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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  June 21, 2011 6:00am-8:00am PDT

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coming. >> thank you. >> "cnn newsroom" starts right now with kyra phillips. >> happy summer. >> that makeover is great. >> i'm sorry. i have visions of kiran in velour shorts. i don't know. that is just like haunting me right now. >> i know. i got to toss them. i don't know what to do about it. >> they are in the back! >> you guys have been carson-ated. i'm kyra phillips. libya says nato air strikes kill innocent civilians. now, it claims to have shot down an allied apache. nato says not so fast. it was an unmanned drone. wrestling the job of his former boss. jon huntsman is specked to announce he is running for president. we will be there live. five days after disgraced congressman anthony weiner announced he will quit. today it becomes official. his resignation letter will be read into the record ending this
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chapter of his cessting scandal. the longest war in u.s. and tomorrow will mark the beginning of the end. president obama due to announce the long awaited details of how many u.s. troops will be leaving afghanistan. right now, nearly 100,000 americans are serving in uniform there. that is twice the number of u.s. troops when president obama took office. last year alone, the war cost americans taxpayers $120 billion. most importantly, more than 1,600 u.s. troops have died in that war. dan lothian at the white house. dan, we just got new information on the president's announcement. i understand. tell me what you've learned. >> reporter: that's right. our pentagon correspondent barbara starr hearing from an administration official source that president obama is expected to announce tomorrow a plan that he has approved to withdraw 30,000 troops, the surge troops from 2009, from afghanistan by the end of 2012. this would still give u.s. commanders enough forces on the
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ground to take part in any combat operation. according to the source, this draw down would be accomplished through those troops returning home not being replaced and also the cancellation of some proposed deployments. again, a word of caution here is that the president, we were told by the white house, is still finalizing his plan and so anything can change before he makes his announcement. the bottom line here, though, is that president obama has always said that his decision would be based on conditions on the ground and the white house says that there have been improvements far beyond just the killing of osama bin laden. >> there has been significant progress in disrupting or halting the momentum of the taliban and significant progress in stabilizing afghanistan and the government to allow afghan national security forces to build up, to train, and prepare for taking over the lead. >> reporter: so, kyra, as you know, there has been this debate, not only within the administration, but also here in
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washington. those who believe that there should be a sharp draw down because of the high cost of war, because of the killing of osama bin laden, awe bbut then the ot side secretary gates among them saying the draw-down should be modest. a lot of concern if there is a sharp draw-down it could set back some of the progress occurring there in afghanistan. >> dan lothian, thanks. less than an hour from now, another republican launches a bid for the white house. jon huntsman is a former governor of utah who once worked in the obama administration. now, he'll try to wrestle the job from his former boss. cnn's jim acosta is in liberty park, new jersey. now, this is huntsman's first big event. he wasn't at the cnn debate or the gop leadership conference in new orleans. >> reporter: that's right. that's right, kyra. the huntsman campaign is quick to say that jon huntsman was ill over the weekend and not able to attend that conference down in new orleans. but he has recovered very
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quickly, you could say, kyra. he is ready to go for this campaign launch. and it is in a familiar spot. you may remember in 1980 this is the spot where ronald reagan launched his successful bid for the white house back in 1980 and jon huntsman is hoping that this works out pretty much the same way for him. he is going to have to overcome a lot of doubts inside the republican party. even though he just started talking about this bid about a month ago, he remains in the single digits in the polls and that is really an uphill challenge for jon huntsman to overcome here in the coming days, but his campaign has released excerpts of his speech. he is specked to go after the president prit hard on the economy on the mounting national debt. i want to share with you an excerpt from the speech released by his campaign this morning. it uses some pretty stark language. it says, quote, we are about to pass down to the next generation a country that is less powerful and less compassionate and less competitive and less confident than the one we got.
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that is totally unacceptable. get this. totally un-american. using some pretty stark language there. jon huntsman will be using in this speech that is going to be delivered here in about than an hour from now. after today, kyra, he goes up to new hampshire which is a critical state for huntsman. it is going to be a tough challenge up there as well. next door to mitt romney's state of massachusetts, obviously. then, tomorrow, he heads down to south carolina which is also going to be a big test for governor huntsman and that is because that is a very, very conservative state and huntsman is being challenged on some of the modern positions he has taken in the past. >> jim acosta, thanks so much. he mentioned huntsman is expected to formally expect to announce his candidacy at the top of the hour. you will see it live in the "cnn newsroom." we know jon huntsman is getting into the race. who else may or may not be running? let's talk to paul steinhauser about that. >> reporter: throw out a name out there george pataki.
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used to be the governor of new york. four years ago he made waves. out in iowa a lot and maybe i thinking about running for the republican presidential nomination but didn't do it. he is back to iowa today. he said he is not running but not ruling anything out. i guess we will keep an eye on george pataki just in case he does decide to change his mind. how about somebody else we have talked about a lot? you and i. that is chris christie, the governor of new jersey. a lot of republicans would love to see him run for the nomination. he keeps saying forget about it, i am not doing. look at these numbers. look at that! men, 53% give him a thumb's up and approve of the job he is doing as governor. gender gap only 37% of women in new jersey approve of the guy their guy is doing as governor. fascinating this gender gap which it comes to chris christie. he is known for the tough talk. >> we have seen the interviews. interesting to see if, indeed, he changes what he has said.
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someone else we haven't talked a lot about but the name is coming up, john mccain. does he have another run in him? >> reporter: for the presidency, maybe not. he ran in 2000. didn't make it all the way. george w. bush did. nominee last time and didn't win the nomination. what about another bid this time around? take a listen to what he said a couple of hours ago on the morning shous. >> they are saying long history in my family but not so severe to make me want to jump in again. >> that's the final word then, sir? >> final word. >> reporter: i guess that's a no. he'll stay a senator from arizona. not going to make another run for the republican presidential nomination. >> paul, thanks. your next political update in an hour. always get all of the political news 24/7 at cnn/ before she does that, she stopped off to see one of af ka's most famous leaders.
