tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN September 27, 2011 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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"anderson cooper 360" starts right now. >> john, thanks very much. good evening. we begin tonight keeping them honest with a fresh and frankly horrible new development in a story that already breaks your heart. it is reminder that teen bullying doesn't stop, doesn't die even after the victim doeses. jamie rodemeyer took his life a little more than a week ago. was taunted in death by bullies at a homecoming dance the night of his wake. kids shouting he was better off dead and "we're glad you're dead." his sister who left the wake to attend the dance had to listen to this. i spoke to her earlier tonight. she's a remarkable young woman, as you'll see for yourself. so was her brother jamie. millions got to know him through his online presence. months ago he posted a video on youtube as part of the it gets better program. even in his sadness, jamie was reaching out to help others. >> hi, this is jamie from buffalo, new york. and i'm just here to tell you
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that it does get better. here's a little bit of my story. december 2010, i thought i was bi, and then i always got made fun of because i virtually have no guy friends. and i only have friends that are girls. and it bothered me because we would be like faggot and they would taunt me in the hallways and i felt i never could have escape it. people would constantly send me hate telling me gay people go to hell. >> he said he got hate messages on the site formspring which allows kids to post anonymous comments about each other and to each other. but back then, as you hear, he said he rose above the negativity. >> i promise you it will get better. i have so much support from
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people i don't even know online. i know that sounds creepy, but they're so nice and caring and they don't ever want me to die. >> two weekends ago after saying good night to his sister, jamie rodemeyer took his own life. he was only 14 years old. his school in williamsville, new york, does have a bullying prevention program. you'll hear a bit from the local superintendent shortly. a lot of schools have similar programs and more states are enacting new anti-bullying laws. some are facing resistance from groups saying that it promotes tolerance of a gay agenda. but jamie was above all that for a while and seemed to have pushed past the prejudice and past the hate. >> and i just want to tell you that it does get better. when i came out for being bii got so much support from my friends, and it made me feel so secure, and then if your friends or family is even there for you,
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i look up to one of the most supporting people of the gay community that i think of that i know, lady gaga. she makes me so happy. and she lets me know that i was born this way. and that's my advice to you from her. we were born this way. all you have to do is hold your head up and you'll go far because that's all you have to do. just love yourself and you're set. >> he tried. whether he knew it or not, jamie rodemeyer left friends and fans behind. this weekend the performer he called mother monster, lady gaga, paid tribute to him. >> so tonight, jamie, i know you're up there looking at us. and you're not a victim. you're a lesson tulle of o all . i know it's a bit of a downer but sometimes the right thing is more important than the music, isn't it?
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let's do this one for jamie. >> jamie was a high school freshman. he'd only been in high school for nine days. his sister alyssa is a high school junior. earlier tonight i talked to her about what she witnessed and what she heard at a homecoming dance the night of jamie's wake. what would people over the year, what were people calling him? >> they were making fun of him for having so many girl friends. and they were calling him a girl and just calling him names and saying harsh things about him and just ridiculous things. >> you actually found him? >> yeah. >> i mean, i can't imagine what that was like. >> it was -- it was rough, but like, i don't know. i didn't really have time to soak it all in because i was in
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a state of shock and i was trying to do everything to call 911, get my parents, try to save him. and i don't know. it didn't all fully reg start ti -- register at the time, i guess. >> it was a hanging in the backyard? >> yes. >> it was important to your parents that you go to the homecoming dance the first day of the wake. >> yes. they let me leave early from the wake and the dance was at 7:00. they didn't want me to miss out on any homecoming things and they wanted me to get my mind off stuff. so they told me i could go. i went with a whole group of friends from the wake and we all went together. >> and what was that like? >> the beginning of the dance, it was really great. like we were all having a good time, and we -- you know, we were dancing around. some kids were just like -- some
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kids were just kind of sitting there, i don't believe i should be having fun. and we're just like, you just got to -- just this time let yourself be happy and just imagine he's with us just dancing along with us and you been just can't like let yourself be in pain for just like these two hours and just try to enjoy yourself because i don't want to see his friends in so much pain that they're going through. i was trying to encourage people to have fun. and then things just started going bad. >> they played a lady gaga song. >> yeah. and we all started chanting for him. >> you started chanting jamey's name? >> yeah, we had so many people chanting it and we were jumping around and singing to it. it started off great. >> then what happened? >> then a little group of like three of his prior bullies, as
