tv CNN Presents CNN July 16, 2011 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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nelson mandela project on monday and does their bit for the community to repay him and also you i think as well. because you've certainly earned all our respect. thank you very much. >> thank you, piers. nice talking to you. and i hope we do get in studio one day. >> i look forward to that. that was morgan free man a great man. >> tonight, a larry king exclusive 10 years in the making. the stars of harry potter open up about the very last potter movie ever. >> i kind of wept like a child on that last day. >> the most successful film franchise in history. >> little children are sometimes scared of me because they think
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i can really do a spell with magic in real life. >> coming to an end. >> i am grateful to be a part, loved every day of it. >> never before seen footage of the making of voldemort, behind the scenes footage never revealed and scenes you will not see anywhere else. >> daniel radcliffe, emma watson. watson.rupert grint, helena bonham carter robbie coltrane, james and oliver phelps and tom felton, they're all here on the larry king special, harry potter, "the final chapter." >> i'm coming to you from harry potter the exhibition in new york city. you might recognize the griffendor room, behind me.
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whether you're a muggle or full-blown wizard, it may be hard to believe one of hollywood's most successful franchises ever is about to come to an end, from books to movies to a theme park in orlando, j.k rowling's story about a young boy's stories and a wizard is a pop culture phenomenon. over the last ten years, seven films alone have made $6 billion. tonight, you'll hear secrets from the set. you'll see how the wizarding world was brought to the big screen. we'll even show you an exclusive never before seen clip of the final movie just days before it opens. but, first, a look back at how it all began. >> be safe, be strong.
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>> harry potter, the boy who lived, faces his biggest challenge yet. a final showdown with the dark lord voldemort, an epic battle ten years in the making. the last harry potter. how's that feel? >> very very strange considering we've done it for 10 years. but a wonderful feeling of particularly very very proud of this last film and it's the best out of all of them, i think. i'm very very excited. >> also excited, the millions of harry potter fans around the world, who have been waiting years for this finale. >> from what i could see, it's pretty epic. i think we do -- we do it justice. >> now, join me, harry, and
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confront your faith. >> voldemort is rising again and really quite disturbing as we're losing characters we have known since the first book. i think it's going to be really shocking to see the cast collapse into this kind of burning piles of rubble. >> come on, tom, let's finish this the way we started. >> harry potter and the deathly hallows, part two is sure to be the biggest movie event of the summer and will give fans the ending they've been waiting to see since we first met the wizard in 2001's harry potter and the sorcerers stone. it was ten years ago for the very first time we were able to see the wizarding world until then only imagined in books. >> plenty of courage, i see. not a bad mind either. there's talent. >> up, get up! >> we laid eyes on harry potter,
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an orphan who was made to live under the cupboard under the stairs by his aunt and uncle. >> there's no such thing as magic. >> come see what he's doing. >> tormented by his cousin, feeling isolated and alone, who found out he was not only a wizard, but the most famous wizard at all. we were also introduced to his two best friends. >> are you doing magic? >> the book's smart know it all hermione granger. it made stars out of daniel radcliffe, emma watson and rupert grint. they have grown up before our eyes. >> it's really strange, the only way i can describe it.
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i was so young, it's difficult to remember much of my life before this happened to me. it coming to an end is, you know, it's huge. i was 9 years old. i was still losing teeth. if that puts it in perspective. i was still losing baby teeth. >> the first film was an instant hit for warner brothers, which like cnn, is owned by timewarner. that wasn't a surprise. by then, harry was already a household name around the world to the millions of fans of the books. all dreamed up by an unlikely author, j.k. rowling, who at that time was a single mother on welfare when she came up with an idea about a boy who does not know he's a wizard. do you remember how -- it's impossible to say how an idea came about? do you remember the concept? >> it came to me on a train from
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manchester to london in england. >> what came? >> the idea for this boy who didn't know what he was until he was 11. then he got this invitation to go off to wizard school. i had this very physical response to the idea, i felt so excited and thought it would be such fun to write. >> the first book was released in 1997 released as a simple children's book by an unknown author. many people including j.k. rowling herself didn't have high hopes. >> in all honesty, i thought if it ever got published it would -- it is kind of a book for obsessives. i thought there would be a few people who would like it a lot and not have broader view. >> rowling who was turned down by several publishers, has become one of the richest woman in the world, so successful she supposedly surpassed the queen in wealth.
