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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  October 27, 2011 8:00am-10:00am PDT

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campaign out there in iowa. why is that significant? wilson is the gentleman who helps mike huckabee win the iowa caucuses in 2008. we're heading into the final stretch run of this very long republican primary when you see staffing changes being announced. >> we'll follow it. we'll have your next political update in an hour. for all the latest political news go to our website. that does it for us, suzanne malveaux back in the hot seat. >> love it. live from studio seven i'm suzanne malveaux. want to get you up to speed for thursday, october 27th. dramatic video, this iraq war veteran is said to be fighting for his life in oakland, california. scott olson's skull was fractured when police forced occupy wall street protesters from a plaza at city hall.
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police fired tear gas canisters. it's not clear if that's what caused his wound. olson's injury prompted occupy wall street protesters in new york to rally in his support the movement continues to show life around the world. occupy protesters in pakistan marched on the world bank's offices in islamabad chanting down with capitalism. a deal made in europe is putting money in your pocket this morning. stocks jumped at the open after european leaders agreed on a plan to end their debt crisis. the dow jones up right now. we are looking at about 240 is the latest there. the deal hammered out in brussels aims to stabilize european banks and the european bailout fund. the u.s. economy picked up speed during the third quarter. more good news. the government says gdp grew
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2.5% between july and september. so that's almost double second quarter growth. gdp it's a broad gauge of goods and services that are produced by american workers. a grim revelation from the wife of the man behind the biggest ponzi scheme in history. >> i don't know whose idea it was. but we decided to kill ourselves because it was so horrendous who was happening. we had terrible phone calls, hate mail. just beyond anything. and i said i just can't go on anymore. >> bernie madoff's wife told "60 minutes" that the couple swallowed a handful of pills on christmas eve 2008. it was 13 days after madoff was arrested and his scheme cost investors billions got him 150
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years in prison. well tropical storm rina is on track to hit mexico tonight or friday. it was a category one hurricane, a few minutes ago forcasters said winds are below hurricane status. >> we were upset. we waited a long time to come here. and we thought we were going to have fun. and the first thing they told us is we have to evacuate. >> just enjoying the last bit of sun we can get on the beach. so we'll be all right. they took real good care of us. >> forecasters think that rina will loop around and die out over cuba. thousands of folks are rushing to get out of bangkok today. the river that runs through the heart of the thai capital is expected to be the city under water in the next several days. monsoon floods have killed 373 people this season.
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an opposition group reports 17 people have been killed in syria's crackdown on protests against the government. a separate opposition group based in london claims that syrian groups are attacking protesters with nail bombs. nail bombs are banned by international law. here's your chance to talk back on one of the big stories of the day. today's question, are there too many presidential debates? carol costello joins us from new york. i don't think so. i moderated a few. i say the more the merrier. let's see what they're made of here? >> oh, suzanne, you are a political nerd. >> that's true. what do you think? >> well, i do think this, every time you turn around there seems to be another republican debate. eight so far and at least another dozen or so to go.
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it's fair to say there are more debates this election cycle than ever before. one candidate rick perry appears to be saying enough is enough. >> these debates are set up for nothing more than to tear down the candidates. it's pretty hard to be able to sit and layout your ideas and concepts with a one-minute response. >> coincidently perry's campaign spokesman says his guy may be skipping some future debate and prefers answering questions directly from the voter or maybe perry just prefers not to have debate moments like this. >> is it the mitt romney that was on the side -- against the second amendment before he was for the second amendment? was it before he was before -- before the social programs from the standpoint of he was far standing up for roe versus wade.
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before he was against roe versus wade. he was for race to the top. he's for obama care and now he's against it. >> that was so painful. lots of voters witnessed that unfortunate moment. i'm talking lots of viewers. lots of voters. that's the thing. lots of viewers equal eager networks hungry to host more and more debates. the question is with so many debates on tap, when will voter fatigue set in and the s rick perry right? are voters learning anything new in these debates. the talk back question today are there too many presidential debates? i'll read your comments later this hour. >> it depends if viewers can weigh in and ask questions. i like the youtube debate. that was great. folks get to ask their own questions. >> well, maybe those kinds of questions will be inserted in the 12 or so debates to come.
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there may be as many as 18, suzanne. >> even i might get tired of it. >> we'll see what folks think. >> so how does a piece jafl protest get so ugly? this is video of scott olson being carried away by fellow demonstrators after a clash with police in oakland on tuesday night. olson is a former marine. he served two tours in iraq. i want to bring in amber with the latest. amber, what are we seeing here? do we have any clear sense of what actually happened to this guy, olson? >> i spoke with olson's mother and friends, they say that they believe some type of a police projectile hit him in the head fracturing his skull. some people say it might have been tear gas. there's a lot of speculation going on right now.
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we have no confirmation as to what object hit scott olson. this area of downtown oakland looked like almost a war zone late tuesday night as it was filled with tear gas also some protesters say they were hit with rubber bullets. we spoke with one protesters who says he was actually trying to help carry away scott olson when he saw him lying in the road with blood coming out of his head. he said that's when he was hit by a rubber bullet. he showed us a welt the size of a baseball on his side. we spoke with scott's mom. she said her son served two tours in iraq as a marine. she said he was never injured. she was shocked it happened here in the u.s. one thing's for sure this has not caused this movement to fade away. it's really galvanized the movement across the country. we saw protests and marches in hon nonof scott olson all across the country. last night protesters filled this street. what caused the protest, what
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sparked everything on tuesday was police had come out here in front of city hall and removed the occupation camp. that led to some violence, some frustration. we're already seeing people this morning repost their tents and kind of retake this area in front of city hall. and we spoke with oakland p.d., as of now they say they're investigating the situation as to what happened to this 24-year-old marine. he is still many the hospital in critical condition with a fractured skull. >> amber, did the police department say anything else? did they release a statement or try to explain how this actually occurred? are they saying that didn't happen what olson is claiming? >> we contacted oakland p.d. for some type of a comment. all they told us is they are currently investigating and cannot comment on that particular case. we did speak with some witnesses out here. they say what really escalated the violence was that some types of objects were initially thrown at police and then that's what caused the response with tear
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gas and rubber bullets. >> all right. amber, thank you very much. here's a look at the rundown what's ahead. we're going to walk you through a deal that could help the u.s. from falling into a new recession. also ark 12-story dam is destroyed on purpose. can we get just one more person squeezed in there. all 7 billion and counting. then, the pentagon says other nations are trying to get their hands on the latest drone technology. >> they glide deep underwater. no crew on board, sensors gather intelligence about everything from the movement of warships to port security. and the peace and quiet of a small north dakota town interrupted by oil and money. woman: day care can be expensive.
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so to save some money, i found one that uses robots instead of real people. 'cuz robots work for free. robot 1:good morning... robot 1:...female child. sfx: modem dial-up noise
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woman: are there flaws? yeah, um, maybe. anncr: there's an easier way to save. anncr: get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. i tell you what i can spend. i do my best to make it work. i'm back on the road safely. and i saved you money on brakes. that's personal pricing.
