tv John King USA CNN June 24, 2011 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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54, they kind of made us eat our words. >> older, more experienceded, shall we say. >> more experienced and i think they put in the practice. 20 practices, 7:00 a.m. in the morning. >> you got a little injury there, too. >> i'll be all right. i'll be strong. that's it for me. thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blirt ztzer in the situation room. for our international viewer, world view is next. john king is off tonight. new revelations from the raid that killed osama bin laden and new doubts about pakistan's r y ability on the war on terrorism. all day we've been watching the reaction come into a "new york times" story about a cell phone recovered during the raid. it belonged to bin laden's trusted courier, a man who also died in the raid. the times quoting senior american official says when the u.s. started tracing calls on the phone, it led to members of
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a militant group that has ties to pakistan's intelligence agency. that militant group went out of its way to deny the story today. but from washington to pakistan to its neighbor afghanistan, plenty of questions are being asked. joining us thousand from camp bossic, afghanistan, nick payton walsh. is the latest information a smoking gun? >> reporter: i think it's clear it's not really a smoking gun which people sensed bin laden's death had been looking for. let's break down what the story said. it says that bin laden's courier who had the cell phone that led them to where bin laden was, that he had made calls to people and there are militant groups allegedly created by the pakistani intelligence services to help fight in the soviet war in afghanistan that are still functioning, who still have links with pakistani intelligence services. that's according to the "new york times." that doesn't suggest that bin laden's courier was talking to
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pakistan any intelligence officers. that would be the smoking gun frankly. it's just they have a mutual acquaintance. pakistani intelligence official i spoke to said i have no comment on the story. of course we deny all links to militant groups. we're still sharing information with the americans at this point. and the militant group themselves have told cnn they admire bin laden, but are unaware of particular detailed help like is suggested in the article. >> nick, how much more information do we have about this pakistani militant group and its allegedincredibly murky. it's all about cells within cells or scadistant from the ma core. in the end of the soviet war here, there were many militant groups that helped create a fight that in-to receive their
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support many saying they wanted these militants around in the event of an all-out war with india. pakistan has denied, said they've turned on all these militant groups and see them very much as the enemy within. but frankly the suspicions are still there and that's really where the story comes from. people since bin laden was sitting in that compound for about six years right under the nose of the military have been looking for an explanation and trying to link the two. but so far the smoking gun has not come along and this story does not appear to be it. >> a lot of questions that have to be answered there. nick payton walsh for us in afghanistan tonight. thanks. stay safe. now what you might call a tale of two serious. tonight an activist group is telling cnn at least ten people died in today's anti-government protests with clashes and security forces against the regime of syrian leader al
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assad, reported in at least six cities as well as some neighborhoods in the capital of damascus. yet in damascus itself, you might never know there was a crisis. the syrian government has finally allowed cnn crews inside the country. even though she's being supervised, she was allowed to talk to people after friday prayers. >> reporter: this young man just came out of the mosque and he said he doesn't want any trouble. they're a small group of pro government demonstrators expressing their support for the regime. this young man is saying people are paying money from out said
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in order to ferment this unrest. >> what kind of activity did you see in damascus today? >> reporter: really it's interesting, it's a tale of two syrias. over the last more than three months now, we've seen these youtube videos that activists say show the brutality of the syrian forces against their own people. we've seen blood shed, we've seen death. we've seen mass graves. but then you travel to the capital of syria and it's an entirely different people. life continues to tick on more or less as normal. it is quieter, there are almost no tourists and we're accompanied at all times by government minders who want to show a different picture of syria than the one that we've seen on cable news networks over the last few months around the world.
