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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  June 15, 2011 8:00am-10:00am PDT

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guilty of one count of lying to fbi investigators and deadlocked on 23 other under coulds. at this point no indication if the jury is close to coming to a conclusion on this, but they are in day four now. >> brianna keiler live at the white house for the political ticker. thanks so much. that does it for us. see you back here tomorrow morning 9:00 a.m. eastern time. turn it over to suzanne malveaux. live from studio 7, i'm suzanne malveaux. i want to get you up to speed. pakistan arrested inform ands who helped in the killing of islam pin. those arrested watched bin laden's compound. we'll bring you a live report from pakistan in just ten minneapolis. tens of thousands of protesters surround the capital in greece and police let the tear gas canisters fly. the rage in the streets has been fueled by a government plan to
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cut spending and get the country's massive budget deficit under control. this protest video was posted online by an activist. syrian aus launch aid bloody crack down on protesters that forced thousands to flee for their lives. >> we're just right now on the very edge of this makeshift camp. you can see the crew tents that people have strung up. for shelters, just starting to rain. just a plastic tarp. >> cramped together, six family, their feet caked in mud. mothers trying to provide their children what comfort they can. >> the prosecution rested its case today in the murder trial
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of casey anthony. >> anthony is accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter, anthony. her mother was questioned about a t-shirt. scraps of it were found with the little girl's remains. >> do you recognize the shirt that caylee is wearing? >> first time i had ever seen that shirt was during my deposition. i don't ever remember seeing that shirt. >> along the missouri river, and around the clock battle to keep floodwaters out of homes and businesses. omaha, nebraska is calling on volunteers to help fill at least a quarter of a million sandbag, two levees along the missouri-iowa state line breached. if a temporary levee fails, hamburg could get ten feet of water. in arizona, a single campfire, may have started the biggest wildfire in the state's
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history. that word from investigators. they're talking with two people of interest. the fire in eastern arizona has driven thousands of people from their homes and right now, it is about 20% contained. in with i wi, terrifying moments for a woman who stopped to buy gas during a storm. take a look at this. a surveillance camera shows her getting out of the car, you see that there and the wind blows her all of the way across the station to another gas pump. just blown out. almost taking the car door off as well. she was able to make it into another car and get inside safely. >> i like opened the door somehow, and, yeah, they helped me in. it's all strangers in this one guy's car, but i thanked them how many times for them letting me in the car. >> congressman anthony weiner might resign in a couple of days. representative carolyn mccarthy did not say where she got the
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information but weiner faces pressure from top democrats to step down. a source says he was on the fence waiting for his wife to return from overseas and several reports say she has now gotten back today. >> arnold schwarzenegger's former housekeeper breaks her silence about their secret child. in an interview with "hello" magazine, mildred baena said as her son got older, she began to resemble the california governor. he asked her if schwarzenegger was the father, be anna said, she cried with me, we held each other and i told her, it wasn't arnie's fault. that it takes two. here's your chance to talk back on one of the big stories today. here's the question, do politicians need to show patriotism to get elected.
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carol costello, very good question. >> you think so? it's weird. love of country is no longer a given. you have to prove it. prove you bleed not only red but white and blue too. john huntsman proving he is running for president in the shadow of the statute of liberty where p the most patriotic of all presidents announced his run, ronald reagan. sarah palin? she proved her patriotism by visiting historic landmarks. congressman alan waxman is not running he came under fire for planting a flag under water. west say tea party america loving veteran. he went diving with veterans and displayed an american flag on an underwater wreck as a sign of respect for the flag and these
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veterans who overcome their disability. during the 2008 campaign, candidate obama was accused of not loving his country, he did not place his hand over his heart during the "star spangled banner." he was taken aback by the fuss, he started wearing flag pins. that that that changed things. accusations that he was foreign grew louder until he finally pro p deuced his birth certificate. i bring this up. because 2012 is going to be the most political year ever. do politics need to show their patriotism to get elected? cnn. i'm eager to read your komts later this hour. >> there's a little competition coming in the campaign last type. who can have the most flags as a back drop behind them. clinton or edwards.
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one would have two, four, six, eight. they multiply. it got out of hand. >> it was insane, i'm predicting 2012 won't be any different. >> there will be even more flag, even more flags. >> thanks, carol, appreciate it. >> here's the rundown. some stories we're covering in the next two hour. pakistan arrests informants who helped the cia find osama bin laden. we'll have a live report on that. also a humanitarian crisis caused by a brutal crackdown. we're getting a rare look inside syria. plus, do you ever wash your reusable grocery bags? you might want to after you hear what else they can actually carry. anded missouri river keeps rising threatening homes and farms now in four states. finally it's not unusual for parents to give their kids money, right? what if their kids are adults. we'll look at the family and finances. okay, team! after age 40, we can start losing muscle --
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of lahm ba of islamabad, you spoke to pakistani officials, what are they saying? are they denying there's informants in custody for helping out in that raid? >> they are not denying the report. they say they indeed have these individuals in custody. saw dan. just when you thought this relationship between pakistan and the u.s. couldn't get more twisted and tangled we learned the isi has indeed arrested a number of suspected informants for the cia. these are men who allegedly helped the cia. >>s it anot clear why they were arrested. when they were arrested and what crime they are going to be charged with if any. "the new york times" is reporting one of these men is an army major writing down license plates of car going into and out of the come bound. one official demise that report. one of the individuals is an
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army officer, we do understand according to security officials that some of these men were staying in a safe house rented by the cia serving as lookout on to the bin laden compound. the glaring question why is the isi going after cia inform aebts if indeed the isi was on board in u.s. efforts to go after bin laden. you think they praise these men, not arrest them. the fact they arrest them suggests they may not have been happy with what they did. it's too early to tell what they plan to do with these men. but, again, they fuel the big question that never seems to go away. is pakistan washington's friend or do they, at times, deceive the u.s. by playing a double game. >> reza, let's talk about that. what do you think this means for u.s.-pakistani relations. it's deteriorated quite a bit. are they telling you on the pakistani side that the cooperation is over? we'll do what we want to do
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here? >> well, the rhetoric on record is positive. but it doesn't square with what's happening on the ground. the fact is, this relationship is at a low point. there's deep mistrust. friction and all sorts of finger pointing. last weekend, head of the cia, leon panetta came in here reportedly with evidence that the colluding with militants. we can go on and on and on. the bottom line is, how can these two countries who say they need one another, find a way to fix things, improve relations, that clearly is not happening. >> thank you, reza. appreciate it. nate to warplanes launch new attacks. that happened last night. rebels are pushing back. forces loyal to moammar gadhafi
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in the east and west of the country. meanwhile, in syria -- this protest video was posted online by syrian activist. they say it is from yesterday in the city of hamas. syrian's government has launched a bloody crackdown on the opposition. the daily crackdown is forcing thousands, thousands of people to run for their lives. cnn's arwa damon, she managed to reach some of those refugees. >> reporter: this man is one of hundreds of syrians living in squaller and fear, just a stone's throw from the turkish border. >> we're right now on the very edge of this makeshift camp.
