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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  November 1, 2011 6:00am-8:00am PDT

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lies do. i wouldn't trust cain to change my oil or sell me pizza, much less run my country. no thanks. please, keep the conversation flowing. thanks, as always, for your responses. that is going to wrap it up for us at "american morning." "cnn newsroom" with kyra philips starts right now. >> i think of all the times i harass carol costello and i'm still friends with her. it's absolutely remarkable. >> it's a good thing i got that cash settlement from cnn. >> you and i made an agreement, we'll move on. you will hear a lot more about herman cain today and those sexual harassment allegations. we're talking about the way he's handling all of this and stoking the fire instead of putting it out. listen to cain's explanation on how it seemed to change from interview to interview. >> if the restaurant association did a settlement, i wasn't aware of it and i hope it wasn't for much because nothing happened. >> i am unaware of any sort of
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settlement. i hope it wasn't for much because i didn't do anything. but the fact of the matter is, i'm not aware of a settlement that came out of that accusation. >> i was aware that an agreement was reached. the word settlement versus the word agreement, you know, i am not sure what they called it. >> here's the one incident that i recall as the day went on. she was in my office one day and i made a gesture saying and i was standing close to her and i made a gesture, you have the same height as my wife. and brought my hand, didn't touch her, up to my chin and said, you're the same height as my wife because my wife comes up to my chin. my wife of 43 years. that was put in there as something that made her uncomfortable as part of the sexual harassment charge. >> cnn political director paul steinhauser has been watching all the interviews, as well.
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paul, it seems cain failed damage control 101 by talking all day and changing his story. so, does all of this show the inexperience of his advisors, his staff or just it that this is a guy that goes off script? >> i think it's a little bit of both. you're right, the story you just played with the sound bites evolved during the day. the cain campaign and the candidates themselves are saying there is a difference between the settlement and agreement. you heard that in one of the sound bites. to your point, kyra. herman cain was an after thought in the battle about two months ago. since then dramatically risen in the polls and that brought more scrutiny towards him. at the same time, he went from having basically a very small campaign to now trying to build one up. yeah, i think to a degree, they just weren't ready for this story, even though politico reached out to him 11 days ago. they weren't able to reach out to him successfully. but it was a tough day for herman cain, no doubt about it.
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one of the reasons is that storyline. what are we talking about this morning? we're talking about how he changed his story from the beginning of yesterday to the end of yesterday, kyra. >> so, what do you think? is this going to die down or is it going to get worse? i mean, he, one of the final interviews last night, he was asked the question, do you think more people will come forward and he said absolutely not. >> i don't think the story will die down yet. one hour from now herman cain is on our sister network, hln. we'll ask him about his discrepancy in his story. he's out of the camera a little bit later today and tomorrow, but, no, this story will not die down for a couple days and, again, depends on his answers whether the media and voters are satisfied with his answers, kyra. not just herman cain that we're talking about this morning. we're also talking about rick perry going off script and it's gone viral. see if ft for yourself.
