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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  October 24, 2011 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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your mortgage or borrow money could soon change. also, the u.s. and north korea talk nukes. a serious concern for babies and a volcano erupts under water. time to play reporter roulette on this monday. dan lothian, let's begin in las vegas with you where the president is slated to speak in a little bit of time. dan as we know fitting background for the president to talk about homeowners specifically. what should we expect? >> reporter: that's right. this is the sort of ground zero for the foreclosure crisis. in fact, according to zilla, that online real estate resource, 85% of the homes in nevada are underwater. in other words, people owe more on their homes than they're actually worth. and from the peak of the real estate market here, prices have dropped by 53% in the state, by 59% in the las vegas area. so the president is coming here to not only give homeowners in this area some hope but
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homeowners across the country by relaxing some of the tough rules that have made it very difficult for homeowners to refinance, allowing them to not have to go through a credit check or get an appraisal again. again, the big key that is seen as holding back the economic recovery is the pressure on the real estate market and the white house, the president hoping that this will provide some relief. >> so we will hear from the president in a bit talking about refinancing. i know that's not his only stop out west. tell me about what else we'll hear from him. >> reporter: that's right. the president pushing his jobs bill but also raising some money for his campaign. he will be holding six fund-raisers across three states, according to a democratic official. he's expected to haul in more than $4 million. one of the star-studded events later tonight in los angeles, more than $35,000 per person. that will be a gathering of some latino stars including the mayor of los angeles, of course, a big
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group that the president is really trying to reach out to as he tries to get success in 2012. so the president pulling in some cash on this trip as well. >> air force one, perfect timing, serendipity at its best, landing there in las vegas on the tarmac. dan lothian, thank you so much. next on reporter roulette, brian todd in washington on north korea's nuclear program and another effort to stop it. brian, what's the u.s. doing now? >> brooke, u.s. officials are in geneva, switzerland for talks directly with north korean officials. this is kind of a preliminary set of talks to lay the foundation for a resumption of further, more serious negotiations with the north about disarming their nuclear program. u.s. officials were encouraged boy meeting in july and want to kind of keep that ball rolling a bit. they were also encouraged that the north met directly with the south koreans recently in an effort to try to at least talk about north korea's nuclear
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program. some really serious concerns there because north korea has tested nuclear weapon underground at least once, test-fired missiles, provoktory actions over the years. they want to try to pull back from the brink a little bit. these talks in geneva may be a first step toward doing that. >> but, brian, it does also make you wonder, you think about north korea sees the u.s. take out bin laden, they see what happened with gadhafi. we're taking out terrorists. does that give them any incentive to be more forthcoming? >> it may very well, brooke, because the north korean leader kim jong-il as strange and her met ick as he is is known to be a voracious consumer of the news. he watches a lot on tv. he he keeps up with things. we've gotten an inside look at that when he's talked about that when with people from the west met with them. he knows what's going on in the world. he sees the developments in the middle east. he sees what happened to bin laden. the equation changes, though, when you realize he may very
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well have a nuclear weapon right now, he may have the ability to deploy it right now. he has a little more leverage maybe than some of the other leaders have. he comes at this with somewhat a position of strength. >> brian todd in washington. brian, thank you. next, eddedded kating new parents about shaken baby syndrome. we're bringing in elizabeth cohen. one hospital started an education program, able to reduce this by 75%. >> when you hear a number by that, it it's cause to celebrate. shaikhen baby syndrome is obviously a teshlg situation where a parent becomes so frustrated they shake the baby. it's the leading cause of traumatic death under the age of 1. the program is very simple. the maternity nurses talked to the mom about it and talked to them about things to do when you're feeling that frustrated and exhausted. >> so then what do you do when
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you're feeling frus tate traited and exhausted with a crying baby? >> i'm going to suggest some things, some of them i think parents will say, i tried that, but i'll go through the list because of some them maybe some haven't tried. for example, listen to repetitive noise like a clothes dryer. it's like white noise, repeats itself. >> interesting. >> go figure. walking outdoors helps, sometimes just feeling the wind a little bit of change that helps them. rocking them, humming or singing to the baby often helps. this was my favorite. i you did this more than once. put the baby in a car seat and take a ride. 2:00 in the morning, doesn't matter. if i couldn't get my daughter -- >> that was your go ha-to? >> oh, yeah. also carrying the baby in a carrie carrier. they it love that. >> the information comes from a study of the peers and journal of pediatrics but also talks about other important messages to parents such as? >> i think it's really important for parents to know that you can
