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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  August 12, 2011 12:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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i bettes probably ready to take a lot of shots. let's face it, shannon, probably the reason he didn't get in so early. >> reporter: could be. could be. also, that -- he says that he was contemplating and mulling it over. could be that he wanted for the other republicans to duke it out as long as they could, as long as they would before he formally jumped in. but now that he's in this race, drew, you're absolutely right, they'll be coming after him hard. >> one more question about the other potential candidate who is cruising around that fair ground. sarah palin, any idea when, if she might test the waters here? >> reporter: well, she has officially said by september sometime that she will make a decision. but our peter ham by and don lemon they were out talking to her. it's a huge earth shattering decision she has to make she said. she want to take her time. >> shannon, thanks from iowa. now we go to the cnn newsroom,
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continuing with brooke baldwin. >> don't go far. i want to talk to you about that piece in mississippi. hello to you. good afternoon. i'm brooke baldwin. let's begin where drew sort of left off there. you know what, you need a scorecard today. or maybe a traffic cop to keep up with the presidential hopefuls. i'm giving you a map. des moines, iowa, ground zero ahead of the iowa straw poll. des moines, iowa, flooded with republican candidates. plus, yep, sarah palin. she turned up, arrived there just a short time ago. she is not, i repeat not in the race, at least not officially. why else would she be in des moines? sarah palin is in iowa. but not the front-runner. no, mitt romney left eye wachlt he bolted iowa. today he's in new hampshire. the state he's banking on to help clinch the nomination. as we broke the news on in show just yesterday, south carolina is awaiting rick perry, the texas governor set to announce tomorrow in charleston.
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that yes, he is getting into the race. that, my friends, will make this whole new ball game. i want to begin in des moines. paul steinhauser is there again for us today. paul, besides sarah palin arriving there today, tell me what's the big story emerging? >> reporter: not much going on, brooke. everything you just said. okay. so this is the state fair. let me give you, here it is. we got the bus here. this is basically today, the center of the universe for retail politics. peter was just with palin. he'll be here in a second to tell you about that. we've seen a bunch of the other candidates, seven of them, in fact, talking at what's called soapbox. a stage with straw behind the bus here. we really had fireworks today with tim pawlenty and a gay rights activist. it was interesting, reminiscent of yesterday with mitt romney yesterday when he was talking. this is all leading up to tomorrow and that straw poll in ames, iowa, 30 miles from here. for pawlenty, bachmann and the
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other candidates, a lot on the line. it could hurt a campaign, no doubt about it. >> let's talk about that, paul steinhauser. it could claim casualties in one or more campaigns. let's talk specifically here about rick santorum. take a look at video here. rick santorum came paining today at the iowa state fair. he complained of being neglected at the debate. here he is talking about his chances come tomorrow. >> we can finish in the top five, top four, that means we're in the race to be one of those three or four candidates. and as i said before, it's not like we've been spending millions of dollars here. not like we've been getting a lot of attention, a lot of buzz. we call ourselves the little engine that could campaign. we have a lot of shiny engines. look at this engine coming, look at this engine coming. we just keep -- we hitched it up and we're headed up the mountain. >> paul, he said he needs to finish top four, top five. what are his chances of actually
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accomplishing that? >> reporter: well, santorum's campaign, not a lot of cash, let's be honest. not a lot of campaign cash or media attention. he's been crisscrossing the state, going to towns that some of the larger campaigns are not going to. he's beloved by many social conservatives because of his stances on issues. after he made that sound, he was here standing where i am right now talking to our chief political correspondent, candy control i. he told her he was stronger in that sound. he said if i don't finish in the top five, that could be it for me. we've seen that in years past. the former wisconsin governor four years ago did not do very well here. he dropped out a few days later. santorum is saying something similar a few moments ago, brooke. >> you mention the soapbox like a hay bail box at the iowa state fair, we've been seeing the presidential hopefuls speaking from there. it's cool. as candidates get to hop up there and talk straight to the
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people. sometimes it gets confrontati confrontational as it did with mitt romney yesterday. newt gingrich is due there shortly. a short time ago we saw tim pawlenty sparring with a man who pressed him on his stance against same sex marriage. let's listen to that. >> that is something that is hurting my future and how i get to live my life. and that is something that's on. someone that talks about government this gets out of your lives. why does government get involved in our marriages? it has nothing to do with it. okay? >> so the question. the gentleman wants to know why the government is getting involved in the marriage issue. actually, i think every state has had for the history of our country laws defining marriage or addressing marriage. so this is not a new thing. but it's important thing. so we're just going to have a respectful disagreement. >> second class citizen. >> paul, you spent time there. how does it work? do they get x amount of time to talk, x amount of questions thrown at them.
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you know, shouldn't we have that everywhere? where we can have straight talk with these folks? >> reporter: that's the beauty of the state fair. that's called the soapbox. it's right behind the bus here. the des moines register's stage, the newspaper out here in iowa. the candidates all get some time. anybody can go up there. that's the beauty of this. there's nobody restricted. it can be an average voter. sometimes an activist. definitely with an agenda. we saw that yesterday with mitt romney, that could be the case here. that what makes it unpredictable in iowa, brooke. >> paul steinhauser, thank you so much. as we mentioned, sarah palin is out there. she's arrived in des moines. listen here, some folks are saying that palin continues to crash other people's parties. remember, let me take you back. she turned up in new hampshire, the very day that mitt romney announced he was running for president and then she turned up in iowa as michele bachmann made her announcement. peter hamby in that same spot in
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des moines. sarah palin certainly has an interesting sense of timing, does she not? >> reporter: she really does. if you'll recall in her last bus tour around memorial day, on the same day mitt romney announced for president, sarah palin came out and she told me she trashed his healthcare plan in massachusetts. again, she shows up here in iowa when the political universe is here, every reporter from washington is out here in iowa, every presidential candidate and voila, here she is. she's a master of getting attention but she's good at it. aefrlier today, tim pawlenty was walking around the fairgrounds, went unnoticed and minutes later, sarah palin shows up, she's swarmed by reporters, camera men, we're tiptoeing over pitch forks and prize winning cattle in a barn right up the way from here. and you know, we asked her, do you think you're crashing the presidential party? here's what she said. >> i don't think i'm stealing any spotlight. in fact, if anybody thinks i'm
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stealing the spotlight, go find the other folks and say hello. very thankful to have been invited to the state fair and to with my family highlight this all-american venue and this is part of our one nation road tour. we'll get to do historical events. i consider the iowa state fair quite historical. >> listen, why haven't you decided? why haven't you declared? >> i'm not the only one who has not decided yet and not ready to announce yet. there's still a lot of contemplation that needs to go into such a earth shattering life changing decision. >> reporter: so you heard her there. she was talking to our don lemon earlier. just a coincidence she was invited out here. a lot of people say that sarah palin isn't doing the things you're supposed to do to run for president. lining up operatives in the key early states, raising money. but she is doing some stuff behind the scenes. after she talked to the media for more than an hour by the
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way, she walked into a private reception with local republican activists here. she's being escorted around the state fair by an iowa political operative named becky beach who has helped set up meetings for her in the past and she's coming back here on labor day. so, again, is time running out for sarah palin to jump in the race? maybe. but you can't rule her out and she said, as she always does, if she decides to run for president, she's going to do it in her own way. we saw that here today, brooke. >> i was counting, watching the feed come not guilty. counting the tape recorders, cameras in her face, she certainly -- it worked. she got everyone's attention didn't she. peter hamby in des moines. thank you so much. to texas next. polygamist leader warren jeffs instructing young girls how to please him sexually. later this hour, you will hear the chilling recordings that helped convict jeffs of raping those children. up next, we know he's the
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governor of texas and plans to announce his candidacy tomorrow. who is rick perry? my next -- i'll ask him to elaborate after this. ♪ [ male announcer ] this is our beach. ♪ this is our pool. ♪ our fireworks. ♪ and our slip and slide. you have your idea of summer fun, and we have ours. now during the summer event get an exceptionally engineered mercedes-benz for an exceptional price. but hurry, this offer ends august 31st. it's the cleanest, clearest water. we find the best, sweetest crab for red lobster we can find.
