tv American Morning CNN October 6, 2011 4:47am-6:00am PDT
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e-mail and said those e-mails on thankyousteve are changing faster than the debt clock. >> all this is realtime. people around the world updating the feed with their thoughts, faster, you're right, than the national debt clock. >> did you have to mention that? >> i realize a bit of a downer. >> this is honoring innovation, a good thing. the national debt clock is a bad thing. >> more tweets about steve jobs than the national debt clock moving is a good thing. more headlines for you right after this. my doctor told me calcium is best absorbed in small continuous amounts. only one calcium supplement does that in one daily dose. citracal slow release... continuously releases calcium plus d for the efficient absorption my body needs. citracal.
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ten minutes until the top of the hour. tributes pouring in for steve jobs faster than twitker handle this morning. the company announced his death after a long battle with cancer. microsoft chairman bill gates says the impact of jobs' work will be felt for many generations to come. steve jobs was just 56 years old. u.s. stock futures trading higher this morning. markets overseas also up as investors grow more confident that european leaders are working to strengthen their banks. of course, the biggest crowd yet
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at the occupy wall street protests here in new york. thousands marched yesterday against corporate greed, corruption and inequality. police say 28 people were arrested, including one person for assaulting a police officer. a second tape of michael jackson's slurred speech played for jurors at the trial of dr. conrad murray. jackson telling his personal physician he wanted to build the world's largest children's hospital with proceeds from his highly anticipated "this is it" comeback concerts because he didn't have a childhood of his own. sarah palin prefers the role of kingmaker to candidate as least for 2012. she will not run for president, either as a republican or as a third party candidate. the former alaska governor believes she can have a bigger impact on the race as an unshackled outsider. let's head to atlanta and check in with rob marciano. >> good morning, carol. chilly weather moving into the northeast. the warm up continues across the midsection of the country and out west, snow across the sierras. matter of fact, this is the
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earliest or shortest time we had where we didn't see snow. a late snow and spring and early snow in the fall and couple feet potentially across the wasatch and inner mountain counties. in colorado we've seen over a foot of snow in the sierra nevadas. northern new england as the chill moves in there, but temperatures will rebound nicely to up thore eupper 60s in new y city. those are your news and weather updates. "american morning" is coming right back. so if i didn't know better i'd say you're having some sort of big tire sale. yes we are. yeah. how many tires does ford buy every year? over 3 million. you say you can beat any advertised price on tires? correct. anywhere? yes. like this price? yes. riously? yes what about this one? i'll beat it. this one? s we will. right, i only have one more question for you...this one? (laughing) yeah. get $100 rebate when you buy four tires.
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seeing a lot of images of steve jobs today. steve jobs had many gifts, he was not only an innovator but a motivater, as well. a year after first being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, he delivered the 2005 commencement address at stanford university. listen to the advice that he shared with the graduates. >> you've got to find what you love. and that is as true for work as it is for your lovers. your work is going to fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work and the only way to do great work is to love what you do. if you haven't found it yet, keep looking and don't settle. as with all matters of the heart, you'll never when you find it. and like any great relationship, it just gets better and better
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as the years roll on. so, keep looking. don't settle. when i was 17, i read a quote that went something like, if you live each day as if it was your last, some day you'll most certainly be right. it made an impression on me and since then for the past 33 years, i have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself if today were the last day of my life, would i want to do what i am about to do today? and whenever the answer has been no for too many days in a row, i know i need to change something. remembering that i'll be said doon soon is the most important tool to help me encounter the big changes in life. almost everything, all external expectations, all pride, of fear of embarrassment or failure, these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. remembering that you are going to die is the best way i know to
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avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. >> you know, i hear it and i remember this whole thing, if today was the last day of your life, would you be doing what you're doing today. great message. jobs went on to tell the graduates, your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's live. don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own voice. >> so often you listen to people who criticize you who tell you you're not good enough and your ideas stink and you get discouraged and they go, maybe you do. that's wrong. you should just go for it. what do you have to lose really, especially in this economy? what do you have to lose? >> that's exactly right. still to come, i was really intrigued by that. i'm taking that to heart. >> let's ask steve wozniak with us. we'll have him here with us live later. >> just minutes away. another legend in his field
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sugar ray leonard joins us live. an interesting discussion. involved in a movie coming out tomorrow with hugh jackman. we'll talk to him about it. ♪ kingdoms and queens ♪ they all bow down to you ♪ ♪ branches and ranch hands ♪ are bowin', too ♪ and i've taken off... [ man ] we could have gone a more traditional route... but it wouldn't have been nearly as memorable. ♪ here comes the sun again but not in my neighborhood. ♪ [ female announcer ] we're throwing away misperceptions about natural gas vehicles. more of the vehicles that fuel our lives use clean american natural gas today. it costs about 40 percent less than gasoline, so why aren't we using it even more?
