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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  September 11, 2011 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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anything stand out about how they, you know, talked about 9/11 or how they memorialized 9/11 at any of these events? >> you know, it's funny. some said, if you compare sports to war you're showing you don't know much about either one. yet at the same time, sports has a connective tissue. a rare event, 75,000, 80,000 of us join each other in a single place. sports played a big role in the healing process. on the other hand, sports had never seemed less consequential, it's a weird balance of they help us heal and at the same time seem frivolous. >> so, listen, i have to ask you. been asking people al day, for 9/11, where were you? >> i was pushing my son who was then 2 months old around in greenwich village. a mile and a half away we see a building burning and are told, don't worry they're filming a
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movie there. we head home and by that time it's on every tv screen and just -- at trite as it sounds, a stage you'll nerver fert. >> fegt. >> forget. you can see john's work on i'm don lemon, live for the cnn debate happening monday. we begin with a report for moammar gadhafi, crumbled empire in libya, his son, we're told, saadi, a former playboy fled to niger. we'll be joined now by cnn's ben we'dman with the latest on that. ben what can you tell us? >> reporter: yes, don. we know from the justice minister of niger, saadi, the third son of moammar gadhafi, 37 years old, traveled into that
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country with eight other so-called minor libyan officials. they were granted refuge there on a humanitarian basis. so saadi is not really the big fish that libyan officials are hoping to catch. they're most interested in saif islam the other brother and the man they call the big fish, moammar gadhafi. don? >> cnn's ben wedeman. thank you, ben. moving on to talk about the 9/11 anniversary in new york and washington and pennsylvania. a day of solemn remembrances on the tenth anniversary of 9/11. [ moment of silence ] a moment of silence at ground zero this morning at 8:46. that's when american airlines flight 11 crashed into the north tower exactly ten years ago.
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the start of the worst terror attack in u.s. history. now the site is a sacred memorial to the nearly 3,000 people who died that day. the footprints of the twin towers transformed into deep fountains. one by one the names were read aloud of the people who died. a wreath laying at pentagon for the 184 people killed when american airlines flight 77 flew into the side of the building. and in shanksville, pennsylvania, a ceremony at the site where united states airlines flight 93 went down in a field. the passengers had fought back against their hijackers. cnn's poppy harlow is in new york for us tonight. poppy, ten years to prepare for this day, but now actually seeing those fountains where the twin towers once stood, the enormity it is simply overwhelming. what's it been like today? >> reporter: it is. don, for me, i moved here to new york, september 2001. this has come full circle for me
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seeing this here, and i've been watching it all unfold since 8:00 a.m. when the president was here. also joined by president bush making remarks. what stood out to me this morning, a beautiful, crisp september day just like september 11th ten years ago. the sky was blue. no clouds. it was astonishing for a few hours during the ceremony. obviously, all of the names read. 2,606 americans died in the towers right behind me. and, also, there was something very important, don, going up, uptown from where we are now. that is where hundreds and hundreds of firefighters and their loved ones met for their memorial service. a lot of first responders were not invited to this ceremony because there wasn't room. they gathered there. an incredibly emotion moment. katie devlin, the daughter of a firefighter rescuing people on 9/11 who lost his life, she was just a young girl when it happened. she sang "a345mazing grace."
