tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 21, 2011 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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safety? do we also carry gs? we roam around with an ak-47 on our back because you don't know if the guy in front of you want to blow up? >> i asked the kids about more than 95% of pakistanis don't pay taxes. they said they pay more than any politician. that's a scary lesson for countries like greece and all of us. paying taxes isn't necessarily a bad thing. have a great weekend. anderson cooper starts now. erin, thanks. good evening. we begin tonight keeping them honest. president obama did not say when made his surprise announcement na nearly all-american troops will be home from iraq by year's end. it raises questions whether the administration intended the american presence in iraq to end this way or whether the statement by the president was plan a or plan b. >> after nearly nine years, america's war in iraq will be over. over the next two months, our
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troops in iraq, tens of thousands of them, will pack up their gear and board convoys for the journey home. >> up on the white house website, the headline reads president obama has ended the war in iraq. the white house take on this is simple. president obama promised to end u.s. troop involvement in iraq and today fulfilled that promise. in one sense it's true. here's what he said when he launched his campaign nearly four years ago. >> america, it is time to start bringing our troops home. it's time, it's time to admit that no amount of american lives can resolve the political disagreement that lies at the heart of someone else's civil war. >> now here's the president last year. >> consistent with our agreement with the iraqi government, all u.s. troops will leave by the end of next year. >> and here's mr. obama today. >> the last american soldier already cross the border out of iraq with their heads held high, proud of their success and knowing that the american people
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stand united in our support for our troops. >> sounds relatively simple, but keeping them honest, it leaves out a key fact one he made no mention of today. almost right up to the moment he made the announcement, american negotiators were trying to hammer out a deal with iraqi counterparts to keep a substantial troop presence in iraq. the agreement expires at the end of the year. in his nauntment today, he made no mention of that nor did he say the administration was working to renew it. we know that was the hope. here's defense secretary panetta on monday. >> we're still in negotiations with the iraqis. general austin, the ambassador continue discussions with the iraqi leaders and we're hoping ultimately that they'll be able to find an agreement here. so, at this is taken of the game, you know, i think our hope is that the negotiators can ultimately find a way to resolve this issue in terms of what are
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the iraqi needs and how can we best meet them once we've concluded our combat operations. >> that's what the president did not mention today. had a deal been reaches, the administration reportedly wanted to keep as many as 5,000 troops in iraq mostly as trainers because some leaders are concerned iraq can't control its own borders and air space. some wanted even more than 5,000. most of the of the gop candidates are weighing in. mitt romney slamming the president for what he called a failure to secure an orderly transition in iraq. jon huntsman and michele bachmann also criticizing the white house for not finding a way to keep troops in iraq. jessica yellin first alerted us to the president's words today. she's been talking to her sources what really led to today's announcement and joins us now. even though total withdrawal is not what the administration would have wanted politically,
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it probably plays well for the president. >> reporter: politically, yeah, anderson. look, there's no question that the pentagon wanted to keep some forces in iraq beyond the new year. as you say mostly for training and advising. the breakdown was the u.s. and iraq could not reach agreement on immunity, getting u.s. troops immunity from the iraqi laws into the new year. anyone who stayed. so as you heard the president say, they're all coming home now. you asked about the politics of it. the bottom line is go back to 2008. president then candidate obama ran against the iraq war. that's what distinguished him from hillary clinton. and he propsed to bring all the troops home. he said today his first words when he stood behind the podium were i have made good on a campaign promise. he also ran promising to take out terrorists and refocus away from the wars on to al qaeda. and he emphasized that he killed bin laden today. so you see the politics of this heading into a campaign year, he's emphasized that he made good on what he pledged to do as a candidate, anderson. >> republican candidates weren't
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critical of the president for not being able to guarantee immunity for the u.s. combat troops. republican candidates have now also come out swinging over the white house at the white house for pulling them out because they couldn't get that immunity. has the white house responded to what the republicans are now saying? >> the white house hasn't directly but the obama campaign has, and i'll tell you talking to the obama aides, i characterize their general position on this as bring it on. if they want -- if the republicans would like to make foreign policy part of this campaign, the obama team would be thrilled because they think that foreign policy is a strength for this president. they think if you add up his what they perceive as successes, taking out osama bin laden, now gadhafi, being part of that, going after al qaeda terrorists and the drone attacks, all adds up to leadership strengths that help the president. and they say contrast that with the records of the leading republican contenders, mitt
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romney, perry and cain who don't have the foreign policy experience. the obama campaign, anderson, also put out a statement on mitt romney that said in part "his foreign policy experience is limited to his work as a finance executive shipping american jobs overseas." meow. it's a sense of now snarky this campaign ahead will be. you know, the final point i'd make is americans aren't that interested in foreign policy right now. i'd be surprised if this really plays large in the campaign at all. >> appreciate it. the last american fatality due to hostile action came on the 29th of last month. more than 4400 americans have lost their lives in iraq since the war began. more than $700 billion spent. iraq in many ways is only a barely functioning state. whether the white house wanted this outcome, the question remains can iraq cope on its own? will the heavy price in dollars and lives be squandered by a premature pullback?
