tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 24, 2011 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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to hold the upscale support and allow huntsman to introduce himself to the voters where he's kind of a blur to everyone right now. >> thank you both so much. we will take another snapshot look at this race, i'm sure, in the months to come. thank you, guys. >> thank you, candy. and that is pretty much all from us tonight. thank you so much for watching. "ac 360" starts right now. >> candy, thanks very much. again tonight, two big breaking stories to tell you about, one is hurricane irene, now officially a major storm. the view here from space t is huge. category 3, and getting stronger this hour. now pointed straight at the carolinas and threatening the entire northeastern seaboard. we'll have more details about that tonight. the other breaking story, of course, libya and the hunt for gadhafi. this guy took this out of his palace, now they want the head that goes with the cap. they're willing to pay $2.5 million for the dictator, dead
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or alive, they say. one of his sons still at large, is sending e-mails to our nic robertson. nic just got another one a few minutes ago and he joins us shortly. in the meantime, heavy fighting today in tripoli. take a look. street battles all day. this is from the capital's eastern neighborhoods not far from the airport. the field in opposition still taking heavy shelling from nearby loyalists. in the last hour or two, the two sides have exchanged artillery throughout the day. opposition commanders have been trying to direct fire to minimize civilian casualties. gadhafi forces are intertwined amongst the population. in southern tripoli, similar disdain for civilian lives.
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taking pot shots at people. to the east, new video of the damage that loyalist fighters are leaving behind as they retreat. these are the oil facilities still burning nearly a week after they fled. before they did, they fired shells into the tank, causing this inferno right there. on the road from sa wa hi yeah from tripoli, capturing four journalists. 33 others, including cnn's matthew chance, went free today after that harrowing ordeal, held at gun point by loyalist thugs who did not know gadhafi was gone. here's how it played out. >> they're negotiating for this crisis. this terrible experience. [ inaudible ] they're carrying
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the orders out. for them the whole world has changed. >> good luck. >> good luck. bye, guys. good luck. at one point, an assault rifle was thrown across the room into the kitchen, and the restaurant area. and the whole situation changed. all the guards there, the two guards were in the lobby of the hotel. gadhafi loyalists, right up until beyond the end, you could say. they basically came over to us, and they said, look, you know, we're not going to stop you from leaving anymore. all we have to do then is arrange some kind of transport back to the hotel.
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they came up with four cars. they were taking civilian vehicles. as we speak we're making our way to a safe location elsewhere in the city. >> this is cnn. >> hi. >> that was grace. she was there for all of us, all of the journalists there. it was crucial. she was doing much of the negotiation with the gadhafi gunmen downstairs in the lobby. she was taking it on her shoulders to do it. it was remarkable. what an amazing producer, to produce us out of this horrific place. i don't think we'd all be here now. literally, she was that good.
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>> behind the scenes look of how it ended. matthew chance joins us now. matthew t is so nice to see you out of that hotel. so many people here and all around the world were concerned about all that you who were trapped in that hotel. as you look back on it now, what was the most difficult moment? and i know you can speak more freely now. what was the most difficult moment? >> well, first of all, we're really grateful, all of us, all the journalists, me and all the other journalists trapped inside the hotel, held there against our will. grateful for all the support we've been getting, on twitter, on various other messages that have come to us. it's been absolutely fantastic.
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it really means a lot to us. and it's difficult, anderson, to say which was the worst time. i think it was probably -- because there were so many of them. we were lying on our bellies at one point. hoping the shells coming into the compound weren't going to hit us. and there were snipers firing into the hotel at various points during the fight. basically we were kept there against our will. but i think the worst time is when we realized quite early on in the situation, we found ourselves in, that, you know, we had lost control of the situation. that, you know, all these scenarios started playing out in our heads. we started getting paranoid, that we could be used as human shields if gadhafi's remnants of his army decided to use the hotel to make their last stand. maybe we were going to be taken prisoner properly. maybe we were going to be
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executed. all of these things were ticking through our heads. it was when we realized this could end really badly for us, and when that sank in to us, i think that was sort of the turning point. and it was early on in this situation. and from them we were really focused on working out solutions, working out answers to various scenarios, what we would do if such-and-such happened. and it was a very traumatic time throughout that period. but it's difficult to pinpoint what exact moment which was the worst. >> we were very careful on this program, and i think everybody at cnn, and many other networks, not to use the word hostage. not to say that you were being held hostage. now that it is over, looking back on it, at the time, were you being held hostage? >> you know, we certainly felt like we were. we certainly had had our right to leave taken away from us.