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losing the man who put the world in the palm of our hands. i'm christine romans. tributes flooding in this morning for apple founder steve jobs faster than twitter can even handle them. i'm carol costello. jobs being compared to ford, edison, einstein. we'll look at the ten ways he changed your world. from cupertino to fifth avenue to asia and africa the world is saying, thank you, steve, on this "american morning." and good morning, everyone. welcome back to "american morning." it is thursday, october 6th. >> and we begin with the passing of apple founder steve jobs. tributes to a great innovator lighting up our iphones and flooding facebook and twitter this morning. the company announced his death yesterday. he was just, he was just 56 years old.
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they didn't mention a cause of death, but we know he had battled cancer for years. the company is planning a celebration of his life for his employees. his hand picked successor tim cook praising his brilliance, passion and energy. jobs took something that was just a geeky hobby at the time and turned it into a necessity for everyone in the modern world. and joining us now is the man who was with steve jobs from those very first days in that garage when they got together and they created something wonderful. his friend and apple co-founder steve wozniak. thank you for joining us this morning, we appreciate it. >> i'm glad to be here. i'm very sorry to be here alone. >> oh, absolutely. i know you've been overwhelmed with requests for comments about steve jobs. has it sunk in yet that he's gone? >> no. it's a little bit like you're stunned the day really big tragedies happen in your life and you remember right where you were sitting and i'll remember that forever and, no, it's hard to recover.
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>> this is a man that you have known since high school. you know, everybody talks about how you got together in that garage and came up with something absolutely amazing. you had a dream, both of you, and both of you accomplished that dream. i think many americans these days don't think that's possible any more. is it? >> oh, no, no. that's -- young people actually still believe and are searching to even have those kind of dreams achieved and steve jobs would talk about connecting the dots. he's thinking back to the early days of what you were like then and i try to convey a lot of those. i travel around a lot and i really like speaking to young people in high school and college or just out of college and they're trying to come up with ideas to start their own technical companies and make a difference and i try to tell them what we were like and how we interacted and what our roles were. yes, you can do it, but you have
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to believe in it, no matter what other people say. >> tell me more about that. tell me what steve jobs and yourself say to young people, say to them that they can do whatever they want to in this life. right now in this economy, there's a sense that, that we can't achieve the american dream any more. that the economy is getting us down. that, you know f we don't have any money, we're beaten down by the forces that be. >> you know, we're sort of taught that though from early age. when we go through school the only right answer comes from someone else and it's in the books and it's the same as someone else has and that's teaching you not to think for yourself and i'm sure steve would oppose that very much. it's just basically you've got to think that even when it seems you're not on the beaten track, steve has been well publicized in the last day and a half. i don't have to get into that. >> tell us what he was like as a young man. like as a teenager and how he
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managed to accomplish all that he did in life. >> yeah. i mean, he was, he was fun. he was interested in music. he was interested in words and what they meant. kind of like searching eastern religions and searching for religion in popular songs of the day. he was knowledgeable about technology and really believed in that as his big future. that that was the thing he was meant to do and he was just always trying to think ahead of somebody else and look at the newest little building parts and what could you make with those and thinking in terms of how they'd affect society. a great, great, great visionary and leader and it was hard to recognize. he's like a lot of young people. and a lot of them are great visionaries and really don't go that far. but companies have ways of hiring that they wouldn't even higher somebody without a college degree in a lot of cases. here was steve jobs without a college degree and look what he accomplished.
