tv CNN Newsroom CNN July 13, 2011 10:00am-12:00pm PDT
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triple bombing in india. at least 20 people are dead and more than 100 hurt in explosions that rocked three busy areas of india's financial capital minutes apart. the sound was absolutely deafening, and he feared the panic would cause a stampede. the home minister is appealing for calm in a city that still bears the scars from a deadly rampage in 2008. we're on the phone with mallika kapur. tell us what happened there? >> reporter: i am in an area called opera house, and this is where one of the explosions took place. i am standing here at this moment. it's normally a very, very crowded area in mumbai, and also
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the jewelry district, and it's popularly known as the diamond district. it's made up as narrow lanes and alley ways, and usually very, very crowded. especially at rush hour. and at the scene right now, there are lots of police personnel over here, and lots of journalis journalists, and curious on lookers. the police are trying to clear the area and get everybody away. we have seen shattered glass on the ground. and the police have covered some cars at the moment, and a few are addressing the journalists at the moment. it's a chaotic scene. >> can you walk us through the targeted areas and give us a brief idea of why those areas
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are so significant? >> reporter: sure. all three areas are really crowded, congested areas. let me tell you about the first area in the north which is the area of sadr. it's very close to an important railway station. remember, mumbai is a city that defends on its workforce. you have millions of people who commute into the city on local trains every single morning. and they go back on the local trains every evening at 7:00 p.m., which is rush hour. and that is an area that has a very important railway junction, which is why it's an extremely crowded area and an important area for commuters. and bizarou and a bazaar, that's a place for a market.
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and it's a jewelry hub. very cramped offices. narrow roads, and all three areas streaming with people. >> as we continue to look at the scene there, can you tell us, has anybody claimed responsibility? >> reporter: randi, i can barely hear you. i think you asked me if anybody claimed responsibility. nobody has claimed responsibility yet. we have heard officials -- the police commissioner come out and speak, and they asked the questions, who is responsible, and they said we're not going to talk about that now. the priority is to make sure to get the wounded people to the hospital and we will come to this -- we will address the questions of whodunit later, but the police commissioner says whoever done it will be brought to justice. >> we appreciate your reporting for us in mumbai.
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thank you very much. our sound affect is a new and unsettling glimpse inside the casey anthony trial. she was acquitted are murdering her daughter in 2008, and her mother spent those 31 days bar hopping and hanging out with a boyfriend, and in an interview with fox news, the jury foreman said that behavior troubled the jury greatly. >> well, it disgusted us. we're all very disgusted with that, what happened from june 16th when it happened to -- that's what makes this hard. that's what -- it's what made it very hard for us. it's something that, you know, i wish, because of that, and seeing that, it -- we wish there was something else that we could look at that would be a felony.
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something where, you know, we don't have the power to do this and we don't have the ability to put the laws in place for this, where something if you do not report a child missing it will be a felony, forever hour or day that goes on, it gets worst and worst, because her actions were disgusting. >> the foreman says the jurors were stunned when they rested. the jury did find casey anthony guilty of lying to investigators, but still due to leave jail on free woman on sunday. a warning from ben bernanke today, if congress fails to raise the debt ceiling, the result could be a major financial crisis. his grim prediction was during his report to congress. he said the fed was prepared to raise interest rates if inflation becomes a major issue. wall street was pleased with what he said, with stocks
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jumping over 150 points in the early-morning trading. heads up if you fly. the nation's airports suffered an average of five security breaches a year at each of the 457 commercial airports. the figures are from the transportation security administration which were provided to a congressional committee. breaches were from everybody leaving a bag at a check point to those that evaded security. the tsa says the numbers are misleading, and they account for 1% of the billions of people screened. right now, the usa leads france 1-zip. a victory would move them one step closer to winning their third world cup. and then today's game follows the dramatic come-from-behind
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victory over brazil. the final is set for sunday. britain's hacking scandal forces rupert murdoch to make a stunning move. and rushes relief to the site of pain. it's clinically proven to relieve pain twice as fast. new bayer advanced aspirin. there's another way to minimize litter box odor: purina tidy cats. our premium litters now work harder to help neutralize odors in multiple cat homes. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home.
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bs bs bs bskyb. let's go straight on tour cnn senior international correspondent, david rivers, and he joins me from westminster in london. bskyb would be his largest acquisition yet. >> reporter: this is a massive climb down for murdoch, and he wanted that broadcast desperately, and now he has to face the reality, and all the political parties here are about to vote against him having that takeover. it would not have been legally binding, but a big slap in the face. before that debate in the building behind me was about to get under way, the news core itself announced that they were
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holding their hands up and saying, look, we're not going to go ahead with this. an amazing u-turn from murdoch in the face of unprecedented. they said it's a victory for people up and down the land. they are all relieved for the minute that they don't have to make that decision in government, because that was going to be a very awkward moment when they had to decide one way or the other whether that could be approved. that has been taken off the table. the story is not over, though. the police investigation continues. there may be more arrests and maybe more fallout and maybe more allegations, and it's a global story now. there's talk about, you know, looking at whether they hacked into victim's of 9/11 in the
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u.s., and threats from a u.s. senator, jay rockefeller as well, and there is not confined to the uk now. >> the whole reason this broke is because of the voice mail that was hacked, the voice mail that belonged to a 13-year-old girl. her family met with the prime minister and their lawyer was there as well. he spoke publicly after the meeting. i want to play what he said and then ask you something about that. >> on behalf of milly, and behalf of all the other victims of the unlawful activity of the press, there will not be a full public inquiry for the public, and not a political inquiry for the politicians. >> dan, what more can you tell us, if anything, about this meeting with the prime minister and milly's family and the lawyer? >> reporter: well, i think it sounds like it went fairly well. they have been meeting with the
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deputy prime minister in the past few days. their whole point was they wanted to make sure what happened to their daughter will never happen again, and therefore they are very much behind the public inquiry, which is going to go ahead later this year. and i think they were just flabbergasted that anybody could have done this, and just, you know, really, really desperate to insure that nobody would ever consider doing anything like this again, which now seems to be the case. it caused a massive uproar here, and it caused this story to explode here in the uk, and now across the u.s. as well. >> is there any late word yet on whether or not rupert murdoch on his son and some of their highest executives who have been called to answer questions there, will they show up when the time comes? >> reporter: well, they have been invited to appear before this committee next tuesday of
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parliament, and they don't have to turn up because they are not british citizens, but the chief executive, rebecca brooks, does have to turn up, or she will risk basically being arrested. one would imagine it's going to be fairly embarrassing if there are three seats there and one of them is filled. >> thank you very much, dan. ron paul has made two big career decisions lately. one is to run for president in 2012, and the other he will talk about live right after this break. a lot of complicated engineering goes into every one. like variable valve timing and turbocharging, active front grille shutters that close at high speeds, and friction reducing -- oh, man, that is complicated. how about this -- cruze eco offers 42 miles per gallon. cool? ♪
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president and inflation was 11% and the cold war was in full swing. times have changed. but paul has been a steadfast champion of freedoms and smaller government. you know the movement today as the tea party. ron paul announced he will not run for re-election to the the senate, but he will run for president. he joins us live. why give up your house job? >> well, i didn't want to run two campaigns at one time. i have done it before. it was criticized. i think the criticism is justified. i think i should concentrate on one campaign and that's what i am going to do. i thought it was time to leave the congress, anyway. and i don't think it's legal to be the president and also to be a member of congress. >> i am sure you're well aware of the crisis that is brewing in
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washington these days, known as the debt crisis. what is your solution here do you think? >> well, there's no easy solution, because it took them 30 or 40 years to get into the mess. the solution is we have to change our whole attitude of what the role of government ought to be. in the last 100 years, we drifted from the intent of the constitution where the government was to be limited and there to protect our libertieli. we cannot be the policemen of the world. we should not have a government dealing with our personal liberties, and treating us the way they do at airports, and we should not be doing central economic planning and willing to spend all the money we don't have. it's a major change that we need. the major change is coming, because the country is technically in bankruptcy. >> what is your answer on the debt ceiling? do you think it should be raised? >> no, absolutely not.