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a late season tropical storm is bearing down on mexico now. chad myers is tracking it for us. chad, what are we seeing here? >> this will not be a wilma or katrina. katrina, rina, those are too close. it is actually dying in the atlantic or in the caribbean right now. here's a picture of what it looks like from cancun. unfortunately it's not really a beach day on that big, lovely beach. i'll get to that in the next couple of minutes. this is nothing to worry about for the u.s. >> good deal. we'll come back to you in a bit. you might not think the debt deal in europe has much to do impacting your own finance, but it does. take a look at the markets today. stocks shooting up about 2% at the opening bell after european leaders approved a plan to deal
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with their debt and their banking crisis. want to bring in alison kosik of the new york stock exchange for more. what does this mean for us? what would happen if these negotiations had fallen apart? what would it mean for the u.s. economy? >> the best way to explain it is it's an old saying, when one country has a cold, the other one, the u.s. can start sneezing. that's the thinking with europe as well. if greece were to default, you would see europe fall into a recession. it could bring down the u.s. economy as well. it's because we're all so interconnected. think about what pd in 2008. the u.s. housing crisis caused a global recession. the reality is that europe it could still fall into a recession. it could be in a recession right now. but the reality is that this deal that gets a handle on the european debt crisis it's really lessening the severity of a recession. for the u.s. it puts talk of a recession on the back burner. >> how closely are we tied to
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europe when it comes to the economy? >> for one, we trade an awful lot with europe. the brookings institute said we had $400 million of u.s. exports go there. it means they're buying less stuff here in the u.s. and that would wind up hurting u.s. manufacturing and jobs right here at home. u.s. businesses and banks they are heavily invested in the european union. they could also take a hit. the fact is the fact that europe came to this deal, it is definitely helping economies worldwide. >> how are the markets looking today? >> we've got the dow up 250 points. there's kind of a the coast is clear mentality going on here at the new york stock exchange. investors are dipping their toes and their entire bodies back into the water. putting their money back into stocks. this is really what investors have been waiting for. these european debt problems
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have been years in the making. investors have been waiting for some solid deal to come out of it. there is some skepticism. there is a need to see more details to see this move forward in concrete steps. at this point you're seeing this rally because finally a deal has been done. >> a little bit of good news there. tensions over economic reforms in europe are so high now that two italian politicians got into a fistfight in parliament. that's right. a photographer captured this picture of the two men from opposing parties grabbing each other by the throat. they came to blows because of a debate over changing italy's pension system as part of the reforms that european leaders demanded. lawmakers in congress are under the gun to deal with the debt crisis here in the united states. the deadline for the so-called supercommittee to come up with spending cuts just one month away. we're going to talk about what's at stake if they don't reach a deal. and population explosion.
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do you know how many people are in the world today? the global population is about to hit a milestone. find out what's behind the spike and what it means for you personally. and you've heard a lot about corporate greed. ceo salaries from the occupy wall street protest. here's the question, how much money do you think that fortune 500 corporate board of directors were making per hour last year? are we talking $154 -- i'm sorry, are we talking $934 per hour. $154 or $313 we'll have the $154 or $313 we'll have the answer for you in just a minute. ...was it something big? ...or something small? ...something old? ...or something new? ...or maybe, just maybe... it's something you haven't seen yet. the 2nd generation of intel core processors. stunning visuals, intelligent performance. this is visibly smart.
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we asked you how much money you thought fortune 500 board directors made per hour last year. was it $154 per hour, $313 or $934 per hour. the answer is c, $934 per hour. unbelievable. amazing. that's a lot of money. thousands of people have left some of mexico's most popular beach areas as a powerful tropical storm is getting closer. i want to bring back chad myers with the latest on the forecast. we're talking playa dell carman, cozumel and cancun. by the time it gets to cancun it will lose some stuffing. here is cozumel right there. you can take the ferry across or on up here to the seven which is cancun. we are seeing rainshowers come into cancun, that's why people have been evacuate from the hotels or getting them on the ocean side away from the windows and things like that.
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70 miles per hour right now. forecast to be a little bit weaker about five miles per hour weaker as it makes its way over the island of cozumel tonight and into tomorrow. the big story is that this storm, although it's right here will not get up go the gulf of mexico as first predicted by a few models and it went goat to havana. this will make a loop and come back down and die an ugly death down here after it's worn out its welcome and the warm water. if you put a hurricane on the trapical storm in the same place for too long, you'll lose the heat of the ocean. and then water gets colder and the storm goes away. >> one of my favorite places over there. >> i do, too. >> i hope it all goes well today. >> the winds will be about 65 miles per hour. they can handle that. >> thanks, chad. colorado's first snow of the season top stories making news across the country. it's a thick plankt of white covering autumn leaves in denver. about five inches of snow came
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down wednesday. just yesterday knocking out power to thousands of folks. believe it or not denver had a record high of 80 degrees on monday. in washington state a power supplier decided it was easier to demolish this dam than to install a passageway for fish to get around it. it was about $07 million cheaper. the 12-story dam on the white salmon river was built back in 1913. and in north carolina, archaeologists have raised another cannon from the sunken wreck of pirate black beard's ship, the queen anne's revenge. the cannon weighs about a ton. it's been on the ocean floor for almost 300 years. pretty cool. and here's something you might find a little bit a alarming, this halloween the world's population expected to hit seven billion. what does that mean? the population explosion likely to put strain on the earth's resources. what does that mean for all of
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us? errol joins us. good to see you. our planet getting crowded fast. >> good to see you. lots of kids are being born in the developed world and people are living longer. all of this information is coming out from a population report released from tun. it includes some stunning sums. on monday the world's population will hit seven billion. in just 40 years there will be more than nine billion of us. the fear is that scenes like this could become common. take a look at what they have to do on tokyo on the metro there. these individuals are called pushers. it's their job to shove people into the trains during rush hours. why is the world getting so packed? here's a breakdown for you. people are living longer. in the u.n. report they say rapid global population growth began in 1950 that was when people lived to be 47 years old. now people make it to 68.
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a number of young people in the world, the u.n. says about 43% of the world's population is people who are under 25. so where exactly is this growth? i can tell you that in developed countries like the u.s., women have having fewer kids than they did 50 years ago. it's the high fertility rates in poorer and developing countries that's fuelling this surge specifically on the african continent, niger has the world's highest fertility rate. the good news in the report is this record growth reflects a sign of better living conditions, economic opportunities and education, for example. the problem is that there are great disparities still in the world between countries as far as how they use their resources. so in the u.s., they use much more energy and fuel per person while in the developing countries people still struggle. according to the global footprint network, quote, if everyone lived a lifestyle of the average american we would
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need five planets. >> wow. do they have any information about how much it would cost to get birthrates down or under control? >> it's all about family planning resources in. the developing world getting access to those resources to women who don't have it would cost about $6.7 billion a year. that's just one estimate. to put this number in perspective, americans will spend $6.9 billion on halloween this year. so the cost to get birthrates under control isn't astronomical when you think of it in this way. let's go back to japan, the aging population there is growing. over the past 20 years people over the age of 65 have doubled. you've got all these things happening. people are live longer in the developed world as the developing world has its own baby boom. the cost to get it under control is less than we're going to spend on candy and costumes this weekend. >> wow. i'm glad we don't have that where they cram everybody into the subway. >> that would not work on the
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new york metro line. they'd push back. >> i know some people feel like it's that way. that's amazing. thank you, errol, appreciate it. here's a run down of some stories we're wokking on. they move through the waters sleek and stealthy. they're underwater drone. we'll tell you why so many want to steal this american technology. then why one drag on a signature is causing herman cain's chief of staff so much pain. and later they're reeling in big cash from an oil boom, but some in north dakota say the money isn't worth losing their small town feel. or creates another laptop bag or hires another employee, it's not just good for business. it's good for the entire community. at bank of america, we know the impact that local businesses have on communities. that's why we extended $7.8 billion to small businesses across the country so far this year.
