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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  September 3, 2011 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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in india, women dance after praying to the hindu god of destruction during a festival. in slovenia, rowers compete in a women's championship. in france, a man harvest grapes at a vineyard. in israel, look at this -- swimmers and a dog watch as a loggerhead seaturity sell set ee. hot shots, pictures coming in from around the world. thank you very much for watching, i'm wolf blitzer. join us weekdays in "the situation room" from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., every saturday at 6:00 p.m. eastern on cnn. and at this time every weekend on cnn international. the news continues next on cnn. that is tropical storm lee. it is slamming into the gulf coast. this is what it looked like last night in mississippi. rough waves slamming that boat
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into the pier. eventually punching a giant hole into the hull. you see guys trying to save it. they are okay. you are in the cnn newsroom this saturday. i'm in for don lemon. good to see you. we are following a massive storm stalled off the coast of new orleans. this ireport sent to us by andrew caylee from a suburb of new orleans. doesn't look too bad now. already power has been knocked out to about 30,000 people in louisiana. the governors of louisiana and mississippi have drayeclared sts of emergency for areas, parishes are under mandatory evacuation orders because of the threat of flooding. the mayor of new orleans today warned residents to brace for a long ordeal from this storm. up to 20 inches of rain could overwhelm the area. cnn's ed lavandera has been tracking the impact of the tropical storm all day today. tropical storm lee. he joins us now from waveland,
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mississippi, east of new orleans. how's it looking? >> reporter: well, you know, i think a lot of people remember waveland, mississippi, back during the days of hurricane katrina. this was a town that was simply devastated by that storm. this is the beachfront. you see as you look out into the gulf of mexico just how choppy those waters are and how dangerous it is out there. and a lot of that storm surge has been brushed up earlier this morning. we understand in many places around waveland and bay st. louis, in the lowing lying areas, there was thigh-high water. on this beachfront road, you see all of the sand that you see here is what was brushed up and pushed inland from the shoreline here earlier today. officials here tell us they anticipate that that will continue happening during the next 24 hours. but it comes in waves at this point. for the most part, when you talk to folks around town, they kind of feel like the worst of this is already over. that even though it's raining a little off and on, we really
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haven't seen any significant rainfall now for several hours. so -- and in areas in the lower lying areas that were getting flooded out, the water was quickly dissipating. so that was good news. but there's a concern throughout the region because mostly this is a slow-moving storm as it continues to push north into inland louisiana and mississippi and communities not just along the gulf shore here. there's that threat of continued flooding. so we'll be on the lookout for that and continue monitoring that over the course of the next day or so. >> do you think because they saw katrina six years ago that they're thinking, okay, we can handle this. this doesn't seem too bad? >> reporter: you know what's interesting, in a community like this, waveland, not everybody has ever fully moved back here. some folks were telling us that about 1/3 of the population here in waveland, mississippi, ever returned after hurricane katrina. so they're talking about one of the sad things here is that there aren't many people left. but the folks who still are
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here, imagine after you survive something like hurricane katrina, were in bay, st. louis, several miles inland from where we are. they had 30 feet of water. a storm this magnitude doesn't really impress them for lack of a better term. >> exactly. ed lavandera, we're hoping for the best there in waveland, thank you very much. now we turn to jacqui jeras at the weather center. it's looking like it is slow moving. we talked about it before the show. it is very slow moving. what does that mean? that's not necessarily a good thing because it's hovering. >> right. if it stays over water, there's a chance for intensification. if it just sits there and hovers, that means it could be more of a flood threat than it's already been. we've seen upwards to eight to nine inches of rainfall already associated with lee. if it sits here for another 24-plus hours, that certainly is bad news. and inland flooding is really the greatest threat with this storm. now does appear that the center might be pushing its way on the coast now. landfall is not all that important, honestly. what's more important is how quickly we can get this out of
