tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN July 11, 2011 7:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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needs to be on hbo where you can say anything. where there aren't sponsors. if i was doing a show here every second day -- >> you be off -- >> you're right. i would. corporate overseers. >> may you remain gloriously uncensored on hbo. >> thank you. you're doing a good job. >> you're a noble success to larry. >> i mean it. >> that's all for tonight. a fascinating hour with bill maher. now here's around cooper. we begin "keeping them honest" with a four page pledge a conservative group is asking them to sign. the marriage vow and candidates promise to find against same-sex marriage, women in combat, pornography and sharia law. the man behind this is bob vanderblatt and he's a major force in politics in iowa.
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michele bachmann and rick santorum were quick to sign the pledge but since this weekend and today, they have to defend this decision and there's something written into it and something that's factually incorrect. it's on the first page and it reads, slavery had a disastrous impact on african-american families. yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household and an african-american baby born after the election of the first african-american president. the implication that african-american kids were better off in their home lives under slavery because they had a mother and father and a two-parent household is simply incorrect. there's also a implied notion that this is connected to president obama's election but ignores that look at history. we checked with columbia university and they say slaves had no legal right to marry. slave families had no legal
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existence. male slaves were particularly valued so they were often separated from their children. sold, traded to others. the word, no family rights. the marriage pledge has a footnote citing the source. but it turns out one of the authors of the studies cited in the pledge in the footnote was contacted by ""forbes" magazine saying the claim is just wrong. a serious error. with outrage over incorrect history, the organization behind the pledge removed the entire paragraph mentioning slavery. if you think they admitted a mistake you would be mistaken. a spokeswoman for the organization tells politico, quote, we agree the statement references children born into slavery can be misconstrued and such can detract from the core message of the marriage vow. it was not meant to be racist. it was a fact that back in the days of slavery there was usually a husband and wife. we were not saying at all that things are better for
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african-american children in slavery days than today. "keeping them honest," the first part of her statement is a classic nonapology. we're sorry if you read it wrong. they're only removing it because it can be misconstrued not because it's wrong, which it is. then she says, incorrectly, in the days of slavery there was usually a husband and wife. what do the candidates now say? we asked them to come on tonight to explain and they both deklined. a santorum spokesman said that he agreed to sign the pledge but he agreed with the decision to remove the clause. bachmann spokesperson said in no uncertain terms does she believe slavery was horrible and economic slavery is also horrible and tried to suggest that the congresswoman only agreed with part of what she signed, telling plit coup' she stands behind the candidate vow which makes no reference to slavery. but "keeping them honest," look at page one of this four-page pledge. there's only four pages and the
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slavery paragraph is the first bullet point on the entire document and you can't miss it. i understand presidential candidates are busy, don't have time to sleep much less read the fine print but this wasn't fine print and they have staffers that should read these things. this is not the purse time michele bachmann has been caught distorting the history facts. >> we know slavery was still tolerated when the nation began. we know that was an evil. and it was a blot and a stain upon our history. but we also know that the very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the united states. and i think it is high time that we recognize the contribution of our forebearers who worked tirelessly, men like john quincy adams, who would not rest until slavery was extinguished in the
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country. >> so, it's not true. many of the founding fathers sought to preserve slavery. others like thomas jefferson were imbif lent. george washington owned hundreds of slaves. the one person she says is john quincy adams who did fight tirelessly to end slavery but he wasn't a founding father. when they signed the declaration of independence he was only 8 years old. we have our panel here tonight. thank you for being here. what do you make of the pledge, in particular, the slavery part which is in the preamble. do you think it's possible that santorum or bachmann or their people didn't see that? how do you explain them agreeing with this? >> i have to assume that they're people read it and it's reprehensible. the underlying assertion here is that there's some redealing quality that went along with the institution of slavery. that's assanine.
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you can't play a double standard like we should shoot down anyone that said there's a redeeming quality associated with naziism. we can't play a double standard and we should shout these people down and look at them as what they are. >> eric, historically, it's just not true, the idea that there were these happy families of mothers and fathers and in two-person households in slave times. males would be traded off, sold off, it's kind of ridiculous? >> yeah, you're right. and i'm really shocked by that in there. i will say that having talked to people who were familiar with the pledge, that more likely than not, the candidates didn't see that. there were two pages, this being on one page. the actual candidate pledge they sign being a separate page. you know, i understand what they were trying, apparently to say, was not that it was a good thing, but just that children born in 1860 of slaves had a better chance of being with a
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two-parent family growing up than those born in the '60s. for the life of me women wondering how they would know that and why they would think worth putting this into a pledge. >> even the footnote they select, one of the authors of the document they footnote says, this is a serious error. this is just not true. eric, do you think it's possible -- i mean, i understand bachmann not having time to read the full four pages but wouldn't her staffers read that? >> yeah. see, this is the point. i've been in campaigns for more than a decade and see these pledges go through a lot of campaigns and usually you have a menial staffer, typically a college intern and they get this in and they say, this group is on the list, let's sign it and get it in and they don't stop to read this and this trips up democrats and republicans. the problem for the bachmann campaign is they're just taking off. these little trip-ups, typically that happened before they were
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taken as a serious candidate. they come back to bite them and this one will leave a big bite mark. >> is that a valid excuse? that maybe some staffer read it? >> i find that mind-boggling. such a statement would scream out to you as just incredibly wrong. that you cannot -- if you are a first-year student in high school and you read that statement, that's fwot to send up some alarms to you that says -- wait a minute. we can't sign this sort of thing. and particularly, not so much probably in the republican primary. if she does get into the general election, this sort of thing with independent voters just kills you dead. it's a nonstarter because it's such a fringe sort of way of thinking of things. >> it's also interesting that -- >> i would say that's probably why they didn't look at it.
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because i agree with you. had i read this and any of the republicans i talked to, they would say -- what the heck is this? i just think someone wasn't paying attention when they were doing their job. >> even in the explanation this group has put out, where retracted it, they did the classic -- this can be -- i'm sorry if you misconstrued this. they're not saying it's wrong and they went on to say, you know, it's just a fact that there was usually a husband and wife, even though under slavery there were no legal marriages. >> there were not husband and wife because they didn't recognize the legality of the union. that's absurd. and for them to backtrack on it, they play a double standard with slavery in a way that to me, is offensive. again, you know, if this whole thing was said about nazi germany and to the jewish people that what was going on in nazi germany, everyone would shout them down and sort of pin them at fringe. i'm not going to let them off the hook.
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i'm not letting them play a double standard here. this is just as offensive. anyone going down this line of thinking, they disqualify themselves from ever wanting to be a leader of a country like the united states of america. >> it seems to me that in this day in age, we should not be comparing things to slavery or nazi germany. those are the two easiest things but it seems to undercut the what the reality of slavery and the reality of nazi germany when you compare other things to those things. things can be terrible but you don't have to compare them to the horrors of slavery and nazi germany. >> but with the internet now we've got -- they call it godwin's law. the first person to make the nazi comparison loses the argument. maybe we need one in politics. the first person who jumps to the slavery argument loses the argument. >> i think it's well over time for that to happen in our country. we can't have a double standard.
