tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 27, 2011 7:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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to be able to yearn for more. >> it's interesting, twitter brought them all here and all the camera phones come out. >> yup. >> boom, boom, boom, everyone is a paparazzi. >> everyone's a director. everyone's a photographer. >> thank you. >> great. >> i loved it. really good. coming up later on "306." casey anthony's defense tries to get the death penalty off the table. will the move work? we'll tell you the latest. and we're getting closer to the answer of whether or not casey anthony will testify. we begin "keeping them honest" with the candidate for president who's campaigning against big government even though she and her family personally benefit from government money. >> i want my candidacy for the presidency of the united states to stand for a moment when we, the people, stand once again. for the independence from a government. that is gotten too big and spends too much and has taken
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away too much of our liberties. >> minnesota congresswoman michele bachmann jump nook the republican race, declaring her candidacy in waterloo, iowa. she challenged the tea party caucus and her anti-government record is nothing new. >> after the $700 billion bailout, the trillion-dollar stimulus and the massive budget bill with over 9,000 earmarks, no more earmarks. >> i voted "no" not once but twice on the $700 billion bailout. i voted against every bailout that came after that. i voted against the stimulus bills. >> our heads are spinning right now with the bailout mania. >> out of control spending has consequences. the federal government continues to spend more money than what it takes in. the more spending and yet again, spending that this country simply cannot afford. cut the spending. stopping the spending. stop spending money we don't have. >> michele bachmann speaking out. keeping her honest it turns out
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she's not only benefitted personally from government machine she's also lobbied for it. her husband's 'counseling clinic. bachmann and associates. they offer christian counseling. the clinic received nearly $30,000 in government money since 2006. we did our own digging and learned that $24,000 came from a state grant financed totally by federal money. then there's her late father-in-law's farm in wisconsin in which she's a partner. we got this information from a government watchdog group called "the environmental working group" according to their farm subsidy database we got nearly a quarter million dollars between 1995 and 2008 mostly in federal corn and dairy subsidies. congressman bachmann was asked about the clinic and the farm over the weekend. >> the money that went to the clinic was actually training money for employees. the clinic didn't get the money and my husband and i did not get the money. that's mental health training
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money that went to the employees. number two regarding the farm, the farm is my father-in-law's farm. it's not my husband and my's farm. it's my father-in-law's farm and my husband and i have never gotten a penny of money from the farm. >> as for the clinic according to the "los angeles times," the money was earmarked for training and employees and training that benefits the clinic. as for not getting a penny from the farm, her own financial documents show that's not so. they reveal between 32 and $105,000 between 2006 and 2009. in public, she was railing against and voting against federal foreign payments voting "no" on a 2008 farm subsidy bill and the next year she wrote agriculture secretary tom vilsack praising the programs and asking for more. quote, i would encourage you to take any further steps necessary to prevent further deterioration of these critical industries -- meaning benefiting her
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constituents and herself while she rails against big government intervening in the marketplace. bob schieffer asked her about that yesterday on "face the nation" and she dodged the question. watch. >> what about farm subsidies? you've been from farm subsidies on your family farm. to you think we ought to think about cutting those back? >> well, i think everything needs to be on the table right now. every part of government. i'll tell you one thing that should be on the table, under barack obama, the last two years, the number of federal limousines for bureaucrats has increased 73% in two years. i can't think of anything more reprehensible than seeing bureaucrats on their cell phones in the back -- 73% increase in the number of federal limousines in the last two years, for heaven's sake. >> you're not saying that eliminating limousine service is anywhere equal to reducing farm subsidies? >> what i'm saying is i think that's an easy one that we need to do.
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clearly, president obama is not serious about cutting spending. >> we invited her on the program tonight by the way and her people refused saying she was, quote, booked solid all week. she appeared on sean hannity where she was not asked about this at all and she plans a full slate of appearances on tomorrow's network morning shows. joining me now, john king, and gloria borger. john, relatively speaking, a relatively small amount of government money over many years but it does raise questions for a candidate who's made her name attacking big government spending? >> it absolutely does. it raises the questions even at a higher volume because she's rising in the polls and she is, right now, like her or not, the most influential person, the person most shaping the republican race so far. because of her rise in iowa she's tied with mitt romney and because of that, all the other campaigns are reacting to michele bachmann so she faces a higher credibility test and
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she'll face these questions. what did you do with the money? what money did you get? and the credibility questions that you're asking. how can you rail against government spending, government involvement in the marketplace when, to a degree even though there's no evidence she's done anything wrong, she's applied for the business, she took government money at a time when she's out there saying it's such a horrible thing. >> gloria, i want to show our viewers the poll john's talking about. it shows her statistically tied as frontrunner and she clearly as momentum. what does that mean for the primary so far? >> to me, she seems to me so far, to be at least the howard dean of the race on the republican's side. remember when howard dean gave john carry a run for his money in 2004? nobody kind of expected him to do that but he had a strong base within the party and he had the liberal base within the party. she has the tea party, fiscal conservative base and until somebody like rick perry gets in, governor of texas, which i
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believe he will, she's taking up a lot of the oxygen. today, mitt romney himself complimented michele bachmann for the, quote, traction she's getting in the campaign. >> it's interesting, gloria. a lot of liberals today and liberal commentators were attacking her for she misspoke and she thought she was talking about john wayne and she was talking about john wayne gassy. clearly candidates make mistakes and we're not focusing on that. but i want to play the question that had a lot of people talking over the weekend, put to congressman bachmann put to her by chris wallace over the weekend. >> are you a flake? >> well, i think that would be insulting to say something like that because i'm a serious person. >> chris wallace has since apologized. would that question ever be asked to a male candidate? >> look, i think it's just easier to ask it of a woman. for some reason there's a different threshold. i looked back to governor moon
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beam, jerry brown, i'm not sure anybody directly asked him if he was a flake. but in the end in talking to some people that work for michele bachmann worked to her advantage because she was able to kind of chastise chris wallace. he did apologize later, as you say. but she was also able to recite her resume and tell people why she should be taken seriously but i believe that there's a different threshold for a woman candidate. just ask hillary clinton about that. >> a lot of people like to put michele bachmann in a sarah palin mode and she's not a sarah palin and if the polls are accurate she seems a lot more formidable as a presidential candidate? >> there are a lot of people right now anderson who und understand iowa very well who believe she's a favored. this is my seventh presidential campaign and it's hard for me to sit her and give you a reasonable scenario showing michele bachmann as the republican nominee but i can give you a good scenario showing her having a dramatic impact on
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the race. if she wins iowa that kills the pawlenty candidacy. it probably kills the inge gingrich candidacy if it lasts that long. if you're governor romney you like her. the first race if you're not governor romney of the other eight candidates and maybe governor perry and that makes nine, is to emerge to an alternative to the frontrunner. michele bachmann stole that mantel at the moment. she's surprised a lot of people and she'll raise a lot of money in the first quarter and with the success comes the tougher questions. that's her next challenge. she's a house member and she has to prove now she can be a serious candidate for president. >> and anderson, i think it may have happened a little quickly. i was talking to somebody close to her today and he said to me, we're not ready for all of this attention yet? she may not be ready for all of this attention yet, as you say. she's full of gaffes. she's got to learn the difference between being a congressional candidate and being a presidential candidate. which is a whole different playingfield and it's clear that
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she's not comfortable in these kinds of unscripted events. she did very well at the debate, at the cnn debate because you had her talking. >> let me jump in, to her credit, i've seen her -- she's come on this program. i've seen her on chris matthews' programs, a lot of these candidates won't do that. michele bachmann whether you like her or not and viewers and voters are divided on that, she goes out there and she gets into the fray and i got to give her -- she won't come on tonight to answer this question but in general, i give her respect for doing that. >> she'll come soon and you know she will. i've had her on the program where she made some ludicrous thing about libya and she said she saw it in a newspaper report. you had her on and you grilled her about the president's trip to india when she quoted the ridiculous blog posting and she said, well, i was just quoting the report. i had her on about a month ago and she says now she understands
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that there's a higher bar now and she can't make factual mistakes like that. but that's the thing, you have to give her credit. she's not afraid to go out and take her harpoons. >> that's the difference between michele bachmann and sarah palin. michele bachmann is willing to confront these issues. lots of republicans at first called her the "mini me" to palin. she'll answer questions directly if you can get her on the show. i think that's the difference between her and palin. she's really willing to say -- okay. here's what i believe and maybe she turns out to be wrong but at least she does it. >> she's had a whole career as a lawyer before getting into politics so -- a force to be reckoned with. no doubt. let us know what you think. you can get me on fwooik. i' get me on facebook. syria, being beating by forces and the syrian government
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says there's no crackdown. they say that it's extremist groups doing the killing. we'll hear from the government spokesperson and someone in hiding. the casey anthony trial. why the court proceedings 'screeched to a halt over the weekend. that's coming up. i couldn't conceive this as a heart attack. the doctor leaned over and said to me, "you just beat the widow-maker." i was put on an aspirin, and it's part of my regimen now. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. go see your doctor now.
