tv Piers Morgan Tonight CNN September 13, 2011 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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issued. in 2006, when governor perry became influential in the republican governors association took on fund-raising activities and became the head of the rga, the merck group has donated almost $380,000 to the rga and $4 million has been donated from the rga to governor rick perry's campaign. this is the kind of thing, all perfectly legal, i must be perfectly clear about this, but finance watchdogs, a group here in texas cled texans for public justice, it just infuriates them. they think there's more to this than meets the eye. >> if there's more to it, people will be scrubbing that record. my first campaign was governor dukakis. then clinton, then bush. when they step on to the stage, they think all of this has been litigated. maybe not. that's all the time we have tonight. hope to see you right back here tomorrow. tonight, she changed the world of music and she left it far too soon.
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amy winehouse. nobody knew her quite like her father mitch. >> my memories of her will never fade. she was my daughter. >> mitch winehouse, his daughter's extraordinary talent -- >> obviously will be her music. there will be some more, hopefully. >> her demons. >> one addiction would follow the other. this is what happened with amy. >> a checkered love life. >> blake came back into her life at that moment when she was at her most vulnerable. ♪ i die a hundred times >> mitch winehouse, prime time exclusive in an emotional and extraordinary hour. >> we were all heartbroken, heartbroken. >> this is piers morgan tonight. ♪ you go back to her
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♪ and i go back to life >> good evening. my prime time exclusive with mitch winehouse is next. also an extraordinary life and death story. this is the video that everyone is talking about. the heroes that saved a motorcyclist from sudden death in utah. i'll talk to them, tonight. mitch, thank you so much for coming to the studio for the interview. i can only imagine this has been a hideous few weeks for you. how you and the family bearing up since amy died? >> it's been very difficult, piers. very, very difficult indeed. but the good thing is we've got each other, we've got wonderful family, and extremely wonderful friends, and we've kept each other strong and, of course, we've got the foundation we're working on. so we're doing okay. under the circumstances, we're doing okay. >> obviously, you knew that amy
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was incredibly popular. have you been taken aback by the sheer scale of the reaction to her death? >> i have. i didn't realize how popular -- i knew she sold 20 million albums, but the sheer depth of feeling that people have for her has been extraordinary. the love and the messages we're getting and how she changed people's lives, it's just wonderful. >> are your feelings ones of anger, of frustration, just a sadness? how would you describe how you've been feeling since you heard the news? >> i think all of those. all of those. very angry with amy. and if i get hold of her, i'll spank her bottom, you know. but all of those things, piers. i'm very angry, feel very guilty. it's natural. i haven't done anything to be guilty about. all of those feelings combined. >> where were you when you heard the news? >> i was in new york. i was with my cousin who -- we were on the 47th floor of a
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tower in manhattan. he and his wife had had twin babies and i went to see the twin babies. i was about to do a show at the blue note club in new york. and i was holding one of the babies. my cousin's english. and he found his dad to say that i was there and spoke to my uncle. he said how's amy? i said, she's doing great. as i was talking to him, my mobile rang, picks up the phone and it was amy's security guard, and he was crying. and he told me that she'd passed away. >> and just to go through her last night, tell me what happened. from everything that you now know. >> okay. she'd had a good day, as most of her days were good days. and she had -- her mom janice and richard, janice's boyfriend, went to see her earlier in the day and she was in good spirits. and she was getting close to
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bed, so i think it was about 1:00 at night and she's singing and she has got a drum in her room and she's playing the drum. >> she was on her own? >> she was on her own. there wasn't anybody else in the house. i think her friend tyler -- he stays with her. and he was in the room underneath hers. and it was about 1:00 and the security guard said to her, you better stop playing the drum, amy, because people next door will complain. she said, yeah, no problem. she stopped playing the drum. he heard her walking around for another half hour or so. and he thought she'd gone to sleep. he checked on her about 3:00 in the morning. and she seemed to be asleep. i think he checked her again -- you have to excuse me if i haven't got my timings right. he checked her again at about 8:00 and he saw that there was a problem, and they called the paramedics and that was it. >> what was your reaction immediately?
