tv John King USA CNN August 17, 2011 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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we begin tonight with breaking news. we've just learned the outlines of president obama's plan to boost jobs. the president has been talking jobs everywhere he goes on a three-day swing through minnesota, illinois and iowa. this evening in alfa, illinois he hinted at new plans paid for by deficit reductions. >> when folks tell you we've got a choice between jobs now or dealing with our debt crisis, they're wrong. they're wrong. we can't afford to just do one or the other. we've got to do both. >> last night, wolf blitzer asked the president why wait until september. new polling from gas lup shows how good a question that was. just 26% of americans now approve of how mr. obama is handling the economy. 26%. that is down 11 points from the last time. jessica yellin's got inside details of the president's new jobs plan. senior political analyst david gather begin is here to analyze it plus former george w. bush press secretary ari fleischer. jessica, what do you know about the president's plans for next month? >> reporter: after labor day
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he's going to unveil a jobs proposal that my sources tell me will have specifics in a way his critics have been calling for. so according to my sources it will be actual legislation. that is real detail. until the package will be new initiatives not a rehash of the policies we've been hearing him promoting recently like patent reform or an infrastructure bank. my sources say there'll be proposals in three main categories, targeted tax cuts, another big one for the white house is new infrastructure investment, and then long-term help for the unemployed. i should point out this is all being worked out right now. it will continue to be hashed out over the president's vacation. the president is meeting with his top economic advisors tomorrow. i'll told it will come up there. already some republican leaders have issued warning shots saying this package should not include any new spending. the president says it will. sounds like we should brace for a fight. >> so david gather begin, last night on the program you had raised concerns about the timing of all this and that president is waiting until september that means new legislation won't be for awhile.
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but it sounds like he's maybe proposing legislation in september. >> sounds like he is proposing legislation in september. i think we should welcome the fact he's got some new job proposals and actually going to put on the table his deficit reduction proposals. people have been saying where's his plan on deficits. he hasn't done that. now he's going to do it. so i think he deserves credit for doing both those things. it's also true, anderson, that if you wait until september to put forward your jobs proposals and then you basically say i'm going to go back on the road with my bus and pro motte promote this all over the country, there's sort of an expectation implied in that they're not going to pass this. this is really about show. i'm going to put some proposals out there. maybe i'll get them but probably not, and then i'll use it as a harm. >> you think that's what this is about? >> i think they're trying to have it both ways. >> is the fact this information is leaking out now, that's clearly not an accident somebody is telling this to jessica. >> sure ain't no accident. he's just going on vacation. what would you want to do before you went on vacation in martha's vineyard with people hurting the
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way they are? you'd put out something saying there's going to be some action. i think most americans would like to see him have people at the white house saying, republicans, here are my proposals. what are your proposals? let's see if we can't make a marriage of the two and get going now? why wait, wait, wait? >> ari, what about that? what do you think of the white house strategy? does it put real pressure on republicans in congress to release a new jobs plan of their own? >> well, number one, specifics are vitally important. presidents always do best when they lead the most. and even if you don't like what they're saying, presidents get credit for leadership if they're taking initiative. that's what was lacking from the spring through the summer on the debt debate. there were no specifics that president offered. nobody ever heard of what they were, even in the private republicans will tell you the president was always vague saying medicare needs to be on the table, this needs to be on the table without specificity. that's number one. the timing, though, too, i think the president would have been better served if he had come out earlier in august and then took
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the bus trip he was on. then he could have been going around the country trying to convince people he had the right policies to make america better and to create jobs. instead he really created a political tour for himself where he looks like mitt romney or governor perry or any other candidate just out on the husband tings rustings. i think he's probably hurt himself politically in the last three days. we'll see what the specifics are you in september. this all comes down to the devil's in the details. >> david, do you think it would have been better to do it in early august before the bus trip? >> republicans say this is 938 days into his presidency. what about doing it last year? what about doing it two years ago? so it's late. but i think here deserves credit for recognizing we do need something on jobs. we'll have to wait and see. i think ari's right about that. but i very seriously believe, anderson, that people want action more than words. he needs to be given credit for doing something in substantive
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terms but it has a lot of political overtones, doesn't it? really colored with politics. and it sounds like he's not really seriously expecting congress to act. what he is doing is looking for a way to beat republicans over the head. >> jessica, what do you think is behind the timing here? >> reporter: well, there are a couple of things. the president's advisors from my reporting think that there's no real point in rolling out legislation right now when congress is away. calling them back for a fight isn't going to serve anyone's interests. it will be gridlock. don't do it when they're away. when summer distractions drown out big news, do it when the focus is back on washington in september. it does have the political benefit, anderson, of putting him out on the road in the fall with real voters and real people, when i should point out that congress is likely to be back in washington locked in partisan fights. not only is that super committee coming back to town to start talking about the deficit reduction that david was mentioning, but keep in mind congress has not yet passed the next budget. there is now talk in washington there could be another government shutdown fight brewing in the fall.
