tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN July 26, 2011 10:00pm-12:00am PDT
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george lopez. and that's all i ever really wanted to be. >> i don't think i'd like you as much if you were perfect, george. i quite like the i'm perfect george lopez. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> i appreciate you very much. thank you. that was a lot of fun for me. >> oh, well, thank you. of course george's show low pez tonight weeknights at midnight eastern on our sister network tbs. "anderson cooper 360" starts right now anderson is off tonight and there's breaking news in the debt crisis. one of the key players is changing his offer because the numbers don't add up. and the vote on it is now being postponed, pushed forward to thursday at the earliest. it's already come under fire from members of his own party. late detail in a moment from our white house correspondent jessica yellin. her reporter dovetails neatly with our big question tonight. keeping them honest, if a strong majority of americans is telling washington they want a deal on the debt crisis, they want these guys to compromise with the other side, they want a mix of spending cuts and tax increases. then why isn't washington
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getting the mage? we've got new polling that says all of that. and this is important. recent polling may also explain why we haven't got an deal yet. we'll tell you what we're talking about. in any case, americans are speaking out today. >> good morning, speaker boehner's office. how may i help you? >> a summer avalanche of phone calls hitting the capitol. president obama asked for it in his address to the nation last night. here it is. house switchboard today getting nearly double the volume of normal phone calls, house speaker baine er's office reporting as many as 300 people on hold for as long as an hour. online the same story. site unavailable. server busy. we found better than one in three congressional web sites either slow or down entirely from all the volume. also multiple calls to the white house switchboard by one of our producers also not getting through. that's what's happening. and it's unusual. and there's new polling out there on the debt issue from pew research. pay attention to this. 68% say that lawmakers who share their views should be willing to compromise even if they strike a
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deal they disagree with. just 23% say lawmakers should hold firm, even if it means the government goes into default. recent cnn orc polling is no less striking. by 68 to 32%, people say president obama should compromise with congressional republicans. when it comes to gop lawmakers compromising with president obama, the outcome is nearly identical. 66 to 33%. it would seem that the message is this. do a deal already. so why then was the message today in washington, no deal? >> democrats will not vote for it. >> i am confident as of this morning that there were not 218 republicans in support of the plan. >> our chief of staff said clearly sunday the president would not sign that. >> this republican will not vote to raise the debt ceiling. >> democrats will not vote for it. democrats will not vote for it. democrats will not vote for it. >> democrats and republicans both digging in. senate majority leader reid declaring house speaker boehner's two-set debt deal dead on arrival.
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white house advisers recommending president obama veto it. michele bachmann vowing not to raise the debt ceiling no matter what. the question is why? why is there this disconnect between the polling that shows the support for a deal with what's actually going on in washington? some of the answers in that same poll. remember the polling on compromising with the other side? we broke it down further. if you break it down by party you see that democrats are split 50/50 on compromising with republicans. on the other hand, only 37% of republicans say they're in favor of compromising with president obama to get things done. on both questions independents overwhelmingly want compromise with the other side. democrats less. so republicans even less. which may explain why many gop lawmakers simply aren't budging. as for democrats, they could be holding firm because polling shows americans don't want cuts in medicare, medicaid, social security. and remember those phone calls? well, some of them are in fact demanding a deal as president
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obama asked for last night, but others are from constituents telling their elected representatives to hold firm, to not give an inch. now, tomorrow conservative lawmakers plan a capitol hill rally against compromise. and today the anti-tax club for growth came out against speaker boehner's proposal which was already opposed by the tea party express and tea party patriots. we're going to talk about all of this along with tonight's breaking news, the congressional budget office, the main score keeper in any budget deal, saying speaker boehner's plan simply doesn't add up. also tomorrow's planned vote on it now pushed forward to thursday. chief white house correspondent jessica yellin has the latest on all that. jessica, lots of talk about -- we're been talking about it for some time. 24 hours after the president and speaker boehner went on national tv to focus their attention, are we any closer? another day has passed. >> reporter: in a word, sanjay, no. and as you just mentioned, the house of representatives is now delaying its vote on speaker boehner's bill. it's uncertain whether that bill can even get through the house
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of representatives. the bill was losing the support of conservative republicans before the congressional budget office says it doesn't cut as much as promised. so that news doesn't help. what's happening now is democrats are waiting. they're just waiting to see what happens with the republicans' bill before making their own move in the senate. but the big picture here is that neither the republicans' bill in the house nor the democrats' bill in the senate seems to have the votes to get through both houses of congress so we're back at stalemate. >> but what is it -- i don't know if you can answer, this but what is it going to take to spur some sort of action here do you think? >> reporter: well, that is the big question. but talking to a lot of sources there are two big ideas, two big hopes. first is there's a hope that u.s. senate, with its history of consensus building over time, could find a way to strike a compromise. so get it over to the senate is one answer. if not, sanjay, and i hear this from a lot of people right now and this is scary -- sources say maybe if the market crashes that would force members to cut a deal. here's why.
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remember back in the fall of 2008 when the house of representatives could not pass the bank bailout bill? they didn't have the votes until the market plunged. then suddenly they got a bill through. well, i keep hearing senior sources say on both sides of the aisle, maybe ultimately you need a similar scenario. they hope that's not the case. they wonder fit might be. >> that sound like my world of medicine, jessica. people wait for a catastrophe to happen before they act sometimes. let me ask you this, as what's happening at the white house, is the assessment starting to come in that this default may occur? is the white house starting to create a battle plan just in case? >> reporter: yes. the president is talking to secretary geithner about it. next week the government has two big bills to pay, one a fat check around 30 million to social security. another is $7 billion to bond holders. the treasury department is looking at our obligations and they're making decisions about what the the government will and won't pay if the debt ceiling
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isn't raised. and i'd also just tell everyone to look out tomorrow, representatives from the agencies that rate this nation's credit will be testifying on capitol hill. we could get a preview of whether they plan to downgrade our credit based on the various plans before congress. we'll see. >> i want to ask david gergen in a moment whether that may happen regardless of what happens over the next several days. jessica, thanks. i know you've been very busy on this. went other late note, the "new york times" now reporting some flexibility on that august 2nd deadline that we've been paying attention. to that deadline was always sort of a treasury department estimate on when they'd run out of cash. now incoming taxes could allow that date to slip perhaps as late as august 10th. a little more breathing room perhaps but still a lot to talk about. let's talk with political analyst david gergen and gloria borger who have also been very busy. gloria i've been watching you all day on this. we know now over the last couple of hours that speaker boehner's office's team is rewriting this bill after the c.b.o. score that came. in they were supposed to be
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voting on this bill tomorrow. now it's thursday at the earliest we're hearing. that's another day. >> yeah. >> which it seems no one can afford, right? >> no. nobody can afford it. it's a big problem for the house speaker. the house speaker, he wasn't sure he had the votes before. he certainly didn't have the votes after this news. he's promised his caucus. his caucus wants a dollar for dollar kind of a scenario in which every dollar you raise the debt ceiling. you get a dollar in cuts. so he has to -- he has to figure out how to do that. so this delay is not good. in the end, in talking to sources tonight, it's got to come down to some kind of a compromise between harry reid's plan and john boehner's plan. and if you just look at those plans, you see there are certain similarities. they both have commissions to come back and report and figure
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out a way to deal with this once and for all. the difference is in the number. and the difference is whether you have a second vote to raise that debt ceiling. the president says no way. and the republicans say we're going to need another vote. so there seems to be a place where they can compromise. maybe it's on the figure. but if you're staring default in the face, sometimes compromises can look a lot better. >> so some sort of short-term band-aid perhaps? >> maybe. maybe. i mean, we're hearing rumblings of that tonight. jessica yellin did an interview tonight with the president's communications director, dan fifer, who seemed to indicate that yes, maybe a short-term band-aid patch, whatever, could happen as he put it to do the is and cross the ts. what does that mean? a week or ten days? maybe there is an extra week as jessica suggests because of incoming revenues to the
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treasury. that's what a lot of house members think. but this is still not a great situation, sanjay. >> and david gergen, given the push back specifically the boehner's bill continues to get even before the cbo score from members of his own party, how likely is it that there's going to be any sort of compromise or any debt limit at all can pass the house? >> it's a very good question, sanjay. and it's clear now that we have not just a financial crisis that's building up in this country but a political crisis. and that is whether those we entrust all this power to can lead the country or whether they're going to be the first generation in history to really squander our triple a credit rating, for example. i think there was bad news today with the revolt coming from the house republicans. it's such a stiff resistance. and what's important about it is it's coming from boehner's right, the speaker's right. which means, sanjay, that compromise, you've got a runaway caucus.
