tv [untitled] August 2, 2011 7:19am-7:49am PDT
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newsroom and boom, there you go. [ woman ] jogging stroller. you've been stuck in the garage while i took refuge from the pollen that made me sneeze. but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my worst allergy symptoms. so lily and i are back on the road again. with zyrtec® i can love the air®.
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really? 25 grams of protein. what do we have? all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat, too, and has 5 grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. new ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. see? he's a good egg. [ major nutrition ] new ensure high protein. ensure! nutrition in charge!
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expecting the president to make live comments from the rose garden. we'll take it live. oprah winfrey being sued. a woman claims that she stole the phrase own your power. a.j. hammer following it for us. what are the details? >> well, oprah has pin hit with a lawsuit by a new jersey woman who claims she ripped off that motto to use for her struggling cable network, own. according to "entertainment weekly".com, simone kelly brown is the founder of own communications inc. followed the suit on monday claiming she came up with the you own your power concept. and while waiting for a trademark to come through, win friday's studio started using it for her own gain. she's seeking unspecified damages for her brazenly unlandfall disregard for the existence and use of the trademark. a harpo rep issued a statement that says the studio has not been served with any paperwork
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and therefore had no comment. a lot's been made of oprah's struggling network, own. i actually think in the end it will do just fine, it's just getting its feet running off the ground here. but i don't think they need any legal headaches right about now. >> speaking of looking fine, not many movie stars past the age of 40 can beat out he will mcpherson or jennifer lopez. >> well, helen miran has done it. she's a real life royal title and now all are bowing to her regali hot body. how hot? the 66-year-old star did just beat out he will elle mcpherson the year. helen was the choice of nearly 18% of the people who took the survey while sports illustrated cover model elle mcpherson was
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picked by just 10%. jennifer lopez got 6%. middleton 4%. and the guys, keer remark the top three hottest bodies belonging to men, david beckham, daniel craig, and johnny depp. >> why am i not surprised. all right. kelsey grammer not in the mix there, but he is looking to maybe change his profession, maybe politics? >> yeah, alec bold waldwin may looking over his shoulder. kelsey gram grammar has revealed that he might be jumping into the political ring. here's what he told the new york "post." he said i look at my political aspirations as that last piece of my life where i hope to do something good for people and pay back a little. grammer is a rare cooperative and he to conservative and he said they both require a narcicisstic personality and resilient ego.
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money helps, too. the paper calculates that grammer who will be playing a fictional mayor is worth about $30 million. he's current loi wife number four and we'll have to watch how his nasty custody battle with his ex plays out in public. in fact we caught up with camille at an event last night and we asked her how she's hammiham i handling all of this. >> just making sure that my kids know that their mom loves them and they're -- >> it's a shame he hasn't handled it best. camille has done her utmost to keep it civil and be a good mother and supportive and he hasn't reciprocated. i can say that. >> and i guess we'll have to wish kelly grammar the best of luck as all that gets sorted out. >> well, if you want information
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on everything breaking in the entertainment world, every night "showbiz tonight" 11:00 p.m. on hln. we want to remind you, we're waiting for that senate vote on the debt ceiling at high noon. and then at 12:15, the president expected to come out to the rose garden and make a live statement. we'll take both live. [ male announcer ] it's a fact: your nutritional needs can go up when you're on the road to recovery. proper nutrition can help you get back on your feet. three out of four doctors recommend the ensure brand for extra nutrition. ensure clinical strength has revigor and thirteen grams of protein to protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. and immune balance to help support your immune system. ensure clinical strength... helping you to bounce back. ensure! nutrition in charge! that's not going to satisfy you. come on. it's time for a better snack. try this. it's yoplait greek.