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i have not voted for any spending, and i will not vote to raise the debt ceiling. >> what is the problem with raising it? >> well, you know, they argue that it's going to, you know, be devastating if we don't and we will default. but i think the problems that we face, if we continue to do what we're doing is much, much worse. we sides, we're currently defaulting constantly. we default when we devalue the currency, and that's why prices are going up. bernanke claimed there was only a couple percentage points. when you look at the world market the economists, what they claim, there is still defaulting. people who owe money get to pay money back with cheap money, and that's the way governments usually default on their debt. they devalue the currency, and
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very, very dangerously, and eventually ends up badly with a lot more inflation. >> your feelings are well known about the federal reserve, and it was quite entertaining to watch you tangle with ben bernanke today. i want to play some of that and then ask you about it. let's listen. >> we also have the fed to deal with, too. i see the fed as a problem because i see so much of this other spending wouldn't have gotten out of hand if we did not have a monetary system where the system provides the funds. we don't have to be responsible because we can always say it's up to the fed, you know, if we didn't have the fed buying up our debt, interest rates were rise. you know what it would do? it would put pressure on the congress to do something about it. >> you're mistaken in saying the federal reserve spent any money.
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we lent money and purchased securities, and that's not dissipating the money. we have gotten all the money back. as an article over the weekend, the fed has been a major profit center for the u.s. government. we turned over profits in the last two years of $125 billion. we are not costing any money in terms of budget deficits or anything like that. >> so i want to give you the last word here on that little debate there. you have gone so far as to say that we don't even need the fed. why is that? >> well, the fed creates the financial bubbles, and if you have a financial bubble you have to have a correction, and the correction is a recession and depression, and then you have unemployment. their purpose is to give us low unemployment and stable prices, and we don't get any of that. for him to say they don't spend any money, that's a bit of
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strained language, because he claims if you buy a security that you're just adding reserves into the system. where did he get the money? i mean -- he brags about the profits. if i had absolute control of the printing press, i bet i could make profitses, too. it wouldn't take a genius to make profits. but technically speaking he's not spending money like we do in the congress, but he is printing money and buying junk. he buys all the securities that nobody else wanted, and that's how he bailed out the banks, and he bailed out corporations. as far as i am concerned in a practical sense, that is spending money, money that he created out of thin air, and the people suffer. in the past three years, the economy has not improved and we ended up with a $5 trillion increase in the national debt. >> before i let you go, i am sure you pay attention to the polls, close attention, if you
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don't become president, now that you have given up your job at the house, what will you do? >> well, first i am going to concentrate on the campaign, and actually we're pretty optimistic about that compared to four years ago. the one thing that we do know, when we look at our own polls is the support that i have is very, very solid. they will not go anywhere. the support for other candidates, they jump around. but i will continue to do what i have been doing, in office or out of office. i dedicated myself to defending individual liberties. that's the most important thing. if we have our liberties, we don't have to worry about the prosperity, because it will come. our prosperity dissipates, and that's what will happen. i keep fighting for that, which means sound money, free markets, and a sensible foreign policy, and balanced budget, but to concentrate on the principle
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that every person deserves their free liberties. >> i know that you have been working hard to change peoples' minds and change the country, and we wish you the best of luck on that. when we call you on august 3rd, after the debt ceiling deadline, we hope you will come on and talk about that. >> thank you very much. it's 24 minutes past the hour on the east coast. 1:24. here are the top stories at this hour. it's not good news for the u.s. soccer team, france just tied it all up. the game now 1-1. and afghan president, hamid karzi, led mourners of his brother today. and the taliban claimed responsibility saying the guard
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acted under their direction. the body of former first lady, betty ford, will be flown to michigan today. tonight there will be a private service held in her honor. she will are laid to rest next to her husband, henry ford. and then the mob boss's girlfriend has been charged with harboring a fugitive. her attorney plans to ask for home confinement while she awaits trial, contending she poses no flight risk. a popular company is jacking up prices. how you can avoid paying more, next.
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leave the house. now, netflix wants you to pay more for the combined service. alison kosik is at the new york exchange. how much are we talking about here? >> 16% more, but only for some members. take a look. before these prices went up, it was $9.99 a month for dvd's by mail. now, both services are going to cost this. you have to buy each service separately. if you want stream, it's $7.99, and if you want a dvd by mail, you have to pay $7.99 for that way. the new pricing will begin. it starts now for new customers, and if you are currently a netflix customer, the new
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pricing kicks in on september 1st. >> why the increase? probably a lot of people are curious about that. >> streaming is growing more and more popular, and internet connections are getting faster and faster. it's becoming more enjoyable. but the thing is it's expensetive for netflix, because they have to get the rights to stream the movies, and for netflix it costs hundreds of millions of dollars, and it has to make up the money and is going right to the customers to do that, randi. >> thank you. explosions leave at least 20 dead in mumbai, india. we will have the details right after this.
