tv CNN Newsroom CNN September 22, 2011 10:00am-12:00pm PDT
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global income while 20% of the richest people hair 75% of earnings world wide. more than 20,000 destitute and innocent children die every day in the world because of poverty. 80% of financial resources in the united states are controlled by 10% of its people while only 20% of such resources belong to the 90% of the population what are the causes and reasons behind these inequalities? how can one remedy such injustice? those who dominate and run centers of global economic pow er put to blame on people's aspiration for religion and the pursuit of the path divine prophets or under weakness of nations and the ill performance of a number of groups or
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individuals. they claim that only their views, approaches or prescriptions can save humanity and the world economy. their colleagues and friends don't you think that the root cause of the problems must be solved in the prevailing international order? or the way the world is governed? i would like to draw your kind attention to the following questions. who abducted tens of millions of people from their homes in africa during the dark period of slavery making them a victim of their materialistic greed in the united states and in europe? who imposed colonialism for over four centuries upon this world?
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and who occupied lands and massive resources of other nations, and alienated cultures who triggered first and second world wars that left hundreds of millions injured or killed or homeless. who reated the wars in the korean peninsula and in vietnam. who imposed through deceit and hypocrisy the zionist and over 60 years of war, homelessness, terror and mass murder on the palestinian people and on the countries of the region? who imposed and supported for decades military dictatorships and totalitarian regimes on asian, african and latin american nations and establish friendly relations with all of
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them? who use atomic bomb against defenseless people and stockpile thousands of warheads in their arsenals? whose economies rely on waging wars and selling arms? who provoked and encouraged saddam hussein to invade and impose an eight-year war on iran and who assisted and equipped him to deploy chemical weapons against our cities and our people? who used their mysterious september 11th incident as a pretext to attack afghanistan and iran killing, injuring and displacing millions in two countries with the ultimate goal of breaking into the middle east and its oil resources. who undermined the brsystem of e
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currency and triggered inflation worldwide and was intended to prey on the economic gains of other nations. what countries' military spending exceeds annually a thousand billion dollars more than the military budgets of all countries of the world combined. which governments are the most indebted ones in the world hoond is t who is the government that threatens and dominates the policy making establishments of the world economy? who are responsible for the world economic recession and are
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imposing its consequences in the united states and in europe on asia, africa, latin america and all other nations? which governments are ever ready to drop thousands of bombs on other countries but ponder and hesitate to send a bit of food aid to famine-stricken people in somalia or in other places? who are the ones dominating the security council which is ostensibly responsible to safeguard the international security? there exists tens of others of similar questions and of course the answers are all clear. the majority of nations and governments of the world have had no role in the recreation of the current global crisis and as a matter of fact, they are
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themselves the victims of such policies. it is as illusive as daylight that the same slave masters and colonial powers that once triggered the two world wars have caused widespread miseries and disorder with far reaching effects across the globe since then and they continue to control the international political centers and the security council. dear colleagues and friends, do these arrogant powers really have the confidence and ability to run or govern the world or is it acceptable that they call themselves as the sole defender of freedom, democracy and human rights? while they militarily attack and occupy other countries can the flower of democracy blossom from
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nato's missiles, bombs or guns? ladies and gentlemen, if some european countries still use the holocaust, after six decades as the excuse to pay fine or ransom to the zionists, should it not be an obligation upon the slave masters or colonial powers to pay represent reparations to the effected nations for damages? what would happen to the manipulators and behind the scene political powers in the united states and in europe. will there remain in gaps between the north and the south. if only half of the military expenditures of the united states and its allies in nato is
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cut to help solve the economic problems in their own countries will they be witnessing any symptom of the economic crisis? what would happen if the same amount is allocated to poor nations? what is the justification for the presence of hundreds of u.s. military and intelligence bases in different parts of the world, including to 68 bases in germany, 24 in japan, 86 in south korea, 83 in italy, 45 in the united kingdom, and 21 in portugal and hundreds of bases in other parts of the world. does this mean anything other than military occupation?
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ladies and gentlemen, the main question is the search for the root cause of such attitudes. the prime reason should be solved in the beliefs and tendencies of the establishment. an assembly of people in contradiction with inner human instincts and disposition who also have no faith in god and in the path of the divine prophets replace their lust for power and materialistic ends with heavenly values. to them only power and wealth prevail and every attempt must refocus these. oppressed nations have no hope to restore or protect their limited rights against these powers. these powers seek their
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progress, prosperity and dignity through the poverty, humiliation and annihilation of others. they consider themselves superior to others enjoying special privileges or concessions. they have no respect for others and easily violate the rights of all nations and governments. they proclaim themselves as the indisputable custodians of all governments and nations through intimidation, recourse to threat and to force and the abuse of international mechanisms. they insist on opposing their lifestyle and beliefs on others. they officially support race is. they weaken countries through military interventions and
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destroy their infrastructures in order to plunder their resources by making them aulg the more dependent. they sow the seeds of hate and hostility in other nations and among people of all pursuits if order to fulfill their goals of development and progress. all cultural identities, lives, values and wealth of nations, human values, women, children and youth, are sacrificed by the tendencies and inclination to enslave and captivate other nations. hypocrisy and deceit are allowed to secure the imperialist intentions, the trafficking and killing of innocent human beings are also allowed in pursuit of
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such diabolical. despite nato's presence in occupied afghanistan, there has been a dramatic increase in the production of illicit drugs in this country. they tolerate no question or criticism and instead are presented a reason for their violations they always put themselves in the position of a claimant by using their imperialistic network which is under the influence of colonialism. they threaten anyone who questions the holocaust. and september 11th with sanctions and military action. last year when the need to investigate concerning the hidden elements involved in september 11th incident was brought up, an ideal which is also endorsed by all independent
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governments and nations, as well as by the majority in the united states, my country an myself came under pressures and threats by the government of the united states. instead of assigning a fact finding team, they killed the main perpetrator and through -- and they threw his body into the sea. would it not have been reasonable to bring to justice and try openly the main perpetrator of the incident in order to identify the elements and reason behind the safe space provided by the invading aircra aircraft to the two world trade towers. why not bring him to trial to help recognize those who launch terrorist groups and brought wars and other miseries into the
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region? is there any classified information that must be kept secret? they view zionism as a sacred notion or ideology and any question concerning its foundation and history is condemned by them as an unforgivable sin. however, they endorse and allow sacrilegious and insult against beliefs of other divine religions. dear colleagues and friends, real freedom, justice, dignity, well being and lasting security are the rights of all nations. these values can neither be achieved by reliance on the current and efficient system of world governance, nor through the intervention of the world arrogant powers and the gun battles of nato forces.
