tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN July 27, 2011 7:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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>> no. >> that door's closed? >> that door's closed. i think he and i are better as friends and having our daughters. i'm way too old for him now [ laughter ] >> a candid denise richards. that's tomorrow. that's all for us tonight. here's anderson cooper with "anderson cooper 360" good evening, everyone. breaking news tonight. somewhere in that building, senate majority leader harry reid says lawmaking magic can happen. and house john boehner is hoping that members of his own party, and these are his words "get their asses in line and support his debt reductions bill. they'll need some of that magic and body parts in line to find a way out of the debt crisis before tuesday's deadline. the breaking news tonight, house members will vote on boehner's bill tomorrow. new details are emerging about it tonight, though. the congressional budget office is weighing in. but 53 senators are now on record on paper opposing it.
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kate bolduan has the story. also tonight, ari fleischer and james carville get in a heated exchange. john mccain today snacking down fellow republicans. he's providing a reality check and so are the financial markets. the dow industrials today dropping nearly 200 points, making it four losing days in a row. the nasdaq and s & p down even more sharply. now, anyone with a 401 k has got to be worried at this point and watching this closely or should be. but assume for a minute that washington gets in gear and passes some kind of debt reductions deal before the treasury runs out of money and the markets react. will it be the kind of deal that most americans say they want? keeping them honest, the answer seems to be no. take a look at the latest cnn opinion research center polling. it shows 64% prefer a budget plan with a mix of spending cuts and tax increases. 34% say cuts only. that's consistent with other
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polling which is averaging nearly 2 to 1 in favor of what president obama and others call a balanced approach. he said on monday that's what he wants. you say that's what you want by a 30point margin. so why is the boehner bill cuts only? and why is democratic senator harry reid's plan also cuts only? democrats have backed away from any measures that raise revenues to accommodate republican demand. and republicans say americans are not willing to see any taxes go up. >> right now this economy is ailing. and we don't believe, nor do i think the american people believe, that raising taxes is the answer. >> i think what the american people appreciate is that you don't reinvigorate the economy by raising taxes. >> the american people don't want us to raise taxes. >> the american people didn't want their taxes raised, and they wanted us to cut spending. they don't want compromise. >> it's time to cut spending, balance the budget, and pay down the debt for our children and our grandchildren without raising taxes.
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>> there is absolutely no appetite anywhere across the united states for increasing taxes. >> i think the american people are against raising taxes on the job creators out there. >> well again, most polls show that's simply not true. as we've shown you last week the phrase -- by the way job creator is a new talking point. it's how republicans are now referring to wealthier americans. democrats, by the way, of course refer to them as millionaires and billionaires and talk about private jets a lot. talking points used by both sides in this debate. gloria borger and david gergen are with us tonight. first kate bolduan is on the hill. kate, what do you know? >> that revised plan did come out this evening with some new cost estimates which is the gold standard that every bill has to face in order to make it to the floor that. revised plan is some welcome news, if you will, for house speaker john boehner thanks to a kind of technical fix. they're able to find more savings. and that's important for house speaker john boehner. now according to these new cost estimates, it offers $917
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billion in deficit reductions. while that still falls quite short of his original target of 1.2 trillion, it works. and here's. why because it meets the test that he set out from the beginning was that cuts be more than the amount they raise the debt ceiling, which is $900 billion for his bill. so this is very welcome news. they're putting this out there. they're moving forward with this vote. an it doesn't help in their effort as they've been trying to rangel the votes and secure all the votes they can from their on party. but the vote could still be close. >> yeah. there's a lot of back room negotiations here. so i just want to kind of spell it out for our viewers who haven't been following all the details all day long. at this point the vote for boehner's bill is supposed to take place tomorrow. he had this meeting today, basically telling folks in the republican party as we said earlier to quote get their asses in line". does he have enough votes at this point? >> reporter: at this moment, what i've been hearing from
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republican leadership aides is that they say they're feeling confident and it's moving in the right direction. they think they're getting the support that they can get. i was outside that meeting, and as members were coming out more conservative members who had said they were leaning no, they're now leaning more towards yes. what i kept hearing over and over again is we can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good, or as many members put the doable. so it seems they are getting the message that speaker was giving them in the meeting at this point. >> but there are today a lot of loud messages already coming from democrats that if the plan passes in the house it will not make it through the senate, correct? >> reporter: absolutely. and that's kind of an important reality check here. if it does pass in the house it has the potential of hitting a huge road block as soon as it gets to the senate. at the same time that house speaker john boehner's office was putting out this release, good news about the revised plan and cost estimates, senate democrats released a letter at almost the same time with 53 signatures on it saying they don't support the plan in the senate and really essentially making clear that it cannot pass. so while all eyes are still on
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the house to see what happens with john boehner's plan in the house, it has some serious problems in the senate if it gets there. >> all right. kate bolduan, appreciate the late reporting. joining us is political analyst gloria borger and david gergen. say it passes in the house and it goes to the senate. what are harry reid's options there? >> they're trying to figure that out right now. look, it's not going to pass the senate. but john boehner then has another decision to make quashed this revolt on the right. but if this measure goes to the senate and it doesn't pass, then there's another question if they go the legislative route this way. there's another question which is, can he possibly compromise and bring his troops along with him, or is he going to have to compromise and understand that in order to get something through the house he's now going to have to start looking for democratic votes?
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because once you start compromising with harry reid, you may just lose a lot of those tea party republicans and you're going to have to get some democrats in line to vote for this. so the whole dynamic really changes, anderson, once this passes the house tomorrow if it does as expected. >> and you're getting late details from your source on what's going on behind the scenes in negotiations. >> you know, there's an outside track here, which is the legislative track. there's also an inside track. and on that inside track, i'm told that vice-president who was originally involved in these negotiations to try to head this off at the pass is still having conversations with people. and of course, all eyes are upon the senate republican leader, mitch mcconnel. i've been told tonight that he and biden communicate but they are not in talks. whatever that means. so welcome to my world. because mcconnel supports the
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boehner plan. so you know, what you have behind closed doors are people scrambling to try and figure out what they can do once the legislative track is kind of -- works its will. >> david, from your vantage point, where do you see this going if it does reach the senate? the boehner bill? >> i think we're about where we expected to be, anderson. that is as gloria said we have a boehner bill and a reid bill. each one may pass -- well, the boehner bill's going to pass the house, i think. the reid bill may pass the senate. but then they're both going to die in the other chamber. the real issue is what comes after that? what kind of compromise can be fashioned? and can you find a compromise that both sides -- can you get enough votes from their own party to pass? and there are enough similarities between the boehner bill and the reid bill that with the kind of craftsmanship of mitch mcconnel you might be able to put it together. they both leave out tax increases. that's something the president has wanted. they both leave it out. that makes it easier.
