tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN September 29, 2011 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
january. that is all for us tonight. "ac 360" starts now. thanks, piers it is 10 p.m. here on the east coast. keeping them honest, somebody, somewhere is looking at sexually suggestive photos of your teenaged child and might be just as surprised to learn where these per offy grownups find the images, part of a site one of the most respected publishing enfires on earth, would you think, reading the pages of the new yorker or browsing vanity fair's web the site, talking about a site called red read it, a division of conde nast, publish "the new yorker," gq and other high-brow magazines. grown big enough to be its own division, side by side with conde nast, still the same corporate parent. on its corporate blog, read it claims 300% growth in the last 15 months and more than 21 million unique visitors, some of them posts links to stories and photos and others vote on them. the top vote-getters end up on the front page. users can create separate areas or subcategories called subread
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anonymous coward. understandable when you are the organizers or administrators of online community set up ex-priestly for grownups to look at photos of teen aimers in bathing suits and underwear and post creepy comments to them. not showing the photos tonight but some of the headlines give you a good idea what is posted and y hot one of the headlines, teams at the beach having fun with herself. at this point, you might be asking where these images comes from and who gives permission to post them. accept a there's no way of knowing. read it publishes a long list of rules for the service including don't use the word breaking, all caps, rude or correct someone's banner it doesn't say don't take some kid's facebook photo or don't put your girlfriend's bikini shots online, doesn't say anything like that rule number one on read it on the list is don't post someone's personal inform organization post links to personal information that can be read two ways, don't violate someone's private vastcy by posting their name or use the
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photo, just don't let anyone know where you got it from. violators can be banned for breaking the rule but not posting smarmy photographs. read it is up interested in stopping them even though it boasts on the corporate blog the good it is doing for the world. >> here is entry from september 6th after split offing from conde nast. they wrote, read it has potential it the next generation to positively impact journalism, civic engagement, fund raising, product development and learning. we, of course, wanted to know how reddit and their current parent squares postings with those high-minded words about journalism and civic engagement and learning. we called the president about it and he actually sits on the board of reddit. neither he or advanced publications wanted to comment and instead directed us to reddit general manager, eric marden. he told us, quote, we're a free speech site and the cost of that
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is there is stuff that's offensive on there. he says reddit as a platform, not an editorial site. he said, once we start taking down some things we find offensive, then we're no longer a free speech site and platform for everyone. in addition to jailbait, there's a reddit community called asian jailbait and one where you can see photos of dead bodies, adults and children. with me now is senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin, who we should point out works for the "new yorker" magazine, also sunny hostin, legal contributor, an "in session" on trutv. is this legal, jeff? >> as far as i can tell. i do work there. i hadn't heard of reddit until today. i didn't see anything illegal. the pictures of the girls, it's hard to tell how old they are. many of them are clearly older than 16, 17, 18. some of them are probably younger. but all of them are clothed. i don't think there's any issue
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of kiddie porn, any issue of illegality. is it in good taste? is it appropriate for this or any company to be involved? that's a very different question. >> is it okay, sunny -- do you agree with jeff? >> i'm going to disagree with him, actually. i think it's borderline kiddie porn. it's very close to the line. and the bottom line is that the first amendment doesn't protect child porn. so, they are really straddling that line. also, even if they aren't, don't we want them to be good corporate citizens? what happened to decency? what happened to decency? what happened to corporations doing the right thing? why would you have a website that sexualizes young girls? i looked at a lot of the pictures and i thought they were very, very close to the child porn line. >> if some of these photos are just taken off somebody's facebook page, they don't even know their photo has been taken, as long as they're not using their name, that's legal? >> it's possibly a civil tort, it's possibly something that the person whose photo was stolen might be able to sue. it would be very complicate, very difficult, i doubt such a lawsuit would ever take place. but, again, i don't think that's a crime.
