tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 29, 2011 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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question. >> i always said i would have a baby at 30. i'm 29. ztz exa >> exactly. >> but i also said i was going to retire at 30. >> could be a big year. >> i'm not retiring, i know. >> any word on any little jay-zs? >> no. >> will you tell me if there is? >> i will. >> no one knew, but i suspect by her little bump that beyonce knew, too. that's all for us tonight. congratulations to beyonce and jay-z. ac 360 starts now. >> good evening, everyone. floodwaters still rising from hurricane irene, rivers and streams still cresting as we speak, entire towns submerged or destroyed. this did not end when the wind died down. this was and continues to be a very big deal, and water is the
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reason why. you're looking where the town of prattsville, new york used to be. parts of it are gone. the town of about 600 people, parts of it washed away. everyone got away safely, but they don't have much to return to. this is what it looks like at ground level. a correspondent who shot this compared it to joplin, missouri after the tornado. she was stranded there by rising floodwaters. she joins us shortly still stranded there, actually, tonight. irene dumped as much as a foot of rain on the northeast onto already waterlogged ground onto already full rivers and waters. look at that truck trying to get through the water. that water has to go somewhere and it doesn't care who or what is in the way. from virginia to vermont, rivers and streams were overflowing, some now well above record flood levels or soon to be. largely because of the flooding, damage from hurricane irene could hit $7 billion, making it one of the ten most expense si disasters in american history.
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as many as 5 million people are still without power. lines are down everywhere it hit. some have been electrocuted, some drowned. the death toll rose to 27 when we learned of three new deaths in vermont. we'll learn of the deaths shortly, but first how we got there. saturday morning, 7:30 a.m., hurricane irene makes its first landfall as a category 1 hurricane. waves slammed the north carolina coastline as the storm passed winds of up to 85 miles an hour. >> look this way. nothing but rain. whipped by this wind. and again we're getting hit with some of those strong gusts right now. >> what you're looking at here is houses that are about underwater in places, and this is the bogue sound.
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you can see that. you're looking out right now at the bogue sound that has come inland here, and there goes the camera. you can feel the wind and the rain. we have waves literally racing inland. >> irene dumps more than 15 inches of rain here, causing massive flooding before moving north. in virginia, roads swell, streets full of water. >> it turned into a huge lake, and it's about a few blocks long and about four feet deep. that's way too deep for your car. >> irene is still a category 1 hurricane when it hits new jersey early sunday morning. heavy winds and driving rain pound the shoreline. >> these waves are scary. >> in long beach, new york, waves surged beyond barriers to protect the city. >> this is the boardwalk and it's breached it. still a huge, huge issue.
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>> a very serious storm, a category 1 storm. there have been fatalities. >> let's get out of here! get out of here! >> new york city is spared the brunt of the storm, only heavy rain and some flooding in some areas of lower manhattan. but as irene continues north, vermont is pummelled. >> i was just woken up about 15 minutes ago with a policeman knocking on my door telling me it was time to get out of town because we are flooded. >> hotels and residents are quickly evacuated as waters raged through borough, cresting the banks of the river. >> it's all the way through route 9 and bridges are out. main street is flooded. haven't seen it like this in a long time. >> reporter: with the waters continuing to rise in rivers and creeks in many states, heavy
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flooding could be a major problem in days to come. it's amazing how fast that water has come. waters still rising, vermont facing the worst flooding since 1927. this looks straight out of a picture postcard. one of those covered bridges just getting overcome with water, the water final rell treating in places but still cresting or yet to crest in others. we're joined now from fort wilson with gary. gary, what's the situation there? >> anderson, we're in the northern part of vermont near the state's biggest city of burlington, and these are the waters from the wimuski river. but we're nowhere near the wimuski river. the river is behind me about a quarter mile. this is just beginning to crest an hour after the worst tropical storm came through. but the worst damage is in the southern part of the state where we spent much of the day, and that's where creeks and brooks
