tv AM Wake Up Call CNN July 28, 2011 2:00am-3:00am PDT
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good morning, thursday, july 28th. this is your "wake up call." i'm ali velshi. admit it, you'll miss the debt ceiling stories when they're gone. boehner says the plan is not perfect but doable. democrats and conservative republicans think it's perfectly undoable and should be purt on the curb with the rest of the recyclables. even if the bill passes the house, it has a snow ball's chance in the senate. the president says he won't sign
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it either. kate baldwin looks ahead. >> reporter: if it does pass in the house, it has the potential of hitting a huge road block as soon as it gets to the senate. at the same time, that house speaker john boehner's office was putting out this release, the good news about the cost estimate, senate democrats released a letter at almost the same time with 53 signatures on it saying they don't support the plan in the senate and really essentially making clear that it cannot pass. so while all eyes are still on the house to see what happens with john boehner's plan in the house, it has serious problems in the senate if it gets there. >> you figure the democrats wouldn't be friends, that's just politics but this bill is make something republicans cannibalize each other. we're seeing the difference between republicans who play the game and the new tea party favorites who say the game helped us get into this mess. listen to these two republicans, old school and new school. that. >> is not fair. that is not fair to the american
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people, to hold out and say we won't agree to raising the debt limit until we pass a balanced budget amendment to the constitution. it's unfair. it's bizarro. and maybe some people who have only been in this body for six or seven months or so really believe that. others know better. >> i'm a freshman. maybe i'm naive but i don't think unless we force -- unless we force republicans and democrats to balance their books every year, they won't. the only way we can do that is to force them. the only way we want force them it "s" to put a balanced budget amendment in the constitution. we have to do that. we can't yield. >> that was congressman walsh. he was one of those who is not going to be supporting speaker boehner's decision. one more story about congress. representative david wu of oregon says he's resigning after the debt ceiling issue is
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resolved. he's a seven-term democrat accused of making unwanted sexual advances toward the daughter of a campaign donor. accord together national taxpayers union, wu could be eligible for more than a million dollars in benefits over the rest of his life. that's not too shabby for a little more than 12 years of work. jokes like this 71-year-old canadian didn't stay at a holiday inn express last night. trebek explained why he showed up to an event in san francisco on crutches. >> yesterday morning chasing a burglar down the hall at my san francisco hotel until my achilles tendon ruptured and i fell in an ignominious heap. >> police arrested and charged a
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56-year-old woman with stealing his stuff. if you're flying continental out of newark or another hub, make sure the flight is still on. continental had to kans billion 24 flights yesterday because a bunch of pilots called in sick. the airline and pilots union are in labor negotiations. if you bought a plane ticket before the airlines had to stop charging tax, you might be able to get that tax money back. the faa's authority to raise revenue expired yesterday at midnight. time now for a check on the world markets. the hang seng closed slightly higher with, the nikkei closed higher. the ftse and the dax are both down. sony is reporting big losses. let's go to kyung lah, live in tokyo. good morning, kyung. >> reporter: good morning, ali. it's not just sony but it is a bad day in a lot of boardrooms and many of the electronics companies here in japan. we saw a lot of reporting of the quarter from april to june.