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one thing that the president of the company said that was quite interesting and wrong, i think, is that they are a first amendment site, a freedom of speech site. >> right. >> that's not true. >> no. >> the phone is a common carrier. you know, if i say something terrible to you on the phone, you can sue me. you can't sue the phone company. a website is different. a website automatically exercises some control. you can see they have rules there. so, the idea that they have no control over their posters, that's simply wrong. >> and i think we're all sort of tired of people hiding behind the first amendment. it's so cowardly. yes, the first amendment, it's there for wonderful reasons and some offensive speech is protected. kiddie porn is not protected. again, it really, really straddles that line. >> i was surprised to learn -- i didn't know about the site, but when i heard about it, i assumed that it was just run from some site in eastern europe or some, you know, guy in his basement or living in his mom's house and doing this out of his basement. but to know that this is, was
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under conde nast label and now advanced publication, it's amazing a big corporation would have something like this which reflects badly on it. >> it certainly was amazing to me. i was unfamiliar with it. but, you know, a lot of companies want to get involved in the internet. it's obviously a growth part of the business. and there are big parts of reddit that have nothing to do with sex or inappropriate things. unfortunately, it's like saying, look at all the banks i didn't rob. >> the companies need to do something and stand up, be good corporate citizens and say, i don't want to be affiliated with a site like this. i mean, there are pictures of dead babies on that site. there are pictures that pedophiles -- >> pictures just of dead people. >> yes. pedophiles are trolling those websites and they're getting off on it. and i think something has to be done about it. >> we'll continue to follow it. sunny, appreciate it. jeff toobin as well.
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let us know what you think. we are on facebook, twitter #andersoncooper. up next, herman cain's controversial statement about why african-americans vote democrat and his jump in the polls. later, the michael jackson death trial, damaging testimony about what dr. conrad murray was doing as michael jackson lay dead or dying. first, let's check in with isha sesay. isha? anderson, as amanda knox's defense team makes their case that her murder conviction should be overturned, we'll show you photos you've never seen before, exclusive pictures taken of her inside the prison she could soon go free from or possibly spend many more years in. that and much more when "360" continues. and i know a thing or two about fast. i purchased 3 homes with quicken loans. i wouldn't use anyone else. there were no hidden fees and no surprises. quicken loans is a lot like me -- we're both engineered to amaze.
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could soon go free from or could soon go free from or could soon go free from or raw politics now. we've been talking about president obama's uphill battle for reelection. tonight, the republicans battle to finds someone, anyone to defeat him. they say democrats fall in love with a candidate and republicans fall in line. this time, gop voters have fallen in love with a string of candidates, the latest herman cain, winner of last week's
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straw poll in florida. he's winning points for saying what others won't, including his comment about his party and african-americans. >> why is the republican party basically poison for so many african-americans? >> because many african-americans have been brainwashed into not being open-minded, not even considering a conservative point of view. i've received some of that same vitriol because i'm running as a conservative. it's just brainwashing and people not being open-minded. >> and republican voters seem to be boosting cain's stock right now. a new fox news poll putting him in the top three behind rick perry and mitt romney. let's talk about cain's new slice of the pie, ari fleisher and former 2008 obama pollster, cornell belcher. ari, it feels like we've seen this before, republican being pegged as the straight talker in the race, wins a straw poll, gets a poll boost, then starts running out of steam. is it reasonable that herman cain is going to be any different? >> i think running third behind perry and romney is a terribly
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important battle, because i think it is very possible one of the two front-runners is going to stumble. therefore, whoever is in third will move up to second. it could be cain, could be santorum. it's important to keep your eye on it. when you watch cain in the debates, what gets through is he comes through as so sensible, so direct spoken, so strong. and the reforms that he proposes are structural. no tinkering in the margins. he really wants to change washington and i think that from a ceo, has a lot of appeal to republican primary voters. >> cornell, cain also told wolf he could take a third of african-american votes. he says he's basing that on anecdotal evidence. is there any polling that could help make that case? >> first of all, do you think you're going to invite me on the show and then i'm not going to talk about the ridiculousness of that statement? two things. one is a great way to get people on your side and win voters is to attack their intelligence. great job there. real sensible, herman cain. the second part is, it's really a teachable moment. you know, if i came on your show
