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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  July 7, 2011 6:00am-8:00am PDT

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courthouse there in orlando. casey sentencing hearing on four misdemeanor counts of lying to police about to get under way. she could do more time. she could walk out of there a free woman. we got david mattingly in orlando for us. senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin in new york and here in the studio, criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor holly hughes. david, let's start with you. let's talk about what we could expect to see starting right now into the next 20 minutes or so. >> reporter: kyra, we know that defense attorney jose baez will be asking the judge to let his client casey anthony go. and we talk about these misdemeanors, they carry a maximum penalty each of one year in jail and a thousand dollar fine. these counts are all based on pretty elaborate deception that she concocted for investigators as they were investigating the apparent disappearance and murder of caylee anthony.
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right now, there has been a lot of speculation that because she has been in jail for a few years already, that the judge might reduce this to time served and that she could walk out a free woman today. again, that raising even more questions about where will she go and what will she do. we know that the state of florida has already indicated that their intention to get her to pay the county back for all of the expenses that were incurred in the investigation, to pay back the orange county sheriff's department for all of the man hours and time and resources they had to put into this investigation. so when she comes out, she could be looking at quite of a big bill. in fact, nobody knows exactly how much it will be right now. they are going to have to have a hearing some time in the future for that. so perhaps her time in court will not be done after this session today. kyra? >> holly, we were talking and david has mentioned this as well, her safety.
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i mean, this whole murder trial was centered around a 2-year-old little girl who turned up dead. you know, with regard to the fact that she could walk free. it's not going to be easy for her. >> no. >> guilty or not, everything that has been out there about this crime, there's a lot of concern about her safety. >> there is different levels of freedom. technically is she locked in a jail cell? maybe not after half an hour from theory. then the freedom to move about an not be accosted and not approached by people in the street. that's a freedom she is not going to experience. this particular case just got to everybody. you've got a gorgeous baby girl, you've got grieving grandparents and then you have a not guilty verdict. so no one is held responsible for this baby's death when, clearly, somebody killed her. so her safety is going to be in her own hands. the orange county sheriff released a statement letting us
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know we will be sure while she is in our custody, she is safe and we will take her because of all the high profile nature of this case, we will release her safely into the community, whatever that means. then their job is done. personal personal bodyguards and not a security force. she has to hire somebody to be with her at all times. people are so incensed over this verdict she is probably in danger of folks trying to get at her physically. we don't encourage it. we hope it doesn't happen because the jury spoke and that is their verdict. we have to move on. however, it's a very real danger and she will definitely need to have someone on staff to ensure her physical safety. >> on that note, physical safety, we go to live pictures from the helicopter just outside the courtroom where you can see protesters there via our affiliate wftv. jeffrey toobin, life may get even more difficult for her as she walks free versus going to
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prison for the rest of her life. i mean, you just -- she doesn't have -- she will not have any type of protective circle and there's a lot of people that have no sympathy for her right now. >> yeah. i think she should start with the idea there are 49 other states besides florida and she ought to pick one to live in. i mean, it just seems to me, given the intensity of the interest, particularly in the orlando area, that she ought to get out of that area and try to start her life anew somewhere else. as for the civil litigation, the possibility of the county suing her and various companies suing her, you know, civil litigation is very different from criminal cases. criminal cases have to be resolved relatively quickly, particularly when you have a defendant held in prison. >> jeff, here we go. the judge is walking up. let's all listen in. jeff, i'll get you to continue
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to weigh in. let's go ahead and listen. >> you may be seated. kichlt you may call the case. >> case number tomorrow night 0606 florida stat versus casey marie anthony. >> let the defendant reflect the defendant's counsel are present along with the defendant. both sides ready to proceed? >> yes, sir. >> i believe so, your honor. >> mr. mason, before we proceed the sentencing, mr. baez, you had asked me to reserve ruling on your motion for mistrial. >> we -- your honor. >> okay. okay. that takes care of that.
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the defendant casey anthony is before the court for sentencing on counts 4, 5, and 6, providing false information to a law enforcement officer. mr. baez, do you know of any legal calls why we should not proceed to sentencing at this time, sir? >> 4, 5, 6 and 7. >> and 7. >> and only legal calls that we have is previously filed motions attacking -- no legal calls like you can't proceed to sentencing with the subsequent remedies that she takes. >> would the state care, at this time, to present any matters relative to aggravation? >> not on that issue, your honor, no. >> state care to present any issues at this time concerning any other matter?
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>> your honor, yesterday, i filed a motion to tax special cost of investigation and prosecution and to reserve jurisdiction. the only reason that i would bring this up prior to the actual sentencing has to do with the jurisdiction of the court, once sentence is imposed if defense counsel attends to appeal the misdemeanor convictions, then this court would not be able to entertain a later hearing until that matter is resolved as it relates to costs of investigation. if, in fact, that is their intent, what we would ask is that the court bifurcate the sentencing hearing, proceeding to the matters of punishment. first, the issue of costs of investigation is not intended to be punitive and i believe can be
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handled at a later point in time in a bifurcated type of proceeding that would not divest the court of immediate jurisdiction to handle this matter so that this can be closed as expa tireditiously as. that's the only thing i want to bring up at this time. >> mr. baez? >> mr. mason will be handling this. >> mr. mason? >> i do not object to the bifurcation process. your honor they have not presented invoices to us and any accounting as of yet, whichly will be reviewing and challenge is as a corporate. so she asked for 60 days and i have no problem with that. >> okay. the court will retain jurisdiction to deal with the issue of cost of prosecution and other costs, i guess, pursuant to chapter 938.