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we were chanting, they started yelling things back at us. they were saying that they were glad he was dead and just basically that and like some obscenities and things. >> so they were actually saying that? >> yeah. >> you know the kids who were saying this, they were saying they were glad your brother's dead. >> later after the dance, i found out that some kid was videotaping the dance, and he actually got it on tape. and it was so cruel. >> was that one of the kids who was one of the bullies who was videotaping? >> no, he's actually a really nice guy. >> could you hear them when they were saying this? >> yeah. >> i can't imagine what that is like. >> i didn't honestly know what to do about it. i was just kind of struck in awe. and we all kind of stopped. and everyone started like
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breaking down and crying, and we all just kind of got in a little group and we were all crying. and the teachers came and tried to like comfort us. then administration came. and we tried to tell them what happened. i ended up having a really nice talk with one of our vice principals who is trying to do something about this. so i give him credit for that. >> according to what happened at the dance, did the teacher tell them to stop? >> no, they stopped after a while just because eventually chanting has to stop. and they basically ran from the dance because they knew they were going to get in trouble. >> you went home. and i talked to your mom before on my show earlier and she was very upset. she was angry. >> yeah. how could you not be angry at this? i don't understand who would have the heart to disrespect someone even after they're dead. it's mind blowing.
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>> it's been important for your folks and for you to speak about jamey, even though it's only been what, nine days now? >> yeah, nine days. >> why is that so important to speak? >> it's important because jamey, while he was alive, was trying to get out this message of everyone should be treated equally and no one should have to be bullied for any kind of way that they're different. to me, that's a really important message, too, because no one deserves to be bullied. everyone's different and that's what's great about everyone is everyone's uniqueness. we just want to keep that message going because we don't want to see another teen that comes to this decision because they're being bullied because no one deserves to feel like they're worthless, because no one's worthless. everyone's worth the life they're living. >> what do you want people to know about jamey, to remember about him?
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>> i want them to remember his smile and his caring heart and his love for lady gaga and just -- he was such a sweet, sweet kid. >> you're incredibly strong. >> thanks. >> and i hope you find peace in the days ahead. thank you. >> thanks so much. >> jamey's sister. digging deeper now rosalind wiseman is the author of "queen bees and wanna-bes." it's extraordinary to me. i've heard other stories of this where kids are taunted in death, but the kids would, in front of jamey's sister alyssa, say things about him at a school dance i just find unbelievable. how do you explain that? >> i know that so many people are looking at this and saying what is wrong with these kids, what's wrong with society, what's wrong with those people? i really want to say, even
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though people don't want to hear this, it could happen in any community. i'm so transfixed by alyssa's words, really they're just so incredible. really what's so important here is that we really think about as adults is that we have a sacred responsibility to take ownership, not only when our kids do things that make us proud, like winning trophies, but when they do things that are shameful and when they do things that are hateful and where they do things like you're talking about, where they celebrate someone's death. they not only failed themselves and their school and jamey and their family, they failed themselves, their community. and what i think is so important is that adults realize that. they say we have to take responsibility and we have to hold these kids accountable in ways that don't degrade them. but hold them accountable. make them responsible. and at the same time say this is part of us. and kids can do unbelievably bad things in groups. and we are going to address it in ways that they will not forget and that we are going to
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take responsibility so that jamey's death is really not in vain and that it is celebrated in the way that his sister is talking about. this is really the test for the community, to stand up for what it really -- what it really wants to believe in. >> we talked to the superintendent of jamey's school earlier. listen to a little bit of what he said. >> certainly we have now turned our attention to the huge societal issue of bullying in our schools. and we are reviewing all of our procedures around that, how we handle bullying issues, the training for all of our teachers, all of our adults who work with children, reviewing our disciplinary protocols to make sure that we're taking appropriate action in bullying cases and taking a number of steps to educate our children and our parents in regards to bullying and how we can all work together to prevent it.
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>> is that enough? >> well, i mean, one of the things that really strikes me is that those three kids who by alyssa's -- you know what she's saying, that they were his tormentors before. they believe, for whatever reason, that they could get away with doing what they were doing, by screaming that he should die or they were happy he was dead in a public forum of a dance. there is no more public forum in a high school than at a dance. they thought they could get away with that. what we're hearing also is that, yes, the teachers got involved, it sounds, pretty late to me. the second you would hear something like that, as the teachers, you would move and you would silence those kids. so i've got to wonder really what went on that those kids felt they could get away with it. there must have been some children who might have been absolutely stunned but could not figure out a way to speak and to stop them. and that's really the important thing that we've got to do. because we've got to look at ourselves and not society.