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this was one of the key moments of 9/11. ♪ i once was lost -- [ applause ] ♪ but now i'm found ♪ was blind but now i see
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>> reporter: don, talk about a city, a country coming together for that girl, but also just for everyone on today, september 11th. i have to tell you from a personal standpoint being down here all day felt more hopeful than it really did somber. the memorial opened. which just is astonishingly beautiful, these two pools filled with water. the names of the each of the victims etched out around the pools. the family members let in for the first time today to go find their loved ones names. many put their puts on them and etched their names on paper to take home with them. someone who lost his 25-year-old daughter, he told me i have a whole new family. a family of new yorkers. we was with people who dug in the rubble searching for a daughter. to hear a story like that, obviously he'll never get
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through the loss, but it's about people coming together and today was really, really about that. you saw it play out here at ground zero. you saw it play out at the firefighters memorial, you saw it in shanksville, pennsylvania, and you saw it at pentagon. it was very uplifting, don. >> hey, poppy, stick with me as we look at some of the video of the memorial today. i think it's interesting you said that, because sitting at home and being with people as we're watching. we've seen a lot of images today of burning towers and of planes hitting buildings and what have youance and i think it's been a very depression day for people watching te inin ining televisi juxtaposition. you were seeing them celebrate the lives of these people rather than all the deaths? >> reporter: exactly right. so glad you brought it up. from the time i got down here i wasn't watching television. i was watching the memorial play out, watching family whose went in to see their loved one's
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name, those who gathered at restaurants to have dinner together. there was smiling going on. a lot of hugging. the father who lost his 25-year-old daughter andrea brought me up to another man tom and said, this is a man that i thank so much. this is a man that is part of my new family. they know what they've lost and they do what they can with what they have. so, of course, it's somber. of course it is heart wrenching, but for a lot of people i think today walking into that memorial, which, don, hasn't been opened until this morning, was a renewal for them. i really think it was. i can never know their pain but i can tell you that i saw some hope today. >> you know what? that's good, because a lot of us, as i said, felt very depressed watching all the images. it's good maybe the people that were there didn't feel at least that way in some way. thank you very much, poppy. appreciate it. fighter jets scrambled today because of reports of suspicious activities aboard two domestic
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flights. both landed safely and no further signs of trouble, but three people were taken into custody from a frontier airline flight from denver after it landed in detroit. f 16s shadowed an american airlines flight from los angeles to new york after reports several passengers were behaving strangely. president barack obama traveled to all three sites of the 9/11 attacks and he is planning to pay tribute, further tribute tonight, at an event at the kennedy center. joining us live, jessica yellin, chief white house correspondent. what's ahead for the president tonight? i know the kennedy center for president is ahead. other things to attend? >> reporter: the big event is the kennedy center event and the first time we'll hear the president speak in his own words. previously we heard him only read from a psalm. i'm told his remarks will be about resilience, talking about american, what we've lost but also what we still retain. what hasn't changed about
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america. our character, our values. our way of life. i'm told in preparation for the speech he studied different passages from the bible and some past speeches. he'll also make remarks about our men and women in uniform and how they have sacrificed the most in the last ten years, and how the three symbols, the most visible reminders of america's strength and resilience of those three symbols, those three places he visited today, ground zero, shanksville and that site at the pentagon. i'm told the remarks will last for about 10 to 15 minutes and they start in just about an hour, don. >> and we're going to carry them here, jessica yellin, on cnn. you'll be able to see the president's remarks live. jessica, thank you very much reporting from the white house. tea party candidates get ready for a big gop debate on monday night. but they're not alone. democrats will be watching, too. next, we'll talk with brad withouse, communications
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director for the dnc and tea party chairwoman amy kramer to preview the contenders. if you want to tweet me about this or check me out on my blog or facebook, do it now. looking at all of your comments, especially as it comes to what's happening with our debate monday night. [ angela ] endless shrimp is our most popular promotion at red lobster. there's so many choices. the guests come in and they're like yeah i want to try this shrimp and i want to try this kind and this kind. they wait for this all year long. [ male announcer ] it's endless shrimp today at red lobster. your favorite shrimp entrees, like garlic shrimp scampi or new sweet and spicy shrimp. as much as you like any way you like for just $15.99. [ trapp ] creating an experience instead of just a meal that's endless shrimp. my name is angela trapp. i'm a server at red lobster and i sea food differently.