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sony posted a loss of 191 million u.s. dollars. panasonic, down 390 million. sharp down 630 million and nintendo says they lost in that quarter 327 million u.s. dollars. why? well, partially because of the march 11th earthquake. they are still trying to recover from the poor sales and the supply problems. the other theme we keep seeing over and over again from these electronics companies is the currency problem. the u.s. dollar is sinking. sinking very rapidly in these last six weeks. u.s. manufacturers, just like japanese manufacturers all operate on the u.s. dollar. and so when japanese manufacturers then have to repatriate these funds here, they lose if the dollar is sinking and the yen is rising. what is pushing the dollar down is all of that u.s. debt ceiling talk, the uncertainty, the world
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markets are in havoc. what that's translating to, ali, a lot of concern, a lot of corporate loss and concern this is now really going to affect japan's economy. ali? >> kyung lah, joining us live from tokyo. the economy is the talk of the nation. and jay leno wants you to know how bad he thinks it is. >> the economy is bad, it's bad. >> come on, jay, how bad is it? >> the economy is so bad, my stockbroker told me i have to go screw myself. okay? the economy is so bad i saw larry king having himself apr z appraised on "antiques road show." the economy is so bad, people can no longer afford crystal meth, they have to use cubic zarconia meth. >> let's go to rob marciano,
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live in atlanta. tropical storm don expected to make landfall soon. when and where and what kind of storm is this, rob? >> it's a minimal tropical storm. it's been hugging the yucatan peninsula of mexico. it is heading into the gulf of mexico. some buoys are approaching 80 degrees in water temperature. that's fuel for the fire. we expect this thing to intensify as we go throughout the day today. here's the forecast track from the national hurricane center. the landfall is expected across the texas coastline anywhere from brownsville to just south of galveston and corps-- corpus christi, the forecast is for it to be a strong potential storm. beneficial is going to be the rainfall. we'd like to have it farther to the north and through san antonio and dallas. anybody in texas will take any
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sort of rain they can get. a ton of rain in chicago. they've set records as far as july rainfall, more thunderstorms expected today. that's where we'll see flight delays, chicago, could see delays up and over an hour. detroit, tampa, orlando, miami and san francisco as well. on the space front news here, want it tell you about a new discovery from nasa, orbiting potentially the earth's orbit are these asteroids called trojan asteroids. they've seen these kind of whirling around jupiter and saturn and usually asteroids don't orbit around planets but we haven't seen many orbit around earth. this could be interest that we keep talking about man visiting asteroids. >> right. >> so this may be an easy way to do it, some that are close to home. >> we have one. great, excellent, we have an asteroid to aim for. love it. any flight cancellations to look
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at. >> not sure cancellations but chicago will be the problem spot. o'hare. >> right. the cancellations -- i'm confusing stories. the cancellations are the continental flights canceled out of newark yesterday because of a bunch of pilots calling in sick. we don't know if that will happen again today. you have your handle on delays. thank you. could newt gingrich's campaign t-shirts be politically incorrect? he'll explain what's inside this t-shirt. here's our quote of the day, aren't we at the point where the closer we get to chaos, the more concern there should be about come together table and compromising with democrats? this is not leadership. this is almost like dictatorship. mull it over. i'll tell you what newsmaker said it right after the break. nine minutes after the hour. ...or something small? ...something old? ...or something new?
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...or maybe, just maybe... it's something you haven't seen yet. the 2nd generation of intel core processors. stunning visuals, intelligent performance. this is visibly smart. vietnam, 1967. i got mine in iraq, 2003. u.s.a.a. auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation, because it offers a superior level of protection and because u.s.a.a.'s commitment to serve the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. u.s.a.a. we know what it means to serve.
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a to the point where the closer we get to chaos, the more concern that there should be about coming together with the democrats? who said it, congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz of florida, talking about democrats debating the debt ceiling on capitol hill. comedians have done brainstorming and they've come up with their own ideas. >> the white house said it's working on a plan "b." unfortunately the "b" stands for bake sale. plan "c" is car wash. >> things are so bad, folks, america may have to move in with canada for a while. want to do that? just bring our stuff. let's go over there at 4:00 in the morning. we got kicked out. we didn't pay our bills. >> the kardashian sisters, kim
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and chloe, they made $65 billion last year. maybe they should be running the country. they're making money. >> ladies and gentlemen, when you hear your name called, do me a favor, come up here on stage and tell bus your debt reduction plan. >> all right. time now for your political digger with tim farley. tim, you're not so old but you've been around washington long enough to have seen a lot of stuff. have you ever seen what's going on here with the republicans going at each other the way they are in you almost forget the democrats are in this debate. >> we see more than we used to see, ali. it is true, we're at a level of contention that's probably unprecedented in our history or at least before we had television. it's pretty rough right now. john boehner was saying to the republican caucus, he had a conversation with them, he told them to get your ass in line.