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because the more we help them, the more we help make opportunity possible. i'm a wife, i'm a mom... and chantix worked for me. it's a medication i could take and still smoke, while it built up in my system. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. my inspiration for quitting were my sons.
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they were my little cheering squad. [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. your doctor will say get smart about your weight. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's new glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have 6 grams of sugars. with 15 grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight.
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[ male announcer ] new glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. more than $1 billion a year that is how much north dakota is collecting from oil companies in drilling taxes. north dakota is experiencing an oil boom, people live living in small towns admit money is great. they worry they might be losing something you can't put a price tag on ond and that is their way
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of life. >> a year ago we were excited. we took pictures of the stake and we took a picture of the rig, our first oil well. we were excited because okay, this will free up money that we didn't have. we can do thing for the our kids and grand kids. knowing what we know now, we would have given it up. i know my husband would have in a heartbeat. to have the way that we used to live back, we would have. after the rigs got done and they started developing the oil, then everything else started moving out there. so this has just been within a year that all this has been going on. and before it was just all farmland. our little peaceful existence is pretty much gone. oh, see. i'm not used to having my door
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locked. we just got keys a year ago. okay. all right. we are blessed to be in this economic area where there's jobs galore, money. and we don't always realize that until people come in and tell us how bad it is out there. so sometimes i feel selfish feeling that way, but yet, a way of life is gone. i mean, yeah, they broke in last sunday. nobody was home. and my husband came home. so he went over there, they kicked the door open and broke the doorknob. he said nothing was missing. just like it was going to the pharmacy. totally violated. around $16,000 worth of narcotics were taken. no money was taken. every dollar was in the store. but they cut a hole with a
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torch. that's how they got in. it's just a small variety store. we carry -- we try and carry everything. we've noticed an increase in sheets, pillows, towels, personal items, just the roughnecks and the people need when they come to town, they come with nothing. so they stop here and that's what we try and carry. the positive is business has been wonderful. our increase in sales has probably tripled or quadrupled in the last year. my sons are in the oil field. they're in charge of the whole rig. and they're making phenomenal money. they both just graduated from high school. that's it. but they're making hundreds of thousands of dollars. it just blows my mind. >> wow. for more on how the oil boom is changing small towns in north
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dakota, i want to bring in neil shipman. he's editor and publisher of the mckenzie county farmer newspaper. she joins us from the phone from wallford city, north dakota. i never knew there were places still in the country where you wouldn't need a key to your house. is that really the way it is there? >> that's the way it was. for a long time you left your keys in your car if you went downtown in the winter. if you left your keys in your car with your car running. your home was unlocked. but that's the way it was. that is not the way it is anymore. >> tell us what the biggest change is you've seen because of the oil boom and all the new folks that are pouring in for these jobs? >> the biggest thing is i guess overall, you know, our community has completely changed. i'll go back 18 months ago, we were a beautiful little town of
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1500 people is we were right sized. everything about our community was right. right number of gas stations, right number of restaurants, right number of motel rooms. right number of everything. today, we're 6500 people going through the roof as far as new growth. >> are there places, where people can live? is there housing? >> no. all the apartments are taken. everything is now is what we would refer to as temporary housing. they become trailers that you would think of what you would camp in in the summer, that's what the bulk of the men that are here for the oil field are living in. but so are families. and they're going out at like $2500 a month to rent. apartments are pushing $1,000 a month for rent. which 18 months ago was unheard
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of. >> is there a sense of community here, neal? i know there's a longing for the way it used to be. is there a new kind of community that's emerging here? >> the new community is growing, yes. there's -- a lot of the companies that are coming in here they're wonderful companies. their people are great. they're trying to get involved in our churches, in our school groups. and all the other things. but no, the community has forever changed. you know, we have those of us that were here and we're one community. and i would have to say the oil field community is a separate community. now they move back and forth, but they're two separate entities. >> is there tension between these groups? >> no tension whatsoever. everybody is really working as well as they can to get along to
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make things right. i mean, when oil companies are coming in and trying to set up man camps they're trying to work as closely as they can with all the city officials to make sure they do it right and they have as small of a footprint on our community as they can. but realistically it's huge. their impact on our town is huge. >> neal, it's just a fascinating look at a slice of life there where you live and where the community is working and living and in some ways struggling to make a new kind of identity, a new kind of community, but at the same time doing well because of the oil boom and the jobs that are there. thank you so much for bringing us to your home and to your community and painting a picture for us, if you will. thanks again, neal. >> you bet, thank you. bye-bye. herman cain's new internet
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ad is taking some attention. >> it prompted steven colbert to challenge cain to a slow smile contest. >> go. >> the smile isn't the only thing that deserves spoofing. but first, what's the germiest thing we touch every day? i don't know if that's a word. a, a toilet seat, b, a gas pump handle, or c a crosswalk button. that answer in just a minute. [ telephone rings ]
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa auto repair? gary... he hung up. ...why do we have so many a's in our name? so we're listed first in the phone book. ya know, gives us an edge. you know fedex can, give us an edge. how? well, fedex ships auto parts from factories around the world, they clear em through customs, and that'll help us fix cars faster. great idea. you know you got a bright future here at aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... [ male announcer ] supply chain solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. well... 'cause i could pay a little at a time... but actually we do -- and my kids would be like, "awesome, mom!" oh! i did not see that. [ male announcer ] layaway's back for christmas in our toys, electronics, and jewelry departments. [♪...]
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>> announcer: now get a $250 airfare credit, plus save up to 65%. call 1-800-sandals. certain restrictions apply.
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this just in, according to reuters, i want to talk you to turkey, this is where an earthquake 7.2 on the richter scale that hit turkey on sunday killing 500 people in the eastern part of that country, reuters reporting now that rescue workers actually pulled out a man alive from the rubble more than 100 hours after that earthquake hit.
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unbelievable. that has been a painful process. a lot of people looking, combing through the rubble trying to search for rainshower vancouvers. it was two days ago that they rescued a two-week old infant from the rubble two days ago. we're look at pictures that are just in. the man pulled alive from the quake, rubble, this is just rather unbelievable when you think about the amount of time, 100 hours beneath the rubble finding a survivor at this point after 500 died from that earthquake that hit turkey on sunday. just a miracle. before the break, we asked you what was the germiest thing we touch every day? a, a toilet seat, b, a gas pump handle, or c, a crosswalk button? believe it or not the answer b, a gas pump handle. that is according to a new study by the university of arizona. the study says that 71% of gas pump handles are highly
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contaminated with it be kind of germs associated with a high risk of illness. only 35% of crosswalk buttons were this germy. and toilet seats didn't even make the list. i'm really surprised. a lot of folks scratching their heads over republican presidential candidate herman cain's new ad on the internet. at the end of the ad his chief of staff takes a puff on a cigarette. it's triggered a lot of parodies. genie mos is handing out the silvery smoke ring awards to some of the best. >> suddenly everybody is pretending to smoke. it's all because this man herman cain's chief of staff. >> we can take this country back. >> took one little drag in a campaign ad. >> it's weird. >> you know, i'm not the only one that smokes in america, for god's sake. >> everyone's inhaling his
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smoke. one parody paraphrases charlie sheen. i'm on a drug and it's called herman cain. herman cain has tiger blood. >> that's from a left leaning political group in south carolina asking herman cain, what are you smoking? not since the famous witch ad. >> it's not a witch. >> have we seen a political spot so parodied. we award one measly smoke ring to the letterman show for his video parody. >> it's chief economic advisor for herman cain. >> and for all of those who replaced the cigarette with booze, we award two smoke rings. our three smoke ring award goes to conan show for most
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imaginative prop. we award jimmy kimmel and his crew four smoke rings for inventive voiceover. >> i'm herman cain and i prove cigarettes. and if that doesn't make he sound crazy, check out this smile. >> herman cain's smile that takes eight seconds to develop prompted steven colbert to challenge cain to a slow smile contest. >> go. >> colbert managed to stretch his smile 25 seconds. the coveted five smoke rings award goes to the colbert report for replacing smoking with sniffing. >> i'm herman cain's personal assistance. we hope you share our vision. >> by the way, we'd like to bestow a shortened lifetime achievement award to the human smoke machine who provided us
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with our smoke screen. >> that's unbelievable. the race for the republican nomination everything comes down to location, location, location. we're going to take a look at how the candidates stack up in all those all important early all those all important early primary states. we installed a ge fleet monitoring system. it tracks every vehicle in their fleet. it cuts fuel use. koch: it enhances customer service. it's pretty amazing when people who loan you money also show you how to save it. not just money, knowledge. it's so much information, it's like i'm right there in every van in the entire fleet. good day overall. yeah, i'm good. come on in. let's go. wow, this is fantastic. ge capital. they're not just bankers. we're builders. they helped build our business.