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>> i -- i had incredible clarity, and i wasn't clarity, i wasn't screaming. i was holding one of the babies. i gave the baby to my cousin, and i was comforting the security guard who -- you know, he blamed himself. there's nothing to blame himself for. again, it was quite natural. and i was comforting him and i was comforting my cousin, i was comforting my uncle. and i was obviously in shock, but as i was sitting there taking it all in, i just had thoughts coming into my mind. amy winehouse foundation, amy winehouse foundation, amy winehouse foundation, music, horses, children. these are the things that were important to her. not necessarily in that order. i don't think children were less important than horses but she loved horses, she loved music and she loved kids. this is what was in my mind immediately. amy winehouse foundation. amy winehouse foundation.
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she was basically guiding me and telling me what to do, that's what i believe. >> did you expect this call? >> not at all. had this happened three or four years previously, to be honest with you, i would have held my hands up and said, fair enough. her recovery, as i'm sure we'll speak about later from drug addiction, was extraordinary. i've been banging on for the last three years that she hadn't -- she'd been clean of drugs for years. >> so you believed absolutely she was clean of drugs for three years. >> she hasn't taken any drugs for three years. >> what about alcohol? >> alcohol was a different issue. unfortunately, alcohol, as you may be aware, one addiction can follow another. and this is what happened with amy. we found that when she had conquered the drug addiction, she then went on to a very positive addiction. she was exercising every day. she was so fit, incredibly fit. she had a gym at home. she was exercising for three or
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four hours a day if not more. >> did you have any way of controlling any of these addictions that she had? >> how do you control somebody else's addictions? at the time people were saying to me, well, what you should do -- people who should know better. what you should do is hire a big house in the country so that nobody can hear her scream, take her there, lock the doors, lock the windows and just leave her there. put some food under. how can you do that to somebody? that's imprisonment. you can't do that to somebody. if somebody is an addict, they have to deal with it in their own way. the only way that the family can help is to be there to love them and support them. sometimes it's tough love that's needed, sometimes it's soft love. whatever it is, the answer comes from the addict, not from the family of the addict. so in terms of doing anything about her addictions, whatever they were, it's not really an
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awful lot that any family can do. >> in the last few weeks, have you had any regrets? you say you feel guilty. but that's a kind of different thing like any parent in that situation. but do you have any concrete regrets, things you wish you'd done? >> no, i really don't. our family was or is an incredibly strong family. and, you know, great example set by -- how far do you want me to go back, from my grandparents and my mother and father who are both gone now. and we took that forward. and as a family, we are a loving family. amy was an integral part of that family. >> every time i've seen you in public since amy died, you've shown remarkable self-control. people were struck by that given that you were so close to her. have you had moments in private where you've really lost it about this or have you been able to keep things together?
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>> i mean, i have moments when i just can't believe what's happened. it's just incredible. even now i -- if she walked in here right now, i wouldn't be surprised. it's just incredible that a force, her force, her nature has gone, but it hasn't really gone because, you know, i'm a firm -- as all my family, we're firm believers in life after death. and she's right here with us all the time. there's been some fantastic stuff going on as far as that's concerned, butterflies, birds and butterflies and birds and messages we're getting. in answer to your question, in answer to your question, it's not a question of losing it. i think that crying is an integral part of the grieving process. and i think that everybody -- not everybody. i can't tell everybody how they
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should grieve, but the way that i grieve -- i lost my mother and my father is to cry. i'm a crier. and i'm glad. i hope that means i'm not storing my grief up for something else because amy wouldn't want me to have -- you know, to suffer from depression or anything like that because i just have too much to do. there's so much work that we have to do for the foundation, i can't afford to get depressed. if it means i'm going to cry, i'll cry. if it means i'll cry here, i'll cry. i'm not ashamed to cry. >> when we come back, i want to talk to you about the early days of amy, what she's like when she was a little girl. then the dark days when you watch your daughter self-imploding. i want healthy skin for life. [ female announcer ] improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion.