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yeah! [ male announcer ] hurry in to crabfest at red lobster. the only time you can savor three sweet alaskan crab entrees all under $20, like our hearty crab and roasted garlic seafood bake or snow crab and crab butter shrimp. [ jon ] i wouldn't put it on my table at home, i wouldn't bring it in. my name's jon forsythe, and i sea food differently. man on tv: ...rbis and 36 homers. swings at the first pitch and fouls it deep back into the stands. [ding] [fans whirring]
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announcer: chill raw and prepared foods promptly. one in 6 americans will get sick from food poisoning this year. check your steps at [ male announcer ] want to pump up your gas mileage? come to meineke for our free fuel-efficiency check and you'll money. my choice. my meineke. who really is rick perry, the guy announcing tomorrow he's in the race for president. to answer that one question, we turn to a fellow texan, the incomparable wayne slater of the dallas morning news. wayne, we go to you for all things texas and all things politics. good to have you on. we know governor perry last night gave this interview. even though he hasn't yet officially announced that he is running for president, even though he hasn't actually been nominated, hasn't been elected,
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much less inaugurated, he's talking as though he is the president. listen to this. >> my hope is that in four years people can take a look at what we've done in washington, d.c., and they know that i have made washington, d.c. less consequential in their lives. >> wayne slater, let's assume governor perry has no shortage of confidence here. tell us something else about governor rick perry that folks outside the great state of texas may not know. >> let me tell you a couple things. one, you're right. he is george bush on steroids. people who thought they knew who george bush was, rick perry is the real thing. he was actually born on a west texas ranch. he wears koub boots every day as do a lot texans. he was at aggie college. he carries a pistol with him, laser lighted pistol when he
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jogs. this is not necessarily texan,he's a man of trust in his family. his father-in-law actually did his vasectomy. he's a man who trusts his family and lives big in texas. >> wayne slater, you get the details. i will give you that. as you mentioned, you know, you have referenced rick perry as george w. bush on steroids. let's listen to rick perry addressing a tea party movement rally on april 15, 2009. >> gives me that thrill of my leg when i see all the people standing out here on a city hall of austin, texas with liberty in their hearts. and independence on their mind. i'm talking about state's rights, state's rights. state's rights. >> now, we know state's rights, that whole thing has some loaded connotations. but talk about the likeness with
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bush. if you close your eyes, you lower the volume a tad, you almost think you were listening to george w. bush. do you, wayne slater, think that that would hurt him? >> i think it will hurt him. i think it's a problem. i think the rest of the country will listen to rick perry, the cadence of his voice, the accent that he uses and will see it as simply do we want another texan in the white house. i think that's a problem with some voters. ultimately, though, his political handlers think that won't be that important. in fact, there are things about perry's record, not without blemish, but his handlers believe those things will not be significantly important. the only thing this race is going to be about, they think, will be the economy and jobs. rick perry stands up and says i created jobs in texas. sure, i may be a texan, sure i may not lack for confidence, but if you want to fix the economy in america and a lot of voters do, vote for me. >> yeah. i mean, obviously the man talks about god, talks about state's
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rights, job creation. i mean, in terms of texas, the jobs numbers are pretty impressive. >> they are impressive. there are things you can look at and you can pick at it. like the jobs of many of those were low wage jobs. that the -- the effort to lure companies into texas has been in part with sort of lenient regulation which has resulted in some pollution. that our programs for the poor and disabled are pretty much, pretty skimpy if you look at it. these are things that he can be criticized for and will be criticized for. but, again, i think perry's people believe that right now voters see a lack of decisiveness in the white house and that voters want somebody who will fix things. if perry can present himself as someone who can fix things and invok invoked, among other things, god's intervention or assistance in helping him pick things, it is a great message at least for
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primary, republican primary voters. >> impressive jobs numbers. i guess i don't want to get in his way in a scuffle as he's running. giving the info you gave me. wayne slater, wonderful to have you on. also this. a jury voted for the death penalty this week for a convicted serial killer. did the judge actually follow the jury's recommendation? we'll have that story coming up. also, flash mobs of teenagers have been attacking people in philadelphia. now, the mayor is resorting to what he's calling tough love. he has a message to parents. we'll take you live to philadelphia, explain what's happening there, next.
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just hours from now, one of
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america's biggest cities will start enforcing new hours to strict curfew to crackdown on all the violent flash mobs. gangs of teens, take a look. some as young as 11 are joining groups to attack lan come people. many of the attacks are for no reason at all. a sidebar, the unemployment rate for american teenagers topping 26%. philadelphia mayor michael nutter taking a stand here, saying there's absolutely no excuse for these attacks. cnn is following the story in philadelphia. susan, are these flash mobs, is it city wide problem or is it just endemic to certain neighborhoods? >> well, mainly trouble has happened in the center city area. but there has been violence, general violence and flash mobs as well in other parts of the city. but mainly the mayor wants to concentrate on the city limits right now. certain parts of downtown. because after all, it's very
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popular with locals, popular with tourists. we're coming to you live from love parka cross from city hall. it's a popular place. he doesn't want to tarnish the image of downtown. that's why he's paying special attention to this area. that's why he's saying enough is enough. extending the curfew to start at 9:00 tonight instead of 10:00 tonight in a couple of areas and getting more police out there. as you have heard, there have been recent attacks, particularly troubling and violent. one of them involving someone as young as 11 years old. there have been eight incidents in the last 20 months alone. this week, the mayor very bluntly was calling out the predominantly black attackers who have been involved as troublemakers. here's what he said. >> damage yourself, you damage another person, you damage your peers and quite honestly, you damage your own race. >> now, the mayor isn't blaming everything on kids.
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he's also calling on parents to say, hey, you better watch out, you better make sure you know where your kids are. because if they're not off the streets when they're supposed to be and if they're involved in trouble, then he's going to make them pay fines after a warning of up to $500, brooke. >> curfew extended to 9:00 tonight. the mayor thinks it will work. you're talking to people in center city. do they think it will be effective? >> they're hopeful. they also have a lot of volunteers who are going to be out in civilian patrols roaming the streets to help out the police, identified with wearing green t-shirts to make sure the kids see them and know they're not putting up with it. >> not taking anything there in phil i. susan, thank you so much. neither snow nor heat for gloom of night can stop mail carriers from completion of their appointed rounds. but budget cuts is another story. the postal service is drastic cost cutting plan is coming up. if you go outside tonight,
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look up. we'll explain why next. but first, this week's human factor. chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta introduces us to a doctor. >> you're a doctor. you're on the frontline of the childhood obesity epidemic, something that people talk about a bit. you decided to actually not only preach about this, but to practice it as well, is that right? >> yes. >> tell me what inspired that. how did you decide to do a triathalon. >> i decided to do something. it happened to be a triathalon. but as i was talking to my patients who are overweight, i realized that i needed to listen to what i was telling them and i needed to set a goal for myself. something in the future to inspire me to do that. >> a year ago, could you have imagined yourself doing this? >> no way. >> what changed and what is the lesson for other people out there who say no way, never going to do that.
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>> for me, it was to just start. make that first drive to the club and get on the treadmill and start walking and do it the next day, the next day and build on that. but the key really for me was to just start. >> your body changed significantly. how much weight did you lose? when is the last time you weighed that much? >> i've lost about 60 pounds. i'm under 200 pounds for the first time in 20, 30 years. i'm not sure the last time i weighed under 200 pounds. physically, i've changed. >> you're also off all of your medications. as a doctor, this is important. a lot of people get the cholesterol medications, blood pressure medications. you don't always need them if you diet and exercise. >> right. you can get off of them. i was able to do that. i talked in my video that my family history was against me, i kind of realized that the genetics were against me, but not my family history. you can change your family history by diet and exercise. >> it's a remarkable thing.
