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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  June 17, 2011 8:00am-10:00am PDT

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it is. >> what are you going to do? >> they grabbed the car and went shopping this week. i have no idea what they have in that big box. live from studio 7, i'm suzanne malveaux. i want to get you up to speed for friday, june 17th. >> let him go! >> a brawl broke out today among spectators hoping to get a seat at the casey anthony murder trial. police were called to break up the fight. the defense is in day two of its case. so far, the focus is on challenging the forensics evidence. casey is charged with killing her 2-year-old daughter, caylee. critical fire warn innings arizona and new mexico. high winds and dry conditions are helping spread several big wildfires, the so-called wallow fire, the biggest in arizona's history is just one-third contained. more evacuations could be
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ordered today. >> there's a lost apprehension, because maybe you're next and everything you've worked for, you have all your memories could be gone. violent protests against tax hikes and social welfare cuts in greece are not stopping government efforts to restructure its debt. a new finance minister was sworn in today. part of a cabinet reshuffle. investors worry that greece's financial crisis could impact the global economy. it's been a drag on u.s. markets this week but right now, the dow is trading in positive territory. a refugee camp in turkey is ground zero today for protests. these syrian refugees are showing solidarity with many anti-government demonstrations happening across the border in their homeland. more than 9,000 syrians have fled to turkey to escape a
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bloody crackdown against demonstrators. smoke billows over tripoli. nato's air assault on libya has gone on for four months now and moammar gadhafi still maintains his grip on power. the former international monetary fund chief accused of sexual assault initially claimed diplomatic immunity. that's according to a document the prosecution filed in the case of dominique strauss-kahn. he later backed off the immunity claim. strauss-kahn has pleaded not guilty to charges of assaulting a hotel housekeeper. congressman anthony weiner's future has a big question mark today after his resignation over the sexting scandal. weiner announced yesterday he was stepping down. he says the distraction he created made it impossible to do his job. in an abc interview, president obama offered weiner encouragement in repairing his personal life. >> i wish representative weiner
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and his lovely wife well. obviously it's been a tough incident for them. but i'm confident that they'll refocus and he'll refocus and they'll end up being able to bounce back. after losing the stanley cup, some broken-hearted vancouver canucks fans lost control wednesday night, flipping, torching cars. now vancouver police are turning to social media to try to identify the worst offenders. they're pouring over photos of the ruckus that was posted on facebook. here's your chance, talk back, one of the big stories of the day. republican presidential candidate mitt romney's campaign seemed to be gaining some momentum but now he's coming under fire for some comments that he made. it brings us to the talk back
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question for today. can rich politicians relate to ordinary americans? carol costello joins from us washington for that one. >> it's tough to be one of the guys when you're worth more than $200 million. after all, deserved or not, the rich are not exactly popular right now. go ahead, google i hate rich people an see how many articles pop up. mitt romney may have been trying to overcome that in florida with a group of unemployed voters. >> well, i should also tell my story. i'm also unemployed. >> are you on linked in? >> yes, actually i'm networking. >> he was joking. it was a joke. but it did not take long for democrats to slam him for being out of touch. sort of like with then candidate george w. bush did in 2004 to
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his opponent john kerry. bush, a wealthy man himself, released a campaign ad showing a super rich kerry wind surfing. n. which direction would john kerry lead? kerry voted for the iraq war, opposed it, supported it and now opposes it again. he bragged about voting for the 87 billion to support our troops before he voted against it. he voted for education reform and now opposes it. you get the drift. the wind surfing part really stung. it's not exactly a blue collar sport. donald trump might have it right. if you're a super rich guy, embrace it. >> part of the beauty of me is that i'm very rich. >> the talk back question today, can rich politicians relate to ordinary americans? i'll read your comments later on.
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>> donald trump is just funny. even obama got ripped for that as well. he was well off when he was in the campaign. not as well off as some of the other previous candidates. he couldn't bowl very well and he got heat for that. remember that? >> oh, yeah. he was a bad bowler. he could play basketball. he should have concentrated on that. politicians always drink beer, too. that's another way to show they're down home and one of you. >> just one of us. >> slamming down a beer. right. >> great question, carol. we'll see you in a little bit. >> okay. here's a rundown, some of the stories we're covering in the next two hours. the defense drops a bombshell in the casey anthony trial and people are literally right now, they're fighting to get inside the courtroom. also, in michigan, a man shoots a police with a nail gun. we'll tell you what set him off. plus, we're going to look at the impact of georgia's tough immigration law, two weeks before it actually goes into effect. and women in saudi arabia
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fighting for their right to drive. and finally, new york moves a step closer to legalizing same-sex marriage. could an issue as important as this be decided on a state or federal level? >> i think it's a state issue. >> federal issue. >> for me it's a state issue. >> it would be nice if it was a national thing. i don't think it would happen nationally. let the states deal with it and let it be more realistic. okay, team! after age 40, we can start losing muscle -- 8% every 10 years. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge!