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all right. here in tampa we're a little more than 24 hours away from the republican debate co-hosted by cnn and the tea party express. i'm joined here now by amy
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kramer, chairwoman of the tea party express, also mark preston is back, cnn's senior political editor and brad woodhouse joining us from washington, d.c. communications director for the dnc. the democratic national committee. mark preston, start with you. you have new information. what's the new information? >> we've been talking whether or not we'll see michele bachmann try to engage rick perry in this debate on monday night. rick perry, michele bachmann are fishing from the same pond's tea party voters. perhaps amy can talk more about that. what i've learned from two campaign aides, michele bachmann, expect her to contrast her record with rick perry, certainly her views with rick perry on three issues. illegal immigration, social security and the mandate of the hvp vaccination rick perry did as the governor of texas. >> he has to do something. she's going to try to hit them hard, especially hit him hard come monday night, tomorrow night, because, i mean, really, he took the wind out of her sails. she won the iowa straw pom ll o
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the same day he threw his name into the race and all of a sudden her numbers started coming down. >> and we're going focus on the tea party. and i know that last week was his first debate, but we think that this debate, the people of this movement are so focused on the economy, and we believe we're going to be the ones to choose the next republican nominee. that's why this debate is so important. >> i want to talk to you about that. first of all, what he said about what michele bachmann is going to have to do, what do -- what do tea party members want to hear from the folks who are going to be on the stage? is michele bachmann doing -- is she playing to the people who -- your constituents? >> they both have been out on the front lines with the tea party movement for a long time. supporting us in a lot of things, been loud voices. we want to hear who has the best
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ideas and solutions to turn the economy around so that jobs are created again and we pay down our debt and deficit. that's what people want to hear. who is the candidate that can do ta? >> brad, again, we'll talk more, pick the next president of the united states. brad, i'm sure you would beg to differ. do you believe tea party member, going to pick the next president of the dwriunited states? >> no, don, i don't. i believe amy said tea party members will tick the presidential nominee. from our perspective, we'd be thrill fundamental they did that. the tea party is a portion of the republican party that wants to end medicare, dismantle social security, continue giving tax breaks to the wealthy while the middle class is left on its own. so i think that's a lot of what you will hear tomorrow night. with all due respect to michele bachmann, she has to make a move against rick perry, but, really, if you look at all of the debates, don, i think mark would agree with this. you've seen very little differences between these
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republicans. they're really almost on a grand scale, they all support the ryan plan and medicare. they all support some way or the other changing social security in ways for future generations. we're looking forward to see what they say tomorrow night, but it will be to appeal to the tea party and that will benefit us, we think. >> you say that's like it's a bad thing for democrat, but for members of the tea party it's not a bad thing what you said. had i said they're going to pick the next president of the united states, pick the republican nominee. you're thinking that's going to be the next president? >> absolutely. >> why do you say that, though? people say the tea party is a small fraction of voters? >> actually, i disagree with that. there's a large number of people that associate and identify with this tea party movement. they may not call themselves tea party activists but they, too, want the economy reined in and jobs created and there are independents and moderate it's, democrats in this movement and i think we are going to choose the next republican nominee, and the
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policies of president barack obama, nancy pelosi and harry reid simply are not working anymore. he's been in office three years, we had a democratic controlled congress from 2006 until january of this year. they've done nothing. we can't continue down this road and that's what americans are concerned about. >> i'm going to let brad speak to that. democrats are saying i'm going to get the e-mails and tweets saying, listen, the president has done a lot. more jobs created under this president than created under president bush. respond to what amy said. do you believe that the policies of the president are failing? >> of course not. i mean, don, remember, we were bleedi ining 750,000 job as mon when the president came into office. we've created private sector jobs in this country 18 straight months to tune of 2.4 million jobs. one of the reasons the economy slowed down in recent months is we're bleeding a lot of government sector jobs in the state and local level. you know what? i'm sure the tea party cheers that. laying off teachers. laying off police officers. laying off firefighters,
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university administrators, health care workers. that's not the way we'll turn the economy around. one reason the president has aid to states in the jobs plan to keep teachers on the job. it's not helping our economy to lay off teachers no matter what the tea party says. >> amy, you're shaking your head. you'll be on tonight. save it for a little later. a long road to go here. so, listen, thanks to all of you. it's great having these conversations and it's great being here, hearing the voice of, you know, the lech flelecto florida and tea party members. >> and we're excited to be having this debate. >> don, we'll see you in tampa tomorrow. >> all right. thank you, sir. remember, cnn along with the tea party express, co-hosts the debate among the republican presidential candidates leer in tampa. monday night, 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. florida is a state that republicans have to win in 2012.