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zain verjee, how did her meeting go with nelson mandela? >> >> she paid a call to the nelson mandela home. she went and saw his prison disk calendars some of the memories he kept with draft letters. she was there with her mom and daughters and nephew and niece as well. and had a pretty packed schedule today, kyra. the whole trip is actually pretty busy for all of them. the focus really is going to be on promoting youth development, women development, and democracy. so far, she has been a great ambassador for the united states and has been received so well, people are really excited she is there. after this trip, she is going to be going to meet with the president and meet with women's group and, afterwards, relax a little bit and have a good time along with her family and go on a safari. >> what a great trip for the
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girls. what are south africans saying about her trip? mixed reviews, right? >> yeah. the main hash tag is young africa and here is what they are saying. she spent a lot of time meeting with the local youth. one of them, precious coffee said this. from kings to ministers and then myself, mrs. obama gave each individual her undivided attention. another comment is added. saying this. south africa's first ladies should draw inspiration from the first lady. some said they are not sure this trip is necessary. cindy brooks said is mrs. obama's official school kids really necessary when the u.s. is drowning in debt? by and large, kyra, most africans are happy she is there. they love her.
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>> zain, talk more about it. it was a botched government operation to track guns to mexican drug cartels. now the head of the agency responsible may step down. we will talk about it with our investigative reporter drew griffin. and counting down to another candidate at the top of the hour, jon huntsman enters the republican race for the white house and tell you why he is stirring concern with both parties. i'm chef michael, and my dog bailey and i love to hang out in the kitchen. you love the aroma of beef tenderloin, don't you? you inspired a very special dog food. [ female announcer ] chef michael's canine creations. chef inspired. dog desired. you can do this... get the ball, girl. hmmm, you can't do that. but you can do this. bengay pain relief + massage with penetrating nubs plus the powerful pain relief of bengay.
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stories making news across the country. in florida two firefighters have been killed. officials thought the fire was contained but it flared up yesterday. a delta air lines jet returns safely. one passenger rorted seeing flames coming from the side of the engine. talk about diploma disappointment. more than 200 recent graduates in massachusetts will get new diplomas because of a printing error. the head of the atf may resign after operation called fast and furious turned deadly for one of its own.
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it was supposed to take u.s. agents right to the mexican drug cartels but here is the problem. the guns were lost. some of those firearms turned up at the scene of a shoot-out that killed u.s. border agent brian terry. >> brian's attention to detail had ensured that all of the christmas gifts he had meticulously selected for his family had already been bought and sent in the mail prior to his arrival. brian did ultimately come home that christmas. we buried him not far from the house that he was raised in just prior to christmas day. >> drew griffin of cnn's special investigations unit, has been chasing this story. so, i mean, i guess the first question off the bat, what was the government thinking, putting weapons into the hands of cartel members? >> you know, it's such a stupid and absurd program, it's hard to imagine anyone ever thought it was a great idea. here was idea.
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the problem was guns going to fuel the violence of the cartels in mexico. so the atf officials thought if we could track these guns and see where they are going, maybe we can arrest the cartel leaders who are using these guns. the problem they allowed illegal gun purchases made in the u.s. and then the guns literally walked across the border. ak-47s. no way to track them once they were in mexico. and mexico had no idea that the u.s. government was doing this. so mexico wasn't involved in any part of this to attract these guns. it will be the only way you could find out where the guns went literally was to pick them off dead bodies at crime scenes. >> unbelievable. we're not talking about the head of the atf but there had to be a change of command issue too. >> because the sources i've talked, to the atf agents who walked the guns go across to mexico and protested it said this was a major operation. >> atf agents said, wait, this is wrong.
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>> absolutely. >> there were agents that stepped up and said this is -- >> i talked to one atf agent and walked a straw buyer undercover and go into an arizona gun store and buy ten ak-47s. called his boss, do we arrest him now? the answer was, no, watch where he goes. he went across the border. >> more people are going to lose their jobs. no not just the head of the atf? >> this is being pushed by darrell issa, the republican in the house, he wants to know who in the department of justice knew it. its like kenneth melson will take the political fallout for that. will it stop there? a justice department inspector general's investigation going on. eric holder, the attorney general, says he didn't know about it. the people in congress say that really hard to believe. because this was such an intricate and involved to pull
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off and at the time, even though looking back on it saying this was absurd, the atf was excited about this. they thought they were going to score some big name arrests once this operation was over with. >> we are going to stay, obviously, following this and see if the resignation comes today. drew, thanks. good work. >> which ranks the lowest in customer satisfaction? we will tell you after the break. they are all coming out today to mark the summer s solstace. more on the summer break coming up. [ man ] i got this new citi thankyou card
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car crash. they tweeted, quote. police reports didn't blame the crash on drunk driving despite dunn's own tweets that showed him drinking hours earlier. enraged fans want an apology from ebert. zsa zsa gabor is upset after photos released by her husband. she is seen here toasting her husband' 6th husband. they say this is the prince seeking more publicity for himself. are you ready for another hangover in "hangover part 2"
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has made more money than any other r-rated comedy ever. worldwide taken in 5 a billion dollars and talk of a third movie in the franchise. tom hanks will talk about his new movie and what does tom hanks think about president obama and how he is doing? tom hanks tomorrow at 10:40 eastern time. june 21st, the first official day of summer. across the northern hemisphere, folks are celebrating the solstice but the highlights have to be the traditional colorful gathering at stone hedge. zain verjee is in london. have you been there? >> reporter: i'm sorry to say, i have not. i had to work today. so i couldn't watch the sun rise. a huge party there. tens of thousands of people. kyra, when was the last time you partied all night? >> you know what? it's been a long time! probably with you, zain!
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with you, maybe, about, what, eight years ago? >> reporter: yeah, i know. i know. that's what you do at stone hedge, you party all night long and have a fabulous time. look at them having a really good time. sometimes what happens is they clash with each other and then there are riots and police have to come in but it was a lot of fun. june 21st is the official start of the summer season in the northern hemisphere. today at 1:16 p.m. eastern time, the sun is going to be at the highest point in the sky and today is the day that we are going to have the most hours of daylight as well. so that's a pretty good party for a lot of people, but just not you and i. stone hedge is supposed to be cool. 4,000 to 5,000 years old, that place. it's quite the place to visit. >> let's hope nothing tips over. thank you so much, zain. that would be a story! >> reporter: it's been there a few thousand years, you know? >> no issues so far.
