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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  July 28, 2011 6:00am-8:00am PDT

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and earth to be with us ♪ >> we apologize for all of the mirrors that just broke. this is why they say never quit your day job, kyra. we turn it over to kyra phillips at the "cnn newsroom." >> oh, my god. i hear you two singing and i don't know what to say, except have a beautiful day! >> you just got rickrolled! >> i just did. i'm sweating. not bad. just don't go on tour. it's the top of the hour. it's 9:00 a.m. on the east coast and glad you're joining us. a vote in the house and a huge test of just how divided the republican party really is. good news on the u.s. jobs front. initial unemployment claims dropped below 400,000 for the first time in three months. al qaeda new leader releases his first taped message since succeeded osama bin laden. he rips syria's president and rips the president trying to oust him.
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could make or break the debt crisis and i know you're saying i've heard this before. but here is the deal today. lawmakers are not mincing words. less than five days to raise the debt ceiling or risk defaulting on government bills. today the house is due to vote on speaker john boehner's plan. as his own party holds the majority of votes he is really getting frustrated with the divisions that threaten its passage. in a closed door meeting, boehner actually told the feuding republicans, quote, get your ass in line. then veteran senator john mccain who blasted republicans quoting an article owe tea party hobbits." joe, let's begin with you. boehner not too happy obviously. first you have the president that storms out of a meeting weeks ago. now you got boehner using a harsh word, shall shall we say, to try to get the votes to win the house.
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>> reporter: yeah. you know, this is a very high-stakes game. and it's, obviously, the most important point. in speaker boehner's speakership. you know, the thing about this is the question -- does he have the votes? you can pretty much bet that if they do go to the house floor as expected, he and his leadership team will believe they have the votes. that is the general rule. on capitol hill. they are meeting morning with the rank and file, obviously, to go over all this again and to try to shore up any support. they certainly won't get all of the republicans in the house of representatives. and i guess the only other thing you really have to say at this time is that he got an extra day to try to shore up some support and it sounds like he put that to good use. >> all right. ali, market have fallen four straight days now. tanked nearly 200 points yesterday. you know, we probably will see more losses today. >> reporter: yeah. you know what just happened? you started the top of the show with the news that the
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unemployment claims for last week came in better than expected. fewer claims than expected. that turned futures up so at least the market is concentrating on a bunch of things, earnings reports, jobs numbers and this. it's not fully dominated by this debt conversation, but as joe says, if they go in for this vote and they don't get it, i will be watching the markets very closely. right now, investors around the world are betting that washington knows what is at stake here, that all of the senior members of leadership in all of the parties understand whatever you want to do you got to increase the debt ceiling. what john boehner got is a bunch of hard-liners there, hard-line conservatives and tea party influenced freshmen and others who are taking a hard position. they may not compromise. if they manage to defeat this vote today, this is going to be a big, big problem for markets. if they don't, you may see markets continue to tread water until there is a solution to this. now, remember, speaker boehner's plan is not likely one that is going to pass the senate. not likely one that is going to
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get past the president. the bottom line if there is some sense boehner has better control of h over hi members you may see markets allowing a little bit more time. right now markets are largely relaxing but ready to move if this doesn't go the right way. >> thanks, guys. at the bottom of the hour, we will go to wall street for the opening bell and answer a question many of us have right now -- should we take our money out of the stock exchange and where do we put it if so. we will talk to a financial analyst about that. cnn obtained dramatic new video taken minutes after the bombing of the government buildings in norway. it was shot by a hamburg who works in oslo and driving through a tunnel beneath the city's government plaza when the bomb went off. eight people killed. he recorded dazed survivors hoping the video might help police. he described the scene earlier on "american morning." >> first few minutes, people were in shock. it was very quiet.
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silence the first three minutes. then we heard screaming and people got -- people lost their hearing because of the bomb. so they couldn't -- some of them not able to hear and some not able to walk and someone were very injured. unfortunately, somebody was also dead. >> in oslo this morning, police say the search for the victims for the shooting rampage near oslo has ended. the worst rains in a hundred years has hit south korea. at least 49 people have died. our zain verjee is following this out of london for us. zain? >> reporter: hi, kyra. the pictures are really unbelievable. not in a hundred years has south korea seen rain like that. there was a lull just a short time ago, but it's coming down now. just as hard encreating a really difficult situation for people in seoul, as well as around the neighborhoods. there are about five neighborhoods were totally evacuated. also you've got rescue workers out there.
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the police, the military. everyone trying to find survivors, anyone who is missing but the rain is making that a lot tougher. there are about 200 hundred,000 where the power is totally out still. also the roads themselves, i mean, can you imagine the traffic chaos with a situation like this? there are two main roads going into seoul and most of it has been totally flooded and is just not able to be used by any vehicles at all. people are stranded. so many people can't get home. it's a really difficult situation, kyra, and these are some of the images that we are beginning to get and you can see people floating on boards down the street like that and just trying to get by. >> search and rescue still ongoing right now. zain, thanks so much. >> reporter: yeah. paul steinhauser is in washington with our political update. more signs rick perry tossing his hat in the ring? a lot of people saying just do it already. >> we keep talking about it. cnn confirmed a bunch of
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conservative activists for new hampshire where are they going? texas next week to meet with the texas governor. next week he meets with more financial backers and doing that to see if the money is there for a race for the white house. tomorrow he speaks to a conservative conference a gathering in denver, colorado. remember those two polls? the two most convenient polls out there where is he? second place. we definitely keep our eyes as we have been on rick perry. talk about sarah palin the former alaska governor, john mccain running mate. boom, she is back in the spotlight. we found out yesterday, guess where she will be labor day weekend? iowa. she be will the keynote speaker at a tea party rally there and she says she will have her decision sometime some september whether she will or won't run for the white house. >> still waiting to hear from her and rick perry. awkward moment for newt gingrich and all about about a t-shirt. >> reporter: what his campaign
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doesn't need. enough trouble already. the former house speaker in atlanta, georgia down your way yesterday talking to reporters after he had a campaign event and one of them asked one of the reporters asking gingrich to hold up a t-shirt and newt gingrich 2012 t-shirt. the reporter asked is that t-shirt made in el salvador? an awkward moment for newt gingrich. not what he needed. >> thank you, paul. your next political update in an hour. always get all of the political news 24/7 at cnn/ one of the loudest voices calling for deeper cuts in a debt ceiling deal but now republican joe walsh is being told to zip it by his own party. he fires back. that is just ahead. also coming up, reaction to the royal sister-in-law still going strong. now pippa middleton is the subject of a special on american
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go, big money! i mean, go. it's your break, honey. same coverage, more savings. now, that's progressive. call or click today. checking stories across the country. it looked like a scene from a movie but actually real life. riot outside a chens theater in l.a. thousands of people try to jam pack the movie theater. people arrested two people and no injuries reported. traffic is snarled near little rock, california. dozens of rail cars jumped the tracks yesterday.