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we've been getting video in all day posted by people from syria. every clip, revolting as it is, every clip shows a person, often a child, each person killed, each body and they've been brutalized and some have been mutilated. i'm tell you most of what we saw today we can't even show you on the screen. some of it must be seen so that no one can deny the truth of what's happening in syria. that's what the government is doing. trying to deny the truth of what's happening. if you feel you need to look away, look away now but please, listen if you can, at least. 13-year-old rita was killed allegedly by security forces just outside damascus. we're not showing you the other side of his face that's smashed to pieces. this is the tortured body of a man detained on june 17th, we're told. ten days later his bow did was
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returned the way the government operates. the bodies are returned to send a message to strike fear. this is from homes -- this is tareq taken two months ago the voice saying his body shows signs of electric shock, whippings, stabbings, and various burns on his body. they say syrian returned his body on the condition he is buried immediately and told the family not to open the coffin. they returned one man brutalized with his penis cut off, just 13 years old. there are more but the images are unwatchable including a 13-year-old tortured to death after disappearing may 29th, his body returned june 18th almost unrecognizable. as this is happening the government says it's not happening. here's the regime's vice foreign minister. >> why are syrian security forces and the military and this is has been the testimony of many people in some solve those
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cities, why are they shooting at demonstrators and in some cases, killing them? why is that crackdown happening in syria right now? >> there's no crackdown. there is a crackdown from these military groups against the government. and against the civilians. >> so who's doing the killing? >> the killing was initiated and is still going on by these extremist groups. >> who are they? >> extremist groups, extremist religious groups, groups financed from outside syria and groups that do not want to achieve reform in syria. >> unnamed groups. no evidence. unnamed extremists, financed by unnamed outsiders. in his last speech, bashar al assad blamed the criminals and clearly the regime needs to get their story straight. chilling pictures, these from outside damascus on friday.
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security thugs jamming a protester into the trunk of a car beating them. watch as someone rush into the crowd with sticks, batons, trying to rescue the guy. he's beaten senseless and the trunk is shut. and another person, someone's father, uncle, best friend, is 45u8ed away. and a young man being led away by security forces his face unmar ford now. his future? we can't tell we don't know. each new tragedy seems to bring more people into the streets. this weekend i spoke with a woman whose husband was taken away weeks ago. she, herself is a fugitive and she's on the run in syria with her life in danger. we talked by phone earlier. there were more protests and more brutality over the weekend. what can you tell us about what happened? >> actually, the protests became daily. on this same time that security campaign against the protests and the protesters are still
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continuing. more than 1,000 persons get arrested during last week only. and many of them are citizens of the university. >> we're watching video now of people being beaten by security forces in the street when somebody gets injured like that, can they go to a hospital? what happens to them? >> most of them are scared to go to hospital because usually what's going on that if anybody goes to national hospital, they will be arrested by the security inside the hospital. in another case somebody got killed even, inside the hospital and we reported one such occasion, actually. that's why most of injured people prefer to be at home and get medical treatment at home and not to go to the hospital. >> there's a meeting of opposition leaders in damascus today, a public meeting, that the government said they would allow. you did not attend.
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why? >> i believe they have those people who were in this meeting, have the right to meet and discuss the situation about their countries. but at the same time, this meeting just -- hundreds and dozens of people got killed and arrested during last week. now we had 1,005 people got killed, civilians. only today, another prison got killed inside detention under torture. so the whole security practices are continuing. the regime cannot say that they are allowing dialogue at the same time when they are continuing to kill people and arrest people. >> i saw a video of a person, a man who had died and it looks like there were marks on various parts of his body, possibly, where there were electricity put. it was hard to tell. do you know what kinds of torture they subject people to?
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>> all kinds of torture they are practicing against the chinese started from beating all over the bodies. also using electricity, burning by cigarettes. using another method to beat hard on the head, especially. so it's all kinds of torture which leads to kill. they torture to kill. it's not just an accident that those people got killed under torture. >> there are also reports and video of a 13-year-old boy shot and killed by syrian security forces. what do you know about him? >> i know he wasn't the only child who got killed during last week. during last week, eight children got shoot by the security during
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the peaceful protests other suburbs. and now the number of children who got killed is about 100 children. and they don't make any difference when they started to use the force and when they started to shoot people, they made no difference between boy or child or an adult, between girl, or boy. it's just using force and all kinds to stop the protest and to force people to stop their movements. >> thank you for talking to us. stay safe. >> thank you. >> part of the regime's methodology is that they're not brutalizing their own people but they're saving them from thugs and extremists. thousands of residents knowing that's not true have fled to neighboring turkey. we've talked to them. and this evening i spoke with our reporter in damascus but who
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was allowed into the city by syrian authorities under very, very tight restrictions. a new video posted of a 13-year-old boy reportedly shot and killed by syrian military. do you know anything about what happened to this boy? >> reporter: well, anderson, that incident is said to have taken place in one of the damascus suburbs during the demonstrations where activists were reporting that syrian security forces indiscripple natalie opened fires on those protesting and among those killed was this young child. there's video on youtube we can no if 'sfpt say, but the boy's mother is sobbing hi stairally, cursing the president and the security forces and it's because of images like this we have the position that the opposition is taking. one that's move from what we saw in the beginning of the uprising a demand for reform, but now a demand for the removal of the regime. this specific neighborhood is
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one of the neighborhoods we asked our government minders to go to on friday but we were told that request had not been fulfilled. we have not been able to receive that permission. >> the government minders did take you to this town jisr al-shugur this weekend. that's a place that's been hotly contested where many people have fled from now and are across the border in turkey. what did you see in this town? could you actually get an accurate account of what happened there? >> anderson, we very much saw what the government wants us to see and hear and they were very much showing us what they said was evidence to corroborate their claims. their narrative is they were simply targeted armed gangs. they said there were thousands of armed individuals when they entered jisr al-shugur and they say this terrorist element was trying to establish an al qaeda-style islamic 'movement inside syria and they targeted it at the request of the residents. they took us to a number of
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buildings that visibly had sustained heavy damage. there were bullet holes in one of them. a lot of the walls had been broken down by what appeared to be an explosion and this is where the government said an assault took place that killed more than 100 syrian security forces and that is what led to the military crackdown. of course, this differs greatly from the numerous stories that we had been hearing from the refugees we talked to along the syria/turkey border. they said they were simply peaceful demonstrators and security forces were targeting them indiscriminately and they fled fearing this military crackdown because they believed they would be massacred but it's always difficult if not impossible, for us while in syria, to get an independent idea of what's happening because we're constantly operating in the shadow of our government minders. >> thank you so much. up next, a stunned rod blagojevich, the former governor of illinois hears the verdict. did he try to sell president
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obama's senate seat? find out. and today's emotionally charged testimony in the amanda knox case. one of the men convicted in the brutal murder of her roommate, a man she claimed she hardly knew. ♪ [ male announcer ] and just like that, it's here. a new chance for all of us: people, companies, communities to face the challenges yesterday left behind and the ones tomorrow will bring. prudential. bring your challenges.