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time right now, about half past the hour. let's check out some of the news and other headlines that you may have missed. disaster in mumbai today. at least 20 people were killed and more than 100 others hurt in a series of blasts in india's financial capital. new delhi has been placed on high alert. we just got a statement in from president obama here. i want to read it to you. it says in part i strongly condemn the outrageous attacks
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in mumbai and my thoughts and prayers are with the wounded and those that lost loved ones. india is a close friend, the president says, and partner of the united states. media mogul, rupert murdoch troubles spread to overseas. eric holder is investigating whether news employees were wrong. and then forcing loughner to take drugs would violate drugs because he has not been convicted of a crime. he has been held in a mental hospital after an earlier court ruling found him incompetent to
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team, richard. i love usa and love our team, and we should go all the way! >> reporter: thank you, john and cheryl. thank you for spending time in here while people start going nuts. a women holding my hand at a bar. that's a first. >> oh, yes. that was our richard roth around this very same time last year covering excitement around the men's soccer team. does the same hold true for the women? richard joins us now from a bar in new york city. any hand holding this year? >> reporter: if you asked about hand holding, i am not touching anybody in here. 1-1, and totally tied up. you just saw reaction here. what is your reaction about the game. france is putting the u.s. under a lot of pressure. >> they are. we need to possess the ball and have the fighting spirit and come back and score.
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>> reporter: what is going on inside you? you are going on to france even if the usa doesn't win? >> yeah, i am going. i can't eat -- >> reporter: there's a goal. it's a u.s. goal! [ cheering ] >> watch out, richard, somebody might kiss you? >> yeah, a little good luck there. i don't think that goal was ever coming. >> it's abby in her head. she is just so good in the air. you can never take a break with the u.s. you have to be ready because we're going to come at you. >> that's the u.s. captain. what a goal. it's not just americans here.
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there is actually a french person here who was getting optimistic. what do you think of the goal? the americans are now in the lead. >> i am very upset. but it's a game, so -- i would love to see the french team winning, but it's a game, so we'll see at the end -- >> reporter: well, there are still 11 minutes left. good luck. there is a lot of tension, randi, here in the bar. isn't there always tensions in the bar? maybe back to you. >> only you, richard. you get paid to spend the7á8 afternoon in a bar watching a game. what a good deal -- >> thank you, richard. keep us -- huh-uh. it's getting very exciting. thank you, richard. a reality tv producer facing
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they say the shooter was asleeper agent of the taliban. it was a very emotional day for president karzai. >> reporter: yes, it has been a very difficult day for the president of afghanistan today. today he buried a brother who was his staunches ali in the country, and he buried a brother. mr. karzai arrived for the funeral in a helicopter and was joined by thousands of mourners. he was openly crying during the ceremony. he climbed into his brother's freshly dug grave. he was joined at the grave site by power brokers and others.
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>> any new details on the taliban's claims that they were behind this? >> reporter: this murder still remains buried in mystery. it seems that that's not necessarily clear if the shooter was asleeper agent. a team of investigators have landed in kandahar to try and find out. many of his relatives and friends have been arrested, but with the two witnesses in this -- the two main witnesses now dead, it's possible we will never really know what happened. >> with wali karzai holding so much power in southern afghanistan, and now we have a power vacuum, any clue as to who might step in to fill that? >> wali's shoes are difficult
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shoes to fill. he was the most powerful man in kandahar and perhaps the whole southern part of the country. president karzai started to try and fill that vacuum today by appointing another brother. he is a little known figure. he has been very low profile. many elders not sure that he can fill his shoes. >> and there were a couple explosions, from what i understand in kandahar after the funeral today. is there anything that we should know about that? >> reporter: well, the funeral itself passed off safely, but there were a couple explosions afterwards, a few roadside bombs were found on the road taken by the funeral. they were safely destroyed by nato forces. >> ben farmer in kabul for us. thank you. the head of pakistan's
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intelligence agency headed to washington for a day of meetings. the u.s. officials confirm the visit but would not confirm who they would be meeting with. a few days after the obama administration plans to withhold the military aid to the country. washington accused the isi of tipping off the militants, a claim they have continued to deny. and then hundreds of egyptian police officers fired. the spokesmen said 505 generals and other officials were dismissed, and some were accused of killing protesters. a california judge has ordered former survivor producer, bruce redman, to be returned to mexico on charges that he killed his wife.
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redman and his wife were vacationing in cancun in april of 2010 when his wife's body was found in a sewer. he later returned home to california. it's good news for u.s. women's soccer team fans. they just scored again at the world cup simi final cup in germany, and the score is 3-1. the body of former u.s. first lady, betty ford, on its way to michigan. [ female announcer ] one a day women's.
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she will lie in repose before being buried tomorrow next to her husband. yesterday many honored ford at a funeral in california. she was remembered as a women whose personal battles showed encouragement and grace. ted, president clinton, we know was supposed to attend yesterday's service but ended up not being able to because of mechanical problems with a plane. is he or any other dignitaries plan to attending the service in michigan? >> reporter: yeah, barbara bush will be here tomorrow as well. the chainies and rumsfelds will be here, and lynn cheney will
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deliver a eulogy. and initially her body will be brought here to the presidential museum, and there will be a small service here with the governor and mayor and family members at 5:15, and after that she will lie in repose tonight until 11:00, and to 11:00 to give people a chance to pay their respects. then as you mentioned, she'll be laid next to her husband in the back of the library in an above ground tomb after that ceremony tomorrow. >> she had so many fans, certainly because she was so outspoken and so open about what she was struggling with personally. tomorrow, as you said, it's the people's service, as you call it. any idea how many people might be expected there? >> reporter: well, they're expecting tens of thousands. you say she has a lot of fans around the world, but, boy, her fan club was here in michigan, and specifically in grand rapids. and when gerald ford died in 2007, 65,000, 70,000 people filed through during that time
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in january. it's beautiful weather here. they're expecting tens of thousands to come today, this afternoon, and then again tomorrow to pay their respects to betty ford. >> all right. ted rowlands for us there in michigan. ted, thank you. we should let you know that this is just in to cnn. good news for women's soccer fans. we have just gotten word the u.s. has beaten france. final score on today's match was 3-1. they will be moving on to the finals. very good news. every day on this show we do a segment called the big "i." it's about big ideas, big innovations and solutions to problems. we all have problems with this, pile-ups and the traffic that results. right now eyes are the only things to prevent fender bend irs. there could be an app for that. researchers in italy have created an app with an automatic accident detection system that could potentially reduce the
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number of pile-ups by 40%. say there's an accident. the first car involved in the accident triggers an alarm. the car nearby picks up on the alert with an acceleration sensor. your car further down the road finds out about it in realtime from the car just ahead of you. essentially, the app allows cars to talk to one another and then gives drivers time to slow down and avoid an accident. developers are looking into int kating the program directly into car dashboards or navigation systems. they've been tested on computer simulations. road tests will begin this summer in los angeles. for more information, you can check out my facebook page, randikayecnn. today republicans asking the american people to address change of direction. ♪
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well, as we told you, this just in, the u.s. women's soccer team has won today. they'll fw to the finals on sunday. our richard roth is celebrating, i believe, somewhere in a bar in new york city. richard, what are folks there saying? >> well, i'm always a neutral. let's find out. what's your reaction to the victory? >> fantastic. this team has done one great thing after another. what's not to love about it? every time you think, oh, boy, here we go, we're not really getting it together, bam, two goals in five minutes in this
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case. we had the late one against brazil. they're just awesome. >> reporter: what do you like about women's soccer? >> i'm a big soccer fan in general. i actually got into soccer because my sister played for many years, and by watching her, she got me watching it. >> reporter: we're going to talk to a woman who's going to germany, promised to go for the finals even if the u.s. didn't win. i was with you when they scored. we all saw you. now how do you feel? >> i feel great. i'm definitely excited to see one of my good friends, jill loiden, she's on the team. she's a backup keeper. just to see them play the way they're playing. they're going to win the world cup. >> reporter: your flight is tonight. you probably won't need an airplane to get there the way you're feeling. has the u.s. women's team become a favorite. was an underdog and is now a favorite? >> i think we've been an underdog for a while. everyone was expecting germany to win, and then when they crumbled under pressure, everybody thought, wow, this u.s. team has some heart. >> reporter: you can watch this at home.