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we're builders. come on in. (camera flashes) leanne...leanne! how do you feel about your new focus? oh my god, i love it. (laughs) what would you say to a friend who might be skeptical about ford? just that they make a quality vehicle. does the sound system stand out for you? yes. and when do you use it? um, i use it all the time. i love listening to jazz in the car. you know the only thing that stinks is you can't have a martini. (laughs) sir, can you hear me? just hold the bag. we need a portable x-ray, please! [ nurse ] i'm a nurse. i believe in the power of science and medicine.
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but i'm also human. and i believe in stacking the deck. politics all local, that's absolutely true when it comes to the race for the republican nomination. we want to bring in mark preston from the political desk with some interesting new poll number for the the early primary states. and mark, this is all about
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momentum here. who can actually build it. stack it writ counts. let's start with florida. >> we talk a lot about national polls. this race for the republican presidential nomination is going to be won or lost in these four early states. looking quickly at florida this new poll shows that mitt romney is the clear front runner down there at 30% followed by herman cain who has come on in the past few weeks. after that everyone else drops off into single digits. so mitt romney very strong right now in florida. let's move out to the midwest out to iowa with mitt romney is not even campaigning right now. book at these numbers right now at 24%. he has been out there a couple times. his campaign will say in fact they are spending some money and resources in iowa. not what they did in 2008 where they spent millions of dollars only to lose the iowa caucus. he's doing pretty well followed by herman cain and a few others as we keep ticking through that.
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let's go up to new hampshire the first in the nation primary state. shows that mitt romney with a commanding lead at 0%. no one even close. herman cain at 13%. ron paul at 12%. what's interesting about this number look at jon huntsman at 6%. he has staked his entire campaign in new hampshire. moved his campaign headquarters out of florida into new hampshire. he's only at 6%. let's close it out with south carolina the first many the nation primary contest for republicans down in south carolina. again, mitt romney at 25% followed by herman cain, ron paul and rick perry. so if you were to say anything right now, clearly mitt romney is the front runner. >> wow. what do the numbers mean for perry? just a little while ago he was the front runner and now he doesn't even crack the top three? >> he has a lot of work to do. rick perry has money. he had $17 million raised in a
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short period of time when he entered into the race. there's independent groups we call them superpacs spending millions of dollars. some of them will be supporting rick perry. rick perry is not dead. don't believe what people are saying right now. he has dropped in it will pos. but rick perry many think it's a one-two race betweenone-two rac perry and romney. >> i guess the money certainly counts. for the latest political news go to are you the kind of person who buys whatever cheapest halloween candy to hand out? we'll tell you why to rethink that strategy.
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all right, so carol, you ever notice how kids always know which houses to hand out the best candy on halloween? so did you know that the candy you give away actually says something about the kind of person you are? that is according to if you give out sweet tarts or anything that's not chocolate, they say you're into halloween. candy corn. they say you're way into halloween. too much. not very smart? it gets all sticky, clumps at the bottom of the bag. tootsie rolls, simple, classic candy. probably very cool, stylish person. and full size candy bars, not the miniones, they say you're annoying like a show off, you need everybody's approval. what are you giving away for halloween? >> snickers bars. but the little miniones. so i guess i'm not showing off.
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>> understated by classy. >> that does describe me, doesn't it? what are you giving out? >> i think it is going to be like typical lolly pops and stuff like that. i was always the one who would switch with -- and trade with all my brothers and sisters because i didn't like chocolate so i gave away all my chocolate. i did very well. >> you don't like chocolate? >> i'm not a big chocolate fan. >> that's un-american. >> but debase, those are all-american right, carol? you got your question ready? >> i do have my question ready. the talk back question this morning -- are there too many presidential debates? there may be as many as 18 this political season. or more once we get into the presidential debate when we're down to like a democrat and a. are there too many residential debates? this from job -- since we have yet to have an actual debate i'd have to say no. this from kim -- i love how people want to change things when a particular forum doesn't agree with them.
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these debates weed out the crazies. just so happens that appears to be the entire field. do i have my popcorn and snacks though. carry on! this from william -- too many with the same people. we learn nothing really new, just the same information over an over again. rob -- no way. people need to see who they're throwing their votes at. there's not too many debates. there are too many messed-up politics. i'll see you again in about 20 minutes. all that melted candy corn. >> yum. thanks, carol. the next generation of american drones operates now under water. a new report suggests a lot of countries are trying to get their hand on that technology.
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you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. so if i didn't know better i'd say you're having some sort of big tire sale. yes we are. yeah. how many tires does ford buy every year? over 3 million. you say you can beat any advertised price on tires? correct. anywhere? yes. like this price? yes. riously? yes what about this one? i'll beat it.
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♪ the difference, the one element that is the catalyst for innovation, the one element that changes everything is the human element. ♪ underwater unman drones are among the u.s. military's most critical classified technology. according to a new pentagon report, that technology is under constant attack by foreign spies. our cnn pentagon correspondent barbara starr has more. >> reporter: they glide deep underwater, no crew on board, sensors gather intelligence about everything from the movement of warships to port security. u.s. military leads the world in developing these classified unmanned underwater vehicles. other nations, especially in asia, are urgently trying to get their hands on them, according
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to a new pentagon report. tart rg the u.s. with industrial espionage is a global problem. in 2010 the pentagon witnessed a stunning increase of over 140% in attempts to get military information of all types. industry reports everything from phone calls asking for pricing and technical information, to cyber attacks aimed at outright stealing. >> if it is a choice between stealing our technology and developing your own, it is a lot cheaper to try to steal our good stuff than try to develop it with your own money. >> reporter: weapons expert john pike says china is most likely behind much of the effort to steal the u.s.' underwater secrets. >> the chinese are interested in underwater drones, the same reason that everybody else is. over the last decade we've seen this explosion of activity in aerial drones and everybody believes that underwater drones are going to be the next great thing.