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walk away from a crying baby. put that baby in a safe place like their crib. >> it's hard for a lot of moms and dads. >> it is hard, but you are better off being in the next room than shaking your child. your child will be okay if he or she cries as long as they're in a safe place. go to another room, get yourself together, calm down, and then go back to the baby. i think sometimes new parents think, the baby's crying, i've got to address it this very second. not true as long as they're safe. you can go into the next room. >> i always remember my mom would count to ten. it's okay. >> right. when you're exhausted you're not in your right mind. >> elizabeth cohen, thank you. finally here on reporter roulette, let's go to meteorologist jacqui jeras, i heard about this this morning, talk to me about this, the canary islands in spain, there's this underwater volcano? >> yeah. it's an active volcano, a recent eruption here. there's the canary islands off
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the coast of africa, the smallest island on the end is where the underwater eruption has occurred. now, there's been a reaction as a result of this, and it has changed the color of the water. take a look at that. >> yeah. >> from a distance, brooke, you look at this and you kind of think, wow, that almost looks like an algae bloom. >> it's green. >> it's green and it's not algae. it's actually the gases that are being emitted. sulfur, by the way, is one of the prominent gases emitted by a volcano. it's dangerous to fish. there's been quite a fishkill associated with this. and the whole green area there extends about a mile and a half out from where this volcano erupted. this has been really active in the last couple of months. in fact, since july there have been a series of earthquakes here, we're talking about 10,000 of them, that's an incredible number but they're very weak earthquakes, so that's an indication that some of this
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magma has been developing in that area. we've been seeing some of that there. right now they say it's no harm to humans. there are about 10,000 people that live in the islands and they're not evacuating. >> wow. underwater volcano erupting. jacqui jeras, thank you very much. that is reporter roulette for this monday. also, this very second, you have these two inmates on the loose somewhere presumably in florida. when the lights came on this morning, prison guards discovered they were gone. wait until you hear the obstacles they probably had to get through. also -- an american diver believed to have been killed by a great white shark. now there is a hunt for it. i'll talk with an expert from the discovery channel about this particular search. also -- secrets revealed about the life of steve jobs, including his reputation at work as a monster and how his feelings about god and the afterlife actually manifested themselves in his own product. also -- we're continuing to follow this breaking story out of north carolina. two schools on lockdown after
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this apparent shooting. stay right here. ♪ [ male announcer ] we're not employers or employees. not white collar or blue collar or no collars. we are business in america. and every day we awake to the same challenges. but at prudential we're helping companies everywhere find new solutions to manage risk, capital and employee benefits, so american business can get on with business. ♪
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i tell you what i can spend. i do my best to make it work. i'm back on the road safely. and i saved you money on brakes. that's personal pricing. back to the breaking story out of fayetteville, north carolina. new details on that school shooting. as i tell you about this, look at these live pictures from our affiliate out of raleigh-durham wtvd. these are students from two schools on lockdown, cape fear high school and mack williams middle school, clearly lining out of these schools because they are on code red lockdown. here's what we're learning from wral. they have just spoken to the cumberland county sheriff's office. they say the victim, this female victim, who was shot in her neck is at p cape fear high school, she is 15 years of age, shot on the grounds of the school during
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today's lunch period. her injury is quite serious and the police say there is a wooded area near the school where people hunt. so it is possible the shot came from the woods. again, 15-year-old girl seriously wounded by a gunshot to her neck. the high school and nearby middle school are on luckdown as you continue to see students leaving the school, code red, as the grounds are being searched. more on that as we get it. more news unfolding right now. you're about to see it. let's begin with this. at least one killed and eight ours injured at kenya after an explosion at a bus station, the second blast of the day in nairobi, a day after the u.s. embassy warned of imminent terror attacks in kenya. early this morning at least 12 were hurt in a grenade attack in a nightclub. kenyan troops recently crossed into sew laum area in pursuit of
