tv John King USA CNN August 11, 2011 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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>> piers, thank you very much. a very big night in money and politics and candidates saying one thing but doing another. we're keeping them honest on that but we begin with breaking news. a potential game changer in the gop presidential race. texas governor rick perry is running and jim acosta's got the story. he jones us now. this saturday in south carolina rick perry is expected to make it official and although may not be official throwing his name in
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the ring, not have a republican source close to the perry campaign has confirmed to cnn that the texas governor will throw his cowboy hat into the ring, if you will excuse me me on saturday at red state conference in south carolina. his speech is expected to focus heavily on the texas economy, half of the jobs created in this country. the perry people will point out in the last two years, were in texas. republicans are going to point to that as a success story. democrats say, not so fast. most of those jobs are low-wage jobs. the democratic source told me earlier today. governor perry is all hat and no cattle but after the speech in south carolina, anderson, he heads off to new hampshire. he taped an interview with one of the tv stations up there today. so he's making all of the moves of a candidate tonight. >> he's also headed to iowa this weekend but he was not taking part in the aim straw poll is he. >> that's right this announcement in south carolina was designed to steal the show from the aim straw poll this weekend. that's where all of the other republican candidate the are right now and what's become a gop beauty pageant but the story
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will be perry's announcement on saturday. you will recall sarah palin just yesterday said she number iowa this weekend with her bus, she sort of stepped on rick perry's story and now he's stepping on hers. welcome to 2012, anderson. >> yeah just the beginning. >> yeah. >> jim, thanks very much. the front-runner former massachusetts governor, mitt romney, his remarks today on the campaign trail set off a storm of sorts. and you can decide for yourself what to make of them. keeping them honest. saying one thing and then boasting about doing on the other. criticizing president obama for wanting to strengthen the cuts and new revenue and yet when romney was governor of massachusetts that was precisely the case that he made to standard & poor's after they downgraded his state's credit. governor romney's in iowa tonight for a debate leading up to saturday's straw poll today while apparently trying to discredit the idea of raising taxes to save social security. he made headlines, listen. >> and if we're ultimately, not just this year but over the coming decades, going to be able to balance our budget and not spend more than that we take in,
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we have to make sure that the promises that we make in social security, medicaid and medicare are promises that we can keep and there are various ways of doing that. one, is we can raise taxes on people. of course we are. everything corporations earn ultimately goes to people. where do you think it goes? >> huge bonuses. >> you can make of that what you will. it is a matter of opinion. in, on the other hand is a matter of fact. mitt romney was the first to criticize president obama when standard & poor's downgraded america's and he persistently is critical of making new revenues as part of reducing the debt and restoring our aaa rating. he pushed for a new tax solution. cap and balance bill. and slams the president as a tax raiser. watch. >> the president to agree to cut federal spending, to cap federal
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spending and to put in place a balanced budget amendment. >> are there three mathematical ways that you could fix the deficit. one is that you can raise taxes a lot and for some reason that's what the president always thinks about. let's just raise taxes. >> instead of lowering taxes, he raised them. did you know that our employers pay the highest taxes in the world. >> come on, mr. president, you can by yourself cut the spending agree on cut spending, cap the spending and put in place a balanced budget amendment. >> so governor romney says he favors the plan to cut the deficit without raising revenue and it's not for us to say whether that's a good or bad thing. you can make up your own mind about that but keeping them honest that's not case that he made back in 2004 when he was lobbying s&p to raise massachusetts' credit rating. in a 50-page presentation, the governor's staff gave to s&p. they say it's unclear whether mr. romney personally took part in showcasing it, but knack in april, he said he was proud of his role.