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in the republican side in the house. and the compromise has to be good enough in effect to get enough of those caucus members and democrats to pass it in order to get a solution. having said all that, sanjay, do i think we should not lose hope. i think the odds still slightly favor ways to avoid a default. as gloria points out, the two plans that are emerging, democratic and republican plans in the congress, do have similarities. there are quiet conversations, urgent conversations now going on among the leadership in both parties on capitol hill. and there is a real prospect for some sort of extension of this fight. i think the white house, when push comes to shove, there are indications that the white house, if there is some sort of agreement for shaping up after both these two plans die toward the end of this week or over the weekend, the white house might well extend for a couple of weeks and let this fight play out.
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>> and david, i'm going to ask you this in a second as well. gloria let me ask you because i heard some of your interviews earlier today. if you break this down, there's lots of numbers here. i've been trying to crunch them myself. but aren't the republicans ultimately getting most of what they wanted in all this? >> yes. >> so what's the real problem? what's the hangup? >> declare victory and go home, right? the interesting thing right now is that tax increases, at least right now in the short term, are not on the table. they may have to come as part of a long-term deal if that's what a deficit commission would decide. and then that would get voted on. the difference between the plans is just a matter of whether you have an extra vote and a matter of a number. and john boehner is now going to have to reduce his number, probably, if it's going to be dollar for dollar. and that would mean another vote on the debt ceiling coming up sooner. harry reid's proposal is a larger one, 2.7 trillion, to get you through the election. >> right. >> so there's got to be a way to
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work that out. but republicans have gotten an awful lot of what they asked for. because taxes are not on the table. and remember, barack obama originally said, i want a clean debt ceiling with no deficit reduction attached to it. and that's not happening. so they've won that argument. >> and david, do you have a comment to that? i mean, again, there's a lot of what seemed to initially have been part of the debate seems to have been achieved by the republicans when looking at these plans. why isn't it happening? why don't they as gloria said just declare victory? >> well, because they honestly feel that while the deals do tend to favor them they're so modest that's not what they came to washington to fight for, especially members of the tea party. they feel once again that washington is sort of finding the easy way out and not facing up to the really tough choices. after all, neither of these plans as presented takes on entitlement reform. neither of these plans as gloria mentioned really does raise
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taxes. that's not something the republicans want. but if you think of the tough choices, sanjay, that every expert thinks we have to make they're over entitlements and over taxes. and neither of these plans does that. and what's emerging at the end of the day, unless there's some miracle and we go back to a grand bargain, which would be wonderful and have a really big agreement, that would also hold off the credit rating agencies. the likelihood is we're going to come out with something fairly small. >> and i don't think -- i don't think we can say it enough that there's a real missed opportunity here. i think there was a real opportunity to get something serious done on a larger scale, and for whatever reason -- and clearly political -- it fell apart. and i think there's plenty of blame to go around. >> whether the deadline is august 2nd or the 10th as it turns out, i have a feeling we'll all be convening again to talk about this some more.
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david gergen, gloria borger. thanks a lot. >> we want to know how you think about this at home as well on facebook. also follow me on twitter @ sanjay gupta cnn. coming up we'll take a look inside the mind of a troubled man who admits to bombing a credit office building and gunning down dozens of people. what turned him into a moslem-hating development also late developments in the trial of polygamist leader warren jeffs. we'll tell you about that and introduce you to some of his follower whose remain loyal even though he's behind bars. first isha sesay new developments as well tonight in the casey anthony story. the trial judge not at all happy with some of what's being said about the jurors and their decision to acquit on the major charges. so he's taking action. we'll tell you about that and a whole lot more when 360 continues.
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♪ you always make me smile [ male announcer ] we believe you're at your best when you can relax and be yourself. and at thousands of newly refreshed holiday inn hotels, you always can. holiday inn. stay you. and now stay rewarded with vacation pay. stay two weekend nights and get a $75 prepaid card. up close tonight, the latest on norway's deadly terror attacks. police releed the names of four of the 76 victims, ages ranging
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from 23 to 61. three died in the bombing in central oslo. the fourth was gunned down on a ma massacre in that small island where a youth camp became a blood bath. people aren't saying how many are missing on that island. they promise to release more names as victims' families are notify theed police detonated explosives at a home longing to andres breivik. no word on the type or amount that were found. breivik tonight is being held in isolation in an undisclosed location. his lawyers said he's undergoing a medical examination. he also said "this whole case indicates he's insane". that of course will be for medical professionals to determine. going to have plenty to consider. here's what we know so far, though. much of it from the suspect himself. fuelled by drugs and a profound hatred for islam, norway's most notorious killer wanted to push europe into war.
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>> he said it was necessary to start a war here in europe and throughout the western world. >> his lawyer says his client didn't think he would live through the rampage. >> he thought he would be killed after the bombing, after the action in the island, and he also thought he would be killed. >> but andres breivik did survive. now world is asking, what drove this man to commit mass murder? this rambling, 1500-page manifest toe allegedly written by the killer himself, details how he would carry out the attacks. down to the song he would play on his ipod during the killings. "lux etern action" from the movie "reck people for a dream". >> "i'm pretty sure i will pray to god as i'm rushing through my city, guns blazing, with 100 armed system protecters pursuing me with the intention to stop an or kill". as in playing a video game, he continues "i have no intention to surrender to them until i
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have completed all three primary objectives and the bonus mission". >> he has a view on reality which is very, very difficult to explain. >> the manifesto details details about the writer's personal life in a lengthy q and a. it's not clear who's asking the questions. "i consider myself to be a laid-back type and quite toll plant on most issues". he says his parents got divorced when he was only one. his father and stepmother from diplomats and stepfather is a retired military office who are spends a lot of time with prostitutes in thai land. he has a good relationship with his sister who moved to los angeles 14 years ago. as a teenager he says he enjoyed hiphop music, break dancing and scrawling graffiti. his best friend growing up was a pakistani muslim. so what finally turned him into a crusader against islam? the nato campaign in serbia. "it was completely unacceptable how the u.s. and western
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european regimes bombed or serbian brothers. all they wanted was to drive islam out by deporting albanian muslims back to albania". his writing reads. it says he became estranged from his dad when he was 15 years old. breivik's father is now retired and living in france. >> it's impossible to explain. he was just like other boys of his age. i'm not sure what more to say. he was a bit withdrawn. he wasn't very sociable in a way. but he had no extreme tendencies in the period i knew him. >> breivik's father didn't want to show his face on camera but he didn't shy away from what he this of his son. >> in my darkest moments i think rather than killing all those people he should have taken his own life. >> do you feel guilty in any way or responsible for what's happened? >> i feel shame and grief for what has happened. i really wish it undone. but it has happened and it's horrible to think about. i'm going to give with this for the rest of my life.