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>> reporter: the pentagon found more than 70% of all attempts to get access to this technology came from east asian and pacific nations, but the report does in the name countries. it is a region getting increased military attention. defense secretary leon panetta, now in asia, promises stronger ties in the face of growing chinese military power and an unstable north korea. >> we're going to not only maintain our presence but we're going to strengthen our presence in the pacific region. >> reporter: an of course there are commercial uses for this type of underwater technology as well. monitoring fisheries, offshore oil drilling, and even looking for old ship wrecks. barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon. top of the hour, i'm suzanne malveaux. want to get you up to speed. we're getting new video in to cnn from eastern turkey.
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it is really quite incredible. reuters reporting rescuers pulled a man out of the earthquake debris today. he had been stuck under the crumbled concrete for more than 100 hours. officials in turkey say the death toll from sunday's earthquake rose from 523 today. bernie madoff's wife ruth is going public now with the couple's desperate plan. christmas eve 2008, just days after bernie madoff's arrest for conning investors out of billions, right? in the biggest ponzi scheme ever. ruth madoff tells "60 minutes" that she and her husband swallowed a handful of pills. >> i don't know whose idea it was but we decided to kill ourselves because it was so horrendous what was happening. we had terrible phone calls, hate mail just beyond anything
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and i said i just can't go on anymore. >> in a few minutes i'll talk with diana enrique who interviewed both madoffs. stocks surging on a debt deal in europe. right now the dow is up 297 points. last night eurozone leaders hammered out what they hope will be a long-term solution to the debt crisis. it forces banks to take a 50% loss on greek eurobonds and also increases the amount in the neuro zone bailout fund to $1 trillion or more. consumers stepped on the accelerator in the third quarter. new spending helped drive the gross domestic product up 2.5%. that's almost double second quarter growth but still considered modest in some ways. gdp measures all the goods and services that are produced by american workers.
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this iraq war veteran dealing with serious head injury today. scott old sob's skull was fractured during the police crackdo crackdown. >> worried about if our son's going to be okay. hopefully there won't be long lasting brain damage. >> olson's parents are on their way to the bay area right now from their home in wisconsin. there is a new development concerning the wild animals that were set free in ohio last week. you may recall the animal preserve's owner terry thompson opened their kanls acages and t killed himself. his widow, maryann, wants the six surviving animals back.
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columbus zoo has been caring for the surviving animals but says it has no legal way of actually keeping them. thousands much peopof peopl rushing to get out of bangkok today. river that runs through the heart of the thai capital is expected to put much of that city under water over the next couple of days. monsoon floods have killed 373 people this season alone. so, jack the cat has been found. he disappeared at kennedy airport in new york late august but he just turned up this week when he fell out of a ceiling in terminal eight. jack, who became famous on facebook while he was missing, came down with a nasty liver ailment during his misadventures and he's now in pretty bad shape, they say. but his vet says that the illness is treatable. good for jack. closer look now at the shocking new revelation from bernie madoff's wife, ruth. now she says she and her husband
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tried to commit suicide as their lives crumbled around them. she says they took a handful of pills on christmas eve 2008 before her husband was going to be in prison for investment fraud. >> what did you take? >> i think ambien. >> how many? >> i don't even remember. i took what we had. he took more. >> did you leave notes? >> no. it was very impulsive and i'm glad we woke up. >> diana enriquez, reporter for "the new york times," interviewed both ruth and bernie madoff about the suicide pact. you also wrote a book with the scandal and "the wizard of lies." tell us first about ruth madoff's story. you've interviewed her, gotten to know her. is this plausible?
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>> i think it is plausible. it gives us a good barometer of the emotional pressure she was under in those first two weeks. you put your mind back, that was really a crazy time. they were caught in a firestorm of publicity, something she'd never experienced before. when i spoke with her about this failed suicide attempt, it seemed genuine, it seemed authentic to me and it is hard to think of any reason why she would concoct a story like that if it hadn't actually happened. madoff himself is far more careful. when i e-mailed him in prison he said only that suicide crossed his mind but he decide he couldn't abandon his family. but i do find ruth's account very convincing. >> what kind of people are the madoffs? you've gotten a chance to talk to them several times. you've exchanged e-mails very recently and you've also interviewed bernie madoff in prison. are these the kind of folks that are motivated by remorse or guilt or grief or you think they're just trying to get attention? >> i think it is very important to distinguish between ruth an bernie. of course they are very different people.
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bernie madoff obviously is an arch criminal, a master plan plater, one of the most fluent liars i've ever met and obviously a man who was able to inspire trust in a lot of people who should not have trusted him. but ruth madoff is among those people who trusted him. she had been raised in a relatively sheltered way. she met bernie when she was 13. she married him when she was 18. she loved him all her life. that's a very different profile from a conartist like bernie madoff. >> what did bernie madoff tell you about his life in prison now? >> well, he seems to be making a good adjustment, althoughish say that he has been grieving ever since the death of his son mark to suicide. the news this week about mark's widow's memoirs being released have troubled him. he actually told me in one e-mail that his psychologist told him not to watch those interviews but he did anyway and he was -- he openly admits that
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he holds himself responsible for his son mark's death. >> when you say he regrets that, is he mourning his loss or what is he doing about that? is he apologizing to the other family members, his daughter-in-law? >> he has extended apologies to them. he's not a man who admits either failure or wrong very easily, and i can understand that anything that he might say to them would be a very little comfort really. but whether or not he will ever be able to extend his remorse beyond his family, to the lives of the other victims that he has affected all around the world, is something i think remains to be seen. >> and diana, so far he has not done that in any exchange you've had with him, has he offered any kind of apologies or anything? >> you know, he does. if you look at the written words that we've traded in e-mails, he seems very remorseful. the two prison interviews i did
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with him he seemed to be more in denial. really focusing on the dollars and cents on the arithmetic of this gigantic fraud, rather than on the shattered lives and the terrible dislocations that he created. so he's a complicated guy. he's a very complex man and i don't -- just speaking personally, i did not feel that he truly felt the kind of remorse more generally that i could see he felt for his son. >> all right, diana, thank you so much. excellent reporting as always. we appreciate you. >> thank you. here's what's ahead on "the rundown." hour by hour. floodwaters are rising in bangkok. people who live there are being told get out. also, states that have spent millions covering obesity surgery for government workers are now saying no more. plus, wall street protesters hold a different kind of demonstration. an iraq war veteran seriously
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injured in a protest in oakland. a fight over funding in washington could ground the next generation of weather satellites. and finally we get an up-close look at sharks. how the fight to save them from overfishing. moisturizing lotio. the natural oatmeal formula improves skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] only from aveeno. to the flu. an accident... to asthma. a new heartbeat... to a heart condition. when you see your doctor, you don't face any medical issue alone. you do it together. at the american medical association, we're committed to preserving that essential partnership between patients and their doctors. because when it comes to your health, you need someone you trust. the ama. protecting the relationship between patients and physicians.
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here's your chance to "talk back" on one of the big stories of the day. today's question -- are there too many presidential debates. carol costello joins us for more from new york. carol, come on. you called me a political geek the last hour but i think there are a lot of people like me who love these contests. you learn more about these folks. yeah?