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here and prevent the flooding. the thing that's been saving us throughout the day today and why this is a little worse than what could have happened is that most of the heavy showers and thunderstorms have been down here into the gulf of mexico. and obviously nobody lives there. that is great. we are getting a nice burst of convection here along i-10, toward lake charles, into southwestern louisiana. expect to see some heavy rainfall rates there. then also over here toward mobile, pensacola, over into lower parts of mississippi, that's where some of the heavier rain bands and the threat of tornadoes has been for today. forecast track then showing you a slow mover, just barely making it to mississippi by monday. and then it starts to pick up a little of forward speed, and it makes its way up toward the appalachians. the rainfall totals are expected to be on top of what we already have. somewhere between six and ten inches. so that's a whole lot of rain. and the big issue in louisiana and new orleans in particular is that if all this comes at one time, that's a problem. if you spread it out a little
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bit, the pumps can keep up a little better. here's a few of the numbers we've already seen in new orleans, in the carrollton area. 8.82 inches. slidell city, about eight inches there. and pascagoula has had about three inches of rainfall. let's talk about where this is going because timing is everything. we've got a cold front that's in the midwest, and those two are going to try and hook up. we think this isn't strong enough that we could see lee kind of maintain its identity in here and get cut off from the main circulation. so that's more of a concern as we head into northeastern parts of the country because we've already got flash flood watches in effect there across parts of upstate new york and also into vermont. if we get too much rain in there from the next cold front, a good one to three inches, if you throw moisture in from lee, it's really bad news for those folks still on high alert in the northeast after that storm went through. we also have katia, okay. katia's out here. it's now a tropical storm. 70 mile-per-hour winds, and believe it or not, some of the models are intertwining katia with the remnants of lee.
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we're going to have to keep a close eye on that thing. the good news, it's been weaker than what we were thinking. let's talk a little about the tornado threat. we've got a tornado watch box in effect from new orleans extending over toward mobile and into pensacola. we also are watching severe thunderstorms in the upper midwest, chicago to indiana. the notre dame game, they evacuated the stadium in south bend because of severe thunderstorms. that game might not get played today. there you see the location of the stadium. this is the first time in history they say that they've evacuated the stadium and delayed a game because of weather. also problems at the tennessee game, the iowa game, and the michigan game because of storms. >> i know -- >> they want them safe. >> i don't think they want to risk anything. i remember a story, a young student at notre dame, declan sullivan was his name. he was filming the practice and the hydraulic lift fell over, to his death. i would imagine that they're
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taking every precaution that they can. although some people may be upset with the decision. thank you very much, appreciate it. a lot going on with katia and lee. we'll check back, thanks. also, we're covering gabrielle giffords. the last time we saw the congresswoman, she showed up for that important house vote to keep the government from defaulting. there she was getting a standing ovation. who could forget? she has been traveling. she is spending the labor day weekend at home with family in tucson. gabby giffords has been living in houston while recovering from the near-fatal shooting in january. meanwhile, there's a political uproar brewing over the raffle of a handgun. very similar to the model used in the shooting that killed six people and wounded the congresswoman, gabrielle giffords. the glock handgun rifle is featured. some calling it insensitive. we have more. >> reporter: this glock 23 could be yours for just $10, and it
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comes fully loaded. similar to the glock .19 jared loughner is accused of using to carry out the shoot spree. we went to the safeway where the shooting spree happened to find out does it come down to constitutional rights or bad judgment? >> i think it's okay to do that. >> reporter: keith says no big deal. for thesula slatterys who drive they say it's wrong. >> bad to give away guns period. >> reporter: it comes with three 12-round magazines, adjustable grips, and a case. fully loaded. >> hold me back. i couldn't want something less. >> reporter: so you -- would you contribute to this? >> no way. no way. >> absolutely not. >> thank you, but no thank you. i wouldn't take it if they gave it to me. >> reporter: we're not the only ones pressing the gop for answers. >> some people are yelling at us and worse. other people are calling and wanting to buy a ticket.