5:07 pm intelligence columnist, bob baer, and robin wright, arab affairs analyst at the woodrow wilson center, the author of "rock the cas ba, rage and rebellion across the islamic world." john, let's start with you. were you surprised by this announcement and what do you make of it? what does it mean for iraq? >> well, i think the iraqis made it inevitable by resisting any legal ground of immunity to american troops. that's self-of evident. i do think that it has very ominous implications. i think a trip wire of a few thousand american troops combat capable if not actually engaged in combat could make the difference or could have made the difference in offering a sort of stabilizing factor for iraq at a period which is going to be fundamentally unstable. i think it's worth remembering
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that nothing politically has been resolved in iraq. all or almost all of the sectarian gee graphic, regional, religious, political, ideological disputes that have plagued the american presence in iraq remain unresolved. without american troops there as a guarantor of at least a final degree of stability, i think you could see a descent into instability pretty quickly. >> robin, do you agree with that? why wouldn't the iraqis grant immunity to a few thousand troops? >> well, immunity is a big issue and it was a defining issue in for example bringing khomeini to power in 1963 in iran. he made immunity the biggest issue, putting himself on the map because iranians could be prosecuted for hurting or robbing americans whereas americans would be immune from any kind of prosecution for even killing an iranian. so this is an issue that resonates not only inside iraq
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but in terms of what iran next door wants. i don't share john's concerns in terms of how dangerous iraq is going to be with you know, just 5,000 without 5,000 american troops. the fact is the united states has enormous number of troops in the region, ships, the fifth fleet is based in bahrain. this is -- it doesn't change the dynamics all that much. iraq hasektarian problems that are reflected across the region. but i don't think this is a moment that's going to make or break what happens in iraq next. >> bob, despite the white house the way they're spinning it, there wasn't much choice, right? they wanted us out. >> there's no choice at all. it was clear three years ago the iraqis wanted us gone. this agreement was made under bush. it was inevitable they were going to not vote immunity and i think this white house is making the best out of a bad situation. but i'd like to agree with john. he's absolutely right. i don't think we're done with
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the civil war in iraq. and it may not be such a bad thing that they resolve their problems and we can just hope that it's limited fighting. but you know, frankly, it's time to go. we've been there too long, done what we could and let's come home. >> john, what kind of role do you see iran playing? there's a lot of concern expressed especially by republicans these days about iran now moving in to fill a vacuum in iraq. >> well, i think that's a guaranteed intervention. the iranians will do everything they can to extend their influence. of course, the equation will will change a little bit with the united states gone because their principle objective in recent years seems to have been tonl frustrate trait the american presence rather than to create a stable environment for shiite government. but i think that anybody who's worked in iraq knows if there's a limited tolerance amongst t iraqi shiites who are for the most part iraqis first shiites
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second for iranian intervention. there are thousands of upon thousands of iraqi shiites who fought in the iran/iraq war who will tell you that. and i think that the iranians as in so many other ways will in effect be the force for their own undoing in this. i don't think that they are going to succeed if what they want to do is create a government in baghdad. i don't think that's going to succeed. i think the problem is going to be internal dynamics which will destabilize matters rather quickly, and i think there are a lot -- not i don't think, i know there are a lot of iraqis tonight who would agree with that who will be very sorry for all of the clamor that there has been about the american occupation in the end, there will be many iraqis who will be very sorry to see the last american troops go. >> robin, can iraq secure
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itself? can they take care of themselves? >> no, the iraqis are not at that point that they can tear care of all their issues. compare iraq to afghanistan, for example, the iraqis are much better off than the afghans will be in the three years when the united states proposes to leave afghanistan. and i think john's right. the iranians and the iraqis that fought the grizzliest modern middle east war, the iranians are in many ways a threat to iraq in terms of their kind of aggressive promotion of whether it's really just ideology or their political system. and i think they'll be a resistance among the iraqis politically, militarily, economically, to prevent iran's influence from encroaching that much deeper than it already is. >> and bob, there's still going to be a lot of u.s. contractors over there. they will not have immunity. they will be open for prosecution if they get involved in shootings and things like that, right? >> oh, absolutely. i think we're going to be moving into a citadel until that place