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because when we talk about society, we stop taking responsibility for our own behavior and the behavior that goes on in our communities. it's about what we can do with the kids we know in our own families. honestly, people will say those were some bad kids. if you're part of that community, talk to your children even if they weren't involved. even if they sat there and they were stunned and they wanted to do something and they couldn't because those are the conversations that matter to kids so that things like this do not continue in the future. >> rosalind, i appreciate your expertise. we'll continue to follow this issue here on 360. we teamed up with cartoon network and facebook to try to look at this from all angles. there's an app on facebook, you can pledge to do everything you can to stop this bullying epidemic. go to bullying speak up. you can join us for a series of special reports, bullying: it stops here. that starts october 9th on cnn.
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we're on facebook, follow me on twitter @andersoncooper. a tuning admission from the man who will help obama get re-elected. sarah palin may be getting ready to make a big announcement. and late word from chris christie about his possible presidential plans are, if any. crime & punishment, day one of the michael jackson trial. a remarkable disturbing picture of jackson shown today in court. that and an audio tape of him unlike anything you've ever heard before of him. you will hear more of that ahead. first, let's check in with isha sesay. >> we'll have the latest from italy's own trial of the
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century. american amanda knox appealing her murder conviction. closing arguments thursday. striking new testimony today. that and much more. [ male announcer ] this is coach parker... whose non-stop day starts with back pain... and a choice. take advil now and maybe up to four in a day. or choose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. way to go, coach. ♪
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so how is this for a pep talk? david axelrod said today it will be a titanic struggle to get his boss re-elected. a titanic struggle. over on the republican side they're going through a titanic struggle of their own. they're looking for a candidate that can win next year. that's not unusual. but this time republicans are struggling titanically to find a candidate they actually want to win. we've seen michele bachmann rise and fall, rick perry stumble.
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then new jersey governor chris christie who has been on a fund-raising swing through missouri. fund-raising for others not himself. perhaps not ever. he'll speak at the ronald reagan libra library. his brother todd tells the "new jersey state ledger" i'm sure that he's not going to run. if he's lying to me, i'll be as stunned as i've ever been in my life. the national review said that christie was thinking about it. a source says no. but someone tells politico he's considering it. christie says the answer is no. >> i don't feel like i'm ready to be president, i don't want to run for president. i don't have the fire in my belly to run for president. i don't feel ready to be president. >> that sounds pretty definitive. the star ledger said he's not running to a group of influential fund-raisers at a steakhouse in orange county, california. sarah palin, people have been waiting for months for her to make some sort of decision.
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"the new york times" reporting the announcement could come within days. in just the last few days her facebook page has grown quiet. some believe getting ready for the moment. is she, will he, should they? ari fleischer former press secretary to president bush. his latest post it's too late for chris christie to run. and ron kerry. you think it would be a mistake for chris christie to get in the race? >> i just think it's too late. too much time has passed by. it is hard to build a successful campaign. the scrutiny he would be under, every mistake he would make and every candidates makes mistakes, it would be piling on. candidates need an a on ramp. especially in the instant era we live in with the internet. i think it's too late for him. >> it's interesting, dana, because people say i'm not
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interested in running, then they turn out running. he's actually saying i'm not ready to be president. that's pretty definitive. what's behind all this talk? wishful thinking on the part of some republicans? >> well, the word choice that chris christie uses is really interesting to me because he's always said, i'm not ready to be president yet. i'm not ready, not yet. at some point it might be in the cards, but not 2012. i don't think he'll do anything until 2016. he still needs to fill his obligations to his constituents. he said, i don't have the fire in my belly. if there's one thing we can count on from him is not to mince words. >> we're still hearing for what has been forever now that her decision is coming soon. take a look, though, if our viewers this week our cnn orc poll. palin is neck and neck with rerman cain and ron paul. >> i think sarah palipalin's a
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smart person. she has such high negatives, she has a real image problem. he'll look at those numbers and say as much as i think i can offer to the debate, i'm not going to be electable this year and the last thing we need to do as republicans is to put a candidate forward that's really provocative and ruin the chances to win with a candidate that's too provocative. i look back at harry reid was behind and was going to be a loser in every poll. but then republicans put a very provocative candidate up and he was able to make sharon engel into the issue and not harry reid. they'll do the same thing to the republican nominee. we need to have somebody who is experienced, seasoned and doesn't have open wounds that the obama campaign can really take advantage of. >> dana loesch, if michele bachmann -- she's declined in the polls lately. does that make it more likely for sarah palin to think, okay,