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that's the statute that you're seeking those costs under? >> it is, your honor. thank you. >> okay. mr. mason, mitigation. you may proceed, sir. >> we have, however the argument, legal argument -- >> go ahead. all right. >> may it please the court? >> good morning. >> good morning, your honor. your honor, before sentencing we respectfully request the court address the violation of did you believe jeopardy at issue with respect to counts 5, 6, and 7. because all four statements in the indictment acrows during the
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july 16th interview between detective mallet and miss anthony all four counts to providing false information to law enforcement officer was one continuous criminal act with a single intent. each false statement separately charged violates double jeopardy and reduced to one conviction. in the state which we provided to the court 934 southern 2nd, 634 a florida 2nd dca says from 2006 the defendant was convicted of 15 counts of using aseduce a. rose from a single criminal episode. in hamel, the court articulated the test determine whether offenses arrive from a single criminal episode. in that test, the court -- >> let me stop you for a second. >> yes, your honor. >> i don't seem to have benefit of what you said you provided
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the court. >> i apologize, your honor. i gave that to the clerk and i should have instructed that you needed to have that. >> okay. okay. . go ahead. >> thank you, your honor. this test requires a court to look to whether this was a separation of time, place, or circumstances between the crimes barks because those factors are objective criteria utilized to determine whether instinct and criminal acts or whether one continuous act with a single criminal intent. the court went on to say the aspects of the crimes looking that criteria, a court can ascertain whether the court had time to pause and reflect and form a new criminal intent between the occurrences. your honor, in finding that counts 5 and 6 in the hamel case was a violation of double jeopardy, the court pointed to the fact that there was no temp
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droral break. similarly, your honor, the false statements misanthony made to detective occurred during the course of a single interview on july 16th, 2008. the interview was one continuous conversation and similarly, there were no breaks or other criteria to suggest the defendant had time to pause, reflect and form a new criminal intent so as not to have double jeopardy. we provided the court with two other cases. another case that is 511 southern 2nd 401 and that was out of the fifth dca, 1987 case. we provided the court with a case 475 southern 2nd 252 an 1985 case. it's our assertion that that the
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hamel case is similar in that it touches on the temporal aspects in this case as well but the hug decision, the double jeopardy was invoked when the defendant was convicted of five incidences of leaving one scene because they were -- there were five people in particular who were left at the scene of an accident. burke, on the other hand, is a case that is invocket double jeopardy where three convictions of the defendant based on one transaction of three altered bills and this convictions were charged separately. however, because they were found to be one act, double jeopardy was violated in this case. your honor, in order to avoid a legal sentence, we respectfully request that the court sentence miss anthony for one count of providing false information to a law enforcement officer. further, we reassert that there is at issue materiality in these
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charges and should be read into the statute as legislative intent. thank you very much. >> just a second. >> yes, sir? >> let's look at count 4. >> yes, your honor. >> of providing false information to a law enforcement officer. >> yes, sir. >> specifically, what is alleged in count 4? >> count 4 alleges specifically that on the 16th day of july, 2008, that in violation of the statute 837.055, there was a knowing and willful violation giving false information to a law enforcement officer. so that specific allegation was that casey marie anthony suggested that she was employed at universal studios. however, it arose during the july 16th, 2008 interview, as did every other charge, your
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honor. >> as a result of her telling the police that she was employed at universal studios, did the police, after taking the resulting action? with their investigation? >> they certainly did, your honor. however, if we are to charge her, we have to charge her for the crime and the crime here arose out of all four incidences were a part of the same continuous act, even though there were several false statements. >> count 5 alleges she violated that statute by doing what? >> that during that same interview on the 16th of july, that miss anthony identified a person as zenaida gonzalez and suggested to detective mallet she left her child with this woman. >> and did that require a separate and distinct on behalf of law enforcement to
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investigate? >> it did, your honor. however, i would assert that the reaction based on the violation isn't how we measure this. how we measure whether one instance, one particular criminal act that wasn't broken up temporally we look at not the resulting conduct of the police department. what we look at is the conduct of miss anthony and the temporal aspects of her statements as required under this hamel decision. >> and count 6? >> yes, your honor. >> what was she alleged to have done in count 6? >> during the same interview on the 16th, with detective mallet on the 16th day of july in 2008, the allegation and the conviction is based on miss anthony informing detective mallet she identified a jeffrey michael hopkins and a juliette
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lewis, that she had told them of a disappearance of her child. however, we reassert that there is a materiality issue related to this particular charge and, again, assert that this is out of the same instance of conduct. >> okay. and count 7? >> count 7, your honor, this is the same interview that we have been discussing to detective mallet and this allegation is based on miss anthony asserting that she received a phone call from caylee marie anthony. >> just a second. since you just provided these cases to me. >> yes, sir. >> let me read them right quick. see if i have any additional questions. >> yes, sir. >> before i hear from the state of florida. >> as he we follow the live
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pictures out of orlando, florida, the sentencing of casey anthony, holly hughes, bring our viewers up to date what is happening here. i'm seeing the defense talking about a voolgs iolation of did believe jeopardy based on temporal breaks. put that in laymen's view. >> what the defense is arguing she didn't commit four separate crimes. this isn't four instances of lying to the police. they are trying to say because it's one continuous flowing act, when you're talking about -- think about a river. just flowing down and the water is going and going and going. you're not going to say, that is one gallon of water, that is two gallons and three gallons of water. you look at the thing as a whole. what the defense is arguing right now is, judge, if you charge her four times for what we contend is the same crime, it's one big, long statement. >> four times mean four years? >> four different counts, four different years, absolutely. and that is what they are trying to fight against. they don't want that four-year sentence imposed.
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they don't one year stacked on top of one year and stacked on top, stacked on top. they are trying to convince the judge using case law this is one continuous act. if you charge her more than once for the same crime, that is double jeopardy. our constitution prohibits it. you and i know, we have been getting tons of e-mails from viewers saying can't they know go back and charge her with violating a corpse and desecrating? no. because everything happened to do with that one action. the death the disposal, everything surrounding poor little caylee marie's death is off the table. that would be double jeopardy. that is what the attorneys have saying. she told a big pack of lies in that one statement. >> all at once. >> but we don't want you to punish her that way. >> let's listen in. the judge is starting to talk again. >> miss anthony did not have time to pause, reflect and form a new criminal swent for each
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one of those four separate acts? >> yes, your honor. as the tests. tick late under the hamel decision, this has to be some separation of time, place, or circumstances. in the situation that weir dealing with today, there was one single interview. it can't be said that there was a break in either time, place, or circumstance, as required not to invoke double jeopardy. >> thank you, miss frank. >> thank you, your honor. >> response from the state of florida. >> like the court, i was only provided with this motion this morning. however, i believe even under their case law, as well as case law from the florida supreme court, specifically valdes, which i did not bring copes of,
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unfortunately. found 3 southern 3rd, the florida supreme court case from -- >> 37 -- i-i'm sorry. 3 73rd, correct. florida supreme court 2009. in anderson at 697 southern 2nd 309, the florida supreme court case from 1997, these are not the -- these are not single acts. this is different core conduct. it is our position that there is a temporal break between each of the lies and there are several, not just the ones charged, but that these lies occurred over the course of three separate statemen statements. the fact they all occurred on july 16th, tomorrow night should be of no consequence. the pretrial hearings as well as the trial knows that miss anthony gave statements at approximately 1:00 a.m., 4:00 a.m. and then 1:00 p.m. on july
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16th of 2008. each of the lies are material to the issues that were investigated by the sheriff's office as a result of the lies, each were intended to mislead law enforcement and to send them, as miss anthony, herself, at the end of the final statement, indicated on a wild goose chase. they are not degree variance of the same crime and are not a single criminal act. most of the time when we are not dealing with multiple punishments for a single act, what we are dealing with are whether or not a single act can be broken up into episodes. we typically see this in sexual battery cases, where there are multiple sex acts performed on a single victim at the same time. and then the issue is whether or not there is a break between the various types of penetrations in those cases sufficient to
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convict for separate acts and, indeed, the case law suggests that there is a sufficient break where an individual does have the time to pause and reflect, as the court has already inquired. given the fact that there were multiple statements over the course of 12 hours, it is the position of the state of florida that these separate acts, as separately alleged, do not violate double jeopardy. >> their cite was 37, 3rd edition, what page? >> 1067. >> 1067? >> 1067. i do have a copy. this is the situation where an individual was charged with two different counts for one act of shooting. would the court like my copy?