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few had hazardous materials. people living nearby were reacted. a bus fee to take kids to and from school this year. the superintendent says it's necessary after voters shot down a referendum to raise taxes. as you know the bickering over the debt ceiling isn't just between the democrats and republicans any more. senator john mccain took a shot at members of his own party who are trying to hold up a deal in congress. >> to hold out and say we won't agree to raising the debt limit until we pass a balanced budget amendment to the constitution, it's unfair. it's bizarreo. and maybe some people who have only been in this body for six or seven months or so really believe that. others know better. >> illinois congressman joe walsh is one of the tea party republicans who has been pushing for much deeper cuts. i asked him what he thought a few minutes ago what he thought
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about mccain's comments. >> the problem, kyra, is that folks like senator john mccain have been in this town for too long and they are the ones who have gotten us into this mess year after year after year. i'm glad i've only been here six to seven months because i reflect where a lot of american people are. guys like john mccain have been here too long and almost insulting with him to say that. enough with the insults. i wish this town would simply step back and take a breath. your profession has got us all atwitter and the administration has us all atwitter. let's make sure we solve this crisis and solve it right. >> at the same time, americans look to you and saying you're holding us hostage. talking about the debt ceiling here. why fight it now? >> kyra, that is actually a fascinating question. why the big deal this year about the debt ceiling when, as you say, it's come and gone numerous
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times over the years. here is why. the american people have woken up, a. this administration has spent money like we have never seen the last two and a half years and we are falling off a financial cliff. and unless we finally do something about this debt, we're placing on the backs of our kids and our grandkids, we will never recover. and so folks like me came to washington to come up with a solution, some sort of solution like balancing the budget, a balanced budget amendment which will make sure we never get here again. >> economically, though, we were in horrible positions in the '70s and the '80s but it has never gotten to this point, the political bickering, the back and forth, you know, just days to go before this august 2nd deadline. >> kyra, i think a lot of the problem is this president hasn't been serious for the last six months and so here he comes to us in the 11th hour to try to fix his mess.
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we are perfectly willing to fix the mess but he hasn't led. i mean, everybody -- the administration has been trying to scare folks into this notion of default. default is off the table. nobody wants default. we are going to pay off our debt and we have got plenty of government revenues this next month to make sure we do. i guess what a lot of house republicans are arguing let's make sure we get this right. i'm not obsessed with august 2nd. truthfully i'm obsessed with making sure we solve this debt crisis and if it takes us a few more days, let's do it. >> now, with all due respect, i have got a personal financial question for put. you have become a key player in this debate all about spending. now see the reports coming through, the chicago sun times and you've had your own financial problems, the claims you lost your condo to foreclosure, that you owe back child spoirt. >> yeah. >> with that out there now, are you concerned about your credibility in this debate? >> kyra, look. i was probably the most openly
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vetted candidate on the planet. i ran as a guy who lost his home and had had financial struggles like a lot of americans. absolutely not. this is where a lot of americans come from right now. it's why they sent so many of us to washington to do something about this because we're living this experience and, again, i'd end where we began. senator mccain and folks like him who have been in this town for so long and have no clue as to the troubles americans are going through right now, they don't understand this crisis any more. >> congressman, you're saying you're experiencing these troubles? the fact you can't pay child support? >> well, again, kyra, personal family issues that i'm going to fight, again, i know that story just broke and it's interesting that it just broke. right now as i'm out there try my best to fight this president and fight the democrats and solve this debt crisis. look. i'm the most openly vetted
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candidate in the world. i have have had financial troubles and i about them throughout the campaign. this is where real america is. >> the vote on the boehner plan is coming up later today. when it happens we will have full coverage for you here on cnn. coming up, alex trebek is on crutches after putting himself in a little jeopardy. we will tell you what happened in his hotel hallway. sister kate's name is on everyone's lips, but hers is on a lot of new moms lists. more on pippa's popularity coming up. with dha and essential nutrients also found in mother's milk. purina puppy chow.
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alex trebek is hobbling around on crutches because he chased a
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burglar. the "jeopardy!" host woke up to somebody poking around his hotel room. he took after them and tore his achilles tendon. >> the snap and the sound. i've played sports all my life. i played security immediately and gave them a good description of the woman and they got her. >> pretty scrappy for a 71-year-old alex. this is the woman they busted. he is having surgery tomorrow. mean machines rolling through toronto shooting scenes for "total recall" isn't that trueing traffic a couple of days now. a remake of the arnold schwarzenegger flick. tattoo artist cat von dean and jesse james split up this week. she sees him every day on her rib cage. she surprised jesse of a big tat of his fifth grade school picket. she says no regrets on the
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breakup and she is going to keep. pippa made a big impression on the royal wedding on men and on moms. no tattoos for pippa middleton, though! no, no tattoos! making news in other ways. >> reporter: she is. an analysis was done of about 23 million pages to figure out what is the most popular girl's baby name and it turns out to be pippa. she got all of the attention because of the royal wedding. she is at number one and what they are saying is that all of these other names here elula, hadley, mila are popular because they say more than ever, it's celebrities that are having a huge impact on name selection. i felt there was one name missing from here. >> yeah, zain. >> kain a combination of kyra
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and zain. that could be a good name. or zera is my other suggestion. you could have used that right before you named your twins. >> kain sounds like pain so stay away from that. zera sounds too much like zero. i think you need to go back to the drawing board. >> reporter: you come up with a better one. >> don't forget the tlc special on pippa, correct? >> reporter: that's right. she has become so incredibly popular. she will be on a big special on tlc. people want to see this. here in this country too. she is very popular. her name is pippa. her actual name it philipa which is the more formal verse of her name. she will have a big tv special and hour-long look at the socialite to have tea with here in london with pippa. >> what does zain mean? i never have asked you that. beautiful princess? >> reporter: yeah, yeah,
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actually. no, it means to adorn. it's arabic for adornment, to dress up. what does kyra mean? is that iranian? >> persian for sunshine. yes. something you do for me every day. you make me smile and make me very happy! zain, thank you. >> all right, sunshine. >> love fest moves on! all right. stocks on wall street tanked yesterday in the final hour of trading. that wasn't so good. however, it might get better today. we are going to take you live to the new york stock exchange to get all of the details. also this isn't sea world actually you're about to see. it's the front lines of defense right here on our american shores. >> there is a 30-second where i thought i was going to make it through. next thing you know, i was staring a porpoise in the face. >> he got access to the navy's program where they use marine mammals in the first line of defense. they said i couldn't fight above my weight class.
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but i did. they said i couldn't get elected to congress. but i did. ♪ sometimes when we touch ha ha! millions of hits! [ male announcer ] flick, stack, and move between active apps seamlessly. only on the new hp touchpad with webos. you know that comes with a private island. really? no. it comes with a hat. you see, airline credit cards promise flights for 25,000 miles, but... [ man ] there's never any seats for 25,000 miles. frustrating, isn't it? but that won't happen with the capital one venture card. you can book any airline anytime. hey, i just said that. after all, isn't traveling hard enough? ow. [ male announcer ] to get the flights you want, sign up for a venture card at what's in your wallet? uh, it's okay. i've played a pilot before.