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i use that word because he used it. he acknowledged that he used that word when he was talking to laura ingram yesterday. he also said, i didn't put my neck on the line and go toe to toe with obama to not have an army behind me. this is about rallying the troops right now. that 217 he needs to get to in the house today is something that will not make or break the leadership of speaker boehner but will go a long way to cementing his position of leadership with republicans in the house. >> all right. by the way, david wu, is he going to be voting? >> i don't know. is he -- he was con front by a "washington times" reporter yesterday. he said he would be resigning to help his family. that was his priority. unfortunately the priority seemed to be staying around for that debt ceiling vote. at this point it looks like he will be voting. it remains to be seen whether or
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not he'll be staying in congress for some time. >> this whole august 2nd deadline, the place we got that from was treasury secretary tim geithner back before the debt ceiling was reached. on may 16th he said i could probably move things around until august 2nd. what's he saying? >> the bipartisan policy center also said that was the date. those things are always a little bit movable. the secretary will be testifying in front of a house committee. he's giving a sense of the world global economy and talking about the oversight of the financial situation. i think you'll hear the word greece and debt in there with questions. i'm not sure if it's going to go exactly where he wants it to go. he is still saying this is a very real deadline. when you're talking a few days and trillions of dollars, is it that big of a deal or a difference? >> we'll find out. >> we will find out. talk to you later. >> thank you. >> he's the host of morning
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briefing on sirius xm, live from washington. newt gingrich had explaining to do with his campaign teachers because the label reads made in el salvador, not made in america. listen to this exchange between gingrich and an abc producer. >> we asked for t-shirts to be sent to us. they were made in america. i just picked up that one and they were made in el salvador. printed in atlanta. it was a big thing when we talked to your campaign about how you wanted things to be made in america. do we have plans to change thing? >> i have to ask the folks who ordered this. >> gingrich campaign spokes pirn sa said the shirts were a rush order. this is not what you usually see on a wednesday afternoon in toronto. they're filming the new total recall movie there. it did cause a few present-day traffic headaches. those are supposed to be -- those will be flying cars.
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these are the regular cars you usually see in toronto. there's an actor. the international space station, by the way, only has a few more years in existence. after 2020 it will be plugged into the ocean. that's the word from the russian space agency. they think they'll be forced to sink the iss or it will become dangerous space junk. we're stacking up the most fattening destinations, something to think about the next time you pack your bags. first, speaking of that, it's a special special day today. today is national milk chocolate day. don't get it confused with chocolate milk day. it's milk chocolate day. chocolate milk day is later in the year. oh, that's good.
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[ jack ] yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] half a day's worth of fiber. fiber one. [ male announcer ] get ready for the left lane. the volkswagen autobahn for all event is back. right now, get a great deal on new volkswagen models, including the cc. and every volkswagen includes scheduled carefree maintenance. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the volkswagen cc sport for just $289 a month. ♪ visit today. excuse me? my grandfather was born in this village. [ automated voice speaks foreign language ] [ male announcer ] in here, everyone speaks the same language. ♪ in here, forklifts drive themselves. no, he doesn't have it. yeah, we'll look on that. [ male announcer ] in here, friends leave you messages written in the air. that's it right there. [ male announcer ] it's the at&t network.
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and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. consider this: over 70% of firefighters are local volunteers... these are our neighbors putting their lives on the line. and when they rely on a battery, there are firefighters everywhere who trust duracell. and now you can join with duracell to help. just buy specially-marked packs & duracell will make a battery donation to local volunteers. these days don't we all need someone to trust...? duracell. trusted everywhere.
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21 minutes after the hour. here are three things you have to have on your radar today. a big showdown expected in the house as house speaker john boehner revisits his revised debt plan, it gets put to a vote. and don churning in the gulf of mexico. this morning it is in place, tropical storm watch is in place for much of the texas coast. if it just gets a lot of rain, that will be good news. if it's anything more, it could be a problem. ? san francisco, another hearing involving a proposed ban on male
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circumcisi circumcisions. it was ruled a tentative violation of california state law. today she'll hear more arguments before making a final rule. zain vergee is live in london. you've been following the violent downpours, rain in south korea that's triggering mudslides, it's killed dozens of people and this has been going on for a few days. >> 35 people have been killed because of those landslides and downpours, ali. take a look at some of these pictures here. you have something like 2 inches, that's about 50 millimeters of rain in some places an hour. there are different neighborhoods in and around seoul that have been evacuated. 100,000 people lost power. power has been restored to their homes. this is a tragedy for people who have to live through this kind of rain. ali? >> we have a total of 44 people
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dead in the south korea flooding. you're watching it closely. i'm still eating chocolate by the way because it's national day of milk chocolate here. >> it's not even breakfast time. >> i know. it's kind of crazy. >> what's going on? >> not as good as the british chocolate you have over there. where am i going to gain the most pounds when i travel? >> well, watch out, holidaymakers, if you are traveling to the united states you may be packing in a few pounds there as we watch ali munching his milk chocolate there at 5:00 in the morning. this one survey is saying because in the u.s. you have huge portions, all you can eat and people are constantly snacking, you're just going to pack in more pounds, about 8 pounds for a two-week holiday. this is what they're calling the holiday fat map, the u.s. at the top, caribbean, france, italy, greece, britain, where i am here, also on that map.