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>> a song that made amy winehouse an international star "rehab." i can see that you can hardly bear to see her singing that. >> i was -- this is a great story because she just had a breaking up about her partner chris, a very, very nice guy. he was a bit of a wimp. and she wrote the song about him, you should be stronger than me. off the first album. and they broke up, and she had a few -- she went on a binge because of it. and she fell and banged her head. she came to stay with me for three or four days. her managers were a couple of guys named nick shymanski and nick godwin and they said you have to go to rehab. and they came to my house.
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and at the time, i didn't think she needed to go to rehab. she just had a breakup with her boyfriend. and, you know, she said, what do you think? i said, i think you're fine. they tried to make me go to rehab, i said no, no, no. but she did go there. so she went to rehab for two hours, and then she came back. i said, so she's been away from my house for three hours. you've been to rehab and you come back already. she said, the guy she went to see, all he wanted to do was speak about himself. it's all in the song "rehab," but my daddy thinks i'm fine. out of that someone situation, she managed to write "rehab". >> one of the great songs of the last 20 years. >> of the last 20 years. >> there's a poignancy about the title of that song and an irony, i guess, that rehab was something that kind of bedeviled amy for years. she flirted with it.
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do you ever think she fully committed to rehab or not? >> no. >> when was the first time that you thought okay wow, this is interesting? >> well, there's so many stories. the story that i tell over and over is that we -- she got a scholarship for sylvia young as an actress and as a dancer. >> that's like an acting school. >> it's an acting school. they do music too. but we went to the first show that she did, my wife and i. not janice. jane. we went to see her. and whether the song she was sing was in the wrong key. i remember saying to my wife, thank god she can act. she had acting jobs and was doing okay. the following year she said, dad, i'm singing again. i said to my wife, oh, my god, she's singing again. this time we went to see her, and she can sing. that's probably from about the age of 14. i heard her singing before, but
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i wasn't in house from the age of 10. i saw her three or four times a week, but janice and i got divorced when she was 10. so i wasn't there all the time. and she was singing all the time and didn't sound anything out of the ordinary to me until we saw her that show. >> and the irony was that she actually left the sylvia young school because she wasn't, in their eyes, performing academically well enough, right? >> sylvia will say she wasn't expelled but she was actually expelled. >> when she left sylvia, what was the moment for you that you realized this little girl of yours was going to be an international star? >> we were -- at sylvia young she met a guy called tyler james who was a great friend. he was in the house with her that night. and he introduced her to his management company, a company called 19. and they asked me to come down because she was under 18 and i had to sign the forms for her.
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your daughter is absolutely fantastic. they sent us some tracks. i've never heard her sing on a cd before. and i send some of the tracks that she'd done. and they were just brilliant. at that point i remember saying to my wife, this is incredible. but really it was a question of when did this happen? >> you hadn't seen it coming? >> not really, no. not really. i heard her sing, but there's lots of kids that can sing. >> the thing about amy wasn't just the singing. she wrote some of this stuff. she wrote some of the great songs of the last 25 years. where do you think she'd like to get that from? >> i'd like to say me, of course. but the truth is that janice, my ex-wife's family, they were professional musicians on that side, too. we're all singers on our side and they're the musicians on janice's side. so pretty good gene pool there one way or another. >> amy obviously propelled into
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the stratosphere of music superstardom. the first album did april yantly, the second one exploded. i want to talk to you about the effect of fame and fortune in her life and, in particular, the effect of her quite troubled love life in that period as well. if something is simply the color of gold, is it really worth more? we don't think so. chase sapphire preferred is a card of a different color. unlike others, you get twice the points on travel, and twice the points on dining, and no foreign transaction fees. call now or apply at just a second. just, just one second. ♪ what are you looking at? don't look up there.