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these values could only be realized on the independence and recognition of other's rights an through harmony and cooperation. >> all right, in classic mahmoud ahmadinejad style here, the president of iran there at the u.n. before the general assembly, making a lot of -- posing a lot of rhetorical questions and in many fashions also making terse accusations about the intentions of the western world. our reza sayah has also been listening in on mahmoud ahmadinejad. no surprises that he would kind of take this position. this has been kind of his mantra before making very strong accusations about the western world and the intentions specifically of the u.s. and how the u.s. imposes its positions on other countries. reza. >> reporter: yeah, fred. was vintage mahmoud ahmadinejad raling against colonialism and
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imperialism, israel, based on what i heard, he saved brunt of his condemnation, the brunt of his tirade for the u.s. he went way back in u.s. history, condemning slavery in the u.s. he described the u.s. as oppressors who have started numerous wars around the world. he ridiculed the u.s. being in debt. he described them as bullies who have used more bombs than bullets than any other country in the world. he also listed a number of u.s. military based around the world condemning the u.s. military for being in sovereign countries and essentially blamed the global crisis on the u.s., questioning the u.s. and its ability to have so much global control. look, president ahmadinejad usually gets a lot of media attention and hype when he comes to new york and speaks at the u.n. and it is precisely because of these statements that are viewed by washington and the west as provocative and controversial and you heard him
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make many of those statements again but this was very predictable. you didn't hear anything earth shattering. you didn't hear anything that you didn't expect to hear before. and that's perhaps why perhaps some of the audience members in some of his speeches have decreased over the years. again if you saw the speech, many western diplomats, heads of state, walking out as he was making some of these provocative statements. but vintage mahmoud ahmadinejad, once again at a speech in new york. >> he's been talking about 20 minutes or so. nothing as earth shattering as some of the statements he's made in the past such as the holocaust never happened or that israel should be wiped off the map or even going as far as demanding the u.n. investigate into 9/11. did anyone have any expectations as to what his goal might be when he would come before the u.n. general assembly like this? >> reporter: well, it's never clear exactly what president mahmoud ahmadinejad's goal is.
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but i think a lot of people view iran as a country that has a lot of demands and they also view iran as a country that is in a position that has enough leverage to make some of those demands and get something from the u.s. and other western powers. iran wants more international recognition. they want a nuclear program. they want more influence in its own region, in iraq and afghanistan, as u.s. troops start pulling out of the region a lot of people see president mahmoud ahmadinejad and iran as having the ability at this point with growing influence in the region to make those demands. a lot of people also see iran as no longer a pariah state that's isolated, that can be simply side lined by the u.s. they see iran as a country that you have to deal with diplomatically. the question is how does washington do that? the obama administration, previous administrations have struggled in doing so.
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reza sayah in islamabad, we'll continue to monitor the remarks from mahmoud ahmadinejad there before the u.n. general assembly. it will be interesting to see if he makes any mention of the two american hikers that were just recently released after being held and jailed in iran for two years. up next -- the other top stories of the day, including the big announcement from facebook. that's happening right now. it comes on the heels of some changes that a lot of users don't necessarily like. we'll be right back with that and more. lves on the most demanding track in the world. with us, in spirit, was every great car that we'd ever competed with. the bmw m5. and the mercedes-benz e63. for it was their amazing abilities that pushed us to refine, improve and, ultimately, develop the world's fastest production sedan. the cts-v, from cadillac. we don't just make luxury cars. we make cadillacs. whose non-stop day starts with back pain... and a choice.
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other stories that we're following for you right now. despite the clapping and big smiles, there's been no joy on wall street today. from the opening bell stocks took a big nosedive and stocks have stayed down all day. the drop is blamed on familiar reasons -- worse than expected jobless claims report today, a gloomy report from the fed yesterday and continued debt crisis in europe.
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dow down 417 points. we'll continue to watch the markets. despite efforts to stop it, troy davis was executed in georgia for killing of a police officer 22 years ago. that was after the u.s. supreme court rejected a last-ditch appeal. davis was put to death by lethal injection last night. he maintained his innocence to the very end. davis was convicted of murdering savannah police officer mark macphail. his legion of supporters say he was the victim of mistaken identity. one of them, former president jimmy carter denouncing davis' execution. in a statement carter said, "if one of our fellow citizens can be executed with so much doubt surrounding his guilt, then the death penalty system in our country is unjust and outdated." we hope this tragedy, this statement goes on to say, will spur us as a nation toward the total rejection of capital punishment, end quote, that from the former president, jimmy carter. macphail's family said justice
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has finally been served. it now looks like congress just might delay or maybe even cancel its upcoming recess to avoid a partial government shutdown. that's happening again. the house defeated a temporary spending measure last night. the measure is needed to fund the government for the first seven weeks of the fiscal year. that begins october 1st. the sticking point -- money for disaster relief. if congress doesn't pass the measure, it could mean a partial government shutdown at midnight september 30th. we'll have much more on this in the next hour. so what's next at facebook? we're finding out right now. ceo mark zuckerberg is the keynote speaker right now live pictures, kind of looking like he's looking at a mirror at the annual f8 developer conference in san francisco. that's because it is almost as if he is -- there he is. that's the real one. andy sandberg, comedian and actor was standing on stage and he was looking at himself there.
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at this conference, this is generally when facebook would reveal kind of new features or plans for the company. so will the developments from this conference actually have users hitting that "like" button? joining me right now, john abel from a lot of folks are pressing the unlike, don't really like, button for a lot of recent changes on facebook. >> well, this is the trajectory facebook always has. they introduce changes, a lot of people yell and scream, tech writers like me say it is terrible, it is the end of the year. but that's really what's happening here. this is going to be pretty big. word on the street is that these changes are very significant. they'll be unveiled in the next few hours and we'll be talking about it for at least the next few days. >> he's getting a lot of pub, a lot of press, for facebook. talk about some of the things people don't necessarily like right now. apparently putting the top stories over the recent posts,
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there are a lot of folks who are saying they don't like that. might facebook make a few adjustments as a result of the sentiment, growing sentiment, out there? >> well, facebook generally doesn't respond terribly well to pushback from tech writers or even from users so much. they have been contrite here and there but generally speaking they are very self-assured about what they're doing and what they're doing is creating a huge sharing and collaborative network which will be valuable to advertisers but also has value to us because it is sort of like a miniinternet. >> so is it the case that facebook doesn't generally respond because they kind of get the sense that while users might complain at first and they may even threaten they're going to leave the site, eventually they kind of learn to deal. >> membership members have been growing. they always go straight up. they've never gone down. so it's like apple and other
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companies which are very sure of themselves. they do what they think is right for their customer base and when and if they're wrong they attack in a different direction. so far facebook's been rewarded by huge numbers of members. so it would be sort of disingenuous to say they're doing anything wrong. >> let's talk about one possible direction out there, whether there will be some kind of incorporation of music, adding some sort of music component to this site. is there any buzz that's believable on that? >> yeah. i mean spotify has been on service for a while. spotify is a very well received music service. sharing music is a very big deal. apple tried to do it. all kinds of social networks for music. but the trick is that facebook has the network so what you want to do is go where the money is, as the james gang used to say. that's facebook. so i expect we'll see in the
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music space a lot more about sharing and a lot more providers. >> all right, john abell, thanks so much. >> my pleasure. he's not afraid of controversy, and he's making a lot of it in a new tell-all book. coming up next, i'll speak with levi johnston about "deer in the headlights." what's he saying about life inside the palin home and life beyond it. it moves effortlessly, breathes easily. it flows with clean water. it makes its skyline greener and its population healthier. all to become the kind of city people want to live and work in. somewhere in america, we've already answered some of the nation's toughest questions. and the over sixty thousand people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers. is to take you from where you are... to where you need to be. and we're not just talking about points on a map.