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this gets the president out of town and away from those kinds of fights. >> but the very point is, everything jessica says is terrifically helpful and i think reported ex angtd exactly right. but the conversation was about the politics of it, not about creating jobs. >> that's what matters in the end. we have to leave it there. david, ari fleischer, jessica, thank you very much. let us know what you think. we're on facebook. follow me on twitter ads anderson cooper governor perry says he creates jobs and president obama destroys them. what do the facts say? later on significance forces in libya getting closer to tripoli and possibly to victory. we'll talk thrive people on the ground in tripoli and with the opposition just outside the capital. first let's check in with isha sesay. >> reporter: a stunning revelation in the deadly collapse at the indiana state fair. it could answer the question why on earth wasn't the fairground evacuated with gale force winds blowing. it may pave the way for lots of lawsuits when 360 continues.
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the battle is now joined between president obama and texas governor rick perry who said america's armed forces would prefer someone like him who's worn the uniform. yez mr. obama hit back. >> mr. perry just got in the presidential race. i think that everybody who runs for president it probably takes them a little bit of time before they start realizing that this isn't like running for governor or running for senate or running for congress. and you've got to be a little more careful about what you say. but i'll cut him some slack. he's only been at it for a few days now. >> today in new hampshire governor perry counter punched. >> the president said i needed to watch what i say. [ laughter ] >> i just want to respond back, if i may. mr. president, actions speak louder than words. my actions as governor are helping create jobs in this country. the president's actions are
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killing jobs in this country. it's time to get america working again! >> well, that's point number one of a three-point critique from governor perry that he's a job creator and president obama is a job destroyer. but keeping them honest that's not quite true. in fact all three of his points stretch the facts. point, two the private sector creates jobs. the public sector doesn't. that's what he says. listen. >> mr. president, you tried now for 2 1/2 years of government creating jobs. and it's time to let the private sector get back to work. [ cheers and applause ] >> okay. that's point two. point three, part of his economic success stems from how carefully he spends taxpayer dollars. listen. >> one of the things that we did in texas over the decade was we had some guiding principles. number one is don't spend all the money.