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♪ since i've come home >> long before amy and i met, i know she's been shooting up that stuff for 3 1/2 years and stuff like that. you know, she had said -- which i knew, you know. that just wasn't part of her life. you know? it wasn't our world, you know? so it was long in the past. it was gone. and she wasn't into it. she wasn't into that scene or that kind of thing, you know? she wasn't into drugs at all. so no. >> that was amy winehouse's boyfriend at the time of her death, reg travis. amy had finally seemed, mitch it seemed, found love with a guy. >> an incredible source for good in her life. i don't know where she found him at. he's like a throwback to the
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'50s or old fashioned values. dresses in a very retro, in a modern old-fashioned way, if you know what i mean. he's just a terrific guy. he had a great influence on amy. >> many people say that amy's almost inevitable downfall came after she met this guy blake who became her husband. he's now serving a prison sentence in britain for assaulting someone. when she first got together with this guy, as her father, what was your immediate reaction when you saw the kind of person that he was? >> my immediate reaction was that he was a very charming guy. i saw him at one of amy's shows. and i knew that she'd been seeing this guy called blake and he'd been in and out of her life, but i thought that she'd done with him because it seemed to me he only wanted to come back into her life, once it started to do well. >> when she was successful.
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>> when she was successful. >> you were suspicious of his motivation, really? >> i was suspicious of his motivation, yes, i was. and my suspicions proved to be well founded. >> people close to amy believe that it was blake who got her from soft drugs and marijuana which she admitted to taking as a teenager, on to hard drugs, cocaine, ecstasy and heroin? >> i don't know about ecstasy, but cocaine and heroin, yes, i do. >> and as her father, how did that make you feel when you thought this guy that she's in love with, hooked up to, is driving her to this kind of thing? >> i was sickened, and i did everything in my power to stop the relationship, but again, what can you do? she loved -- she really loved blake. >> did you ever confront him? >> oh, frequently. and his family. >> what would you say? >> leave my daughter alone, leave us alone.
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you're killing my daughter. he would say, well, i'm not killing her. he would admit to nothing. and his family were in denial, which made it even more difficult because we had them to deal with as well, was very, very painful and very difficult. >> did they not believe that he got amy into these hard drugs? >> no. they believed at one point that it was amy that had got him on to the hard drugs. >> when she began taking cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, all this other stuff, did you notice a change in her? >> did i notice a change in her? that's a very, very good question. in terms of her relationship with her family, she was still the loving girl that she'd always been. i must add that my mother died -- i nearly said at the wrong time. it's never the right time for your mother to die.
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but blake came back on the scene literally weeks after my mother passed away thncht is amy's grandmother. >> amy's grandmother and her grandmother, my mother, they were just so close. they were as close as mother and daughter. >> that had a traumatic effect on her. >> an incredibly traumatic effect on all of us but on amy and my son alex as well. it was devastating for them. and it was just the timing of everything was just incredible. blake came back into her life at that moment when she was at her most vulnerable. and the results speak for themselves. >> there were periods through there just from what we read in the media at the time, just it seemed to be spiraling out of control, her life. is that how you saw it? do you fear that you were going to wake up one day with the terrible news that you eventually did, ironically at a time when she was a lot cleaner, but during this time with blake that this was going to end horribly.
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>> yeah, i did think it was going to end horribly. it was a terrible time for us. i spent my time as an old man fighting, literally fist fights with people and scrapping and shouting and arguing. and it made me old, ultimately. it made me old, ultimately. and i just needed to -- all my friends and family, we felt that we needed to protect amy. but of course, amy at the time thought what's all the fuss about? >> she was a headstrong girl. >> yes. >> she had lots of self-belief in many ways as well as lots of insecurity. i imagine successful, very rich and a little part was thinking, hey, dad, back off, this is my life, right? >> absolutely. absolutely. and how can you back off? how can you back off when you can see this is happening to your daughter directly as a result of her -- i got to be
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careful what i say really. because i just got to remember how it was. he did not force -- blake did not force amy to take the drugs. that would be unfair. >> but he provided the platform for her to take those drugs? >> so i believe. >> he took it to another level of drug taking, and she became pretty quickly addicted to that kind of stuff. >> yeah. >> so if that sense he's culpable, he is. >> he's culpable for that, but he's not culpable tore anything that happened subsequent to that. i wouldn't blame him for amy's death. that would be stupid. >> although there's an argument if she hadn't been addicted for long, that the effects on her body coupled with the eye diction and the fact that she didn't eat enough, this weakened her too much that she just packed up. you can chart it to when she was taking all the heroin and so on.
