tv CNN Newsroom CNN September 16, 2011 6:00am-7:59am PDT
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ali is the one having hamburgers at 5:00 a.m. hello. >> yes, that's happened in the past, thank you, kyra. >> happy weekend. well, we begin with a wake-up call at a troubled white house this morning. cnn james carville says it's time to start firing people while some jewish and black leaders back away from a president they helped elect. just hours ago, president obama says his chances of re-election are much higher than when he was first elected. so, what's standing in his way? well, new job numbers are grim. a solar power company goes belly up along with $500,000 in taxpayer loans. and in special elections, republicans win two congressional races. senior political editor mark preston is in washington for us. carville says it's time for the white house to panic. he made a lot of news yesterday and since those remarks, a lot of response from within the beltway. >> yeah, no question about that, kyra. in fact, i think the white house
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pushed the panic button probably several months ago, they just haven't telegraphed to us yet. you have to look no further than a poll out in virginia that shows president obama has a 62% disapproval rating with independents in that state. that is devastating to him. remember, virginia was one of the states that he flipped back in 2008 to win the presidency. not just virginia, north carolina is another state that they're concerned about. then go out west to colorado, another state that they flipped, as well, back in 2008. and then there's the two big states, kyra. there's ohio and there is florida, as well. these are all states that he needs to win in 2012 in order to win a second term. you know, kyra, a lot of people don't think the president has the fire in the belly any more. i was talking to a democratic strategist this morning and what he said to me was very simply, instead of when you're selling the whole idea of the jobs bill, don't say pass the bill, say, yes we can. we need more.
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yes, we can, kyra. >> so, mark, if you look back in history. carter drew a primary challenger. do you think this is looking remotely possible for this president? >> you know, kyra, this is something the left has talked about whenever they get angry enough at president obama and they want him to move more their way. but his biggest challenger would have been somebody within his own administration and that is hillary clinton. but the secretary of state told our own alison kosik last week that is pretty much not the case. in fact, let's listen to what she had to say. >> what's the likelihood that you're going to challenge president obama in the primary? you have dick cheney in your court. >> yeah, it's below zero. >> simply put right there, it's below zero. so, facing a primary challenge right now, kyra, is not president obama's biggest challenge. his biggest challenge is turning the economy around because turning the economy around very likely will hinge upon whether he wins re-election in 2012. in ten minutes we'll hear
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from democratic strategist james carville. the cnn political contributor will tell us why he wants the white house to start firing people. as the president gets hammered from all sides, he will likely take another hit when he travels to new york. max foster has that now for us from london. rick perry even writing an editorial in "jerusalem post" saying obama has made unfortunate errors when it comes to relations with israel. what is at stake for the palestinian statehood movement? >> this is all about the bid for palestinian statehood and broadly speaking it's the united states and israel who are alone, really, and opposing palestinian statehood. let's have a look at the posts. these are all guest editorials we have for you today. the ilegitimate. the united states should oppose this measure by using our veto in the security council as president obama has pledged. and by doing everything we can
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to weaken for the unilateral declaration of palestinian statehood in the general assembly. the gulf news saying britain must vote for palestinian state. britain has security council, as well as the u.s. if the leading european powers side with the u.s., the palestinian initiative won't be seen as a failure if a ue backs in some form, the palestinians can claim symbolic victory and the "china daily" going on to say palestinian statehood. if the u.s. chooses to fly in the face of world opinion and block the palestinian u.n. bid next week, not only israel become more isolated, but tensions in the region will be heightened even more. this will be a very big story next week, kyra. >> we'll talk with you about it, max. appreciate it. the last remaining strongholdses of gadhafi loyalists. rebel fightsers now say that they control the roads in and out of gadhafi hometown of sirte
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and residents of bani walid and fleeing in advance of another assault by the rebels. libya's national transitional council are en route. they want the return of gadhafi loyalists that fled there, including one of the deposed dictator's sons. nick is live at the capital. has the ntc delegation arrived yet? >> they're not here so far and it looks like the reception they might get while hospitable might not get the result they want. the justice minister has already been on record saying he's not sending gadhafi back to libya to face justice because he's here as a humanitarian guest. that he's in the country seeking shelter and there's a war going on. earlier indications are not looking too good for the libyans that moment, kyra. >> what is the expectation from
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nigerian government? do you think they'll give the gadhafi loyalists up? >> it seems not. i mean, public opinion would support them, as well. we were just at the central mosque, the grand mosque here which was donated and built by modar gadhafi a couple decades ago and people remember him well. they say, look, he's one of the only leaders. no one in the west have come here and spent money like he has. they're well disposed to him and his family right now. no internal political pressure right now on the leaders here either and any of the other military commanders that have come here, as well. so, this government seems apart from international pressure, it seems unrelatively sure footing they can stick would their decision and hold out of there right now, kyra. >> nic robertson live. thanks so much. back here in the u.s., a new book exposing egos with president obama's economic team.
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according to "new york times" some of the claims could make you pretty mad. the book doesn't come out for a few days, right? but you've had a chance to get a little sneak peek at it. >> right, kyra. "the new york times" got an early copy of the book which is hitting stores on tuesday. "confidence men" and written by ron suskin and interviewed over 2 00 people, including the president for this book. essentially it looks like what was going on in the white house during the financial crisis of 2008. very critical book and it says the white house economic team was plagued and then internal rivalries and a secretary that dragged his feet on major decisions. one point of contention was the citigroup bailout. some decisions including one to over haul the debt ridden citibank were carried out sluggishly or not at all by the
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resistant treasury. geithner at the time, reportedly, was against it and resisted it. geithner has denied this in the book. we know the story. citi wasn't overhauled and this book shows dissension at the time when the economy was a mess and we had bank bailout and car ba bailouts. >> what does this talk about the dissatisfaction among women on president obama's staff? >> wrel, tell, the book is clai that some female staff members felt and they told the president they were talked over in meetings by male colleagues. "times" is saying that romer once threatened to walk out of a dinner. after the president called his guests for the recommendations but failed to recognize her. romer is backtracking saying this was all a joke and saying that she said it was lighthearted and she wouldn't
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have walked out on the president. the book also points the finger at larry sommers. he was heavy handed in the decisionmaking process. so, there's a lot of second guessing about the new president. at that time a young president and all of that slowed the process. kyra? >> karena, a lot of people will be buying that book. james carville, the raging cajun, wants heads to roll at the white house. who would he fire? the democratic strategist and cnn contributor joins me live. the man trapped under a burning car speaks out on his near-death experience. >> i blacked out and i came to for about five seconds while i was under the car. >> brandon wright has plenty of people to thank for saving him from this. you'll hear from him, next. i want healthy skin for life.