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>> reporter: i'm sure it will hold up. >> the only tip is the partiers going on that are tipsy. >> reporter: one of them climbed up to the center. the only time of the year they are allowed this close. usually it's ringed off ped tod. today is the day if you're going to go. the airlines history takes another hit. survey of 47 different industries, 47 are dead last when it comes to customer satisfaction. why are travelers so upset with the airlines? i think that is kind of obvious. alison kosik, should we name everything on the list? >> reporter: where do i start, right? you name it. poor service. really annoying bag fees. the higher ticket prices, not to mention even more bad news on that front. travelocity seeing air fares rising another 10% by thursday and not help the warm and fuzzy feelings for the airlines right now. guess which airlines is rated worse in customer satisfaction? delta and northwest.
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southwest gets top billing, number one. it's had that spot for 18 years now. in the meantime, the same survey finds that travelers are more satisfied with the hotels where they are staying. some of the top rated chains including hilton and marriott and starwood. here is what we like from our hotels. lower rates and more perks like fancy gyms and easier to accumulate the award points and a lot more choices with hotels so we can shop around and get the lowest rate we want. a lesson to the hotels and airlines. travelers value low prices. when you throw in a perk or two every once in a while. >> a perk or two. i'm still waiting for the perk or two. alison, thanks. who is jon huntsman? he is minutes away from becoming the latest republican to run for president. we will take a closer look at why he may also be the most feared by the white house. serious violate crackdown on
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dissidence. did sd it handle iran's handling after that controversial presidential election we will take a look at that coming up. i after that controversial presidential election we will take a look at that coming up. even though i'm a great driver, and he's... not so much. well, for a driver like you, i would recommend our new snapshot discount. this little baby keeps track of your great driving habits, so you can save money. [sighs] amazing. it's like an extra bonus savings. [ cackling ] he's my ride home. how much can the snapshot discount save you? call or click today.
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checking top stories. first lady and her daughters in south africa. mrs. obama just met with former south african president nelson mandela. molotov cocktails tossed on the streets. tensions have been higher in northern ireland lately. fda has announced graphic new warning labels for cigarette packages. one of nine warnings about the dangers of smoking will cover half of the packs now. at the top of the hour, the republican presidential race gets a little more crowded. former utah governor jon huntsman will formally announce his bid for the white house. comes in the backdrop also used by ronald reagan.
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jim acosta is there using it as well and he is in liberty park, new jersey. jim, huntsman has little name recognition but his candidacy is already catching the attention of the white house. >> reporter: it certainly is. i mean, you mentioned the fact that he is going to be standing in the shadow of not only the statue of liberty, but ronald reagan today, when he makes his presidential announcement and what better way to sort of wash away the memory for some conservatives that he was the u.s. bread for china for president obama and some republicans don't like about jon huntsman to be frank with you. he is trying to overcome that and do that in his speech, he hopes in just about 30 minutes from now. he will talk about the economy and the mounting national debt and say if we don't solve both of these problems in future generations, they are not going to have the kind of future that americans enjoy now. and, you know, some of that comes as what of a surprise to the white house. david axelrod, one of the
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president's top political advisers, was talking to candy crowley on "state of the union" on sunday saying if jon huntsman had a problem with our economic policy, why didn't he say something when he was ambassador to china? here is what david axelrod had to say. >> i think he is a very bright fluent person. it was a little surprising to me, because when we were in shanghai, we got a chance to talk and this was the fall of 2009, about what the president was doing. so i was surprised when he emerged as a candidate. >> reporter: now, huntsman' campaign has fired back calling axelr axelrod's comments absurd. what is interesting to see somebody going after his former boss running for the white house. not something you see very often in american political history. but it is something that jon hutsman is going to have to do if he is going to overcome this obama taint that some conservatives see huntsman as having at this point. he is going to try it up in new
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hampshire today and north carolina tomorrow. two big battle grounds no huntsman. >> stay here for huntsman's formal announcement. you can see it live 30 minutes from now in the "cnn newsroom." the longest war in the u.s. history. this morning, we are getting an idea how it is going to end. tomorrow, president obama outline the withdrawal of u.s. troops from afghanistan. an administration official tells cnn the president's plan calls for all 30,000 u.s. surge forces to be out of afghanistan by the end of next year. now right, now about a hundred thousand americans serving in uniform there. the first troops expected to leave next month. not clear how many will be brought home this summer or even by the end of the year. president obama announce the details of his plan tomorrow in a presidential address. when the time is announced we will pass that along and you can see his speech on cnn. iran's influence on syria appears to be growing and u.s. officials now believe tehran is
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aiding syria's harsh crackdown on anti-government protesters. barbara starr has more on this. >> reporter: a u.s. official tells cnn they now have secret intercepts of communications between iran and syria in recent days, pointing to iran's continuing meddling in the situation inside syria, as the violence has mounted in that country on almost a daily basis. official say iran is trying to continue to exert its influence. as you know, iran basically considers syria a satellite state. it's laying gourroundwork if as were to fall from power they have regime with other key players who might take over. the united states state department, the obama administration, hasn't been very specific about what it sees about iran's influence but here is a little bit of what the
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administration did have to say. >> in terms of evidence, it's difficult for me to talk about a lot of that evidence from the podium. i would just say that, you know, when the -- in the executive order that president obama signed, i believe on april 29th, he did cite human rights violations by the iranian revolutionary guard corps. so we believe there is clear evidence that iran is actively helping syria. >> reporter: administration officials say one of the main things they see are members of iran's revolutionary guard corps moving in and out of syria. key iranian officials from that organization going into syria on a continuing basis. what is their speakexpertise? one of the thing is offer expertise in training appear opinion administering official says iranian riot control gear
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is now inside syria. iran, of course, has a lot of expertise in controlling people demonstrating on their streets for their independence. the iranians also have a continuing weapons flow into syria which an administration official says continues to this day unchecked. barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon. president obama has set his views on same-sex marriage are constantly evolving. our next guest says that is not good enough. elsie granderson joins us next. they are creative and kind of creepy. jeanne moos exposes man babies.
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president obama says his views on homosexuality are sxanth constantly evolving. it's in new york and it so happens that is where the state is embroiled in a same-sex marriage tug of war. our weekly contributor writes about this on good to see you. >> good morning. how are you? >> i'm doing well.