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al qaeda new leader releases his first taped message since succeeded osama bin laden. al sue wary praising the syrian protesters. new video taken by a man driving beneath the city's tunnel when the blast went off in oslo. he says people were shocked, bloodied, and dazed. tropical storm don could be near the gulf of mexico. a large part of texas under a tropical storm watch now. it's half past the hour. possibly approaching the point of no return in the debt crisis. today, the house is expected to vote on a plan pitched by speaker john boehner, but divisions within his own party raised new doubts on its passage and as you can see in our countdown clock, the federal government is less than five
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days away from for the benefitly running out of money. so leave it to washington to find a loophole. some democrats say if time runs out the president could save the government from default by tapping into his constitutional powers. one of the big st arguments against that comes from the white house. that is where we find our dan lothian. the dan, the white house seems not budging on the last resort. why. >> reporter: the white house, the president and, in particular, invoking section 4 of the 14th amendment might give the president authority to raise the debt ceiling to continue borrowing money without any dealing being done, without the approval of congress. but the president has pushed back on that saying that he has been told by his legal advisers that this is not a winning argument and, yesterday, during the briefing, jay carney, again, denied that this was even an option the white house was
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considering. >> there are no off ramps. there's no way around this. there is no escape. and, you know, having an esoteric constitutional argument won't resolve the fact that our borrowing authority is due to expire on august 2nd and congress has the legal authority and only congress has the legal authority to extend that borrowing authority. >> reporter: so, again, what you hear there from jay carney saying that they are not looking to the 14th amendment as a way out of this impasse but rather the solution arrives in congress reaching some kind of an agreement that will be in the long term good for the u.s. economy. of course, that clock continues to count down. there appears to be no deal or any compromise on the table. so it will be interesting to see if the white house continues to hold that line. >> dan lothian at the white house, thanks. alison kosik is at the new york stock exchange with more details on your money.
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a lot of talk about a possible debt downgrade for the u.s. government. what do you think everyday americans should know right now when it comes to their investments? i think we can't talk enough about this. >> reporter: oh, yeah. you got that right. for one, you know what? don't get too caught up in the headlines that you hear every day. try to keep your eye on the long term. that said, many traders, they are telling me you should expect the markets to take a short-term hit if the government debt rating is downgraded. you'll see more volatilitity bu things will get back to normal. listen to the advice one trader gave me. what are you telling your clients? >> right now, telling our clients if you're in the market stay in and keep a close eye on things but if you're not stay on the sideline. no rush to get in the market at the moment. too much uncertainty. >> reporter: so, basically, don't make any big moves right now. as long as you're diversified, of course. you shouldn't try to time the market especially if it's your retirement accounts at stake.
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remember, when it comes to these investments nothing is guaranteed. the bigger the risk, the more stand to lose. so saenessentially it's all up you. >> if the market do tank in the coming weeks, it's like the advice you got right there. we have to kind of ekeep our eye on it it and take it day-by-day. really nothing we can, i guess, plan for. >> reporter: yeah. i mean, we don't have a crystal ball. it really is all about keeping your eye on the long term and if you're worried think back to september 2008 when congress failed to pass that 700 billion dollar stimulus package. the dow plunged and we stopped breathing for a moment and watched markets sell off after that. the economy tanked. now we're in a recovery and since that 777-point drop the drou is up 20% so those who stayed in the market would have made back what they lost. >> dow industrials is up ten
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points. i think the first plus i've seen this morning possibly. >> reporter: all week. exactly. futures actually stocks turned higher after we saw a report showing a big drop in initial unemployment claims but remember the dow is coming off that almost 200-point drop yesterday. one thing is definitely clear of seeing more pessimism on wall street and anxiety is definitely building over getting this debt deal done. >> alison, thanks. jitters on wall street, uncertainty in your own investments. about 15 minutes from now we will get more financial advice and talk about your 401(k) and how to protect it coming up. also straight ahead -- >> i'm the lucky one. because i have health insurance. all of these other people have cancer and don't have medical insurance. you're pushing them aside. >> wow. emotions running really strong after 9/11 first responders learn the government won't cover their cancer treatment. we will have a live report straight ahead from new york. call her.
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the remote control car is finally here. well, now she's just playing with us. oh. [ horn honks ]
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on september 11th, they rushed to ground zero and spent weeks picking through the ruins risking their own health, looking for our loved ones. now many of those first responders have come down with cancer and the government still refusing to pay for their treatment. cnn's deborah feyerick joins us with more from new york. >> really the problem is even though it's been almost ten years for doctors for the medical community, it's not enough time to develop actual scientific proof that exposure to ground zero toxins causes cancer where the lack of evidence comes in and why cancers are not covered under the act. to the surprise many were healthy on 9/11. the justice department is having these town hall meetings in new york city to explain the new
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victims compensation act. but the main topic was the decision not to cover cancer-stricken first responds and those who were at ground zero and working and living in the vicinity of the massive burning debris. a man who spent three months working at ground zero and the fresh kills land center where the world trade center debris was taken, five years later, he was diagnosed with throat cancer. >> i just think this is an injust to people who have cancer. i'm a retired police detective. down there for three months. i'm the lucky one because i have health insurance. all of these other people have cancer and don't have medical insurance. you're pushing them aside. >> reporter: a lot of people just feel ignored but the decision not to cover cancer was made by the national institute of occupational safety and
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health. a doctor rereviewed the data and found no direct link no fingerprint between exposure to the toxins between ground zero and the cancer. woman in charge of the fund told the audience they need to be patient that other studies are coming out in 2012 and if scientists find a link between 9/11 and the cancer then they ultimately will be covered by the fund. >> it's an emotional thing and, you know, our hearts go out to people who have suffered cancer, but people suffered from cancer, all kinds of cancers who were not exposed to 9/11. i think we have to wait and see what the medicine is going to tell us. >> reporter: you know, the detective who you heard made a very important point. he said don't look at the data. look at us. look at us as people because we are suffering. the rate of people with cancer is no higher than it would be otherwise in the particular age group. the only visible spike right now it's in blood counts or
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specifically myelomas that develop faster. >> it's heart-wrenching to hear their testimony and see them in the conditions they are in. deb, i'm glad you're following the story. debt crisis deepens. the stock market tanks. should you do anything to protect your retirement investments right now? we are going talk to a financial analyst in about ten minutes. it's not cute, dolphin tricks at sea world. these are mammals at war. we will tell you how they are protecting america's shores just ahead.
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police believe someone watching two exchange students by hidden video cameras in their apartment. the women say that the sneaky cams were made to look like smoke deat any timers. cops say they have suspects but no arrests so far in the case. weather not okay in oklahoma but all three of the state's 7 counties are declared federal disaster areas due to the ongoing drought. nine heat related deaths in tulsa and hot record topped at out 107 degrees. people in massachusetts want to know why endanged
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leather-back turtle washed ashore dead yesterday. the autopsy on the creature is set for today. here is a question. what did flipper become a mammal of war? i think the answer when he enlisted by the u.s. navy. the navy is training marine mammals to protect american ships and harbors from enemy attacks. we got access to this once top-secret program. >> reporter: playing the role of a terrorist in san diego bay i'm trying to evade a dolphin trained to find hostile swimmers. >> he's not going to make it. she is going to get him. >> reporter: out of nowhere. >> she's got him. >> reporter: i got about, say, 50 meters from the ship behind me and then, boom! came and hit me right here.