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we weren't being permitted to leave. and in that sense, we were being held in captivity against our will. we felt like hostages. we felt like victims. we felt in a lot of danger. and, you know, it was also very frustrating, because we were so cut off from the outside world and from tripoli, that we didn't even know what was going on outside the walls of the hotel. you know, in terms of what news developments were happening. it was very difficult for us to get communications out, as you know. so we couldn't even do our work. which is, you know, which is what we were all there to do. so it was immensely frustrating. and yet i think there was a sense in which we all felt that we were hostages. but we're still a little puzzled as to why we were being held hostage in that way, why we weren't being permitted to leave. that's still a bit of a mystery to us. >> in this kind of situation, you know better than anybody, people do not act rationally and things happen that are not
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rational. nevertheless, they happen and people suffer because of it. it was fascinating to see your producer negotiating that shot of her negotiating, you saying she played an instrumental role in getting everybody out. what sort of discussions was she having with these gunmen who were controlling the hotel? >> well, jamana is a very persuasive person. she's able to -- she's an arab. she's from jordan. and she speaks fantastic english, she speaks fantastic arabic. and she's able to connect with people in the arab world, because she speaks the language, because she is an arab herself. and she was able to persuade eventually the gunmen who were in the lobby of the hotel, the gadhafi loyalists who were preventing us from leaving, she was able to, you know, persuade
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them that the situation outside the gates at the hotel were -- had changed. that the world had essentially changed for libya outside of the gates of the hotel. i think jamana was instrumental, looking back on our sort of ordeal over the past five or six days in the hotel, she was instrumental in getting those gunmen to make that sort of transformation between -- from being these people who were kind of following the orders of colonel gadhafi for 42 years, that man's been a dictator of this country, everything he says is law, that transformation into people who realized that that was no longer the case, that he's no longer in power, that it didn't matter that they ordered them to keep us in the hotel. because he was no longer, in many ways, no longer relevant in libya. and once that transformation happened, the whole situation changed. the guards literally, you know,
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they gave us their weapons and said we don't want them anymore and apologized to us and said, you can go free now. jamana was great in achieving that. we all worked towards that goal. but jamana and the other arabic speakers, all played a part in achieving that really positive outcome. >> very briefly, do you know what has happened to those gunmen now? you said they gave up their weapons to you. have they just tried to kind of disappear? >> well, i hope so. i mean, certainly one or two of them were, i think, in the end very good people. they were following orders. this was their jobs. they were just doing what they were told to do and they weren't very aggressive to us. there were much more others who were aggressive and hostile. i hope they've melted away and sort of reinvented themselves into what is essentially a new libya, anderson.
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>> matthew chance, again, so remarkable and so great to see you. thank you very much, matthew. stay safe. be careful there. let us know what you think on facebook, twitter, i'll try to tweet throughout the hour. the battle for the airport is still going on as we speak. we're going to check in live. also more on the $2.5 million question, where is moammar gadhaf gadhafi. a bounty put on his head dead or alive. any new clues to his whereabouts. >> stunning news, breaking news out of silicon valley. steve jobs, the co-founder and ceo of apple is stepping down. he's been on medical leave recently. he says, i have always said if there ever came a day when i could no longer meet my duties and expectations as apple's ceo, i would be the first to let you know. unfortunately that day has come. more on this, and more
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trying to gain control of this airport. they have -- i think we're pretty -- we're pretty okay where we are right now. that is rebel fighters shooting out of the airport complex. now, what they're trying to do is push these gadhafi fighters back. they've entrenched themselves in these villages along the eastern part of the airport. >> that was arwa damon just this morning in the middle of the battle to hold on to tripoli's international airport. the opposition took it yesterday. they control it now. they're still fighting to keep it. they've been exchanging artillery and gunfire all day. just in the last hour or so, a big problem, loyalist forces are fighting from popular areas, returning fire. it puts civilians at risk. arwa damon joins us now. arwa, you've been in the thick of it all day. what is the latest there? is the opposition still struggling to keep ahold of the
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airport? >> well, anderson, the incoming artillery, the incoming ground rocket fire was just so intense, that we actually had to move our live position inside. the rounds were coming too frequently, and too close. at one point they did manage to hit it with one of the aircraft on the tarmacs. it went up in flames. there was an explosion. there was heavy exchanges of machine gunfire. it was relentless. and it intensified throughout the night. it's only just short of a slightly calmed down in the last hour or so. and the senior commanders here believe that the reason why there's been such an effort by gadhafi forces to try to retake control over this airport is because he believes that gadhafi loyalists are trying to clear a route for gadhafi and his family members to somehow escape. the rebels do not control the area to the east of the airport. there's two military bases located there.