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well, we'll tell you why, and preview tomorrow's debate with two party insiders. that's coming up next. ah. mom? he's here. nice wheels. oh, thanks. keeps me young. hello there, handsome. your dinner's in the microwave, dear. ♪ where do you want to go? just drive. [ engine revs, tires screech ] mom? ♪
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the first time everyone said florida is a must-win state for the gop in 2012, but why? let's talk about it aa pruk republican consultant and dana, a cnn contributor. alex, why is florida so important to republicans. >> when it comes to the process it's critically important. right now iowa may pick the most conservative winner of that playoff game. new hampshire may pick an establishment republican. they may come down to south carolina and florida really to settle who comes out of the republican nomination process. >> what you're saying, really, a bellwether state. >> meaning. >> usually the way florida goes, so goes the nomination. you can't be the presidential for the gop if you don't take florida. >> they're considering moving up the primary causing
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consternation with the party, the political system and the folks in the state. they may get punished and use delegates. they're saying we are strong and mighty and should go before several, a lot of other states? >> and every state wants to be first. you know? there are only 49 other states, but they ought to have a special place in the process and are more representative. the problem is, florida would actually be giving up an opportunity to be at the finish line instead of the starting line of the process. >> but if the they're penalized for doing that, maybe florida won't be the state that you have to win because they're going to lose some delegates? they're playing with fire, don't you think? >> they are playing with fire. usually what happens is nobody wants to insult the state as the process goes on and usually some accommodation is worked out. >> what do you think? >> a gamble. i hope they don't push it up. >> why? >> i think that florida ends up having just kind of the ultimate say in who's going to be
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selected on the republican side, and i just -- at this point, i really trust florida's instincts. i don't want them to push it up but keep it as it is. >> let's get to the reason we're here. that is monday night. tomorrow night. the debate. i don't know if you heard what mark preston said. spoke with folks at the bachmann campaign. hit perry hard tomorrow. is her message right on? >> i believe so. she does need to hit perry hard, because his entire strategy has been to completely ignore her. he wants to focus as much attention on romney as possible to be the non-romney. until perry got involved, it was romney and everyone who wasn't mitt romney. perry's taken a lot of the thunder away. by ignoring her, pushing her out of -- >> is this a complete -- >> oh, that she does? >> says, yeah i'm going to go, hit him hard, but does it really matter? >> i think it is. this could be a very good day for mitt romney.
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if michele bachmann takes on perry and they get into a tug-of-war on this, splitting the conservative vote, then that center right vote all goes to mitt romney, but she doesn't have much choice. she's got to not only deal with perry also demonstrate she's electable in a general election. what's holding her back is not that republicans disagree. they think the same thing she does. they don't think she can win in the fall. >> the chairwoman of the tea party sat with me a couple minutes ago and said the tea party is going to pick the next republican presidential nominee and thus the next president. what do you think? >> possibly. i think the tea party has been instrument until no just pushinged republican party a little more to the right but also the democrats. they've been pushing democrats. running as a moderate last election, the full influence of the grass roots movement, but it is a huge battle first and foremost with the establishment with the gop, and they're out in full force. i've had so much op hit my inbox
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about perry, bachmann, this person, that person. a tug-of-war first with the establishment. then with independents and the swing voters. >> this election, i think, is going to be way more interesting than the 2008 election. do you disagree with that? i think in large part because of the tea party's influence. >> because of the tea party's influence. you know, this is a big election in a lot of ways. the country's on the edge of an economic precipice. we don't know where we're going, how we'll dig ourselves out of a hole. a fear america's in decline and we'll leave our country with less for our children. that's never happened before. the fight politically are so tough because it's very different how we'll dig ourselves out. >> is that lesson for our children real or rhetoric? we've gone through bad times before. had unemployment. >> but never had confidence down. that's important.