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the dolphin hits me with a marker that alerts armed security of my presence. there is a three seconds where i thought i was going to make it through. next thing you know, i was staring a porpoise right in the face. oh, just got me again! oh! in a minute, she is back on her boat and getting some tlc. i guess my combat ship attack foiled again. undaunted, i try underwater with my scuba gear on. here is what the camera on the dolphin saw. under water or on the surface, the dolphin finds me every time. how does she compare to, say, had you a side scan sonar on the bottom of this boat, what is the difference? >> she is able to pick out
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details about a object that we would only dream to have on side sonar and can do it within great ranges with 100 reliability. >> reporter: a dolphin is looking for a swimmer like me and hit this ball here? >> once she is assured that is a swimmer, there she goes. so she just touched that ball right there. at this point, we have to get out of the way of the handler. he goes back in there and let her know, good girl, thanks for keeping your eye out for us and let her know she did a good job and he is giving her the marker and there goes the marker. now she is on her way, like a shot. you know it's a pretty good little bump. >> yeah. >> let's watch and see. >> reporter: one way to put it. >> you can see kag larsen entire report on cnn presents sunday night at 8:00 p.m. a closer look at the debt crisis and far-reaching impact.
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the markets tank and our stomachs churn. should we be searching for safer options in our 401(k) investments? we will talk to a financial analyst. if you walk away from your tv you can still watch cnn by going to -- you -- actually, download the app. a new app and you're seeing what aired. but actually when you download the app you hit live tv up here and your choice comes up. press "cnn newsroom" and after a few seconds, there you go. it downloads and you can take us with you anywhere you're going. we will be right back. (screams) when an investment lacks discipline, it's never this obvious. introducing investment discipline etfs from russell. visit r a prospectus,
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containing the investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and other information. read and consider it carefully before investing.
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debt crisis isn't just dominating washington but se sending ripples through wall street. it has all of us wondering should we be doing anything to protect our retirement net eggs? greg mcbride is joining us with advice. a senior and financial analyst for bank greg you know, i know we shented panic but it's easier said than done. so i've heard some analysts say, as a matter of fact alison kosik talked to an analyst on the floor of the new york stock exchange. if you're in, stay put. if you're on the sidelines wanting to get in, hold off. do you agree with that? >> well, i agree with the first part of that. i think it's important to hang in there. we have to buckle the seat belt tighter because the ride is likely to get bumpy but you have to hang in there. you don't want to be on the sidelines if the market were to snap back and that is what could happen if they come to some agreement at the 11th hour but a
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default and it's short-lived. you don't want to be out when you should be in. if you're on the sidelines waiting to buy, hey, look. . this may be your best buying opportunity of the year coming up over the course of the next week or so. >> what if we are already in? should we shift things around and if you say shifts that you considering? >> i am not a fan of making changes to long term accounts, things like retirement accounts, based on short term volatility. what you want to do is ask yourself is the way my money is invested now, is that consist interest with my lock term goals and objectives? if the answer is yes, sit tight. if the answer is no, then you certainly want to make changes. stock market is up over 20% the last year, so you may be heavier on stocks than you really want to be. in that case, pair back just a little bit. but you don't want to quit cold turkey. >> so what are you personally paying attention to? do you check on your dollars at
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every single day? be honest here. this is your business. what do you do the minute you wake up in the morning? >> i've raised some cash in expectation that we'll get volatility. so i'm looking forward to a buying opportunity. i think the volatility we saw yesterday is a sneak peek of the next week and if that's the case, i expect to be a buyer. >> thanks, greg. we'll be talking more. stories making news later today, next hour we'll monitor gop news conference focusing on the house speaker's debt reduction plan. also around 11:00 a.m., opening statements expected in the warn jeffs sex assault trial. and the new city hotel maid who claims she was sexually assaulted by dominique strauss-kahn, well, news conference will be held on that at noon eastern. we're following lots of developments. let's check in first with alison kosik. >> i'm at the new york stock
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exchange. a new report shows unemployment claims dropped last week. i'll have retail s and market reaction. and we have a drop cap storm named don. now entering the warm waters of the gulf of mexico and headed towards texas. is it a good or bad thing? forecast in the next hour. and i'm sazain verjee in london. photo shop is in the firing line and i'll tell you how the studio is caught up in it. also ahead religion and winning the white house. how faith wins votes. [ male announcer ] get ready for the left lane.
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today's big play, something angel fans vrnhaven't seen in te decades. the first solo no-hitter in 27 years. a first ever at the progressive field and the third this season. santana said he wanted to dedicate it in honor of his last cu cousin who died last month. the university of north carolina looking for a new head coach with wednesday's surprise firing of butch davis. in four season, davis turned things away, but the ncaa has been investigating alleged academics misconduct. davis says he's shocked. tar heels faithful are, too. this happened just days before
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the team begins fall practice. and the nfl, lots of trades already. donovan mcnabb shipped to minnesota for draft picks and tavaris jackson goes to seattle to replace matt hasselbeck who signed with tennessee. and one quick follow-up for you. it's rare, but obvious. and the umpire cops to it. he says he blew the call on tuesday's late night braves/pirates again. tape doesn't lie especially in slo-mo. so as the dead debacle edges closer to the cliff, it's inspiring oddball moments. jeanne moos reports. >> reporter: a rap video, a cops and robbers movie, and aim amy winehouse? what do they have to do with the debt fiasco? a comedian from virginia likes
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doing political videos. >> it fits in well with a bad rap and i happen to be a bad rapper. >> reporter: was that really the a bomb dropped by house speaker john boehner? >> is it true you told some republican members this morning that you need to get your a word in line before this debt ceiling bill? >> i sure did. listens, this is time to codo wt is doleable. >> reporter: the post reported a movie clip to motivate republicans to pull together, the clip featured ben of a flaf planning revenge in the town. >> you can never ask me about it later and we'll hurt some people. >> reporter: but democrats turned the car against the republicans. >> they chose to inspire their house freshmen, one of the
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crooks gives a pep talk to the other right before they both put on hockey masks, bludgeoned two men with sticks, and shoot a man in the leg. ladies and gentlemen, this is your house republican majority. >> reporter: asked about republicans playing his rip, ben of a frequent said, i don't know if that is a compliment or the ultimate repudiation. but if they're going to be watching movie, i think the company men is more appropriate. a film about corporate layoffs. >> you're firing me? >> reporter: now here's a head scratcher. what possible connection could there be between a debt and the d death of singer amy winehouse? billy long from missouri tweeted no one could reach amy winehouse before it was too late. can anyone reach waupg before it's too late? bothed addicted, same fate somee
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said he meant no disrespect to winehouse with his analogy. if this keeps up, we'll have to raise the limit on debt related doozies. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. and it's just before 10:00 a.m. on the east coast. i'm kyra phillips. thanks for joining us. a pivotal day in the debt show down, a vote in the house and a huge test of just how divided the republican party really is. al qaeda releases a tape. he rips syria's president and praises the protest trying to oust him. and swirling mass in the gulf of mexico is tropical storm don. it could hit the texas coast as early as tomorrow night. it could be a make or break day in the dead cdebt crisis.
