tv AM Wake Up Call CNN July 4, 2011 2:00am-3:00am PDT
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good morning. it's monday, the 4th of july. this is "a.m. wake-up call." i'm ali velshi. breaking news out of mexico. a tour boat sank off the baja peninsula in the sea of cortez. we understand 27 americans were among the passengers. a mexican naval commander in the area says there are survivors. we've got petty officer pamela balin from the u.s. coast guard on the phone. you're helping the mexican navy. what do you know right now about
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the survivors and who you're looking for? all right. we're going to get her back in a second. having a technical problem getting hold of her. what we do understand is that of the 42 people on board about 21 have been rescued. 16 of them americans and 5 of them mexicans. we're still getting detail coming in but we're going to get back to the coast guard momentarily. more news right now that you're going to hear about today. it is 4th of july. it is a holiday. the jury in the casey anthony murder trial has a job to do. the deliberations over her guilt or innocence are expected to begin in a few more hours. first the prosecution has some rebutting to do. the defense claims the state did not prove that casey anthony killed her daughter caylee. but they played with the jury's emotions. >> you see the strategy behind that is, is if you hate her, if you think she's a lying no good slut, then you'll start to look at this evidence in a different
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light. you'll start to, oh, wait a minute, maybe i'm seeing something that's not there, and start to actually discriminate against her rather than give her the standard that is afforded to each and every citizen in our country. >> trial gets under way in orlando at 8:30 eastern today. the judge has warned the jury that today could be a long day. may even get the trial and start deliberating. let's go back to our top story, tourest boat sinking off the baja peninsula. 27 americans among the passengers on that. pamela balin is petty officer with the u.s. coast guard. she's on the phone for us. are you there? >> good morning, ali. how are you? >> good morning. i understand you are helping the mexican navy. what have you heard about survivors and those who you're continuing to search for? >> ali, we're helping the mexican navy for the search. right now we have six people
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unconfirmed -- unaccounted for people and 37 people we have confirmed alive. now those people are safe in a mexican hotel. the coast guard is preparing to launch a helicopter from air station san diego to provide some aerial assistance with the rescue first thing this morning. >> let me ask you that again. you've got six confirmed -- you have 37 confirmed alive? >> yes, ali. we received an update from the mexican navy. 37 people were confirmed alive. six people are still unaccounted for. >> okay. what's the search area like in terms of the area and in terms of the weather? >> well, right now it's still dark out. we will be launching in the morning. we will be able to judge that as it comes. but the search area is huge. we cover vast portions of the sea of cortez to cover as much area as possible. that's why it's important that we use these long-range helicopter which have the
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capability of searching vast fields of sea. so they'll go out first thing this morning to search the area in addition to the mexican helicopter that's already in the air and three mexican naval vessels that are in the air search for survivors. >> we understand you're probably about 2 1/2 or 3 hours then from light hitting you where you are. do you have any idea about what kind of boat this was and what the conditions were when it capsized? >> yeah, it was 100-foot fishing charter vessel. and it hit some rough weather and capsized and sank almost immediately. the boat was close enough to land and enough people were wearing life jackets. some people were able to swim to shore, whereas others were picked up by good samaritans and vessels in the area. >> tell me a bit about the americans. we understand there were 27 americans among the passengers. do you know how many among those 37 confirmed alive are americans? >> just the same number, ali.