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it's a grey evil and there's nothing redeeming about slavery. >> and when you compare other things happening now to it, it takes away from the reality of what did happen and i think, eric, you're right, it weakens your argument. thank you both for your time. >> thank you. let us know what you think. follow me on twitter. up next, president obama saying it's time to get serious about a budget deal and the republicans say, not if it includes taxes. democrats say not if it includes medicare. nothing is really at stake except, maybe, the global economy and your job. and later an update from syria where thugs apparently with support of the government, stormed the u.s. embassy in damasc damascus. and what happened with casey anthony's mom tried to visit her in jail. bfirst -- she was kidnapped at 11 and held captive for 18 years and raped again and again, forced to bear two children. jaycee dugard is speaking outs.
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her story and dr. drew pinsky. that's next. make sure your alignments good. your brakes are good. you've got all sorts different things that you check off. your fluid levels. pretty much everything you could need. it gets done. it gets done quickly. and it gets done correctly. the works fuel saver package, just $29.95 or less after rebate. only at your ford dealer. you're a doctor. you're a car doctor. maybe a car doctor. right now, go to priceline for a sneak peek at recent winning and better than ever! hotel bids to find where you n save up to 60% on hotels. * we'll even email you other people's winning bids, so you'll know what price to name. *á with new hotel bid alerts, from priceline.
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runs out of money to pay bills and throwing the country into default and the country in a greater crisis. president obama and officials met for a second straight day trying to hammer out a deal. the republicans say they won't allow votes to raise the debt ceiling. lawmakers have always griped. today, the president called for action. >> i've been hearing from my republican friends for quite some time, that it is a moral imperative for us to tackle our debt and our deficits in a serious way. i've been hearing from them that this is one of the things that's creating uncertainty and holding back investment on the part of the business community. and so what i've said to them is, let's go. >> unclear whether he can deliver the left wing of his own party. unclear also whether the tea party republicans will sign on to any deal with revenue increasers beyond selling properties. house speaker boehner who seemed
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receptive to a grand compromise which could have meant savings for medicare in the white house backed away. today he said, no tax increases or no deal. >> the american people will not accept and the house won't pass a bill that raises taxes on job creators. the house will pass a bill that includes spending limits larger than the hike in the debt limit as well as rerestraint on future spending. >> his colleagues are standing firm and saying from 2009, not raising taxes during a recession. here's what the president said in 2009 to nbc's chuck todd in response to a voter's question. >> first of all, he's right. normally, you don't raise taxes in recession which is why we haven't and why we, instead cut taxes. so i guess what i'd say to scott is, his economics are right. you don't raise taxes in a recession. we haven't raised taxes in a
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recession. >> the stimulus was about one-third tax cuts. so in fairness he didn't. they passed the payroll tax holiday in effect right now and a year later they approved tax breaks to help employers hire more people. you can decide if that's wasteful or in any case, here's how mr. obama reconciled that statement with his current position on taxes. >> i want to be crystal clear. nobody has talked about increasing taxes now. nobody has talked about increasing taxes next year. we're talking about potentially 2013 and the out years. >> the question is what will the economy look like then and the answer is what happens now. we've got gloria borger and david walker, currently president and ceo of the come back america initiative.
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is there any case to be raised for not raising the debt ceiling? >> no, there isn't. we don't know what the markets will do and what will to happen to the stock markets and interest rates. for every 1% or every 100 basis points increase, that's $150 billion a year in our total debt. >> so how do you see the debate? what's your take? >> both sides agree their raising the debt ceiling limit but it looks like it's going to be a smaller deal rather than a bigger deal because the republicans don't want to do anything that could be remotely called a tax increase. after the 2012 legsst we'll get comprehensive tax reform broadening the base, lower rates and generate more revenues, along with starting to deal with entitlement reforms. but i think right now, we're going to get a smaller deal and kick the can down the road with regard to the tough stuff. >> gloria, is that what it seems like politically? >> it does, anderson. if you step back for a moment and look at this it seems to me really to be a defining moment for the republican party here.
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the base of this party is conservative and it's anti-tax. and you had the house speaker, a republican, the president of the united states, sitting koun and believing that they could try to cut a huge deal that would actually go a long way toward solving the deficit problem. but john boehner, the speaker, took that back to his conservative republicans in the house, which i believe represent the base of the party, and they said, absolutely no way. because 230 of those republicans in the house have taken a no-tax pledge. no new tax pledges and they're going to stick by it. and i think things may change after the next election, but as for now, the republican party is stuck and they can't even accept a good deal. the president was offering them, you know, a very, very good deal here. $3 in spending cuts for every dollar of tax increase.
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>> john boehner is correct that the base of the republican party won't support any type of tax increases, even if it's eliminating tax expenditures whether there can be a bipartisan agreement. he's wrong to say that. right now the president has the high ground because he's saying, let's go for a long-term deal and put medicare, medicaid, social security on the table. just put tax expenditures on the table and by the way, we have the lowest revenues percentage of gdp in decades. it's less than 16%. nonetheless, we are where we are and i think both parties are going to have to go to the electorate in 2012. >> can you get a compromise without increasing the tax revenues? >> i can come up with 2 to $3 trillion worth of deficit reduction without any tax increases, okay? absolutely. >> you know, anderson, i was talking to a senior white house adviser today, for example, who suggested, perhaps they could get a smaller deal of closing
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some of the tax loopholes and extending the payroll tax holiday for a certain period of time, so there would be no net tax increase. a little bit of trickier but maybe they could do it that way. >> politically, gloria, how does this play out? obviously we have a presidential election coming up. david is saying obama seems like -- perceived as taking the high ground. clearly he's interested in getting independents on board and he's lost a lot of independent support over the years. how does this play? >> i think can president as you point out is clearly talking to independent voters and they care about the deficit and they also want washington to work together, which is what we heard the president talk about an awful lot today in his press conference. it reminded me a little bit of bill clinton there. in the end, i think they all know they have to get something done or they will all suffer. right now i think the republicans are kind of up against the wall here because the president looks like the adult. he's put something on the table.
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i'm not sure he have could have sold it to his own party but he put it on the table so it's up to the republicans to come back and he told them today to go home and do your homework and tell me how we're going to make up the rest of the money we have to raise without those revenues so they're on the spot. >> do you think this goes to august 2nd or sooner, david? >> i think they can do it before august 2nd. it depends on how big a deal they're trying to do. you have to turn it into the legislative language and sell it to the caucuses. congress has to stay in session until a deal is done and until there's agreement. >> complicated all of this, anderson, is the fact you have republican presidential candidates out there saying don't raise the debt limit. tim pawlenty said they were hoping and praying -- >> and all in the middle of a election year? >> you have to work it out. the stakes are too high.
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i don't care who they are, if they say they'll vote against the debt ceiling increase irrespective of the deal, is irresponsible. mobs attacking the u.s. embassy in syria. hillary clinton lashing out at the syrian president, basharal what sad. and casey anthony is a free woman in three days after the correction's department recalculated her release. and her refusal to allow a jailhouse visit from her mom. the latest from orlando ahead. i know you're worried about making your savings last and having enough income when you retire. that's why i'm here -- to help come up with a plan and get you on the right path. i have more than a thousand fidelity experts working with me so that i can work one-on-one with you. it's your green line. but i'll be there every step of the way.