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lawmakerses are not mincing words as we have less than five days. today the house due to vote on john boehner's plan and as his own party holds the majority of the vote, he's really getting frustrationed with the decisions that threaten its passage. so boehner actually told the feuding republican, "get your ass in line." and then there was john mccain, he blast the fellow republicans quoting an article that despairaged tea party hobbits. all right. let's get the latest on where things are headed. i think maybe we can tell. joe johns in our washington bureau. joe, any idea when this vote will take place today? >> expecting the vote between 5:00 and 6:00 eastern time. of course that could slip. this is a big moment for john boehner testing his ability to get that somewhat unruly republican majority in the house to go along with him. when he first said there would be a vote a couple days ago, it
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looked briefly like he was just going to have an open revolt on his hands. actually got so bad that a staffer for one conservative house member was caught openly sending e-mails to a group off the hill asking for help in opposing the bill. almost unheard of. and now although the outlook is much more optimistic for the boehner bill, there is still some conservatives who say they don't like the approach and they won't vote for it. >> this is the first we're hearing of a time. did you just get word, joe? >> yeah, and you have to caution because things like this should be fluid, but 5:15, 6:15, eastern time, something like that. can it pass? when a congressional leader on the house side schedule as vote, they're supposed to know which way it's going to go and i've been asking vote counters on the hill whether this is going to be smooth sailing or a nail biter.
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the message i've gotten back is that the speaker is expecting strong support from the republican conversation, but on the democratic side, we snow that many, many democrats will not sign on. in fact there's some suggestion that the opposition will be close to unanimous. >> keep working it for us. thanks. encouraging news on on the job front. claims fell below 400,000 for the first time in more than three months. >> yeah, kyra, rare, right? it encouraging report. can you believe it? new jobless claims dropping more than expected coming in at 398,000 last week. sure, it's below the 400,000 level because it's generally seen as signifying job growth. claims topped 600,000 when we were in the thick of the recession, so we're making some progress here. >> if these job numbers are
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positive, why isn't there a bigger reaction on wall street? we saw a little bit of a reaction. >> we did. stocks are going the other way right now. they're going back toward the negative column, but the reality is that the debt ceiling deal is cause for a lot of anxiety here on wall street. also that jobs headline, it really doesn't tell the whole story. almost 8 million americans get unemployment benefits. and this counts the emergency and long term benefits. that's the reality here. also, we really need to stay below that 400,000 level for the long term. this is just one report, it's positive, but not enough. friday, we're also going to see how the broader economy is doing. we'll get second quarter gdp, that will show economic growth. and i'll be honest with you, expectations not so great right now. we're expect to go hear what most of us already know, the recovery is growing very slowly. >> okay, thanks. leave to washington to find a loophole, right? some democrats say if time runs out, the president could save the government from default by tapping in to his constitutional
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powers. but it's the white house, yes, the white house, that's actually knocking down that idea. >> there is no way around this. there is no escape. it weren't resolve the fact that our borrowing authority is due to expire on august 2nd and congress has the legal authority and only congress has the legal authority to extend that. >> he says the real problem is that house republicans with wasting time on the boehner plan because even if it should somehow pass the senate, the president will not sign off on it. at the bottom of the hour, we'll hear from the freshmen republicans who are demanding bigger cuts. we'll check in on the 10:30 a.m. news conference. a cosmetic company has been forced to pull an ad. what's the problem, are they
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just too beautiful? >> they have been overly air brushed is what the authorities are saying and their images are totally misleading. fancy that. >> full disclosure, we should say, yes, that is what we do in this business and thank goodness for it. that's all i have to say. >> well, i wake up looking like this, but, look, kyra, these are the pictures here. look at julia roberts. on the left-hand side, air brushed and lovely. on the right hand side is without air brushing. now, in this ad, she's in for a product called miracle foundation. christy also for anti-aging cream. and basically what they're saying here is that these images are not representative of the results the product would actually chiachieve. so they're saying it's misleading. if consumers buy this product, you ain't going to look like
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julia roberts. >> well, i think that we realize that, you know? makeup does help a little bit, but it does not change what mother nature or god has blessed you with. >> that's right. and l'oreal is sayings pir the pictures of julia roberts are inspirational and with christy, it accurately represents what kind of results you had get if you use the products. but there is the problem of mother nature as we get older. >> oh, yes. things start to shift in directions we never really expected. these women make up or not, they're beautiful. >> they are. coming up, religion in the presidential race. some interesting and maybe contradict tak contradictary findings. plus new compelling video taken moments after the deadly
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norway explosion. we'll hear from the man who shot is right after the break. another good thing about geico is, they've got, like, real live people working there 24/7. so like say you need to report a claim, alright. a real person will be there to help you. then you can use to view photos of the damage, track your claim, print an estimate. you want an english muffin? they literally hand you a toasted muffin with butter and jam. (sigh) whaa. tasty.
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that's, that's a complete dramatization of course, but you get my point. vo: geico 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. from the teachers to the students. i had a student the other day that said... "miss stacy, this class is changing the way that i look at things." sparking that interest and showing them that math and science are exciting...
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it's why i teach. ♪ i know they can, even when they think they can't. [ male announcer ] want to pump up your gas mileage? come to meineke for our free fuel-efficiency check and you'll money. my choice. my meineke. cnn has obtained dramatic new videotape moments after friday's bomb attack outside government buildings in norway. it was shot by a man driving through a tunnel beneath the plaza when the bomb went off. eight people were killed. he hoped the video might help police. he described the scene earlier on cnn's "american morning."
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first few minutes, people were this shock. then we heard screaming as people lost their hearing because of the bomb and so they couldn't -- some were not able to hear, some were not able to walk, unfortunately somebody also was dead. >> also this morning, police say that the search for victims of the shooting rampage near oslo has now ended. let's check stories cross-country. it looked like the scene from a movie, but it was a real life riot just outside the chinese theater in los angeles last night. thousands tried to crash the jam-packed movie premiere. police arrested two people. no injuries were reported. rail traffic was snarled after dozens of railcars jumped the track. people living nearby were evacuated. and in franklin township,
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indiana, plenty of angry parents after local school officials announced a near $50 a month bus fee to trance important students to and from school this year. the superintendent says it's necessary after voters shot down a referendum to raise taxes. according to a new poll, a majority of americans think that it's important for a presidential candidate to have strong religious beliefs. but maybe not important enough to really educate themselves about the field. for example, people who value faith tended to prefer mitt romney to president obama. yet 44% of white eadvantage gelly cals didn't even know that romney is a mormon. that brings to us a much broader discussion about religious identities influence on the presidential election. joining us, robert jones from the public religion institute which carried out the poll. given your polling, do elections bear this out? do presidential candidates who use religious language or
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proclaim their faith generally get elected over someone who doesn't? >> what we know is that religion is a really important lens for americans. when they go to think about whether they identify with a religious candidate, we see very clearly that this is one lens that americans use to discern whether or not they can identify with a political candidate. and in this case, we did some study of particularly the effects on the campaigns of president obama and mitt romney. you found very interesting insights in really will impact the way that the 2012 elections come out. >> so then considering our times, and social issues like gay marriage and how faith plays in to those types of social issue, are you seeing a shift or could we see a shift in how proclaiming your faith could actually hurt you as a candidate? >> i think what's important with religion is how well the constituents think they can identify with a presidential
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candidate. and on this count are and this is where president obama and mitt romney both have real challenges, on the one hand only 40% of the public knows that mitt romney is mormon, but 72% of the public says that they perceive the mormon faith to be very different from their own. on the other hand, obama faces very similar challenges that only 4 in 10 americans know that he's correctly identify as christian, 18% continue to incorrectly identified him as muslim and four in ten said they don't know what his beliefs are. and the bigger challenge is that more americans than not say that the religious beliefs of both president obama and mitt romney are different from their own and that is what has implications for the ballot box. >> so let me ask you tesch shpo. do americans still think if
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you're a person of faith, if you proclaim that, that you're going to be more moral, more honest as a president? >> i do think americans often use this as a proxy for morality, that -- and again, what really matters i think is how similar or different that people perceive their faith to be. what we see in this is that among those, for example, who say that mitt romney's religious beliefs are different from their own, president obama's lead which is about eight points right now jumps to nearly 30 points. but president obama faces the same fate. among knows who say president obama's faith is different from their own, his lead goes from eight points to a 16 point deficit. so romney actually leads among americans who say that president obama's faith is different from their own. >> robert jones, appreciate talking to you today. >> thanks for having me. as always, you can check out more by going to the cnn belief blog at
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so chasing a hotel room burglar? we'll get the latest on alex trebek's tendon snapping encounter with a suspected criminal. plus tropical storm don churning in the gulf of mexico and bearing down on texas. and you can still watch us, you can live stream us on your phone, your computer, your ipad. or you can just download the app. it's free, of course. and you can see that we're this a little bit of a delay, but basically when you get to the website, you hit live tv and on the side it will pop up, cnn newsroom. you hit it and you'll be watching us live streaming. it moves effortlessly, breathes easily. it flows with clean water. it makes its skyline greener and its population healthier. all to become the kind of city people want to live and work in. somewhere in america, we've already answered some of the nation's toughest questions.