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knox case, the seattle student convicted of killing her british roommate and fellow student four years ago in a headline-grabbing murder. meredith kercher was found dead. the italian court convicted knocks' boyfriend and in a separate trial, another man named rudy guede who knocks and her family said she was railroaded into hoping the appeal would set her free and most experts think the appeal hinges on the forensic evidence. independents are looking at it again. today, amanda knox' defense team took another crack at this guy rudy guede. dan rivers is there and i spoke with him earlier. dan, how was amanda knox' defense different in this appeal than the first trial. >> this appeal differs in two crucial ways. firstly, they were able to question new witnesses, requested by the defense that they were unable to question the first time around.
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now, these are people, prisoners, that rudy guede has supposedly confessed to inside prison, saying that he thought amanda knox and her then-boyfriend rafael sollecito were innocent. since he's coming in and given evidence, he's flatly denied talk bts about the case at all in prison. the second important strand that's different than the original case is they will re-dpam minimum some of the dna evidence. they'll go over the methodology scrutinizing that and call into doubt some key planks of the original trial that relied on the dna evidence. >> i guess the knife which the prosecution says was the murder weapon that she was stabbed in the neck with, it did have a piece of skin that was believed to have belonged to the victim. but it -- the original time it couldn't be retested according to international standards, right? >> they're basically saying that the tissue found on the knife was such a tiny amount, low-copy dna, they're saying, it's
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impossible to replicate those tests. so starting this coming thursday, there will be some new forensic experts that will give evidence and they'll go back over the problems with replicating those tests on the knife. they'll also go over some of the problems alleged by the defense that the crime scene was seriously contaminated during the investigation. for example, the only real piece of evidence in the bedroom where meredith kercher was killed, that tied sollecito to the crime scene was the clasp of meredith kercher's bra and that wasn't discovered for 47 days, according to the defense. they're saying that that means it could have been contaminated by forensic officers going in and out without covers on their shoes and that kind of thing. >> the defense got a shock. they called this guy, rudy guede to the witness stand but on the stand, he actually gave his strongest statement so far against amanda knox and her ex-boyfriend? >> yeah. this kind of backfired in a way. i think the defense were hoping
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that under the pressure of cross can examination, guede may crumble and admit, okay, in fact amanda knox was completely innocent and so was sollecito and, in fact, he did it with, perhaps, someone else or on his own. but that didn't happen at all. reverse happened. he went further in accuse knox and sollecito being involved. before he only implied but today he came outright and said he thought they were guilty. >> this is the first time amanda knox and her ex-boyfriend, sollecito, and this guy guede, were all in the courtroom together for the first time in ap couple of years, how did they seem? >> it was aid powerful day of evidence, i think. the atmosphere was pretty electric. amanda knox was clearly very nervous going into this. you could see her taking deep breaths just after she walked into what is really quite a small courtroom. she was sitting a few yards from guede. she had a brief chat with sollecito as well.
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we couldn't really hear what they said. she then gave dramatically, a statement halfway through the proceedings. halfway through that she almost broke down to cry so you could feel it was very emotionally charged. she regained her composure but it was obvious she was nervous. she knew how much was hanging on this day of evidence today. >> dan rivers, appreciate it, thanks. programming note. this friday night more on the story about "murder abroad" the amanda knox story. ahead, surprise in the casey anthony trial. we found out why the judge shut down the court over the weekend and today's dramatic's testimony. but first, jo john's. libya's head man, gadhafis is officially a wanted man. today, the international criminal court issued warrants for him, a son and brother-in-law charging them with crimes against humanity. a libyan official says the charges are a cover for nato's military operations. in illinois, former governor rod blagojevich was convicted on
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17 of 20 counts in his corruption trial. the charges were in connection with his attempt to sell the senate seat vacated by president obama. in nebraska, officials are fighting to keep the flooding missouri river away from two nuclear reactors. so far they say they've kept water away from the power sources that help keep nuclear fuel under control so there's no danger of meltdowns like those at japanese reactors earlier this year. a picture may be worth a thousand words. but over the weekend in denver, an old picture of billy the kid was worth $2.3 million to billionaire william coke. the 130-year-old photo is said to be the only authentic picture of the legendary outlaw. and here's the thing, aerndsson, the kid reportedly only paid 25 cents to have it taken. >> i like that, on second reference, he's "the kid." >> that's nice. >> tonight's shot, joe, i saw it last weekend. a feisty and talented chihuahua
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that would impress fred astair. take a look. ♪ 6 ♪ i love this. it goes on and on. we found the amateur video on youtube. his name is willie. he could stay on his hine legs for like a minute and the rest is with him staring into the camera with his soulful eyes. >> the casey anthony trial. why the judge called an unexpected recess on saturday. kind of bizarre. and the latest on why the jurors were asked to smell garbage from casey anthony's -- from the trunk of her car. and tsa agents made a
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95-year-old woman take off her adult diaper as part of a security check. they said it was official policy. does the tsa stand behind that? what went on? details ahead. not so much. well, for a driver like you, i would recommend our new snapshot discount. this little baby keeps track of your great driving habits, so you can save money. [sighs] amazing. it's like an extra bonus savings. [ cackling ] he's my ride home. how much can the snapshot discount save you? call or click today. toi switched to a complete0, multivitamin with more. only one a day women's 50+ advantage has ginkgo for memory and concentration, plus support for bone and breast health. a great addition to my routine. [ female announcer ] one a day women's.
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"crime and punishment." a marathon day in the casey anthony time and the mystery solved. why the judge called an unexpected recess on saturday which brought the trial to a halt. the reason which you'll hear in a moment. judge perry had been adamant about keeping the trial on schedule. today he kept court in session
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until after 7:00 p.m., possibly to make up for saturday's delay. here's the details. >> reporter: casey anthony was all smiles as court started chatting with her defense team. she seemed almost refreshed, which is surprising considering how she spent her weekend. >> the legal issue has arisen unrelated to the issue that we talked about first thing this morning, dealing with dr. ferdin that would necessitate us recessing for today. >> an interruption that stunned court observers and a mystery until today. >> on saturday, the defense filed a motion to determine competency to proceed. based upon that motion, the court ordered that the defendant to be examined by three psychologists to determine her competency to proceed. >> a competency evaluation for casey anthony, recommended by
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her own defense team. after she was examined by two psychologists and a psychiatrist, the judge reviewed their findings and said -- >> based upon the reports that the court has reviewed, the court will find that the defendant is competent to continue to proceed. >> reporter: then, it was on to the day's first witness. >> the defense calls detective uri melich. >> the lead investigator in the case. defense attorney, jose baez wanted to raise doubts about how the case was handed. >> mr. anthony's cell records. >> yes. >> do they include cell tower information? >> no they do not. >> would that information have been useful to you as -- being able to determine mr. george anthony's movement? or his cell phone movement? >> yes, if i had a reason to even believe that that would play a part in this case which at the time i did not.