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"crime and punishment." casey anthony will be out of jail in six days. the trial may be over but the drama continues. after sentencing the orange county correction department changed her release date to sunday, july 17th. casey's mother, cindy anthony tried to visit her daughter in jail on friday but casey declined the request. she didn't want her mom visiting her. and we know casey will be released in less than a week and now we have news about how she'll be released. gary tuchman from orlando. >> reporter: this is the orange county jail behind me, where casey anthony has been for the last two years and 11 months. she'll be released as early as
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12:01 sunday, five days and 90 minutes from now. the arrangements are very secret. the secretness reminds me of when they covered mafia trials in the past with john go did. we know she's here because a security officer about an hour ago says she's still inside and have happy. that's not a big surprise. >> so she dedliend visit and i know they haven't had contact in several years. >> it's interesting. during the trial we saw the videos of her talking to her parents while she was under arrest. she hadn't had her parents in this jail since august of 2008. that's almost thee years. last week, cindy anthony came to the jail and said she want stod
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visit her daughter, signed in for a request. her daughter turned down the request and did not want to see her mother. >> and what about -- what are george and cindy anthony doing now? are they still in orlando? >> according to george and cindy anthony's attorney, they are still in orlando. there was some reports that they were at a resort in the florida panhandle. he said that's not true whatsoever. he told me they've received death threats and hate mail and we heard from a juror i talked to, who wants to remain anonymous, said he's received death threats and hate mail. >> we have a question from southeast pennsylvania. do you have information about the quote/unquote, the inflammatory video the judge ask considering release something. >> judge perry is considering releasing a video that wasn't allowed to be played during the trial. he was afraid to release it before the drill thinking it could be inflammatory towards
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casey's defense. it shows her doubling over and hyperventilating in jail when she's told caylee's body was found. the reason it could be inflammatory, she said her attorneys say her child was dead so why would she hypervent late and double over when she's told her child has been found? >> gary, appreciate it. anderson, u.s. state department said syrian state-run tv is inciting mobs to attack ths. breaking windows and using spray paint and no one was hurt. hillary clinton blasted syrian president bashar al assad. >> from our perspective, he has lost legitimacy. he has failed to deliver on the promises that he's made. he has sought and accepted a
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from the iranians as to how to repress his own people and there's a laundry list of actions that have been certainly, concerning and should raise the issue with not only his behavior, but those who are supporting him in the international community. and, you know, we'd like to see even more countries speaking out as forcefully as we have. >> tonight, there were new allegations against rupert murdoch's media empire. claiming the tabloid "the sun" improperly obtained information years ago about gordon brown's seriously ill son and published a story about him. brown says he's shocked by the allegations and the matter is in police hands. this comes a day after the "news of the world" another murdoch tabloid sold its last issue. shut down amid accusations its reporters illegally listened to
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voice mails of terrorist victims, politicians and celebrities. and anderson, happier news tied to a british power couple. victoria and david beckham are the proud new parents of a girl names harper seven. a close friend of theirs told us this seven was picked because it's a lucky number and the baby was born just after 7:00 a.m. on the seventh month. they say seven was also dad easi's jersey number when he played socker. >> i like it. >> i don't know if i want to be named after my dad's jersey. >> who am i to talk about names. i have the name of a 18th century law firm. >> dignified, it matches the grey hair. >> well i had nothing to do with it. time for the shot, courtesy of marine sergeant scott moore stationed in afghanistan. he posted a video onyewu tube
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and ask the milas kunich to go to a marine corp dance. >> haye, i'm sergeant moore, but you can call me scott. i would like toin violate you to the ball in greenville, north carolina. with yours truly. take a second, think about it, get back to me. bye-bye now. >> mila is out promoting her new movie and with some prompting from her co-star she's agreed to go. >> only a marine could pull that off. it has to be said. there's a lot of swagger going on. >> i met her recently and she's incredibly cool. she's really nice. i think it's so cool. that's really planning ahead on his part. very clever of him. >> men all over the country now sitting in front of their webcams making their videos about to send them out. >> no doubt about that. >> don't do it. >> thanks. more to come. back to the serious stuff. did you see the interview with
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kidnapping victim jaycee dugard? in her own wards you'll hear what she faced for 18 years, mostly in the backyard. how she says you can triumph over tragedy. dr. drew joins us to tell us how her therapy is going. >> and later, rediculist. all your octomom haters you land on the rediculist. stop the hating. sure she's having trouble keeping her 14 kids in line but who wouldn't? we'll explain. discover customersl are getting five percent cashback bonus at the pump... and at many of the places their summer plans take them. it pays to switch, it pays to discover. setting that goal to become a principal. but, i have to support my family, so how do i go back to school? university of phoenix made it doable. a lot of my instructors were principals in my district.
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kidnapping victim, jaycee dugard, breaks her silence. tomorrow her new memoir, quadrillion "stolen life" goes on sale. she shared some of her life last night with diane sawyer. she was 11 years old in 1991 when she was kidnapped. she walked to her school bus stop near her home in south lake tahoe in california. for 18 years she was trapped 120 miles away from her home in this man's backyard in san francisco. philip garrido, convicted sex offender, repeatedly he used her, raped her, fathered her two daughters. the first baby was born when jaycee was just 13 years old. jaycee, along with her kids, were rescued in august of 2009. last month, philip garrido was sentenced to 431 years in prison after pleading guilty to kidnapping and sexual assault charges. his wife, nancy, got 36 years in jail for her role. jaycee is now 31 years old and starting her life over. she wants people to know there's
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triumph over tragedy but the memories of what happened to her are not easy to forget. here's what jaycee dugard told diane sawyer in her own words. >> there was not a day that i didn't cry. i felt like they would never ever be a day i wouldn't cry again. and then after a while, i told myself, i can't cry anymore. >> what's the most haunting memory? >> that lock, hearing the lock. i know i said that earlier, but, for some reasoning with that -- and the bed -- it was a squeaky bed. a squeaky pull-out bed. i guess the sounds. it's weird what sticks in your head, but sounds. >> for 18 years, jaycee's mom never gave up hope. jaycee refuses to be angry about the kidnapping and abuse but her mom doesn't feel the same way.
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here's more of the interview from abc news. >> i don't feel like i have this rage inside of me that's building. >> why not? how can you not? >> i refuse to let him have that. he can't have me. >> you mean if you felt rage it would mean he had -- >> won. >> i think i have enough hate in my heart for the both of us. i hate that he took her life away. >> and that makes me sad. >> i'm sorry, baby. he stole your childhood and your adolescents. he stole high school proms and pictures and memories and -- >> but he didn't get all of me. >> no. >> he didn't get all of me, jaycee dugard in her own words. a remarkable story of survival. she's working with a clinical psychologist and they talk about her lost 18 years and her future. joining me is dr. drew pinsky. in this interview she seems
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healthy. so incredibly well adjusted it's amazing to me given everything she's been through that she was able to survive. >> it's remarkable when you hear about the horrible experience and you yet, you see before you a young lady who seems to be able to experience gratitude and joy. it's hard to understand that. and as much as anything else, that's a sign of how resilient this young woman, herself, actually is. i can't say that any person would necessarily be as resilient as she clearly is. >> for years, essentially, she was in solitary confinement. not allowed to go outside. not until the birth of her second child she was allowed to be outdoors. she talked in her interview about doing what she needed to survive and stay sane. i want to play that. >> how did you stay sane? >> i don't know. i was still alive.