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when you ask americans on a survey do you think your children will have it better than you did, for the first time, more americans think, no, our children are not than do. that doesn't happen in this country. this has always been the land of lem itless frontiers. we believe we can do anything as americans. that's in doubt. we've lost confidence and frankly it begins at the white house at the to put. our president is telling us only he can get us out. only washington can get us out. he's not doing what reagan did telling us, the american people can get us out. >> this has nothing to do with ideology, as americans today, we can survive anything and come out stronger on the other side. >> we may have different marines to achieving ends but the same ends. >> yeah. lives are important. >> absolutely. >> we want to leave our kids something. thank you. talk to you more. remember cnn along with the tea party express co-hosts the debate among the republican presidential candidates leer in
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tampa, florida. that's monday night 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. four people arrested in sweden for allegedly plotting a terror attack in the country's second largest city. that report and more and your top stories, next. nces and transfer between accounts, so your money can move as fast as you do. check out your portfolio, track the market with live updates. and execute trades anywhere and anytime the inspiration hits you. even deposit checks right from your phone. just take a picture, hit deposit and you're done. open an account today and put schwab mobile to work for you. there's so many choices. the guests come in and they're like yeah i want to try this shrimp and i want to try this kind and this kind. they wait for this all year long. [ male announcer ] it's endless shrimp today at red lobster. your favorite shrimp entrees, like garlic shrimp scampi or new sweet and spicy shrimp. as much as you like any way you like for just $15.99.
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[ trapp ] creating an experience instead of just a meal that's endless shrimp. my name is angela trapp. i'm a server at red lobster and i sea food differently. sure, but let me get a little information first. for broccoli, say one. for toys, say two. toys ! the system can't process your response at this time. what ? please call back between 8 and 5 central standard time. he's in control. goodbye. even kids know it's wrong to give someone the run around.
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at ally bank you never have to deal with an endless automated system. you can talk to a real person 24/7. it's just the right thing to do. i'm richelle carey at cnn world headquarters in atlanta. back to don in tampa in a moment. first our top stories. somber ceremonies marked the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.
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>> francis haroes. >> harvey l. harold. >> stephen -- >> the names of nearly 3,000 people who died that day were read aloud at the site when the twin towers once stood. the building's footprints now deep, beautiful fountains surrounded by names engraved in stone. observances also held today at the two other 9/11 sites. the pentagon and shanksville, pennsylvania. president obama was on hand to lay wreaths at both locations. the swedish security services says it arrested three people overnight of plotting a terror attack in the second largest city. probable cause of preparing attacks. the head of the security service warned islamic terrorism is the biggest threat. sweden witnessed terrorism in the past. a suicide bomber wounded two people in the capital stockholm last december.