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>> baez brought up roy krompt, the meter reader that discovered caylee's remains in december of 2008. >> you also testified that you never confiscate his computer? >> yes, i don't believe getting his computer. >> the next expert witness of the day was kenneth fertin, a forensic expert. the goal for the defense, call into the question the presence of chloroform found in the trunk of casey's car. he noted the chloroform could come from a household cleaner like bleach. but under cross-examination admitted there was no evidence of any bleach in casey's car. >> you would expect that if bleach were spilled upon a dark fabric surface the dark fabric surface would reflect some evidence of bleach having been spilled on it, wouldn't you? >> if the source of the bleach was being placed directly on the carpet, then, yes. >> reporter: before the day ended the defense showed the jury a november, 2008, search for caylee's remains at the same
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area where her body was found a month later. the defense implying as they have all along that caylee's body was dumped after november when casey anthony was already in jail. >> so that's the defense' hope that he can proveth body was moved after casey was already in jail but there's another side to the story? >> that's right. the prosecution would maintain that, no, the body was never moved. little caylee had probably been in the woods where her body was discovered very short live after the time in which she disappeared and began to try to poke holes in the cases of the private investigators, and these were the guys that took the video the jury saw. they basically said, how carefully did you really search the woods? you say you went in there and you had a video camera but did thoroughly or would you say you thoroughly searched the woods? in fact they got one of the private investigators to say no, it wasn't a thorough investigation by any means which is what the prosecution is saying, they missed it. her body was there, they just simply didn't see it.
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>> martin savidge, thanks. a day of surprises. on trutv, i spoke to jean casarez. >> jean, do we have indication as to why the defense filed the motion to determine casey's competency and why now? >> i don't think we'll ever know because that's, product of a confidential communication but we can go by the motion that says that with conversations with casey, they believed there was an issue as to her competency. her ability to aid and assist her attorneys. but anderson, the devil's in the details. if you look at number six of the la law for competency, it includes testifying relevantly. if they had a concern whether she was competent to testify and appreciated and understood the potential penalties that she's up against, they may have felt in good faith they had to file this motion. >> so isn't this unusual for competency hearings to be
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happening this late in a trial? >> extremely unusual. this is something generally dealt with at the beginning of a trial. we hear it all the time. i've dealt with it myself as a prosecutor. this was very unusual. but as jean said, it likely came up during their discussions with her. either friday or saturday morning. because the legal standard here is whether or not she understood the legal proceedings in front of her and whether or not she could aid in her defense. >> and jurors were given pieces of trash from casey's car to sniff. what was the prosecution trying to prove by having them do that? >> this was the defense witness. the defense's witness said that the smell in the trunk with you decomposition but it was the smell of trash. so on cross-examination the prosecutor, jeff ashton said, you want to see the trash. let's look at the trash. he takes it out and there's no meat products. there's no cheese products and the prosecution said there never was. it was just the wrappers and he asked for it to be passed around to the jury so they were to look
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at it and anderson, some of them decided they wanted to smell it and some jurors took out their hand sanitizers after that to sanitize their hands. >> it's also interesting that we heard so many prosecution witnesses earlier on talking about the distinctive odor of decomposition. if they were all sniffing trash that's an odor but not the same odor of decomposition. >> you're so right. this signifies that they wanted to smell so odor is important to them in the jury. you're right. >> the defense filed another motion asking the court to declare florida's death penalty unconstitutional and urging the judge to declare a mistrial. it sounds like they're trying to, again, do what ever they can to throw up whatever and see what sticks. a competency hearing. a mistrial? the death penalty unconstitutional? >> it sounds like that but they're doing their job. they have to do that. i think their motion about the death penalty has a bit of meat because earlier last week, a miami federal court judge did
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find that there was a problem with the procedure, with the death penalty procedure and that's because in florida, although you need 12 people to reach a unanimous verdict you don't need 12 people to unanimously recommend the death penalty and they don't even have to explain to the defendant or the judge, why they determined the death penalty was appropriate. so no one really know what is the aggravating factors are so this miami judge said no way. this is the death penalty you have to give the judge and defendant the reason why you determined that death is an appropriate penalty here. and so really, judge perry may or may not have to deal with it. >> i'm always wary of critiquing how people appear in court because you never know how people react under stressful situations but a lot of people were talking today about how smiley casey anthony was in court today. >> she was. when she walked in this morning she had a big smile on her face. to play devil's advocate for a second, she's in protective custody. she never had visitors. she doesn't have any interaction so i'm sure it's very exciting
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for her to have human interaction and that bhooifr produced the smile. >> is the defense still talking about ending on wednesday or thursday? >> we'll see. there was no court on saturday, they're a little bit behind schedule but i think the big issue is, is casey going to testify? we still don't know. a three forensic psychiatrist, psychologist panel deemed her competent to go forward so the trial continues. >> it's amazing, sunny, they brought up all the stuff in opening statements about sexual abuse with the father and the brother. there's no evidence of it. they haven't introduced any evidence what is over at this point and they're still talking about ending at the end of the week? >> that's right. thinks why i've said from the beginning jose baez placed casey anthony on the witness 1257bd during his opening statements. who else will testify to the sexual abuse? who else will testify that caylee died an accidental death by drowning? the only person that holds the key to that testimony is casey anthony. they have to put her on the
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witness stand. around if they don't, i think it's game over for this defense. they made all those promises in opening statements and they were all going to break every single one to the jury. >> sonny, appreciate it and jean casarez, thanks. fascinating stuff. outrage over the story of a 95-year-old cancer patient patted down at an airport and her daughter said she even had to take off her adult diaper to get on the plane. tsa released a statement about how agented treated the elderly woman. what they said next. and ahead, the rediculist. kim kardashian's haters. dare to doubt the proverbial junk from the proverbial trunk and they'll wind up on the rediculist. what is that? it's you!
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yeah? you did a really good job, okay? let's go back to drawing. sure, but let me get a little information first. for broccoli, say one. for toys, say two. toys ! the system can't process your response at this time. what ? please call back between 8 and 5 central standard time. he's in control. goodbye. even kids know it's wrong to give someone the run around. at ally bank you never have to deal with an endless automated system.
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coming up, rediculist, kim kardashian's haters join the list. no ifs ands or buts. first, joe johns. the tsa defends agents who patted down a cancer-stricken 95-year-old woman at the northwest florida regional airport. her daughter says agents also made it clear that she couldn't get on the plane unless they could inspect her adult diaper so she took it off. in a statement the tsa said they reviewed the incident and agented followed proper procedure and they did not order removal of the diaper. a victory for video game makers. in a 7-2 ruling the supreme court struck down a california law that would have banned the sale of video games, violent video games to children. the law was called an
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"infringement on first amendment rights." the los angeles dodgers filed for bankruptcy protection today. owner frank mccourt locked in a bitter divorce, says baseball commissioner bud selig has forced the team into the situation. last week selig refused to approve a $3 billion tv deal for the team saying deal was structured for mccourt's personal needs. and the jacket michael jackson wore in the "fliler" video was auctioned over the weekend with a big price tag. the winning bid? $1.8 million. >> really? >> huge. >> don't wear that on the street. >> i guess not. joe, thanks. time for our redick list. tonight we're adding kim kardashian haters what they drove kim to do. for a while i've had this unsettling feeling that, i don't know, something was off, like the universe was slightly out of whack. something was missing and i couldn't pinpoint the source of the feeling then it hit me. no one has been saying much
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about kim kardashian's butt. she remedied that nicely on last night's episode of "keeping up with the kardashians." >> if this is what it takes to shut up the entire world that my butt is real, then i will happily do it. >> you heard her right. unbeknownst to me the entire world won't stop with the cracks about her butt. it's veracity, so to speak. >> i can't even take this seriously. i've said numerous times, like, i haven't had plastic surgery, no butt implants. >> are butt implants really a thing? i thought people just talked about them. has anyone actually seen one? kim and her sisters have had enough of the lies and frankly i don't blame them. last night in an unscripted moment on their unskrapted reality show they were on the computer and found the straw dha broke the camel's backside. >> tragedy struck kim kardashian last night. her left butt cheek exploded.
