tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 29, 2011 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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establishing your single credentials. i'm not offering my services. >> yes, i'm single. >> i just know you like irishmen. i happen to be irish. >> i dated one irishman. >> delighted. it's been a pleasure to meet you. >> it's been really nice to meet you. >> thank you so much. >> thank you very much. thank you. >> that's all for us tonight. here's anderson cooper with "ac360." thank you very much. "anderson cooper 360." good evening, everyone. breaking news tonight in the casey anthony trial. we've just learned that defense plans to rest tomorrow. the case could go to the jury by sunday evening. it was an extraordinarily emotional day in court with george anthony weeping on the witness stand. but if the the defense is resting tomorrow it now seems highly unlikely they'll be calling casey anthony to the stand to testify. martin savage outside the courtroom joins us now. marty, do we know if she'll testify tomorrow? >> no, we don't know tonight. this is the way it is going down. it's been three years now this
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case has been under investigation. 31 days that trial has been going on. as you point out it could all come to an end tomorrow for the defense. that's what they have said. however, that doesn't mean the end of the trial. because the prosecution says they want time for rebuttal. that could take them two days. on top of that, both sides have said for closing arguments they need a half day each. and then you have the judge that has to essentially charge the jury, give them the dos and don'ts before he sends them off. this could take anywhere from 45 minutes to maybe three hours. and here's the real question mark here. before they start deliberations, this is a holiday weekend that's coming up. do they really want to hear closing arguments on a sunday and really get into deliberation on the fourth of july? the judge says he'll leave it up to the jury. anderson? >> marty, we'll check in with you you a little bit later on. we have more on the casey anthony case later on in the hour. we'll hear from court watchers sunny hostin and jean casarez, and an interesting conversation with dr. phil mcgraw who as you may know used to work as a jury consultant later in the
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politics. president obama today throwing down the gauntlet to republicans on cutting the budget and passing legislation so america could pay its bills. country is facing an august 2nd deadline to do the second part, raising the debt ceiling, something no congress democrat or republican has failed to do. this time, though, republicans say it won't happen without big spending cuts and no tax increases. today responding to a question from chief white house correspondent jessica yellin, the president slammed republican leaders for not budging on taxes and playing chicken he believes with that august 2nd deadline. >> we've got to get this done. and if by the end of this week we have not seen substantial progress, then i think members of congress need to understand we are going to start having to cancel things and stay here until we get it done. you know, they are in one week, they're out one week. and then they are saying, obama's got to step in. you need to be here. i've been here.
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i've been doing afghanistan and bin laden and the greek crisis and -- you stay here. let's get it done. >> a moment before he said that he compared lawmakers to slacker kids. >> you know, malea and sasha generally finish their homework a day ahead of time. malea's 13, sasha's 10. it is impressive. they don't wait until the night before. they're not pulling all nighters [ laughter ] >> they're 13 and 10! you know, congress can do the same thing. if you know you've got to do something just do it. >> well, that drew this response from gop house speaker john boehner.
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>> the president's remarks today ignore ladies and gentlemenive and economic reality and demonstrate remarkable irony. his administration has been burying our kids and grandkids in new debt. a debt limit increase can only pass the house if it includes spending cuts larger than the debt increase includes reforms to hold down spending in the future and is free from tax hikes. joining us now is paul begala and david gergen. was it really fair to the president to claim republican congressional leaders aren't working as hard as he is? he has been known to enjoy a golf game or two in his time. >> they're certainly not making enough progress. that's where i would take it. there's reports that democrats, the president, is willing to accept as much as $2 trillion in cuts that republicans won't even accept like $400 billion in
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revenue. i thought the president was exactly right much his party, my party, is going to have to agree to cuts, painful cuts and constituentsies that we care about. republican party is going to have to agree to new revenue. it should be focused on the rich. he pointed out tax breaks for corporate jets and oil companies, there's some low-hanging fruit that republicans for reasons i can't understand are defending. so i thought that he made a very good point about the republican intransigence here. >> the private jet thing that's low-hanging fruit as david said. if the president is serious about cutting spending i'm not sure that's the biggest item he should be talking about. >> i think that only saves 3 billion. he actually continued that tax break in 2009 with the stimulus. i think that the 2 trillion i believe was over a 10-year period. that's a drop in the bucket over what could be cut. we have to look at entitlement reform, and we have to realize that history shows that when government seizes capital, revenue for the government goes down, and it does not increase. you have to have the private sector incentive and the job creation and all of that, and tax cuts or an extension of the current tax rate is going to be the thing to do it coupled with massive, massive cuts.
