tv Piers Morgan Tonight CNN June 17, 2011 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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that stuff. >> we'll see. james traub, fascinating. critically important article in foreign about changing perspectives of republican candidates on foreign policy. thank you for being with us. thank you for joining us "in the arena" tonight. enjoy your weekend. good night from new york. "piers morgan tonight" starts right now. any list of hollywood power couples would have to include brad pitt and angelina jolie, tonight, jada pinkett smith on her career. >> i love acting and directing and producing and love being a mother and a wife. if i had to choose one, put me in the crazy house. >> a marriage. >> you have the power to make the number one movie star in the world just abandon schedule for his wife. that's the real power. >> that's love. >> and her family values. >> will and i have a lot of
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support and have a lot of knowledge that we can give our kids some life lessons and they can be safe. >> and then steve harvey who is a very funny man with some very serious opinions on relationships. >> hey, man, let me tell you the truth, if i understood women and could write that book, i would be a millionaire. real men do what they say they're going to do. >> this is "piers morgan tonight." >> there is almost nothing that jada pinkett smith can't do. actress, singer, producer, director, author, businesswoman, but on top of all that wife and mother to a superstar family. jada joins me now. how on earth do you do so much? >> i just put one foot in front of the other and keep it moving.
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if i think about it, then i'll get overwhelmed. >> what i like about it is i get the sense from both you and will that it's all about your background or where you came from. the work ethic comes from not having anything when you were young. >> absolutely. absolu absolutely. >> now you have the chance to do all this stuff. it must be, a, very exciting but, b, you have that drive because you know where you came from. >> absolutely. i think benjamin franklin talked about that, you know, how children who are brought up without much really have the best work ethic, but you know, for me, i'm so blessed to be able to do what i love to do as well, you know. >> what do you like doing most? put family aside for one moment, professionally, if i could offer you the chance to just do one of these things every day. >> my goodness. one? >> what would you choose? what would you get rid of? what's the one thing you love most? >> that's been my curse.
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i can't really find that one thing that keeps me content or happy. i've always wanted to have the ability to do what i want to do and there's so many things i want to do. i love acting. i love directing. i love producing. i love being a wife. if i had to choose one, put me in the crazy house. >> what would your mother say? if i had her sitting here now, what would she say is the thing you enjoy most, do you think? my mother would know. >> she would probably say being a mother. >> right. what about professionally. >> music. >> really? that's interesting. >> yeah. she would say music seeing me on stage. >> sharon osbourne raves about your music. she said you are a rock chick. i find this hard to understand. you seem so apparently nice and
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normal. sort of girl you want to take home to meet your mother. i read all this dark stuff. >> you know, i feel like that's the ying and yang of every personality if you think about it. are any of us one thing really? >> angelic. tell me about -- your mother raised you as a single parent. i know that you had a tough year. your father died and then his mother died and i think your aunt. >> my aunt also passed away. >> three very close members of your family. what was it like for you growing up in a single parent household? >> very hard. very hard. you know, my mother was also very young when she had me. it was like two sisters trying to make it on their own. the environment in which we were growing up in was not easy. so two women trying to protect each other and trying to make it together, it was very difficult. very difficult. >> no money.
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>> we didn't have a lot of money. we weren't broke. my mother is a nurse actually. >> was she as kick ass as you are? >> probably more so. probably more so. it was very tough. >> what did she teach you, your mother, in terms of values? >> i think how to endure. my mother had been through a lot. i just watched her overcome so many demons of her own. she never gave up. she always -- she's such a hero in my eyes in everything that she's been through and i've just watched her over the years just blossom and become. i just learned that life is about enduring. >> that's an interesting word. i never heard someone say that before. life is about enduring. i mean, i would imagine there are people who watch this saying what do you have to endure now? >> i would say i still have my demons. i still have my demons from my childhood.
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>> like what? >> you know, i have my own issues of abandonment, you know. >> from your father? >> from father and being raised by a young mother who was really trying to find her way as well as having this little girl by her side. all kinds of issues come up with that. i sure have a lot of daddy issues. >> tell me about him. >> he's a very unique man i must say. he wasn't a great father. i must say he was an incredibly interesting, unique man. i really admired him. i think that a lot of my gifts and my talents have come from him. you know, he wasn't a great dad but he was a cool guy. >> did he get better as you got older or not? >> i would say before he passed we had an opportunity to find a common ground. we really did. we found a common ground.