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checking stories across country now. in texas, the u.s. supreme court halted today's scheduled execution of duane buck while the court reviewing his case. buck was confused of killing two people back in 1995. in san diego, a police raid targeting suspected illegal immigrants is caught on tape. custom agents swarmed the dock yesterday. 15 mexican nationals were arrested. six are believed to be smugglers. and in utah, the motorcyclist who was rescued from a fiery crash earlier this week is out of the hospital and talking about the near brush with death. but more importantly, brandon wright is thanking the bystanders who turned into good
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samaritans. >> i just, just wanted to thank all the heroes that put their lives on the line to save mine. forever in debt. i can't thank them enough. i just hope they know how much they mean to me. >> well, doctors expect wright to fully recover from his injuries. well, james carville loves to rattle cages and he's at it again. the democratic strategist and cnn contributor said right here on that the white house can't ignore all its recent setbacks. and he says it is, indeed, time for the administration to panic. here's part of his opinion piece on fire somebody. no, fire a lot of people. this may be news to you, but this is not going well. carville even evokes one of the worst military disasters in
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history saying for precedent, see russian army 64th division at stalingrad. james carville joining me. just ignore that tulane hat. you always want to create controversy about college football. surfing the sites this morning and the papers, i didn't see a lot of pushback on what you wrote yesterday. >> what i'm really guilty of here is plagiarism because i was writing what a lot of people were saying. and i think the president, you know, to send a clear signal on anything when it's not going wrong. i was a friend of mine, six generals before he got the grant. so, that's what happens sometimes. i remember 1994 when democrats president clinton fired a lot of people and a lot of good people. >> so, let me ask you this. on this friday, if you had the
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opportunity, if you were given the position to do so, if you were the general, who are the first three people you would fire? >> well, i would identify what the problem is. i was on yesterday with professor and he said the problem is communication. we'll have to ask what the problem he thinks is in communication. i would fire people in communications. economic policy, i would fire the people in economic policy. if it's some other area that there is, then i would do that. but i would identify and see what i want to change and then make changes in that area. not all the people are the same. some people less good than other people. >> are you saying jay carney is the first one that should go? the main problem right now is communications? >> i don't, i'm saying professor said that about communications problem. i'm not and i am not the president. >> you said fire people. you wrote in your editorial, fire people. start firing people. i just want to know, who would you fire? >> i'm not the president, i'm not in the white house.
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i don't know -- something's going wrong. >> you've been there. you've been there. you've talked about change. >> i'm not, i never worked in the white house. and i'm not in his white house. but the point is, that's the way that you signal people. in the 64th division at stalingrad they just shot every tenth guy. that is to set the impression. i am not suggesting going out like a russian general and shooting. >> you're comparing things and saying what they should do. i am trying to get inside your head and see what you would do. >> but my head is not in the white house. and i'm saying i would identify the problem and make changes. very clearly. >> all right, so -- go ahead. >> no, i'm sorry, go ahead. >> that's okay. >> identify what your problem is, change the policy and change the personnel that are working with the policy and tell the public you get it. don't lose two races and come on tv and tell everybody everything
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is fine. >> while i have you, let me get your opinion on this. you're analyst and one people listen to. the trouble in the obama white house getting more and more comparisons to the carter presidency, which, as you know, drew a challenger from its own party. could we see history repeat itself? >> oh, boy. anything's possible. you sure don't want that to happen. i think if the president sends the right thing, i think he would be in pretty good shape for re-election. if i put in my article, you look how crazy these people are, it's enough to frighten the i don't know what out of you. i think this time people still understand that this is not his fault but they're looking for a signal that he gets it. appoint a fellow by the name of diamond who won a nobel prize who is an expert on employment to the fed. and they blocked that. well, i would reappoint him. i would make him reblock him at
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every turn. this is 98% of john boehner's economic policy in place. i would remind people like that. i think to some extent he has to make his case and show what he's trying to do and where he's trying to be blocked. frankly, i think he does that, he'll win re-election. but, they have to have a different policy here. >> james carville, good to see you this morning. go lsu! >> go tigers! >> you can read carville's full column at coming up, netflix shares tumble after customers speak their minds on price hikes. how the company is getting hit by subscribers who don't want to pay more for less. from the cookbook to the record book. this chocolate bar weighs more than your car and mine put together. more entries from the new guinness book, next. just hide your breakouts... but actually made them go away. neutrogena skin clearing makeup has our proven blemish fighting formula
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so it clears your breakouts. now that's beautiful. neutrogena®. the tragedy of september 11 united our country. this year, as we open the 9/11 memorial in new york city, we ask that you join us to honor, remember, and reunite. you can help right now by texting the word "hope" to 80088 to give $10. oh, we call it the bundler. let's say you need home and auto insurance. you give us your information once, online... [ whirring and beeping ] [ ding! ] and we give you a discount on both. great! did i mention no hands in the bundler? bundling and saving made easy. now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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let's get right to "showpbiz headlines." brad pitt wants to clarify something. he talks about how happy his life is with angelina jolie. that wasn't aniston's fault and that she is giving, loving and hilarious. neal patrick harris just cemented his walk of fame. his big break, of course,do"dooe houser md." it's worth $420,000 bucks to
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producers. and they can put it towards any in-state expenses, alcohol and fake tanning included. so, prince william and kate and a luxurious mush tash hatacn common? yesterday's were so good, we had to bring you back for some more. >> we can't get enough of this one. let's take you back to april 29th of this year. online, actually t was a record breaker. the royal wedding watched online by 72 million viewers, making it the most live streams for a single event ever. but, enough of that. let's have a look at the most elastic woman in the world, shall we? she is very, very flexible, basically. she is a full-time contortiont. look at her, she gets into a
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box. >> she quit her job to train for this moment. >> she has to be the only full-time contortionist in the world. everyone is so wowed by her. they just want to see her. when she gets in the box, if we run it long enough, if we run it long enough, she is having a chat with the cameraman. seems quite comfortable. must be useful on those economy flights. to a very small box to a very small cat. you know, this is a cat, it's a small cat and it deserves a record. 2-year-old female munchcon cat. what i'm concerned about here, kyra, the apparent lack of legs here on this cat. seems like a cat with feet and no legs. go see her in san diego. >> fabulous. hanging out at the beach on a surf board. thanks, max. i guess we'll have to talk -- we have mustache. he can jump rope with this. >> i mean, what can i say? this he is very proud of his
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mustache. i'm sure he trips over it on the way to work, as well. there he is, in full glory in the guinness book of world records. 290,000 pounds worth of chaklet. stands nearly three feet high. just raises so many questions. why do they do these things? it's their choice. >> people like you and me talk about it. that's why. we laugh, we gag, we do everything else. thanks, max. shares of netflix took a major beating yesterday. karina? >> that's right. this netflix show may not have such a happy ending, of course, one of the star performers last year as far as stock performance, but its growth is now in question. remember over the summer when the company announced price hikes. that was substantial. 60%. so, understandably, a lot of their customers were outraged.
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we saw a lot of the blogosphere and twitter and facebook lighting up with comments from angry customers and now it seems a bunch of them were so mad they're canceling their subscriptions. it cut subscriber forecast down from 25.6 in the second quarter. that is a drop of a million customers. customers saying why do we need to pay more for less? some complain that netflix doesn't have a big enough streaming library. demanding more money for them to access those movies so, if they don't get it, they're simply or threatening to go to some of their rivals. the result has been a massive selloff. yesterday dropped by about 19% and as far as today, we expect the selloff to continue. what's interesting, no change on its guidance despite the fact that it expects a lot fewer customers. kyra? >> karina, thanks. is president obama losing jewish support? we're going to debate it, right after the break. also coming up, can you hire this man?
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today's 30-second pitch live in-studio, next. [ male announcer ] this is lara. her morning begins with arthritis pain. that's a coffee and two pills. the afternoon tour begins with more pain and more pills. the evening guests arrive. back to sore knees. back to more pills. the day is done but hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. just 2 pills can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lara who chose 2 aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels.