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it is populated with gadhafi loyalists, we're told. the chunk of highway that runs south from tripoli to the airport complex here, anderson. >> is the fighting there strictly between the opposition forces, the opposition and forces loyal to gadhafi, or is nato involved as well or the ground rocket batteries in two civilian areas for nato to actually take out? >> yeah, we've been hearing the nato jets overhead pretty much ever since we got here a few days ago. but when it comes to what was happening today, we were hearing the jets overhead then as well. but the opposition fighters were telling us that the nato jets were unable to fire on these particular locations, because these gadhafi forces are literally using these villages for cover, and there are great concerns about civilian casualties. but it's so frustrating for the rebels who are based here,
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because they're so bogged down in trying to protect the airport, that they haven't been able, they say, to get out there, go after the gadhafi loyalists. more importantly, trying to go after gadhafi himself. >> one other quick question. if there's a no-fly zone, which there is, you're saying some senior commanders believe maybe they're trying to fight, to retake the airport so that gadhafi or family members could get out by aircraft. but there's a no-fly zone, wouldn't nato jets be able to shoot down any aircraft that took off from there? >> well, it's not necessarily so that they could actually retake the airport and then fly one of the planes that's located here. it's more so that they can clear a land escape route for them. they're speculating that gadhafi would be trying to either go to the central south or swing up to his hometown located just to the east. >> arwa, i also want to bring in
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tom byrnes, spent a lot of time there. you think there's a good chance gadhafi may have been at the hotel where the journalists were held. why do you think that? >> well, first of all, let's say something clearly here about gadhafi. we're dealing with a man who is delusional, who has been in the estimate of a number of people who have met him in the last 20 years, bordering on the edge of insanity. i personally was kicked out of libya for using the word wacko describing his behavior. so trying to project what he might do or where he may be is extremely difficult. the best we can say, is this is an extremely quirky character who might do anything. but if you ask me to bet, we know now that he's very unlikely to be in the rixos. that was unlikely after the last guards keeping those journalists
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there in place and handed over their weapons. that makes it highly unlikely that he would be in any subterranean complex there, close to the family's ties aren't at that hotel. his son was actually the one who caused that hotel to be built, completed 18 months ago. i would say, look at gadhafi, what's he saying. he's saying in effect, i hate to draw the analogy, because in scope and scale and murderousness, there's no comparison, but gadhafi shared one characteristic with adolph hitler, who died in his own bunker by his own happened, which is that he identifies himself with the libyan people. he is utterly resistant to any idea there could be any separation of those two entities. he is libya. and he has said repeatedly that it is the duty of the people, something hitler also said, in effect to die for him. my guess is, that in his
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delusional state, hard as it is to project what he might do, he would be most likely to stay somewhere in that subterranean complex that is beneath and fans out from his command complex. but frankly, who knows. >> arwa, if gadhafi did want to escape tripoli, and you talked about a possible land route near the airport, what are his options? >> well, he most certainly would have to obviously be heavily reliant on the network of liablists, that would already be in place. and also currently have to navigate his way to make sure that he's not crossing through rebel-controlled territory. that being said, rebel commanders also think it is highly likely he's wanting to go through the areas to the east of this location. because the rebels do not have control over it. and actually the rebel fighters were telling us that last night
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they believed they spotted a convoy that had an armored mercedes in it. they thought gadhafi could be traveling in that kind of convoy. but he would have to be reliant on very, very loyal individuals to make his way through this country, because the rebels control a good amount of land here. it would have to be a carefully and orchestrated operation. >> john, how important do you believe gadhafi being caught and captured and either killed or brought to trial is? i mean, both logistically but symbolically how important is it? >> i think it's symbolically essential. in fact, practically essential as well. and this rebellion has been about one thing, and that is getting rid of gadhafi. until he is gone, dead or alive, captured, that problem will not be solved. there will be the possibility, though, i think it's remote, of the kind of fight back saddam
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mounted from his underground, literally underground position near tikrit in 2003. that analogy can be very quickly overdrawn, because saddam, after all, had a call on a very large group of his in the iraqi population, many sunni, particularly sunni militants in what became very quickly a sectarian conflict. gadhafi, in my experience, does have, of course, the support of a fanatical entourage. but he had lost the support of the vast majority of the people of libya, including tripoli, including many of those people who had been closest to him for the last 40 years, including one very senior official who defected the other day, himself used the worked delusional, referring to the gadhafi he has known in recent years. so i don't think gadhafi really has that kind of support to call