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we still have 27 u.s. citizens accounted for. i don't know with the rest of that 37 is comprised of, if that's the rest of the vishing vessel crew or if those are passengers. >> petty officer pamela boelland with us. wee will check in with you later on to see how things are progressing. in other news, we hope to find out more about the fatal shooting in memphis. a police officer goes into the double tree hotel downtown responding to a call. finds a person dade dead. then the officer gets shot and dies later in hospital. >> when you have something as tragic with this with the amount of time the police officers spend together, we're like family. so when you have something like this, as if something happened to one of your own family members. >> memphis police have a suspect in custody but that's all we know right now. the officer leaves behind a wife
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and two small children. maybe clone-up crews are make progress in montana. oil pipeline running under the yellowstone river broke. crude oil got in the water. it's ugly and stinks. so far, no reports of animals dying. exxonmobil said it shut down the line minutes after it discovered the break. okay. check out this video from egypt. this is or was a pipeline that supplies natural gas from egypt to israel. egyptian official believes this is an act of sabotage and someone blew it up. the flow of gas from israel to jarred dan is shut off right now. this is the third attack on egypt's pipeline system since the mubarak government went down earlier this year. we've been watching fox news on twitter all night. the site is putting up insane, inappropriate, and untrue tweets about president obama. basically april fool's type stuff that isn't funny. we reached out to fox and twitter. still waiting to hear from them. producer called fox a little
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while ago and they said they didn't even know about it. a group of hackers claims it got into one of apple's servers and pilfered two dozen user names. an pare apparently it's a server that apple uses for online surveys. they are part of anti-sec, short for anti-security. sony, the senate, and cia, have all been hit. okay. let's crossover to hong kong for money morning --" money morning." kristie lu stout is back from vacation. good morning. good to see you. >> good morning. good to see, you ali. here in asia, concerns about the recovery and debt crisis in greece. european stock markets are taking their queues from here in asia and u.s. trade on friday by starting on generally higher. eu approval of greece's next aid package has likely eased
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investor worry. as you said, ali, the markets are closed for the independence day holiday but looming large on the horizon is the jobs report due out on friday. ali, back to you. >> all right. business insider is report that china wants to get in on facebook. they want to buy part of facebook which is ironic because facebook doesn't really have friends in china. >> that's right. it's quite a headline, isn't it? china looking to buy a huge chunk of facebook, according to publication that quotes a facebook insider saying the china investment corp., china's sovereign welfare fund, is looking for this. facebook, as we all know, is blocked in china. beijing has lock blocked facebook as well as twitter but all the while allowing local social networking rivals who thrive and continue operating inside the mainland which is of course the world's largest internet market. just under 500 million internet
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users. back to the story from business insider, nothing confirmed yet. there's lot of buzz about it. no one is talking about it but it's getting us talking about it. >> i want to ask you something else. notice a lot of things aren't trading today because of the holiday but currencies are the tiebot is getting a lot of talk because the first female prime minister, her older brother was the prime minister there until 2006. milita military coup pretty much ended his time in office. there was an exile. fierce that she's another version of him. the bot rose more than a dollar -- 1% against the dollar when markets opened this morning. outperforming other asian currencies. i'm assuming those two things are linked. i'm assuming this is seen as positive and that's why the currency is higher? >> it has everything to do with the nature of her victory.
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it was a landslide election victory for sha lot of pund den are holding out hope that this could bring stability to thailand. we could see the end of the six-year political uncertainty take place in thailand. but there are major question marks. number one, can she bring reconciliation to a country that has been so frot with political discord. and two, can she shake off that image that she is the proxy of her brother who is living in exile. it doesn't help when he is calling her, quote, my clone. >> my clone. okay. that won't help. for the now markets seem to be liking it. good to see you. you and i worked together for many, many years. what a lot of people don't know is that we're both tech geeks so we're going to talk to you about business and technology and all sorts of things in the morning. kristie lu stout joining me from hong kong. reynolds wolf is watching weather for us in atlanta. good morning.
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any flight delays? >> right now things are pretty good. some possible delays maybe just under an hour in orlando, miami, delays also in atlanta, d.c. metros due to the afternoon thunder boomers that may pop up. same story in nashville and memphis. in san francisco, it's different but one you've probably heard before and it has to do with the fog. in terms of thunderstorms, may pop up in the southeast. sunny for seattle and portland. how about that? hey, shocker. check it out. heat expected for much of the dallas/ft. worth area. temperatures in austin and san antonio and houston, stray shower in extreme california. that's the latest, ali. pitch it back to you in new york. >> all right. i'll check in with you later. reynolds wolf. let's take a look at this situation with the tour boat we've been talking about. it's a tour boat that's capsized off the baja peninsula. 27 americans were among the passengers there. so far according to petty
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officer pamela boaland of the coast guard, 27 people are confirmed alive. six people are being searched for. the issue here is that it is dark in that area, obviously. it's on the west coast. probably a good 2 1/2 to 3 hours away from light before they can resume the search. apparently the weather was rough which is why this fishing boat capsized, 100-foot boat. we're keeping our eye on that. apparently 37 people have been rescued, according to the u.s. coast guard. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing purina one beyond a new food for your cat or dog.
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a biker on ride to protest a helmet law dies in an accident. motorcyclist philip kotos was riding in the 11th annual helmet protest run when his harley lost control and flipped over the handlebars. doctors say he probably would have survived had he worn a helmet. another crash but on the water this time. a speed boat crashes into another boat during a race.