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i have an opening? >> possibly. i look at how the president does in the polls as well. some of the polls they've released, they haven't even bothered naming a republican candidate. so at this point, quite honestly, it can be anyone's game for a number of the candidates. as to what palin's going to do, she'll make an announcement by the end of september. it's getting close. we'll have to sit back and wait and see. i know that it's kind of difficult to measure how she stands against other candidates because she hasn't actively gotten out there and campaigned in the way that we would see other candidates do. i know ari mentioned an on ramp to the presidential campaign. we haven't seen her kind of use that. there's a lot of stuff in play here, a lot of moving pieces, but a matter of days. >> sarah palin can kind of create her own on ramp. it doesn't seem that whatever she decides to do, she's not needing necessarily to go the traditional route. she's been on fairs bus tours although she says she's just on vacation. she just happens to be vacati
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vacationing in spots where there's lots of media. >> because she didn't have an on ramp when named as mccain's vice presidential candidate, she couldn't handle all the scrutiny. candidates need that time. nothing is like a presidential race. the amount of scrutiny, the amount of work, the pressure you're under, the way you have to prove that you're capable of sitting in that chair in the oval office. people are harsh in their judgments. you have to be ready for it. that's what doomed her last time. if she goes this time, it would be a dream come true for mitt romney. many of the social conservatives, the sarah palin wing base of the republican party, which is an important powerful base, is really split. they'll have bachmann, santorum, perry, palin to choose from. it creates a bigger gap for mitt romney to run through as more or less the centrist businessman, more traditional republican candidate. so it would set him up nicely at
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a time when things are breaking in mitt romney's direction in the last week. >> what do you make of rick perry's stumble in the last debate. who benefits from that? is it just a temporary stumble or how bad is he hurt? >> well, i think one thing we can be certain of is that mitt romney will get to the finals. the question is who will get there with him? we build these candidates up to be the second coming of ronald reagan. then their numbers start to come down. rick perry is going through this. he still may become the chief competitor to romney. but ari makes a good point. i remember back in 2008 how demoralized the republican base was here in minnesota when john mccain became the candidate. because 82% of the republican base felt he was too liberal. but that's where mitt romney does want a fragmented field of conservatives. if conservatives want to have a conservative run against barack
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obama they need to unite in the next three months behind the best candidate and not fragment our vote and open a door for a mitt romney to become our nominee. >> i have to leave it there. ari, you wanted to jump in. >> well, i was going to say, what you're also seeing is that almost unprecedented in modern american politics. the no front-runner issue. republicans almost always know who we're going to nominate. not this cycle. that's what's led to looking for a christie, looking for it and someone else. >> let's keep in mind, though, that this time and four years ago we had rudy giuliani and fred thompson leading the polls and both faded quickly once the process started. it can still change in the next 120 days. >> i think some of that was thompson's doing, too. >> not the candidate people thought. the latest from the amanda knox trial. what lawyers said in court
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coming up, what a day incourt. the trial of michael jackson's doctor starts with a photo of jackson's body after he died and a recording of him sounding like you've never heard him sound before. we'll play you the tape in a moment. first eye sha sese with the bulletin. >> amanda knox's lawyers are set to give their final arguments thursday in her bid to have her murder conviction overturned. today a lawyer for knox's former boyfriend who was also convicted said there was no physical trace of either of them at the murder scene of knox's roommate meredith kercher. a convicted killer and
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hijacker has been arrested after 41 years on the run. george wright escaped from a new jersey prison in 1970. he was found and arrested in portugal and the united states is trying to get him extradited. the 2,000-year-old dead sea scrolls have entered the digital age. five of the scrolls online including the biblical book of isaiah. you can translate the verses into english and even zoom in to see high resolution images of the scrolls. and a new study suts that women who drink four or more cups of coffee a day may have a lower risk of depression. scientists say there's still a lot they don't know about the correlation. and they're not recommending coffee as a way to prevent depression, but i suppose a little bit of good news as you order your half skinny double tall latte extra whip. >> i had my first sip of coffee on my daytime show in new york today. never had coffee -- >> what do you mean?