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upon. and that's another reason why i think he would stick in libya. give the man credit, if you can call it that, for one thing. he has a gigantic pride, a gigantic sense of his own accomplishment and importance. he's not, i think, putting himself in a position readily where he can be accused of going out with a whimper rather than a bang, where his pride could be so low as to hide himself in the trunk of an automobile. and as for the fly-out option, i think that's absolutely impossible, because what country's going to take him. there's the shootdown possibility. it would be anybody who supported him in that. flying out of libya would be in effect doing something illegal under international law since he's indicted by the international criminal court. i think it's altogether likely he will make what will pass for some kind of martyrist's stand.
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i think it would be more likely in the end that we'll end up with a moammar gadhafi killed than captured. >> john burns, i appreciate you joining us. arwa damon, stay safe, please. saudi gadhafi, one of the three sons to be said in opposition custody is apparently at large. he sent an e-mail to cnn's nic robertson describing a sea of blood. we're talking about just literally a short time, before we went on air, receiving that e-mail. what saudi gadhafi is allegedly saying to nic in these e-mails. also ahead, the u.s. bracing for hurricane irene. the entire east coast being told to get ready. cities that don't often see the eye 6 the storm. a few of the rare times a hurricane has hit the northeast and the latest track for this storm. [ groans ] you okay?
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gunfire, even if it's celebratory, this gunfire, these bullets and these cannons and mortars, they have to fall somewhere. this is not a large open-spaced area. this is an urban setting. we're starting to see residents come out. and they're literally walking around with bowls on their head, made of steel, hoping not to get hit with anything. >> sara sidner doing incredible work there in tripoli. gadhafi's son wants a cease-fire to save tripoli from a sea of blood. we're going to talk to nic in just a moment. he just got another e-mail from saudi, one of the three gadhafi sons. it seems he's now out at large. how that happened, we don't know. same goes for gadhafi showing up outside of tripoli monday night. muhammad also escaped. nic robertson joins us with more
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on his exchange from saudi. saudi gadhafi, sent you an e-mail. now several e-mails. what is he saying? >> it started off, i sent him e-mails asking him, can you talk, i want to talk to you. and i was kind of surprised hearing that he had been captured, to get an answer back. he said, look, i want to negotiate a cease-fire in tripoli, a city of 2 million people. he said, i don't want this to turn into somalia. i don't want there to be seas of blood in the coming days and i want help in these negotiations. he said he's reached out to washington, reached out to nato. and this is -- and he wants help in doing this, anderson. >> now he's just sent you another e-mail. what does that say? >> well, there have been reports this afternoon that in tripoli, he was about to be captured. rebel forces had gone into one of the big hotels in the center
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of the city, to try to hunt him down. and i sent a message saying, so what happened? and his reply was, they didn't get here in time. or they didn't get there in time. i don't know if he's telling me straight up that he was there and they just missed him, or he's just playing around. clearly this is a guy, the rebels said they had, but he's still on the loose. in a way, he's cocking his nose at them, if you will. not clear if he's trying to negotiate, on what terms, he won't tell me the terms. it doesn't seem to me at least he can negotiate from a position of strength. he's on the run. but he says government forces are still loyal, and there's potential for more bloodshed. >> how do you know, or are you confident this is in fact from him, that these e-mails are in fact from him? >> when i was in tripoli earlier this year, i was there for about
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six weeks. the end of february, beginning of the nato bombing through march and early april. and over that period, i got to meet and talk with saadi gadhafi on a number of occasions. that's how i came to have his e-mail address. the response that i had, the language that is used, to me, it seems very clearly that it's him. perhaps the spelling errors, the grammatical use of language, the sentence structure, those things are exactly the same way that he would speak. of course, it could be somebody very clever mimicking him. but it was me that reached out to him, on his e-mail address. the indications to me, i haven't seen anything that isn't him so far. >> it's fascinating, because again, we're now yet another example where we've heard from opposition forces that this guy's in custody, yet again, like these now three of gadhafi's sons, that is clearly not the case. if it ever was the case. was he a player in his father's