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you can see the crude tents people have strung up for shelter, just starting to rain now. just a plastic tarp. cramped together, six family, their feet caked in mud. mothers trying to provide their children what comfort they can. >> it was raining last night quite heavily, and they're spending the entire night on their feet. the entire floor was turned into mud. >> the women who don't want to be filmed simply ask, is there anything left that we haven't been through? the families here bathe in a muddy stream. where they also wash the few clothes they brought with them. illnesses are already spreading. my biggest problem are the children, a pharmacist said and people with party disease. i don't have the medicine for that. he emptied his shelveses as he fled, setting up something of a
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field hospital. a child he was trying to treat returns. but given the child pills, but he can't swallow them. he has to somehow give him an injection. he's going through everything he has here trying to figure out what's suitable. the people here are mostly from the ground of nearby villages. they fled, as the security forces closed in. but not before witnessing brutal destruction. they set our fields on fire. destroyed our homes. this woman laments. the military started bombing as she left, she says. her family plans on crossing into turkey for protection. but others choose to stay here. hoping against hope they will receive news of loved ones lost
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in the chaos. some even dreaming of returning home. 26-year-old mousa is heading back to his village. i was on my friend's motorcycle and suddenly saw the military advancing toward the olive groves. and they started shooting. for now, mousa and many others watch and wait fearful the government forces will hunt them down in the retched corner of their homeland. >> cnn's arwa damon is joining us from the turkish-syrian border. clearly, unbelievable conditions there. do you have a sense of the kind of help that is coming for he's rev u g refugees? >> reporter: suzanne, for the most part they've been relying on the kindness of turkish visitors across the border, who have been using various
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smuggling routes, bread, baby's milk. they've been able to make two shipments of baby's medicine. but for the resident on the syrian side of the border are struggling much more. they are being provided with food, water, medical care, they are being sheltered in tents that are more sturdy than those that you saw right there. at the same time, they cross into turkey, they are effectively shut off. they don't have movement in and out of these camps. the media doesn't have access. they have large tarps set around. that prevent the refugees from take speaking to us. in the meantime they are safe but certainly desperate and they wonder what takes drastic action against this regime. >> we're getting information here the press office on the
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phone that they've accepted an application to visit the syrian refugees on the turkish side of the border, she's worked with them before as humanitarian advocate. how important is it, do you think, to shine a spotlight on this particular border and tell this story about what is happening there? do you think it will make a difference? >> yes, suzanne, i do think it would make a difference. first of all, it would be among the first time an individual has been allowed access. remember, it's not just the media that has been allowed. there's a number of international organizations that have been able to speak directly with the refugees inside the camps and witness first hand conditions. it's also important to continue to hear stories that these refugees are speaking about which is something angelina jolie would have an opportunity to do as well. the issue is trying to get the word out in the strongest way
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possible as to what is actually taking place in syria, given the fact that the media and international organizations are not allowed inside. these refugees bring critical story, and certainly an issue that has to be propelled a lot further into the international spotlight. that's what activists telling us, thus far, the effort to bring about united international stamp. at the end of the day, the people surf from the international community failures are syrian civilians. >> thank you so much for bringing attention to this. humanitarian crisis taking place right there on the border. very unstable situation. thank you, arwa. a lot of people like to bring their own bags to the grocery store. but a study finds the reusable bags can carry some pretty nasty stuff. a new report shows women in hundreds of u.s. counties dying
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younger than their mothers did, a generation earlier. university of washington say that life expectancies declined between 1997 and 2007. in a quarter of u.s. counties, you can see this on the map. counties in red are where life expectancy is the lowest. it is mostly in the south and lower midwest. researchers say the trend is fueled by high blood pressure, oh bosity and poverty. where does the alife expectancy rank compared to the rest of the world? ach "a," "b" or "c"? ce to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them.
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where is the u.s. ranked worldwide when it cops to how long we live? the answer is, 50th. according to the cia's world fact book, our life expectancy in the united states is 78. compare that to 89 in monaco and 81 in italy, france and spain. we got news helping here. this is coming from our own cnn's diedra walsh and brianna keiler in the white house. congress is expected to file a lawsuit challenging the mission in libya. in that military mission. this will happen later today. meanwhile you have the white
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house and president obama setting to defend military intervention in libya with a report and explanation to go to congress. that is according to the white house. clearly, this is escalating here. this is a situation where there are members of congress, and also voters, americans who want to know whether or not the president has the authority to continue with the u.s. troop involvement in libya. i under we now have our white house correspondent, brianna keiler. we're going to go to her in just a moment to give us more information about this story. there's a lost attention between law makers and the white house over this issue whether or not the president has this athought without first reporting to congress. all right we'll move on to another story. you want to do your part to save a planet? obvious, instead of paper or plastic, take our yoen fabric jobs to the grocery store over an over without watching them.
