tv Piers Morgan Tonight CNN July 11, 2011 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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>> larry: thanks for joining us for tonight's special. join us in october for another special that will -- well, you will not soon forget. let's just leave it that way. and we'll leave you this way. good night. -- captions by vitac -- tonight, the woman who's taking down the hulk. >> i'm going to put the one, two, three down on the hulkster. >> linda hogan on her marriage to wrestling superstar hulk hogan. the lies, the cheating, the family tragedy, and her new life with a much, much younger man. and one of the most famous blonds in television history. she shot to fame on "three's company." now suzanne somers is here with me. >> i'm a little nervous. it's like a first date. >> it's the suzanne so manyers you don't know. >> i'm going to tell you something about myself you never knew but you've got to watch the show. it's a biggie.
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>> this is "piers morgan tonight." linda hogan knows all about the down side of marriage to a powerful man. she was married for 24 years to hulk hogan. she tells the story of that marriage in a new book called "wrestling the hulk." linda joins me now. it's a fascinating book. he's a fascinating character. you know, i mean, my knowledge of the hulk is even in britain this guy was huge, physically, on television, as a box office star. how would you sum up marriage to the hulk? >> well, we were married for 24 years. and you know, it was great. i mean, honestly, i never dreamed that we would end up having the lifestyle that we did. when i met him, he was in the "rocky 3" movie, and i thought that he was an actor playing a wrestler because in california back then wrestling wasn't even on tv, and i didn't know what it was. i was like, you wrestle? like what is that? so -- but you know, soon after we started going out. we got married, and i went on the road with him, and i learned.
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i realized what all was involved. and it's quite a job. i mean, especially working with the wwf. that was a huge empire that, you know, became even bigger. rock and roll. it was like being married to a rock star. >> and of course as the book details his behavior became pretty similar to that of most rock stars. i mean, let's be brutally frank. you know, you had to go through the infidelity, the lying, control issues, and all the rest of it. very similar to the kind of stuff you read about the average rock star. it's a very honest book you've written. do you feel that the relationship basically floundered the moment you heard he'd been unfaithful to you? >> yeah. i mean, honestly, i put my heart and soul into the marriage. we started out with, you know, nothing really. i met him. i didn't know what he did. he really wasn't famous. he'd been in the "rocky 3" movie, and i thought that was -- oh, wow, it's exciting, you know. but i saw a good person in him
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in the beginning. and i still do today. i just think that with the men in those positions as like you're seeing in the news now with the politicians and all these celebrities that it just happens to them so easily. it's there. it's in their face. so the first time he had an infidelity and admitted that to me it was earth shattering to me. >> why did he tell you? >> well, in my opinion, i think the reason that he had to tell me was because the woman that he was philandering with had filed a lawsuit against him and it was probably about to be public and i think that if he had me on his side that they could roll it out as extortion, like a lot of these celebrities do. i knew differently. i knew that it wasn't. but i knew that he needed my support. we had two small children. we had just gotten done building our beautiful dream home in florida.
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and you think at that moment, you know, okay, maybe it wasn't all his fault, maybe a lot of it was her fault, and you try -- >> if you're honest, when you'd seen other famous people get caught up in a scandal like that and the woman stayed with the man, what was your view of women that did that before it happened to you? >> before, you know, i hadn't been in that position. so i just figured that publicly they were staying with their man because of -- usually politicians is what you heard. you know, now it seems like it's celebrity driven. but i really feel that it was just something that they would probably do because they're in the public eye until they can sort things out and come out with some kind of a public decision. >> and how had you always been in your head about if he ever admitted cheating on you? had you ever gone through that thought in your head and thought i would leave him? >> yeah. i mean -- well, you know, not normally. i think we talked about that in the very beginning and i said, look, if marriage becomes a ball
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and chain thing, let's just agree to disagree that we're going to go our different ways. but it didn't happen that way. it was secretive. and at that point you that realize that your husband has had an affair on you, whether it's one time, whether it's six times, whether it's one person or six people, the same process applies and you feel duped. you feel your esteem is down. you don't know what to believe. you don't know how much of what he was telling you all these months and years up to this point you found out. yes, you've had your suspicions, as i did, in prior years. but it all becomes very real. and you're like wow, maybe my suspicions were right. although i don't actually have proof -- >> how many other women do you think there probably were? >> you know, just a rough guess, i think there might have been three or four. but you know, that's just my guess. and like they find out with, you know, sandra bullock and everybody, that there's 30 and 40 behind the scenes, i think once a cheater always a cheater.