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>> just a second. >> jeffrey toobin, we heard what holly hughes had to say about what the defense is coming forward with here with regard to violation of double jeopardy hoping that they can lessen the sentencing here for their client from four years to one year. yet, the prosecution coming back with its argument saying that no temporal breaks doesn't hold. this is where the four counts of lying to authorities comes into play. who has the stronger argument
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here? what is your take? >> i think it's a tough question. i think the defense is right to raise this issue. these are the kind of issues that get generally resolved in favor of the prosecution. i think this is all likely to be a moot point anyway. at least how i understand how florida general works, she is very likely to get time served whether it's one misdemeanor or four misdemeanors. so i think this is an interesting technical argument but i don't think it's likely to have any impact on the -- on the actual sentence. and -- but i do think it's right for the defense to raise it. this is a point, if they ever have to appeal, it will be important for them to have raised it at the trial level because appeals courts don't like to hear arguments that haven't been raised first at the trial level. but as i say, i think given the very strong likelihood of a sentence of time served whether it's one misdemeanor or four won't make any difference. >> you bring up the trial level. let's go to debry opri in los
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angeles. deb, what do you think? >> we will initially, i would say why wasn't this raised at the pretrial and pretrial motions to have these counts either reduced or combined into one? that's the first thought i have. the second thought i have is this. this is very late in the game motion for reduction. i favor what jeff said. i think judge perry will go in lieu prosecution case. he can't do it in might have minutes in court. he may take a recess and issue a ruling. if he i were laying wagers, i think the counts are going to stand. >> holly, with that said, what is your gut and how long do you think this could take? the more you try to introduce new arguments, right? >> right. >> the longer this goes. >> exactly. i agree with deb opri 100%. . my first thought why are we hearing about this now and why not a motion to quash the
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indictment or at least take those counts out, merge them into one. it is late in the game. it's what we have seen from the defense repeatedly what has been alleged. now judge perry might still hold a contempt hearing because allegations that the defense team gave the prosecution things at the last minute and what we are seeing here. ultimately, though, i think the judge is going to rule in favor of the state. he'll probably not take more than about ten-minute break, let everybody stretch, walk around. he's a real sharp jurist. the one thing he has done in this trial i have noticed every time he makes a ruling, he backs it up with law. he puts that case law right in the record. he says this is why i'm making this ruling. it's not a knee-jerk reaction. while the defense wants to say one big flowing river, the prosecution has gotten up and said no, a few different little ponds and she had the time to walk from this one and tell a lie, a couple of hours a different lie and different one, total lie. a fabulous argument on the behalf of the defense and one of
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the most cohesive arguments i've seen them raise. i don't think they will succeed and jeff toobin is right, she is probably still walking out, no matter what. >> jeff toobin -- let's listen in to court and come back to you, jeff. >> no, sir. >> does your client wish to say anything prior to the court imposing sentence? >> no. >> no, your honor. >> the court will make the following finding concerning the defense motion. to bar imposition of sentence on these four distinct counts as violating double jeopardy. count 4 of the indictment
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alleging providing false information to a law enforcement offic officer, basically dealt with the following conduct. it is alleged that the defendant was employed at universal studios during the year 2008. this information was given pursuant to an investigation for missing persons report. that information caused law enforcement in following up on that statement to go to universal studios to expend law enforcement resources to determine that, in fact, miss anthony did not, in fact, work
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at universal studios. count 5, miss anthony informed the authorities that she had left her child, caylee marie anthony, at the sawgrass apartments with a baby-sitter, which caused law enforcement again, as a result of a missing persons report, to develop and follow various leads, trying to locate this baby-sitter commonly known as zanny. count 6, again, dealt with the fact that she had informed two,
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quote, employees universal studios, jeff hopkins and juliette lewis of the disappearance of caylee marie anthony. count 7 indicated to law enforcement that she had received a call and spoke to caylee marie anthony on july 15th, 2008 at approximately 12:00 p.m. thus causing law enforcement to devote extensive resources. as a result of those four separate and distinct lies, law enforcement expended a great
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deal of time, energy, and manpower looking for young caylee marie anthony. this search for her went on from july through december over several months trying to find caylee marie anthony, four distinct, separate lies. just as the jury spoke loud and clear on counts 1, 2, and 3, by their verdict, they also spoke loud and clear as to the remaining counts 4, 5, 6, and 7.
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there being no legal cause shown why this court should not impose sentence and the court having previously adjudged you to be guilty of the crimes contained in counts 4, 5, 6, and 7, i will sentence you to one year in the orange county jail imposing a $1,000 fine on each count, all four counts to run consecutive to each other, giving you credit for the time that you have previously served. mr. baez, mr. mason, we're going to spend some time this morning
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figuring out her credit for time served and it's going to take us probably about an hour to sort of sort it out, because the previous sentences that she has been given, but with the good time and game time, depending on preliminary figures, some time early august, maybe late july, but i can't say that until after i first determine time served, and then the jail has to apply,
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according to their figures, their good time and game time that she has gained in this. so if you want to wait around or we can communicate that with you and if you have a different figure, then we can get that taken care of. i will reserve jurisdiction for 60 days to determine the cost of prosecution and investigation. tell me when you will be ready. >> i will advise a minimum of 30, so any time after that would be acceptable.
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>> mr. mason? >> i want to have some time whenever they get around to grabbing up their invoices so we can check the validity of those and potentially conduct some discovery on it, so at least 30 days. depends on when she gets it to me. if she gets it to me on the 29th day, that will not be good. >> they have indicated that they believe they can have all of the documentation to me within the time frame i suggested and that should give mr. mason ample time to review the validity of the affidavits. of the sheriff's office. >> well -- >> after she gets it to me? >> i'm trying to give you a date now. the week of august 15th, i will not be around.
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>> the week of the 22nd, i'm involved in evidentiary hearing on a 3851 case that is supposed to last three days. i have some time on the 25th and the 26th. depending on how long you need, i can fit you in on the week of the 29th, but i would have to fit you in because i'm, unfortunately, going to have to take over judge adams division since he's leaving at the end of the month.
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i have again the week of august 1st, but i have to fit you into that division's regular work. the week of august 9th with the same proviso. except that friday. so when would you like the hearing, folks? >> any of those options is acceptable to the state, your honor. >> you can have the 25th or the 26th. that should give you more than enough time to get the information and get it to mr. mason and mr. baez and have them
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digest the information, so you want to do it thursday or friday, the 25th or the 26th? friday being the 26th. >> thursday is fine, the 25th. if that is acceptable to counsel. and i don't know what miss anthony's status will be at that point as do they want to waive her appearance at that or have her present? i don't know if you want to address that issue now. >> the 25th, according to the preliminary calculations, without going over, double-checking some things, she won't be there. >> that is why i didn't know if we wanted to address whether the court would require her attendance. it's not a punishment aspect to the sentence. >> that's entirely left up to her and her counsel as far as i'm concerned. she can waive her appearance or
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she can come. that's left up to -- >> it will be our intention to waive her appearance during those proceedings, your honor. >> okay. i will also impose the statutory court costs. mr. anthony, you have a right to appeal the judgment and sentence that i rendered here in your case today, provided you file a notice of appeal within 30 days of today's day. if you cannot afford the services of an attorney to aassist you with this appeal, the court will appoint one to represent you. bear those rights in in mind and after consulting with your attorney, do you wish to appeal? >> if we can have a moment, your honor. >> you may.