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i'm curious. in your opinion, what is keeping president obama from embracing same-sex marriage? >> reporter: i think there's a difference between his public opinion and his private one. the public opinion is the one in which is giving him a little bit more difficulties as he becomes, i guess, more and more gay friendly. it's getting difficult for him to continue to have what i think is, without a question, a wonderful record in terms of gobt rights but then hold on to what is still considered by many conservative view on the definition of marriage. it's getting trickier for him. so he is doing it for political reasons, obviously. but it's getting to the point in which his consciousness, i would think, would start to eat away at him and at some point i anticipate him coming out and saying he is a supporter of gay marriage. >> he is thinking about re-election, he is thinking
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about votes. so is taking on same-sex marriage the best thing for him right now? >> reporter: no. absolutely not. but as i said before, it's getting tricky. he is going to be in manhattan. if marriage equality does not pass in albany, he is going to have a very disappointing crowd, so he is going to have to find a way to keep their spirits up to give him money, while, at the same time, holding on to the mentality that marriage is between a man and a woman. that's a pretty, you know, delicate balance he is going to have to master if it does not pass in new york. >> but he has done a lot for the gay community. more than, would you say -- >> absolutely. >> okay. you can read -- >> absolutely. he has, by far, has done more for the gay community than any other president and that is not to be forgotten. >> we will definitely follow the fund-raiser and see what exactly he says. i know you'll be watching closely. l.z. granderson, great to see you. you can read lz's piece is obama
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ready to support gay marriage at leave a comment for l.z. he loves it. ♪ so why not make it be said that 10,000-1 shot that john isner would meet his opponent in the first round. if you took that bet you're itch rich now. the marathon men are playing today and their match last year lasted more than 11 hours. the final set going 70-68. the court that they played on now is a commemorative plaque by it and they will play on another court today but not center court with its bigger seating capacity and that ticking off ticket holders who want a better chance to see the rematch. the two are friends now and text each other and may doubles later on this year.
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sports is coming up in 15 minutes. storms churned up and dozens of tornadoes in south central nebraska, tossing around train cars and destroying homes. the details are coming up. also the casey anthony murder trial. >> enough is enough. >> a warning from the judge. attorneys for both sides put on notice. a live report from the trial in three minutes. coldwell banker. we never stop moving.
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news across the country. south central nebraska, violent storms knocked over freight trains and stopped play at the college world series. tornadoes like this destroyed more than three homes. more than 30 tornadoes were reported yesterday and thankfully no major injuries. clark county, indiana. a speedway, one car loses control and flies into the crowd of bystanders. four people sent to the hospital after that crash. new new hampshire little league baseball game. kyle steps up to the plate and eyeballs the pitcher and guess what? it's dad who just returned hours earlier from iraq!
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undoubtedly a game he'll never forget. spotlight. back on the morning. the high profile murder trial of casey anthony. the florida mom accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter and the judge caught up with the prosecution and the defense. a live shot of the courtroom in orlando right now. our david mattingly is right there. hoping today has less drama than yesterday, david? >> reporter: that's right. we are already back on track with testimony. we didn't hear any at all yesterday when the judge admonished both sides saying he is fed up with the gamesmanship that is going on here. the prosecution had complained the defense was calling witnesses that the prosecution wasn't prepared for, hadn't deposed and wasn't aware of what kind of expert testimony that was going to be appearing before them, calling it trial by ambush. the judge said, please, no more of that. and if you try that again, i'm not going to allow your witness to take the stand. so any detail can be important in a case like this because it is a circumstantial case.
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no literal smoking gun in this murder case. to give you an idea of what kind of detail we are going through, we are listening to a plant expert right now. a forensic botannist. an expert who be able to look at some of the plant evidence at the crime scene where caylee's body was found to possibly testify for the defense that the body may have been moved and when. so, again, any little detail here could be the game-changer that everyone keeps talking about in a circumstantial case like this. it is all in the details and we're going to be hearing all of them, including apparently at this hour, details about the plants at the crime scene. kyra? david mattingly in orlando, thank you. ash spewing from a volcano in chili is disrupting air travel as far away from australia. you'll see the incredible pictures.
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take a look at the big board. dow industrials up 25 points. stories developing later today, the senate banking committee holds a hearing in the banking industry. that starts at 10:00 eastern. 11:30 nashville entertainer tracy morgan expected to make a public apology for a homophobic
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rant at a comedy club last week. >> the start of summer. the summer solstice begins at 1:16 eastern time. the longest day of the year. let's check in with our zain verjee check in with zain out o london. >> also next hour, hln's robin meade debuts her cd here in the news room. it's called "brand-new day." it's actually where she was singing with kenny chess knee. not on her new album, but i will tell you what, it was pretty good. tomorrow, tom hanks joins me in the justudio, and will talk
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about his new film. that's right here in the studio. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums
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you know, the ones who do such a super job, they're backed by the superguarantee®? only superpages®. wherever you are, wherever you're going, you'll find the super business you need. so next time, let the good guys save the day. get the superguarantee®, only at superpages®. in the book ... on your phone or online. i know this is your beat, but i am making a public plea. i want to talk to jack, and i want him on the show. >> you know, i have to tell you, it's so fun seeing him back. he loves it and is excited.
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he's old school -- >> don't call him old? >> he does things from the book, and we're not talking about a mac book, but the faded one from a different era. they brought mckeon back for the floridas, and sounds like he won't be missed much from home. >> my wife was probably happy to get me out of the house. i miss by buddy, my dog, that's the only one i miss. >> misses the dog and not the wife. mckeon benched shortstop ramirez because he showed up late for the first meeting with mckeon with the team. the marlins did lose their first game last night. and then colliding with
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pujols. he has a fractured left wrist. after the game he took some downs syndrome kids on a fishing trip. and then hudson hits a two-run home run. these were the two runs in the game, and he took the longest jaunt around the bases. you have to do that when you are a hudson and you do not normally get home runs. the sox here. ozzie guillen argued the ball was foul. the catcher gets a kick out of that. guillen gets tossed. the 27th time in his career he gets kicked out. the cubs win the game.