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and the over sixty thousand people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers.
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al wleks trebek's answer to a fleet foot the burglar? give chase. but he's now on crutches after an early morning crime fighting performance. a.j. hammer has that story and more in our daily entertainment report. >> let's go to tough game show host for $500, shall we? alex trebek and his wife were asleep in a hotel room when they woke up to discover a woman allegedly robbing them. well, the 71-year-old trebek chased the woman out of his hotel room and let's hear the story right from the host himself. >> chasing a burglar down the hall at my san francisco hotel until my achilles tendon ruptured and i fell in an ignominious heap. i called security neededly and
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gave them a good description of the woman and they got her. >> sorry, so sorry. the suspect in question is a 56-year-old woman with a criminal record. she was charged withburg regard and receiving stolen property. and at least some of trebek's belongings were recovered near the ice machine down the hall, but the injury did not keep trebek down. he did keep his scheduled paeshs to host the national geographic world championship. is he my hero. >> of course. never miss a moment. all right. joe peschi a little heavy the weight and a little light in the wallet. what's the deal with this? >> this bums me out. it seems he was made a film offer he didn't refuse, but he claims film producers rubbed him out in the end. pesci is suing producers of the film gotti. he was supposed to play gotti's right hand man and enforcer opposite john travolta.
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the being a tr claims he even put on 30 pounds for the part but producers reneged on the contract even after he made statements promoting the role. pe sch pesci says he was offered a lesser role for about a million bucks. and the cast looks great but they've already had to replace the director and now this, so perhaps the little trouble going on with making of this film. >> all right. we will follow it for sure. what's this about tori spelling? is she with her plastic surgery? >> she grew up in hollywood, of course plastic surgery there is all the norm. but spelling who is now pregnant with her third child admitted during an interview with abc she regrets getting breast implants when she was younger. she says i got my boobs done in my early defense and if i had known it would or could are impacted production of milk, i would never have had them done. i love being a mom. i'm on my third baby and we want to have more. so true confessions from tori
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spelling. >> what's going on with you? hugh hefner's sex life yesterday, now tori spelling's breasts. you're getting risqué in the morning. i don't know about this. too early. >> it's summertime and i just got back from vacation. i don't know. >> okay. well, people will be watching. a.j., thanks. if you want all the information, a.j. has it every night hln 11:00 p.m. eastern. congress map joe walsh too it can on the chin from senator john mccain yesterday. we'll show you walsh's full reaction in a moment, but here's a taste. >> i'm glad that i've only been here six to seven months because i reflect where a lot of the american people are. guys like john mccain have been here too long. >> and we're just minutes away from a news conference by freshmen republicans on capitol hill. just six months on the job and they have a huge voice in the nation's debt crisis. we'll check into see what they have to say about today's scheduled vote.
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and save up to thousands of dollars. call this toll-free number now. encouraging news on u.s. jobs. initial unemployment claims dropped below 400,000 for the first time in three months. the first taped message since succeeds osama bin laden. and cnn has obtained new exclusive video in norway taken by a man driving through a tunnel when the blast went off. he says people were shocked, bloody and dazed. the about pibickering isn't between the democrats and republicans any who are. john mccain took a shot at
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members of his own party. >> to hold out and say we won't agree to raising the debt limit until we pass a bald budgn bala amendment, it's unfair, it's bizarro, and maybe some people who have only been in this body for six or seven months or so really believe that, others know better. >> skroe walsh is one of the tea party republicans who is pushing for much deeper cuts. and i spoke with him just a short tame ago to ask him what he not thought of mccain's comm. >> the problem is that folks like senator john mccain have been in this town for too long and they're the ones who have gotten us into this mess year after year after year. i'm glad that i've only been here six to seven months because i reflect where a lot of the american people are. guys like john mccain have been here too long. and it's almost insulting for him to say that. look, enough with the insults.