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>> the president really ought to personally sit down and meet with s&p. i did that when i was governor. i met with the relegated season and talked about our future and instill confidence in our future because look, how they rate our debt and how they rate our future as a nation will affect the interest costs that we end up paying and will affect homeowners and borrowers all over the country. >> now there's absolutely nothing unusual about a governor lobbying a ratings agency or his administration trying to make their case. the issue is boasting back then about doing almost precisely what he's slamming president obama for advocating today. take a look at some of the points in the governor's presentation. the state, it says "successfully managed revenue and expense positions in 2002 and 2003." increase tax revenue by more than a billion dollars a year. a tax amnesty and a tax loophole legislation worth $269 billion. the confidential discussion also highlights increasing fees $271
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million yearly starting fiscal year 2004. now the irony is that, with the exception of those higher fees, the are tax items became law before mitt romney even took office. it didn't stop him though for taking credit of them with s&p. also ironic that mixes taxes and spending cuts got results. credit upgrade. the one that governor romney benefited from back then is precisely is the same that president obama is wrong to pursue now. joining us to talk about governor romney, perry and rest of the field, democratic strategist paul begala and eric edison. so, paul, how much will this kind of flip-flopping hurt romney in the primaries given all of the other flip-flops that he's done over the years? >> eric knows his party and his movement better but i do think in the last 30 years the anti-tax position in the republican parent has become an article of faith, so much so that ronald reagan aide once said to me reagan can't make it today because he raised taxes as governor of california, he raised taxes as president so
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that's such an article of faith that flip-flopping that when you flip-flop abortion rights, gay rights and all of the other flip-flops i think it does make romney vulnerable. >> eric, what about that? he's not really darling of the tea party. does his track record on taxes make it winning them that much more difficult. >> i think it, does it's an accumulation of things. it's not just that his health care position. flip-flops on immigration, flip-flop on abortion positions. flip-flops on, you name it. hef he can say that most of these tax increases came before he was governor and he was just being governor and saying what the governor had done but it's not going to buy him in the primary. he's gotten a lot of criticism of being in what people have mockingly called the mitmus protection program for a few more months and might have stayed there for a few more weeks. >> paul, let's talk about rick perry, what do you think about his entering the race, this by the way, this weekend. do you make of his entering of
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the race, how does it change things on the gop side and for president obama? >> first off, good for him for going to eric's place. i'm all for sucking up and eric's got a powerful movement down there. i read i read it every day, eric. it is indispensable and governor perry showing eric the power in his movement but i think as a texan i knew him a little bit million years ago when he was first starting out in the texas legislature. i think that he brings three things. first, he can fire that up base, i think, almost as effectively as michele bachmann who i think has been the most exciting candidate in the republican party. he can raise money i think as effectively as mitt romney who is the best funded candidate and perhaps most important, he will do or say anything, anything. he's already flirted with us isition which that didn't work out quite well for the south that we tried that, 600,000 people dead in the civil war. he's flirted with susquehanna ccession and this is the the. a lot of good reporting. a lot of good scientific
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evidence that the man was innocent when that evidence came to rick perry, he ignored it, had the man executed anyway and then when it was being investigated by one of his own state boards, he's accused of removing three members of that board so that they couldn't finished investigation properly. >> so, paul, when you say he will do -- that he will say anything, are you just saying he's a pure politician? that he doesn't really have strong ideals that he stands up for? >> yeah, he's certainly very conservative and i don't think that he's going to move off of those. i just -- he doesn't seem to have the kind of guardrails though, left or right, or that most politicians seem to have. i mean, to me, at least, it's really striking. i think that it can be effective thing in a politician and he's going to be very formidable. if i were mitt romney i would be quaking in my guchis but there is something about him. spinal tap, turn the speaker up to 11. he will turn that speaker up to 11. >> eric, what about that?
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for a conservatives and particularly in the primary, how do you think he will do against the others in the field? >> well, i think he'll probably do very well. when you look at the polling, mitt romney seems to be capped out of a quarter of the republican primary about he can't get much more support than that nationally. maybe up to 1/3 up in new hampshire hampshire. so rick perry has the potential because of a huge funding base from texas and being a popular conservative governor to really consolidate the field quickly and make a two-man race. i think the romney folks are fearful of that, but you know, paul is doing himself a disservice on full disclosure for begala he won't say this but i will say it on his behalf that paul begala's personal dislike of rick perry has nothing do with his partisan politics. it has everything to do with rick perry being an aggie and for that i can't blame paul at all. >> that is true, i would root for like iran state against texas a&m, believe me. >> i can root against them in my own conference.