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>> you could do so, but she loved blake and he loved her in his own way. he certainly wouldn't have wanted this to happen. >> have you talked to him since she died? >> no, i wouldn't talk to him. i'm not interested in him, i'm not interested in his family and i'm not interested in him. we don't want their help with the foundation. we would be a laughingstock if we recruited him on to the foundation. >> has he made any attempt to contact you? >> he says he has, but he hasn't. >> he hasn't written to you or anything? >> no. his mother, in one of the many newspaper articles that she's written since amy's death, she says that blake has been trying to get in touch with me. she's been trying to get -- you know, but none of them have got in touch with me. i'm not interested in them. >> one of the worst things for you, mitch, i would imagine is you've had to live this roller
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coaster time not in private but in the glare of front page headlines, television and so on and so on. in the wake of all that you've been criticized by people, where is her father. what do you say to people who criticize you like that? >> that's a fair point. that's a good question. but i was -- we were there as a family, we were there all the time. although we never -- i never, ever saw amy take any drugs. she'd never do that in front of me. >> never. >> never. we were there all of the time. once inadvertently i saved her life. this was maybe four years ago when her p.a. -- i said to her p.a. check her every hour. he checked her five minutes previously. then i came into the house she was living in. and i said, giovan -- yeah, i checked her five minutes ago. i am going to go up and give her a kiss good night.
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and she was having a fit on the bed. we called the paramedics. it was all resolved and we took her to hospital. she woke up in hospital. and the first thing she said to me was, i'm hungry, dad, can you go out and get me some kentucky fried chicken. so that's the kind of girl she was. that was a fluke because giovan was not due to check her for another 55 minutes. had he waited 55 minutes, that would have been it then. i could have honestly held my hands up and said, fair enough. that's fair enough. she was very ill. she was taking an inordinate amount of drugs. and i don't know how she survived. it was because she was so strong that she somehow managed to survive. and to make this amazing recovery, which se did. and i use the word recovery -- >> i want to come to this. just hold that thought. we'll talk about the recovery, then talk about the catastrophic
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♪ we already said good-bye ♪ words i die a hundred times ♪ you go back to her ♪ and i go back to ♪ i go back to >> amy winehouse singing "back to black." i can see how difficult it is for you, mitch, i'm sorry you have to see these images. it must be so painful for you. that's how she'll be remembered,
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i guess. >> she had everything to live for. a wonderful family, she wanted to have children, a wonderful boyfriend, i'm sure they would have gone on to get married and have a family. >> she was happy, she was in love, she'd been clean of drugs for three years. you talked before the break about her genuinely enjoying this recovery. did you feel secure with her recovery? did you feel it was a genuine one or were you still very concerned? >> well, i was concerned, but i could draw on the experiences that we had with the recover free the drugs. what she did as far as the drugs was concerned was incredible. she stopped taking drugs. she went on to subutex, which is a substitute for heroin, then weend herself off of subutex. it was almost unheard of. she stopped taking that 18 months ago and was completely clean. >> she had extraordinary self-discipline if she wanted to. >> incredible self-discipline.
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>> was the achilles' heel alcohol in the end? >> it clearly was. >> but how bad an addiction was that for you after the drugs? >> well, alcohol is far more dangerous than drugs are anyway. as you probably know. it's far worse for you, if that's the right expression. withdrawal is a very difficult, far more painful, far more debilitating. the withdrawals themes are debilita debilitating. she would drink for two weeks, then detox for two or three weeks. that's the worst thing that anybody could do, because she would detox not under medical supervision. her doctor very specifically told her, six months ago, and she wrote a copy to me as well. and she said if this behavior continued, the binge drinking and then the detoxing, that that could lead to seizures which
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ultimately could lead to death. this was what the doctor said. and i guess she was like any other 27-year-old who thinks that smoking's not going to kill you, she's going to live forever. she chose to ignore the advice because she had just come off the back of a two-week very successful detox period. >> had she been drinking alone the night she died? >> she had started drinking, yeah. >> do you know how much she had that night? >> i have no idea. i wasn't there, ways here. >> the results came back. she was certainly clean of any drugs. >> that's right. >> but it would appear that she was drinking alcohol? >> there was alcohol in her system, yes. >> do you know what actually killed her? >> we're still -- we know it's not drugs, but we don't know the official coroner's verdict. >> do you have any instinct? >> well, my instinct is that it's pretty much what the doctor warned us about. the chemical imbalances in the body that are created by binging
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and then substantial ens, it creates -- >> she was timing. >> she wasn't that timing. >> if you remember the sequence of events, i'm sure you remember it all very clearly. but she did a gig in london. i think you went to this. >> wonderful. >> a fantastically successful gig. on the back of it you and the management said, great, she's up for this tour. a european tour. she looks like she's in top form again. that's what the media reported. the buzz around amy was great. you tweeted at the time, don't worry about amy. she's fine. the tour starts in bell grade. my wife's brother was amy's sax player in the band, had been for years. loved her very dearly. and i've seen the video footage of that night. it was a catastrophe. i mean, just a shambles. it must have been doubly so because you'd seen her performing brilliantly two weeks before. what happened in belgrade, do you think?