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stabilizes. you also have to keep in mind, taking american troops out of iraq, the iranians no longer have a hostage in that will sense. and if we move toward any conflict with iran, it will be a lot easier simply because our troops won't be in striking distance. >> interesting perspective, bob baer, john burns, robin write, thank you very much. we're on facebook, follow me on twitter @anderson cooper. people weighing in on twitter. up next, late new developments out of libya and a closer look at gadhafi's final movements. this new video shows people hitting him, pummeling him about the head when he's clearly very badly wounded. what we're learning from the fighter who's captured him. and stunning revelations how steve jobs fought the cancer that ultimately killed him. why he waited nine months to have the tumor inside him removed. how he finally turned to the best science that is money could
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buy. why in the end it was not enough. dr. sanjay gupta explains when we continue. i'm not a number. i'm not a line item on a budget. and i'm definitely not a pushover. but i am a voter. so washington... before you even think about cutting my medicare and social security benefits... here's a number you should remember. 50 million. we are 50 million seniors who earned our benefits... and you will be hearing from us... today and on election day. ♪ today and on election day. ♪ ♪ co-signed her credit card -- "buy books, not beer!" ♪ but the second that she shut the door ♪ ♪ girl started blowing up their credit score ♪ ♪ she bought a pizza party for her whole dorm floor ♪ ♪ hundred pounds of makeup at the makeup store ♪ ♪ and a ticket down to spring break in mexico ♪
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also new video of gadhafi's son smoking a cigarette shortly before he was killed. precisely how his father came to be killed is disputed. you're going to see very grizzly stuff. we're learning more what happened in this video of fighters knocking him around, shoving him into a pickup and taking him away even though questions still remain what happened between this scene and the final scene. libya's former strongman dead on the floor in the morgue in misrata. in a moment. first what we're learning about the dictator's final moments. >> the new video shows him being marched away by revolutionary fighters after they found him hiding underneath a drainage pipe. he's beaten, shoved to the ground. his face is covered in blood. film him it, film. god is great, they're heard
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saying. in another video, you can see gadhafi being slapped, kicked but he says defiantly shame on you. you're sinning. you're sinning. a fighter replies you don't know about sin. the question is how he got from here clearly alive to here. dead with an apparent gunshot wound to his temple in a morgue in misrata. a soldier told "the new york times" he was bleeding from the head and chest when they found him. another fighter told reuters gadhafi had gunshot wounds in his back and legs. this is fighter says he was the one who captured the colonel. >> translator: then we went to the other side and four or five ran out from under the road and surrendered. one of them told us gadhafi was inside and wounded. when we entered the hall, i saw his bushy head and jumped on him immediately. then all the fighters came and surrounded him. >> the libyan interim government still insists gadhafi was not killed intentionally and say he
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was killed in cross fire between his own men and captors as he was being taken to a hospital. gadhafi was first shot in the feet and then in the head according to the interim government and later died of that head wound in the ambulance. but human rights watch in libya told cnn they're concerned his bullet wounds didn't come from cross fire, suggesting he was perhaps executed. they say they found 95 bodies at the site where gadhafi was captured and at least ten shot at point blank range. international human rights groups have asked for an investigation. >> more is coming to light as correspondents on the ground keep adding to the story. i spoke with dan rivers in in sirte and lindsay hill some who spent the day with the people who captured gadhafi. there are a lot of conflicting reports on his final moments. you spent the day with the brigade that captured gadhafi. what details were you able to glean about his final moments? >> reporter: they say they did not kill him. they say they were fighting near
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sirte and then realized there were people down this culvert, this drainage ditch. and they were -- they went in there and started shooting. and then some people came out who they said were mercenaries or they were black, probably africans and said we surrender, we surrender. one of them said we are injured. and i have colonel gadhafi, moammar gadhafi down here. the young man i spoke to said at that moment, he dropped his kalashnikov, shouted god is great and then jumped on top of gadhafi. that's what he told me. he said he realized it was really, really gadhafi -- he said i've never seen him face to face before. i had never seen him. and then gadhafi said what's happening, what's happening? and he said his voice sounded just the same as on television.