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>> they can make up completely fake stories. >> this is the same website that said kim burned a raccoon. >> forgetting the exploding butt cheek, i want to hear more about the raccoon 37 with kim looking on the other one came up with an idea of how to set the record straight once and for all. >> who the hell of a normal person gets butt implants. >> if you want to them wrong, get an x-ray and -- >> and x-ray -- >> of you're ass to show there's no silicone in there. >> chloe, that's an amazing idea! >> it'slike watching edwin hubble first realize the universe is expanding. would kim go for the idea? would she be willing to put the "ass" back in classy? >> i want a butt x-ray so i can show the whole world. >> congratulations, whole world. will an x-ray really help us get to the bottom of this world crisis? i their we need a control group. luckily, they have it covered.
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>> can we x-ray courtney's boobs so i can see what an implant looks like? >> remember when doctors thought to save lives and truly help people? anyone that reads i comic book knows all you need to put this to rest is $1 and postage and handling. but since she went to all the trouble while the entire world held its breath, we might as well hear the results. [ drum roll ] >> no implant. >> shocker! >> all kim. >> i am so glad i did this x-ray. >> i think i speak for the whole world when i say, we are so glad, too, kim. we are so glad, too. we'll be right back.
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i used to not travel very much, but then i discovered hotwire. now, i use all my vacation days. i can afford to visit my folks for the holidays. and reconnect with my girlfriends in vegas. because i get ridiculously low prices on all my trips. you see, when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them, so i get 4-star hotels for up to half off.
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coming up later on "360." casey anthony's defense tries to get the death penalty off the table. will the move work? we'll tell you the latest. and we're getting closer to the answer of whether or not casey anthony will testify. we begin "keeping them honest" with the candidate for president who's campaigning against big government even though she and her family personally benefit from government money. >> i want my candidacy for the presidency of the united states to stand for a moment when we, the people, stand once again. for the independence from a government. that is gotten too big and spends too much and has taken away too much of our liberties. >> minnesota congresswoman
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michele bachmann jumping into the republican race, declaring her candidacy in waterloo, iowa. she challenged the tea party caucus and her anti-government record is nothing new. >> after the $700 billion bailout, the trillion-dollar stimulus and the massive budget bill with over 9,000 earmarks, no more earmarks. >> i voted "no" not once but twice on the $700 billion bailout. i voted against every bailout that came after that. i voted against the stimulus bills. >> our heads are spinning right now with the bailout mania. >> out of control spending has consequences. the federal government continues to spend more money than what it takes in. the more spending and yet again, spending that this country simply cannot afford. cut the spending. stopping the spending. stop spending money we don't have. >> michele bachmann speaking out. keeping her honest it turns out she's not only benefitted personally from government
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money over the years, it seems she's lobbied for it. her husband's 'counseling clinic. bachmann and associates. they offer christian counseling. the clinic received nearly $30,000 in government money since 2006. we did our own digging and learned that $24,000 came from a state grant financed totally by federal money. then there's her late father-in-law's farm in wisconsin in which she's a partner. we got this information from a government watchdog group called "the environmental working group" according to their farm subsidy database we got nearly a quarter million dollars between 1995 and 2008 mostly in federal corn and dairy subsidies. congressman bachmann was asked about the clinic and the farm over the weekend. >> the money that went to the clinic was actually training money for employees. the clinic didn't get the money and my husband and i did not get the money. that's mental health training money that went to the employees. number two regarding the farm,
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the farm is my father-in-law's farm. it's not my husband and my's farm. it's my father-in-law's farm and my husband and i have never gotten a penny of money from the farm. >> as for the clinic according to the "los angeles times," the money was earmarked for training and employees and training that benefits the clinic. as for not getting a penny from the farm, her own financial documents show that's not so. they reveal between 32 and $105,000 between 2006 and 2009. in public, she was railing against and voting against federal foreign payments voting "no" on a 2008 farm subsidy bill and the next year she wrote agriculture secretary tom vilsack praising the programs and asking for more. quote, i would encourage you to take any further steps necessary to prevent further deterioration of these critical industries -- meaning benefiting her constituents and herself while she rails against big government intervening in the marketplace.
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bob schieffer asked her about that yesterday on "face the nation" and she dodged the question. watch. >> what about farm subsidies? you've been from farm subsidies on your family farm. to you think we ought to think about cutting those back? >> well, i think everything needs to be on the table right now. every part of government. i'll tell you one thing that should be on the table, under barack obama, the last two years, the number of federal limousines for bureaucrats has increased 73% in two years. i can't think of anything more reprehensible than seeing bureaucrats on their cell phones in the back -- 73% increase in the number of federal limousines in the last two years, for heaven's sake. >> you're not saying that eliminating limousine service is anywhere equal to reducing farm subsidies? >> what i'm saying is i think that's an easy one that we need to do. clearly, president obama is not serious about cutting spending.
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>> we invited her on the program tonight by the way and her people refused saying she was, quote, booked solid all week. she appeared on sean hannity where she was not asked about this at all and she plans a full slate of appearances on tomorrow's network morning shows. joining me now, john king, and gloria borger. john, relatively speaking, a relatively small amount of government money over many years but it does raise questions for a candidate who's made her name attacking big government spending? >> it absolutely does. it raises the questions even at a higher volume because she's rising in the polls and she is, right now, like her or not, the most influential person, the person most shaping the republican race so far. because of her rise in iowa she's tied with mitt romney and because of that, all the other campaigns are reacting to michele bachmann so she faces a higher credibility test and she'll face these questions. what did you do with the money? what money did you get?
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and the credibility questions that you're asking. how can you rail against government spending, government involvement in the marketplace when, to a degree even though there's no evidence she's done anything wrong, she's applied for the business, she took government money at a time when she's out there saying it's such a horrible thing. >> gloria, i want to show our viewers the poll john's talking about. it shows her statistically tied as frontrunner and she clearly got momentum. what does that mean for the primary so far? >> to me, she seems to me so far, to be at least the howard dean of the race on the republican's side. remember when howard dean gave john kerry a run for his money in 2004? nobody kind of expected him to do that but he had a strong base within the party and he had the liberal base within the party. she has the tea party, fiscal conservative base and until somebody like rick perry gets in, governor of texas, which i believe he will, she's taking up a lot of the oxygen.
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today, mitt romney himself complimented michele bachmann for the, quote, traction she's getting in the campaign. >> it's interesting, gloria. a lot of liberals today and liberal commentators were attacking her for she misspoke and she thought she was talking about john wayne and she was talking about john wayne gassy. clearly candidates make mistakes and we're not focusing on that. but i want to play the question that had a lot of people talking over the weekend, put to congressman bachmann put to her by chris wallace over the weekend. >> are you a flake? >> well, i think that would be insulting to say something like that because i'm a serious person. >> chris wallace has since apologized. would that question ever be asked to a male candidate? >> look, i think it's just easier to ask it of a woman. for some reason there's a different threshold. i looked back to governor moon beam, jerry brown, i'm not sure anybody directly asked him if he
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was a flake. but in the end in talking to some people that work for michele bachmann worked to her advantage because she was able to kind of chastise chris wallace. he did apologize later, as you say. but she was also able to recite her resume and tell people why she should be taken seriously but i believe that there's a different threshold for a woman candidate. just ask hillary clinton about that. >> a lot of people like to put michele bachmann in a sarah palin mode and she's not a sarah palin and if the polls are accurate she seems a lot more formidable as a presidential candidate? >> there are a lot of people right now anderson who understand iowa very well who believe she's a favored. this is my seventh presidential campaign and it's hard for me to sit her and give you a reasonable scenario showing michele bachmann as the republican nominee but i can give you a good scenario showing her having a dramatic impact on the race. if she wins iowa that kills the pawlenty candidacy.
