tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 10, 2011 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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march on the homes of several business leaders. big gains on wall street today, the dow added 300 points. the nasdaq and s&p 500 also grew sharply. erin burnett out front to the front line in kansas city, missouri. it's been almost a week since baby lisa irwin disappeared from her home. plus, the underwear bomber's trial starts tomorrow. what do we have to do to fix the problems and create jobs. let's go "out front." we have a little bit of a ray of sunshine, the dow was up 330 points today, nearly 3%, that actually makes the first six trading days of october the best in 19 years.
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wow! why? bottom line is this, good news on a potential bailout for banks in europe. leaders are pledging to unveil a debt crisis solution this month. governments on both sides are really at the core of the roller coaster ride and the pain we felt over the past few months. government is a big part of why stocks are down 12% from the highs earlier this year. losses that hit every ira and 401(k) in this country. several things need to happen and absolutely can happen to fix the problem. it is so fixable. european leaders have to follow-through this a debt solution. and here in the u.s., if we stop acting like ds and rs and fighting against each other and start working for the country, it would be better. it's really all about confidence. it's that simple. the economy boils down to it. it will be better than today and the american system works. that will help hiring and hiring means more taxes. there is an amazing statistic we
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pulled for you. 40% of the deficit will go away. that is because of increasing tax receipts. economic growth, 40% of our deficit, poof. we begin with an on the ground view of when hiring will start. we call it the strike team and told you about it last week. we will tell you about it again. it's a group of 20 ceos, investors and entrepreneur s s who report what they see on the ground to us. i pick them because they want to see the economy grow. john chambers is the ceo of dow cisco systems. let's start with the big question out there. it feels like a recession to most of america. the big question is whether we go into a formal double dip. of our strike team, 70% of people said no, a recession is not inevitable right now. what do you think? >> i agree with that 70%.
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i think it depends on how the political and business leaders react to the challenges in front of us. if you look at what we see on a globe ool basis, and erin, i'm not an economist, but i do get to talk to almost every major business leader in the government, you are seeing the economy slow. the issues you talked about are true. northern europe doing well and central europe doing okay and having challenges. asia pacific a little bit mix and china, australia, new zealand doing well. here in the u.s., the employers when we talked to them, are not planning major hiring, but at the same time they're spending money on cap it will. when they spend money on small business and big business, it means they think the economy is probably going to do better as you move forward. not great guns, but perhaps better than some people anticipate. >> it's more positive than many would expect. let me ask you about the question. the frustration out there, a lot of it pointed at corporate america from the left and the right. it comes down to the jobs problems. let's just put it to you at cisco. $4.5 billion in the economy.
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you have this cash and why aren't you useing it to hire? >> more than fair question. if you look at what cisco has done the last 20 years, we grew from 400 to 70,000 people. we shared it with the shareholders and most of the time we were in hiring mote. if you look out over the next 12 months, we probably will be again, assuming there is not a major surprise in the economy. what would help us do that is is the majority of our finance are outside the u.s., not here. even though we are a pretty big company, about $4 billion is what we need for the normal activity in the united states. if we could perhaps look more creatively at the tax policy, and encourage hiring in america, we would love to be a pat of that. >> you say that's what you need to do your regular business. you have $45 billion in all and as you point out, most of that
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is outside of the united states. i know you're advocating getting a break on that. as you say other countries provide. would you in exchange if you got a low tax rate on bringing the money home, what's called repatriation and getting rid of the other loopholes in exchange as the president proposed. >> i think the key take away question here is that i'm an american and i want to create jobs. we are one of the few large high tech companies that have been in existence throughout the the 25 years. and a majority of our jobs are in america and i want to do that in the future. we are the only country in the world that when you pay taxes on the profits outside your country that don't bring it back at 0% or 2% taxes. we are missing an opportunity to create jobs and one that every other developed country in the world has taken advantage of to encourage. do i think we can do something like a national infrastructure fund that with the money you bring back pay a nominal amount of taxes for roads and highways? absolutely. do i have a problem assuming the
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economy grows and cisco is doing well creating jobs? absolutely. i don't have a problem with that. you can bring back $1 trillion which was more of the stimulus package in terms of back to the u.s. and funds overseas. >> and let me ask you, john, because a lot of people have come out and say the last time we gave this break and overall it didn't create jobs in america. if it happened, you are going to create how many jobs in the united states. >> the last time we created quite a few thousand jobs, i think you can look at the gdp growth and it grew well the next two to three years and following the package that came back inside. the unemployment went from 5.5% and 4.5%. it is not the silver bullet. you have to move on policies. america is an amazing innovative country. we have to pull business and american citizens together to lead us out of this slowdown. i think we can do it as a
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nation. >> john chambers was elected by politico as someone who should run as an independent for president. others on the politico list included mayor michael bloomberg, hillary clinton, david petraeus and colin powell. it's not a surprise that they played the game of another candidate and this is me. the latest poll, only 14% of voters say they are very satisfied with the current candidate roster. joining us from our washington bureau is kevin madden, jamal simmons. and here in the studio, great to finally meet him in person, correspondent for the national journal. great to have all of you with us. major, let me start with you. only 14% are very satisfied. why? >> republicans look at the field and saying yes, there is romney. he's been the constant. can't there be somebody else?