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her stories sold more than 400 million copies. the books are available in 200 countries and have been translated into some 70 languages. each release of a new novel was a cause for celebration for fans who waited in lines for days to walk out with the latest story. in 2007, when rowling released the final chapter of the series, "harry potter and the deathly hallows," we knew it would eventually come to this. >> the boy who lived. come to die. >> harry and voldemort's final stand, the last harry potter movie ever. >> you said this one, the one opening later this week is the best. >> uh-huh. >> why. >> i think it's the most exciting.
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i think it's the most direct. i think we did so well from seven part one by setting up all the plot that people need to understand this second film we can dive straight in and give people this. in this film, we find the balance best between the emotional side of the films and the action packed adventure exciting side. i think we've never got the balance so right before. >> i would agree. it's a hell of a movie. >> it is a hell of a movie. coming up, an exclusive clip from the final harry potter film you won't see anywhere else, plus we'll show you how ray plus we'll show you how ralph fiennes went from this to this. what happened on the last day of filming. >> i wept like a child on the last day. >> when this larry king special, harry potter, the final chapter
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we'll give you $50 towards your next trip. any questions? no. you know... ♪ we're not magicians ♪ we can't read your mind ♪ ♪ read your mind ♪ we need your questions ♪ each and every kind ♪ every kind ♪ will this react with my other medicine? ♪ ♪ hey, what are all these tests even for? ♪ ♪ questions are the answer ♪ yeah ♪ oh
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perfect boy. >> it was a very difficult process. finding harry was very hard, like trying to find scarlet o'hara. i think everyone was getting slightly desperate. i was walking down the streets in edinboro in london and looking at boys who passed me in a very suspicious way and could it be him and the producer and director walked in the theater and found dan and he is an actor and perfect. >> daniel's biggest role was in a previous movie series, david copperfield. his parents tried to keep him from trying out for the part of movies, and the producer asked the boy's parents if he could audition. not wanting this role to disrupt his childhood, they declined. eventually, fate stepped in one day at the theater. >> i was sitting in the theater minding my own business with my
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mom and dad and in front of us was the producer of "harry potter," david heyman and the screenwriter, steve kloves. i was unaware of why this man kept staring at me through the show and didn't know what to make of it. i remember my dad and mom getting quite flustered. eventually, that was the moment they said maybe this was meant to be. let's let him audition. >> how did they tell you you got it? >> i was in the bath and my dad got the phone call downstairs and came in and said, you've got the part. i was just very very happy. >> how old were you? >> i was 11. i think i just turned 11. i had no idea what the implications were but knew that probably meant i bought myself ab half hour extra before i had to go to bed that night. >> the implications were that radcliffe's life was about to change forever. >> did you have a normal boyhood? >> it's very hard to say.