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he was obviously alive at that point, he was speaking. these men said that they took him to an ambulance, that he was injured. that he was bleeding. but they took him to an ambulance and sort of put him on the front of the vehicle and they showed me the vehicle where they said the blood was colonel gadhafi's blood. they say they don't know what happened to him after that. >> clearly in the video that we're watching right now, you see people hitting him with fists. his head is clearly bloody. people are punching him in the head and in the face. and then later, he obviously shows up dead. what do they say about those reports though that he was executed or do some still say that he was caught in cross fire, which was the story floating around yesterday? >> reporter: nobody said to me today that he was caught in cross fire. the people who i spoke to were talking about the actual capture of him, and they say they really don't know what happened to him after they put him in the ambulance. >> dan rivers, what sort of
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reaction today have people been telling you about what went on? >> in terms of what we've gleaned about what happened and it sort of chimes in with what lindsay is saying, we were speaking to one human rights investigator on the ground in sirte. he is fairly certain that gadhafi was not killed in the cross fire. he says that there was no reports of any shooting or fighting in that area after they caught gadhafi. i spoke to a reuters reporter here who had seen the ambulance he was put into and said there was no trace of any bullets going into that ambulance. they have seen his body in the morgue here which they say has got a gunshot wound to the head. the question is how did he get that gunshot wound to the head and it seemed it must have happened between him being taken in that video clearly still alive and at some point before he gets in that ambulance, being apparently shot in the head. >> lindsay, have you heard from
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anyone you talked to today in the brigade what happened to -- you said there were possibly african fighters with gadhafi. were they killed as well? >> some of them were certainly injured. it's not clear whether they were killed or not. i learned that the defense minister was also dead when they found him and one of the fighters i spoke to was wearing his watch. he had taken that off the body. i have to say that to us this may sound extremely grizzly. but here, many libyans are a little confused about why they are so worried about the manner of colonel gadhafi's death because what they say is he killed tens of thousands of people and now it's over. and they are relieved. they have a very different way of looking at it. >> and dan, lindsay raises a good point which is, does it really matter how colonel
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gadhafi died given his history, given what he did to the people you talked to, does it matter today to the libyans you talk to? does it matter? >> i don't think to the libyans i talk to except for one man that we met in sirte who was angry about everything that happened. he was clearly a gadhafi supporter. he was very angry with the state that sirte is left in now. it's a decimated city and he was furious his home had been destroyeded and that the colonel had been killed. so there are people out there amazingly who did support colonel gadhafi. human rights put it quite well. they put it like this. this is the first day of a new libya. and the first day of a new libya has been marked by they think the execution of a man that should have been put on trial. and that is a terribly kind of worrying way to start a new country and potentially a new democratic process. >> dan rivers, stay safe.
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lindsay hilsum, as well. surprise new details on steve jobs' battle with cancer. was he close to i an cure and did he make a decision that cost him his life? now new details being revealed in a new biography. dr. sanjay gupta is here. and police bust a so-called black market baby ring. children sold before they were even born. we're going to tell you how many they finally -- how they finally were able to bring this ring down. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest...
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tonight we're learning new information about steve jobs and his battle with cancer. the apple co-founder kept his treatment private from everyone. in an interview with walter isakson, he opened up about one painful decision. he chose to put off life saving surgery and go with alternative treatments instead. isakson recounts their conversation on "60 minutes." >> steve jobs doesn't get operated on right away. he tries to treat it with diet. he goes to spiritualists, goes to var ways of doing it macrobiotically and he doesn't get an operation. >> why doesn't he get it operated on immediately? >> i've asked him that. he said, i didn't want my body to be opened. i didn't bant to be violated in that way. he's regretful about it and his wife who's a very solid decent person understood it but said
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no, no, the body is there to serve the spirit. you should get this operated on. soon everybody is telling him quit trying to treat it with all these roots and vegetables and things. just get operated on. but he does it nine months later. >> i discussed all this with dr. sanjay gupta. >> sanjay, it's interesting, jobs waited nine months to have surgery based on what we know, how much of a difference could that have made had he acted sooner? >> you know, i think the mantra is always you want to try and treat things as early as possible. there's a couple things to keep in mind. first of all, people are probably going to try and figure out exactly how much of a difference that made and i think that's probably impossible to do. i don't think it can be done. certainly not now. but i think the more important point, anderson was the second part of that which is that at the time he did have surgery ultimately after his biopsy and then surgery, a few months later, they were able to remove the tumor according to the reports that i've read, the doctors that i've spoken to, some who cared for him.