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but there's still a lot of distance between them on how much to cut and how sure are they of getting real cuts? the reid plan says, well, we're going to cut $2.2 trillion. the republicans come back and say, well, 1.1 of that or more are phantom savings from ending the wars in iraq and afghanistan we're going to end, anyway. those are not real cuts. and wayboehner wants to come ba. it's complicated. i'm still hopeful we'll get something. i think the stock market going down 200 points today, while bad news for 401 k owners i think really did send a powerful message to the congress. you're really playing with fire here now. the markets are -- you thought monday the markets were complacent. they're no longer complacent. they're sending you a strong signal, buddy. get your act together or you're going to have real trouble. >> they can try and play the blame game. >> go ahead, gloria. >> i was going to say, they can try and play the blame game with each other, which i'm sure they
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will do. because once you pass a bill in the house the republicans can say, look, we've done it. we've done our work. once you pass a bill, a democratic bill in the senate, democrats could say we've done our work. but i think they're beyond that, anderson. because i think they will all suffer in the end if they don't get something done. the american public will say this is not what we voted you in for so we're going to vote you out. you could potentially see a huge anti-incumbent year. >> i agree with that. but they are both playing for who's going to wind up getting the most blame? who's going to wind up holding the black queen? >> right. that's the way they always play. but this is very high stakes. >> david, prominent democrats, including former president bill clinton, says that president obama should just raise the debt ceiling unilaterally. something they say the 14th amendment allows. do you see any truth to that? >> i think there's a strong argument for what bill clinton is arguing. but administration has essentially ruled that out. tim geithner the treasury secretary has made it clear they do not think that's
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constitutional. they're not going to go down that path. i think one of the reasons they're slamming that door shut is for the reason they want to keep pressure on to see if they can't get a deal. look, i think the real -- the real crunch will come here over the weekend and we're going to see where the parties really stand, what their bottom line cards are. we don't know that right now. we've got to get past the reid-boehner duel and then into the real negotiations and the real deal. >> right. >> david, gloria thank you very much. >> i never thought i would wish for sort of deals to take place behind closed doors, but that's kind of what we're into. >> but there's sort of a point where a lot of people would sort of like to turn off the television cameras and shut these people up and let them go to work. we don't want it hear any more of this. just get the darn thing done. >> right. >> it's going to be interesting the ramifications of this no matter what happens, how people continue to view congress after this. because i don't think anybody comes out of this looking very good. david, gloria thank you very much. fascinating divisions right now in the gop playing out
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today. speaker boehner's efforts to patch them up. we told you about the salty language he was using today with his own members. ari fleischer and james carville debate how deep they run. it gets pretty heated. we're going to show you that. let us know what you think. we're on facebook. i'm on twitter @ anderson cooper. just ahead tonight, new video of the deadly blast in norway as it happens. you'll see what a security camera saw. and late details today as well on the investigation from our nick robertson who's there. one girl's frantic text messages as she hid from the killer. also polygamist leader warren jeffs on trial in texas for two counts of sexual assault of a child. tonight in our crime and punishment segment we take you inside a secretive flds community that one investigator compares to the taliban. imagine that. right here in the united states. first let's check in with isha sesay. >> reporter: game show host alex trebek isn't just on jeopardy, he's also talking about the
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terrifying moments when he was in jeopardy. we'll tell you about his run in with a burglar and what happened when he gave chase. that and much more when 360 continues. [ male announcer ] this is the network. a network of possibilities. excuse me? my grandfather was born in this village. [ automated voice speaks foreign language ] [ male announcer ] in here, everyone speaks the same language. ♪ in here, forklifts drive themselves. no, he doesn't have it. yeah, we'll look on that. [ male announcer ] in here, friends leave you messages written in the air. that's it right there. [ male announcer ] it's the at&t network. and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. ♪ ooh baby, (what) can i do for you today? ♪
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i didn't always know that i would like math, but now i think it'll change my life. i didn't always know that i would like math, got the mirrors all adjusted? you can see everything ok? just stay off the freeways, all right? i don't want you going out on those yet. and leave your phone in your purse, i don't want you texting. >> daddy... ok! ok, here you go. be careful. >> thanks dad. >> and call me--but not while you're driving. we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru.
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boehner's revised debt reductions plan emerging tonight and a letter from 51 democrats and 2 independents saying they will oppose it if it makes to their side of the hill. there are signs tonight the chances may be improving somewhat, however. certainly there are also big signs that speaker boehner is facing a vocal rebellion among the gop ranks, among republican ranks. this morning on conservative talk radio he tried to rally the troops. >> is it true that you told some of the republican members this morning that you need to get your a word in line behind this debt ceiling bill? >> i sure did. listen, this is time to do what is doable. this bill isn't perfect. >> what have we got to do?
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>> just moments after he spoke those words from fellow republicans and tea party leaders were rallying against his bill outside the capitol. >> folks, we've got to hold the line. we've got to stand strong. we can't let down the people who elected us last november. >> we have the boehner proposal on the table. it will cut next year $1 billiobillion [ audience boos ] >> we are spending $1 billion an hour virtually. that is insignificant and not meaningful reform. >> tea party favorites rand paul and jim demint. one of the rally organizers saying compromise simply is not the answer. >> we do think compromise is a bad word. if you look at what's happened, compromise has brought us to $14.3 trillion in debt. >> but even the staunchly conservative "wall street journal" editorial page disagrees, pushing today for the boehner bill saying opposition
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to it "this is the kind of crack political thinking that turned sharon ankle and christine o'donnel into gop senate nominees". "the reality is that the debt limit will be raised one way or the another, the only issue now is with how much fiscal reform and with what political fallout". the gop hard liners are sticking to cut, cap and balance which doesn't raise the debt limit until congress votes to send a balanced budget amendment to the states. today on the senate floor john mccain said enough is enough. >> that is not fair to the american people to hold out and say, we won't agree to raising the debt limit until we pass a balanced budget amendment to the constitution. it's unfair. it's bizarre. and maybe some people have only been in this body for six or seven months or so really believe that. >> divisions within the gop itself. i spoke about that earlier with democratic strategist james carville and former bush press secretary ari fleischer. currently you can follow him on
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twitter at, @ fleischer. >> so james, it seems like some of the stiffest opposition to boehner's bill at least to start with came from his own party. is this kind of a rebellion in the ranks normal or are we seeing somewhat unusual here? >> you know, they told us exactly what they were going to do. think of what you want of the tea party. i don't think very much of them. but they said that this is what they were going to do when they got here. and by and large, that's what they're doing. i have a theory that only thing more dangerous than someone that this about re-election all the time is someone who never this about re-election. and that seems to be what some of them are. but they're very true to what they said they were going to do. >> ari, what about that? the tea party members are really a minority block in one half of one branch of the government. it seems like they're kind of steering the ship now. is this how it's supposed to work? >> it's about time that it worked this way. members of the tea party came to washington to educate washington. they didn't come here so washington could educate them on how things were going to get
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done. and i talked to several members of congress today, some senior members and a couple freshmen members, too. and you really get the sense the senior members welcome this infusion of how to cut spending, this pressure that they're under. they just want to make sure that it's done, done right, and that we don't put the nation into default. so i think the speaker is finding that fine line between really changing washington but not pushing so far that things collapse. and that's what the tea party has really been helpful in accomplishing. >> well, you know, that's strange. because the speaker said that the members of the tea party wanted to default, that they wanted the chaos. so maybe we're reading different newspapers here. >> no. >> the strong element -- >> we've been through this before. [ overlapping speakers ] >> you've got to understand that there's a strong senator dement want to default, many people on talk radio want to default. the speaker says members of his own caucus wants to default. >> ari, i read a statement today that said there's not a speaker in the last 30 years who's had
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to deal with the political climate boehner has had to deal with. do you agree with? >> yeah, i do. i think that's exactly right and i think that's on purpose. what really is happening here, it's the same group of people who showed up in august of 2009 at the town halls were the first people to take on barack obama over healthcare. when many people in washington thought they were going to have to go along with what president obama was saying, these were the paul reverse of the republican party saying we've got to stop this. here is the warning. people underestimated them. they thought they were a fringe. it led to the 2010 tidal wave election. what they believe in is still propelling the republican party on fiscal and economic issues today. and i welcome it. >> yeah. these are the people that don't believe in evolution of men and women. you're not dealing with rational people here. come on. >> james, do you believe that the gop comes out of this looking better than the democrats? i mean purely from a political standpoint. >> well, so far the answer is decidedly no. i think what they're going to do
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is tell the senate -- i think what they say is, we can't change a single thing. you pass it in toto and tell the president the same thing. i think the democrats ought to campaign against this. i think they ought to say that these people held a gun to the country's head, they were willing to do what was bad by america and send us into default. and i think we ought to take it to the people and have an election by it. but it's pretty clear that they're not going to have the -- if there's any changes to what they'll pass in the house it's pretty clear they're not going to accept any changes in the senate and they're not going to accept any input from the president. and i think that we're going to have to take this to an election to get this resolved in any way. >> anderson, i think that if the boehner plan fails in the house of representatives tomorrow it's going to be a political calamity for republicans. if it passes in the house tomorrow, i think it's going to be a political calamity for the democrats. because at that point the democrats are going to have to realize that only way the debt gets increased is with democratic votes and for a plan that does nothing that cuts spending and does not increase taxes. that is going to make the liberal base of the democratic
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party become unglued. and i think the likelihood is barack obama will sign that. and that's why you hear panic in the voice of james and in other liberals that fear that republicans are actually getting their way. >> i don't know how to tell you. this let me explain it to you. this deficit was caused by irresponsible tax cuts tilted toward the wealthy, ill thought out and irresponsible wars, okay? and a deregulated, overspeculative financial sector. now you're coming back and warning working people and students and retirees and veterans to pay for it. and democrats don't think that's a good idea. and we're going to run on that. we're actually going to have an election on this. that's my general view. sign it and then take it to the public. and see what happens. >> you know, james is pretending the obama stimulus was cost more than $800 billion and was supposed to keep unemployment below 8%. it never even took place. he's forgetting all this that's taken place now that a budget -- the only people in town that have a piece of paper to cut
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spending are harry reid and john boehner. the piece of paper that barack obama submitted, his budget, increased spending and left us with trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see. >> let me explain to you -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> let me explain to you so you just no, ari. you already know and you know that i know and you know that i'm going to point out that every chart shows that 85% of this is a result of policies of the previous administration and the two biggest contributors to this are tax cuts and the wars that were started that are still going on. plus you had the crash in the financial sector that caused all of this. now you guys want people that have nothing to do with it to pay for it. and the democrats are going to take that and they're goen to run on it. that's just what's going to happen. you know the charts. [ overlapping speakers ] >> if the democrats are so against those bush tax cuts why did they extend them all for two years? and what james is really saying is he wants to raise taxes on all americans. >> you're right. absolutely. >> he wants to take away the
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marriage penalty that george bush gave to all americans, the child credit that george bush gave to all americans that barack obama extend today all americans. james wants to raise taxes on all americans regardless of income level. >> let me be very clear. >> let me be very clear. i still oppose the bush tax cuts. i particularly oppose them on people making over $250,000 a year. i oppose the tax credits that they give to special interest groups. absolutely. and i think that they ought to pay for it. and i don't think that students, i don't think that veterans and i don't think retirees ought to pay for the mistakes that your administration made. i think the people that benefitted by that ought to pay for it. that's exactly what i think. you don't have to say what i think. i'm glad to tell you. >> you hear james address it all. i never heard him address why those tax cuts got extended for two years by a democratic house and a democratic senate. >> that's what it is. you know what i think. i don't think we ought to pay to clean up your mess.