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we all remember that. and the taliban isn't letting the 9/11 anniversary pass without reminding us what they're cable of. a suicide attempt killed at least two afghans in afghanistan. barbara star joins us by phone from washington. we're learning in the last few minutes specifically the 77 injured are, in fact, american? >> reporter: indeed, richelle. u.s. defense officials say that they believe now that most of the 77 injured were, in fact, american troops. this is a small combat outpost, a relatively small post in central eastern afghanistan in a place called wardak province that has seen a lot of fighting over the years. for 77 people could to be injur even minor injuries, that shows you the size and scope of the vehicle bomb that detonated at the front gate killing the suicide bomber and at least two
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others that were afghan laborers by al accounts. top u.s. official saying this was a significant and high-profile attack. the taliban did claim responsibility for it. it's an area of afghanistan, as i said that has seen fighting, but there's no indication at this point that this attack even though it occurred on the eve of the 9/11 anniversary, yesterday, that it was associated with any of the terrorist threats that americans are paying so much attention here here at home. richelle? >> barbara, any chatter in recent days and weeks to give officials a heads up that something like this might be coming? other than just the fact that it's 9/11? >> reporter: a part of afghanistan, richelle, the eastern section, much like southern afghanistan, it has really seen the bulk of the fighting over the years. i don't know that they had anything specific, but these kinds of suicide attacks, sadly, are growing increasingly common
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and troops are increasingly watchful for them. still remains to be seen how such a large suicide vehicle bomb got so close to a gate before it detonated and caused so much havoc. richelle? >> 77 injuries, 2 fatalities, barbara star reporting from washington. back to don lemon in tampa now. don? >> richelle, thank you very much. adam smith is one of the best political editors in florida. he's going to join me next with the inside scoop on this state and how it's trying to raise its political profile. but first, i want to tell you about a new orleans mom on a mission fighting for the rights of special needs kids. it all stems from the struggles she went through helping her own son. cnn's education contributor steve perry has her story in tonight's "perry's principles." >> reporter: when kara harper broils oldest son started kindergarten she got an earful
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from teachers who didn't understand hi behavior was masking adhd. >> all of these messages. at some point, that kid's going to explode. >> reporter: things got so bad the new orleans mom felt she had to take drastic action. >> reporter: you were at the point you thought you had to quit your job? >> to be there. >> reporter: really? >> yes. >> reporter: your plan is quit your job to go into the school with your child? >> i went to the -- at school every day. they ended up making me a substitute teacher. >> reporter: come on. >> no, seriously. >> reporter: extensive testing showed chris had adhd and a high i.q., which meant he was learning disabled and gifted. armed with the diagnosis, karen made it her mission to get him the classroom vee sourcresource needed. >> i started going to school board meetings. prepared documents to show them. >> reporter: they must have loved you? >> they have come to love me. >> reporter: she spent over a decade teaching other parents
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how to navigate the system. >> i help parents now because i didn't have anybody there to help me. make yourself an expert on what's going on with your child and work with the school. the school doesn't have all the answers. >> reporter: how's chris doing now? >> chris works here in new orleans now as a professional musician, he travels around the world. ♪ >> he's very good at what he does and living the life he wants to live. he's very happy. >> reporter: steve perry, new orleans. [ cherie ] i wanted to make a difference in my community. [ kimberly ] the university gave me the knowledge to make a difference in people's lives. [ carrie ] you're studying how to be an effective leader. [ cherie ] you're dealing with professionals, teaching things that they were doing every day. [ kimberly ] i manage a network of over a thousand nurses. [ carrie ] i helped turn an at-risk school into an award-winning school. [ cherie ] i'm responsible for the largest urban renewal project in utah.
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florida is the top of the universe as host of tomorrow's big debate and would like it to stay there. a political editor of the "st. peters berg times." start with this. unique state. talk about the i-4 corridor. listen, i know why it's important. there is a reason that the republicans are holding their convention this time in florida. >> absolutely. the math, democrats can win the presidency without florida, potentially. it's virtually impossible for republicans. they have to win florida. >> they've got to win florida. it's important what they're going to do up on that stage on
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monday night. as we said, you are one of the best political editors here. the best political editor, we say, in florida. what do you think about? what do these guys have to do up onstage tomorrow night to really get people engaged with them come tomorrow night? >> for rick perry, a lot of attention on social security. with florida being florida, that's a key issue. one in six floridians is a recipient of social xusecurity. he has explaining to do. he has to make it clear he's not going to tinker with existing beneficiaries. marco rubio made it clear -- >> did you see the flyer for perry and romney out, from the romney campaign? >> yeah. the e-mail -- >> what do you think? >> romney thinks he's very vulnerable, will probably make the case anybody who sounds hostile to social security cannot win a general election. >> you have a lot of older
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voters, people who are going to be -- not going to be. who rely on social security. that doesn't play well. he has explaining to do, you say. i think he has a lot of explaining to do? >> it's probably how you phrase it. be more artful. not that he's talking about doing away with social security but talking about for future beneficiaries. >> at michele bachmann, our senior political editor spoke to someone on her staff saying she's going to hit him on social security and come at him hard tome? >> she faded since iowa. she has to do something to get momentum back. she has strong support in florida. not far from here, she had an 1,200. a big deal. >> talk about another big deal. moving the florida primary up. is it fifth, right? >> the idea they're aiming to be fifth, after iowa and new hampshire. >> where is florida now? >> right now they actually literally don't have a date. >> they don't have a date.