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so, you know, so, you really have to start looking at people and not just at numbers. >> he had a unique personality, though. he was into technaology, he was kind of geeky but artistic at the same time and he seemed to realize what people loved about a product. he was like a marketing genius. but that he was a marketing genius meant he understood people. usually when you think of people who are really intrigued by technology or talented in that area, they don't have that other thing. they don't have those people skills. >> right. and it's a lot of geeks are not socially adepth. they're not in the normal society. but it is that understanding. what would somebody like and what wouldn't they? i was lucky with my early designs that made apple very successful. i was just building what i wanted for myself. i didn't have to worry about being a marketing expert. the market was me and it turned out what would work for me and work for me did help the world
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and steve -- >> i just wanted to bring in christine and ali, they're dieing to talk to you. >> steve, i wanted to ask you, there was a day not really too long ago in our lifetimes when the idea of having a computer in your house, maybe two computers in your house would have been unthinkable. but you and steve jobs, you knew that there would be a day when our lives would be changed like this forever by computers. can you imagine just the trajectory of change for how we live our life thanks to you and your friend, steve. bring me back to those days when the rest of the world couldn't have imagined a computer in your house. a computer was for work, if you were lucky. >> in those early days, there were a few mostly geeky people who knew how to operate computers when they were not understandable by a normal person. steve and i were in that crowd and we did believe that, oh, yes, computers are going to be in every house and they're going to do a lot of good things for people, but we had no real vision as to what things are like today. we had no idea how much it was
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going to change everything done in life is going to be done through computer. if went a lot further and i'm really glad that steve stayed there and he stayed in the game that he was meant to be in and he kept working to find the newer, better ways and the next product, the next big achievement. >> steve, let me ask you this. >> it means so much. how do you judge yourself nowadays? you judge people usually by how they're using their mobile products and what they're getting done with it. so, you know, that's a big part of our life. that's how you see yourself. i think apple products are so exceptional because that's how steve saw himself. he was being judged by each one and he was strong enough to tell people, i'm not going to put out something that isn't just unbelievably perfect and insanely great, at least in his own opinion. >> i heard it in speeches, i've used it in speeches and used it in tv how you can start a great business from a garage. what was the garage like? tell me what that garage was like with the two of you, steve
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jobs' garage in 1976. >> think about it, when you are young, you have no money, no relatives with money to lend you and no savings account. you have to work on very limited budgets which caused us to do some very good things and you do your work at home. so, our company was actually, actually our products were designed outside of the garage. but the garage was our meeting place. and we had a little assembly. we would test the computers, put them in a box, drive them down to a store where they would pay us cash for a computer, but steve ran most of the business from his bedroom and he would get on the phone and call stores that would buy our product and calling advertisers, magazines to get little stories about our products and what we were doing. he was really doing the businessman stuff and the marketing and all that. >> so the landline or rotary dial. >> when did you guys know you had something that was going to sell big? >> well, we knew that our apple
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i product, even though i had been giving it away before, apple didn't even really own it, we knew that that was a sftep ahead of what anyone was doing. an afortdable computer that was useful and the apple ii, which i designed, was our big, big success. it was clear that this machine, i jumped ahead and built in color when color should have cost $1,000 and i did it for $1. we wound up with a machine that would have graphics and had games and steve saw it from a marketing angle. we had to convince people that a computer, which was only in factories and in steaale, work environments. the name apple was a beautiful name for that but being playful and colorful and doing games and graphics and these nice things that is something that steve was keen to communicating to people to get the market started. he was a marketing genius, like
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you say. >> i know we have to let you go and you were talking to everyone this morning and we appreciate your time. i want to ask you one last question about steve jobs was very private, even in his illness he was very private. what can you tell us about steve jobs outside of apple? the private guy. >> he had a very good control. i am naive and all over the place and nice to everybody and steve had a very good control of himself, his life, what was needed to make him and he loved his family. he was a very good father. and when he spoke to me about his kids and his interactions with them and he knew what it took. same thing with apple. it took a lot of privacy, really, to allow apple to develop good things the right way. so, he was more than anything else, he had really good control of himself. really good discipline. >> steve wozniak, thank you for being with us this morning and sharing your stories about steve jobs, we sure appreciate it. >> i'm sorry to be here and i'm
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glad i didn't get into tears yet. >> thank you so much. >> our thoughts are with you and his family and with all the people working at apple this morning who are working with a heavy heart today. thank you, sir. >> a heavy heart, but with some great memories. steve wozniak gave us some good laughs in there about how they started and that's the mixed emotion i'm running with. i'm sad about steve jobs, but kind of really heartening to remember that there are people and steve wozniak says there are kids still doing this. >> with no money. >> steve jobs leaves behind a legacy that young people can latch on to and think, i can do this, too. i can make it even though i may have nothing, i can make it. i think that's the best legacy -- >> great legacy. expressions of grief of steve jobs have been pouring in online. people were taking to twitter. this is a live feed. on the left we have been monitoring the hash tag thankyousteve. at one point it actually crashed