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our correspondent elisabeth cohen tells us why that might be a bad idea. >> you are doing a good thing for the planet. people don't think about this. hamburger, right here, you plunk it in your bag. guess what, this plastic wrap can leak on to other foods and on to the bag itself. >> so the canadian plastics industry did a study where they swabbed bag, based on the results the canadian government issued an advisory there's stuff in these bags. >> what do they swab? >> i wasn't tell you everything. people might be eating breakfast or lunch. let's take a look at some things they found. they found 64% were contaminated with bacteria. 64% and 30% had bacteria that were at higher counts considered safe in drinking water and 40
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per had yeast or mold this them. >> so, not happy numbers. not what you want to see. >> if you want to be green and take your gag to the grocery store, what would you do? >> a bunch of different things you can do. first of all, walk them between uses. most of them are this kind of fabric that can be walked and even in a slightly diluted bleach solution. that would kill all of the stuff. another thing you want to do is accept rate your foods, for example, if you have meat here, you want to put meat in one bag and put produce in the other, meat goes in one, and produce goes in another. that's another thing you want to do. also wrap stuff up. don't put it in like this. wrap it up again, i know you're using a disposable bag. wrap it up in a disposable bag to make sure it's not leaking. >> great advice. i know you don't think about it. >> thanks, elizabeth. >> thanks. >> now time to choose the new,
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here are your choice, a lot of shaking going on in part of arkansas, hundreds of earthquake jolts hit the state in the last few months, but some scientists say it's not mother nature causing them. >> second, hackers post on the senate website. we don't like the u.s. government very much. it is the same group that claims to have hit pbs. we'll tell you who they are and why they are on the attack. and, number three, third choice. google unveils a stripped down laptop. what can we do on it? we'll tell you about chromebook. you can vote for your favorite story by texting 22360. text 1 for man-made quake, 2 for hacker on attack and 3 for chromebook. winning story airs next hour. floodwaters in the nation's heartland, the missouri river is
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threatening hundreds of businesses homes and farms. well-being. we're all striving for it. purina cat chow helps you nurture it in your cat with a full family of excellent nutrition and helpful resources. purina cat chow. share a better life. this past year alone there was a 93% increase in cyber attacks. in financial transactions... on devices... in social interactions... and applications in the cloud. some companies are worried. some, not so much. thanks to a network that secures it all and knows what to keep in, and what to keep out. outsmart the threats. see how at cisco.
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here's some stories we're working on. we have the latest news on the missouri flat threat. critics say the president is breaking the law. now the administration is making a case to stay revolved in libya's war. are the grown kids financially
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independent. how the economy is forcing young adults to hit up mom and dad for help. in the nation's heartland, a 1700 mile flood threat. thousands of homes, businesses, along the missouri river, could be flooded, as the river prizes. in the danger zone now is from montana to missouri. right now, there is a furious effort under way to protect those threatens areas with sand bags and temporary levee, flooding brought on by record hinge r spring rains. one of the ireporters has been sending us amazing scenes from the flood zone. his name is mark armstrong, a county commissioner there. and the whole area is threatened by the rising water. people are waiting to see what happens for the next two months. this is going to be here for the next two months. there's concerns the flow could be higher because the snow pack in montana hasn't melted. we have a real bad situation here. people are worried, not knowing
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what to do exactly. they don't know if they should defend their hopes where there's a water intrusion. they have dikes around them. >> mark armstrong is with us via skype. mark, first of all, tell us what kind of area this is. how many homes are threatened where you are seen? >> not only are they threatened. you have over a thousand homes on both sides of the river completely in water. residents, about 4,000 have been evacuated from those homes right now. as you heard, some are trying to go back and defend those homes, but the water continued to rise. over the next two months, they have to defend their homes. that's a very troubling thing. both cities have temporary levees in place, as this water continues to push up. they have to hope the levees hold for at least the next two months, p as the missouri river
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puts out more than it ever has historically. >> many have gone back to their home, has that posed a problem here? >> it's a terrible problem. they're trying to protect their most valuable asset, their home. it's in water right now. they are trying to pump out the water from behind the dike, as ground water intrudes from behind those. they have to go in by canoe or boat over what used to be roads. mark, can you hear us? i think we lost mark. obviously, very difficult situation there. facing flooding in that area. a lot of people trying to get your stuff out as the water rises, we'll continue to follow that story a little bit later. >> president and congress headed for a showdown over libya. the house speaker warns the president may soon be violating the law. the afternoon tour begins with more pain and more pills.
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a bipartisan group of law makers plans to file a lawsuit today over the u.s. military mission in libya. also house speaker jon boehner is demanning that the president explain the u.s. operation by friday. he said the president -- if the president doesn't get authorization from coming by sunday, he could be in sky lags of the war powers act. congress passed the war powers
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act in 1973, in the aftermath of the vietnam war. it sets a 60-day deadline for the president to get approval after deploying troops to hostile areas. if the president doesn't get approval. the mission must end within 30 days. that 30 day period ends sunday. the white house insists it's complying with the war powers act. the obama administration could send reports today. i want to bring the white house correspondent, reanna keiler, seems to be the latest move, pressure on the white house to do something before this deadline. first of all, is there any reaction to the possibility of members of congress actually filing this lawsuit now? >> at this point, we don't have reaction on that, that's sort of a new development, u zahn, i think what we're expecting as early as today and probably today, is the guidance i'm
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getting from the white house on this report from congress, which we should point out. this is a direct response to a house resolution, in that resolution, there are 21 question, very detailed questions posed. i think what we're getting today, possibly today, possibly tomorrow is something that is going to be more detald. you're going to see an argument on the part of the white house we expect for why they are in compliance with the war powers resolution that you mentioned. they said they are in compliance with it. they haven't detailed their legal argument on that, and they are also expecting the white house to answer questions on what the goal is in libya, how the president hopes to achieve it and what the cost would be. that's something very much on the minds of lawmakers suzanne. >> does the obama administration, do they think sending information to congress will satisfy these lawmakers, potentially make the lawsuit go away? >> i think -- i don't know about
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the lawsuit. keeping in mind the lawsuit is backed by a number of members of congress but a lot of these questions and demands, and a lot of members of congress accuse the white house of flaunting the resolution, there's plenty of those. that's their concern. i think they're hoping it will assuage some of their concerns. if some members of congress are making a legal argument, even though they're not asking for congressional authorization, certainly some won't be happen, then you have others like senator john mccain calling for a response like this too little too late. >> it's kind of ironic, that speaker boehner is scheduled to get together this weekend. can you tell us about it? >> they're playing golf. president obama, vice president joe biden, the speaker and ohio
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fwofer in jo governor, is going to be the fourth. this is interesting to me, not only do we have the libya issue, vice president biden is is involved in deficit reduction talks. if she's guys run out of something to talk about on the golf course saturday, i don't know what you can say about that. >> they have club, i hope they can use them for golf and that alone. >> all right. we'll see how that goes, thank you, appreciate it. don't forget to vote for the choose the news story. text 1 for man-made earthquake. scientists say in arkansas, there's a lot more going on than mother nature, text 2 for what hackers want, a group of hackers attack the senate website. experts say they know why they are doing it. text 3 for chrome book. we'll show you googled's answer to the laptop.