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it probably kills the inge gingrich candidacy if it lasts that long. if you're governor romney you like her. the first race if you're not governor romney of the other eight candidates and maybe governor perry and that makes nine, is to emerge to an alternative to the frontrunner. michele bachmann stole that mantel at the moment. she's surprised a lot of people and she'll raise a lot of money in the first quarter and with the success comes the tougher questions. that's her next challenge. she's a house member and she has to prove now she can be a serious candidate for president. signs of horrific torture in syria. victims as young as 13 years old and video of victims being beaten and the government insists there's no crackdown. they say they are -- that it's extremist groups doing the killing. we'll hear from a government
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spokesman and a woman in hiding. and the lead investigator in the casey anthony case back on the stand in her murder trial and why the court proceedings suddenly and mysteriously screeched to a halt over the weekend. as much as i can about a company before i invest in it. that's why i like fidelity. they give me tools and research i can't get anywhere else. their stock screener lets me search for stocks with more than 140 criteria. i can see what their experts are thinking and even call them to bounce an idea off of one of their investment professionals. a good strategy relies on good insight. if you wanted to learn more about a company, i think you'd actually have to be there. >> announcer: this past year alone there's been a 67% spike in companies embracing the cloud-- big clouds, small ones, public, private,
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we've been getting video in all day posted by people from syria. every clip, revolting as it is, every clip shows a person, often a child, each person killed, each body and they've been brutalized and some have been mutilated. i'm tell you most of what we saw today we can't even show you on the screen. some of it must be seen so that no one can deny the truth of what's happening in syria. that's what the government is doing. trying to deny the truth of what's happening. if you feel you need to look away, look away now but please, listen if you can, at least. 13-year-old rita was killed allegedly by security forces just outside damascus. we're not showing you the other side of his face that's smashed to pieces. this is the tortured body of a man detained on june 17th, we're told. ten days later his body was returned the way the government operates. the bodies are returned to send a message to strike fear. this is from homes -- this is
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tareq taken two months ago the voice saying his body shows signs of electric shock, whippings, stabbings, and various burns on his body. they say syrian returned his body on the condition he is buried immediately and told the family not to open the coffin. they returned one man brutalized with his penis cut off, just 13 years old. there are more but the images are unwatchable including a 13-year-old tortured to death after disappearing may 29th, his body returned june 18th almost unrecognizable. as this is happening the government says it's not happening. here's the regime's vice foreign minister. >> why are syrian security forces and the military and this has been the testimony of many people in some solve those cities, why are they shooting at demonstrators and in some cases, killing them? why is that crackdown happening in syria right now? >> there's no crackdown.
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there is a crackdown from these military groups against the government. and against the civilians. >> so who's doing the killing? >> the killing was initiated and is still going on by these extremist groups. >> who are they? >> extremist groups, extremist religious groups, groups financed from outside syria and groups that do not want to achieve reform in syria. >> unnamed groups. no evidence. unnamed extremists, financed by unnamed outsiders. in his last speech, bashar al assad blamed the criminals and clearly the regime needs to get their story straight. it doesn't really have a story that fits the facts or video that keeps pouring in. chilling pictures, these from outside damascus on friday. security thugs jamming a protester into the trunk of a car beating them. watch as someone rush into the crowd with sticks, batons,
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trying to rescue the guy. he's beaten senseless and the trunk is shut. and another person, someone's father, uncle, best friend, is hauled away. and a young man being led away by security forces his face unmar ford now. his future? we can't tell we don't know. each new tragedy seems to bring more people into the streets. this weekend i spoke with a woman whose husband was taken away weeks ago. she, herself is a fugitive and she's on the run in syria with her life in danger. we talked by phone earlier. there were more protests and more brutality over the weekend. what can you tell us about what happened? >> actually, the protests became daily. on this same time that security campaign against the protests and the protesters are still continuing. more than 1,000 persons get arrested during last week only.
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and many of them are citizens of the university. >> we're watching video now of people being beaten by security forces in the street when somebody gets injured like that, can they go to a hospital? what happens to them? >> most of them are scared to go to hospital because usually what's going on that if anybody goes to national hospital, they will be arrested by the security inside the hospital. in another case somebody got killed even, inside the hospital and we reported one such case, actually. that's why most of injured people prefer to be at home and get medical treatment at home and not to go to the hospital. >> there's a meeting of opposition leaders in damascus today, a public meeting, that the government said they would allow. you did not attend. why? >> i believe they have those people who were in this meeting, have the right to meet and
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discuss the situation about their countries. but at the same time, this meeting just -- hundreds and dozens of people got killed and arrested during last week. now we had 1,005 people got killed, civilians. only today, another prison got killed inside detention under torture. so the whole security practices are continuing. the regime cannot say that they are allowing dialogue at the same time when they are continuing to kill people and arrest people. >> i saw a video of a person, a man who had died and it looks like there were marks on various parts of his body, possibly, where there were electricity put. it was hard to tell. do you know what kinds of torture they subject people to? >> all kinds of torture they are practicing against the detainees
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started from beating all over the bodies. also using electricity, burning by cigarettes. using another method to beat hardly on the head, especially. so it's all kinds of torture which leads to kill. they torture to kill. it's not just an accident that those people got killed under torture. >> there are also reports and video of a 13-year-old boy shot and killed by syrian security forces. what do you know about him? >> i know he wasn't the only child who got killed during last week. during last week, eight children got shoot by the security during the peaceful protests other suburbs. and now the number of children who got killed is about 100
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children. and they don't make any difference when they started to use the force and when they started to shoot people, they made no difference between boy or child or an adult, between girl, or boy. it's just using force and all kinds to stop the protest and to force people to stop their movements. >> thank you for talking to us. stay safe. >> thank you. >> part of the regime's methodology is that they're not brutalizing their own people but they're saving them from thugs and extremists. that's what they keep saying. thousands of residents knowing that's not true have fled to neighboring turkey. we've talked to them. and this evening i spoke with our reporter in damascus but who was allowed into the city by syrian authorities under very, very tight restrictions. a new video posted of a 13-year-old boy reportedly shot
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and killed by syrian military. do you know anything about what happened to this boy? >> reporter: well, anderson, that incident is said to have taken place in one of the damascus suburbs during the demonstrations where activists were reporting that syrian security forces incriminately opened fire on those protesting and among those killed was this young child. there's video on youtube with the boy's mother is sobbing hysterically, cursing the president and the security forces and it's because of images like this we have the position that the opposition is taking. one that's move from what we saw in the beginning of the uprising a demand for reform, but now a demand for the removal of the regime. this specific neighborhood is one of the neighborhoods we asked our government minders to go to on friday but we were told that request had not been fulfilled. we have not been able to receive that permission.