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twitter but it's moving faster than anything i've ever seen move on twitter. >> few corporate ceos ever captured as many hearts and minds as steve jobs. finding themselves drawn to the 24-hour apple store on fifth avenue and that's where our jason carroll is standing by live this morning. good morning, jason. >> good morning to you. a number of people coming out here this morning. some folks taking pictures. they're also leaving apples and they're leaving flowers and they're leaving candles. a number of things out here for steve jobs. it's been remarkable to see all the folks that have been coming out to pay their respects. some folks coming down, waiting for the latest new product that's about to come out, the iphone 4s. and you have been out here for, this is your tenth day. let me just start out by introducing some of these folks. we have jessica mellow, hans standing next to her and here we have tishiro and they're both
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from japan. but i'm going to start with the new yorkers first. let me start with you, jessica. ten days you've been out here and we hear so much about the dedication to these products and you're a perfect example of that. >> my friend is a complete apple fan boy to the max. that's all he'll buy. he camped out for three days last year, so, when he asked me this year, he said, i want to camp out for at least a week, sure, i'm down for it. we decided to go for longer, though. >> cwell, clearly, you decided o go for longer. when you heard about the passing of steve jobs. what were some of the things that went through your mind? >> it was kind of a shock. we were sitting over there and i got a text that said steve jobs were dead. there were rumors several weeks ago that he was dead and it wasn't true. he did have pancreatic cancer, though. we knew it was going to come at some point but, yeah, it was very suden aden and came right r the announceant of the 4s. >> i want to get to some of
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these other folks. hans, give me some of your quick thoughts. steve jobs when it comes to the mind, the innovator. >> for more than the products, his inspiring attitude towards life, which i think you can take whether you like apple or technology at all. if you watch something like his speech at stanford, i mean, just so inspiring how he didn't let that get him down when he was forced out of apple. >> carol costello was reading part of that commencement speech on the air, very inspirational. >> yes. that's when i realized how much he cared about his work. i want to move on to our friend here to japan. i know that you speak english. i know your english isn't so good. but very quickly, your thoughts on steve jobs on this day. >> it was a really big shock for me and we can do much more things.
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so, we really the apple products. >> a dedication to their products. all of them out here waiting for the new product that is about to come out, the iphone 4s. this is why this man was so popular and affected so many people, the lives of so many people. an example of the dedication of the products here at the apple store. >> for the millennial generation my favorite quote of the morning came from somebody overseas who said steve jobs was our walt disney because he also bought pixar and "toy story" was born. he left behind so many, so many different things that we can grab on to and remember. jason carroll, many thanks. live from the apple store here in new york city. ali? we promised we would give you some of the ways that steve jobs left a lasting mark on society and so many industries, as if you didn't know. this is ten ways the innovator changed the world. first, design. let's look at this. steve jobs he believed that way
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a product looked and felt was as important as its raw technical specifications. take a look at the iphone, ipad or even its packaging. jobs linked clever minimalist design to his products and that was a big deal. then there was music, obviously. itunes. it was launched in 2003 and because it was so easy to use with the ipod, it was sort of an elegant way to get music. it became the world's largest online music retailer with 15 billion songs downloaded so far to date. and, finally, not finally, this is just number three. computerization. the pc. you'll remember the apple ii, we just talked to steve wozniak about that. the first computer that gained a personal following computering and it revolutionized the way people worked. >> we're talking about the ipad. it perfected the all-touch
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tablet computer. we didn't even know we needed this thing until they invented it and got it right. a touchscreen with an easy to use operating system and reasonably priced. what about this one? ads. innovative tv and print ads. apple came up with these very compelling campaigns from the 1984 big brother super bowl computer to the mac and pc. it changed how they sold technology and devices. >> we wouldn't last a day at apple. we already messed this up. let me show you another one. the iphone. this, of course, was legendary. it redesigned the smartphone. it changed the way that smartphones look and operate. it was minimalist and had a large touch screen and had a solid operating system right from the beginning. something that had plagued inventors of these things for some time. then there is the. i'm definitely not getting a job at apple. then there was the eco system. put that back.
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the integration between software and hardware. this was a big deal, but the idea was simple and it really, really paid off for apple. create a system where the products all work together. think about itunes and how easy it is to buy music and then upload it to an ipod or iphone or mac or any computer that you need. that integration, i have to tell you, that was the curse for most peep. >> now, let's go over to the operating system, which is supposed to be right here. easy to use and stable operating system, big part of their reputation. a reliable platform something that couldn't be said of windows throughout the years. the whole idea of the apple store. the store layout. 345 stores across the globe. the key to these locations a clean layout and employees were approachable and well trained. you can get the devices fixed there and take a class on how to use your mac and, lastly, the actual apple inc. the world's most valuable tech company briefly this year surpassed exxon mobil as the
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most successful company overall. jobs returned there in 1997 and rebuilt apple into this and if you bought $10,000 of apple stock on the day that he came back, it would be worth $640,000 today. >> i got to tell you, we're talking about how steve jobs is so unique. you and i have after this demonstration couldn't even get a job at an apple store. >> no, we couldn't. that's part of the charm of apple and not of us. >> i was laughing through that whole seg lt. >> we weren't really laughing as much as the executive producer yelling in our ear. what are you doing? >> it was just fine. i understood every word and that's what is important. steve jobs was the heart and soul of apple. his legacy is the stuff of legend. we're looking at apple's remarkable history through the words of its ingenious leader, steve jobs.