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anderson and said, all jewish people are brainwashed, i probably wouldn't be invited back to cnn, and i assure you, the condemnation would be swift and it would be powerful and it would be strong. what herman cain said was a racist, bigoted statement and it should treated like a racist and bigoted person who makes racist and biggoted statements. >> ari, what about that, saying black people have been brainwashed, how does that language play? >> anderson, i'm not even going there. anderson, i'm not even going there. i'll leave that alone. i think the downside to the herman cain candidacy are probably twofold. one, it's a catch-22 for him. he can't win because people think he can't win. if he continues and is just persistent and works the way he has been working and able to break through, he'll get through the hardest barrier, which is credibility because people don't think he can do it. that just comes from plugging ahead. the other is something i'm more
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focused on, is he's never been in government before. while it's attractive on one hand, having worked in the white house, you really need someone who knows how to do things with congress, get them where you want them to go. i wish he had been a successful governor. i wish he was a one-term or two-term governor. if he was, i would predict he could be the front-runner or also the front-runner in the republican race right now. >> you know, no, i'm all-in on this one. ari, if he had come on and said all jewish people are brainwashed, you would leave that alone? you wouldn't touch that at all, but it's different if he says that about african-americans? why aren't you taking this? >> i'm not taking into racial politics. >> he's number three right now in the polls and he's getting into racial politics. >> pick your fight with herman cain. >> the fight is not with me. i actually consider you a friend. i'm -- >> don't pick a fight with me. >> i actually consider you a friend.
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i'm not fighting you. i can't believe there's no condemnation about such a bigoted statement. >> cornell, let me just ask you, are you sure it's racist? i mean, don't plenty of people make the same comment, well, this group is brainwashed? >> what is the definition of "racism" or "bigotry"? it is, in fact, putting a blank statement on a whole group of people. and, again, anderson, i guarantee if i came on your program and i said all jewish people were brainwashed, you wouldn't invite me back on cnn. i'm sure of that. there's a double standard here. this is a teachable moment. >> don't people often say, well, liberals think this or people make vast statements about groups all the time. >> well -- >> independent voters think this or -- >> well, liberals didn't have a history of jim crowe or slavery, so it's different. >> i'm not arguing with you. i'm interested in your perspective.
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so, that's why i'm just kind of probing around the edges. >> it's not arguing. i'm trying to it look at this as a teachable moment because clearly there's a double standard going on. to me, and it's outrageous. >> do you think -- how do you think his statement -- herman cain's statement, are you surprised it hasn't gotten the reaction that you've had? certainly, it's raised a lot of eyebrows, a lot of people are talking about it. >> that's my point. in all due respect, if he had came on the network and said all jewish people are brainwashed, it would have been top of the news and the condemnation would have come from all sides, including my friend ari fleisher. so, my only point about this is you can't play the double standard in politics. >> anderson, let me jump in. i'm not going to dwell on this topic, but remember the question was about people being poisoned in the party. there's a presumption in the question also that just flows from the fact that 90% to 95% of african-americans vote a certain way. but when people start throwing the word "racism" around, that's when i end the conversation because you can't have an intelligent conversation when
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you're choosing people in the public square of that. >> when someone makes a bigoted or racist common, i'm not having a problem calling them a bigot or racist. >> cornell, are you done? cornell, are you done? >> yeah, i'm done. >> "crossfire" i canceled for a reason. let me finish. what's happening in the republican primary right now is this fascinating dynamic where there still is a search under way about who will be the leader of the republican party. and republicans are thirsty for somebody who is really going to change washington. that's my point about why i think republicans are responding so well to herman cain's rhetoric. washington needs to have fundamental changes in the taxes and spending. when you have career politicians saying i'm going to do a little less of what was done before, it doesn't resonate. herman cain has that outside perspective, he has the downsides, like i said, but i think he's somebody who has a good chance to end up in that third slot and nobody knows what
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can happen from there. >> cornell, what do you -- herman cain's other point, beyond his use of the term "brainwashing," about african-americans in large numbers voting for democrats, his point being -- i won't try to make his point really. it's clear that african-americans have traditionally voted democratic. to what do you attribute that? >> historically, you know, african-americans overwhelmingly voted republican when they could vote. you've got to understand that african-americans make policy decisions and change using reason, it's not about brainwashing. you know, there was still -- would it -- if i said that 70% of whites in the south vote republican, are they brainwashed? no. i think they're making a logical decision based on their values and their issue positioning. and when you say a group of voters aren't making that same sort of rational thing, yeah, i think i'm right in sort of calling that crap out. >> do you think he should apologize for that?