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>> i never had coffee before. >> such a sheltered soul. >> i don't see the point. if you want caffeine, there's other ways. >> what did you think of it? >> i don't get it. it's like watery. i didn't see the appeal. there's nothing -- oh, you didn't know who gumby is. don't give me attitude about i haven't had a cup of coffee. please. >> people are thinking you're way stranger than i am. >> that's true. i don't drink anything hot. anyway, i digress. >> yes, you do. >> yes, i know. we'll check in with you in a bit. day one of the michael jackson death trial, prosecutors showed jurors a very disturbing image. you may find it difficult to look at. it's a photograph of michael jackson lying on a hospital gurney after he had died, his mouth open. it is the first time it has been shown publicly. just as disturbing, jurors heard jackson's voice barely recognized and slurring his words in an audio recording made
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just weeks before he died. he's talking about his upcoming concert in london. listen. >> prosecutors say that jackson was heavily drugged in that recording made on an iphone that belonged to dr. conrad murray, jackson's personal physician who is charged with involuntary man slaughter. jackson died of an overdose of propofol and another sedative. that is not on dispute. who is responsible is very much in dispute. murray's lawyer said that jackson gave the dose himself. the prosecution says that he
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abandoned awe principles of medical care and drugged him. >> reporter: once again michael jackson had the world's attention. this time, though, he was wasted, slurring his words. listen to this recording by jackson's personal physician, dr. conrad murray, made six weeks before his death. >> reporter: prosecutor david walgren says jackson was drugged up and that dr. murray was not only aware of his addiction, but continued to feed it by supplying and administering drugs that eventually killed the pop star. >> it was dr. murray's repeated incompetent and unskilled acts that led to mr. jackson's death on june 25th 2009.
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>> reporter: prosecutors continued to hammer murray's so-called gross negligence, leaving the room while jackson was hooked up to a propofol iv, calling the pop star's bodyguard when he stopped breathing instead of 911, and urging him to hide the drugs and vials in the room. and this bombshell -- prosecutor walgren told the juries a paramedics fought to save jackson's life, dr. murray held back a critical piece of information, that he had given michael jackson propofol, the powerful anesthetic. >> conrad murray never once mentioned the administration of propofol. >> reporter: then it was defense attorney ed chernoff's turn. he said there was nothing dr. murray could have done to prevent jackson's death because jackson died at his own hand, taking more propofol without murray's knowing. >> michael jackson swallowed up to eight pills on his own without telling his doctor, without permission from his
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doctor. and when dr. murray gave him the 25 milligrams and dr. murray left the room, michael jackson self-administered a dose, an additional dose of propofol. and it killed him. and it killed him like that. and there was no way to save him. >> reporter: as conrad murray listened, he wiped away tears. the defense portrayed him as a good doctor, a friend to michael jackson, a friend trying to wean him off propofol. >> the evidence is not going to show you that michael jackson died when dr. murray gave him propofol for sleep. what the evidence is going to show you is that michael jackson died when dr. murray stopped. >> reporter: leaving michael jackson, according to the defense, to take the drug himself. later in the day, prosecutors called their first witness, kenny ortega, the director and
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choreographer behind jackson's this is it tour. prosecutors attempted to establish that jackson appeared in good health. they played this rehearsal clip in court. ♪ >> this is how we rehearse. >> what was he demeanor, his condition on june 23rd? >> he entered into rehearsal full of energy, full of desire to work. full of enthusiasm. and it was a different michael. >> reporter: two days later michael jackson was dead. >> so interesting, randy, in court ortega painted a pretty grim picture of michael jackson days before the rehearsal, days before the video that we saw. what did he say in court? >> michael jackson showed up six days before his death for rehearsal in such a state that kenny ortega said he was deeply
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troubled. those were his exact words. jackson was incoherent and not there. he had chills, he had lost weight. they actually had to give him food and put warm blankets on him. he said that jackson wasn't even well enough to rehearse. he was so concerned that he wrote an e-mail to aeg, the concert promoter saying this, he appeared quite weak and fatigued this evening, he had atarible case of the chills, was trembling rambling and obsessing. everything in me says he should be psychologically evaluated. he was like a lost boy pop there's still maybe a chance he can rise to the occasion if we can get him the help he needs. >> had kenny ortega ever met dr. murray? >> in fact, he had. they first met at michael jackson's house. he did say that murray was upset that kenny ortega didn't have michael jackson rehearse and told him to stop being, quote, an amateur doctor, basically telling ortega to direct the show and leave the doctoring to him, conrad murray. ortega said in court that murray
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assured him that jackson was physically capable of handling this show and this tour, anderson. >> randi, thank you very much. here's michael jackson at his last rehearsal two days before he died. what do you see when you see the video. does it show a healthy man or an addict hanging by a thread. and i know a thing or two about fast. i purchased 3 homes with quicken loans. i wouldn't use anyone else. there were no hidden fees and no surprises. quicken loans is a lot like me -- we're both engineered to amaze.