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dr. zan, i appreciate it very much. back to you. ♪ [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where you don't back down from a challenge. this is the age of knowing how to make things happen. so, why would you let something like erectile dysfunction get in your way? isn't it time you talked to ? 20 million men already have. with every age comes respons. ask your doctor if your heart. do not take viagra if you tak,
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recommendation. jurors convicted an thor i seww all of murdering women. they were found in his walls, in his backyard beginning in october of 2009. he pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity says he was sorry for what he did. thousands of postal workers are in danger of losing their jobs. the u.s. postal service wants to lay off 120,000 workers. it also wants to replace workers retirement and health benefit plans covering federal workers with its own benefits system. it does need congressional approval to do both of those things. likely would face severe opposition from unions. the postal service lost $8 billion last year. august is a great month to watch falling stars. tonight is one of the best nights of all to look up. the meteor shower makes a return to our part of the sky. so on a normal night, you can actually catch between 50 to 80 shooting stars an hour. however, we have one problem
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tonight. it's a full moon and that might make this just a little bit tough to see. coming up, a group of teenagers accused of killing a man just because he's black. >> absolutely. there's no doubt. they were looking for a black victim to assault. and even kill. >> police say surveillance cameras show these teenagers viciously beating this man. then coming back in their pickup truck to finish him off. cnn's investigates that is ahead. up next, inside the very room where warren jeffs is believed to have raped these children. also those audio recordings that helped land him in prison for the rest of his life. back in 80 seconds. onomic growt. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands
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time for the help desk where we get answers to financial questions. joining me our personal finance expert the president of consumer education at smart guys, thanks for being here. interesting question for john from eric in miami. eric asks, i'm comparing student loans and was given a 7.75% quote. the variable rate starting at 3.25%. the variable rate, of course, is so tempting. which is a safer choice. >> 7.75% smells like a private loan which means the rates are higher. don't fall in love with that smaller interest rate. pay close attention to it. how long that rate is going to be the lower rate is going to be fixed. once you come out of the safe harbor period, it's going to adjust up. understand what the cap is on that loan, meaning how can it go
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eventually and understand how quickly it can accelerate to that maximum amount. student loans are paid off over a long period of time, much longer than a car loan for example. paying a little bit now and a lot more later. >> don't be tempted by the low rate. >> might be safer to take the higher rate and lock it in. >> your question comes from michael in hern dern, virginia. michael writes, i recently accepted a teaching job in japan. interesting. will be there for at least a year. since i'm paid in yen, how can i invest that money without getting nailed in conversion rates and fees? >> interesting question. so my recommendation is open a multicurrency account. lloyd's, barclay's hsbc. go to the website to research more of your options. but the key is, if he's only going to be there a year and saving for the long run, he's going to be spending those dollars likely in the u.s. doesn't want to take the currency risk.
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a multicurrency account will enable him to convert that funds at closer to institutional rates and also remember japan is not a terribly structurally attractive economy to be investing in to begin with. demographically, debt to gdp, a lot that you may want to stay away from there. >> he could leave his savings here in the u.s., just keep it put where it is? >> exactly. if i understood his question correctly, he was saying any new money that i'm earning in yen, how can i bring it back? i'm thrilled that he's thinking he might have savings while being over there. that's great. >> guys, thank you so much. if you have a question answered, send us an e-mail any time to cnn help desk at
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if you have not reached the conclusion that warren jeffs was a sexual predator, well, some newly released audiotapes might convince you. and then there's this. this picture from inside jeffs' temple. look at this. this is after that raid on his compound back in 2008. it's on this very white bed here where prosecutors say jeffs forced his underage wives to have sex with him. pictures like these disturbing audio tapes helped this jury convict jeffs of a sexually assaulting a 12-year-old and a 15-year-old girl. i want to play you just a portion of those audio recordings. you can hear jeffs preparing young girls to, i guess, as he was thinking to physically become his wives. >> you always come at -- already ready. in case you're called.
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>> ed lavandera in texas. this gives me the chills. i can only listen to so many of niece audio recordings. >> reporter: there's three hours of recordings. to give people an understanding, the most graphic of these tapes we won't be playing. but in hearing warren jeffs talk to them, it really gives you a clear indication of how he approached these women. remember, prosecutors say they believe he had some 79 wives, two dozen of those believed to be underage wives, of course. these three hours of testimony you mentioned off the top there saying it went a long way in helping this jury convict him. many of the jurors when they heard the audio tapes were crying as they heard warren jeffs. let's play a little bit. it gives you the sense of the kind of control that warren jeffs had. in one of the moments he was talking about, i can't allow people to be present who are not ready, who have selfish feelings or fearful. clearly, you can get the sense
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that warren jeffs puts himself in control of the situation. >> now, i reveal to you what the lord is required of me and this family, that the fullness of the law of sarah is for quorums of wives to be with me. to assist me. to be a comfort. yes, even physically. where more than one woman is with me at a time. my ladies, at the right moment are called to assist me. and through their tenderness, and in their wifely, womanly ways are able to revive me. i am not to go into the hands of the medical people, or they will destroy me. the lord has appointed that my wives who are filled with the holy ghost can help revive me.
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this takes place in such privacy, people don't know anything about it. >> okay. so we listened to the tapes. i'm sitting here thinking, though, why is the court releasing these tapes? we know jeffs has gone away for a very long time. what's the purpose of the public hearing this? >> reporter: well, this was requested through various salt lake city news media outlets. this was evidence that was presented in court so this is considered public information at this point. >> and do we know -- i know it was emotional from what i remember us reporting within the courtroom when the audio recordings were played for the jury. do we know how jeffs reacted in the courtroom? >> reporter: you know, this is the interesting part about this. remember, he wanted to represent himself. he essentially acted as his own defense attorney inside the courtroom. he really had no reaction. he simply, this type of testimony, this kind of evidence he argued to the court that this
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shouldn't have been used in court because it should have been protected, should have had a religious protection. obviously that went nowhere with this jury. a defense attorney, perhaps a seasoned defense attorney would have at least tried to create some doubt. it's interesting as you hear the tapes, sexual explicit words are never used, never anyone totally describing what's going on in the situation. warren jeffs uses this loaded vocabulary. he talks about the sessions as atonement issues. as you heard him in the tape, talking about the women coming over to assist him. obviously loaded vocabulary. it's nothing that tells you exactly what's going on in there. >> i remember the jury deliberated for all of four hours. they asked to hear some of the recordings. once they were finished, they convicted him like that. ed laf dalavandera in texas. a horrific crime. pumping their fists in the air
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shouting white power as a black man lay bloodied in a parking lot. the worst was yet to come. drew griffin is going to join me a talk about his chilling investigation out of mississippi after the break. [ waves crashing ] [ martin luther king jr. ] i still have a dream that one day on the red hills of georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. i have a dream today! [ male announcer ] chevrolet is honored to celebrate
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we love to ride. perfect hair every time. leading the pack in motorcycle insurance. now, that's progressive. call or click today. brutal crime, prosecutors say was racially motivated. this is not something that happened in mississippi's troubled past. no, this happened just a couple of months ago. a 49-year-old black auto worker was repeatedly beaten and mode down by a -- mowed down by a group of teenagers. it was all caught on a security camera at a nearby hotel. our drew griffin with cnn's special investigation's unit looks into what the district attorney is calling a hate crime but a quick word of caution. some of the video you're about to see is tough to look at. >> reporter: he is just 18 years old facing a possible double life sentence for the senseless murder of a man he never now.
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deryl dedmon is thin, short with straggly blond harrah cuesed of leading teens on a mission to find and beat up anyone who is black. >> they discussed, let's go get -- let's be honest near, let's go get a -- right? >> that's what it will show. >> robert schuller smith says the evidence and witness accounts tell a story of a crime that would seem to come right out of mississippi's trouble past. on june 26th, a group of white teens, seven in all, leaving an all-night party in the white, middle class enclave of rank incounty, mississippi in search of a black person to "mess with." >> out of hate? >> out of hate. that's exactly -- >> no doubt in your mind, this was a racially motivated, hate-motivated, let's go kill a black guy crime? >> absolutely. there's no doubt.