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>> you know, i don't look for an apology from him, because i don't think he has that sensitivity or even intellect to understand that. i think it's amusing he's number three in the polls. quite frankly, i think -- he's not going to win south carolina. he's not going to win iowa and not going to win new hampshire. and if you don't come in second or first in one of those early states, you're not going to be the nominee for the republican party. >> do you think, cornell, that he is bigoted or that he is racist, or was it just the statement in your opinion racist and inappropriate? >> well, i don't know anderson. when people are using bigoted statements, are they bigots? >> you know, anderson, that's why i was making my point there. there are voter blocs in this country who decide overwhelmingly to vote one way or another. i don't see why somebody is being racist when they say very vote overwhelmingly as a bloc
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and he used the word brainwashed. white southerners vote overwhelmingly in one direction. i don't think that's a racist thing, one way or another. the word "brainwash" has the connotation of what mitt romney's father said in michigan some 40 or 50 years ago. 40 years ago. i think that's why it also raised alarms. but clearly there are blocs in this country who vote the way they do. that's been a historical pattern up and down every demographic strata you can divide the electorate over. that's part of america. always has been. >> cornell? >> if you say that, that's fine. but when you say that people are brainwashed, a certain racial group is brainwashed for doing that, that's the problem. >> interesting discussion. cornell, appreciate it. >> but it's not racist. >> it's bigoted. if someone is making bigoted statements, yeah, i got no problem calling them a racist or a bigot.
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>> guys, interesting discussion. appreciate you having it, cornell belcher, ari fleisher, thank you. programming note, we're announcing the arizona republican party and cnn will co-host a gop presidential debate december 1st in arizona, october 18th in las vegas, 8:00 p.m. eastern, right here on cnn. let's see if herman cain gets questions on that. still ahead, an exclusive look inside the italian prison where amanda knox has spent the last four years. also, testimony from michael jackson's doctor's trial. new details about paris jackson's heartbreaking reaction to seeing her father the day he died. an accident doesn't have to slow you down. with better car replacement available only with liberty mutual auto insurance, if your car's totaled,
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up close tonight, an exclusive look at amanda knox behind bars in italy. matthew chance has a rare look inside the prison. more in a moment. first, what happened in court today as knox's appeal case nears the end. one of knox's lawyers says the only option is to clear her of guilt of the murder of meredith kercher because of alleged mistakes in the investigation. it says dna was contaminated and knox wasn't allowed a translator and was discouraged from getting a lawyer. the judge says there won't be a ruling on the appeal until monday, at the earliest. another of knox's lawyers says she's afraid but is hoping for the return to freedom. meanwhile, tonight, as i said, an exclusive, never-before-seen look at pictures from inside prison of a local rock band played at the jail. senior international correspondent matthew chance reports.
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>> reporter: four years behind bars for a crime she says she did not commit. but it seems amanda knox does have brief moments of escape. these are exclusive photos of knox in prison, dancing to the music of a local rock band playing to inmates. one is taken from behind as she jumps to the music. another catches her profile listening intently. >> i mean, everyone inside the jail needs moments like this. they need to escape their situations, their nightmares, their state of mind. so, they're all having fun with our songs. they're all singing our songs. >> reporter: but the band members say they've become particular friends with amanda, even collaborating with her on a forthcoming music video. they say she also sends them poems and letters about her life behind bars. >> she's struggling a lot.
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i mean, she knows -- this is what i can see in her letters. she knows she shouldn't be there. and she's struggling with the fact she can't be with the people she loves and she can't do the things that she loves to do. >> reporter: at court for a murder appeal, amanda looks pale and under stress as her parents watch with concern. her father told me it's taking an emotional toll. >> well, you know, it's been a struggle, you know, this entire time being in prison, having your freedom taken away for something you haven't done. but, you know, these past few months have really been a struggle for her, just because there's the -- the light is really on at the end of the tunnel. >> reporter: but these images appear to capture a rare moment of joy, the pressures of a prison sentence briefly cast away.