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♪ >> today, for the first time ever, i'd like to let macintosh speak for itself. >> lelo, im mack tosh. >> we think a lot of them will get into the home, but we like to say they're going to get there through the garage door. people will bring them home over the weekend to work on something and they won't be able to get thir cad their kids away from them and maybe one day buy a second one to leave at home. the strangest thing about apple, it hasn't had a good consumer product. here is one of the best consumer
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brands in the world and they haven't had a compelling product under $2,000. the imac is incredibly sweet. it will make a big difference. this $1,299 product is faster than the fastest pentium you can buy. this thing smokes it. so, it's amazing. and the market's never had a consumer product this powerful and this cool looking. what is ipod? ipod is an mp3 music player, has cd quality music and it plays all of the popular open formats of digital music. but the biggest thing about ipod is it holds 1,000 songs. this is a quantum leap because for most people it is their entire music library. this is huge. the coolest thing on the ipod is that to hold your entire music
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library fits in your pocket. i've got a pocket right he. now, this pocket's been the one that your ipod's gone in, traditionally. the ipod and the ipod mini fit great in there. ever wonder what this pocket is for? i always wondered that. well, now we know. because this is the new ipod today apple is going to reinvent the phone. an ipod, a phone and an internet communicator. an ipod, a phone -- are you getting it?
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these are not three separate devices. this is one device. and we are calling it iphone. and the question has arisen lately, is there room for a third category of device in the middle? something that's between a laptop and a smartphone. and, of course, we've pondered this question for years, as well. the bar's pretty high. in order to really create a new category of devices, those devices are going to have to be far better at doing some key tasks. and we call it the ipad. and what this device does is extraordinary.
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you can browse the web with it, it's the best browsing experience you ever had. it's phenomenal to see a whole web page right in front of you and you can manipulate with your fingers. it's unbelievably great. way better than a laptop. way better than a smartphone. for 2010, we're going to take the biggest leap since the original iphone. and so, today, today we're introducing iphone 4. the fourth generation iphone. stop me if you've already seen this -- believe me, you ain't seen it. you've got to see this thing in person. it's one of the most beautiful designs you've ever seen. hey, johnny.
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i grew up here in the u.s. with the jetsons and with star trek and communicators and just dreaming about this. you know, dreaming about video calling and it's real now. good morning. thanks for coming. thank you. thank you. we're going to introduce today ipad 2. the second generation ipad. it is an all-new design.
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it is not a tweak design. it's not got marginal improvements. it's a completely new design. and the first thing is, it's dramatically faster. one of the most startling things about the ipad 2 is it is dramatically thinner. not a little bit thinner, a third thinner. and that is ipad 2. as always, i'd also like to thank everyone's families. because they support us and let us do what we love to do. so, thank you very much to our extenned families out there who make it possible for us to work our tails off making these great products for you.
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>> steve jobs gone at the age of 56. also this morning, we want your thoughts on mr. jobs. a man who made must-haves for millions of people worldwide. comment on our facebook. page, you'll be able to see your comments that bottom of the screen. we'll show them to you all morning long. it's 26 minutes after the hour. we'll be right back with more on steve jobs and more on the news that's going on today.
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hi. i'm kristen. we're going to head on into the interview. blair...derek... what surprised you most about your new explorer? i think just the new body style. it's almost movin' in from a little house to like this mansion. who uses the navigation system the most? definitely i do. (laugh) i'm directionally impaired. reporters laugh if you guys could thank ford for one thing, what would it be? for making us the joneses. (laugh) reporters laugh with new extra-strength bayer advanced aspirin. it has microparticles, enters the bloodstream faster and rushes relief to the site of pain. it's clinically proven to relieve pain twice as fast. new bayer advanced aspirin. since ameriprise financial was founded back in 1894, they've been committed to putting clients first.