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>> james carville, ari fleischer, thank you. >> got pretty heated, still ahead, new video of the deadly bombing in norway shows just pow powerful the blast was even a block away. plus the text messages that a teenager sent to her mom as a gunman killed her friends on that tiny island. also ahead, a deadly day in syria. security forces killing at least eight people, including a young boy. details on the murders coming up.
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>> god bless the victims, their families, their friends, and the survivors. peace be with them. >> that bell was given to manhattan after the 9/11 attacks. it rang today a block from ground zero in memory of the 76 people killed in norway's terror attacks last week. tonight there's new video of the bombing in central oslo. this story is a block away from where the bomb went off, but you can see the impact caught on a security camera.
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that's a full block away now. imagine that. the blast was reportedly felt more than a mile away even. we now know that bombing was just the beginning of the terror. 68 people were later gunned down at a youth political camp on a small island outside oslo. and when people today released the names of 13 more victims, the youngest was just 14 years old. a girl attending the camp. 16-year-old julie bremens managed to hide from the gunman who has allegedly confess today both attacks, a guy named anders breivik. he stalked his victims for more than an hour before police arrived. the terror that julie lived through is captured in text messages she sent to her mother. julie writes "mummy, tell the police they must be quick. people are dying here. her mother replies i'm working on it, julie. the police are on their way. dare you call me? julie tells her mom no. another text, julie pleads with her mom, tell the police that there is a madman running around and shooting people. they must hurry. julie adds, we are in fear for our lives. her mother replies, i understay
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very well, my darling. stay hidden. do not move anywhere. julie also told her mom, i love you even if i still misbehave from time to time. julie's mom said that's when she knew the situation was really grave. police today detonated more explosives they found at a farm belonging to breivik who remains in isolation in a prison near oslo. earlier a few moments ago tonight i talked to senior international correspondent nick robertson. >> nick, today on breivik's farm more explosives were blown up. what do we know about that? >> reporter: we know that some parts of them have been taken away for evidence. but there's some parts of those explosives that seems to be residual parts from the fertilizer turned into bomb into central oslo. the police say it's too unstable to transport away so they're sticking a bit of tnt on it and blowing it up in situ. they pretty much finished that at the farm right now so they've been through everything there. bottom line is they need to find out, make sure they can account for all the fertilizer that he bought, anderson. >> we're also hearing police were still searching the waters
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off the island. >> reporter: yes, there's still some people who are unaccounted for, missing, a small number. and the police continuing with that. and again today they released names of some more of the victims. and i think what is just striking when you read through those names as we did again today, just the ages. we're reminded again of the ages of some of the children. and some of them there, two girls i saw one 14, one 15. these were the victims. >> i was surprised to learn that maximum prison sentence in norway is 21 years. but the prime minister spoke today. and he said that breivik could be sentenced to longer than that. how so? >> reporter: well, i think the reason that he laid out today was if he's still a danger to society here then the law provides for extending that. 21 years is the maximum people normally spend in jail. but if he is considered -- and it seems that prime minister is willing to entertain the idea at this stage -- but if after the
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trial and 21 years later he's still considered a danger to society, then there would be ground for holding him. and that would just show how extreme his particular case is. and it is by any stretch totally extreme. >> and are the police still coming under a lot of criticism for how they handled this incident and their readiness? i understood that police helicopter crew had all been excused on vacation so there was no way to get out there by helicopter. where's the level of criticism at right now? >> reporter: the questions are being raised. the helicopter crew, it took an hour and a half for the police to get out to the island. questions raised why it took so long when media organizations had helicopters over the island and the police couldn't get there. and then even when they got there their boats in some cases didn't work so they had to use public boats. so that's being raised. the police today at a press conference, they were trying to sort of address if you will some of that criticism. the commander of the operation on the island to take breivik into custody praised his
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officers. but prime minister today has said, look, there's going to be a commission, an independent investigation to look into the attacks to see what we can learn. and i think very clearly he is playing to that public perception that something needs to be done to make sure this doesn't happen again. that questions do need to be answered. he says the commission's going to answer directly to his office, anderson. >> it's still also hard to believe. nick robertson, appreciate it. thanks, nick let's check in with isha with a 360 bulletin. >> reporter: syria security force and army forces stormed a town outside damascus this morning according to a human rights group. a 11-year-old boy was killed. so were at least seven others. outrage from britain over this video shown on libyan state television. it was taken at a pro gadhafi rally. the man in the wheelchair is a man convicted in the 1988 bombing of pan am flight 103 over lockerbie, scotland. he was released from a scott
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turn prison in 2009 on compassionate grounds when doctors said he didn't have long to live. today that medical advice was called "worthless "and his release a great mistake. the recently merged continental and united airlines had to cancel so many flights today because of so many pilots calling in sick. the mysterious epidemic comes as contract negotiations with the pilots union drags on. jeopardy host alex trebek was hurt while chasing a burglar out of his san francisco hotel room. he are up toured his achilles tendon while trying to catch the culprit who stole cash, a bracelet and other items. police arrested 56-year-old lue sin da moyez charged with burglary and receiving stolen property. do you know how old alex trebek is? >> no. how old? >> 71. >> that old? really? he looks great. >> well, he's a crime-fighting dude. >> i can't say the same for the mug shot of that woman. >> looks like live's been a
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little hard. >> that's quite a mug shot. >> that's a keeper. >> wow. >> yeah. >> she looks like a chia pet. that's weird. >> i'm going to leave on that. >> yeah, please do. >> time now for the shot. tonight, isha, do they not have chia pets in england? >> funny enough we don't. no. >> here's the shot tonight. two adorable twins, the lords of the dance. take a look. ♪ . >> do you think these are real? i think this is some sort of weird computer animation or something. this doesn't seem real to me. we found this on youtube. we don't know who they are or where they live. but they love their wi apparently. do you buy that? doesn't it look fake? >> it doesn't look right. but i still think it's pretty impressive. i'm more interested in whether you can dance.
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>> well, you know, that's the age-old unresolved issue. >> no, it's a yes or no answer. you either can or you can't. >> i can dance. i just don't need to do it on television. >> oh. >> we'll talk more about that coming up. i want to apologize to our viewers for my voice tonight. i was on a lot of flights and i think i caught bronchitis or something. a lot more to bring you tonight, serious stuff in crime and punishment. drama today at the sexual assault trial of polygamist sect leader warren jeffs. his lawyers lose their battle to suppress evidence they don't want the jury to see. we'll have more on that just ahead also a key meeting between dominic strauss kahn's accuser that former maid and new york prosecutors. will prosecutors press forward with the maid's case? details ahead. transitions adapt to changing light so you see a whole day comfortably and conveniently while protecting your eyes from the sun. ask your eyecare professional which transitions lenses are right for you.