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>> matthew joins us now from italy. matthew, how much access is amanda knox allowed to visitors and to family? >> reporter: not a great deal. she's allowed to see visitors once a week on a sunday. it's usually her family of hers, along with a friend of hers who's been moving to this place, perugia, in order to be close to her friend. so, they get those visitors every week. but she also gets people inside the jail, like a local priest who's befriended her very much and has provided counsel to her, given her advice about how to get through this very tough period in her life. and that's how she manages to remain in contact with the outside world. not a great deal of contact, but there's family members and people who have befriended her in the prison and from the local church. >> what happens next with the trial? >> reporter: well, the trial is very shortly coming to a conclusion. we expect on monday morning, amanda knox, along with her
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co-accused, rafaela sollecito, will give their pleas of innocence, they'll speak for 15 minutes each. then the jury and the judge will retire to consider their verdict. we're expecting one to come at some point later on monday afternoon. >> matthew chance in italy tonight. matthew, thank you. now let's check in on more stories we're following. isha is back with the "360" bulletin. >> anderson, a federal grand jury today indicted a massachusetts man for his alleged terror plot against america. he was arrested in an undercover fbi sting yesterday. authorities say he planned to use explosive-filled remote-control model airplanes to blow up the pentagon and the u.s. capitol. another undercover sting today, this one near philadelphia, where agents arrested more than three dozen employees at a boeing manufacturing plant. 23 have been charged with illegal distribution of prescription drugs, including fentanyl, oxycodone and xanax. get ready for more bank fees
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beginning early next year. bank of america will charge $5 a month for purchases on your debit cards. and marilyn monroe's wedding band hits the auction block. the diamond and platinum band is expected to fetch up to $500,000 when bidding opens this december. baseball great joe dimaggio monroe the ring when they were married in 1954. they were divorced less than a year later. that's the kind of surprise i'd like in my christmas stocking, anderson. >> i'll keep that in mind. coming up, day three of the michael jackson death trial, one of jackson's former employee talks about the chaos before he dialed 911. plus, a u.s. ambassador attacked in syria. why the angry reaction struck and the reaction from washington, next.
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describes the first frantic moments before calling for help, the moment he says murray wasted cleaning up empty drug vials. also, jurors heard about jackson's oldest children walking in on the scene, and we got glimpses of paris' look at her dying dad. >> reporter: as michael jackson lay dying, this man told the jury conrad murray was directing him to put the drugs away. alberto alvarez telephoned that while they waited for paramedics murray was on cleanup patrol. >> i was standing at the foot of the bed. he reached over and grabbed a handful of vials and then he reached out to me and said, "here, put these in a bag." >> and when you removed the saline bag from the iv stand, was this the type? >> yes, sir. it was at my eye level and i was able to notice that at the bottom of the bag, there was what appeared to me like a milky white substance. >> reporter: a milky white substance. remember, jackson liked to call propofol his milk. that was the powerful anesthetic murray gave jackson through an iv to help him sleep. not only was murray looking to clean up the drugs, but he was looking for someone to help save his star patient.
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alvarez told the jury murray asked him to help revive jackson, who lay lifeless on the bed. >> now, as you came in and saw conrad murray giving compressions, what you describe as compressions, was he using one hand or two hands? >> he was using one hand, sir. he had his hand with his palm open and he was giving chest compressions in this manner. >> reporter: the prosecution hoped the jury would realize dr. murray was doing cpr wrong, using one-handed chest compressions on jackson's soft bed instead of the firm floor. and there's more. >> he was giving mouth to mouth, sir. >> and what, if anything, did dr. murray say as he was giving mouth to mouth, to mr. jackson? >> i recall that after a couple or a few breaths he breathed into mr. jackson, he came up and he said, "this is the first time i do mouth to mouth, but i have to.
