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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  June 11, 2011 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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prince harry meets members at the royal hospital chelsea founders parade. and a peacock shows off its feathers. hot shots coming into "the situation room" from around the world. that's it for me. thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer. join us weekdays in "the situation room" from 5:00 to 7:00 tm eastern, every saturday at 6:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn, and at this time, every weekend on cnn international. weekend on cnn international. the news continues next on cnn. -- captions by vitac -- i've made some mistakes, i've acknowledged it, i'm trying to make it up to my wife and my family, but i also have to make it clear to my constituents i want to get back to work for them, and it's not easy to do in this environment but i'm doing the best i can. >> that was anthony weiner just this morning. but just this afternoon, a change in plans. the disgraced congressman taking a leave of absence from his job
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so he can go get treatment. that's just one of the big developments in the story today. the best political team on television is here to break it all down. comedian tracy morgan's rants against homosexuals even saying he would kill his own son if he were gay. tonight, reaction from his comments pouring in, including the thoughts of his "30 rock" co-star tina fey. a college athlete on the verge of a career in baseball now paralyzed after a horrible on-field collision. you might think the dream of a career would be over but you're wrong. he's live with the latest chapter of this story and it's going to leave you smiling. i'm don lemon live in manchester, new hampshire, where cnn is getting set to host a gop presidential debate. those stories and much, much more this hour right here in the cnn "newsroom." we start with several breaking angles this hour on the anthony
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weiner scandal. he is now seeking professional treatment after the strongest call yet for his resignation, all because of his graphic online flirtations with women. house minority leader nancy pelosi is one of three top democrats members of his own party who want him gone. and in just the last hour, democratic national committee chairwoman debbie wasserm maman schultz gave this statement. >> it is with great disappointment i call on my colleague anthony weiner to resign. the behavior he has exhibited is indy fencive and representative weiner's continued service is untenable. this affair has become an unacceptable distraction and for the good of all he should step aside and address those things that should be most important, his and his family's well being. >> all right. i want to read nancy pelosi's statement, congressman weiner has the love of his family, the confidence of his constituents and the recognition that he
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needs help. i urge congressman weiner to seek that help without the pressures of being a member of congress. i want to bring in now dana bash. dana, that is a carefully worded statement from pelosi there. this scandal has been out there for about two weeks now. i want to talk about the importance of these leaders asking him to step down. >> reporter: it's huge. you cannot overstate how big it is that these leaders decided it was time to come out and say this publicly and, don, i'll just tell you i am told these conversations have been privately, individually with nancy pelosi, steve israel, another member of the leadership, another member of the new york delegation, and a friend of weiner's, they have been this morning where they called and said enough is enough, you've got to step down. this is something that was clearly coordinated because actually four, four leading democrats have now said that it's time for him to step down and it was building. the bottom line is that it was just a week ago that debbie
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wasserman schultz told me in the hall way she thinks this is personal and that it's nothing for her to talk about and then of course anthony weiner had his press conference earlier this week where he had his mea culpa and said it is true, he sent these lewd photographs to women on twitter, and things began to change. this was something that leaders in his party were pressing him to do, really since late last week privately. he was very dug in, very insistent that he wasn't going to go anywhere, and guess what? he still is. he's still saying he's just going to take a leave of absence, he is on his way to get treatment. that is not satisfactory to nancy pelosi and other leaders. they still think he needs to go. >> listen, as i get my act together here, dana, i just got a statement from chuck schumer, but i want to talk to you about the importance of these democratic leaders, these women. these women are calling for him. top democratic members. what is the significance of that here?
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>> reporter: well, you know, it's actually funny, it just so happens that women now are in these top jobs, nancy pelosi is the top leader. debbie wasserman schultz is the chairwoman, so it just kind of is a coincidence women are now in leading roles. but i can tell you that just to give you a little bit of a back story of what i'm hearing about what happened in these conversations is that when -- at least one official i talked to who is familiar with one of the conversations, what he said was he was not going to resign yet, or will not make a decision yet until his wife, huma, who is -- works for hillary clinton, she is on a trip abroad with hillary clinton, until she gets back. that is not going to happen until late wednesday or early thursday morning. another thing that i was told is that one of the discussions he was described as turbulent. turbulent, in terms of the way he reacted to these calls, from people who are his own party leaders. to say, you know what? it's time to go.