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>> your honor, we would like to reserve our right to make that decision at a later time. >> you have 30 days from today's date to file a notice of appeal or you forfeit, give up your right to appeal. does she have the financial wherewithal, mr. baez, if she decides to appeal to pay for appellate counsel? >> no. your honor, but we would -- >> if she decides to do that, then please make sure that she fills out an affidavit of i solvency can the clerk of the court. to timely bring that matter so counsel can be appointed. >> yes, sir. >> as you know, if she does not file a timely notice of appeal,
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then she forfeiteds to give up her right to appeal. if she decides to appeal, it will be your responsibility to file the necessary appellate paper work that is the notice of appeal, a stadium of judicial acts to be reviewed, and designation to the court reporter, it will be your responsibility before you are relieved of your responsibilities as far as this case to have those documents filed. are there any other matters on behalf of the state of florida? >> nothing from the state, your honor. thank you. >> are there any other matters on behalf of the defense? okay. court will be in recess. >> all right. we now know casey anthony's
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fate. jeff toobin, the judge just threw out that last-ditch effort by the defense to try to knock down the number of counts here and said, nope it's one year in jail for every count. she gets three years credit. really that is about a year, right? then pays $1,000 for each count. but here is what was interesting. the issue of appeal. i bet some attorneys are saying, are you kidding me? how much better can it get? why appeal? >> yeah. this was a surprise. most people convicted of misdemeanors do not get prison time in florida or anywhere else. this judge was clearly appalled at the nature and kept of the lies that casey anthony told to the police and just hearing them again in court, we are all reminded of just how sinister and awful these comments were to the police, and the judge did the max. he gave her the longest possible
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sentence he could give, which is four years. four one-year sentences to be served consecutively. now, there's a bit of legal confusion or complication, i should say. because it's not as simple as a four-year sentence. because she has served for nearly three years, i believe she has served to about 997 days in prison, she gets credit for what is called good time. when you behave well in prison, you get a certain amount of credit and it varies state-by-state. so she actually will probably serve considerably less than another year. in fact -- this is where perhaps the other folks listening can pep me out. i thought the judge said her sentence may well be up in august, just a month from now, because of the credit she might get for good time. so i don't think she's going to serve another full year. i think she is likely to serve
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very much less than another full year. >> holly, what do you think? >> jeff nailed that on the head. two different things happening here in the law. something called credit for time served and then is there commuted to time served and break it down for our viewers, credit means if you've actually sat in jail, you have to get credit by operational law, we are going to give you that time back. that goes on your account like a credit would back to any charge account. commuted to time served is when the attorney says to the judge, okay, let's just pretend she served the whole thing and let her out today. that wasn't asked for here. what we are looking at is the jail will go paback. the jail is independent of the court so not as if judge perry could say to them we are going to make you keep her for another full year. that is a whole different province. they are going to look at the numbers, add it up, it's what they call good time, some jails have a 2 for 1 program where you behave for every day you serve you get credit for two which is
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judge perry is saying i am estimating based on my long knowledge and my experience in this system, that when given credit for all of the time she has already served, she is probably only looking at about another month. he said to the attorneys, i expect the end of july, maybe toward the end of august when they sat down the hearing for the expenses that the state is seeking reimbursement for, the prosecutor burdick said i don't know where miss anthony is going to be on the 26th of august. likely she won't be there. which is a second signal he expects that game time and credit to run consecutively. she won't get out today but she probably will be out in the next 60s weeks. >> wow. the next six weeks. deb, you heard the judge when the issue of appeal came up. they have got 30 days to decide whether they are going to do it or not. what do you think is going to happen here? >> well, the first thing i said was he wants him to answer now?
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i usually say, your honor, can i get back to you? we have 30 days. but with this time -- with this time served, i understand that florida has five days for every one day time served, good time. california, it's three days. but i think, i've done the calculation. if she has served, and my calculation came out to 1,030 case of actual time served, two years, ten months. if she served those days, you go into the five days good credit, i'm looking at actual time for her of 86 more days, but the question i have is how much of that time in jail served was for the check fraud charge and are those days still counted? i don't know the answer to that. but i said early on, i assumed she would be in jail a few more months. and it looks like two or three months to me. i don't think she's going to be in jail much past probably august, september. but she lucked out. are they going to appeal? don't do it! don't do it!
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just leave it alone. >> deb and holly and jeff, stay with us. if you're just tuning in, the sentencing was just announced there. judge belvin perry, it looks like casey anthony could walk free. you heard from all our attorneys here. you're kind of trying to read between the lines. it could happen between 80 something days. we had thought possibly up to a year. she is getting credit for good time. the three years that she has already been in prison. you heard it. four counts. for lying to authorities. you're looking at a year for each count. a thousand dollar fine for each count. but since she has already been in prison for three years, it looks like less than a year she will actually serve. we will talk more about than. holly hughes has impressions on casey anthony's mannerisms in court. very interesting. stay with us. we will continue after the break.
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well, if you're just tuning in, the casey anthony sentencing is out. and as it stands, she will be free late july, possibly early august. she will not walk free today, as many people were asking. the decision was made just moments ago live in this orlando courtroom. casey anthony no longer in court. they have gone into a recess. judge belvin perry coming
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forward and saying she will serve time for the four counts of lying to authorities. she's already been in prison for three years which means it will be knocked down to one year, looks like even less than that. we'll continue to talk about this with our legal panel coming up. first, we want to bring you up to date on other top stories happening just before the top of the hour. attorney for dominique strauss-khan says the former imf chief will not accept a plea bargain and won't plead guilty. prosecutors and attorneys met yesterday to discuss the sexual assault case. the feds ordered exxonmobil to make safety requirements on a ruptured pipeline in montana. and two positive signs just in on the jobs market. private sector employers added 157,000 positions in june. much more than expected. and the number of first-time appliers for jobless benefits fell by 14,000 last week.
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so, will and kate's journey across canada wraps up today. for the past week we've seen them cooking, racing dragon boats and bringing smiles to the faces of the locals. yesterday the picture were heartbreaking. they spent part of the day in slave lake, alberta, a town burned to the ground by wildfires in may. now they're in calgary for a lighter day, an agenda that includes a parade and bull-riding demonstration. will and kate will head to the u.s. where they'll visit with a certain group of americans that mean a lot to us. we're talking about our troops. the royal couple will touch down in los angeles and attend a u.s. military hiring fair. organizers hope they'll help turn the eye of the world to the needs of our military family. and kathy is a military family advocate, once worked for the white house, wife of marine officer, founded blue star families and you'll be working
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with the royal couple. what will they be doing exactly at this hiring fair? >> we're so excited to have the royal couple come and shine a spotlight on military families and veterans. they're going to be helping bring attention to the needs of vets and military families, both of whom have a high unemployment rate when they return from service. but they're also going to be getting involved in service events, the kind of service activities that every american can get involved with, too. we're going to be doing care packages with uso and blue star families has a family we're doing with the first lady joining forces initiative, operation honor cards. we're so thrilled that william and kate are going to be doing operation honor cards. >> how much do you think prince william's military background impacted the couple's decision to come help our military families? >> oh, i think it's enormous. i think this is a young couple that really understands service. and i think they get pride and pleasure from it.
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they serve their country just by being royals and doing the work that royals do, but i think even more so, his service and his identity as a member of the armed services and her identity as a military spouse, which we're so thrilled to claim, is foremost for them. >> you're actually going to have one-on-one time with them. what do you want to ask them? what do you want to say to them? what are you going to ask them to do specifically? >> well, i'm going to tell them that they're an inspiration and role model for us. it's wonderful for us to see them as a model for engaged and happy and committed military couple. i'll be talking to them about honor card programs, which is a way people can pledge community service in support of the service of military families. they'll be making pledges of service. they do so much already. and we'll be building an honor wall of all service pledges that everyone participating in the day at sony will be doing together.
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>> please, let us know how it goes. do you fabulous work, blue stars families is the organization. go online, check it out and also grab a pledge card. thanks, kathy. ahead next hour, the band u2 makes one fan's dream come true. ♪ >> and we're going to talk to him and his brush with musical greatness. that's this hour in the cnn news room.
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the u.s. women lose a world cup match but they're still in the hunt for that title, right? >> that's right. they could have made things easier for themselves but at least they're moving on, which is the important thing. they head on to the elimination round. the u.s. will have to work harder to win that world cup. sweden scored a goal on a free kick right there. the deflection off amy. the swedes win 2-1. when they win, they don't just take the victory, they celebr e celebrate, like the hokie pokey. the u.s. now plays a tough brazil team in the quarterfinals sunday. brazil advanced after beating he can guinea. watch this, the flip and then the goal. that is sweet.