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he's my friend." >> reporter: in all the hysteria, alvarez noticed jackson's two older children watching if horror. >> they were right behind me, and paris screamed out "daddy." dr. conrad murray said, "don't let them see their dad like this." >> reporter: in between helping with cpr and clearing out the drugs in the room, alvarez says murray asked him to call 911. on cross-examination, defense attorney ed chernoff tried to cast doubt on alvarez's timeline, hoping to show dr. murray did have his priorities in order. >> isn't it actually likely that when you talk about things being put away, it was after the paramedics came and before you went to the hospital? >> no, sir. >> reporter: alvarez told the jury jackson did not appear to be alive, even as they struggled to save him. he also said he noticed something peculiar on his body. >> i recall seeing what appeared
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to be a plastic bag or some sort of medical device like that, and it was on his penis. >> reporter: what he saw is called a condom catheter, something that would allow michael jackson to sleep for long periods and not have to get up to use the bathroom. this pokes holes in the defense theory that jackson got up when dr. murray left the room, downed eight lorazepam pills and then returned and gave himself the fatal dose of propofol, not realizing the mix would kill him. >> randi, jackson's personal chef testified late this afternoon. what was in her testimony? >> anderson, she gave new details about dr. murray's behavior when michael jackson actually stopped breathing. she told the jury that she was preparing lunch for jackson in the kitchen downstairs when conrad murray came down from upstairs in a panic. she described him as frantic. he shouted to her to, quote, get
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help, get security, get prince, that's jackson's oldest son. what's key here is she said dr. murray did not tell her to call 911 and this all happened, according to the chef, at 12:05 or so local time. that would be 15 minutes, anderson, before 911 was ever called, a critical 15 minutes. >> yeah, critical indeed. randi, thanks. digging deeper now with chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta and criminal defense attorney mark geragos, both in los angeles. mark, jackson's security guard testifying and one thing that really stood out is dr. murray told him to put vials, pills, even an iv into a bag before anyone called 911. >> right. the problem with the testimony -- and it's obviously going to be up to the jury to decide what they're going to
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believe -- is if you listen to the cross-examination as well by the defense, it appeared that the story kind of was embellished or not told for the first time until a couple of months later, that it did look like all of this could have been done in the short, compressed time that was described on direct. so, it's going to really be up to the jury to decide, do we believe that, or is this kind of an after-acquired memory. >> so the idea is, because several witnesses have told stories months later to authorities that they hadn't told immediately after. you're saying, what, that they came up with new memories or that puts doubt? >> right. look, jurors are instructed -- they're gonna get jury instructions that tell them they have to take a look at people's demeanor, they have to judge consistencies or inconsistencies, when they first told the stories, for instance. a lot of these people waited for months and months to tell any kind of a story whatsoever, until it was clear that dr. murray had become the focus of the probe. i guarantee you the defense is going to be arguing that. that does not take away from the compelling nature, if the jury,
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in fact, believes that it happened this way, of the testimony, but first the jury has to get over the hurdle, is this something that actually happened or is this somebody kind of looking through the looking glass of the prosecution's theory here? >> sanjay, alvarez also said the iv bag that murray told him to put away had a milky white substance at the bottom of it. does that indicate anything to you? >> well, this is that same substance, you know, the propofol that people have been talking about for some time does have a sort of milky white, creamy white look to it. what is interesting about this is that this back-and-forth was this propofol, was it given in a syringe, which was injected into the tubing that was given to michael jackson, or was it actually sort of more of a drip in this iv bag? at least from that specific testimony, anderson, even within that area, they were going back and forth, but that milky white substance seems to indicate it was a drip coming from the iv bag into the tubing, not a one-time injection. >> mark, how much emphasis in the days ahead do you think is the defense will put on arnie
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klein, on the dermatologist? >> i think they're going to put a lot of emphasis on arnie klein. i think that that is, to them, kind of the alternate suspect, if you will. he's the guy that the defense has propped up as giving and dispensing and basically being michael's pusher, so to speak. >> they are saying he was giving him demerol. >> right. giving him demerol and pushing it on him and doing it under different prescriptions and the like. by doing that, unbeknownst to conrad murray, as the defense theory, that's what set michael up for his demise. >> sanjay, one of the things that surprise me most in the security guard's testimony was that dr. murray didn't appear to know how to give cpr, even saying that was the first time that he had done it. does that surprise you? i mean, a cardiologist who doesn't know how to administer cpr? >> yeah, it's very surprising. and i think if you sort of put it together, he was doing it
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with one hand, they said, he was doing the cpr on the bed. the problem with doing that on the bed is you're not getting the adequate chest compressions. you know, anderson, you think maybe he panicked and simply was not thinking clearly, or this other thing that's been introduced, i heard in the testimony, that he already knew michael jackson had passed on, he was dead. so anything he was doing was kind of for show or he knew it was futile to do anything. so i don't know which, but a cardiologist not knowing how to do cpr, it just doesn't make sense. it fails the test of common sense. >> mark, how long do you see the prosecution's side of this going for? >> well, so far they're actually -- it may not seem like it, but they're actually moving at a pretty brisk pace. i wouldn't be surprised if they're able to wrap this thing up, depending on cross-examination, in three weeks. then it really will being a matter of how long the defense case is. do they put on dr. white and how long is he on direct?