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>> we finally agree on something. >> paul, do you see -- paul, do you see rick perry, though, changing -- if rick perry got the nomination, how does he change in a general election? he just had this big prayer rally. do you still see him -- i mean, how does he change? >> i think -- >> to gain independents. >> i think that governor perry has left dpooft move to the center than say a romney does and i think that he could be trapped on the far fridges s fringes of the right but he's been astonishingly successful in the second largest state in america. but he doesn't have that same maliability or flexibility as say a mitt romney. conservatives will say that as a good thing, as a more principle thing but i've never been within to say i'm a using opponent. but i don't believe in like saying -- i remember the carter people when i was a kid saying, we want ronald reagan. well, by golly, we got him so i'm a little bit more humble now.
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>> yeah you know, anderson -- >> eric -- >> i would say in that regard. >> i'm sorry. >> if you look at his record. jobs and job creation, more than half of the jobs created since tim geithner declared the summer of recover neaugust of 2009, were created in texas. he was got a very strong message on that front. he signed the balance budget. he's gotten a lot of flack for running the deficit and actually scaled back the size and coach is texas government and thren they give the democrats some avenues to attack him for what he cut but he's signed a balance budget and created a lot of jobs -- at least texas does. he was a governor and he'll get credit for that the same way that president obama got blamed for the national economy. >> paul, stick around, i want to talk to you next. if so, can he win back his base? let us know what you think. we're on facebook. follow me at twitter twitter @andersoncooper. roller coaster rumbles back up the hill yet again and it's your money from the ride. ali velshi joins us quick 3 explain what is going on. and also check this with isha.
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took await last three summers there is a pretty good chance president obamaed still look his age but angry townhauls the health care food fight, the debt crisis, they're all take a toll not just on the president but his supporters. take a look at the headline on matt miller's column in today's "washington post." why the center left is fed up with obama. it's the sound, he says, of confidence and obama's leadership breaking. he writes, he says that's the way it smells to him. the question tonight is this one of those long, hot summers that have tormented this pre-or is it something more?
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turn once again top paul begala who worked for another democratic president who frequently got battered from republicans and sometimes center left and also candy crowley on the campaign trail in iowa, joins us as well. so, paul, what do you make about this? is this a real concern about -- there is some on the left even talking about running a candidate against obama in a primary. >> yeah, i think -- that's the kifs death for any president. i can't think of any president who's been opposed in a primary and then went on to be re-elected. i don't think it's happened in the modern era. i see no signs of that. as i tell my kids nhd, not happening, dude. there will not be a primary challenge. in fact, president obama's as strong as he's ever been essentially, among democrats. now there are some thoughtful commentators. matt miller is a smart guy. he used to work for president clinton as well. no left winger, he. i would take it seriously but i don't see tatgrassroots yet. it's kind of at the elite of it. the truth is his problem with voters is among independents. it's not among his liberal base.
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>> candy, do you agree with paul on that? i mean should the president be worried that he might have reached some sort of a tipping point? >> listen, the folks you're talking about now that are unhappy with the president, have been unhappy with him for quite some time. we're now getting to a crucial point in the election cycle, this fall really does kick it off. may be a year in advance but we're now revving up here. this is the time for those people who've been unhappy to send a message and this is what this is. but you're talking about basically, poor democrats. they're not going to vote for a republican. so should he be worried yes because they're sort of out there countermessaging and all of that kind of stuff but not in terms of, will they go out and vote for him? because i don't think that you're talking about people who will go out and vote for mitt romney or michele bachmann or jon huntsman, whoever it happens to be. there's democrats, they will vote democratic.
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they may not put a sign in their front yard or might not volunteer but these are voters who will go and vote and they will vote for the president. as they are unhappy they are with him but right now they're sending him a message and that's what this is about. >> paul, i think you tend to like more bare-knuckled political brawl. so if you were advising the president's campaign, which you're not, what would you tell them to do? >> i would tell them, it listen, candy, and to throw a few punches. look, alex castellanos, my buddy he says nothing likes to unite the birth like the democrat from mars. all the complaints that president obama doesn't ride a unicorn and shoot jobs out of his ears, if obama and his team can focus on the republicans. if i were a david axelrod, who i love and admire, the chief strategist for the president, i would put a big picture of henny youngman, who famously said every time he was asked, "how's your wife?" compare to what? those three words ought to be on every democratic's lips. confirmed what?