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there was still hope. >> i'm trying to imagine how you are coping. i'm trying to imagine -- >> i don't know. i can't imagine being beaten to death, you know? but and you can't imagine being kidnapped and raped, you know, so, it's just -- you do what you have to do to survive. >> it's always interesting to me the strategy, the psychological strategies that people use to get through terribly traumatic experiences. how do people survive? >> people deploy other systems like playing possum. it develops a passivity. in that biological state you sort of disconnect from your feelings. some people feel like they're out of body or shut down. they'll feel like they're
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blacked out. there's varying experiences but it's all relative to this -- it's the escape when there's no escape, which is to shut down. >> listen to how she talks about having to depend on her captor. >> i depended on him for bathroom, food, company. >> you had no water, toothbrush? >> no. >> toilet? >> no. no toilet. >> what was the toilet? >> the toilet was a bucket. i had handcuffs on so it was very difficult. >> we're not talking about a few days. we're talking years and years and years. could this have to do with -- anything about why she didn't try to escape? the fact that it was so long this guy was the one person she had to depend on for everything? >> absolutely. i mean, listen, think about it. it's an 11 year old who begins to think in terms of her very survival being dependent upon the horrible monster.
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the relative of a stockholm syndrome where people begin to identify with the captor and then later on she gives birth to two children, in the backyard with no 34e8 care. unbelievable -- no medical care. and when she sees the first child she says to herself, thankfully, i won't be alone. there's somebody there that can i be with. and now everything becomes about protecting the children so she has another layer of dependency on this monster. >> how does one get back, though, after living like this to so many years, how does one get back to a sense of normalcy? i guess in a sense you have to relearn everything. >> you kind of do. i think that the best way i can describe it for people to help them understand what this kind of healing is, is first of all, she's obviously working with a professional and she's learning to tolerate and trust closeness with another human being. without the anticipated exploitation and trauma. she learns to trust that
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individual. another feature of this is that individual, as they develop a closeness and a repore she learns to tolerate some of these dead spots, some 06 these traumatic spots he left behind. if she learns to tolerate them and fill them they don't such horrible feelings of emptiness and pain and she seems well on the road to this. a lot of what recovery is about is not just the relationship but the ability to find joy and gratitude in the important things in life like spending time with your family and in her case, with her young daughters. >> remarkable. drew, thanks. >> appreciate it. still ahead, hundreds turn out to honor firefighter and father that died in a freak accident at a baseball game. you probably saw the video, in front of his 6-year-old son. why is everyone out to octomom? it's not her fault she has to
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fly with all of her kids on the plane. all of the octomom haters join us on our rediculist. and because the whole hospital's working together, there's a family who can breathe easy, right now. somewhere in america, we've already answered some of the nation's toughest healthcare questions. and the over 60,000 people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers. a network of possibilities. in here, the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them. it's the at&t network... and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say.
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up next, see why we're adding the octomom haters to our rediculist. but first, the serious stuff in our business and news bulletin. hundreds of mourners gathered to pay respects to a firefighter who died catching a ball at a texas rangers game. he stuck out his glove and lost his balance and fell 20 feet.
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his 6-year-old son witnessed the accident. current and former first lady, michelle obama, and nancy regan will attend the memorial service tomorrow for betty ford in california. former presidents george w. bush and bill clinton will also attend. mrs. ford will be buried at the gerald ford presidential museum following another service in michigan. she died friday at the age of 93. on wall street stocks posting their worse losses in about a month. 151 points with investors worried about the u.s. economy and the possibility that europe's debt crisis will spread to italy. and this is big! even for texas. a 16 pound 1 ounce baby was born. her mom said she knew he'd be big but not this big. dak tors attribute his large
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size to gestational diabetes. his mom said he'll be fine. his dad says he sees football in his son's future. oh, yes. >> 16 pounds? >> 16 pounds. >> jermichael. she gave birth to a small man? >> what? >> that's giving birth to a small man, if they're that size. >> all right. time now for our rediculist. tonight we're adding the octomom haters. all those who dare to disparage single mom nadya suleman who hassle 14 kids including her 2-year-old octuplets. and one kristen johnson of "third rock from the sun." tmz reports that she was on a flight from l.a. to new york with octomom and her kids and did the eight screaming 2-year-old annoyed her so much she asked octomom to keep it down. she asked kristen how she was supposed to do that to which she supplied, get more help at which time, octomom said, get a life.
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i happen to believe children are our future. octomom is 14 times more concerned about the future than the rest of us. wrap your mind around that little nugget. she's a hero in my book and her kids are angels. for proof, let us look no further than "the today show" with ann curry. >> no, no, no, that's okay. no, no, that's not going to happen. there you go. there you go, no problem. >> we'll stay on the carpet. >> it's difficult to keep an eye on everyone and make sure that you can give their attention. >> so if you're not able -- at one point you told me that you were -- >> delightful! who want want to be sitting with that beautiful brood in a enclosed space for five hours at 30,000 feet with nothing but peanuts to munch on? not me. i wonder if any of them have peanut allergies. >> how do you potty train eight 21/2 year olds.
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>> you just go. you just do it. the girls are almost potty trained but since january they've been in preschool so when i'm working i work during the day or personally train people when they're in school. >> let me ask a question. there was a light back there. -- >> was that david gregory picking up poop? did you sigh see that picture? it looks like david gregory -- out of the mouths of babies. is there any sweeter sound than piercing sleeks from jet lag for hours. so pretend it's the ocean and rainstorms. >> it's okay. >> jeremiha, freeze! freeze, noah! >> no, no, no. >> freeze, noah, freeze, sit down right now. >> do you think ann curry was thinking meredith vieira never had to deal with this crap? like a soothing lullaby with little hands slamming little
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teen tiny sledgehammers into your skull. >> they have had two hours of sleep. this is the behavior for two hours of sleep. >> david gregory is like, get me back to "meet the press." >> it's not 245 difficult to keep them quiet. when i met nancy grace's kids i thought things went quite well. >> i'll do whatever makes them happy. >> you want a piece of paper. >> uh-oh. >> anderson, what did you to him? >> i didn't do anything. >> i swear, all i did was hand the kid a piece of paper. and yes, i'm available for babysitting. i would even babysit the octomom's kids like this fall when she's on a reality show called "seleb date." and she says she's been celibate for seven years. i found that a little bit too much information but who wants to be involved with octomom?
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>> you're not that interested in finding a man and having a relationship? >> not at all. >> if you're attracted to one, and there was something going on, would you go on a platonic date? >> no touching. >> handshake? >> yes. i'm a germaphobe. >> in conclusion, kristen johnson riding on the plane with all the wizards, you missed a great opportunity to learn something about octomom and maybe yourself. i for one would jump on the chance to be on the plane with eight screaming 2-year-olds. octomom haters pipe down. let us enjoy the squeals and the sheiks on the rediculist. we'll be right back. >> so, ah, your seat good?