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and then what happens to dr. white on cross? i really think this case will turn on the defense will turn on putting up dr. white. because they've invested so much in that opening statement as to what dr. white is going to say, and dr. white is the only person, i think, that can get around the elephant in the room, which is, can you give or administer propofol in a home setting at a standard that is kind of according to reasonable medical standards, and that may be for the doctor, but that, i think, that is going to be the biggest hurdle the defense has to get over. >> sanjay, from every doctor we've heard from, that seems to be a no, the idea that propofol would be administered in a home setting just stuns people. >> it does. and i think dr. white is someone well known with his work with propofol. i think he would be really hard-pressed to say it was okay to do this in a home setting,
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let alone the home setting, he didn't have monitoring equipment that was adequate, resuscitation equipment that was adequate that a patient was not monitored. even if you allowed the home setting, which i don't think he will, those other three things, i think, made it unacceptable by any medical standard. >> thank you both. up next, the u.s. ambassador to syria attacked by an angry mob. new details on that ahead. plus, an interesting letter which comes to light regarding a celebrity making a plea for the american hikers' release from iran. unpaid interns for the hit movie "black swan" suing because they weren't paid. that lands them on the ridiculist tonight. ♪ girl started blowing up their credit score ♪ ♪ she bought a pizza party for her whole dorm floor ♪ ♪ hundred pounds of makeup at the makeup store ♪ ♪ and a ticket down to spring break in mexico ♪ ♪ but her folks didn't know 'cause her folks didn't go ♪ ♪ to free-credit-score-dot-com hard times for daddy and mom. ♪ offer applies with enrollment in™.
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anderson's back with more in a minute. first, the "360" bulletin. >> the u.s. ambassador is safe tonight after being attacked by an armed pro-syrian government mob. robert ford was in an embassy van. the van was seriously damaged, the ambassador wasn't hurt. it seems actor sean penn inspired hugo chavez to write a letter to iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad, asking for the release of the detained american hikers. shane bauer and josh fattal were released from an iranian prison last week after 800 days in captivity. chavez says he considers penn a friend, and after they spoke, reached out to the iranian president. cuba, meet cube bat dog. he was identified with the help of a microchip. he will being home to
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sacramento, california about 3,000 miles. cuba vanished two years ago, leaving two broken-hearted kids behind. on monday you doggone it they will get their wish, cuba is flying home. anderson? this upcoming monday, we're launching a new show, erin burnett, "outfront." i spoke with erin earlier and got a sneak peek. you actually started your career at goldman sachs? >> i know. >> what were you thinking? >> what are you trying to do, kill me here? >> that's what you were interested in initially? >> no. you know what's funny, when i graduated from college, i wasn't sure what i wanted, i thought about going to law school, i thought about the foreign service. they said, go work in investment banking, because if you don't know what you want to do, you learn a lot of things, about business and economics and you can do anything. so, it sort of was a springboard and i did it and it was true. i learned a lot, loved it. >> how long were you there? >> i was there for just under two years. >> and did you hate it?
