tv Reliable Sources CNN June 26, 2011 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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soothing. i guess they did, too. the correct answer to our gps challenge question is c, the original u.n. charter is stored interestingly enough in the united states national archives in washington, d.c., not with the united nations. go to our website for more. thanks to all of you for being part of my program in week. i will see you next week. stay tuned for reliab"reliable source sources". we begin this morning with a journalist i know but as it turns out didn't really know. jose antonio vargas had a sec t secret. he's an illegal immigrant. and this his first television interview, he'll address his history of deception and why he's taking the risk of coming forward now. this one really struck me. president obama announcing his decision to withdraw 30,000 troops from afghanistan. that drew only brief media
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coverage. are journalists capable of a sustained look? plus jon stewart back in the x fox's den. and keith oler man back in action. can he regain his clout and stick to msnbc? i'm howard kurtz and this is reliable sources oig. he came here illegally as a teenager from the philippines, later obtained a driver's license improperly and used that to become a journalist. jose antonio vargas became a "washington post" reporter, part of a pulitzer prize winning team thoo covered virginia tech shootings, he later moved on to the huffington "post" and interviewed mark zucker burpg, all that time he kept his dark secret unit this week when he
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wrote about the experience for today's "new york times" magazine. i'll hold it up here. the headline is "outlaw." welcome. >> hi, thanks for having me. >> you thoou you'd be criticized, that you'd be slammed that you were admit to go having been a liar and that you could be deported tomorrow. why would you decide to come forward with this information? >> because i'm not the only one. i'm one of millions. in this country who are living kind of under the shadows. it was my way -- at the end of the day, i think we have to tell the truth about this immigration system and because of that, i had to tell the truth about myself. >> i will come back to that but t i do need to ask you, you deceived your editors as you acknowledged. he write that's feels duped and that he was particularly uncomfortable that you wrote for
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the chronicle about illegal immigrants getting fake driver's licenses at a time when you had done the same thing. >> i mean, what's interesting here is that there were just some times when i couldn't avoid writing about immigration. i worked for the chronicle in san francisco and immigration is a big issue in that region. but all along the way, i think at the end of the day, i think the work speaks for itself and it was fair and accurate and insightful and really at the end of the day, my work -- i had to do what i had to do to work. and in terms of my own immigration status, which i could never talk about because whenever i did talk about it, people told me that i shouldn't be revealing it because then i couldn't work. this is why it's been really important for me, i've been referring to it as part of my own personal underground railroad, people in my life who have been taking risks to help me all through these years. >> and of course sometimes you had to lie it your friends or pot tell the whole truth, but as you enjoyed more professional
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success, you were hanging out with hamark zuckerberg, how worried were that you it could all fall apart at any moment? >> the whole time. that's why it's important to remember i came forward with this story. it's not as about someone was threatening to out me or someone was threatening to do anything p i just got to a point where last year i was sitting at home here in manhattan and i'm reading the stories of four students from miami who took like a 1500 mile walk to washington, d.c. to lobby for immigration reform for a thing called the dream act. and i was sitting this in my apartment feeling like i was in their shoes just seven years ago. i had to say something. i had to say something. and this is my way as i said of kind of coming forward. the west way to solve is problem is to tell the truth about it and that's what aim doing. >> let's come back to to how you decided to dough public. you called the publisher of the
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"washington post" where you worked for seven years. >> five years. >> you told her you wanted to disclose that in the pages of the "washington post." why? j the first thing i told her is i'm sorry. i said i'm really, really sorry about this. and the second thing is i said i'm going to come forward with my story and i want to do it for the post because i thought that was the right thing to do. i owe a lot of high professional identity to that paper. that paper has been very and was very good to me. so i thought it was the best place to tell the story. >> and then you did write the article and this was extensively edited and stensextensively fac checked understandably. and days before the decision would have been made to run this, the executive editor killed it. were you surprised at that decision? >> yeah, i was surprised. but at the end of the day,
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everything thankfully worked out for the best. i ended up just reaching out to peter baker at the "new york times" and he contacted his editor and i spoke to the times the next day and thankfully they ended up running the piece. >> but do you feel like the "post" was almost in a position of wanting to cover this up? the "post" had hired you not knowing that you were an illegal immigrant. you did tell one top editor, peter pearl, who kept your secret. he said he thought he was doing the right thing. and then abruptly it's refusing to comment on the reasons even to his own ombudsman. why would the "post" not take this opportunity to set the record straight? >> you and i both worked there. i can't tell you what the "post" thinks. i don't want to assume what the "post" thinks. all i know is i'm really yatful to the "new york times" and the editor at the magazine, i'm grateful that they were able to give me this spot.
