dislikes. >> what is a hater. >> someone who makes fun of you for the way you look, your style. that's it, we wanted to write a song about it. >> how? >> we all experienced it, but probably me the most, i have always been on the shorter side. some kids just got a hoot out of either verbally, you know, picking on me or sometimes even physically. >> when i look at a band like
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the ramones and other, they must have been outcasts. tell me about that experience of being on some level by design, out casts. >> i guess guess you have to tr learn it's okay and be your own person. >> to spread that mesening, the band teamed up with a group for social change. together, they spoke out and rocked out at several high schools in the state of new jersey this year. what do you want kids to take from this? >> we're trying to get kids to stand up and say something to the bullies, stop that, it's not cool. >> steve perry, new york.
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♪ because this is thriller you know it's thriller ♪ >> a whole lot of zombies, one red leather jacket, somebody is going home with one of the most recognizable garments of the 20th century. the jarkt is on sale with items from the jacksons' memorabilia. experts say that jacket alone will cost $200,000 to $400,000 and considers that conservative. another one is a crystal glove and something he wore a week before he died. sglo if you're a thrill seeker, you may want to head to the movies this week. a big adventure hits the screens
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this week. first, let's talk about steven spielberg, this is his big movie. a graup of people on a trap supervise a train crash by the super 8, and they fimelm it. >> it looks beautiful this time of year. >> i don't have a choice. john, i need you to do this. this is the last time i'm going to see you. i love you so much. >> i love you, too. >> watch out.
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oh o my gosh. >> this is great spielberg, obviously. young kids, you have heroes on a quest. you have submission. what is your review of this? >> i really, really enjoyed this movie. >> it's clear along the lines of close encounter. this will be the next movie he play have directed after that. not many well known actors. elle fanning, who is dicota
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fanning's sister. it's about kids starting to figure out what is going on. it also has a parallel to a story about joel and his father. >> and he relit really feels spielberg-esque. >> absolutely. my grade is a b. >> b, not bad. our next movie is "judy moody and the not bummer summer." it's based on the judy moody stories. it tells a tale of a girl's adventurous summer with her.
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hey, woe. you know how to drive? >> of course. >> you call that driving? >> okay, so, matt, your movie review, first of all. you have kids, just so we know, full disclosure there. >> i'm about to have a 7-year-old stepson. i kind of have kids. i hated this movie. this movie is terrible. i saw it in a movie that had kids in it. the kids were bored. getting up, weren't interested in the film. it's bright, loud, colorful, and it doesn't hold the kids' attention. i was really disappointed in it. >> interesting. also interesting that heather graham was playing the role the
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aunt considering she was considered a sex symbol a couple years ago. >> good luck with that wedding >> good luck with that wedding coming up. so, did we build a slower car? or design wipers that could handle anything? what do you think? the cadillac cts-v, the world's fastest production sedan. we don't just make luxury cars, we make cadillacs is best absorbed in small continuous amounts. only one calcium supplement does that in one daily dose. new citracal slow release...
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checking our top stories, a long sought al qaeda figure has been killed by government forces in somalia. that's according to u.s. forces in the u.s. and africa. there were photos of azul abdul mohammed. he was believed to be a key player in the 19 nathd u.s. embassy bombings in tanzania that killed over 200 people. in the wake of a tis tracting sexting scandaling, new york governor anthony weiner is taking a break. he is being investigated for
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sending twitter messages for a teenage girl. top democrats, including house leader nancy pelosi said it's not enough. she issues this stamentd, quote, congressman weiner has the love of his family, the confidence of his constituents, and the knowledge to recognize he needs help. i urge him to seek that help. more immigration status checks on anyone stopped for any reason if they can't prove they're legal. they have to check the residency of every student. now to the casey anthony murder trial. the jury has to determine whether she killed her own daughter. there's been a lot of drama.
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what is going on? >> you heard inside the courtroom, and also outside, people are fighting to try to get inside. yesterday, we saw a woman leave in a ambulance after getting in a scuffle a little bit, and today, they had to call police because people were anxious, too. >> what is so amazing, shaun, is the folks there, they saw it play out in the news, but when they're in the courtroom, it takes on something very, very different because you're so close to casey anthony, you're watching how she's reacting, you're watching when she breaks down. clearly, the images of her daughter caylee, found in the woods. that really affected her deeply. people want to know, is this true or is this just another casey anthony lie? >> you're right. a lot of the people who are here
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were searching for caylee when casey lied to all of america and said her daughter was missing. they're here now, they want to see her face-to-face and see her reactions as you're saying. it's intriguing with people here. >> the duct tape in court was presented as evidence. however, there is a link to the anthony home, correct? >> there's a marking on the duct tape that was also found on the gas cans on the anthony home. they did find that link and the state's hammering in on it. they only found it in one place, and they're trying to cast doubt. >> so they're in florida for the state. thanks so much. we'll check in with you later on. appreciate it. well, a vaccine is available, so why are we seeing measles making a comeback? what you need to know to make yourself and your kids healthy.