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they were looking for a black victim to assault. and even kill in this instance. >> they drove 16 miles on a freeway heading west. at 5:00 a.m. that sunday morning, the teens in two vehicles took the ellis avenue off ramp leading to a predominantly black section of jackson. just as they were exiting, an unsuspecting 49-year-old auto worker named james craig anderson was standing by his car at this local motel and he was black. so literally, they found the first black person they could find and that person was in this prking lot? >> yes. this is the first business that you get to coming off of the highway. and so that was the first person that apparently was out here and vulnerable. >> according to witness statements, at first anderson was beaten and taunted with racial slurs. surveillance video shows white
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teens going back and forth in what prosecutors say was a continuous beating of the victim. as one of the teens walks back to the cars after beating anderson, he pumps his fist in the air and shouts white power according to a motel security guard. then some of the teens got in the white suv and drove away. leaving anderson beaten and lying on the ground. >> deryl dedmon apparently wasn't through. he had two girls in his truck as he was leaving this parking lot, a big f-250 pickup truck. james craig anderson, the man who was beaten almost to a pulp was stumbling down this curb. that's when police say deryl dedmon hit the gas, jumped the curb and ran right over his victim. smashing him. what he didn't know was the entire episode was being caught on a surveillance camera on the corner of this hotel.
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this is what was caught on that tape. obtained exclusively by cnn. we warn you, it is disturbing. a video capturing what prosecutor robert schuller smith says is pure racial hatred and murder. >> drew griffin, let's pick up where the piece left off. we have the video because you got it exclusively from this motel. and walk us through what we see next. >> what prosecutors say this video shows is deryl dedmon in that large pickup truck. he pulls out like he's going out on to the street, then slightly backs up, takes a turn and then hits the gas right into his victim, who as you can see, walking on the side of the screen there and runs him over. >> right there. >> at that moment the victim was heading towards death. he died right there on the side of that curb. this was a deliberate attack
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according to the other witnesses. remember, brooke, two females, two teenagers in the front seat with the teenager, told police this is what happened. >> also looking in that video, it's a parking lot full of cars. you mentioned the motel security guard reportedly hearing or seeing one of the teens with his fist raised. why didn't that security guard run over there, do anything. >> this is what they're investigating. other news. this group of teenagers is being investigated for other similar type crimes in this area and there could be more charges coming. >> the two teens so far charged. >> that's right. >> possibly more charges coming. where are they now? >> the one teen is in -- deryl dedmon, this man right here is being held. he's awaiting his indictment that is expected to come. the other man has been released. he was not there at the moment that deryl dedmon drove him over. but he was alleged to have participated in the beating. he is free on bond and awaiting
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the preliminary hearing. >> how does the defense make the case that this was not a racial hate crime? >> the defense for both of these kids have not answered any of our questions. have not returned any of our phone calls. we have one statement when one attorney who said that in court, i don't see where the prosecution can call this a racial crime. obviously, the testimony of the witnesses who were there all point to the fact that this started out as an attempt to go out and find a black guy to beat up and mess with. that was their words. >> let us know what happens to those teens. drew griffin, thank you. just a couple of minutes here left before the closing bell. what are we 12 minutes away. the dow is up 103 points right now. but you ever wonder what is happening in niece final moments on the trading floor? take a look at this. >> you're hearing a lot of traders now yelling buy everything, buy everything. we've got five minutes left in the trading day. >> there she goes. poppy harlow behind the scenes of the fre net i can and frantic
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final moments of trading. and you see this... it's the end of the road. the last hurrah. it's when ford's powertrain warranty ends. but in this ram truck, you've still got 39,999 miles to go. ♪ guts. glory. ram. ♪ are you wondering about your options? with over 30 years of medicare experience, unitedhealthcare medicare solutions can help. just give us a call. the annual enrollment period to switch your medicare coverage is earlier this year, from october 15th to december 7th, so now is a great time to review your situation. i'm looking for help paying for my prescriptions. [ male announcer ] that's a part d prescription drug plan. choose a stand-alone plan, or combine it with a medicare supplement plan. it's all in our free guide.
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nine minutes away here from the closing bell on wall street. you know, a volatile past couple of weeks. this one certainly being no exception and in the final
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minutes of trading, do you ever wonder what really happens down there on the floor. wonder no further, poppy harlow takes us behind hthe scenes. >> i don't have to go and stand in the crowd any more. i get all the information i need right here in my hand. >> don't you get something from being in the crowd. >> you get something from the crowd being right on the opening and right on the close. >> what is next on your list for the final minutes of trading? >> i'll run around to all those stocks i was in today and i'll get those final, i'll get these looks. >> you're hearing a lot of traders now yelling buy everything. we have five minutes left in the tradi trading day. >> some of the breekers are running around checking the prices. for us today, we're good. >> what i do, that's part of my job. be the eyes and ears for the customers. >> on a day like yesterday, i only had time to execute all the orders because the orders were coming in so quickly. today not so much.
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getting some now, as you can see. >> what kenny is doing right now is looking at imbalances in stocks that he holds. he's looking for more buy orders than sell orders. whether that stock will close higher or lower. >> i'm way away with my order. this stock trading 30 cents below my limit. no way i'll make that sale unless the buyer should come into the stock in the next three minutes and take it up. i'll go over there and just make sure that that is not going to happen. >> most of the people on the floor are very prepared for the v volatili volatility. as the that's what we do. take this day. dow industrials ending the session up about 400 points. >> that's it. we're done. >> we sold off 100 points. when you first got here, the number was up 500. >> we were up over 500 points and in this last half hour of
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trading we sold off 500 points. >> you were here when this happened. it wasn't panicky by any sorts. but the fact is, that's how seamless it is. >> we're back. another day. >> poppy harlow, i'm so glad you did that. i'm a little dizzy and a little stressed after you and all those guys racing around there. a lot of people, seriously, have been tweeting me this week as we have been watching the dow up and down very dramatically and some very down days on the dow and people are looking at the closing bell and thinking why are you applauding? i'm losing money on my 401(k). why are they clapping, poppy? >> i and the cnn money team behind me have been up there, rang the opening bell. the sense of elation. you're so excited and sort of an honor to be up there. not everyone gets to do that. wow, good job getting the video, guys. also, you know, brooke, a lot of these companies that are filing ipos.
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if they're going public, they're going to be ringing the opening bell. they're happy about that. a lot of promotions. >> what about the closing bell. >> that's what i'm talking about. you have promotions and different celebrities up there promoting their movies and their products sometimes. they're up there and they're excited to be up there. it has nothing to do with how the market closes, even if we have the worst day in 20 years. the people ringing the closing bell are still going to be smiling and clapping because at least they're happy to be there. >> they're happy. >> no correlation to how the market did. they're always clapping and happy to be up there. their company is going public, what have you. >> i can always feel the grumbles through the people who tweet me through this show. poppy, thanks for answering the question. people wanted to know and you answered it. coming up here, mitt romney took a beating at last night's debate. before that, he was heckled at the iowa state fair. the gop candidate hoping for a better day in new hampshire. we're going to take you live to
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manchester at the top of the hour. but, next, wolf blitzer with a major development in the fight against president obama's health care law. stay right there. there's a big reason to lower your high cholesterol... dangerous plaque that can build up in arteries over time... high cholesterol is a major factor. but these other health factors can also contribute to plaque buildup. so if you have high cholesterol and any of these other health factors... it's even more important to get your cholesterol where your doctor wants. talk to your doctor about crestor. when diet and exercise alone aren't enough...