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well, in crime and punishment tonight, a texas judge dealt an employ to the defense today in the sexual assault trial of polygamist sect leader warren jeffs. the judge refused to suppress evidence that police seized during that 2008 raid that you may remember on a texas ranch that was run by jeffs' church. now, jeffs could suffer a similar setback tomorrow when his lawyers are expected to ask for other evidence to be suppressed from his arrest this 2006 in another state. also expected tomorrow, opening statements in the trial. he's pleaded not guilty to charges of bigamy and sexual assault of a child. a jury of ten women and two men will hear his case on the sexual assault charges. jeffs is expected to be tried on the lesser bigamy charge in october. his church, the fundamentalist
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church of jesus christ of latter day saints is known at flds. it's a far offshoot or the mormon church and supports the practice of polygamy. but mormons renounced polygamy more than a century ago. that's when the flds broke away. today that renegade spirit has apparently take an new turn. some are saying that jeffs' supporters in an arizona town have been engaging in violent acts with no regard for the law. gary tuchman investigates. >> i've never seen it like this before. i've been here for seven years, and i've never seen things so unstable. and so lawless. i consider this the most lawless town in the country. >> reporter: sam brower is a private investigator and writer who's been following the polygamist sect closely for nearly a decade. and who's written a book about the flds called "prophet's prey". >> do you think there are comparisons to be made to like the taliban or the mafia? >> absolutely.
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i mean, even the utah attorney general has stated that the flds in this community is run taliban style. and that's really all the flds church is in my opinion is an organized crime family. >> reporter: attorney the force breakaway sect say that kind of assertion is nonsense, that polygamist leaders and their followers who live here simply want to be left alone, to practice the religion as they see fit. but real violence, according to some neighbors, has crept into the community. this burned-out patch of grass in the town of colorado city, arizona, is evidence of what authorities say is a very disturbing example. arizona state investigators say flds leaders burned dozens of books here rather than let an open library be built. why? because they believe those books were collected by infidels. >> they burnt things that didn't belong to them. they broke and entered the
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building. >> reporter: former flds member stephanie coalgrove said she worked more than two years to collect books for the new library, a library independent of the church. >> what did they do with the books? >> they hauled them out of the building. >> then what did they do with them? >> we assumed that they were burnt. we saw a massive bon fire and assumed all of this was on the pile. because we saw books in the burning pile. >> reporter: the library invaders certainly didn't worry about covering their tracks. this is the remnants of one of the charred books. looks like a medical textbook. county investigators say the local police in colorado city are all members of the flds and have ignored the arson. those local police have not returned our calls it's the county authorities who have worked to crack down on the church. >> so you're with the county. and they're the local police. and normally 99.9% of the time, police all work together. you don't work with these guys,
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do you? >> not at all. can't even get them to talk to me most of the time. >> reporter: that's because according to mohave county chief investigator gary engals, police here obey the religious leaders first, civilian leaders second. >> in your eyes is their allegiance more to the constitution of the united states or to warren jeffs, their prophet? >> i believe that their allegiance is probably more to the church. i know they were required to swear allegiance to one in one of their church meetings here not too long ago. >> reporter: when we asked local police for a comment, they did not respond. >> gary, a lot of warren jeffs supporters, are they expected to attend his trial? are they standing behind him? >> reporter: well, only 45 minutes away from the compound that was raided in 2008. we're where more than 1,000 flds members now live. so we do expect tomorrow when opening statements take place in this courthouse they will be here. and they're very loyal. warren jeffs acknowledges no one, reporters, anyone else
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whose inside the courtroom for these hearings. but when his followers come in he smiles at them. this is very interesting, anderson. in a court when the jury walks in and walks out everyone's supposed to stand and they do. but you're not supposed to to stand when a defendant comes into the court. but when warren jeffs walks into a courtroom his supporters all rise in support of him. >> so is he still the leader of the flds sect? >> he absolutely still is the leader. he's in his jail cell. he spends thousands of dollars a month on phone cards to call in his sermons to his followers every sunday. most of the 10,000 followers at the flds still believe he's the prophet, the closest person on earth to god. >> wow. it's fascinating stuff. gary, you've been covering it for a long time. appreciate the reporting tonight. a quick reminder you can see gary's special reports on warren jeffs this weekend, cnn presents polygamist dirty secrets sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. still ahead tonight, the
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hotel maid who accused dominic strauss-kahn of rape meets with prosecutors. will prosecutors bring this case forward? details on that ahead. also ahead, why an ad campaign featuring academy award-winning actress julia roberts is being banned in the u.k. and why america's other sweetheart, tattoo artist turned reality tv star cat von deis on tonight's ridiculist. you haven't left yet. no. i'm boarding now... what's up? um...would you mind doing it again? last time. [ engine turns over ] oooohhhh...sweet. [ male announcer ] the chevy cruze with the my chevrolet app. the remote control car is finally here. well, now she's just playing with us. oh. [ horn honks ] something that was drilled in me early on, you know, college is the place for you. it's my number one goal. ♪ students like me, who take these ap math and science classes
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the r&d rid. first isha sesay is back with a 360 news and business bulletin. >> reporter: we're keeping our eyes on tropical storm dawn which is moving quickly over the gulf of mexico and possibly heading toward texas. the national hurricane center says dawn is packing maximum sustained winds of up to 40 miles per hour. they say if the storm continues on its current path, it could hit the texas coast late friday into saturday. the hotel maid who accused dominic strauss-kahn of sexual assault met prosecutors for at least seven hours today in new york. they're trying to determine if she is out to get strauss-kahn's money. lawyers for the former imf chief say they're confident prosecutors will dismiss the case. investors ate up shares of duncan brands, the company of dunkin donuts and baskin robbins started trading on the nasdaq today. they closed at just under $28 a share. and british authorities have banned an lancome ad featuring
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julia roberts for being overly air brushed. there you see the air brushed julia and there you see the more natural-looking julia. the huffington post says a female member of the british parliament first raised concerns about the ad and how air brushing is contributing to young women's problems with body image and confidence. they're my people. >> so they outlawed the ad? for air brushing? >> >> my people. what can i say. yeah. i don't live there. >> i'll leave it there. best to i think. time for the ridiculist. tonight we're adding tattoo artist kat von d. you may know her from they're her tlc reality series, la ink or her engagement to jesse james best known for cheating on sandra bullock and being photographed making a nazi salute. she was scheduled to go on the los angeles morning show good day l.a. today. and well, she cath von didn't. >> kat von d is back with new shows on tlc.
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she just broke up with fiance jesse james but not before getting a tattoo of his childhood picture. >> i'm really nervous about doing your surprise. i started freaking out. which takes a lot to freak me out. >> you want to see it? >> i feel like i'm in court. >> look. it's not finished yet. >> kat von d just walked out of the building. i'm sure it's because of the jesse james stuff. >> okay. so let's break this down for a bit. first of all i'm not sure i'd ever seen kat von d before. does she kind of look like a low budget biker bond -- did she get a tattoo of jesse james in her arm pit? that seems too perfect. before i get angry e-mails from the kat von d fan club, i'm approaching the situation free of any by bias. it's not like i was on their
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program yesterday. >> how are you? >> good. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> okay. so i was on their program yesterday promoting my new daytime talk show. check your local listings. but ms. von d, i did happen to read your twitter feed because i wanted to hear your side of this story. i noticed one of your kat von tweets said "dear good day la, thanks for the waste of a perfectly good morning. lack of compassion and respect for each other never fails to disappoint me. you say you didn't walk out of the clip they made but because of what you said was a disrespectful introduction. you work in tattoo parlor and are on a reality tv show. i have to say in their defense, the folks at good day,l.a. jillian, jeff and dorothy are really quite nice. i'm saying that despite my own brutal grilling from them yesterday. >> i watch you do the news. there's something about you that's a soothing quality. you give meet information and i really enjoy it. >> plus he's got those blue eyes.