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>> reporter: so far, a dozen raffle tickets have been sold with about 100 more to go. have you at all kind of second-guessed the decision to raffle off this gun? >> well, i will say this -- that if i had realized the strong reaction that this got -- i certainly would have taken that into consideration when we decided to do this particular raffle. you know, i will admit that. >> reporter: our local democratic party says, "it shows a stunning lack of judgment and sensitivity. it's a slap in the face of a still-grieving community." house democrats say, "the raffle is not common sense, it is sick. and the pima county gop should call it off." >> the democratic party calls on you to stop, change the prize to an ipad, golf clubs, dinner with an elected official, something besides this gun. do you plan to change it? >> we do not plan to change it. >> you may remember jared lee loughner was charged with
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opening fire on congresswoman giffords and others on january 8. a young girl died in that shooting. in may, loughner was declared mentally incompetent to stand trial. next, a cnn exclusive. secret documents emerge in libya revealing how u.s. prisoners were taken there for interrogation. also, comedian pat williams already in hot water for a recent rant about mexicans. wait until you hear what he had to say. what makes the sleep number store different? you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you.
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prisoners from the u.s. and the u.k. for interrogation. libyan authorities left stacks of files behind when rebels forced them out. we have an exclusive report. ben, how were you able to get them, and what did you find? >> reporter: well, what we found was in the basement of the internal security agency of the libyan government. basically, their cia, were thousands of documents that went into the details of the developing relationshiping beginning in early 2004 between the libyan spy agency and the cia, mi6 in the u.k., and others, over this program of extraordinary renditions whereby the united states or the u.k. would capture terror suspects and hand them over to countries like egypt, like jordan, like tunisia, and it turns out libya, as well, where they would be interrogated by the standard
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methods in these countries which oftentimes was torture. what we saw was correspondence between the libyan intelligence agency and the cia. some of it quite intimate. everything on a first-name basis with holiday greetings and all going into the finer details of how this relationship developed. and it appeared to be quite warm despite the fact that for year after year the state department, for instance, in its annual human rights report would document all the human rights abuses by many of these same agencies with which the cia was cooperating. >> this is truly fascinating as we're looking at pictures of the documents of the files. and in -- any reaction from the u.s. or britain as of yet? >> reporter: well, the british government has said they don't comment on intelligence matters. and the cia has declined to
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comment specifically on these alleged documents. however, a spokeswoman for the cia did point out that all of this cooperation, that it's normal for the cia to cooperate with other countries in the effort to protect american citizens around the world. that seems to be the rationale. in the world of spies, there's mow such thing as a strange b s bedfellow. >> thanks to ben weedeman. and sarah palin takes a swipe at one presidential rival. but is she in the race or out?
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[ grandpa ] the reason we fall into bed at night sometimes. [ grandma ] yes. that's right. [ male announcer ] humana. welcome back. no one really knows how to fire up the tea party faithful like sarah palin. >> polls -- they're for strippers and cross-country skiers. [ crowd noise ] >> did she say that? yes, she did. there she is, sarah palin, stirring up the crowds as only she can. sarah palin was the star attraction today at an iowa tea party rally. she went after some familiar political targets, but she also
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took a shot at one of her own party's new front-runners. cnn was there. >> reporter: former alaska governor sarah palin delivered a series of sharp attacks against president barack obama and her potential republican presidential rivals here at a political tea party rally on saturday. while palin did not declare a presidential bid and is not expected to until the end of september, she does d draw a sharp line in the sand against one potential opponent, republican front-runner, texas governor rick perry. >> some gop candidates, they also raise mammoth amounts of cash. we need to ask them, too, what if anything do their donors expect in return for their investment? we need to know this because our country can't afford more trillion-dollar thank you notes to campaign backers. >> reporter: perry is a prolific fundraiser who has long been criticized by his political opponents of rewarding campaign donors and political allies with
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government jobs and contracts. palin repeatedly attacked "crony capitalism" throughout her speech, making clear that she's not going to cede any ground to her republican rivals if she does decide to run for president. she tried to position herself as a populist outsider, a leader of the tea party movement, so we'll be watching her today as she campaign in new hampshire and speak to another tea party rally and possibly drops more clues about what her message might be if she does decide to run for president. peter hamby, cnn, indianola, iowa. >> yeah because we still don't know the answer to that. peter, thank you. the republican hopeful that sarah palin was criticizing is forging ahead with his surging campaign. texas governor rick perry spoke to would-be supporters at a house party in manchester, new hampshire, today. perry is the party's new front-runner, according to the latest cnn poll. sarah palin not liking the poll. he told listeners that a match-up between himself and president obama would offer voters an obvious choice.