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our range of motion being quite limited, it has to be said, and we saw a small pro al assad demonstration. and the common thread is that they say they believe that foreign interference is the reason for the crisis in their country that western countries, that even cable news channels are responsible for what's going on and that in fact almost all syrians support the regime. >> foreign interference. it's been several years since you were in damascus. you can give me some sense of how it's changed since the last time you were there? >> this is very significant what's going on. that said, unlike egypt, we're in the seeing millions of people top he wi t topple the regime. the pockets of uprisings around the country are smaller. they're spread out to be sure, but not enough to put that kind of pressure on the regime that they feel in any way lettened in
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the shorter term. the big question going forward is what happens to this economy. what happens to the middle and merchant class that is in many ways benefited from this government when the economy continues to suffer. there are no tourists. investment is down. growth prospects and forecasts for the country have been lowered. if the regime loses that vital merchants class, then things might change drastically. this country according to many and from what i've seen today will not go back to what it was. the question is what time line are we looking at and it might be much longer than what we saw in egypt and tunisia. >> thanks so much. back here in the u.s. tonight, what was supposed to be a major show down between two branches of the u.s. government has turn fld to an embarrassing mess of mixed messages about congressional support for
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president obama's military operation in libya. the house rejected two conflicting measures. one of them expressed support for the president. the other would have cut funding for most of the operation. so what kind of message does that send? even members of the president's own party were, frankly, not sure tonight. >> the message will go to moammar gadhafi, the message will go to our nato allies, the message will go to every nation of the world that america does not keep faith with its allies. america must lead. we must not egive indicate. >> i want to send a message to our allies and i don't think we are pulling the rug out from under them. look at these wealthy populous nations of western europe. i believe it is a good thing to get rid of gadhafi, but does america have to do everything? people say we're the in-dispe e in-dispensable nation. we can't afford it.
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>> dana bash joining us from capitol hill. a little confusing. what do we make out of this? >> reporter: let's start with the first vote that failed. that was to say that the president has authorization from congress to go ahead with this libyan mission. now, that actually was a rebuke to the president the fact that this did not pass. especially the fact that 70 of the president's fellow democrats which is a good chunk of the democratic caucus voted with republicans to say we're not going to give you authorization for this mission. in part it is because of the fact that there just a on that spgs position to the mission itself, but particularly from the perspective of republicans, they are afternongry about the fact o not think president obama has handled this well regard to the way that he has resulted or not resulted congress in terms of going ahead with this mission in libya. >> and then ultimately the republicans failed to block
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funding. so again the mixed message question. what kind of message does this send? >> reporter: that's right. and this second vote happened just a couple hours later. and this is actually the vote that republicans really thought that they had the president on. this is the one they really thought would be the big whammy 20-to-try to send the message that they are in the happy and it didn't work because it would have taken away the money, used the power of the purse of congress to take away the money from at least the combat portion of the mission in libya and say it's not going to happen anymore because we're going to express our authority here. republicans actually got caught off guard at least the leadership because they thought halves going to pass. it didn't because of various reasons inside the republican caucus, but it does show you, first of all, how uncertain and confused this local congress is even within each party about exactly how to go forward with this libya mission, but it also does show that even republicans
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who think they are more lock step on this issue are maybe not as much as you think. >> thanks so much, dana bash from capitol hill. stay with us and get an early heads up about a revolution coming in u.s. politics. so big it's redefining who is a democrat and who is a republican. and later, what happened today when an alleged mob boss came back to his old old storm stomp ground is this ttd# 1-800-345-250
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u.s. may be in the first stages of a profound change in its national politics, as significant as the civil rights era or the reagan revolution. and race is at the center of this change. the brand new census shows minorities thousand make up about 37% of the u.s. population and nearly half of americans under 18. that will affect elections for years to come. to help us make sense of it, we're joined by cornell belcher and ron brownstein. ron, you wrote about this
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demographic shift and one of the things that struck me is that if i get it right, whites look at the situation in the country and they say minorities have too much influence. but minorities inside the system look and say we don't have enough influence. so there's some kind of a disconnect there. >> first of all, as you say, the demographic change going on in the country is one of the most profound and reshaping our politics. when barack obama was elected, nonwhites were 26%. barack obama is the first president in american history who lost white voters by double digits and actually won the white house. as we're living through this change, there are different reactions to it. >> it's perception. >> and diversity is not only deepening, it's broadening. more states are affected. minority share of the population increased in every state from 2000 to 2010. so the reactions to this, we have a quarterly poll that we do
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called the heart land monitor and we asked americans how they feel about the change. not surprisingly, hispanics and asians were saying by and large this is good for america. much more ambivalence among whites and african-americans. and the whites, about 53% in our poll also expressed the most conservative views on a whole range of other issues including president obama's performance. so there is kind of an intake connection now between attitudes toward demographic change and broader assessments of the political landscape. >> cornell, obviously this is what you do and you're looking at this and seeing we're having this broad demographic change. how does that affect the party of this president? >> i think more broadly than the president, i think it affects both parties as both parties have to compete more and more for this population. and as our population moves west brown errands blaerer and black
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so are the battlegrounds. i argue if you look at where the republican party is and where the latino or hispanic vote is right now, their position is not tenable long term politically. it's going to put colorado, new mexico and perhaps even arizona out -- >> immigration reform. >> immigration reform, but what do their candidates say that they wouldn't have -- they're uncomfortable with minorities in their cabinet. their position is they're going to have to compete for these votes more and more and press the democrat to compete more and more as well. >> and you make a point that republican candidates in presidential races really don't rate much more than 12% historically. as you look at the field, do you see any republican who might be able to break out and improve on those numbers? >> the opportunity for republicans is less in the evolution of their message than in the reaction to the three years of president obama. the problem that president obama
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has is many of the groups that he's counting on that are the core in many ways of his coalition have been suffering the most in the recession. and there may be an opening to some extent there. but in the larger sense, it's not only the issues that directly relate to minority communities like immigration or affirmative action. there is a profound racial gulf on the role of government. minority communities by and large are much more open to the idea that government can be a positive force in the economy. seeing much more skepticism among whites. so as long as republicans are in this very intense small government argument as we saw in that debate in new hampshire, that itself is a barrier to broadening support among minorities. >> to pivot on that point, if you delve deep every, part of that has to do with thinking that government has done too much for minorities and they've been hurt by what the government has been doing for minorities.