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although i did think that, you know, because he was so good to me, he was a great father, i thought maybe this was just -- maybe he's going through the change or, you know, you tend to as a mom and a wife, you tend to want to keep this together. this was an empire that we built together. >> yeah. you were completely -- >> i wasn't so willing to just throw it down the toilet. and i thought, you know, you love my husband, i want to make this work, i don't know what happened. maybe it's me. you start thinking oh, maybe he found someone smarter or thinner or prettier or richer or younger. i don't know. you don't know. but you doubt everything about yourself. which is really unfair because -- >> did you have days when you wish you were still with him? >> oh, yeah. even till after i filed for divorce. i was scared to file for divorce. he's an icon. he's loved by millions of people and has been and still is. he's -- you know, he's done a lot of good things for the kids and been a role model for a lot of people. he's a great father. he was a great husband.
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i don't know what cause him to make the decision to go elsewhere. but he did. that's a decision that he's going to have to deal with. >> does he regret it, do you think? >> i think he does. i do. >> has he tried to win you back? >> you know, because we were going through so much stuff with the divorce and then of course my son had that tragic accident and there was just a lot on our plate to sort out. and i think that he had already moved on to a new girlfriend by the time i had filed for divorce. i realized that he already had a girlfriend. so i thought, well, there's no room for me anymore. and i begged him, though, even so, i said -- it was christmas, and i said please, you know, for the kids' sake, just 24 years, put your ring on and please come home. please. you know? i'm willing to forget everything if you are. please. and he said, i need more time. and i -- so the next morning i asked him again. i said, terry, i love you, i don't want to throw this away. i'm sorry. i'm sorry for everything. whatever i've done to contribute to this. you know?
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cheaters usually do blame their spouses for their actions. >> of course. >> and i said i didn't even care. and he said again that he needed more time. and i realized at that point that his "i don't knows" meant no. and i said, well, then i guess i know what i have to do. so -- >> even as you're telling that, i can see you're sad about it. >> yeah. >> you wish maybe in that moment when you were prepared to forgive him that he -- >> the door was closed. it was kind of sad. but, i mean, you know, yeah, you think like wow, you know, my marriage of 24 years is just -- it's gone. and i remember driving down the street looking at my hand on the steering wheel, and i didn't have my ring on, and i remember thinking to myself, it's just been so a part of me, you know, being a mom and a wife and just a house and we have parties and things. not seeing the ring there, i felt like a loser. i was like, loser. you know, i just felt like wow, i can't even keep my marriage together. you know, what's wrong with me?
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>> and is it ten times worse when it has to be conducted in the public eye because you're -- >> it really is. you know, i never had a public platform. i was always happy being behind the scenes. i was just the wind beneath his wings. he was just so confident and so terrific at what he did that -- you know, but there's a lot of cleanup behind the scenes that, you know, just being married to such a famous guy, oh, my god, just to go on an awards show, the schedule. and then you've got two teenagers, you know, and then a reality show. although it was fun doing the show, it was just a lot of work on my behalf to keep everything glued together, make sure they got the right clothes, who's watching the dogs, who's going to take care of the house. there's just so many things behind the scenes. >> but now you that don't have that circus, i can tell probably part of you misses the circus. you know, it's one of those things, isn't it, when it is fun and it's exciting and it's all part of being with someone like hulk hogan. there aren't many of him to the pound, are there? >> it was phenomenal being married to him.
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>> dollar, i should say. >> and i never realized that would happen to us. but we had the american dream. you know, i was the wife. we had the beautiful children. they were successful. we had a tv show. we had money. we had the house. we had boats, cars -- it was just everything you could dream of. and then, you know, when the marriage went out and the divorce started, you know, proceeding along and then my son's accident and he went to jail and my daughter lived in miami. and he left -- i remember we took my son to court and that day they took him into custody, which was just so crazy because my dad's a policeman and i was like -- >> hold your thought there because i want to have a break and come back and talk to you about what happened with your son.