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all right. checking top stories now. anti-gadhafi fighters battling loyalists. the major assault centers on moammar gadhafi's home town of sirte. nato forces have arrested two people in connection with this week's attack. the two are described as fairly low-level figures in the operation. and a teacher strike in tacoma, washington, is now in its fourth day. an overwhelming number of teachers voted to defy a judge's order to return to work. the teachers are striking over pay and class size. well, after a stunning loss in a new york special election this week, the white house is starting to worry about losing jewish votes. republican bob turner won a house seat in a district that is
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heavily jewish. it hasn't gone republican since the 1920s. quite a contrast to the last two presidential elections where jews voted for the democratic candidate by more than 75%. jane is the editor of "the forward." jane, what's your take? what is happening here? is it fair to say that obama is losing jewish support? >> well, i think it's pretty obvious he is, kyra. but, of course, i think he's losing support from everyone. and it's not clear whether or not there's anything special going on in the jewish community that makes it different from ordinary americans who are clearly struggling with the economy and worried about the future. >> now, jane, frontrunner rick perry wrote an op-ed in the "jerusalem post" this morning saying one reason this is happening is, "it was unfortunate errors by the obama administration that have encouraged palestinians to take
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steps backwards, away from peace." it stopped negotiations, is what he's saying. so, what is your take? >> well, i just respectfully disagree with him. i don't think that the fault generally lies with the obama administration. look what's going to happen next week at the u.n. is still an open question, but it's very troubling. our newspaper has said that we don't think a unilateral action by the palestinians is a wise thing. but it's also, we have to acknowledge that there's a lot of frustration there because of peace talks haven't continued and, in my opinion, the blame lies in both the palestinians and netanyahu government. i think that the obama administration can be faulted for not doing more to further negotiations. but, ultimately, it has to be those two partners who decide they want to talk. and, clearly, they've decided that they don't. >> jane eisner.
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jane, thank you so much. sure appreciate it. well, after african-american unemployment is at 16% in this country. held job fairs around the country to call attention to the problem. ricin o ryan is one of the folks at a job fair in atlanta and he has today's 30-second pitch. did it help you? was it worth your time? >> yes, it was. it was very worth my time. very well organized and it also brought a lot of realization to what is going on in the world for me and what i, you know, wasn't expecting. and i bought a lot of clarification on the education that is needed in the world today. >> and with regard, it was the black caucus that put on these job fairs and maxine waters has been very vocal about jobs for african-americans and she has
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even come forward and say, hey, look, black voters, this is a president that you have supported, but you need to let me and other politicians go. unleash us is what she said. so we can go after the president to create more jobs in a time when unemployment is at its worst for african-americans. do you agree with that? what more do you want to see from president obama as an african-american and someone who wants full-time work? >> well, i basically would like to see the president and the caucus, you know, work together to bring it to some type of closure. because if you were there to see for yourself, it was it. it was just african-americans in line and looking for employment. so, i would like to see a lot of that come to an end and i would like to see if the black caucus could, you know, demonstrate, you know, a lot of other what
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you want to call, a lot of other job fairs to help support -- >> people like you. >> that's right. >> final question before we get to your 30-second pitch. does this president, do you think he has failed you or -- yeah, let me just put it. do you think he has failed you? >> no, i don't. i don't think he's failed us at all. i think that, you know, we were failing before he was president. that's the way i feel about the presidency. i can't put a lot of weight on his shoulders because it's not just him. you know, it wasn't about him before he became president. it was, it happened before he took office. >> all right, my friend. let's get to this 30-second pitch. you are looking for full-time employment. i'll have you say your name and address the american public right there. which camera does he look at, dennis you or this one? right there, scotty. right there into camera one. take it away, bryant. >> my name is bryant mellix and i have a 15-year experience in
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employment and i mafring and also, i am trying to, you know, change my career. so, i do wish that or that i hope that whoever look at this is looking at me as an approachable person and i do have a professional background and a lot of manufacturing and industrial -- >> perfect. it's not easy getting on cnn and giving a 30-second pitch. >> no, it's not. >> i give you a heck of a lot of credit, my friend. no, we've talked a lot and you've had a really great message to say and we will definitely put your resume on our website and you have to let us know if you get any feedback, all right. >> yes, ma'am. i'm so nervous. >> it's okay. hey, you know, you are an exact example of the american looking
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for a job right now. not only are you thinking about your future and going forward and how am i going to support me, my family, but you're on national television giving a pitch for help. you know what, people recognize that. give yourself a break. all right. >> thank you. >> thanks for being with us. if you're looking for a job, this is your chance to be seen and heard, just like bryant, you can give us your 30-second pitch right here on air. all you have to do is tell us why you want someone to hire you and e-mail us at meanwhi meanwhile, go on our website and find out more about bryant and give him a fair shake. coming up, is nancy gra graceful? she is ready to rumba. she is training for "dancing with the stars" and she and her partner, trysten, joining us live.
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rick perry getting ready for a meet and greet. gop meet and greet, actually, in jasper county. let's go ahead and listen. >> take credit for the rain if you want, but they'll blame you for the drought, if you do. he said it's dry here a whole lot more than it is wet. i'll leave that up to the good lord and the rain will come when the rain will come. anyway, thank you for coming out and being with us today. it's good to be back in iowa, as i was sharing with the group over in jefferson last night. it reminds me a lot of where i grew up. jefferson is a little smaller than newton, of course. you know, 4,500 people and that was about the size of haskel where, actually, my future wife grew up and i was 16 miles out in the country in the suburbs. so, we had, we had a little school out on a farm market road and across the street there was a baptist church and a methodist
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church, your choice. if you were something else, you probably went to one of those anyhow. but it was just a great place to grow up. 110 kids, grades 1 through 12. it was, i'm really proud. i want to come all the way up here and tell you that i graduated in the top ten in my high school graduating class. somebody always busts me and asks me to tell how many, there were 13. great way to grow up. the values that you see here in towns like newton and all across the middle of america and it is just a fabulous growing up. i tell people, i grew up in a house that didn't have running water until we were about 5 years old and my mom and dad were both tenant farms and, for sure, i was not born with four aces in my hand. but like many of you, i knew
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that the american dream was possible. i knew that it was because of the american values that still reside in this country that you work hard and you have a vision and there's not anything that you cannot accomplish in this country. it's still true. the problem is that america is experiencing too many pressures and too many people are not having that opportunity today because of the overburdening mounting debt and the stimulus spending that's gone on. when you look at the just numbers that indicate what's happening in this country, one in six work eligible americans cannot find a job. now, that's not a recovery, mr. president. that is an economic disaster. we cannot afford four more years of these high unemployment rates. this record debt.
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the failed stimulus. loss of our credit. we can't afford that. i happen to think it's time for a change. i'm not talking about the rhetoric of change. i am talking about a record of change. and i happen to believe that we have that record in texas. i was proud to be a part of putting that together. the state that has 40% of all the jobs created in america since june of 2009. were in my home state. and i've guided the state with a few really simple, but powerful princip principles. don't spend all the money and have some fiscal restraint. just because there are those that say you have to spend all the money and you have to raise taxes to continue to grow government. i happen to think that is a failed policy. and we didn't spend all the
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money in the state of texas. the second principle we had a tax policy in place that allowed for our job creators to not be burdened. still delivering the services that the people desire in the state of texas. so, have a tax policy that it is light on the job creators as we can. a regulatory environment. that is fair. and predictable. and a legal system that does not allow for oversuing. >> rick perry live in newton, iowa. it's a gop meet and greet there in jasper county. we're following it for you as he continues to campaign. also coming up, three days left until her dancing debut. we'll check in with our nancy grace to see how things are going and, of course, get the low down from her partner. he's handsome, nancy. live interview, coming up nextpetp every patient's past. and because the whole hospital's working together, there's a family who can breathe easy, right now.