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became raging rapids, hundreds of places that were just ponds where children used to swim became rapid. and in three cases, fatalities, three people have been confirmed dead in vermont, another person was missing. it's incredible, the sights we saw. in one particular place, we saw rapids go through a building, a building that collapsed. old-timers we talked to had never seen anything like this. the state had never seen flooding like this for more than eight decades. fortunately, the waters have been receding in parts of vermont, and many flooding has receded, but the problems don't, because many homes, hundreds of homes in the state of vermont are flooding flood right now, and as soon as these waters start to recede, these homeowners will see their homes are full of mud, too, with a lot of repairs to make. in the state of vermont, it's known for its green mountains, but it's inland, it's not known
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for hurricanes and tropical storms, and the people are suffering greatly today. back to you. >> gary, how long has the water been at that height at that location? >> right now, it's really in the process of cresting. within the next couple of hours, authorities believe it will diminish, and they think by tomorrow, all this water, a huge amount of water with a very strong current, they think it will all be gone. that's what's amazing about hurricanes and is tropical storms. you see all this water, and one of the cases of this, is is is where we spent a lot of time. this water will disappear, but the mud will remain, the problems will remain for a long time. >> no doubt about it. gary, be careful out there. a few hours west, a small town has suffered major damage. more video of the area around prattsville, new york, a town established back in 1824. a boom town thanks to local hemlock trees that were used for
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processing, but until the weather hit, there were about 80 homes occupied in prattsville. crews and our photographer both from kynn are responsible for the video you're seeing. i spoke to her a short time ago. megan, you said last night this town looked like it had been wiped off the map. >> oh, dwim. we arrived here probably in the late afternoon, and we didn't know what prattsville looks like. this is not in our usual coverage area, but when we came here, it was just all water. i would not have known there was an established community unless somebody had said, see that house there? there is supposed to be other houses around there. >> and you've been trapped there since last night, right? >> i have, i have. let me give you an idea of the flooding so you understand why we were trapped here last night. can you see where the creek is right now? imagine where i'm standing that creek flooded to this point and actually a mile out of town even more. so definitely this is flooding that no one has ever seen here
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before, and yes, all the other smaller roads around this area have been flooded, so we're being told there is no way for us to get out. >> so for residents there, what comes next? what will they be able to go back to their homes? s it's on a case by case basis. some their homes have been flooded throughout the basement, others not so much, or more, actually, so they're staying at the area's two shelters or their staying with family and friends on higher ground. it's different for every person, but a lot of people have been affected. if you could see the video we shot, this town has just been devastated. there are parts of the main street, there are plots of land that there used to be a gas station there, there used to be a home there, and all it is is land that's been completely swept away. right now it's just recovery on their mind. >> at this point, do they have a toll of how many properties have been destroyed, how many homes? >> no, they're still serving the area. what they do know is of the 800 residents in this town, all have
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been accounted for. they did have to rescue some people on sunday, but in terms of the people, they're fine, and they're still evaluating the property. >> and they're staying in town for the same reason? >> that's what i just heard. my assignment said they've spoken to the sheriff and the roads around us have not been open yet. i don't know, i'm hoping i can try to figure something out, but yes, it seems we might have to stay here another night. >> it's great they were able to rescue all the folks and no one lost a life or was really injured. megan cruz, good luck to you and your crew. appreciate the work and thanks very much. >> thank you. no problem. let's turn now to the bigger picture and where things go from here with chad meyers in the cnn weather center. >> just a lot of flooding still to go, because all this water that's up a hill has to come down a hill. we have all these purple maps now, all these purple spots. i want you to be able to go tonight to something called
7:11 pm if you're in any of these areas where the water has to run do downhill to get to the ocean or lake shchamplain, you can see wt your creek or body of water has to do. some people in north carolina had no idea what they were going to expect today: tornadoes. big storms right now. here's raleigh and those tornadoes, spinning storms headed out to the ocean, headed to the outer banks where they can't even get out of there at this point in time. the next thing i want to show you is is what rutland, vermont looks like. can't even get out of town. mr. ritter said can't get out of town at all. all the bridges are gone. then tropical depression number 12. it's katia, k-a-t-i-a is the