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right now confirmed their dreamy expectations that they had a few years ago. i would rather have folks, confirmed what? governor romney or governor perry or congressman bachmann or the other leading republicans. that will bring the democrats back to obama. >> so you're saying make this race, not a referendum on president obama, that would be, for him, a huge mistake. make it all about the republican candidate? >> right, and that's easier said than done. every incumbent wants to defend his or her record. every politician wants to talk about themselves. let's be honest but this truth they'll have to make this psychological shift. to make this a choice and from the a referendum and to spend a lot of their time talking about the other side. it's harder now because there's not a republican nominee but there's a clear field and they all have ideas that are radically different from the president's and i think they ought to be engaging them. >> i want to ask another question, candy, but i have got clarify something because somebody was talking in my ear, paul. did you say they were upset because president obama doesn't
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ride a uniform and shoot jobs out of his, what did you say? >> out of his ears. i picked the right orefice. i know it's a family child but out of his ears. pronounced ears. that's word i was using. i try flot slip but i'm trying to be good. >> okay. okay. i mean, candy, you know often we hear of threats of challenges from the far left to a democratic candidate. it doesn't seem to materialize. but i mean, do you think this is just -- do you think the white house sees this as a major problem? do you think the white house is as concerned as some on the left are about the state of affairs about where they think the president is? because it does seem like in some of their statement over last couple of weeks that they think that is just kind of like, op-ed writers' board in august coming up with stuff to write about. >> listen, i think you have to always be concerned at most ardent members of your parent are unhappy you and not saying publicly but these are folks who understand where elections are won and that's with independents
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and so the president has to be looking there. because, again, the left is going to come with him. they're not happy at this point because there is a lot more. they want him to be tougher. they want him to stand up against republicans. they want him to not agree to things that they occur completely unacceptable. they hated the whole debt limit fight. they think he caved to republicans. he was held hostage. blah, blah, blah. but in the end in november of 2012 they're not going to vote for whoever the have been. so what the president has to look at is the independents who gave him this job in the first place and that's where their attention is. >> i want to bring in democratic strategist gary pierce, founder of the blog, you say some democratic actives are asking someone stronger to fight the tea party. i mean is that for real? >> i think it's more washington and new york than it is in north carolina.
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anderson, democrats here are sort like baseball fans. we sit up in the bleachers and the pennant race is getting hot and our star player who was hitting .400 a couple of summers ago seems to be in a slump and we want to see him get some hits, get some triples, get some home runs. it's been a frustrating time but everyone's been talking here, a year from now, it'll be august. the republicans will have to pick an opponent. and obama has been through this problem before. where people have said he was too weak and he always seems to rise to the occasion. he's sort of mr. october. and working on that again next year. >> gary, how much do you think this is, just a personality of the president? that he is not -- i mean, he's said all -- he's prophet sorial. he's not a political brawler. >> he just turned 50 years old. most of us at 50 wei not going to change to where we are and he got to president in part by saying we're not a collection of blue states, red states, we're the united states.
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that's what appealed to people a lot and he has stuck with that. and he -- he may be the only person in washington who believes it, but he seems to believe that washington, the two parents ought to be able to work together and solve this problem. you know bless him for doing that and i hope he keeps trying. >> paul, has it -- i mean i think you believe it's been a mistake for the president to kind of go for this bipartisanship with you would argue that the republicans have basically just been -- have been playing him. moving forward, how does he need to shift strategy, at all? >> well, if he wants to keep his job, he's got to move the needle on american's jobs. he needs a jobs package and i heard on our air earlier tonight, david axelrod, his political adviser, ticking off some good ideas that president's for extending some tax cuts for the middle class. south korean trade deal. it's not enough. he needs a big, major jobs package. and then defy the republican house not pass it and then he could be harry truman and run against the do-nothing congress. saying i came to this congress with a jobs package. i compromised a lot but here is
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my jobs package. why won't the house republicans pass it? and then he'd have the fight they think people would want to see. >> paul begala, appreciate your time. candy, pearce, thanks so much for being with us. i am sorry that we had technical problems getting you into the conversation earlier. michele bachmann will be candy crowley's guest this sunday on "state of the union." right here on cnn. still ahead the other breaking news that we're following. more turmoil on the stock markets. another day of wild swings. this time swinging upward. what's dragging all of the volatility? we'll talk to ali velshi. also ahead crime and punishment. a young american woman vanishes in the same town that natalee holloway disappeared. have i got a surprise for you!