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i wish this town would simply step back and take a breath. your profession has us all a twitter, the administration's has us all a twitter, let's make sure we solve this crisis and solve it right. >> at the same time, americans would look to you and say you're holding us hostage. we're talking about the debt ceiling vote here. republicans have voted for this in the past over and over again, so why fight it now? >> that's actual what i fascinating question. why the big deal this year about the debt ceiling when as you say it's come and gone numerous times over the years. here's why. the american people have woken up, a. this administration has spent money like we've never seen the last 2 1/2 years. and we are falling off a financial cliff. and unless we finally do something about this debt, we'll never recover. and so folks like mika to washington to come up with a solution, some sort of solution
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like balancing the budget, a bald budget amendment, which will make sure we never get here again. >> economically, though, we were this horrible positions in the '70s and '80s, but it has never gotten to this point, the political bickering, just days to go before this august 2nd deadline. >> i think a lot of the problem is that this president hasn't been serious for the last six months. and so here he comes to us in the 11th hour to try to fix his mess, we're perfectly willing to fix the mess, but he hadn't led. i mean, everybody -- the administration has been trying to scare folks into this notion of default. default is off the table. mob wants tee fault. we're going to pay off our deb and we have plenty of government revenues this next month it make sure that we do. i guess a rot of the house republicans are arguing let's make sure we get this right. i'm not obsessed with august 2nd truthfully. i'm obsessed with making sure
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that we solve this debt crisis and if it takes us a few who are days, let's do it. >> with all due, and i have personal financial question for you. you've become a key play fler this debate that's all about spending. now we're seeing reports coming through, the "chicago sun-times," you've had your own financial problems, the claims that you lost your condo to foreclosure, that you owe back child support. with that out there now, are you concerned about your credibility in this debate? >> look, i was probably the most openly vetted candidate on the planet. i ran as a guy who lost his home and had had financial struggles like a lot of americans. absolutely not. this is where a lot of americans come from right now. it's why they sent so many of us to washington to do something about this because we're living this experience. and again, i end where we began. senator mccain and folks like him would is been in this town
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for so long and have no clue as to the troubles americans are going through right now, they don't understand this crisis anymore. >> so congressman, you're actually saying then that you're experiencing these troubles, the fact that you can't pay child support? >> well, again, kyra, personal family issues that i'm going to fight, again, i knee that stoow just broke and it's interesting that it broke as i'm trying my best to fight the president and the democrats and solve this debt crisis, but look, i'm the most openly vetted candidate in the world. i have had financial troubles and i talked about them throughout the campaign. this is where real america is. >> and right now this is where america is on capitol hill. we're about to hear from the freshman class on house republicans. they just started to speak actually just six months on the job. they could play a huge role in today's vote on the boehner debt plan as you know, the vote now
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expected between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. washington time. this is republican tim griffin from arkansas that just stepped away from the mike. we are monitoring this and we'll bring you any developments as it happens. five days until the government hits that debt ceiling and a growing number of analysts are saying that the ratings downgrade is coming. what that means for you and me and our money next. it's water from the drinking fountain at the mall. [ male announcer ] great tasting tap water can now come from any faucet anywhere. introducing the brita bottle with the filter inside. [ male announcer ] great tasting tap water can now come from any faucet anywhere. maybe, it's something you haven't seen yet. the 2nd generation of intel core processors. this is visibly smart. but afraid you can't afford it? well, look how much insurance many people can get through selectquote for less than a dollar a day. selectquote found, rich, 37, a $500,000 policy for
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in tampa, police believe someone was watching two exchange students by hidden video cameras. these women say the sneaky cams were made to look like smoke detectors. cops say they have suspects but no arrests so far. weather is not okay in oklahoma, but all counties are declared disaster areas due to the ongoing drought. yesterday in tulsa, they topped out at 107.
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people in fall mouth, massachusetts want to though why a turtle washed ashore. an autopsy on the creature is set for today. your rapid fire look at the hottest political topics of the day. three questions. it's 30 seconds playing today roland martin -- >> the extra seconds. there because roland martin has such a big mouth. so let me waste no more time since we have roland, we had to bump up the amount here. let's start with the first question. hole on to your hats. john boehner orders the gop to fall in line on the debt negotiations. so is it too little too late for boehner to be showing leadership and putting his foot down? roland. >> this is what always happens. you have to crack the whip because you have all these crazies running off at the mouth and they don't want to understand the crisis we're this
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as a country. so he's saying you need to get off your butts and realize we have to take action now. there's no getting around this. >> will. >> no, keer remarks it's not too late. much of the commentary on this whole deal has been like watching a poker hand on espn and hyper ventilating about every single bet and every single bluff. the only thing that matters in this whole ordeal is the final outcome. and that's not over until it's over. let's see what the final deal is. >> john. >> you can't play with this kind of debt ceiling limit. problem is it's not a game. it's our country and we're getting awfully close to the edge of this cliff. speaker boehner's problem is that he's trying to herd rabid cats. they consider even their allies their enemies if they're not with them 100%. so this is a problem all born out of hyper partisan ship. a new stim bell for the
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gingrich campaign. some of the t-shirts made in el salvador. it was claimed on the fact that the campaign was staffed by volunteers. so can gingrich possibly get back into the game? >> before you sent this question, a little part of me for g forgot newt beginnigingrich was running. he's totally out of the conversation. no can he not get back in the game. >> speaker gingrich has done something that i thought was impossible. he has surpassed former senator fred thompson as the worst presidential campaign ever. no, he has no shot. i say newt take those shirts, go to el salvador, have a nice vacation with your wife because you have shot at running the most inept presidential campaign ever. >> john. >> it really is a new level amateur hour and this is not an
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original campaign sin. this is the thing that's sort of obvious before before you order the american flag, you make sure they're not made in china. yet another example of a disastrous presidential campaign that a guy can go from being speaker to just being irrelevant in the conversation speaks volumes. anything can happen, newt. >> he'll get the el salvador vote, though. >> there you go. if you haven't seen the movie the town, let's take a little bit here. >> i need your help. i can't tell you what it is. you can never ask me about it later. we're going to hurt some people. >> which car are we going to take? >> why are we showing you this? because ben affleck is telling republicans do not use scenes in his movie as a motivational tool. so what's 9 next tool that they will be using or should be using?
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roland. >> i say they should uset9 nexty will be using or should be using? roland. >> i say they should usehe9 nex they will be using or should be using? roland. >> i say they should use next t they will be using or should be using? roland. >> i say they should use the clip from alec baldwin when he says always be closing. that's what these folks in congress need to do, they need to close. >> will. >> i'm going to go with ben's buddy who will also be appreciative, matt damon in, rounders. despite john avalon not liking my poker comparisons, i'd say be cool, make the best deal you can, but you got to make a deal eventually. rounders. >> in what world is this a motivational film? we're going to go hurt some people, don't ask any questions. pretty soon they're going to go with the bond film where he feeds the character to a bunch of piranhas. or like the last scene in saving private ryan. what are they thinking? this is insane. next time republicans complain
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about their bad rep, this is exhibit a. >> i think i have a few movies to rent this weekend. >> not distinguished gentlemen. >> that would be perfect for you three. thank you and thank you for being on time, roland. >> always, baby, always. i got you. did i show up? >> yes, you did. >> thank you very much. alison kosik has details on your money. you're always on time. let's talk about a possible debt downgrade for the u.s. government. what do you think every day americans should know when it comes to their investments right now? >> well, everybody's getting pummeled with the headlines. try to keep your eye on the long term. with that being said, many traders expect the market to take a short term hit if the government debt rating is downgraded, what you'll see is more volatility in the market,
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but things will get back to normal. listen to the advice that one trader gave me. what are you telling your clients? >> right now if you're in the market, stay in and keep a close eye on things. but if you're not, stay on the sidelines. just watch. there's no rush at the moment. just too much uncertainty. >> trance laying, don't make any big moves right now as long as you're diversified, of course. also remember, you shouldn't really try to time the market especially if it's your retirement at stake. and remember, when it comes to investments, nothing is guaranteed. the bigger the risk, the more you stand to lose. so it's really all up to you. >> and we really don't want them tanking and everybody is saying don't panic, but it's hard. >> it really is hard especially since we really don't know what's going to happen, but you really do have to keep your eye on the long term. and if you're worried, try to think back to what happened in september of 2008. congress failed to pass that $700 billion stimulus and we
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watched the dow plunge 777 points in one day. he couldn't believe our eyes. we watched the markets in-to sell off. but then we saw the recovery. and sense then, that 777 point drop in the dow, now the dow is up 20%. so you know what, those who stayed in the market, they would have made back what they lost. so just sit back, relax, and i guess watch the world go on around you until something really hits the fan. >> all right, thanks. still ahead, millions of texans keeping the approach of tropical storm don. really? 25 grams of protein. what do we have? all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat, too, and has 5 grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. new ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. see? he's a good egg. [ major nutrition ] new ensure high protein.