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isn't there a better alternative to mitt romney? so far there have been flashpoint alternatives who last for a month or two, michele bachmann and rick perry, and plenty have looked and not run at all. mitt romney stays and the field is set, but in a way that dissatisfies voters until the voting starts. when the voting starts and if romney starts winning, winning has a tendency -- kevin will tell you, winning tends to build momentum. for now they are dissatisfied, but if he breaks out, that satisfaction will come. >> jamaal, let me ask you a question, hillary clinton being on that list got me wondering, is it a commentary on how the republicans and democrats are seen as so polarized right now. the main place for reason is among the independents. hillary clinton is not an independent. she is say democrat. >> she had the great fortune of being out of politics for two and a half to three years.
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she is focused on america's future around the world. that always tends to buoy any person's poll numbers. colin powell is on the list. condi rice is on the list. even though they're all partisans, they don't have partisan work profile on their day to day habits. >> a poll today, this one by "the washington post." i love the season of all these polls, there's so much in there every day. it asks which candidate would do the most to improve the candidates. mitt romney 22%. cain 20%. the next closest is perry at 12%. that's just part of the herman cain phenomenon, he's surging in all the voting polls as well. do you think mitt romney is worried about herman? >> look, worrying in a campaign is for those without a plan. if you're worried, that means you didn't put together the infrastructure and the message you need to win. boston is confident that over the long ark of the campaign and
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that's what we have to remember. a lot of polls are snapshots in time. but what we have to look at is the long term trend. what we have seen is the long-term trend has shown a lost volatility. the constant has been that governor romney has held a good market share of voter support. i think if he can continue to consolidate that support and then go out and grow it, as the volatility of the campaign and all the contests of the early primary states, they take place, that's where this campaign is built -- it builds its strategy around, the actual contest where voters decide. >> i will give kevin and the romney team an incredible amount of credit right here, the one thing you've seen out of mitt romney is, it's such a disciplined campaign. whether it was sarah palin, michele bachmann and now herman cain, they seemed to be focused on their job. from the obama campaign in 2008, they had the same disciplined
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folks and you a message and revered from it. i think he can be beaten as a primary candidate, they are doing a good job. >> two quick points. he has run before. his biggest weakness, he has run before. people want change. >> very well said. >> rick perry came in second on most damage to the economy. right behind michele bachmann. that's all about immigration. that issue is killing rick perry. >> look forward to seeing you all again. out front next, gerry brown signed a bill that allows girls over the age of 12 to get an hpv vaccine without their parents consent. the underwear bomber's trial starts tomorrow and baby lisa disappearing from a week ago.