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i've been getting all these tweets and takes book and people have been going on to define to share their own and people have been going on to define to share their own stores. and ask questions. and i decided to do it because what i do best is ask questions. and now i'm asking questions about what would you have done if you were this high in my sh. what would you have done if you were the teacher or principal in high school that found out one of your students isn't documented. >> and the "post" belatedly of course covered the controversy and said there is a red tlag raised because when you were developing this story for the paper, you failed to disclose that you had replaced your expired oregon driver's license with one from washington state. it's what enabled you to stay here and worked. so why did you not come forward with that pore. >> everything, again, we went new weeks of editing and everything that they wanted in the story ended up being in the story. so i kind of -- i don't want to hatch on -- hatch what happened there. at the end of the day, the story is the story.
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and again, will is just one story. i'm just one person. and thankfully i was able to have this practice platform to tell my story. >> but you've made the point that could you not have worked without the initial lie. at the time you acknowledge that you broke the law. but it seems like you're letting yourself off the look to some degree. hook to some agree. >> no this, is not about -- i'm sorry -- i'm sorry for breaking our country's laws. and i think what's -- i've owed my sanity to living with this to all the people in my life. the principals and the pastors in this country would have helped people like me. in many ways they've stepped up where the government has failed. we have a broken immigration system. everybody agrees on that.
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and people every day american citizens have stepped up because the government has failed us. and this is really what this is about. >> and we will talk more about that on the other side. i've got to get a break in. who are this just a moment. just one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. with three strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health.
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immigrant from the philippines. "washington post" ombudsman criticizes the "post" for not running your story, but he says you have crossed the line from journalist to advocate. have you? >> all i've ever done since i was 17 is tell stories. i'm a story teller. and that's what i'll keep on doing especially thousand, kind of embracing and making sure we sell immigration -- if you look at the way immigration is covered in this country, it's not as well rounded or as holistic. so that's what we'll be doing. >> you're approaching the issue for the same reason that you chose to go public with this for a very strong point of view. so you're not a, quote -- >> to quote jay rosen -- >> there new york university. >> yeah. it's not going to be a view from nowhere. will is a view from somewhere.