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islamist militants, they're threatening to launch terror attacks in response. a man hunt under way in florida for two men police consider extremely dangerous. rondell reed, the man on the left side of the screen, was awaiting trial for murder, leviticus, his cell mate, had already been convicted of murder. we're told the jail had razor wire and 12-foot walls. no word yet on how it was they escaped. also, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit turkey. hundreds are dead, more than a thousand hurt. rescuers are desperately searching right now for more surviv survivors. >> translator: there were knocking sounds and then there were two screams. we tried to pull the rubble ourselves but what can human power do? a lawyer for families suing over a deadly crash in 2009 say the airline was concerned about the pilot's ability but let him fly the plane anyway. 50 people died when that plane
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slammed into a house about five miles from its destination, the buffalo/niagara international airport. lawyers say the newly released e-mails showed the flight's operator colgan air doubted the pilot's ability but allowed him to fly nonetheless. in philadelphia a judge has set a preliminary hearing for mid-december for three of the four suspects of accused of imprisoning those mentally disabled adults. police say they kept the adults locked up in this basement and may have been holding seven other people including two small children. the lawyer for the suspected ringleader, linda weston, says he may seek a competency hearing. >> at this point, i do not believe she appreciates the seriousness of the charges and she certainly doesn't appreciate the element of the offenses. we can debate whether or not a defendant needs to understand each of the specific elements of an offense, but ultimately she has to be able to communicate with me about this case.
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>> weston's attorney says he plans to meet with her again this week. and a hiker rescued after ten days alone in the wilderness, he was airlifted out of the mountains near vancouver, canada. the hiker was hype therm ick, delusional and close to death. >> could hear them, they didn't hear me. >> he had written on his forearm all of his information, when you find my body, this is who i am. >> he was taken to the hospital and is reportedly doing okay. now to something else i saw, wanted you to see. looks like a guitar. you know i love guitars. this guy's mansion, grounds all guitar shaich ped. this is in birmingham, alabama. some pictures inside. you would think the owner was a musician, right? nope, actually a ceo in the medical field, came up with the idea, now selling the place for nearly $18 million. coming up next --
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what is more dangerous, driving to the beach or once you're there getting into the water with a great white shark? an american diver killed after an encounter with a great white. now crews are looking for it after a series of attacks. so how does a search like this even go down? andy deehart is standing by for us from the discovery channel. hear what he says about a rogue shark targeting humans. of more than 540 miles per tank. so you can catch morning tee time in monterey and the afternoon meeting in los angeles, all without running out of gas. just make sure you don't run out of gas. ♪
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this next one is really the kind of story that sends chills down your spine. conjuring our worst fears, swimming if the ocean, the thought of then swimming in the ocean with sharks, let alone some sort of great white shark. let me tell you this story. scuba diver george thomas
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wayneright of houston was attacked and killed over the weekend by this ten-foot great white shark just off of western australia. and keep in mind this was the third fatal shark attack in the area in less than two months. now local fisheries experts are launching what certain people are deeming a questionable effort here to hunt down and kill this particular shark that killed wayneright. i want to bring in andy dehart, an advisory for shark week at discovery channel. let me begin with this. how do you even begin to hunt for a specific shark in the middle of the ocean? how does that work? >> certainly these are tragic cases and the families do kind of want closure on this. but the hard part is looking for one shark in a very big ocean, and the ability to do that quickly in a way before the shark is able to digest any possible evidence kind of makes
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it it a hard task to achieve. >> how do you literally find this shark? is this shark dead or alive, first of all? >> the shark is probably very much alive and unfortunately the way to catch the shark is use a lot of baited hooks. unfortunately, in the process figuring out if this is the right shark is to kill that shark and then cut it off and knee cropcy. >> is there such a thing as a rogue shark? do they really go after people or do they see a person and mistake it for food, something they would eat? >> certainly the rogue shark theory is something that's been around long before the movie "jaws" but inspired the movie. it's kind of wildly dismissed by science that there's not a shark out there that figures out that humans are easy prey. we know there's over 500 species of sharks. not a single one of them has human beings as part of their regular diet.