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adding crestor can lower bad cholesterol by up to 52%. and crestor is proven to slow plaque buildup in arteries. crestor is not right for everyone, like people with liver disease... or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. simple blood tests will check for liver problems. tell your doctor about other medicines you're taking... or if you have muscle pain or weakness. that could be a sign of serious side effects. ask your doctor about high cholesterol... plaque buildup... and if crestor is right for you. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. let's take you to washington now to wolf blitzer with the latest news fresh off the cnn political ticker. wolf blitzer, tgif. >> tgif, indeed. potentially, potentially significant setback for president obama and the democrats and the health care
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reform law that they worked so hard to implement the 11th circuit court of appeals in atlanta where you are, today ruled unconstitutional. a 2-1 vote. the individual mandate of it. not necessarily the whole law, but the individual mandate that requires everyone, almost everyone to purchase health insurance by 2014. that is up constitutional according to these judges. exceeds congress' power and unconstitutional. the chief judge said this economic mandate represents a holy novel and unbounded assertion of congressional authority and the ability to compel americans to purchase expensive health product and make them repurchase that insurance product every month for their entire lives. now, a separate ruling in cincinnati not that long ago had the opposite conclusion saying that individual mandate provision was, in fact, constitutional. yet another court in richmond,
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virginia, is about to make a decision. the bottom line is this is going before the united states supreme court and the nine justice ess the supreme court probably next year in a presidential election year will have to decide whether it's constitutional, not constitutional. you know there are four liberals, four conservatives and justice anthony kennedy, the swing vote in the middle, 5-4 vote and we'll see which way it goes. at stake right now is this key provision of the health care law. the health care law that the president worked so hard to get through congress. he signed it into law. we'll see what the future is. we might not know for several months. by the way, we'll get reaction in "the situation room." debbie wasserman schultz we'll ask her for her reaction. already her counterpart the chairman of the republican national committee praised this decision. there's going to be some excitement as a result of this. the stakes, clearly, are very significant as far as health care in the united states is concerned. brooke? >> as you said, though, we still
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won't know for a number of months. supreme court has to deal with this. wolf blitzer, thank you. meantime, just about the top of the hour for me here in atlanta, watch this. those republicans who are hoping to become president or altogether in one state that could make or break them. already, the sparks are flying. we'll take you there live. i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. >> i would define it as a slave woman. >> cnn goes undercover during a sex sting. >> get back out. an inside look at how teams see the young girls they're selling. >> do you remember me? do you remember my son? her teenager killed himself after a judge handed down a severe sentence for a minor charge. now that judge is in big trouble. wait until you hear why. plus, it's like a tattoo
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only this sees inside of you. yeah, electronic skin. welcome to the future. and the sky is falling tonight. a meteor storm is coming. welcome back to the second hour here of this "cnn newsroom" i'm brooke baldwin. we look up at the big board here. hallelujah we are ending the week up. those numbers continue to settle. you know, we began the week down. up tuesday, down wednesday and up thursday and ending up here on this friday. alison kosik watching these numbers very closely for really, you know, every day. it's her job. but today we're happy to end on a positive note, aren't we? >> oh, yes. it is great to finally get off those carnival rides and get off the roller coaster and see saw today. things were much calmer today. what a week. what a ride it has been. we put together this chart for
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you. we saw the dow close down 600 points on monday and up 400 points tuesday and down 500 points wednesday and then up 400 points yesterday and it's actually the first time in the dow's history that we've seen a streak of closing numbers like this. it really does look like one of those carnival rides, doesn't it? notice the dow ended higher yesterday and today. it is the first back-to-back gains we've seen since early july. you know what, i want to show you another picture happening on the floor right now. they're rolling out beer and pizza for everybody here because this is from the nyse because they say, you know what, they had a really tough week and they deserve it. >> we saw the behind the scenes in poppy harlow's piece, they were all running around. maybe they're just calm and drinking beer at the end of the week. i kind of like that down there. >> when you see the dollars slipping away -- >> i'm being facetious. by the way, talk to me about the commerce department report about
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july sales and did that play at all with markets? >> you're right. it absolutely did. what that report showed, brooke, consumers are still out there and spending money, even though they're not going gang busters on these shopping sprees. retail sales rose 0.5% in july. down beat news that consumer sentiment plunged to a 30-year low. not a big surprise because of the big surprise with the debt ceiling and that damaged confidence and that was already fragile. our confidence is shot after we get these weak economic reports that kind of come out day after day. it was a great change of pace to get a positive report on retail sales to show that consumers are still opening their wallets and that the economy is at least moving forward, at least a little bit. brooke? >> we'll take it. go start your weekend. that's a lot of pizza they have down there on the floor of the new york stock exchange. alison kosik in the green, thank you so much. let's talk politics. you need a scorecard today just
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to keep up with all the gop presidential hopefuls. a scorecard or maybe a map. here you go, des moines, iowa. ground zero. head of tomorrow's straw poll. des moines, iowa, flooded with republican candidates. plus, this woman. there she is. sarah palin. she turned up and got there just a short time ago. no, she's not in the race, at least not officially, but why else would she be in des moines, iowa? here you have sarah palin in iowa, but not the frontrunner. no, mitt romney has left iowa and he has bolted iowa and today he popped up in new hampshire and mark preston, he will join us shortly from there to tell us why. also, look at another state. south carolina awaiting rick perry, the texas governor set to announce tomorrow in charleston that he is getting into the race and that, my friends, will make this a whole new ball game. but, let's go back. des moines, iowa, shannon travis and peter these two guys standing by for me.
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peter, i know you were there today when sarah palin shows up there at the state fair. it's odd the timing. she's not in the straw poll tomorrow. obviously, we know scheez she's not in the race, but she's there. poof, she's there and the media followed. >> they do follow. we do follow. she commands that kind of attention. she commands that kind of attention more than anybody else in the republican field. she doesn't have to tell us where she's going to be. her aides were tight lipped about her appearances but she just showed up in the hall of champions cattle barn, a little ways away from here and word ricochetted around the fair grounds here that she was making an appearance. and we all went and talked to her. she insists that this is just a coincidence. she was invited here. she's not crashing the presidential party and she says she's going to leave before the straw poll so she doesn't steal the spotlight from that, brooke. >> do we have, do we have sarah
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pal palin's sound, guys. sarah palin earlier today. >> i don't think i'm stealing any spotlight. in fact, i didn't think in term of spotlight. go, go find the other folks and say hello. very thankful to have been invited to the state fair and get to with my family. i like this all-american venue and this is part of our one nation tour road trip and we'll get to go to some historic events. >> so, listen, why haven't you decided? >> i'm not the only one who has not decided yet and not ready to announce. there's still, you know, there's still a lot of contemplation that needs to go. earth shattering even though i've changed -- >> now, you heard palin say she still has time. she says late september is the timeline for her. she is laying a little bit of ground work, brooke. she was escorted around the
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grounds and had a private meeting with iowa republican activist to lay some ground work in the state in case she does decide to run for president next month. >> gosh, you have to throw some elbows just to get close to sarah palin with that crowd around her. >> we talked about this yesterday, tomorrow's iowa straw poll. it could claim some casualties in one, possibly more campaigns. we talked a lot about tim pawlenty. he put a lot of eggs in the iowa basket and he needs a strong finish. someone else that needed a strong finish is rick santorum and, shannon, i understand that he talked about that to one of our own reporters. what did he say? >> he absolutely did, brooke. meanwhile, everybody is paying attention to sarah palin and seems like the former pennsylvania senator seems like he can't catch a break. you're right, he spoke with candy crowley a short while ago about what he needs to do saturday, tomorrow, in this crucial contest in ames.
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in our most recent cnn poll he ranked 2% in the polls and ranking very low recently. again, what might he do if he has a very weak finish in ames. look at what he told candy crowley just a short while ago, brooke. >> five is the number you picked here. >> i think we're running eighth or ninth. i think we have to be in the top five. if we are not in the top five, we don't have the organizational ability to get this thing done and, you know, we are, you know, we were hoping that this is a marathon, but, you know, we have to show that we have some momentum and we're building the team and i am sort of drawing the line there. >> a stark admission, brooke, from rick santorum. could he be a casualty after this contest is over tomorrow? could be. you heard him say it right there. a point of fact, this happened before in 2007, four years ago, this ames contest claimed a casualty in tommy thompson.