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if she wins the democratic nomination, she will face scott brown who raised 1.55 million in the third quarter. those are very big numbers especially when you compare them to the presidential race. gop presidential candidate rick santorum raised $582,000 in the second quarter. the most recent he's released. five times more a quarter than to run for a senate race. senator brown signed into law a bill that allows girls 12 and up to get the hpv vaccine without parents consent. it will prevent from sexually transmitted disease and some say it undermines a parents right to be involved in the medical decisions. shannon, i wanted to start with you, i guess people are very torn on this. people who vaccinate their kids for everything, they feel a
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little more torn on this one. does this encourage promiscuity or not? >> we think it does not encourage promiscuity. in fact it has to be given well in advance of the beginning of sexual activity. and it creates a great opportunity when the young person is in the physicians office to have an in depth discussion about safe sex and abstinence. abstinence is the only 100% way of preventing stds and pregnancy. >> i'm confused. it seems awfully young. children don't have the right to make other decisions, their parents do. even in california you can't get a tattoo without your parents's consent. where does this come from, legally? >> a lot of people are disturbed by this law. because of the 12 thing. a 12-year-old girl can go to a doctor and get the shot without telling her parents. no parental consent. i don't know where california is
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coming to do this because if you are in a ski accident and your child broke an arm and was in the emergency room, they call the parents to get permission to put it in a cast. now they are saying that the parents can't decide whether to weigh the risk against the benefit of the shot? normally we believe in informed consent with respect to medical treatment. why can't parents have informed consent about medical treatment? i don't get it, i think they've gone over a line here in california. >> how do you respond to that? >> actually this is expanding on current law from 1964 that allows minors to be treated for sexually transmitted diseases. it now has also joined other states such as alabama. i think there's a total of now 11 states and the district of columbia that will allow this. we are having 12 because it's trying to capture a wide knit -- again, it's consistent with
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current law. and we assume most of this applies to 16 and 17-year-olds that can drive themselves to the doctor's office. and their parents already agree for them to take the hpv vaccine but they're not there to provide consent. >> the law said 12 years old, a 12-year-old can do this without parental consent. what is the fear? that a parent won't be smart enough to know whether it's a good or bad thing? this is not an abortion. this is not a contraceptive, this is a vaccination. some people think not everybody gets a flu vaccination even though it's a wise thing to do. why should the american people be robbed of the ability to make a decision about their own children's health care? >> well, actually, what we're really hoping is that 11-year-olds and 12-year-olds are vaccinated when they get all of the other vaccinations they get at that age. and it's a decision that's been
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made with the parent. actually i think if there is a 12-year-old who thinks that she is at risk and need this is vaccine, we are happy that she is going to the physician's office, because that raises a red flag. >> right. thank you very much. shannon paul, thank you very much and let us know what you think. we will be talking more about the issue of vaccines in general. the hpv and the age of children specifically. you can always find us on facebook out front or on twitter. still out front, herman cain leading a lot of polls. but still, not getting respect. we can't resist telling you why. and donald trump speaks his mind. into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love.
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the trial of a man accused of trying to detonate an underwear bomb on a plane headed to detroit. the christmas day bombing trial starts tomorrow. it's something we're going to cover every step of the way. omar abdulmutallab has been representing himself. what does that mean as it comes to trial? >> he who defends himself has a fool for a client. no one should represent himself. this is no typical defendant. he has council from very, very
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well regarded and i am told that mr. chambers will be giving opening statements and grilling most of the government witnesses. we do know that the defendant is driving the bus and making the ultimate decision. this will be a hybrid case. he will be cocouncil with someone else and not necessarily trying himself. that is say good place for him to be. the evidence in this case against him is very significant. >> there has been stories and saying this should be a slam dunk of a trial and everyone saw him doing what he was doing and is it a slam dunk? >> no case is a slam dunk. i say this all the time. just look at casey anthony, right? the prosecution thought it was a slam dunk. when you have 12 jurors from different backgrounds that know nothing about a case, you don't know what's going to happen. the evidence is very strong.
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we have a confession in this case. there's also a videotape of his description of his suicide mission before going into the united states. and there are the remnants of the dom and his underway. certainly there is significant evidence. i think what's going to be interesting about this trial, we know the obama administration for some time has wanted to try terror cases on u.s. soil. this is almost a test case for that, and that's why so many people are going to be very, very interested in this case and watching it so sloesly. >> sunny, thank you. we will be watching it. i remember getting on a plane to go to nigeria that weekend in christmas of 2009. we will be covering it every step of the way. up next, the military power of one country that is rising to challenge america. then we will be sitting down with donald trump and where is baby lisa? what the authors are doing to find her. [ male announcer ] this is larry...
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starting the second half of our show and made the calls for the out front five. number one, military power. a new report published by the rand corporation warned a future conflict with china. out front spoke to the reports author who told us america's economy is too dependent on china. china will build up their military, and america will be hard pressed to do anything about it.
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they could achieve superiority in the pacific over the next 30 years. number two, the worst violence in egypt since the regime fell. the violence is hurting the jobs. the market lost half of their value this year. many businesses aren't investing at all. and many are still not going to work. number three, seven people say after treading water for 20 hours amount of thunderstorm capsized their boat. a boater discovered a group of them yesterday. they were shaken and freezing, in shock. they weren't in terrible health once he gave them water, they were speaking clearly. a miracle there.