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usually this is a case of mistaken identity. there may have been a wrong signal, a murky day in the water. the shark is just going after a normal diet, in this case they typically feed on seals and sea lions. >> perhaps in some cases the families want closure, perhaps australia wants to find this particular shark. but do you think the idea of searching for this shark, is it legitimate? >> it's really not. i mean, the options of trying to find this one shark are very minimal. the other thing it leads to is a lot of bycatch. they'll be killing a lot of other sharks in this area and unfortunately we don't have a lot to fear from shark but they have a lot to fear from us. we kill many. just to get closure, we need to look at ways we may better utilize beach safety. i know this area of australia does a lot of aerial patrols. that's kind of my recommendation, to get back to the aerial patrols, close beaches from time to time.
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but don't go after killing the sharks. >> but, from the other perspective, andy, if you're australia and you want to continue having scuba divers or tourists to this part of australia and you're thinking there's a great white out there, there's been three attacks in seven weeks, we need to find that shark, can you just address that concern? it's viable. >> certainly. first and foremost it's probably not the same shark. there's probably multiple sharks. all the folks who live in western australia are very comfortable knowing this is an area great whites live in. we know great white numbers have dropped over time. but this is it a large coastal area and since 2000 there's only been seven fatalities, this is the seventh in the whole western australia in 11 years. you really need to look at risk. it's far more dangerous to drive to the beach, risk of fatality in a car accident than it is to be involved in a shark bite incident at a beach. >> wow, i guess final question. is there really any way to prevent shark attacks? >> there's certainly some things
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we do recommend. we recommend that it people don't swim at dusk and dawn, the peak shark feeding times. also be aware of your surroundings. if there's a lot of marine mammals or bait fish in the area, beware and get out of the water. discretion is a better part of valor. we do know the first attack that happened in western australia in september, it's right around the corner from a very large seal area. be wise with what beaches you're going to. >> andy dehart, thank you so much for talking sharks with me. tragic story nonetheless for these folks who lost their son. thank you. now this -- >> what's worse is it's happening in the one place that they feel the safest, and that is in their own home. >> still ahead, this very second police say a serial rapist is on the loose and his victims have one specific trait in common. they all belong to the same sorority. we're on the case. also, news in regarding politics, including chaos in michele bachmann's camp.