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>> okay. so it wasn't a brutal grilling at all. i'm no expert, but i want to save kat von d further trouble. here's how tv works. if you are very publicly engage today a guy who's on your tattoo reality show and you've talked about that guy and then you go on tv to promote said tattoo reality show right after you announce your breakup to that guy and your own network send out a clip of your tattoo reality show that features you showing that guy you're engaged to the tattoo that you got of his face in your arm pit? i'm just going out on a limb here, but maybe you're going to get asked about that. now of course, maybe walking out on the fine goeks at good day l.a. was part of the publicity plan. by not appearing you get more coverage than by actually appearing. but that would be cynical. i would hate to think that somebody on a reality tv show would be cynical. i hope her wounded heart heals. she seems like a nice person. here for walking out on what she must have known she was walking into, she gets a temporary tattoo on the ridiculist. we'll be right back.
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breaking news tonight. somewhere in that building senate majority leader harry reid says lawmaking magic can happen. and house speaker john boehner is hoping that members of his own party will, and these are his words, get their asses in line and support his debt reduction bill. they'll need some of that magic and some of those body parts in
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line to find a way out of the debt crisis before tuesday's deadline. the breaking news tonight, house members will vote on boehner's bill tomorrow. new details are emerging about it tonight, though, the congressional budget office is weighing in. but 53 senators are now on record on paper opposing it. kate bolduan is working the story. she joins us with late details. also tonight james carville, ari fleischer on the republican speaker's bill. they get into a heated exchange in a moment. some of the members today in open rebellion. john mccain today smacking them down. fellow republicans. he's providing a reality check and so are the financial markets. the dow industrials today dropping nearly 200 points, making it four losing days in a row. the nasdaq and s & p down even more sharply. now, anyone with a 401 k has got to be worried at this point and watching this closely or should be. assume for a minute that they get a debt reductions deal. will it be the kind of deal most americans say they want? keeping them honest, the answer
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seems to be no. take a look at the latest cnn opinion research center polling shows 64% prefer a mix of spending cuts and tax increases. 34% say cuts only. that's consistent with other polling which is averaging nearly two to one in favor of what president obama and others call a balanced approach. he said on monday that's what he wants. you say that's what you want by a 30point margin. so why is the boehner bill cuts only? and why is democratic senator harry reid's plan also cuts only? well, democrats have backed away from any measures that raise revenues to accommodate republican demands. republicans say americans are not willing to see any taxes go up. >> right now this economy is ailing. and we don't believe, nor do i think the american people believe, that raising taxes is the answer. >> i think what the american people appreciate is that you don't reinvigorate the economy by raising taxes. >> the american people don't want us to raise taxes. >> the american people didn't want their taxes raised, and
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they wanted us to cut spending. they don't want compromise. >> it's time to cut spending, balance the budget, and pay down the debt for our children and our grandchildren without raising taxes. >> there is absolutely no appetite anywhere across the united states for increasing taxes. >> i think the american people are against raising taxes on the job creators out there. >> again, most polls show that's simply not true. as we've shown you last week the phrase by the way job creator is a new talking point. it's how republicans are now referring to wealthier americans. democrats, by the way, of course refer to them as millionaires and billionaires and talk about private jets a lot. talking points used by both side in this debate. gloria borger and david gergen are with us tonight. we'll talk with them in a moment. first kate bolduan is on capitol hill with the latest. kate you're getting late details on the revised plan from house speaker boehner. what do you know? >> reporter: that revised plan came out this evening with new cost estimates which is the gold standard every bill has to face
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in order to make it to the floor. that revised plan is welcome news if you will for house speaker john boehner thanks to a kind of technical fix they were able to find more savings. that's important for house speaker john boehner. now according to these new cost estimates, it offers $917 billion in deficit reduction. while that still falls quite short of his original target of 1.2 trillion, it works. and here's. why because it meets the test that he set out from the beginning was that the cuts be more than the amount they raised the debt ceiling, which is $900 billion for his bill. so this is very welcome news. they're putting this out there. they're moving forward with this vote. they've been trying to wrangle the votes and secure all the support they can from their own party in these last few days but the vote could still be close. >> there's a lot of back room negotiations here. i want to spell it out for our viewers who haven't been following the details all day long. at this point the vote for boehner's bill is supposed to take place tomorrow. he had this meeting today
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basically telling folks in the republican party as we said earlier to "get their asses in line". does he have enough votes at this point? >> reporter: at this moment, what i've been hearing from republican leadership aides is that they say they're feeling confident and it's moving in the right direction. they think they're getting the support that they can get. i was outside that meeting. and as members were coming out, more conservative members with had said they were lean no, they're now leaning more towards yes. what i kept hearing over and over again is we can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good, or as many members put the doable. so it seems they are getting the message the speaker was giving them in the meeting at this point. >> but there are today a lot of loud messages already coming from democrats that if the plan passes in the house it will not make it through the senate, correct? >> reporter: absolutely. and that's kind of an important reality check here. if it does pass in the house it has the potential of hitting a huge road block bloc in the senate. at the same time that house speaker john boehner's office was putting out this release, good news about the revised plan
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and cost estimate, senate democrats released a letter at almost the same time with 53 signatures on it saying they don't support the plan in the senate, and really essentially making clear that it cannot pass. so while all eyes are still on the house to see what happens with john boehner's plan in the house, it has some serious problems in the senate if it gets there. >> all right, kate bolduan, appreciate the late reporting. joining me is political analyst gloria borger and david gergen. gloria try to break this down. say it passes in the house. it goes to the senate. what are harry reid's options there? >> they're trying to figure out that out right now. look. it's not going to pass the senate. but john boehner then has another decision to make. he quashed this revolt on the right. did a good job of getting that done today. but if this measure goes to the senate and it doesn't pass, then there's another question if they go the legislative route this way. there's another question which
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is, can he possibly compromise and bring his troops along with him, or is he going to have to compromise and understand that in order to get something through the house he's now going to have to start looking for democratic votes? because once you start compromising with harry reid, you may just lose a lot of those tea party republicans. and you're going to have to get some democrats in line to vote for this. so the whole dynamic really changes, anderson, once this passes the house tomorrow if it does as expected. >> and you're getting late details from your sources on what's going on behind the scenes in the negotiatings. >> there's an outside track here, which is the legislative track. there's also an inside track. and on that inside track i'm told that the vice-president who was originally involved in these negotiations to try to head this off at the pass is still having conversations with people. and of course, all eyes are upon
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the senate republican leader mitch mcconnell. i've been told tonight that he and biden communicate but they are not in talks. whatever that means. so welcome to my world. because mcconnell supports the boehner plan. so you know, what you have behind closed doors are people scrambling to try and figure out what they can do once the legislative track is kind of works its will. >> david, from your vantage point, where do you see this going if it does reach the senate, the boehner bill? >> i think we're about where we expected to be, anderson, that is as gloria said we have a boehner bill and a reid bill. each one may pass -- the boehner bill is going to pass the house, i think. the reid bill may pass the senate but then they're going to both die in the other chamber. the real issue is what comes after that? what kind of compromise can be fashioned? and can you find a compromise at both sides get enough votes from their own party to pass? and there are enough
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similarities between the boehner bill and the reid bill that with the kind of craftsmanship of mitch mcconnell you might be able to put it together. they both leave out tax increases. that's something the president has wanted. they both leave it out. that makes it easier. but there's still a lot of distance between them on how much to cut and how sure are they of getting real cuts. the reid plan says, well, we're going to cut $2.2 trillion. the republicans come back and say, well, 1.1 of that or more are phantom savings from ending the wars in iraq and afghanistan we're going to end anyway. those are not real cuts. and boehner wants to come back with this. it's complicated. i don't know whether they can meld it or not. i'm still hopeful that we'll get something. i think the stock market going down 200 points today while bad news for 401 k owners i think really did send a powerful message to the congress. you're really playing with fire here now. the markets are -- you thought monday the markets were complacent.