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levi johnston revealed quite a bit when he posed for "play girl" last year. but the father of bristol palin's son tripp is revealing even more in a new tell-all book, in "deer in the headlights my life in sarah palin's crosshairs," johnston reveals secrets about life inside the palin family and how he is now moving on. joining me right now to talk about some of these surprise claims, stuff inside that book, levi johnston. good to see you. >> yeah. thank you. >> so why are you doing this tell-all book? i guess many of us were led to believe that you were kind of moving on, that you had been very fatigued by all the attention that being associated with the palin family had
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brought you? >> you know, i am getting pretty tired of everybody talking to me. it is getting old. i'm a maul. time guy from alaska. i'd love to go back to being just normal. soon i hope that's the case but there's a point where you get so tired of people talking but not only the palins, but her supporters that everybody blogs out there and when they start talking about my family and whatnot, i decided it is time to write a book and lay it all out there, tell my side of the story. >> you wanted to set the record straight about what your experience was like with the palin family. do you concentrate mostly on that. >> yes. i mean there's a lot of lies, a lot of accusations an just a lot of negative stuff. i said it was completely untrue and it was time for everybody to know the real truth. >> like what? what is a big lie that you believe the palin family put out there about you that you feel needs to be straightened out? >> there's a lot of them. start with --
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>> give me one. >> calling me a deadbeat dad. my mother is a druggie, she's this, she's that. my sisters. there's a lot of things and i address them all in the book. there's much more. with the things that hurt most is when they attacked my mom and my sister who didn't ask for this. nordy. but they have -- they're not a part of this, nor should they be. >> do you feel like this is your opportunity to kind of get even then with the palins because you talk about some very personal things, everything from what it felt like to be on that stage during that republican national convention. we saw some videotape. we all saw you kind of thrust into the spotlight for the first time. then you also talk about how sarah palin actually made offers to want to adopt the baby, you and bristol had produced to kind of shield the family of embarrassment? >> you know, more importantly, i'm doing this for my son to not -- to obviously read when he's
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older as some poof. who knows what they're feeding to my son about me. that's my boy, in the end that's all i care about. it is a little bit about getting back to them. they put me through a lot of stuff and threw me under the bus. but i'm big boy and i can handle it but they're dealing with my son so it's a little different. >> so do you get a chance to see your son very much? what is that relationship now like between you and bristol? >> the relationship is not good. and i expected that. but it's not -- i don't see tripp near as often as i had's like to but i'm sure we're going to court soon and it will all be fixed. >> what's the obstacle? what's the problem? >> as far as court? >> being able to see your son more than you want to, than you are. >> she's got a house in arizona, as well as her mother. she travel a lot. she's preliming in l.a. and i am gone, too, but not near as often. i'm spending 09% of my time in alaska. i'm supposed to see him twice a week but that really hasn't happened in quite some time.
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>> was that real that you and bristol tried to rekindle your relationship, you'd kind of gotten back together again and were thinking the three of you could all be as one? >> that was something that never thought was going to happen. i ended up going over to her house there in anchorage. we went for a walk. from there it went well. we started kind of coming back to how we used to be. it happened very fast and yes, it was definitely for real and we were getting -- got engaged again. just shortly after that it fell apart within a week. it was terrible. >> and you wrote that you voted for sarah palin, but remarkably, you say that bristol didn't even register to vote, she didn't even vote for her mom. how do you know that? >> i dated her. i mean i know a lot of stuff. i'm sure if she would have went down there she would have voted for her. it was not like she was going to vote for obama. whether she didn't have time to
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or just didn't want to, she just didn't. >> the timing of your book as the nation gears up for 2012, sarah palin has not said whether she's definitively in or out. where are you on whether you're voting republican or democrat, what would be your -- i guess your lean? >> well, we'll see what sarah decides to do. she's only 5% apparently behind obama and it's got me nervous a little bit. it is hard enough for me now. so if she becomes president i'm going to have to move to canada or something because i don't think i'm going to be able to handle it. but if she runs, i'm probably going to do have to -- if that's who obama's up against i'm going to have to go the other way and vote for obama. >> we did reach out to the palin family, both sarah as well as bristol to get some comments on all of these things you write about from your experience with the family to what you reveal their behavior and we've
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received no comment from the palin family, just in all fairness. a lot of your information comes from your recollection, your memory. you didn't necessarily reach out to the palins for interviews to corroborate some of your material, correct? >> i don't need to. they never came to me and asked all the lies they've told about me was real and clearly isn't. i spent a lot of time pitch's known them for a long time. i dated bristol for years. i was engaged. i was very close to their families. even in my book there is a lot of things that i do protect sarah of. in the joe mcginnis book if that she's not all bad, i do look up to her in a number of ways. but there is a point where she is telling a lot of lies about plea. everything in my book is 100% true. i don't need her tword tell me what is and what isn't. >> levi johnston, thanks so much. "deer in the headlights my life in sarah palin's crosshairs." thanks so much for your time. >> thank you. >> and then there were two.
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at least that's the way it is looking in the gop. presidential race. mitt romney versus rick perry. but the texas governor's spike in the polls. some say romney has to change his strategy. right away. that's next in "fair game." gas and bloating. with three strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. find new ways to optimizetted to heltheir cash flow.esses so, stop in and ask for a regions cashcor analysis and see how easy it is to get your cash flow (whistles) heading in the right direction. let's talk. my son and i never missed opening day. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better,
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time now to go beyond partisan talking points to the heart of the political debate where all sides are "fair game." today the focus is florida which is where the republican presidential candidates will be tonight for another televised debate. saturday the state holds a presidential straw poll and if the latest polling is any indication, florida is now a two-man race. rick perry an mitt romney nearly neck and neck. perry is heading into florida as the front-runner. so we could see his neck on the line tonight. joining me right now to discuss cnn contributor will cain and kiki maclean.
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will, begin with you. clearly if you're going to win the gop nomination, you've got to win florida. >> yeah. it's an important state. and we have seen mitt romney take up the issue of florida. that's social security. right? social security we've seen a statement war going back and forth between the romney and perry camps between romney saying perry wants to dismantle social security and perry saying romney sounds like a democrat. it is no coincidence we have a gop debate tonight in florida. florida the home of old people. romney has taken up this populous message. i think perry has the intellectual high ground but you're going to see a lot of social security talk tonight. >> kiki, does romney have to change his strategy now and perry does have the advantage in florida? >> romney has really shown a level of discipline this year to his campaign strategy. however, smarter, not smart you may think it is. he's failed to take the bait.
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one thing that perry's doing is he's swining hard. he's trying to knock romney off balance there and so far, romney hasn't fallen when somebody's taken a swing at him but here's deal -- perry is not afraid to swing and he's clearly more comfortable on the offense than the defense. he was on the defense in the last debate. but you know, polls like this and front-runners like this, it is a weekly status report. just because that's where they are today, don't expect to be there next thursday. what's even more interesting to me is the way the rest candidates have just fallen by the wayside. >> what's happened? they've got to kick-start something to get the kind of attention that romney and perry are getting? >> well, right now i think what you have is a recognition that most of them are talking -- like michele bachmann -- about extremes that just aren't going to make it in the game. though one or two may have a moment tonight but what you're see something a real debate about issues and the question is are either of these two guys, romney or governor perry, going to show up with a new idea
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tonight. >> let's take a look at a new ad from rick perry. maybe this will help set the tone of what we might be seeing this evening? >> the united states of america really is the last great hope of mankind. it is time to get america working again. we don't need a president who apologizes for america. >> clearly a very dramatic, very americana. will, is this rick perry or much more of the same? >> i don't know if that's new but it is rick perry through and through. that's the rick perry, being from texas, that we've seen for a long time. but i think this is premature to call this a two-man race. ron paul is pulling second and fairly well in new hampshire. >> and did well in california last weekend. >> did well in california. look, if you just are doing this on substance, newt gingrich is winning these debates. i don't want to call this a
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two-man race definitively just yet. back to your ad on perry. he's not just going to do these substance -- i mean these stylistic ads. he's got real substance with his campaign on job creation. economy is going to be his number one selling point. you're going to get that beaten over your head in the next couple months. >> i'm a texan to and he has to come up with more substance behind those jobs. otherwise he's going to get smoked by newt gingrich who's not going to get a vote and these two guys will continue to go at each other's throats because we haven't heard a new idea out of one of these two guys. >> in michele bachmann or herman cain getting any traction this evening, are their campaigns going to shift strategy? they've got to cham their game? florida is so pivotal. >> i don't know that they shift strategy. if you look at michele bachmann, she's got a core group of folks who stand behind her out of the tea party. that may be enough to keep her at the table, just not in a dominant position at the table. i think mr. cain has a different
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kind of challenge and i think the former speaker has a different challenge as well because he's got to be able to raise the money and i think that's a problem for him. >> they could change strategy five different times if they want. at this point i can definitively say those three candidates -- bachmann and cain just aren't going to rise in the polls. these are not going to be your gop nominee for president. >> will and kiki, always good to see both of you. thanks for that. this year is the fifth anniversary of cnn heroes and over the years we've received more than 40,000 nominations from you, our viewers, in more than 100 countries. so we've introduced you to an extraordinary individual every week and today we reveal our top ten cnn heroes of 2011. each of these ten will receive $50,000 and a shot at the top honor, cnn hero of the year and you get to decide who that person will be. here's anderson cooper to show you how to vote.