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she celebrates big. one more thing. >> yes. >> dallas cowboys receive roy williams is suing his ex-girlfriend to get a $76,000 engagement ring back. he says brooke daniels told him she lost it. turns out her dad has it. he says he'll give it back to avoid a lawsuit but dad also says williams told the former miss texas she could keep it. the important thing to note, williams actually never got down on his knees to propose. he sent the ring in the mail. >> say what? >> very romantic. >> hello. we have an expression for that, all right? what were you thinking, pal? we'll talk more about it later in the hour. >> good. >> thanks, jeff. she was smiling when she came into the courtroom. casey anthony's sentence.
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>> i will sentence to you one year in orange county jail imposing a $1,000 fine on each cou count, all four counts, to run consecutive to each other giving you credit for the time that you have previously served. mr. baez, mr. mason -- >> judge belvin perry taking four charges of lying to police seriously. we have david mattingly at the courthouse in orlando, jeffrey toobin in new york and on his way into the studio, holly hughes. david, we'll start with you. looks like end of july, possibly some time in august. casey anthony will walk free. >> reporter: that's right. casey anthony is not free, not yet. the judge did throw the book at her but because these are
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misdemeanor charges it wasn't a very big book. she's getting the maximum four years in jail, a $4,000 fine, $1,000 for each of the counts. the judge is now waiting on a legal calculation of the time she has served so far and the credit she gets for good behavior to determine how much of that four years will be shaved off. we're obviously not looking at years. we're not looking probably at months, but probably something less than that. again, within the hour, we should know exactly how little casey anthony has left behind bars. when she gets out, we are also finding out today that the state will definitely pursue getting some sort of compensation from her for all the costs incurred by the county, by the investigation and by the prosecution of this case. and nobody knows right now what that bill is going to be. it has to be astronomical because of how long this has gone on, how many man hours have
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gone into this and how many resources were called into play, both by the investigators and by the prosecutors in putting this case on. so, casey anthony's troubles by far not over, even when she does get out of jail. but the headline here, casey anthony will be free. we're just waiting for the next few minutes to find out when. >> jeffrey toobin, talk about a no nonsense judge. when the question of appeal came up, the first thing that came out of the judge's mouth is, would she be able to pay for that? >> reporter: well, and also, why would she appeal? she won this trial. this is a woman who was looking at the death penalty a few days ago. today we're talking about whether she'll serve another month or two. i mean, the difference is so vast, you can't even overstate it. so, you know, there really is nothing to appeal. she is not a convicted felon in
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connection with this case. these are four misdemeanors. this is a win for her. she should stay her marbles, go home, live a life of obscurity. she should not break the law anymore. she should move out of florida. but i can't imagine why she would want to appeal this case. she won this case. >> holly hughes, you were watching her and turned to me and said, you know what, she's creepy. why? >> the first thing i noticed when she walked out of the door into the courtroom this morning is the difference in her appearance. now, we know that the prosecution had those pictures during trial showing her sort of as a sex kitten, she's dancing on a pole, grabbing another woman's body parts. she's out there in hot body contests. what they did as a defense team was kind of dumb that down. you know, no makeup, severe, hair pulled back. you know, her prominent ears were visible and very plain, trying to distance her from that whole style. when there's no jury in the room and it doesn't matter and nobody
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to play with, she walks out today with the hair completely loose, flowing and she's playing with it the whole time she's sitting there. the whole time. then when the judge says to her lawyers, i reserved ruling on your motion for mistrial. you know, cheney mason stands up, we withdraw that, she starts laughing. she creeps me out. she knows exactly what she did, she's sitting there, this is a big joke to her. she's a convicted liar. her attorney told us in opening she's a liar. she's sitting there vindicated that all of these lies and all of this acting in front of the jury has paid off and it just gave me the shivers when i saw her laughing and having a good time. i mean, your baby's still dead. this isn't funny. there's nothing funny about this. it just took me aback. the whole appearance, playing with the hair, the definitely -- we are now projecting a different image baz it no longer
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matters. there aren't 12 people in the box we have to fool anymore. >> i have a feeling this won't be the last time we talk about casey anthony. appreciate it, guys. we'll be talking about it more. let's go to new york where the sexual assault case against dominique strauss-khan appears to be crumbling. we're getting word his lawyer won't plead guilty to attempted rape or anything else on the heels of a meeting between his attorneys and prosecutors yesterday. susan candiotti has the latest. what do we know about this meeting? >> reporter: well, not much. neither side is saying much other than to describe it as being constructive. afterwards the d.a.'s office only put out a statement saying, we're still investigating. the next time dsk is scheduled to appear in court is july 18th. meantime, the maid's attorney wants a special prosecutor, but it's not going to happen. the manhattan district attorney, who leading the investigation, and that is not going to change. in a four-page letter, the
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maid's attorney, who stands by her accusations that she was sexually assaulted by dominique strauss-khan, excore ates the d.a., saying he hasn't been fair, impartial and charges him with leaking damaging and false information about his client to the media. attorney ken thompson admits his client made mistakes, even lied, but wants the d.a. to prosecute strauss-khan. >> she wants to get on the stand at trial, despite everything people have been saying about her. she wants to get on stand at the criminal trial and testify about what happened in that hotel room. >> the d.a.'s office issued a statement defending its investigation, adding, quote, any suggestion that this office should be recused is wholly without merit. now, as we said yesterday, the d.a. and defense attorneys huddled over what may happen with the case.
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many experts say it's falling apart thanks to serious credibility issues with the maid. she's admitted lying about her past. dsk attorneys called the meeting, as we said, constructive and they're moving on. but there's also an issue over what the maid said in a recorded jailhouse phone call with a friend a day after the attack. her attorney says she's paraphrased as saying dsk has a lot of money and she knows what she's doing. but the lawyer challenges whether that call was correctly translated from her native language and he wants to take a listen to that audiotape. eventually, they'll get to take a look at it, but they don't know exactly when, kira. >> susan candiotti live out of new york, thanks. celebrities, murder and terror victims, many phones hacked. it just goes to show that some journalists will do anything to get the scoop on the story. we're talking about british writers with the "news of the world" newspaper who allegedly hacked into voice mail. now british lawmakers are
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debating what to do. "news of the world" is part of rupert murdoch's media empire which includes fox news, wall street journal and new york post. he calls the allegations deplorable and unacceptable. hugh grant says he's the latest celebrity to be hacked by the tabloid. >> it's one thing for there to be a very bad newspaper in the country. but when you start to realize it's not one, it's all our tabloids who have been shockingly out of control for a long time, and when you realize how much collusion from the police and how much collusion from our lawmakers, from our government, who need these tabloids, especially the murdoch press to get elected, you start to think, i'm not proud of my country anymore. this is not the democracy i thought i was proud of. >> what does "news of the world" have to say. >> i'll let everyone in on a secret. british reporters do some of the finest reporting in the world
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and some of the foulest. it's a fun place to read the newspaper every morning. nothing fun about this. allegations as you say rape victims, murder victims, terror victims, the families of dead servicemen, all these people had their phone messages hacked by the "news of the world." the woman who was the editor of the news of the world and higher in the organization, ra brebeka brooks said she's sick these alleged to have happened. people have already gone to jail for the hackings. the question is how many more happened to how many more innocent people? it's the scale of this, thousands of people shocking so many people. so many people even in journalism. here's what other newspapers had to say. the international herald tribune, for example, said that outrage is a word badly weakened by overuse. this is unfortunate because it would be good to have now, at full strength, for the despicable thing british tabloid "news of the world" is accused
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of doing. journalists are offended they're dragged through the mud. we're a morally diverse group. people think we're out of control here. in britain they're really out of control. as we heard from -- my god -- hugh grant a moment ago, it's not just journalists. "the guardian" newspaper had something to say as well. a real phone-hacking inquiry must defeat ministers' tricks. government inquiry ahead but also the fact there may be political interference. if an inquiry is properly conducted then at the very least it will drag out a lot of hidden truths, make a lot of otherwise unaccountable people accountable and give the news media, the police and the government a lot of things to think about. so, this isn't just a few rogue reporters. this is basically the role particular slice of british reporters have -- >> now it's gone to parliament, debating what to do about this. it will be interesting to see if
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a new set of guidelines, ethics is implemented because it's reached a point pretty detrimental. >> the parliament doesn't know what to do because murdoch is so powerful. david cameron, his own communications director used to be the editor of the "news of the world." he resigned earlier this year. partly think because of this scandal. he's friends with rebekah brooks. no one knows where it's going. >> we'll following the interesting bedfellows, indeed. back live to orlando, florida. a judge sentenced casey anthony to four years in prison for lying to investigators but she could go free as early as july, maybe august. marty is in the courtroom. give us your assessment. what's it like on the outside of the court since the sentencing has been heard?