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well, we're following other breaking stories tonight. a lot of people tonight are trying to make sense of what's happened to the stock marketstoid. another roller-coaster ride as you know the dow jones industrials jumping 423 points. nearly 4% to close above 11,000. now the past six trading sessions have been incredible. you saw the dow scored its two biggest gains of the year this week. also its biggest low. year. today all of the major indices were back in the black. some encourage economic news helped stocks recover. i spoke to ali velshi just a few minutes ago about it. >> so, ali, what's the deal? it's up, it's down. what caused today's rally? so anderson, i think that people
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were taking a step back looking at the heavy momentum, selling of the last few days, and sort of re-evaluating whether or not it's justified. you even saw a movement out of treasury bonds in the united states, which we've seen some heavy buying into in the last few days while people are moving into, as we call a flight to safety, going into safer investments. they're getting back into stocks because there are a lot of people out there are saying, this it is is unreasonable. these stocks are price said so low that it's time to get back in and also rumors all day about the action that some europeans would be taking to ban the short seflg financial stocks. you'll remember that happened here in the united states back in 2008. it serves to stabilize the market. that means it'll probably stabilize it going into tomorrow but just that rumor alone, helped things along and the european markets and that continued into the u.s. markets. >> but you're talking about it being irrationale and these swings had been so radical every day. >> yeah they really have been and anderson, remind you of back into the spring of 2009 before we sort of found a market bottom, this is what happens, when there's this level of uncertainty, look we trade by computers, there is something called high frequency trading,
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that's not same as people calling up their broker and buying and selling stocks. this all happens fast, based on where the market is going. it automatically triggers more sells or more buy activity. until there is leadership in this market someone convince economies of the world and the united states are not as vulnerable as they appear to be right now, i think you're going to see a lot of this volatility. >> right. >> it's the new normal for a few months. >> new figures out today, the number of people filing for unemployment benefits falling below 400,000 for the first time since april. what does that mean for the overall economy? >> well, it's a pretty good sierngs anderson. we got those numbers even before the opening bell. even this morning we thought that the markets were going to do well and then we got this report. it's good to see fewer than 400,000 people filing for unemployment benefitings in a given week. it's still a huge number but it's a sign that things might be stabile on the job front. as you know we got a better than expected jobs number for the month of july. we got that about a week ago. this is further encouragement
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that this is not necessarily a double-dip recession. everything is not necessarily bad. it was one sign and one sign that investors needed desperately, that these economic signals that we've got right now are mixed, not all to the downside and that helped markets along as well today. >> all right some good news in that. ali velshi thanks. >> my pleasure. well, now to somali. since monday night we've been report octfamthryn, almost 30,000 kids have already died just in the last few months. as awful as that is, boots to get much, much worse. the world food program is the primarily supplier food aid in somalia and they say they are expecting to run out of food, food aid in less than three weeks. the u.n. says 600,000, 600,000 kids are on the brink of starvation unless the international community steps up and delivers on the financial pledges that they have made. we're talking about 600,000 little girls and little boys. this is more than just a big number. these are some of the children. each one has a name and a family that loves them. here's another number you need to know, $2.5 billion, that's
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how much the u.n. says they need to respond to the famine. it's the famine in the entire horn of africa, or i should say drought in the entire horn of africa. the famine right now is in southern somalia, parts of mogadishu. so far it's received less than half the money that was -- that's needed. today the united states pledged an additional $17 million. that's on top of $105 million it has already given. here's what secretary of state hillary clinton said today. >> every few decades the cycle repeats and it would be easy to throw up our hands and blame it all on forces beyond our control but this cycle is not inevitable. the food shortages may be triggered by drought. they are not caused by drought. but rather by weak or nonexistent agricultural systems that fail to produce enough food or market opportunities in good times and break down completely in the bad times. in other words, a hunger crisis is not solely an act of god. it is a complex problem of infrastructure, governance, markets, education. these are things we can shape and strengthen. so that means this is a problem