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propofol wasn't what you call a household word. but it was widely known in medical circles as a powerful anesthetic used for surgery. in fact, only used for surgery. the fact that jackson was using it outside a medical setting shocked a lot of doctors after they heard the news. sanjay gupta shows why. >> so we are here inside the operating room with dr. gerschon who is chief of anesthesiology here. propofol is a medication he uses all the time. is this it right here? >> yeah. >> it looks like -- milk of amnesia they call it. >> milk of amnesia. vincent, you okay? we have the monitor his co-2. you have to see his saturation and make sure he's ventilated. >> that's all typical stuff? >> standard of care, yes. >> so the propofol -- >> you'll get a little sleepy vincent. give me some good deep breaths.
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>> take a look at his eyes how quickly this -- >> deep breath, vincent. doing great. may feel a little burning, okay? >> deep breath. >> ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. >> there's a reason for his heart rate increasing. his eyes are closed. >> his eyes closed and what else? >> i look up here. this is watching his co-2. and he's not breathing any more and my wonderful machine will help him breathe. >> all this is taking place this this mask. he can't breathe on his own. >> you see how fast it worked. it stopped the patient's breathing. you how him monitor his vital
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signs. jeffrey toobin and marcia clark, author of "guilt by association." pretty dramatic day in conrad murray's -- first trial. did that help the prosecution? >> that part of it i found confusing for the prosecution. basically he was making the defense point that this guy is a wreck. he's falling apart. >> so the defense is saying he had these problems long before dr. murray got involved. >> absolutely. and the problems of drug use. so i actually didn't get that part of the prosecution. but there was one fact that i just thought if it pans out in the evidence it will be devastating against conrad murray, is that when the emts came and when they got to the hospital, when jackson's heart stopped beating, conrad murray lied about what drugs he was taking. which is classic consciousness of guilt behavior. if that's true, i think that's just the most important evidence in the case. >> marcia, do you agree with that? >> yeah, i think that's incredibly important.
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i have to admit that i had the same reaction. when i saw them say conrad murray told them about all these other drugs and not about the propofol and repeatedly and for a lengthy period of time did not tell the police he administered propofol to michael jackson is critical. i sort of disagree with jeffrey because i do think that showing michael jackson was this frail and this drug addicted was powerful prosecution evidence because it shows that the doctor should have known what kind of patient he had, should have given a standed of care that he fell so far below and did absolutely nothing that any reasonable doctor would have done give an patient like this in this condition. you heard that tape. >> can the defense argue that dr. murray was trying to wean him off this stuff, he was addicted when dr. murray got on the scene? >> well, of course, the defense is arguing that. but i've got to say i don't think they're going to make it with that one because dr. murray had ordered how many cases of the stuff? if you're trying to wean your client off of it, then why do
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you have 500 cases of propofol? you have to show declining amounts. >> there was a demonstration of bathtubs full of propofol which did not seem consistent with the weaning process. >> what about that michael jackson took the lethal dose himself? we saw how quickly the drug acts. does that make any sense to you that he could have administered it to himself? >> it's pretty unlikely. it was interesting to hear them talk about it today. the thing about this medication and the reason it's attractive is that it comes off of the patient as quickly as well. so it's one of these quick on, quick off drugs. patients wake up very quickly when the medication is stopped. that's one of the reasons that people like it in hospitals. what they said, though, and i was putting this together, he actually drank the substance. it wasn't like he picked it up and injected it. they said he actually drank it which was a very strange thing to do. just adds to the overall strangeness of this whole story. but something else the defense
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pointed out was that part of the autopsy, one thing was not included, and that was the actual analysis of what was in michael jackson's stomach at that time. what they found was evidence of this medication, again, propofol that we're talking about, but also other med kags such as lore as za pam which is an anti-anxiety drug. i have one more thing here, they're going to try and show evidence that he had been addicted to dem are ol and that he was in the withdrawal process, which makes someone very, very terrible insomnia which made it difficult for him to sleep which led to this whole thing. >> it seems, marcia, to the argument that dr. -- or his defense that he was trying to wean him off it. if you're trying to wean someone who is this drug addled they should be in a hospital setting. to wean them off in their home is just not real. >> no, it doesn't at all. especially what you've seen and heard of michael jackson, his