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happened at the regatta on the ohio river. this all after another speed boat hit a rescue boat in the same area. three people were injured in that crash. two of them have been hurt seriously. check out this set of wheels. $2.4 million car has things you wouldn't even dream of. for instance, a porcelain caviar tray. it's actually the first car ever to have porcelain accents. seven figures, let's hope it has amazing details. it's a luxury brand that is now owned by volkswagen. time for the political ticker. it's a holiday for everybody else. it's not a holiday for politicians run for president. pamela kirkland is a senior producer on the morning briefing on sirius xm. good morning, pamela. most people are off work today. you're not. i'm not. and republicans run for president are not. what are they all doing? >> good morning. busy, busy day for the candidates today. these gop presidential
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candidates will be spending the day celebrating the 4th on a the campaign trail in iowa, new hampshire, pennsylvania. former massachusetts governor mitt romney and jon huntsman will be at the amherst 4th of july parade. romney is slated to walk ahead in the first section of the parade with huntsman in a later group pentagon. that order was only determined by the date when the candidate applications were received. so no innuendos. >> nothing to read into that. >> exactly. meanwhile, congressman michele bachmann who has been on a tour of iowa the entire weekend, as well as former house speaker newt gingrich, are scheduled to participate in the clearlake july 4th parade in iowa. and herman cane will end his day in new hampshire. he's going to throw out the first pitch for the new hampshire fisher cats. but he's going to sart off the day in philadelphia if an independence day tea party rally with former u.n. ambassador john bolton. >> pamela, quickly, i saw
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e-mails yesterday about a new candidate in the race. tell us about who this is. >> yes, we've got another gop presidential candidate to add to our list. the five-term michigan congressmaned that use mccotter announced on kat at the waam freedom fest in whittemore lake that he, too, was throwing his hat in the ring. actually immediately after the speech he picked up his american flag theme guitar and jammed with the band. congressman mccotter is a guitarist as well. >> that's it. that adds to the -- for a name that not everybody knows, that makes him a little more, you know, more familiar. not bad. >> you know, mike huckabee out of the race immediately someone could play an instrument. >> that's right. pamela, good to talk to you. thank you very much. senior producer on the morning briefing on sirius xm. and the american dream, the reality of the struggling economy threatens it all. candy crowley sat down with russell simmons.
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you know him. he talks about a different kind of american dream. he calls it inner wealth. >> the more we can let go of the need for results the better we can do our job. make a great record you hear a melody. that melody is what makes you happy. you may think for one minute i can't wait for my friends to hear that record, right? and if you're thinking how much money you're going to make off the record you're not doing a good job making the record. if your mind is on the money you're going to make from that record, you are really not making a good record. so your mind has to be and so as much as you can engage your focus, as much as you can in something -- some single point, this is happiness. all right. you need music ideas for your 4th of july barbecue or party later today? may i suggest country music. why? today is national country music day. i don't know whether they meant for that to be coincident with july 4th but it is national
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country music today. happy 4th of july. quick break. back in main it. you need a little help with your mortgage, want to avoid foreclosure. smart move. candy? um-- well, you know, you're in luck. we're experts in this sort of thing, mortgage rigamarole, whatnot. r-really? absolutely, and we guarantee results, you know, for a small fee, of course. such are the benefits of having a professional on your side. [whistles, chuckles] why don't we get a contract? who wants a contract? [honks horn] [circus music plays] here you go, pete. thanks, betty. we're out of toner. [circus music plays] sign it. come on. sign it. [honks horn] around the country. every single day, saving homes. we will talk it over... announcer: if you're facing foreclosure, make sure you're talking to the right people. speak with hud-approved housing counselors free of charge at...