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you know, you're packing in the pounds there. holidaymakers, ali, blame alcohol a lot. they blame the fact in the u.s. you can get a lot of free refills as well. i know you work out in between eating chocolate and snacking. >> how do you think i get this body? you think i just wake up like this? you can't get a round, soft, doughy body with no effort. >> take another bite of that chocolate, ali, all right? >> absolutely i will. >> go to the gym later. >> catch up with you later. zain vergee in london. what an excellent excuse to eat chocolate. in the 5:00 hour. a big arrest in the hacking world. police in scotland say one of the spokes folt notorious computer hacking groups is in custody. we're learning anonymous is urging people to close their paypal accounts.
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the group has targeted paypal since it stopped handling donations for wikileaks. you complained, home improvement and construction tied with retail sales for the number three on the list. complaints were about lousy or unfinished work, false advertising, defective products and so on. number would, credit card billing fees, predty lending, aggressive debt collectors. number one, autos, false advertising, lemons and shoddy repairs. before we go, today's businessman's special. the sports car is scoring number one for the seventh year in a row with drivers. i'll tell you which one is. more details after the break. 25 after the hour. [ diane lane ] is your anti-wrinkle cream gone...
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but not your wrinkles. new neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. its retinol formula smoothes wrinkles in just one week. why wait if you don't have to. neutrogena®. why wait if you don't have to. we believe doing the right thing never goes unnoticed. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? purina cat chow helps you well-being. we're all striving for it.
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good morning. thursday, july 28th, this is your "a.m. wakeup call." 29 after the hour. big day in the debt ceiling fight. the house votes on speaker boehner's revised plan. democrats don't like it, some republicans despise it for different reasons. it could dianne ugly death in the senate and certainly isn't getting signed by president obama. it is crunch time, folks. the deadline is tuesday. listen to what david gergen said about wall street sending washington a message. this is from a discussion with anderson cooper and gloria borger. >> i'm still hopeful we'll get something. i think the stock market going down 200 points today, while bad news for 401(k) owners did send a powerful message to the congress. you're really playing with fire here now. the markets are -- you thought monday the markets were
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complacent. they're no longer complacent. they're sending a strong signal, buddy, get your act together or you'll have real trouble. >> a new gallup poll, this is how it breaks down, romney 23%, perry 18%, bachmann 13% and ron paul has 10%. it places rick perry, undeclared candidate, near the top of the list. a bitter anger and frustration at a town hall meeting for those who got sick after 9/11. the justice department is holding a series of town hall meetings to explain how the victims' compensation fund will work. some are upset because the fund doesn't cover cancer. the world trade center health program concluded at this time, there's not enough scientific evidence to establish a link. more studies are planned for the future. the woman who says the former head of the international
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monetary fund sexually assaulted her will make her first public appearance today when she plans to thank supporters at a church in brooklyn. she claims dominique strauss-kahn attacked her in may. he's pleaded not guilty. prosecutors have questioned her credibility. the hotel maid insists she is telling the truth. let's go to carter evans, live at the nasdaq market site here in new york. good morning, carter. how are markets shaping up for today? >> futures are slightly higher, ali. anything can change, as you know. we have a lot of things going on today. yesterday, the s&p, standard & poors cut the long-term debt rating again. we have a lot of reports coming out today, the weekly unemployment claims. last week we saw 418,000. analysts expect it to fall slightly this week. we have a report on pending home sales. analysts expect a 3% drop in june after an 8% rise in may.