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>> but also just to sort of break out that point a little bit more, you've got the first african-american president and if you look closely at minorities in the democratic party, they don't think they have enough influence. so what's up with that? >> that's a classic within t battle within the democratic party. not enough respect and not enough -- you have congressional black caucus coming out hard at democratic leaders and the president on the whole jobs issue. so it is a strain within the party itself also to also reach out to your base and make sure you're taking care of yours base, but right now the president still enjoys large approval readings among minorities as well as young people. >> if you look at the first two years of the obama presidency, immigration reform was put on the back burner for fear how it would affect white members of the senate and democrats do have to make a choice about whether
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they wherein vest their nrpg in the coalition of the past or what may be the coalition of the future. >> last night president obama got heckled actually from some gay and lesbian supporters at a fund raiser in new york. do we have time to listen to that? >> that's why i ordered federal agencies to extend the same benefits to gay couples that go to straight couples wherever possible. that's why we'll keep fighting unlg t until the law no longer -- i heard you guys. >> so this is about the liberal base and the president in 2012. do you think he'll be able to fire them up given the fact that to them he looks much more like a moderate than the guy they thought they were electing? >> they're doing what they're supposed to do. both sides -- closed mouth doesn't get fed. but if you look at health care reform, you look at "don't ask, don't tell," if you look at wall street reform, a lot of people think progressives have done
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pretty good over the last two years. >> and in modern american politics, the other side tends to fire up your base. obama's best weapon will be the republican nominee just as obama will be the best weapon to fire up the republican base. >> thanks so much it for coming in. have a good he can weweekend. a fiery collision, details coming up next. plus the first lady wraps up the official part of her trip to africa. and now comes the safari. nothing helped me beat arthritis pain. until i tried this. it's salonpas. pain relief that works at the site of pain... up to 12 hours. salonpas.
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of a sister four days, michelle helps paint a mural on the wall of an education center for children or fanned by the aids epidemic. the first lady sat down for an interview with robin who joins us now. you asked mrs. obama about her preparations for the 2012 elections. >> when it comes to the campaign, we're ready to work hard. we did before and we'll do it again. so we're rolling up our sleeves and getting on with it. >> what else did mrs. obama have to say about the upcoming campaign? >> reporter: the interesting thing is i said very bluntly to her looking long term do you and your husband talk about perhaps
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that you might lose and she said no, they don't talk about it. they're not focusing on the election per se, but they're focusing on the day to day planning and working of the campaign. she said that distracts them from perhaps that final election and what might or might not happen. >> did you talk to her about raising the children in the white house? >> reporter: i did talk to her about that. she was quite guarded on many levels obviously not wanting to share too many tidbits of information that might land up in the tabloids or such. so she was quite guarded on that level. but she seemed quite confident and quite certain that they were protected. as i said, very great aboutful to t grateful to the part the media seems to play. she was very keen to stretch that she was using this strip to educate them, to show them the world. and i think to give them a sense
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of history. and i think she was very much insistent that they did understand apartheid, for example, that they listened to the stories of the victims of a pa apartheid and visited the stories of mandela. they seemed very proud and she said she was, that this trip for her as a mother was wonderful because she watched her children just sort of suck this atmosphere of africa up. she told me it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. >> robyn kurnow reporting for us fr from, thank you so much. here another latest news you need to know right now the. two deaths are reported after a tractor trailer hit an amtrak