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i don't know if we come complete understanding. >> did you forgive him? >> i forgive him now. i forgive him now. i think once he passed, a lot of things fell upon me when he passed away. a lot of revelations came to me. it's so sad that it takes death, fierce revelation to hit you. i wish before he had passed we could have had a more solidified reconciliation, but we didn't. i must say that now i do forgive him. >> what do you think you get from him in terms of your personality? >> my creative mind. i would say my contemplative way of thinking. my courage to step outside of the box and do things that, you know, that are unlikely. he was that character.
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people would say your dad is far out. i think i get a little bit of my far outness probably most of my far outness for sure. >> from your mother, what does she make of this fairly absurd way that your life has turned from those early days? >> i think she's amazed. it doesn't stop. >> does she worry about you? >> she worries when i work too hard. you know, just recently she was, like, okay this is getting ridiculous. i'm calling the producers. so sometimes she gets a little concerned about that. she really enjoys, you know, what i do and what the family does. i mean, it's a dream. >> i want to play a clip, and i want to ask what your mother thinks of it given she used to be a nurse. let's watch this.
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>> hello. you sure you got the right number? >> i make this meeting quick. >> i miss you already. >> it's only been five hours. i miss you like crazy. >> all right. because i'm going to take a hot bath and i suggest you get home before it gets cold because that's when you miss out. >> you just make sure you keep my side of the bed warm. >> what's mine is -- >> it all happens on this show, doesn't it? explosions, pregnancy. >> attacks. >> and some rather steamy love scenes go on i've noticed. >> yeah. >> what does a certain other man in your life, the one sitting opposite you now, what does he make of all this? i happen to know that he's literally ten feet away watching this. >> he's around here somewhere. it's part of what we do. >> i could not watch my wife do a love scene. >> it's interesting.
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>> he produces this with you, right? >> yeah, he does. >> is he there? is he in the room? >> no. we don't do that. sitting there watching the monitor, no. cut. jada, what you need to do -- no, wi we don't do that. having a partner in the industry as well, you know what love scenes are. there's no romance going on. >> the reality is how much of them end up having these steamy flings for real with their co-stars? answer is a lot. i'm doing the math here. that's why if i was in either of your positions watching this, i would be, you know -- >> i get that. you just have to have trust. you really do. you have to have trust. >> can you watch him do it? >> i can. >> really? >> i really can. but i'm a different creature in that way as well. i'm always the one, like,
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listen, you better -- don't show me. let them see what you got, all right. don't play with it. that's always me. >> we're going to take a break. when we come back, i want to talk to you about your marriage. what i liked about it is the fact that you were flabbergasted you got married any way and then you are more flabbergasted it has lasted 14 years and you still seem redickously in love. i need to know this secret. we all do. >> okay. are you going to ask me when we come back? >> when we come back. you have time to think about it. [ male announcer ] breathe, socket. just breathe. we know it's intimidating. instant torque. top speed of 100 miles an hour. that's one serious machine. but you can do this. any socket can. the volt only needs about a buck fifty worth of charge a day, and for longer trips, it can use gas. so get psyched. this is a big step up from the leafblower. chevrolet volt. the 2011 north american car of the year.
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one reporter described you as hip-hop but hard rock. artistic but business savvy. assessable but aeons away from the average person's life. what do you think of that? >> i would say that's pretty much on the nose. >> it makes you a fascinating complex character. more than people might think. >> definitely. i hear that a lot. especially in interviews. >> you say we're all the same. >> i do. i hear that a lot. i don't think that -- you know, it's very hard to really get the gist of all that i am. i think a lot of people see me as the mom and a lot of people see me as the nurse on tnt but people don't see who jada is. only my close friends and my husband and my family. >> what don't we know about you that would be the thing to find out?