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got the mirrors all adjusted? you can see everything ok? just stay off the freeways, all right? i don't want you going out on those yet. and leave your phone in your purse, i don't want you texting. >> daddy... ok! ok, here you go. be careful. >> thanks dad. >> and call me--but not while you're driving. we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru. if you have painful, swollen joints, i've been in your shoes. one day i'm on p of the world... the next i'm saying... i have this thing called psoriatic arthritis. i had some intense pain. it progressively got worse. my rheumatologist told me about enbrel. i'm surprised how quickly my symptoms have been managed. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections.
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we begin "keeping them honest" with a four-page pledge a conservative group is asking them to sign. the marriage vow and candidates promise to find against same-sex marriage, women in combat, quick i can divorces, pornography and sharia law among other things. the man behind this is bob vanderblatt and he's a major force in politics in iowa. he's a conservative. michele bachmann and rick santorum were quick to sign the pledge but since this weekend
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and today, they have to defend this decision and there's something written into it and something that's factually incorrect. it shows a gross misunderstanding of american history. the problem passage is on the first page of the pledge and it reads, quote, slavery had a disastrous impact on african-american families. yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised but his mother and father in a two-parent household and was an african-american baby born after the election of the usa's first african-american president. the implication that african-american kids were better off in their home lives under slavery than kids today because they had a mother and father and a two-parent household. there's also a implied notion that this is connected to president obama's election but ignores that look at history. we checked with columbia university and they say slaves had no legal right to marry. slave families had no legal existence. under slavery. families were often divide. male slaves were particularly
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valued so they were often separated from their children. sold, traded to others. sent away. the word, no family rights. the marriage pledge has a footnote citing the source. but it turns out one of the authors of the studies cited in the pledge in the footnote was contacted by "forbes" magazine, saying the claim is just wrong. a serious error. with outrage over incorrect history, the organization behind the pledge removed the entire paragraph mentioning slavery. if you think they admitted a mistake you would be mistaken. a spokeswoman for the organization tells politico, quote, we agree the statement references children born into slavery can be misconstrued and and such misdestruction can detract from the core message of the marriage vow. it was not meant to be racist. it was a fact that back in the days of slavery there was usually a husband and wife. we were not saying at all that things are better for african-american children in slavery days than today. "keeping them honest," the first part of her statement is a
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classic nonapology. we're sorry if you read it wrong. they're only removing it because it can be misconstrued not because it's wrong, which it is. then she says, incorrectly, in the days of slavery there was usually a husband and wife. what do the candidates now say? we asked them to come on tonight to explain and they both deklined. a santorum spokesman said that he agreed to sign the pledge but he agreed with the decision to remove the clause. bachmann spokesperson said in no uncertain terms does she believe slavery was horrible and economic slavery is also horrible and tried to suggest that the congresswoman only agreed with part of what she signed, telling politico she stands behind the candidate vow which makes no reference to slavery. that's true, the 14-point candidate vow does not make reference to slavery. but "keeping them honest," look at page one of this four-page pledge. there's only four pages and the slavery paragraph is the first bullet point on the entire
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document and you can't miss it. clearly, presidential candidates are busy, don't have time to sleep much less read the fine print but this wasn't fine print and they have staffers that should read these things. this is not the first time michele bachmann has been caught distorting the history facts. >> we know slavery was still tolerated when the nation began. we know that was an evil. and it was a blot and a stain upon our history. but we also know that the very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the united states. and i think it is high time that we recognize the contribution of our forebearers who worked tirelessly, men like john quincy adams, who would not rest until slavery was extinguished in the country. >> so, it's not true. many of the founding fathers sought to preserve slavery.
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others like thomas jefferson were ambivalent. knowledge, owned many slaves. george washington owned hundreds of slaves. the one person she says is john quincy adams who did fight tirelessly to end slavery but he wasn't a founding father. when they signed the declaration of independence he was only 8 years old. we have our panel here tonight. thank you for being here. what do you make of the pledge, in particular, the slavery part which is in the preamble. do you think it's possible that santorum or bachmann or their people didn't see that? how do you explain them agreeing with this? >> i have to assume that they're people read it and it's reprehensible. the underlying assertion here is that there's some redeeming quality that went along with the institution of slavery. that's assanine. you can't play a double standard
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like we would shout down anyone that said there's a redeeming quality associated with naziism. we can't play a double standard and we should shout these people down and look at them as what they are. >> eric, historically, it's just not true, the idea that there were these happy families of mothers and fathers and in two-person households in slave times. males would be traded off, sold off, it's kind of ridiculous? >> yeah, you're right. and i'm really shocked by that in there. i will say that having talked to people who were familiar with the pledge, that more likely than not, the candidates didn't see that. there were two pages, this being on one page. the actual candidate pledge they sign being a separate page. you know, i understand what they were trying, apparently to say, was not that it was a good thing, but just that children born in 1860 of slaves had a better chance of being with a two-parent family growing up than those born in the '60s.
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for the life of me, i'm wondering how they would know that and why they would think worth putting this into a pledge. >> even the footnote they select, one of the authors of the document they footnote says, this is a serious error. this is just not true. erick, do you think it's possible -- i mean, i understand bachmann not having time to read the full four pages but wouldn't her staffers read that? >> yeah. see, this is the point. i've been in campaigns for more than a decade and see these pledges go through a lot of campaigns and usually you have a menial staffer, typically a college intern and they get this in and they say, this group is on the list, let's sign it and get it in and they don't stop to read this and this trips up democrats and republicans. the problem for the bachmann campaign is they're just taking off. these little trip-ups, typically that happened before they were taken as a serious candidate.
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they're trying to build grassroots support. they come back to bite them and this one will leave a big bite mark. >> is that a valid excuse? that maybe some staffer read it? she didn't read the whole thing? >> i find that mind-boggling. such a statement would scream out to you as just incredibly wrong. that you cannot -- if you are a first-year student in high school and you read that statement, that's got to send up some alarms to you that says -- wait a minute. we can't sign this sort of thing. and particularly, not so much probably in the republican primary. if she does get into the general election, this sort of thing with independent voters just kills you dead. it's a nonstarter because it's such a fringe sort of way of thinking of things. >> it's also interesting that -- >> i would say that's probably why they didn't look at it. because i agree with you. had i read this and any of the republicans i talked to, they would say -- what the heck is this?
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don't sign that. i just think someone wasn't paying attention when they were doing their job. >> even in the explanation this group has put out, where they retracted it, they did the classic -- this can be -- i'm sorry if you misconstrued this. they're not saying it's wrong and they went on to say, you know, it's just a fact that there was usually a husband and wife, even though under slavery there were no legal marriages. >> there were not husband and wife because they didn't recognize the legality of the union. that's absurd. and for them to backtrack on it, they play a double standard with slavery in a way that to me, is offensive. again, you know, if this whole thing was said about nazi germany and to the jewish people that what was going on in nazi germany, everyone would shout them down and sort of pin them as fringe. i'm not going to let them off the hook. i'm not letting them play a
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double standard here. this is just as offensive. anyone going down this line of thinking, they disqualify themselves from ever wanting to be a leader of a country like the united states of america. >> it seems to me that in this day in age, we should not be comparing things to slavery or nazi germany. those are the two easiest things but it seems to undercut the what the reality of slavery and the reality of nazi germany when you compare other things to those things. things can be terrible but you don't have to compare them to the horrors of slavery and nazi germany. >> but with the internet now we've got -- they call it godwin's law. the first person to make the nazi comparison loses the argument. maybe we need one in politics. the first person who jumps to the slavery argument loses the argument. >> i think it's well over time for that to happen in our country. we can't have a double standard. it's a grey evil and there's nothing redeeming about slavery.