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let him go! police responded to a brawl outside the courthouse. that happened today where casey anthony is on trial for murder. our affiliate wkmg says two men tried to cut in line and a fight broke out. people start lining up at 5:30 in the morning for one of the 50 seats open to the public. inside the courtroom, the defense is in the second day of its case. casey anthony is accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter. the defense team is trying to poke holes in the prosecution's forensics evidence. joining us to talk about the latest developments, criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor holly hughes. thank you so much, as always. first of all, is it not incredible that people are fighting outside of the courtroom just to get in? i've never seen anything like that before. >> no. madness ensues everywhere,
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suzanne. not only do you have the crazy antics happening in the courtroom, now it's spilled out into the general public. >> there was explosive testimony yesterday that you described. what actually happened? >> yesterday jose baez, the lead defense attorney for casey anthony got to start his case. he was able to start presenting his evidence. started off slow with a little bit of boring testimony from an orange county deputy and some scientists but his big bombshell was right before lunch. i can guarantee you this was strategically done at 11:59 while he is questioning a dna expert from the fbi and asking her was blood found on all of these clothes that were seized from casey's house pursuant to a search warrant and then all of a sudden he slips in were you asked to perform a paternity test to see if lee is the father of caylee? at which point in time jeff ashton, our lead prosecutor -- >> lee being? >> her brother, the defendant, casey anthony's brother, yes, which is one of the allegations
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that the lead attorney, jose baez made in opening is that lee sexually molested her. by asking that question, what he's signalling to the jury is, hey, even the fbi thought there was something to because they asked for this paternity test, which is not true. it's misleading the jury. this is why the lead prosecutor, jeff ashton, says we have to approach. the judge says, okay, jury go to lunch. the whole time they're at lunch that's what's in their head, suzen. >> they're wondering whether the brother has sexually molested this woman who's accused of murdering her child. why is that important? >> they are trying to explain the defendant, casey anthony's kooky behavior. this woman did not report her child missing for 31 days, then went out partying and dancing on poles and acting as a shot girl, stole from her best friend,
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emptied out her checking account by going on shopping sprees. the defense has had to embrace the nuttiness. you certainly can't explain it away. they say she's used to hiding secrets because she was molested by her father george and her brother lee. her whole life is about hiding the truth and keeping those feelings inside. that's why she acted like that. >> trying to discredit the brother and father in all of this. >> they're trying to blame them for her crazy behavior. >> there seems to be a reaction that the jurors are having to the defense attorney. >> yes. >> how is that playing out? how can we tell what's going on there. >> the bottom line is, you don't really want to listen to somebody you don't like. let's face it, suzanne, you walk in a party, you're going to talk to someone you like. you're certainly not going to seek out somebody you don't trust or you think is dishonest and have a conversation with them. what we're seeing, the reaction in the courtroom is when jose baez, lead attorney for casey stands up and smiles at the jury and tries to engraciate, good
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morning. they don't smile back. they will not respond in a positive fashion to him which tells you they don't like what's going on in that courtroom from his side. maybe personally, it's not against him but they don't like how the defense is going. they don't like what they're presenting and if they don't like it, they're not going to listen to you in closing. >> have a great weekend. we'll hear from an attorney who says the paternity issue was a great move by anthony's lawyers. richard herman joins us in the next hour with more insight into the casey anthony trial. let's go cross country now for a story cnn affiliates are covering. our first stop, california where ultralight planes are being used to smuggle drugs into the united
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states from new mexico. they fly at night with no lights. 230 flights made it across the border last year alone. since the planes don't land, border patrol agents try to catch those picking up the drugs on the ground. in florida, surveillance video captures the armed robbery at a rental car company in orlando. employees were dragged into the lobby and forced to give up their wallets. the gunmen ran off after, emptying the cash register. in michigan, police surround the home of a man armed with a nail gun. the standoff lasted six hours. witnesses say it started after the man chased his girlfriend and her mother down the street with a knife. well, if a judge doesn't block it, georgia's tough new immigration law is going to take effect in two weeks. but a lot of farmers are already hurting now. because the law has already scared off most of their workers.
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on july 1st, georgia's new immigration law goes into effect. it allows police to check the immigration status of criminal suspects. it requires employers to check the status of new workers against a federal data base. there is say chance a federal judge could block the law but scores of farm workers are not waiting around to see if that happens. >> translator: he says he'll take all of his family and many
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friends with him. it will be hard, because his u.s.-born children will have to move to a new place where they know nobody and start their life all over. >> cnn espanol's reporter found workers and asked how they felt about this law. >> i didn't have enough labor for my crop. >> reporter: hutchinson says up to a third of his crop is likely to rot on the vine if he can't find workers. >> i stand to lose my house, my land. >> they want to encourage ex-convicts and those with community service sentences to fill the jobs in the field. >> i wouldn't hire anybody on my field that was dangerous. >> to bring in our business news
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correspondent alison kosik into the conversation to give us a sense of how this law is impacting people. we already know, we've seen it's scaring off immigrants and farmers across georgia don't have enough workers to harvest their crops. what kind of situation are we dealing with here? >> it's exactly what you said. when you look closer at the numbers, they're stunning. these forme efarmers are gettino 70% fewer workers. no one will be working the fields. these crops will die. one farmer says he's lost 60% of his squash plants and 40% of his pepper crops. the next planting is in august. some farmers are considering not spending anything. >> what does this mean for the price of groceries? >> you know what, believe it or not, the georgia growers association says it won't have an impact on pricing.
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that's the silver lining. fruits and vegetables are plentiful in the summer so prices typically drop. instead, the crop is going to stay the same, the prices will, too. as for the rest of the country, georgia isn't one of the top food producers. it really shouldn't have a big effect on pricing. suzanne? >> is it possible for those who -- the farm laborers already working, can they work overtime to make up the difference here? >> you know, we talked with the georgia growers association. they say not really. you think about it. this is back-breaking work out there. most of these laborers are already working long hours, long ten-hour days. it's hard to work more and come in the next day and do it all over again. as you mentioned, georgia governor wants to fill the void with criminals who are on probation. georgia growers association is open to that but they say they just need to have some kind of skill or be willing to learn and willing to work hard. suzanne? >> thank you. obviously the law hasn't gone
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into effect yet but is impacting the community. >> scaring them off. >> thank you, have a great weekend. atfs under fire, thousands of american-made guns are smuggled into mexico as u.s. agents stand by. find out why doing nothing to stop it was in fact part of the job. second choice, waste in afghanistan. the u.s. spends $300 million to build this power plant in kabul but it sits idle most of the day. hear why and other examples of money wasted in afghanistan. and third, breaking diplomatic bar years by breaking boards. how tae kwon do helped break the ice for north koreans visiting new york. text 1 for atf under fire, 2 for afghanistan waste or 3 for breaking bar years. the winning story will air in the next hour. have you ever wondered what
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happened to the bar of soap you may have used once or twice after you check out of the hotel? odds are it's simply going to be thrown away, right? not if this week's cnn hero can help it. he recycles them to help save lives around the world. >> a child of war can be simply described as a kid caught between a rock and a hard place. it's finding all your pieces and trying to put them back together. i have something in common with these kids. you wake up every morning thinking i just want to survive. sanitation is a priority. we have about 2 million kids that die of sanitation issues, mainly because they don't wash their hands. i'm derreck keyongo. i help people fight disease with sanitation. do you have soap for me? this is great.
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>> the issue is not the soap, it's cost. can they afford it? 800 million bags of soap that the hotels throw away in the u.s. alone every year. we're able to get a lot of soap which we can process and make brand new. we clean it, mold it and cut it into bars, box it and ship it. >> welcome. welcome. >> being here in kenya at this orphanage is coming with good news. it's very important for them to have the bar of soap and use it so they can fight off disease. >> those are clean. that's very good. >> to know that they have a sense of hope and joy is remarkable. do i feel like i'm having an impact on them? yeah, i think so. >> derreck and his volunteers
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have distributed more than 100,000 free bars of soap to nine countries. remember, every cnn hero is chosen from people you tell us about. to nominate someone you think is changing the world, go to cnnhere the battle for gay rights in the spotlight in new york. the state senate is debating a bill that would legalize same-sex marriage. should the states or federal government be deciding this issue? >> i think across the board would be nice. so people wouldn't have to travel to different places in order to -- just to be happy or to be with someone they love. what is that? it's you! it's me? alright emma, i know it's not your favorite but it's time for your medicine, okay? you ready? one, two, three.