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i guess no is the official answer. i certainly didn't have normal teenage years but equally, i don't really know what normal means. was i happy and healthy and surrounded by fun and love? yes. i was also surrounded by inspirational, interesting people from a variety of different backgrounds. >> so many child stars for want of a better term, kids who become famous early have major problems. >> yes. >> you didn't. can you explain that? kids are not supposed to be famous at 11. >> no, they're not. i think what i put it down to is the fact that the -- i think it's very different doing it in england than doing it in america. when you do it over here, you are treated as a star first and a child second, whereas in england, it's the other way around, you're treated as a child first and you're also an
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actor in films. i don't think anyone panders to it possibly as much in england as they do in america. thankfully i have not gone massively off the rails. >> have you enjoyed it? >> oh, yeah, immensely, absolutely. i mean, while there have been moments obviously i'd be lying if i said every single day was fantastic, but, you know, generally speaking, i just had the best time. i got to work with my best friends everyday. >> do you like harry? >> yes. >> anything you don't like about him? >> of course. he's kind of arrogant and selfish at times. not so much in the later films and also, i think there's often a little bit of the smell of burning martyr about harry. he occasionally, i think, likes to -- the fact that it's all on him and i think the lying snape says he seems to relish his name
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while i don't think that's true, he does have a hero complex that he thinks he always has to be the hero, which i suffer from myself sometimes. >> really? >> i think so, yes. >> not wanting to be typecast forever as harry potter, radcliffe began branching out. in 2008, he made his broadway debut in a controversial show, equis, appearing naked on stage. >> not to expect the jumping. >> not to expect the jumping. >> everyone would expect the jumping but dancing and singing is something completely different. i have the energy to do it at this age. i might as well be doing it. i do think there's -- as an actor -- i don't think you'll ever work that much harder than doing a broadway show,
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particularly a musical eight times a week. yeah, i like working hard. that's the other thing that potter has instilled in me is a work ethic that i love to work. >> how have you kept a balance through all of this? >> i think the most important thing for me to remember, it doesn't matter who would have got this part, they would be receiving this kind of attention and this much -- when you step out of the car at a premier and you get hit by that wall of noise and screaming, it's very important to me to remember they would be screaming for somebody else had he got the part. it's not about me. it's about the franchise and the character. that, i kind of have to think about a lot to keep it in perspective and stop myself getting big headed. >> coming up next, behind the scenes exclusives, special effect wizards will show us never before scene footage of the making of lord voldemort.
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plus, an exclusive first look from a scene of "harry potter and the deathly hallows part ii" on harry potter, the final chapter. you need a little help with your mortgage, want to avoid foreclosure. smart move. candy? um-- well, you know, you're in luck. we're experts in this sort of thing, mortgage rigamarole, whatnot. r-really? absolutely, and we guarantee results, you know, for a small fee, of course. such are the benefits of having a professional on your side. [whistles, chuckles] why don't we get a contract? who wants a contract? [honks horn] [circus music plays] here you go, pete. thanks, betty. we're out of toner. [circus music plays] sign it. come on. sign it. [honks horn] around the country. every single day, saving homes. we will talk it over...
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books try to eat children. magic spells are cast, with the simple wave of a wand. >> fantastic, ginny! >> where ralph fiennes transforms into voldemort. >> there is a complication in books and j.k. writings is great and gives a very good description but writing on the page and translating it into the moving image is difficult because everybody has an idea when they read the book what it might look like. >> tim burke has been the visual effects supervisor for the past eight years, his job, trying to make everything that happens at hogwarts look real. >> visual effects and harry potter go hand-in-hand. you can't make the films without them. >> burke leads a team of
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hundreds of production wizards who make movie magic on the big screen. >> i don't think the audience would realize how many special effects are in the movie especially down to the environment and what was shot in the green screen and the final film and he's standing in the scottish islands. it often surprises people. >> what's down there? >> thankfully our three hero actors basically have learned how to act to the green screen stages with nothing else to work off of, which is essential for us because it's only through that we can show it existed later on. >> and from the ones they created for the films, he has his favorites. >> when we did the hippogriff on the third film, that was a big technical challenge at the time
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and maybe easy to do now but at the time a very difficult complex thing to do. it was a very big character in the film. we had to do a lot of complex things involving harry having to ride and then fly on the back of it. so realizing completing that, the film was quite an achievement. more recently, i really, really thought the work we did with creature and dobby in deathly hallows part 1 was really top notch. you had to empathize with these little characters to the point you really had to feel harry's emotional distress when dobby died at the end to do a cg creature that causes the audience to shed a tear was a challenge and we managed to pull that off. that was quite a difficult thing but quite rewarding. >> for every rewarding challenge there are some effects burke says have fallen flat.