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tomorrow is a big day because we get a first look ott our second quarter gmd. first quarter, 2.8% growth. economists would be happy to see 2.5% growth. >> i don't know who that helps because if job growth is slow conservatives will take cut taxes and liberals will say more stimulus. i don't know where it gets us. there's a lot of economic reports coming out. >> think about this. if you're a company, are you going to hire anyone right now with all this uncertainty? probably not. you'll hold off for a couple of months until things settle down. >> what kind of reports are we leaning on today? >> we're getting a lot of earnings food. we'll hear from exxonmobil, starbucks, sprint, nextel after the close, metlife and volkswagen, also time warner cable today. also, i wanted to detail out information we're getting about foreclosures, ali because some
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of these numbers it looks like the foreclosure situation is getting a lot better. there's new information coming in from realty track that shows that foreclosures in the u.s. in metro areas declined in more than 84% of u.s. metro areas during the first half of the year. realty track says the national foreclosure rate fell 29% over the past 12 months. this as you know, ali, is not a big turnaround. >> right. >> what it is is a huge backlog of foreclosures, following the robo signing scandal of last year. there's a glut of foreclosures on the market. the biggest decline in the number of foreclosures comes in states where a judge has to review all the paperwork before it's signed off on. >> all right. we will look into that through the course of the day and see how that influences markets. how do you get to work? a car, a sports car, take the bus? >> i take a car into work. >> right. >> i considered in the summer riding my bike but after my
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accident a couple of months ago, that's not going to be happening. >> stick around. you might want to listen to this. back to today's businessman's special. the porsche for the seventh year in a row, porsche remains the brand drivers find most appealing. the average cost $60,000 and $135,000, very interesting. stephen colbert hijacked cnn, sort of. >> there's been some resolution to this case, hasn't there? >> there has been some resolution. >> wait, did he have fangs? stop the footage. blow that up. >> oh, my god. he's not a differencemaker. he's a vampire. >> don, ask him about being a vampire. >> taxi! go! >> that is happening now. sanjay, thank you very much. make sure you stay safe out
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there. we'll have much more on the flooding coming up on cnn -- >> excuse me, excuse me. >> stephen colbert, what are you doing here. >> don, i have a question to ask you. >> i ammed in middle of a broadcast. >> did you interview a man who foreclosed on a bank. >> yes. >> did you not notice he was a vampire? >> get out of here. remember that questionable call that ended in the 19-inning braves/pirates game in the call wasn't the end of the story. we'll fill you in on the other side. let's take a look at the word of the day. it's a phrase, called the 14th amendment. we're talking about section 4 of the 14th amendment. find out why you need to know what it is after this short break. it's 35 minutes after the hour. every patient's past. and because the whole hospital's working together, there's a family who can breathe easy, right now.
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and because u.s.a.a.'s commitment to serve the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. u.s.a.a. we know what it means to serve. -why? -why? -why? [ female announcer ] we all age differently. roc® multi-correxion 4 zone moisturizer with roc®retinol and antioxidants. lines, wrinkles, and sun damage will fade. roc multi-correxion. correct what ages you. roc multi-correxion. maybe, it's something you haven't seen yet. the 2nd generation of intel core processors. this is visibly smart.
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three words, the 14th amendment, section 4 says, quote, the validity of the public debt of the united states authorizes by law including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion should not be questioned. end quote. why do you care? there is some scholars who say those 33 words give the president of the united states power to declare the debt ceiling unconstitutional, clearing the way for the white house to pay the bills without a deal. president obama's team rejected resorting to that option. now for our political ticker, let's bring in paul steinhauser on the phone from d.c. good morning. debt ceiling crisis, there's a big showdown in the house today. i want to play a clip from senator john mccain reading from a "wall street journal" editorial. listen to this with me, paul. >> the idea seems to be that if the house gop refuses to raise the debt ceiling, a default
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crisis or gradual government shutdown will ensue and the public will turn en masse against barack obama. republican house that failed to raise the debt ceiling would somehow escape all the blame and democrats would have no choice but to pass a balanced budget amendment and the tea party hobbits could return to middle earth having defeated mordor. >> paul, what do you think of that? >> the old maverick, i guess. you don't hear a lot of republicans taking on the tea party. that's what john mccain was doing. he was railing against the republicans saying basically if there's no balanced budget amendment, forget it, we're not going anything on the debt ceiling. john mccain is not up for re-election for five years. it's fair game to take on the tea party, ali. >> we'll see where that goes today. a lot of sniping between republicans as opposed to between republicans and democrats. there's a rally for progressives
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on the hill today. what's that about? >> yesterday we saw the tea party types rallying for cut, cap and balance. today it's the progressives out there with progressive senators and members of congress rallying to make sure there's no cuts what so ever to ss, medicare, medicaid, the entitlements. that's what the far left wants. we saw the far right yesterday. ali, you were talking about that crucial vote in the house for john boehner's plan. the big question is does he have the votes? i tell you, i've learned this, tea party groups are calling republicans to make sure they vote against boehner's plan. this will be a crucial vote today. keep your eyes on this one in the house. if the boehner plant doesn't pass the tea party will be the reason why, ali. >> paul steinhauser in washington. here are three things to have on your radar. new jobless claims will be raised at 8:30 eastern this morning.