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>> david, it is interest, because while the debt ceiling talks were under way the white house was pretty quiet about it, and does this signal that the whole thing is going to fall apart, and the president has gone campaign mode? >> anderson, it certainly suggests that the tone that the president set today is a tone set by someone who thinks that the talks are near collapse or not going anywhere and he is trying to scold to republicans into action. you know, if he were really truly near an agreement, i imagine he would have dropped all of the snide comments about the republicans, and it would have been a more constructive and encouraging press conferencek but instead it was snide remarks and paul is right that some of the arguments will play well with the public that the president made, but the snide comments will alienate the republicans and make it less likely they will come to the table and in a compromising mood. i think that ultimately, anderson, we are not going to get a big mega deal, but looking at some sort of patch.
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>> what is the strategy behind him doing this, paul? >> well, david is right, the th republicans right now won't agree to anything, and the inside game has not worked. they have been at it for weeks. if the inside game is not working, you have to try the outside game. i hate to use the phrases like game, and what i do is mostly talk about politic, and people who know the economy and people i trust say that the potential damage to the economy if america defaults after 2.5 centuries is really serious and people use words like cataclysmic and the president on that was muted today. he said it is unpredictable and could cause a lot of damage and cost jobs, and people are telling me it is way worse than that. and can you imagine saying that we have to reduce spending and increase income, and it is a huge deal to have partners not to accept the obvious.
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>> and dana, you have expressed doubts it is no as cataclysmic as paul says. >> well, as jessica yellin questioned the president today at the press conference and there are four dates that have gone by and the apocalyptic stuff that the democrats say is going to happen, has not happened, and we go past the dates and still the extensions, so how do you reconcile that? i don't think that it is, but i think it is a little fearmongering there, and it is not as bad and not as bad as is going to happen or the cbo says is going to happen if we don't get the entitlement spending under control. the spending more medicare is going to double in 25 years and we are talking about the possibility of medicare spending being 11% of the gdp and it is astronomical and no way to sustain the spending like this. >> david, you are shaking the head right there. >> and factually the administration has never set four dates and said, we will have real consequences if we don't hit this date.
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they have always said for a long time august 2nd is the big date. that has been clear from the beginning, and secondly, it is listen, we are playing with fire right here. and every major economist and every major financial institution and the international monetary fund today issued a report saying that there is a severe shock nationally and internationally if we go into default. standard and poors has warned they will cut our credit ratings and i don't know how many warnings you have before you realize that is a very dangerous game we are playing and both sides need to act like adults. the president sort of accuses the republicans of going off and loafing, and he is going off to fundraisers, and he has another one tomorrow night and a series of fundraisers and you know, if both sides are going to get serious, let both sides stay in town. >> and can i add one quick point to what david said. we would not have these biden debt talks or having these discussions if the democrats
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would have produced a budget in the past two years. >> paul, one final thought? >> the budget has nothing to do with it. we have a default crisis, and the government is facing default and it has damaging consequence, and it is no an even-steven deal. the democrats don't like the spending cuts, but they will agree to it. and the republicans have to ask wealthy people to pay more, and until they are ready to acknowledge the obvious, then they are going to plunge this country and maybe they are rooting for america to fail so that obama can be defeated, but it is the only possible explanation, because why would they want to drive our country into default. >> we have to go. dana, i appreciate it and david and paul. and follow us on facebook and i will be tweeting as well. next, a congressman goes to syria, dennis kucinich who claims he was mistreated.