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so if the concern was i wait and therefore, the tumor becomes inoperable, that wasn't the case even several months later, the operation was still, quote unquote, successful in terms of removing the visible mass of tumor. >> according to i cacson, jobs didn't want his body open because he didn't want "to be violated in that way." how common is it for patients to have that kind of reaction to surgery? >> you know, it's pretty common, in fact, i've had patients say that to me about you know operations that i thought were necessary for them. and it's understandable i think to some extent, it's a spiritual thing. you know, your belief in just how connected are the spirit and the body, for example. so you know, people are going to approach that in different ways. >> jobs also chose to rely on fruit juices, acupuncture, herschel remedies. a lot of people initially opt to take that route as well, don't they? >> i think they do. this is obviously a very dicey
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sort of line for people to be walking because on one hand, you know, obviously, there are some tumors we just don't have the great treatments for so to say look, i'm going to try something alternative may make perfect sense. the flipside of that is with these types of tumors the question you raise in the beginning will always remain. had he not done that and done some of the more mainstream approaches in terms of surgery and the potential chemotherapy, would it have made a difference. a lot of patients do think about what are all my various options out there and some of them aren't sort of square with mainstream medicine. >> he was one of 20 people in the world to have all the genes of his cancer tumor and his normal dna sequence -- dna sequenced. what is the purpose of having that done? it costs like $100,000. >> that's right. at the time, you know, when you look at the tumor and try and look for the specific defects, genetic defects, there's two things you're trying to answer. first of all, can you address
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the particular defect that's allowing this tumor to grow. number one. and number two, you know, based on the genetic queensing of the tumor, might you find medications that are going to be more effective. so it can kind of give you two areas of guidance on this. it doesn't always work and in part it doesn't always work because there's not enough tumors that have been sequenced to say convincingly say what's going to work and what's not going to work. that's the route and that's why people pay the money to get this done? >> 2009, there were reports he underwent a liver transplant. how was that connected to the kind of tumor he had? >> we've been reporting on this almost since he announced it, which was two months by the way after he had the liver transplant. you'll remember it was sort of done very covertly at the time. the best answer that i really received on this and again, it is rare, it is rare to do a liver transplant for this reason and this is a repair tumor. this isn't something that's done often.
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if the tumor had spread, it was most lick likely to spread to the liver. at that point, one of the treatments that can be very effective is a liver transplant as opposed to just continuing chemotherapy or even operative therapy at that point, a liver transplant can take care of the mate static, the spread of this particular tumor. i think that was the goal. >> thanks very much. >> thank you. we're following a number of other stories tonight. susan hendricks joins us with a 360. >> the death of moammar gadhafi inspiring new protests in yemen and syria. demonstrators is sending syrian dictator bashir al assad by waving libya's russell rugsry flag along with their own. security forces there responded with force. opposition groups report at least 24 protesters killed. new hampshire tv station wmur is reporting all five of michele bachmann staffers in the state resigned and at least one is jumping ship to rick perry's team. the bachmann says it is unaware
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of the staff members quitting. walmart is rolling back health care benefits for part time employees and raising premiums for those who work full-time. they will blame rising prices. you got to see this. a bench-clearing brawl at the arizona ucla football game. it happened moments after a streaker dressed as a referee stormed the field. two players were kicked out. the streaker faces felony charges. arizona won, by the way. >> i don't get it. they were fighting over the streaker. >> i think they were just angry and distracted. >> hmm. all right. susan, thanks very much. coming up, after the tragic events in ohio that left dozens of wild animals dead. a move by the governor. also ahead, heart breaking story about babies for sale, sold to the highest bidder before they were even born. and the women who set out to be surrogates who wanted to do the right thing and ended up involved in a black market baby ring. >> i didn't want to be pregnant anymore.