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>> well, keeping them honest, all three points glide over a number of inconvenient facts. so one of governor perry's claims, that texas has created half the nation's new jobs during the recovery? that's absolutely true. according to bureau of labor statistics, texas created about 262,000 jobs between the summer of 2009 and now. that's out of 524,000 jobs nation-wide. that hardly makes president obama as governor perry claims a job destroyer. nation-wide the economy has created jobs every month since mid 2009 but not enough to keep up with population growth. but in texas, that population growth in the form of migration into the state has been so massive it's creating huge demand for goods and services, and that means jobs. healthcare jobs up more than twice the federal rate. private education up nearly three fold. now, clearly texas is creating jobs. but in large part due to people migrating there not necessarily because of rick perry's policies. the bottom line, president obama
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and governor perry are both job creators but governor perry is benefitting from certain advantages unique to texas. the idea that one creates jobs, the other destroys them is a stretch at best. even more so, when you look at the type of jobs created -- and this is really interesting. u.s. news and world report crunched the numbers going back to 2008 through the end of last year. federal government jobs in texas were up 7%. state government jobs, government jobs up 8.4%. local government jobs up 6.1%. private sector jobs down.5%. so governor perry's second point that private sector creates jobs and the public sector doesn't? that simply doesn't hold up. it's just not true. not in texas. as for point three, spending discipline. texas had a $6.6 billion shortfall in its last budget back in 2009. now, instead of using the state's rainy day fund to close that gap, governor perry and the gop-controlled legislature took $6.4 billion in federal stimulus money. federal stimulus money. in fact the very same day they
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requested it he posted an anti-government item on his blog. the headline "help us turn the tide in washington and stop these irresponsible bailouts." the irony, this year with federal money running out, governor perry had to balance his budget without help from washington. that's meant major spending cuts and layoffs for state and local workers. spoke earlier about all this with democratic strategic dawna brazil and republican strategist alex castiano. >> alex a lot of those jobs in texas are in the public sector and funded by federal stimulus money. so when he criticized president obama's performance on job creation, isn't he being a little hypocritical here? >> that's one of the differences between playing in the minor leagues and playing big league ball in the presidential race. you have to think two or three moves down the road. i think on some of these big government issues, governor perry's going to have to have a lot to explain. for example, his ben bernanke comment is going to come back to bite him, because it turns out that as a governor he wrote a letter to bernanke asking for
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that $700 billion t.a.r.p. program. so you know, what you say has to match up with what you do at the presidential level. >> dawna, perry isn't alone, though. a lot of governors who criticized the stimulus went to accept stimulus funds. >> absolutely. in the case of texas, governor perry used the money to basically fill that gap with the budget shortfall. it allowed him not to tap too deeply into the rainy day fund. also at a time when other governors were cutting back and furloughing their employees, this governor was able to keep many of his public sector employees on the payroll. >> but anderson, also i want to defend perry here a little bit. it was their money originally. washington did take it from all the states. and you can't blame governors in democrat or republican from trying to get their money back. >> i want to play what you referenced about the comments he made about the fed chairman bernanke. i want to play that for our viewers in case he didn't see it.
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>> if this guy prints more money between now and the election, i don't know what y'all would do to him in iowa but we would treat him pretty ugly down in texas. i mean, printing more money to play politics at this particular time in american history is almost trees treasonous. >> does perry have a problem with the swagger on the campaign trail that is what a lot of his supporters love about him. >> on the one hand he demonstrates strength. right now people feel the president has lost control of washington, is on all sides of everything. but a president is someone who's got his finger on that nuclear button. you want somebody in that big chair in the oval office that's solid and steady and you can count on. and when you shoot from the lip, that doesn't convey that. what does it do? it scares suburban voters. it scares swing voters. and one thing republicans want