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>> as we consider this economic misery that's spread across this country by the obama administration, we don't need a nominee who's going to blur the differences between themselves and barack obama. we're going to have a nominee who draws a clear contrast. >> republican squlauntsman is also in new hampshire -- john huntsman is also in new hampshire trying to light a fire under his campaign in the state that hosts the nation's first presidential primary. that is him here in concord this morning, working the crowds at a gun show. cnn's poll shows the former utah governor trails perry and other hopefuls by a wide margin. we want you to hear this. take a listen. >> if there's something anti-mexican about what i said, i apologize for the anti-mexican-ness of it. >> was that an apology or not? hear for yourself comedian cat williams tries to explain his rant targeting mexicans, a cnn exclusive. ayer called biofilm so strong it survives brushing.
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plaque buildup... and if crestor is right for you. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. comedian katt williams is backtracking on an apology for a recent on-stage rant. he's saying "i'm not sorry." here's part of what he said in phoenix. >> do you remember that white people used to say "go back to africa," and we had to tell them we don't want to? so if you love mexico [ bleep ],
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get the peep be[ bleep ] over t. [ inaudible ] >> as you see, things got heated. williams got into it a bit with a member of his audience who was mexican after the man heckled him. the comedian angered many in the hispanic community with those comments. williams' publicist released an apology, but the comedian is saying i didn't approve that apology, i'm not sorry. here's what he said exclusively to cnn's t.j. holmes. >> if a person starts their heckling with "f america," then that gives me the right to defend my country. i couldn't be anti-mexican -- my mcfan base is largely responsible for me even existing. so between them and the black community, it's really all i have. but i don't think i need to apologize for being pro-american. the guy said that all of this is still mexico, and i was just giving him geography. this is america, greatest
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country in the world. >> well, help us understand. so do you not apologize for anything? we're only -- we showed a 50-second clip. >> no, sir -- >> it is seven or eight minutes. go ahead. >> no, i apologized for the fact that the word "anti-mexican" is being said to a black guy in america. >> but you don't apologize for what you said in that studio -- that standup? >> i'm not allowed to. as a standup, the only thing that i sell is uncensored thought. i'm only telling them the way i think uncensored. so i'm not allowed to then come back the next day and apologize. that's -- that's for the tracy morgans of the world. i meant what i said, and i said what i meant. i'm apologizing if somebody thought i was trying to be anti-mexican. mexicans are my friends. >> so katt, why is it somebody's allowed to put out a statement apologizing on your behalf then? >> sir, they put out a dvd called "katt williams' nine
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lives," while i was in jail without my permission. we were in phoenix, so this is a heavily mexican american crowd. i gave $5,000 out to a mexican american serviceman at this same show. it was nothing like that the night of the show. this happened 19 days ago. it's just happening in the news yesterday because it's my birthday. >> well, help me understand then. what was it -- because it's clear that you were visibly upset. and you said you're a proud american. you defended this country -- >> i was. i was, yes. >> is that essential what he it was? he was clearly out of line in your opinion. but he really got you hot. >> i was offended because he was making a statement that we're not allowed to make in this country. in this country you have to pledge allegiance to america first, and your country of origin second. and so the fact that he was blatantly disrespecting the law that we all follow, black people work too hard to become black americans in this society.