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my guest, linda hogan. linda, in the middle of all this awful stuff with terry you had another hammer blow. and i want to just go over the facts of this so viewers who aren't familiar with it will know what happened. it was the evening of august the 26th, 2007. your son nick was traveling to a steakhouse in terry's yellow toyota supra and he crashed into a tree in downtown clearwater in florida. the passenger, a friend of his, john graziano, was ejected from the car, and the injuries he sustained are expected to leave him in a nursing home for the rest of his life. so a very serious incident. you're in california when this happened. the pictures there. really awful pictures. nick was driving on a suspended license, reported to have been drinking.
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and in the book you detail getting back to florida and trying to piece together really exactly what had happened here. and you rang terry. i mean, tell me about that conversation. this is an awful moment for both of you. >> yes. i mean, it was just shocking. i was in california when i got the news, and my husband called me from the crash site and said that nick had been in an accident and his friend was in the car. and i said, is he okay? and he said, "i don't know. they hit a tree." i just know from every other situation when that happens that it's not good. and i said, is he okay? and he said, "i don't know." i said, is he dead or is he alive? and he said, "i don't know." and at that moment i just fell to the floor. i was home alone. and it was a couple days after my birthday. and i just -- i mean, i was just numb. i just fell to the floor. i couldn't even think straight. the thought of that. and i didn't know who the passenger was at that time. john was like a second son to me. he -- you know, we'd known him for seven or eight years.
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he was just a good friend of nick's, just a little car buddy. they liked to just work on -- you know, crank bolts and stuff on the cars in the garage over at the house. they'd have sleepovers and whatnot. just a nice kid. it was just an accident. it was a terrible accident. it was raining very hard. florida gets driving rain. he had not taken that car ever before to my knowledge. and -- >> do you blame terry for the fact that he took the car out? >> you know, i'm sure terry trusted nick. but he should have maybe thought a little bit more about the conditions, the fact that the boys were jet-skiing all day and they were out in the hot sun. it was hot in august. it was, you know, sweltering heat. and i don't know if he really thought about the fact that it was raining. you know, nick on a suspended license wasn't supposed to drive past dark. and at the hour they left it would have been dark when he was driving home. so i still question that. but the fact that they hit the puddle. the car had very wide tires. and i think in my opinion of
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what happened is nick was an excellent driver. he would do nothing to jeopardize his position with drifting and dodge -- >> but he shouldn't have been driving. >> he should not have been given the keys and allowed to drive himself. >> he wasn't legally allowed to drive, right? >> he shouldn't have taken the car at that time. so he's responsible and he's -- you know, my husband is responsible. and if there was something that i could have done, if i could have been there to change that, absolutely. >> nick was charged with multiple violations. he pleaded no contest. he got eight months in jail. for any mother that's an awful moment, when your son goes to jail. how did you deal with that? >> it was actually shocking. i mean, you don't really know too many people that have been in jail. i don't think there's too much you can say about it when your son actually gets incarcerated and we were at the courtroom and i see them put cuffs on him and i think oh, my god, he's a boy, why is this happening? you know? i wish that people could know nick better and know the real nick.
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i wish they realize what good friends he and john were and that it was not a street racing accident and it wasn't a reckless or negligent situation. >> what is john's condition now? do you know? >> john i believe is now out of the hospital and he's home. his mom takes care of him. and i don't really know what his actual condition is, but i know that he's not able to speak and/or walk. and i live with that every day. nick lives with that every day. >> do you have any contact with his family? >> i don't. there was a situation where the media was just so blown up -- we lived in clearwater. it's a very small town, and the situation like this with a celebrity was big news there. and we couldn't even go to the hospital. we couldn't go anywhere, to court. it was just a circus sideshow for the pr. i think they got tired of having that. they just wanted to be private and stay to themselves. and i don't blame them. >> an awful situation. >> yeah.