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it's important to underscore, this just doesn't happen very much, that generally it's sort of a glass houses thing, that people in congress are really reluctant to tell other members that you have to go because it's up to their constituents. that changed dramatically with just the story after story after story, and the fact that they're incredibly frustrated. they did not want to come back into town, they've been gone, they did not want to come back into town next week with more anthony weiner stories and not stories about what they want to talk about, like the budget and medicare. >> it's becoming a distraction. great reporting. now that statement that cnn just received from chuck schumer, and here's what it says. it says i am heart broken for those of us who are long-time friends of anthony weiner, his wrongful behavior is distressing and saddening. it's clear he needs professional help and i am glad he is seeking it. u.s. senator charles e. schumer. that is coming in. and, of course, it is mounting, the pressure is mounting on him now. i want to bring in cnn's jason
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carroll. you talked with weiner today, you walked with him, and he seemed to be adamant about hanging on to his seat. so what is his office saying about this treatment he is going in for now? >> reporter: you know, you're right, don. he certainly did. we had that impromptu interview with him today, walking to the atm, to the dry cleaners to pick up shirts, perhaps he was picking up items to take with him as he was going to seek treatment. it's not clear at this point where he will be seeking this treatment and how long it will be for. his office did release a statement, let me read part of it to you, it says congressman weiner departed this morning to seek professional treatment to focus on becoming a better husband and a healthier person. in light of that, he will request a short leave of absence from the house of representatives so that he can get evaluated and map out a course of treatment to make himself well. well, obviously this morning that was just one of the questions that we put to the congressman. we asked him about all these calls for his resignation and what he was going to do. take a listen.
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just to reconfirm about resignation, at this point you have no plans. >> i have no news for you today. nothing changing. nothing has changed. >> so you're not resigning? . >> reporter: so you heard him say there, nothing has changed, don, so the last -- one of the last things he said he was anxious to get back to work, but it's clear treatment will come first. don? >> you've heard the support and you've heard people actually saying he should, you know, go and get this treatment. but he's not without friends, though. he's been getting some advice, hasn't he, jason? >> reporter: that's a very good point. in fact, he has been getting advice. he talked about -- i asked him about the support that he does have here in the community in his district. he is very well aware of that. he also said that he has been reaching out, speaking to people, and want you to listen to the exchange i had with him when i asked him about that. you've been reaching out to a number of people. can you tell me about what advice, have you spoken to the
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clintons, and how are they advicing you? >> i'm having conversations with people, friends, neighbors, members of the family. look, i've made some serious mistakes here and i have to redeem myself and i'm going to try to get back to work, but these were personal failings so i'm trying not to let them get in the way of my professional work. >> he didn't say who he was having those personal conversations with, don, but in fact he is still very much in the process of seeking advice from those who are close to him. >> all right. jason carroll, excellent reporting as well. thank you very much. i had a chance to talk to some of the republican candidates for president as we prepare for monday night's debate here. they have definite opinions on weiner, but two of the candidates i spoke with are not jumping on the dog pile to get him to resign. here's what congressman ron paul said. step down? what do you think? >> whatever. whatever he wants to do. it's his decision. but personally, i think he's a negative for the congress, you know, it's a negative image. i think it's a negative for the
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democratic party, republicans probably hope he doesn't step down because it's all this partisanship going on. >> and my conversation now with former senator rick santorum. >> you can check this but i'm pretty sure i've never in all of my political career said that someone should resign. i think that's a decision that they have to make. i can tell you what i would do, i would be -- i would pack up and get home and take care of my wife and take care of my family and try to put my life back together because he obviously has some serious -- has some serious issues he's got to deal with, and trying to run the country and be a leader in the country is not the most important in my opinion right now. >> developments are still coming in on this story and we will continue to follow it for you here on cnn. in the meantime, a massive forest fire in arizona could affect people far from the blaze, if flames get too close to a critical power line. a live report is just ahead here
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on cnn. also ahead, a crippling injury fails to stop this college baseball star from being drafted by a major league team. you're going to meet jonathan ta taylor. that's up next. and reach us on twitter, facebook,, and on as well. ortgage. maybe that's why j.d. power and associates ranked us "highest in customer satisfaction in the united states." so, we thought we'd take a little time to celebrate. ♪ all right, then, back to work helping clients. individual attention from our highly-trained mortgage professionals. one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze.