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brooke? >> he has to finish top four, top five to want to finish in this thing. peter hamby, i'm finishing with you. other than sarah palin you have this other elephant in the room, an elephant that wears cowboy boots each and every day. rick perry, texas governor, set to enter the race tomorrow, we know, down in charleston, south carolina. what are folks out there saying about the texas governor and how will he shake up this race? >> well, what folks here in iowa interestingly are saying is they're kind of, some republican insiders out here are offended by the fact that governor perry is announcing his campaign on saturday on the same day as the ames straw poll which is a huge fund-raiser for the republican party. it's a big day for them. they think it's kind of a swaggering sort of texas move to just kind of big foot what they're doing and they're saying he's going to come out here and actually lay some groundwork. i can tell you, brooke, the perry campaign, the future perry campaign is doing their due
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diligence. they lind up money and planning a big two weeks ahead and perry will come right out here to iowa on sunday and spend some time here and come back to new hampshire. he will come back and hit all these early states. you're totally right. rick perry because of his conservatism and his ability to raise a lot of money and a pretty respectable job's record in texas, he has the potential to fundamentally reshape this race and the next two weeks critical for him to maintain buzz and momentum he's got so far, brooke. >> what a race. it's getting more interesting. tomorrow even more so. shannon travis and peter hamby, guys, thanks so much. enjoy those twinkies. all right, focus on iowa. we've got that. the frontrunner mitt romney here. he bolted the hawkeye state for new hampshire. mark preston the head of the story, of course he is. mark preston, my question is this. what is mitt romney doing in new hampshire, the state where he announced his campaign not too long ago for president?
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>> well, look, brooke, no question that mitt romney has to win new hampshire if he is to win the republican nomination. in a couple of hours he will be at a house just behind me talking to new hampshire voters. the romney campaign said it wasn't worth the time, money or effort to woo the iowa caucus voters. they tend to be social conservatives and mitt romney is running his campaign solely on the economy. so, that's why we're seeing mitt romney not playing in the iowa straw poll and not committing the millions of dollars that it would take to put a strong organization on the ground there and, instead, focusing all his efforts here on the streets of manchester, new hampshire. brooke? >> rick perry is throwing his hat in the ring tomorrow in south carolina. what are the romney folks saying about perry now entering the race? >> we're not going to hear much from the romney folks talking about rick perry. we can kind of take a cue from what we've seen romney due in
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the last t the last two campaigns. he focused all his concentration on president obama. we saw that last night in the debate up in ames, iowa. we can see a battle break out. a multi-million dollar battle break out here on the air waves in new hampshire. the reason being we have these superpacks that have been created by forlss that are aligned or supported with rick perry as well as sources supported and aligned with mitt romney. after the straw poll tomorrow, the battle will move here. you'll see all the presidential candidates start to spend a lot of time here in new hampshire. a lot of the candidates forsaking new hampshire. however, we'll see these outside groups try to attack each other and look for the pro-perry groups to go after mitt romney and expect the romney groups to defend themselves here in new hampshire. >> that's where they're headed. mark preston, thank you very much. now this. undercover investigator mike is texting the driver to pick
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her up. mike and the driver text back and forth for more than an hour playing the cat and mouse game. cnn goes undercover during a sex sting. coming up next, an inside, behind-the-scenes look at how the feds bust pimps. the hunt and the dramatic ending. you have to see this. this is an exclusive here. stay right there. the eagle flies at dawn. the monkey eats custard. price-line ne-go-ti-a-tor. so, you've been double crossed by other travel sites and now you want to try the real deal. yes, is it true that name your own price... even easier? affirmative. we'll show you other people's winning hotel bids. so i'll know how much to bid... ...and save up to 60% i'm in i know the lady in leather travels on three wheels. wait, is that code? that's my secret weapon... ...naomi pryce see winning hotel bids now at priceline.
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well, underneath all that glamour lies the seedy world of prostitution and our own martin savidge joins undercover investigators to bust a prostitution ring. it is easier to shut down an operation than arresting the girls. let's watch how it's done. >> the think they said we can party without them. >> the anaheim police working human trafficking has just made a bust. but it's only the beginning of this case. they're questioning a 17-year-old girl who agreed to have sex with an undercover investigator for $160. but she's not the team's main focus. in fact, she's not even under arrest. the person they really want is the man she says dropped her off at the hotel. her possible pimp. >> i would define a pimp as pretty much a slave owner. it is someone who has people
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under his control that forces to work as prostitutes where they go out and they commit acts of prostitution for money and all of the money goes to the pimp. >> reporter: the man who dropped the juvenile off is now driving around the area waiting for her to finish. >> just fyi for the units on the outside, i'm talking to this guy now as her. >> reporter: undercover investigator mike has take on the girl's phone and is texting the driver to pick her up. mike and the driver text back and forth for more than an hour, playing cat and mouse game. mike tries to get the driver to pick the girl up and the driver tries to get the girl to come to him. >> you ask him if he's going to be at the 7-eleven? >> reporter: mike draws the suspected pimp to a fast food restaurant while other investigators drive around looking for him. >> i'll set up in here. when you can get back out, let's jam him. >> reporter: the head of the
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vice unit and the only one whose face we can show you grabs one of the men in the car, but the driver has already fled. he's caught a block later with the help of an fbi agent who works with the vice unit and brought back to the station. >> i think if the word spreads that, hey, in anaheim if you're a pimp, the police just aren't out here arresting your girls and you're free to upgrade. we changed our whole focus to where we're focusing on the p pimps because they're the real suspects in this. >> reporter: the case doesn't end with the arrest. >> my crew came in and started tying things together through interviews and the different technologies that we use and we were able to locate another victim today on the internet. >> reporter: another victim is found through the accused pimp's cell phone. he sets up a date with the erotic woman through a website. >> the door is open and he's out. all right. go ahead. >> reporter: the woman is not a juvenile like the first victim.
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which is how the vice unit refers to all prostitution. she is not arrested. but she is considered the witness in the case. and victim services gets to work to try to get her off the street. >> i think with trafficking survivor one of the most important thing we can do is give them choices. the situation that they come from, they've been told, you know, where to go and what to do when they get there and when to do it and down to like minor daily things like eating and using the restroom, going to sleep and waking up. so, the more choices that we can give them, it helps them practice that self-determination. >> reporter: two very successful days for anaheim's vice unit. >> taking them out of that situation and when they actually have this light bulb moment where they get to see the situation for what it is and realize, wait a minute, i'm taking all the danger and taking all the risk but i get nothing in return. it's pretty rewarding to see that learning moment occur. >> reporter: a moment that encourages this team to try again tomorrow.
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with the cnn freedom project, i'm martin savidge. >> martin, thank you very much. take a look at these pictures. i know you know why they are now by now. the trio of siblings behind bars. new pictures in. they spent days on the run until their violent crime spree came to an end. that ahead and also this. >> i would like him to go to hell and rot there forever! you know what he told everybody in court, they need to be held accountable for their actions. you need to be! do you remember me! do you remember me? do you remember my son? >> her son killed himself after the judge gave him a harsh sentence for a drug charge and now that judge is in big trouble for what he is accused of doing. these are stunning accusations, that's next. [ waves crashing ]
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[ martin luther king jr. ] i still have a dream that one day on the red hills of georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. i have a dream today! [ male announcer ] chevrolet is honored to celebrate the unveiling of the washington, d.c., martin luther king jr. memorial. take your seat at the table on august 28th.