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more than anything this election is a candidate who can beat barack obama in the fall. also texas is a big state, you know, they're allowed to have big oil and big business and big colorful language. but if perry develops a pattern of this, it again is something that's going to hurt him in the fall. and that will hurt him in the primary. >> donna, do you think the white house cease perry as the most potent republican candidate right now? >> i think the white house should not take any of the republican candidates for granted. they should be concerned about all of them, including michele bachmann and mitt romney. that said, i thought he made a very big mistake in the first 72 hours of his introduction to the country. people might know him down in texas. in fact, louisianaens know him quite well and perhaps people in arkansas. but the majority of voters do not know rick perry. they don't know his record. they don't know his background. they don't know the fact that he's a former democrat. he was a democrat until 1989. so during this period of introduction, what voters are looking for especially
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republican side is somebody who can beat barack obama. but what the country's looking for is somebody who can lead the country at a very difficult time to help grow the economy. and i tell you, when they heard rick perry the other day they probably said, we'll take a pass on him. >> that's the worst thing i've heard yet that rick perry was a former democrat. the only thing worse is being a current democrat. oh, my! >> you know what? he only left because he couldn't stand the water. >> i'll leave it there. donna brazil, alex castianos. up next, the battle to control libya. rebels with the help of air power appear to be moving closer to tripoli. we'll speak with two reporters on the ground in tripoli and with the opposition. we'll give you the latest. also our 360 special investigation calling it ungodly discipline. parents who believe the bible tells them to physically discipline their kids. we're talking about hitting with rods, wooden spoons, belts. led to one little girl's death. we'll speak to a woman who was beaten by her parents. we'll talk about how many
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pastors these days are encouraging parents to do this and how that information is being misinterpreted and abused by some parents. we'll be right back. the eagle flies at dawn. the monkey eats custard. price-line ne-go-ti-a-tor. so, you've been double crossed by other travel sites and now you want to try the real deal. yes, is it true that name your own price... even easier? affirmative. we'll show you other people's winning hotel bids. so i'll know how much to bid... ...and save up to 60% i'm in i know the lady in leather travels on three wheels. wait, is that code? that's my secret weapon... ...naomi pryce see winning hotel bids now at priceline. [ mrs. davis ] i want to find a way to break through. to make science as exciting as a video game. i need to reach peter, who's falling behind.
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we'll talk with sara sidner with the opposition pors forces. tripoli still in gadhafi's hands as is the area in red. the rebels, the opposition forces now control regions to the east, the south and west of contributely, the area in green. nato says they're making advances in the city of zlitan and the rebels say they control parts of the key city of zawiya. the fighting there has been bloody. zawiya is a strategic supply route to libya. a commander said gadhafi's reports are staging fierce resistance. a government spokesman dismissed talk of rebel control of zowiya and said the supply route is secure. sara snidener, you talked to people coming out of zowiya today.
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what's the latest from there? >> certainly the families are quite scared because they were mentioning there was heavy shelling early in the morning that. had continued throughout the day. they were scared for their families and the safety of their children. we did see car loads literally of families leaving zowiya because they were afraid number one for being hit but also afraid of the reaction gadhafi forces knowing the rebels are inside that city trying to push them out. it gives you some sense of the fact rebels are not in full control of that estimate we also talked to a colonel who had just left zowiya and he did mention the fact they are not in control of the city, in control of part of the city but the gadhafi forces are in control of the rest. snipers near hospitals. people are scared. he understands why people are leaving. >> sara, early on there was such a huge problem with the opposition forces, with their lack of training, with their
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lack of discipline, with them firing in the air, them just going hell mel toward the frontline and retreating quickly. have they become a lot more disciplined, a lot more organized? >> i think it's fair to say that they have become quite a bit more disciplined, although, anderson, today we saw people shooting in the air randomly celebrating in some way or trying to get the morale up by doing that sort of thing, which commanders we had talked to early on in the beginning really of this conflict who said we're trying to stop that, it's a waste of ammunition. but still it persists. however, it does seem they have become much more coordinated. but this is really important to mention. almost every single significant gain that rebels have made have been made only because they've had nato's help. and the same is going on with the areas in and around zowiya. they have had air strikes quite helpful to the rebels. we know that was the case in mizrata and ben ghazi and quite a few other cities.