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22 minutes after the hour. despite the fact that it is july 4th there are some things you need to know. three things to put on your radar. declaration of independence will be read at the national archives in d.c. today at 10:00 a.m. eastern time. plus, the crew of the space shuttle "atlantis" arrives in
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florida this afternoon at 2:45. scheduled to take it to space on friday, july 8th. i'll be there for that. president obama will celebrate the 4th with service members and their family on the south lawn of the white house. there will be a barbecue, a concert, and fireworks. the event will be streamlined wive -- stream lived on lucky service members who get to party with the president are some of many who serve our country. this morning tip of the hat to the u.s. members of the military. did you know there are more than 1.4 million active duty personnel worldwide, including more than 100,000 in afghanistan, 92,000 in iraq, 79,000 in europe, and 43,000 in east asia and the pacific. hats off to all of you today. let's go around the world with manita. you may be one of my older friends at cnn because we worked
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together even before we got here. what a pleasure to see you. busy morning. tell us about what's going on in chi china. >> yeah, it's good to see you, as well, ali. it has been a while. yeah, china, what we're dealing with right now there is another situation in which this country is not immune to. it has seen a lot of this situation happen before. we're talking about miners trapped in coal mines. what we understand, the southern part of china has been dealing with some torrential downpours and heavy rains. what has happened is that sum of these mines have been overflowed and have been flowing with a lot of the rain and water trapping some 40 miners in 2 separate coal mines. what they understand, some three bodies have already been pulled out. the fact of the matter is the heavy rains are also making it difficult for rescuers to actually goat to these mines. another problem that they're facing is possibility of toxic gas potentially becoming lethal for the miners that are indeed
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trapped in these mines. ali? >> all right, monita. there's an wanted ad in mexico looking for at tratractive fema police officers. what's this about? >> yeah, you know, you've got to hear this want ad for the mexican pacific state. it has one of the more popular tourist destinations of acapulco. women ages 18 to 26 who are at least 5'5" and whose weight is proportional to that height must have good physical and mental health, knowledge of english is a plus. according to the public secretary is saying that the idea is to have a police force comprised of only women, prerch preferably beautiful ones. we know today is going to be full of beer and barbecue for most of you so today's businessmen's special is for the health nuts. we will talk super foods after
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good morning. it's monday, the 4th of july. this is your "a.m. wake-up ca " call." i'm ali velshi. six people are missing after a charter fishing boat sank in bad weather off mexico's baja peninsula. there were at least two dozen american on the boat. the u.s. coast guard will be helping the mexican navy with the rescue. they're done for the night. they've got to wait for daylight. couple hours away from that. we'll keep you posted right here and throughout the morning on "american morning." more news to hear about today. the jury in the casey anthony murder trial got a big job to do this holiday. deliberations are expected to
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begin in a few more hours. first, the prosecution has some rebutting to do. the defense claims the state did not prove that case say anthony killed her daughter caylee but they played with the jury's emotions. >> you see the strategy behind that is, is if you hate her, if you think she's a lying, no good slut, then you will start to look at this evidence in a different light. you will start to, oh, wait a minute, maybe i'm seeing something that's not there and start to actually discriminate against her rather than give her the standard that is afforded to each and every citizen in our country. >> the trial in orlando gets under way at 8:30 eastern. the judge warned the jury today will be a long way for them. fox news politics on twitter, someone has clearly hacked the twitter handle. the site is putting up all kinds of insane, inappropriate and untrue tweets about president obama.
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basically april fool's type stuff that isn't funny. we reached out to fox and twitter approximately still waiting to hear back. minnesota's government is closed today. last week lawmakers couldn't agree on a budget. so the entire system shut down. right now you've got state parks, dozens of rest stops and the zoo loweclosed on major sum holiday. could be a big about face on the dominick strauss kahn case. remember, he was charge with swaumting a new york hotel made. prosecutors thought they had an airtight case but it seems to be leaking big time. looks like the accuser could have a major credibility issue. strauss-kaun is strauss-kahn is released from house arrest. can't travel abroad yet. he doesn't have a passport. the manhattan d a's office says it still has investigating to do. let's go to christine romans this morning. she is standing by. christine, your prediction as to how u.s. stocks are going to do
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today. >> they're going to open right where they closed on friday and stay that way because markets are closed today this is one of the rare days of the year where you know the markets are going to do. they're going to do nothing because they're closed. >> i tell you you might have thought that the whole last three months, we measure these things in quarters, was lousy. it was a write-off. something happened last week. >> last week was one of -- here's a number for you, ali. 648. that's how much points the dow rallied last week. >> wow. >> yeah, biggest weekly rally for the dow in a couple of years. a couple of things here. the stocks that are dependent on the economy to grow like united technologies, caterpillar, they did very, very well last week. people are talking about back in cyclicals again after a very, very terrible may and june and really july, so the quarter was flat to slightly lower depending on the average or the index. gains in manufacturing index