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and then rory mcilroy celebrating. when rory was 15, dad and three buddies went to the bookies and put money on the fact that rory would win before he was a certain age. dad will collect more than $300,000. >> is gambling legal? >> i don't know what the morals are on betting on your 15-year-old kid. he believes in his son, and he has good reason. >> i would like to talk to rory's dad and trader jack. >> for trader jack, he is a bit salty. >> yeah, he can bring his dog,
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too. don't forget the filters and lightning. this technique is the ultimate way to look younger in your photos. you might want to try it. jeanne moos explains. >> reporter: there are family photos and awkward family photos, and then there are these, creepy family photos guaranteed to turn heads by switching heads, keeping it all in the family. but it is creepy, you agree? >> yeah, it is. and the main part about it is that it's real parents, you know. >> reporter: german photographer is better known for fashion and advertising photos but his man baby series was for fun. what do you do with these? >> nothing. >> reporter: he shoots a portrait and then switches the heads, making the dad's head smaller and the kid's head bigger. he's the coach of a famous
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german soccer team. and the genre is called man babies, there are plenty of women babies as well. >> my favorite is probably my wife. >> reporter: his daughter's pacifier is a nice touch. the catch is to get a picture of them not looking so child like. >> there's a website called man babies that has been around for over three years. same concept but a lot less glossy. the german photographer says he never heard of the man babies website until after he did his series. now there's an a swap faces app.
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a >> wow. whoa. >> whoa. >> that ain't no baby, that's a porn star. >> reporter: your no man baby, you're a crybaby. jeanne moos, cnn. it's just before 10:00 a.m. on the east coast and 7:00 a.m. out west. and five days after anthony weiner announced he would resign, today it's official. and then a 19-year-old arrested for hacking sony and the gaming company. sony says the attack costs it more than $170 million. mrs. obama has already
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visited former south african president, nelson mandela. right now, another republican launching a bid for the white house. john huntsman, former governor of utah says that he will try to wrestle the job from his former boss. jim, since huntsman first big event, and he was not at the cnn debate, but he's standing in the same place ronald reagan once stood. >> reporter: that's right. he's here now. i will let pictures step louder than words. this is part of the stage crafting of the announcement. john huntsman and his wife and children are now walking across the lawn here at liberty state park new jersey. it's across from the statue of liberty. this is a big moment for john
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huntsman. he would like to beat his old boss and take his boss's job away. he will have a tough challenge ahead of him. he has been testing the political waters for a month now, and he's in the single digits. this speech that he has coming up here is a big moment for him. he has to find a way to excite the conservative base. he does have a resume that many conservatives are now coming to. they like the fact that he cut taxes as governor of utah and like some of the things he did out there, but the question is whether or not, as he put it, he can catch lightning in a bottle. this is part of the stage crafting you see with presidential campaigns. this is a very important spot for republicans. this is where ronald reagan launched his successful bid for the white house back in 1980.
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john huntsman hopes he can do the same thing here. i will throw it back to you in case you have questions. this will be an interesting race if he can make a run at it. this could be something we have not seen in a very long time, if not ever. >> he is obviously coming up behind you here, and if you get a chance to make a shout-out and see if he says anything back, go for it. and we talked about his policies, and more so talked about the character, his interests. he is very interesting, and rides a motorcycle, and speaks various languages and bungee jumps, and that's where he caught a lot of attention of how interesting a character he is. he's coming up on the right side, jim. >> reporter: i will step out of the way again.
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he was the ambassador to china, and he will take the president to task on foreign policy. he opposed the military action against libya. he's in favor of reducing the u.s. presence in afghanistan dramatically. he is also going to take the president to task on the economy. the speech excerpts have been released to us. he is going to go after the president on the economy and say what is at stake right now is the future, and that future generations may not have the confidence that today's generations have, and that is in his words, totally un-american. he has been known to sort of take kit gloves to the presidents and will take the gloves off a little today. we will see him go after the president a bit in the speech. >> let's be realistic here. it's quite a long shot that he's going to actually replace his
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former boss in the white house, however, the white house has definitely been watching him, and is it fair to say, you know, that he's feared by his former boss a bit? >> he is the republican that the white house is concerned about for many reasons, and one is that he has taken some moderate positions on the issues as governor of utah. while that is problematic during the likes of michele bachmann and perhaps sarah palin, if he can get the nomination and get to the general election, there are aspects of his record that do worry the white house. it will be interesting to watch. they just a couple days ago, david axelrodaxelrod, the presi top adviser, he said it would be interesting because he was our ambassador a couple years ago and did not say anything about the foreign policy, and obviously when you are the
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ambassador for the president you will not challenge his economic policies in public. this will be a way for john huntsman to step out of the shadow of barack obama. >> do you know his eye ten rare. >> reporter: he is heading up to new hampshire. that's a state that he is banking his candidacy on. he is not campaigning in iowa. obviously that could change. but he feels like is that not where he should focus his campaign. tomorrow he's going to south carolina. that's a big conservative test because that is a state that has eaton moderate republicans alive in the past. you remember what happened to john mccain in 2000, and he was savaged and did not work out too well for john mccain in south
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carolina. huntsman has said to have won the magazine profile. he has had a lot of pieces written about him. what is key now is whether or not he can capture the attention of the conservatives in the tea party movement and those are the people suspicious of him because he was in the obama administration. >> he will face questions about his time working for the president as well, jim. looks like he will step up to the mike. let's take it live. john huntsman. >> thank you. i'm john huntsman, and i am humbled. i have been a governor of the great state of utah. i have been a businessman, and i have been a diplomat.
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i am the husband of the love of my life, the greatest human being i have ever known, mary kate, for 28 years. i am the father of seven terrific kids. i am the son of great parents. who are here with me today celebrating a very important anniversary, including a birthday. i am from the american west where the view of america is limitless with lots of blue sky. i have lived overseas four times where the view of america from 10,000 miles away is a picture of liberty, opportunity, and justice. people secure in their rights and in love with their liberty. people who have done more good
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for more people than any other nation on earth. and today, i am a candidate for the office of president of the united states of america. [ applause ] >> thank you. thank you. my kids can't believe i just said that. and i am asking for the greatest privilege americans can bestow on a fellow citizen, and you're entitled to know the reasons why. you see, today americans are experiencing through no fault of their own something that is totally alien to them, a sense that the deck is stacked against them by forces totally beyond their control. no matter how hard they work, save, and plan, the
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opportunities are not there for them that were present for previous generations. perhaps saddest of all is we have lost faith in ourselves. for the first time in history, we're passing down to the next generation a country that is less passionate and less competitive and less confident than the one we got. this, ladies and gentlemen, is totally unacceptable and it is totally un-american. and it need not, must not, will not be our permanent condition. we will not be the first american generation that let's down the next generation. we have the power, we have the
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means, we have the character to astonish the world again by making from adversity a new and better country. this inexhaustible land of promise and opportunity. you see, we have everything a nation could ever hope for. we have our freedom, we have rule of law, the longest surviving constitution, and aou abiding belief. we have freedom of speech, religion and press. we produce a quarter of the world's gdp and we're the most productive society on earth. we have the finest colleges and universities, and the most skilled powerful and selfless armed forces.