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>> life snn long horror and grief. something that victims' families and survivors may know all too well. digging deeper now, rick robertson was at andres breivik's farm today as police detonated the explosives they found. he joins me along with thomas heyhamer a leader at the new york university's center on law and security. let's start with you, nick. you were already at the farm when these explosives went off. what did you hear? what can you tell us about what happened? >> well, the farm is in a very remote place. it's about two hours drive north of oslo and down by a riverside. and the explosives seemed to be detonated about 50 yards from the buildings of the farm. and were very close to the river. there was just a very loud explosion, a huge cloud of dust came up. but what's happening on that farm, this forensics search for the fertilizer that breivik was using or is alleged to have used
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to make these bombs is critical to the investigation right now. because the police are trying to account for all the fertilizer that he purchased. and if they can't account for all of it, the implication is there could be more out there and there could be bombs out there, in fact. that's the concern. >> so they would be trying to find those other bombs if need be. you also learned a lot about the mindset of breivik today by speaking to his lawyer. what's the latest that you've learned? >> well, the lawyer says that he's seen him three times and for several hours on each occasion. that he's tired since he's been in jail, that he's in solitary confinement. he's disappointed it was a closed court hearing on monday. but the lawyer says -- it was interesting to watch him sort of struggle for words. the lawyer was really struggling to describe breivik. people asked him several times and he said, "i've never met anyone like this before. he really communicated that breivik is substantially different even when prompted to
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say in his opinion he must be insane to have committed these facts. but he did say he's still waiting to go get a proper medical analysis of breivik's mental condition. >> that's something we seem to keep hearing other and over again, thomas, that this is a very unusual situation. you say that if in fact breivik acted alone, this would be a really remarkable sort of act of terrorism. very unusual. how so? >> well, so-called lone wolf terrorism is extremely rare. usually there are more people involved. and even when you have lone wolf terrorism, the outcome is much smaller. the attacks are less lethal. here you have an enormous attack carried out by what seems to have been a single person. >> yeah. meticulous planning. it's remarkable to look through that manifesto. nine years worth. nick, are authorities working with the belief that he was in fact a so-called lone wolf?
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>> he's saying he has other cells out there who are going to carry on the attacks. i talked to the head of norwegian intelligence today. she told me she doesn't believe really believe that but her analysts and the police are working to check it out. they say that this is a very dangerous allegation that he's making, there may be other people out there who might connect to the bombs that might be out there. so of course this is a concern for them. but they are very worried that they understand this man. and they understand exactly whether or not he was -- the reason think say he was able to get away with this by himself and planning this for so long because he was so meticulous that he didn't break the law, that he bought a handgun many years ago before he went on to get another weapon, before he went on to accumulate chemicals, before he went on to get the farm which legitimized buying
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the fertilizers that he used to make the bombs. every step, they said, was legal. and that's why he was able to get away with it. >> very hard to have forecast something like this, thomas, or to have predicted it. he went undooek detected as nick pointed out. in the manifesto he goes to great length to say look i'm not a racist. he's saying that wasn't what drove. this you've read a lot of this manifesto as well. was this a racist moat sniff what was the motive here? >> i don't think he was particularly racist. he says one of the reasons that he did not join the established far right groups in a way was he considered them too racist. also he doesn't have very much against jews or asians or non-european christians. i think that what really drove him here was fear of muslim influencing europe. this was someone who felt that his civilization, european
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civilization, was under threat by muslim immigration. >> one of his best friend, as you know growing up was a pakistani muslim. at some point in his life he changed. he created this 15 -- 1500 page manifesto. are you surprised? >> i'm surprised it succeeded. very rare for individuals to be able to carry out this type of attacks. what's interesting is that he himself thought very carefully about this. he calculated probabilities and success. he himself gave himself a 20% chance of kag out this attack and 20% chance of surviving. >> it's quite remarkable. obviously a lot of thoughts and prayers, friends of yours, i'm sure, family in norway are on our minds tonight. thank you very much, thomas, for joining us.
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nick robertson as well, thank you so much still ahead, a 360 follow on an american teenager turned hitman. just 14 years old now convicted of killing at least four people. more on today's verdict ahead. plus crime and punishment. what the sexual assault trial of polygamist sect leader warren jeffs under way, we're going to show you how he's been able to carry on business as usual from behind bars. ♪ [ male announcer ] an everyday moment can turn romantic anytime. and when it does, men with erectile dysfunction can be more confident in their ability to be ready
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news and business bulletin. >> good evening, isha. >> hello there, sanjay. 360 follow, a congressional report has atf kept detail about a botched sting in mexico when they raised alarms. the operation known as fast and furious allowed hundreds of weapons to be bought illegally then smuggled into mexico. some were later recovered at crime scenes. at a house hearing today, two federal officials admitted making mistakes during the sting congressman david wu is stepping down. the oregon democrat is accused of making unwanted sexual advances toward a fundraiser's 18-year-old daughter. former illinois governor rob any rod blagojevich is asking for a new trial. he was convicted last month on 17 of 20 corruption charges make of of mcdonald happy meal. starting this september the fast-food giant will roll out a healthier version of its popular kids meal. apple slices are being added and french fry portions will shrink.
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the company has been under pressure from consumer group toss offer healthier food. sanjay, public health experts not entirely convinced given the fact there'll still be toys given out with these meals. but i mean, you're a parent. what do you think? >> i think it's a good move. mcdonald's actually is the largest buyer of apples in the world. the old saying an apple a day keeps a doctor away? i know i keep turning up in your life like a bad penny, don't sunny. >> we love you, sanjay. you can keep coming back. >> you're paid to say that. these are the dog days of summer, no doubt about it. severe heat across the country. we've all felt it. so tonight we give you gus the dog, the bulldog. we found him on youtube. gus loves his backyard swimming pool. wading pool there. here he is sharing with a friend. then he gets sort of determined and inspired. an indoor pool. he this, would be way better. way cooler. he is determined to get that
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pool inside the house. maybe a spatial scale going to need a little bit of work. but not bad, what do you think, isha? >> not bad. like about this is gus's pal says this is a lot of work. i'll just drink the water. he's having none of it. >> he may be the smarter of the two dogs. but in all seriousness, in this heat wave i got to say as a dog lover, cat lover, make sure to take care of your pets. don't forget about your pets. i'm sticking this this for a second because i want to see if he gets this pool inside the house. >> there you go. >> minus the water. but not bad. isha, thanks so much. up next, polygamist leader warren jeffs is in jail for years. he's now on trial in texas accused of sexual assaulting a child. so how is it that he's able to communicate still with his followers and control members of his sect the entire time? we'll give you some answers later a 360 follow.
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jeffs as you'll remember is a leader of a polygamist sect. he has pleaded not guilty in texas to chargings of sexual assaulting a minor as well as bigamy. before opening statements are made, the defense is scheduled to file a motion to suppress evidence. this particular case stems from a raid in 2008 at a texas ranch operated by his sect. the fundamentalist church of jesus christ of later day saints which believes in polygamy. at that time, 400 children were removed from the ranch due to fears of sexual abuse. jeffs' attorneys have declined to speak about this particular case. this isn't the first time jeffs has had a run in with the law. he was tried in utah in 200067 charged at that time with being an accomplice to rape. he was convicted, but the case was overturned on a technical tichlt and now his fate is in the hands of this texas jury. and his followers remain loyal even though he's behind bars. here's gary tuchman. >> reporter: el dorado, texas. this tiny town is where warren jeffs is new in jail as he
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stands trial. while jeffs has been here he's done one thing above all else. he's spent a lot of time on the phone. in this past month, how much money has he spent would you estimate on phone cards to make phone calls? >> roughly $3,000. >> reporter: and a similar pattern when he was for a time in a different texas jail, a few dozen miles away. >> so do you know how much he spent on phone cards? >> i would say probably in excess of 10,000. >> $10,000. in the four months he was here. >> correct. >> and is it unusual to spend that much money? have you ever had an inmate spend as much money on phone cards? >> no, we haven't had. >> reporter: authorities tell cnn jeffs has been given cash by his loyal followers to pay for the calls. and jailers say they monitor what's said. mostly lengthy sermons and detailed instructions to his followerses a few miles away at his isolated yearning for zion ranch. as well as to his followers in the twin polygamist towns of colorado city, arizona and hilldale, utah.