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debate. more on that coming up. you know, jonathan taylor was one of the most promising baseball players for the university of georgia. that was until march when a collision with a teammate on the field broke his neck and left him paralyzed. you might think that would end his dreams of joining a major league team. but you would be wrong. this week the texas rangers picked jonathan the 33rd round of the draft and jonathan joins us now along with the man who scouted him for the rangers, ryan coe. this is the first time they've seen each other since january excuse me, since the injury. what does it mean to be drafted by a major league team now, considering what's going on with you? >> i mean, it's a real pleasure to be drafted by a major league team after all that i've been through. i'm just very shocked. the first day the coach called me, i was like, i didn't believe them for a minute. but when he told me that, and then you know, my trainer, told me, too, i was like, oh, my gosh, i can't believe i got drafted after all i've been through. >> so, jonathan, this is the
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first time that you're seeing ryan since your injury. what do you want to say to him? >> i mean, i just want to say, thank you a lot. it's a real pleasure to be drafted by the texas rangers. it's one of my favorite teams, i play with them on the video games and it's just a real pleasure. i think the texas rangers organization for what they've done for me so far. >> how did you find out the rangers drafted you and did it come as a surprise to you? >> i was actually -- it was around 12:00. i was eating lunch with my mom, you know, and then coach called me. i missed the first call. i was like, i was wondering, why is he calling me? then i called him back later on. about 15 minutes later and it was like, congratulations, j.t., you got drafted by the texas rangers. i was like, for real? he was like, yeah. he's like, congratulations, man. i was like, okay. appreciate it. and then mike dylan called me too, said the same thing. saying congratulations to me, too. so that was really surprising if are me.
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>> it was a very cool way to find out. the teammate that you collided with, zach cone, was also drafted by the rangers. you're close friends. have you spoken with him since the draft and if so what did you say to each other? >> yeah. actually, the day on wednesday i got drafted he came up later on that night and he was like, what's up, baby? it was like, we're on the same team once again. i was like, man, this is awesome. so, you know, him just coming up that day, unexpectedly, really put a -- it was really special to me. so. >> you know, ryan, you have watched jonathan since his high school days. what did you see in him then, and what do you see in him now? >> first of all, i want to say this ung why man deserved to be drafted, injury or no injury, this guy was a great baseball player, he's a fun guy to watch, table setter type guy, could really run, play defense, and i was just happy to be able to be the one that drafted him because this young man, you know, injury or no injury, this guy deserved
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to be drafted and he was a great player. >> does this mean that jonathan is going to have some kind of role within the rangers organization? >> i sure hope so. i think there's a lot of discussions right now as to what exactly we're going to be able to do and not do. i can't really comment at that time because we don't really know exactly what his role is going to be, but we do want him to be a part of our organization and he can be nothing but an asset to the texas rangers organization. >> so, jonathan, i have to ask you this. you're in physical rehab now. you think you'll ever be able to play baseball again? doctors do say you can regain your ability to walk. >> yes. i believe i can get back on the baseball field. all i have to do is keep on working hard every day, 9:00 to 5:00, you know, just keep getting stronger every day, continuing to make progress, and you know, just ignore all the negative criticism that some people might say about me. you know. not being able to walk. but all you've got to be able to do is fight and continue to work hard and trust in god and
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everything -- i think i'll get out there again. >> we're all praying for you, our thoughts are with you, and congratulations, it's very exciting news to both of you and to ryan. thanks. >> thank you. i also would like to say one thing, thank shepherd for what they've done for me, you know, right from the start, and continue to work with me and all that stuff, and they have great nurses, techs and everything, just thank you for all they've done for me and i also want to thank, you know, st. mary's, dr. willper, i also want to thank her for what she's done for me. if i didn't get that surgery done sooner than what it was, you know, i wouldn't be right here right now. >> you're talking about the shepherd center rehab center in atlanta. >> yes. >> listen. best of luck, i'm sure you will get back on your feet and you'll be back on the team, and we're looking forward to that. again, thanks to both of you guys. >> thank you. >> and coming up next here on cnn, the wildfirefight intensifies in eastern arizona.