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>> the government minders did take you to this town jisr al-shugur this weekend. that's a place that's been hotly contested where many people have fled from now and are across the border in turkey. what did you see in this town? could you actually get an accurate account of what happened there? >> anderson, we very much saw what the government wants us to see and hear and they were very much showing us what they said was evidence to corroborate their claims. their narrative is they were simply targeting armed gangs. they said there were thousands of armed individuals when they entered jisr al-shugur and they say this terrorist element was trying to establish an al qaeda-style islamic 'movement inside syria and they targeted it at the request of the residents. they took us to a number of buildings that visibly had sustained heavy damage. there were bullet holes in one of them. a lot of the walls had been broken down by what appeared to be an explosion and this is
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where the government said an assault took place that killed more than 100 syrian security forces and that is what led to the military crackdown. of course, this differs greatly from the numerous stories that we had been hearing from the refugees we talked to along the syria/turkey border. they said they were simply peaceful demonstrators and security forces were targeting them indiscriminately and they fled fearing this military crackdown because they believed they would be massacred but it's always difficult if not impossible, for us while in syria, to get an independent idea of what's happening because we're constantly operating in the shadow of our government minders. >> thank you so much. up next, a stunned rod blagojevich, the former governor of illinois hears the verdict. did he try to sell president obama's senate seat? find out. ♪
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amanda knox trial that's begun again. libya's head man, gadhafis is officially a wanted man. today, the international criminal court issued warrants for him, a son and brother-in-law charging them with crimes against humanity. a libyan official says the charges are a cover for nato's military operations. in illinois, former governor
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rod blagojevich was convicted on 17 of 20 counts in his corruption trial. the charges were in connection with his attempt to sell the senate seat vacated by president obama. in nebraska, officials are fighting to keep the flooding missouri river away from two nuclear reactors. so far they say they've kept water away from the power sources that help keep nuclear fuel under control so there's no danger of meltdowns like those at japanese reactors earlier this year. a picture may be worth a thousand words. but over the weekend in denver, an old picture of billy the kid was worth $2.3 million to billionaire william coke. the 130-year-old photo is said to be the only authentic picture of the legendary outlaw. and here's the thing, anderson, the kid reportedly only paid 25 cents to have it taken. a bombshell in the casey anthony trial. why the judge called a unexpected recess on saturday, bizarre. and also, the latest on why
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the jurors were asked to smell garbage from casey anthony's trunk of her car. and the tsa agent maeld a 95-year-old woman take off her adult diaper as part of a security check. they said it was official policy. does tsa stand behind that policy? what details went on straight ahead. ♪ you makes me happy ♪ when skies are grey ♪ you'll never know, dear ♪ how much i love you ♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪ [ male announcer ] as long as there are babies, they'll be chevy's to bring them home. ♪ they'll♪ chevy's to bring them home. ♪ ♪
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a moment. judge perry had been adamant about keeping the trial on schedule. today he kept court in session until after 7:00 p.m., possibly to make up for saturday's delay. here's the details. >> reporter: casey anthony was all smiles as court started chatting with her defense team. she seemed almost refreshed, which is surprising considering how she spent her weekend. >> the legal issue has arisen unrelated to the issue that we talked about first thing this morning, dealing with dr. ferdin that would necessitate us recessing for today. >> an interruption that stunned court observers and a mystery until today. >> on saturday, the defense filed a motion to determine competency to proceed. based upon that motion, the court ordered that the defendant to be examined by three psychologists to determine her
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competency to proceed. >> a competency evaluation for casey anthony, recommended by her own defense team. after she was examined by two psychologists and a psychiatrist, the judge reviewed their findings and said -- >> based upon the reports that the court has reviewed, the court will find that the defendant is competent to continue to proceed. >> reporter: then, it was on to the day's first witness. >> the defense calls detective uri melich. >> the lead investigator in the case. defense attorney, jose baez wanted to raise doubts about how well the investigation was handled. >> mr. anthony's cell records. >> yes. >> do they include cell tower information? >> no they do not. it's pdf and not excel spreadsheet so they don't have that information. >> would that information have been useful to you as -- being able to determine mr. george
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anthony's movement? or his cell phone movement? >> yes, if i had a reason to even believe that that would play a part in this case which at the time i did not. >> baez brought up roy krompt, the meter reader that discovered caylee's remains in december of 2008. >> you also testified that you never confiscate his computer? >> yes, i don't believe getting his computer. >> the next expert witness of the day was kenneth fertin, a forensic expert. the goal for the defense, call into the question the presence of chloroform found in the trunk of casey's car. he noted the chloroform could come from a household cleaner like bleach. but under cross-examination admitted there was no evidence of any bleach in casey's car. >> you would expect that if bleach were spilled upon a dark fabric surface the dark fabric surface would reflect some evidence of bleach having been spilled on it, wouldn't you? >> if the source of the bleach was being placed directly on the
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carpet, then, yes. >> reporter: before the day ended the defense showed the jury a november, 2008, search for caylee's remains at the same area where her body was found a month later. the defense implying as they have all along that caylee's body was dumped after november when casey anthony was already in jail. >> so that's the defense' hope that he can proveth body was moved after casey was already in jail but there's another side to the story? >> that's right. the prosecution would maintain that, no, the body was never moved. little caylee had probably been in the woods where her body was discovered very shortly after the time in which she disappeared and began to try to poke holes in the cases of the private investigators, and these were the guys that took the video the jury saw. they basically said, how carefully did you really search the woods? you say you went in there and you had a video camera but did thoroughly or would you say you thoroughly searched the woods? in fact they got one of the private investigators to say no,
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it wasn't a thorough investigation by any means which is what the prosecution is saying, they missed it. her body was there, they just simply didn't see it. >> martin savidge, thanks. a day of surprises. on trutv, i spoke to jean casarez. >> jean, do we have indication as to why the defense filed the motion to determine casey's competency and why now? >> i don't think we'll ever know because that's, product of a confidential communication but we can go by the motion that says that with conversations with casey, they believed there was an issue as to her competency. her ability to aid and assist her attorneys. but anderson, the devil's in the details. if you look at number six of the law for competency, it includes testifying relevantly. if they had a concern whether she was competent to testify and appreciated and understood the potential penalties that she's
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up against, they may have felt in good faith they had to file this motion. >> so isn't this unusual for competency hearings to be happening this late in a trial? >> extremely unusual. this is something generally dealt with at the beginning of a trial. we hear it all the time. i've dealt with it myself as a prosecutor. this was very unusual. but as jean said, it likely came up during their discussions with her. either friday or saturday morning. because the legal standard here is whether or not she understood the legal proceedings in front of her and whether or not she could aid in her defense. >> and jurors were given pieces of trash from casey's car to sniff. what was the prosecution trying to prove by having them do that? >> this was the defense witness. the defense's witness said that the smell in the trunk with you decomposition but it was the smell of trash. so on cross-examination the prosecutor, jeff ashton said, you want to see the trash. let's look at the trash. he takes it out and there's no meat products. there's no cheese products and
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the prosecution said there never was. it was just the wrappers and he asked for it to be passed around to the jury so they were to look at it and anderson, some of them decided they wanted to smell it and some jurors took out their hand sanitizers after that to sanitize their hands. >> it's also interesting that we heard so many prosecution witnesses earlier on talking about the distinctive odor of decomposition. if they were all sniffing trash that's an odor but not the same odor of decomposition. >> you're so right. this signifies that they wanted to smell so odor is important to them in the jury. you're right. >> the defense filed another motion asking the court to declare florida's death penalty unconstitutional and urging the judge to declare a mistrial. it sounds like they're trying to, again, do what ever they can to throw up whatever and see what sticks. a competency hearing. a mistrial? the death penalty unconstitutional? >> it sounds like that but they're doing their job. they have to do that.