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[ applause ] and we have character. character that made a new world from a wilderness. character that made the desert bloom and the cities rise to the heavens. heavens that made the world safer, freer, and more prosperous. what we now need is leadership that trusts in our strength. leadership that doesn't promise washington has all of the solutions to our problems, but rather looks to local solutions from our cities, towns, and states. leadership that knows we need more than hope. leadership that knows we need answers. [ applause ] we must make hard decisions that
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are necessary to avert disaster. if we don't, in less than a decade, every dollar of federal revenue will go to covering the costs of medicare, social security and interest payments on our debt. meanwhile, we'll sink deeper into debt for everything else from national security to disaster relief. our country will fall behind the productivity of other countries, our influence in the world will wain. and the 21st century will then be known as end of the american century. >> high school dropout, and ex-governor, and now a presidential candidate. jon huntsman says he's in. e st t are energy security
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and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for our country's energy security and our economy. and more. if you replace 3 tablespoons of sugar a day with splenda® you'll save 100 calories a day. that could help you lose up to 10 pounds in a year. that's how splenda® is sweet...and more.
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[ female announcer ] wake up to sweetness with honey nut cheerios cereal. kissed with real honey. and the 100% natural whole grain oats can help lower your cholesterol. you are so sweet to me. bee happy. bee healthy. you are so sweet to me. host: could switching to geico 15% or more on car insurance? host: what, do you live under a rock?
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man: no way! man: hey rick check this out! anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save 15% or more on car insurance. personal pricing now on brakes. tell us what you want to pay. we do our best to make that work. deal! my money. my choice. my meineke. a storm chaser caught this video yesterday. damage was reported in several nebraska counties. 23 tornados and funnel clouds were spotted across the state. indiana, four people sent to the hospital after the car flew into a crowd of bystanders.
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three people have injured. and then a soldier on leave from iraq had a big surprise for his 8-year-old son. he threw the first pitch to his son in a little league all-star game yesterday. his son had not seen his dad in six months. it's the longest war in u.s. history, and tomorrow will mark the beginning of the end. 1 in 1,000 americans serve in uniform. our correspondents are working all their sources and getting information today. what are you finding out, chris? >> administration officials telling us what president obama will decide on is all of the surge, the extra 30,000 troops that he sent to afghanistan starting in 2009, those will be out of afghanistan by the end of next year, 2012. most likely, what we're hearing from some of the our sources on
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the hill is that the initial drawdown will be about 10,000 troops. now we don't know an exact timeframe on that, but it's expected to be possibly by the end of the year. if that's the case, it's somewhat more troops than what the pentagon and military troop officials had hoped for. they hoped for 5,000 troops to go home this year and some staying on. here is the rationale for why some of the officials want to keep more troops in the country. we're having a little bit of technical problems. basically, to sum it up, the idea of the military thinking was that you would hold off on a military drawdown with some of the troops you would take out of the south, you would redivert in
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the eastern part of afghanistan where the taliban has been potent. again, 5,000 maybe to start, that's what the military was hoping and looks like now from what we're hearing from sources, it may be 10,000 to start by the end of the year. that's still fewer than what some were calling for. you recall senator carl levin called for 15,000 american troops to come home by the end of the year. >> we'll be following that, of course. the fda revealing new graphic cigarette warning labels. they will carry one of nine warnings with the dangers of smoking. cigarettes are addictive. tobacco smoke can harm your children. and smoking can kill you. new packaging must be in place by september 2012. tracy morgan is back in nashville, the city where he spewed the anti-gay rant that
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got him in so much trouble. more on his so-called apology tour. a brand-new day for robin mea meade. she joins us live to talk about her debut album. it's you! it's me? alright emma, i know it's not your favorite but it's time for your medicine, okay? you ready? one, two, three. [ both ] ♪ emma, emma bo-bemma ♪ banana-fana-fo-femma ♪ fee-fi-fo-femma ♪ em-ma very good sweety, how do you feel? good. yeah? you did a really good job, okay? let's go back to drawing.
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tracy morgan is making amen's. here is all the entertainment headlines, "showbiz tonight" hosts is here. >> this apology is being organized with the gay and lesbian alliance against deaf mission. tracy will help many realize that nobody should be treated differently or subjected to violence. this is another step in morgan's apology tour. on friday the "30 rock" star visited teens in new york, and he announced he will be recording a public service
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announcement. the whole controversy only came to light because one audience member posted details on facebook. and we will be speaking to the audience member tonight, but it seems like tracy is taking all the rights here. >> now, amy winehouse, this woman does not seem to be able to get it together. >> i feel sorry for her and her situation. it's supposed to be a comeback for her. but it's none of that. she is canceling the rest of the tour. she is getting booed off the stage after forgetting song leerlee lyri lyrics. and this is a statement. she will be given as long as it takes for this to happen.
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and she recently left a british rehab program and that was intended to prepare her for the concerts. nobody confirmed she fell off the wagon and it's what people are thinking, i hope she can get it together. >> you have an update on sean kingston? >> yes, the beautiful girl singer is recovering from the memorial day jet 60 accident. he tweeted feeling better, and god is great and thank you for all the prayers and support. his rep tells "showbiz tonight," he will be out soon. and i need to bring you positive news from the world of entertainment right here on cnn. >> thank you, a.j. we will see you back here tomorrow. if you want everything positive
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and everything breaking in entertainment, go to a.j. every night. "showbiz tonight," 11:00 p.m. on hln. and tom hanks will join me in the studio, and we'll talk about the news. how does he think president obama is doing? tom hanks, tomorrow morning. and then the president attends a gay fund-raiser in new york. and yesterday the president describes his position on same-sex marriage as evolving. okay, team! after age 40, we can start losing muscle --
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8% every 10 years. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! ♪ now the healing power of touch just got more powerful. introducing precise from the makers of tylenol. precise pain relieving heat patch activates sensory receptors. it helps block pain signals for deep penetrating relief you can feel precisely where you need it most. precise. only from the makers of tylenol.