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european leaders pledging to have a solution to the debt crisis by the end of the month. we'll all believe it when we see it. for today, the biggest one-day move. the start of american earnings season. earnings will send stocks higher. looking for an 8% now from now until the end of the year. it's been 66 days since the u.s. lost its top credit rating, what are we doing to get it back. donald trump, he has a lot to say about where the country is headed and who should lead it. at one point his name was on all the lists for a republican candidate. i asked him why he got out. >> well, a number of things happened. number one, nbc is driving me crazy, like please, please. not because of the money. the money is a lot. you earn prime time television and for the privilege of being
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spat at for a year and a half. you understand that. that's not the reason. when paul ryan came out with the plan and knocked medicare, a bad poker player. he should have kept his mouth shut. and elections were lost because of that and a popular republican from buffalo where there was no chance for the republican to lose and she lost easily. that was the because of paul ryan's plan. very bad thing. the lame duck session was the disaster. obama rose like a phoenix. they did those things and when i see these things, i am very, very discouraged with what they are doing. i'm meeting with the individual people and i'm seeing signs of life. i have to tell you. i met with herman last week, he's a really impressive guy, and a really nice guy.
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i met with mitt two weeks ago and i was less of a mitt romney fan until i met him. when you meet him, he's a completely different guy, and a terrific guy. i never met him prior to this. i was very, very impressed. so they have to get the word out, and they're trying to get the word out. it is early to be relying on polls. i never have seen polls that changed so quickly. one guy's up top, then another guy's up top. look at michele bachmann who i met who was a lovely woman. she was through the roof three weeks ago and now she's having a hard time. the polls fluctuate and now it's early and i'm not sure it means that much. >> when are you making your decision of who to endorse? >> prior to the primary. i owe it to a lot of people. thousands of people are writing letters asking me who i'm going to endorse. i think at some time prior to -- i think, honestly i have an obligation to do it sometime
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prior to the primaries. >> like now? right here, right now? >> no, but maybe it will be on your show. it's a little bit soon. >> chris christie talked about the republican party needing to go back to being a big ten party. the frustrations people have is it's a smaller party because of the focus on social issues. just this week you have the discussion over are mormons christians? and all of a sudden, religion comes into it again. do you have frustrations that the republican party defines itself by abortion stance or gay marriage? >> well, i think that was much more true four years ago than it is today. and it's still true to a certain extent. but now it's really about jobs and the economy. people strong on the social issues are looking. i hated to see what's going on about the whole mormon thing. mitt romney is a good thing and it's unfair how that came out. i happened to be presbyterian
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and know a lot of the people who are even saying negative things. and i like them a lot, but it is unfair. >> in terms of the policies, i want to talk about china. i know you favor a currency readjustment. i wanted to ask you if we wanted to adjust the currency, a couple of things might happen. prices at walmart may go up, and the u.s. is still barely passing by. why now? >> it's jobs. instead of buying for china, we will be making the gadgets for trump and everybody else who buys toys for their children. this country can be turned around so fast. i have a club in washington. it's on the potomac river, it was great. it wasn't properly run and i fixed it and made it really great.
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the clubhouse was clean and painted and beautiful and carpets and a member came up and i never heard it this way. it went from being a good club, just not being in good shape. to being a phenomenal club, where can eat off the floors. a member came up and i said this is what the country needs. the country has to be taken care of the way you took care of this big club. it's an interesting thing. i never thought of it that way, but it's true. our bridges are falling down and roads have potholes all over the place. you look at the major highways and they look like third world countries. >> they're do. even here in new york city. >> you go to places like china where they build many george washington bridges. we think the george washington bridge is big compared to the things they are doing. they are doing it with our money. you know, if we ever cut off china, china would go into the worst depression of any country in the world.
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we have power, but not people smart enough to realize that. we have tremendous power. getting back to your question, if we ever aligned china properly in terms of the manipulation of the currency and instead of buying two toys, you buy one. and that's okay. >> it will cost more to make here, but it's made by americans. >> i have a child upstairs who has nine airplanes. instead of nine he will have three and he wouldn't know the difference. >> who needs nine airplanes? >> he doesn't need it. they are stacked up in a corner. who needs it. they will be made in this country. the good news, we have tremendous potential if we had a guy who was intelligent with common sense. those two things. brain power and common sense. we have the greatest business people in the world -- >> we do. >> you used to say businessmen, but businessmen and women in the world. i know them.