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pronunciation. it replaces katrina. it's the six-year anniversary of katrina today, and they recycle names every six years. katia a category 2 hurricane in five days. not too far from where irene was, but this looks like a right-turning gutterball than a landfalling hurricane. anderson, we all know about the forecasts, how they can come and go, turn left and right. still too early to tell. we'll keep watching. >> you see the pictures and hear the reporting and wonder what you can do. you can go to if you want to help those in the affected areas. we're going to stay on the story throughout the hour, update you with any developments. i'll try to tweet some tonight. up next, a cnn exclusive, nic robertson locating the pan am
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bomber, the only person held responsible for the bombing of that plane after those deaths. stayed alive for two years after getting out of prison. he appears to be in rough shape right now. you'll hear from his family about the outlook and what's happening in libya. convicted sex offender and child rapist warren jeffs. the latest on his condition, and his condition has taken a turn for the worse. we'll tell you why he is now in a coma. he looks completely different than he did a few weeks ago in trial. >> new reports tonight in the disappearance of robyn gardner who disappeared in aruba. a man made what sound like a stunning admission, and we'll see what authorities are doing about it in crime and punishment. that and more when we return. an] the network.
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dead, one of the dictator's sons. he was head of the 42nd brigade. that's a video of him visiting children in a hospital, reportedly shot. he died in a local hospital and was buried nearby. meantime, gadhafi's wife, his daughter asha, and two sons, han balan nibal and muhammad, fled. opposition fighters at hannibal's home uncovered case after case, hundreds of bottles of fine bordeaux, crystal champag champagne. and they found a woman who was tied and tortured by hannibal's wife, and she certainly looked at it. her failing was failing to beat hannibal's toddler who wouldn't
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quit crying. here's the report. >> reporter: we found al-megrahi in his villa outside town, at least six security cameras and floodlights outside. this is al-megrahi's house, this is where he's been living the last couple years. we're going to knock on the door and see if we can get an answer. hello! for 15 minutes or so, nothing. i'm not sure they've heard me, so let's try this, just shout over the wall. hello! hello, hello! then all of a sudden, someone comes. nothing prepares me for what i see. al-megrahi, apparently in a coma, his aging mother at his side.
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he had been expected to die almost two years ago, but convicted pan am flight bomber al-megrahi lives. this isn't how he lived when he was released from a jail two years ago. he came home to a hero's welcome, freed on compassion grounds because doctors said he would be dead in three months. >> the only man in libya held responsible for that bombing so far. nic robertson joins us from tripoli. you mentioned gadhafi's son, command a commandants of that militia, reportedly he's been killed. opposition forces have claimed before they've captured or killed people and it claimed not to be the case. >> that's right, in fact, they
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claimed hamis was killed on several occasions, and that turned out not to be true. he was killed on sunday about 40 miles southeast of tripoli. they say they buried his body in the desert, but they've put forth no real evidence. there are no images to corroborate their claims whatsoever. they have in the past made allegations that certain members of gadhafi's family have been detained. they then came out and admitted that was part of this psychological warfare. so until there's concrete evidence that he has, in fact, been killed, this should be treated with a certain level of skepticism, anderson. >> other members of the gadhafi clan have fled. do we know how they got there? it wasn't just a daughter, but another son muhammad and unid, i think it was? hannibal, i'm sorry. >> yeah, hannibal and his
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daughter fled. i think they believe they're south of the country and drove west of the border to algeria. algeria is the only country around here that still recognizes gadhafi as a legitimate ruler here and they say they've taken the family in on humanitarian grounds, but already the national council here says we want them back, we want to put them on trial on unspecified charges so far, and if algeria doesn't send them back, they'll be in an act of regression against the libyan people. they've really drawn a line in the sand here. you get the impression they don't want muammar gadhafi getting found. >> the sons, we've seen the son who is khamis who has allegedly been killed, have a very active role in the militia, in the