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he says he was mistranslated. and you can decide. we have tough questions whether he is being a diplomate or duped. and casey anthony, the first words in the trial were tears and dr. phil mcgraw on her credibility on the stand. >> her likability is not good right now, and her believability and her credibility is not good right now, it will do nothing but go down if she takes the stand. as much as i can about a company before i invest in it. that's why i like fidelity. they give me tools and research i can't get anywhere else. their stock screener lets me search for stocks with more than 140 criteria. i can see what their experts are thinking and even call them to bounce an idea
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right now syria's dictatorship is well-known for brutalizing its own people and lying to the world about it. six people killed today. new video surfacing of scenes like this brutal beating on what appears to be a rooftop. night after night we've seen worse than that. we've shown you the many explanations offer by the dictator of their uprising against him, blaming 64,000 roving criminals. that was the most recent one. blaming religious fanatics, outsiders, anyone but the people
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you see syrian forces doing the beating, the shooting, the jailing and torturing. against that backdrop ohio congressman dennis kucinich traveled to syria, met with assad and made remarks that syrian state media jumped on. they quoted the congressman saying president al assad is highly loved and appreciated by the syrians. that stirred up a storm here and among the syrian opposition. the congressman issued a statement saying he was mistranslated, mischaracterized. we've obtained an audio transcript. it isn't exactly what what he said. he said "people have separated their similarities of the regime, and their estimation of the president, that people still have a love and respect for the president. many people still have a love and respect for the president but they do not have a love and respect for the regime." now clearly the phrase "many people still have a love and respect for the president" is not quite the same as saying president al assad is still highly loved and appreciate by
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syrians. on the other hand it's not that much different. the congressman is under fire for making the trip at all. he won't anticipate questions about who paid for the trip, by the way, when asked by the cleveland plain dealer. but making this trip at a time when assad is massacring his own people. opposition groups say he was duped into giving the regime legitimacy. the congressman claims he met not just with the government with the dictator but with oppositions as figures as well. but he want allowed to go to the regions where people have been shot to death in the streets and where tortured bodies have been returned from. he hasn't been able to meet with families who have had tortured bodies of their children to meet with them. he also said in his statement "the process of national dialogue which has now begun is a step in the direction of identifying necessary reforms". but keeping them honest, nonpartisan human rights groups can make out any reform here. the syrian dictator has been promising reforms since before he took power 11 years ago. he did it again around 2005 in the advance of the baath party congress.
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there have been no reforms other than a few banking reforms. there have just been promises he hasn't delivered. cnn's hala gorani and arwa damon. >> did he seem concerned that this visit would be used by the regime to add legitimacy to their violent response to peaceful protests. >> reporter: i asked him that question. he said i'm here on a fact finding mission. i'm here to listen to all sides. so he didn't seem as though he was somehow concerned that this would be used for propaganda purposes. >> he also, according to sana, says that international media had exaggerated the violence in syria and urged people not to jump to conclusions. do we know is that true that he said that? >> reporter: well, that's not what we heard him saying. he said it's posh that the international media are now in the country because you need to see things first hand.