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>> i think all the different layers, you know. all of the many different interests that i have. how deeply i love. and how committed i am to what i love and my own truths and i don't know if people really know or understand that about me. >> what's interesting is if we just studied you and everything you do, you would be a compelling interview subject any way. it just so happens that you're also married to the most bankable movie star on planet earth, which kind of lifts the whole thing to a ridiculous level. >> right. yeah. >> you didn't make it easy, did you? >> i didn't. i did not. that's one thing about me. i never choose the easy road, you know. i must say that my life with will and the life that we have together is wonderful. but on the other side of that, it's hard to stand next to a man, you know, as powerful as he
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is, you know, just because of being his support and what it takes to support that is a lot. >> i met him for the first time ever about 20 minutes ago. he's exactly how you hope will smith is going to be. he's just a nice, easy, funny guy. obviously incredibly in love with his wife who is there to support you. it was nice to see. you don't see that very often. >> no. he took two days off. i'm only here for two days. he took two days off from "men in black 3" to be here with me and make sure that i'm okay. he knew that i had a rough schedule. i'm going to take off and take care of you. >> you talk about him having power. you have the power to make the number one movie star in the world just abandon schedule for his wife. that's the real power. >> that's love. that's love. >> what made you fall in love with him? >> i would say will came at a time in my life where he saw
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beauty in me that i didn't see in myself at the time. you know, he saw a diamond in the rough and picked me up and blew off the dust and said i'm going to make you shine, girl. >> he did look at that rock. >> exactly. i was going through a really rough time. you know, he created a safe space for me to get healthy and to grow and to find myself. >> how do you keep things -- i keep reading that the pair of you have this fantastic sex life after 14 years of marriage. >> you have to. you know, i know people get so upset about it. >> i don't. i get excited about it. wherever you go, the pair of you, i try to make love, is it true? >> we've made love in some interesting places. >> should i be concerned about my green room? >> you should be. you should be. the thing about it is that i feel like you have to keep
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spontaneity and you have to keep your partner on their toes because once it starts getting into a routine, it's like -- it gets very boring. you give your life to someone. >> as a guy you look at will smith and think fantastic actor, lovely guy. women love him. everybody loves him and now we have to deal with the fact that he's good in bed as well. >> yeah. >> this is a charge sheet. if you've been really critical -- he's sneaking in the room right now. one fault? >> he's a workaholic. >> is that a fault? >> it can be at times. it's not like a crushing fault. you said one thing. i gave you one. i gave you one. >> do you ever have arguments? >> we don't scream at each other. we cut that in the beginning. we're both very passionate
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people. we knew we wouldn't survive screaming at each other. we have our arguments and we have our disagreements and we have our debates and we have our problems. it's not perfect in the sense that we don't have any issues. it's not an easy marriage. >> what is the secret to successful hollywood marriage? with all of the particular pressures flying in. >> friendship. friendship. you have to be friends. and in that have a certain understanding of what is needed. i think that with marriages people have to understand that you have to look at your marriage and understand what is needed in your marriage. not what people think your marriage should be. not what people want your marriage to be. but i have to look at my husband and i have to look at him and look at what he needs as an individual. he has to look at me and see what i need and then we have to
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look at the union and see what the union needs and make decisions based on that. not based on what people think marriage should be. >> who's the boss? >> both of us. i'm going to tell you right now, it's not one or the other. believe you me, okay. i know people -- it's both. >> even as you do that, i'm terrified. i think i know. we'll have a break. when we come back, we'll talk about the fact that not just you two kicking ass in entertainment but your kids as well. we'll talk about them. >> good. >> and their fabulous careers. >> all right. anananananannounce] the network. a living, breathing intelligence that's helping drive the future of business. in here, inventory can be taught to learn. ♪ machines have a voice. ♪ medical history follows you. it's the at&t network -- a network of possibilities...
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>> do you worry about them? i have read your explanation because they are surrounded by so much love and talented people, not just with you but with your friends many of them in the business, if they can't succeed in that environment, where would they given where you and will came from. i guess the obvious question is as you know fame brings with it its own kind of pressures. >> absolutely. >> entertainment and performing. all that kind of thing is a pressurized environment. do you ever get concerned about having the kids go down your route so young? >> it's interesting because when i think about the pressures that i had growing up, you know, living in a drug infested neighborhood, not always having the lights on, not always knowing where my next meal is going to come from, having parents who are addicted to
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drugs. i think i would rather have my kids deal with the pressures in this hollywood platform in a more contained, controlled environment than having had them be confronted with life on that platform and with life there are pressures. there's no getting around it. i actually feel really blessed to have a platform like hollywood where i actually feel like will and i have a lot of support and have a lot of knowledge that we can give our kids some life lessons and they can be safe to a certain degree. >> when i see these young kids, we get criticized for encouraging them to be stars. when you see jackie envengo or someone that is gifted, she me the parents. are they there for them?