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and i love the great new taste. [ female announcer ] boost has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to help keep bones strong and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. and boost has the taste that's preferred. your favorite patient is here! [ dad ] i choose being strong and active. i choose new and improved boost. with new extra-strength bayer advanced aspirin. it has microparticles, enters the bloodstream faster and rushes relief to the site of pain. it's clinically proven to relieve pain twice as fast. new bayer advanced aspirin. with diabetes, it's tough to keep life balanced. i don't always have time to eat like i should. and the more i focus on everything else, the less time i have to take care of me. that's why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes, which can help lower a1c. glucerna products help me keep everything balanced. [ golf clubs clanking ] [ husband ] i'm good! well, almost everything. [ male announcer ] glucerna. delicious shakes and bars. helping people with diabetes find balance.
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here's a rundown, some of the stories we are working on. next, the battle over same-sex marriage heats up in new york as it gets closer to legalizing it. why people who support state's rights are conflicted over this. then tradition and intimidation keeps them from driving. but today in protest, women in saudi arabia are getting behind the wheel. and at noon, these street battles may be happening in greece but that country's problems are affecting your bottom line. here, right in the united states. we'll explain how. the battle over same-sex
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marriage front and center now in new york. the state senate is debating a bill to legalize those marriages. it passed the state assembly by a comfortable margin. the fight will be tougher in the republican controlled senate where one vote might make a difference. now, that vote could come as early as today. right now, same-sex marriages are legal in the district of columbia and five states. massachusetts, connecticut, iowa, vermont and new hampshire. now, the issue is unsettled in california. federal appeals court is deciding whether the state's ban on same-sex marriages is constitutional. cnn's senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin is on the phone from new york to give us insight into same-sex marriages and states rights. a complicated issue, jeffrey. first of all we saw the republican candidates overwhelmingly arguing in the debate monday night. despite their positions on individual states' rights there has to be uniformity on same-sex marriage, a federal standard or a definition. take a listen to what they said.
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>> i support a constitutional amendment to define marriage as between a man and a woman. i was the co-author of the state in minnesota. >> we should have one law in the country with respect to marriage. >> i do support a constitutional amendment on marriage between a man and a woman but i would not be going into this state to overturn their state law. >> jeff, do they have a point? does there need to be uniformity on this basic right? >> well, historically, there has not been federal uniformity on marriage. in fact, marriage has been one of the subjects that is very much reserved to the state in terms of how it's administered. issues like what age you can get married, how close a relative you can marry. all the states have individual laws on that and that has traditionally been thought of as a state responsibility. now, the republican candidates can certainly propose national
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constitutional amendments on the subject and those would be binding but that would be different from how marriage is usually been handled. >> and jeffrey in some states, same-sex marriage is not recognized, so couples can cross state lines and have their unions deemed meaningless essentially. how does it impact same-sex couple couples hired or looked at in another state. >> the defensive marriage act says states that don't have same-sex marriage don't have to recognize marriages in states that do. and most importantly, it says that the federal government doesn't have to recognize same-sex marriage. there is a case that's in the appeals court now where that's been challenged. where the plaintiffs who are massachusetts same-sex couple
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are claiming that the defensive marriage act is unconstitutional and their cause has been joined by the obama administration. at the moment, as long as the defensive marriage act is good law as it remains, states don't have to recognize other states same-sex marriages. >> the latest cnn opinion research poll shows a slight majority of americans, 51% say same-sex marriages should be recognized as valid. there are 47% who disagree. public opinion on this issue seems to be changing here, particularly among young people. is the law behind basically trying to play catch up to what is taking place in this -- in society? >> certainly the polls have moved very dramatically on this. you know, in the mid-'90s, the poll showed two-to-one opposition to same-sex marriage. now it appears that same-sex
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marriage is slightly ahead. but you know, the forum here is state legislatures. and so far, new york which is a pretty liberal state where polls show considerable majority support for same-sex marriage, the state legislature has not voted it yet. that may change as early as today but, you know, we're not governed by polls. we're governed by courts and legislators. they have not moved on this issue apparently as fast as public opinion has. >> okay. jeffrey toobin, thank you very much. >> celebrities are a big part of the mix in the fight over same-sex marriages in new york. their goal essentially swaying public opinion. >> imam ma thurman. >> i'm michael strahan. >> as a defensive end for the new york giants i always played the game tough but fair. i feel it's unfair to stop
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committed couples from being married. >> among the opponents of same-sex marriage, former new york giants football player david tyree who spoke with cnn's kyra phillips earlier in the newsroom. >> there are many same-sex marriages and relationships that have a very happy home and are raising very successful children. >> that doesn't mean it's natural. >> i'm still -- i still am trying to understand what you mean by it not being natural. >> i don't understand what's difficult. a man and a woman are actually come together to pro-create. a man and a man will never pro-create. >> tyree is well known to new yorkers for his catch in the closing seconds of super bowl xlii three years ago. the fight for gay rights around the world gets a major boost from the united nations. the u.n. human rights council has passed a resolution supporting equal rights for all people regardless of sexual
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orientati orientation. that's the first ever resolution bit u.n. the united states was a key backer of the measure. south africa introduced it, despite strong opposition from y deaf t rock star. ♪ i want to rock 'n' roll all night ♪ ♪ and party every day [ male announcer ] great tasting tap water can now come from any faucet anywhere. introducing the brita bottle with the filter inside. oh, just booked a summer vaycay. ooo. sounds pricey? nah, with the summer sale,
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every week we bring you stories about people who have overcome a major medical hurdle and beat the odds. in this week's "human factor" chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta brings you the story of a man born partially deaf who becomes a rock star. ♪ i wanna rock 'n' roll all night ♪ >> to rock 'n' roll all night and party every day. that's always been paul stanley's dream. >> if somebody told me at 58, 59 i'd be running around on stage without a shirt, you know, and in tights and high heels, i would have said what drug are you taking. >> come on and love me. >> reporter: the road to rock stardom as the front man for kiss was difficult.