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>> well, i love them, too, but i'm not so sure about everyone else in america. it seems every time you turn around there is another republican debate. eight so far. at least another dozen to go. it's fair to say there are more debates this election cycle than ever before. one candidate rick perry appears to be saying enough is enough. >> these debates are set up for nothing more than to tear down the candidates. it is pretty har to be able to sit an lay out your ideas and your concepts with a one-minute response. >> incidentally, perry's campaign spokesman says his guy may be skipping some future debates because rick perry prefers answering questions directly from the voters or maybe perry just prefers not to have debate moments like this. >> stt mitt romney that was on the side of -- against the second amendment before he was for the second amendment? was before he was before the social programs from the
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standpoint of he was for standing up for roe versus wade before he was against roe versus wade. he was for race to the top, he's for obama care and now he's against it. >> lots of voters witnessed that unfortunate moment. lots. and that's the thing -- lots of viewers equals eager networks hungry to host even more debates. the question is, with so many on tap, when will voter fatigue set in? and is rick perry right? are voters really learning anything new? the "talk back" question today, are there too many presidential debates? >> i'm biased, carol! i say never! never too many! >> my god, there's going to be 18 or more! it's crazy! >> okay. we'll see what folks have got to
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say. thanks, carol. tens of thousands of people in thailand's capital city are heading to higher ground as floodwaters sweep through the streets. evacuation orders in place all across bangkok. the weekend could be even more devastating. cnn's sara seidner reports the water has started to drain from bangkok's famous grand palace. but that's not the case in other areas. >> when it comes to the rest of the city, especially the northern part of the city, the water is rising there. we noticed it was much higher today than it was in yesterday when we were in the same area which was around the domestic airport. airport has been closed for a couple of days. we also managed to go up in a helicopter today with the u.s. navy and marines who have been making daily rounds trying to get a real look from above as to exactly this water is coming from, where it is going to and how quickly we saw a lot of damage and water slowly seeping in, slowly pushing into bank cook. we we heard today from the flood
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control command was basically that the city had no longer hold off a deluge of water that is coming an overflowing river banks. and so much of bangkok will see some kind of water. the prime minister saying, look, it could be anywhere from 10 centimeters which is four inches to a meter which is about three feet. no one knows exactly how high this water is going to get and exactly how far it is going to push in. but now the worries are it will go a lot further than they had hoped. residents being told now in eastern part of the city to please evacuate. other residents have already left. more than 1 million people have gone out of this city book hotels in places where they know they will be high and dry. what we have managed to do is to also talk to residents who are trying to deal with this on a daily basis. we talked to one such resident who usually works at the airport that has been closed and now she is sleeping there. here's what she had to say about the situation. >> translator: my property, it's all damaged.
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it's all gone now. i now have to rent a house. >> reporter: and people who make like her, less than minimum wage or just at minimum wage, this is really a hardship. very difficult for people to deal with all of their belongings that have been swept away. of course you had mentioned there have been hundreds of people, more than 300 people, who have died in these floodwaters. the big concern now is that one of the most developed and populated cities in asia will now see more water flooding in and they want to make sure that people are prepared for it. >> lot of people turn to weight loss surgery to get their weight under control. but starting next year, one state is not going to pay for it anymore. we'll tell you where and why. and if you're not getting enough sleep these days, like a lot of us, maybe part of the problem is where you actually live. a new survey using numbers from the cdc ranks the most sleep deprived cities. number five -- new york. the city that never sleeps has the highest cost of living in
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the country. four is new orleans. still slowly recovering from hurricane katrina. three is oklahoma city. hit hard by the recession. two, birmingham, alabama. recently ranked one of the least healthy cities in america. can you guess what the most sleep deprived city in america is? that answer in just a minute. is a complete multivitamin for adults. plus an excellent source of omega-3 dha in a great tasting gummy. one a day, gummies for grown-ups.
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colace® capsules stool softener helps ease straining to make going easier. try colace® capsules for effective, comfortable relief from occasional constipation. now you can save big on colace® capsules! go to
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this is out of turkey, this is after that earthquake, 7.2, that hit turkey in eastern turkey on sunday. now 100 hours after the quake hit there is a young man who's been rescued. i want to bring in journalist andrew finkle to talk a little
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bit about some of the details we are getting from this rescue mission that just happened and a little bit more about this young man. what do we know, andrew? >> well, it is a long period after the earthquake. the earthquake was four days ago so it is a miracle really to discover anyone still alive but they haven't abandoned the efforts so what we know is people are still sifting through the rubble, still trying to find people, survivors. in most cases what they're finding instead are dead bodies. however, in this particular instance, clearly there has been signs of life and the operation continues. >> andrew, i understand we have very little information about this man but that he is 18 years old. perhaps that helped him in some way that he's a young man survive 100 hours under the rubble. it is really quite unheard of. but do we have any other information about him or about how he was pulled out? >> none yet.
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but there have been equally remarkable cases of rescues. there was a 2-week-old baby who was dragged out of the rubble 28 hours after the quake occurred. along with her mother. the nation held its breath as a 3-year-old boy was believed to be alive. and with a great deal of sadness when it turn out that he had internal injuries and didn't survive those. but so far, well over 150 people have been rescued alive from the rebel so there's still hope for this particular person. >> andrew, because this young man was just rescued now after 100 hours, is there more optimism there? are people somewhat feeling a little bit better that perhaps they can still bring people out alive now? >> well, actually i think the expectation and certainly history from previous disasters show that, yes, there still may
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be one person, two people, five people still about to be rescued but really at this stage of the event, i'm afraid most of the news been bad. and indeed the death toll has been rising every so slightly over the days. it's now over 530 people known to have died and that number may indeed increase. >> certainly condolences to their families and a big thank-you to those rescue workers and oerdinary folks who are out there combing through the debris and rubble hoping to pull out a survivor now after 100 hours. on to another story. do you live in a sleep-deprived city? we've got a map of where the sleepiest americans live. what city ranks number one? detroit. might say a lot of the city's residents are stressed out these days. detroit has a 14% unemployment rate. ranks among the top 20 cities for foreclosures. and if you want to get
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weight loss surgery in georgia, and you don't even have the money to pay for it? well now that's too bad. if you're a state worker. starting next year georgia's no longer going to cover the surgery for its employees. our cnn's elizabeth cohen met two women who say it is a big mistake. >> this is blood pressure medication. >> reporter: alice mccormick weighs 305 pounds and she has high blood pressure, sleep apnea, arthritis, acid reflux, she says she's tried for years to lose weight but nothing has worked. how many different weight loss programs do you think you've done in your life? >> it's hard to even count. probably an outside guess, 10 to 20. >> reporter: mccormick thought she'd finally found a solution. weight loss surgery. >> as i get older, it becomes more and more imperative that i find an answer. >> reporter: a retired public school educator she is insured through the state of georgia. high costs are causing changes in medical coverage everywhere
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and starting in january the state will no longer pay for weight loss surgery. that doesn't leave mccormick enough time to complete the presurgery requirements. weight loss surgery is expensive. over the past 2 1/2 years the state has paid for about 1,600 people to get the surgery to the tune of $30 million. the state says they just can't afford it anymore, they're on a tight budget. cnn legal contributor holly hughes got the surgery when she was a county employee. >> i started at 9. right now i'm 151 and i'm 5'3". i still could probably drop 20 pounds a and be safe. >> reporter: so her the state is being short-sided. >> it is frightening to me you'll stop all of these state employees from having access to the surgery. in the long run it is going to cost the state more because these are folks who are going to develop diabetes if they don't already have it, sleep apnea, acid reflux, i mean things that can kill you. >> reporter: mccormick still
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hopes that one day she'll be able to get weight loss surgery. could you afford it on your own? >> it's about $25,000 so it is about the price of a fairly decent car. no, right now. i don't see myself doing that. >> elizabeth cohen joins us, along with holly hughes. holly, you look great, by the way. we had no idea. fantastic. i want to start off with you, elizabeth. is georgia the only state where we're going to see this cutting down on this, cutting back and not funding this type of procedure? >> right now there are six other states that don't fund weight loss surgery for their employees. we're going to show you a map here. there are the states. and the other ones do fund it. the other ones, if an employee needs it, they do pay for it. it is interesting in missouri, suzanne, they pay for weight loss surgery for employees, then they stopped, then they started again because they said that they realized that they were actually saving money if patients got the weight loss surgery and their blood
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pressure -- high blood pressure went away, diabetes went away. >> holly, what was it like for you? has your health really changed because of this procedure, this operation? >> since i've had it, absolutely. luckily i didn't have any co-morbidities. i hadn't developed diabetes or sleep apnea yet. but i was getting there. i was 40 years ode and said i need to focus on this weight loss. for me the benefit is i will not develop those horrible diseases. i have a lot more energy and it is mental. a lot of it is your mental health. we look at this and say it is a physical procedure but when you're overweight, there's two kinds of weight. there is the weight you carry, and then there's the weight to when i lose this weight i will do something with my life. i will get this job, i will go for that, because you're more confident and you go out there in the public and do things like that. so what it does is it freeze up -- you've accomplished that dream. that's done. check it off the list. let's go do something else, and that the benefits of the mental
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health is just amazing. so it's -- you can't go wrong. >> elizabeth, other people who might be thinking i got to get this weight off, are there other ways that are short of having this procedure? >> there certainly are. there are plenty of people who are able to lose weight without having surgery. but then there are also like plenty people like alice in our story who failed. there is a new study just out today that shows when people lose weight the hormone that tells you, come on, you need to eat, that who are plohormone go because your body says we're losing wait. the hormone that tells you to stop eating goes down. so your hormones are working against you when you're trying to lose weight. for some people that's insurmountable. >> that's a real struggle for a lot of folks. elizabeth, thank you. holly, way to go! we had no idea. way to go.