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train near reno, nevada today. we learned today that peter ftak died this week at age 83. we're waiting for word on when new york state 12340r will vote on legalizing same-sex marriage. a major hurdle preventing the vote was cleared late this afternoon when lawmakers agreed on how to protect religious institutions from potential lawsuits. and we're now five weeks in to the casey anthony murder trial with defense attorneys working to try to undermine the prosecution's theory that anthony killed her 2-year-old daughter, stored the body in a trunk, then buried it in some woods. and today's testimony, casey an thon my's brother said he saw stains in the car trunk years before the little girl died. mobster whitey bulger back in boss continue aton and he way
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afternoon wasn't about smiles and waves. it was about murder and jail time. deborah feyerick was at the courthouse. what happened? >> reporter: it was, there were two hearings today essentially. one of them an initial appearance in which the judge told bulger he didn't have to make any statements and if he did, those could be used against him. another was an arraignment, but the judge cut it short because whitey bulger doesn't yet have a lawyer. during both, bulger was very respectful. remember this is an alleged irish mafia plan, a mobster accused of murdering more than 19 people. attempting the murder of many others. when he was talking -- when he was standing up in court during the whole proceeding, the judge asked him can you afford a lawyer and whitity bulger said i could if you gave me my $800,000 back. and he was referring to money the federal seized there his apartment during the raid when they finally caught him after 16
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long years. prosecutors want to seize whatever property he has. they believe he will get financial help from his family including his brother, a very respected politician here in boston. they also feel that whitey bulger has more money. he said bulger didn't make 800 grand by working a paper route along the santa monica boulevard. so a bit of back and forth. bulger certainly showing he certainly hasn't lost any of his feistiness. >> hearings like this can range from somber and subdued all the way to circus atmosphere. paint a picture of sort of the mood for me around the court today. >> reporter: this court was packed. there was a huge overflow room. there was a crush of people from the public, reporters, family members trying to get into that courtroom. people wanted to be there at
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this moment in history especially if you live here in boston because it is so dominated almost the psyche of parts of boston certainly south boston especially. there's still a great deal of anger, a great desire for justice. one grown son said he wants the cha chair for bulger. so really a lot of people just wanted to get a glimpse of the famous whitie i whitey bulger. >> thank it s for that reportin. a fascinating case involving the mob, corruption, politics, murder. and now with us is glenn johnson, "boston globe" reporter covering boston politics for years and years. he was in the courtroom today. you've covered his brother who was a long time president of the state senate. he was in court today. did you see any interaction between them? >> sure. when whitey bulger was first
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brought in, one of the first things he did was look out in the gallery and there in the second row was his brother, william, flanked by two of his sons, william jr. and chris forever. immediate contact there. and then the last thing on the way out of the court was look back at his brother then, too. >> one of your tweets just fascinated me. it was about people's reactions after seeing whitey after all these years. you can give me some sense of what you were seeing in people's faces? >> reporter: the thing you got to remember around boston, white i bulger is almost a mythic figure. obviously it's for the reason reasons, but the fact he's been on the lamb for 16 years, there's been this pregnant question hanging over the city for all these years. will he ever be caught, will he be brought to justice and when whether th when will that occur.occurred t neighborhood where a lot of these crimes were perpetrated. and there his brother came in
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and there the family had a mini reunion of sorts. it was -- one woman i talked to in line waiting to get into the courtroom said to me this is like seeing al capone for kind of a generation. >> feels like a celebrity trial. >> well, i guess so in that car. i don't think anybody really forgets the underlying problem here. there's at least 19 murders of which he's accused. the charges, rico and extortion, but possession of machine guns. the fact that he had over 30 weapons allegedly in his possession when he was caught, that he had 800 glarand in cash. obviously this is somebody who is facing some serious charges and has been accused of very serious crimes here. but again as i said, around here, it's almost lore about the bulgers and these two brothers and the completely different paths that they took in life.