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one thing that's obvious about this environment is that both you and will know all of the problems and know all of the pitfalls. >> this is their game. at any time they want to stop, they have our full support. i don't know if willow and jaden want to do this for the rest of their lives. i know they want to do it now. what's interesting about other children who are brought into this hollywood game, i feel like the paradigm gets shifted. the child becomes the bread winner of the family. so they become the adults. they have to make the decisions. adults start relying upon them and they are hiring and firing parents and family members. it will be a long time before jaden smith or willow smith is breadwinner of the smith household. >> i want to be their manager. >> exactly. you know, they still have the ability to remain as children
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who just happen to entertain where i think most children end up make itting more money than their parents and it creates a difficult paradigm for them to live within. >> i have more comfort in my skin and in the world than i did in the 20s. at that age you look for the dude to take care of you and in your 30s you connect with your internal power and i took care of myself and everything else that was to fall into place did. you're about to be 40. >> i'm proud. >> are you? >> i really do. i feel good. i mean, listen, it's inevitable. it's inevitable. >> i didn't like turning 40. >> i actually don't mind it. i really don't. i thought i would have a more difficult time. i think what helped -- >> does it help that you look 25? >> thank you. thank you. they say 40 is the new 30. that's what they say.
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that's how i feel. >> if i pushed it like that he might come on and take control. >> you would probably have to push a little harder than that. i feel good. i really do. i think having had those three deaths in the last year gave me deep reflection on my life and on my blessings and i think that really put everything in perspective. >> how would you most like to be remembered eventually? what's the thing you would be proudest of do you think? >> i don't know. i hope that -- i hope that the people that i've loved remember me as loving them fiercely. my grandmother who raised me, her love is what has carried me
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through so many things. it's what i remember most. i would say it would be how i've loved. you're going to make me cry. don't do it, piers. don't do it. don't make me cry. >> you're moving me when you react like that. i get that. especially in the journey you've come on. it's so extraordinary. you've had these strong women in your life. >> i've before very blessed to have that. i really have. >> it's been a real pleasure to meet you. >> it's been a pleasure to meet you. >> one plug for your show. >> "hawthorne." you have to make sure you tune in to "hawthorne" on tnt 10:00 on tuesdays. >> it's a great show. you're fabulous in it. i loved meeting you. thank you so much. >> my pleasure. >> take care. a seriously funny guy. steve harvey on everything that women need to know about men.
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>> crazy. i didn't really see that coming. >> don't take this personally. i'm a big fan of all your work but why have you become such a popular adviser guru relationship adviser? >> well, to be honest with you, man, that's really not what i am, you know. i wrote these books -- the only thing i really know about is how men think. that's my expertise is how men think. people took the book and they got to put a label on you. they started saying he's a relationship expert. he's a love guru. hey, man, let me tell you the truth. if i understood women and could write that book, i would be a billionaire. i really would. >> obviously you say you've been positioned as the guy that understands how men think. why do you think you represent men? there must be lots of men who don't think like you. >> well, see, when it comes to
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certain things like love, commitment, sex, guys pretty much think the same way. we really do. you can put us in a nutshell. we're guys. we think pretty much the same way. i think what happened was i just one of the guys i decided to be honest about it and just tell women the truth. you know, just say, okay. here it is. this is how we really feel about this. you don't have to like it or agree with it, but this is how we feel about it. >> one of the main reasons you have come on today is not just the book but mentoring program that you have called share, teach and demonstrate the principles of manhood to young men. what are the principles of manhood? >> well, first of all, it's not what is being put out there today in our music and our videos. that's not the only portrayal of manhood but it's given our young people who don't have fathers in our lives the long portrayal of what manhood really is. real men, principles are simple.
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real men go to work. real men have jobs. real men take care of their children. real men are law abiding citizens. real men are god fearing. real men honor women and respect women. that's what manhood is. if you allow for young boys who don't have the proper role models to listen to stuff or have a lot of stuff inundated into their mindset, they'll get the wrong idea and get to thinking that what kind of car you have, what kind of jewelry you wear if you have a star status as a rapper or athlete or something like that, it makes you a man. being those things don't make you not a man but that's not defining. >> is your mentoring program aimed at young black men or wider than that? >> at that was set to be wider than that but because i promote it on my radio show, 97% to 98% of the kids that end up at the program are african-american. >> do you think there is a particular cultural issue with young black men in america right now that needs to be addressed
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and if so, what is it? >> absolutely. it's a huge problem in our community. it's something that is not the government's fault and we can't expect the government to come along and fix this problem. there's a huge segment in our population of young men who are growing up with not enough of the proper male role models in place. and it happens in our community for various numbers of reasons. there's statistic out that there are more african-american young men of college age in prison than in college. okay. that stat right there is alarming. that's something that we can do about it. it is a big problem in our community and it has to be addressed by those of us who are very familiar with the community. >> i want to play you a clip from the mentoring. watch a bit of this.