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>> this is such a cool state. come on, live free or die. you know, you got to love that, right? i mean, everybody's got a little slogan. mine is cut balance and grow. that little plan that i just shared with you doesn't force the granite state to expand your tax footprint. you know what i mean. >> all right. bizarre or not. we'll ask our political buzz panel next hour. and we're going to have your next political update in just about an hour. for all the latest political news. go to our website, also, occupy wall street protesters in nashville probably don't have to worry about going to jail today. a federal judge has ordered law officers to stop arresting demonstrators for now. the governor ordered a curfew last week. protesters were told that they needed permits to stay downtown. there will be another hearing in three weeks. no such break in portland, though. federal police started arresting
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protesters just a little while ago when they didn't leave a park. they had a 10:00 p.m. curfew. big plans for the iowa caucuses on january 3rd. the first in the nation and could set or change the tone of the gop presidential race. some candidates are there today trying to woo the voters. shannon travis is also there. do they actually plan to disrupt the actual voting during the caucus? >> yeah, they're not planning on disrupting the voting. they are planning on "shutting down the offices of the presidential candidates." michele bachmann, rick perry and even president obama, kyra, may want to be careful. keep a watchful eye out. these occupy des moines activists have put out a call to "occupy" groups nationwide the week before the caucuses. the proposed dates december 27th through the 3rd. the 3rd is the date of the caucus and the first in the nation caucus occupation and the
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idea is to emas thousands if they can from the nation and even perhaps the globe. they put out this global call to come here. one thing i pressed them yesterday. is this a publicity stunt. they acknowledged that all of the national media will already be here covering the caucuses. they know that we'll be here and they'll have our attention. they acknowledge this is part of an attempt to get more publicity frathe for their cause. the candidates don't do it, why should we, kyra? >> is this a done deal? is this definitely going to happen? >> at this point, it's a call. it's a call out to all the groups nationwide. it's unclear whether it will happen or not. but they have put out this call. i mean, it's probably likely that a lot of groups outside of des moines will come into iowa for this, for this major event, again, to get more attention. i've talked with some republican
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critics of this plan and they're telling me, you know what, this just means a lot of overtime for the des moines police department. kyra? >> shannon travis, we'll be watching it. one thing we deaf finitely know, unemployed, fed up and the same across the globe. zain verjee joining us from london. zain, what are the headlines saying about it? >> youth unemployment is grabbing the headlines today just ahead of the g-20 summit. let's take a look at the herald in south africa, jobless youth are a ticking time bomb. the greek crisis, the american governments, bailout of banks and the onset of a double dip recession all points to a crisis in capitalism and a need for a global rethink on how business is done. let's take a look at the south china morning post. act now on the global jobs crisis or risk a lost decade. as a guest editorial written by the labor organization and it says with the slowdown in the
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global economy, we're on the edge of global jobs recession that could last a whole decade. and if we ignore the widespread aspiration for a fair chance at a decent job, the social and political consequences could be catastrophic. and then a guest editorial by the international herald tribune. this headline, the clock is ticking. it says together women and young people make up more than two-thirds of the global population in every sense, they are the world's next emerging economy. we must listen to them. kyra? >> zain verjee out of london, thanks. it could be a cold war spy movie. a red headed shopping bags filled with cash and dead drops. it's not a movie, it's a video from the breakup of the russian spy ring last year. jill dougherty has more. >> reporter: just in time for halloween, the fbi releases a
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treasure-trove of videos, photos and heavily edited documents from "ghost stories." an undercover peek at how a russian spy ring collected and passed on information and how the fbi trailed them and finally cracked the operation. in one video from january 2010, anna chapman, the red headed bombshell who later went on to fame in moscow as a tv host sits in a coffee shop wearing designer sdesign er sunglasses talking with an fbi agent about problems with her laptop that she uses to communicate with russian officials. >> you're ready for the next step, okay. >> okay, she says. this is not laptop to laptop, this is person-to-person the agent says. in another video, the classic spy technique a brush pass as another spy trades off a bag full of cash with a russian official as they pass in a train
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station. the fbi was forced to release the material recorded over the decade the fbi had the ten russians under surveillance as part of a freedom of information act request and it looks just like a spy movie. including one russian digging up a package of money from what in spy lingo is called a dead drop. this spy ring is over, but the fbi says it's not the end of the story. >> the u.s. remains the target of most of the world's spying. again, as long as we have policy information, technology and research that the rest of the world wants and as long as foreign intel services want to gain a strategic advantage against us, we'll continue to be the target of that kind of spying. >> jill, joining us live. jill, was there anything revealed there that shouldn't have been revealed by showing that video? >> i don't think so, kyra. you know, the fbi did have, as i said, the freedom of information act request, but when they released it, especially if you look at the documents, they are
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redactive. a lot of stuff that is not included. but you'd have to say that looking at those videos, they are, they are really interesting in terms of just the spy craft. how it's done. some of them were a little antiquated. you know, like passing in the subway or whatever at the train. but there are other things that the fbi told us that were more cutting edge, including ms. chapman's use of the computer using wireless communication and communicating with a computer that was outside in a van circling around. so, there's some interesting things. i mean, really kind of a compendium of some ways that this is done in the real world. >> wow. interesting stuff. didn't look real slick there, too, jill. it looked a little obvious as we were watching it there. thinking it was a little tricky. jill, thanks. high school football coaches severely beaten by members of the opposing team. >> i said all this looked like
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corn flakes. >> corn flakes. what do you mean? >> like if you get crushed up corn flakes. that's what all this bone looked like. >> after the break, why social media is being blamed for the violence. plus, we know we'll let some of you down, that's what jetblue is telling passengers stuck on a plane for more than seven hours. we'll have that story just ahead. the postal service is critical to our economy--
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delivering mail, medicine and packages. yet they're closing thousands of offices, slashing service, and want to lay off over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem ? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains 5 billion a year from post-office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. congress created this problem, and congress can fix it. ford fusion has now been named the most dependable midsize car by jd power and associates. we go to kimberly.