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and when the view from somewhere is going to be about, again, how many principals, pastor, teacherstwill is a view from so. and when the view from somewhere is going to be about, again, how many principals, pastor, teachershwill is a view from so. and when the view from somewhere is going to be about, again, how many principals, pastor, teachersiswill is a view from somewhere. and when the view from somewhere is going to be about, again, how many principals, pastor, teachersand when the view from e is going to be about, again, how many principals, pastor, teachers all of he's people that have been stepping up when the government has failed, they need to be a part. the story of undocumented immigrants is hot just about undocumented immigrants. it's about the country as a whole and being able to tell the truth about where we are with this issue. >> you're in the media and you were making a very nice living getting paid to write articles. in some ways you keep making the point that you're one of millions and sure that is true, but in some ways you're not incin c typical of people who come to this country illegally. >> i think that's the point. we're not just mowing your lawns or baby-sitting your kids or serving you food. what's been really interesting in this experience, people have been e-mailing us on define america and people who have
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either had engineering degrees or who want on go into hemedici. how many people out there my age, younger than me, who haven't been able to fully live up to their potential and pay taxes and be a part of this society that have invested in them. i grew up going to american public 1k508s th public schools that invested in me. >> i have to go, but i have to ask you, are you worried about the immigration authorities coming after you? >> of course i am. i'm worried. and i think a lot of us, millions of americans living with this, are worried every day. but this is the point. the point is to face this, to pace this issue squarely and say, all right, what are we going to do. what are we going to do. >> well, you've certainly started a conversation. jose antonio var gas. thanks so much for joining us. coming up in the second part of reliable sources, president
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obama's speech puts the media spotlight back on afghanistan this week, but only briefly. why do journalists keep tuning out this war? and then jon stewart makes a fact all flub, but argues that fox news is a bastion of inaccuracy. plus keith olbermann returns to prime time cable. can he put current tv on the map. fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums
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it didn't last long, but it was the president of the united states speaking there the white house and promise to go start winding down america's longest war. 30,000 troops returned will be equal to those sent there with the surge. what's striking is how few pundits like theed speech. nearly everyone was dissatisfied. >> and even as there will be dark days ahead in afrg, the light of a secure peace can be seen in the distance. america, it is time to focus on nation building here at home. >> this is a remarkable speech. this a commander this chief who tripled the number of our troops in afghanistan and who launched us into this intervention in libya delivering what is essentially an and itity war speech. >> mr. president, i have immense
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respect for you, but i have to call it as i see it. it was not a good night at the office. and this talk about nation building, with what hone? >> i don't think either side was happy and i think the rest of the country is just kind of continues to scratch their heads about what we're doing right now in afghanistan. >> look, 56% of american people want us to remove troops as soon as as possible. who care capacity the people in washington think? >> with americans still fighting and dieing in afghanistan, are the media just plain tired of this war? joining us now in seattle, michael medved who write as column for the daily beast. in new york, kelly goff from loop and here in washington, craig crawford who writes the trail mix blog. i thought this might be a moment with a big debate, but 15 minutes after the speech, the cable shows had moved on to other topics and the next day they were leading with the capture of whitey bulger.
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what gives? >> well, you're about forgetting the all-person casey anthony story, right? >> yes, indeed. >> what gives is the reaction to the president's speech is so what else is new. he said he was going to begin withdrawing troops in 18 months and he said some troops this year and depend upon complains on drowned we'll bring another 23,000 home during 2012. this seems to be an attempt to change the subject.drowned we'l 23,000 home during 2012. this seems to be an attempt to change the subject. not to talk about libya and not above all to talk about the debt increase this is a looming crisis that he is only belatedly addressing. >> if that's what it was, it didn't work. kelly, the media quite simply suffering from war fatigue? >> i don't know if it's just the media. i think part of this also goes back to the audience. you they as well as i do that those of us who work in the media are caught in that
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struggle between feeding broccoli versus young fojunk fo viewers. no. >> so you're saying it's just too boring? >> i would never use the word bore to go descriing to describ where americans are losing their lives. but when you look at -- for a lot of american, you saw the bump in coverage following the death of owes bisama bin laden. americans could sort of hang their hat around. an i think in the eyes of many, that seemed to be the end in terms of their connection to this story. i don't know if you call that fatigue or what have you. i will say this, though, that when you look back at a study at the height of donald trump and birther hain i can' eer mania, name was henksed ee eed mentio much as the word afghanistan. >> and i'm sure anthony weiner's name was mentioned many times who are. is it too easy for the press to
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look away from this conflict because it affects a relatively small slice of american society? >> that is part of what happens with a volunteer army, i think. >> if there were a draft, it would be a different story. >> and we wouldn't get in to the wars as easily i think. but what is boring about this is how it's framed, that the public focus, the media focus is exclusively on should we be there and when do we leave and not what's doing on the ground right now. the story in afghanistan is really quite fascinating. the military adventure that it is. it's probably one of the most complex in the history of all warfare, asymmetry of it, the technology, the drones, the sophisticated use of drones is a fascinating technological story. dealing with tribes. preeblt t probabili . >> michael, i said at the top, it just seems like the president can't win on this.