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it seems as though sana's transcription, translation or characterization of what kucinich said is based on what was actually said but it is not as far from what he said perhaps as some may want us to believe, anderson. >> arwa, more deaths at the hands of government forces were reported today in the northern part of syria. what's the latest you're hearing? >> reporter: yeah, anderson, that's part of that ongoing military sweep throughout the northwestern part of the country. the same sweep that sent those thousands of refugees across the border to turkey. now according to the syrian observatory for human rights, another six people have been killed in two different villages, both of them along the turkish border. >> it was also reported arwa that military had largely withdrawn from hamah and other towns throughout the country. activists were saying that move was a sign the crackdown was draining the regime's resources and finances. do you think that's the case? >> reporter: it's definitely challenging to try to pierce through what the psyche and
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logic of this regime is. some people are saying that look this is a regime that feels that it is increasingly being backed into a corner, it does on the one hand feel as if it does have to at least make a superficial effort to try to change its tactics. because there is the realization that we've been hearing too from government officials that the very country is at stake and the government is acknowledging that. >> reporter: and one last point, anderson, for more than three months we were kept out of the country. and in the last three days alone, the government has put forward three senior officials to speak on camera. there's definitely a se sire to try to control the message coming out of damascus. >> and they're certainly controlling your movements and where you guys can go. kucinich talked about that he met with members of the opposition. he wasn't allowed to go to the military hospitals where we know protestors who have been injured are forced to go and in the area where they are not allowed
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to go to the regular hospitals. so he wasn't in the areas where he was actually meeting with protestors, correct? >> reporter: the opponents of the regime that congressman kucinich spoke with probably are those that are tolerated by the government right now. but arwa and i have spent several days now just trying to persuade a few people to speak off camera to us, just the audio of their interviews. so it's nearly impossible to say that anyone at this stage can mean all the opposition in syria. >> if the congressman is right and he did not say all these things, then this would seem to be a clear example of yet again the syrian government media -- controlled media putting out fake stories, making up things. i mean, literally making up quotes and putting words into a congressman's mouth. >> well, when you look -- when you look at the quote on the news agency and then the actual quote from kucinich, they look like cousins, you know. they are not twins. that is how you can describe it. but yes, if there is a willful
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mischaracterization of what congressman kucinich said, then what you are saying, anderson, is fair. >> because the congressman is saying that there was a mistranslation or perhaps a problem with the translation, but the sana news release was in english and the congressman was talking in english, so there was no translating that took place. >> reporter: well, i think the communication director said something about how there may have been arabic translators in the room translating congressman kucinich's words into arabic and then the translation back into english created confusion. because sana is both in arabic and english. i think ha is the theory put forthright now. >> all right. hala gorani and arwa damon, thank you. >> and isha is back with us with a news bulletin. >> hi there, anderson. the afghan government says a militant group based in pakistan is to blame for yesterday's deadly attack on a kabul hotel. the siege was left 12 victims
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including all nine attackers dead was believed to be carried out by the hakani network thought to be linked to al qaeda officials say the attack will not stop the planned withdrawal of u.s. troops from afghanistan starting in july and scheduled to end in 2014. it could be a crucial legal victory for amanda knox in her bid to overturn her conviction for the murder of her british roommate in italy. court-appointed experts told an italian court that dna evidence used to convict the american college student and her co-defendant was contaminated. bank of america is paying $8.5 billion to settle claims from angry investors over mortgage securities gone sour. those investors include big financial firms like black rock, pimco and met life. bank of america also says it will post a second quarter net loss of up to $9.1 billion. and a 360 follow, remember that southwest airlines pilot who insulted gays, women and older workers in an open mike rant back in march? well, he's now apologizing.
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in case you didn't hear it the first time, here's some of his rant. >> eleven [ bleep ] homosexuals over the top, and a granny. eleven! i mean, think of the odds of that. i thought i was in chicago which was party land. after that, it was just a continuous stream of gays and grannies and grandees. >> well, in a lengthy letter to his coworkers captain james taylor wrote "i deeply regret the derogatory remarks i made and the hurt i have caused. i take full responsibility for those comments. it was truly insensitive of me, and i would like all of you to know that from now on i will show nothing but the utmost respect during my interactions with all employees". southwest says taylor has been reinstated in his job after being reprimanded, suspended without pay, and given diversity training. well, anderson, as it would
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turn out pilot aren't the only ones causing some trouble at the nation's airports. have you heard this that fertile turtles, yes, i did say turtles invaded the tarmac at new york's jfk airport today? did you know this? >> i did not. >> well, it turns out that more than 150 turtles crawled across a runway and disrupted air traffic in order to find the r perfect spot to lay their eggs. >> really? >> yes, that's right. love knows no bounds. >> i was going to ask how did you know they were fertile turtles. i guess that answers that. >> all you need to know that is the turtles are on twitter at jfk turtles. this is their feed. they nearly have 3,000 followers. their last tweet was posted 23 minutes ago to questions of what they were doing for july 4th they say they're having a barbecue at the beach. >> 3,000 for them?