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can arrive on the president's desk this afternoon. his signature is all that stance between the federal government and a possible default. wolf, we're less than fwoo hotw away from the vote. we're learning the president will speak at 12:15. set the stage for us as we're moving up on high noon. we've been listening to orrin hatch on the floor and he's saying he's getting too much heat from home and won't vote for it. >> that's not a surprise because he'll almost certainly face a republican primary challenge from a tea party supporter in utah. and that's setting up to be a real fierce battle between the long term republican and orrin hatch in utah. i suspect that's going to be quite a battle so that helps explain why orrin hatch as announced he'll vote no on this deal. having said that i think there's going to be more than 60 votes in favor of it respect well more
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than 60 votes, and as a result, it will pass and go to the president for his signature.res than 60 votes, and as a result, it will pass and go to the president for his signature. it will probably pass around noon, an hour and a half or so from now. and then at 12:15, about 15 minutes later, the white house has just announced the president will go to the rose garden and make a statement. i don't know if they'll have all the paperwork ready. i suspect they won't for him to actually sign it, formal signing ceremony. they probability won't even do a formal signing staceremony. he has to sign it before midnight in order to ease up money as far as debt relief is concerned, the debt ceiling supposed to expire at midnight tonight, but he'll make a statement welcoming it and then set the stage for going to chicago tomorrow where he'll be celebrating his 50th birthday and doing a couple of fund-raisers. so i guess he'll be a little bit more at ease going to chicago for that event. >> depends on how you feel about turning 50. >> i remember when bill clinton
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turned 60, he said remember 06 is the new 40. and i suspect with president obama, he's turning 50, and some might say 50 is the new 40 or whatever. in his case, given the enormous work he does, the enormous pressure he's under, the commander in chief, 50 may turn out to be in his case the new 60, if you will. >> we've seen the gray hairs. >> have you seen the gray hair over the past 2 1/2 years, how he's aged? he's under enormous pressure. i feel his pain, i must say. >> but you're under no pressure, that's just a natural -- >> no pressure compared to him. and neither do you, although you have twins. >> that's a whole other story. all right, wolf, we'll keep talking. stay with us, please, because we want to keep talking about this as we hit the top of the hour. joe johns on capitol hill. joe, what's your sense of things right now? >> reporter: well, we've still
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got quite a ways to go. about an hour and a half this vote is scheduled for noon eastern time. just watching the floor of the united states senate, they got started about an hour ago with speeches. and you and wolf talked a little bit about senator orrin hatch of utah facing a challenge from his right announcing on the floor of the senate that he will not vote for this because in his view, it is not a solution to america's spending problems. a variety of other members out on the senate floor. senator david vitter of louisiana interestingly enough did not give a speech, but he did announce his intentions to vote against this debt limit bill on twitter just a little while ago saying in his view it also doesn't go far enough. some democrats out there, the refrain i've heard from several of them so far, they don't like the bill very much, they see
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flaws in it, nonetheless they will vote for it because the alternative which will be default is much worse in their view and would do a lot more harm to the country than this bill, which they also view as very flawed. >> all right. joe johns on the hill. wolf blitzer out of washington. we're also going bring in members of our political buzz panel. they'll weigh this on this. we'll be in rolling coverage from now until noon when that vote happens. didn't really know what i wanted to do. didn't like high school. and then i met my teacher, mr. mccooey, and that click happened. i would never have even thought about going into the engineering field if it wasn't for these ap classes, these teachers and them helping me realize that this is a major calling in my life. ♪ i didn't always know that i would like math, but now i think it'll change my life. [ coughing continues ]
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about 80 minutes away, waiting for the president to speak at 12:15 eastern. just prior to that we're expecting the vote as we're watching the debate going on on the floor. we'll stay in rolling coverage now starting from this point. wolf and our political buzz will weigh in in a second, but here we go. it's count down time before high noon and we'll get that vote and
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let's talk about what we expect. >> well, the senators are now speaking. they're making their respective cases. everyone has a little bit of time. the democrats, the republicans, it will wrap up, mitch mcconnell, who was really instrumental behind the scenes at putting about deal together, working very closely with joe bid biden, they worked closely over the weekend and really did important work in getting the differences resolved. mitch mcconnell will speak and then harry reid will speak, at which point there will be a formal roll call in the senate unlike the house of representatives where it's electronic voting, in the senate, everyone says yea or that nay, yes or no, and it will require a 60 vote threshold, but i think they have more than 60 votes between the democrats and republicans to get it passed. the legislation will then go to
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the president for his signature. the white house has announced he'll be in the rose garden to make a statement welcoming this agreement and i think what the president will then try to do, kyra, is move the subject forward. yes, they've eased this crisis and now the country has to move forward and deal with a really fragile economic recovery and most important the creation of jobs. we'll get a new jobs number friday morning, a new jobs mum for the month of july. and a lot of people are once again bracing for more bad news. not a whole lot of jobs being created. this is an enormous problem not only politically, forget about the politics, this is a problem for millions of americans who don't have a job or do have a job that simply isn't paying them what they used to get paid, they don't have the benefits they used to get. on a lot of unhappy people. the question is how do you turn that around and that's what they'll be focusing on, as well. so i suspect what we'll hear from the president is he will try to move this subject forward