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> now mark preston joins me with a look at america's choice 2012, political update here. mark, so occupy wall street, we have a new cnn/orc poll. what are people saying? >> well, you know, it's interesting, brooke. there's been so much talk about the occupy wall street movement. but what do americans think about it? let's take a look at these new you numbers just released a couple of hours ago. what's surprising about these number sz that four in ten americans are unsure, they don't even have an opinion about the movement. as we see there, 32% have a favorable opinion, 29% have an unfavorable opinion, which begs the question, why do four in ten americans have no opinion about this movement that's been talked a lot about on the news and in cable television. the reason being is, they haven't run any television ads, haven't done press releases. this is kind of a conversation
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keating holland our polling director and i were having a few moments ago about that. right now it is a grass roots movement. there's no paid media behind it. so in torder to take the next step, they'll have to start doing that. as you teased it at the top before we made the turn into this segment, chaos right now in the michele bachmann campaign, at least that's what her former new hampshire staffers are saying. they released a memo today with a scathing indictment of the campaign. let me read a couple of things. they described the campaign as in chaos. they said that the national campaign has shifting strategies. they said that the staffers on the michele bachmann national campaign were rude, unprofessional, dishonest and at times cruel. now, these five new hampshire staffers for michele bachmann have quit the campaign. cnn tried to reach outed and get some comment, immediate comment, to see what they had to say about these allegations. we didn't hear back. however, the national spokeswoman will be on john king
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usa in a couple of hours so we'll hear their side of the story. brooke? >> we'll look for that 6:00 eastern. mark preston, thank you so much. also, some brand new developments in the hunt for missing infant lisa irwin. witnesses have come forward saying they saw a man walking in the street the night this little girl disappeared. well, now there is surveillance video showing something that may move this case forward. you're going to see that. plus, dozens of muslim drivers say they're being fired for praying. and they're about to go to battle with a huge american business. sunny hostin is "on the case." had she is next. my mother froze everything.
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murky video, this mystery man walking alone in the middle of the night, could this video be the clue that possibly breaks open the case of missing baby lisa? this is gas station surveillance video, this is from the night at the time 10 month, now 11-month-old lisa irwin
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disappeared right out of her crib. it shows this man walking down the street 2:15 in the morning two miles from the irwin home. sunny hostin "on the case," could this at all back up the parents' story that their baby was kidnapped? >> well, it certainly could, brooke. not only could it back p up their contention, it could also back up several witness statements. remember, there are several witnesses that say that they saw a man dressed in a t-shirt walking alone in this area, coming out of a wooded area, holding a baby. remember, this happened october 3rd, it was cold outside. what each witness remarked about was that the baby didn't have a blanket. the baby wasn't clothed well and they found that odd. i believe there's no question that this could possibly support their contention that their baby was abducted. because, remember, baby abductions, infant abductions, very, very rare. they usually, when they happen, do have a happy ending because these children are taken by
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people that want children, not necessarily by people that are going to harm these children. so we could be hearing, perhaps, i hope, good news. >> hopefully. hopefully. we also know that the parents of little lisa attended this emotional prayer vigil outside their home sunday. i know police have been focusing so, so much on the two of them. is it too much? is that possible? >> you know, i don't think so. let's face it, the baby was last seen in their home, they are the keys to unraveling this mystery. because it really is a mystery, isn't it, at this point? so i don't think that the police can really hone in on them enough. they need to know every single detail of the moments before her disappearance. >> also, we know that the police had that search warrant, they were going all through the backyard, inside this home, as jim spellman was telling us friday. they were able to go in because this cadaver found a positive hit in the bedroom. do we know, then, the next step?
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do we know what police found once they were on property? >> we don't know. i mean, we certainly do know, as you mentioned, an fbi cadaver dog did pull up a scent, a human scent, on the bedroom floor of the bradleys' bedroom. "don't know that that gives us that much. that was contained in the police affidavit. in a lot of these cases they try to keep some of the details close to the vest because it's an ongoing investigation and we're talking about an infant that's missing. we don't know that much about what was recovered inside, but we do know this case has received national attention and that police are on the case. >> case number two that i want to talk about. some people are outraged here, out of seattle sea-tac airport. you have hertz firing 26 muslim drivers who refused to clock out for their prayer breaks. is hertz within its rights to fire these people? >> well, it's possible, brooke. i mean, i've said it on this program many, many times and we've talked about this. you can -- most people are employees at will so you can