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will i liberal commentates sayi not pulling out fast nuch and conservatives saying he's abandoning afghanistan and we'll give up hard-fought gains. so it seems like he doesn't have th anybody on his side. >> partially that's because of his own great failure going back to his previous big speech on afghanistan was not giving an articulate explanation of what it is that is at stake at this war. in other words, even though the withdrawal has begun, we're going to maintain american forces there he says at least until 2014. that's the latest. so what's at stake? why do we need to do that? what would happen to the united states of america to imperil our own national security to impact the lives of every day americans if we did withdrawal abruptly? why can't we do that? this has never been addressed by the president despite the fact that he campaigned as a candidate saying he would reinforce troops in afghanistan
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and this was the good war that was worth fighting. >> kelly, i'm wondering if you think the media are behind the about public on this issue because the polls show that a majority of the public has turnturn ed against this war and yet i don't see a lot of coverage about that public sentdment.tur i don't see a lot of coverage about that public sentdment. why not? >> number one, the polls you're referring to are relatively new. it's a new phenomenon that the majority of americans want troops to come home. >> another more reason for to be a news story. sd >> there you go. but i also do really think that part of this is a i didn't think and i can't think here. i think you start to see a nose dive this terms of the connection of americans in following this conflict after the death of osama bin laden. i do think that's part of what's at play.
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you saw the huge pump bump in coverage. i don't know if the passion is quite there in terms of follow-through. >> no big demonstrations in the streets. and on libya, i'm wondering if you see a double standard because here you have many in congress saying president obama should get permission from capitol hill to conduct this war and you have the white house saying it's not a war. imagine if george bush had said we're bombing with nato allies but it's not a war. do you think the press reaction would have been more dramatic? sdwr our springtime fling in libya is now moving into the summer, 4700 and four months long, and at some point, i don't care what you call it, but with our people in conflict, congress could do something if it wanted to instead of just hollering. they could start pressuring the president in more legal ways. >> that was a one or two day story for the media. i want to turn to this friday
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night vote in new york state to legalize gay marriage. this morning becoming the sixth and largest state to do so. it's gotten an enormous amount of coverage before i think the politicians are catching up to the public, but the coverage has been celebratory. and if you're against gay marriage you have to wonder whether the coverage is really telling both sides. >> i think that's exactly right. and part of the reason for that is there is just such weariness on the part of people who support traditional marriage and want to maintain the definition of marriage as between one man and one woman. i'll give you one example. the term legalization of gay marriage. that's the way that this has been regularly defined. it seems to me that's inaccurate and misleading. gay marriage has not been illegal. what this is about is government sponsorship and government sanction of a different form of marriage than has been recognized before. and it seems to me that the one
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big story here has been the decision to do this in legislatures without consulting the people of a given state. and i do think that part of the reason this is going on the way it is is because of the sense of did dispirited hopelessness on the more conservative side. >> i'm going to challenge that slightly. actually, all of the polling shows that the majority of americans do support some sort of legalized partnership for gays and lesbians. and the word marriage has essentially been the hang up here. so i would argue that the coverage is actually reflecting public opinion. the debate is over celebration regarding the word. and i think that might be a more accurate context. >> i just think in a most journalists support this, but there is another side to it. and governor cuomo pushed it through. already there's speculation --
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>> he'sing for to run for president. >> in 2016 and we haven't gotten to 2012 yet. >> i think marriage equality is here to stay with new york the most populous state and i think it's good through the ledgess lay ch legislature. that's only way we can consult with the people. >> if a judge had done it, it would be a complete -- >> does it seem that the coverage has paid equal attention to both sides of the debate? sgli >> i think the media has been rallying behind the humidity. i think we're always prone to any civil rights movement. it's democratic to us. and that's just one of our soft spots. >> thanks for joining us this morning. after the break, jon stewart in the fox's de this. . he beats up on chris wall larks but his pummeling of fox news getting just a bit stale? my doctor told me calcium