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that's more than piers morgan has, isn't it? oh. >> oh. >> no, he didn't! no, he didn't! >> oh, now i'm going to hear from it. although lord sugar is very pleased. >> lord sugar is going, thank you, anderson. >> who is lord sugar? >> never mind. >> we'll check in with you a little later. lot more on tonight's breaking news. the late word that defense egg is going to rest tomorrow in the casey anthony trial. and a striking contrast between casey anthony and her father today. the father sobbing on the witness stand, she pretty emotionless watching him son. we look at today's testimony. what prompted the roller coaster of emotions. and casey anthony's reaction to her daughter's death can be explained by looking at the alleged sexual abuse that casey says she suffered at the hands of her father. i'll speak to dr. phil to get his take about that. we'll be right back. a vacation on a budget with expedia. make it work. booking a flight by itself is an uh-oh. see if we can "stitch" together a better deal. that's a hint, antoine.
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crime and punishment. back to our breaking news, the defense says it's going to rest tomorrow in the casey anthony trial. after prosecution rebuttal the jury will be hearing closing arguments and could start deliberating sunday night. today the defense continued its focus on whether alleged sexual abuse by her father and brother can explain her behavior after 2-year-old caylee went missing though they haven't proved any sexual abuse occurred at all. george anthony was in the witness chair again today sobbing as he recalled his granddaughter had been found. you see his daughter sitting stone faced listening. later she turn emotional when a grief counselor testified a loss of a child could lead to bizarre behavior. for the first time we heard
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casey anthony speak in the courtroom. martin savage reports. >> reporter: 8:30 a.m. as the court took up the critical issue of a mistrial, there sat casey anthony completely alone. her defense team was late. not a single one of her attorneys was in the courtroom. and only one, ann finnell was on the phone. the arrangement led judge belvin perry to ask a question directly to anthony, and it was the first time that she would speak at her own trial. >> ms. anthony, do you want to answer that question now or do you want to wait until mr. baez and mr. mason and ms. sims arrive? >> i can answer that now. >> okay. >> i agree with miss finnell. >> thank you, ma'am. >> the drama was just beginning. for most of the morning it was anthony's father george who found himself in the cross hairs of defense attorney jose baez
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who walked caylee's grandfather from one emotionally-charged subject to the next, including incest. >> you know, of course, that sex with a child under the age of 12 years old is life in prison, don't you, sir? >> sir, i never would do anything like that to my daughter. >> my question is, you would never admit to it, would you, sir? >> sir, i would never do anything to harm my daughter in that way. >> only in that way. >> reporter: then baez took george anthony, a former police detective, back to the smell in casey's car which the prosecution says came from his granddaughter's remains. the defense says it was something else. >> there is also a difference, sir, of saying it's human decomposition and not human decomposition? >> i didn't say anything about not being human -- i said decomposition. i'm going to clarify that again. i think i've done that very well. you're trying to take this joy of my life away from me, sir. and you can't do it anymore. >> would you -- >> i'm going to answer this to you, sir. the decomposition that i smelled in the trunk of my daughter's car on july 15th, 2008, at johnson's towing smelled like
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human decomposition. to me, sir. that's what it smelled like to me. i can close my eyes at the moment, sir, and i can smell that again. how dare you, sir, try to tell me that i did something differently to what i did. >> reporter: the prosecution took anthony back to his attempted suicide six weeks after caylee's remains had been found. >> why on that particular day did you decide to take your life? >> why that particular day i picked, i really don't know. all i know is my emotional state even through today is -- is very hard to accept that i don't have a granddaughter anymore. but for that particular day, i don't know. it just felt like the right time to go and be with caylee. >> reporter: but for george anthony, the final emotional straw came when he was asked how he felt when his granddaughter's body was found. >> what effect did that have on you when you learned that
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caylee's remains had been found? >> a deep, deep hurt inside. tears. the whole gamut of just an emotional loss, a breakdown inside of me, and seeing what my wife and my son went through. >> up to that moment, had you held out the hope that caylee would be found alive? >> absolutely. every day from july 15th until the day we were told it was caylee. >> in january of 2009 you went -- i'll give you a moment.