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regime? would he have the power to negotiate something? >> you know, he was -- he was the person who was perhaps within the regime more behind the release of, the woman who was raped and got into the hotel with the journalists and beaten and dragged off and locked up again. we got to talk to her after she was released. he was involved in her release. he told us at the time he wanted to help. he seemed to have something of a humanitarian streak. but i don't know if he was just doing that for our benefit or if that's really the way he was. certainly the rebels believe he's responsible for many, many deaths, and part of an abusive regime. he was one of his father's sons, and the family held the power. if you were gadhafi here, you had power and authority and influence and money, which he did. he had all of those things. could he overrule his brothers?
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it seemed to me from our conversations that as the war got going proper, it was the family sticking together, and he was basically told to be quiet, sit on the sidelines and let gadhafi run the show. >> keep us updated on any more e-mails. nic mentioned al beatty, she's made it safely to the united states where she is now living. turning to a major concern, wmd, gadhafi did have them. nato started talking about how to secure libya's supply of mustard gas so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands. in may of 2010, fran visited high ranking officials. also with us tonight, general marks. first of all, mustard gas, what is it, and how deadly is it? >> well, it is deadly. and the issue really is that he has well over, i think the specific amount now is about
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25,000 pounds of this stuff. i don't know for sure. last count, inventory before it was starting to be reduced and rendered safe, he had close to 23 tons of this stuff. so the fact is, he also have pre cursors for saran gas. he's got yellow cake, and low enriched uranium. all of these facilities sadly are not being addressed in a very, very visible way, which needs to be job one at this point, anderson. this transition is all about ensuring that this stuff doesn't end up in the wrong hands. and it doesn't seem to be getting the discussion and the emphasis that it needs to have. >> fran, a lot of people probably rolled their eyes when they hear wmd, because it's a loaded term for what happened in iraq. but it's not just scuds and mustard gas, it's also shoulder-fired missiles. i remember in the wake of afghanistan back in the '80s when the cia was handing these out to the mujahadin, they were
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trying to get them back because of their potential lethality. there are missiles floating around in libya, that is incredibly scary where these could end up. >> that's right. as you point out, anderson, there had been for years this buy-back program, trying to actually buy them back, the ones that were out there. those programs were toned down over time. this is the sort of thing, though, especially when you think of the shoulder-fired missiles, we expect we probably would have seen that. nato has flown well over 7,500 air sortiz. if they were in gadhafi's hands and they had the ability to use them, you would think they would have used them by now. >> so you don't think they do have -- >> it's not clear to me how much of that stuff is left. look, during the bush administration, they handed over the nuclear weapons program. but there's a lot of this stuff out there. things like the mustard gas were of less concern, not as colonel
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marks points out, this is a deadly weapon. but how it was secured, the circumstances of it, and there are intelligence and military methods in order to surveil and to monitor those depots, that there was less concern over that. of course, you didn't contemplate complete chaos. >> general, i guess there's only two ways you can go about this, you can either put people on the ground to secure these locations in the interim, you can observe them from whatever intelligence capabilities we have. but there's also intelligence gathering that needs to be done. do we know, is that being done? is the national transitional council, are they onboard with trying to track this stuff down quickly? >> anderson, you just laid out what needs to take place. as i stated earlier, i'm the guy who was responsible for tracking wmd in iraq. let me tell you how that turned out. only because we didn't have sufficient folks on the ground, individuals, very robust human
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intelligence network that was surveying and going over each one of those facilities that we knew about. we certainly had national technical means where we could do it from standoff. but that didn't turn out very well. you needed to knock on the door, open the door and walk into the facility and start to inventory this stuff. the second most important thing is we knew that list was only as good as the very first interrogation we were going to conduct. you start to round up the senior people in gadhafi's regime, you interrogate those boys, and you start to determine what truth looks like in terms of these weapon systems. >> it's essential to do that quickly now, before they can get out to the borders. they dissipate, they disappear. >> that's right. these gadhafi forces that seem to have melted away, you know, when you look at gadhafi's compound yesterday, those are the people who would have known where those stores are, the most senior people like sanusi who is still at large. they have the ability to have the forces go and get those