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okay, we lost our connection -- here we go. i think we got it fired up. we lost you for a second. go ahead, we got you back. start from the beginning, please. >> reporter: i was just saying that it appears that it went pretty much the way many people thought, it looked like maybe casey anthony would be getting out today. the only reason we say that is because she's changed her appearance slightly. you may remember throughout all of the trial she had her hair very tightly done up in a ponytail or done up in a bun. today it was long, hanging down around her shoulders. so, definitely she had a look of a woman much more at ease inside of the courtroom than she was just a couple of days -- we've heard from judge perry saying that it appears that he has to do some math rear harding this sentence. it was four years, but then she has served three, and on top of that florida has what they call gain time. and then they have something called good behavior. he has to figure out the math. he was loosely doing it in his
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head and he said it looks like end of july, maybe early august. she's not getting out today. not great at reading faces but it definitely looked like there was disappointment in her own face. it may have been disappointment in her defense team's face. it also gives them a lot of time because there's a lot she has to prepare for coming back into the real world, especially the world that casey anthony is likely to face. a lot of demonstrators. they're given specific cares in front of the court, secured very high, helicopters overhead, officers standing by, so clearly this was anticipated to be a very tense day but she's not coming out today, according to court authorities. >> mattthanks. preparing for the last launch of space shuttle "atlantis." we'll talk live with captain jeff ashby. he'll tell us what might be next on the horizon. hey, the new guy is loaded with protein!
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unlike fish oil, megared softgels are small and easy to swallow with no fishy smell or aftertaste. try megared today. checking stories cross country, in san diego the u.s. military investigating a helicopter crash at camp pendleton. one marine was killed, five others survived. it's not clear exactly what went wrong. officials at yellowstone national park say for the first time in 25 years, a grizzly bear mauled and killed a hiker. it's believed the man may have surprised the mother bear and her cubs. check out this surveillance video from san francisco. see the guy carrying something under his left arm? police think it's a picasso worth $200,000. cops think the brazen thief walked right out of the gallery
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with it. police have impounded a taxi that was used as a getaway vehicle. it's the end of an era and a new beginning for nasa as we prepare for the final shuttle launch. president obama, though, envisions going beyond the moon now, or the international space station. take a listen. >> we've set a goal to lets ultimately get to mars, a good pit stop is an asteroid. we haven't identified the actual asteroid yet, in case people are wondering. but the point is, let's start stretching the boundaries so we're not doing the same thing over and over again. but, rather, let's start thinking about what's the next horizon, what's the next frontier out there. >> what is the next frontier? the president talked about mars, so how will we get there? let's talk about the future with someone who's been an integral part of the program's success,
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former nasa astronaut and retired u.s. navy captain jeff ashby joining me live out of colorado springs. great to see you. let's have a reality check here. we could get really technical and say, okay, nasa has to develop a new heavy-lifter booster if we need to get beyond earth. what do you say? is that possible looking to the next future? is mars a reality? >> well, mars is a reality. but the first thing we have to do is figure out how to get safe and affordable transportation just off our planet into lower orbit. if we spend all of our funds transporting to lower orbit we have little remaining to go beyond there. >> so, do -- what's the reality? what's the time frame? if we listen to the president and say, okay, this is what we really want to do, we want to go beyond doing what we've done for so many years, are we talking a year from now, two years from now, ten years from now?
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>> the hardware development for something like a heavy-lift booster, which we need, typically takes six, eight, even ten years. the shuttle took ten years to first flight. but really, again, it will be paced by the amount of funds that we have, the speed of cash some call it. and that will largely be determined by our ability to transition to commercial modes of space transportation to lower orbit which will be more affordable. >> that's where you're working. i want to talk about commercial human space flight. you work for blue origin now. tell me, when am i going to be able to go up in space? am i going to be able to afford it? >> well, the short answers to those two questions are, it depends on how much cnn is paying you and the time frame will be as soon as it's safe. i think richard branson summed it up very well when he was
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quoted as saying something like, my wife would never forgive me if i didn't bring the kids back. as you may know, he is planning to fly his family on the first flight of his vehicle, first commercial flight, and i think there's no greater statement to the safety of a vehicle than to take it on yourself. >> you know i've got to ask you the personal questions now. you know, i've known your story -- i've known you for more than a decade and i love it when you tell folks, i was a kid, a dishwasher, watching the coverage of the man on the moon and i said to myself, i'm going to be an astronaut. you did it. so, what are you reflecting upon as we approach the final mission, jeff? >> yeah, i was 15 years old when neil armstrong walked down that ladder. it set in course a series dreams and goals that led me through the life that i've passed. but, you know, right now for me is another time of great inspiration. i am so looking forward to this transition from
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government-controlled space access to one that is controlled by the free market. and that offers safer and more affordable means of transport with competition. i think over time, as we get better and better at this, the costs will come down. and we'd like to see the costs come down to that of approximately a luxury car. we think we can get it down that low with the safety that comes along with that. >> we're looking at video of one of your migssions. i think this is "columbia." you talk about moving forward and talk about people like me and others that will be able to actually experience what you experienced. for our viewers who think about that, dream about that, explain to them what it feels like to go up in that shuttle. explain how you've told me in the past, how it's a spiritual experience. >> well, a trip to space, seeing the earth from the perspective -- or vantage point
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of space is life-changing. it really changes the way you look at our planet, the way you think about our exist en. and i would like for everyone to are that -- to have the opportunity to go see that vision. it is truly life-changing. the first steps commercially will be to fly people on these short suborbital flights which will give them a glimpse from that vantage point. hopefully we'll get so good at transporting people to lower orbit that eventually the cost will come down for orbital flights and enable us, america, to stay as the leader for space exploration in the world. >> well, it's given you an absolutely incredible and unforgettable career. captain ashby, thanks for your perspective. i hope we get to do it again. >> thanks, ki. my hats off to nasa for near completion of the shuttle
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program. they're a great team. i wish the entire team god speed on final launch tomorrow of "atlantis." >> we're keeping our fingers crossed that weather is good. jeff, thanks so much. and, again, our coverage of the shuttle's final mission begins tomorrow morning, 10:00 eastern right here on cnn. and after the break, will and kate wrapping up their charming canada tour. they're actually headed to los angeles, california, now. we'll talk about it next. i probably feel about thirty. how is it that we don't act our age? [ marcie ] you keep us young. [ kurt ] we were having too much fun we weren't thinking about a will at that time. we have responsibilities to the kids and ourselves. we're the vargos and we created our wills on legalzoom. finally. [ laughter ] [ shapiro ] we created legalzoom to help you take care of the ones you love. go to today and complete your will in minutes. at we put the law on your side.