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somewhere in america, we've already answered some of the nation's toughest healthcare questions. and the over 60,000 people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers. the 9/11 memorial is for my 343 brothers who didn't make it. and for my brother. this shows the world that we can rebuild. and that we are strong. it's for the heroes like my dad.
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so, is our hln superstar nancy graceful? she is known as a bull dog in the courtroom, but how is she in the ballroom? she debuts on "dancing with the stars" on monday and nancy and her partner tristan mcmahnus jon us live from l.a. give us the dish, tell us, how is she? >> don't screw this up. >> there's no dish. nancy is doing great. nancy is doing great. she's picking up everything. >> good. >> she listens.
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she listens to what she wants to hear. >> listen, this is the deal. day one dance practice, i'm minding my own business and trying to do the cha cha cha and i hear, no, no, no. >> you're getting some of your own medicine there, nancy. >> he was talking to me. there was a little slap involved. >> nancy is a professional dancer now, so i'm going to treat her as such. >> there's nothing professional going on there on my part anyway. >> i think your chacha looks pretty good. >> tristan, did you have any idea how big of a name you're dealing with here? she will eat you alive, pal, if you go against anything she says. >> yeah, she's trying to. she's trying to. i didn't have any, i didn't have any worries -- >> did you feel that? >> i didn't have any worries coming in because i didn't know who i was dancing with. >> that is so sad because i
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looked on his computer, google, yahoo! who is the real nancy grace? just search after search. >> you see the relationship here. i generally don't get to finish anything i'm saying. >> so, have you showed her the irish way, though? it's all about guinness and being relaxed on the dance floor and having a good time. >> you mean putting a little liquor in your coffee. that's what i learned so far. i was like, what is that? that's not skim milk. >> so, in all honesty here, tristan, do you guys have a chance? do you have a star here? is another star born? >> definitely. definitely. i think everyone has a chance chance because everyone's involved, but i certainly hope that if we keep to the work ethic that we seemed to have the first couple of weeks and the willingness that we have and the determination that we have, i think we're going to do very, very well this time around. >> here's the poop, i caught the
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other contestants spying on us yesterday. >> really? what exactly were they doing? >> spying! they were sad because they were looking at our moves and thinking why can't we be like that? no, they were really just -- you can see down on the other contestants, and i got really upset because i physically ran into arquette and he was, like, drenching wet with sweat, i'm, like, have you been dancing? and, yes, he has been practicing the job, it got me really upset that he was trying that hard. >> nancy, i saw some of the outfits, my goodness, aren't they a little revealing for you? you are much more conservative than that. >> yeah, i was concerned. i was concerned. i didn't really see what it looked like until i was already on tv, i was just walking around. i was a little concerned, yes, but anything to take the focus off my feet regardless of what it is, i'm all for that. >> well, i think a lot of focus is on your handsome young partner right there, my goodness, how do you
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concentrate? >> yeah, he should be the one wearing the push-up bra, not me. >> this is the best interview, yeah? >> well, thank you. let's do it again, shall we? >> we shall do. >> we'll do regular updates. >> excellent. >> nancy, thanks. >> thank you. i'll see you monday night. >> sounds good. >> tristan, good luck. >> take care. thanks very much. well, the detroit tigers 12-game win streak is over. at least their manager can change his underwear. we've got sports in seven minutes. s and bad, sun life financial should be famous. we're working on it. so you're seriously proposing we change our name to sun life valley. do we still get to go skiing? sooner or later, you'll know our name. sun life financial.
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speaks to the department's national p.o.w./m.i.a. ceremony. and then president obama signs the america invents act into law. and 6:00 p.m. right here in atlanta, a protest march set on behalf of convicted murderer troy davis who is set to be executed early next week. we're following next developments, the next hour of "cnn newsroom," let's check in with cnn political director mark preston. >> president obama has had a tough week, is it time for the white house to hit the panic button as the respected democratic elder and cnn krcter james carville says in an opinion piece posted on we'll have more on the top of the hour. we've got our eyes on the economy at the new york stock exchange. a double dip recession could happen according to a new report. and i'm dr. san 58 gupta, i'm about to introduce you to one of the most inspiring people you'll ever meet. at the age of 60 she decided to do something no human being has
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the detroit tigers had a 12-game win streak and they lost last night and that means manager jim leyland can finally change his underwear. he admits he's superstitious, so when the tigers started their streak, he started his, quote, i will wear these underwear until we lose and they will not be washed and i don't give a [ bleep ] who knows it, he kept wearing them 12 straight days, baseball guys are so superstitious. remember a few years ago jason giambi would wear a gold lame throng. and for his wife's sake let's hope leyland and the tigers won't go on another win streak. my wife wouldn't let me in bed. >> that's frightening. continue. some golf, the bmw championship, out of the beach, par 3 2nd hole, he is so good. one of the great young up-and-coming stars in the hole for the birdie. the colombian won his first pga
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title at this event in 2008. and he tees off 5 strokes back of justin rose. for the artest formerly known as ron, today ron artest officially changed his name to mehta world peace, mehta is his first name, world peace is his last name, that's what you'll see on the back of his lakers jersey if the nba season starts, they are locked out which is giving mr. world peace a chance to do "dancing with the stars" and compete with nancy grace who you just had on. >> i wouldn't want to go up against nancy grace. >> world peace is tough, but nancy is a whole different story. >> she's world chaos. thanks thanks, jeff. >> all right. it's just about top of the hour. thanks for joining us. we begin today with presidential candidates wrack i s racking up, rick perry is in iowa and herman cain is in south, and we're following them every step of the way. first we begin with a
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wake-up call with a pretty troubled white house, cnn's james carville said it's time to start firing people, while some jewish and black leaders back away from a president they helped elect. just hours ago president obama said his chances of re-election are much higher than when he was first elected, so what's standing in his way? here you go, new job numbers are grim. a solar power company goes belly up along with more than a half billion dollar in taxpayer loans, terrorists launch new attacks in afghanistan, and republicans win two congressional races. cnn political director mark preston in washington, carville said it's time to start firing people and since the remarks a lot of response from the beltway. >> there's no question the white house has hit the panic button, they haven't done it publicly but they're doing it privately. you have to look no further than virginia a state that president obama flipped in 2008, a state that really helped him win the white house, if you were to look at the new poll out in the last couple days it shows that
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president obama has a 62% disapproval rating among independents. that is devastating. but it's not just in virginia, it's his national numbers and it's states such as north carolina. it's saturday states such as cd the two big states, florida and ohio, states they need to win in 2012 should he win a second term. i was talking to a democratic strategist just a few hours ago and he said this about president obama trying to push this new jobs bill. he said there's enough of saying pass this bill, pass this bill, we need more, yes, you can. and i have to say in the last 30 minutes the obama campaign has put out a memo to all of us in the media, pushing back against any of the criticism or concern about 2012. let me just read you a couple quick things. in this memo from david axelrod his top political adviser, he said the base is mobilized and behind the president. axelrod also goes on to say that despite what you hear in the elite commentary, the president's support among base voters in key demographic groups
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has stayed very strong, kyra? >> all right, well, if you look back in history and you and i talked about this last hour, jimmy carter drew a primary challenger. do you think this is looking remoltly possible, same type of thing for this president? >> you know, kyra, his biggest challenging would come from secretary of state hillary clinton, she was posed this question by alison kosik last week in new york, let's see what she had to say. >> what's the likelihood that you'll challenge president obama in the primary? you've got dick cheney in your court. >> yeah, it's below zero. >> we heard that straight from hillary clinton's lips. it's not a primary challenge that is president obama's biggest worry, it is turning around this economy because his re-election very largely relies on turning the economy around for 2012. kyra >> mark preston, thanks. let's bring in dan lothian from the white house. what's the response from the