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>> now that we've announced the top ten cnn heroes of 2011, i want to show you how you can vote for the cnn hero of the year. this is the main page of down here you'll nets the list of all top ten cnn heroes. each one will receive $50,000 plus a shot at becoming cnn's hero of the year. that's where you come in. here's how you can vote for your favorite cnn hero. first you can learn more about all the heroes by clicking on their fan pages. i want to show you how to do that. as an example, i'm going to go over here, click on patrice. we're just using patrice as an example to walk you through the voting process. nest ten nominees would be worthy of cnn hero of the year and that's entirely up to you. go to the fan page and pick the person that inspires you the most and click on vote now over here on right. click on that and a new page comes up showing you all the top ten heroes. choose the person you want to vote for. now i'm going to randomly pick
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taryn davis. just as an example. her photo shows up under the "your selection" area. then it shows you a security code over here, type in the security code, click on the red box over here for vote. something new this year -- vote online, on your mobile device, ipad or tablet with a browser, just go to can you vote up to ten times a day for your favorite high row through wednesday, december 7. >> thanks so much, anderson. the cnn hero of the year will be awarded an additional $250,000. so who will it be? you decide. go to now to vote for the most inspirational hero. vote online and on your mobile device as well. all top ten cnn heroes will be honored live at the cnn heroes, an all-star tribute hosted by our own anderson cooper, sunday, december 11th. but only one will be named cnn hero of the year. coming up in the next hour,
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i'm actually going to talk to someone who has been a top ten hero. possible radioactive yellow cake discovered in libya. could it be part of gadhafi's discarded wmd program? details in an exclusive live report right after this. >> so, ah, your seat good? got the mirrors all adjusted? you can see everything ok? just stay off the freeways, all right? i don't want you going out on those yet. and leave your phone in your purse, i don't want you texting. >> daddy... ok! ok, here you go. be careful. >> thanks dad. >> and call me--but not while you're driving. we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru.
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tremendous amount of protective rock between the fracking operation and the groundwater. natural gas is critical to our future. at exxonmobil we recognize the challenges and how important it is to do this right. i was told to begin my aspirin regimen. i just didn't listen until i almost lost my life. my doctor's again ordered me to take aspirin. and i do. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. [ mike ] listen to the doctor. take it seriously. [♪...] >> male announcer: now, for a limited time, your companion flies free, plus save up to 65%. call 1-800-sandals. conditions apply. the american flag is flying over libya. it was raised over the reopened
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embassy. the flag last flew over the embassy last month just before the embassy building was ransacked by a mob of gadhafi supporters. now, of course, tripoli is in the hands of opposition forces who drove gadhafi from power. today a starting discovery as well of what may be material from gadhafi's past program of weapons of mass destruction. opposition forces in the southern part of the country found what appears to be radioactive material, including yellowcake. ben, tell us more about what you saw. >> reporter: what we saw is just 15 minutes drive to the northeast of here, a military compound on which there were two very large warehouses. inside one of those warehouses, the fight hers to break the door down. we found thousands of blue
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barrels with indistinct markings, but some of them had tape on them that said radioactive. also in one of those warehouses we found several bags of yellow plastic bag of yellow powder, also with this tape marked radioactive closing them at the top. we sent pictures of those bags to experts in the field of nuclear weapons, and they said it certainly does look like yellowcake. apparently the international atomic energy agency, the iaea, was aware of these sites. what's interesting is that it was thought that these sites were secured. and clearly they're not. when we arrived there, there were four or five teenage boixs maybe men in their early 20s guarding the site. but certainly that is not adequate, given the gravity of the materiel there. right next to it was another huge warehouse full of old surface to air missiles.
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we're told the fuses on those missiles have deteriorated and are very delicate. if anybody knocks them with a bar or something, they can explode and they're right next to the site full of what appears to be yellowcake. >> incredibly volatile situation. thanks so much. up next in this country, does a fictional television show go too far when using a 9/11 theme in its story line? or does it, like the actor says, honor those lost that day? when an investment lacks discipline, it's never this obvious. introducing investment discipline etfs from russell. visit r a prospectus, containing the investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and other information. read and consider it carefully before investing.
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in today's big i, we're looking at how you can explore the final frontier from the comfort of your own home we told but a group of game here's discovered a possible aids breakthrough using the online game fold-it where users attempt to solve puzzles that stump scientists. not to be outdone, users of the planet hunters found two new candidates. the first time ever a candidate was identified with the help of the public's analysis of nasa data. computers can sort data from deep source with precision and speed. sometimes while people like you and xhe just do it better. planet hunters has about 40,000
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users across the u.s. and anyone can sign up. so they're hoping for many more discoveries somewhere down the road. for more about this super computer, check out randi's facebook page. so many people inside. >> i know you want to help. stay on the phone and get as far away as you can. >> a scene there from the season premier of cbs's csi new york which airs tomorrow with a 9/11 theme. some say focusing fictional entertainment show on this day of tragedy hits too close to home. the wounds are still very tender. i recently talked with csi new york star gary sinise for his thoughts on that. >> clearly, honoring those that sacrificed on that day and remembering what happened on that day is very, very
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important. and you know, there is a new generation of kids that don't even know what that day was about. so clearly, we went through a big tenth anniversary moment just recently where there was a lot of activity around the tenth anniversary of september 11th. the opening and the memorial there in new york city. a lot of looking back. a lot of retrospect and everything. and csi new york, our show is based there. my character is a 9/11 family member. he is somebody who lost his wife at the world trade center and we thought it was appropriate to begin our season with, in tribute to what happened on that day and to take a look back and see what our characters were going through at that moment. >> you can see my entire interview with gary this weekend starting at noon eastern this saturday. he speaks more with the season
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premier and his work with the american veterans disabled for life memorial. brad pitt's newest film "money ball" is coming out but he's been pretty busy speaking about his ex-wife jennifer aniston. his remarks suggested to some that he found his marriage to her boring. he defended himself on nbc's "today" show. >> i think it is a shame i can't say something nice about angie without jen being dragged in. >> pitt won't to say that aniston had not called him about the parade interview. it's 2:00 eastern time. two hours until the closing bowl wall street. eight days and ten hours until the end of the fiscal year. washington. what do they have in common? money of course. your money. stock markets have been on the skids around the world since the federal reserve came out yesterday a sober take on the u.s. economy. the fed did not use the word
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disaster but that's what is behind the latest political stand-off. that once again risks a government shutdown. a measure to keep the government running beyond october 1st is hung up over fema. now badly stretched in a year of costly storms, fires, as well as floods. we're live on both fronts with allison at the new york stock exchange. so allison, catch us up on the afternoon trading. >> reporter: we're watching the lows. all signs pointing to a slower economy. economists using the r word again, reselling. this started with the fed yesterday. the federal reserve coming out, giving a weak outlook for the u.s. that really spooked the markets. when people hear the fed is worried about the economic outlook, they think we should be worried, too. then we got weak manufacturing reports from china and europe. anallies say these are the
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strongest sign gret europe is close to a recession. then today we got new jobless numbers. they came in higher than expected. layoffs are still obviously an issue. it speaks to the same broader economic concerns that are dragging the economy down overall. we're also watching fed-ex. right now they're falling about 8%. that's after fed-ex said the global economy is slowing and we watched what fed-ex has to say. it is really a good indicator. a company that is considered a bellwether. it is considered the health of the overall economy. it ships products to companies all over the world that shows whether or not business is happening. overall, the bottom line, we've got a lot of bad news about the economy but it is not just us. europe and china as well. >> thanks so much. kate baldwin there. and averting yet another potential shutdown. bring us up to date. >> reporter: hey there.