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hire and fire folks for no reason or any reason at all. but it has to be a nondiscriminatory reason. so i did reach out to hertz, they did give me a statement. what they're saying is, listen, this is not about religious discrimination. this has never been about religious tolerance. for decades worldwide, including more than 15 years in seattle, hertz has accommodated and supported our muslim employees. they are saying that all they've done is ask that the employees abide by this requirement, that they clock out for breaks. that's apparently embodied in the union agreement. my understanding is that
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clocking out became necessary there because there were a large number of employees that chronically abused these break privileges which were being extended unreasonably for nonreligious purposes. hertz saying, no, this is not about discrimination. this is a firing of employees at will for nondiscriminatory reasons. >> but then we've heard from the union representing these drivers, they say they have filed complaints, i guess, before alleging unfair labor practices and religious discrimination. does the union have any kind of case? >> well, they certainly have to prove that this firing was connected to discrimination, religious discrimination. my understanding is that this is
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going to be going through the grievance process, the arbitration process, because it they were unionized employees. they've also indicated they are going to file a complaint of the eeoc of religious discrimination and also on nlrb, national labor relations board, claiming unfair labor practices. i think this will be litigated on variation fronts, but the question remains, were they fired because of their religion, because they needed to take prayer breaks, or were they fired because they didn't adhere to the policy that they had to punch out when they were taking these breaks? so that's really the crucial issue. why were they fired? that's go tock litigated. >> "on the case." sunny hostin, as always, thank you. coming up next -- just weeks after his death, secrets are being revealed about the life of steve jobs. i'll speak with someone who has read the new biography, which hits bookstores today, find out how steve jobs viewed religion, how it played a role in his products and why lsd was at one point or another one of the most important things in this man's life.
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nearly three weeks after steve jobs died, the apple co-founder and visionary still dominates what's trending online, and no doubt what is feeding a lot of this fascination, his biography simply titled "steve jobs" which
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comes out today. in this book it reveals jaw-droppers like his view on drugs. i want to play this for you. listen to what he told his biographer walter isaacson who then told cbs' "60 minutes." >> definitely you taking lsd is one of the most important things in my life. not the most important but right up there. >> joining me now, "new york times" bits blogger, nick builten, one of the fortunate few who got an advanced copy of this 630-page biography. nick, i have a bunch of questions. what i found pretty fascinating off the top here is the reason why steve jobs never actually you put an on/off switch on any of his apple products. explain that for us. >> there's a moment at the end of the book, i don't want to give away the ending, but there's a moment where steve jobs is talking with walter isaacson, talking about if he believes in religion and in an afterlife and all of these
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things. jobs says he has a 50/50 view on it, he partially believes there's an afterlife or something happens after and partially believe it's not. i think he's actually kind of joking around but partly serious. he says, you know, maybe that's why i didn't put an on/off switch on my computer because i don't know what happens afterwards. is it just a click afterward we're done? >> also interesting, his family. we know steve jobs was given up for adoption as a baby. he eventually met his biological mother and became good friends with his sister but unknowingly met his biological father. >> i think that's one of the themes that propelled jobs to search for what he ended up doing with his life, which is finding a balance between the science and humanities and technology and religion and so on. but his whole life he really was searching for why his parents had given him up for adoption, which i think led him to experiment with lsd. there's an interesting part where he finds out that he actually knew his biological
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father but didn't know at the time, and his father had actually owned a restaurant, a diner i believe, in aloe alto where jobs grew up. he spent a lot of time there and they met a couple of times. he didn't find out for years later. >> we heard the clip with regard to the lsd, one of the most important things of his life. what did he mean by that? >> well, in the early days, you know, when he first started going to college and before he went to college he took a trip to india and he did a lot of experimentations, originally started smoking weed and then started taking lsd. he talks about these moments of when he really knew that lsd would take him to this place that didn't exactly exist, but when he was done taking it it gave minimum this whole different opening and view on life. he talks about listening to bob dylan with his girlfriend in this field and watching the hay blow in the wind and tripping on acid. so he definitely used that throughout his life, in the