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>> let's's and you can a litt . >> let's talk a little more about that. talk more about his brother, billy, his role in the state senate. how powerful was he? >> he was very powerful. he was the kind of person that could look at you and people would wilt. james was james jr., the oldest son of this family. billy was much younger. and their father had an industrial accident, lost an arm. and a lot of people say that whitey, even though it was a life of crime, ended up supporting the family while william went on to be what's known around here as a triple eagle. he went to boston college high school, boss tton college, bost college law school, very stud yus, instructs reporters about how on did their jobs better. he was a real compelling figure here and he rose to the top of the senate and he controlled it with an iron fist. anybody around here dwdidn't re
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mess with him. there was always the specter of whitey hanging over the bulger family. >> that eithcreates the nature versus nurture question. why is it that whitey and billy sort of chose such different paths? >> billy himself has struggled with that question. when he testified before congress in 2003, his opening statement was very long on this point. he said he tried to help his brother at points to get away from a life of crime, but he can't force somebody to be what they don't want to be. just two different paths that people took. and the family and friends make the argument that whitey was forced to do, you know -- to descend in to this life of crime because he was trying to care for the family as the oldest child and that created some buffer for billy down the road to go on the more stud yus pursuits. >> we've been led to believe they were pretty close. was there any sense being in the
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courtroom that this was a strain in the relationship now? >> certainly not. there was tension in that courtroom before the door opened and whitey walked in. i could feel my heart pounding. i know everybody around me felt the same way. what was he going to look like, was he going to be this sort of demonic figure. his brother sat there straight and didn't really move. but the fact was he was there. they have a large family and billy was the one that chose to come with his two sons. and in high estimain my estimat not a coincidence. he wanted to make a statement he stood for his brother. he has never really made a critical comment about him. he disagrees with his life. he knows there's victims. but he's said blood is thicker than water and he's not going to walk away from his own family member. >> and he's been very intensely questioned in a variety of forums about that relationship. thanks so much, glenn johnson,
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for giving us insights on the whitey bulger and his brother. next, a presidential candidate who wants to legalize pot and cut medicare by 43%. the chevy equinox an epa estimated 32 miles per gallon highway. but do passengers appreciate making less stops at the pump? hey. want me to drive? we'll take that as a yes. the count on chevy event is going on strong with a full selection of vehicles to choose from. visit your local chevy dealer.
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a big part of his pitch. if you know anything about him at all, it's probably that he pavers legalization of marijuana. johnson admits he isn't well-known nationally, but likes to point to a poll showing that of all the 2012ers, he's the most popular in his home state. before heading to new hampshire, johnson stopped by for a conversation. gary i don't kn governor, appreciate you coming in. one of the things we've noticed is that some of your positions on social issues distinguish you from a lot of people who are also seeking the republican nomination. so can you tell our viewers what your position is on the government allowing abortion? >> first of all, i believe that the best government is the government that rules the least. i think that the best that government can do for you and i as individuals is to empower you and i to make decisions that only you and i should make. so in that context, i support a
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woman's right to choose up until viability of the fetus. as governor of new mexico, i would have -- i signed a bill banning late term abortion. i've always favored parental notification. i've always favored counseling. i've always favored the notion of no public funds used for abortion. >> so should the decision on abortion be made at the federal level or the state level? by the about pearl courfederal state courts? sgli . >> i think the decision should be a woman's choice, but the big issue should be states. states should determine that issue. >> now, what about gay marriage? >> i support gay unions. i think the government should get out of the marriage business completely leave marriages to the churches. and grant civil unions to gay couples. >> should the federal government recognize civil unions and allow
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payments through the government in support of that? >> yes. >> marijuana. this is one of the issues -- one of your signature issues when you were governor. >> what i would like conservatives -- first of all, i'm opposed to the drug war a through z. but i think from a conservative standpoint, i think it's important for all of us to recognize, and this is staggering, joe, half of what we spend on law enforcement, the courts and prisons is drug related. what are we getting for that? >> so you would legalize the sale, marketing and possession of marijuana? >> i would, yes. and of course it will never be legal to smoke pot, become impaired, get behind the wheel of a car. it's never going to be legal for kids to smoke pot or buy pot like alcohol. and i would argue if you've got to produce an i.d. to be able to buy marijuana, is that not going to be more difficult than the situation that exists today where marijuana is for sale everywhere and the person that sells marijuana also sells harder drugs? i've come to the conclusion that