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here. and you really had just a really tough spring and summer for stock investors, so you had a good week, a good snap back here. one of the things that people are telling me, ali, is that a lot of the wost expectations for the american economy were baked in here. and at that point there was nothing to go but an upside surprise. you saw a little bit of money back on the table last week. >> one of the things you and i get very concerned about is how much people save for their retirement. there's some evidence people are saving more? >> unbelievably retirement savings near an all-time high. this is a study from the investment company institute. the economic recovery of course remains sluggish but retirement funds have been looking the healthiest in years. one of the reasons is because the last year has been good for stock market investors. also there is this feeling, quite frankly, that people are shoveling money away if they can. and also companies are back in the mode of matching retirement funds again. remember for a while the 401(k) match was off the table? now companies trying to retain their top talent, of course,
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even if they're not hiring. so they are back matching with their own funds again. so, yeah, this is a pretty upbeat -- upbeat assessment about how much money americans are earmark for their retirement. still isn't enough for the average american but we don't have enough put away but it's more. >> christine, great to see you. see you in half hour an "american morning." back the our businessman's special. today we're talking super foods. men's health magazine is out with the top super foods. not the line of their top of the list with those good for you fats in them. eggs are also going to do your body good. you should actually eat the yolk. it contains most of the protein with the cloholesterol but you have to work that out. eat chocolate today, dark chocolate. treat yourself with calls supposed heavy desserts like ice cream. don't go crazy with it. like everything, eat in moderation. chocolate and ice cream. testing your knowledge here.
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which news maker said this. quote, the strategy behind that is if you hate her, if you think she's a league, no good slut, then you'll start to look at this evidence in a different light. you need a little help with your mortgage, want to avoid foreclosure. smart move. candy? um-- well, you know, you're in luck. we're experts in this sort of thing, mortgage rigamarole, whatnot. r-really? absolutely, and we guarantee results, you know, for a small fee, of course. such are the benefits of having a professional on your side. [whistles, chuckles] why don't we get a contract? who wants a contract? [honks horn] [circus music plays] here you go, pete. thanks, betty. we're out of toner. [circus music plays] sign it. come on. sign it. [honks horn] around the country. every single day, saving homes. we will talk it over...
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38 minutes after the hour. now back to that quote that i gave you before the break. we asked you to identify the news maker who referred to casey anthony as a slut. here's a sound bite from casey anthony's defense attorney, jose baez. >> you see, the strategy behind that is, if you hate her, if you think she's a lying, no good slut, then you'll start to look at this evidence in a different light. >> time now to talk politics. the ticker with paul steinhauser. my good friend, another one of these people whose got no holiday today. paul is working. we're working. and, paul, so are the republican presidential candidates. tell us who is doing what and where today. >> yeah, makes good sense, ali.
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this is july 4th. pa patriotic day, lots of parades. who is out there? three are in iowa. iowa is off the presidential caucus calendar. you've got michele bachmann and newt gingrich marching in the same parade in fact out there in iowa and are going to hit on a bunch of other events. rick santorum also campaigning in iowa. let's move east to new hampshire where of course that's the first primary in the nation, so that's another busy state. you have mitt romney and jon huntsman marching in the same parade in new hampshire hitting a bunch of other events. herman kaine is going different. pennsylvania, tea party in independence hall in philadelphia. but you know where he ends up, ally? ends the day in new hampshire. they're going the end up in one of those two states eventually, right? >> iowa or new hampshire, exactly. by the way, through the course of the election as you pointed out clearly, they will end up in pennsylvania and ohio. i know you follow this stuff like i follow moneyed th thadou
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mccotter. >> officially announced on saturday. you're right, he's not a name that a lot of people know. congressman from michigan, western suburbs. he becomes the third house republican to run for the republican presidential nomination. here's something interesting. this guy plays some rock guitar. when he announced on saturday at a music festival. he was jamming. now he becomes the second republican run for president who is a former rock guitarist. that's him and also john huntsman. so go figure, ali. >> good to talk to you. you sound very awake for a monday morning 4th of july. you have a fantastic day. 40 minutes after the hour. here are the three things you need to know today. first of all, congress is off today. we're back to work tomorrow. lawmakers can focus on stalled deficit reduction negotiations. senate majority leader harry reid forced senators to cancel their travel plans to show up
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for the senate floor. plus, tomorrow a hearing asked whul chuled for john edwards, the former democratic vice presidential nominee on his criminal case. and june unemployment numbers will be released this friday. now some highlights in sports starting with excitement on the field. watch this. >> go usa! >> u.s. women's soccer player grabs a mike after scoringal the women's world cup. the women's team even gave a salute to the troops after the first goal. beating colombia, 3-0. check this out. a wipeout but a french rollerskater still sets a new world record. 90-foot -- 95-foot jump. this guy is 35 years old. it's day three of the 98th