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>> you're pleased with some things and others are not quite as good as you hoped. i think for me, if i'm completely honest, it would probably be grawp on the fifth film didn't quite hit the mark unfortunately. we weren't really quite sure how believable he was at the end of the day. i was very disappointed, to be honest. you can't win them all. >> one of the most important transformations tim and his team have done, turning ralph fiennes into the dark voldemort, seen for the first time, we were able to show you how it was done. >> the face is something we finessed the technique over the years and basically, ralph fiennes wears prosthetic matrix and a number of dots we cover the area and have to replace
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with a digital prosthetic. we filmed ralph fiennes in all the action sequences and drama just normally. and removed his real nose in the computer afterwards and after we track the movement with the computer we replace it with our snape nose. there are moments we flare the nostrils to emphasize the points he's speaking or talking and animation and it has to be textured to look like it was his real skin. that's done through a lot of reference photos we ache take for every set we film and use those to help lighten the skin. >> another one of burke's favorite effects, the monster book of monsters from "harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban." >> this was done with a
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practical animated prop. the idea is it's got these teeth here. you can actually see it. snap and try and get harry and the great scene where the book is trying to get him. we have an animated book and practical book we used on set and we animate all these little tentacles as well. we could film that on the set with dan and a real animated book and times we replaced the book with a cg one. there have been thousands of computer animated effects. but he says you haven't spotted that. >> the real reward is when people realize they've been watching effects, especially
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will someone like harry potter. >> up next, rupert grint turns the tables on emma watson and daniel radcliffe. asks questions of his own. >> on the last day, i brought them both a trumpet and, yeah, a wwhy a trumpet. >> later, robbie coltrane and helena bonham carter, who reveal secrets from behind the scenes. >> i did 25 takes. i thought, you have no idea what's happening down there. >> on this larry king special, harry potter, the final chaptere better with travelocity's m best price guarantee. our girl's an architect. our boy's a genius. we are awesome parents! biddly-boop. [ male announcer ] if you find a lower rate on a room you've booked, we won't just match it. we'll give you $50 towards your next trip. [ gnome ] it's go time.
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hi there, i'm tom felton and i play draco malfoy in the harry potter films. i'm very lucky to play hogwarts in the last ten years. i want to say thank you very much and i really hope you enjoy the last film. >> in harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2, gone is the innocence of childhood. harry, hermione and ron face real danger, life and death. >> a different film, really. all kind of quite tense. >> i think people will be
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shocked how brutal it is. >> it was the last two films were dark for me, to play them, and to be in that world everyday. >> we did so many scenes there was adrenaline and fear required, it was intense, genuinely. >> like many children across the world, emma watson and rupert grint were huge fans of harry potter. >> when i read the books, i felt a strong connection and even entered a look alike competition in the paper. i won the best ron. >> i loved those books. my dad used to read them to my brother and all. i just loved them and love hermione. >> they spent almost half their lives playing hermione granger and ron weasley. now back to the beginning.
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>> in my first audition, i first met dan and emma, it does seem like such a long time ago. >> nicholas flamel is the only known maker of the sorceror's stone. >> with were kind of reading, a scene from the forbidden section of the library. i remember hearing my voice, really kind of quiet. >> the three young stars have gone through so much together, becoming famous the world over at such a young age. >> it's been 11 years of quite an intimate process, where you're kind of with each other every day all year, every year. it's quite unique kind of thing we've shared with each other, i think. >> so what do they really think of each other?