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>> infants. young babies traveling overseas who have never been vaccinated. like you said, measles is an epidemic across the world, so you take a young child with you and they become exposed. measles is highly contagious. if you sit in a room with someone who has measles or on an airplane, you're going to contract it yourself, and seven to ten days later, you're going to be back in the u.s. spreading it to everyone else. >> is it airborne, is it a virus? >> it is airborne. it persists for hours after the infected person leaves the room. they have special medications, of course, for people who are traveling overseas. dp the symptoms. again, don't start for seven to ten days afterwards so there's plenty of time to spread the measles to everyone else. >> talk to us about the symptoms.
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what are we looking for? >> for a child, a high fever, then a runny nose and a cuff, and then pinkeye and a body rash. some think it's a flu syndrome or a bad cold. then after about five days, they get a rash, many american doctors have never diagnosed measles, and they see an infant with a rash, they get very, very scared. >> what is the difference if an infant contracts it compared to an adult. >> the infants don't have the ability to fight the infection, so they get a more severe case of measles. but for infants under six months of age, they can get respiratory problems, a brain infection as well. they have the highest rate ofruptizatiof hospitalization and death rate. we normally vaxinize children by
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their first birthday. >> what can they do to prevent a large-scale measles epidemic, especially if the children are getting this overseas and carrying it back. that's raising a whole different area of concern. >> it sure does. it's become an emerging illness. everyone has to make sure that their routine immunizations are up to date. have something for measles. for one year olds and under, you get them a measles shot before you take them on a plane. we also have improved physician awarene nesness and the america academy ofpede adrics and the cdc are making sure people are aware this season what to look for. when they see a child and they suspect measles, there has to be a immediate and rapid isolation
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to prevent the spread of infection. beginning this season. they're making sure that someone from another country isn't bringing measles into the united states. >> what should we do not to contract measles? >> the world notifies 48 countries, including china, pakistan, and cambodia, but these are the lists of the leading immigrants. they travel to places like the united kingdom and ireland. if you're traveling to western europe, you still may have contact with someone who has active measles. >> thanks so much for joining us here today. >> we'll talk about soon. okay. well, if you're a recent college grad and need work, where do you go?
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we have the top five cities to land a job. that's coming up. a? a? - what about ways to save people money? - do you have taco tuesdays? - have you guys started combining policies? - i like your hair. agents, please. i don't know what the x-men do at their school, but i hope they're treating our guy better than we're treating beast. kinda looks like a target. not cool. we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ so delicious. i think you'll find it's the vegetables. deliciously rich. flavorful! [ female announcer ] together at last. introducing new stouffer's farmers' harvest with sides of lightly sauteed farm-picked vegetables. find more ways to get to the table at
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new hampshire, where some gop candidates hoping to replace obama are visiting this weekend. don in. >> yeah, we are here, and a lot of people are going to take advantage of obama's place. they're talking about a lot of issues, specifically one that has become a big one for it the democrats, and it's one the president could inherit himself if he dozen take care of. a couple people weighed in on the debate. >> step down, what do you think? >> whatever. whatever he wants to to. it's his decision. personally, i think it's a negative for the congress. it's a tnegative image. it's negative for the republican party. it's got all this partisanship going on. >> life, i mean, what a horrible, horrible time he must be going through. and that's the real tragedy, what he's dup to himself, what
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he's done to his family. >> so they weighed in on that issue and or issues as well. but they also talked about social issues, and i know you have been reporting on this whole tracy jordan thing, this whole -- i'm sorry, tracy morgan. the name of his character on "30 rock" is tracy jordan. and also, other people are weighing in. i spoke with rick santorum about homphobic issues, being call ed aphob aphobic, and i want you to listen to that. >> do you have gay friends? >> yeah, in fact, i have had gay people work for me. >> and friends? >> yeah. >> you know how people say, i have black friends. >> yeah, i do. and they respect that i have differences of opinion on that, and i talk about these things in
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front of them. and we have conversations about it. they differ from me, but they know that i love them because they're my friends. >> so he also talks more about that. he says in fact, he's not a homophobe, and with all these issues we talked about, we had a long conversation. he's candid and open. and a lot of people will want to watch that. that's starting in a few minutes, and anthony weiner, our best political team at the top of the hour, and they're going to weigh in on what should happen now that nancy pelosi is saying, you have to go. >> lots of news coming up, political news in the hour, and it's always fascinating to hear what they have to say. don't forget to tune into cnn monday night at 8:00 for the republican presidential debate from new hampshire. seven candidates are taking par.