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early days especially. >> wow. you brought up bob dylan, music. this is a man who also really loved music, walter isaacson writes about their interview, he talked to his 40 different times, it was sort of punctuat d ed by music. >> yeah. he -- when steve jobs met steve wozniak, the co-founder of p apple, you know, they had three things in common. they loved technology. they loved pulling pranks when they were in school. and they were really good at that. but they also loved music. one of the things that they did in the early friendship is they would drive around southern california and they would look for bob dylan bootleg of all the concerts he had done. i think that followed them through both of their lives, their love for music and bob dylan. >> what, nick, was the one detail, anecdote, that surprised you the most about steve jobs? >> i think what really surprised me the most is that, you know, he's someone that a lot of people have idolized and he did an amazing thing for technology, for society, all the things he's
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invented and been a part of. i think what i found fascinating is what made him create these great things are the struggles and turmoils he went through in his life. in the beginning of his life, he struggled trying to understand adoption and why. later on he wanted to understand what to do with his life. at one point he said he was actually going to be a spiritual zen master but decided against it. you can see these struggles that follow him through his whole life. i think that's what made him make these great products. >> and he sought out isaacson to write the bbiography. i can't wait to read the book. you can go to to read an exclusive excerpt from the book, details when steve jobs blew up at big gates for the little project called windows. go to be now this -- >> were involved in a particular
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sorority group. >> police say a serial rapist is on the loose and all the victims belong to the same sorority. but what apparently he knows about these women might prove these attacks not random. the manhunt is under way. luck? i don't trade on luck. i trade on fundamentals. analysis. information. i trade on tradearchitect. this is web-based trading, re-visualized. streaming, real-time quotes. earnings analysis. probability analysis: that's what opportunity looks like. it's all visual. intuitive. and it's available free,
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a crime wave near dallas, nex texas, threatens to shatter a sisterhood. four rapes in three suburbs in less than one year, this last attack just ten days ago. police say the suspect is going after women from the same sorority and members now are being warned not to tell anyone that they belong to this specific group. but the victims here, we're not talking young sorority girls in college. these women are all middle-aged
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in their 50s and 60s and all members of the delta sigma theta sorority group. i want you to listen to what scott goldstein told me about this last hour. >> police have this surveillance video of a man they're linking to one of these attacks, and while we watch that, tell me what exactly is it he is accused of doing to these women. >> well, from what we understand, the video is somehow connected to the second of the four attacks. it happened sometime in april in plano, which is north of dallas. they're not even telling us exactly what the video is from, but what they are telling us, the plano police believe this is very likely their suspect and he matches the description that all four of the women have given. and the women have also said that during the attacks, during the sexual assaults, he indicates he knows something about them, about their group. >> scott, what does that mean, he knows something about them? like what?
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>> well, clearly all four of these women, the common thread, is that they're a member of that sorority. but, you know, as far as details of what exactly is said, cops are being pretty tight-lipped on giving us those details. but they are saying that at this point they really don't think it's a coincidence anymore, that these four victims any more that these four victims are part of the same sorority alumni group. it is too much aftof a coincide. there is a lot of anxiety for the victims among the group. >> the suspect is described as much, much younger than the victims. >> yes. he could be -- it is kind of a vague description of heavy-set black man, i believe in his 30s. it is unclear what his connection or motive is. if they know a possible motive, they haven't shared it with us. it is pure speculation talking with experts that maybe this guy has something against this
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particular organization. but really, like i said, that's speculation at this point. i think they are appealing to public because they need help identifying him and hopefully somebody can recognize those videos and photos they have released. >> also with this story, all four sorority sisters were attacked late at night or early in the morning. the attacker found each woman home alone. >> in a few minutes, mr. wolf blitzer with the situation room in washington, d.c. wolf, who do you have today? >> wolf blitzer? paging wolf blitzer. >> let me hear what you said again. the audio is not -- speak again but softly and with distinction. go ahead. >> what? wolf. >> we are hearing all sorts of ambient sounds in the control room right now. we have a little competition going on. >> okay. my question is, what do you have coming up on the "the situation