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and we were slaves here. and we did a lot of free work. whatever they did was in another country, and we certainly applaud their history. but don't come here talking to sons of slaves about that. and if there's something -- if there's something anti-mexican about what i said, then i apologize for the anti-mexican-ness of it. i was talking to one individual. >> you understand at least, some people hearing that -- and you were talking to one guy. it's clear that other people in the crowd were laughing at what you were saying to him. even as you were going off on the one guy. >> if i disrespected mexicans, i wouldn't have been able to get out of there alive, sir, with all due respect. >> but as people -- do you understand why people who do hear it maybe do get offended by it? maybe who didn't listen to the whole seven, eight minutes of it, but maybe read a few comments? do you think they have the wrong impression, or you understand why some people might think the landscaper comment might have offense sniff telling a mexican
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like that guy to get to stepping back to mexico, how that comes off as being offensive? >> no, no. he said that we were in mexico. so let me just say this -- yes, i can see what you're saying, t.j. and at the end of the day i think those people should watch more of this cnn show so they can see there are real news factors going on in this country that -- things we should discuss like our president versus football rather than worry about what a comedian's saying. if you don't like me, don't come see me. if you do like me, i'm here for you. but i love mexicans, and i love mexican americans. but i love america overall. let's be very clear about it. >> any concern about how people might view down the road? how this could impact your career down the road? >> no, no, sir. >> people might not want to book you in texas or arizona or california, sir -- >> no, that would be -- wouldn't that be fantastic? let's let that happen. let the statement be that i'm a christian. i'm straight.
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>> well, at least one activist in response to his comments is trying to organize a boycott of his standup act. checking the headlines for you. states of emergency have been declared in parts of mississippi and louisiana tonight. some it coastal areas are under mandatory evacuation orders. it is all due to tropical storm lee. the system is basically parked just off the coast of new orleans right now. lee could stay there much of the weekend and dump up to 20 inches of rain. it is hovering. look at this, this is video shot on the mississippi coast last night. look at that boat. a group of people trying to keep it from getting battered up against the pier. but it was a losing battle. the waves were just too big, too rough. by morning, the boat was upside down with huge holes in the bottom. the folks trying to save it, they're okay. president barack obama will see the damage caused by the remnants of hurricane irene firsthand tomorrow. the president will visit patterson, new jersey, which was
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slammed by the storm, by irene. the pa sake river, which runs through the city, reached its highest level in more than a century. the mayor says 6,000 residents were affected by the flooding. and he wants to hear how the white house will help out. again, barack obama will be there tomorrow. dominique straaus-cannes returning to france days after sexual assault charges were dropped against him. authorities decided ton prosecute because of questions about the accuser's credibility. strauss-cahn was widely seen as a contender in the presidential election before he was charged with attempted rape. he denied the allegations. again, charges dropped. the maker of a classic american guitar, the gibson, is under federal investigation. it's all about the wood used to make that iconic sound. and hear this -- even the first lady of the united states, michelle obama, could be in trouble as a result. hat made me.
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but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my worst allergy symptoms. so lily and i are back on the road again. with zyrtec® i can love the air®.
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gibson has been an internationally recognized name in guitars for more than 100 years. they are used by musicians ranging from b.b. king to paul mccartney to u2, the edge.