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we are back, everyone. coming to you live from new hampshire where cnn is getting ready for the gop presidential debate, we'll have much, much more on that but first we have a dangerous situation to tell you about. the wallow fire we've been reporting on, it's in northeast, arizona, it's now burned an area the size of houston. more than 400,000 acres. that's a lot of acreage. that makes it the second largest blaze in state history, and already there are signs it's spreading into neighboring new mexico. jim spelman joins us live from
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near the fire lines in apache county, arizona. so, jim, 6% containment is better than nothing, right? but it's still a small percent. >> reporter: yeah, they have been able to make a small bit of progress in the last two days with low winds, don. they hope the return of high winds don't eliminate all their gains. from the air and on the ground, over 3,000 firefighters battle the massive wallow fire. back breaking work in gruelling conditions. >> folks have been putting in 18, 20, 24-hour shifts. >> reporter: the long hours firefighters are putting in are beginning to pay off. for the first time since the fire began, they now report partial containment. lower winds have created more favorable firefighting condition. >> it helps give them progress in attacking the fire, making some good fire loans. >> reporter: even though you see fire and smoke in this neighborhood, this is a good sign for homeowners.
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these are fires set intentionally to burn away potential fuel so when the front of the fire gets here there's nothing for it to burn and the homes will stay safe. >> we can actually have fire move away from the town as we light it instead of mother nature blowing it down the hill on us. >> reporter: they hope this buffer zone will hold, protecting springerville and eagar. the fire has destroyed over 20 homes in nearby greer. >> we don't want everybody to let their guard down. even though the winds have subsided a little bit, we still have dry conditions. >> repepepep and the break in the winds are only expected to last until saturday afternoon. while conditions remain favorable, they'll keep on working and try to take advantage of any breaks they can get. >> yeah, we need a lot of luck and you need a lot of factors to fall in your favor. >> reporter: and, don, those high winds have returned this afternoon. firefighters hope all the
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progress they've made in the last two days will hold until they get their next break in the wind in a few days. >> thank you very much, jim spellman. the murder trial of casey anthony, the latest testimony includes details about duct tape, hair and bugs. host: do people use smartphones to do dumb things? man 1: send, that is the weekend. app grapgic: yeah dawg! man 2: allow me to crack...the bubbly! man 1: don't mind if i doozy. man 3: is a gentleman with a brostache invited over to this party? man 1: only if he's ready to rock! ♪ sfx: guitar and trumpet jam vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. and all we need to do is change the way we're thinking about them. a couple decades ago, we didn't even realize just how much natural gas was trapped in rocks thousands of feet below us. technology has made it possible to safely unlock this cleanly burning natural gas.