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they didn't really like it when we came to the hospital and stuff. it was just too much of a sideshow. unfortunately. >> and again, the circus of fame. you can't turn it off once you're -- >> exactly. >> -- in there. there's nothing you can do. you wanted to be respectful, i presume, but you just couldn't do it in a normal way. >> right. it was just impossible. so you know, with that, you know, we live with that every day. nick's trying to rebuild his life -- >> how's he getting on, nick? i mean, obviously an awful thing for him. >> you know, it's hard because he's obviously lost his good friend. we've moved. he was in jail when he was 17. and when he came out six months or seven months later, with the divorce going on at the same time, you know, i had moved out of the house and his dad wasn't there. his dad had a girlfriend. and you know, i was barely at the house. i was kind of tossing around between houses that we had, figuring out where we were going to be. and you know, he had no home. he came home, and it was just -- everything was just in an upheaval. so he was sort of displaced, you know. i just remember the day. and i talk about this in my book.
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that when we left the courtroom that i was leaving without my son and that he was in there. and that brooke got in a car and drove back to miami, where she lived. she was filming her show with vh1. i had my mom with me. and she was headed for the airport. and i saw terry get in the car with his girlfriend. and they left. and i got in my car, and i drove myself home. and when i -- i was crying so inconsolably on the way home, just the shock of that. and i walked in the back door, and it was dark, and it was quiet, and i got to the kitchen and i saw the chair that terry used to sit in and have his coffee in the morning. and i saw a house that was a happy household, that had love and animals and life, that at that moment i realized it was never going to be that way again, that nick's never going to come home and brooke wasn't coming home and terry wasn't coming home and my mom wasn't there and my dog had just been run over in the driveway a few months prior. it was just too much emotion to bear at the moment.
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and i remember i couldn't even make it up to my bedroom. i left. i had my court clothes on. i got in my car. and i was crying so hard that i was making a weird sound, almost like some kind of an animal and wailing sound. it was just such an unconsolable grief that i was suffering. i just couldn't go home. and i remember just driving south. i got to this bridge that's near our home, and i thought, my god, i don't want to kill myself, but the thought did occur. i thought about my two kids. and i realized that at that point i didn't want to kill myself but i didn't know how to live, either. you know, i didn't know how to handle all this. god gives you a lot. he takes away a lot. but i was like, all at once? it was just too much to bear. and i got a phone call. it kind of shook me out of my trance, or my sadness that i was in. and i thank god, you know. and i was able to go home and try to get a handle on things. but yes, it really was difficult to get through.
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first of all, another rough hit, i think. when your daughter, brooke, calls you at 4:00 a.m. she's crying. and she tells you that one of her friends, christiane, is now going out with terry, your recently departed husband. how did that make you feel? >> well, that was a blow. that was definitely a surprise. although the last year that we had been in miami we had brought the -- we had brought the vh1 show to miami, just kind of a fresh change. they'll do that. and the whole year that we were down there we were there really primarily to do the show, and brooke had a music deal down there. so one of the girls that worked at the music place was her kind of right-hand girl, you know, would travel with her sometimes when i couldn't go. her name's christiane. she would come over and spend the night. even though she was like 33 or
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something at the time, or 32. a little older than brooke. but they got along great. it was a good friend for brooke. she'd come over and spend the night and i'd go up and bring them hot chocolate, here's some cereal, tell stories. good night. i'd give herr i kiss good night. i'd give brooke a kiss good night. i did have a weird sense that maybe something might be going on. and i asked brooke. she said oh, no, mom, don't be crazy. christiane, are you crazy? she's a good friend. okay. i took it out of my head. what, am i crazy? i must be crazy. brooke called me and said you're never going to believe this, you were right, you were right. i go what? she goes are you silting down? and i wad like oh, god, what's wrong with you? and she just said, dad was having an affair with christiane, you were right. i said how do you know that? she said, i found out through one of my friends and it's true, she gave me a letter, it's -- she talks all about how she's sorry and that this love fair that they had couldn't be denied blah, blah, blah. and i was like, are you kidding me?