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i think their motion about the death penalty has a bit of meat because earlier last week, a miami federal court judge did find that there was a problem with the procedure, with the death penalty procedure and that's because in florida, although you need 12 people to reach a unanimous verdict you don't need 12 people to unanimously recommend the death penalty and they don't even have to explain to the defendant or the judge, why they determined the death penalty was appropriate. so no one really know what is the aggravating factors are so this miami judge said no way. this is the death penalty you have to give the judge and defendant the reason why you determined that death is an appropriate penalty here. and so really, judge perry may or may not have to deal with it. >> i'm always wary of critiquing how people appear in court because you never know how people react under stressful situations but a lot of people were talking today about how smiley casey anthony was in court today. >> she was. when she walked in this morning she had a big smile on her face. to play devil's advocate for a
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second, she's in protective custody. she never had visitors. she doesn't have any interaction so i'm sure it's very exciting for her to have human sbib afrgsz interaction and that may have produced the smile. >> is the defense still talking about ending on wednesday or thursday? >> we'll see. there was no court on saturday, they're a little bit behind schedule but i think the big issue is, is casey going to testify? we still don't know. a three forensic psychiatrist, psychologist panel deemed her competent to go forward so the trial continues. >> it's amazing, sunny, they brought up all the stuff in opening statements about sexual abuse with the father and the brother. there's no evidence of it. they haven't introduced any evidence what is over at this point and they're still talking about ending at the end of the week? >> that's right. that's what i said from the
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beginning. jose baez placed casey anthony on the witness stand, during his opening statements. who else will testify to the sexual abuse? who else will testify that caylee died an accidental death by drowning? the only person that holds the key to that testimony is casey anthony. they have to put her on the witness stand. and if they don't, i think, it's game over for this defense. they made all those promises in opening statements and they were all going to break every single one to the jury. >> sonny, appreciate it and jean casarez, thanks. fascinating stuff. outrage over the story of a 95-year-old cancer patient patted down at an airport and her daughter said she even had to take off her adult diaper to get on the plane. tsa released a statement about u how agents treated the elderly woman. what they said next. and ahead, the rediculist. kim kardashian's haters. dare to doubt the proverbial junk from the proverbial trunk and they'll wind up on the rediculist.
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coming up, rediculist, kim kardashian's haters join the list. no ifs ands or buts. first, joe johns. the tsa defends agents who patted down a cancer-stricken 95-year-old woman at the northwest florida regional airport. her daughter says agents also made it clear that she couldn't get on the plane unless they could inspect her adult diaper so she took it off. in a statement the tsa said they reviewed the incident and agented followed proper procedure and they did not order removal of the diaper. a victory for video game makers.
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in a 7-2 ruling the supreme court struck down a california law that would have banned the sale of video games, violent video games to children. the law was called an "infringement on first amendment rights." the los angeles dodgers filed for bankruptcy protection today. owner frank mccourt locked in a bitter divorce, says baseball commissioner bud selig has forced the team into the situation. last week selig refused to approve a $3 billion tv deal for the team saying deal was structured for mccourt's personal needs. and the jacket michael jackson wore in the "thriller" video was auctioned over the weekend with a big price tag. the winning bid? $1.8 million. >> really? >> huge. >> don't wear that on the street. >> i guess not. joe, thanks. time now for our rediculist. tonight we're adding kim kardashian haters what they drove kim to do. for a while i've had this unsettling feeling that, i don't know, something was off, like
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the universe was slightly out of whack. something was missing and i couldn't pinpoint the source of the feeling then it hit me. no one has been saying much about kim kardashian's butt. she remedied that nicely on last night's episode of "keeping up with the kardashians." >> if this is what it takes to shut up the entire world that my butt is real, then i will happily do it. >> you heard her right. unbeknownst to me the entire world won't stop with the cracks about her butt. it's veracity, so to speak. >> i can't even take this seriously. i've said numerous times, like, i haven't had plastic surgery, no butt implants. >> are butt implants really a thing? i thought people just talked about them. has anyone actually seen one? kim and her sisters have had enough of the lies and frankly i don't blame them. last night in an unscripted moment on their very unscripted reality show they were on the
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computer and found the straw that broke the camel's backside. >> tragedy struck kim kardashian last night. her left butt cheek exploded. >> they can make up completely fake stories. >> this is the same website that said kim burned a raccoon. >> forgetting the exploding butt cheek, i want to hear more about the raccoon. with kim looking on the other one came up with an idea of how to set the record straight once and for all. >> who the hell of a normal person gets butt implants. >> i want to prove them wrong get an x-ray and -- >> and x-ray -- >> of you're ass to show there's no silicone in there. >> chloe, that's an amazing idea! >> it's like watching edwin 6 hubble first realize the universe is expanding. would kim go for the idea? would she be willing to put the "ass" back in classy? >> i want a butt x-ray so i can show the whole world. >> congratulations, whole world. will an x-ray really help us get to the bottom of this world crisis?
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i their we need a control group. i think we need a control group. luckily, they have it covered. >> can we x-ray courtney's boobs so i can see what an implant looks like? >> remember when doctors thought to save lives and truly help people? congratulations. anyone that reads i comic book knows all you need to put this to rest is $1 and postage and handling. but since she went to all the trouble while the entire world held its breath, we might as well hear the results. [ drum roll ] >> no implant. >> shocker! >> all kim. >> i am so glad i did this x-ray. >> i think i speak for the whole world when i say, we are so glad, too, kim. we are so glad, too. coming up, hln robin meade
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gets country. she puts out her first album and she's a really good singer. i talked to robin next. on a science adventure. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator, working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. if you're still having difficulty breathing, take the lead. ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. get your first full prescription free and save on refills at
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tonight in the big "360" interview, you know robin meade as the host of "morning express" on hln but you may not know she's a really good singer. her album, "brand new day" is on sale now. i spoke to robin about her many talents. robin, a lot of people didn't know you sing. have you always sung? >> yeah. long before i was a public
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speaker, i guess, music was really natural for me. i grew up a preacher's kid so some of my first memories are learning to sing at church and harmonizing against other voices. >> so the first release of your album is the cover of don henly's album "dirty laundry." it's sort of a critique of the news business. i want to play some of o of iet ♪ ♪ got the bubble headed bleach blond that comes on at 5:00 ♪ ♪ she can tell you about the plane crash with a gleam in her eye ♪ ♪ it's interesting when people die, give us dirty laundry ♪ >> are you trying to say something about the news business by having this be your first release? >> how did you like that blue grassy version? >> i thought it was great. >> thank you. i don't know what was going on. don henly when he wrote that song but he was sure cranky about the news at the time. i loved it in junior high when i first heard it and when i knew i
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was going to be making an album the first thing i said was i want to do air remake of this. for me it's's a kind of tongue-in-cheek wink like, this is what i do for a living. when i listen to the words it still contemporary today. >> it's one thing to love singing and have it be a passion and to even do it in church or something. it's another thing to put out an album. when did you finally decide? i'm going to go for this? >> you know, i kept having assignments for the news that kept bringing me interfaces with people out of nashville and the country music world like interview kenny chez any and he invite med on stage to sing "uncle cracker's part." >> i did an entire profile with kenny and he never invited me on stage to sing. he invite med on stage but not to sing. which was probably wise. >> i love i.t. well that day, you have the
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video. there was like 20,000 people in the audience and i was interviewing them and it wasn't long after the renee zellweger thing so i knew he wasn't comfortable so i wanted to mick him comfortable so i was like plucking around on some guitars. he asked me what he had to give me to play the guitar. i said, i don't play the guitar but if you ask me to single i will. so as a result of that i hosted some competitions in nashville who i met this wonderful producer and i met the liner notes of lady antebellum. victoria shaw said i stalked her. i said i know how to write news and books. but i really want to learn how to write country music and luckily she was generous with her tiempl and talent and that started this whole process. >> you're already thinking about putting out the second one. does that mean you'll leave the news business?
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