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>> do you need a break, mr. anthony? >> no, sir, i need to get through this. i need to have something inside of me get through this. >> do you need a break? >> no, sir, i'm fine. >> reporter: through it all, casey anthony sat stone faced and emotionless. but that would change in the afternoon when the defense put a grief counselor on the stand, trying to show that anthony's partying lifestyle while her daughter was missing wasn't a sign of guilt but grief. >> they'll then act out because they've decided that they don't want anyone to be near them because everyone that's near them leaves them. and so -- and it doesn't -- i know you all know that death isn't the only loss in the world. >> reporter: these are the final days in this trial. each one, it seems, more emotionally strained, each one closer to justice for caylee or casey. martin savage, cnn, orlando.
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>> for more on what we can expect the next few days we turn to jean casarez and sunny hostin who is covering the trial on "in session" on our sister station trutv. the defense was trying to paint george anthony as somebody throwing his daughter under the bus but you say it backfired on the defense. >> the defense tried so hard to get testimony out of george that could lend itself to help the defense, but it seemed like the harder they tried the more it failed. let me give you one example. a question was posed, you were walking in the woods around here, weren't you? and the response from george anthony was, yeah, we were finding a new command center so we could try to find caylee. at the corner of these two streets it is a wooded area. and that's where we set it up. at one point also he said, look, i never wanted to believe that my own daughter was capable of killing her own daughter. that stunned everyone in the courtroom. >> and it certainly seems to
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verify what gary tuchman learned from his attorney days ago that his attorney told our gary tuchman that anthonys do not believe their daughter is innocent. they didn't say what she was guilty of but they just said they don't believe she's innocent. it was, jean, an incredibly dramatic day in the courtroom to see george anthony just breaking down on the stand like that. >> he was sobbing on the stand. and anderson in that courtroom the jury is so close to the witness. and the sobbing and the emotion, the distraught in that man, but then right across the courtroom was casey anthony, and she was not only stoic, but she was -- there was an expression on her face of just disdain. >> sunny, you said that defense made a mistake when they opened up the door for the prosecution to enter george anthony's suicide note into evidence. why? >> that is right. because that argument cuts both way. the defense started to talk to him about this suicide attempt,
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and he did leave a note, and jose baez, the attorney said, that shows a little bit of guilt, doesn't it? and now they want to place into evidence that suicide note, but that suicide note does not talk about anything of a cover-up or say anything about his guilt. and one has to assume that if you are involved in the cover-up and the death of your granddaughter, you would admit it at that time, right? >> and the breaking news at the top of the show is that the defense plans to rest tomorrow. you believed that casey would take the stand because you could not imagine any other way for them to salvage this abuse from casey anthony. >> i'm going the stick with my prediction, anderson, and that is that they have to, because jose baez talked so much in the opening statement that casey anthony was sexually abused by
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her father, and that caylee accidentally died by drowning, and in my mind, there is no evidence that supports that, and how else do they bring to this jury? and it runs the risk, the defense does, by not putting casey anthony on the stand, and not putting that evidence in, and the jury has been waiting for it for what, 31 days. so i'm going to stand by my prediction. i think it is still possible that casey anthony save herself by testifying tomorrow. >> and jean, you said, also, that you thought that she was going to testify. do you still in fact believe that if they are resting tomorrow, and if they don't call her to the stand, do we know what witnesses they have left to call? >> well, sunny is right, there is no evidence of accident, and no evidence of sexual abuse by the brother or the father, but i don't think that they are going to put her on the stand. i just don't. i think they may believe they have some strength in what they have done. >> well, it is going to be an