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in crime and punishment tonight, black market babies sold before they're even born. authorities busted up a ring that sold unborn babies to the highest bidder that used unknowing surrogates as pawns and preyed on the emotions of everyone involved. sandra endohas the story. >> behind the eyes of this 8-month-old girl is a story of
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corruption. >> surrogacy is something that gives for a lifetime. and in this case, i wanted to help a childless couple. >> but that desire to give put heather on a path towards a very dark and criminal place. her journey began like many surrogates. she posted online ads on fertility websites and hoped to find the right fit with prospective parents. >> it's almost like dating. you put your ad out there. >> early last year, this woman, carla chambers from las vegas answered her ad and said she was was a surrogacy agency and worked with two of the most prominent and well renowned fertility attorneys in the field. >> she was looking for future surrogates for an eastern europe transfer. >> chambers told her she would be flown to a clinic in ukraine to get implanted with embryos from unknown donors. she was promised $38,000. slightly more than the average surrogacy rate.
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but she would have to pay up front for her own medical costs. and if she had a viable pregnancy into the second trimester, then and only then would she be matched with intended parents. so she decided to do it. cancer survivor alisha and her husband scott who do not want their last names disclosed were not able to have kids on their own. they were friends with heather, so they contacted the agency she was working with to find out about using a surrogate. but something didn't feel right. >> we'd like you to wire $35,000 and then we'll move into the contract phase. something was odd at that point. >> reporter: in total, the agency was asking intended parents for up to $180,000 per baby. more than double the average cost. promising designer babies, in race and gender. heather was also starting to feel unsettled. >> about the eighth week, i was a little uncomfortable.
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i was being presented with all these couples that supposedly wanted to match with me and then i'd never hear about them again. >> her suspicions were confirmed. at 18 weeks pregnant she found out she was a pawn in an operation to sell babies. >> so what went through your mind when you found out the fbi was investigating the people you were working with? >> i was scared. i was shocked. >> scared and shocked because the fbi told heather she was carrying a baby created just for profit. and she wasn't alone. at least 11 other surrogates were also involved in the scam. and all of them say they didn't know it was actually illegal to start a surrogacy pregnancy before being matched with intended parents. >> hello. >> hi. >> as part of their case, the fbi wiretapped conversations with the ringleaders. here an intended parent confronts lawyer hillary neiman after things didn't add up. >> we had a huge problem. >> what's going on? >> my child now has zero genetic
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information. you have sent meet lies. this is a fraud. and you are a flesh peddler. >> and listen as carla chambers against defensive when questioned by a surrogate's lawyer. >> i do not comprehend or find any legality in why you think this is still a surrogacy when you didn't have a contract before she got pregnant. i'm not sure what makes you think you can get away with that. >> i'm not a lawyer. i'm not a lawyer. >> officials say carla chambers, hillary neiman and teresa ericson preyed on unwitting surrogates for the an least four years, selling unborn babies to the highest bidder. here's how it worked. chambers arranged for surrogates to be impregnated with donated embryos. neiman preyed on desperate parents. eriksson falsified documents in san diego superior court to close the transaction.
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special agenting in charge keith slaughter. >> trafficking in human life without having a parent ahead of time is really i think quite troubling. it crosses that line i think from the surrogate adoption type world to simply dealing with children as commodities. >> reporter: officials say they pocketed millions from their scheme which produced about a dozen babies. authorities say there could be more. all three women who ran the ring refused cnn's repeated requests for comment and they pleaded guilty to charges of wire fraud and conspiracy. they face a maximum of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. law enforcement officials say in exchange for their guilty pleas, they're recommending home detention for the three women instead of serving time in jail. all three will have to pay restitution. even though officials successfully shut down the illegal operation, heather was still pregnant with no parents in place to claim the baby.
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>> i didn't want to be pregnant anymore. i wanted to separate myself from the situation and you can't do that when you're pregnant. with a baby that's almost viable. i mean, she's kicking, she's moving. she's a constant reminder having never been paid a dime, heather ended up giving birth to this beautiful baby girl. the wary couple she was friends with, alecia and scott never did sign with the illegal agency but still wanted to have children. so the couple legally adopted heather's baby. now they all have a lifelong bond. >> how will you explain to her her berth story? i will tell her how much i love her and that -- that i did this because i love her mom and dad and that she is forever going to bless so many lives and that she's here because of a bad choice that i made but in hindsight it wasn't so bad.