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we are not quite finished telling you about the siblings. take a look at this new images showing the dougherty gang in jail. lee grace smiling while her little brothers don't look so happy. all face multiple felony charges and being held on more than $1 million each. word out of colorado where the siblings' alleged crime spree came to a crashing halt is that big sister is talking. according to statements on her arrest affidavit lee grace told authorities, "i pointed the gun at the cop. i deserved to get shot." after she got shot, she tells police "instantly i let go of the gun. the pain was all through my body."
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the doughertys changed their appearance a little bit. maybe they're sharing the same blonde dye. i don't know, not much of a disguise especially since they kept the same white car. now to this, a mother screaming for justice. >> my kid's not here! he's dead! i would like him to go to hell and rot there forever. >> ma'am, come on. >> you know what he told everybody in court? they need to be held accountable for their actions. do you remember me! do you remember my son? all-star wrestler. >> justice for her son. who killed himself last year after a pennsylvania judge sentenced him to serve time in a youth detention center. that was six months ago. now, former judge mark ciavarella is heading to federal prison. he was found guilty of taking
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nearly $1 million from a developer who built a detention facility. not only that, the same judge also sentenced youngsters for, listen to this, stealing a jar of nutmeg and posting web page jokes of a school official just to fill up the detention center. this whole "kids for cash" scheme left many victims wondering why they were being punished. >> i was, honestly, expecting like some form of some simple probation or some type of fine. the last thing i expected was to get sent away. >> the victim's family say he will have a chance to think about what he's done, just like he asked his victims to do when he was the judge. coming up next, the u.s. blasting this report here, suggesting that american drones have killed hundreds of civilians in pakistan. many of them children. find out what sources are telling cnn about these top secret strikes. plus, a glimpse into the future. look at this. it kind of looks like a tattoo until you look a little closer. this electronic skin acting like
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a spy. what? we'll explain, next. [ male announcer ] members of the american postal workers union
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handle more than 165 billion letters and packages a year. that's about 34 million pounds of mail every day. ever wonder what this costs you as a taxpayer? millions? tens of millions? hundreds of millions? not a single cent. the united states postal service doesn't run on your tax dollars. it's funded solely by stamps and postage. brought to you by the men and women of the american postal workers union. ♪
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here we go. if it's interesting and happening right now, you are about to see it rapid fire. the u.s. government says drone strikes in pakistan have mostly killed militants, but not so says the uk-based bureau for investigative journalism which includes british and pakistani journalists. it claims that since 2004, cia drones killed more than 2,000 people. 385 of them civilians. nearly 200 children. a senior u.s. official and the state department dismiss this report. since 2001, air strikes killed an estimated 2,000 militants and 50 civilians. listen to this. we're used to hear about people breaking out of prison, right? not breaking back in. talk about going the wrong way. cameras caught 48-year-old ex-inmate trying to break into the new folsom prison grounds. the only thing he told investigators is that he wanted
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to reminisce. those unpleasant visits to the hospital may be a little less unpleasant for us in the near future in part to this new electronic skin technology, that's what they're calling it. according to this new study, the extremely thin device can be used to monitor a patient's vital signs here. the wireless patch similar to a temporary tattoo can measure your heart rate and brain activity and even your muscle contractions. it can be used in other medical applications. if you ever wanted a piece of bernie madoff, consider this ipad cover. it is made from a pair of madoff's pants. you see this? also a madoff ipad collection. this is the brain child of an entrepreneur who bought his clothes at auction. the madoff collection doesn't come too cheap. a cover made from madoff's khakis from banana republic is going for 200 bucks. a rise in newspaper thefts.
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popular tv shows like tlc "extreme couponing" is to blame for this. one reporter says some thieves started taking entire newspaper vending machines, the whole thing, which isn't light, like 100 pounds heavy. police are warning these thieves can face fines up to $1,000 over a paper that might have cost you two quarters. in hawaii, a 10-year-old boy has some serious bragging rights. look at this thing. okay. so, he's got this unusual catch. this is an octopus but it's not just any octopus. it has webbing between four of its arms and tentacles kind of like jelly fish. he's handling it like it's his pet dog. the director aquarium thinks it is a blanket octopus. seeing one in the wild is extremely rare. now, this. hours from now tough enforcement of a curfew beginning in one of america's
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biggest cities in this drastic attempt to stop violent flash mobs but will teenagers in this certain city rebel? we're live on the streets of philadelphia, next. also, tonight, the sky is falling. did you ever read that? well, it really will be. a meteor shower will light the sky, but something might spoil your show. chad myers and i will talk meteor showers, coming up.
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they're at 9:00. that means tha anyone under the age of 18 in two parts of the city, one area of downtown and another area of the city just west of here, if you're not home and off the streets by 9:00 tonight, you could be in big trouble. and you're not the only ones. police are also putting parents on notice. that they're not going to put up with any trouble from their kids. that if they find those kids are not off the streets, they could come after the parents with a warning and possibly fines of up to $500. and police are also engaging citizens to put together sort of volunteer patrols to be out with police to send out the message that they're not going to put up with any sunangons. and with good reason. because one of the most recent attacks allegedly involved an attacker who was only 11 years old, brooke. we'll be here all weekend watching to see what happens. >> we'll watch all weekend and see if it's effective.
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quickly, susan, 9:00 tonight. how long is it in effect? >> until midnight. and they've also opened up some recreation centers to give other kids a place to go with activities. >> susan candiotti, thank you so much. next on reporter roulette is a big night for star gazers. chad, this is the perseid meteor shower. where do we look? >> to the northeast and they will be falling out of the sky. there may actually be some big, long streaks. not just a quick poof, poof, poof. the big long ones are the ones that everybody loves to take pictures of, as well. >> there is a but here. >> the best time to look will be 4:00 a.m. >> are you getting up at 4:00 a.m.? >> no. the reason why the moon will rise in the east at the same time that the sun sets in the west. you'll have the moon in your face where you're trying to focus on the meteors coming in. all of a sudden, it will blind
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you. you have to wait until the morning when the moon is in the western sky, but the little shuttle, the little things coming out ofl little meteors coming from the northwest. >> we'll wait. >> i'll call you at 3:30. >> if you do. i'll come find you, chad myers and pinch you. now to this here, switching gears just a tad. before he raped them, warren jeffs told girls and i'm quoting this man, don't think about the pain you're going to heaven." well, now for the first time we're actually hearing those audiotapes, those recordings and getting a look inside his temple of child brides. you'll see and hear a lot, coming up. casey jordan is on the case, she's next. for new people. hey ! chocolate, vanilla or strawberry ? chocolate ! chocolate it is ! yeah, but i'm new, too.
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we have now these audiotapes that help convict warren jeffs on those child rape charges and sunny's off today and we get you here on the case. casey, i want you to stand by. before we hear some of these audio recordings that are very disturbing, i want to show you this picture here. this is a photograph taken in jeffs' temple back in 2008 when they raided his compound. it shows right here this perfectly white temple bed and a tier where jeffs forced his underage wives to have sex with him. so, this is the bed. keep this bed in mind when you hear this first piece of audio. you'll hear warren jeffs as he gives sexual training to his underage wives.
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"you have to know how to be excited sexually and to be exciting to administer that comfort and strength. and you have to be able to assist each other and no one just stands around, everyone assists, and you have to be prepared to be trained to do this against the time i would need your help, the lord's help through you. so, listen carefully as the lord intended that my ladies, all of my ladies, be trained." >> casey, all of these ladies, we should say, girls, had to be trained. help each other. not just standing around in the way in which warren jeffs did it, all in religion, isn't it? >> what you're seeing and hearing there is just the break down of their normal
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psychological defenses. isn't this strange? how could this be real? he gives a number of themes. number one, god's will. number two, you're a chosen recipient of my attention. not every woman gets this, but you, you're special. i am the prophet and you must assist me. he is directing his own pornographic scene. >> it's disgusting. we should be clear with our viewers. look these tapes get very, very bad and very descriptive and we're not going there. i want to make that clear. i want to play one more section of the tape where jeffs gets down to the details of hygiene and sex and let's keep in mind, he's talking about girls reported to be as young as 12. listen to this piece. "you always come in my area already showered already ready in case you're called to assist. this is a training of words with some works to break down your false traditions.