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>> a very emotional moment there. tell me about your father. >> see, my father was so critical to my existence, man. if it wasn't for my dad, there's no way, man. there's no way i turn out to be who i am today. he offered too much guidance for me. he kept me straight when i was sliding off the path. he kept me, you know, grounded when i wanted to shoot off. my father was just there, man. >> what values did he give you? >> he taught me hard work. if you never do what you say you're going to do, that's going to be rough as a man. >> you say you dedicated your book to beloved mother who taught me my love and faith in god and to my father whose sole
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purpose seemed to be to teach me how to be a man and that combination kept me moving forward even in my darkest days. i miss them so much. i hope i'm making them proud. what do you think they would have made of you, particularly your father, who was this great mentor. what would he have made of what you have made of yourself? >> well, i think my father would be proud of me right now, you know. he would have scolded me a couple times because i made a couple mistakes along the time. >> what would very scolded you for? >> you know, i think a couple relationships he would have wanted me to get it together a little sooner because my mother and father was married for 64 years. you know, that's all i've ever known. i've just known these two people to be married. i always thought of that. >> that's amazing. there's an irony if you don't mind me saying this. in the sense of you being
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portrayed as straight talker, no chaser, you're the love guru but you had two failed marriages. what would you say to yourself? >> it's kind of okay because what i've learned about mistakes and failures is that they're not just complete wipeouts. mistakes and failures are great teachers and failure is the best teacher of them all. i don't know that you can learn any better than when you fail. it's like when i'm on stage, if i'm performing and all of the jokes are working, then that's a cool night but what makes you great is when you go out there and a large portion of the jokes are not working and you learn how to fix them and not get in that situation again. failure became a great teacher for me.
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i think if i had not failed the way i have, if i had not hit my head and made the bumps and bruises, i probably wouldn't know a whole lot of what i'm talking about. >> we're going to take a short break. when we come back, we'll talk to you about those failures and what you think you've learned from them. >> no problem. i like that. at bayer, we've been relieving pain for over 100 years. and today, we're re-inventing aspirin for pain relief. with new extra-strength bayer advanced aspirin.
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breaking news tonight about syria. the obama administration taking the first early steps in preparing a case to indict syria's dictator in the international criminal court. the allegations, human rights abuses. this is amateur video from today in syria. a peaceful protest until it wasn't. we'll talk to syrian human rights activist who said 19 people were killed today alone. the lies that contradict the facts. crime and punishment a crucial day for defense in casey anthony murder trial. caylee anthony's body was stored for a couple days after she was killed before being dumped in the woods. defense called a witness to poke holes in that theory. was the witness convincing? those stories and cross border gun sting gone bad and one u.s.
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>> the note says -- i'll never forget this note. the note says even if there were no planes, trains or buses, i would still walk 100 miles for one of your kisses. >> that was your ex-wife. second ex-wife, mary. that is from the infamous youtube clips. >> you played that one? >> i know that there were bad stuff but that was a nice line. that was the reason they chose it. it was actually kind of reminder of happier times. >> yes. now that same bus, train and automobile i crash into the side of a mountain. just a little different thing right now. >> with all of your experience, how can things go that wrong for a guy who wants to one moment be
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on any train, bus and next moment wants to crash it. how do you think a relationship goes so badly wrong and what do you do when you see the warning signs? if you had time again in that relationship, what would you do differently to try to stop that from happening? >> i don't know that i could because i just think, you know, it was at a bad time for me. i probably should have kept moving at that period in my life. i don't really know that there's anything that i could have did to stop that from happening. it's regretful that it comes down to something like this because, you know, man, when you have a child involved, i think that's harmful way to go about it. people have their own way of dealing with it. i've been divorced for six years. i mean, now is a pretty crazy time to bring up something that you've been feeling. we dealt with it. >> it's a weird sign of the times, isn't it, when an ex-wife
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can go on youtube and make these -- it's just a bit odd. it wouldn't have happened 20 years ago. there was no internet. there was no youtube. >> what's crazy about it, man, is not just for me but there are people who lose their jobs. there are people who lose relationships because there's no policing on the internet. a person internet. a person can get on the internet and say and do anything. >> who doesn't like you. >> it can just be total falsehoods. that's happened with me. and then they lose their job and stuff like that is happening. so i wish there was something that could be done for people. it's too late for me. i mean, it happened to me but i got beyond it. >> what have you changed about yourself? you're now on your third marriage. you seem from everything i've read an heard very happy in your third marriage, almost like you've cracked it finally. is that how you see it? >> exactly, man. i think the difference between now and then is because -- the decision i made this time, i put a lot of faith behind it, you know? i talk about my faith all the