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if that sounds like he's still run the church from jail, he is. insiders say he's even been ex communicating those who disagree with him. but what it hasn't done is stop a growing feud between those who still believe in him and those who now believe he's a child molester. >> i would like all of you to think if he was standing here today -- >> >> reporter: three years ago, willie jessup was one of jeffs' most trusted lieutenants. he even showed me around the compound in west texas that was raided by texas rangers to show cnn there was nothing inherently bad taking place. >> that's a real carrot. >> reporter: today, jessup says warren jeffs has betrayed his church. >> he said he's a very wicked man and confess today doing very terrible things including molesting his daughter and sister and others. i think his own words describe himself more than i would care to characterize it. >> reporter: jessup is talking about diaries submitted as
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evidence that he says were left by warren jeffs after his arrest in las vegas five years ago. he's talking about these. pictures showing jeffs embracing and kissing young girls no more than 12 or 13 years old, jessup says. >> his conduct will never be sanctioned by me. i don't think there's anyone in my church that will ever sanction what he has done. it's just a matter of time until they come to terms and figure out how to cope with what he has done. >> reporter: according to authorities in both texas and canada, jeffs orchestrated what canadian police have called a child trafficking ring, sending as many as 30 young girls ages 12 or 13 from a polygamist compound in british columbia across the u.s. border to flds enclaves in utah, arizona and texas. >> this is a very serious allegations here where essentially in layman's terms we're dealing with the exploitation of children, of young girls, for sexual purposes and the procurement of sex with girls under the age of 18.
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>> reporter: officials of the mainstream mormon church reject jeffs and his practices. >> hi. >> hi. >> how are you today? >> reporter: but those who support jeffs, like this 18-year-old we met while she was selling coffee and juice in colorado city, arizona, have no doubts whatsoever. >> tell me what warren jeffs means to you. >> i don't know what you mean by that. >> how important is he to you? >> everything. >> he's everything to you? and are you married yet? >> i'm not. >> do you want to be married someday? >> of course i do. >> and do you want to have sister wives, too? >> of course i do. >> like how many sister wives would be perfect do you think in your family? >> as many as i get. >> reporter: gary tuchman, cnn, colorado city, arizona. >> let's get more perspective on this now about warren jeffs and his fundamentalist polygamist sect from michael watkis, an investigative reporter at our phoenix affiliate kdvk. right now he's in san angelo, texas. thanks for joining us tonight.
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>> happy to be with you, doc. >> we just heard from that 18-year-old girl, young flds member. she still wants a polygamist lifestyle. other people do. what's your impression? have the allegations of abuse changed the mindset in that particular community at all? >> not at all. and i think that the man that gary tuchman interviewed, willie jessop, saying this doesn't representative the church is once again a bold-faced dishonesty. this has been the track record of this community for generations. i've been telling these stories for a lot of years, doctor. and the theme is the same. they've been marrying these underage girls. things have gotten significantly worse, make no mistake about it. under a megalomaniac like mr. jeff jeffs. but this is the track record of the flds community dating back for decades. the stories are there. none of these are new. trafficking from canada and
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across the international line, the stories we've done a decade ago. the truth is out there. my hope as sort of an old storyteller of this yarn is that we finally reach critical mass. with this, with the attention span of the american public will not be immediately diverted. we'll realize that this is the mow does op ran die of this group and that law enforcement wherever these people set up shop will take note and start going after the men, prosecuting the women. when they throw their young boys out onto the street, go get them for child neglect. when they fleece the government as they call bleeding the beast, go after them. because this really has become a criminal enterprise. and none of this is new. >> i got to ask about that 18-year-old girl again as well, mike. so when you ask for more questions or you ask people like her more questions, do they believe they're carrying out the will of god? what is driving -- >> absolutely.
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and i think that this is so difficult for many people to get their mind around in a free society like most of us enjoy here in the united states. this is a completely closed culture. that young woman has probably had very minimal education. she has been told from the moment of her birth that her really only value in this world is to be a righteous mother of zion. that means accept a marriage whenever warren jeffs tells her to do that. and nobody marries in that community unless warren jeffs tells them to do so. that young woman is a classic product of that environment. she believes that warren jeffs is god's messenger on earth. she's been taught that from the day she was born. and she's been also taught that if she rejects his teachings she will burn in the hottest points of hell, a very literal concept in their thesology that you either obey the prophet and your prophet head, your father, marry when warren jeffs tells you to do. and the women in essence are sort of uneducated. i don't want to be cruel.
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but under educated breeding stock for these people. they don't go out and recruit other people. they grow from within with young women just like what was in that report. and for men to come now forward and say, oh, we're aghast that this was happening in our community is a bold-faced lie. >> quickly, mike, how big a deal is this trial? we heard from gary's report that he's making all these calls, thousands of dollars worth of calls, essentially controlling this sect. how big a deal is this trial? how big a fact that warren jeffs is going to go through this? >> this story didn't begin with the raid. it's not going to end with this trial. it's a big deal. if america finally wakes up and recognizes that if they turn their backs, these guys will go right back to what they've been doing for generations. it's time for america to make some statements. and if we're really serious about protecting children we need to focus on these folks. to a much greater degree. i could fill an entire show just listing the nape names of
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elected officials, law enforcement officials in utah and arizona that have dropped the ball. members of the media that have turned their backs or done flattering stories. the list of bad guys is very long here. let's hope that this trial will wake everybody up. >> well, you've been doing some reporting on this for over ten years like you said. appreciate you being on, mike watkus. >> happy to be here. still ahead the judge in the case of the casey anthony trial decides when he's going to release the names of the jurors. plus friends and family gather to mourn amy winehouse as investigators find out why she died. and a new interview that's going to give all you kardashian gawkers out there more to love. anderson has a ridiculist classic coming up. ♪
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unlike fish oil, megared softgels are small and easy to swallow with no fishy smell or aftertaste. try megared today. this involves the kardashians, anderson's favorite. first isha is back with a 360 bulletin. a 360 follow. a 14-year-old boy from san diego was found guilty today in mexico offer to churing and beheading four people and kidnapping three others. mexican officials say teen was working for a drug cartel when he was arrested last december. he was sentenced to three years, the maximum for a minor under mexican law. a judge sentenced a georgia woman to probation but not jail time for the death of her 4-year-old son who broke free from her, darted into traffic and was killed. raquel nelson was charged and convicted in his death. critics blasted the case as
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inhumane, saying nelson suffered enough already. the judge in the casey anthony trial will not release the names of the jurors until october or even later. although he's required by law to identify jurors, the judge said a cooling-off period is needed due to the anger about this case. casey anthony was acquitted of murdering her daughter caylee three weeks ago. family and friends gathered in london today for the funeral of singer amy winehouse. she was found dead over the weekend in her london apartment where the cause of death is still unknown. winehouse battled drug addiction for years. sanjay, a very sad waist of a lot of talent. >> yeah. i know there was some thought that maybe the cause of death would be released yesterday or today. do they have any idea when that's going to happen? >> according to metropolitan police in london, they're now saying that they might not -- they won't know and they won't know what killed or what could have killed amy winehouse for something between two to four weeks.
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that won't be until they get results of lab tests with blood and tissue. so still a couple of weeks to go before we get those results. even then it could take awhile. still no guarantee. >> a lot of speculation surrounding that for sure. isha, stay with us. time to open up the 360 archives for a ridiculist classic. this one is a perfect fit. because as we usually do on tuesdays, wolf blitzer and i were sitting around drinking smoothies and googling the latest results on the kardashians. we came across chris jenner. she talked about her family's business empire which last year earned $65 million. her job she says is turning their 15 minutes of fame into 30 minutes of fame. that's going to prompt groans and eye rolls so this is anderson's take on what he called the kardashian haters. >> tonight we're adding kim kardashian haters because of what they've driven kim to do. for awhile now i've had this
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unsettling feeling that, i don't know, something was just off. like the universe was slightly out of whack. something was missing. i couldn't pinpoint the source or the feeling but then it hit me. no one has been saying much about kim kardashian's butt lately. she recommend did that quite nicely last night. >> if this what is it takes to shut up the entire world that my butt is real, then i will happily do it. >> you heard her right. unbeknownst to meet the entire world will not stop with the cracks about her butt. its veracity so to speak. >> i can't even take this seriously. i have said numerous times like i haven't had plastic surgery. i haven't had butt implants. >> butt implants really a thing? i've always thought they were like -- has anyone actually seen one? kim and her sisters have had enough of the lies. frankly i don't blame them. last night in a very unscripted moment on their very unscripted reality show, kim and the other
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one were on the computer and found the straw that broke the camel's back side. >> tragedy struck kim kardashian last night on a private plane from new jersey to las vegas. her left butt cheek exploded. >> they can make up completely fake stories? >> this is the same web site that says that kim burned a raccoon. >> forget the exploding butt cheek. i want to hear more about that raccoon. but alas it's all about the -- with kim looking on the other one came up with an idea of how to set the record straight once and for all. >> who the hell of a normal person gets butt implants? if you want to prove them wrong get like an x-ray. >> an x-ray? >> of your [ expletive ] to show there's no silicone in there. >> khloe? i think that's an amazing idea. >> it's kind of like watching edwin hubbell first realize the universe is expanding. would kim go for the idea. would she be willing to put the ass back in classy? >> i really just want to get like a butt x-ray so i can show the whole world.