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>> that was like a final kick in the teeth. >> well, it was just -- i had been through it once already. and you know, once that i knew about. there were times that i had already thought maybe it was going on. but i wasn't a stranger to that. but the worst thing was dealing with poor brooke because it was her friend and to think that her dad behind her back -- >> yeah. >> she's confiding in this friend and the friend's telling her dad everything. and then you know, me and brooke would go on the road with this girl and the girl would go back and tell everything to terry. it was just almost like -- >> double betrayal. >> living with the enemy. you know. you don't know what to believe anymore. so brooke was very upset. and you know, but the point is that she had a contract with vh1 as well as did her dad and they had to try to make amends and make things work. so in her way maybe it was easier for her to just go look, mom, i can't deal with you right now, i've got to deal with dad, do my show. so we really didn't have a lot of communication that first year. and i just -- i let her go. i let her find her space because
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i felt that she has to get through this her way. and as far as mine, it was almost kind of like i knew it. it was kind of like, okay, i knew i wasn't that crazy. >> this might be wrong of me, but the bit in the book i really -- it's a bit like one of those "rocky" films where you're just willing you to get off the ropes and do a bit of punching. and i can't think of a better way really -- i know this might be wrong of me to think this. that you begin dating a 19-year-old lad called charlie. yes. and i bet part of you's thinking exactly that, checkmate, yeah? >> i mean, you know, girls do all different kind of things when their man wrongs them. they'll throw eggs at their house or tp their house or whatever. >> i mean, he's like a young hulk, isn't he? >> yeah, he is, actually. we started out being friends. i was -- it was the weekend before they took nick into jail. and i was just walking on the beach with nick. and saw this guy.
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and i thought, that guy's hot. you know, it's been nine months since i filed for divorce. i've been pretty alone. and maybe he'd just be kind of fun to have over and have for a -- you know, some tea or diet coke at the beach house. >> did you mind being called a cougar in the tabloids or did you actually quite like it? >> charlie was really smooth, too. he told me he was 23. okay. >> oh, well, that's all right. >> then when i found out he was 19 i was like, okay, as long as you're 19 and not 17 we're good, you're legal. >> how does terry deal with charlie? >> he doesn't really like the idea. >> of course. >> and to this day terry still won't speak to me. we can only talk to each other through our lawyers. i don't know why. i'm sure that one of the reasons is that he doesn't want to have to be where we get chummy chummy and i'm like tell me, why did you go to christiane, how was that, how long were you doing that? i'm not going to do that to him. i don't even care. at this point i'm over it. i've moved on and i've got a great life now. i knew i wasn't happy before, and i think that's one of the
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messages that i bring out in the book. is that rich or poor, you know, there are so many women out there that just -- that have the same scenario as i do, that have kids, that have been married a long time, that have to stop and realize the carpet's been pulled out from under their life, they're 50 years old, they've got to start over. >> i think good on you. after all you went through you're entitled to a bit of happiness. and if it comes in the form of charlie hill -- how old is he now? >> he's going to be 23. it's a 29-year age gap. you know. people call and label me a cuing or the old milf, whatever. i don't know. that's just part of it. but i don't see myself as that. >> and the kids are okay -- >> and my kids love him. he's just a good person. >> so it's ended happily. >> it has. >> linda, i'm pleased for you. thank you very much. i've really enjoyed meeting you. >> thank you. >> we've reached out to hulk hogan with comments on linda's claims about the car accident and what she said about multiple infidelities during their marriage. he declined to comment. in his book "my life outside the ring" he says, and i quote, "linda's suspicion -- scratch that, "her belief i was cheating
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was like a hole way down in the hull of a ship. no matter what i did to try to patch that hole the water would keep breaking through. as far as i am concerned, until our marriage was almost completely over i never cheated on linda." coming up, the classic tv starlet men still dream of. the quintessential blond bombshell, suzanne somers.