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with nationwide insurance... ... they all work together perfectly-- and you could save 25%. wow... it's all in the wrists. ♪ nationwide is on your side time to go cross country for movies our affiliates are coming. a very noisy storm swept through the state last night. just take a listen. >> hail up to the size of tennis balls came down in some places,
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but no major damage was reported. in louisiana, aare the tos are letting a fire burn itself out at a chemical plant in new eye beeria, 75 miles west of baton rouge, it broke out yesterday after several explosions, homes within a mile of the plant have been evacuated and a mere airport closed. the plant blends chemicals used in oil field operations. now to san francisco bay where an event staged to draw attention to the next america's cup in two years did just that. take a look at that. a 45 foot catamaran capsized. one crew member suffered minor injury. >> almost 60% of parents are helping or have helped their adult kids with financial support after they are done with school. that's according to the financial education survey. what happens when parents need to bail their adult kids out?
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alison kosik is here with top tips. allison, you know, they think their job is done. when they think their job is done, we come back. >> parents' job is never, ever done. 42% of parents say they learned the most about personal finance right from their own parents. but the national foundation of credit counseling says many are coming back to the nest for financial help. the reason? some feel they have worse off. 65% of adults between the ages of 18 and 39 say the financial strain they're facing is tougher than previous generations and many parents a third say they had it easier than their kids' generation when it comes to finances, suzanne. >> a lost folk, they move back home. it's not easy on the kids or parents, they said we get peace and quiet. now the kids are back, adult kids back. do they pay rent? is that part of the deal? should it be part of the deal? >> it could be. housing is the top way parents are providing financial support. if you got a college grad or
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unemployed adult child coming back to the nest. first establish a plan. the author of the real cost of living said set boundaries, if your child is having a rough time finding a job or is laid off. go ahead and agree they can live with you rent free for one year. that's only if you're financially secure. in return they need to help with thins around the house, cooking, cleaning, child care if that's needed. if they can't pitch in financially. if they have cash to chip in. ask them to contribute to grocery bills, utility, putting gas in the car or pay a nominal amount of rent. suzanne. >> what is an adult child. what is the aid? can you and i come back home? >> oh, yeah, i don't want to go back home. it's between the ages of 18 and 39, though. >> great. allison, you'll be back with more tips for parents helping out their adult children with their money right after the
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this is visibly smart. sir, can you hear me? just hold the bag. we need a portable x-ray, please! [ nurse ] i'm a nurse. i believe in the power of science and medicine. but i'm also human. and i believe in stacking the deck.
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we're back with alison talking about your family and finances. alison when it comes to adult kids, and you said adult kids 18-39, that's quite a range because there are other expenses they may have, credit cards and big loans. should parents help them with the big stuff, too? >> there are ways. if your child is not going to be moving back in with you, first the national endowment for education says pay attention to why they're asking you for help before you hand over your money for them, since the study of generations says money is a top issue that happens between a lot of conflict between children and parents. if it's a large loan, get it in writing what the repayment is and set an interest well as well, and if an adult child is asking you to pay off credit card debt, they say to make it a one-time offer. you don't want a moocher on
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enabling them especially if they have a job. they need to learn to set their own budgeets and learn the value and impact on their credit. one final point. make sure that helping your kids is not hurting your own retirement. check on your own savings. and a good look to look is great advice, alison. no moochers, but people need a helping hands these days. thank you. >> exactly. now your responses to today's talk back question. carol costello is here. >> you're wearing red, and you are wearing blue. >> patriotic. tell us what you are talking about? >> this is from tim.
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patriotism is so subjective. isn't it patriotic to vest in our nation's infrastructure. isn't it patriotic to regard the u.s. as one nation rather than a confederation of sovereign states? this is from tracy. wearing a flag does not prove you are patriotic. what have you done to benefit your fellow americans? were you there when there were disasters? did you help or talk about getting help? talk is cheap, just like the american flag pin. and then this from jack. don't make that the focus. and this from george. show me intelligence and a willingness to do some good. later for all that fake patriotism and religion. keep the comments coming.
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i'll see you again in ten minutes. rick perry rallies the republicans in new york. the texas governor sounding presidential as he considers whether or not he'll jump in the race. le would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them. it's the at&t network... and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. the two trains and a bus rider. the "i'll sleep when it's done" academic. for 80 years, we've been inspired by you. and we've been honored to walk with you to help you get where you want to be. ♪ because your moment is now.
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don't forget to vote to choose the news story can you see. you can choose by texting. some say arkansas is experiencing more quakes than ever, and it's not because of
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mother nature. text "2" for what hackers want. find out what experts say they are after. "3" for chrome book. it doesn't do what you might expect. the winning story will air in the next hour. will the governor of texas be the latest republican to jump into the presidential race? paul stein houser from the desk in washington. what do we hear about governor rick perry? >> he was the headliner there in manhattan and he looked and sounded like a presidential candidate. he didn't announce anything. he said he was thinking about it and thinking about a lot of other things, and there has been speculation over the last week or two about him. and he sounded like a stump
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speech. next time there is a big presidential debate, will rick perry be on the stage? >> i understand there are meetings adding to the intrigue? >> what is it with new york city today and yesterday? everything is going on there. we were talking about rick perry, he was just meeting in the last hour or two with former mayor guiliani. guiliani is breaking bread and having learn windchill chris christie. chris christie has said forget about it. he said it again last night, not running for the white house. he sat down with peers morgan last night. take a listen to what he said. >> i don't think any of them have yet distinguished themselves to say this is the best person, not only to take on
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obama, but to lead our nation in the next four years after this election. >> so the one chris christie does endorse will be important. and there may be other candidates on the stage that we did not see monday night in new hampshire. >> did he really say forget about it like that? >> no, that was just me that time. just me. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you. for the latest political news, go to pakistan has arrested several people people that helped bin laden. the arrests fuel more questions about whether pakistan is a true
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u.s. ally. >> if indeed they were onboard to find bin laden, you would think they would applaud them and commend them, and the fact they are arresting them adds to the big question, the most pressing question, is pakistan a u.s. friend. are they onboard in the fight against militants or playing a double game? tens of thousands of protesters surround the capital in greece. and police let the tear-gas can stirs fly. the rage is being fueled by a government plan to cut spending and get the massive budget deficit under control. a legal showdown now over libya. a bipartisan group of lawmakers will file a lawsuit today over the u.s. participation in the military mission. house speaker john boehner warns the president is in danger of violating the war powers act.