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welcome back, everyone. we're coming to you live from new hampshire where cnn is getting ready for monday night's gop presidential debate. more on that in moments. in the meantime, an insect expert testified today in the trial of a florida mother accused of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, caylee. casey anthony heard him say flies indicated something had been decomposing in the trunk of her car maybe for three to five days. the defense tried to show the flies could have been attracted by leftover food. prosecutors had been trying to show anthony killed her daughter with chloroform and then stored her body in the trunk before dumping it in the woods. we're live in new hampshire gearing up for the presidential debate. the list of candidates could grow. there are still a few who are undecided, but mark preston will tell us why one politician's
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swagger isn't sitting well with voters. plus, those who survived the tornado in joplin are trying to dodge another deadly bullet, a rare fung us that's already claimed at least one life. but first, the national crime prevention council says six out of ten teenagers sees someone being bullied every single day. some ignore it while others join in to try to stop it. cnn education contributor steve perry reports a teen rock band is encouraging more kids to stand up and do something. >> reporter: teen band is making some noise about bullying with its first single "renegade". ♪ get out, get out, hatred is the enemy ♪ >> reporter: when the wheels stop spinning, how do you end up on bullying? >> we had this idea let's make three lists, things we love, things that we kind of don't really care about and things we really don't like, and we all wrote the word haters on the
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list of dislikes. >> reporter: what's that? what's a hater? >> someone who makes fun of you for what you like, your style, and we're like, that's it. that's the song we want to write about and something that's affected us in our lives. >> reporter: how? >> we've all experienced it, but probably me the most because i've always been on the shorter side, so kids just like got a hoot out of either verbally picking on me or some times even physically. >> reporter: when i look at bands like the ramons and others, they must have been outcasts. tell me about that experience of being on some level by design outcasts. >> i guess you just have to try to learn that it's okay. you just have to be your own person and not care what other people think. >> reporter: to spread that message, the band teamed up with a nonprofit that provides tools for young people to create social change. together they spoke out and rocked out at several high
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schools in new york and new jersey this year. what do you want kids to take away from this? >> we're trying to get kids to stand up and say something to the bully, you know, stop that, it's not cool. >> reporter: steve perry, new york. [ male announcer ] to the 5:00 a.m. scholar. the two trains and a bus rider. the "i'll sleep when it's done" academic. for 80 years, we've been inspired by you. and we've been honored to walk with you to help you get where you want to be. ♪ because your moment is now. let nothing stand in your way.
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♪ well, you know i love it too ♪ ♪ you love money ♪ well, you know i love it too ♪ ♪ i work so hard at my job ♪ and then i bring it home to you ♪ ♪ i love money in my pocket
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it's time now to get you caught up on this hour's top stories. susan hendricks at the cnn world headquarters in atlanta holding down the fort. what do you have for us, susan? >> checking some of our top stories, congressman anthony weiner is seeking professional treatment now after the strongest calls yet for his resignation. house minority leader nancy pelosi is one of three top democrats, members of his own party, who now want him gone. this week the married congressman admitted to graphic online communications with women after initially denying it. al qaeda has lost another
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top leader, fazul abdullah mohammed was killed after refusing to stop at a check point in mogadishu. he is considered a senior al qaeda operative in africa. he is thought to be one architect of the 1998 u.s. embassy bombings in africa that killed 225 people. secretary of state hillary clinton calms his death a significant blow to al qaeda. mohammed had evaded capture several times in the past. eight people made it through one of the worst tornadoes on record, only to battle a rare and possibly fatal fungal infection. the coroner says three of the eight survivors of the joplin, missouri, tornado have died. it is confirmed one of the deaths is from a rare infection that can occur when soil gets under the skin. the cause of death for the others is still under investigation. and from montana to missouri, people are trusting sandbags to keep the rising water at bay. floods will threaten areas along the missouri r river for the ne several weeks at least. despite that danger, some homeowners are staying put.
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>> besides this big house, it's also a home. and you know, a home is memories and it's hope and it's, you know, it's not always the past good memories but it's the future hope that you have. living anywhere else is not like living here. >> federal officials are planning to release record amounts of water from six reservoirs to relieve pressure on the dams and make it a little easier. now back to don in new hampshire. don? >> all right, susan. thank you very much. we're coming to you live from new hampshire, as susan said, where cnn is getting ready for monday night's gop presidential debate, and, boy, it's going to be great. you'll want to stay tuned. let's talk about someone who will be here, newt gingrich. he says he's running for president. well, we'll just have to take his word for it because he is by himself on this one, literally, because all but one of his senior staff members walked out. all right? an embarrassing show of no confidence. so i want to bring in our senior political editor mr. mark preston.