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>> you know, it was all-nighters, but it was very collegial. it's a lot of other people right out of college who want to stay up all night and work on putting books together and lugging them to meetings. >> did you get one of those huge golden parachutes when you left? >> it was huge. for the 22-year-old setting, it was huge. >> so huge you got to enter cable news. so the new show starts on monday? >> show starts on monday. >> 7:00. >> uh-huh. >> i always hate asking people what their show will be like because i hate being asked that question. but what the show's going to be like? >> anderson and i were out talking about it before. here's what i can say. "outfront" is a mission statement. we do original reporting, go out in the field. >> you'll do a lot of stuff you in the field? >> as much as we can. i think that's what's going to define it. there will be stories we really care about. some of those stories including the economy, china, the middle east, and women's issues, too. >> cool. your first guest, do you know? >> i told you i was nervous to say this, but -- >> is it going to be a single topic -- you're going to have a
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guest for the hour, or are you doing -- do you have a sense of how the show is actually going to be -- >> it's going to depend on the person. so, we can what i call accordion style, anderson, like you do. it can be shorter or longer. our first guest is actually going to be the secretary of defense, leon panetta. >> cool. >> which i'm very excited about it. we spent time traveling this summer getting ready for the show, we went to pakistan. perfect person for our first guest. show, erin burnett "outfront," beginning monday night 7:00 p.m. eastern, right here on cnn. coming up, the interns suing because their unpaid internship didn't pay. the ridiculist is next. o0 c1 0 what's going on here? hey, whats up guys?
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this is not how witness protection works! when we set you up with that little hardware store we didn't intend for your face to be everywhere. but fedex office makes it so easy. not only do they ship stuff, they print flyers, brochures -- everything i need to get my name out there. that's the problem. now we need to give you a third identity. you're paul matheson. and you're gonna run your business into the ground. erik gustafson would never do that! there is no erik gustafson. hey that's erik gustafson!!! there is no erik gustafson!!!!! [ male announcer ] small business solutions. fedex. solutions that matter.
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time now for the ridiculist. and tonight, we're adding the unpaid interns for the movie "black swan," who are suing the studio because they didn't get paid. the "new york times" reports two interns who worked on the movie have filed a lawsuit, saying they had to do menial work that wasn't very educational and now they want backpay. one of the interns says he made coffee, got lunch, stuff like that. the other one worked as an accounting intern. he's a 42-year-old mba that wanted to break into the movie business. he says, quote, when i started off looking for opportunities in the industry, i saw that many accept an ugly tradeoff. if you want to get your foot in the door on a studio picture, you have to suck it up and get into an unpaid internship. would it be great if all unpaid internships paid really well? sure, it would also be great if my dog made breakfast for me every morning.
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but i'm not going to file lawsuit over it. seems to me there are a few simple dos and don'ts. do try to learn as much as you can, do try to make contacts and then maybe don't sue those contacts. but look, whatever. if you want to make it in the movie business, let's look to the movies themself as guidance. let's taken a an example of "the life aquatic by steve zissou." one started out as an unpaid internship until the boat they were working on got attacked by pirates. >> hey, intern, hand me a capari, will you? >> on the rocks? >> have him make me a latte. i need to speak to the man in charge, fellows. don't point that gun at him. he's an unpaid intern. no, i can't give you full credit, but i'm not going to flunk you either. you're all getting incompletes. >> this is bull [ bleep ]. >> see, now that's a bad internship. they wish they could be getting coffee for natalie portman.
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i think the intern experience is what you make of it, young people or 42-year-old people, as the case may be. just look what we can learn from the intern over at "parks and recreation." >> did you know that interns do more slacking before 11:00 a.m. than most people do all day? >> you want me to dial a number and then read another number out loud? >> can you handle this? >> no. >> as an intern, you can be all that you can be if you feel like it. develop real-life job skills. >> april, can you help me out? >> go away, jerry. >> if you had to choose between these two ties -- >> become a problem-solver. >> there's no paper in the printer. >> so? >> see, and she even got promoted. interns, thank you for all you do. if you're not happy where you are, apply for the internship program on the ridiculist. you won't even have to get coffee. i don't like coffee. that
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