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suzanne somers first shot to fame as a glamorous star of the sitcom "three's company." can it be possible that was more than 30 years ago? i don't think so. since then she's become a successful businesswoman and author. her latest book "sexy forever." suzanne somers joins me. come on, then. what's the secret of being sexy forever? obviously, you're looking pretty sexy and it's been going on quite a long time. based on what i just read out. >> it comes off egotistical and it's not. it's aspirational of how do you age well in today's -- in today's world with -- i don't know. i took a look at aging, and i didn't like it. not that i don't want to get old, but that there is a -- there's a formula now for aging. you reach middle age and you start not being able to sleep. you take sleeping pills and you get anxieties. you take valium, some kind of relaxant. and then you take anti-depressants. and i just looked at this template. i thought there's got to be a better way. so i started writing books about
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replacing what you've lost in the aging process. restoration versus deterioration. >> restoration versus deterioration. i like that. >> right. >> because i'm 45. how old are you, if you don't mind me asking? i have to ask. >> yes. i'm fine with it. 64. >> you're 64 years old? >> yes. >> really? >> yeah. >> you don't look 64. so whatever you're doing, i'm going to come to this torturous regime you put yourself through. >> it's not torturous. >> it is fairly torturous, isn't it? >> well, i rub a little hormone cream on every day -- >> let's doubt how you've got to where you are. >> all right. >> so you've defied age. but you take something like 60 or more pills a day? >> supplements. because it's very clear that our soil no longer holds the nutrients it once held. our food no longer is nutritious as it once was. so it doesn't make sense that -- connect the dots, start replacing what we're not getting. >> 60. it must take -- >> i know. but how i feel is the result. and i'm not sick. and i don't take one single pharmaceutical drug. i sleep -- >> it's all healthy stuff.
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>> all healthy stuff. i sleep eight hours a night. i -- i've never, ever actually felt this good. whatever i do works for me. >> does your potion keep the old sex drive going? >> it does. it restores it. even if you've lost it along the way with hormonal loss, when you put back what you've lost in the restoration process, restoration versus deterioration, you are back in the mood again. and this is a nice time of life because the kids are gone and i've got the time. >> really? your husband's a lucky boy, then. >> he is. you about i've got him on hormones. you both have to do it. >> so the pair of you are bouncing off the walls. but he's -- in america in particular. in britain we're fairly into health. >> you are. >> in america it's like an obsession. you walk into rite aid or dwayne reed or something and you just get paralyzed by the sheer volume of medication. >> right. >> awaiting you. most of it's exactly the same stuff. >> right. >> just dressed up as different brands. >> and we're guessing. see, the way i take my vitamins,
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all these pills you talk about, they're vitamins-s through a blood test. if i was only taking three, i would take omega-3 fatty acids, resveratrol, and i would take vitamin d. if i was only going to take three. but i want a more extensive palate than that. i take a blood test. and there's a readout. you're a little low on vitamin b, got more of this, you need a little more of that. i take exactly what i need according to my -- >> you've sold how many books now? >> globally, 25 million. >> you've had 12 "new york times" best-sellers. >> i have. >> how hard is it to get to where you've got? >> i think it's a lot harder to be sick than to do what i do. my sick friends are having a much harder time than this. and people are sick. there's more cancer today than there's ever been. it's the biggest killer in the world. where's it all coming from? you know, people tell me, well, my grandparents used to drink and smoke, ate whatever they wanted and they were fine, they didn't get these diseases -- >> do you drink alcohol? >> i do. i really like tequila.
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>> really? >> i do. on the rocks with a lime and a splash of water. >> you don't smoke? >> i don't smoke. i've never smoked. >> how much of your revitalized torso is aw natural -- >> everything. >> you've never hay nip and tuck? >> i never had a nip and tuck. when i had breast cancer they took part of my breast. i would really like to have a stem cell operation when that happens to regrow my breast. that's the one thing i'd really like to do. i'm trying to do this thing naturally. i'm trying to make aging aspirational. i'm trying to make aging something that we look forward to. by 60, 70 years old people are so -- take so many pills you have to hire a professional to manage your pills. then eventually it's a route to the nursing home. and i looked at that, and i thought, not going to do that. so how do i do it? i can do it by avoiding chemicals as best i can, avoiding toxins as best i can. and that's what this book that i've written, "sexy forever," is about. women want to know why they're
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fat. the biggest question -- the most asked question on the internet is how do i lose fat after 40? >> is it really? >> the most asked question. and i know why you're getting fat from 40 on. it's your toxic burden. and unfortunately, people your age and younger have been exposed to toxins now most likely in the womb by well-meaning mothers drinking diet soda thinking they're doing something good -- >> my problem is i quite like toxins. where does that leave me? >> you're going to be calling me in fine years going i've got a toxic burden. >> i like putting toxic stuff inside myself. >> what are we talking about, recreational stuff? >> just alcohol or pizzas or whatever it may be. >> well, you've got to look at what's in the pizza -- >> see, your way is -- clearly works for you, but i would just find it very boring. >> oh, i wish you would come to my house for dinner. >> i'll just have the one tequila. >> well, i certainly could give you more than one tequila. and the lime would be organic. so it's just rethinking what we've been doing.