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tour de france. before the race is done the bikers will go more than 2100 miles through flat and mountainous trails around france. today is a flat day. norwegian biker took the lead yesterday with his team winning the time trial. pablo torres is working today, "sports illustrated" reporter live in new york. who is not working? i don't understand. wimbledon finished up. crazy stuff went down at the tournament. is it true that the men's winner ate grass? >> yes, it is absolutely true. and not something we see in tennis. i think. this is a new form of celebration. don't think it will catch on. djokov djokovic, the star player in tennis these days, number one in the world today, dreamed of winning wimbledon as a kid and to taste victory and to literally grab it off the floor and put grass in your mouth. that's what he did. that's which he did. and the women's, of course, we
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add petra, 6 foot tall 21-year-old lefty, becomes the first lefty to win wimbledon since martina. just a great story there. ali, the big story out of wimbledon looking at this is maybe not the grass but the emergence of djokovic, a guy who is now in the firmament really with roger federer and rafael nadal, a guy he's beat five straight times. when you go into these tournaments, these men's tournaments, who is going to win this in rafael nadal, roger federer, and djokovic. they are the big three for everyone to watch and see who is going to win. >> we're going to have to learn how to say it. pablo torre from "sports illustrated." good story out of memphis, not good, but sad. a police officer finds a body in a downtown hotel, then he gets shot. i'll tell you about it on the other side.
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i'm ali velshi joining you live from new york. six people are missing after a charter fishing boat sank in bad weather off mexico's baja peninsula. two dozen americans on the boat. the u.s. coast guard plans to send a helicopter down to help the mexican navy with the search. got to wait for daylight first. still a couple of hours to go. a coast guard spokeswoman said 37 people are accounted for and in a hotel. they are actively searching for six people. let's go around the world with monita rajpal joining us from london. chinese miners are trapped. tell us about this. >> yeah, there are some 40 coal miners reportedly trapped in these coal mines in southern china. it's after a weekend of torrential downpours. pretty much destroyed or damaged the drainage system of these mine shafts. what's happening right now, these are two separate coal mines that reskted right now. there are some 19 miners in one and some 23 miners in another. also the rains are making it
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very difficult for the rescuers to come and actually get them out. another cause of concern for the rescuers is the fact that there could be toxic gas in these mines. as you know, you know, these kind of dangers and deaths within coal mines are not new in china. we understand that according to some official statistics in 2010 more than 2400 people have died in coal mine accidents in china. some people are saying those are a sufs shul statistics. the numbers could actually be much higher. ali? >> monita, let's talk about yoou hugo chavez. we saw him. we have pictures with him. last week we saw pictures with him and he looks fit and the tracksuit on. >> that's true. we know chavez is in cuba. he had undergone surgery removing what they are describing as a cancer rouse to tumor. he was going to leave on july 5th but now they say it's going
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to take a lot longer. might be returning in six months. on sunday p released video of the venezuelan president being withs on an outing looking somewhat frailer but looking healthier than many people expected. they're saying he's going to make a really good recovery. cuban president as well as venezuelan officials are saying hoens tra he's on track to make a full recovery. take a look at this video with me. mayor in the philippines. she punched a court sheriff several times. it happened on friday. there was apparently a dispute over the demolition of a slum area. what do you make of this? >> yeah, it's really interesting. it's one of those things. i think we've all felt the need every time to deal with an official, gets frustrating sometimes for not getting things done. i guess she took it a little too far. this sheriff apparently was just doing his job. he was ordered by the court to clear out -- i should give the go ahead for the slum to be
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demolish demolished. was what this mayor want we was an extra two hours to go and talk to the squatters in this area to get them to leave quietly. otherwise there would be a riot. as we saw, she apparently packs quite the right hook and she kept going. apparently her guards themselves were holding the sheriff down. >> that's right. d didn't look like a sheriff, looked like someone detained because he did something wrong. thank you for joining us so much. now more news that you're going hear about today. it is 4th of july, a holiday, but the jury in the casey anthony murder trial has a lot of work today. the deliberations are expected to begin in a few more hours. first, the prosecution has to get in the last word. the defense claims the state did not prove she killed her daughter caylee and the defense attorney played with the jury's emotions. >> you see the strategy behind that is is if you hate her, if you think she's a lying, no-good
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slut, then you will start to look at this evidence in a different light. you will start to, oh, wait a minute, maybe i -- i'm saying something that's not there. and start to actually discriminate against her rather than give her the standard that is afforded to each and every citizen in our country. >> the trial in orlando gets under way again at 8:30 eastern. the judge warned the jury that today could be a long day. in others news, hope to find out more about this fatal shooting in memphis. police officer goes into the double tree hotel downtown responding to a call. finds a person dead. then gets shot and dies later in hospital. expression and tone of his fellow officer speaks volumes. >> when you have something as tragic as this with the amount of time the police officer has been together, we're like family. so you have something like this, it's as if something happened to one of your own family members. >> memphis police have a suspect in custody. the officers leaves behind a wife and two small children.