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have you ever seen anything like this? what does this mean for him? >> very rare. we saw back in 2007 the john mccain who eventually went on to win the republican presidential nomination, he had his whole staff quit, or a lot of senior aides quit. but to have newt gingrich come back from a mediterranean cruise and have his staff leave calls into question whether he is actually dedicated to running a hard campaign, raising money, doing retail politics, and his senior staff didn't think so. >> i bet a texan with some swagger is probably going to benefit from this, right? >> if he decides to run, and we're talking about rick perry, the texas governor, yeah, he has that swagger, that texas swagger. doesn't do well in a cnn opinion research poll with republicans nationwide by and large, only 40% of republicans want to see him run, but here's the deal. for rick perry, he does very well with tea party supporters, he does well with social conservatives and in a primary that's important. >> this is just the beginning, but what's on the line for the other candidates here? >> let's tick through them quickly. you have rick santorum, michele
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bachmann, herman cain, who are not well known to the is mas. so monday is their coming out party so to speak. they want to introduce themselves to people. for tim pawlenty, he wants to prove he can be the one who's better than mitt romney. for mitt romney, he's got to be able to survive monday night, and then of course really for newt gingrich, it's really all in the line. >> what do you mean, he's got to be able to survive? >> he's the front-runner, certainly here in new hampshire, he's considered the front-runner. everybody will be trying to take mitt romney down. >> he's a big name in these parts. one of the radio stations are saying sometimes they feel he's a little too robotic, he will come here and do national speeches and that's not what they want. they want him to go to barbecues, pancake breakfasts and talk to them in a real way. >> in fact when he did his roll outsha he was running for president, the official one, he didn't wear a tie. he's trying to, at least his campaign team is trying to humanize him. you're right, the criticism is
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he's robotic. >> i was talking to ron paul yesterday about it and i agree with him. he said it and i was thinking it, america loves a comeback story. if newt can turn this around, he could indeed, you know, make something of it. >> he could make something of it and in fact for him to do very well monday night is for him to go out and not look like he's been shaken by what has happened. but for ron paul who i left off the list, he has to prove he can keep it going and i bet you he'll raise a lot of money after the debate. >> isn't this a beautiful campus? don't you love it? i love your accent. can you say that? >> well, i'll say it's st. a -- >> we had these cards printed for folks like mark. >> who grew up down the road and are saying st. anselm. >> it's st. anselm. but where i'm from that's where you really learn how to speak. >> thank you, sir. we'll be back at 10:00, keep you working. all right. the u.s. is famous as a nation built by immigrants, but
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yet another state is saying enough is enough, and no one is young enough to evade the law. not only targets undocumented workers but school children as well. we could've gone a more traditional route... ... but it wouldn't have been nearly as memorable. ♪
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live from new hampshire where cnn is getting ready for monday night's gop presidential debate. you know, candidates are already fielding questions about immigration and the federal government's failure to tackle that issue. alabama meantime is the latest state to try to address the problem, but the sweeping new law isn't just worrying illegal immigrants, it's also worrying business owners. rafael romo has the details from the town of alabaster. >> reporter: the new immigration law in alabama is apparently having a chilling effect already. some say the message for immigrants, legal or otherwise, is you're not welcome here. >> many are afraid, they're planning to go back to where they come from. >> reporter: some immigrants are particularly concerned about the law that makes it a criminal offense to provide transportation to an illegal alien. >> you've got a friend, a mexican, you never know, is he legal or is he illegal? so if they're in your car, you never know it. >> reporter: the legislation was signed into law this week by
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robert bentley, a republican. he says he's confident the legislation is constitutional. >> the sponsors of this bill really worked hard on that. they looked at laws across this country and they looked at the challenges across the country, and they did an excellent job in evaluating those. you know that some of those have already been upheld, some of the arizona bills have already been upheld. >> but hispanic leaders say they're worried about discrimination and racial profiling. >> we think this bill really opens up the opportunity for folks to be profiled. so anybody who looks a certain way and speaks a certain way, we think is at risk of, you know, we're talking about reasonable suspicion and what does that really mean. >> reporter: ray bredo, the owner of three grocery stores, is concerned about the clause that penalizes employers who hire undocumented workers. >> it's not good for nobody. it's not good for the economy of the state, it's not good for