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they want to be fifth? so -- they are going to be penalized if they do it. lose delegates. do you think it's going to happen? >> i don't think they care so much about the delegates. they want a voice. with the republican leadership in the state says, this is the state that is a microcosm of america. it's diverse. both ethnically, culturally, geographically and deserve to have a key say. >> and playing with fire if they're doing this lby losing delegates. >> if this become as long, drawn out delegate fight, which is po terrible. a lot of flori potential, they'll be second guessing. >> and also a say in cleaning everything us? >> mostly in modern history, about momentum. whoever has that cleans up. >> as my producer floridian says, the argument on the other side is that if the candidates,
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if the nominee's already chosen what does it really matter? >> exactly. which was the cases they used to have their primary later ornd and tired of not having any say. >> can you quickly explain? a lot know about it. others may not. the i-4 corridor really supposed to be the area everyone needs to win and sort of, is it the demographics of the country or just important here in florida? >> tampa st. petersburg to daytona, center of the state, swing vote. independent voter mecca. winning florida is all about winning the i-4 corridor. republican primary, tampa bay, the biggest market combined with orlando. about 45% of the vote. >> drive along the i-4 corridor a lot of political ads. if you win those markets and get the most ads there, i'm sure the tv and radio stations and newspapers who serve that corridor, they must love it. >> they love it. generally divides florida. southern florida, typically democratic. northern florida, republican,
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conservative. the central and i-4 decide this election. >> fascinating. we've got to run and pay some bills, speaking of that. again, a programming reminder, cnn along with the tea party express co-hosts a debate among the presidential republican candidates right here in tampa monday night, 8:00 p.m. eastern only on cnn. people across america remembers 9/11 attacks ten years ago. a recap straight ahead, and we'll tell you about a new program used to better organize the names of the victims on the memorial at ground zero. yeah i want to try this shrimp and i want to try this kind and this kind. they wait for this all year long. [ male announcer ] it's endless shrimp today at red lobster. your favorite shrimp entrees, like garlic shrimp scampi or new sweet and spicy shrimp. as much as you like any way you like for just $15.99. [ trapp ] creating an experience instead of just a meal that's endless shrimp. my name is angela trapp. i'm a server at red lobster
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and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so we're back to tide. they're cuter in clean clothes. [ laughs ] thanks, honey. yeah. you suck at folding. [ laughs ] that's my tide. what's yours? [ female announcer ] find the tide that's right for you at on the tenth anniversary of 9/11 our cnn hero is a new yorker deeply moved by the outpouring of help his city received after the attacks. in 2004 jeff pardoness established a nonprofit that sends volunteers from new york to rebuild other disaster-ridden communities. take a look.
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>> september 11th was a very tough time for the fire department. i lost some friends. guys i went to the academy with. the day afterwards, people came from everywhere to help us out. incredible. you knew you weren't alone. >> the new yorkers, that outpouring of kindness and generosity was more powerful than the terror that happened. that really changed me. i'm jeff parness and i just want to show new york will never forget what people did for us following 9/11. every year on the anniversary we take volunteers from new york to where they had a disaster and help them rebuild. >> how are you? >> it's definitely a culture shock. >> rebuilding homes or barns or churches. that's our way of saying thank you. now, more than half our volunteers are not from new york. people from all the small towns we help, they keep showing up to help the next community.