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>> sandra endojoins us now live from kansas city. your piece mentioned this had been going on for a while and there were a number of babies produced. what's going to happen to them? >> well, anderson, authorities were able to track down most of the babies produced in this scheme and they found that they are in loving homes. the intended parents, the surrogates, and the babies produced from this the scam are victims here. so they're not going to be punished and authorities say they're not going to take these babies from their new families. >> yeah. i've met a number of these surrogates involved in this. unbeknownst to themselves. what does the surrogate sit community hope is going to change following this crime. >> reporter: it's interesting, given that you have met a lot of the victims. they all say that surrogacy is a beautiful thing, especially for families who can't have kids of their own. so obviously, they want surrogacy to be available for people. however, there's only a patchwork of laws throughout the country regarding surrogacy, and
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it's really surrogacy agencies that are largely unregulated and there is really no oversight over them as one surrogacyics pert told me, it's easier to open up a surrogacy agency than it is to get licensing for a food truck to sell tacos on the sidewalk. clearly they want new rules implemented. >> these embryos were being created in labs overseas and the surrogates were sent overseas. if you're involved in a surrogate sit involved overseas, there's less oversight. coming up, the latest in the michael jackson death trial. the defense getting its chance to grill a key prosecution witness. also, a 360 follow on the wild animals let loose in ohio. how the governor wants to make sure it never happens again.
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coming up one of our favorites, the turtle man gets a makeover. first, susan hendricks. >> anderson, in the michael jackson death trial, the defense began cross-examining dr. steven shafer, was heated today. shaffer is the prosecution's star anesthesiologist expert and claims michael jackson died because dr. murray failed to notice the singer stop breathing when he was administered the anesthetic propofol. the defense could get the case next week. then the jury. a cadaver home searching the home of lisa irwin made a positive hit in her mother's
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bedroom. that's according to court records in the case. baby lisa was last seen october 4th. a 360 follow, ohio's governor has signed an executive order instructing police to identify places where dangerous wild animals are being held and enforce laws on the books to keep them safe after you know the story, the owner of the animal preserve in that state freed 56 wild animals from his property before killing himself. six of those animals are now at the columbus zoo. is the rest killed due to public safety concerns. how about this, some people are questioning why apple chose a female voice here in the u.s. for its its voice recognition feature called siri. experts say it's because most people prefer the soothing voice of a woman, not a man. keep in mind the apple service uses a male's voice in the uk and france. >> interesting how they chose differently. news about a 360 favor. the one and only turtleman in
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and while it's hard to explain, you have to behold the glory that is turtleman. >> stir it up more here. got one. whoo-hoo. just reach down and whoo. whoo. >> i don't have no horns. so i just do this. that's why i do it. i try not to smile because i got my teeth knocked out by a chain saw. whoo-hoo. whoo. >> whoo. turtleman's cry, his back woods wisdom, his dental work via chain saw, i would love to know the rest of that story, by the way. we just immediately loved everything about this guy. we showed the clips and recently turtleman sent us this.
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take a look. >> anderson cooper, i'm challenging you to a contest to come on down and do a turtle hunt with me right here in kentucky. the pond is waiting for you. live action. yee-yee. >> best invitation ever. ever. yee. i got to work on my yee, yee. i'm going to have to check my schedule but i am seriously getting me some of that live action. the pond is waiting. we're not the only ones who noticed turtleman because big news, he's going to have his own tv show called "call of the wild man," and starts november 6th on and i planet. we are thrilled for turtleman, but we're a little bit worried. take a look at some of these promo shots for the new show. does it look like a spread from gq? it looks like he has a new haircut, clean shaven, dare i say stylized?
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could it be he's gone hollywood? we liked him just the way he was and the new gussied upped turtleman. i don't know, it makes me worry. before we jump to conclusions, take a look at the new show. >> i love all animals and i saved his life. and, of course, i like to save all animals lives. >> no, no, where is the algae covered swamp, the mud, the bare hands, extracting snapping turtles from the murky depths, the signature yell? >> oh, man! >> battle royal just like wrestling. he was all over that turtle and that turtle was all over him. he's never thinking of the consequences. all about the turtle. >> here he comes. he's got him. yes! >> what a turtle! >> while-who. >>ernie's a whole
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