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now the company is under the close scrutiny of federal agents. david mattingly spoke to the company's ceo about allegations involving smuggling. >> reporter: it's a case of a classic made-in-america product at odds with ankle sam over how u.s. law is enforced. ♪ >> reporter: he makes guitars that make america sound cool. but gibson ceo henry juskovitz is being ordered to change his tune. it's ironic that you're playing the blues right now. >> i got the blues. >> reporter: that's because in late august, armed federal agents raided his tennessee factories for the second time in two years, alleging the illegal importation of rare protected wood. in this case, ebony and rosewood from india. an affidavit filed by the u.s. fish and wildlife service alleges gibson falsely labeled the wood shipment to make it
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sound legal and suspiciously omitted the company's name as the recipient. but so far, no charges have been filed. it almost sounds like this company was engaged in smuggling these raw materials into the country. >> well, we were not engaged in smuggling. we have been buying fingerboard stock on a regular basis from india for 17 years. >> reporter: on the neck of a guitar, the tropical hardwood is prized for its look and durability. it's subject to a law called the lacey act, aimed at fighting black market trade and protected animal parts and plants, and anything made from them. but the material that came in the box from india looked just like this. >> was very similar. >> reporter: he says the fingerboards gibson imported from india were confiscated as illegal wood by the federal government. >> the law says that if a guitar or an instrument of any kind crosses a border, you have to
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know the species of wood that every component is made of and where it came from. >> reporter: if this is true, could hundreds of international stars like paul mccartney and b.b. king risk seeing their gibsons confiscated at the border? >> michelle obama gave a gibson guitar to the wife of the president -- prime minister of france just a year ago. >> reporter: the first lady may have broken the law? >> yes. >> reporter: the lacey act does give federal agents broad authority to pursue smugglers, but if you own a gibson, don't worry. when we asked the u.s. fish and wildlife service for clarification, it released this brief statement. "we target corporations and individuals who are removing protected species from the wild and making a profit by trafficking in them." and right now in spite of juskovitch's claim of innocence,
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gibson is a target. >> a nightmare. a nightmare. >> reporter: it took almost a week before gibson got back into full operation, but the damage had already been done. just the shutdown of that one day with the materials that were taken cost the company over $1 million. and now the maker of the guitars that have commanded the spotlight for over 100 years has no choice but to play on and wait for its day in court. ♪ >> reporter: no word from u.s. fish and wildlife service department of interior or the department of justice about when or if charge might be filed. back to you. >> all right, thank you. also under investigation, this -- did a top-secret apple prototype get lost in a san francisco bar? and if so, why? what are the consequences? we'll examine that after the break. first, an estimated 30 million doomts in the u.s. back -- adults in the u.s. lack the basic skills to read a newspaper or fill out a job application.
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in "perry's principles," steve perry sits down with a man who was forced to face his illiteracy head-on and now works in an unlikely place. ♪ david's mom always said, "no, david!" >> reporter: john zinkafus is known as mr. z. his mission, to get kids excited about reading. >> i'm having more fun than probably all of you. there's a special reason for that. mr. zinc didn't learn to read and write until i was 35 years old. yeah. >> reporter: how did you get out of high school not knowing how to read? >> yeah. obviously that still hurts. i will say i was a master at deception. >> reporter: as a young boy, he was diagnose wednesday dyslexia and adhd. >> i'm not trying to jab at the education system.
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today, we are so much better equipped at dealing with learning disabilities. >> reporter: he managed to keep his illiteracy a secret from everyone. >> including my wife. she didn't have any idea until our son busted me. sitting with my -- both my boys, sean and adam, reading simple children's books, my son, sean, would actually fix the words that i got wrong and say, no, dad, that's not what it says. >> reporter: then he had back surgery which made returning to his restoration job impossible. >> at that same time, my wife saw an article for the literacy program here at the library and called them. they said, come in. wasn't easy. >> reporter: not only did he learn to read and write, he's now the outreach coordinator for the library. >> i know in my heart of hearts that when i do that and share my story, there's a child out there who's going through the exact same thing that i went through that says, you know, if mr. z. can do it, maybe i shouldn't give up on myself. [ cherie ] i always had a job, ever since i was fourteen.