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few people know it but stanley was born with a condition that should have steered him away from music. >> i had a physical deformity called a mccrocia. >> reporter: one of his inner years, which conveys sound to the brain never developed. figuring out the direction of sound was particularly challenging and he was also born with an underdeveloped outer ear. >> childhood was not fun. >> you decided to grow your hair out. that's become a signature look of you and the band. was that in part because of wanting to hide your ears? >> absolutely. >> you grew your hair out to do that? >> absolutely. >> reporter: strength and a bit of defiance got stanley through the taunting. >> something told me inside i could do music and interestingly being deaf in one ear was not something i saw as a hardship or something that was a hindrance
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at all. >> reporter: eventually offstage hearing loss did become a hindrance. so stanley had surgery. >> basically you take a power drill and aim into the head. >> reporter: surgery was successful. but it does not equal self-acceptance. that stanley learned over time. and by working with kids. >> you talk to kids who have mccrocia. right now they're like i'm getting teased on the play ground, i'm not the rock star. >> how cool is it for them to hear somebody say i was there and look what i did. you can get through this. you'll find out how much something means to you by how hard you're willing to work to overcome it. >> reporter: dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, los angeles. >> good for him. tim pawlenty accused of missing a chance to go after a republican opponent. well, now pawlenty is taking another swing at mitt romney. details in our political ticker update. these sweet honey clustery things have fiber?
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we make cadillacs. don't forget to vote for the choose the news story you'd like to see. vote by texting 22360, text 1 for atf under fire, gun runners smuggle weapons from the u.s. into mexico. the federal agents were told to let them go through.
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text 2 for afghanistan waste, how billions of american dollars invested in community projects in afghanistan ended up wasted. and text 3 for breaking barriers, while martial arts students break boards they're building bridges between north korea and the united states. the winning story will air in the next hour. critics say he missed an opportunity during the republican presidential debate, but now tim pawlenty is taking a swing at opponent mitt romney. mark preston, part of the best political team on television, live from the political desk in washington. hey, mark, what are we hearing from pawlenty now? >> suzanne, on sunday we heard tim pawlenty term a new term call called o eed obamney care.
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tim pawlenty decided to demyrrh. decided not to address it head on. it caught us by surprise. in fact he was widely panned for it. tim pawlenty last night on fox news came out and said, look, i made a mistake. i should have addressed it head on. in fact, tim pawlenty today, suzanne, has a fund-raising e-mail put out where he says that, again, he didn't take the right opportunity to go after mitt romney but he plans to do so going forward. while we saw in the cnn debate that there wasn't a whole lot of jostling or fighting amongst the candidates, perhaps we'll start seeing tim pawlenty and mitt romney arguing over the whole idea of health care. >> mark, we are certainly seeing a battle between romney and the president. there's a new ad, i understand, targeting president obama again? >> yeah, mitt romney trying to focus entirely on the economy has put out a new web video today, where he's attacking president obama and the white house for not doing enough to create jobs right now, talking
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about the unemployment rate at 9.1%. now, it's interesting, suzanne, this is the second video mitt romney has put out in the last week being very critical of president obama on the whole issue of the economy. of course it comes, look, 24 hours after the fact that mitt romney made that, some would say, big gaffe down in florida where he told a bunch of unemployed floridaens that he, too, was unemployed. he's basing his campaign on the economy, he continues to drive that message home this morning. suzanne? >> we'll see if it works. thank you, mark. appreciate it. have a good weekend. for the latest political news, you know where to go, c a night of drinking ends in an embarrassing and expensive mistake. we'll show you what security cameras caught one man doing. ekg hotel bids to find where you can save up to 60% on hotels. * we'll even email you other people's winning bids,
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so you'll know what price to name. *á with new hotel bid alerts, from priceline. i don't always have time to eat like i should. that's why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes, which can help lower a1c. [ male announcer ] glucerna. helping people with diabetes find balance. red lobster like this before. your own complete four-course seafood feast for $15. start with soup, like our hearty new england clam chowder. then enjoy a fresh salad with unlimited cheddar bay biscuits,
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followed by your choice of one of seven entrees, like new shrimp & scallops alfredo, spicy coconut & citrus shrimp, or wood-grilled fresh tilapia. then finish with something sweet, all for just $15. right now at red lobster.
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we've been sounding off on our talk back question. carol costello is here with your responses. >> the talk back question today, can rich politicians relate to ordinary americans? this from cindy. until they're unemployed, lose their home, can't get health insurance or can't afford to pay their bills or lose their
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retirement, they worked all their lives for, there's no way they can relate. this from heidi, yes, if they haven't lost all ability to empathize with fellow human beings. look at jfk. but do they is the real question. this from william. depends on how they got the money but in most cases, no the most cases no they need to be unemployed for a while and their house being foreclosed on to be able to relate to many americans these days. and this from carla. perhaps it depends on where their money came from, given or earned. but the democrats going after this is as ridiculous as romney's bump in the road ad regarding obama. stinks either way. actually, i need to stick around because i understand, suzanne, you have a fascinating story for us. >> we'll see what you think about the story. so i don't know how to put this, but a man who needed to relieve
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himself picked a very bad place to do this. so kgw, she's got the story. take a look. >> here comes our friend. there he is right here. >> the surveillance video then shows the 21-year-old unzipping and urinating in reservoir number one at about 1:30 wednesday morning. >> we ended up catching three of them. >> david shaft with the water bureau spotted him, they shut down the supply. he did not deny that. >> i had a pleasant buzz. i should have known that. >> over the phone he admitted everything. >> it was a split thing, and as soon as i did it, i was like, oh, man, and when i saw the security guards and police pull up, i had no doubt what they were there for. >> they had to drain it. >> more likely than that, a tiny
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bit offerin in almost 8 million gallons of water will not hurt anybody. in this one, i guess i am responding in part to the yuck factor. >> reservoirs is what thousands in east portland is relied on. >> it's chlorinated but before the reservoirs. the water in the reservoirs that you see is literally the water that you drink. >> he could face misdemeanor charges and fines. >> i would not mind paying for it, but i do not have a job now. i do feel bad, and i can do community service. >> it's an unfortunate incident that could have been avoided had he chosen a bush. >> it was nice of him to say i will do community service, because i don't have a job or money to pay for all of this. do you think the city needed to dump 8 million gallons of water
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out because of the incident. >> i don't know. but the man, joshua, he still sounded drunk. didn't he sound wasted? >> but there was a duck. it was swimming around. do you think the duck might have contaminated the water. >> well, i think of a public swimming pool. >> i don't know. they drained it because of one guy. maybe our systems are hardy enough to take it. >> it's impossible for me to believe that this sort of thing has not happened before and they did not catch this person doing it. >> we probably all survived this many times over. but this was captured on the video, so obviously they had to do something about it. >> of course. >> all right. carol, we will have more after the break. >> can't wait!