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so i want to major in biology. miss gopie is the best teacher i ever had. she's amazing, i love her. [ jade ] i'm teaching jasmine ap biology. i knew she had the talent... i always pushed her. [ jasmine ] her class you literally have to think, like it takes so long to do her homework. [ jade ] she's gained the confidence that she can achieve anything. [ jasmine ] i'm going to be a pediatrician... and i'm going to make this dream come true.
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a 100 percent. ♪ it's something angel fans haven't seen in nearly three decades. last night santana threw the first solo no-hitter for the halos in 27 years. a first ever at the progressive field. and it's the third no no so far this season. afterwards santana said he wanted to dedicate his performance in honor of his late cousin who died last month. university of north carolina football team looking for a new head coach after the surprise firing of butch davis. the ncaa has been investigating allege the academic misconduct on tobacco road. davis says he's shocked. tar heel faithful are, too. just days before the team begins fall practice. nfl merry-go-round spinning
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full circle with the labor deal. lots of trades already. donovan mcnabb shipped to minute men for draft picks and take var ris jackson goes to seelgtsz to replace hasselbeck who signed with teen tennessee. the ump says he blew the call in the pirates game. the tape doesn't lie especially in slo-mo. this morning we're keeping an eye on tropical storm don as it spins across the gulf of mexico and appears on track for texas. rob has the latest. >> good morning again. looking now at the latest advisory, they just had a hurricane hunter aircraft fly into this thing. it's just off the yucatan peninsula now into the gulf of mexico and you can see in the last couple of hour, the flare up of thunderstorms. so it's starting to get organized. water temperatures in this area are 85 degrees plus. some of them up to 88 degrees. so certainly plenty of fuel for
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the fire there and you can also see that the direction of this thing, it's heading towards texas. so that's what we're expecting to continue as far as the track goes. the uncertainty lies in how strong this thing is going to be because it is such a small storm, just getting its act together now, you never know if it's going to blow up into a category one or higher hurricane or if it will stay a tropical storm. right now the official forecast is to keep it at a tropical storm as it heads towards corpus christi, could go down to the mexican border. timing will be around tomorrow might sometime maybe into early saturday morning. this isn't necessarily a bad thing. rainfall with this is going to be huge. or the benefits of it will be huge. we hope it get more rain than just this. some computer models saying three, four, maybe five inches of rainfall. that will just put a dent into some of the rainfall deficits. almost a foot below average in
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austin,off a foot below average in san antonio. some are a quarter to 30% of what they normally would have received by january 1st. so they desperately need the rain, so we're currently hoping that the rain comes without detrimental wind. and at this point it looks like that will happen. >> thanks, rob. coming up, the evolution of a hacker. >> how you can be a good police officer if you don't know how the criminals think? >> computer veteran turns away from the dark side and spills some's krets next. [ female announcer ] we all age differently. roc® multi-correxion 4 zone moisturizer with roc®retinol and antioxidants. lines, wrinkles, and sun damage will fade. roc multi-correxion. correct what ages you.
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fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! [ jack ] yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] half a day's worth of fiber. fiber one.
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here's stories making news later today. 11:00 a.m., opening statements are expected in the warren jeffs
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sex assault trial. the hotel maid who claims she was assaulted by dominique strauss-kahn holds a conference at noon. and john boehner and eric cantor expected to discuss the nation's ongoing debt crisis. a facebook big wig says we shouldn't be able to hide behind handles. according to marketing director randy zuckerberg, everybody should have to use their real names online. ending anonymity she shez would cut down on cyber bullying but free speech advocates say there would be unintended even dangerous consequences. you can guess how most hackers feel about anonymity, the ones up to no good anyway. dan simon has the details. >> reporter: jeff moss has been a self-proclaimed hacker for more than 20 years. when he was 13, he acquired a
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device like this and figured out how it make free long distance phone calls from any line. >> could you do there you could from home or a pay line. the phone network was the biggest computer network. the most reliable, the most interesting. and you could issue commands to the phone network and it would do things. >> reporter: but as he came of age in the '90s, he realized people like himself could earn a real living by helping companies protect their networks as they started storing valuable information on the internet. >> so as soon as the company started putting as you put it real assets on there, that's when -- >> that's when everything changed. i think a lot of people were so stoked, so excited that they could now do this for a living that they went that direction. >> reporter: in moss' mind, that represents the vast majority of hackers. people with valuable skill sets doing work for the greater good. >> good hackers think on both sides. how would you attack and how would you defend. how can you become a good defender if you don't know how
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to attack. how can you an request g. miss officer if you don't know how the criminals think. >> reporter: hackers have taken their considerable skills to legitimate workplaces. case in point, sean parker, the co-founder of napste rflt. he's better known as the first president of facebook. and then there's george hotz. the wonder biwho drew the ire of apple and at&t by figuring out how to unlock an iphone and allow to be used with other phone carriers. the young prodigy himself is working at facebook. >> i think hacker is an adjective. it describes a skill set. >> reporter: as for jeff moss, he went on to found definite d and he's helping the u.s.
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government keep its network safe as a member of the homeland security advisory council. >> popular media describes hackers with somebody who is clever their use of computers and it takes on the negative connotation. that's fine, you're not going to change that. that's cemented in people's minds. but to people who are involved in the area, hacker still means its original purpose. >> reporter: and that he says means doing digging to understand how the technology actually works. dan simons, cnn, seattle. and coming up next, suzanne malveaux with all the angles on the debt ceiling countdown covered for you. we'll monitor the briefing and we're talking live to a small business owner who says the bickering in washington is affecting his bottom line. and the new york city hotel maid holds as news conference. we're asking a legal conference how all these public statements could impact the case.
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shannon, we've been talking about this all morning. senator john mccain taking a shot at members of his own party over the debt ceiling debate. we had joe walsh on and he responded just as fierce. they're really going at it. >> yeah, they're really going at
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it. who would have thought that we'd hear about hobbits from lord of the rings. but john mccain reference that had yesterday. let's step back. he was on the senate floor yesterday basically blasting democrats and bom saying the president was leading from behind, his words, not mine. he also blasted some of his republicans saying that it's foolish to think that a balanced budget will be passed in the next few days before the debt ceiling deadline. and then the senator took on the tea party. he read from a "wall street journal," quoted from a "wall street journal" op-ed. take a listen at this. >> republican house failed to raise the debt ceiling would somehow escape all the blame. and then democrats would have no choice but to pass a balanced budget amendment and reform entitlements and the tea party hobbits could return to middle earth having defeated morador. this is the kind of crack political thinking that turns
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sharon engel and christine o'donnell into not nominees. >> the senator was reading from a "wall street journal" article. he went on fox news and said he has respect for the tea party, that they helped turn the house back into republican hands. but some of the tea party favorites are not taking his words too kindly and we'll read a quote, sharon engel was a republican nominee candidate in nevada, she said as in the table, it is the hobbits who are the heros and save the land. it is regrettable that a man seeking dialogue, action and cooperation for votes on the floor of the united states senate has only one strategy to achieve that effort, name calling. so a little bit of back and forth. kyra. >> all right, shannon, thanks so much. your next update in just about an hour. and for all the latest political news,


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