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good morning to you, thursday, october 6th. he changed the way people think about technology. much more on the life and legacy of the apple co-founder steve jobs dead at the age of 56. this just in to cnn, this morning at 11:00 eastern president obama is going to hold a news conference and it is being reported that the president will be talking about his job's plan, a plan that appears to be stuck in the mud. the house will not vote on the bill and there does not appear it be enough democratic support for the bill in the senate. again, it's the news conference will be held this morning at 11:00 eastern and we will have
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full coverage here on cnn prior to and immediately following the speech. today marks the 20th day of the wall street protests and last night the movement saw its biggest crowds yet. thousands marched against corporate greed, corruption and inequality. 28 people were arrested, including one for assaulting an officer. sarah palin says she will not run in 2012, ending months of speculation by both fans and fauxes, but she's not going away. the former alaska governor said she can have much more of an impact on the 2012 race as an unshackled outsider. more now on the death now of steve jobs. coming on the day after his company unveiled the latest iphone, there's a live look at apple headquarters right now from cupertino and then to apple stores across the country, people are paying tribute to the man with the vision. jobs' former business partner, rival and, once again, friend, bill gates released a statement. in it he said, "steve and i first met nearly 30 years ago
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and been colleagues, competitors and friends over the course of more than half our lives. the world rarely sees someone who has the the profound impact steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come. for those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it's been an insanely great honor. i will miss steve immensely." "thanks for showing what you can build can change the world. i will miss you." >> his health problems began eight year uz go when doctors discovered an abnormality with his pancreas. dr. sanjay gupta is here with us this morning. the amazing thing about steve jobs, he never stopped fighting. pancreatic cancer is serious stuff, yet he somehow kept working on and creating new things through this illness. >> keep in mind, the first news he probably heard when he was told he had pancreatic cancer the statistics that have gotten
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slightly better over the last decade, but 20% one-year survival is what he was first told. imagine that news eight years ago. for years he did not pursue truition traditional therapies. he had learned about that, but he had an operation in 2004. at that time, he was actually told it was not the most serious form of pancreatic cancer, but a less serious, although, still, 50% five-year mortality. so, significant risk. but he did. all the therapies, he had a liver transplant and travelled to switzerland to try things. he never gave up until maybe august of this year where he said, i'm officially stepping down and at that point you got the sense that, you know, nothing was working for him. >> just kind of sad that all of the smarts, all the technology, all the science, things that he harnessed in his career were things that in the end, you know, couldn't overcome this foe that's cancer.
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>> a man with unlimited resources and it does go to show that there are some things you cannot buy. also interesting because you heard of stanford speech, christine. we talked about death and the ultimate change agent for life and i couldn't help but wonder when i heard that speech even if that was just driving him. he knew his days were numbered. he was just trying to get so much in. >> a guy that was creative to start with went into creative overdrive almost. >> my 30-year plan now has to be my ten-year or, in this case, eight-year plan. >> that's a good take away for the rest of us. >> i can't wait for the day when we look back and say, wow, remember when there used to be cancer and we lost people like steve jobs. >> i want that day. >> the c-word affects every family and you want that to be gone and too bad that steve jobs' life had to end at 56 years old. the things he could have accomplished were limitless. >> live every day like your last. one day it will be true. it will be the day before your last day.
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but, you know, he did a lot in that time. >> thanks, sanjay. >> thanks. our next guest wrote a book about apple's visionary leader "inside steve's brain." the author is leander. >> good morning. >> i would like to stalk about steve jobs' star power. he was head of a company and not the type of guy who you would think would be embraced as this huge star and beloved figure in america and around the world. what was it about him? >> well, he had huge charisma. it was really magnetic. you could see him pacing the stage when he made his product announcements. you know, people -- you had to hang on his every word because he was so, you know, powerful about what he was talking about and very passionate and he was apple's, you know, fan boy and chief. so enthusiastic about the products that he was introducing that it really came through, it
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was really infectious. and, you know, he brought a different sense of royalty to it. he's not a technologist and not a nerd and not obsess would the details and much more interested in what his products could do for you. what the, you know, the impact on their lives. >> in talking about products and how he developed new products or came up with these new ideas. famously, he wasn't really into focus groups. he said that he kind of knew instii instinctively what people wanted and what they needed and that's unusual in the business world. >> unusual. it's exceptional. i mean, there's no one else like this. it gives way to this myth, though, that he imagined these products. like he woke up one morning and he had a vision for the iphone. that's not true. he discovered the iphone through this process. at apple they prototype things over and over until they come up with a solution.