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now that the debt ceiling crisis has been resolved. >> okay, wolf, stay with me. usually at this time we have our political buzz, but now we're going to have more than three questions, more than 30 seconds each. and probably we'll have about 80 minutes to let you just get crazy here. we've got robert zimmerman, john avalon, and will kane. guy, thanks for mixing it up with us. and playing here. will, let's start with you. what are you paying attention to? >> i think it was sbring in your conversation with joe johns, he said orrin hatch would be voting against this about a it's not a solution. he's right. it's not a solution. some senators that i really like said it might not amount to much of anything. not much of any cuts and not much towards deficit reduction. but that being said, you don't get a solution when you owe one-half of one third of the
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government. so b, you must raise the debt ceiling. it's not an option. not to. so, c, you take the best deal you can get. this being loot looks like tha what it is. >> orrin hatch is worried about a primary. he remember what is happened to one of the most conservative members of the senate, robert bennett of utah, who was defeated by a tea party challenger. and lisa murdkowski was defeate in alaska. orrin hatch, richard lugar, sylvia snow, they're all threatened with tea party challenges and that's defining our political agenda today and how that's really hijacking our system of government. >> john. >> the one thing i'd add to robert's analysis is one of the things yesterday's lopsided and
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refreshingly bipartisan vote in the house showed is that the senator can hold. yes, you have organized extremes in both parties who oppose the solution even when the alternative was default. youed hat heritage foundation and club for growth, move on and other groups on the left opposing it, but the senator held. as long as they clear the 60 vote threshold, the folks vote nothing can do it for all sorts of political reasons, but they ignore the larger responsibility which is to make sure that the nation ignores refault. and then we move on this committee and we'll see if people are serious about dealing with the deficit and debt. so i just think let's not lose sight that while there's no question the extremes have brought us to this brink, there's a good story to be told today because the senator did hold and we were able to reach a constructive compromise.
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>> the senator didn't hold. the senator went into hiding. let's be realistic. there was nothing here except a decision -- it was an example f bort parties failing the country. issues of spilgtsment reform were taken off the table. reforming the tax code wasn't even addressed. more cuts were not addressed. so the reality is what congress did and what both parties did was choose to really divert the major issues to another commission and avoid dealing with the substantive issues. so that's not a victory for the country. >> we'll continue the discussion. hold your thoughts. the debt ceiling vote expected at noon. we're about an hour 15 minutes away. stay with cnn. is this a good deal? i don't even know anymore. [ tapping ] well, know this -- for a good deal on car insurance, progressive snapshot uses this
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coffee doesn't have fiber. unless you want it to. new splenda® essentials™ are the first and only line of sweeteners with a small boost of fiber, or antioxidants, or b vitamins in every packet. mmm. same great taste with an added "way to go, me" feeling. new splenda® essentials™. get more out of what you put in. [ martin luther king jr. ] i still have a dream that one day on the red hills of georgia, the sons of former slaves
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you're watching cnn rolling coverage now. the debt ceiling vote expected at high noon. we're doing our political buzz panel a little different way today. robert zimmerman, john avalon, and will cane. robert, you had the last word as we went into break. john, you were just about to jump in, but will, i want to give you a second to come back first and then i'll let john weigh in. >> let me see if i can tie a ribbon around these two guys' disagreement. on one level, this is a victory for the center that understand you must raise the debt ceiling. that is nonnobodiable. but on the other level, it's a complete failure on substantive issues. this isn't a victory for the center because there's no real substantive move toward deficit reduction, no touch on entitlements. so that was a victory for poll tes politics in general. >> we had the poll numbers that
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came out in the past 45 minutes or an our saying that more than 70% of americans think our lay makers were acting like spoiled children versus responsible adults. >> and i agree with that. this was a totally dysfunctional process that was directly produced by the hyper party is an ship that the two parties have been playing with for a long time now. the fact that we avoid theis an ship that the two parties have been playing with for a long time now. the fact that we avoid the default is a modest success. the real deal is whether or not this new bipartisan commission can actually deal with the real underlying issues of entitlement reform and tax reform which can raise revenues by closing loopholes. that's the challenge to come. but we did have a bipartisan vote despite all the activist groups on the left and right. but gabby giffords co s can go e floor and the reality check.
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we do have the responsibility to act like adults and that's been entirely forgotten. >> robert, final word. >> that's the most important -- gabby giffords' presence on the floor was that one moment of unity in this otherwise disgraceful process and i think it was a very important reminder not just to our members of congress, but to all of us as citizens about what public service is all about. and the courage she showed and the complete leadership she demonstrated by being there in a very tough vote despite what she had to endure. it really is an example to all citizens about public service and hopefully it helped reset how they're thinking. >> i think we all can agree on that point. robert, will, john, thanks so much, guys. brianna keilar live now at the white house. once again the president getting toward speak at 12:15. just after he signs that bill, the vote expected to go down at high noon. we think we'll know what's going
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