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♪ [ male announcer ] and just like that, it's here. a new chance for all of us: people, companies, communities to face the challenges yesterday left behind and the ones tomorrow will bring. prudential. bring your challenges. thousands of guns made in america wind up in the hands of mexican criminals because of a controversial federal program. text "2" for afghanistan waste. billions of dollars in
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afghanistan end up wasted. text "3" for breaking barriers. how tae kwon do is helping build a bridge between americans. some courageous women say they have had enough and got enough. they are hitting the streets today in protest and getting behind the wheel. we are joined by muhammad from abu dhabi. how many women are taking part in the protest today? >> it's hard to get accurate number. the government is not commenting and we reached out repeatedly. and the protesters, it looks like 20 women have participated in this. i cannot stress how remarkable this is, in a country as conservative as saudi arabia, and women are prohibited from
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driving, and they are publ publicizing it. and one video was showing a woman fully veiled, and she is speaking to the camera, talking about how nice it is to be able to drive to the supermarket and how difficult it is to live in a country where women cannot run the simplests of errands. women are trying to change the system from within and because of their bravery saying the saudi arabia government has to make a choice and has to lift the restriction so women could drive. the women there participating have had a enough. >> do we have a sense as to whether the woman who's pushing
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for this protest, whether she has been released? >> well, since the woman who you are referring to has been released, she is not speaking to the media, and it's hard to find out whether she is being restricted from talking to the media or what. she was driving in saudi arabia, encouraged and emboldened saudi women. she is the name that keeps coming up when i speak to the women there in saudi arabia. people are grateful for her to rallying everybody to this cause. >> thank you very much. i am suzanne malveaux. debate over same-sex marriage in the spotlight this hour in new york. the senate could vote on a bill
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legalizing those marriages as early as today. it already passed the senate assembly. right now its legal for gays and lesbians to get married in five states and the district of columbia. the united nations human rights council has passed a resolution of equal rights for all people regardless of sexual orientation. the united states was a key backer of that measure. south africa introduced it despite strong opposition from other african countries. believe it or not, a brow broke out today among spectators hoping to get a seat at the casey anthony murder trial. police had to be called in to break up the fight. the defense started day two of its case with testimony from a bug expert, focused on challenging the forensic
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evidence. casey anthony is charged with killing her daughter, caylee anthony. and then the assault on libya has been gone on for three months now and moammar gadhafi still remains in power. in southern china, a disaster brought on by weeks of heavy rain. floodwaters have driven almost 700,000 people from their homes. more than 2 dozen deaths are now reported. the disaster zone covers parts of ten provinces. it's the third round of torrential rains in that region this month. after losing the stanley cup, some brokenhearted vancouver fans lost control wednesday night flipping, torching cars. now, vancouver police are turning to social media to try and identify the worst
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offenders. they are poring over photos of the ruckus posted on facebook. this video, difficult to watch. a sheriff's deputy in florida being dragged by a motorcycle after he tried to cite the driver for speeding. >> during the five seconds, a million thoughts went through my mind. how do i get loose, or if i could hang on for another second maybe i could bring him off the bike with me, but i knew i was doing. >> the deputy was dragged 200 feet before he let go. he ran back to the squad car and was able to track down the motorcyclists at a nearby barbershop. desperate measures to present a financial meltdown in
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greece. the prime minister reshuffled his cabinet. he is pushing for severe financial cuts demanded by the critters. they have held numerous protests across the country. many are worried the economic crisis in greece is going to have a ripple affect around the world and even impacting the united states. so we want to zero in on the crisis, and richard is joining us from london. how does greece impact the american markets, investors directly and indirectly here? >> i will show you exactly how this can work out, suzanne, and give you an idea of what takes place. obviously, greece, a long way from the united states. but in this particular scenario, what we have at the moment are the ripple affect that are going around the world, because the
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core point to remember is greece currently has the lowest sovereign debt rating in the world. obviously, that affects the countries of the european union with the german banks and the french bank but in the united states there is direct and indirect exposure, not only to greece but the other banks. the money market funds buyers of debt and the french banks have also been sold into the u.s. market. the core of this issue, suzanne, is what i would call confidence. the lehman affect. if greece goes down, it's not long before you see exactly those same issues coming all the way around the world. it's confidence, and it's a worry whether or not you believe the other party can pay the
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money back. >> so is this inevitable here? is this the next shoe dropping for the world financial crisis? >> there's one big difference between this and what happened in lehman brothers. lehman brothers it happened on the weekend and took everybody by surprise. the mere fact that you and i are speculating on what a default by greece would look like gives grounds for believing that it won't be that bad if it happens. even tonight, the french german governments believe they reached some sort of accord. make no bones about it, it's going to be messy whichever way it plays out, but at the moment it seems it could be containable. >> so messy, but does that mean we industrial to vest overseas? >> you have no choice to invest overseas, and if you just
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invested on this side of the world, you would have lost out. you have germany growing and southeast asia growing at 8% or 9%. you don't have choice keeping the investments into our markets. the portfolio balance requires domestic and international commodities, and a variety of investments. >> thank you. we hope it gets better. thank you, richard. and here is your chance to talk back. one of the big stories today, republican presidential candidate, mitt romney, coming under fire for comments he made. >> suzanne, it's tough to be one of the guides when you are worth more than $200 million. deserved or not, the rich are not popular right now.
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google "i hate rich people" and see how many articles pop up. mitt romney tried to overcome that with a group of unemployed voters. >> i should tell my story. i am also unemployed. >> i am networking. >> it was a joke. he was joking. but it did not take long for democrats to slam romney for being out of touch. sort of like with then-candidate, george w. bush did to his opponent at the time, john kerry. bush, a wealthy man himself released a campaign ad showing a super rich kerry wind surfing.
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yeah, the wind surfing part of that stung. it's not a blue collar sport. if you are a super rich guy, embrace it. >> part of the beauty of me is that i am very rich. >> so the talk back question today, can rich politicians relate to ordinary americans. >> he was authentic. and that's what voters want, right? >> a little authenticity. yes, and we'll see. this hour on the run down, first restructuring social security. what does the aarp think about it? we'll get an answer. olive oil and strokes. studies suggest that the extra virgin kind may help prevent them. and outside the casey
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anthony trial in florida people are throwing punches to get inside. new video of actress, angelina jolie, in turkey to meet with syrians who have left the chaos behind. buy a pair or donate a pair, the idea behind a shoe company. >> what if i started a shoe company, every time i sold a pair of shoes i gave a paraway, and that way if i can keep selling shoes, these kids will have shoes for the rest of their life. we're going to hike up here, so we'll catch up with you guys. [ indistinct talking and laughter ] whew! i think it's worth it. working with a partner you can trust is always a good decision. massmutual. let our financial professionals help you reach your goals. her morning begins with arthritis pain.
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that's a coffee and two pills. the afternoon tour begins with more pain and more pills. the evening guests arrive. back to sore knees. back to more pills. the day is done but hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. just 2 pills can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lara who chose 2 aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels.