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in the gulf of mexico we're tracking tropical storm don. if it continues on its projected path, the storm could approach the northwestern part of texas by tomorrow. in san francisco, another hearing involving a proposed ban on male circumcisions. a judge preliminarily ruled that the proposal is a violation of california state law. but today she'll hear more arguments and then she'll make a final ruling. around this time yesterday we showed you the finale of the 19-inning game between the braves and the pirates and that controversial call that ended the game. watch the guy coming into first. alvarez coming home and it -- >> ground ball to third, runner takes off. >> the tag, a very obvious tag to most of us. well, he's safe apparently. >> ground ball. >> something almost unheard of happened on wednesday. the umpire said he made a mistake. not only that, major league baseball released a statement saying unfortunately it appears
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that the call was missed as jerry meals acknowledged after the game. i have spoke within jerry and no one feels worse than him. that's joe torre at mlb. >> before we go on this day in history, 1914, austria, hungary declared war on serbia, marking the beginning of the first world war. 43 minutes after the hour. that i was able to work full-time, be a mom, and go to school. the opportunities that i had at the university of phoenix, dealing with professionals teaching things that they were doing every day, got me to where i am today. i'm mayor cherie wood, i'm responsible fgest urban renewal project in utah, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] find your program at fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one!
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good morning. thursday, july 28th. this is your "a.m. wakeup call." it's 45 minutes after the hour. let's go around the world with zain vergee. she's live in london. talk about something that's going on here in the united states. representative peter king of new york says al shabaab, an al qaeda affiliate recruited dozens of americans and canadi n canadians in the united states. >> he's calling it alarming. there's basically a committee on homeland security that's looking at threats that al shabaab, the militant group linked to al qaeda may pose against the u.s. listen to how he puts it when he talks about the number of recruits, muslim americans and canadians. >> we must face the reality that al shabaab is a growing threat to our homeland. our investigation into this threat has led to alarming findings, notably that al shabaab has successfully
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recruited and radicalized more than 40 muslim americans and 20 canadians. >> they are going to be spending time looking into the details of that, exactly how it happens, how often it happens and how exactly they're transported from the u.s. and canada to somalia to go and fight what they call jihad there, ali. al shabaab basically is looking to establish an islamic state in somalia and impose strict sharia law. >> you're looking at me, this is how i look. i have a little bit of powder on me. no air brushing. this is the real me. i kind of expect ads of people better looking than me might be air brushed but britain is pulling a make-up ad with julia roberts because of excessive air brushing. what is this about? >> you don't need anti-aging dream. you don't have a wrinkle problem here. the issue at stake here is that there are pictures of julia
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roberts in a loreal magazine ad as well as christy turlington. they say it is too air brushed. it is not representative of the results the product could achieve. loreal is saying these pictures are fine and they do achieve the kind of results they say. you can go either way. the ad campaigns want to sell their products. they put these beautiful women up and hope to sell it. here in the uk they've cracked down on photo shop basically and say it's misleading to the client. ali, you always look great. >> thank you, zain, as do you. >> i think julia roberts looks great just the way she is. zain vergee in london. admit it, you'll miss the debt stories when they're done. the house sot vovotes on the ne improved boehner plan.