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a lot of them are nice and some are not so nice, horrible human beings. but who cares. this country has tremendous potential if we use it. we use people that don't have a clue, and we lose the every single stop. that has to stop. we have tremendous potential if only we'd use it. >> donald trump up next about the leadership in america. llar. we don't go lower than 130. big deal, persuade him. is it wise to allow a perishable item to spoil? he asked, why leave a room empty? the additional revenue easily covers operating costs. 65 dollars is better than no dollars. okay. $65 for tonight.
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we do this at the same time every night, our inner circle. tonight we begin in libya, where troops are closing in on gadhafi gadhafi's hometown. nic robertson is in tripoli. what's the holdup? >> they've made important gains over the weekend, they've taken control of a university, a conference center and a hospital where gadhafi loyalists are holding out. it's the hospital that perhaps
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gives us the strongest clue of how this is going. 17 gadhafi loyalists found hiding there. just small gadhafi fighters were able to hold up a large number of rebels for a long period of time. they say they'll win soon, from what we've seen, it could take quite some time more. >> thank you. now to syria where fighting throughout the nation has killed 30 people, 17 soldiers among them. >> the clashes were caused by security forces and a group of individuals believed to have defected from the military. it's a reluctant conversation amongst activists to begin arming themselves for self-defense. >> now to london.
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a deal to fix europe's banking crisis. richard, what's in the deal, and i guess this is what really matters, will all the 15 countries sign on? >> we most certainly don't know what the details of the plan is. but we have a very good idea of what it must include. it must fix greece, deal with the sovereign debt crisis. it must recapitalize the banks, get growth going and if there's any room left, set up new governance for europe. it's such a big plan, that frankly getting all the other 15 members of the eurozone to agree will be a herculean task, erin. >> richard quest who knows everything there is to know about london. >> more now with donald trump. i asked them about the millionaire's tax that would fund the jobs bill and whether he would be able to pay it and whether it's class warfare or not.
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>> it is a class warfare thing, but there certain groups, for example, oil companies. you know i'm a big negative fan and many of them are tenants in my buildings. and i believe that opec and the oil companies are in absolute cahoots. why we are giving subsidies to oil companies is beyond me. they say that's terrible that you say that. i love you, republicans and i'm more conservative than all of you, but for exxon-mobil to be getting subsidies and to be paying not that much in tax relatively speaking is ridiculous. >> what about people like you? millionaires? >> i don't mind paying more tax. but i think -- and i'm not talking about myself. we have a terrible economy and the word fragile is a good word. we have a fragile economy. if you start playing around with
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tax increases, i really think it could lead to a disastrous result. it's a bad time to raise taxes on people. people aren't doing that well. even rich people. some are doing well. it's a bad time to raise taxes on people that provide work. if you could turn this economy around, whatever anyone's paying right now, first of all, they're paying much more, they would make more. the then that really solves the problem is a good economy. you can't have a good economy when china and opec and virtually every country in the world is ripping us. when we're fighting wars for trillions and trillions of dollars that we shouldn't be fighting. you can't do that. it's got to stop. and i said something like in libya, we go into libya, would i have said, okay, fellas, they come to see us. they didn't win, the so-called rebels, they didn't win the war.
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we're bombing them and they're still fighting. make sure when they ask for your support, we are asking for 25 year, we want 50% of the oil. how about 75%. we will give you that too. now you can't go back because they so-called won the war. why didn't we get oil for what we did? we made it possible. we knocked out gadhafi. nobody else did. we knocked him out through nato, and we are nato. why didn't we get paid for that? we are very, very stupid. the leaders are very, very stupid people. now did i say that diplomatically? >> donald doesn't like to say anything diplomatically. he was considering running for the republican nomination and he is a republican. and now, speaking of republicans, we have a story we can't resist. herman cain won the florida straw poll and is leading in a number of other states.
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and yet a recent washington post headline called him the republican flavor of the month. time magazine asked herman cain, flash in the pan or serious candidate. we couldn't resist asking the question, what is it about herman cain that some people seem to not like? that's when we realized, unlike the other candidates, herman cain has a mustache. this country elected an interesting array of men with facial hair over the year, but even the most famous bearded president was elected clean shaven. it's been more than 100 years since our last president had facial hair. and candidates have shaved when they enter politics, and then they grow beards when they lose. yes. as homer simpson told ned flanders -- >> makes you look like you have got something to hide. >> what? >> people are talking, lots of people. >> herman cain may be the man to turn that around.