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kim kardashian feels like an animal. the office retires one boss and gets another. and "showbiz tonight" host a.j. hammer joins us to talk about both. >> yeah, kim kardashian, the latest star now to proclaim, hey, you know what, not always easily living the glamorous life of a celebrity. she's gracing the cover of "cosmopolitan" magazine. she says, sometimes i feel like a zoo animal, i'll be at a restaurant and someone will put their phone in front of my face and take a picture without saying hi. let us not forget, kim rose to fame after a sex tape was leaked and since then reality tv cameras have been following her every move. thanks to that, kim employ her
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sisters made $65 million last year. so, while i'm sure no one wants to have their meal interrupted i'm hoping kim will somehow find peace with her extraordinarily privileged life as a zoo animal. >> okay, i loved "boston legal" so there's a new reason here to check out the new head ceo in "the office." >> you and i have the same tv taste. "boston legal" was one of my favorite shows and everyone has been wondering who's taking over the manager position steve carell left vacant last season on "the office" and the replacement will only be temporary. i'm happy to tell you, nbc has announced the great james spader, who many people know from "boston legal" will be joining the show "the office" full time for the new season repricing his role as robert california. turns out his character on
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career fast track and quickly gets promoted to ceo of the company, taking over the role left behind by kathy bates. james spader, one of my favorite actors, the perfect choice to be joining us up with "the office" full time. >> if we got william shatner, that would be a hoot, ad lib their way through. >> i would love to see it. >> if you want information, everything breaking in entertainment world, a.j. has it every night on "showbiz tonight" at 11 p.m. on hln. she walked into court escorted by an armed guard and expected to walk right out a free woman. casey anthony seemed a little surprised at her sentence. the latest next. sports doctor who treated tiger woods pleads guilty to smuggling unapproved drugs into the u.s. we'll tell you what the substances are. keeps getting better. a tweet here, a post there, and then the floodgates opened. five iihs top safety picks,
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five consumers digest best buy awards, and 2011 north american car of the year. but the good news doesn't end there. announcing the chevy model year wrap up. get in on our greatest model year yet. find out why at
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the president will meet with top senate and house leaders for talks on the debt ceiling. "the washington post" reporting they'll put medicare and social security changes on the table. that's a big about-face and drives home the urgency of the debt situation. the government's got until august 2nd until it runs out of money to pay its bills. an attorney for dominique strauss-khan says the former imf chief won't accept a plea bargain and won't plead guilty. the final space shuttle mission set for tomorrow, "atlantis" along with four astronauts will lift off to international space station for a 12-day mission capping nasa's 30-year-old shuttle program. more on that new proposal by
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president obama would change the way we americans live our lives. the president wants $3 to $4 trillion cuts in the next decade and entitlements would be on the table. the president is hosting congressional leaders for debt ceiling talks. you just got new information, i understand. >> reporter: that's right. what we learned is that this proposal discussed by president obama and house speaker john boehner is so ambitious some negotiations that might actually have to stretch beyond that august 2nd deadline for raising the debt ceiling. the details, i'll be honest with you, some are very dense but they matter. as you said, they will affect all americans. if you care about the cost of living increase for social security, if you care about your mortgage interest deduction on your taxes, these are things that could affect you. so it's important to listen up. president obama, we learned yesterday, was considering a much more ambitious plan, $3 to $4 trillion in deficit savings. such an ambitious plan it would
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require putting all entitlements, social security, medicare, medicaid on the table, and tax reform in addition to spending cuts. that is a whole lot to tackle. this is something house speaker john boehner was asked about, could this get done? could tax reform get done by august 2nd? here's what he said. >> we believe that comprehensive tax reform on corporate side and personal side would make america more competitive, help create jobs in our country and is something that is under discussion. >> reporter: under discussion, but he wouldn't commit to it being -- to the possibility that it could be tackled by august 2nd. i've talked to a republican source who said one of the things president obama and house speaker boehner have talked about is kind of taking entitlement reform, this is a republican source, mind you saying this, and dealing with that, social security, medicare, medicaid, and doing tax reform after this august 2nd deadline looking at what republicans would certainly like to see,
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reducing corporate and individual tax rates and then simplifying the tax code. that's where some of those tax deductions come in. it's a whole lot to tackle. you can totally understand how it seems like maybe too much to do here in the next couple of weeks. and the source emphasizes this is just something being considered. it's not a deal. and i have to tell you, there is a lot of democrats and republicans who will have issues with this proposal. >> no doubt. brianna keilar at the white house. thanks. not gimenty of murder but not free yet either. casey anthony will do at least a few more weeks in jail. as a matter of fact, in less than ten minutes we'll find out exactly when she'll be released. judge belvin perry sentenced her to four consecutive one-year terms for lying to police. she gets credit for time served. the judge, the prosecution and the defense are still hashing things out. our senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin joins us from new york and in studio criminal defense
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attorney and former prosecutor holly hughes. jeffrey, what do you think, less than ten minutes, what exactly are we going to know? the exact date, correct, the exact date she walks free? >> correct. the judge has to do some arithmetic basically because he sentenced her to four years in total. she has served just short of three years. so, in theory they would have another year to serve, but the way prison laws work, and this is true in florida and every state, is you get credit for every day you served as long as you have behaved appropriately. in fact, she should get several months of credit that will reduce her sentence probably to no more than another month or two in prison. so, in ten minutes or so we are expecting to hear precisely what her release date will be. and it sounds like, based on what the judge said at sentencing at 9 a.m., that it will be some time probably in
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august she'll get out. >> some time in august. holly hughes, then, pushing forward, okay, some time in august, she walks free. what's next? i mean, there are still pending cases that involve her. >> right. and they're going to continue. this is not -- like we talked about earlier, there are different level of freedom. she might be free from a jail cell. she is not free from the troubles she has created herself. this is her problem. the irs has put a $70,000 lien on her. the second she signs any kind of deal, those creditors are lining up to get theirs first. we know that there are some talks right now, you know, her lead defense attorney, jose baez was on different talk shows saying he's been approached by different media outlets that want to get to her. so we know she's likely to sign some kind of a deal. the irs is in line, we heard fascinating new this is morning from the courtroom. prosecutor said we are filing a
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motion, the state wants to be paid back because according to defense attorney jose baez when he stood up in opening saying caylee anthony drown in the pool june 16, 2008. that means they falsely reported she was missing and all of the money and time and expense that could have been spent, and think about this, finding other missing children. children that are truly in jeopardy. people are going back and forth. oh, he had shouldn't be going after the money. why? why would you reward a criminal for bad behavior? don't give her this money. go ahead, seek it back. she's going to have enough money when she starts inking deals, the state should be reimbursed. there are thousands upon thousands of truly needy victims. children who could be found with those resources. we also hear tim miller who heads up texas equisearch, very famous corporation that goes around the country, went to
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aruba when natalee holloway was missing, expend of their money and give their time to bring missing people home. he spent $112,000 to try to find little caylee all the while knowing she wasn't missing. they knew exactly where that baby was. yeah, she's free but not free, indeed. >> any minute now we should find out when she does walk free. jeff toobin, holly hughes, stay with us. three moms accused of ripping off their pta in an alleged ponzi scheme. we'll tell you why police didn't have to look too far. ♪ all those promises we made ♪ >> and just ahead, we talk live with the u2 concert goer that earned 15 minutes of fame and then some.