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it was that that really gave him his magic and his unwillingness to accept compromise. he was really obsessed with the pursuit of perfection. things had to work, be almost perfect before he would give them his stamp of approval. >> your blog posted this photo from tuesday's iphone event when, you know, they unveiled the iphone 4s. there was an empty seat reserved at the end of the row where all the apple executives sat. they were clearly thinking of steve jobs at this event. >> yeah, it's a very poignant picture. you know, it was actually looking back on it, we didn't know this at the time, but tim cook didn't get very high marks for his performance. people thought it was a little subdued, but it was a pretty good perform finance you think about what was going through his mind. he must have known, he may have known about yesterday's passing. and having an empty seat there must have been a big, the
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forefront of his mind. >> and a lot of people, they still wonder about tim cook. i know he was groomed by steve jobs and he's been called a creative genius, but many people wondering if he can really carry on in the way that steve jobs did with apple. >> yeah. in a way, he shouldn't carry on the way that steve jobs did because there's a great danger in that. saying what would steve do and second guess his decisions. he should lead the company as he sees fit. he is considered an operations genius and no one knows about his design shops. will have that sort of same intuition for what consumers wanted that steve had. he has a design background and studied design and also been really by steve over the last 14 years. you have to be optimistic that he will lead apple as steve did. >> thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. >> sure. the labor department
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announcing that 401,000 unemployment claims were filed for the first time last week. that's up 6,000 from the prior week. slightly better than economists had expected, but we tell you this every week, a number above 400,000 not a good sign for the labor market. we watch it every week, still seeing those concerns that 400,000 people got laid off slips last week. we are talking about steve jobs this morning the way he transformed the way we work and play. sugar ray leonard knows about a way of transforming a sport. the sport and business of boxing and he coached the robots in this great movie that's coming out tomorrow that i love. "real steel." he joins us next on how you teach robots on how to box. it's 40 minutes after the hour. [ marge ] psst.
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steel" which comes out tomorrow, they hired a professional to train robots how to fight. take a look. >> i got something for you. >> don't you run from me. you can't run from me. >> sugar ray lenened worked with actor hugh jackman on his moves, which was an important part of this movie. sugar ray leonard. good to see you. >> thanks, ali. >> we were talking about this. i expected to like the movie going into it, but to see these boxers, these robots who you expect to be mechanical box like boxers with the fluuidity of boxers and you were involved in making that happen. >> i work would hugh and put himself in the right frame of mind from divorce him from his
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role. >> human boxing is banned and all done by robots. >> it's all done by robots and the boxing becomes extinct because it's not as exciting as it used to be. these robots, ali, these robots are amazing because they're so human-like and there's a human element that really draws you in because you see each one that i gave each robot their own style. and they come to life and they're so fluid and so much agility to these guys. >> a lot of people told me, it is a fight movie. clearly a guy who likes fight movies is going to like it. first of all, a lot of reasons why more than guys would like it and one is that hugh jackman looks pretty buff and his shirt comes in within ten minutes of the start of the movie. he looked in great shape for this. >> he had some boxing experience. his father was a boxer and that made it easier. also, the fact that being a great actor kind of helps out,
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also. but he had to divorce himself from being hugh jackman and really be the ex-fighter and be the trainer and show it in the face, also the reaction that he had with the robot. >> this is a very interesting part of the movie. you see hugh jackman and the robot he's training mimicking his moves. at one point in the movie the success of that robot depends on hugh jackman doing the boxing from the side and this robot mimicking him. these are not robots, these are actors who played robots. >> it is. but the technology that has been put in here is amazing because they had these stilts and motion capture suits and when you look on the monitor, you see robots and they were fast and they were quick and i added a little george foreman here and a little sugar ray, at some point. >> and you had to make them different because these robots, in this futuristic world, are just like boxers.
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they have certain styles. so, you made the robots, you designed these ideas that they'd fight differently and, ultimately, hugh jackman would have this passion. >> based on their design. like they're built like zeus a big guy. he remind me of george foreman and adam, you may see a little bit of him in me. i don't know. >> tell me about the rest of the film. you saw it. it's not just a fight movie. this is actually a movie you said your kids loved. >> my kids love it and i took them to a private screening and the kids, at some point in the movie were screaming because of the excitement and because of all the entertainment and then i looked at my wife and my mother-in-law at some point and they were in tears because, again, there's that human element. this movie is so amazingly suited for a movie because it brings in the emotional drama that boxing is all about. boxing is a poor man sport.