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>> congratulations, whole world. but wait a second. will an x-ray really help us get to the bottom of this real crisis? i think we need a control group. luckily the other one being the marie curie of its kind has more. >> could i have an x-ray of kim's boob? >> all this x-raying seems like overkill. anyone who's ever read a comic book knows all you readily need to put this to rest is $1 plus postage and handling. but since kim went to all the trouble of getting an x-ray, turned on her side and held her breath, we might as well hear the results. >> no implant. >> shocker. >> this is all kim. >> i am so glad that i did this x-ray. >> i think i speak for the whole world when i say, we are so glad too, kim. we are so glad, too.
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one of the key players is changing his offer because the numbers don't add up. and the vote on it is now being postponed, pushed forward to thursday at the earliest. it's already come under fire from members of his own party. late details in a moment from our white house correspondent jessica yellin.
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her reporting dovetail neatly with our big question tonight. keeping them honest, if a strong majority of americans is telling washington they want a deal on the debt crisis, they want these guys to compromise with the other side, they want a mix of spending cuts and tax increases, then why isn't washington getting the message? we got new polling that says all of that, and this is important. recent polling may also explain why we haven't got an deal yet. we'll tell you what we're talking about. in any case, americans are speaking up today. >> good morning, speaker boehner's office. how may i help you? >> a summer avalanche of phone calls hitting the capitol. president obama asked for it in his address to the nation tonight. house board switchboard today getting nearly double the volume of normal phone call. house speaker boehner's office reporting as many as 300 people on hold. hold times as long as an hour. online the same story. site unavailable. server busy. we found better than one in three congressional web sites either slow or down entirely from all the volume. also multiple calls to the white house switchboard by one of our producers also not getting through. that's what's happening. and it's unusual. and there's new polling out there on the debt issue from pew research.
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pay attention to this. 68% say that lawmakers who share their views should be willing to compromise even if they strike a deal they disagree with. just 23% say lawmakers should hold firm, even if it means the government goes into default. recent cnn orc polling is no less striking. by 68 to 32% people say president obama should compromise with congressional republicans. when it comes to gop lawmakers compromising with president obama, the outcome is nearly identical, 66 to 33%. it would seem that message is this. do a deal already. so why, then, was a message today in washington no deal? >> democrats will not vote for it. >> i am confident as of this morning that there were not 218 republicans in support of the plan. >> as our chief of staff said clearly sunday, the president would not sign that. >> this republican will not vote to raise the debt ceiling. >> democrats will not vote for
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it. democrats will not vote for it. democrats will not vote for it. >> democrats and republicans both digging in. senate majority leader reid declaring house speaker boehner's two-step debt deal dead on arrival. white house advisors recommending president obama veto it. michele bachmann vowing not to raise the debt ceiling no matter what. the question is why? why is there this disconnect between the polling that shows a support for a deal with what's actually going on in washington? some of the answers in that same poll. now, remember the polling on compromising with the other side? we broke it down further. if you break it down boy party you see that democrats are split 50/50 on compromising with republicans. on the other hand, only 37% of republicans say they're in favor of compromising with president obama to get things done. on both questions independents overwhelmingly want compromise with the other side, democrats less. so republicans even less. which may explain why many gop lawmakers simply aren't budging. as for democrats, they could be holding firm because polling shows americans don't want cuts in medicare, medicaid, social
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security. and remember those phone calls? well, some of them are in fact demanding a deal as president obama asked for last night. but the others are from constituents telling their elected representatives to hold firm, to not give an inch. now, tomorrow conservative lawmakers plan a capitol hill rally against compromise. and today the anti-tax club for growth came out against speaker boehner's proposal, which was already opposed by the tea party express and tea party patriots. we're going to talk about all of this along with tonight's breaking news, the congressional budget office which is the main score keeper in any budget deal, saying speaker boehner's plan simply doesn't add up. also tomorrow's plan vote on it now pushed forward to thursday. chief white house correspondent jessica yellin has the latest on all of that. jessica, lots of talk about -- we've been talking about it for some time. now 24 hours after the president and speaker boehner went on national tv to focus their attention, are we any closer? another day has passed. >> reporter: in a word, sanjay, no.
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and as you just mentioned, the house of representatives is now delaying its vote on speaker boehner's bill. it's uncertain whether that bill can even get through the house of representatives. the bill was losing the support of conservative republicans before the congressional budget office says it doesn't cut as much as promised. so that news doesn't help. what's happening now is democrats are waiting. they're just waiting to see what happens with the republicans' bill before making their own move the senate. but the big picture here is that neither the republicans' bill in the house north democrats' bill in the senate seems to have the votes to get through both houses of congress, so we're back at stalemate. >> what is it -- i don't know if you can answer this, but what is it going to take to spur some sort of action here, do you think? >> reporter: well, that is the big question. but talking to a lot of sources, there are two big ideas, two big hopes. first is there's a hope that u.s. senate with its history consensus building over time could find a way to compromise.
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get it over to the senate is one answer. if not, sanjay, i hear that from a lot of people right now and this is scary. sources may maybe in the market crashes that would force member toss cut a deal. here's why. remember back in the fall of 2008 when the house of representatives could not pass the bank bailout bill? they didn't have the votes until the market plunged. then suddenly they got a bill through. well, i keep hearing senior sources say on both sides of the aisle, maybe ultimately you need a similar scenario. they hope that's not the case. they wonder if it might be. >> that sound like my world of medicine, jessica. people wait for a catastrophe to happen before they act sometimes. let me ask you this, as what's happening at the white house, is the assessment starting to come in that this default may occur? is the white house starting to create a battle plan just in case? >> reporter: yes. they've said as much, the president said he is talking to secretary geithner about it. next week the government has two
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very big bills to pay. one is a very fat check, around 30 million to social security. another is about $87 billion to bond holders. the treasury department is looking at our obligations and they're making decisions about what the government will and won't pay if the debt ceiling isn't raised. and i'd also just tell everyone to look out tomorrow. representatives from the agencies that rate this nation's credit will be testifying on capitol hill. we could get a preview of whether they plan to downgrade our credit based on the various plans before congress. we'll see. >> i want to ask david gergen in just a moment whether that may happen regardless of what happens over the next several days. jessica, thanks. i know you've been very busy on this. one other late note as well, the "new york times" now reporting some flexibility on that august 2nd deadline that we've been paying attention. to that deadline was always sort of a treasury department estimate of when they'd run out of cash. now the times reporting that slightly high than expected income taxes could allow that date to slip perhaps as late as august 10th. a little more breathing room perhaps but still lots to talk about with david gergen and gloria borger who have also been very busy.