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i could not make working and going to school work. it was not until the university of phoenix that i was able to work full-time, be a mom, and go to school. the opportunits that i had at the university of phoenix, dealing wh profesonals teaching things that they were doing every day, got me to where i am today. i'm mayor cherie wood, i'm responsible for the largest urban renewal project in utah, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] find your program at the crib is already there. great. thank you so much. [ male announcer ] we provide great service, so you can stay you. holiday inn express. stay you. [ tv announcer ] today's trivia question -- what's the hardest play in baseball? the unassisted triple play. the unassisted triple play.
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welcome back. a top-secret apple prototype rumored to have been lost in a san francisco bar. take a listen. >> i could check the surveillance cameras. so i -- that guy could come and
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talk to me. maybe if he knows the date he was there, i could probably look into the cameras. >> this really happened. that was a bartender from the spot where an apple employee apparently left a prototype for the iphone 5 according to tech media web site cnet. apple has not even announced that it's releasing the iphone 5 yet. the exact same thing happened last year with the iphone 4 prototype. want to bring in tech expert daniel siebert to talk about "the digital diet," the plan to beats your tech addiction and regain balance in your life. daniel, great to see you. i can't believe this happened -- >> susan, great to be with you. >> twice. when i heard it, i couldn't believe it, that not only did it happen twice, but at a bar. explain what you know. >> well, you know, first of all, apple workers apparently need to learn that alcohol and prototypes do not go well together. they just don't mix. but the idea is that what we've
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learned in recent days is that apparently apple did go to the san francisco police department and searched through one man's apartment trying to find this iphone 5. this rumored iphone 5. this is all speculation because apple has not said anything about this. the san francisco police department did issue a press release that actually was titled "iphone 5," so that may have tipped their hand a little bit. as you see, the iphone 5 is supposed to be coming out at the end of september, early october. and evidently there is somebody at least they're trying to look into who may have come across this. you pointed out last year a similar thing happened. and today, two of these guys face charges as a result of finding this iphone 4 back then. >> you and i are talking about this, an iphone 5 that apple hasn't announced it's coming out with yet. do you think apple could be behind this in any way? >> i just don't think so. you know, apple doesn't need any more publicity around the iphone. it's already extremely popular. i can't see why they would do
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something like this. and especially in light of this investigation. this seems legitimate. and of course apple would love to get their hands on this, get it back. a prototype like this is very lucrative for the tech blog world. you know, the early specs on the iphone 5 before it comes out. of course, apple would like to keep that secret until the actual day that they release it. >> you bring up a great point. you're thinking, susan, come on, apple, do they need the publicity? people line up around the fwlok get their hands on the iphone when it comes out. let's move on to facebook. they're getting involved with music. is that true, and how so? >> yeah, that's the speculation. apparently facebook is going to announce music streaming as part of its web site at an upcoming it was. the idea is that facebook would not actually be storing music on its servers, but rather streaming the music to its 750 million users through services like spotify, perhaps raps dee, mog, rdo. these are streaming media site.
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now the question is -- will people have to pay money? some services are free, but some are not. so we're not sure what the payment structure would look like. the idea is that facebook wants to be on facebook all the time and maybe having streaming music as well will keep you there even longer. although as part of the digital diet, i would say sometimes you need to disconnect from facebook once in a while. >> you took the next words out of my mouth. according to your book, everything in moderation. thank you, great to see you. >> exactly. >> thanks. >> you bet, you, too. coming up, this has been very kelch. despite the suicide of a cast member, the new season of "real housewives of beverly hills" will go on. disrespectful or just good business? we'll talk about it next. the bundler. let's say you need home and auto insurance. you give us your information once, online... [ whirring and beeping ] [ ding! ] and we give you a discount on both. great!