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in case you didn't notice, facial hair is really hot right now. fashion magazines are full of bearded male models. there are tv shows like whisker wars, and on saturday, the beard and mustache championships were held. yes, they were. beards mean money, apparently. in a recent survey, 29 gas exploration and production companies had a senior executive with a mustache. and those achieved twice the growth than those without facial hair. what a survey? still not convinced. the american mustache institute has declared president obama's hometown of chicago is the most mustache friendly city in america. good news for the president? not quite. because guess who's up for the institute's robert goulet memorial award? that would be herman cain who will be our guest on thursday.
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and we can assure you we are sure his mustache will also be out front. sorry, we just couldn't resist. baby lisa has been missing for almost a week. after multiple searches, there are still no suspects. the fbi and police are stumped. out front we go live to kansas city. ah looks like somebody's a winner. ha, not me! cause shipping is a hassle. different states, different rates. not with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service, if it fits it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate.
11:52 pm
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it's been almost a week now since baby lisa irwin disappeared from her kansas city missouri home, her father says he returned from work early last tuesday morning and found the front door unlocked and his 10-month-old daughter gone. after multiple searches for the child, there are really no suspects. the fbi and police are stumped on this one. our very own ed lavandera has been covering this story for us from kansas city. i know you've been there through the weekend. investigators did a re-enactment. what is the latest you can tell us. >> yesterday afternoon, can you see the house behind me, the window that's been the focus of the investigation, on the right edge of the house. late yesterday afternoon,
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investigators came out here and tried to re-enact the story that was put out by police, that someone had gone into the home through that window and they tried -- officers, to re-create, see if this was possible to do. what it would have taken to get this done in the overnight hours between monday and tuesday of last week. it was interesting to watch. you saw the officers struggling to get in there. at one point the window falls down on them. interesting, and all of this done in full display of the neighborhood in the middle of the sunday afternoon, so it was interesting to watch them do that. they've been out here once again, they continue to search through the lawn and in the area -- a lot of attention being paid to the creek area in the back of the house as well over the next few days, erin. >> stay with us, if you would. i know what it's like -- i'm going to talk to a man who knows what it's life to have your home invaded.
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since his daughter polly was abducted and murdered, he's abducted his life to finding missing children. from your experience dealing with families who have gone through this over the past two decades, is it likely that she was abducted? are we going to find her alive? what do you think? >> well, erin, first of all, thanks for having me on your show and congratulations. i think the further you get away from these types of situations, certainly the less your chance of getting the child recovered alive are. and, in fact, our tagline in our foundation is that a mile a minute is how fast your child can disappear. presumably that child could be anywhere in the world. i suspect, though, that the child is probably still somewhere in the local area. whether she is alive or dead. >> that's something that you found over the years, i believe,
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right? that usually these are local situations with someone who perhaps was familiar or knew the child, as opposed to a random abduction from far away? >> what we find is that 80% of all abductions are family centric. that is, some member of the family is involved in the disappearance of the child. and absolutely, almost every kidnapping with certain exceptions, many of the high profile ones, including pollys are local events, pure and simple. >> what do you think about the parents issue here, i want to bring ed in on this as well. the parents were cooperating and then not cooperating. we talked to the police about that on friday's show. now they're cooperating again. is a tendency to cooperate normal or is this something that seems strange? >> i think this is very instructive, not only for this family, but anyone else that may go through this.
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here's the problem, you have to cooperate fully, as i mentioned, most of these cases are family centric. therefore, law enforcement is going to continue to ask you questions until you're able to eliminate yourself from suspicion, and they can then move on to the next possibilities. now, i know that it can be very, very difficult to do that, but you should never put your own personal needs and feelings ahead of the dispratt search for your child. in other words, have you policemen, you have fbi, you have search and rescue professionals out there combing the grounds, going through landfills, and you as a parent decide you don't want to answer any more questions for a while, it's a big red flag, and as mr. irwin found out, it could have had very serious repercussions. >> marc, thank you very much. ed, quickly, before we go, what happens from here, and is it fair to say the family is fully cooperating now from the perspective of theol
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