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government. are these sort of the playboy sons? i know there were a bunch who used to give a lot of money to american entertainers to perform in st. bart's and clubs, were they just doing business and traveling around the world? were they kind of playboys? >> it would appear to be the case. i mean, hannibal himself has had a number of instances where there have been allegations that during various visits to europe, he was beating up police officers on a number of occasions. he was also accused of beating up, breaking his wife's nose, even. as for mohammad, he is, if i'm not mistaken, gadhafi's oldest son from a different mother from hannibal as well. neither of these two sons have charges at this stage brought against them. the court in algeria saying they're allowing specific family members into the country on humanitarian grounds. but as nic a mentiis mentioning
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is not something they want to see as an option for gadhafi or for any of his other family members like khamis. >> we'll show you pictures of hannibal's home. we interviewed the nanny who said she had been badly burned with boiling water from hannibal's wife because she didn't beat their toddler son. quite a scene there. nic, you also have these remarkable images. you got into the home of the lockerbie bomber who was released by the scottish government two years ago. he looked in bad shape. i thought i saw pictures of him two months ago when he was visible at some event. it looks like he is declining very quickly. he wasn't faking it while you were there, was he? >> you know, when you go into a situation like that, you're always thinking in the back of your mind, are they faking it?
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i saw al-megrahi ten years ago. he was two feet away from me on a stage. this is an event after he came back from libya. he looked much better then than he is right now. i got the impression his family were tense, nervous, they were very low at that moment, sitting in a room there waiting for him to die, if you will. and he didn't look -- i kept looking, i went back and looked at the rid yvideo, did his eyes, what his head looked like on the pillow. his skin looked very thin, his wrists looked very thin, and this seems to be a man in his last days. but not being a doctor, not doing proper medical checks, you cannot sort of say with 100% center his real state of health, anderson. >> i know the u.s. things al-megrahi should be behind bars. the american council said last weekend they wouldn't extradite him, but they seem to be
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backtracking now, don't they? >> they've left a bit of wiggle room here. they said, look, okay, when a government is actually formed, they can decide and determine here, but it does seem to be a political element. they want gadhafi's tribe to join the national council. megrahi is from an important, powerful tribe. gadhafi wanted to keep him on-site, and right now the national tribal council seems to want to win over gadhafi's tribe and this is certainly one positive way they can do it, anderson. >> very quickly, i hear gunfire behind. is that celebratory, or is there still fighting going on? i know you were taken to a compound in tripoli where there were about 150 or so civilian bodies, or what looked like civilian bodies. what was that? >> first of all, the gunfire most definitely is celebratory. it has been going on for quite some time ever since the rebels
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took over most of tripoli, and it's also the beginning of the end of holy month ramadan. that situation you're talking about is is is absolutely killing. it's a small warehouse located on the back of khamis' brigade headquarters. we spoke to a survivor who said he had been picked up along with his brother for no apparent reason. he was held there for 18 days. there were some people who were there for up to six months. there were 175 of them crammed inside this tiny warehouse. one day the guards came and said they were going to be released, and that same day at sunset, the door opened. everybody inside thought that the guards were going to be making good on their word that they were going to finally be set free. one said they threw a grenade inside the room. they began opening with gunfire, spraying everybody who was trapped inside.
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he managed to make a run for it. it wasn't until a few days later when residents in the area felt safe enough to go back to that warehouse. and when they opened the door, anderson, they found the burnt, charred remains of what appeared to be 150 people that burned to death, perished inside that tiny room. >> i wish i could say that's unbelievab unbelievable, but it's not given what we've already seen of gadhafi's regime. still ahead, sierra using its key ally against anti-government protestors. there were more deaths today at the hands of security. we'll show you videos. also the political mist leader warren jeffs. why he is listed in critical condition tonight in a texas hospital. these pictures you're looking at is from his trial. they're weeks old. i'm going to show you a picture of him in prison. it's pretty shocking. his followers, however, remain committed to him. we'll look at that ahead. [ male announcer ] they'll see you...before you see them.