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why come to a bar? >> i love the atmosphere, love coming with my friends and get to cheer really loud. >> reporter: that's the view of two of the viewers who watched the united nations win. the united states will be in the final against either sweden or japan. >> this is very exciting. i know exactly where you're going to be, at a bar very likely, somewhere in new york city watching the game. >> reporter: like every sunday. >> richard, thank you. time now for a cnn political update. cnn's joe johns joins me now from the political desk in washington. joe, newt gingrich praises texas governor rick perry again? >> well, you know, it's the kind of thing that gives you a little bit of an update. he's a republican presidential candidate, newt gingrich is, and he is praising rick perry, who might be a republican presidential candidate, at least at some point. so during a question and answer session in charleston,
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apparently, newt gingrich weighed in once again about rick perry. gingrich was asked who was the second best candidate for the republican nomination, and he pointed out that rick perry and he are best friends, a great friend. he also said perry wrote the forward to gingrich's book. he called him a terrific job creator. and he said he'd be a formidable candidate were he to get into the race. it's not really surprising except for the fact that, when a bunch of people abandoned gingrich's campaign, questioning his work ethic, his commitment to fund-raising, those people were advisers to rick perry, and some of them are even in place now looking at whether it would be a good idea for rick perry to run. you've got to ask, what's up with that? it's certainly something worth following, randi. >> we'll continue to follow it,
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as i'm sure you will too. thank you, joe. and your next update from the best political team on television is just an hour away. we have to be right all the time. terrorists only have to get lucky once. a stark reminder from the chairman of the house subcommittee faced with eye-opening numbers. take a look. since november of 2001, the nation's airports have seen more than 25,000 security breaches, ranging from trivial oversights to deliberate attacks. more than 14,000 involve people getting into secure areas without authorization. roughly 6,000 involve passengers or bags that weren't properly screened. in more than 2,600 cases, people evaded screening to get into so-called sterile areas, though, again, it's not clear how many of these breaches were inadvertent. still it's fresh ammunition for critics of the tsa, including congressman jason chafetz.
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>> there's no end to the creaticreat creativity of terrorists. let's remember the security breaches are 1% or less than 1%. unfortunately, we have to be right all the time. terrorists only have to get lucky once. unfortunately, a lot of what we've been participating in is security theater and has not done the job to secure the airports the way we need to. one of the personal challenges we have as a nation is how do we become more secure and yet less invasive, that we don't give up every personal liberty in the name of security, and we have to find that proper balance. it's a difficult one knowing that the threat is real. >> i want to get some insights now and some perspective from one of our go to experts on aviation security, errol sothers, former security chief and on the short list to head the tsa. what, if anything, troubles you about those numbers we just saw?
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>> randi, what troubles me most about those numbers are the 6,000 people that were able to access the airport, getting past government security screeners. regardless of how kwquantitativy the percentage is, in terms of how low it is being successful, the fact is they got through. so that's 6,000 people we need to be concerned about since 9/11 that were not subjected to screening, and we quite frankly didn't know perhaps where they were or what they were carrying. >> what's the problem here? are we talking about a flawed system or lack of resources or improperly allocated resources, poor training, what is it? >> i think it's an interesting combination. i think the first problem we have here is we have systems that are looking for what instead of who. and i think there's a human element that's being, if you will, not prioritized in a way that could be best utilized to determine who is accessing our aircraft. we have the technology. we have the capabilities.
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and i'm a proponent of a trusted travel program, a secure global travel program, where we could use biometrics and have people in a line who have subjected themselves, with all due respect to civil liberties and privacy, to a higher scrutiny level with a biometric card, and we could devote those scarce resources in the way of security staffing to address a high risk population, or higher risk population in the travelers we don't know. >> i've got to say, i've been looking at these numbers for hours since they came out earlier, and this number of 6,000 breaches where a tsa screener failed to screen a passenger or the carry-on property correctly, how is that still happening? >> randi, that's a very good question, and that's an alarming number despite the percentage. we have to stop telling the american people we're being risk based and intelligence driven when these kinds of things continue to happen. it needs to be explained. we need to do a better job, it appears, in who we select to
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screen. we need to do a better job of who's being trained to screen. there is no excuse for that number. as congress mentioned, the terrorists only have to be lucky once. we have to do a better job, and there is a way to do it. >> do you think it's too much to expect that we can prevent breaches overall in general, that they would never happen? >> i do think it is much to expect. i think that's another question we have for the american public that we're reducing risk, and that unexplained security is unattainable. when you try to secure everything, you, in fact, wind up securing nothing. we do have to have a conversation with regards to how we can reduce the risk, how we can, in fact, make the traveling more secure, but things will happen. as long as we're dealing with human beings, we're going to make mistakes. we should admit those mistakes and try to do a better job. >> erroll southers, always great to have you on the show. thank you so much. in india, a series of explosions ripped but mumbai today, killing at least 20
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people, injuring 113. the blast occurred within minutes of each other in three areas of india's financial capital. officials don't know what caused the explosions, but they quickly brought back memories of the 2008 attacks by pakistani terrorists, which killed 164 people. the entire city has been placed on high alert, as well as the capital of new delhi. our sound effect today is a new and unsettling glimpse inside the jury room at the casey anthony trial. as you probably know, anthony was acquitted of killing her daughter who vanished in 2008 but wasn't reported missing for a month. the mother spent those days bar hopping and hanging out with men. the jury foreman says that behavior troubled the panel greatly. listen. >> well, it disfwugusted us. we were all very disgusted from june 16, when it happened, to the time when -- that's what makes this hard.