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>> and when you compare other things happening now to it, it takes away from the reality of what did happen and i think, erick, you're right, it weakens your argument. thank you both for your time. >> thank you. let us know what you think. follow me on twitter. up next, president obama saying it's time to get serious about a budget deal and the republicans say, not if it includes taxes. democrats say not if it includes medicare. nothing is really at stake except, maybe, the global economy and your job. and later an update from syria where thugs apparently with support of the government, stormed the u.s. embassy in damascus. late reaction from secretary of state clinton. and what happened with casey anthony's mom tried to visit her in jail. what we learned about her release. she was kidnapped at 11 and held captive for 18 years and raped again and again, forced to bear two children. jaycee dugard is speaking out.
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allow votes to raise the debt ceiling. lawmakers have always griped. today, the president called for action. >> i've been hearing from my republican friends for quite some time, that it is a moral imperative for us to tackle our debt and our deficits in a serious way. i've been hearing from them that this is one of the things that's creating uncertainty and holding back investment on the part of the business community. and so what i've said to them is, let's go. >> unclear whether he can deliver the left wing of his own party. unclear also whether the tea party republicans will sign on to any deal with revenue increasers beyond selling properties. house speaker boehner who seemed receptive to a grand compromise which could have meant savings for medicare in the white house backed away. today he said, no tax increases or no deal. >> the american people will not accept and the house won't pass
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and cannot pass a bill that raises taxes on job creators. the house will pass a bill that includes spending limits larger than the hike in the debt limit as well as restraints on future spending. >> his colleagues are standing firm and saying from 2009, not raising taxes during a recession. here's what the president said in 2009 to nbc's chuck todd in response to a voter's question. >> first of all, he's right. normally, you don't raise taxes in recession which is why we haven't and why we, instead cut taxes. so i guess what i'd say to scott is, his economics are right. you don't raise taxes in a recession. we haven't raised taxes in a recession. >> the stimulus was about one-third tax cuts. so in fairness he didn't. they passed the payroll tax holiday in effect right now and a year later they approved tax breaks to help employers hire more people. you can decide if that's
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wasteful or in any case, here's how mr. obama reconciled that statement with his current position on taxes. >> i want to be crystal clear. nobody has talked about increasing taxes now. nobody has talked about increasing taxes next year. we're talking about potentially 2013 and the out years. >> the question is what will the economy look like then and the answer is what happens now. we've got gloria borger and david walker, currently president and ceo of the come back america initiative. is there any case to be raised for not raising the debt ceiling? >> no, there isn't. we have to raise the debt ceiling. we don't know what the markets will do and what will to happen to the stock markets and interest rates. for every 1% or every 100 basis points increase, that's $150 billion a year in our total debt.
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>> so how do you see the debate? what's your take? >> both sides agree their raising the debt ceiling limit but it looks like it's going to be a smaller deal rather than a bigger deal because the republicans don't want to do anything that could be remotely called a tax increase. after the to 2012 elections, we'll get comprehensive tax reform broadening the base, lower rates and generate more revenues, along with starting to deal with entitlement reforms. but i think right now, we're going to get a smaller deal and kick the can down the road with regard to the tough stuff. >> gloria, is that what it seems like politically? >> it does, anderson. if you step back for a moment and look at this it seems to me really to be a defining moment for the republican party here. the base of this party is conservative and it's anti-tax. and you had the house speaker, a republican, the president of the united states, sitting down and believing that they could try to
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cut a huge deal that would actually go a long way toward solving the deficit problem. but john boehner, the speaker, took that back to his conservative republicans in the house, which i believe represent the base of the party, and they said, absolutely no way. because 230 of those republicans in the house have taken a no-tax pledge. no new tax pledges and they're going to stick by it. and i think things may change after the next election, but as for now, the republican party is stuck and they can't even accept a good deal. the president was offering them, you know, a very, very good deal here. $3 in spending cuts for every dollar of tax increase. >> john boehner is correct that the base of the republican party won't support any type of tax increases, even if it's eliminating tax expenditures whether there can be a bipartisan agreement. he's wrong to say that. right now the president has the
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high ground because he's saying, let's go for a long-term deal and put medicare, medicaid, social security on the table. just put tax expenditures on the table and by the way, we have the lowest revenues percentage of gdp in decades. it's less than 16%. nonetheless, we are where we are and i think both parties are going to have to go to the electorate in 2012. >> can you get a compromise without increasing the tax revenues? >> i can come up with 2 to $3 trillion worth of deficit reduction without any tax increases, okay? absolutely. >> you know, anderson, i was talking to a senior white house adviser today, for example, who suggested, perhaps they could get a smaller deal of closing some of the tax loopholes and extending the payroll tax holiday for a certain period of time, so there would be no net tax increase. a little bit of trickier but maybe they could do it that way. >> politically, gloria, how does this play out?
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obviously we have a presidential election coming up. david is saying obama seems like -- perceived as taking the high ground. clearly he's interested in getting independents on board and he's lost a lot of independent support over the years. how does this play? >> i think can president as you point out is clearly talking to independent voters and they care about the deficit and they also want washington to work together, which is what we heard the president talk about an awful lot today in his press conference. it reminded me a little bit of bill clinton there. in the end, i think they all know they have to get something done or they will all suffer. right now i think the republicans are kind of up against the wall here because the president looks like the adult. he's put something on the table. i'm not sure he have could have sold it to his own party but he put it on the table so it's up to the republicans to come back and he told them today to go home and do your homework and tell me how we're going to make
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up the rest of the money we have to raise without those revenues so they're on the spot. >> do you think this goes to august 2nd or sooner, david? >> i think they can do it before august 2nd. it depends on how big a deal they're trying to do. you have to turn it into the legislative language and sell it to the caucuses. congress has to stay in session until a deal is done and until there's agreement. >> complicated all of this, anderson, is the fact you have republican presidential candidates out there saying don't raise the debt limit. tim pawlenty said they were hoping and praying -- that plays into the republican congressional discussions as well. >> and all in the middle of a election year? >> you have to work it out. the stakes are too high. i don't care who they are, if they say they'll vote against the debt ceiling increase irrespective of the deal, is irresponsible. >> thank you very much. mobs attacking the u.s.
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"crime and punishment." casey anthony will be out of jail in six days. the trial may be over but the drama continues. after sentencing the orange county correction department changed her release date to sunday, july 17th. casey's mother, cindy anthony tried to visit her daughter in jail on friday but casey declined the request. she didn't want her mom visiting her. and we know casey will be released in less than a week and now we have news about how she'll be released. gary tuchman from orlando. >> reporter: this is the orange county jail behind me, where casey anthony has been for the last two years and 11 months.