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room" with wolf blitzer. >> oh, we have an excellent show coming up at the top of the hours in "the situation room." well speak to the outgoing iraqi ambassador to the united states. he is coming here. we will be speak live. he has some strong views about u.s.-iraqi relations, especially in the aftermath of what president obama announced on friday, that all u.s. troops would be out of iraq bit end of the year. so the ambassador will be here. well talk about what is going on. also we will speak to dan pfeifer. he is coming here as well. we have some good questions for him. we have a good strong show coming up here on the situation room. >> thank you very much. we will see you in a few. coming up here, will ferrell received a prestigious awrd for comedy. in fact, he was the 14th to get it. but the first to drop it. we have the video. plus, one story about a lawmaker who had the longest most troublesome days ever. he swallowed a gristle, as in
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those on your grill scraper. political pop. don't miss this one, next. [ nurse ] i'm a hospice nurse. britta olsen is my patient. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." ♪
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you ever have one ever those days, you know, nothing ever sees to be going right? one thing after another, just continues to happen to you? one lawmaker had one of those days just this past weekend and it happened on a pretty important day for him, election a day. joe johns is here with the story and political pop. and joe, okay --
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>> this is just unbelievable. >> it is unbelievable. i heard this morning. i've been waiting for this. it started out with a cook-out. >> first i got to say, he is running to be a lawmaker. first election ever. but this kind of takes a prize for the craziest election day. no joke. candidate, football election, chicken, two run off eelections and brand new baby girl. a republican from hammond, louisiana, first time running for office. on saturday he grills chicken wings at home. has a meal before going off to finish campaigning at a football game. feels a tick nell his throat. turns out it's pain. big pain. he gristle from the chicken but the pain hurts so bad a friend convinces him to go to the hospital. they do x-rays, they find out to is a tiny bristle from the brush he cleaned the grill with. went into his vocal cords
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threatening his lungs. two surgeries to get it out. in the second surgery he find he is leading in election for the state house seat but needs a run-off election. when he is fully conscious someone tells him, his wife hillary, right by his side through two surgeries, had gone into labor and was now giving birth a couple weeks early to their fourth daughter in the very same hospital wre just had the operations. there you go. there's a picture. baby ruby jane, born 12:07 p.m. app crazy day. congratulationses to the family. and hope chris has a swift recovery. i heard he went to work today. >> absolutely crazy. i have never heard of anything like that in my life. so he is a hopeful lawmaker. so he has a run off and he's got a new baby and the bristle is gone. okay. >> right. and may it never happen again. at least the bristle part. >> finally here, a comedian of
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snl fame honored over the weekend. >> right. another proud-winning moment. will ferrell, well known face in washington, actually managed to dot one thing anybody accepting ai an award tries hard not to do. you really just do not want to drop the award in front audience. and there you go. it shatters all over the place. just keeps talking. >> i hear laughter. >> i know, right. yeah. he actually said the kennedy center had been begging him to accept this award for 13 years and he said, no. fortunately though as the new york times reported, it was all a joke. the mark twain award was safe and sound. >> oh, it was a joke. >> right. he had basically splattered a prop into a thousand pieces on the floor. >> dihear correctly he was also inside the white house daily briefing friday? >> right. absolutely, he was inside the white house daily briefing. went over there to hang out with the press secretary. and take a few pictures of. you know, he is a real fixture
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in washington, d.c. he has spoken a lot at dinners here. people know him well and have enjoyed his comedy, quite frankly, at some of the best even media dirns around town. >> what is it about washington it attracts him? because he is such a highly sought-after, i don't know, emcee of events? >> commodity, i don't know. i can tell you this much, just from having experience trying to lure him to speak at one of these big dinners, is his kind of humor is suitably safe, if you will. it doesn't cross the line and go off into something so negative that would you have to defend for the rest of your life. and he is still very funny. >> he is very funny. that would be very fantastic to get a minute with him. excellent plit kol pop. thank you. quickly before i go, first up, this court hearing set for a california teenl anger accused of killing his gay classmate in '08. first trial for a 17-year-old. a judge declared


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