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nobody. >> reporter: the law makes it mandatory for schools to check the citizenship of students. it will also require law enforcement officers to determine the legal status of a person suspected of being illegally in the country. >> for me, for me i do think there is some cause for concern, so -- which is why i'm supportive of the bill, because i just want to make sure, you know, we just want to make sure that people that are here are coming here legally. >> reporter: the law doesn't go into effect until september 1st, but many in the immigrant community are already concerned about the way it's going to be implemented. law enforcement officials say jails are already overpopulated and they lack the resources and personnel to cover the additional responsibilities under this new law. rafael romo, cnn, alabaster, alabama. >> all right. texting and sexting, it's rapidly becoming a popular hobby, of, get this, middle-aged people. why the draw to something that can result in exactly what happened to anthony weiner, we
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talk live with our tech savvy expert about the trend. ttd# 1-800-345-2550 ttd# 1-800-345-2550 ttd# 1-800-345-2550 and talk to chuck about ttd# 1-800-345-2550 rolling over that old 401k. ♪ well, you know i love it too ♪ ♪ you love money ♪ well, you know i love it too ♪ ♪ i work so hard at my job ♪ and then i bring it home to you ♪
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i've never done this, but this whole taking a picture of your crotch thing, you know?
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when you're taking a picture of your penis, before you press the button on the camera, do you still say cheese? how does that --? >> jay leno. talking about the gift that keeps on giving for comedy writers, the anthony weiner sexting scandal. it's not just young people sending naughty pictures of themselves back and forth, it seems a growing number of older people are into it now, too. so it's also like the adults needless sons from the kids on this. we've spent so much time telling kids don't do it, now the adults are doing it. let's talk to our kate whiz about this. katie, what's the appeal for sexting for the older crowd? shouldn't they know better? >> you would think so, but it's typically only associated with teenagers, but the numbers are actually pretty fascinating when it comes to adults as well. i want to show you those statistics to hone in on my point here. 31% of those 18 to 29 have received sexts and 17%, 30 to 49
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have also received sexts. i've learned a lot this week, according to the aarp, don, seniors are hopping on board the sexting trend. the reason for that, aerd doing to a relationship coach, for aarp, they want to flirt and it makes them feel lively and young and it's kind of passing up on that old-fashioned prose of sending notes. they're using technology to feel like kids again. if you are 55-plus and interested in sexting, head to the aarp website and they'll give you a number of different options but also give you some tips on how to keep it fresh but also remember there is digital ramifications involved here. >> i have just about heard everything. but you know, maybe the people who have nothing to lose, they've retired, they don't care, maybe, go on with your bad self. there are minors out there who
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may not realize there can be legal consequences for sexting. >> i think this is the most interesting problem. according to an mtv poll last year, 25% of teenagers are involved in sexting. that is a huge and very scary number. a lot of parents and teenagers don't realize the legal ramifications. so much that in fact in most exe consequences, every single state's law is different. you could actually, as two minors sexting back and forth, you can be charged with child pornography and/or have to be registered as a sex offender. this is a stamp that can stay with you for the rest of your life. new york is one of just over 12 states trying to find the balance between an appropriate punishment, but we have seen in extreme cases -- in 2009 in pennsylvania, a few teenagers were sexting back and forth. they were up for child pornography charges. they ended up getting curfew and community service. you can imagine the scare for
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teenagers going tlhrough it and the embarrassment. if you are a parent it's time for the conversation. >> i have to mention that anthony weiner's state of new york is trying to pass one of those laws. can you tell me about the app of the week, katie? >> i'm all over this. app of the week is houzz, the wikipedia of interior design. if your mom is out there bo bookmarking websites. this has ideas for how to spice up your home. over 125,000 photos to choose from. 5,000 bathroom images alone, don. that's pretty interesting stuff. houzz. >> that's a cool app.