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without that help there's a lot of questions as to whether or not these rebels can become strong enough to actually hold these cities and push forward towards tripoli where gadhafi has the most fire power and has the most support. >> matthew, in tripoli, if the opposition forces were able to take full control of zowiya, how big a setback would that be for the gadhafi regime? what would it mean? >> i think it would be a devastating setback for a number of reasons. it's the main supply route to the west. that means tripoli would have to go without food stuffs, fuel splice and things like that. there's also an oil refinery in zowiya, one of the two that is controlled by the gadhafi regime at the moment. it would have a big impact if that's lost to the rebels. they'd be short of gasoline for their military efforts. but more than anything else it would be the enormous psychological impact inside the
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capital that in all three sites there, on all four sides if you include the sea, the people of this city would be essentially cut off. and that would put enormous pressure on the people here. the idea they couldn't escape into neighbor tunisia whenever things got tough. i think that's the real importance for this battle anderson. >> and government officials have routinely made up ridiculous and absurd stories and told lies. how are they characterizing the current situation? >> reporter: well, if they're concerned about being encircled by the rebels on these three different sides they're certainly not talking about it publicly. they're being very defiant, characteristically defiant speeches from the leader himself, gadhafi, urging thousands of people who gather in the main square in central tripoli every night, urging them to be ready and to take up arms and to prepare to defend the capital, tripoli.
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but certainly the belief here is that the government will know very well that circumstances with which they're now confronting and i expect that behind closed doors they're very worried about it indeed. >> matthew chance, appreciate it. sara sidner as well. stay safe coming up the ridiculist is ahead. stick around for that. it involves a french actor who you may know european nagt on urinating on an aircraft the united nations is moving some of its personnel out of syria because of increasing violence. 26 non-essential staff members and their families will be relocated. a top u.n. official was especially concerned about the crackdown by security forces in the city of latakia new questions about the stage collapse at the indiana state fair. a fair spokesman tells indiana station wish that the crowd should have been told that the national weather service had issued a severe thunderstorm warning for the fairgrounds area. the collapse killed five people
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and injured dozens more. for the second time since sunday, hackers have struck a san francisco bay area transit web site and published personal information about 102 transit officers. a group known as anonymous claims responsibility on twitter. it's the latest controversy surrounding the bay area rapid transit system after an officer shot and killed a homeless man last month and take a look at this. a scary scene in queen queens, new york. a driver was pulling a salt truck into a repair bay in a depot when it smashed through a second floor wall. and as you can see, dangled over a group of parked cars. >> wow! >> six hours later, cranes pull the truck back into the building. thankfully the driver is said to be fine. but as you can imagine, anderson, really shaken up. >> was the driver stuck in there the whole time do we know? >> six long hours. >> wow! that's incredible! how scary was that? time now for the shot tonight. we have a rapping delight from kind of an unlikely source.
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not talking about the young sorority ladies from last night. one miss ann hathaway puts them all to shame on conan. she raps her troubles away about the paparazzi. take a look. >> it's in the style of lil wayne. >> okay. >> you,i'm a paparazzi, i don't play no yahtzee. i go pop pop pop pop my camera's up your crotch. see i tell the truth from what i see and sell it to caress l.t. don't call me discussy making money, that's my job so let photography. hell no i'm not needy. i'm legit. don't act so hotsy to thesy, bitch. i know you're from jersey. pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop scream all you want won't may me stop. pop pop pop pop pop pop pop i know you love to feel my pop. [ cheers and applause ] >> oh, my! >> yeah. she committed to it. i like that. >> you know, as the cool people say, she's feroc.
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>> who says that? >> the cool kids. you don't know any cool kids. >> clearly not, actually. >> clearly not. >> yeah. oh, well. >> you going to bust some lyrics sometime soon? >> is that what the cool kids say? >> that's what the cool kids say. bust some lyrics. i could see you doing some vanilla ice. >> are you mocking me? >> no. does its sound like i'm mocking you? >> yeah, kind of. vanilla ice. doesn't he have a reality show now? >> yeah, he does. >> all right. >> all right. bye bye. >> bye bye. serious stuff ahead, more of our 360 investigation. parents who believe the bible tells them they should physically discipline their kids. we're not talking about slapping with an open hand. talking about using belts and rods. hear one woman describe how she and her siblings were beaten by their father who's a church pastor. a number of pastors now are talking about using this kind of punishment that actually causes pain. the question is are some parents hearing this and misusing that or misinterpreting that to justify their own bad parenting?