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they're still trying to figure out what to do. how to make it through this impasse. this big vote last night failed. it was the vote count was 195-230. the notable number was 48 house republicans defected from the republicans and voted against the bill the majority of house democrats. the problem that house republican leadership has here comes on two fronts. this is a short term spending bill. no one is really opposed to the short term spending bill. no one wants to see the government shut down. the problem is the sticking point over federal disaster aid. there is additional money for fema in the short term spending biffle democrats. they have an issue with this because they think the money is inadequate them want to see more money going to fema and they have a problem with the fact republicans are demanding some of this money be paid for. taking money from another program that they say is a job creator which actually helps promote more fuel efficient vehicles to pay for part of this
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fema money. that's their sticking point. on the other side, there is a big group of conservative republicans. i just spoke with one of them. their problem with the bill, they don't think the overall bill cuts enough spending them want to see a bigger spending cut in this bill. the result is we're at an impasse. they're scrambling. there's a meeting going on to try to figure out what to do. i'll till, house speaker john boehner, he is trying to assure the american people that there will not be a slowdown. >> there is no threat of government shutdown. let's just get this out there. this resolution was designed to be a bipartisan bill. and we had every reason to believe our counterparts across the aisle were supportive. once they began to see where some of our votes were, they decided to play politics and vote against disaster relief for
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millions of americans who had been affected by this. we're going to meet with our members later on today. and present some options and decide on a way forward. >> they're still working on this play forward. both sides, democrats, republicans, everyone accusing each other of playing politics. here the key and why this is so important. the government runs out of money a week from this saturday because of the previous short-term spending bill where we already had this showdown for shutdown if you will. another key calendar item to remember, the house and senate are supposed to go a week-long recess tomorrow. that's why we're seeing the scramble, so they can figure it out and to go recess. >> don't want to interrupt those vacations. checking on some other stories developing. no big surprise at the u.n. general assembly, the president of iran lashing out at the united states. if you were watching last hour,
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then you saw mahmoud ahmadinejad in action. he blamed the u.s. for a whole host of problems including poverty in the u.s., world war ii, the global financial crisis, the israeli-palestinian conflict and the wars in iraq and afghanistan. members of the u.s. delegation expressed their opinion of what he had to say. by walking out. they were joined by delegates from britain, france, germany and others. some good news for a change on the u.s. job front. toys "r" us said it plans to hire more than 40,000 workers for the upcoming holiday season. the company says some of the seasonal jobs could result in permanent positions. positions to be filled include toy demonstrators and sales associates. the company also hiring for ten distribution centers. it says hiring will continue through november. and there is now a federal investigation underway into a car bombing that left an attorney and his two sons injured. the family was actually leaving
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a football practice tuesday night when their car blew up on this road. atf investigators stay the bomb was sophisticated and clawing timing mechanism. the attorney eric chappelle handles cases but no one fngs a specific case prompted that explosion. if you have information, there is a $10,000 reward in that case. a presidential campaign spoiler to a man on a mission to challenge president barack obama. what is ralph nader up to? uh, it is, yeah, it's a chevy volt. so what are you doing at a gas station? well it still takes gas to go farther. but you're not getting gas. true. not this time. uh, don't have to gas up very often. so you have to go to the bathroom? no. yes you do. thought these were electric?
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yes, it's a uh, a chevy volt. so what are you doing at a gas station? her morning begins with arthritis pain. that's a coffee and two pills. the afternoon tour begins with more pain and more pills. the evening guests arrive. back to sore knees. back to more pills. the day is done but hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. just 2 pills can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lara who chose 2 aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels.
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a legendary advocate for the consumer and known to be a bit of a spiler in the election. now ralph nader is taking the popularity with the democrats and turning it into a call for primary challengers to run against barack obama in 2012. what's going on here? to talk more about this is the man himself. ralph nader. let's clear the air. are you thinking about running for president? >> no. what we are proposing and many people signed this letter is for at least six distinguished americans with proven backgrounds on military foreign policy, labor, poverty, environment, consumer, to form a slate to challenge president obama and the democratic party. inside the democratic party. when you have a slate, it isn't meant to defeat him. it is meant to hold his feet to the fire so he doesn't run
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around the country on air force one responding to the crazed republicans, that he talks about the major issues that the majority of people -- >> you said it is not to defeat him but to hold his feet to the fire. isn't the underlying fligs to defeat? >> no. it's off the him adopt liberal aggressive positions. he promise in the 2008 a minimum wage of $9.50 by this year. never even tried to push it. he promised the card check. tens of million of americans -- >> why don't you say let's have a meeting with the president. let's hold his feet to the fire in that respect as opposed to doing this months before re-election. it certainly does seem like then it is to try to unseat this incumbent president. >> it will be over by may. it is by half a dozen distinguished americans who will make sure the issues of
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concentrated power and abuse and corporate control over our government and foreign trade agreements and tax reform are really discussed in front of millions of people. your station has nothing to cover in the democratic primary. you're recovering all the republican candidates. they're getting their views across. like cnn and c-span -- >> the president is covered on a daily basis. that's not even really true. >> no, no. we're talking about campaign issues. you who cover the president, responding to the republicans and doing his white house thing. but not responding to people whose issues are ignored by him. >> one would argue that's still part of the coverage of the white house and questioning the president. whether beyond the campaign trail or whether it be about white house business. let's talk about this letter. i want to read a portion of the letter that you are just talking about. saying dear colleagues, in an
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uncontested party, president will never have to justify his decision to bail out wall street's most proeftable firms while failing to push for effective prosecution of the criminal behavior that triggered the recession. he will not to have defend his decision to extend the bush raer tax cuts nor joustify. >> while you're asking for those to sign on, you're proposing the slate of six, who do you have in mind who will be better able to address these issues? >> the letter has been going out to about 200 people. we can't disclose their names because they will be immediately pounced on by the democratic national committee. but their names will come forward. full medicare for all. i think think of three or four very distinguished physicians, people who have testified and written about it.