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cops are cracking down on drinking and riding. drive sober, or get pulled over. got the mirrors all adjusted? you can see everything ok?g. just stay off the freeways, all right? i don't want you going out on those yet. and leave your phone in your purse, i don't want you texting. >> daddy... ok! ok, here you go. be careful. >> thanks dad. >> and call me--but not while you're driving. we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru.
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coming up short on 360, warren jeffs, who was recently convicted of sexually assaulting two kids, he's in critical condition in a texas hospital. these are pictures of him from inside the prison. he looks very different. we'll have the latest on his condition. and deadly new violence in syria. security forces cracked down on anti-government protestors in a number of villages, killing at least 17 people and wounding
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dozens more. the president in neighboring turkey long friendly to syria says he's lost confidence in their government. cheney not released until tomorrow, but he's taking cheap shots at him and other members of the bush administration. president obama announced the nomination of his new economic adviser. 50-year-old alan krueger and professor of princeton university. stocks rallied on wall street today. the dow jones rose more than 250 points. nasdaq and s&p were higher as well. investors were encouraged that damage from hurricane irene didn't hurt, that consumer spending is and your debt crisis may be easing. it's official. beyonce is pregnant. she confirmed the rumors last night at the mtv music video
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awards. she said she wanted to have a baby at 30 and she turns 30 next week. she and husband jay-z were married in september 2008. how is that for having a plan and sticking to it? >> good for them. time for tonight's shot. millions of people were glued to the tv for hurricane irene. many of us working in the media were covering the movements. that included one reporter from doylestown, pennsylvania who tiled an up to the minute report saturday afternoon as the rain began to fall. this clip got a lot of air time, so if you've seen it, i think it's worth watching again. if not, take a look. >> i'm jane from pennsylvania. the rain is coming down more than it was before, the wind is probably going faster. i think this is just the starting of it. i guess i feel it on my head, just a tiny bit of rain. i think that this is probably going to be my -- i might think
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that it's the last of it, but if it's not, i'll report back to you later. um, and that's about it. back to you. >> she's my tv coach. you probably didn't know that. >> no, i didn't, but you do seem to have the same hand gestures. >> yes, i'm working on the hand gestures. she's taught me everything i know. >> my favorite one is at the end where she says, it's past my bedtime. i have to go now. a line i've wanted to use many times. polygamist leader warren jeffs in a coma in a texas hospital. this is what he looked like in prison. it's a very different look than he looked just weeks ago back when he was on trial, ultimately convicted of sexually assaulting two girls who he claimed were his spiritual wives. he's lost a lot of weight. look at the difference. new details on the missing robyn gardner. a new report of the man being
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held in connection with her disappearance. he reportedly said, quote, she might be dead now. what was discovered, coming up. [ male announcer ] the network -- a network of possibilities. in here, the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice.
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cell earlier this month of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl and a 12 year-old girl. he ate something and fell ill. he has other medical issues as well. this photo was taken just after his conviction a few weeks ago. the photo showing a full head of hair was from an fbi wanted poster a few years ago. can he still lead his church? is he still the leader? jeffs spent thousands of dollars on phone calls to his followers in jail, effectively maintaining control over them. now he's a convicted sex offender in state prison and contact with the outside world is less likely. >> reporter: warren jeffs may be in prison for the rest of his life, but in the border town of colorado city in hillandale,
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utah, where thousands of his followers live, he is still the prophet. >> do you believe the evidence they showed the jury? >> i know that the government can do that. >> it's a common sentiment here. even though jeffs did not deny having sex with minors during his trial, the court has even released audio of jeffs coaxing his victims. >> you have to know how to be excited sexually and to be exciting, to administer that comfort and strength. and you have to be able to assist each other. no one just stands around. everyone assists. and you have to be prepared to be trained to do this, against the time i would need your help, the lord's help, through you. so listen carefully, as the lord intended that my ladies, all of my ladies, be trained. >> but despite the evidence,
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there remains strong suspicions here of the world outside the polygamist church, including suspicion of reporters, now even more so. >> i want to know if i can ask you a quick question. my name is gary tuckman of cnn. i was hoping to just ask a question -- >> i was at the trial of warren jeffs in texas where he was convicted. did you know about that conviction? did you know he was convicted? if you don't want to talk, that's fine. >> i'm not interested. >> are you not interested in talking to me? did you know he was on trial last week? is there anything you want to say about warren jeffs? >> willie jessup used to be one of warren jeffs' right-hand men until he realized jeffs was molesting children. jeffs' followers are warned not to pay attention to the news, and if they speak to reporters -- >> they will be instantaneously removed can from the church.