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white house with regard to winning back the jewish vote? next week the united nations general assembly takes place, palestinian statehood will be on the agenda, and they are looking to see how the president acts. >> reporter: it's whether or not it's a problem of perception or reality. what i can tell you is the obama campaign is actively reaching out to the jewish community certainly to all of their base, but to the jewish community to shore up support among jewish voters. here at the white house they're not saying anything about losing support among jewish voters. instead, they're trying to reinforce the notion that the administration remains a strong supporter of israel and jay carney, in fact, repeated several times this week the endorsement, strong endorsement, from israel's prime minister that the u.s. remains strong or this administration has been committed to israel's security. so, that's the message that they're trying to push forward. but as you pointed out, all of this coming into sharper focus as the president heads to the
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u.n. general assembly next week and this issue of palestinian statehood will be front and center. >> all right, dan lothian at the white house, dan, thanks so much. and, you know, james carville, he loves to rattle cages. the raging cajun is doing it again, the democratic strategist and cnn political contributor said the white house can't ignore all the recent setbacks and he said the obama administration should panic and heads must roll. here's what he told me last hour -- >> the problem is change the policy and change the personnel that are working with the policy and tell the public you get it. don't lose two races and come on tv and tell everybody everything's fine when everybody knows it's not fine. >> well, you can read carville's full column at in just about an hour we'll go live to the white house where president obama will deliver remarks and sign the america invents act into law, it will speed up patent laws and allow inventions to come to market more quickly. the white house says that will help kick-start the economy. and any boost can't come
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soon enough. according to a survey in "the wall street journal," economists predict a 1 in 3 chance of another recession within a year. that's a big uptick in pessimism. cnn's kareena huber at the new york stock exchange with that. the picture seems to get more and more gloomy. >> reporter: you got that right, kyra. this is the worst outlook since "the wall street journal" started polling on this two years ago so it's a big disappointment but for many americans it's not a surprise. one analyst we spoke to said many americans thought we never got out of a recession even though technically we did, the americans are feeling gloomy because of home prices because of the slump there and we haven't even a pick-up in home prices and job gains have been limited and now we've got the latest out that manufacturing is slowing again, so big disappointment. and the "wall street journal" says that economists expect more of the same, kyra? >> the fed reserve has a big meeting next week, so can it do anything to help the economy? >> reporter: right, that's the question. i mean, do they have any ammo
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left at this point? and economists are pretty skeptical, some say the fed could rejigger its balance sheets and own longer-term bonds than short-term bonds and help push down mortgage rates but they're already very low. some analysts say if anyone is getting us out of this it's corporate america and they're sitting on huge hoards of cash but their lack of confidence is causing them to pull back on hiring, that's the problem, kyra? >> how about a quick look at the markets here, it looks like we're in positive territory, up 50, and the dow industrials? >> reporter: yes, we are up. it's the fifth straight day of gains. we see the dow is up 54 points, half a percent, for the week the dow is up more than 4%, we got optimistic news on europe which is helping the markets but at the same time we might not end in positive territory, some analysts say wall street and cautious because there's no long-term solution to the problems in europe and the market has been volatile over the past few weeks and it's not over yet.
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recession fears aren't reserved for the u.s., the eu member nations delayed a decision for a possible bailout for greece, the source of much global financial insecurity. cnn's max foster is watching those headlines for us out of london, hey, max? >> hey, kyra, what's really interesting, timothy geithner the u.s. treasury secretary, of course, flew into this meeting of european finance ministers, a very unusual move, and he's knocking heads together, he says europe has the capacity to deal with this crisis but there needs to be better coordination. he's basically criticizing the government and the central banks for not working closely enough with each other and this could delay the whole problem. let's have a look at a few of the headlines around the world addressing this euro crisis that plays into it. the australian writing the eu must think beyond the zone or think to assess the likelihood of greek default, there is no need for economic expertise, more important there's an understanding of european politics not to allow a greek default was always a political decision.
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and a stupid one at that. ""the herald" tribune" sometimes superpowers aren't too bad, referring, of course, to the u.s., it's become increasingly clear in the crisis it's awfully handy to have a superpower around, that sentiment is felt most strongly this week in europe because geithner's getting involved in this debate, kyra, also u.s. dollars being pumped into the european system to bolster it, the superpower to the rescue, perhaps. >> all right, max, thanks. and back here in the states, a key witness in the trial of michael jackson's doctor is missing, he's a pharmacist that earlier testified he shipped a large quantity of the drug propofol to conrad murray. tell us more about the witness? >> he's tim lopez, he's the owner/operator of applied pharmacy services which normally sells to wholesale shipments of drugs such as propofol to big pharmacies like cvs, and dr.
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murray, he testified in january, was the only doctor who has ever ordered prop follofol directly him, he shipped 15 liters, or four gallons of propofol, to dr. murray's apartment in santa monica, this is propofol that we found out was used on michael jackson. it is the drug that the coroner ruled played the largest part in michael jackson's death. he's moved out of the country, and it is very likely he will not be here for the trial according to the deputy district attorney who is prosecuting conrad murray, he said he wants to use his preliminary hearing testimony from january and they will have a hearing monday to decide if the prosecution has done its due diligence, done everything they can to contact him to bring him back for the trial. he is a key witness in this because he is the one who sold the propofol that allegedly killed michael jackson. >> so, how important, bottom line, is his testimony? >> well, if they're able to do the preliminary hearing
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testimony, he was the 18th witness on january 10th when they established probable cause to try murray, so his testimony has already been given. it's sort of if he had been deceased, they can still use it, but what the government has to prove is that they've tried everything that they can to get him here. it would be a big hole in their case if they're not able to have him, because there are a number of little things that he said that would help establish in the jury's minds what dr. murray was thinking when he ordered the propofol. >> got it. allen duke out of l.a., thanks. diana niad didn't make it from cuba to america, but her story tells it all. dr. sanjay gupta with a preview. ♪ [ indistinct talking on radio ]
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checking stories across the country now, in texas the u.s. supreme court has halted today's scheduled execution of duane buck issuing a temporary stay of his sentence while the court reviews his case. in san diego, a police raid targeted suspected illegal immigrants is caught on tape. custom agents swarm the dock yesterday, 15 mexican nationals were arrested. 6 are believed to be smugglers. and in utah, the motorcyclist who was rescued from a fiery crash earlier this week is out of the hospital and talking about the near brush with death. more important to brandon wright, thanking the bystanders who turned into good samaritans. >> i just wanted to thank all the heroes that put their lives on the line to save mine. i'm forever in debt. i can't thank them enough.
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i just hope they know how much they mean to me. >> doctors expect wright to fully recover from his injuries. diana nyad set out to become the first swimmer to cross from cuba to florida without a shark cage. she had to come out of the water before reaching her goal, but her journey, it was still pretty darn amazing. our dr. sanjay gupta has been following her story for more than a year. 62 years old, and you've been talking about her since the very beginning, and i remember you coming back, man, i tried to, like, swim with her for a while, she just blew me away. >> we get lucky in these jobs that we have because we get to meet amazing people and she's one of the more inspiring people i know. when i'm digging deep, if i'm training for something or just in life, she's the person who comes to my mind, and 62 years old as you mentioned, do you know what it was, kyra, it was sort of like an unrequited love, she never gave up on this dream and 30 years later, an older person obviously, all the things that go with it. she tries it again.