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behavior. it was beyond negligent. i think it was reckless not to have been weaning him in a hospital setting where he can take care of him. beyond that, there's also the issue they talked about at some length that when doctors administer propofol, they do it in a hospital because you must monitor it in a certain way. the machines alert you when the levels fall below a certain level. none of this was done for michael jackson. even the manner in which the propofol that was not deemed to be the lethal dose, by the defense, that is, was administered poorly and below the standard of care. all of it when you take it together. >> the financial motive comes in here, too. one of the things the defense was saying, the reason they are propping him up, they're trying to keep him performing is that michael jackson desperately needed the money for this tour. and that all these people, as usual, were using michael jackson as a male ticket. the financial motives work the other way because murray, who
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had all sorts of problems in houston was making $150,000 a month with one patient. there weren't a lot of other options for him to make that money. >> we'll talk to you in the coming days. engineers getting ready to rappel down the washington monument to check for earthquake damage. their mission is called off. we'll tell you why. why being a spelling bee champion could helped a tattoo artist. i can't enjoy my own barbecue with these nasal allergies.
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but fighters loyal to gadhafi still control a large area of the city. due to bad weather engineers called off plans to rappel down the side of the washington monument looking for small cracks caused by last month's 5.2 earthquake. they'll try again tomorrow. apple confirms it will hold a presentation a week from today when the iphone 5 will be unveiled. it's been 15 months since the iphone 4 was unveiled. making this the longest wait since the iphone 2 was unveiled. rihanna ordered to cover up by a farmer when he saw her stripping down to a bikini top. not to be deterred rihanna was scene filming in belfast today. rihanna raising the temperature in a muddy barley field.
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>> wow, i like that rihanna. >> can you name a single rihanna song? >> yeah. like the prettiest girl in the world. that's what i run to it almost every day. what's the title of it? what's that song? anyone? >> tick, tick, tick. >> only girl in the world and also the eminem song she did. i like that rihanna. [ artis brown ] america is facing some tough challenges right now. two of the most important are energy security and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for our country's energy security and our economy.
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time for the ridiculist. tonight we're adding brad marchand's ta too artist. after the bruins won the stanley cup, a bunch of them got tattoos to commemorate the win. they also ran up a bar tab of $150,000 at a nightclub but that's another story. we're guessing the ta too artist isn't a spelling bee aficionado. take a look at brad's tatoo. that would be champions with an a instead of an o. it also looked like the starley cup. he said yes, it was misspelled and he went back to the guy to
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try to fix it. a cautionary tale. a while back the huffington post compiled a whole display of misspellings. next up tomorrow never knows except it's tomarrow. that's a beatles song mp. maybe she should have gone with "yesterday" instead. then the your next. where was he going to put the apostrophe e? on his thumb? the guy that got extreme tattooed on his chest except it looks like the letter t is missing. details, people, details. this woman's nickname is sweet p pea. see how getting one letter wrong changes the whole meaning? you really have to get it all right. if you want to tell the world
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you're awesome, you have to get it right. then you're in danger of the dreaded tattoo regret. if you do make a mistake and end up with a tattoo that's misspelled or one that you never thought you'd break up with or a tatoo too that says milli vanilli forever. there are ways to remove it but it is expensive unless you go with snl's tattoo removal method. >> you're not young any more. you're not even close. that's why you need turlington's lower back tattoo remover. look, here's a really cool lower back tattoo on an attractive 20-year-old girl. now wch what happens to ta tattoo when that girl becomes a 65-year-old woman. it is sad indeed. that's why i developed turlington's lower back tattoo remover. just apply once every hour for 72 straight hours. and watch that tattoo
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