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they would lose any privileges they had. >> were you aware he was even on trial last week? >> can i ask you a quick question? can i ask you a quick question, ma'am? do you know what happened in that trial? >> i don't know anything about it. >> you don't want to know anything about it? how come? >> because i don't want to. >> if i told you, would that offend you? the jury found him guilty. >> i don't want to know anything about him. >> how come you don't, if you don't mind me asking? >> i know the information i need to know. >> it's always difficult to talk to members of the lds on camera, not because they're particularly unfriendly, it's because they're paranoid, they're downright scared. i've later talked to members that were excommunicated. >> do you believe this is a persecution of religion? >> you have to go back and analyze who hung jesus christ on the cross. >> so you're comparing warren jeffs to jesus christ?
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>> they're in the same position. >> is he still your prophet? >> yes, sir. >> even though he's in prison? >> yes, sir. >> arnold richter was excommunicated from the church earlier this year for criticism of warren jeffs. >> how many mothers do you have? >> i've got five. >> he believes the conviction makes jeffs more influenceal than ever. >> he can build an image and he is not there to physically build up that image. >> so he's basically become a martyr? >> he has. >> the jury did not believe warren jeffs, but his devoted followers still do. gary tuckman, cnn, colorado city, arizona. up next on "crime and punishment." new information about robyn gardner missing in aruba. the man being held for her
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disappearance said, she may be dead now. why conan o'brien made it to tonight's ridiculous. jean coco, you are formally warned. [ grandma ] why do relationships matter? [ grandpa ] relationships are the basis of everything. [ grandma ] relationships are life... if you don't have that thing that fills your heart and your soul, you're missing that part of your life that just fulfills you. ♪ [ male announcer ] for us at humana, relationships matter too. the better we know you,
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♪ has the tea party turned into the ultimate republican power broker? they're willing to do battle on the spending issue. crime and punishment tonight, a startling new report about the american woman missing in aruba and what the man who is in custody told investigators in the early morning hours after the search. robyn gardner was last seen august 2nd.
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the man she was with said they disappeared shortly after they were together. police started talking to j giordano shortly after they began talking, looked at his watch and said, she might be dead now. when you talked to the aruban authorities, what do they make of him saying she might be dead now? >> at first, he laughed. he thought the minutia of the phrases were getting crazy. that said, he said we don't really see that as being incriminati incriminating. the search had been going on for a couple hours, it was dark, she was not an expert swimmer. so for gary giordano to look at his watch after two hours, and saying, she might be dead now, they look at it as a fatalistic
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comment and not a damning statement. >> they said he was so drunk investigators couldn't even talk to him. do we know anything about his demeanor or condition in the hours after gardner disappeared? >> we know first of all they didn't administer a breath analysis, so we don't know if he was legally drunk. investigators say there was no alcohol consumed at the bar, there was no alcohol on the bar tab which was the last place he was seen. but they did notice gary went a couple times to the car and then came back. seemed a bit mysterious, but then authorities found cups in the car and put two and two together. oh, this guy doesn't like to pay in the bar. he goes out and consumes drinks in the car. so it's possible they could have consumed a lot of alcohol without necessarily drinking it in plain public, in sight in a bar. >> the presence of alcohol would, i guess, cast doubt on
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the story about them going diving. that's not the only part of the story that raises eyebrows, though. >> from the get-go, police began having their suspicions, particularly this story about the snorkeling accident. that particular stretch of water can be treacherous, but that particular day, it was calm. i'm not talking just slightly calm, it was extraordinarily calm. in fact, authorities say it's rarely ever that calm. and the investigators that went in the water, they said, you know what, we didn't feel a current, we didn't feel the water trying to get us back. they didn't have to struggle like gary giordano said she did. they began to think, this is not adding up right. >> the bottom line, she is still missing and the search is still going on. martin savage, appreciate the reporting. there is actually a lot happening tonight. isha is is back.