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cnn's john king will moderate. >> a lot of people are entering the job market for the first time. college students are now looking for jobs in cities with the brightest future. today, a list of the best cities for labding a dream job. houston, texas ranked number five on the list, number four was austin, texas. number three was oklahoma city, oklahoma. and the list is based on reasonably priced rentals, affordable food, good job prospects, and pay. which two cities are going to top the list? i'll tell you right after the break.
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it's a curious thing that happens. it seems that when we get to a place where no one knows us, we become most ourselves. try new things. make new friends. laughing out loud. and dancing in the streets. its time to venture out. who knows just who we might discover... as we come alive under the spell of pure michigan. your trip begins at
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college gradwits who have fin h finished school and are now looking for the best city to finish life. where are the best places to go? they came up with a list based on affordable rentals, affordable food, good job prospects, and pay. these may be three cities you may want to start with, houston, austin, and oklahoma city.
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number two is omaha, nebraska. and the best place to find a good job right out of college, fayetteville, north carolina. good jobs, good atmosphere, and apparently, a good place to start. life after college is far from concern of kids who just graduated from high school. especially those whose financial sit wauation has no chance at a. and here is a situation where they're giving a shot to everyone. >> 19-year-old dorante mason is a kid whose life could have gone either way. he was one of six raised by his mom. money was so tight, he was in and out of homeless shelters. one night when mason was only 15 years old, he had nowhere to go and slept inside a tunnel at this playground. >> i was in the tunnel, and you know, i didn't like it at all
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much. so i was in the tunnel. i was constantly hearing things, i was waking up, and i was like, are just want to get through the night. >> he not only got through the night, but he got through four years of private catholic school. the school is unique. every student there comes from a low-income family. the student pay their way through a work study program. they're teamed up with corporations and private o organizatio organizations. this year's graduating seniors had a 100% college acceptance rate. >> 100%, and multiple colleges. the average was they applied to six universities. the average was 3.5. >> i waz so thrilled to see the accept ngs to the state college. that was one of my top choices.
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>> mason received a full ride at potomac state college in west virginia. a school with a strong biology program. high school wasn't easy for him. in his junior here, his best friend was killed in a drive-by shooting, but his teachers kept prodding him. >> sometimes things change for the worse, not for the better. >> dorante is sagood inspiration for me, for every educator, and people who want it inside, but don't maybe show it outside, who want change in their lives. he said, i want this. i'm going to go out and get it and do it. >> mason graduated from college last week. the first one in his family to graduate from college, and he hopes to become a pediatrician. and the school is run by the arch diese of washington.
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it's 1 of 24 schools like it around the country. and you know, lisa, it's fascinating. you really wonder will love, will fate play a role in this were here is a kid whose future is completely different. who runs the school, who pays for it? >> there are some schools around it across the country warb it's g got it's first graduating class, but they need corporate sponsors. >> they have to do it. do they go to college? >> they actually have. a 100% college graduation rate from all of the kids. 70 kids from this school, all 70
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of them were accepted to college. really remarkable story. >> thank you for introducing us to those kids. appreciate it. well, the time to go across country and check stories that our affiliates are covering today. levees on the missouri river are molding up right now, but further southeast, yankton county has been added to a flood declaration. 34 counties are now eligible for flooding assistance. the countdoin is on. the final leg of the triple crown will happen in two hours. animal kingdom and shackleferred are the favorites. and an anonymous bidder wanted this, and buffett has
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agreed to pay $2.6 billion for lunch. >> that's it for me this hour. thanks so much for joining us. don lemon is taking his show on the road, reporting live from new hampshire. some of the republicans running for president, getting ready for the debate on monday. that's where we find don. so, did we build a slower car? or design wipers that could handle anything? what do you think? the cadillac cts-v, the world's fastest production sedan. we don't just make luxury cars, we make cadillacs is best absorbed in small continuous amounts. only one calcium supplement does that in one daily dose. new citracal slow release... continuously releases calcium plus d for the efficient absorption my body needs. citracal.
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