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>> he's always been quite hyperactive, quite loud. he's very funny. >> dan is the most energetic, hard working kind person. he works very, very hard. so he's pretty incredible. >> she's great. she's really kind of caring. >> he's a real eccentric. he's a genuine eccentric. i've never been to his house but i would love to go because it sounds like it's full of the most magical wonderful things. he has llamas and miniature pigs and he's bought a hovercraft. he has a cow on one of his roofs in his house in london, and he bought an ice cream van that genuinely works. it's funny because he's this
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very quiet guy but kind of just loves crazy stuff. >> did you hit it off with emma and rupert right away! >> yeah, i think so. >> you guy up together. >> we kind of had to. we did. >> you bonded? >> rupert and i particularly. emma was the kind of -- when it came to preventing herself laughing on set was the best. rupert and i were terrible. >> during the interview, rupert had some fun and decided to ask some questions of his own. >> maybe they want to know on the last day, i brought them both a trumpet. yeah, why a trumpet. >> do you know why? >> because he's mad and rupert. no. >> he's crazy. >> i don't know if there's another reason. >> there's no reason for a trumpet? >> no. >> so then said, would you ever
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consider dyeing your hair ginger? yes, but only for him. >> in a quiet moment. >> only at his request. >> and for emma? >> emma, who do you like best? me or dan? >> of course. neither. neither of you are that great. no. i'm joking. obviously, i love them both equally, because that's the diplomatic answer. that's the right thing to say. >> like their characters, emma and rupert have grown up in front of the world. unlike ron and hermione, they had to deal with the fame of who they are and what they represent to millions of fans. >> they give me like presents and stuff and just touch me. it's really weird. it has taken me a while to kind of get used to. >> some little children are sometimes scared of me because
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they think i can do a spell and really am magic in real life and my voice gets really funny and i try and say, i'm not going to do anything to you. it's okay. sometimes you can't convince them, because they believe in it. they really believe in it. >> now that it's over, the world and these actors prepare to say good-bye to harry, hermione and dan. ron. i was shocked because i wasn't prepared for how i feel and what it meant to me. >> it's been pretty great to grow up being her even though i wasn't spending so much time being me. i do understand and realize that and feel good about it, yeah, really lucky, definitely. >> still ahead, james and oliver phelps take us on a tour of the wizarding world of "harry
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potter" and talk to fans on the eve of the final film. >> to see all their faces, they're in ah of it. it shows how much it means to people. >> plus a scene you won't see anywhere else. daniel radcliffe talks about what's next. >> i want kids and i want lots. i absolutely do. >> on this larry king special, "harry potter the final chapter." [hissing] [oink] [oinking] [ding] announcer: cook foods to the right temperature using a food thermometer. 3,000 americans will die from food poisoning this year. keep your family safer. check your steps at [oinking]
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i'm standing here in front of hagrid's hut, who was a friend during their years of hogwarts. robbie coltrane played hagrid and one of many acclaimed british actors in this very talented cast including people like maggie smith and alan rickman and helena bonham carter. today, they open up about "harry potter" and why these may have been the roles of a life-time. >> welcome, harry.
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to diagon alley. >> rubeus hagrid, a big man more than eight feet tall and personality to match. >> how big an outfit is it to get into? >> it weighs about 110 pounds, i guess. there was no way around that. it just had to look absolutely right. >> do you like hagrid? >> i do like hagrid, yes. that's a very good question. no one asked me that before. he's a big decent sort of bloke. >> hi. >> hello. sorry, don't wish to be rude but i'm in no state to entertain today. >> j.k. rowling said coltrane was her first choice to play the half giant, that his acting brought a subtlety necessary to the character. with all the fans that these books have in the films, do you feel an enormous responsibility to get hagrid right?
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>> yes. i did feel an enormous responsibility to get hagrid right. i also think everyone else did, you know, i'm talking about the sparks and woodworkers and construction people, everybody, because they're all parents, too, they had all read the books to their kids and i think everybody raised their game. you look at the cast list of all the people we've had over the last ten years, the absolute who's who of british acting, an extraordinary experience for everybody, i think. >> one of the later additions of who's who of british actors, helena bonham carter as bellatrix lestrange. >> she has issue, a sociopath or psychopath. she-devil takes pleasure from pain that makes her delve very very sick. >> bellatrix has been a potter fan favorite since she was introduced in the order of the phoenix. >> a great place to play. i go to work and it was amazing
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to be paid over a period of four years to go to work, be paid lots of money to wait around and play a witch and be really naughty. >> in the final film, there's a pivotal scene at the end of the movie, a final fight during the battle of hogwarts, with ron weasley's mom, something carter says fans will look forward to. >> we had a duel and i wanted the duel to be like fencing without making contact. it was really hard work. at the end, we definitely needed the chiropractor after. it's very easy to throw your shoulder out. >> carter is not one to hold back. when we asked her to tell us a secret from the set, she opened the floodgates. >> i did a wee wee, don't tell anyone. >> seems after giving birth to her daughter and returning to work, her bladder wasn't what it used to be. >> i'm barely able to stand up let alone jump around and screaming. bellatrix screams. anybody who had a baby, you know
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if you're jumping up and down and waving -- there's 25 takes. you have no idea what's happening down there. larry, you did ask me. >> carter's played many quirky characters over the years but said she has an affection for bellatrix and her time on "harry potter." >> i loved it and it's been a real privilege to be part of it. to be part of it stimulates the mass imagination of children across the world and feed on people's imagination and it's in some way exciting for them. >> from the wizarding world on the screen to the wizarding world of harry potter at universal studios, florida, where in the past year, millions of potter fans have gone to get
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an up close look at where harry and his friends called home. >> you can walk around and there's snow on the rooftops. >> seeing all their faces, they're in awe of it. i think it shows how much it means to people. >> we asked james and oliver phelps, better known as fred and george weasley to give us a tour of the parks from dumbledore's office. >> the actual books are all detailed about wizarding masses. >> to olivander's wand shop. >> perhaps this. to getting a butter beer. and as you can imagine, the fans took notice. >> like walking around here in early life and people coming up to us and it's pretty neat. a lot of people taking photos and everything. it's quite surreal, really. it's nice, but still surreal.