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gloria i've been watching you all day on this. we know now over the last couple of hours speaker boehner's team is rewriting this bill after the cbo score that came. in they were supposed to be voting on this bill tomorrow. now it's thursday at the earliest we're hearing. that's another day which it seems no one can afford, right? >> no. nobody can afford it. it's a big problem for the house speaker. the house speaker, he wasn't sure he had the votes before. he certainly didn't have the votes after this news. he's promised his caucus. his caucus wants a dollar for dollar kind of a scenario in which every dollar you raise the debt ceiling you get a dollar in cuts. so he has to -- he has to figure out how to do that. so this delay is not good. in the end, in talking to sources tonight, it's got to come down to some kind of a compromise between harry reid's plan and john boehner's plan. and if you just look at those plans, you see there are certain similarities.
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they both have commissions to come back and report and figure out a way to deal with this once and for all. the difference is in the number. and the difference is whether you have a second vote to raise that debt ceiling. the president says no way. and the republicans say we're going to need another vote. so there seems to be a place where they can compromise. maybe it's on the figure. but if you're staring default in the face, sometimes compromises can look a lot better. >> so some sort of short-term band-aid perhaps? >> maybe. maybe. i mean, we're hearing rumblings of that tonight. jessica yellin did an interview tonight with the president's communications director, dan fifer, who seemed to indicate that yes, maybe a short-term band-aid, patch, whatever, could happen as he put it to do the is and cross the ts.
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but what does that mean? a week or ten days in maybe there is an extra week as jessica suggestion because of incoming revenues to the treasury. that's what a lot of house members think. but this is still not a great situation, sanjay. >> and david gergen, given the push back, specifically that boehner's bill continues to get even before the cbo score from members of his own party, how likely is it that there's going to be any sort of compromise or any debt limit at all can pass the house? >> it's a very good question, sanjay. and it's clear now that we have not just a financial crisis that's building up in this country but a political crisis. and that is whether those we entrust all this power to can lead the country or whether we're going to be the first generation in history to really squander our triple a credit rating, for example. i think there was bad news today with the revolt coming from the house republicans. it's such a stiff resistance. and what's important about it is
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it's coming from boehner's right. the speaker's right. which means, sanjay, that compromise -- you've got a runaway caucus. in the republican side in the house. and the compromise has to be good enough in effect to get enough of those caucus members and democrats to pass it in order to get a solution. having said all that, sanjay, do i think we should not lose hope. i think the odds still slightly favor ways to avoid a default. as gloria points out, two plans that are emerging, democrat and republican plan in the congress, do have similarities. there are quiet conversations, urgent conversations now going on among the leadership in both parties on capitol hill. and there is a real prospect for some sort of extension of this fight. i think the white house when push comes to shove, there are indications that white house, if there is some sort of agreement for shaping up after both these two plans die toward the end of this week or over the weekend,
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the white house might well extend for a couple of weeks and let this fight play out. >> and david, i'm going to ask you this in a second as well. but gloria let me ask you because i heard some of your interviews earlier today. if you break this down, there are lots of number here and i've been trying to crunch them myself. but aren't the republicans ultimately getting most of what they wanted in all this? >> yeah. >> so what's the real problem? what's the hangup? >> declare victory and go home, right? the interesting thing right now is that tax increases, at least right now in the short term, are not on the table. they may have to come as part of a long-term deal if that's what a deficit commission would decide. and then that would get voted on. the difference between the plans is just a matter of whether you have an extra vote and a matter of the number. and john boehner is now going to have to reduce his number, probably, if it's going to be dollar for dollar. and that would mean another vote on the debt ceiling coming up
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sooner. harry reid's proposal is a larger one, 2.7 trillion, to get you through the election. >> right. >> so there's got to be a way to work that out. but republicans have gotten an awful lot of what they asked for because taxes are not on the table. and remember, barack obama originally said, i want a clean debt ceiling with no deficit reduction attached to it. and that's not happening. so they won that argument. >> and david, do you have a comment to that? i mean, again, there's a lot of what seemed to initially have been part of the debate seems to have been achieved by the republicans when looking at these plans. why isn't it happening? why don't they as gloria said
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just declare victory? >> well, because they honestly feel that while the deals do tend to favor them, they're so modest that's not what they came to washington to fight for, especially members of the tea party. they feel once again that washington is sort of finding the easy way out and not facing up to the really tough choices. after all, neither of these plans as presented takes on entitlement reform. neither of these plans as gloria mentioned really does raise taxes. that's not something the republicans want. but if you think of the tough choices, sanjay, that every expert thinks we have to make, they're over entitlements and they're over taxes. and neither of these plans does that. and what's emerging at the end of the day, unless there's some miracle and we go back to a grand bargain, which would be
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wonderful and have a really big agreement, that would also hold off the credit rating agencies. the likelihood is we're going to come out with something fairly small. >> and i don't think we can say it enough that there's a real missed opportunity here. i think there was a real opportunity to get something serious done on a larger scale, and for whatever reason -- and clearly political -- it fell apart. and i think there's plenty of blame to go around. >> whether the deadline is august 2nd or the 10th as it turns out, i have a feeling we'll all be convening again to talk about this some more. david gergen, gloria borger, thanks a lot. i want to know how you think about this at home as well on facebook. also follow me on twitter @ sanjay gupta, cnn. coming up we're going to take a look inside the troubled mind of a man who admits to bombing a crowded office building and gunning down dozens of people. what turned him into this muslim-hating zealot aimed at touching off a holy war also late new developments in the trial of polygamist leader warren jeffs. i'll fell you in on that and introduce you to some of his followers who remain loyal even though he's behind bars. first let's check in with isha
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sesay new developments as well tonight in the casey anthony story. the trial judge not at all happy with some of what's being said about the jurors and their decision to acquit on the major charges. so he's taking action. we'll tell you about that and a whole lot more when 360 [ barks ] ♪ [ cat meows ] ♪ [ whistles ] ♪ [ cat meows ] ♪ [ ting! ] [ male announcer ] travelers can help you protect the things you care about and save money with multi-policy discounts. are you getting the coverage you need and the discounts you deserve? for an agent or quote, call 800-my-coverage or visit
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continues up close tonight, the latest on norway's deadly terror attacks. police today released the names of four of the 76 victims, their ages ranging from 23 to 61. three of those identified died in the bombing in central oslo, the fourth was gunned down in a massacre on that small island where a youth camp being run by the ruling labor party literally became a blood bath. police aren't saying how many people are still missing on that island. they promise to release more name as victims' families are notified. about 60 miles north of oslo today police detonated explosives found at a farm belonging to anders breivik, the suspect who has confessed to both attacks. no word on the type of amount of explosive that is were found. as for breivik, a 32-year-old norwegian, tonight he's being held in isolation in awn disclosed location. his lawyers said he's undergoing a medical examination. he also said "this whole case
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indicates he's insane". that of course will be for medical professionals to determine. we're going to have plenty to consider. here's what we know so far, much of it from the suspect himself. fuelled by drugs, and a profound hatred for islam, norway's most notorious killer wanted to push europe into war. >> he said it was necessary to start a war here in europe and throughout the western world. >> his lawyer says his client didn't think he would live through the rampage. >> he thought he would be killed after bombing, after the action in the island, and he also thought he would be killed. >> but anders breivik did survive. and now world is asking, what drove this man to commit mass murder? this rambling, 1500-page manifesto, allegedly written by the killer himself, details how he would carry out the attacks, down to the song he would play on his ipod during the killings. "lux eterna" from the movi requiem for a dream".
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i'm pretty sure i will pray to god as i'm rushing through my city, guns blazing with 100 armed system protecters pursuing me. the writer continues "i have no intention to surrender to them until i have completed all three primary objectives and the bonus mission". >> he has a view on reality which is very, very difficult to explain. >> the manifesto reveals details about the writer's life in lengthy q and a. it's not clear who's asking the questions "i consider myself to be a laid-back type and quite tolerant on those issues". he says his parents got divorced when he was only one. his father and stepmother were diplomats and his father is a retired military office who are spends a lot of time with prostitutes in thai land. he has a good relationship with his four siblings he says but especially a sister who moved to los angeles 14 years ago. as a teenager the writer says he enjoyed hiphop music, break dancing and sprawling graffiti.