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so when stewart ripped fox, the host pushed back saying his network is a liberal times and other outlets. stewart wasn't buying it. >> i think that you are here in some respects to bring a credit ability and integrity that might not otherwise have it without your presence. so you are here as a counter weight to hannity, let's say, or glenn beck because otherwise it's just pure talk radio and it doesn't establish the type of political play that it wants to be. >> i don't think our viewers are the least bit disappointed with us. i think our viewers think finally they're getting shall be who tells the other side of the story. >> and in the polls -- >> one most of example. >> who are the most consistently
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misinformed viewers? fox. fox viewers. every poll. >> joining us now to talk about the last indictment in new york, glynnis pimcnicol, and aaron barnhart. david zurawik. did jon stewart made the case or was he just being entertaining? >> i don't think he made the case at all. he's told bret bear that he approves of him, he's told bill o'reilly he approves of him. so how do you get 100% propaganda machine if you have three of their biggest stars are people he approves of? i think that segment that showed him saying fox viewers are consistently misinformed, the bite you had was terrific. and then saying every poll shows this to be true.
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>> that was a mistake and we'll come back to that. did chris wallace do an effective job of defending fox news or did he concede that the network is set up to battle the mainstream immediate with a ya when he said we tell the other side? >> i'm not sure he did as an effective jobs as he could. at one point he pulled out a 6-year-old clip from comedy central. he seemed to sort of use the entire comedy central network against jon stewart even though jon stewart obviously just hosts a half hour show. the pint john spoint jon stewar trying to make was chris wallace said we show the other side and c conceded that fox shows the conservative side.o make was ch we show the other side and conceded that fox shows the conservative side. but chris wallace's viewer ship is obviously fans of fox news, so i'm not sure who he needed to convince. >> chris wallace said it was probably not the best choice of phrase. but clue me in. why would wallace invite stewart
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on to rip fox news knowing full well that's what he was going to do? >> i think as he said thin his intro, they're a fair and balanced network and this is what a fair and balanced network does. it presents both sides to the story. but i just found the whole conversation a little bit dishonest. there was a lot of debating about ideology and there was that line about being a comedian is harder than what i do and if you were a tree, would you be mark twain. and i looked at the tape or the web video, and we should probably make clear here we're not talking about what aired last week on fox news sunday, but what everybody watched and is commented on on the web, the longer up edited version of it. >> no, the statement about fox news did air. the statement that stewart made about it being -- >> and since you both referenced this point, let me just jump in- >> something about bill senior
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that got bleeped from the -- >> you say bleeped. the interview was edited. but first let me play jon stewart acknowledging that he made a mistake when he practice this argument that polls showed that fox viewers were the most misinformed. >> ultimately poe lit fact declared my statement false. i defer to their judgment and i apologize for my mistake. fox said less than 10% of obama's cabinet appointees have worked in the private sector. poe lit fact said that's false. fox said white house political director once served as right hand than to the air corn oig chief. scored that as pauls. . >> he went on and on. we haven't showed the same thing. >> it was effective to his supporters. i found 21 errors that he went through would you the time he was spitting trail mix out of his mouth. as comedy, it was a very funny thing.
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but so many think he's a great heed i can't critic and take anything he says as a truth. this would be the new york times. on their correction page saying we made a mistake and we're sorry about it, but the "wall street journal" made 21 mistakes, we're worse than us, we're good. >> in fact, chris wallace quoted you during the interview and said stewart has they ever been held accountable in his media criticism. >> yes. >> all right. hold him accountable. >> that's a case of it right there. i'll tell you another case of it. when he attacks cnn for its coverage of anthony weiner's press conference where he called the cnn producer a jackass. horrible display. day that barb a dana bash and that allower were doing exactly what they should be doing. dana bash kept saying i know you're upset, but just answer this. he calls them a jackass.