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>> all right. >> it's -- we've got to connect the dots of how the planet has changed in the last 50 years -- >> this is where i'm going to stop you because after the break i'm going to talk to you about a more controversial part of your empire which is your belief in alternative medicine against stuff like chemotherapy. >> mm-hmm. yes. okay.
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right now my guest suzanne somers. suzanne, you were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001. and it was a kind of dramatic series of events, wasn't it? talk me through very quickly what happened here. >> well, what's interesting, in 2001 it was a news story that i had breast cancer because young people weren't getting cancer then. now -- now it's not such big news that someone who's 50 gets cancer. and it's -- i don't know. that's -- that's a heavy moment in your life, when someone says you have cancer. and so what they said to me was we can do surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and then the aftercare drog tomoxaphin. and i said i'm not going to do it. and my doctor said, well, you have to do it. you have to give up your hormones. and if you don't do this i hope you don't die. and it took a lot of courage for
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me at that time. but i'd been writing about the hormone insulin at that time in my somersize books. i just had this firm belief, and sometimes you have to believe in, you know, your inner resource, that if i balanced my hormones to perfection and if i ate as though my life depended on it that i could manage this cancer indefinitely. and so that's what i feel that i've done. >> and you have managed that. >> i have managed it. >> they told you at one stage it was terminal. >> yes. right. well, that was the second time. last year i was rediagnosed again. i was brought to emergency in anaphylactic shock, and they took a cat scan and came in and told me the terrible news, that i had cancer. and the oncologist said i've never seen so much cancer. he said, what we can do is start you on chemotherapy today. and i said, just so you know where i'm coming from, i'd rather die. so i've told this story before. it was six days, six doctors diagnosing me with cancer. because it was reading like cancer on a cat scan and i was very, very, very ill. but it turned out that i had a
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fungus that exists in the desert southwest. i have an organic garden. i'm always working in that soil. and in the top two layers of soil there's something called coccidial micosis and it reads like cancer on a cat scan. had i been another patient -- and my best friend's barry manilow. he came in and say, i would have taken it. i said i know you would have. but i'm this kind of patient that i don't go to doctors like i'm a child. i go and i listen, and i look at doctors as i'm hiring you as a contractor and all the other specialists are the subcontractor, but i'm running the show here because i think today you've got to take charge of your own health. and thank god i did because -- >> it's a hell of a risk, isn't it? if i'm watching this and i've got a relative that's diagnosed with cancer, it's all very well about you saying forget about conventional treatment, forget about chemotherapy, which has saved millions of lives over the years -- >> three kinds of cancer. testicular like lance armstrong -- >> i've read you said this. >> with non-hodgkin's lymphoma
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and childhood leukemia. >> they can't be the only three that chemotherapy has any impact on. otherwise, why would they ever treat people with chemotherapy for cancers outside of those three? >> it's a $200 billion a year business. >> but it can't be as simple as that. >> can't it? >> no. how do you explain to people who recover from other cancers after having chemotherapy? you're saying they would anyway? >> sometimes it's the health of that person as they go into this. sometimes the body's real strong, it can fight it. it's just not what would be my first choice. i don't think it would be my last choice. for instance, pancreatic cancer. most people die from pan kraetissic cancer. in my book "knockout" last year dr. brzezinski said we all know in the oncology world that chemotherapy does nothing whatsoever for pancreatic cancer. i said, then why would anyone ever give a cancer patient give chemotherapy to someone with stage 4 pancreatic cancer? he said a palliative.