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resting tomorrow, the jury possibly getting the case sunday evening. next we'll talk with dr. phil about whether casey anthony should take the stand. he has a strong recommendation on that an opinion that her father abused her. later on the the ridiculist elegance may be learned but the real housewife in new york is out with a new song and it's on tonight's the ridiculist. more now in tonight's breaking news in the casey anthony trial. the defense team saying it plans to wrap up its case tomorrow. they haven't said whether casey anthony will testify. it's a tough decision. if she doesn't she looks like she has something to hide and they have no way of proving or discussing the alleged sexual abuse which is what they said in the opening statement. if she does testify and the jury doesn't believe her, it certainly could damage her case very badly. today the spotlight was still in the relationship between crazy casey and her dead, seems -- between casey and her dad, to explain the bizarre behavior after her daughter went missing. a grief expert said a young parent after a child's death may engage in risky behavior and deny the child has died. not everyone agrees though. i talked moments ago to former jury consultant and psychologist
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dr. phil mcgraw. >> so dr. phil, the defense is alleging as you know that casey anthony was sexually abused by her father starting when she was eight years old and this is why she was able to disconnect and lie repeatedly about caylee's disappearance. there's no evidence of sexual abuse to this point. does that make any sense to you? is that common among victims of abuse? >> well, it's not. and look, anderson, i don't want to do anything to trivialize if a child has been molested in any way. in this case, first off we don't know that took place. it came out very conveniently timing-wise to try to explain the unexplainable, but also, let me tell you that the fact that someone has been sexually abused when they are a child in no way justifies, causes or underwrites the kind of behavior that she is being accused of here. and it is a complete disconnect, and i'm surprised that this is their strategy. i think it is desperate. and i think it will not resonate with the jury. >> it was also interesting today, george anthony took the stand again denied sexually
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abusing his daughter, broke down when answering questions. it was very emotional. he talked about this attempted suicide attempt that he made after caylee's remains were found. he was sobbing on the stand. it was interesting to watch casey, because she sat this kind of expressionless, and i guess you cannot put too much how someone reacts in a pressure situation, but does that signal any red flags for you? >> well, it does at many levels. you have to go back and what everybody is doing right now and every parent in america, and not just parents, but certainly parents are asking themselves how out of touch, how disconnected, how bizarre their thinking would have to be to have done something like she is accused of doing. i can tell you that in order to do that, to make that okay in your mind, you have got to be way out of touch with reality, and you have to be so narcissus,
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narcissus narcissusicly self-absorbed. that you could unplug from virtually anything. and the fact that she is emotionless when she sees her father in meltdown at this point that just tells me that we're seeing more of the behavior that she is reported to have exhibited when her child first went missing. she was out partying. she was laughing. she was joking with people. when allegedly her child's body was in the trunk of her car. so you just have to ask yourself, how strange does your thinking have to be in order for that to happen? so for her to be emotionless just with her father on the stand is no stretch for her given what she's done so far. >> it's interesting because we saw this grief counselor on the stand late today who was talking about how different people react in different ways to grief and handle grief, and that kind of acting out in different ways can be a normal way some people handle grief. did that ring true to you? >> well, it doesn't ring true to
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me. look. one of the things i'm concerned about -- as you know, i've spent a major portion of my career as a litigation consultant. i did post-doctoral training as a forensic psychologist. so i've been in these situations a lot. i have evaluated these people. i've looked at what the cause and effect are when people do the things that they're often accused of doing. and when you're trying to connect dots that are so far apart, it just smacks of desperation. >> they're trying to throw up whatever they can to see what sticks basically. >> again it's a smoke screen. she was molested. look, how many people have tragically been molested in their life that don't become murderers, that don't do this kind of unconscionable actions that she is accused of doing. i mean, it's just a huge stretch. and i think that it is an insult to the jury. and anderson, i've worked with juries for years and years. and i am a huge fan of the jury system. i think they basically get it right. i think they really try to get it right. and i think that if people think that this jury is buying this, i