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his best friend growing up was a pakistani muslim. so what finally turned him into a crusader against islam? the nato campaign in serbia. "it was completely unacceptable how the u.s. and western european regimes bombed our serbian brothers. all they wanted was to drive islam out by deporting albanian muslims back to albania". reads. it says he became estranged from his dad when he was 15 years old. breivik's father is now retired and living in france. >> it's impossible to explain. he was just like other boys of his age. i'm not sure what more to say. he was a bit withdrawn. he wasn't very sociable in a way. but he had no extreme tendency in the period i knew him. >> breivik's father didn't want to show his face on camera, but he didn't shy away from saying what he this of his son. >> in my darkest moments i think rather than killing all those people he should have taken his own life. >> do you feel guilty in any way
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or responsible for what's happened? >> i feel shame and grief for what has happened. i really wish it undone. but it has happened and it's horrible to think about. i'm going to live with this for the rest of my life. >> lifelong horror and grief, something that victims' families and survivors may know all too well. digging deeper now, nick robertson was at anders breivik's farm today as police detonated the ex ploefives they found. he joins me along with thomas hemheser. a fellow at new york university's center on law and security. nick, you were already at the farm when these explosives went off. what did you hear? what can you tell us about what happened? >> well, the farm is in a very remote place. it's about two hours' drive north of oslo. it's down by a riverside. and the explosives seemed to be detonated about 50 yards from the buildings of the farm. and we're very close to the river. and it was just a very loud explosion. a huge cloud of dust came up. but what's happening on that farm, this forensic search for the fertilizer that breivik was
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using or is alleged to have used to make these bombs is critical to the investigation right now. because the police are trying to account for all the fertilizer that he purchased. and if they can't account for all of it, the implication is, there could be more out there. and there could be bombs out there, in fact. that's the concern. >> so they would be trying to find those other bombs if need be. you also learned a lot about the mindset of breivik today by speaking to his lawyer. what's the latest that you've learned? >> reporter: well, the lawyer says that he's seen him three times and for several hours on each occasion, that he's tired since he's been in jail, that he's in solitary confinement. he's disappointed that it was a closed court hearing on monday. but the lawyer says -- it was interesting to watch him sort of struggle for words. the lawyer was really struggling to describe breivik. people asked him several times
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and he said, "i've never met anyone like this before". he really communicated that breivik substantially different even when prompted to say that he was in his opinion he must be insane to have committed these acts. but he did say he's still waiting to go get a proper medical analysis of breivik's mental condition. >> that's something we seem to keep hearing over and over again, thomas, that this is a very unusual situation. you say that if in fact breivik acted alone, this would be a really remarkable sort of act of terrorism, very unusual. how so? >> well, so-called lone wolf terrorism is extremely rare. usually there are more people involved. and even when you have lone wolf terrorism the outcome is much smaller. the attacks are less lethal. here you have an enormous attack carried out by what seems to have been a single person. >> yes. meticulous planning. it's remarkable to look through that manifesto, nine years
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worth. nick, are you hearing any more on that? are authorities working with the belief that he was in fact a so-called lone wolf? >> reporter: he's saying he's got other cells out there who are going to carry on the attacks. i talked to the head of norwegian intelligence today. she told me she doesn't really believe, but her analysts and the police are working to check it out. and they say that this is a very dangerous allegation that he's making, there might be other people out there who might connect with the other bombs that might be out there. so of course this is a concern for them. but they are very worried that they understand this man. and they understand exactly whether or not he was alone. and the reason they say he was able to get away with this by himself and plan it for so long is because he was so meticulous, that he didn't break the law, that he bought a handgun many
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years ago before he went on to get another weapon, before he went on to accumulate chemicals, before he went on to get the farm which legitimized buying the fertilizers that he used to make the bombs. every step, they said, was legal. and that's why he was able to get away with it. >> very hard to have forecast something like this, thomas, or to have predicted it. he went undetected as nick pointed out. in the manifest toe he says, look, i'm not a racist. he's saying that wasn't what drove. this you've read a lot of manifesto. was this a racist motive? >> i don't think he's particularly racist. he said one of the reasons he did not join the established far-right groups in norway was he considered them too racist. also, he didn't have very much against jews or asians or non-european christians. i think that what really drove
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him here was fear of muslim influencing europe. this was someone who felt that his civilization, european civilization, was under threat by muslim integration. >> one of his best friend, as you know growing up, was a pakistani muslim. at some point in his life he changed, he created this 1500-page manifesto. meticulous plans. are you surprised at all that he succeeded? what was the probability this was going to succeed for him? >> well, i'm personally very surprised that it succeeded. as i mentioned, it's very rare for individuals to be able to carry out this type of attacks. but what's interesting is that he himself thought very carefully about this. he calculated probabilities and success. and he himself gave himself a 20% chance of carrying out this attack and a 20% chance of surviving.
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>> it's quite remarkable. and obviously a lot of thoughts and prayers friends of yours i'm sure family in norway on our mind tonight. so thank you very much, thomas, for joining us. nick robertson as well. thank you so much. still ahead, a 360 follow on an american teenager turned hit man. just 14 years old, now convicted of killing at least four people. more on today's verdict ahead. plus crime and punishment. with the sexual assault trial of polygamist sect leader warren jeffs now under way, i'm going to show you how he's been able to carry on business as usual from isha sesay is following [ male announcer ] how can power consumption in china, impact wool exports from new zealand, textile production in spain, and the use of medical technology in the u.s.? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 75% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average.
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from isha sesay is following some other stories tonight. she joins us now for 360 news and business bulletin. >> hello, sanjay. a 360 follow, a congressional report has found that aftf officials kept details about a botched sting in mexico when they raised alarms. the operation known as fast and furious allowed hundreds of weapons to be bought illegally then smuggled into mexico. some were later recovered at crime scenes. at a house hearing today, two federal officials admitted making mistakes during the sting. congressman daved wi is stepping down. he's accused of making unwanted sexual advances toward a fundraiser's 18-year-old daughter former illinois
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governor rod rod blagojevich is asking for a new trial alleging jew disbias and trial errors. he was convicted last month on 17 of 20 corruption charges and a makeover for mcdonald happy meals. starting this september the fast food giant will roll out a healthier version of its popular kids meal. apple slices are being added, and french fry portions will shrink. the company has been under pressure from consumer groups to offer healthier food. saup jay, public health experts not entirely convinced given the fact that there'll still be toys given out with these meals. but i mean, you're a parent. what do you think? >> i think it's a good move. mcdonald's actually is the largest purchaser of apples in the country. also an apple a day, isha, the old saying keeps the doctor away? i know i keep turning up in your life like a bad penny, don't sunny. >> oh, we love you, sanjay. we'll take you. you can keep coming back. >> you're paid to say that. up next, polygamist leader warren jeffs is in jail for years. he's now on trial in texas accused of sexual assaulting a
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child. so how is it that he's able to communicate still with his followers and control members of his sect the entire time? we're going to give you some answers later a 360 follow, the verdict in a remarkable trial of a 14-year-old american boy accused of killing for a mexican drug cartel. an accident doesn't have to slow you down. with better car replacement, available only with liberty mutual auto insurance, if your car is totaled, we give you the money for a car one model year newer. to learn more, visit us today. responsibility. what's your policy?
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in crime and punishment tonight, a jury was picked tonight in the sexual assault trial of warren jeffs. it's a panel of ten women and two men expected to be sworn in tomorrow. jeffs, as you'll remember, is the leader of a polygamist sect. he has pleaded not guilty in texas to charges of sexual assaulting a minor as well as bigamy. before opening statements are made, the defense is scheduled to file a motion to suppress evidence. this particular case stems from a raid in 2008 at a texas ranch operated by his sect. the fundamentalist church of jesus christ of latter day saints which believes in polygamy. at that time, 400 children were removed from the ranch due to fierce of sexual abuse. jeffs' attorneys has decline today speak about this particular case. and this is not the first time warren jeffs has had a run in with the law. he's been arrested many times and was tried in utah in 2006, charged at that time with being an accomplice to rape. he was convicted, but the case was overturned on a technicality.