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you may remember this, it was one ugly affair. >> you're going to answer one day, boy, you're going to answer. >> what? what are you talking about? >> nothing, nothing. i'm not the one to threaten. >> i'll threaten -- i'll put you in a [ bleep ] rose garden, you [ bleep ]. >> radaronline obtained a
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recording of mel gibson against the mother of his baby, and the two split, and that was one year ago today. and now the husband of bravo's "real housewives of beverly hills" debut is going on as scheduled. joining us is shanon cook. bravo has been receiving criticism for this, and i know that the family members did not want this to go forward, but bravo is. how are they handling it? >> sure. well, you can certainly see why some would say it is in poor taste to kick off the season of the show barely three weeks after one of the regular cast members committed suicide, but you can see it from bravo's point of view that the show might have the most captive audience yet. when you jump online and read on the message boards as embarrassingly i spend a lot of time doing, you will see that
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the hard core fans of the show want it to come back on and they will watch it regardless. bravo has said they do plan on airing public service announcements which are about suicide prevention throughout the show on monday, but even so, it does reek of insensitivity when questions have been raised about the stress of being on this show might have contributed to this man's suicide. >> yes, and russell armstrong's childhood friend spoke out about it and he said, i don't want to see my friend on this show after what he did to himself. it is sad all around. all right. let's talk about mel gibson and the rant we heard and it was heard around the world and the rage and the ugliness involving the custody of their baby girl, their daughter. what happened to the end of this, shannon? what is the result? >> well, basically, gibson was ordered by a los angeles judge to pay $750,000 to his
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ex-girlfriend over a period of five years which is not a whole lot of of money, when you consider there were reports at one point that his ex-girlfriend was perhaps trying to push him for something like $15 million-plus. so, he kind of got off lightly, some might say. the pair have joint physical and legal custody of their 22-month-old daughter, and the judge also ordered that neither of them reveal any personal details about each other in any future book projects, so maybe this is the last we will hear from this. >> yes, you described this, this ugly mess. and it put a dent in his character and his career. over to chaz bono the daughter of cher who had a sex operation on "dancing with the stars" and only a couple of seconds here, but some people are angry about thi this. >> some conservative parent groups say he shouldn't be on the show, because a transgender
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contestant is not appropriate for a family show, but bono has amazing tribute from groups like glaad and other transgendered groups. he is not backing down, and you will see him tapping his toes and shoes along with the rest of the cast members soon. >> and nancy grace said, move it alone, people, get a life and stop focusing on chaz bono. thank you so much. >> nice to see you. and a decade after they fell, the twin towers live on in the movies. a look at how the world trade center has played a pivotal role in film. [ whispering ] ok, here's your room key,
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the crib is already there. great. thank you so much. [ male announcer ] we provide great service, so you can stay you. holiday inn express. stay you. [ tv announcer ] today's trivia question -- what's the hardest play in baseball? the unassisted triple play. the unassisted triple play. [ male announcer ] stay smart and book smart. book early and save up to 20% at any holiday inn express. stay you.
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[♪...] >> male announcer: now, for a limited time, your companion flies free, plus save up to 65%. call 1-800-sandals. conditions apply. >> one week from tomorrow our nation will commemorate the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. the world trade center may be gone from the new york skyline, but they appear again and again on film and tv. here is cnn's jeanne moos. >> reporter: after a decade of images of the twin towers gushing smoke, maybe it is time to see them in the rosie glow of the movies.
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inspiring awe in "home alone ii" and cemetery backdrop in "dog day afternoon" and suddenly making "crocodile dundee" feel like he had arrived. and now there is a montage of the twin tower cameos featuring 75 clips. ♪ you may find yourself in a beautiful house ♪ >> reporter: blink and you will see the towers through the car's rear-view mirror, and it took video cartoonist a month on and off to compile the montage even using disaster movies. but mostly showing the twin towers as a compass in the background. >> you have seen them burning and falling for ten years now, but we don't get to think of it as 30 years of them standing there, so it is a celebration of that. >> reporter: celebrated with a cast ranging from su


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