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policy makers say congress is trying to have a say in the libyan mission. >> what congress is trying to do is use the war powers argument as a political stick to score some political points, to force the president to go up to capitol hill, spend political capital in depending the war and trying to get a stronger voice -- congressional voice is shaping libya operations. >> in arizona, a single camp fire may have started the biggest wildfire in the state's history. that word coming from investigators today. they're talking with two people of interests. the fire in eastern arizona has driven thousands of people from their homes, and today evacuees from the town of knew tree oso are allowed back in. right now the fire is only 20% contained. along the missouri river, and around the clock battle to keep floodwaters out of homes and businesses.
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omaha, nebraska, is calling on volunteers to help feel at least a quarter of a million sandbags. two levees along the iowa state line have been breached. that town could get ten feet of water. >> it's really scary. when we went to bed last night there was a small ribbon of water back against the levee, and they have lot lots of volunteers and local contractors that helped them up. a court up holds a gay judge's ruling against the ban on marriage. questions were raised about his impartiality. supporters of the gay marriage ban say they will appeal. arnold schwarzenegger's former housekeeper breaks her science about their child. mildr
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mildred says maria asked her if she was the father, and she said it was not arnie's fault, and it takes two. >> back to the lead story on the cia informants now arrested in pakistan. these are the men who provided information to u.s. intelligence ahead of the deadly raid on bin laden's compound. well, cnn national security agent is with us. why would pakistan's top military spy agency, instead of cooperating with the united states now arresting those who assisted in the raid to bring bin laden down? >> well, i mean, the pakistani
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intelligence agency -- i can't speak for them. but, american citizens were spying for pakistan in the united states, and on any issue, without declaring those folks to the american government, technically these people are spying. so leaving aside the wrongs or writes of them helping to find bin laden from a technical point of view, pakistan has ever right to arrest or detain or intear gate citizens that it feels are working for a foreign power. that's just the way of the world. now -- >> peter, what do you think this says about the u.s. and pakistan relationship now? >> well, i don't think that it has been worse. i think this is the worse point it has been since 1990 when the united states put sanctions on pakistan because of its nuclear program, and it's bad. very bad. and this is just one of the series of incidents on both sides of the equation which have
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really bored these relationships to kind of this point. the biggest, of course, incident before the arrests of bin laden of pakistan was in late january, and there was a huge story in pakistan. it doesn't get that much attention in the united states because of the dramatic events were happening simultaneously. it was the story in pakistan for weeks. >> peter, clear the bin laden raid and more recent attacks by militants have been a big blow to pakistan's military. is this a way to reassert their power and save face in a way? >> that may well be motivation. as you say, suzanne, they were humiliated by the american action to seize bin laden, and helicopters not being picked up
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on pakistani radar, and that was humiliating for the pakistanis, and then there was an attack on a pakistani naval station in u karachi. and that was again, dem straighting sensitive military installations in pakistan may have been compromised by the taliban or related groups. so it has been a very bad month for the military. the general -- chief of army staff, you know, has -- i think it has been one of the worst times he has had. >> and real quick, peter s. there anything that needs to be done now to kind of break the impasse and turn things around, anything the united states could do regarding pakistan to change their behavior? >> i think one thing the united states could do is fewer drone strikes. last year there was a record number of drone strikes.
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not all of these are getting senior al qaeda leaders by any stretch. i think a more calibrated program that was not so consistent would go some way to repairing the breach between these two countries. >> thank you so much. as always. we appreciate your expertise. thank you. here's your chance to talk back on one of the big stories making big news today. today's question, do politicians need to show their patriotism to get elected? carol, we did not coordinate these outfits, right? >> no, but we are true patriots despite it. love the country is no longer a given. you have to prove it. prove you bleed not only red, but white and blue, too. and one man that is running for president will do that in the shadow of the statute of
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liberty. sarah palin proved her patriotism by visiting landmarks on her one-nation tour. and then one man is under fire because of planting a flag under water. and then politico was told he displayed the american flag on an under water wreck as a sign of respect for the flag and for the veterans who overcomed their disabilities. and then candidate obama was accused of not loving his country because he did not place his hand over his heart during the star-spangled banner. he started wearing flag pins because he was taken back by the fuss.
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a he produced his birth certificate. 2012 is bound to be the most patriotic looking-year ever. and so do politicians need to show their patriotism to get elected? on the rundown, first, the mother of arnold schwarzenegger' secret child gives an interview to a british magazine. and then going public. will pan doora be a hit with investors. and then thousands of demonstrators fill the street o of@ athens. in florida, the prosecution rests in the casey anthony trial, but not before presenting a tattoo as evidence.
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>> it means beautiful life in italian. a beautiful life tattoo is what casey asked for 16 days after she says her daughter accidentally drowned. >> we'll ask a defenses attorney how he would defend casey anthony. [ male announcer ] this is lara. her morning begins with arthritis pain. that's a coffee and two pills. the afternoon tour begins with more pain and more pills. the evening guests arrive. back to sore knees. back to more pills. the day is done but hang on... her doctor recommended aleve.