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and jon stewart makes fun of cnn. and a week later when weiner says this was all true, where is jon stewart? he pulls his punch t s that ps night show. >> was that an effective response and what do you make of the point that he's overly celebrated as a media critic? >> let's start with i think jon stewart going on fox is genius for both of them because it's good tv. was his response effective, absolutely. it was right down the line quintessential jon stewart response. okay, i'm wrong, let's turn this into a sharp funny segment about why fox is so bad because it's so easy and fun to demonize fox particularly for his audience. i do think david has a point. i think stewart manages to take the most ridiculous aspect of cable news and turn it into an
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entertaining show. and sometimes that means he's an effect difference media critic and sometimes just an effective comedian. it's hard to separate the two sometimes. and he does get a pass. he's so better staining. entertaining. >> let's break the tie. he admits he's a comedian first but he use it is to make serious points. >> and i think he sees himself doing the job that a the hof mainstream people won't do, which is to punch back. and what's really interesting, sometimes when you hit the bully, he respects you. and i would refer people to the video of his interview with bill o'reilly. what starts to happen is what didn't happen with chris wallace. chris wallace was sort of sticking to his guns and throwing outlines that arguments that could have been made three,
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four years ago, john stu are the and a bill o'reilly had a really reasonable discussion once they got done sort of hitting each other a couple types back akupc. but they had an excellent judgment about news judgment and the way it's exercised, why fox news goes wall to wall on obama but not after ted nugent. felt like a conversation among equals. >> that's not what jon stewart said. he said he was so badly edited, he looked like a woman on the verge of a nervous break down. >> the daily show edits interviews and fox by putting the complete 24 minutes or whatever it was online, we all got to see and make our own judgment. you'd agree? we have a rare moment. that means it's time for me to get a break. up next, countdown is back on the air. can keith olbermann lure the liberals to al gore's network?
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pretty much the same as on msnbc until their bitter breakup. and as he that clear, he's still a man with a mission. >> this is to be a newscast of context allization and it is to be presented with a viewpoint that the weakest citizen of this country is more important than the strongest corporation. that the nation is losing its independence through the malfeasance of one political party and the timidity of another and that even though you and i should not have to be the last line of defense, apparently we are. so we damn well better start being it. >> did you see a different keith olbermann or the same old die? >> i think i basically saw the same show on a different channel.gudie? >> i think i basically saw the same show on a different channel.guydie? >> i think i basically saw the same show on a different channel.>> i think i basically same show on a different channel. i think they're banking on the pact that his loyal viewers from msnbc have missed his show since january, will follow him to this new station to see him again, not that they're presenting something new or different or anything all that spectacularly
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original from what they had at msn msnbc. >> david, you've been critical of olbermann, but mostly you gave the debut a positive he review p. >> i was impressed with the production values and his leadership. he really produced a show that looked better than it did on ms thbs. and for that, i think he deserves high praise. i don't know what kind of infrastructure he's working with this terms of facilitieses, but they really did well this week. the thing i didn't like and really troubled me was this rhetoric he has of insult and rancor, calling people idiots and half an idiot he called sarah palin. and morons. calling people morons. that's what has always troubled me about keith olbermann. i hope al gore, the half owner of that network, will rein him in. but it is an attractive show. >> i think olbermann was hard to be olbermann. i thought he toned it down a notch even while doing worst persons in the world.
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aaron, olbermann talked both on the show and in the run up about being free of the corporate constraints of working for an organization like nbc. did he seem to you to be liberated on this new network? >> i didn't see off in any significant rhetorical way. and he assault weapon the last three months, you know, being asked this question. what was it that msnbc management did that you were trying to get out from under? and he had three months to give an answer and i never thought he particularly gave a very helpful answer. you know, in the show you saw the same guests, jonathan turley, john dean, the m & m brothers, marcos moore. so going forward, my question is now that you've promoted yourself as being, you know, free from the man, what does that mean? what exactly are you going to be doing with this show that you weren't doing for that show?