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>> when the tour was booked, it was booked -- i mean, obviously, these things are booked nine months previously. we sat -- amy and i sat with ray, her manager, and we said, do you want to do this, amy? she said, i am desperate to go back to work, dad. i am desperate to go back to work. please let me go back to work. she wants to go back to work. what can we do? let her go back to work. but it was the pressure of -- i think it was the pressure of having all those, which she wanted to do. nobody -- i can assure you, i didn't force her to do them. ray, her manager never forced and the record company never forced her to do anything. if anybody had forced her to do anything, she'd just laugh at us all and just run away from us. she wasn't the sort to be forced into anything. she wanted to do it. >> let's take another break. i want to come back and talk to you by the amy foundation you have set up. [ male announcer ] this is the network.
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quite an honor for her. he's talked very eloquently since she's died about her amazing talent. i would imagine that song's going to be huge when it finally gets released. tell me about the foundation. you say your first thought when you heard that amy had died was amy winehouse foundation. what was the concept? what is it about this foundation? who does it help? >> it helps disadvantaged children, young adults. it's split into three parts. >> a british member of parliament. >> a british member of parliament. i've been speaking with the select committee advising on drugs. very little help for anybody let alone young adults. the one remaining juvenile rehabilitation center in england was shut down. >> really aimed at young people maybe like amy who get into drugs, get into alcohol or
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whatever, need real help. they can't at the moment get the help they need. >> this is for people that can't pay. >> people watching that want to help, what's the easiest way to do that? >> the easiest way is and donate. but that's only one aspect. the other aspects are helping hospices. we're helping children's hospitals. i'm working with small charity called hopes and dreams who send terminally ill children away to disney world. and it's these small charities we aim to help and in this country and in the u.s. as well. >> what for you, mitch, is the great memory of amy? either professionally or personally? >> the great memories are seeing her on stage for the first time, but my great memories, the last
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-- i went away on the friday to new york, as i say, i had a show the following monday at the blue note. and on the thursday she phoned me up. she was so excited. she phoned me three times a day every day. even when she was at her worst with the drugs. she phoned me three times a day. dad, dad, dad, dad. what is it, darling? i just found a bundle of photographs, a box of photographs there's nana in it, your dad and alex as a little boy. we were going through the photographs together. my memories of her, obviously, will never fade. she's my daughter, but the love that she had for her family and her friends, and there's so much more that we can speak about but we don't have the time. and her generosity. that's what i'll remember most, her generosity. >> i'm told she had a great sense of humor. >> fantastic. >> that it was a laugh a minute with amy.
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and i have this impression of her that she was this depressive character. that was never the case. >> never. >> she had some ups and downs in her life, but she always remained a great cheery force to be around and a funny girl and everything else, you must miss her terribly, right? >> we were heartbroken, heartbroken. >> what do you hope her legacy will be, mitch? >> her legacy will be her music. hopefully be her -- hopefully there will be some more music, i don't think there is a great deal to come. there will be some more, hopefully. and her foundation. her foundation is going to help thousands and thousands of children and what better legacy could you want than that? >> she was one of the greatest talents i've ever seen.