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david from harvard and quentin young from chicago who was a good friend of barack obama. but what we need to do is basically say, do we want to black out all of these major issues that poll very well. many majority issues. like we've got to do something about the bloated pentagon budget. we've got to do something about speculation tax on wall street. a sales tax. like we all to have pay 6% but someone who buys a hundred million in exxon derivatives doesn't pay a penny today. >> let's talk about the politics at hand. when you look at the panel of republican contenders, you've been quoted as saying that you like someone very much who is not even up there. sarah palin. why? >> i didn't say i like her. i said she has made several speeches, very little reported, focusing on big business power and wall street. its control over washington which she calls the political
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class. the concentration of power against small business. there isn't anyone else in the republican prime aware the possible exception of ron paul who is talking about big business controlling our political economy and our government in washington. and she ought to be commended for that. >> why is ron paul appealing to you? >> well, he wants to get out of these wars overseas. he wants to bring the soldiers back. he wants to cut the bloated mill budget. he wants to change some of the anti-civil liberty provisions of the patriot act. he hates corporate welfare and all these bailouts of wall street, crooks. that's pretty good. that's a good start. he ought to get more attention instead of the ten time more attention given to michele bachmann. >> you assemble this panel of people that you think would be a mighty force within the democratic party. or to challenge president obama. how do you see the next 12
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months or so then shaping up? >> once they step forward, they form their own slate. i'm just trying to stimulate it with 45 other people who signed this letter. full tax design, single pair single payer there are only about 20 primaries and it will be over quickly. start in iowa, to go new hampshire. do a number of primaries. there's an old saying. whaepd is not discussed will not be advanced. and so all these subjects that a lot of people in this country think should be publicly aired and publicly talked about will he ignored if he perpetuates a one-man primary. it is not the american way to avoid debates. >> ralph nader, thanks so much for your time. >> thank you. next, an in-depth look at the new face of poverty in
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america. mothers forced to go without food so that their children can eat. for their clients' futures. never taking a bailout. helping generations achieve dreams. buy homes. put their kids through college. retire how they want to. ameriprise. the strength of america's largest financial planning company. the heart of 10,000 advisors working with you, one-to-one. together, for your future. ♪ a dab of concealer here... a flurry of powder there. what if there was a makeup that didn't just hide your breakouts... but actually made them go away. neutrogena skin clearing makeup. it has our proven blemish fighting formula blended with silky gorgeous makeup. so it gives you a beautiful flawless look while undercover it works to clear breakouts. does your makeup do that? neutrogena® cosmetics.
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my grocery bill isn't wasteful doesspending.eup do that? my heart medication isn't some political game. our retirement isn't a simple budget line item. i worked hard. i paid into my medicare. and i earned my social security. now, instead of cutting waste and loopholes, washington wants to cut our benefits. that wasn't the agreement. join the members of aarp and tell washington to stop cuts to our medicare and social security benefits.
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today i own 165 wendy's restaurants. and i get my financing from ge capital. but i also get stuff that goes way beyond banking. we not only lend people money, we help them save it. [ junior ] ge engineers found ways to cut my energy use. [ cheryl ] more efficient lighting helps junior stay open later... [ junior ] and serve more customers. so you're not just getting financial capital... [ cheryl ] you're also getting human capital. not just money. knowledge. [ junior ] ge capital. they're not just bankers... we're builders. [ junior ] ...and they've helped build my business.
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we're going in depth on poverty in america. today we're focusing on low income mothers who often don't know if they have enough food to feed their kids. it is a sad reality these women deal with every day. here more on this very tough situation. >> god is good, god is grace, everything about our food. >> if you want to know what hunger looks like -- look at it through the eyes of tiana and her young family. >> do you know what time of the month the food will go on clearance? >> i know what time of day it goes on clearance. >> reporter: she buys on sale in bulk with coupons and always with purpose. >> i keep a lot of oatmeal. because sometimes if thing get tough, you can always eat oatmeal for denier or lunch. >> reporter: she works two jobs. she is among nearly 49 million americans struggling to put enough food on the table. >> do you know how that feels as a parent? to tell your kids that there's
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not enough to eat? >> reporter: what is the hungriest you've ever been in your life and how do you describe that? >> horrible. degrading. miserable, stressful, disrespected. >> reporter: the scientific term for hunger is food insecurity. and since the u.s. department of agriculture began keeping track in the mid 1990s, it has now reached an all-time high. >> when someone is food insecure, you're getting at the worry and anxiety of not being able to afford enough food. you may not have enough food. >> reporter: they created the project, witness to hunger. gaines is one of more than 40 women who photographed their struggles, hoping to expose the hunger and poverty. there is also jean, a mother of two young boys from pennsylvania.
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are your boys aware that you may not be eating because you want to make sure they're fed? >> they're not aware of that but they do get fact that mommy doesn't have enough money to get them what they want. >> reporter: she snapped this photo at the end of the month. >> that was all i had. and so many things that needed to be done with that change. it is just overbearing. it is hard to handle. really hard to handle. >> reporter: this picture of the dilapidated kitchen was taken by 24-year-old barbara, a mother of two. >> i sent the picture because i wanted to prove that regardless of what you see on the outside, you never know what's going on behind closed doors. >> reporter: even families receiving the maximum amount of food stamp there's need about $206 more a month to guy minimum amount of food as defined by the usda. she like the others, never thought should have to choose between paying bills or buying food. >> for a long time, i felt like
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food was a privilege. i've been to the point where it's like, oh, my god, i ate today. and no one should feel like that. >> reporter: cnn, philadelphia. and one of the goals of these women is to help lawmakers better understand the challenges of hunger. and for that matter, poverty as a whole. tianna gaines was asked about the impact of the recession on her family. she said for all intents and purposes, her mom lived thank you recession. she's living through a recession and her kids will, too. up next, being among top ten cnn heroes changed everything for him. we catch up with one of last year's heroes. ncy. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle...and go. you can even take a full-size or above,
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today we're revealing our top ten cnn heroes for 2011. we're talking about everyday people changing the world like dan, who was recognized last year. we now want to welcome him back. dan, joining us from houston to give us an idea of how today's announcement could change the lives of this year's cnn heroes. up a top ten cnn hero. what has that year been like since being given that distinction? >> this last year has been amazing. i never realized how much effect
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this would have on our organization. i was sitting here last year and it took us five years to get nine home done. and now we're sitting at 31 homes. and we've done homes in new york, tennessee, kansas, illinois, north carolina, and it has been amazing. and cnn has been amazing. they followed us and reported on us. and it has been incredible. >> so what kind of advice would you like to give to the top ten heroes. 2011? what they should expect? well, i talked to one of the top ten this morning. she has the american project. she is from san antonio and i've been visiting with her some, and i talk to her this morning. and i told her one of the biggest things i could advise her of, the night of the event,
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i said just be sure to take it all in. it is 100 times more than what i ever envisioned and it was just a super event. that night was just amazing and it literally changed our lives. it literally changed our lives. >> during past ceremonies, when, and it was down to shedding the light on the stories of all the top ten, and then naming that one hero of the year. you could look in the audience and see people crying. whether they were a designated hero or whether they were there to enjoy the evening. what was that moment like for you to hear about the efforts that so many other people have made to try to make a difference in other people's lives? >> when we first got to l.a. last year, and we were able to neat other top ten heroes, it was so amazing to talk to those
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individuals and find out. one thing we all had in common was we all had this passion to help others. and the stories that i got to share, and they shared with me about their passion. and the people that they helped was just amazing. just amazing. and the winner last year was so deserving. and we pray for her every day and what she does over there to save those young girls. and it's literally a life changing experience. >> great advice to those top ten heroes of 2011. we know you'll be watching and you'll be cheering them on as well. thanks so much and congratulations on all your efforts and your organization being able to blossom over the year. >> thank you so much. we thank everybody at cnn. thank you. >> it is all in your hands at home.
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go to you can vote on your mobile or online. like dan wallrath, all ten will be honored and all-star tribute hosted by anderson cooper is sunday, december 11th. it feels like a short cut, even through customs. it feels like everything's gonna to be just fine. it feels like the experience of a lifetime. that's what it feels like to be a member. uh yeah, it's a chevy volt. so you're just here rubbing our nose in the fact that you don't have to buy gas?