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hypothermia, getting enough nutrition and hydration and sharks as well a big concern. take a little look at something she does to try and make this happen -- >> reporter: the team's lead shark diver, he knows just how dangerous these waters can be. >> hanging off the back of the boat, these particular waters we're looking for white tips, hammerheads, fighter sharks, caribbean reef sharks. this animal has evolved to dominate the ocean. they have a sixth sense. they can feel the electricity in the water. they know that we're there. >> reporter: and that's why in 1978, diana swam in a shark cage. today, she just uses this. >> sharks are tremendously sensitive to this. this is actually in the kayak. >> reporter: it's called a shark shield, and off the coast of the bahamas, tipple shows us how it works. it's a shark feeding frenzy at
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this block of chum. until tipple approaches. and turns on the shark shield that hangs right above him. >> wow. >> you got to watch the show to see if it works, kyra. >> okay, what happens? i get it, that's part of the tease. >> it's called the tease. >> all right, now, you talked about the dehydration. >> yeah. >> and how she became malnourished, how does she eat while she's doing all this? >> just paint a picture for you, she's wearing a bathing suit, cap, goggles, and nothing else, she can't touch the boat, no shark cages, she's literally swimming through the ocean 103 miles, if she touches the boat, she's disqualified, and she'll come to the boat and treading water and put food into her mouth. >> for example? >> peanut butter. they basically work on the diet that's sort of a special diet for her based on her experience, what she thinks won't upset her stomach and what will give her the most energy and she create the special drinks and they put it in a pouch like this and they toss it into the water on a line
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and she swims to it and drinks like that. but, again, she cannot take a break. and, you know, we're talking about 60 hours at least in the water through the night, twice, through the days, hot sometimes, you know, gets colder at night. and then obviously the predators and everything else, it's amazing, you know, just the mechanics of the whole thing. >> she did make not make it, wh caused the stop? >> it's interesting, it was some shoulder pain that she started to develop and, you know, if you ever watch tennis players carrying their bagging out to wimbledon, you are wondering why are they carrying the 50-pound bag before the event, it's the same thing with swimmers, they want all their stuff. she had a pain reliever bottle, and the particular bottle got lost and she took something else and she thinks she had an allergic reaction which caused her to have profound asthma attacks, and she had to get inhalers and oxygen in the water but it was too much. and you can see the ice on the shoulder. they were trying everything, kyra, to make it work. this is 29 hours of swimming
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into this whole thing. >> amazing. all right, so your special airs this weekend. >> it airs tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m. "extreme dream" we're calling it. but, again, i think it applies to anybody who has had some sort of dream in life, goal, if they haven't done it yet, this woman will make you want to do it. >> thanks, sanjay. >> you got it. coming up, he said he was pretending, bad pitt's memories to his marriage to jennifer aniston, will raise eyebrows. those and your other showbiz headlines. the latest on nasa's new discovery is next. [ woman ] jogging stroller. you've been stuck in the garage while i took refuge from the pollen that made me sneeze. but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my worst allergy symptoms. so lily and i are back on the road again. with zyrtec® i can love the air®.
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even when you're away from home. it's the at&t network -- a network of possibilities, creating and integrating solutions, helping business, and the rethink possible. well, when science fiction becomes all too real -- ♪ nasa spacecraft has reportedly discovered a planet reminiscent of this moment luke skywalker's home in the movie "star wars," one planet, two suns, some 200 light-years away, it's being called kepler 16-b. meteorologist rob marciano -- >> but even the scientists are saying it's cool. yes. come on, two suns, how cool is that? and kepler, by the way, the
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mission, is basically this high-power telescope that trails the earth around the sun so it orbits the sun and just points at this select group of stars, a lot of them, actually, 150,000 of them, to try to find earthlike solar system and earthlike planets out there. here's an animation from nasa which is kind of cool and it kind of gives you an idea of what we're talking about. this would be the planet that they've discovered and these would be the two stars that -- this one being the big one. this one being the small star that orbits around the main star. at about -- it takes it about 41 days or so. it takes this not really earthlike planet, it's more like saturn, it's got a lot of gas, and it's a little too far away from both stars to have any sort of -- any sort of life to it. and just to give you a better glimpse of this without the animation, so here's your -- here's your kepler 16-b. this is star number 1, star number 2. but the other thing to remember
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here with this discovery and this kind of puts things into perspective, what you're looking at here is our milky way galaxy, and our little planet, our little solar system, is right in there. and all this kepler's looking at is this little slice of our galaxy. and then there's a number of galaxies within our universe, so it's only slicing about 3,000 light-years, about 150,000 stars, but in the words of the great carl sagan, there are billions and billions of stars out there, so this one -- this planet has two stars that it orbits around. unfortunately the planet itself is not close enough to one of the stars to have any sort of life form on it, but it gives us hope once again that there's something more out there, kepler, and kepler will be looking for another few years. >> kepler 16-b. thank you, rob. "showbiz" host a.j. hammer here talking about, well, i guess this new brad pitt
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interview, it seems hard to believe, but did he really say life with jennifer aniston was boring and pathetic? >> well, if that's what it seems like he said, it's actually not exactly what he meant, kyra. brad pitt is definitely regretting putting this out there at this point. he gave an interview to "parade" magazine in the interview he called life before dating angelina jolie pathetic and he seemed to blame it in part with his marriage to jennifer aniston, he spent the '90s sitting on a couch holding a joint and hiding out and part of the problem was he was trying to pretend his marriage to aniston was something it wasn't. everybody seemed to think that pitt and aniston had the perfect marriage when they were together, so naturally there's been a lot of reaction to this interview. well, pitt is telling "showbiz" he is sorry that people are taking this as a slam on aniston, so he set the record straight to us and here's what he's saying to us -- it grieves me that this was interpreted this way. jen is an incredibly giving,
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loving, and hilarious woman who remains my friend, it's an important relationship i value greatly. the point i was trying to make is not that jen was dull, but that i was becoming dull to myself and that i am responsible for, so hopefully, kyra, this clears the air for anyone who may have thought that brad was putting down jen in any way. >> you know, just now solved the whole thing. very good, thank you, a.j. all right, charlie sheen, has he solved things? he's back in the public eye. what do you think? he's making the rounds, the new show is out, without him. >> well, i'm a little more optimistic about charlie than i was, say, four months ago. he is making the rounds. he's trying to prove, you know, he's not as crazy as everyone thinks or thought he was, he said he went through a crazy phase, and he said he can't blame his old bosses on two 1/2men for firing him. watch what he said. >> are you angry towards the producers and cbs? >> no, no, i would have fired my
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[ bleep ], too. well, maybe not like they did. >> yeah. >> no, i mean, it is what it is. >> he has also said that during the whole meltdown he thought that he was still actually wind up back on "two and a half men," i think it's fair to say that bridge is definitely burned. i've heard rumbles about that, but i don't actually see it happening. >> stay tuned, i bet there will be more. a.j., thanks. >> you got it. todd palin standing by his woman, blasted a new book that accused sarah palin of cheating and much more, we're talking about it in today's political buzz. an accident doesn't have to slow you down. with better car replacement, available only from liberty mutual insurance, if your car's totaled, we give you the money to buy a car that's one model-year newer...