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that we can solve. >> she said, this is not an act of god. droughts may be an act of god, as bono said on our program last night but famines are mandmade. islamic terrorist group has outlawed and prevented aide workers giving need to those in the south where famine is at its worst. they haven't allowed children to be inoculated. we said that about 100 million has been given by the u.s. to somalia and also point out the u.s.'s given more than $500 million for the entire horn of africa because this is a massive area which has been affected by drought. the worst drought in 60 years. many of you have been asking how to help in somalia and we don't
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-- i don't like to tell you whether or not to give money, but if you're interested, we've direct you'd to our impact your world website which is today we checked in with some of the organizations listed and they told us they've seen a significant increase in donations just over the last several days. i want to thank all of you who have given, for anyone who still wants to help you will find a list of organizations at just ahead new details on a mystery with chilling parallels that natalee holloway case. another young american woman missing in aruba and even stayings in same resort town as holloway. crime and punishment haven't coming up but isha sesay joins us. >> anderson in syria activists said at least eight people were killed today in the ongoing crackdown on anti-government protesters. security forces reportedly arrested 200 people in one city. cnn cannot verify either report because we're not allowed inside syria. an emergency session of parliament, british prime minister david cameron said london police have admitted they took too long to arrest rioters and looters during four nights of mayhem. puts the losses to retailers at
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more than $161 million. cameron promised them assistance. >> if you've had your livelihood and property damaged, we will compensate you. we are on your side. and lawless minority, the criminals who have taken what they can get, i say this, we will track you down, we will find you, we will charge you, we will punish you. you will pay for what you have done. >> doctors in boston have released the first postsurgery photographs of charla nash who received a full face transplant in may. she lost most of hear face and both hands when a friendschism as we mortared her more than two years ago. nash says her new face has brought her back to life. and a test flies of the fastest aircraft ever launched failed for the second time. most researchers said they lost contact with the unmanned hypersonic vehicle over the pacific.
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it was capable of gliding at mac 20, that's about 1 the,000 miles per hour. anderson, not for two for the u.s. military. >> wow, that's surprising that that occurred. ishatime now for the shot. a veteran returning from afghanistan. teams up with the minor league baseball team to surprise his team. this is a great moment. take a look. >> and she bounces it right across the middle of home plate. congratulation s congratulations. >> darla harla throwing out ceremony of the first pitch of the mississippi braves the other night. she thought she was chosen randomly. she had no idea nat catcher was her husband. he'd been in a afghanistan since last december. missed his daughter's high school graduation. i love seeing these videos -- >> yeah i do too. >> of reunions especially dads go to their little kid's school and the kid cease for the first
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time it's just -- >> yeah, absolutely beautiful picture. >> showed more serious stuff. yeah. more serious stories ahead including new details in the disappearance of a young woman in aruba. her name is robyn gardner. now police are saying that the man who reported robyn missing may have something to hide. and a new twist in the casey anthony investigation. she's been acquitted her daughter caylee's murder, you all know that, but we'll hear what florida department and children and families has to say about her in the new report, that and the ridiculous when we continue. [ waves crashing ] [ martin luther king jr. ] i still have a dream that one day on the red hills of georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.