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just plug in and go? that make you feel better? well i still pay about $1.50 a day in electricity... on average. you know he's just here to use the bathroom. customers only. no gas, no bathroom. ok, i'll buy gas. [ father ] whoa, what are you doing? thought these were electric? (rawhen an investmentrsation) lacks discipline, it's never this obvious. introducing investment discipline etfs from russell. visit r a prospectus, containing the investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and other information. read and consider it carefully before investing. i tell you what i can spend.
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i do my best to make it work. i'm back on the road safely. and i saved you money on brakes. that's personal pricing. 31 minutes after the hour. time to get you caught up on some stories that you might have missed. we're on the united nations today to hear iran's president address the general assembly. and he quickly prompted french, british and other delegates to walk out of his speech after saying the u.s. government views zionism as sacred and european countries still use the holocaust after six decades as the excuse to pay ransom to zionists. his words. southwest airlines is working with federal and local officials to investigate suspicious tagging incidents involving some of its passenger jets in los angeles. as you can see in this video, a white marking is visible on the tail of one of the airlines'
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planes there. an airline spokesperson could not comment on the number of planes vandalized. where the incidents were recorded or give specific details about what the markings actually were or what they mean. we'll bring you updates on the story as it evolves. in michigan, a $10,000 reward is being offered for any information can lead to an arrest in this car bombing. it happened in monroe, michigan. about 40 miles south of detroit on tuesday. a well known divorce attorney and his two sons had just left a football practice when their car exploded. all three were seriously injured. listen to the father's 911 call. >> monroe county, 911. >> my car blew up with two kids. you've been called already but i'm telling you what's going on with the boys. i've got two significant leg injuries. one to his bottom left leg and one to his left buttocks that
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are chewed up pretty good. okay? >> okay. >> they are bleeding. i need someone here now. >> wow! both children and their father are now in stable condition. federal investigators stay bomb was a sophisticated device that had a timing mechanism. two people accused of posting false rumors on social media about school attacks in eastern mexico walked free yesterday after authorities dropped terrorism charges against them. the person spent nearly a month behind bars and the attorney calls the release a success of society. now to france. where the first court issued fines over the controversial french burqa ban were handed down this morning. one woman was fined $162. and another was fined $108. critics of the ban argue the government has no business telling people what clothes to wear or how to practice their religion.
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one of the women said she sought the punishment so she could take her fight to a higher court. a new jersey resident has had it. and is backing up his frustration with a little action. the 30-year-old man filed a civil complaint in federal court over toll increases at new york city bridges and tunnels. as of sunday, commuters now pay $12 to cross the hudson river. a 50% increase from last week. the man claims the tolls are an abuse of power and violates his rights because he is poor. he said the toll were increased unfairly because there were no public hearings. the port authority said it would not comment on the ongoing litigation. will you be the one to be hit by chunks of that falling satellite? i hope not. we'll tell you what the odds are and show you a really cool animation of what is likely to happen. hopefully no one will get hit.
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let's talk about that falling stuff in the sky. my goodness. folks somewhere in north america, maybe somewhere in south america, they're the ones who are looking up and making sure no giant debris, pieces of this satellite might fall on their heads. chad meyers, keeping a close watch on all this. have they narrowed the scope now? >> they have. and they think that it will be very close to the northern part of south america. so if you're maybe mexico, south florida, possibly, you might look down at the very, very far south in the sky. really low on the horizon. you may see something as it reenters. this is still plus or minus. >> a lot of water around there. >> this is still plus or minus
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nine hours. but they moved it ahead about one hour come fired yesterday. so let me tell you what we're talking about here. you've been talking about this thing and how the entry and how the whole, it goes like this. then the next hour it goes like this. and it covers the whole world eventually. as they predict the 6:07 p.m. entry tomorrow evening, this will take it right over northern south america. now if it is late by a couple of hours, even three or four hours, it could be on this line which would take it over north america. but, let's say it does go right over the northern sections there. we're talking about colombia, northern parts of brazil possibly. are there people there? here's where there are people. here's a map of where the lights are at night. there are people. so someone may get to look at it. maybe to see it come down. 26 pieces will come down. surviving parts made of titanium, stainless steel and
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beryllium. we're not talking about thing that, is it dangerous? radioactive? all that stuff. the impact mass though, 1,100 pounds. the biggest piece, 300 pounds and that will leave a mark. about the size of a refrigerator as it starts to come down. then it will ball up. it will melt in on itself and they don't expect it to be all that big. but 300 pounds is still pretty big. >> let's hope it does melt down. 300 pounds. that velocity coming down, something tell me you can't run fast enough. you may not esee it. >> it will be cool. >> i think it will be really cool as long a it hits the water and i'm on shore. >> i want it to hit some kind of piece of land so we can pick it up. >> all right, mr. explorer. you go right at it. thanks so much. in taking the lead, there's hope on the jobs horizon. toys "r" us announced that it will hire over 40,000 people
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across the country as it gears up for the 20 level holiday season. toys are us started hiring this week for demonstrators and sales associates. not a bad gig. the toy seller is also hiring for ten distribution centers, including its newest facility in nevada. hiring will continue through november. up next, the amazing story of an injured soldier who risked everything to save dozens of lives. ♪ [ horn honks ] ♪ oh, those were the best of days ♪ ♪ i still feel the summer rays ♪ that graced our backs as we went down the lane ♪ [ horn honks ] [ male announcer ] when your car is more than just a car to you,
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the right insurance matters. are you getting the coverage options you need and the discounts you deserve? for an agent or quote, call 800-my-coverage or visit [ cellphone rings ] cut! [ monica ] i have a small part in a big movie. i thought we'd be on location for 3 days, it's been 3 weeks. so, i used my citi simplicity card to pick up a few things. and i don't have to worry about a late fee. which is good... no! bigger! bigger! [ monica ] ...because i don't think we're going anywhere for a while. [ male announcer ] write your story with the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. get started at borrowed technology from ferrari to develop its suspension system? or what if we told you that ferrari borrowed technology from cadillac to develop its suspension system? magnetic ride control -- pioneered by cadillac, perfected in the 556-horsepower cts-v.
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staff sergeant robert gutierrez was shot. his left lung collapsed. bleeding from his mouth and nose, he called in air strikes and walk over a mile to save dozens of his fellow troops. for his act of bravery, he has been awarded the air force combat cross. >> reporter: air force staff sergeant robert gutierrez was never going to give in. >> i don't have time to sit there and die. i told myself, i'm going to get up. i'm going to fight. i'm going to kill them. i'm going to do what i have to do. if i bleed out and die, it happens but they'll go first. >> reporter: operating with his special forces team in afghanistan, gutierrez' job was to call in air strikes if they came under attack. this time, it was bad. in a village, taliban firing at them from all directions.