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here is the chance for you
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to choose the news. find out why doing nothing to stop this was in fact part of the job. second choice, waste in afghanistan. the government spends $300 million to build the power plant in kabul. but it sits idle most of the day. third, breaking diplomatic barriers by breaking boards. we will show you how tae kwon do broke the ice for north koreans visiting the united states. text "1" for atf under fire, "2" for afghanistan waste, or "3" for breaking barriers. that will air at the end of the hour. olive oil in your salad? that's a good thing. especially if you are over 65. we are joined by elizabeth cohen
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that says olive oil is a good thing. tell us how much. >> this means it's really terrific, right? even better than we thought. we talked about other kinds of diseases, but here what they did is this study looked at older people that had olive oil in their diet and then some and then a lot. the folks who ate a lot, like several times a day in salads or cooked with it, they had a 41% decreased risk of having a stroke. it's a huge decrease. it seems to be based on what they ate. >> that's fantastic. i love olive oil, by the way. are there other benefits? >> people also tend to have fewer heart attacks and less of certificate types of cancers and get alzheimer's less often. you can't go wrong. it's calories, so you wouldn't want to guzle it.
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>> what is good about it? >> the good fats are in olive oil and nuts and avocados and other foods, and then you get the not so good fats in butter, margarine and red meat. that's the division. >> i am going to make a salad when we get out of here. have a good weekend. the streets of compton, california, known for gangs and crime. but one church found a musical way to help get young people back on track. randi kaye has a story in this week's "what matters" segment. ♪ >> reporter: voices of destiny is not an average church choir. it's based in compton, california. this group is using the power of music to change their lives.
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and they're young. everybody is under 30. >> at the time that we started voices of destiny the crime rate in compton was out of control. i had buried in that year alone over 35 young men. i needed a choir that they could feel like they belonged to and they could call their own. >> reporter: pastor michael fisher started choices of destiny in 2005 when he took over the pulpit from his father. he was 25. >> i looked around and saw that there was nobody in the audience that was my age. >> reporter: now the choir has 60 members, and they recently won the title best choir in america during a composition in washington, d.c. but the real reward is the impact on its members. >> before i joined voices of
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destiny i was on a road to failure. >> reporter: for this 19-year-old, the church and the choir gave her a reason to live. >> they were like family to me. i was able to express myself when i was with them. i did not have to be somebody else. >> reporter: once on the verge of failing school, she now studies criminal justice in college. >> the choir is open to everybody who is willing to excel forward. if you join, you can sing, i don't have a problem with that. you have to come ready to say i am going to make a change to my life. >> reporter: randi kaye, cnn. [ female announcer ] you've never had red lobster like this before. your own complete four-course seafood feast for $15. start with soup, like our hearty new england clam chowder. then enjoy a fresh salad with unlimited cheddar bay biscuits,
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followed by your choice of one of seven entrees, like new shrimp & scallops alfredo, spicy coconut & citrus shrimp, or wood-grilled fresh tilapia. then finish with something sweet, all for just $15. right now at red lobster. [ kimberly ] the university gave me the knowledge to make a difference in peoples' lives. [ carrie ] you're studying how to be an effective leader. [ cherie ] you're dealing with professionals,
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teaching things that they were doing everyday. [ kimberly ] i manage a network of over a thousand nurses. [ carrie ] i helped turn an at-risk school into an award-winning school. [ cherie ] i'm responsible for the largest urban renewal project in utah. [ kimberly ] and university of phoenix made it possible. learn more at
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> it's at the heart of republican congressman ryan's plan to manage the budget. how do america's retirees feel about this plan? an article says the aarp, as we know it, a very powerful lobby group for older americans is now willing to change the long-standing position in cutting social security benefits. well, a spokesperson for aarp tells us that nothing has changed.
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the wall street journal got it wrong. we're joined by the legislative spokesperson for the aarp. spell it out for us. which one is it, is aarp promoting and willing to cut social security benefits? >> well, aarp remains very strongly supportive of skoeshl security and our position has not changed. >> how does this happen? there are quotes, the long-time policy chief saying that the ship was sailing and i wanted to be at wheel when this happens, and it's inevitable, and make changes and cuts to social security benefits in order to promote a balance budget. >> we have two different debates going on. one is a debate we're having in congress to balance the budget and cut back the deficit.
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we are opposed to any cuts to the social security. social security is a separately financed program. we need to keep social security strong for the future. we think we need to have a separate debate on social security and strengthen social security for the long term. we are adamant that any changes we make to social security should be the strengthen it. >> if it's not cuts in social security benefits, what are you talking about? >> well, everybody knows we need to look at a package of different changes to social security to make it strong for the long term. we have more people older and living longer, so we need to make changes. everybody recognizes that. and we're willing to talk about a package of changes that will keep social security strong. >> what kind of changes are you talking about? help us to understand this. >> there are a number of options people talked about, from changing the benefit structure to raising retirement ages to
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raising the amount of money contributed to social security. what we need to do is have a big conversation, not with our own members but with the american public about these changes. we need to make sure that the financing is there to maintain current benefits and that's what we're going to be fighting for. we're willing to have a conversation with the public on how to do that. >> is aarp promoting raising the retirement age? >> the retirement age is 66 and scheduled to go to 67. there are many problems with raising the age, and in particular, there are not jobs for older people and there is age discrimination in the workforce. you cannot say we're going to raise the age without their being jobs available. that's just a massive benefit cut for people. but that's an option on the table and we're willing to talk about it along with other options. >> in the wall street article, they talk about that these are
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ideas, cutting the benefits, these are ideas coming from the board of the organization, the board of the organization is out of touch with its membership, some 37 million members should just don't agree. is there a split within your organization? is there a debate with the board on one side and the members on the other whether or not there should be cuts in social security benefits? >> what our board is looking at is all these different options and looking at the impact of these options on the population. and there is a great deal of reluctance to change social security because of the importance to people. and the board is trying to find out exactly where the membership is and what kind of changes we can make to keep it strong. as we look forward, what we see is people living longer, health costs going up and home values are dropping and retirements and pensions are shrinking. social security will be just as important or more important as it is today and we're committed
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to keeping social security strong. >> thank you for coming on and clarifying this point. want to tell your viewers, we have reached out to the "wall street journal" to get their take on this as well. clearly they are defending and standing by the article as it has been written before the aarp taking major exception to what they have been reporting today. there's a new report that shows millions of americans don't even have enough money to retire comfortably. learn how to calculate how much you need to save for life after a career. it's salonpas. this is the relief i've been looking for. salonpas has 2 powerful pain fighting ingredients that work for up to 12 hours. and my pharmacist told me it's the only otc pain patch approved for sale using the same rigorous clinical testing that's required for prescription pain medications. proven. powerful. safe. salonpas.