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time, you know? and it's going to be hard to tell the steve harvey story without talking about my faith. >> do you think that you're now married for life? >> oh, yeah. definitely. >> do you you believe inside you this is it? >> definitely. i mean, i have my soul mate, you know? i found what i've been looking for. >> what was it you -- now you've got the benefit of hindsight. and learned the hard way. what was it do you think you were really look for in a woman? >> what i have now. >> which is what? >> i have a woman who wakes up who's completely happy with herself. see, before i thought my job was to make you happy. that's not my job. i'm not that good. i don't have the ability. so what i learned was, i found someone who was happy with themself. and i don't have to wake up to make marjorie happy every day. marjorie wakes up happy. so therefore, marjorie's happy with herself. so now, when i bring my happy
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and her happy to the party, it's a great time. now, do we have difficulties and problems? yeah, man, just like everybody else. but we resolve them differently. we know how to sit down and work through it. she's taught me not to raise my voice. you know, if i raise my voice at my wife she just stops talking to me period. >> really? >> yeah. >> she downs you with silence. >> shuts it down. and you go somewhere and you go, okay. this is crazy. this is crazy. >> we're going to have a short break. when we come back i want to talk to you about what you think men really, really want from a woman. other than what you've just explained. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] thanks to advanced natural gas turbine technology from ge, the power that will help make our nation more energy independent is right here in america. [ crickets chirping ]
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>> steve, you don't have to take me out. just get me a half gal of chunky monkey and give me the remote and some vodka. >> you're a very attractive woman. any man would be proud to have you on his arm. >> then why are my husband and my pool man looking for his and his bathroom towels? >> you know, could have been worse. could have left you for a white woman [ laughter ] >> that was a clip from "the steve harvey show". it ran for six seasons. you're obviously joking there. >> yeah. >> tell me in all your kind of studies for these books and things, is your conclusion that interracial relationships, marriages, should be encouraged or not encouraged? >> well, i mean, for my take on
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everything, i think people should find love, whatever that is. i mean, love doesn't have a color attached to it. so i'm perfectly fine with it. i think it's okay. i think it's a decision that the two people have to make. >> you saw millions -- sold millions of books, a quite astonish, record with these books. you tell women men want three things. they want support, loyalty and sex. and you say the key thing for any woman is the 90-day sex ban. succumb for 90 daze. >> here's the deal, piers. i worked a couple of jobs in my life. 11 of them to be exact before i got into comedy. all of those jobs had a probationary period. ford motor company, lincoln electric, general electric. you had to stay on that job 90 days before this company gave you benefits. before you got dental, health, anything. 90 days. women who have one of the
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greatest benefits of them all, everything that a man wants -- if i tell you a man wants love, support and sex and you possess those three things, why would you give it to a man without knowing everything you could know about this guy? why would you give him the benefits before 90 days, especially if you're looking for a long term commitment. now, look, if you're out at the clubs and you're just doing something for the weekend and you want to have a hot weekend with a guy? do your thing. but if you're looking for a long-term relationship like most companies are looking for like people they employ, they wait 90 days before they give them benefits. >> this issal very laudable, steve, but i have a question for you. as a member of the male species, why the hell would you tell women what we really mean? >> there's nothing in it for you. you're not even going to buy the book. see? [ laughter ] >> the 3 million people that have bought the book, 2 million 999,000 of them have been women.
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[ laughter ] >> so i don't care what y'all think. >> [ laughter ] >> y'all don't even read. and you know, women tell me all the time, "steve, you ought to write a book for men". listen to me. men don't read. when's the last time, piers, you've been in a bubble bath with some candles lit. >> sexy candles? >> yeah. and a book and a glass of wine? >> reading about love and relationships? >> you. >> it's never happened. >> never. it's never going to happen. >> it's never going to happen. >> if you do, that's not your man. >> i love it. steve harvey, you are a genius. >> great interview. loved it, man. thank you, brother. >> that was steve harvey. a fascinating interview. thank you very much. >> you've heard what tatum o'neal says about her father. monday night ryan o'neal responds. and it's quite extraordinary. >> what kind of a man wouldn't be proud of someone who has made all these sacrifices and all this growth
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