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it's what made it very hard for us. it's something that i wish, because of that and seeing that, we wish there was something else we could look at that would be a felony, something where, you know, we don't have the power to do this. we don't have the ability to put the laws in place for this, but something where, if you do not report a child missing, then it's going to be a felony. and for every hour or day that it goes on, it gets worse and worse because her actions were disgusting. >> the foreman said jurors were stunned when the prosecution rested, hoping and expecting there would be more incriminating evidence. the jury did find casey anthony guilty of lying to investigators, but she's still due to leave jail a free woman this sunday. checking out some other top stories that we're following, under fire on a phone hacking scandal. media baron rupert murdoch's
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news corporation dropped a bid to take over broadcaster b sky b. this after allegations that journalists working for murdoch illegally eavesdropped on phone messages of thousands of people and bribed police. this preempted a vote in parliament that had widespread support urging murdoch to drop the bid for b sky b. a stern warning by fed chairman ben bernanke. if congress fails to raise the debt ceiling by the august 2nd deadline, it could be a major financial crisis. bernanke's grim prediction was part of his twice annual report to congress. bernanke said the bank would supply more stimulus if needed and said the fed was prepared to raise interest rates if inflation does become a major issue. in germany, a huge victory for the american women's soccer team playing on a wet, slippery field. they beat france 3-1 in their world cup semifinal match. the americans advance to the world cup finals for the first
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time since they last won the title. that was 1999. abby wambach broke a hard fought tie with a big header off lauren cheney's corner kick in the 79th minute. alex morgan added an insurance goal in the 82nd minute. the american women will play either japan or sweden in sunday's final. we wish them luck. he was a genius when it came to economics, recognized for going from the dirt roads of kenya to the halls of harvard. yet we're learning he may have come close to giving up his legacy. the president of the united states. details about the other barack obama next. ilm so strong it survives brushing. thankfully, there's listerine® antiseptic. its triple-action formula penetrates biofilm, kills germs and protects your mouth for hours. fight biofilm with listerine®. kills germs and protects your mouth for hours. right now, go to priceline for a sneak peek at recent winning and better than ever! hotel bids to find where you n save up to 60% on hotels. * we'll even email you other people's winning bids,
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independence generation and a brilliant economist, yet he was also a polygamist and an alcoholic who ended up becoming a father of an american president. barack obama sr. has been somewhat of a mystery to most, even to his own son president obama. but sally jacobs did the research and discovered unbelievable information about a man who lived a rather complicated life. here to discuss her book "the other barack, the bold and reckless life of president obama's father," sally jacobs. first question for you. what inspired you to look into the life of barack obama sr.? >> well, clearly, there was not a great deal known about him. as the campaign went on, it seemed that this was a person we needed to know more about. there was a fair amount of information out there public about the would be president's mother, but the father was an unclear figure. >> you mention in your book that there was a chance, and actually some evidence, that he actually
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wanted to put his son, now president obama, up for adoption. what can you tell us about that? >> what i found is that in his immigration document there is a memo in which obama sr. tells the foreign student adviser at the university of hawaii, where he was enrolled, that his wife ann dunham was making arrangements with the salvation army to put their baby up for adoption. the baby was undorn at the time. did they actually do that? it's unclear. ann dunham had every reason to do it. she was 18 years old. she was having a mixed race baby at a time when intermarriage was very rare. she took her responsibility seriously. obama sr. had every reason to put the baby up for adoption. at the time, he was renewing his visa or hoping to. if immigration officials saw him as a polygamist with a mixed race baby, that might not have been the best profile to put forward. >> family members say they don't
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believe there was ever any evidence or any thoughts about putting barack obama up for adoption. do you believe they were actually considering it, given the evidence that you've seen? is >> i think it's more likely that obama sr. told them that to make them think the baby was going to vanish. it gave a cleaner profile for him to immigration officials. the only thing i do wonder about is he said the salvation army. the salvation army did have a maternity home in honolulu. it's interesting he mentioned that. maybe they talked about it, didn't go ahead with it. i don't think they made arrangements to actually do it, though. >> he speaks so sweetly about his mother. do you think, if he was raised by his father, he would be president today? >> you know, this is certainly speculative. myself, it would be unlikely. obama sr. was a brave person in some respects. he was extremely self-destructive also. i think he wasn't a very nurturing person and was very self-absorbed. i think obama jr. might have
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chosen a very different life, would be a different person in many respects if he'd grown up with that kind of a paternal figure. >> in all of your research for the book, what surprised you most about obama sr.? >> well, the two events in his life that i found most surprising was, "a," the adoption piece, and also that he was forced to leave harvard before he really needed to go, and that had to do with his personal life and not his academics. he did quite well at the school but had to leave. >> was there anything positive? we talk so much about the fact that he was kicked out of harvard. he later died at the age of 46 in a car accident. anything positive? anything redeeming about obama sr.? >> absolutely. for starters, he was hugely successful in one sense. he made it from a very poor, simple childhood in western africa to harvard. he was really a brilliant economist. also, his story was deeply entwined with that of kenya of the moment. he was a fierce advocate for the
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african people. he was not happy with the way the government was going, and he spoke out very boldly against the administration of kenyatta. he did not feel the little man was getting his fair due, and obama sr. was very cure yiourag about that at some personal risk. >> what do you think president obama will think about this book of yours about his father 1234 >> i think he'll find a lot that he didn't know in it. i cannot imagine it would be a very easy book to read, but i think any child who doesn't know their parent might want to know the true story about him. that's my hope. >> we certainly appreciate you coming on and telling us about the book and sharing some of what you found. thank you so much. >> thank you. well, his books have titles like "god's war on terror," "say at th and why i left jihad, but is this reformed terrorist really who he says he is?