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but i should say for the purposes of this first week, maybe this first month, it was absolutely vital that okeith olbermann get his audience moved over to current. and with 175,000 viewers in the young adult demographic, twice what cnn was doing in that hour, by the way, howie. i think he succeeded. >> well, you know, that's another -- an interesting aspect of it. you know, current, like a lot of stations do this, release selective nielsen figures. >> not the totals. >> only gave us that one demo, which was sure to be their best number. now, that's what corporations do. that's what these evil korpgs corporations that he's going to rail against, that's what he's going to do and he's doing it. i wrote a piece -- >> but to be fair -- >> tell us what the ratings -- >> be fair to e olbermann. yeah and he's making $10 million a year, too. that's corporate money. >> yes, it is. >> when you're looking at those
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young audience demos, i think that's important and shouldn't be skipped over. you know, the one thing that stuajon stewart does that none of these cable news channel stations do, he draws a crowd of people under the age of 40 and talks about the things that interests you and me and all these other people that work in the media. >> but you heard him say this was going to be a newscast of contextualization. you can't give one number and not the other ones that contextualize this. >> some context from glynnis. it's true olbermann has always chafed against the man at msnbc or espn. now he is the man, the chief news officer at current tv. will he have the same impact six months or a year from now as he had on the bigger network? >> here's the thing. when you watched his show on msnbc, did you ever get the sense he was chafing against the man, not being allowed to say things he wanted to say? >> i think he said whatever the hell he wanted. >> exactly. you never got the sense there was this keith olbermann waiting
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to be unleashed. the fact he's moved to current, i feel like we're not getting anything new, that, in fact, viewers never got the sense that he was being held back and needed to go somewhere different unless you read his twitter sometimes, which is a little angrier than perhaps what you get on the show. >> there was one change where he pulled back. he'd been going three or four minutes past the hour in an effort to stick it to msnbc. he says he won't do it anymore because his friend, rachel madd maddow, would be hurt by that. >> typical olbermann. >> he was listening, a, to fans and b, he's been trying to demonize msnbc and sort of make them the enemy he's playing off of. it clearly in the first week didn't work and he pulled back and sort of said, oh, rachel maddow is my friend now. >> we'll keep watching and talking about it. thanks very much for stopping by, glynnis macnicol, aaron barnhart. next up, geraldo goes too far, ed henry gets flak for
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years, a creative journalist who e is essentially invented the cable news sports cast. he'll be missed. time for the "media monitor." "atlantic monthly" story on how many in the medical establishment are starting to accept alternative medicine from acupuncture to chiropractic treatment, despite a lack of hard scientific evidence. a thought-provoking look at what makes some patients feel better, including extra attention many busy doctors can't provide. ed henry is moving to fox news as chief white house correspondent, a coup for fox. that prompted media matters to take a few swipes at henry. six years ago he described a democratic proposal to withdraw from iraq this way -- "some have referred to this as the cut-and-run provision." was that a republican talking point? he made clear it was one faction's description. plus as a member of the white house correspondents association he defended fox's right to inherit a front-row briefing room seat. come on.
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just by taking a job at fox he didn't become an unfair and unbalanced guy. remember when msnbc suspended ed schultz because he called laura ingram a right-swing slut? what about this guy talking about casey anthony? >> i think it will end the prosecution case, brian weather a bang, so to speak to show this was a shelfish, narcissistic, self-involved slut who wanted to kill her child to have la bella vita. >> casey anthony may be many things, including guilty of killing her young daughter. that's up to a jury to decide. but geraldo is guilty of using a blatantly sexist term. the sad news that ryan dunn was killed in a car crash. he had been using alcohol, prompting film critic roger ebert to tweet friends don't let jackasses drive and tweet.
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