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they're no longer complacent. they're sending you a strong signal, buddy. get your act together or you're going to have real trouble. >> they can try and play the blame game. >> go ahead, gloria. >> i was going to say, they can try and play the blame game with each other, which i'm sure they will do because once you pass a bill in the house the republicans can say, look, we've done it. we've done our work. once you pass a bill, a democratic bill in the senate, democrats could say we've done our work. but i think they're beyond that, anderson. because i think they will all suffer in the end if they don't get something done. the american public will say, this is not what we voted you in for. and so we're going to vote you out. you could potentially see a huge anti-incumbent year. >> yeah, i agree with that. but they are both playing for who's going to wind up getting the most blame? who's going to wind up holding the black queen. >> right. that's the way they always play. but this is very high stakes. >> david, prominent democrats including former president bill clinton say that president obama should just raise the debt ceiling unilaterally, something they say the 14th amendment
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allows. do you see any truth to that? >> i think there's a strong argument for what bill clinton is arguing. but the administration has essentially ruled that out. i mean, tim geithner the treasury secretary has made it clear they do not think that's constitutional. they're not going to go down that path. i think one of the reasons they're slamming that door shut is for the very reason they want to keep the pressure on to see if they can't get a deal. look, i think the real -- the real crunch will come here over the weekend. we're going to see where the parties really stand, what their bottom line cards are. we don't know that right now. we've got to get past the reid-boehner duel and then into the real negotiation and the real deal. >> right. >> david, dploer yeah, thank you very much. go ahead. >> i never thought i would wish for sort of deals to take place behind closed doors. but that's kind of what we're into. >> but there's sort of a point where a lot of people would sort of like to turn off the television cameras and shut these people off and let them go to work. we don't want to hear any more of this. just get the darn thing done.
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>> right. >> well, it's going to be interesting the ramifications of this no matter what happens how people continue to view congress after this. because i don't think anybody comes out of this looking very good. david, gloria thank you very much. fascinating divisions right now in the gop playing out today. speaker boehner's efforts to patch them up. we told you about the i guess salty language he was using to the with his own members. james carville and ari fleischer debate how deep they run. it gets pretty heated tonight. stick around for that. you can get me on facebook, follow me on twitter @ anderson cooper. i'll read yours. just ahead tonight, new video of the deadly blast in norway as it happens. you'll see what a security camera saw. and late detail today as well on the investigation from our nick robertson who's there. one girl's frantic text messages as she hid from the killer. also polygamist leader warren jeffs on trial in texas for two counts of sexual assault of a child. tonight on our crime and punishment segment we take you inside a secretive flds
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community that one investigator compares to the taliban. imagine that right here in the united states. first let's check in with our own isha sesay. >> game show host alex trebek isn't just on jeopardy, he's also talking about the terrifying moments when he was in yep are ditch. we'll tell you about his run in with a burglar and what happen when he gave chase. that and much more when 360 continues. (telephone ring. pick up) usa prime credit. my name ...peggy. you got problem? peggy? third time i've called, it's time i speak with a pervisor. supervisor is genius...i transfer. transfer! transfer! transfer! transfer! transfer! name is... peggy? come on!!! hello? want better customer service?
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tonight's breaks news, details of house speaker boehner's revised debt reduction plan emerging tonight. also a letter from 51 senate democrats and two independents saying they will oppose it if it makes it to their side of the hill, there are signs tonight the chances may be improving somewhat, however, certainly though there are also big signs that speaker boehner is facing a vocal rebellion among the gop ranks, among republican ranks. this morning a conservative talk raid question he tried to rally the troops. >> is it true that you told some of the republican members this
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morning that you need to get your a word in line behind this debt ceiling bill? >> i sure did. listen think, this is time to do what is doable. and this bill isn't perfect. >> what are we going to do? >> hold the line. >> just moments after he spoke those words, some fellow republicans and tea party leaders were rallying against his bill outside the capitol. >> folks, we've got to hold the line. we've got to stand strong. we can't let down the people who elected us last november. we have the boehner proposal on the table. it will cut next year $1 billion. [ audience boos ] >> we are spending $1 billion an hour, virtually. that is insignificant and not meaningful reform. >> tea party favorites rand paul and jim da mint. one of the rally organizes saying compromise simply is not the answer. >> we do think compromise is a bad word. if you look at what's happened,
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compromise has brought us to $14.3 trillion in debt. >> but even the staunchly conservative "wall street journal" editorial page disagrees, pushing today for the boehner bill saying about opposition to it "this is the kind of crack political thinking that turned sharon angle and christine o'donnell into senate gop nominees. in reality the debt limit will be raised one way or the other, and the open issue now is with how much fiscal reform and what political falloutings. -- today on the senate floor john mccain said enough is enough. >> that is not fair to the american people to hold out and say, we won't agree to raising the debt limit until we pass a balanced budget amendment to the constitution. it's unfair. it's bizarre. and maybe some people have only been in this body for six or
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seven months or so really believe that. >> divisions within the gop itself. i spoke about that earlier with democratic strategist james carville and former bush press secretary ari fleischer. currently you can follow him on twitter at, what is it, at fleischer. >> so james, it seems like some of the stiffest opposition to boehner's bill at least to start with came from his own party. is this kind of a rebellion in the ranks normal or do does it seem somewhat unusual here? >> they told us exactly what they whether going to do. think what you want of the tea party. i don't think very much of them. but they said this is what they were going to do when they got here. and by and large that's what they're doing. i have a theory that only thing more dangerous than someone that this about re-election all the time is someone who never this about re-election. that seems to be what some of them are. but they're very true to what they said they were going to do. >> ari, what about that? the tea party members are really a minority block in one half of one branch of the government.
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but it seems like they're kind of steering the ship now. is this how it's supposed to work? >> oh, it's about time that it worked this way. members of the tea party came to washington to educate washington. they didn't come there so washington could educate them on how things were going to get done. and i talked to several members of congress today, some senior members and a couple freshmen members, too. you really get the sense the senior members welcome this infusion of how to cut spending, this pressure that they're under. they just want to make sure that it's done, done right, and that we don't put the nation into default. so i think the speaker is finding that fine line between really changing washington but not pushing so far that things collapse. and that's what the tea party has really been helpful in accomplishing. >> well, that's strange because speaker said that members of the tea party wanted to default, that they wanted the chaos. maybe we're reading different news papers here. >> no. >> the strong element of the republican party wants to default. you got to understand that. there's a strong -- senator
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demint wants to default. senator toomey wants to default. many people on talk radio want to default. >> i read a comment today that said there's not a speaker that we've seen in the last 30 years that's had to deal with the political climate boehner has had to deal with. do you agree with that? >> yeah, i do. i think that's exactly right. and i think that's on purpose. you know, what really is happening here, it's the same group of people who showed up in august of 2009 at the town halls were the first people to take on barack obama over healthcare. when many people thought washington would have to go along what president obama was saying, these were the first people that paul reverse of the republican party saying that we have to stop this, here's the warning. people underestimated them then. they thought they were a fringe. and of course it led to the 2010 tidal wave election. what they believe in is still propelling the republican party on fiscal and economic issues today. and i welcome it. >> these are the people that don't believe in evolution of women. so why would they believe that default will hurt anything?
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you're not dealing with like rational people here. i mean, look, come on. >> james, do you believe that the gop comes out of this looking better than the democrats? i mean, purely from a political standpoint. >> well, so far the answer is decidedly no. i think what they're going to do is tell the senate -- i think what they say is we can't change a single thing. you pass it in toto and tell the president the same thing. i think the democrats ought to campaign against this. i think they ought to say that these people held a gun to the country's head, they were willing to do what was bad by america and send up into default. and i think we ought to take it to the people and have an election about it. but it's pretty clear that they're not going to have the -- if there's any changes to what they'll pass in the house it's pretty clear they're not going to accept any changes in the senate and not going to accept any input from the president. and i think that we're going to have to take this to an election. to get it resolve in any way. >> do you agree with it? >> anderson, i think if the boehner plan fails in the house of representatives tomorrow it's going to be a political calamity for republicans. if it passes in the house tomorrow i think it's going to
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be a political calamity for the democrats. because at that point the democrats are going to have to realize that only way the debt gets increased is with democratic votes and for a plan that does nothing but cut spending and does not increase taxes. that is going to make the liberal base of the democratic party become unglued. and i think the likelihood is barack obama will sign that. and that's why you hear panic in the voice of james and in in other liberal who fear that republicans are actually getting their way. >> i don't know how to tell you. this let me explain it to you. this deficit was caused by irresponsible tax cuts tilted toward the wealthy, ill thought out and irresponsible wars, okay? and a deregulated, overspeculative financial sector. now you're coming back and warning working people and working students and retirees and veterans to pay for it. democrats don't think that's a good idea. and we're going to run on that. we're actually going to have an election on this. that's my general view. sign it and then take it to the public. and see what happens. >> you know, james is pretending
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the obama stimulus was cost more than $800 billion and was supposed to keep unemployment below 8% it never took place. he's forgetting all the spending that's taken place now that the budget -- the only people in town that have the piece of paper to cut spending are harry reid and john boehner. the piece of paper that barack obama submitted, his budget, increased spending and left us with $1 trillion deficits as far as the eye can see. that's the obama problem today. >> let me explain to you so you just know, ari. but you already know and you know that i know and you know that i'm going to point out that every chart shows that 85% of this is a result of policies of the previous administration and the two biggest contributors to this are tax cuts and the wars that were started that are still going on. plus you had the crash in the financial sector that caused all of this. now you guys want people that have nothing to do with it to pay for it. and the democrats are going to take that and they're going to run on it. that's just what's going to happen. you know the charts.