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questions and 30 seconds on the clock and playing it maria cardona and david losh and john avalon, all right, guys, todd palin says the new book out about his wife, and i'm quoting here, is full of disgusting lies and innuendo and smears, but it's full of some pretty serious allegations, drug use, cheating on her husband, what do you think, will any of them stick, dana? >> no, i don't think any of these will stick at all. joe mcginnis is the crazy peeper that moved next door to her and looked over her yard for the entire summer. "the new york times" absolutely ravaged this book, the politico, "the atlantic" this is a guy who is a plagiarist who had to settle out of court, he tried to exploit a sexual abuse victim so he could get dirt on sarah palin. i'm more interested in the absolute crumbling character of joe mcginnis than i am the smears and the trumped-up allegations. >> creepy peeper, i'm seeing the
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title of dana's next book there. maria? >> i don't think any of it will stick, kyra, because sarah palin is a mapping ngnet, she repels attracts. people that like her will be embolden emboldened, and it brings back memories of 1989 when duke lost in the final four and michigan won in the championship and glen rice who is the player that she's accused of having an affair with won the michigan mvp so for me i don't want to go there! >> all right, john? >> what's extraordinary to me s that as politico pointed out, she's called the lame-stream media has run to her defense. and you see "the new york times" being invoked as this paragon of integrity, if "the times" dishes on the book, i think it's fair, it's sleazy and salacious and not very well-sourced book, the fact that sarah palin is not running for president for all
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accounts i think makes it less news worthy. it's out-of-bounds and shouldn't have any impact of people's perceptions on sarah palin. >> question number two, tom ridge endorsing jon huntsman, right now i'm actually looking live as it's coming through our control room, so what do you think? can anything help resuscitate this struggling presidential campaign? maria? >> unfortunately not, kyra, because jon huntsman i think in terms of the candidate is one of the most thoughtful, rational, mainstream thinking of these candidates. he believes in evolution. he believes in climate change, and i think that is what hurt him or is hurting him within his own party and especially with the tea party advocates, and tom ridge is within that same frame, so i don't think any of this is going to matter, unfortunately, his is like a campaign that falls in the forest that no one is hearing and tom ridge endorsing it is will not do any good. >> dana? >> i agree with maria, actually.
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i agree with what she just said. i don't think there's anything that is going to help jon huntsman campaign. i think even if palin came out and tried to endorse huntsman, it wouldn't work out. it's just he's the lesser-known moderate in this race. we already have a big moderate in this race and that's mitt romney. so i think, you know, he's already sucked up any energy that huntsman could look to attract. >> john? >> well, i appreciate that mitt romney's running as the establishment candidate but he was running to the social conservative to the right of mccain and rudy, jon huntsman deserves to be doing better, he was a two-term governor with a very good record, but he's not translated to his support. if you are stuck at 1% or 2%, he'll take the support that he can do, tom ridge is a get, but the fact that he's doing badly at the polls deserves soul searching from the party. he deserves better. >> art kaplan taking on michee e bachma bachmann's came that the hpv
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vaccine causes mental retardation, offering ten grand to whomever can prove this or if she can prove this. here's what he told cnn's anderson cooper -- >> are you maybe suggesting that there was no person who came up to bachmann or do you think there was a person who came up but she just shouldn't have put forth what this person said because there's no scientific validity to it? >> yeah, great question. i don't doubt somebody came up to her, but you don't put that into your statements. you don't go on national television and repeat it and repeat it. that's an anecdote. it's not verified. you don't know if the woman is telling the truth or even understand what's going on, it's like saying, gosh, i was attacked by aliens and they abducted me and what is the government going to do to stop this? >> so, what do you think? is michele bachmann still credible? dana? >> well, i think she's still credible. i just think it's really unfortunate, i would not have -- if i were advising her, i would not said give this answer after the debate because it overshadowed a really strong
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performance at the debate and i don't necessarily agree with her on this issue. but i wish somebody was offering a big reward for the administration to tell us what's going on with solyndra, i'm more interested in hearing that, but no, i don't think it was a good answer but i -- she's still going to be in the running. >> maria? >> still credible, that assumes at any one point she ever was credible. >> right. >> which is not the case. i mean, this is, again, somebody who does not believe in evolution, science has never been a pillar of her campaign. definitely not credible. though, i did hear this morning that she was endorsed by the earth is flat coalition, so i think she might be credible to some people. >> john? >> the flat earth society makes a comeback. >> exactly. >> michele bachmann's political career has been attacked by anecdotes. she's never been constrained by facts and the problem when she said president obama is bringing tyranny and slavery to the united states, those were always meant to be bomb-throwing
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insinainsidear statements, but it's entirely in character with her political career. >> if she would have said this before introducing the president, maybe throwing in sobs, maybe she wofuld have bee invited to sit in the box in the jobs address. >> what happened to the 20-second buzzer beater? >> you can take it off mine next time. >> playing by the rules. >> uh-huh, there you go, dana never playing by the rules. have a great weekend, guys. >> thank you. >> all right. coming up, or, actually, let's turn to libya, shall we, and talk about the hunt for the hunt for deposed dictator moammar gadhafi, he's out of sight but not out of mind, they want him in custody, some of him and his family have fled to niger. the gun battles are reported near bani walid and his hometown of sirte.
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libya's rebels are claiming victory in al barack, claiming victory, and let's go to ben wedeman, he and his crew are the only international journalists in the area in the country, in that area in particular. libya's civil war, definitely trending a certain way, but it's far from over. >> reporter: it's far from over, kyra, it certainly does appear that we may be in the final chapters. right now we have three simultaneously offensives, one here in the area in the south, one around sirte, gadhafi's home down and one around bani walid as well, but as you see here, we're in a bunker, full of tank ammunition, and it's one of 12 here that the rebels now have their hands on, so every time they advance here, they get stronger and stronger because they get more equipment and --
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>> ben, i apologize, we've got a bad connection with you, ben, i apologize. we'll talk more about the hunt for moammar gadhafi, we'll try to reconnect with you and get a better connection, i apologize. coming up, big emmy hopes for "boardwalk empire," take a listen. >> tragic, though, it is i need hardly remind you of the passage of the 18th amendment has given rise to a new breed of criminal, vicious thugs emboldened by the promise of an easy dollar. >> the hbo series up for 18 awards on sunday. we'll check on its chances and more. too to play all the hits of the '80's woman: hit it, mr. butters. ♪ ♪ take on me... ♪ ....take on me ♪ take me on... anncr: there's an easier way to save. get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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and "boardwalk empire," neck in neck. hot on their heels a comedy called "modern family," here with a preview, kareen wynter. one of my favorite shows, careen. >> reporter: i bet, and so many other people as well, hi, kyra, happy friday to you. you know, on sunday i think it will feel like all of hollywood is converging on the emmy red carpet with pretty major stars. you've got kate winslet who has been nominated for "mildred pierce," steve carell, this, by the way, is his last shot of winning for "the office," he left the show at the end of last season unbelievable, though, that he's never, never won an emmy for that. in the comedy category look out for "modern family," everyone's favorite show it seems. that show will try to win best comedy for the second year in a row and it's really amazing the entire cast is nominated for their acting, ed o'neil, and jesse tiger ferguson and eric stone street compete against each other. and julie bowen as well and they
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are competing and going up against each other for the best supporting actress in a comedy. "mad men" could win for the fourth year in a row for best drama series and that would equal the feat of "the west wing" which won four years running, too, so it could be a big night. some think "boardwalk empire" will grab it away from "mad men," so we'll have to see. so many decisions on the big, big emmy sunday. >> what do you think? any breakout stars gaining recognition here? >> well, you know, one that really stands out to me that comes to mind would have to be melissa mccarthy hands down, not sure if you saw the movie "bridesmaids" over the summer, kyra, mccarthy, she played this very funny character in the film and some people thought she stole the show, the movie, that showed a lot of folks what she could do as a comedic actress and then she completes this fantastic year by getting an emmy nomination for "mike &
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molly" and i got a chance to talk with her the morning she got her emmy nomination, listen to her, she's such a treat. >> "mike & molly" is the best experience, we've got the greatest cast and the greatest crew and writers. it's, like, this weird little family, so to love your job so much and to kind of get rec n e recognized for it, it's, like, a little overwhelming. >> it's been an overwhelming year for her for sure, kyra, but win or lose, she'll have a big, big, fantastic night. but a lot of people think laura linney will take the emmy in the comedy category for "the big "c."" three days left until her "dancing with the stars" debut. we check in with our nancy grace to see how things are going just ahead. gotta love the protein for muscles-- whoo-hoo! and omega-rich nutrition for that shiny coat. ever think healthy could taste so good? [ woman announcing ] new beneful healthy fiesta.