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we'll talk about that ahead. there are also major new developments in the case of the american woman missing in aruba. police have learned new things about her traveling companion. details ahead. [ man ] they said i couldn't win a fight. but i did. they said i couldn't fight above my weight class. but i did. they said i couldn't get elected to congress. but i did. now i'm trying to make it in music. ♪ sometimes when we touch ha ha! millions of hits! [ male announcer ] the new hp touchpad starting at $399.99. ♪ [ martin luther king jr. ] i still have a dream that one day on the red hills of georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. i have a dream today!
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the basis of our investigation was the death of a 7-year-old girl whose parents pleaded guilty to killing her. according to california authorities, the couple said they beat their kids regularly because god wanted them to. among the items found in their home was a book called "to train up a child" which confirmed their belief. gary tuchman visited the author of the book. minister michael pearl and his wife debbie demonstrate how they believe god wants them to discipline children. >> rubbing the spaghetti all over your head, you shouldn't have done that at 7 years of age. >> okay. that hurts. i'm 50. >> are there any marks on you? >> no. you would hit a 5-year-old like that? >> sure. >> many fundamentalist preach evers agree with mr. pearl. one exam will is the leader of the fair haven baptist church in indiana. this is part of a sermon he gave
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last month. >> this evening i would like to preach on spanking according to the bible. now, this is not a new subject here at fairhaven baptist church. >> he then talked about the proper way to administer discipline. >> what is a rod? i don't think it's a ball bat. i don't think it's a club or whatever the parent can grab at the moment. the rod and scriptures never carefully define but it's obviously some kind of a stick or a switch and this is it. it's designed to give a sharp, unpleasant pain. if that isn't the result of your spanking, then you're failing. a sharp, unpleasant pain. >> fairhaven is part of the network of independent
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fundamentalist baptist churches and it raises questions if people are using the bible to justify their own bad parenting or misinterpreting things. jocelyn zichterman grew up in the fundamentalist church. she says she and her siblings were beaten what was your upbringing like? you underwent what i think was called biblical chastisement. what did that actually mean? >> there are a large network of churches known as the fundamentalist churches, but they believe in something called breaking the will of a child. so my father was an ifb pastor. currently is an ifb pastor and practiced this form of discipline that is advocated in the book "to train up a child." the beating sessions could last for 15 minutes to several hours at a time. basically these pastors believe
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that a child needs to have no will of their own. they will continue to administer discipline until a child is completely docile in a way that they show no negative emotion. that's the goal in the discipline session. >> all these pastors say, look, we're not calling for abuse of a child. we're not calling for -- this can be misused by bad parents out there who act out in anger and are irresponsible but that's not what they're calling for. >> that's right. even in the segment in the past two nights michael pearl said that he does not advocate anyone spanking a child in anger or being out of control. that's what's really difficult to explain to outside ifb because ifb pastors are not advocating losing control and beating a child to death. these pastors are advocating a very systematic form of punishment that outside of their community would be referred to as abuse but inside it's caught
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spiritual spanking. so it's a matter of semantics. they would say you shouldn't lose your temper, you shouldn't be out of control. when we hear of parents who kill children in our country we think of parents who lost control completely and then it ended in the death of a child. but these parents are making a conscious decision to beat a child for several hours at a time because it's something that's embedded within their belief system. >> you run a website called freedom from where you try to bring together people who say they were victims of abuse at the hands of their parents who believe they were following biblical rulings. but i mean plenty of parents believe in some form of corporal punishment. >> you think of corporal punishment in our country, most people would say or i think majority of people at this point in time would say at a time or two i swatted my 2 or 3-year-old on the butt when they ran out into the street. that's not what's promoted within this group.