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[ overlapping speakers ] >> if the democrats are so against those bush tax cuts then why did they extend them all for two years? and what james is really saying is he wants to raise taxes on all americans. >> you're right. absolutely. >> he wants to take away the marriage pent relief that george bush give all americans, the child credit that george bush gave to all americans that barack obama extend today all americans. james wants to raise taxes on all americans regardless of their income level. >> let me be very clear. [ overlapping speakers ] >> i've so opposed the bush tax cuts, i particularly opposed them on people making over $250,000 a year. i opposed the tax credit that they give to special interest groups. absolutely. and i think that they ought to pay for it. and i don't think that student, i don't think that veterans and i don't think retirees ought to pay for the mistakes that your administration made. i think the people that benefitted by that ought to pay for it. that's exactly what i think. you don't have to say what i think. i'm glad to tell you what i think. >> james address it all. i never heard him address why those cuts just got extended for
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two years and by a democrat house and a democrat senate. >> that's what it is. you know what i think. i don't think we ought to pay to clean up your mess. >> james carville, ari fleischer, gentlemen, thank you. got pretty heated. still ahead, new video of the deadly bombing in norway shows just how fatherful the blast was even a block away. plus the text messages that a teenager sent to her mom as a gunman killed her friends on that tiny island. also ahead, a deadly day in syria. security forces killing at least eight people including a young boy. details in the murders coming up. miles per gallon on the highway. how does it do that? well, to get there, a lot of complicated engineering goes into every one. like variable valve timing and turbocharging, active front grille shutters that close at high speeds, and friction reducing -- oh, man, that is complicated. how about this -- cruze eco offers 42 miles per gallon.
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>> god bless the victims, their families, their friends, and the survivors. peace be with them. >> that bell was given to manhattan after the 9/11 attacks. it rang today a block from ground zero in memory of the 76 people killed in norway's terror attacks last week. tonight there's new video of the bombing in central oslo. the store is a block away from where the bomb went off, but you
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can see the impact caught on a security camera. that's a full block away now. imagine that. the blast was reportedly felt more than a mile away even. we now know the bombing was just the beginning of the terror. 68 people were later gunned down at a youth political camp on a small island outside oslo. when police today released the names of 13 more victims the young. was just 14 years old, a girl attending the camp. 16-year-old julie brem ens managed to hide from the gunman who was allegedly confessed to both attacks, a guy named anders breivik. he stalked his victims for more than an hour before police arrived. the terror that julie lived through is captured in text messages she sent to her mother. here's one of them. julie writes, mummy, tell the police they must be quick. people are dying here. her mother replies i'm working on it, julie. the police are on their way. dare you call me? julie tells her mom no. another text, julie pleads with her mom, tell the police there is a madman running around and shooting people. they just hurry. she add, we are in fear for our
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lives. her mother replies i understand that very well, my darling. stay hidden. do not move anywhere. julie also told her mom, i love you even if i still misbehave from time to time. julie's mom said that's when she knew the situation was really grave. police today detonated more explosives at a farm they found belonging to breivik who remains in prison isolation. i talked to senior international correspondent nick robertson. >> nick, today on breivik's farm more explosives were blown up. what do we know about that? >> reporter: we know some parts of them have been taken away for evidence. but there's some parts of those explosives, it seems to be residual parts from the fertilizer he turned into bombs into the bomb in the central oslo police say are too unstable to transport away. they're sticking tnt on it and blowing it up in situ. much they pretty much finished at the farm now. they need to find out, make sure they can account for all the fertilizer that he because,
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anderson. >> we're also hearing that police were still searching the waters off the island. >> reporter: there still are some people who are unaccounted for, missing, a small number. and the police continuing with that. and again today they released names of some more of the victims. and i think what is just striking when you read through those names as we did again today just the ages we're reminded again of ages of some of the children and some of them, two girls i saw, one 14, one 15. these were the victims. >> i was surprised to learn that maximum prison sentence in norway is 21 years. but the prime minister spoke today, and he said that breivik cowl be sentenced to longer than that. how so? >> reporter: well, i think the reason that he laid out today was if he's still a danger to society here, then the law provides for extending that. 21 years is the maximum people normally spend in jail. but if he is considered -- and it seems that the prime minister is willing to entertain the idea
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at this stage -- but if after the trial and 21 years later he's still considered a danger to society, then there would be grounds for holding him. and that would just show how extreme his particular case is. and it is by any stretch totally extreme. >> and are the police still coming under a lot of criticism for how they handled this incident and their readiness? i understood that police helicopter crew had all been excused on vacation so there was no way to get out there by helicopter. where is the level of the criticism at right now? >> reporter: the questions are being raised. the helicopter crew, it took an hour and a half for the police to get out to the island. questions raised why it took so long when media organizations had helicopters over the island and the police couldn't get there. and then even when they got there, their boats in some cases didn't work so they had to use public boats. so that's being raised. the police today at a press conference, i know they were trying to sort of address if you will some of that criticism. the commander of the operation
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on the island to take breivik into custody praised his officers. but prime minister today has said, look, there's going to be a commission, an independent investigation to look into the attacks to see what we can learn. and i think very clearly he is playing to that public perception that something needs to be done to make sure this doesn't happen again, that questions do need to be answered. and he said the commission's going to answer directly to his office, anderson. >> still all so hard to believe. nick robertson, appreciate it a lot more to bring you tonight, serious stuff in crime and punishment. drama today at the sexual assault trial of polygamist sect leader warren jeffs. his lawyers lose their battle to suppress evidence they don't want the jury to see. we'll have more on that just ahead also a key meeting between dominic strauss-kahn's accuser, that former hotel maid and normal's prosecutors. the question is, will prosecutors press forward with the maid's case? details ahead. tamins and mineras balanced to support your energy and immune function. everyday benefits from advanced formulas.
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in kp kp tonight crime and punishment tonight, a texas judge dealt a blow to jeffs' defense loy lawyers. he refused to suppress evidence on a 2008 raid on jeffs' ranch. he could suffer a similar setback tomorrow when his lawyers are expected to ask for other evidence to be suppressed about his arrest in 2006 in another state. also expected tomorrow, opening statements in the trial. he's pleaded not guilty to charges of bigamy and sexual assault of a child. the jury of ten women and two men will hear his case on sexual assault charges. he's expected to be tried on the lesser bigamy charges in october. his church the fundamentalist church of jesus christ of latter day saints is known as flds, a far offshoot of the mormon church and supports the practice of polygamy. but mormons renounced polygamy more than a century ago. that's when the flds broke away. today that renegade spirit has apparently take an new turn. some are saying that jeffs'
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supporters in an arizona town have been engaging in violent acts with no regard for the law. gary tuchman investigates. >> i've never seen it like this before. i've been here for seven years and i've never seen things so unstable and so lawless. i consider this the most lawless town in the country. >> reporter: sam brower is a private investigator and writer who's been following the polygamist sect closely for nearly a decade. and who's written a book about the flds called "prophet's prey". >> do you think there are comparisons to be made to like the taliban or the mafia? >> absolutely. i mean, even the utah attorney general has stated that the flds and this community is run taliban style. and that's really all the flds church is in my opinion is an organized crime family. >> reporter: attorneys for the breakaway sect say that kind of assertion is nonsense.