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just 2 pills can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lara who chose 2 aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels. (rawhen an investmentrsation) lacks discipline, pain. it's never this obvious. introducing investment discipline etfs from russell. visit r a prospectus, containing the investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and other information. read and consider it carefully before investing.
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personal pricing now on brakes. tell us what you want to pay. we do our best to make that work. deal! my money. my choice. my meineke. now it's time for youto choose the news. here are your choices. lots of shaking going on in
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parts of arkansas these days. hundreds of jolts have hit the state in the last few months, but some say it's not mother nature causing them. and then hackers on the senate website. it's the same group that claims to have hit pbs. we will tell you who they are and why they are on the attack. number three, google unveiled a new laptop. what can you do with it? we'll tell you about chrome book. text "1" for man made quakes, and q "2" for hackers on attack, and then "3" for chrome book. and then arnold schwarzenegger schwarzenegger's former housekeeper reveals details. a lot of people talking about this story. what does his mistress reveal
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today? >> she wanted to set the record straight, so she gave an interview to -- and speaking very candidly i might add. she spoke to "hello" magazine. the former housekeeper did the interview along with her 13-year-old son. his name is joseph. according to the magazine, she said when joseph learned schwarzenegger was his dad a year ago, he reacted with a single word saying "cool." and it was not until joseph started to grow up the resemblance tipped everybody off that schwarzenegger was the dad. >> can you imagine? >> that's amazing. does he give us any clue in terms of what maria shriver knew during this time? >> yeah, she said maria shriver was starting to put two and two together because she heard
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whispers around the home that joseph was starting to re-sem bull schwarzenegger. she would say things like i hear if you need to talk. i have so much love and respect for maria, and finally she asked pointblank. and she claims, suzanne, that she and maria shriver cried together and held each other. she was so strong, she cried with me and told me to get off my knees. we held each other, and i told her it was not aurnie's fault, that it takes too, and she did use the word arnie. >> do we have a sense of whether arnie had a relationship with his son? >> sounds like the boy would like to develop a relationship with schwarzenegger, but not clear if there's a relationship right now. >> fascinating story. >> and the lawyer for the housekeeper released a statement
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a time ago, and just confirmed that the interview was to set the record straight, and she was tired of people selling lies to the media claiming to speak for her when they do not. as for the interview, the questions were not preapproved and there were not any limitations to the topics as well. >> so much information that comes out of it. this is a story that keeps building and building and giving and giving. >> she would like to put it to rest, but i don't know. >> the more she talks, the more questions that will happen. thank you, randi. appreciate it. if you did not get a chance to attend the royal wedding, no worries. you can see them up close and personal next month. the newlyweds are coming to california on july 8th. they will be here for three days. the duke and duchess of cambridge will attend a charity
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polo match where prince william will ride. they will meet young homeless people at an arts project. this is kate's first trip to america. an online radio site that is usually problem with music fans, but will it be a hit with investors. we have the latest news on she joins us with the company's ceo and president, joe kennedy. >> reporter: yes, pandora making its public debut here on wall street. shares being traded over my shoulder here. the traders decked out with jackets with the letter "p." and i am here with the ceo, and thank you for joining us. pandora joins the growing list of hot companies going public. shares have cooled off, and with pandora we're seeing a hot start as well, but are we seeing a
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tech bubble starting here? >> i don't know. we're focused on the great opportunity we have ahead of us to personalize radio and deliver a dramatically better radio experience to our listeners. that's our focus and passion as a company. >> are you joining a list of tech companies seizing the moment of investors having a lot of cash burning a hole in their pockets. >> we had no idea what the market conditions would be like when we would actually become effective as we did today. this is part of a long-term story that we're developing for pandora. we will look back years from now and this will be one step along the way. >> pandora has yet to turn a profit. you're having a great day on wall street. what kind of business model do you have at this point? >> the business model of pandora is a lot like radio, and most listeners listen for free,
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supported by advertising. we do have a subscription. at a high level, it's a simple business model and it builds on the tradition of the radio experience. >> is there enough tiesing to offset the royalties you are paying the music companies? >> we demonstrated in the financials we published we continue to grow revenue over time and improved the operating margin and cash flow. we are also investigating significantly to deliver a better experience to the listeners, to listen to us in the car and home. >> want to tell you how the market is doing. the dow down 162 points on on going worries about the economy. back to you. >> thank you. tear-gas is hanging in the air in athens. that's where the protesters are
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surrounding the parliament. michael holmes joins us to go beyond the headlines. [ waves crashing ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] and just like that, it's here. a new chance for all of us: people, companies, communities to face the challenges yesterday left behind and the ones tomorrow will bring. prudential. bring your challenges.
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don't forget to choose the story you would like to see. you can vote for your favorite
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by texting to 22360. some scientists think some earthquakes in arkansas are not natural. and then an infamous hacker group hits the senate's website. "3" for chrome book. we will show you google's answer to the laptop. the winning story will air later this hour. and then the prosecution wraps up its case in the casey anthony trial. highlights from the final prosecution witnesses and a look at what is ahead. my doctor told me calcium
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is best absorbed in small continuous amounts. only one calcium supplement does that in one daily dose. new citracal slow release... continuously releases calcium plus d for the efficient absorption my body needs. citracal.
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we're watching massive protest erupt again in greece. demonstrators are swarming around the capital. and the country is making painful budget cuts. michael holmes is here. tell us first of all why all the outrage of the folks there on the ground and what is it going to mean for us? what are the ripple effects, if you will? >> it's about the economy. what is happening their economy was struggling and they got bailed out, and then everything is going to pot at the moment, and people are complaining, the markets are showing signs of getting jittery, and the euro is
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slipping. and of course, as you said, greece is trying to get in line with the tough measures outlined by the european union to get their massive debt under control. they downgraded the country to make it the least credit worthy nation out of the 131 countries monitored. no more loans until the parliament passes these measures. they borrowed money when times are good and cannot pay it back. >> what is actually taking place on the streets of athens now? >> thousands -- i was looking at pictures before i came up. they are throwing, believe it or not, yogurt, at the police. and it's more serious than that. there's tear-gas coming back in return.