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this is a systematic form of brainwashing of these children to again to break them completely of a will. we were to be completely submissive. here's another way i would explain it. you can imagine a 3 or 4 year old being spanked, the parent is laying the child down. they are spanking them. and if you're a 3 year old, you're going to squirm during a spanking session like that. and that squirm is a revelation to them that child is exerting their will and that will need to be broken so the parents continue to spank. so in the lydia shatz kates, i believe they interpreted any kind of bodily movement of lydia's as a willful spirit that they needed to break, and so that's why the session lasted as long as we've heard of seven hours. >> i guess, i mean, there's clearly abuse and in the lydia case i don't think anybody in this church would say that was acceptable and they would all say that's horrific. it seems like -- is it fair to be casting aspersions against an
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entire church organization opposed to just bad individuals who clearly abused a child? >> i think that that's where the history of the ifb has come into light now. abc "20/20" did a documentary they called shadowed faith in which they took a year to do a piece on this culture. and the findings were yes, this is what's being taught from the pulpits of these ifb pastors. >> we called the church for a response and talked to the pastor and did not get a response but we look forward to continuing that discussion. jocelyn, i appreciate your time tonight. thank you very much. >> sure. up next, new twist in the case of an american woman who vanished while vacations in aruba including new blood evidence and an insurance policy taken out on her before the trip. and the ridiculist coming up.
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[ male announcer ] this is what it's like getting an amazing discount on a hotel with travelocity's top secret hotels. the easy way to get unpublished discounts of up to 55% off top hotels. harpist not included. ♪ >> up next, new twist in the case of an american woman who vanished while vacationing in >> police say that man gary giordano had taken out insurance policy of robin gardner. a bloody handprint was found on a stone where the couple had been snorkeling. marty savidge joins me from aruba with the latest. marty, what details do you know about a bloody handprint on a
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stone where they were allegedly snorkeling? >> reporter: this is coming to us from a couple of different sources. when i talked to investigators directly about them finding blood evidence at the scene there, they said only that they couldn't confirm it. they couldn't deny it. they called it interesting which of course would be a lot more than interesting. it could be absolutely key to their investigation. sources we talked to close to that investigation say it was blood on the rocks or blood on stones and some said it was actually a bloody handprint. the reason this all works out is they need to know if it was human, is it robyn gardner's blood or someone unrelated. that's what they want to find out right away. if he's telling a story that she's lost at sea in a snorkeling accident, that's not bloody. that would be a significant find for authorities but they have a lot to run down on that yet. >> what about the stories or allegations that he took out a travel insurance policy for robyn gardner?
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>> reporter: yeah, again that is huge. if in fact it turns out. again, when i talked to authorities about the insurance plan, they said yes, indeed. they knew that gary giordano had taken out insurance for himself and robyn gardner. i said how did you find out? they said he told us. this was information that came to light in the very first interrogation that they did of gary giordano. it was in the first statement he made. apparently he admitted he took out insurance. he called it and it's what authorities call it. travelers insurance. in other words, if you got sick or ill while traving on a vacation you would be transported back to the united states. the real question is there an accidental death benefit and who would benefit as a result of that? the authorities don't talk about the amount and they don't talk about who would benefit. we talked to other people who again are close to this investigation and say that gary giordano told authorities that it wasn't he that was going to benefit but the money if robyn were to die would go to her
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mother. >> is he in custody now or what's his situation? >> reporter: he is in custody. prior to the first -- i believe it was 12 days that he was in custody, he was actually held at a police station. he's now because his stay will be extended in detention for 16 more days, he's been moved to the correctional institute of aruba. he's in prison. you might not believe this but his life actually got better. he has more space and gets to talk to people. something he couldn't do at a police station. >> martin, appreciate the update. isha is following some other stories for us including new information about another aruba disappearance. >> joran van der sloot, the former prime suspect in natalee holloway's disappearance could be freed by december if prosecutors don't file their case by then. the family of stephany flores who was found dead in van der sloot's hotel room is urging prosecutors to act soon.