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>> the phelps, like the rest of the cast, say they're sad to leave "harry potter" behind. >> it's very surreal to leave the last days and walk out. the last day of filming was quite emotional for us. kind of bittersweet, we're aware it's coming to the end now and what better way to go out on the biggest high it has been. >> our work is done. >> find out what happened on the last day on set. >> it was very sad. yeah. we all cried. it was really, really bizarre. >> as daniel radcliffe, emma watson and rupert grint say good-bye to harry potter. plus your exclusive look at harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2, all next on the larry king special, "harry potter the final chapter."
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>> why is it so successful? >> i think it's due to a lot of things. it's -- we love an underdog. i think the world of j.k. rowling is so meticulously thought out that people, like me, who like to geek out about these things, can get wrapped up in the wizarding lore and world and so complete. we love that. we love magic, we love the idea of that. and it's a testament to the brilliance of the writing. >> i really loved him when i think people really love and why the stories are so enduring and why they touch so many people is because the characters are so, so real and flawed and beautiful and inspiring and lovable, just completely lovable. >> as actors, crew members and fans prepare themselves for the end of harry potter, a few statistics. in the past ten years, harry's
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famous lightning bolt scar has been applied to daniel radcliffe's forehead an estimated 2,000 times. 588 sets have been created. harry has gone through 160 pairs of glasses and some 70 magic wands. but as the final potter film is about to open, all that is now history. >> what was the last day like? >> very, very emotional. i remember i kind of wept like a child on that last day. >> it was kind of like the last day of school. i remember packing up the dressing room. it was very sad. we all cried. it was really, really bizarre. >> as the cast moves on from "harry potter," they share thoughts of their past and their future. >> it it's delve going to be with me the rest of my life, really. but, yeah. i'm grateful to be a part of that. i've loved every day of it.
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>> it's bittersweet. it's really exciting to see what comes next. it's a big chapter closing. >> for daniel radcliffe, perhaps a chance for him to share his unusual childhood with his own children. >> do you want family some day? >> oh, god, yes, absolutely. it's very strange, i'm one of the broodiest young men you'll ever meet. because i spent so much time with adults and i saw them all have kids. >> you want kids? >> god, yes, i want kids and i want lots. >> you need to meet somebody else. >> i need to get somebody willing first. >> share your life. >> yeah. i've got a girlfriend at the moment, who i am very much in love with, so you know, we'll see where that goes. >> as we leave you tonight, here's your first look at a never seen before clip of "harry
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potter and the deathly hallows part 2". >> how did you come by this sword? >> it's complicated. what about lestrange thinks it should be in hers? >> it's complicated. >> the sword presented itself to us in a moment of need. we didn't steal it. >> there is a sword in madame lestrange's vault but it is a fake and was placed there this last sum sneer she never suspected it was fake? >> it's very convincing. >> and would recognize this is a true sword. >> i need to get into one of the vaults. >> it is impossible. >> alone, yes. but with you, no.
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