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but what happened to robert gutierrez would have done in most men. >> i can't breathe i can't. breathe. my words were getting cut short. >> reporter: gutierrez was shot. his left lung collapsed. he was bleegd. >> at that point i'm just gasping for small bursts of air. >> reporter: crawling toward gutierrez, this special forces soldier. the military will only let us say his name is mike. a sergeant first class, he is the unit's medic. under fire, he will save gutierrez, so gutierrez can save them all. mike use as long needle to reinflate gutierrez' collapsed lung. gutierrez can breathe again. >> excuse me. i'm sorry. i just, i owe a lot to him. >> reporter: but the entire team is in deep trouble. the team leader and two others are wounded. finally, gutierrez has enough breath to radio a pilot overhead. >> he just says, there is a
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sizable force on the east side of the compound. and they're all armed. they're all coming up. >> reporter: the plane can't bomb. the u.s. troops are too close by. so gutierrez still bleeding, calls in two f-16s. they fly in very low and fast in a show of forceful then an a-10 comes through, firing its guns. the team then walks wounded and exhausted, for nearly two miles to get picked up by a med iraq is helicopter. >> i refuse to die out there. >> the secretary has approved the award of the air force cross. to staff sergeant robert gutierrez. >> reporter: staff sergeant gutierrez said he is 98% recovered, and he can't wait to get back out to the front lines once again. barbara starr, cnn, the
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pentagon. two fullerton california police officers now face the possibility of life as convicted felons. one of them charged with murder in the death of a homeless man. we talk to the victim's dad next. [ junior ] i played professional basketball for 12 years. today i own 165 wendy's restaurants. and i get my financing from ge capital. but i also get stuff that goes way beyond banking. we not only lend people money, we help them save it. [ junior ] ge engineers found ways to cut my energy use. [ cheryl ] more efficient lighting helps junior stay open later... [ junior ] and serve more customers.
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we've been closely following the case of a homeless man in fullerton, california, who witnesses say was beaten by police officers. after two agonizing months, kelly thomas' family may have a clear picture of what, how, and more importantly, who allegedly beat their brother, friend and son. just 24 hours ago, we were just learning about these two
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fullerton police officers. officer manuel ramos and corporal jay cicinelli. the orange county district attorney said the officers knew kelly was homeless and mentally ill when they responded to reports of a man breaking into cars on july 5th. but the d.a. said the officers beat him for nearly ten minutes. the d.a. said officer ramos set into motion events that would kill kelly. >> he lifted his fists to kelly thomas in front of his face so he could see them. and he said, now, see my fists? they're getting ready to f you up. that declaration was the turning point. >> officer cicinelli is now free on bail after pled guilty to involuntary manslaughter and use of excessive force. officer ramos is charged with second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter. he is still waiting for his hearing and remains in custody
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on $1 million bail. kelly's father, ron thomas, joins us now from los angeles along with the attorney. good to see both you gentlemen. when you heard the words, second-degree murder, involuntary manslaughter, use of excessive force, what went through your mind? >> well, i was elated. just a huge feeling of relief came over me. very, very happy with the d.a.'s decision. >> what are you hoping next in this process? >> well, the next thing in the process, of course, there will be an arraignment on monday. we'll follow that through and see what happens there. more importantly, what i'm going to insist that happens, is that the other four officers face administrative actions, through the police department, through
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the city. and it's my goal, my personal goal. if warranted, to have him at least fired to start with. >> so initial reports that there were six officers that were involved in all. these are the two officers that right now are facing charges. what is the situation with the other four? who allegedly were involved. >> yes, ron and i met with the d.a. and let me just praise him and applaud him for doing what he has done in bringing these charges, which are much deserved by these two officers. and you know, too quick to criticize our public servants on the right occasion, when they do the right thing, here we must applaud them. as for the o'other four officers, he told us he looked at all the evidence that was before this time. he did see the other four officers involved in some part of the beating. he thought that there just
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wasn't enough there to get in front of a jury and get a 100% conviction on these other two, however, he was very confident that because of the audio tapes that are on the bodies of these officers. they have these v.a.r.s that record them. when they put them together the video, the surveillance video, it is very obvious. when a man puts on gloves and points those gloves to the victim and says these are going to f you up, that there was murder in his mind. that plus all the video evidence. >> are you saying there is no disputing the other four officers were there. that the contention, the bone of contention is it is unclear what roles these four other officers may have played? >> you're exactly absolutely right. the other officers were there. at the very least, they didn't take steps to prevent these rogue officers from beating kelly to death. but at the very most they took
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part in some of the beating but it is unclear as to whether they knew that kelly was not resisting. or that kelly was someone they should not be striking. because the argument might be that the d.a. thought, might be made, is that when somebody like kent hampton showed up and he put cuffs on him and may have struck kelly once or twice, he thought he was merely carrying forward what the other officers had begun, which was maybe a lawful arrest. he was not there early enough to see the confrontation. to see this guy, this ramos, who is a large man, put on these latex gloves and threaten kelly with death and then execute on his threat. >> we heard the d.a. spell out the charges. then soon after we heard the fullerton police department with this statement. let's listen. >> i respect the decision of this attorney. the fullerton police department will continue to cooperate with the orange county district
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attorney's office in their investigation. all the officer involved in the thomas case will remain on administrative leave. this has been a tragic event for kelly thomas. the thomas family. the community. the police department and for all those involved. >> so mr. thomas, do you feel at all comforted by those words from the police department? >> no, not at all. i talk with captain hamilton many, many, many times. to keep them on paid administrative leave is ludicrous. does that mean the other four? does that mean all six? it is kind of unclear at this point. so that's why i'm driving it forward to make sure something happens to these other four administratively, at least. i'm not settling for anything here except complete justice for my son. >> and it would be ludicrous to have these officer that are charged with murder and involuntary manslaughter to be on paid leave. they shouldn't be paid at all. >> do you trust that the
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district attorney's office will thoroughly be able to investigate what indeed happened that night? >> well, i feel very comfortable with it. i've worked with the d.a.'s lead investigator from day one. i think he has done a fantastic job. speaking with him and his staff, i have a lot of confidence in them right now. >> this will be a long ordeal. this trial won't just come around a corner in 60 days. the defendant can make it happen quickly because he has speedy trial rights. we're afraid because he has a lawyer, who will get paid by the police union by the hour, they'll stretch this out for a year, year and a half. it will be a marathon. and we believe that this d.a. is up for the task and he will get convictions on these officers. the seven dollars juevidence is.
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they would have been behind bars. >> thank you, gentlemen, for your time. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. we'll have much more straight ahead. ♪ [ horn honks ] ♪ oh, those were the best of days ♪ ♪ i still feel the summer rays ♪ that graced our backs as we went down the lane ♪ [ horn honks ] [ male announcer ] when your car is more than just a car to you, the right insurance matters. are you getting the coverage options you need and the discounts you deserve? for an agent or quote, call 800-my-coverage or visit
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time for our news hot off the ticker. paul, what's going on? >> let's start with ron paul, the congressman from texas. he is making his third run for the white house. he seem to be doing something others aren't doing. he is spending money to put ads on broadcast television, cable networks as well. take a look at this ad. it went out in florida. it will run in all those early voting states as well. in the ad, it touts that ron paul has been a friend of veterans. it points out that the congressman and veteran is a doctor himself. his campaign manager says, you know what? they'll be spending over $1 million to run this ad. do you know what? rick perry, and mitt romney, they have be been putting paid ads on television. so ron paul, going where others are not going. >> so let's talk about rick perry. he may not be leading the national polls but he is way down in one state. >> that state is new hampshire. two polls out within the last 14
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hours. one came out late last night. another early this afternoon. take a look at the others. this is republicans and independents who will probably vote in the primary. mitt romney, way up there. 41% in this poll. ron paul, second place. perry at 8%. in the other poll, perry was in second place but the story is mitt romney in massachusetts, remember, he was the governor of neighboring massachusetts. very popular doing very well in new hampshire. a different story in iowa and south carolina. all these states, of course, so crucial in the battle for the gop nomination. but fred, you know what? these polls change. things can change and the polls can change. >> on a dime. and there is a debate this evening and another one soon after. so we know that the polls may be impacted by the results. the outcomes of those as well. always good to see you. thanks so much. >> thanks for being with me this afternoon. more in the newsroom straight ahead. >> t
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