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and now his fate is in the hand of this texas jury. and his followers remain loyal even though he's behind bars. here's gary tuchman. >> reporter: el dorado, texas. this tiny town is where warren jeffs is now in jail as he stands trial. and while jeffs has been here he's done one thing above all else. he's spent a lot of time on the phone. >> in this past month, how much money has he spent would you estimate on phone cards to make phone calls? >> roughly $3,000. >> reporter: and a similar pattern when he was for a time in a different texas jail a few dozen miles away. >> so do you know how much he spent on phone cards? >> i would say probably in
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excess of 10,000. >> $10,000? in the three month he was here? >> right. >> is it unusual to spend that much money? have you ever had an inmate spend as much money on phone cards? >> no, we haven't had. >> reporter: authorities tell cnn jeffs is being given cash by his loyal follower toss pay for the calls. jailers say they monitor what's said. mostly lengthy sermons and detailed instructions to his followers a few miles away at his isolated yearning for zion ranch. as well as to his followers in the twin polygamist towns of colorado city, arizona and hilldale, utah. if that sounds like he's still running the church from jail, he is. insiders say he's even been ex communicating those who disagree with him. but what it hasn't done is stop a growing feud between those who still believe in him and those who now believe he's a child molester. >> i would like all of you to think if he was standing here today. >> reporter: three years ago, willie jessop was one of jeffs' most trusted lieutenants. he even showed me around the
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compound in west texas that was raided by texas rangers to show cnn that there was nothing inherently bad taking place. >> that's a real carrot. >> reporter: today jessop says warren jeffs has bee trade his church. >> he said he's a very wicked man and confess today doing very terrible things including molesting his daughter and sister and others. i think his own words describe himself more than i would care to characterize him. >> reporter: jeffs diary submitted as evidence that he says were left by warren jeffs after his arrest in las vegas five years ago. he's talking about these. pictures showing jeffs embracing and kissing young girls no more than 12 or 13 years old, he says. >> his conduct will never be sanctioned by me. i don't think there's anyone in my church that will ever sanction what he has done. it's just a matter of time until they come to terms and figure out how to cope with what he has done. >> reporter: according to authorities in both texas and canada, jeffs orchestrated what canadian police have called a child trafficking ring, sending
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as many as 30 young girls ages 12 or 13 from a polygamist compound in british columbia across the u.s. border to flds enclaves in utah, arizona and texas. >> this is a very serious allegation here where essentially in laymen's terms we're dealing with the exploitation of children, of young girls, for sexual purposes and the procurement of sex with girls under the ages of 18. >> reporter: officials of the mainstream mormon church reject jeffs and his practices. >> hi. >> hi. >> how are you today? >> reporter: those who support jeffs, like this 18-year-old we met while she was selling coffee and juice in colorado city, arizona, have no doubts whatsoever. >> tell me what warren jeffs means to you. >> i don't know what you mean by that. >> i mean how important is he to you? >> everything. >> he's everything to you? and are you married yet? >> i'm not. >> do you want to be married some day? >> of course i do. >> and do you want to have sister wives, too? >> of course i do. >> like how many sister wives would be perfect do you think in your family? >> as many as i get. >> reporter: gary tuchman, cnn,
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colorado stay, arizona. still ahead, the judge in the casey anthony murder trial decides when he's going to release the name of the jurors. the plus friends and family gather to remember amy winehouse as investigators find out how she died. in a real interview that's going to give all your kardashian gawkers out there even more to love. anderson has a ridiculist specialists, lots of doctors, lots of advice... and my hands were full. i couldn't sort through it all. with unitedhealthcare, it's different. we have access to great specialists, and our pediatrician gets all the information. everyone works as a team. and i only need to talk to one person about her care. we're more than 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. ...was it something big? ...or something small? ...something old?
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a 14-year-old boy from from san diego was found guilty today in mexico of for churg and beheading four people and kidnapping three others. mexican officials say the teen was working for a drug cartel when he was arrested last december. he was sentenced to three years, the maximum for a minor under mexican law a judge sentence add georgia woman to probation but not jail time for the death of her 4-year-old son who broke free from her, darted into traffic and was killed. raquel nelson was charged and convicted in his death. critics blasted the case as inhumane, saying nelson's suffered enough already. the judge in the casey anthony trial will not release the name of the jurors until october or even later. although he's required by law to identify jurors, the judge said a cooling-off period is needed due to the anger about this case. casey anthony was acquitted of murdering her daughter caylee three weeks ago. family and friends gathered in london today for the funeral
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of singer amy winehouse. she was found dead over the weekend in her london apartment where the cause of death is still unknown. winehouse battled drug addiction for years. sanjay, a very sad waste of a lot of talent. >> yeah. and i know that there was some thought that maybe the cause of death would be released yesterday or today. do they have any idea when that's going to happen? >> according to metropolitan police in london, they're now saying they might not -- well, they won't know and the chances -- they won't know what killed or what could have killed amy winehouse for something between two to four weeks. that won't be until they get results of lab tests with blood and tissue. so still a couple of weeks to go before we get those results. even then it could take awhile and still no guarantee. >> a lot of speculation surrounding that for sure. isha, stay with us. time to open up the 360 archives, a ridiculist classic. this one is a perfect fit. because as we usually do on tuesdays, wolf blitzer and i were sitting around drinking smoothies and googling the latest news on the kardashians much. it's what we do. we found this information about chris jenner.
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she's opened up about managing her family's business empire which last year reportedly earned -- wait for it -- $65 million. her job she says is to turn company's 15 minutes of fame into 30 minutes of fame. that's obviously going to prompt a lot of groans and eye rolls. we thought it would be good to share with you anderson's take on what he called the kim kardashians haters. i've made sure this segment has an important medical angle. >> tonight we're adding kim kardashian haters because of what they've driven kim to do. for awhile now i've had this unsettling feeling that, i don't know, something was off. like the universe was slightly out of whack. something was missing. i couldn't pinpoint the source of the feeling but then it hit me. no one has really been saying much about kim kardashian's butt lately. kim recommend did that situation quite nicely last night. >> if this is what it takes to shut up the entire world that my butt is real, then i will
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happily do it. >> you heard her right. unbeknownst to me, the entire world will not stop with the cracks about her butt. its veracity, so to speak. >> i can't even take this seriously. i have said numerous times like i haven't had plastic surgery. i haven't had butt implants. >> are butt implants really a thing? i mean, i've always thought -- has anyone actually seen one? any way, kim and her sisters have had enough of the lies. frankly i don't blame them. last night in a very unscripted moment on their very unscripted reality show, kim and the other one were on the computer and found the camel that broke the -- straw that broke the camel's back side. >> kim kardashian's left butt cheek exploded. >> they can make up a completely fake story? >> this is the same web site that says that kim burned a raccoon. >> forget the exploing butt cheek. i want to hear more about that raccoon.
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with kim looking on, the other one came up with an idea hoff of how to set the record straight once and for all. >> who the hell of a normal person gets butt implants? i mean, if you want it prove them wrong get like a kprrkz ray. >> an x ray? >> of your ass to show there's no silicone in there. >> chloe, i think that's an amazing idea. >> it's kind of like watching edwin hubbell first realize the universe is expanding. would kim go for the idea? would she be willing to put the ass back in classy? >> i really just want to get like a butt x-ray so i can show the whole world. >> congratulations, whole world. but wait a second. will an x-ray really help us get to the bottom of this world crisis? i'm thinking we need some kind of control group, luckily the other one, being the mari curie of our times, has it covered. >> could we x-ray courtney's booms so i can see what aim plant looks like? >> okay. >> i bet when that doctor was in medical school he dreamed of saving lives. to help people. congratulations.
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all this seems like overkill, though. anybody who's read a comic book knows you just need $1 plus postage and handling. but kim got on the table and turned sideways and held her breath, we might as well hear the results. >> no implant. >> shocker. >> this is all kim. >> i am so glad that i did this x-ray. >> i think i speak for the whole world when i say we are so glad, too, kim. we are so glad, too. >> and we'll be right back.
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