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she'll be released as early as 12:01 sunday, five days and 90 minutes from now. the arrangements are very secret. the secretness reminds me of when they covered mafia trials in the past with john goddy. in the past with john go did. we know she's here because a security officer about an hour ago says she's still inside and happy. that's not a big surprise. >> so she declined the visit and i know they haven't had contact in several years. the thought is that she'll be transferred to another jail facility and released from there and we don't know at this point where she'll be going. >> do you know why she declined the visit from her mom? i know they haven't had contact in several years. >> it's interest. during the trial we saw the videos of her talking to her parents while she was under arrest. she hadn't had her parents in
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this jail since august of 2008. that's almost thee years. last week, cindy anthony came to the jail and said she wanted to visit her daughter, signed in for a request. her daughter turned down the request and did not want to see her mother. >> and what about -- what are george and cindy anthony doing now? are they still in orlando? >> according to george and cindy anthony's attorney, they are still in orlando. there was some reports that they were at a resort in the florida panhandle. he said that's not true whatsoever. he told me they've received death threats and hate mail and we heard from a juror i talked to, who wants to remain anonymous, said he's received death threats and hate mail. the anthonys aren't the only ones in the trial that has this question. >> we have a question from southeast pennsylvania. do you have information about the quote/unquote, the inflammatory video the judge ask considering releasing? >> judge perry is considering releasing a video that wasn't allowed to be played during the trial. he was afraid to release it
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before the trial thinking it could be inflammatory towards casey's defense. it shows her doubling over and hyperventilating in jail when she's told caylee's body was found. the reason it could be inflammatory, she said her attorneys say her child was dead so why would she hypervent late and double over when she's told her child has been found? so it mane released. the judge will make the decision. >> gary, appreciate it. anderson, u.s. state department said syrian state-run tv is inciting mobs to attack the u.s. embassy today in damascus. about 300 people surrounded the building scaling walls, breaking windows and using spray paint and no one was hurt. hillary clinton blasted syrian president bashar al assad. >> from our perspective, he has lost legitimacy. he has failed to deliver on the promises that he's made.
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he has south and accepted aid from the iranians as to how to repress his own people and there's a laundry list of actions that have been certainly, concerning and should raise the issue with not only his behavior, but those who are supporting him in the international community. and, you know, we'd like to see even more countries speaking out as forcefully as we have. >> tonight, there were new allegations against rupert murdoch's media empire. claiming the tabloid "the sun" improperly obtained information years ago about gordon brown's seriously ill son and published a story about him. brown says he's shocked by the allegations and the matter is in police hands. this comes a day after the "news of the world" another murdoch tabloid sold its last issue.
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shut down amid accusations its reporters illegally listened to voice mails of terrorist victims, politicians and celebrities. and anderson, happier news tied to a british power couple. victoria and david beckham are the proud new parents of a girl names harper seven. a close friend of theirs told us this seven was picked because it's a lucky number and the baby was born just after 7:00 a.m. on the seventh month. they say seven was also dad 's jersey number when he played soccer in england. >> i like it. >> i don't know if i want to be named after my dad's jersey. >> who am i to talk about names. i have the name of a 18th century law firm. >> dignified, it matches the grey hair. >> well i had nothing to do with it. time for the shot, courtesy of marine sergeant scott moore stationed in musa qala, afghanistan.
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he posted a video on youtube and asked mila kunis to go to a marine corp ball in november. >> hey, i'm sergeant moore, but you can call me scotty. i want to take a moment out of my day to invite you to the marine corps ball on november 18th in greechbville, north carolina, with yours truly. take a second, think about i how cool is that? >> very cool. only a marine could pull that off. it has to be said. there's a lot of swagger going on. >> i met her recently and she's incredibly cool. she's really nice. i think it's so cool. that's really planning ahead on his part. very clever of him. >> men all over the country now sitting in front of their webcams making their videos about to send them out. >> no doubt about that. >> don't do it. >> thanks. more to come. back to the serious stuff.
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did you see the interview with kidnapping victim jaycee dugard? in her own wards you'll hear what she faced for 18 years, mostly in the backyard. unbelievable. how she says you can triumph over tragedy. dr. drew joins us to tell us how her therapy is going. >> and later, the rediculist. all your octomom haters you land on the rediculist. stop the hating. sure she's having trouble keeping her 14 kids in line but who wouldn't? we'll explain. and got us through the process twice now. quicken loans is definitely engineered to amaze. they were just really there for us. handle more than 165 billion letters and packages a year. that's about 34 million pounds of mail every day. ever wonder what this costs you as a taxpayer? millions? tens of millions? hundreds of millions? not a single cent. the united states postal service doesn't run on your tax dollars.
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kidnapping victim, jaycee dugard, breaks her silence. tomorrow her new memoir, "stolen life" goes on sale nationwide. she shared some of her life last night with diane sawyer. it was a remarkable special. she was 11 years old in 1991 when she was kidnapped. she walked to her school bus stop near her home in south lake tahoe in california. for 18 years she was trapped 120 miles away from her home in this man's backyard in san francisco. philip garrido, convicted sex offender, repeatedly he used her, raped her, fathered her two daughters. the first baby was born when
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jaycee was just 14 years old. those kids are 13 and 16. jaycee, along with her kids, were rescued in august of 2009. last month, philip garrido was sentenced to 431 years in prison after pleading guilty to kidnapping and sexual assault charges. his wife, nancy, got 36 years in jail for her role. jaycee is now 31 years old and starting her life over. she wants people to know there's triumph over tragedy but the memories of what happened to her are not easy to forget. here's what jaycee dugard told diane sawyer in her own words. >> there was not a day that i didn't cry. i felt like they would never ever be a day i wouldn't cry again. and then after a while, i told myself, i can't cry anymore. >> what's the most haunting memory? >> that lock, hearing the lock. i know i said that earlier, but, for some reasoning with that -- and the bed -- it was a squeaky bed. a squeaky pull-out bed.
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i guess the sounds. it's weird what sticks in your head, but sounds. >> for 18 years, jaycee's mom never gave up hope. jaycee refuses to be angry about the kidnapping and abuse but her mom doesn't feel the same way. here's more of the interview from abc news. >> i don't feel like i have this rage inside of me that's building. >> why not? how can you not? >> i refuse to let him have that. he can't have me. >> you mean if you felt rage it would mean he had -- >> won. >> i think i have enough hate in my heart for the both of us. i hate that he took her life away. >> and that makes me sad. >> i'm sorry, baby. he stole your childhood and your add he
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adolescents. he stole high school proms and pictures and memories and -- >> but he didn't get all of me. >> no. >> he didn't get all of me, jaycee dugard in her own words. a remarkable story of survival. she's working with a clinical psychologist and they talk about her lost 18 years and her future. joining me is dr. drew pinsky. in this interview she seems healthy. so incredibly well adjusted it's amazing to me given everything she's been through that she was able to survive. >> it's remarkable when you hear about the horrible experience and you yet, you see before you a young lady who seems to be able to experience gratitude and joy. it's hard to understand that. and as much as anything else, that's a sign of how resilient this young woman, herself, actually is. i can't say that any person would necessarily be as resilient as she clearly is. >> for years, essentially, she was in solitary confinement. not allowed to go outside. not until the birth of her
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second child she was allowed to be outdoors. she talked in her interview about doing what she needed to survive and stay sane. i want to play that. >> how did you stay sane? >> i don't know. i was still alive. there was still hope. still hope. >> i'm trying to imagine how you are coping. i'm trying to imagine -- >> i don't know. i can't imagine being beaten to death, you know? but and you can't imagine being kidnapped and raped, you know, so, it's just -- you do what you have to do to survive. >> it's always interesting to me the strategy, the psychological strategies that people use to get through terribly traumatic experiences. how do people survive?