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as a singer/songwriter to merck the best britain's produced since sort of elton john days. and you know, i think that the legacy will be the amazing music. i also think that your interview today will stand as a great legacy to amy winehouse because, you know, she had the love of a great father and i don't think there is anything more you could have done. people that criticize you should just shut up because they don't know the half of it and you tried everything you could and you have my deepest sympathy, you really do. >> thank you. >> good luck we having, mitch. >> thanks very much. coming up, the heros who saved a trapped motorcyclist when they lifted a burning car. you needtruck le e silvera to take on that list oyours. t'chevy season of ding. and there isn a tt time for a truck, with chk rk after mark of pe doing per. ♪ go yor chevaler today. get the truck and g that list done
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now a story that just might restore your faith in humanity a motorcyclist in utah owes his life to my next guest. brandon wright webber issed his bike yesterday morning when a car drove into his path. he was pulled under that car and trapped and his bike caught fire. that is when a group of heroic bystanders sprang into ago, lifting the car and pullinging wright free. joining me now, three of those heroes, james oday, embassy undikov and let me congratulate you on an outstanding act of brave rib, the whole of america is talking but, thanks to the internet and the whole world, a remarkable thing to witness. james, let me start with you. you're all students at the utah state university. when you first saw what was going on -- >> yes. >> -- what went through your mind? >> for a moment, i thought it was just too -- a car and a motorcycle on fire until i got
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to the scene where my wife was already there and she was the one who indicated to me that there is a body under the car and quickly, all that came to my mind was, oh if it was my son or my kid brother or anybody that is known to me, the first thing i would have done was to help that person. so all i did was to quickly rush and give a helping hand. >> and we can see the pictures here, clearly, very dangerous. that car could have exploded at any moment. none of you seemed to be concerned for your own safety. when you look back at the video, what do you think now? >> at first, when i saw it was a fire, an accident, i didn't think about myself. i think -- i thought about this poor guy underneath the car and i thought the car was going to explode. >> an amazing thing. abbas, let me come to you, do you consider yourselves to be heroes?
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>> um, i don't -- i don't think hero, like, would be the word to describe the people who were trying to help lifting the car or helping the person, i mean brandon. i think i would like say that we are just human being trying to help, like, another human being. it is like our human instinct that drove us, it is nothing -- nothing other than that. >> it is like where we come from, i'm originally from ghana and where we come from is, like, we always try to be our brother's keeper and that is what we were trying to do there, just to help a fellow human being. that is all we were trying to do. >> well, let me bring in somebody how think may quibble with this category of hero, and that's tyler riggs, brandon wright's uncle. tyler, can you hear me? >> yes, i can, piers. >> you have got three gentlemen there who perform an extraordinary act of bravery today who don't think they are heroes. what do you think? >> james, anvar, abbas, i think you are all heroes as well as
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every hon helped that scene and i thank you on behalf of my family and know my nephew, brandon, would hope to thank you at some point, too. i know you might be shy and want to dislodge the title but you are heroes to our family. >> you're welcome. >> tyler, tell me, clarify what brandon's condition is please, tyler? >> she is still in the intensive care unit at a hospital in salt lake city, which is about 90 miles south of loaning but hoping to move him out of that unit later today and move him into a regular patient room where they will upgrade him to the condition of satisfy. he is -- he is in good spirits. he was talking to us earlier and going through physical therapy and felt good after that. he -- think does have been much worse no head injury, no brain trauma, anything of those lines, broken bones, a bad burn on a food on the some road rash and things could have been much, much worse and they weren't. thankfully, it is for the people that were there yesterday.
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>> i mean, has tyler been well enough to see this video, is he aware of the video? >> he actually did the video today during some early news coverage and that was the first time that he had seen and he was shocked by t he was taken aback. and he said holy and then a word i don't think i can say on cnn. he was pretty shocked. >> and what was -- what was his view, do you think, of the people that saved his life? >> i think that he thinks that they were all -- they were all heroes, they will all be heroes for him and it's -- he is thankful. he knows that he was lucky and he is lucky and he is always going to be thankful to everyone that helpeded him yesterday. >> and james, let me ask you on behalf of the group, that you have heard that from brandon's uncle that he is going to make a good recovery, by the sound of it. he thinks that you are heroic and you saved his life what is your reaction?
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