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90% of the drug problem is prohibition related, not use related. and that's not to discount the problems with use and abuse, but that ought to be the focus. >> when i listen to you, you sound more and more like a libertarian. why aren't you running as a libertarian? >> i've always been a republican. and when it comes to the drug war, when it comes to everything i did as governor of new mexico, everything was a cost benefit animal sis. the reason i'm a republican is i think republicans do a much better job of balancing the checkbook than democrats and right now we're bankrupt. we've got to fix this and i happen to believe that only the republican party is capable of fixing this right now. and that in lieu of the fact that republicans last time they controlled both houses of congress in the presidency ran up record deficits and passed a prescription health care benefit, all things that i was embarrassed of as a republican. >> so what would you do about entitlements if you were the president of the united states? >> first of all, i think that
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there are those that are truly in need in this country and that perhaps government is the only entity that can help those truly in need. >> you've suggested block grants. >> i suggest that when it comes to medicaid and medicare, that the federal government cut medicaid and medicare by 43%. of course everybody -- >> wait a minute. 43%? >> exactly. so everybody goes weighant a minute -- >> wouldn't that throw people out of hospitals? >> do away with the strings answer mandaand mandates. give medicare and hemedicaid ba to the states. i'm saving a lot of money. if the mandates were to have been taken away when came to medicaid, would i have made it work in new mexico for 43% less. if medicare were given to me, i could have made medicare happen. >> i would imagine, though, that people out there watching this who are going to be eligible for medicare very soon would say am
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i going to elect a guy who is saying he's going to cut the program 43%? >> not if you don't think that you're going to get essential health care. but the idea would be to actually deliver essential health care. this is what i heard was going to happen in new mexico given governor. i'd like to point out, joe, that theres with a study or a survey here, a poll two weeks ago, that of all of the candidates running for president, i'm the only one that has favorability in their own state. and i'm the only one so all of these things that i'm talking about, which i talked about as being governor of new mexico, the scare things didn't happen. we did a good job of running state government. i wouldn't be doing this if i didn't think that, number one, i could do this job as president of the united states and good at it. >> so you're spending a lot of time in new hampshire these days? >> a lot of time in new
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hampshire. you can go to obscurity to prominence overnight. retail politics, that's good. going out to meet everyone and everyone in new hampshire takes it on themselves to meet and talk and discuss the issues with every candidate. that's a great environment. >> governor, thanks so much for coming in. >> joe, thank you. >> we'll certainly be watching you. >> all right. thanks. coming up next, a very special visitor right here in the studio. the jim clancy. we're going to talk about a global scandal. human beings bought and sold.
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a dire issue around the globe, most americans may not realize it's a serious concern. next monday, the u.s. state department releases the annual trafficking or trip report. tell me about this tip report. what does it mean? what is it? does it change anything? >> the most comprehensive global look at human trafficking that we have. it's a name in shame time really. they gather update ta, joe, from embassies and individuals can send in their stories. it's fascinating. they look at the number of prosecutions that they have and the number of convictions that
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they may have had. they see how serious each and every country is about addressing the problem. for the first time last year, we saw them ranking, putting in the united states. and they rank all of these people by people that are in trouble, not doing enough, and people doing absolutely nothing. but it's controversial. >> well, are we? we heard about trafficking problems here in the united states for years and years and years and it's always been one of those things that sort of flies under the radar. is the united states taking it seriously? >> well, you look at -- >> prostitutes being moved around from city to city, right? >> you have 17,000 people estimated coming into the country and then you have tens upon tens upon run away girls of every age. it could be very young. it is a serious problem and the question is this, yes, we have laws. yes, we admit this is a problem but is the spending
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commensurate? i spent the last couple of days here in washington. that's why i'm here because of the report coming out on monday. and one of the people, one of the experts listen to the way she describes the lack of commitment that we have. >> a very disturbing fact is that the u.s. government spent twice as much on one month on u.s. military marching bands than our entire budget to fight human trafficking. >> if your daughter is at risk, you've got to ask, what is mira sorvino talking about? is it really that bad? there's no comparison. >> so what's the next step? if you want to spread the word, give the authority some information, what do you do? how do you reach out to the government? >> all of that information, joe, is out there, and people, you,
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anyone in the audience may know of someone being abused. children are being taken from truck to truck to truck stops. there's a hotline number. i want to share that with you right here. it's the national human trafficking resource number run by the polaris project. it's 1-888-3737-888. you need to think of it -- you know, easily, the 3737 translates into drdr. so doctor, doctor, 888. it's an incredible service. mira took me there today and showed me the operators. there's more than 150 languages that they can translate in. you can see her talk with them. you've got nurses calling in from pay phones.
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they have a whole national grid and they can link them up to the local police officer. >> this has been an issue for mira for a long time? >> she was involved in national amnesty human rights. why i, she won an and very savvy, and and are we looking out enough for these people? >> you've been looking at this on the front lines, really, the people out there doing the work. any of it -- what struck you? >> well, what strikes me is that we're talking about someone else it's time to get our. >> jim clancy, thanks so much for coming in and talking to us. we appreciate your reporting o
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