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>> people deploy other systems like playing possum. it develops a passivity. a learned helplessness. in that biological state you sort of disconnect from your feelings. some people feel like they're out of body or shut down. they'll feel like they're blacked out. there's varying experiences but it's all relative to this -- it's the escape when there's no escape, which is to shut down. >> listen to how she talks about having to depend on her captor. >> i depended on him for bathroom, food, company. >> you had no water, toothbrush? >> no. >> toilet? >> no. no toilet. >> what was the toilet? >> the toilet was a bucket. i had handcuffs on so it was very difficult. >> we're not talking about a few days.
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we're talking years and years and years. could this have to do with -- anything about why she didn't try to escape? the fact that it was so long this guy was the one person she had to depend on for everything? >> absolutely. i mean, listen, think about it. it's an 11 year old who begins to think in terms of her very survival being dependent upon the horrible monster. the relative of a stockholm syndrome where people begin to identify with the captor and then later on she gives birth to two children, in the backyard, with no medical care. unbelievable. and when she sees the first child she says to herself, thankfully, i won't be alone. that's the only thing she can think. there's somebody there that i can be with. and now everything becomes about protecting the children, so she has another layer of dependency on this monster. >> how does one get back, though, after living like this for so many years, how does one get back to a sense of normalcy? i guess in a sense you have to relearn everything.
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>> you kind of do. i think that the best way i can describe it for people to help them understand what this kind of healing is, is first of all, she's obviously working with a professional and she's learning to tolerate and trust closeness with another human being. without the anticipated exploitation and trauma. she learns to trust that individual. another feature of this is that individual, as they develop a closeness and a repore she learns to tolerate some of these dead spots, some of these traumatic spots he left behind. if she learns to tolerate them and fill them they don't such horrible feelings of emptiness and pain and she seems well on the road to this. a lot of what recovery is about is not just the relationship but the ability to find joy and gratitude in the important things in life like spending time with your family and in her case, with her young daughters. >> remarkable.
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drew, thanks. >> appreciate it. still ahead, hundreds turn out to honor firefighter and father that died in a freak accident at a baseball game. you probably saw the video, in front of his 6-year-old son. why is everyone out to get octomom? it's not her fault she has to fly with all of her kids on the plane. all of the octomom haters join us on our rediculist.
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try capzasin-hp. it penetrates deep to block pain signals for hours of relief. capzasin-hp. take the pain out of arthritis. up next, see why we're adding the octomom haters to our rediculist. but first, the serious stuff in our business and news bulletin. hundreds of mourners gathered to pay respects to a firefighter who died catching a ball at a texas rangers game. he stuck out his glove and lost his balance and fell 20 feet. his 6-year-old son witnessed the accident. current and former first lady, michelle obama, and nancy regan will attend the memorial service tomorrow for betty ford in california. former presidents george w. bush and bill clinton will also attend. mrs. ford will be buried at the gerald ford presidential museum following another service in michigan. she died friday at the age of 93. on wall street stocks
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posting their worse losses in about a month. 151 points with investors worried about the u.s. economy and the possibility that europe's debt crisis will spread to italy. and this is big! even for texas. a 16 pound 1 ounce baby was born. his mom said she knew he'd be big but not this big. doctors attribute his large size to gestational diabetes. his mom said he'll be fine. his dad says he sees football in his son's future. oh, yes. >> 16 pounds? >> 16 pounds. >> jermichael. >> she gave birth to a small man? >> what? >> that's giving birth to a small man, if they're that size. >> all right. time now for our rediculist. tonight we're adding the octomom haters. all those who dare to disparage single mom nadya suleman who
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has 14 kids including her 2-year-old octuplets. and one kristen johnson of "third rock from the sun." tmz reports that she was on a flight from l.a. to new york with octomom and her kids and did the eight screaming 2-year-old annoyed her so much she asked octomom to keep it down. she asked kristen how she was supposed to do that to which she replied, get more help at which time, octomom said, get a life. i happen to believe children are our future. octomom is 14 times more concerned about the future than the rest of us. wrap your mind around that little nugget. she's a hero in my book and her kids are angels. for proof, let us look no further than "the today show" with ann curry. no, that's not happen.
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there you go. there you go, no problem. >> we'll stay on the carpet. >> it's difficult to keep an eye on everyone and make sure that you can give their attention. >> but i do, though. >> so if you're not able -- at one point you told me that you were -- >> delightful! who wouldn't want to be sitting with that beautiful brood in a who want want to be sitting with that beautiful brood in a enclosed space for five hours at 30,000 feet with nothing but peanuts to munch on? not me. i wonder if any of them have peanut allergies. >> how do you potty train eight 21/2 year olds. >> you just go. 200 miles per hour. you just do it. the girls are almost potty trained but since january they've been in preschool so when i'm working i work during the day or personally train people when they're in school. >> let me ask a question. there was a light back there. -- >> was that david gregory picking up poop? did you see that picture? it looks like david gregory -- out of the mouths of babies.
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is there any sweeter sound than piercing shh sleeks from jet lag for hours. so pretend it's the ocean and rainstorms. >> it's okay. >> jeremiha, freeze! freeze, noah! >> no, no, no. >> freeze, noah, freeze, sit down right now. >> do you think ann curry was thinking meredith vieira never had to deal with this crap? like a soothing lullaby with little hands slamming little tiny sledgehammers into your skull. >> they have had two hours of sleep. this is the behavior for two hours of sleep. >> david gregory is like, get me back to "meet the press." >> it's not that difficult to keep them quiet. when i met nancy grace's kids i thought things went quite well. >> i'll do whatever makes them
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happy. >> you want a piece of paper. >> uh-oh. >> anderson, what did you to him? >> i didn't do anything. >> i swear, all i did was hand the kid a piece of paper. and yes, i'm available for babysitting. i would even babysit the octomom's kids like this fall when she's on a reality show called "celeb date." and she says she's been celibate for seven years. -- 12 yearses. i thought about this a little bit too much information but who wants to be involved with octomom? >> no. >> you're not that interested in finding a man and having a relationship? >> not at all. as long as there's no touching. >> if you're attracted to one, and there was something going on, would you go on a platonic date? >> no touching. >> handshake? >> yes. i'm a germaphobe. >> in conclusion, kristen
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johnson riding on the plane with all the kids, you missed a great opportunity to learn something about octomom and maybe yourself. i for one would jump on the chance to be on the plane with eight screaming 2-year-olds. by "jump at the chance" i mean, where's the parachute. octomom haters pipe down. let us enjoy the squeals and the sheiks on the rediculist. we'll be right back. [ bird chirping ]
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