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the political buzz. the look at the hottest issues of the day. and we have our guests with us. first question, guys. republican jon huntsman once called president obama a remarkable leader. will this compliment or haunt him as his campaign continues to take obama's job? >> i do think it will haunt him. the gop lives in an era where moderates are not given any leeway. and his opponents and the right wing will think that he broke the core conservative rule because what did he do? he worked for in their eyes a
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muslim radical black president. >> i don't think it will help. he is obama's buddy for accepting the ambassadorship to china. i think it's bs and don't think it should be held against him. >> he will certainly have a problem with this. he told the nation that he was a remarkable leader and now a few minutes ago he said the situation is totally unacceptable. what changed? he will have to explain that over and over again. a real problem for a candidate. this weekend the president attends a gay fund-raiser in new york. he came forward and said his position on gay marriage is constantly, quote, unquote, evolving. would his support of same-sex marriage be a win, will? >> he wouldn't be doing it if it weren't. i don't begrudge the ability for
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people to change their mind but i have a problem with somebody that has their position evolve in accordance with the public opinion. >> i think it will be a political win for him, because i don't agree with will because unfortunate unfortunately, or fortunately, everybody in america is going through the same evolution. i think it's credible for him to have said that. he will light a fire of support not just in the gay community. i think it will be a win for him. >> well, it's great if you want to win the five states where same-sex marriage is legal, which have a total of 31 electoral avoerts, and if you want the other electoral votes you have to do something else. and ronald reagan was with him, and with them and the abortion
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rights, but he never gave anything to them. >> al gore, who is more nervous, msnbc or fox? >> i think it should be fox. frankly, all of the conservative flat forms. al gore, keith owe bur man -- >> that's laughable. yeah. >> well, i will tell you, your number one host goes to a rival channel, i think msnbc, if anybody is going to be worried, it ought to be them. >> thank you so much, you guys. well, a bit of chest bumping in the nation's capital. boehner wants to end the involvement in libya, but the
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president, not budging. do we know when boehner is planning a vote on this mission? >> the republican leadership in the house has not decided where they're going to go. what is fascinating, it's not so much just about not wanting the mission in libya, because the house speaker said in general maybe it's not so bad. there is increasing anger on both sides of the aisle, and the president of the united states said he does not need congressional authority to go ahead and continue the mission in libya. there may be a couple votes on thursday to use the power of the purse to limit the mission. to give members of congress a way to channel their frustration with the president. there are no ground troops in libya, but it would be a way for
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members of congress to make a statement that we are basically saying something about this mission, which the president doesn't think that he needs congress to say something about it. >> all right. thank you. coming up, hln morning host and now country music sensation debuting her new album, the ever so beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, amazing -- >> stop, no more. >> robin meade! my doctor told me calcium is best absorbed in small continuous amounts. only one calcium supplement does that in one daily dose. new citracal slow release... continuously releases calcium plus d for the efficient absorption my body needs. citracal. can your moisturizer do that? [ female announcer ] dermatologist recommended aveeno has an oat formula, now proven to build a moisture reserve, so skin can replenish itself. that's healthy skin for life. only from aveeno.
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♪ >> i have to do the little thing. it's off the brand-new album, "brand-new day." that's "dirty laundry," off a henley song. >> hi. >> i have to do the robin meade sexy sit here. >> this is the skinny sit. it's the most uncomfortable thing, and honey, it looks good on tv. >> sounds good, too. did you hear from henley saying
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not bad, robin? >> i don't know if you have to tell the person that you are covering your song, but we sent a cut rough vocal, we sent it to him and i asked if you would like to make a cameo appearance i would love to have you, and he sent a note back saying no. turned it down. this is one of two covers on an album of 12 cuts, and i co-wrote six of the songs. what do you do when you buy a cd. you look and turn it over to see if you recognize anything. if they are all are -- i wanted to sing a song that made fun of the news a little bit.
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>> what were you thinking? >> this is what i do for a living, and let's face it head on, and it was temporary still. >> i don't know if we can get a shot of robin's shoes, and she's known of her shoes. i have sent pictures of her shoes and tweeted them. she writes a song about high heels. let's take a listen. >> sure. ♪ ♪ i need a dew and a shot of the coffee ♪ ♪ it's like nascar out there ♪ run me off the highway ♪ there i go puttin' my high heels on -- >> when we wake up in the morning, we women, half the things don't fit, and you would rather go back to bed, but to
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put on the high heels, and now you're ready to kick ours, right? >> everything just changes when you put the high heels on, right? >> i co-wrote that song with john rich, and i asked him to sing the background tracks on this, and he said i am not singing i put my high heels on. so he's on the album singing prominent background on another cut. >> if you have not seen her perform at the grand ole opry in nashville. this is the second time performing there? >> i did perform in the grand ole opry, and it's a special experience because you are asked to be there. you feel like the ghosts of the pasts, all the people that performed there before, like patsy cline or people that still perform there, like, gosh,
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loretta lynn, and you are in the same circle they performed in. >> she got a standing ovation, i will add, folks. great to have you on, robin. >> thank you so much. i appreciate it. we don't want to talk about ourselves. on the show, i wanted to tell folks on hln on the morning show, that we're inviting people to write their own theme song for our show and the winner will win a professional recording session to record that song and it could possibly be the new theme song for our show. so it's about making you the star. you're a star. >> what a great idea. reach out. robin meade on hln "morning express" every morning. you overlap an hour with me, and we should do an hour together. >> we can call it the sweetie
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sisters. >> very good. thank you. actor tom hanks will join me in the studio tomorrow. he will talk about his new movie, "larry crown." how does he think obama is doing? we'll ask him. that's tomorrow, 10:30, eastern time. other stories making news. cross-country, a man walk into a bank and tells the teller it's a robbery and asked for one dollar, and then sits down and waits for the police. turns out he wanted to go to jail for the free medical treatment. he has lots of medical problems but no insurance. a wildfire in florida flaring up again yesterday. and then the anniversary coin unveiled from the 9/11 attacks. the flip side, an eagle, with the words "honor and hope."