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they're from louisiana, california, indiana, illinois. every year you keep seeing more t-shirts from more locations. >> we're going to pitch in as we can. >> in katrina, we jumped on his bandwagon. it's contagious. >> like a big dysfunction family reunion of family disasters that get together and do a barn raising. >> it's building relationships that help you heal. >> it's about using the 9/11 anniversary to celebrate that volunteer spirit. >> we'll see you all next year. >> people say, thank you for doing this, and i say you want to thank me? show up on the next one. to find out more about jeff's work or make a donation go to join the conversation on cnnheroes' facebook and twitter pages. a complex program was used on the ground zero memorial to group the names of 9/11 victims. our tech reporter is next to tell us all about it.
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today the city of new york dedicated a memorial to the victims who died at the world trade center on 9/11. but the names aren't in any kind
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of simple alphabetical order. the memorial's creators used a complex program to group the victims' names in a way that better reflects their lives and their relationships. that's very interesting. our tech reporter joins us now to explain it. katie, how does this work and how do you know where to look for the names? >> yes, hi, don. surrounding the two thmemorial pools of water are 76 bronze plates with the etchings of the names of nearly 3,000 victims of 9/11. the names are not placed in any grid or order. they're actually placed in meaningful ajay sencys per the requests of 1 z 800 friends and family members. that means people that had an instant bond or friends and family members will be grouped together. but this was only made possible by a very complex computer program. you might say, why was this so difficult to play lay out? understand not only do you have 76 of these very large bronze panels that have to be grouped, then sub-grouped by the names,
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you also have to take into consideration typography. how many names are going to follow on a grid. the city of new york didn't know if this was possible. local projects in new york city that took on the project hired a freelance computer programmer who i spoke with. i said how did you actually lay this out? he told me it took the algorithm about a month to create, then six months later to actually make everything tweak and lay out to really create this human connection. what was amazing, with the success of the software, we start to see all of these names that had much more meaning behind them. we take for example cantor fitzgera fitzgerald. 740 employees were loss. these names take up half of the pools. bronze slaps around one pool showing the impact of such a terrible event. then also two brothers, john and joseph, 34 and 36 years old,
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that were passed away that day. they were first responders but now, don, they can be forever memorialized right next to each other on the bronze plating. >> what do you do? do you look for the company they worked for? what do you look for? >> yeah. that's a good question. there are still 3,000 names to go for. understand they aren't grouped alphabetically. there, kiosks on site at memorial but also even if you don't know anybody, i really encourage to you go on to the site. its names.911 it is so incredibly impactful to search these names, see their profile and picture pop up. every name has a true meaning behind it. but also there is an ann created by the people that created the memorial. it is memorial guide. it is a free app. if you have a smartphone, it will help you find any names placed on the memorial, don. >> all right, we appreciate it. thank you very much. i'll see you again next weekend.
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we're waiting the president. he's going to speak on the 9/11 anniversary. he's going to speak at a ceremony in washington and we're going to carry it for you live. we'll be right back. omnaris. omnaris, to the nose. did you know nasal symptoms like congestion can be caused by allergic inflammation? omnaris relieves your symptoms by fighting inflammation. side effects may include headache, nose bleed, and sore throat. got allergy symptoms out of my way. now life's a picnic. [ man ] omnaris. ask your doctor. battling nasal allergy symptoms? omnaris combats the cause. get omnaris for only $11 at [ doorbell rings ] hello there. i'm here to pick up helen. ah. mom? he's here. nice wheels. oh, thanks. keeps me young. hello there, handsome. your dinner's in the microwave, dear. ♪ where do you want to go? just drive. [ engine revs, tires screech ]
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