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>> standard & poors is reportedly under investigation by the justice department for the ratings given to mortgage bond deals in the years leading up to the financial crisis. that according to the "new york times." the times reports the justice department is looking into whether s & p business managers overruled analysts on deals to potentially earn more lucrative fees. casey anthony's lawyers are still fighting to keep her from having to return to orlando. they're asking an appeals court to overturn a ruling that says she has to return to serve a year's probation on her check fraud conviction. the attorneys argue she already served that probation while she was in jail waiting for her murder trial to start. the ruling says anthony has to come back to orlando by august 26th. police in florida say they headed off a columbine-style massacre arresting a 17-year-old former student who planned to kill dozens in an attack he allegedly outlined in a manifesto found in his home.
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officials at university of miami, meanwhile, say they're cooperating with an investigation into claims by a former supporter that he spent millions on gifts, entertainment, travel and prostitutes for football players at the school. her man shapiro now serving a 20 year sentence for fraud told yahoo! sports that several coaches were aware of his gifts over an eight-year period. stock of abercrombie & fitch fell one day after the retailer slammed this guy. michael the situation sorrentino by offering to pay him and his pals on "jersey shore" to stop wearing abercrombie clothes. did investor outrage over the offer fuel selloff? analysts say -- some are skeptical about this story including mtv. in a statement the spokesperson
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says "it's a clever p.r. stunt and we'd love to worm with them on other ways they could leverage "jersey shore" to reach the largest youth audience on television." now back to you, anderson. >> isha, thanks. coming up, gerard depardo takes a leak on a plane and i'm not talking about the root vegetable. the ridiculist is next. [ male announcer ] this is lisa, who tries to stay ahead of her class.
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tonight we're adding gerard depardieu noted french actor, academy award nominee, public urinator. last night on a flight from paris to dublin, depardieu reportedly peed on the floor. apparently the plane was on the tarmac and the flight attendant said he'd have to wait until takeoff to use the bathroom. so he created his own lit jet stream. when i first heard this story this morning i thought there was no way it was real. but the airline city jet confirmed it beyond any shadow of skepticism. "as you may have seen on the news, we are busy mopping the floor of one of our planes this morning. we'd also like to remind all passengers that our planes are fully equipped with toilet facilities." hmm. city jet? i would have guessed he flies incontinental. incontinental. anyway, while the airline was busy putting the p back in p.r. some passengers couldn't hold it anymore and started spilling their version of the incident to the press. can you blame them? they saw an actual thespian actually thespeeing.
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oh, it's full of puns. this probably won't come as a shock, but several passengers say depardieu was, you guessed it, visibly drunk. but i think there's another explanation. see, as a celebrity he's not accustomed to being told he can't do things he wants to do when he wants to do them. things like going to the bathroom. no, he's probably used to being pampered. i'd go as far as to say he depends on it. put a graphic in case you didn't get the reference. depends on it. but it's kind of sad when you think about it. this guy has been in hundreds of movies. will he be remembered for "cyrano de bergerac "or "green card"? probably not. this is probably go down as his number one role. would you stop laughing? it's distracting. now we know he doesn't have any stage friegt when it comes to public urination maybe he can get together with his fellow cast members of of "la vie en
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rose" they could have a pee off. some unlucky cleaning crew had to deal with this. they can thank their lucky stars it wasn't depardoo. sorry. that made me giggle every time i read it. he hasn't commented on this incident [ laughter ] depardoo. i know you got it [ laughter ] all right. sorry [ laughter ]
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sorry. this has actually never happened to me. [ laughter ] >> you can see this on youtube if you don't think -- [ laughter ] all right. sorry. he hasn't commented on the incident, but if i know the european celebrity spin machine, and i think i do, there will probably be some excuse like he was doing research for a movie role. as we speak i bet somewhere in paris a screenwriter is furiously typing out a piece about the periodic misadventures of an overgrown drunk french 2-year-old. his p.r. people say he want drunk and he tried to discreetly pee in a bottle but i'm not sure that holds water. this was in the papers but it's yellow journalism and soon will be flushed from our memories. so just go with the flow on the ridiculist. that's it for 360. thanks for watching.
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