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and then greece up for sale. we're up on that in four minutes. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] when you smile, the world smiles back. introducing crest 3d white enamel renewal toothpaste. it not only removes up to 90% of surface stains in just two weeks, it also strengthens and rebuilds your enamel. so, where are you getting off? three stops back. [ both chuckle ] [ female announcer ] new crest 3d white enamel renewal toothpaste. life opens up when you do.
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and try crest 3d white rinse. when someone changes lanes without warning? or when you're distracted? when you're falling asleep at the wheel? do you know how you'll react? lexus can now precisely test the most unpredictable variable in a car -- the driver. when you pursue perfection, you don't just engineer the world's most advanced driving simulator. you engineer amazing. ♪ has twice the calcium of the leading yogurt. that's 50% of the daily value. pass on the news and make sure you and everyone you know is getting the calcium they need. ♪
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secretary of state hillary clinton answering questions about the drawdown of troops in afghanistan. >> i have a lot to say and question to answer, and i will
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respond to your concerns that you raised in the question. with respect to saudi arabia and the ban on women driving, let me start by saying that this is about saudi women themselves. they have joined together, and they are acting on behalf of their own rights. this is not about the united states. it's about the women of saudi arabia. what these women are doing is brave, and what they are seeking is right. but the effort belongs to them. i am moved by it -- >> let me just set the scene for you for just a second as we stay on the live pics of the secretary of state. we were waiting to see if she had anything to say with regard to the drawdown of troops in afghanistan. we had a good sense of what was
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said about it. they are meeting with japan's defense and foreign ministers. we were waiting to see if she had anything to say and has not really said a lot, or at least recently with regard to troops leaving afghanistan. she's holding off on making any comments until the president of the united states makes his official speech on the issue. we are following this meeting obviously with her and gates and japan's defense and foreign ministers. if there is news to report we will take it live and tell what you they have to say. greece is holding a fire sale. the government is about to selloff billions of dollars of state assets. no joke. we are joined from london with more. it's weird when you read the headlines saying greece is up for sale. let's talk about why they are
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doing this. >> reporter: it really is, but it's a serious situation. greece has to raise $70 billion before the year 2015. they're looking at all their state assets and want to sell them in order to reduce the big debt they have. what are the assets they are talking about. what is up for sale. a state-owned power company. ports, highways, and the old airports, and the telcom operator. banks. who is going to buy? looks like the chinese are already interested, and other emerging countries are interested in buying some of the assets that are up for sale. there is one complaint that the european union who will be giving greece the bailout cash,
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they want the time line. >> there are dangers in selling state assets? >> yes. the first thing to keep in mind is there may be resistance from the greeks themselves that don't want to see the state assets sold off for the cheap, and when you are privatizing and restructuring your assets ultimately that means unemployment and the greeks don't want that to happen because they are being hit so hard and that will have to be done with the higher taxes and government spending cuts and unemployment. and then before tomorrow ends, they brought back mckeon. the marlins have one win this month. mckeon says he wants to manage
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until he is 95. sounds like he won't be missed much at home. >> my wife was probably happy to get me out of the house. i miss my buddy, my dog, though, and that's the only one that i miss. >> mckeon is not changing his ways. on day one he benched marlin's star shortstop, ramirez, because he showed up late for mckeon's first meeting with the team. the marlins lost the game last night. la toya jackson is convinced michael was murdered. we'll have a preview when we come back. but your wrinkles don't. ♪ introducing neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it has the fastest retinol formula available. in fact, it's clinically proven to smooth wrinkles in just one week. so all you have to do is sit back and watch your wrinkles go away. new rapid wrinkle repair.
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i had stories developing today. it's the start of summer almost. the summer solist begins. and roberts gates is at the white house for a meeting with president obama. here is something for jackson five fans. jermaine jackson says the brothers are working on a reunion tour.
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jermaine jackson says that singing the music is healing for the jackson brothers, and michael would want them to continue on. jackson helped unveil wax statues of his brother yesterday in hollywood. saturday marks the second anniversary of michael jackson's death. and la toya jackson tells piers morgan that michael had been marketed and feared for his life. >> michael told me they would murder him. >> who? >> the people involved in his life. the people controlling him. this book "starting over" is about my life and about michael's life. it's the parallel between the two lives, where people come into your life, and control and ma nippa late, and control everything that you have, and that's what michael was going through. he knew that everything that was happening to him was not kosher or right.
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it disturbs him greatly. >> that's tonight on cnn 9:00. and next hour, we're looking at a hard look with the new cigarette package headings. are they effective or is the government going too far? you ready? one, two, three. [ both ] ♪ emma, emma bo-bemma ♪ banana-fana-fo-femma ♪ fee-fi-fo-femma ♪ em-ma very good sweety, how do you feel? good. yeah? you did a really good job, okay? let's go back to drawing. yst: uld switching to geico job, reon car insurance?more host: is the pen mightier than the sword?
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flooding in eastern china creating a huge problem. a major reservoir is at risk during the torrential seasonal rains. may 22nd, that tornado that roared against joplin missouri. it claims another victim. a man that survived with injuries now died. that twister was the deadliest single tornado in decades. and jon huntsman joins a crowded field of republicans seeking the office of president. new jersey governor, chris christie has said he will not run for president in 2012. a new poll says they don't want him taking place in the poll either. >> there has been a lot of
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national talk about it. a new poll shows new jersey voters are not that anamerred with their governor. they don't even want him to be on the republican ticket. 61% of new jersey voters in the university poll say they don't want him to be the republican vice presidential nominee, and even worse is the approval rating in the state right now at all-time low, at 44%. and the problem really lies with women. 36% of women approve of the way he's doing his job. conversely, 53% of men think he's doing a good job. chris christie is doing the right thing by focussing on his own state and not thinking about running for president. and christine o'donnell, the one that made headlines last year. >> yeah, i am not a witch.
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right? remember that? >> yeah, can't forget that tv ad. >> that may have been the highlight for us that got a good laugh out of it. she just finished a good book. "troublemaker." she caused a lot of heartburn for the republican establishment when she won the delaware primary. she talks about how she got into the world of politics. she said her own advisers thought that she was too open about her life in politics, and, yes, she says she will discuss the famous ad, the i am not a witch ad. and she was once on politically incorrect with bill maher and she said she dabbled in witch craft. >> we will have the next political update in an hour. you can go to the


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