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here's a rundown of some of the stories we are working on next. winds of change across the arab world keep blowing from syrians risking their lives to a change for women in yemen burning their veils. my friend is an egyptian journalist. we'll talk to him about that. as europe deals with its debt crisis there is a congressional committee here in the united states up against a tight deadline to get a debt deal in place by the end of next month. we'll talk about what would happen if that doesn't happen. and later, why a lack of funding could knock out america's ability to forecast the weather in the long term. [ chuckles ] you think that is some information i would have liked to know? i like tacos. you invited eric? i thought eric gave you the creeps. [ phone buzzes ] oh. [ chuckles ] yeah. hey. [ male announcer ] don't be left behind. get it faster with 4g.
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at&t. ♪ [ cellphone rings ] cut! [ monica ] i have a small part in a big movie. i thought we'd be on location for 3 days, it's been 3 weeks. so, i used my citi simplicity card to pick up a few things. and i don't have to worry about a late fee. which is good... no! bigger! bigger! [ monica ] ...because i don't think we're going anywhere for a while. [ male announcer ] write your story with the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. get started at the new way to add the safety of onstar to your car. [ computer ] onstar. we're looking for city hall. i'm sending directions to your car. turn right on hill street. go north for 2 miles. ♪ this is onstar. i got a signal there's been a crash. do you need help? yes, please. i've got your gps location. i'm sending help. ♪ [ female announcer ] for a limited time, get an onstar fmv mirror for only $199 after $100 off.
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♪ all right
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the syrian city of homs looked like a war zone yesterday. a leading activist group says 17 people were killed across the country in clashes with the government and opposition forces. the violence came as syria's embattled president, bashar al assad, hosted arab league ministers at a meeting aimed at shopping the bloodshed. while the arab spring revolution is being fought in syria, an islamic party in tunisia is
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waiting for confirmation that has won a majority of the votes in the country's first free democratic elections. now that's significant because tunisia was the first country to overthrow its dictator. the uprisings that became known as the arab spring. algeria, egypt, yemen, bahrain, jordan and syria, virtually the entire arab world, exploded in similar protests against poverty, unemployment, tyranny. change is still sweeping the region. yemeni women defiantly burning their traditional veils yesterday. in protests of president ali abdullah saleh's brutal crackdown on protesters. here to discuss changes that are under way in the arab world, mona -- first i want to point
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out these images of yemeni women defiantly burning, torching these traditional veils, give us the significance of this act here and a pretty conservative islamic country. >> right. i think there are many levels to the story, suzanne. it is important first of all to remember just how many yemeni women have taken part in the revolution that's being going on now for an amazing eight months against ali abdullah saleh. secondly, these women were demonstrating not so much the veil itself, they were demonstrating the violence that this regime has unleashed on them and they're calling it -- it is a tribal practice to say that we reject this violence and we demand protection against this violence. and thirdly it is also a reminder of the central role women play in yemen that we saw recognized by the nobel prize committee when it awarded a yemeni female journalist its nobel peace prize. >> you used to wear a headscarf in egypt when you were younger.
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what does this act mean? is it a symbolic thing that they are burning these veils? spl it is a symbolic tribal practice to burn your veil as a woman as a way to protest violence and as a way to demand protection from the men folk around you. now these women in yemen clearly haven't needed protection for a long time because they have been very involved in their revolution. but over the past few months the ali abdullah saleh regime has particularly targeted women and children as a way to discourage them from joining the protests in the streets and the women have defiantly objected by continuing their protests. it is not to reject the veil but to say we reject this violence and demand an end to the violence. >> this cease-fire the government has called for in yemen, many protesters on the ground see that as a joke because there are still people being killed and injured. what needs to happen to turn this thing around? >> clearly, what needs to happen is ali abdullah saleh must step down. this is what people have been
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calling for for the past eight months. he has very little credibility with these hundreds of thousands of protesters who have been on the streets for eight months now. they don't believe anything he says. every time he talks about a cease-fire, or even more importantly, every time he talks about stepping down according to a deal that's been put together to him him establish immunity, people laugh because they don't trust him anymore. >> let's turn here to libya. many celebrated the fact that moammar gadhafi was killed. but human rights watch has made an alarming discovery recently. they're discovering mass graves revealing that there are dozens of revenge killings on both sides from the supporters and haters of gadhafi. are you concerned about what is happening in libya here? >> right. i think what's the most important thing to happen in libya or what must happen in libya is the recognition that a new and free libya, a libya free of gadhafi, must be based on justice and not revenge. unfortunately, these cases that have come to light through human rights organizations and through journalists must signal to libyans that in order to build a
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country that's better than the one that gadhafi left behind for them, they must. stress the values of justice and not vengeance. and they must investigate all of these cases, because just as we condemn the human rights violations that gadhafi unleashed on them for 42 years, we must also call for justice and respect for human rights in a new libya. >> all right, mona, good to see you. thanks again. >> thanks, suzanne. a so-called super committee has a month to come up with more than $1 trillion in deficit reduction. we're going to talk about what is at stake if they don't reach a deal. [ dog barks, growls ] ♪ whoa, watch out, little man. ♪ [ male announcer ] when you take away the worry, it's easy to enjoy the ride. hey, bud. hey, dad. [ male announcer ] introducing cadillac shield. the most comprehensive suite of owner benefits offered by any luxury auto maker in the world.