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that polygamist leaders and their followers who live here simply want to be left alone to practice the religion as they see fit. but real violence, according to some neighbors, has crept into the community. this burned-out patch of grass in the town of colorado city, arizona, is evidence of what authorities say is a very disturbing example. arizona state investigators say flds leaders burned dozens of books here rather than let an open library be built. why? because they believe those books were collected by infidels. >> they burnt things that didn't belong to them. they broke and entered the building. >> reporter: former flds member stephanie coalgrove says she worked for more than two years to collect books for the new library, a library independent of the church. >> what did they do with the books? >> they hauled them out of the building. >> then what did they do with them? >> we assumed that they were burnt. we saw a massive bon fire and assumed all of this was on the pile because we saw books in the
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burning pile. >> reporter: the library invaders certainly didn't worry about covering their tracks. this is the remnants of one of the charred books. looks like a medical textbook. county investigators say the local police in colorado city are all members of the flds and have ignored the arson. those local police have not returned our calls. it's the county authorities who have worked to crack down on the church. >> so you're with the county and they're the local police. and normally, 99.9% of the time police all work together. you don't work with these guys, do you? >> not at all. can't even get them to talk to me most of the time. >> reporter: that's because according to mohave county chief investigator gary engels, police here obey the religious leaders first, siflian leaders second. >> in your eyes is their allegiance more to the constitution of the united states or to warren jeffs, their prophet? >> i believe that their
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allegiance is probably more to the church. i know they were required to swear allegiance to warren in one of their church meetings here not too long ago. >> reporter: when we asked local police for a comment, they did not respond. >> gary, a lot of warren jeffs' supporters, are they expected to attend his trial? are they standing behind him? >> reporter: we're only 45 minutes away from the compound that was raided in 2008 where more than 1,000 flds member now live. so we do expect tomorrow when opening statements take place in this courthouse they will be here. they're very loyal. warren jeffs acknowledges no one, reporters, anyone else who's inside the courtroom for these hearings. but when his followers come in he smiles at them. this is very interesting, anderson. in a court when the jury walks in and walks out everyone's supposed to stand and they do. but you're not supposed to stand when a defendant comes into court. but when warren jeffs walks into a courtroom his supporters all rise in support of him. >> so is he still the leader of
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the flds sect? >> he absolutely still is the leader. he's in his jail cell. he spends thousands of dollars a month on phone cards to call in his sermons to his followers every sunday. most of the 10,000 followers of the flds still believe he's the prophet, the closest person on earth to god. >> wow, it's fascinating stuff. gary, you've been covering it for a long time. appreciate the reporting tonight. thanks. a quick reminder you can see gary's special reports on jeffs this weekend, cnn presents polygamist dirty secrets sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn still ahead tonight, the hotel maid who accused dominic strus caan of rape meets with prosecutors. will prosecutors bring this case forward? details on that ahead. also ahead, why an ad campaign featuring academy award-winning actress julia roberts is being banned in the u.k. why america's other sweetheart, tattoo artist turned reality tv star kat von d is on tonight's ridiculist. breathes easily.
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company coming up wwhy tatt artist cath von d. israel kat v ridiculist the national hurricane center says dawn is packing maximum sustained winds of up to 40 miles per hour. they say if the storm continues on its current path, it could hit the texas coast late friday into saturday. the hotel maid who accused dominic strauss-kahn of sexual assault met with prosecutors for at least seven hours today in new york. they're trying to determine if she is out to get strauss-kahn's money. lawyers for the former imf chief say they're confident prosecutors will dismiss the case. investors ate up shares of dunkin brands, the parent company of dunkin donuts and baskin robbins started trading on the nasdaq today. shares gained nearly 50% to
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close just under $28 a share. and british authorities have banned an lancome ad featuring julia roberts for being overly air bushed. there you see the air brushed julia. and there you see the more natural-looking julia. the huffington post says a female member of the british parliament first raised concerns about the ad and how air brushing is contributing to young women's problems with body image and confidence. they're my people. >> so they outlawed the ad for air brushing? >> >> my people. what can i say? yea yeah. >> all right. >> yeah. >> i'll leave it there. best to, i think. >> yeah. >> time for the ridiculist. tonight we're adding tattoo artist kat von d. you may know her from her tlv decree at series l.a. ink or from her engagement to jesse james himself best known for cheating on sandra bullock and being photographed making a nazi salute. well, ms. von d was scheduled to go on the los angeles morning show good day l.a. today.
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well, she kat von didn't. >> star of la ink kat von d is back with new shows on tlc. she just broke up with fiance jesse james. but not before getting a tattoo of his childhood picture. >> i'm totally nervous about giving you your surprise. >> i started freaking out. which it takes a lot to freak me out. >> do you want to see it? >> i feel like i'm in court. >> no. look. it's not finished yet. >> kad von d just walked out of the building and i'm sure it's because of the jesse james stuff. >> okay. so let's break this down for a bit. first of all i'm not sure i'd ever seen kat von d before. does she kind of look like a low budget biker bar cher impersonator? did she really get a tattoo of jesse james in her kat von d arm pit?
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before i get angry e-mails from her fan club, you should know that even though i'm taking the side from good day l.a. on this one, i'm approaching this free of any bias. it's not like i was on their program yesterday. >> good to see you. >> okay. so i was on their program yesterday. promoting my new daytime talk show. check your local listings. but ms. von d, i did happen to read your twitter feed because i wanted to hear your side of the story. i noticed one of your kat von tweets said "dear good day la thanks for the waste of a perfectly good morning. lack of compassion and respect for each other never fails to disappoint me". you say you didn't walk out of because of the clip they played but because what you say is a disrespectful introduction. we heard the introduction. you work in a tattoo parlor and you're on a reality tv show. if that's the most disrespectful thing you heard yesterday you weren't reading their comments. keep in mind i'm saying that despite my own brutal grilling from them yesterday.
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>> i watch you do the news. and there's something about you that it's a soothing quality. you give me the information and i really enjoy it. >> he's got those blue eyes. >> okay. so it wasn't a brutal grilling at all. i'm no expert, but i want to save kat von d further trouble. here's how tree works. if you are very publicly engaged to a guy on your tattoo reality show and you've talked about that guy and you go on tv to promote said tattoo reality show right after you announce your breakup to that guy and your own network sends out a clip of your tattoo reality show that features you showing that guy you're engaged to the tattoo that you got of his face in your arm pit? i'm just going out on a limb here, but maybe you're going to get asked about that. now of course, maybe walking out on the fine folks at good day l.a. was part of a publicity plan. by not appearing you get more coverage than by actually appearing. but that would be cynical. and i would hate to think that someone on a reality show would be cynical. i hope her wounded heart heals. i really do.
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she seems like a good person. for now walking out on what she must have known she was walking into she gets a temporary tattoo on the ridiculist up next, meet an arizona woman helping thousands of pregnant women in sneesh yeah. see why they call her mother robin when we continue. i'm good about washing my face. but sometimes i wonder... what's left behind? [ female announcer ] introducing purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena® naturals. developed with dermatologists... it's clinically proven to remove 99% of dirt and toxins and purify pores. and with natural willowbark it contains no dyes, parabens or harsh sulfates. dirt and toxins do a vanishing act and my skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] new purifying facial cleanser from the new line of neutrogena naturals. ♪ let me make you smile
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can you imagine if you were a mom and you go to a doctor toe deliver your baby and then that doctor kept your baby from you until you paid your hospital bill? i mean, it sounds crazy but in indonesia this actually happens a lot. this week's cnn hero has a solution. arizona native robin lim moved to indonesia to offer free birthing services to poor women. here's her story. >> the moment that a woman becomes pregnant in indonesia, she is 300 times more likely to die in the next 12 months than if she was not pregnant. if you have money you can get excellent medical services. but the poorest people don't always get the services they need. in the hospital here, you cannot take your baby home until you've paid your bill. sometimes the mothers wait outside the hospital all day waiting to get in to feed their baby and to change their baby's diaper. my name is robin lim.
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i'm a midwife. most people call me ebu robin because e b bu means mother. i learned about the dangers of motherhood when my own sister, she died as complication of her third pregnancy. i was just really crushed. i came to bali to reinvent my life. >> hi, baby, hi. >> i started a clinic run by indonesian midwifes. we offer prenatal care, birth services. no matter how poor they are, no matter their race or religion, we teach new graduating classes of midwifes how to do a more natural, gentle birth. women can stay as long as they want. >> translator: robin helps poor people. she cares about me very much like my own mother. i'm extremely grateful. >> each baby, each adult, deserves a clean,
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