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there is one group that is a grassroots movement and takes its name from the spanish campaign who have been holding similar mobilizations against astaire tea measures. >> and what are they indig nunt about? >> in addition to the deep cuts, greece -- because of that greece's unemployment rate is up to 16%. their economy is shrinking by 3.5%. if greece goes down, and defaults on its loans, you are looking at ireland and portugal in similar situations. there could be a breakout of the european problem. it's a worldwide problem. >> absolutely. i know that the obama administration says look to europe first to try and solve that problem before the u.s. gets involved. but it could have an impact worldwide. >> thank you. appreciate it.
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here's a quick rundown some of the stories we're working on. next, the prosecution wraps up its case against casey anthony. we'll have a live report. tension and frustration along the missouri river where thousands of homes and farms are threatened. at 12:45 eastern, keeping the water out. we will find out how the levees along the missouri river are holding up. and now the prosecution rested its case today. anthony is accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter, caylee. cnn national correspondent, gary tuckman has the highlights of the testimony from the last prosecution witnesses including a tattoo artist. >> reporter: on july 2nd, 2008, two weeks and two days after caylee anthony disappeared never to be seen live again, her mother casey walked into this man's shop. >> she came in to get this tattoo. >> it was this tattoo shop in
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orlando. he is a crucial prosecution witness because of this testimony. >> did you ask her what she wanted done? >> yes, sir. bella vita means a beautiful life in italian, and a beautiful life tattoo is what casey anthony asked for 16 days after her accidentally drowned. was she sad, solemn or serious when she got the tattoo. >> how would you dau vibe her demeanor? >> normal. >> what does that mean? >> didn't seem upset about anything. happy for the most part. >> did she leave right after? >> no, we ordered pizza and she had a couple slices. >> reporter: using examples like the tattoo, and this picture already shown to the jury, shows casey in a hot body contest four
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days after caylee disappeared. how will they explain the tattoo? in order to honor her daughter. >> reporter: the potential problem with that defense is the tattoo artist wanted another tattoo, and this time said she would bring caylee with her. her mother took the stand. the blanket missing was found with caylee's body. when cindy anthony walked off the stand, it appeared she mouthed the words i love you to her daughter, who looked away. >> gary tuckman joins us live from orlando.
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>> what did they tell you? what was their demeaner? >> reporter: just a few minutes i talked with them, and it was a an important development in the case, the judge denied a motion by the defense for a motion of acquittal, and that's a routine thing the defense does at the end of the prosecution's case. the judge denied that and said the defense will be calling its witness tomorrow, and that was a big defeat. i saw george and cindy coming down to the elevator. and i said i am sorry for what you must be going through, and they said thank you. when we were in the elevator, they held each other and cried in each other's arms for the entire 23 floors. it was very important to see that, because george has been accused by his daughter of amestlessiamest
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le -- molesting her. and she said when her daughter accidentally drowned, and there's no evidence of that whatsoever, she never told anybody because of what she experienced in her life when she was the victim of incest. if you believe that cindy believes that george possibly had sexual relations with their daughter, she would not be hugging him and crying with him and looking for his support, and they love each other very much and i could tell that on the elevator. >> and this must be taking its toll on cindy. >> it's really hard for her in a number of ways. one way we discovered today, the prosecution said during this motion for acquittal, they said we believe that one of the motives for casey killing her daughter is the rivalry that she had with her mother, she felt like her mother was telling her she was not a good mother, and that's one of the motives for this murder. it's so sad all the way around for george and cindy anthony,
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watching their daughter fight for his life, and knowing their granddaughter is dead and knowing what is said about him, and in the opening statements, the defense said that this man molested casey anthony, and that's one of the reasons this murder happened. there is absolutely zero evidence, suzanne, so far that he did this. none. and that's why people think casey anthony has to take a stand. if she takes the stand, it will be a television spectacle. >> thank you for pulling the curtain back there and giving us a back story behind the scenes look of what is taking place in the very dramatic trial. thank you. >> the defense begins making its case tomorrow in casey anthony's capital murder trial. we will talk about what her lawyers need to do. we were actually thinking, maybe... we're going to hike up here, so we'll catch up with you guys. [ indistinct talking and laughter ]
9:35 am
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the judge in the casey anthony murder trial today rejected a defense motion for acquittal. the motion came after the prosecution rested. the defense begins its case tomorrow. joining us from austin texas with analysis of the case is criminal defense attorney, richard herman. thank you for joining us. has the prosecution made its case that anthony casey killed
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her 2-year-old daughter? >> i don't believe they have. this is a first degree intentional killing that they have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. we don't know if the duct tape was put on and that was used to kill her before she was dead or after. we don't know if chloroform was used to put her to death or released in the car through cleaning solvents and other things. we know from the evidence that casey was a great mother. we don't know anything bad about her being a bad mother. when you get up in the summation and tell the jury, if you don't know these answers or paused to hesitate this much, that's reasonable doubt and you must not convict. i don't believe the state has proven their case. >> what about the stories that have been told that don't seem to pan out, that she has been lying? does that account for anything here? >> yeah, that counts that she's a liar, but not a murderer.
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however, you are right, a lot of jurors will be so inflamed by the fact of her serial compulsive lying, they may hold that against her and leap to the verdict of guilty because of the conduct. this conduct by her is so repulsive that many of the jurors i believe at this point have already made up their mind to convict her. >> but you say they don't have the evidence to do that, is that right? >> i don't believe they have sufficient evidence. however, look, this is a middle district of florida jury. orlando, florida. there's a young girl that is dead. a horrible case. it was really inflammatory the way they put the face with her mother smiling and turned it into a skeleton, and then the junk science with a doctor so
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inept, and i think that will be reversible error, and i do believe that many of the jurors, they have had enough of this casey and don't like the way she treated her parents and don't like the opening by jose baez, which was horrible, because he will not be able to prove the insane statements in his opening, and many jurors will take that out in the verdict. >> should they put casey on the stand? >> they cannot put her on the stand. there was nothing to gain by it. if they put her on the stand, the cross-examination will begin with 500 lies that she's told to every one, including her parents. and then they will go to the jury in summation and say this is a liar, and she lied to everybody and lying to you, and you can't believe her, vote guilty. >> we will watch very closely to see how the defense presents its
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own side. thank you. >> they will go after the forensi forensics. that's what they are going to do. >> okay. much of america's heartland is under water flooding along the missouri river could last for months. we're going to go live to omaha, nebraska, where the water now is rising fast.