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even if the bill passes the house, it has a snow ball's chance in the senate and president says he won't sign it. kate baldwin looks ahead. >> reporter: if it does pass in the house it has the potential of hitting a huge road block as soon as it gets to the senate. at the same time that house speaker john boehner's office was putting out this release, the good news about the revised plan and the cost estimate, senate democrats released a letter at almost the same time with 53 signatures on it saying they don't support the plan in the senate. really essentially making clear that it cannot pass. all eyes are still on the house to see what happens with john boehner's plan in the house. it has serious problems in the senate if it gets there. >> that's an understatement. representative david wu of oregon says he's resigning after the whole debt ceiling issue is resolved. he's a seven-term democrat accuse of making unwanted sexual advances toward the daughter a campaign donor. he could be eligible for more than a million dollars in
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benefits over the rest of his life. not too shabby for a little more than 12 years of works. this is him in a tiger suit. that million bucks should keep him in costumes for a while. the jokes like this 71-year-old canadian did not stay at a holiday inn express last night. he explained why he showed up to an event in san francisco on crutches. >> yesterday morning, chasing a burglar down the hall at my san francisco hotel until my achilles tendon ruptured and i fell in an ignominious heap. >> i'll take ignominious heaps for 200, alex. it's been a rough night in northwest illinois. heavy rains have been pounding the area. some places got up to 10 inches of rain. there's more rain in the forecast, flash flood warnings
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in effect. the weather in chicago could get nasty again, too. it's been a rough week there. let's go to rob marciano, live in atlanta. he's tracking in addition to that, the storm behind you, rob, tropical storm don. what's the latest? >> we're hoping to get some of the rain from don into texas if pe can get as much as chicago had, folks in the lone star state will be happy. slow to organize is tropical storm don. it has 40 mile-an-hour winds and about 600 miles from the texas coastline. once it gets into the open waterses of the gulf of mexico, it should strengthen some. there are a lot of uncertainty as to how strong it gets, as we go through the next couple of days. that will be the issue here. here's the forecast track. there's confidence with this. it will hit tomorrow as a tropical storm or a minimal hurricane. this will be good news if it stays in shape and brings a decent amount of rainfall to southern parts of texas. the entire lone star state is
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under extreme not exceptional drought. severe storms expected across the northern tier, again, including chicago. that's where we find flooding problems across illinois but travel problems as well. i think you'll see major delays throughout the day today. detroit, tampa, orlando, miami as well and san francisco, you might run into some problems. some new research today, talking about folks who live in the northern latitudes. and that the facts that their brains are found to be a little bit larger, ali, by about 20%, eye balls bigger as well which helps you see better in more limited light. they won't say -- they can't tell if people are smarter but the brains are physically bigger, the eye balls are physically larger as well. that research -- those skulls are on display somewhere in oxford. >> i'm canadian. does that count for me, too? >> i don't think your ancestors aren't from canada.
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my ancestors are from southern europe and italy. that would mean i have squinty eye balls and a smaller brain. >> but you have a great head of hair on top of that brain. >> thanks. speaker john boehner's revised debt plan is up for a house vote today. comedians have done brainstorming. >> the white house said they're working on a plan "b." unfortunately the "b" stands for bake sale. plan "c" is car wash. >> things are so bad, america hey have to move in with canada for a while. can we do that? just bring our stuff. let's go over there at 4:00 in the morning. >> yeah. >> we got kicked out. we didn't pay our bills. >> the kardashian sisters, they made $65 million last year.
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i never thought i'd say this, maybe they should be running the country. they're making money. >> ladies and gentlemen, when you hear your name called, do me a favor, come up here on stage and tell bus your debt reduction plan. >> before we go, it's time to get smart. how many times has the debt ceiling been raised in the lasts 50 years? "a," 65, "b," 74, "c," 90? the answer right after the break. 54 minutes after the hour. [ mal] get ready for the left lane. the volkswagen autobahn for all event is back. right now, get a great deal on new volkswagen models, including the jetta, awarded a top safety pick by the iihs. that's the power of german engineering. hurry in and lease the jetta s for just $179 a month. ♪ visit today. excuse me? my grandfather was born in this village.
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president, too. george lopez talks about debt. here's your punch line. >> 14 trillion. it's almost like it you went to a restaurant and they brought you the bill, hey, man, what the hell, how did this get too much? well, there was a war. yes, you were looking for weapons of mass destruction and someone else ordered another war. oh, that's right. yeah, you're right. all right. and then there's an 18% gratuity. that's where they get you. barack obama, they talk all this smack about him and he has to say, well, i disagree. you know what he really wants to say, mother [ bleep ] what? >> let's go to evan carter. what are you looking at? >> first it's almost come cal this whole situation. it really is. everybody seems to get it but the lawmakers in washington right now. >> yes. >> investors definitely sent a
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message yesterday with the dow dropping 200 points. that's more like what a lot of people thought we'd be seeing. our futures today are pointing slightly higher. we'll see where today leads. what do you do if there is a credit downgrade to the u.s. though? that's the big question today. a lot of analysts are saying look at some of the big companies in this country. exxonmobil and microsoft have aaa bond ratings and they can reserve a better credit rating than their home country. that's kind of sad, ali. >> there are questions as to how that sort of holds up. listen, in honor of you and dunkin' donuts, yesterday after work i walked around the corner and got an egg white and turkey flat bread and apparently i helped the company. >> i bet shareholders will be happy that you're buying and other people are buying. shares of dnkn exploded out of the gate, opened at 19 bucks apiece and closed at 2
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