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see no evidence whatsoever that this is doing anything except for delaying the inevitable. >> it's so interesting, because the jury has seen these jailhouse videos with casey interacting with her family. her dad and her appear very close telling each other how they love each other, he says he's do anything to help her, she tells him he's the best father, the best grandfather. that's got to have an impact on the jury now that they have seen these and that the defense hasn't presented any evidence of any kind of sexual abuse. >> it just doesn't fit, does it? and i can assure you there's been a lot of controversy about whether she is going to testify in this case or not. >> do you think she will? >> i think she absolutely will not. and if the defense puts her on the stand, i think it is tantamount to malpractice. i think to do so -- there are questions that she simply doesn't have answers to. anderson, you can't make sense out of nonsense. what they are going to do to ask
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her to do if they were to put her on the stand is to try to make sense out of a menagerie of lies and a me naj nagerie of pl with the law enforcement. at this time that she simply doesn't have any answers for. and her likability is not good right now. her believability, her credibility is not good right now. and it will do nothing but go down if she takes the stand. there is no way she should take the witness stand. and i don't believe that she will. >> dr. phil, always good to talk to you. thanks, sir. >> thank you, anderson. >> got more on the trial in our next hour on 360. also ahead raw politics. president obama taking some tough shots at gop lawmakers in the budget standoff. still ahead tonight, painting a better future for themselves. a program that's helping to send kids to college while sprucing up their neighborhoods. that's next. i have astigmatism.
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time now for the ri dick you list, and tonight, we add real new york housewife countess luann because despite the fact that she cannot sing, she recorded a song. and i use that term loosely. according to the countess' lineage, she was a first wife of count dracula before count draculaberry got in the way. i can't remember if she was wife one, two, or three. >> one, two, three. >> and third. now she is fourth in line of the throne after that burger king reign. so she is appearing on the "real housewives of new york" and she is trying to extend her brand and i use the term brand loose ly by singing.
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listen, grammy voters. ♪ fabulous and feminine in every single way ♪ ♪ confident and cool you know you hold the key ♪ ♪ find your dreams within yourself and live with dignity ♪ >> dignity is the first word that came to my mind as well. and the name is called chic c'est la vie. ♪ sheik c'est la vie >> ooh, la, la, and oh my, and that means, please stop, you are scaring me, right? and the countess is no dummy, because she knows a good chorus when she sees one. you can come back 20 minutes later, and she is still going. ♪ chic c'est la vie ♪ chic c'est la vie >> that is right.
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that is her handing out her cards with the initials embossed in gold, because she is classy and like that. if there is one thing that the countess loves to talk about quote, unquote is class. she sang about it in the first song. oh, didn't i mention she has another song out? ♪ money can't buy you class ♪ money can't buy you class ♪ and it gives us none ♪ my friends ♪ and it gives us none ♪ oh, yeah >> is that the same person? if you are talking about class and it is not a room where the kids are taught, you have none. and as far as bad singing housewives goes shoosh, i woulde is not as bad as danny please don't flip a table on the stove ♪ i can tell you how i feel ♪ and if i could ♪ i would show you how i feel ♪ and if i could i would let you ♪ ♪ in my soul and you would
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know ♪ >> make it stop, make it stop, make it stop. who would want to look inside of danielle's soul? i imagine it would look like this. and i won't even mention kayla salahi's song because she will be looking up on google that her name appeared on tv. and her husband's song is sort of like a hostage situation. ♪ i do my best to dress up ♪ to impress and she is giving ♪ me a cocktail dress ♪ i am real ♪ i'm not going to change >> so real. the one housewife songly never mock is the song that rolling stone called the anthem for our time. well, the truth is that they never called it that. but i will call it that. the anthem for our times, and the woman who paved the way for all of the other housewives
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across the dial, the atl housewife kim. ♪ don't be tardy for the party ♪ don't be tardy for the party ♪ don't be tardy for the party ♪ >> take that rebecca black. i won't be tardy to the party, kim. but if you address the countess, be sure to address it in terms of the rediculist. [ woman ] we take it a day at a time.
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