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weapons, if there aren't people securing it, as spider marks points out. this is why you're hearing today from a lot of folks out of nato and the administration. >> up next, hurricane irene. the latest on this major storm, taking aim at the u.s. when it may make landfall, how strong it could get. where it may go. also, we're going to look at the damage that past hurricanes have done in new york and points north. also in crime and punishment tonight, a big insurance policy, and guess who was the beneficiary of it. we'll explain ahead. [ male announcer ] they'll see you...before you see them. cops are cracking down on drinking and riding. drive sober, or get pulled over. two of the most important are energy security and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create
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breaking news tonight. the entire east coast is being warned to get ready for hurricane irene. the two big questions are where will it hit and how strong will it be when it does hit. it has winds up to 120 miles an hour. there you see the track. come this weekend, it could threaten anywhere from the carolinas to the northeast. we can't be more precise at this moment than that.
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the folks in the carolinas are used to it by now. but it's been decades since the northeast has taken a direct hit from a hurricane. first let's take a look at what happens when the hurricane makes a rare stop in the northeast. you're watching pictures of the last major hurricane to hit the northeast coast exactly 20 years ago. this is hurricane bob back in august of 1991. the eye of the storm passed over rhode island before making landfall as a strong category 2, with winds of 115 miles per hour. bob was blamed for over $1 billion in damage, and 18 storm related deaths. just two months later hurricane grace also threatened as a category 2 storm, before being absorbed by an unusual weather system that led to the halloween nor'easter of 1991. later called the perfect storm. the storm lashed the east coast of the united states with pounding waves and coastal flooding. causing significant damage in massachusetts, maine, new hampshire and new jersey.
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nine people were killed in the storm, which produced 100-foot waves, equivalent to a ten-story building and inspired the novel which later became a movie. and then there's the so-called storm of the century. hurricane gloria in september of 1985, recorded winds of up to 150 miles per hour. gloria made landfall as a powerful category 3 storm in the outer banks of north carolina before rapidly moving up the east coast, making a second landfall on long island, then another in connecticut. causing significant damage up and down the east coast, and eight storm related deaths. hurricanes in the northeast are rare, but as hurricane irene approaches, meteorologists warn it could turn northward, threatening much of the east coast, with another potentially dangerous storm. let's get the latest on hurricane irene. chad myer joins us live. where is it headed? do we know when it's going to
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hit? >> it's headed right over the bo ham as right now. it will be close to nassau by about 8:00 tonight. it will eventually turn up to the northeast. the turn is what we're waiting for. it's the big turn, that right turn. without the right turn, it slams right into the carolinas. but it has been forecast for about ten days now for this to make that turn. and we're watching a little bit of a northward, just a little bit of a movement to the north here in the past hour and a half. that is probably the turn that we're waiting for. this is still going to be a category 4 hurricane. off the coast of florida. 135 miles per hour, over the bahamas, waves are still going to be enormous. the coastal flooding will still be great. we'll probably lose homes in some of these areas, just to erosion itself. then we move away from florida and into a very close brush, if not right on land, maybe mrhead city, cape hatteras, in the
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outer banks of north carolina. this is where it gets very scary. this is where it gets very bob-like, hurricane bob-like, where this thing could be anywhere as a category 2, # 00-mile-per-hour storm. on the left side of this cone it could be all the way to scranton, over new york city, and if it's on the right side, it's a complete gutter ball and it's a miss. this would be the best case for everybody, obviously. it may hit nova scotia or iceland from there. but the middle's right there, providen providence, rhode island, eventually making into land in canada. how do we get this cone? well, we get the cone by running all the computer models. we call them spaghetti models because it sort of looks like fettucini here. right through north carolina, most of the models left and right, half of them i'd say, out to sea, half of them onshore. so 50/50 shot of landfall there. this even gets scarier as we get
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closer and closer. earlier today we had a bunch of models out in the ocean. this latest model run, not very many in the ocean, if any at all. there's boston, the cape, new york city and the potential for 100-mile-per-hour storm in any one of these cities. >> wow. obviously we're going to be tracking this thing closely over the next couple days. up next, assessing the damage from yesterday's east coast earthquake. the washington monument taking a serious hit. plus, a new and possibly key development in the case of the american woman, robyn gardner, who vanished in aruba a few weeks ago. steve jobs re signs as the ceo of apple. c from your phone, on your stereo or see the photos you've taken on your tv. and if you want to share your favorite movie, that's easy too.