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>> homeland security janet napolitano and other officials will visit vermont and virginia tomorrow for recovery efforts. a hiker found dead was the victim of a grizzly bear attack. his body was found friday. autopsies showed he died from traumatic injuries after being mauled by a bear. it's the second fatal bear attack in yellowstone this summer. involvement in last week's deadly casino fire. the gang set fire to cat seen owe because the owners wouldn't go along with their extortion demands. 52 people died in the fire. a los angeles judge ruled today that details of michael jackson's sexual molestation case are off limits for the upcoming trial of jackson's doctor, conrad murray. the defense wanted a detective to testify about drugs found
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relarin the search related to the molestation case. the judge said they were too far apart from conrad murray's trial. michael vick signed a million-dollar contract. vick joined the eagles in 2009 after serving nearly two years in prison on federal dog fighting charges. he led the team to a title last year. on hln, nancy grace will be competing on the new season of "dancing with the stars." the competition will include, among others, david arquette, ri ricki lake, and chaz bono. we'll be watching, nancy. coming up, head to head with conan o'brien in a winner take all over who has the best hair. all i can say is, don't count your chickens, conan. ananananan] the network.
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a living, breathing intelligence that's helping drive the future of business. in here, inventory can be taught to learn. ♪ machines have a voice. ♪ medical history follows you. it's the at&t network -- a network of possibilities... committed to delivering the most advanced mobile broadband experience to help move business... forward. ♪ [ male announcer ] they'll see you...before you see them. cops are cracking down on drinking and riding. drive sober, or get pulled over.
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i was chosen second. a close second, but second nonetheless. in my defense, it's hard to compete with a man whose head can be molded into a giant pompadour. and he can do more tricks than i can. >> we inject it into this part right here and little steel girders are inserted. this is structurally very sound. look at that. can mike wallace do that? i didn't think so. >> i can. not afraid to admit it, it stung a little coming in second. over the years, i've spent countless hours and thousands of dollars at top salons in new york city. i try all the latest cutting edge hair products, and i'm not afraid to take risks with my hairstyles over the years. the truth is is i pay isaac $6 with a $4 tip and it looks the same every time. but still, how could i possibly
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lose to conan o'brien, to this guy? seriously, how could i have lost to this guy? i don't get it. all right. the report came out. here's a baby who has conan hair, all right? i just wanted to share that. the report came out a couple days ago, and maybe i shouldn't have let it get to me. after all, in the poll, i came in way, way ahead of fabio. i came ahead of ashton kutcher and even mario lopez. i left them all in the dust, but it's conan's hair, that mess of cotton candy that haunts my dreams. so i ended up writing this on twitter. damn you, koe nan, your ginger wave is number one. i'll take number two, i guess. and he actually answered, sorry, as long as there's blood in my scalp, my hair shall defeat yours. what have we here?
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it seems the crimson tide has turned a shiny silver. look who is number one. that would be one anderson cooper. conan o'brien is number two. sorry, king coco. if you want to jump ship to team cuckoo, jump ship. read it and weep, read it and weep. anderson cooper -- wait a minute, 24 votes? fabio, 14 votes? 70 votes total for the entire survey? it isn't some huge gallup poll. is the victory any less sweet from voters on a facebook page? i think not. it's about who wins, and i won fair and square, which is what i like to call my hairstyle, the fair and
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