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he says he was a terrorist claim to go have bombed an israeli bank. he also says he's been a member of the plo who attacked israeli soldiers and grew up a devout muslim who hated jews. now whalid chabad has converted to christianity and travels the u.s. about the danger of muslim. his request to them all muslims need to be profiled, all organizations, from doctors to engineers to students, ought to be investigated, and mosques in the u.s. should not be considered houses of worship but terror centers. cnn's drew griffin joins me with much more on this. tell me about this guy. is it legit? >> he certainly has a lot to say about islam and terrorism. our main thing is who he's teaching it to. he's teaching cops, which should
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mean his credentials have all been checked out. maybe not. >> i think we are at war with islamic fundamentalism and islamism, which stems from islam. no historian can ignore that islamists basically invadeded christiandom. >> shoebat's argument is the epitome of good versus evil. islamic terrorist turned ultraconservative christian. a u.s. citizen because his mother is american. he's a darling on the terror circuits. yes, he believes the war on terror is a holy war. he portrays himself as a man converted and on a mission. once a jew-hating, bomb throwing terrorist, now a devout christian convert warning the world islam is out to destroy you. that
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[ speaking arabic ] >> that is how you recite the coran. i know the koran forwards and backwards. if you believe they're wrong, smite off their necks. zbl >> reporter: his message before a largely partisan crowd of cops and emergency responders at this south dakota homeland security conference, trust no muslim, especially those who organize. >> know your enemy. know your enemy. all islamist organizations in america should be the number one enemy. all of them. islamism in america should be focused on. >> reporter: he is being paid $5,000 plus expenses to speak here with your tax dollars. he was also given a rapid city police guard during his time in
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the city, a nice day's work. judging by his website, where he highlights more than three dozen speaking engagements, shoebat gets a lot of work. but the question we ask, randi, is should anyone believe anything he says? we took our time with this investigation. we spent months trying to track down all of his so-called credit l sha ials. his being a terrorist. his being with the plo. he was very hostile when we began asking any questions. >> i'm sure anyone watching this at home is probably asking themselves, why did the south dakota homeland security or anybody else hire this guy without checking out his credentials? >> we asked that of south dakota, right? number one, there's not a lot of muslims there. there's not a lot of terrorism centered in south dakota. why is this guy speaking there to begin with? he spoke there last year. he's back by popular demand. he was voted one of the most popular speakers there. the department of homeland security in washington said,
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hey, we don't do the vetting. we leave that up to the states. but if anybody's teaching profiling, we don't go with that. >> i'm certainly looking forward to finding out much more about what you found out in the investigation, drew. thanks so much for coming on. drew griffin will have much more on this investigation tonight on "anderson cooper 360" at 10:00 p.m. eastern. and you'll find this investigation only on cnn. it is about 20 minutes past the hour. here's a look at today's top stories. the body of former first lady betty ford will be flown to michigan today. tonight there will be a private memorial service held in her honor. she will be buried next to her husband in michigan. yesterday first ladies past and present gathered for her funeral in palm springs, california. afghan president hamid karzai led thousands of mourners at his brother's funeral today, ahmed whalid karzai. he was killed by one of his security guards. the guard was shot dead by other guards. he had worked for karzai the
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last eight years. the taliban have claimed responsibility, saying the guard acted under their direction. the jury has been seated in the perjury trial of baseball great roger clemens. the 11-time all-star pitcher is on trial for perjury. the charges stem from his testimony before congress when he said he never used any performance-enhancing drugs. some 140 witnesses could be called, including fellow athletes, trainers, and managers. one of the expected star witnesses is clemens' former teammate andy pettitte, who has admitted to using the drugs and says that clemens told him that he did as well. the fallout from britain's hacking scandal may extend across the atlantic. did murdoch's journalists target 9/11 victims? the call for an investigation heats up here at home.
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or visit your local liberty mutual office, where an agent can help you find the policy that's right for you. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? in the "cnn in depth," we're taking a close look at the fallout surrounding the hacking scandal in britain. rupert murdoch's news corp dropped the bid to take over british broadcaster b sky b today. it comes as david cameron blasted murdoch's company and
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launched a high powered investigation. >> i think this is the right decision, i've been saying that this company clearly needs to sort out the problems there are at news international, at the "news of the world." that must be the priority, not takeovers. so the right decision, but also the right decision for the country too. we've now got to get on with the work of a police investigation and the public inquiry that i've set up today. >> murdoch's troubles may extend far beyond the english channel. as the pressure builds and more investigations are launched, there are now serious questions as to whether murdoch's news corp broke u.s. law by bribing foreign officials. u.s. senator frank lautenberg from new jersey is urging attorney general eric holder and the securities and exchange commission to launch an investigation. also comments from commerce chairman jay rockefeller, who launched concerns over whether murdoch's journalists targeted 9/11 victims as well. i want to bring in richard
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levick who specializes in crisis management. he joins us from d.c. via skype. richard, you've been following this very closely. how deep do you think this all really goes? >> this is not about a lone reporter. this is about a business practice. you have 40 years of rupert murdoch intimidating politicians, and now it's a payback time. that's a challenge. the other challenge is this is not a british or australian company, it's a global company. the issue in an anti-mack developian way, meaning that bad news is being leaked out over time, and we're learning all the revelations. hacking into the phone of the 13-year-old girl who was later found to be dead. hacking into the phones of 9/11 victims apparently. hacking into the phones of deceased british afghan and iraq war veterans. all of that speaks to a way of doing business and for rupert
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murdoch, for the entire enterprise, those are very difficult questions to deal with. they're not going away any time soon. >> questions and allegations, we should point out, as the investigation continues. i do want to ask you about this civil lawsuit against news corp that was filed in delaware. we also have the senators now wondering whether or not u.s. law might have been broken. is this just the beginning, do you think? >> i think it is just the beginning. if you ask the question, is this pattern of practice -- and it goes back at least six, seven years in britain -- what about his other properties? "the wall street journal," who i might add, has been tepid in its coverage here. if this was "the new york times" that was alleged to have done this, i don't imagine there's enough news print for him in the world to have put out their coverage. yet when it's one of their own, when it's their owner, we see about one story a day on average. what about fox? does roger ayles have
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investigations to do on his own? when rupert murdoch was asked about his number one priority, he put his arm around his number two, deborah brooks, and said she's my number one priority. she's not his number one priority. the value of this is his number one priority. do you think journalism -- >> what would you advise him? is there something he can do better? >> one, this is known as a tsunami. unless you've been in this kind of storm before, he's not only dealing with legal issues and investigations in britain, he's now being called before parliament. it's not mandatory, but he needs to decide if he wants to go. i think he's hard presseded not to go with his son and miss brooks. he's being investigated for corrupt practices act investigations. he also has stockholder litigation, which you alluded to, and the list goes on. this is just the beginning. how has he dealt with it so far?