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it was in my sister's neighborhood. i told you it was perfect for you guys. literally across the street from her sister. [ banker ] but someone else bought it before they could get their offer together. we really missed a great opportunity -- dodged a bullet there. [ banker ] so we talked to them about the wells fargo priority buyer preapproval. it lets people know that you are a serious buyer because you've been credit-approved. we got everything in order so that we can move
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on the next place we found. which was clear on the other side of town. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when you're ready to move. everybody is worried about the retirement savings these days especially as the election season heats up and politicians are starting to debate what to do with programs like social security. alison, break down what you need to know about nest eggs. i understand most of us don't have nearly enough saved for retirement. is that right? >> we don't. it is right. we have our heads in the sands about this. a survey by wells fargo show americans are worried about it, and they need to be a little more worried based on what they responded in this. they will need to put away $300,000 for their retirement, but reality is they say they only saved 30,000.
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and the median retirement of americans, their savings was $29,000. on average, americans between 36 and 62 years of age are only short $47,000 each on their retirement. no wonder that almost 3 million americans plan to work through their retirement issues. >> $47,000 seems like a lot to me. how would you calculate, alison, just how much you need for your retirement to save to retire? >> that's really the open question, because that really varies. it's based on a bunch of factors. if there is anything clear in the survey, americans don't know how much they need. the best thing you can do is consult your financial adviser. can you do research on your own. go to and click on work and retirement and then click on retirement planning. what you can do is find your way
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to the retirement calculator on there. that will tell you how much you need to be saving based on your age and income and a wealth of other factors. speaking of investments, let's take a look at stocks right now. the dow up 62 points. getting positive signs out of greece that it's getting closer to hammering out a second bailout from the european union. the dow could wind up posting a gain. here's a rundown on some of the stories we're working on next. a brawl outside the casey anthony trial. plus the latest war of words inside the courtroom. and angelina jolie does her part to shed light on the refugee crisis in syria. a man goes on vacation and she has children without shoes walking the streets and how that moment changed his life and launched an amazing company.
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this is day two of the defense in the trial of casey anthony. the mother is accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter, caylee. the drama started before the testimony began. police respondsed to a brawl outside the courthouse. the fight was among the people lined up to get one of the 50 seats in the courtroom. richard herman. thank you for joining us. the prosecutor was furious with the defense yesterday after the defense asked an fbi agent about a paternity dna test on the 2-year-old child. what was that about? >> well the prosecutor was upset because george and lee had already been ruled out as potential fathers for caylee, so
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he felt the question was done to further advance the theory that baez is trying to show and put that in front of the jury yesterday, which baez effectively did. and too bad for the prosecutor. baez is fighting for her life. they're looking to kill her, suzanne. so that was okay, and that's how things are done in the trenches. if you think it was bad faith, how bad faith was it to put a smiling casey next to her daughter smiling and then all of a sudden have that face turn into a skeleton. that was ridiculous. it's all -- always fair in love and war here, and this is war. >> this is clearly war. do you think that that was a part of the strategy, a defense strategy to muddy the waters? >> well, that's what is going on with the forensic experts the defense is bringing up. they are trying to give the jury
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a second opinion on the forensic evidence and findings from the prosecution's experts. that's why they can say the prosecution's experts said this, and ours said this, who do you believe? if you are not sure, then you must acquit. >> so richard, as a defense attorney, how would you defend casey in this situation? what could you possibly put out there? >> i would absolutely hammer against the forensic evidence. i would try to punch holes in all the testimony, including dr. voss, and i would not under any circumstances put casey anthony on the witness stand. if they do that, she will be
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convicted and put to death. he has to abandon the sexual abuse. that's it. get away from it. he can't prove it. it's going nowhere. hammer away at the forensics, and maybe you can get one or two jurors to listen to the jury instructions and say the state has not proven their case beyond a reasonable doubt. >> it will be interesting to watch if in fact casey takes the stand. that's one of the things everybody will look out for. we will keep watch on that. can you watch you, richard, tomorrow on cnn at noon eastern, along with eavy freedman. they are following every day tail of the murder trial. an amazing case. new protests against the government of syria. people taking to the streets
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inside and outside the country. a live report from the syrian turkish border. [ male announcer ] look at this, bridgestone is using natural rubber, researching ways to enhance its quality and performance, and making their factories more environmentally friendly. producing products that save on fuel and emissions, and some that can be reused again. ♪ and promoting eco-friendly and safety driving campaigns. ♪ one team. one planet. bridgestone.
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don't forget to vote to choose the news, the story you would like to see. text "1" for atf under fire. thousands of guns made in american wind up in the hands of mexican criminals because of a federal program. text "2" on afghanistan waste.
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billions of american dollars vested in community projects and are wasted. text "3" for breaking barriers, how tae kwon do is building bridges between north koreans and americans. the winning story will air at the end of the hour. we're getting this video in of an anti-government demonstration that is taking place in syria. opposition activist posted this online from one of several cities where people are defiantly taking to the streets. the crowd is demanding the overthrow of the government. they are chanting leave, leave. cnn's aur wau dana is monitoring the situation. thank you for being here. a lot of attention on what is taking place there. demonstrations and these folks
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risking their lives by taking to the streets against the government. there has been a bloody crackdown against these protesters. what is taking place today? >> reporter: well, tragically the scenes we have seen today have been the status quo since the up rising began. every single friday the masses do take to the streets following friday prayers. there have been casualties in some cases, according to activists because of the security forces using a lethal firing to quail the voices of the decent. while this has been taking place, we have also been hearing from activist of the military crackdown, especially the ones in the northwestern part of the country. remember it was that crackdown that led to the massive influx
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of refugees from syria to turkey. literally, many are fearing if security forces came across them they would be massacred. >> and angelina jolie met with some of the syrian refugees that fled the crackdown. do you have any details on the mission as the u.n.'s goodwill ambassador? >> reporter: she does come here in that capacity, and you can hear the clin king behind me as the turkish authorities are removing some of the barricades. the camp here was a cigarette tobacco factory, and the warehouse has been converted into where they put tents there. angelina jolie spent two hours speaking with them, and prior to her arrival there was a small
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demonstration inside, people thanking turkey for their help and begging the united nations to help them. one man was holding up a sign saying, the syrian military is killing its own people. please make it stop. this is a unique opportunity for angelina jolie because the national and international media have not been allowed inside the camp, and there were some children who managed to scramble underneath a tarp that has been set up around the camp, and they were holding up a sign saying stop killing the children. >> thank you for shining a spotlight on the serious humanitarian crisis. well, this next guy has sole. bill clinton is a fan. we will talk to the founder of
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tom's that have put shoes on more than a million children in the developing world.