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maybe clean-up crew will make progress in montana today. the oil pipeline that runs under the yellowstone river broke. it's ugly, it steninks but so f no reports of animals dying. exxonmobil shut down the line minutes after it discovered the break. check out this video from egypt in is or was a pipeline that supplies gas from egypt to israel. official believes it was an about of sabotage, that someone blew it up. the flow of gas from israel to jordan is shut off right now. third attack on egypt's pipeline system since mubarak went down earlier this year. let's talk about what could be an about face in the dominick strauss-kahn case. the former imf head was charged with sexual assaulting a new york hotel made. prosecutors thought they had an airtight days but seems to be looking big time. strauss-kahn is released from house arrest.
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the manhattan d a's office says it still has some investigating to do. check in with reynolds wolf at the weather center in atlanta. any flight delays this morning, reynolds? >> yes, as a matter of fact, we do have a few out there unfortunately. but most people are already where they need to be. a few straglers who still have to get to the airport. delays in orlando and miami. also in atlanta, d.c., all the metros there, all due to the same problems you're going to face in the parts of florida, afternoon thunderstorms. nashville, memphis, same story. san francisco, morning fog. by midday that burns off. you may have a few more delays in parts of the northern plains across the southeast and heat continues in texas. ali, that's the latest. quick snapshot, if you will. happy 4th. >> i may spoil your 4th morning right now. listen to this. scientists sampling dna from bellybuttons found 662 new microbes. the knhuman naval is ripe for bacteria. half of them were completely new
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to science. researche eer swabed 95 vol fea. looks like there's an eco system in your bellybutton. >> it's not a belly put on the, it's a petri drish. it's hideous. oh, my gosh, man. nightmares we're going have for weeks. >> i hope nobody just woke up and there was their first story as they're pouring their cereal. >> i hear you, man. >> reynolds, good to see you, my friend. >> as always. take care. all right. am i going to break now? i'm going to take a quick break. ♪ sing polly wolly doodle all the day ♪ ♪ hah
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need to know today. here are three things. the declaration of independence will be read the national archives of d.c. plus, the crew of space shuttle "atlantis" arrives at kg 45. and president obama will celebrate the 4th of july with service members and their families on the south lawn of the white house. there will be a barbecue, concert, and fireworks. the event will be streamed live on whitewhite time to talk about money with kristie lu stout from hong kong. we've got nothing to talk about on this side. we have markets closed. markets in asia though doing first business. >> that's right. let's talk about asia first. there were solid gains as concerns over u.s. recovery eased. over in europe, higher but not by much. the ratings agency s&p has double blow to greek for an eventual end to the debt crisis. it says if a french plan to roll over visas go ahead it will cut
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the rater on the debt to "d," signalling a default. but they have been desperate to avoid it. the markets are closed for july 4th but the big news out of where you are this week will be the monthly jobs report on friday. ali? >> business insider is report that china, sovereign wealth fund, wants to buy a piece of facebook. this is ironic because we haven't seen or thought of facebook in china has being hand in hand. >> that's right. ironic i guess in the alanis morrisette sense of the word. especially sis mark zuckerburg made that trip. nothing is confirmed. it does make for a fascinating discussion. the question, should beijing be allowed to buy a part of facebook? fais beijings that cash. thinking of overseas assets for a while now. but would beijing seeking more internet control with such a deal? it's a big que
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