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usually, when you make a sacrifice -- in the old saying, in crisis, the gods of london and washington demand the sacrifice. usually sacrificing the "news of the world," sacrificing the bskyb deal would have been enough. they may be enough for some audiences, but because of 40 years of intimidating large numbers of politicians, competitors, and others, it's going to go on for some time. it's historic in nature. no, i don't think he used his weekend very well. i don't think he realized monday morning just how significant this crisis is. >> if you had to bet, do you think he'll appear before parliament or no? >> i think he has to. if he doesn't, he's showing himself to be frightened. if he does, that's the moment where he needs to pivot and use it as a platform. one of the things that's been missing through all of this is him announcing a top to bottom investigation. you know, i'm not so sure that "news of the world" was much of
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a sacrifice. it's a 168-year-old enterprise, highly profitable, but how much of it is he just shifting over to "the sun" newspaper that has been significantly underperforming? bskyb is a problem, but for how long? it frees up an immense amount of capital for him right now, which means in a year or two he'll be able to decide what to purchase at this point. what have been his sacrifices? he has not announced the kind of deep investigations, and he's not made any human sacrifices. you know, his son james is still there, who signed the checks for the investigators. miss brooks is still there, who knew or should have known the kind of behavior that was being engaged. you cannot hire investigators for $100,000 a year and say, go find this story and then not ask how it occurred. >> richard levick, appreciate your insight, and certainly this story isn't going away. i'm sure we'll be talking to you again soon. thank you. you don't need me to tell you it is hot out there. but in some places it's a bit
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more stifling than others. chad myers joins us in the cnn severe weather center. chad, a lot of folks asking, when is this going to end? >> for d.c. and for philadelphia and baltimore, it ends today. and for really yesterday for buffalo and chicago and detroit. that's great. but there's a front that's right there causing the cooler air to the north and the warmer air to the south, and that front is not going to get all the way down into georgia, not going to get to birmingham, even raleigh or charleston. so the temperatures that you see here, everybody basically approaching 100, will be the story for the rest of the week. you add in the humidity, and, in fact, it's even hotter than that. feels like 104 in atlanta, 104 montgomery, 104 jackson. even shreveport at 108 degrees. one more thing the heat can do is pop-up thunderstorms. that right there is one significant thunderstorm right just in northern virginia and also parts of maryland. we're talking about rockville to rockville pike back into d.c. dulles about ready to get hit. we've had in some spots here, go ahead, we're going to make that
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number. 247 lightning strikes in that little cell right there. so the big threat could be some wind, probably small hail, but lightning. make sure the pests are inside. make sure you're inside. you'll want to be the highest thing out there because 247 lightning strikes in one thunderstorm is a pretty big number, and it's moving into a very populated place. if you're on the mall today, just find one of those big great museums to go inside at least for maybe another hour or so. >> excellent advice, chad. thank you. >> you bet. explosions leave at least 20 dead in mumbai, india. we'll have all the details for you right after this. [ male announcer ] you sprayed them.
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35 minutes past the hour. let's take a look at some of the other news and the headlines you may have missed. disaster in mumbai today. at least 20 people were killed, more than 100 others hurt. in a series of blasts in india's financial capital. police say the triple blasts occurred within minutes of each other in several busy commercial areas. new delhi and calcutta have been placed on high alert. in it a statement today, president obama condemned the attacks. since november of 2001, the nation's airports have seen more than 25,000 security breaches ranging from trivial oversights to deliberate attacks.
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more than 14,000 involve people getting into secure areas without authorization. roughly 6,000 involve passengers or bags that weren't properly screened. in more than 2,600 cases, people evaded screen to go get into so-called sterile areas. though it's not clear how many of these breaches were actually inadvertent. top law makers are meeting with president obama at the white house for the fourth straight day. leaders from both political parties still struggling to reach a deal to raise the nation's debt ceiling. administrative officials have warned the effort to raise the current $14.3 billion ceiling by august 2nd could trigger a partial default. speaking of the debt ceiling, how much clearer does federal reserve chairman ben bernanke have to be? today he repeated the same warning he has issued to congress over and over. if it fails to raise the u.s. debt ceiling by august 2nd, the economic fallout could be, quote, catastrophic. bernanke also pointed out a u.s. default would increase interest
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rates and send economic shock waves throughout the entire global system. a three-judge federal appeals panel says tucson shooting suspect jared lee loughner can refuse anti-psychotic medication. the court ruled that forcing him to take the drugs would violate his rights because he's not been convicteded of a crime. loughner is being held in a mental hospital after an earlier court ruling found him incompetent to stand trial. and the u.s. women's soccer team is close to partying like it's 1999. they defeated them by a score of 3-1 to go to the world cup final. they'll play either sweden or japan. abby wambach broke a hard fought tie. what must more japan face? contaminated beef?
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the cia now involved in a secret mission in somalia. a u.s. official tells cnn it involves the interrogation of terror suspects linked to an al qaeda terrorist operation in somalia. here to talk about it is michael. it's al shabab, right? >> yes, that's the organization in somalia. the u.s. is worried they're getting more and more comfy with the al qaeda affiliate in yemen. there's been a lot of concern about this. the nation magazine was reporting that the cia has been involved in the interrogation of terror suspects, both at a little compound at mogadishu airport and also in a secret prison are they say, in the
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basement of the national security organization in the capital. now, barbara starr's contacts are saying that this has happened very rarely, the cia agents are there as observers. they might get the interrogators to ask a question, they're not directly involved, it's only happened a couple of times, but what it really does point to is growing concern in the u.s. intelligence area that they're getting too cozy and they're worried about more terror coming out of somalia. >> it really says something about how concerned they really are and how serious the situation is if they're putting cia members in somalia. we know how dangerous it can be for our own people. >> it's one of the most dangerous places to be. it's still a country largely run by warlords and clans and militias as well. to have cia people in there to even observe interrogations, i can't imagine how worried they really are. >> how forthcoming are these people going to be? >> what we've heard is they haven't had a lot of success. no actionable information has come out of these
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interrogations, but the fact they're happening is the relevant thing, which is interesting. >> i also want to talk about this story oust south korea. "the new york times" is reporting just an alarming number of suicides. it's really a tough story to talk about. i believe, if i remember correctly, three time the rate of suicide there than here in the u.s. >> 30 people a day are committing suicide in south korea. very worrying statistics. it is three times -- it's the highest in the industrialized world and three times the u.s. rate, as you say. and the thing is that it's covering all facets of society there, from rural farmers who are depressed about poverty, right through to athletes and entertainers and politicians. very disturbing stuff. the other thing that's linked to it -- it's the usual sort of reasons, poverty, stress, workload, that sort of stuff. a couple of other factors. in south korea, it's almost a cultural thing to not be open to the idea of mental illness, not to go and get treated.