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don't forget to choose news. your winning story will air in a few moments. text "1" for atf under fire. guns wind up in the hands of mex cup criminals because of a controversial u.s. program. text "2" for afghan waste.
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the billions vested in much began stan ended up wasted. text "3" for breaking barriers. how tae kwon do is building bridges between north koreans and americans. it's a shoe company with a mission, to put shoes on the feet of impoverished children living in the world. and the folks at tom's have done just that. it's a unique business model. you buy a pair of tom's and they donate to a pair to a child in need. now the company is taking its plan one step further. i am joined by blake mycoskie, founder of tom's shoes. i got a pair here. they are comfortable. tell us how you came up with this idea for your company. how does this work? >> originally i was down in argentina on vacation, and i met volunteers helping kids get shoes because they needed shoes so they could go to school.
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every time we sell a pair of shoes we would give a pair away, one for one. so we wanted to make a difference in a child's life. >> why start with shoes? >> originally i was in argentina and that's what i came across, was the fact that there are many kids down there that needed a pair of shoes so they could go to school, because that was part of the uniform requirement. now we are helping people with their vision as well. >> this is a business. it's not a charity. so explain to us how this is working here. the business is 35ing and bill clinton called you one of the most interesting intrapreneurs he ever met, but why not make it a charity instead of having people give money instead of buying something for a company that is making profit? >> yes, i felt it would be more sustainable. the voluntaries that might met in argentina were dependant on
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donations to help kids get shoes. if they did not get the donation they needed that month the children would not get shoes and would not be able to sustain the giving they wanted to do. my idea was if we make it a foreprofit business and compete with other shoe companies, we could sustain the business. >> let's talk about how you are expanding. i know you are now getting into the glasses, vision care. what you are trying to do is provide care in terms of the operations, eye operations and things like that for folks who need it. how is this possible? you have a pair of glasses here, sunglasses you buy for $135. does that support the eye operations we are seeing that are necessary for the young folks? >> yes. one of the things that was so interesting, is i saw that the
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eye care in the third world that is necessary to give somebody prescription glasses or surgery is at a fraction of the cost here in the united states. so we created this pair of sunglasses here with this unique stripe to represent the one for one model. the front republics you the purchaser, and the stripe in the back represents the brightness you are bringing to somebody's life and the stripe in the middle is tom's bringing the two people together. we wanted to find a way to use our one for one model to help people give sight the same way they helped with shoes. >> blake. thank you. these shoes are very comfortable. i have been wearing them. should i wear socks with these? >> no, probably not in atlanta. wearing it without socks would be more comfortable. >> your website is, and go ahead and purchase these items. the money, obviously, will go
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for charity, for a great cause. blake, thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. >> we're getting a lot of responses to today's talk back question. can rich politicians relate to ordinary americans. david says i do not believe they can directly relate to the average american. however, depending on their rags to riches story, they can sympathize. carol costello is up with more of your responses. but first here is free money advice from our help desk. >> time now for the help desk where we get answers to your financial questions. joining me is the a senior financial analysts from, and then the founder of here is the first question. >> it's probably a real estate agent whose best prepared to help somebody to negotiate a short sale and deal with the process when it comes to your
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banks. there is a lot of real estate agents who specialize in this. if you go through an organization like the national association of realtors for example they will point you in the right direction and search for an agent who specializes in foreclosures. the banks looking for the package the short sale offer in the right way. the real estate agent is the person on help you do that. >> jessica in florida says my husband works for a family owned small business. he loves his company but they do not offer a 401(k). what are his options for pretax retirement savings? >> want to start with a traditional ira. you and your husband can contribute to $5,000 or $6,000 if you are 50 or older.
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his contributions will be tax deductible. if he is a contractor for the company, that opens up other possibilities, like the solo401. >> yeah, the ira is a good one if you can take advantage of it. ♪ you love money ♪ well, you know i love it too ♪ ♪ you love money ♪ well, you know i love it too ♪ ♪ i work so hard at my job
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better for xerox to automate their global invoice process so they can focus on serving their customers. with xerox, you're ready for real business.
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you have been sounding off on the talkback question. carol costello will be up next with your responses, and we'll do that -- oh, now i understand she is with us. carol, are you with us? >> i have always been here, sitting here. but i am here now. >> can you hear us, carol? >> yes, i did. >> tell us what they have to say, carol.
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>> okay. the talkback question of the day. can rich politicians relate to the average american. this from kyle. no, they can't. they are sitting back wondering how they will get more money for their campaign and the average citizen is wondering how they make ends meet. >> and this from carol. no vacations to the beach and eating beans at the end of the month, and no health care because we cannot afford it and no fabulous shoes. relate to us? no way. this from michael. about the best we could hope for is enough of them recognizing the need for a middle class, because they certainly don't want to be the middle class. this from daisy. i don't think we give rich people enough credit. they live a hard life full of tough decisions, dine in the city or flying out for dinner. poor rich people. these were harsh, weren't they?
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>> no sympathy at all. >> no. well, and you can understand why, because a lot of people are in an economic pickle right now and they see no way out at the moment. when some wealthy politician is telling them they know the way out when they have no what it feels like, they wonder. >> yeah, i understand. a tough time for a lot of folks. have a great weekend, carol. it's salonpas. this is the relief i've been looking for. salonpas has 2 powerful pain fighting ingredients that work for up to 12 hours. and my pharmacist told me it's the only otc pain patch approved for sale using the same rigorous clinical testing that's required for prescription pain medications. proven. powerful. safe. salonpas. twenty-five thousand mornings, give or take,
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is all we humans get. we spend them on treadmills. we spend them in traffic. and if we get lucky, really lucky, it dawns on us to go spend them in a world where a simple sunrise can still be magic. twenty-five thousand mornings. make sure some of them are pure michigan. your trip begins at
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now, your choose the news story. we have today's winner. >> reporter: when border patrol agent brian terry was killed last year near the border, two guns were recovered from nearby and chased. it turned out the tab back yoe and firearms allowed the gun to wipds up in the hands of criminals. >> i was flabbergasted. i did not believe it at first. >> three whistle blowing agents say supervisors did not allow them to intercept weapons bought by so-called straw buyers for cartels and criminals. the goal was to wait until the weapons surfaced at crime scenes in mexico and bring down the entire arms trafficking soe
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organization. but that was a mistake. >> we were not giving guns to people who were hunting bears, but they were killing other humans. >> we sat idly by watching and tracking and noting as he became a more efficient predator. >> the program was authorized at the highest levels of the justice department. >> we're investigating you, your organization. we want to know what bad judgment led to allowing this program at the highest levels? >> justice department official says he was unable to say who authorized the program but the attorney general wants to get to the bottom of it and the department's inspector general is investigating. he backtracked from the earlier statements that the agency made


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