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i repeat to you, this is not to be known. and this is the lord establishing the former -- and my family. because no other man is that large serpent called upon to go throughout the atonement. for other men to do this, the lord not appointing it, they would lose priesthood. their wives would lose their place. for you to do any of this without my direct appoint. you could lose your place." >> oh, it's not justine the words you need to shower before coming to me, casey, also the cadence of how she speaks. it's so eerie, isn't it? >> it really is. almost hypnotic. a number of themes even if you just want to look at the content
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there. almost as if he is a pedophile grooming and that's exactly what he's doing. when we talk about grooming, we're talking about psychological breakdown. you don't want to lose your place. if you aren't obedient, you won't get into heaven. no other man is worthy, only i get to do this. what creeps people out the most is when he instructs them to shave their underarms and pubic areas it is to keep them, even as they get older, looking like prepubescent girls. he always wants to perceive them as young children. >> disgusting. >> completely disgusting. >> just can't help but say that as i talk about this man. these girls are young and impressionable and some parts of these audiotapes we hear jeffs talking to them as if god is talking through him. you can hear him telling them that having group sex is biblical. here's that.
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"when more than one woman is with me at a time. when sara administered unto abraham the fullness of the law she was with abraham, sexually together. and that is the fullness of the law of sarah." >> i mean, it's all cloaked in religion as justification, isn't it? >> everything he did was cloaked in religion. he really argued that not only am i telling you that i'm a messenger of god, but there is biblical precedence for this. let's look in the bible and talk about sara both servicing abraham. in fact, that whole basically woman-on-woman lesbian concept is what turned him on. that was forbidden at the fdls unless it was for his purpose. if these women wanted to sexually excite each other to service him and comfort him and, you know, help him be of
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assistance to him, then it was okay. again, it's all just a sexual aberration in which the rules belong to warren jeffs and these young women had all their psychological defenses broken down with brainwashing over time for the sole purpose of his sexual satisfaction. >> oh, okay, enough of this. let's remind that the jury deliberated for four hours and this man is away for a very long time. casey jordan, thank you for coming on today on the case. coming up next, a little sneak peek behind what we are calling behind the scenes of the show. be right back.
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i know that these are tough times for a lot of people. just this week we watched a the dow take a nose dive more than once right after the credit rating took a hit. a lot of people don't have jobs and a lot of uncertainty here in this country. some americans don't pay close attention when we talk about the famine in africa. just do me this favor and hang in there with me for just a moment because i have to show you some of these pictures and it's overwhelming to look at and it's gut wrenching. many people are starving and many people are dying and so many more will die in the near future. what can we do? isn't that the question we ask? what can we do? there is a place where you can get some ideas. go to your computer and check out our website. it is this is impact your world. and it is filled with ways you can help. maybe you're feeling ambivalent for inspiration consider this on this friday. two oregon kids are selling snow cones this summer. they planned to earn a little
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spending money themselves. but when they found out about the hunger crisis in the horn of africa, they decided their profits should go to famine relief. from the minds of children, just a little lesson for all of us on how to help. now to wolf blitzer in washington with a look at what he has coming up on his show in a couple minutes. wolf blitzer, what do you have coming on? >> i was happy that sanjay gupta and the entire team went to the horn of africa and showed us what was going on. we are one of the news organizations that put the spotlight on this awful situation. within a matter of a few weeks, as you know, the world food program. they say they're going to run out of food to give hundreds of thousands of people, including hundreds of thousands of children food, minimum amount of food just to stay alive. they're going to starve if they don't get some help. that's why you just did. tell people to go to they could really impact our world if they go there and do
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something about it. did you see their coverage this week? >> of course, i did. this islamic mimitant organization and you think about this aid and relief workers trying to help and it's very difficult for them to. it's very important, just something to think about here on this friday. what do you have, what do you have, sir? >> we're all blessed here. whatever problems we have here are minimal compared to what we have going on over there. spend a lot of time in the world of politics. a huge weekend in the world of politics. rick perry is announcing he's running for president. the governor of texas. as you know, sarah palin, she's roaming around iowa right now. we don't know if she'll run for the republican presidential nomination. we do know there was an important debate last night. we're moving the story forward. we have all of our reporters on the scene, our analysts. we'll take a closer look at what's going on in the world of politics. all the other important news of the day, that's coming up in a few minutes. brooke, right here in "the situation room." i want to make sure you have a
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fabulous, fabulous weekend. >> same to you, wolf. we'll see you in a couple minutes. wolf mentioned the gop race in iowa. we'll have more on that with political pop. also, each and every friday i let you now turn the tables and ask me some questions and i answer them in the behind the scenes video. go to my facebook or twitter page. here's a preview of what we're calling the week wind down. >> hi, cnn tour. they're not waving back. sad. i feel like we're at the zoo. we're the animals. >> yes. >> so, angie, my wing woman is off this week. guess who i'm stuck with. >> sorry. this is eric. we love eric. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made.
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get help paying for what medicare doesn't... and save up to thousands of dollars. call this toll-free number now. if you would like to become a rock star nowadays will take you more than a pair of drums. maybe 90. take a look at this. you have to see this. holy drum set. mark plays the set with 90 drums, 90 symbols officially making this the world's biggest drum set and you think he has to have a really huge garage to put these bad boys in, no, just on stage at some local gym. we've all seen that person who drives around with their gas cap open. well, take a look at this. take a look at the dark station wagon in the back of a gas station here. the driver starts to pull away and nozzle still attached. you see the gas pump totally
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come off base and then little bit of a fire. thankfully no explosion and no one was injured and workers put this thing out. the customer came back just a little embarrassed and apologized and left his insurance information. now to this. a lot of people. you're wondering and hearing about this iowa straw poll, it happens tomorrow. they don't really actually understand what it is. if it's truly significant or not. so, we asked someone who definitely knows a thing or two about this. joe johns here and, joe, just give me a quick read on how this works for tomorrow. >> all right, well, this thing has been called part county fair, part political convention, brooke. i used to make fun of the iowa straw poll but every time i do, somebody gets mad. i'm not going to. it's actually a lot of fun. people listening to some speeches and then cast a straw vote. the first thing that is cool is there's entertainment. and i mean not just any entertainment, as well. mike huckabee, who actually came in second in the straw poll in
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2007, he's not competing in the straw poll this year, but he's still going to be there. huckabee plays base guitar. he's a member of a group called capital offense and we hear he's actually going to be performing, we think, for some of the other candidates who shelled out bucks for tent space. tim pawlenty, maybe. herman cain, rick sanatorium and you know what is funny if huckabee was running for president this time around, he might be ahead in the polls against some of the guys he is playing music for. >> so, he will be pulling out his base and playing for some of these guys and gal who would like to become president. that's the buzz. that's part of the buzz. what about, though, you know the straw poll in terms of bragging rights. is that really what this is about? >> certainly that's what it is about. >> and money. >> number one, people have to pay to get in. so, okay, it's not a real vote and it's not going to count anywhere. the straw poll is not binding, just more to show presidential
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candidates organizational skills and how good a campaign and a candidate are actually running their operation. can they get their supporters to show up because next time around when it's the first in the nation iowa caucuses are going to be doing this in the dead of winter and the pressure will certainly be on to get your voters out to the caucuses. >> when you look, though, as we did at some of the past winners here of the straw poll. let's just say the batting average, not stellar. >> no, not really. mitt romney won the straw poll four years ago. he didn't even win the iowa caucuses and he did not get the republican nomination. but if your name is bush, you got a pretty good track record at the caucuses. i'm sorry, at the poll. in 1999, george w. bush won the straw poll and went all the way to the white house. so, you know, little bit of this and little bit of that. >> okay, tomorrow, we'll be watching and also watching texas governor rick perry


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