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tonight's crime and punishment report. new details in the disappearance of robyn gardner. a young woman from maryland missing now in aruba. if your first thought is of natalee holloway the alabama teenager disappeared in 2005 in aruba. you're certainly not alone. like holloway, gardner was vacationing in aruba when she vanished, seemingly without a trace and even visiting the same town. the 35-year-old gardner was last seen on the beach with her friend a guy named gary gordauno. he was the same man that reported her missing. police say the story doesn't add up. martin savidge is in aruba tonight. >> reporter: the last time anyone saw robyn gardner was here at aruba's baby beach. this man, gary vincent giordano says late on the day august 2nd they were snorkeling together when she simply vanished. >> he couldn't stand any more and he signed him to let's go back and when he reached shore,
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she was nowhere to be seen. >> reporter: giordano called 911, and a massive search was launched. helicopters, a plane, boats, and divers. but days later, still no sign of gardner. >> the body goes outside a reef, it goes deep immediately. it goes very deep. you can see it there. it goes under the water. the current will take it away. >> reporter: the island paradise is of course with no stranger to mysterious disappearances. more than six years ago natalee holloway came to aruba after graduating from high school but never came home. despite years of searching, her body has never been found and the specter of her disappearance still hangs over aruba. as for gardner, her friends are not convinced that it was a coincidence. richard forester is gardner's on again/off again boyfriend. >> she's somebody who is concerned about getting her hair messed up. getting her makeup messed up. i can't see her snorkeling or going in the water much more above her waist. >> reporter: just hours before
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she disappeared, she left behind a cryptic facebook message dwht sucks." she had been vacations in aruba with a man that she met online, and now giordano who has a criminal record in maryland including several convictions is under scrutiny. >> it was a bit of a roller coaster friendship and some days he was nice and other days he wasn't. >> reporter: before jahredauno boarded a plane back to the u.s., he was taken into custody by the authorities. friday august 5th, 2011 it was decided to detain him on the further questioning of the possible drowning of the woman, prosecutors said. his attorney says giordano is completely innocent and that he's cooperating with innocent. >> they suspect for murder but there's no proof, to my knowledge, i don't see any proof. >> reporter: investigators are going through the couple's rental car forensically for clues as well as smartphones and computers. but since there were no witnesses who actually saw the couple snorkeling, they face a daunting task. trying to figure out what really
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happened to gardner. >> all i can imagine is that whenever she was there, whatever was happening to her, she was screaming for me and i wasn't there. >> reporter: like natalee holloway, gardner came to aruba for what should have been a trip of a lifetime and now she, too, has vanished without a trace. >> that last facebook message is so strange. what's the latest on the investigation? >> reporter: well, right now there appears to be a very different change in the feeling for the prosecution. they say that giordano is no longer cooperating. they came out this with a short time ago. they said he stopped talking the authorities. his attorney is not talking to them and they now classify him as a suspect in this particular case and they are also publishing his photo and telling people on the island, hey, if you saw this guy, what was he doing and who was he with? we need to know more information about him, anderson. >> so he's now an official suspect? >> reporter: it is.
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i mean, it's kind of odd. i don't know whether it's a language thing or just a difference in the judicial system. up until now they simply said they had detained him, which of course they picked him up as he was trying to leave the country. but now in a press release tonight, they actually named him, say "suspect." they don't necessarily say prime suspect or anything else. one thing is clear, he was clearly the last person to be with the woman when she disappeared. they still want to know more from him. they hope to get help from the federal government in the united states. the fbi getting involved, may even in fact search giordano's home and they want to get information about phone calls and computer communications. >> and has natalee holloway's family gotten involved in the search at all? >> reporter: well, there is something called natalee holloway's foundation and, of course, it was started up with the help beth holloway but beth or anyone else is not directly down here. but the foundation is helping to put out publicity in this particular matter. you know, one of the things you've got to see and i've heard beth as she's talked about this case is that, it has to bring up
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a horrible, horrible load of memories of her daughter about what happened here over six years ago and about the fact that her body has never been found. that case has never been resolved on this island. which is why this case brings back so much to so many people. >> yeah. martin, appreciate the update. thanks very much. a movie deal for the barefoot bandit. remember the man who went on a cross country crime spree and ended up down in the caribbean, stealing five planes and several boats, he's going to earn a big chunk of change. we'll tell you how much. he won't be able to keep it, though. and tonight the ridiculous, the haters of paula abdul. the defense of paula abdul. the haters are in a spot of our ridiculous. we'll explain ahead. hi, i'm isha sesay. ♪ [ male announcer ] this is our beach. ♪ this is our pool.