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last a couple months now. the missouri river's floodwaters threatened thousands of homes and businesses. casey, if you will, just set the scene for us. how fast is this water risinris? what kind of situation are these folks in? >> reporter: the water has crested. it has not been rising too fast during the day. that doesn't mean that there is not an incredible volume of water coming through here. you can see the water level over here. the sculptures behind me and several feet obviously of height that this river is above its normal height. and it's also spread out around its banks. this is what 1.25 million gallons of water per second looks like. you can see how fast this water is moving south. this water being released from reservoirs through dams north of here because there is so much water throughout the whole
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missouri river valley. now one of the big issues here is sandbagging. local officials have been asking volunteers to come out and filling hundreds of thousands of sandbags to sort of protect the low-lying areas here in omaha. one of the big concerns. of course this weekend, the college world series is scheduled to be played here at a ballpark a little ways from where i am standing, and so officials are quite concerned about fan's ability to get to the stadium. let's listen to what one had to say. >> i-80 is open, of course there are other roads that are closed, but i-80 east and west should not the be a problem getting here. we've -- all of the hotels in the downtown area have emergency preparations planned and we're checking with them today and will continue to do that daily. they will have excess sandbags if they need them, and hopefully they won't need them. we're conscientious of what could happen, and looking for
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the worst but praying for the best. >> reporter: they want to avoid significant damage here in omaha, but the wild card is the weather. there are thundershowers forecasted throughout the next few days, and that could present problems for downtown omaha. still planning on the world series, though. >> thank you. and then our own jacqui jeras joins us. you warned they had 48 hours to be on watch because it could mean flooding for major areas. are the levees holding up? well, they were rushing to try and shore up a secondary levee outside of town. here you can see, there is the missouri river and here is a
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hole where a levee was breached. they tried to add an extra 3 feet on a man made levee and they think they can do it. their goal is to get it done by 2:00 today. that water is closer and we have reports along i-29 that at least one lane northbound has been closed off and they expect a complete 20-mile stretch in the area to be closed by tomorrow. the water is rising quickly. it will continue to be tested. this is not just a one-day thing, suzanne. this record flow is expected to stay throughout the month of august. one other area we're watching, up near where casey yi yungz is. we have reports of a sand boil in this area. let me tell what you a sand boil is and why it could threaten the airport. this is an animation. what happens, water gets underneath the levee and gets on the dry side of the levee and
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starts to boil up, and so eventually what that can do is make the whole thing basically kind of crumble underneath with the soil and cause the levee to fail. that's the concern there. the equivalent of 1.1 million gallons a second that is being released through the dam up in south dakota. >> thank you so much. we'll watch that closely. thank you. sounding off on today's talkback question. do politicians need to show their patriotism to get elected. one says sure parents embarrass you or them at times, but you cannot help loving them. carol costello is up with more responses next.
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now your responses to today's talkback question. carol costello is back with a look at what you're saying. >> the question of the day, do politicians need to show their patriotism to get elected? it's hard to believe we went from a country giving young men all the luxuries to the world
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war ii effort to a country that barely is patriots. and this from chris. they should have to do more than visit the locations of a seventh grade field trip. real patriotism is something we have not seen for years. and this from david. i don't need to see historical flights or flag pins. i see patriotism every time i am at a bus depot, in the faces that joined the armed forces. thank you for your comments.
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father's day is coming up this sunday. there's a cool idea out there for a father. dad can own a piece of this. the -- >> here? >> in springfield, illinois, it's adopt a wisker. >> i thought you were going to say you could actually get a hair off of abraham lincoln's beard. >> it goes to fund the nation's educational program. there are 28,000 whiskers. lincoln -- now, lincoln did not have this beard for most of his life. check this out. he was clean shaven.
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an 11-year-old girl wrote him a letter after seeing him beardless, and this is the actual letter. she said if you would let your whiskers grow you would look a great deal better for your face is so thin. all the women like whiskers, and they would want their husbands to vote and you would be president. so he wrote back thanking her. a cool idea. >> can i have that certificate you got for my dad? >> yes, you can. i have that certificate. >> i forgot it was father's day. now i remember, so i am glad that i sat here and listened to the story. i wish it was the real hair. that would have been cool. >> i am not sure they have the real hair. but you're in a section of the
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beard. 28,000 whiskers. that's cool. >> it's cool. whatever. >> okay. we'll see you tomorrow. you told us what you wanted to see. your choose the news story moments away. this is the relief i've been looking for. salonpas has 2 powerful pain fighting ingredients that work for up to 12 hours. and my pharmacist told me it's the only otc pain patch approved for sale using the same rigorous clinical testing that's required for prescription pain medications. proven. powerful. safe. salonpas. yep. the longer you stay with us, the more you save. and when you switch from another company to us, we even reward you for the time you spent there. genius. yeah, genius. you guys must have your own loyalty program, right? well, we have something. show her, tom. huh?
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9:57 am
now you choose the news winning stories. hackers on the attack. the website is the latest to be hit. we find out what one group's
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motives might be. >> reporter: a team of hackers announces we don't like the u.s. government very much, and just for kicks it hacked into the senate's website. lull security takes a public jab saying in a release is this an account of war, gentleman? a reference to the pentagon saying it considers cyber attacks an act of war. >> what is this and how sensitive is it? >> what we're seeing here, is they are showing proof that they are on the senate web surfer and able to run commands. they server. >> this is a cyber company that works with government agencies and private industries. the intrusion does not compromise the security of the senate's network, but if the hackers wanted to, they could have taken the senate's website off the server and replaced content on any site.
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they have done that before. the group did not like a pbs documentary about wikileaks, so it posted a fake story. both rappers were killed in the late '90s. luls is for laughs. this man served five years in prison for hacking into phone company sites, and now firms hire him. >> they enjoy the game of breaking into the system. i think they are enjoying the media ae tension, because they have over 125,000 followers. they dedicated a website to their attacks. >> we used twitter to try and reach lullsack right now.


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