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million accidental death policy. a policy he himself took out. gary giordano is his name. seen in this photo released today. the picture was taken august 2nd. that's the day giordano told investigators he went snorkeling with her. marty, we've reported before that they each took out insurance policies for $1.5 million before their trip. so he is definitely the beneficiary of her policy? >> that's right. yeah, this is the first time authorities have come out and absolutely admitted that information. about a week ago i got ahold of the statement that gary giordano told authorities. and one of the things they asked him very quickly was about these insurance policies. he admitted they had the insurance policies, $1.5 million each. and they said who's the beneficiary? he said, you know, in my case, the beneficiary is my mother. but what was left out of that statement was, then who's going
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to benefit if robyn gardner shows up missing or dead. it's gary giordano. now you understand to the authorities, this is huge. this is the motive that they believe is behind all of what has taken place here. they say if anybody was going to make money on this, it's gary giordano. the question i had was, well, she would have had to have signed and named him as the beneficiary. could they tell us, perhaps it was a forged signature or do you think she signed this off willingly? the authorities wouldn't comment, anderson. >> it raises a whole heck of a lot of questions. these photos that have been released, where are they from? how did they come to be? >> these are pretty interesting photos. these are photos taken at the rum reef bar and grill. this is where they were having their meal. you are watching as gary and robyn walk away. this, by the way, is the last time we will see robyn gardner. and i asked the authorities, first of all, they're releasing
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them because they hope people on the island will see them in the clothes they were wearing, and this will have more eyewitnesses come forward and tell them how they may have seen this couple later. but i said, well, who took these pictures? i mean, who takes pictures of people walking away? the authorities said, actually, it was a worker at the bar whose daughter has ha toos, noticed the tattoos that robyn gardner has that are quite prolific and decided to take photos as she walked away. it sounds a bit bizarre. but those are the photographs, and they're out there now, and that is, as i say, we watch robyn walk away to a fate unknown. >> they're still searching for robyn gardner? >> yeah, they are. in fact, they are looking on land, even though gary giordano said it was at sea where she was lost on a snorkeling accident. they had a very extensive search on the southern part of the island that lasted six hours and found nothing. >> so sad. marty, great reporting. thank you again. isha sesay has an update.
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breaking news. steve jobs has resigned as ceo of apple. he said he could no longer meet his duties and expectations as ceo. he has been on medical leave since january. he'll stay on as apple's chairman. the company's former chief operating officer, tim cook, will take over as apple's ceo. the washington monument is cracked and closed, but other monuments in the nation's capitol have reopened, following yesterday's rare magnitude 5.8 earthquake on the east coast. authorities say the washington monument may not open to the public until after engineers fix the cracks at the top. civil sexual assault charges are still pending against dominic strauss kahn. prosecutors had requested the criminal charges be dropped after they began to question the credibility of the hotel
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housekeeper who leveled them. we'll see what happens next. >> we certainly will. certainly wish the best to steve jobs and his family. obviously got to be a difficult decision for him to be stepping down. isha, thank you very much. we'll be right back. we'll be on at 10:00, but back a little bit more tonight. we'll be right back. 50+ advantage one a ds has ginkgo for memory and concentration, plus support for bone and breast health. a great addition to my routine. [ female announcer ] one a day women's.
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