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hi, i'm isha sesay. back to ander sflon a moment. but first 360 news and business bulletin. the defense department has released the 30 names. 22 served in the navy. of those, 17 were navy s.e.a.l.s. three were in the air force and five were helicopter crew members. it was the deadliest single incident for u.s. troops since afghan war began. the u.s. postal service is asking congress to remove collective bargaining restrictions so it can layoff 120,000 workers. it also wants approval to
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replace existing government health care and retirement plans. the postal service says mounting losses and declining mail volume required drastic measures to cut costs. a scathing new report on casey anthony. florida's department of children and families finds the 25-year-old "responsible" for her daughter caylee's death. officials say anthony failed to prevent caylee from her action or lack of action. last month a jury acquitted anthony murder charges. deserve to get shot? that from lee grace dougherty. captured with her two brothers after a nationwide manhunt. arrested in colorado the three are now being held on more than a million dollars bond, each. they face numerous charges including attempted murder of a police officer. and remember the barefoot bandit? his cross country crime spree has landed the 20-year-old a $1.3 million movie deal. twentieth century fox will makes film about colton harris-moore with proceeds going to his
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victims. that's the latest. now back to anderson. >> still ahead tonight she's a warrior, a survivor, and in my opinion a gift. who else but paula abdul and all the people hating on her? they're landing on our ridiculous. we'll explain ahead. yeah, dirt? do you think the two of us will ever find the one? well, we've been left behind by so many mops and brooms... aw, man! ...but we have got... see ya! ...each other. ♪ what about love?! [ male announcer ] swiffer attracts dirt. the 2 in 1 swiffer sweeper uses electrostatic dry cloths to trap and lock more dirt than a broom and uses dirt dissolving wet cloths to clean better than a mop. you're quite the pickup artist! [ male announcer ] 2 in 1 swiffer sweeper gives cleaning a whole new meaning.
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tonight we're adding a group that we're calling paula abdul haters p yeah, that's right, bad news for you haters because i love me some paula abdul and you haters are a bunch of cold-hearted snakes and i'm looking into your eyes. it all started with a new issue "us weekly," which i've been known to use because i like to ponder that question who are better demi moore or demi lovato. of course is demi moore. entitled "stars shocking demands." it features anonomous insiders. now first of all any anonymous person who claims to be a hollywood insider probably isn't. but i guess that's houtgame is played. what i'm really annoyed by and don't annoy a lover boy because he don't play by rules is this supposed paula abdul insider makes it sound like her demands are somehow unreasonable. for example, according to "us weekly," source, ms. abdul requires her assistants to remind her that she's a warrior.
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the problem with that is? paula abdul is nothing if not a warrior. now, howf how do i know this? i know this because paula said so. >> this is what happens i get to a point where i don't care anymore. i'm not willing to go through that -- [ bleep ]. >> beat you down. >> they're beating me down. >> they're beating you down. >> well, oomi'm a warrior. >> you can't bring a warrior down. requires her assistants to tell her that she's a gift. i mean, where do they get this stuff? >> i'm tired of people fleeting me like the gift that i am. it's hurtful. so basically "us weekly's" insider just could be anyone who watched paula abdul's reality show, and yes, i watched it. i loved every single episode of it. now, look, paula abdul haters, i've been food before. i wouldn't like to get my foot caught in the slamming doors. how about some information please. you are criticizing on random things she said and then took them out of context. you should be ashamed themselves.
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i would never do that to her. >> have i ever told you guys, i really love -- >> so the so-called insider who, let's be honest, is probably emcee scat cat always tells "us wekly" that paula's assistants have to carry a tape recorder. the insider's now pulling stuff out of thin air. what reason would paula abdul have to not trust her own conversations? >> good morning, paula abdul, live from new york city! >> good morning, everybody! >> she can hear us. >> so tell us what are you looking forward to this season? >> how about a lot of you coming in. it's a wild party where you are. >> what's even strange ber that is they put that on her reality show. haters, especially you anonymous insiders, evand when you have done is a tacky betrayal just than ms. abdul prefers to take the high road. >> any publicity is good
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