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>> this starts off as a story of failure and then redemption. a bit of a love story in there, too. >> there's always love in boxing. >> when you first got into this, did you think a boxing film with robots? >> well, i was a little taken back when i was first asked to be a part of this incredible journey or project. and then i read the script and i understood the premise but i kept saying robots, robots, robots. but when i'm on the set with hugh and on the set with all the incredible cast members and crew, it comes together so beautifully. i mean, people will love this. >> it is a team effort. this is a team effort, too, this show, which means some questions i have for you are my own and some are helped, producers helped me along with this. there's one here that i'm going to read to you because a producer asked me to read it. some of the ladies on the staff wanted to know what hugh jackman is like as a person. >> he's the nicest guy. he's humble and he is like a
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student because he digested whatever i told him and he put it to use. >> who's boxing today who you really like? >> i like may wither those two should fight each other now because it's about legacy and bragging rights. >> still a fun sport for you to watch? >> oh, for sure. for sure. you know, my condolences goes to steve jobs' family and if he was a fighter, he would be undisputed. unquestionably. >> that's exactly the way to say it. sugar ray leonard, thanks for coming in. the movie starts tomorrow. "real steel" your morning headlines are up next. 48 minutes after the hour. [ jill strange ] osteo bi-flex is a great product. i can go back and do gardening with comfort.
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it's 51 minutes after the hour. here are your morning headlines. the labor department announcing that 4 01,000 unemployment claims were filed for the first time last week. that's up 6,000 from last week. slightly better, though, than economists had expected. still any time this number comes in above 400,000, as it did this week, not a good sign for the labor market. this morning at 11:00 eastern, president obama will hold a news conference that is
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being reported that the president will be talking about jobs and his job's plan. appears to be faltering and the house will not vote on the bill and there does not appear it be enough democratic support for the bill and the senate. that news conference held at 11:00 eastern. u.s. stock futures are trading higher this morning. markets overseas are up as investors grow more confident at least today that european leaders are working to strengthen their banking system. tributes pouring in for apple founder steve jobs. faster than twitter could handle them this morning. at one point, twitter froze on this. the company announced his death after a long battle with cancer. microsoft chairman bill gates says the impact will be felt for many generations to come. steve jobs was just 56 years old. bank of america is defending its new $5 fee for using your debit card. the bank's ceo said last night that the bank has a right to make a profit. and that it's being honest and transparent about the new charge. the bank under incredible pressure to increase its profits
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and stop its stock slide. count her out. sarah palin says she will not be in the 2012 presidential republican nomination. palin says her family comes first, but she can still be on the right path without being a candidate. rob mar ciano is in the extreme weather center. >> a chilly start to the day across the northeast. look at some of these numbers. these don't include the outer lying areas. 48 degrees right now in boston and 42 in syracuse and frost and freeze advisories out for that stretch of the woods and also rain and snow across parts of the inter mountain west. above 7,000 feet in utah and above 9,000 feet in the inner mountain rockies of colorado. a foot or more in parts of the sierra and another storm coming. this is very november, december type pattern with a warm up across the midsection of the country. some of that air will spill off, but until it does so, temperatures in kansas city 85 back to 90 in minneapolis and
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three minutes until the top of the hour. this morning we're paying tribute to steve jobs who died yesterday. became an american icon and the tributes just keep on coming. people across the globe are taking twitter, many on apple devices to honor and remember steve jobs. we've been monitoring the #thankyousteve. those are the twitter messages on the left side of the screen. this is in realtime people around the world updating the feed with their thoughts. really a tribute to him, too. a new group on facebook inviting everyone to a black turtleneck friday. asking everyone no matter where
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they live to address in steve jobs' uniform. earlier this morning we spoke to steve jobs' right-hand man jay elliot and he compared to other jobs about imagination and innovation. >> it will be alive for years aquated to walt disney when he died, disney kept on going. they have a whole road map they're going to follow and it will go on for quite a while. >> also this morning we talked to john sculley who partnerred with jobs before the two had a falling out. we asked him about it. >> you were brought in to be the adult. you had experience at pepsi, you know, the board then asked steve to step down in 1985, something you call the darkest hour of your professional life. did you think you were making a mistake and what led to that? >> the issue was steve wanted to
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keep promoting the apple, wanted to promote the macintosh and lower the price. i felt we had to keep selling the apple ii because that's where the cash flow came from and leave the price alone at the $2,495 that mac had. we went to the board, the board, you know, went and talked to all the different executives and came back in two weeks and said we think john's right. and that's what led to the breakup. >> and that's what led to the guy who steve jobs brought into the company having to fire him from the company. >> well, you know, steve jobs' personality always looking forward, not back. the difference between the conservative view of business and a much more progressive one. >> the apple ii was making money but the macintosh came out at. >> that's going to do it fo
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