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it often extends life one to four months. >> you've run into trouble on this because patrick swayze of course had pancreatic cancer and you were reported as saying -- you never disputed this. that he might have stayed alive if he hadn't had chemotherapy. very >> you don't want to have a stampede of americans, because you are a popular author, charging to their doctors when they get cancer or relatives get cancer and say, i'm not having the treatment. suzanne somers told me not to. >> they'll be dying.
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>> most of them are dying anyway. i want you to question your doctor. if your doctor says to you, i want you to take chemotherapy, the question you need to ask is will this cure me? the answer is likely no. the answer will be, well, it will shrink the tumor. from what i learned that's a temporary respite. from what dr. blalock told me, someone you would love to talk to. he's not an alarmist. doesn't over or underreact. he said chemotherapy gets into the dna of every cell in your body. he said it's like a smouldering grass fire. if you are the type of person that after you had chemotherapy you eat like i eat, maybe you won't ignite it. he said, chemicals ignite it like kerosene on a grass fire. if i were to get cancer again which i don't think i will but if i do i'm not afraid anymore. i know what doctor i would go to. i know what protocol i would utilize.
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i would continue doing what i'm doing with supplementation, hormone replacement and the greatest quality food. but i swear to god you would love my food if you came to my house. >> okay. >> i was going to be a chef. >> i'll take you up on it. after the break, you have put the health world to rights. i want to talk about how you keep a happy marriage going for 30 years. [ male announcer ] things seem better with travelocity's best price guarantee. our girl's an architect. our boy's a genius. we are awesome parents! biddly-boop. [ male announcer ] if you find a lower rate on a room you've booked, we won't just match it. we'll give you $50 towards your next trip. [ gnome ] it's go time.
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you have given me the secret to stay sexy forever. >> you're not going to coit though. >> cure the world of all known diseases. now how do you stay in a happy marriage as you have done? you're a grandmother of six. >> six grandchildren. >> extraordinary. >> it's great. >> how do you keep the marriage going? >> i love him and he loves me. we work together. h he's my partner in business, in life. we're both on hormones. i swear to god. it's such -- >> how important is sex in a marriage, do you think? >> see, the thing about this age is most people stop having sex. it's because of hormones. like i said earlier, if you don't have sex hormones you can't feel sex. what happens with a lot of
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marriages is that women go through this age, they can't sleep, they are in a bad mood all the time because they can't sleep. not being able to sleep is true suffering. they don't feel good. they are gaining weight for no reason and they don't feel like having sex. after a while, even the nicest guy will say, what do i need this for? they find the new improved younger version of you. what i'm ouring in my books is empowering women to say if you put back the hormones that made you this way that you will lose the weight. you will be thin. you will sleep and you will be in the mood for sex probably more than you have ever been in your life. i like my age. i like the way i feel. i like the way i look. i like the way my body looks. i do yoga. i'm in good shape. i like not only that i desire, but i like that i am desired. and i am desired in my marriage because i have pheromones.
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when i'm out because i'm hormonally balanced there are pheromones. >> i feel them leaping across the desk. >> i'm sorry. i'll pull them back in. keep it professional. >> you do exude an air of vitality and sexuality. you do. >> i have a lot of energy. what a great way to age. it makes aging like a cool thing. >> it's like natural viagra. >> it is natural viagra. being that they have never come up with anything for women, isn't it appealing? i don't mean me. >> yes. >> aging is something we all look at like a disease. like it's some terrible thing. i'm saying -- >> you're making aging fun again. >> fun. >> how is it the end of life. >> i believe with technology we'll all live to be 90, 100, 110 in the anti-aging world. i want to get there with my brain intact, my bones strong.
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i can do a handstand in yoga and that takes a lot of strength at any age. i want to be in great health and one day die healthy. that's my goal. i think it's possible but it take as little work. you can't start then. you've got to start now. i feel great. i have a healthy marriage. i can think. i will be one of the ones with contributing to the wisdom pool because i'm not going to be all messed up on too many pharmaceutical drugs. >> i need to talk to you about my level of toxic -- toxicity or whatever. i'm missing out here. >> in between, do you eat decent? >> not bad. i don't do as well as you. we have to spend more time together. >> goi into the garden and the thrill of the day -- i'm boring. but the cauliflower is perfect. i go in, pick it up to the
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