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so, is our hln superstar nancy graceful? yes, she's known as a bulldog in the courtroom, but how is she in the ballroom? she debuts on "dancing with the stars" on monday, but just her last hour she and her partner tristan macmanus joined me live from l.a. >> nancy is doing great. she is picking up everything. >> good. >> she listens -- >> good. >> she listens to what she wants to hear. >> go ahead. go ahead. listen, this is the deal, day one dance practice, i'm minding my own business, i'm trying to do the cha-cha-cha and then i hear, no, no, no! i'm, like, what? >> you're getting some of your own medicine, nancy. >> talking to me. there was a little slap involved. what? >> nancy is a professional dancer now and i'll treat her as such. >> looking at the video there's nothing professional going on on
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my part anyway. >> i think your cha-cha looks pretty good. tristan, did you have any idea how big of a name you are dealing with here? you know nancy's reputation, she'll eat you alive, pal, if you go against anything she says. >> yeah, she's trying to. she's trying to. i didn't have any -- i didn't have any worries going in -- >> did you feel that? did you feel that? >> i think, yeah, i didn't have any worries coming in, because to be honest with you, i didn't know who i was dancing with, but it was -- >> that is so sad, because i looked on his computer, google, yahoo!, who is the real nancy grace, just search after search. so sad. >> you see the relationship that we have here? i don't ever really get to finish anything i'm saying but -- >> well, grace says the program coincided with her plans to attend the los angeles trial of michael jackson's physician dr. conrad murray, but she said the most challenging part of her most intensive training is taking care of her twins who turn 4 years old in a couple months. if the front row isn't good
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enough for the hottest fashions, stick around, alina cho has your backstage pass to fashion week. h bayer advanced aspirin. it has microparticles so it enters the bloodstream faster and rushes relief right to the site of your tough pain. in fact, it's clinically proven to relieve pain twice as fast. new bayer advanced aspirin. extra strength pain relief, twice as fast. [ male announcer ] test our fast relief. love it, or get your money back.
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fashion week has wrapped up in new york city and thanks to our alina cho we had a backstage pass, she spoke to a-listed celebrities and the people that they wear. she's here with the sneak peek. >> i don't know what you're doing in atlanta, you should be in new york this week, girl. anyway, it's good to see you. you know, you're right, it's been a busy week. the world celebrated new york's fashion week, all the glitz, the glamour, and, of course, the more than 250, yes, 250 fashion shows, highlighting the new designer collections for spring 2012. that's the catwalk. what you'll see on my upcoming half hour special is an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the fashion world, my backstage pass, beginning with my interview with marc jacobs and the big buzz that he's about
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to replace john galliano and become the next designer of christian deor. >> you have said that you would love to be a designer that the french embrace. >> yeah. it would be an honor. there's no question that the two great couture houses in paris are chanel and dio, i thir. i think it would be a very hard thing to turn down. >> great talking to marc jacobs. we talked with rachel zo, stylist to the stars and reality tv star and now a designer herself. she recently scored a major coup when one a-list star was photographed wearing one of her dresses, watch. you've been dressing celebrities for so long, when jennifer lopez -- >> oh, my god, look, i still get chills, because i know where you're going right now and i can't even talk about it. >> let's just say it was really exciting for her.
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you know, that's not all. i talked with karl lagerfeld, tommy hilfiger and makeup maven bobby brown, we caught up with justin bieber, michael cors and jason wu, and you'll hear from withi from bono. >> the only deal we have i don't give any fashion tips. allie is very sure about that. she's a tough customer. i think fashion is tougher than the music business. >> he may be right. you know, it's all on my special fashion backstage pass which airs tomorrow on cnn at 2:30 p.m. eastern time, and, kyra, i want to thank you for all the love this week and for running all my pieces. i really appreciate it. >> sure. hey, you're known as the fashion diva around here. >> i don't know about that. >> did any of the designers say, alina, you work it on cnn?
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>> thank you. do you know what, sometimes. i don't always get it right. i've got some fashion misses. >> all right, we're always looking at those necklaces, you know, alina, thanks. all right, stories making news later today -- top of the hour in washington, defense secretary leon panetta presides over the departments p.o.w./m.i.a. recognition day, and president obama signs the american invents act into law. and at 6:00 p.m. in atlanta a protest mar set on behalf of convicted murderer troy davis, who is set to be executed early next week. well, a big hug and kiss, that's what troops usually get from family members when returning from war zones but in today's "making their mark" it's not just people but the dogs that are making a difference. >> oh, thank you. >> and i miss the dog a lot. this helps a lot. >> well, these are welcome home dogs at camp atterbury in
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indiana, and they are brightening the moods of soldiers being processed and debriefed, they are just the tlc that the troops need for actually going back to see their families. in the next hour of "cnn newsroom" he's being called the iphone doctor, his success all due to smashed iphones and customers looking for a quick fix. plus, it's a traditional classroom isn't working for a child you know, how about cyberschool? that's all next in the hour ahead. ♪
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♪ prudential. bring your challenges. well, one of the president's men is pushing back against the idea that he's lost the support of some core group leaders. mark preston here with the story that we've been talking about all morning, hey, mark. >> hey, kyra, yes in the last couple hours we've seen a memo issued by one of president obama's top political advisers david axelrod that is, in fact, pushing back against any criticism about how the obama campaign is heading into 2012. in fact, let's look at what david axelrod had to say about this criticism in this memo that was just released. in the memo, david axelrod says, despite what you here in elite commentary, the president's support among base voters and in key demographic groups has stayed strong. now, this axelrod memo which was just released this morning comes
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on the heels of very, very sharp criticism from democratic party elder james carville who is also a cnn contributor who wrote on that it is time for the white house to push the panic button, that they needed to start firing some people and start attacking into a new direction. a lot of talk right now in the democratic party about what direction the white house is heading. let's quickly turn for the race for the republican presidentialnomination, jon huntsman has received the endorsement of tom ridge, the former pennsylvania governor and he's the first person to head up the department of homeland security, and it took place in a very important state of new hampshire, kyra? >> mark preston, appreciate it so much. that does it for us, hope you have a great weekend. we'll see you bright and early monday morning. fredricka whitfield, who is in for suzanne malveaux, headed back from afghanistan. >> en
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