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i have to check it out. hey, katie. thank you. >> thank you. tracy morgan fired from nbc. that's what some people are demanding after making a gay joke at one of his jokes. tina fey weighs in and so does our own shannon cook. and the anthony weiner scandal sparks an online clothing boom. the "i'll sleep when it's done" academic. for 80 years, we've been inspired by you. and we've been honored to walk with you to help you get where you want to be. ♪ because your moment is now. let nothing stand in your way. learn more at let nothing stand in your way. ...was it something big? thing you ever saw? ...or something small? ...something old?
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we are coming back live from manchester, new hampshire. we are getting ready for a big gop debate. coming up on monday we have gone from '90s to '70s yesterday. now it's in the '50s. unbelievable. now this. >> i knew that i was going to see a comedian that does push the envelope and was expecting to hear all sorts of different, probably inappropriate, humor, but i didn't expect to hear an attack on the gay community. >> all right. that man's name is kevin rodgers. he was there when tracy morgan joked about stabbing his son if he were gay. it happened at a nashville
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performance on june 3. the nbc star of "30 rock" said he's sorry, but his apparent homophobic humor is drawing a line between those who support him and those who don't. now to cnn entertainment reporter shannon cook. good to see you. >> hey, don. >> some want tracy jordan fired from nbc. do you think that's a possibility? >> no. i don't think so. >> tracy morgan, i should say. >> yeah, tracy morgan. if you look at the statement the nbc chairman released yesterday, he basically said tracy was given a very stern warning that this kind of behavior would not be tolerated, looking forward. tina fey, the executive producer of "30 rock" released a statement which was actually kind of funny. she made a few little jokes. she said that tracy morgan's too sleepy and self-centered to be mean to people. she said she thought the rant was disturbing, that it was very
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much at odds with the tracy morgan she knows. you can get a feel for the tone of the two statements. i think the network is saying, you have been a bad boy, tracy, but you're still our guy. >> if tracy morgan is fired, tracy jordan is fired, too. that's his character on the show. listen, a lot of comedians thrive on being controversial. i wonder if this is the tipping point. >> it's really hard to say. one of the interesting things is that people in the audience were actually laughing at those so-called jokes when tracy morgan made them. laughter is the ultimate affirmation as a comedian. if people are laughing, you keep on going. is he allowed a break for artistic license? maybe. when you focus on the words he said, it's very easy to see why people think he just went too
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far. >> all right. we're going to talk about that on cnn. the internet, shannon, is going crazy over this comedians are weighing in. wanda psychs. >> it's a big deal. >> it is. also congressman anthony weiner's scandal started. it's being called a weinerwear trend. can you explain that? >> i like that. weinerwear. it sounds strange with my australian accent. weiner? that's a weird word for me to say. cafepress is an online site which allows customers to design merchandise, basically. all these t-shirts are coming out with weiner slogans. some are incredibly funny. you can buy underwear, pajamas, aprons, shot glasses. there's tweiner. anything with a funny weiner pun
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you can buy here. they have more than 5,000 products that users have designed. if you poke around ebay there are funny items of ebay there, too. the other day i found a pair of gray under pants which the seller says are a replica of the gray under pants mr. weiner was wearing. i would not bid on it, but knock yourself out. >> i think i will take a pass on that one. i want to talk to you about -- this is in the ultra bizarre file. what's this about alice cooper almost killing elvis? what is that? >> well, this sounds like something that took place at a deranged celebrity gathering. i believe it might have happened. alice cooper told the daily mirror when he first went to meet elvis he went up to elvis's penthouse suite. elvis


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