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so a debt deal in europe brings relief on wall street. stocks rallied at the opening bell on news that european
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leaders had reached an agreement. right now the dow jones up by 307 points. the european debt crisis threatened the global economy, could have helped push the u.s. back into recession. so under the plan, greek bond holders will write down the value of that country's debt by 50%. the deal also strengthens a bailout fund for the european union and it calls for banks to increase their reserves. lawmakers in congress are under the gun now to deal with the debt crisis here in the united states. the so-called super committee has to come up with a plan to reduce spending by $1.2 trillion. the panel, six democrats, six republicans, faces a deadline november 23rd if there is no deal, automatic spending cuts are going to take effect. so let's bring in our own alison kosik from the new york stock exchange. what kind of cuts are we talking about if there is no agreement? >> okay, so suzanne, if there is no agreement, the cuts i'm about to tell you about would be felt
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across the country. this is coming from the director of the congressional budget office who explained it to the super committee yesterday. what he said was, defense spending would be cut by 16% by 2021 and that is really a massive reduction for the pentagon. also, so-called non-defense discretionary spending would be cut by 15%. i know you are wondering what is discretionary. these are areas that affect our every day lives, like infrastructure projects, like roads, higher education, involving pell grants, basic research, funding that goes to state a and local governments. now an automatic cutback means programs that would be scaled back or that state an local xwofts would have to come up with their own money so obviously these programs could wind up suffering. if you're wondering why this automatic trigger would be going into effect for these across-the-board cuts, it was really designed to be this draconian to give the committee an incentive to reach a deal. but the question is, is that
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incentive really working. >> you've got $14 trillion in national debt, so $1.2 trillion, is that really going to be enough? >> and that's really a good question, suzanne. it is only enough to get by for now. you ask experts who say you know what we really immediate? we really need $4 trillion to $6 trillion in cuts. but some analysts don't even think that the super committee will get a $1.2 trillion plan together. republicans right now are ref e refusing to raise taxes. democrats don't want to cut entitlement programs, but experts are saying both are needed, that there has to be this compromise, everybody has to play nicely in the sandbox and they don't have much time. we've been talking about how this european debt deal has kind of coup many to the wire. you have to hope this doesn't happen again here in the u.s. >> playing nice in washington. we'll see how that goes. okay, thank you. predicting severe weather beyond just a few days could get a lot tougher soon.
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right now forecasters in the united states are able to predict severe weather well before it actually happens. but all that could change because there's a funding fight in congress. chad meyers, what does this mean for the future? >> isn't there a fight over everything now? the budgets are getting cut. they're getting trimmed or trying to get more accurate forecasts, trying to get better satellites up there. a satellite goes up tomorrow morning and it is a brand-new polar orbiting satellite. it will change the way we
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forecast a little bit. its life expectancy is five years. here's the rub. the next satellite is not going up until 2018. now i can do the math. if the life expectancy is five, plus 2011 we don't quite get there. that could leave a hole. eventually they'll just have to figure it out. congress has to figure out where the money comes from, figure out where exactly it gross, does it come out of something, does it go into something here's what the satellite looks like. it is actually quite cool. there it is. cool satellite goes up tomorrow in california. it will eventually keep moving from the launchpad on up to about 500 miles into swas. that 500 miles >> piers: space is going to be enough for it to go around and around and around. eventually going down to the south pole, north pole, but as it does the earth rotates underneath it so you actually see the entire world in 24 hours
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as it rotates around. we all hope that this thing works because this was one of the biggest severe weather events -- severe weather seens we've had in a very long time. today is the six-month anniversary of joplin. >> we need congress to get their act together. >> we just need longer warrantees on our satellites. >> thank you, chad. today's "talk back" question, are there too many presidential debates. joseph says, no, any candidate that doesn't want to attend any of the debates does not deserve any votes. more of your responses up ahead. but first, cnn's reporters, anchors, producers, we cover stories around the world. we also get some of the great tips on the best restaurants, hotels, travel spots. in this week's "travel insider," we're off to san francisco. >> reporter: i'm dan simon in
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san francisco. one of my favorite places in the city is here, downtown at the historic ferry building. i love coming out here on a nice day and checking out the views. for more than 100 years this place has been used to ferry people to different communities across the san francisco bay. but now the ferry building is used for all kind of different things. inside the major theme is food. high-end gourmet food. from fruits and vegetables to caviar, to olive oil, to cheeses. it is really a foodie's paradise in here. ♪ >> reporter: but i think i like it outside even better. a few days a week they have a farmer's market and this is the
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freshest stuff you can imagine. i usually grab a sandwich, sit down at one of the picnic tables and have lunch. ♪ >> reporter: so that is the ferry building. restaurants, shops, good people watching. i think it is one of the best places san francisco has to offer. i'm not a number. i'm not a line item on a budget. and i'm definitely not a pushover. but i am a voter. so washington... before you even think about cutting my medicare and social security benefits...
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you've been sounding off on our "talk back" question. carol costello is here with your responses. >> hi, suzanne. the "talk back" question today -- are there too many presidential debates? this from linda -- being president of the united states
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is hard. if you can't speak with other world leaders in the job i'm entering you for, then withdraw, don't enter. mary -- are you kidding? >> reporter: else can you see that much confusion and churlish behavior outside of professional sports? linda -- debates allow us to learn things about the candidates we otherwise would not know. participation should be mandatory. karen -- no, keep them coming. it is great comedy with a healthy dose of, oh, no, this person may run the free world! most people like the debates. they think there can't be too many. >> there you go! i'm with with them. okay. smart people. carol, i want you to check out something before you go. this is a story i guess kind of you could call it fast food. so this woman, they call it a crazy fast hand cake lady. pretty much sums up. this is the latest youtube
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sensation. she works at a bakery in china and she's getting famous for this. her ability to toss these cakes at record speed into that little bag there. >> is that in real time? >> totally! we did not speed that up, carol. that's real. as you can see the one beside her just kind of like -- she looks like she's in slow motion but she's just looking at her like what the heck? >> that's really impressive. >> it is. >> i'm going to try that at home. >> everybody's got a skill, huh? >> that's some awesome hand-eye coordination, baby. >> we'll see you in a bit. commercial fishing takes tens of millions of sharks out of the oceans every year. we're going to find out why this is not good for the environment. my sinus symptoms come with a cough
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the annual enrollment period begins and ends earlier this year. call unitedhealthcare today about an aarp medicarecomplete plan. you can even enroll right over the phone. or visit us on the web. don't wait. call now. colorado's first snow of the season tops stories making news across the country. a thick blank defendant white covering autumn leaves in denver. about five inches of snow came down on wednesday. denver had a record high just 80 degrees just two days earlier. in washington state a power supplier decided it was easier to demolish this dam than install a passageway for fish to get around it. it was $70 million cheaper. the 12-story condit dam on the
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white sand river was built in 1913. shark attacks made good headlines, right? but the odds of being bitten by one pretty slim. instead these predators have something to fear from humans. . >> reporter: sharp populations are crashing around the world. millions die by finning to feed the shark fin demand for soup in asia. roughthy a third of all shark species face some threat of extinction. without them the marine food web could start to unravel. this marine biologist is on a mission to protect sharks. we met up in the bahamas. >> actually the marina we're in right now was one of the first shark-free marinas in the
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bahamas. >> reporter: shark are at the very top of the food chain, they grow slowly, mature early and produce young making them vulnerable to overfishing. >> we're supposed to have a certain number of sharks to control all these animals that are below them. they take out that apex an we allow a lot of other fish to breed beneath them. that leads to tropic collapse which means we don't have healthy ocean systems and we won't be able to pull food or product from there anymore. >> reporter: the bahamas band commercial shark fishing an that's help lure more divers and tourist dollars to the islands. we jump in to see some sharks up close.


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