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trouble on the tracks near indianapolis this morning, where more than a dozen freight cars derailed last night. a bent rail on the trustle may have caused the pileup, likely to complicate rail travel between chicago and new york. we're hearing audio from southwest flight 812. that plane had a hole blown open in the fuselage last april. it's clear from the conversation between the cockpit and control tower that the pilot knew right
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away there was trouble. >> we need the nearest airport. >> southwest 812, are you able to land at blythe or would you want to go to palm springs? >> let's make a turn and go -- how far away is yuma from us right now? >> yuma is at your 3:00 position and the 50 miles. >> we're take yuma. >> that's where the flight landed safely with everyone aboard okay. three former members of the los angeles county pta have been arrested and accused of bilking the education group of millions of dollars in an alleged ponzi scheme. police didn't have to look far to slap the cuffs on the trio. two of them were already jailed on felony theft charges. all right, u2s, a band know for electrifying performances and humanitarian work around the world but it was this moment in nashville saturday night that
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had us all thinking just how cool these guys really are. ♪ you say you give me >> well, that's arizona's adam bevel on stage with bono, one of 45,000 fans that packed vanderbilt stadium but in the end he had the best seat in the house. heck, he was playing to the house. how did he work that out? adam joins us live from phoenix this morning. adam, so, first question, do you have the sign with you? >> i do. i have it right in front of me, actually. >> let's see it. >> my brother-in-law made the sign for me as we were standing there. we borrowed a piece of paper and a marker from some fans that were kind of down the way. and he was reluctant at first to make it for me, but i convinced
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him and it was always my dream to get on stage. and, you know, he made this sign for me. i held it up throughout the concert. and at the very end, he finally called me up. >> and just to give our viewers a little background, you lost your vision -- you started to lose your vision in your early teens, right? what happened and then how did you start playing the guitar and develop this love for u2? >> well, at age 14 i found out i had a rare eye condition called retinaitis pigmentosa and doctors told me i would be blind by the time i got out of high school. i beat those odds a little bit. at 28 it got to the point where i had no usable vision anymore. yeah, so it went on from there. >> so, you continued to play guitar, obviously. you've got some serious skill. >> right. yeah, well -- >> and bono saw your sign and said, okay, let's bring him up stage. what did he say to you when you
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got up there? >> well, you know, at first he -- they finished their song, their last song "moment of surrender" ended all concerts with that song. and i kind of started to drop my sign. and my -- and all of a sudden i heard bono's voice, what do you want to play, man? i thought, there's no way he's talking to me. no way. my brother-in-law leaned to me, he's talking to you. and i yelled out, all i want is you. and the fans started yelling. he said, get this dude up here. get him a guitar. get him my guitar. and before i knew it i was on stage and being -- you know, for me the best part is when bono came over and grabbed my hand and said, come this way. and he kind of led me through the obstacles on the stage and just showed to me his kindness and his patience. for me, that was the greatest thing, because it just showed what a great person he was. he is. >> indeed.
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and you picked that song, in particular, right, because you wanted to play it for your wife? >> yeah, i did. it's our song. and i always thought, you know what, if i -- if i ever got on stage, i was going to play that song and dedicate it to my wife. i could not believe that that happened. i mean, i've dreamt it a million times. and it was better than i ever would have imagined. >> well, it was pretty amazing, adam. you've given the edge a little competition. i know bono was actually sending you the guitar. i know you've got your acoustic guitar. will-f you don't mind, will you play us to break? >> sure, absolutely. >> adam bevel, next to go on tour with u2 and we'll be there. ♪ to those always searching for what's pure and what's real from we who believe we know just how you feel.
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canadian sports doctor has pleaded guilty to charges that he smuggled unapproved drugs into the u.s. for pro athletes. part of his plea deal dr. anthony galea will talk with the fbi about who he treated and how. our senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen here to talk about doctors he transported and we're talking about big-name athletes, too, right? >> right. during the proceeding the judge forced the prosecutor to some of them, and tiger woods is one of
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the athletes treated by this doctor. as well as some nfl players, some other golf players. but it was interesting, he didn't say that these athletes had gotten these treatments but just that they received treatments from this doctor. >> what do we know, first of all, about this human growth hormone? >> right. it's a real fda-approved drug. given to people for various things, but the people with medical conditions. it not supposed to be given to athletes to help build their muscles but it is illicitly used this way and sporting organizations like major sports -- professional -- i'm sorry, i'm not a sports reporter so i'm flailing but athletes are not supposed to be using it just to build muscle. >> there's guidelines. but there's another drug, too, that you were talking about. >> yes. and this is a ban -- this is an interesting one. i had never heard of this. actovagen -- >> we couldn't even find out how to pronounce it. >> right. it's a derivative of calf's
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blood. i mean, go figure. apparently it helps your muscles get oxygen which would help you build up muscle mass. apparently this guy was also giving people this. >> so, could the players be charged as well? >> it's interesting. the prosecutor told cnn that the -- that any athletes who have received these treatments, that they didn't do anything illegal as long as they didn't lie to law enforcement. so, that's what we were told. >> okay. we'll follow it. thanks. some good news finally from the stock market this morning. we'll take you live to wall street next.
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we're breathing a sigh of relief today, at least when it comes to the economy. wall street has a new report showing 157,000 jobs were added last month. that's more than double what was expected. allison at the new york stock exchange. >> this is encouraging. we're seeing an immediate reactions on the wall street. the dow up 86 points. the nasdaq higher by 32. this adp report is really important after that curveball we were thrown last month, where adp said only 36,000 private sector jobs were added, because look at this. we had seen gains of more than 200,000 for several months in a row earlier this year. so it was disappointing to see that 36,000 last month. yeah, you're seeing a lot of relief. especially this. in june it looks like small businesses were doing most of
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the hiring. you really want to see hiring there because small business accounts for about two-thirds of all the jobs in the economy. kyra? >> on that note the most important job report is out tomorrow, so does good news today raise the bar for tomorrow? >> it does. you know, traders are definitely seeming more optimistic here on wall street. before today expectations were all over the map, anywhere from 80,000 jobs added to 120,000 jobs. that shows just how uncertain everybody is about where the jobs market is. today's positive report, it's calming some nerves, boosting expectations for tomorrow's official jobs report coming from the government. >> and all economists who have been coming toek saying it's a long road ahead for the labor market. >> it is a long road. their long-term outlook is still weak. you look at cnn money survey of economists, they think the unemployment rate is going to drop to 8.7% by the end of the year. oh, that sounds great. well, not really because it's not really a big drop because right now we're at 9.1%.
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what we need to see, kyra, is that strong consistent job growth every single month to bring down the unemployment rate. kyra? >> alison, thanks. just as american troops are getting ready to leave afghanistan, signs that al qaeda is making a comeback. we'll talk to an army patrol unit in hot pursuit of terrorists. [ male announcer ] do you know how you will react when someone changes lanes without warning? or when you're distracted? when you're falling asleep at the wheel?
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stories making news later today, in just a few minutes, president obama meets with congressional leaders from both sides of the political aisle to discuss the debt ceiling. at noon eastern in atlanta the city school board meets to address the cheating scandal that's implicated more than 100 teachers and principals. >


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