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the idea they normally end up down in the pub or talking to shamans. >> it has that stigma a lot of places, which is why people don't get help. and also they're paying in cash when they do get help so there's no record. >> so it doesn't show up on their insurance. and south korea one of the wealthiest, most advanced nations in the industrialized world. before they became wired and modernized and the way they are now, they had one of the lowest suicide rates in the industrialized wor industrialized world. now it's the highest. >> very interesting. >> that cultural side of it too, people not getting help. >> another issue i want to talk about japan. >> radioactive cows, yeah. >> whoa, this is not good. >> no, it's not good. they found that radioactive meat from critters like those have actually reached consumers in eight different prefectures. they think it's six cows at the moment. yesterday we were going to talk
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about this on globe trekking, but the president was on. we were going to talk about the fact that 11 cows had been found with levels of radioactive cesium three to six times above the safety standard set in japan, but nobody knew whether the meat had gotten to consumers. now we learned that meat from six cows has actually gotten through to consumers. what the japanese officials are saying don't panic. the levels they have set as safety levels are set for continued consumption, exposure over a long period of time, and that if you have a couple of steaks, you should be fine. it also does concern people because it's showing the food safety net, if you like, that they set up following the radiation crisis after the fukushima plant isn't working. the meat got through. they think the cows got radiation from eating hay. >> i'd like to be optimistic, but remember last time the
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keep your borrowing costs in check. the average rate on a 30-year mortgage was 4.7% in may down from february's 5.1%. it's expected to creep back up next year. you've got a window here to refinance. you can also negotiate fees and other lending costs associated with a refi. if you need new furniture, now might be the right time to buy. furniture sales typically slow down in the summer, and some retailers might cut you a deal to move some of the stagnant inventory. don't settle for the advertised deals. sometimes you get more off by just asking. floor models can also save you cash, up to 25% off in some cases. so here's a question for you. should parents lose custody of their kids if the children get too fat? our stream team will tackle that question next. [ barks ] ♪ [ cat meows ] ♪
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in a handful of cases across the united states, morbidly obese children at risk of serious health problems were taken away from their parents. a harvard pediatrics professor and obesity expert thinks this is a good idea. he says the services that child support services typically provide, such as in home support, parenting, counseling, and financial assistance may address the problems of childhood morbid obesity. but if none of this works, then foster care is a viable alternative. the question for today's stream team is this. should morbidly obese children be taken from their homes, taken away from their parents? lisa bloom is an attorney and the author of "think straight talk for women to stay smart in
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a dumbed down world." and the director of psychiatry. thank you all for coming and being part of the stream team today. lisa, i'd like to start with you. do you support this recommendation? do you think this is a good idea? >> if all else fails, yes. parents are entrusted to protect the health and safety of their children. we wouldn't allow children in a home that keeps a loaded gun on the table. we don't let parents smoke frequently in front of their children. a morbidly obese child means the child is at risk of death. the parents aren't able to feed that child properly. if parents can't get that under control via parenting classes, the child has to be taken out of that home. >> has getting child protective services involved helped the morbidly obese kids but led to a few being pulled out of the home, do you think the program would be worth it? >> i think this is a really
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complicated question because childhood obesity and owe bis y i obesity in general is a tough component. there's also a genetic component, and we're learning about genes and their interaction with the environment. it's very complicated, and i don't think we've exhausted even remotely any of the societial things that should be in place to address this. as a last resort, because of the things that lisa mentioned about the psychiatric impact and the health peimpact, if all else fails, for the sake of the child, if there is a sign of abuse or neglect from the parent, i would resort to that. but it would be a very, very difficult decision, and i think a lot of different experts would have to be involved to make that call. >> again, i want to ask you, if you can pull a child out of the home for malnutrition, a lot of people would say, well, shouldn't you able to pull them out for morbid obesity as well and return them when they get healthy and can get the support they need at home?
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>> i think the instance of this being a positive is vanishingly rare. there are, of course, going to be bizarre cases. but removing a child from a home is really traumatic. the idea that you're going to stick a child in a foster home, which often, quite honestly, is not a great environment either, and that that's going to keep them from eating, overeating, is frankly an oxymoron. it doesn't even make a lot of sense. there are many factors that lead to childhood obesity, but emotional factors are one of them. so the idea that you're going to traumatize a child who doesn't have the experience at that moment of being abused, by taking them away from their family is going to create another cascade of problems. while i appreciate the fact that morbid obesity can create terrible problems, i think we have to look for other solutions, and i think that it's different for malnutrition in the sense that that is a deprivati
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deprivation. that is a taking away and denying a child. this, in a roundabout way, i guess you could say is, but it's really more of an overdoing it, usually due to lack of education or emotional issues that are going on like a replalt of love with food, lack of money and certain things that it seems to me really could be tackled in other ways. >> but, malina, it really does come down to economics. in a way, isn't this punishing poor people who may not be able to afford healthier, more expensive food, and then you take their children away? >> yes, i think that's an excellent point. i think we have to face the fact this is much more of an issue in low income minorities and that that's where the resources need to be focused. these people often don't have the budget, the time to come home and shop and prepare healthy meals and get exercise for their kids. they're not exercising themselves. they don't have the resources to go to a gym. if they live in a community where it's not safe to walk, they can't walk in the evenings with their kids. i think we need to focus much
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more on the resources to these type of parents. it is, we cannot just say that these parents have their children taken away because they're not trying hard enough because it is such a complex disease, obesity, that we cannot just blame the parents. we have to support them and do whatever they can financially and emotionally to get them on the right track for their kids. >> we are going to have to leave it there. lisa, i'm so sorry. i know you wanted to add something in. >> just wanted to stick up for foster parents. >> there you go. you got the last word. thank you all for coming on. appreciate it. very important discussion. thank you. time now for cnn political update. cnn's joe johns joining me from the political desk in washington. joe, the republican party has new ads out slamming the president. what do you know? >> that's right, randi. do you remember the speeches by pt obama regarding a car stuck in a ditch.
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it seems to me he said that repeatedly. it's no doubt the republicans have picked up on that theme, actually expanded on it, actually to the point that the first ad uses a car metaphor. the car lands in the water at the end of the spot. take a look. >> you see they democrats have a very different measure of what constitutes progress in this country. you can put a little extra money away. >> they're not going to get all the way to the car there. didn't quite get all the way to the car there. probably needed to cue it up a little later. the spot is supposed to air mostly in battleground states that the president won in 2008. this time around, the gop is hoping they're going to be competitive. the second try is a charm, randi. >> all right, joe. thanks so much. all right. you've only got 140 letters to convince a university to admit
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