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any thoughts on this news? i have no idea what's goin on. we are out. what was that? they told me it's the most dependable midsize sedan and they ran back into their little box. they ran back into their little box. ♪ we're centurylink... a new kind of broadband company committed to improving lives with honest, personal service, 5-year price lock guarantees and consistently fast speeds. ♪ checking stories across country now. halloween night in new orleans.
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two people died and two others hurt in separate shootings. police are still searching for the suspects. in connecticut, people are still trying to recover from that freak snow storm. more than 250 people spent the night in the shelter and thousands of others are still without power. jetblue is now apologizing for that snow storm that stranded a number of passengers in hartford, connecticut. more than 100 of them were left onboard a jetblue flight for more than seven hours. no food, water or functioning bathrooms. >> and we know we let some of you down over the course of this weekend and for that we are truly sorry. going forward, we plan to fully participate with the department of transportation and cooperating with their investigation into the events over the weekend. and we're also going to conduct an internal evaluation so that we can learn from this event because at the end of the day, you deserve better. and we expect better from our crew members and our operation. >> jetblue faces nearly $3 million in potential fines now.
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high school football is king in rural georgia, but recently a coach was severely beaten by members of an opposing team and a lot of people are saying online trash talk is to blame. david mattingly reports. >> reporter: after 30 years, coaching high school football david daniels says it was the one hit he didn't see coming. >> they said all of this looked like corn flakes. >> reporter: corn flakes. what do you mean? >> if you crush up corn flakes, that's what all this bone looked like. >> reporter: five hours of surgery and five metal plates to replace shattered bone. daniel was struck in the face with a helmet when he tried to break up a brawl between his players and another team. >> it just makes no sense. i don't understand it. >> reporter: coach daniel is a victim, some say, of trash talking. fueled by social media and text messages. but what's particularly hard for people here to accept is where this happened.
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small town rural georgia. the devils were playing against perennial rivals. footage from the press box that night shows the game itself was peaceful. there are no pictures to show what happened after the game. >> we saw this sea of people and it was just like moving like waves and then all of a sudden we saw a helmet go. >> reporter: she was there when her coach was struck outside the locker room. >> there was otalk on facebook before this game or some going back and forth on facebook, maybe some text messages before. >> reporter: test messages including this one, allegedly from a volunteer assistant coach who had coached at warren county the year before. apparently taunting war and county players. hancock administrators say that text was actually sent after the brawl. but the school's head coach is also among those blaming social
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media for fanning the flames. >> facebook kind of keeps everything going. you know, if i don't see you, we have no confrontation, but now facebook puts everybody together all the time. >> reporter: searches players' pages on facebook, we could find no evidence of trash talking. but school safety consultant ken trump says it's becoming a problem for all schools. >> social media is increasing the communication speed to the point where rumors and threats that used to spread in hours and days is now spreading within minutes and seconds. it's escalating very quickly and the violence could escalate along with it. >> reporter: coach daniel daveuds says he wasn't aware of any problems before the fight that left him permanently injured and refuses to say anything negative about the kids involved in the violence. >> i'm just not like that. everybody wants me to be hateful and i can't do that. i can't do that. >> reporter: his emotional and
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physical injuries still obvious. two weeks after the brawl, i watched coach daniel return to the field for the first time. >> take a look at this guy. constantly on the go. on the move on the sideline. one thing he can't do, however, is raise his voice. if he yells, it causes a lot of pain. quietly he complains of surear headaches. more surgery may be needed. while a criminal investigation continues, no one at this small town school is sure how to stop the violence from happening again. david mattingly, cnn, warrington, georgia. straight ahead, airlines charged billions of dollars every year in fees, but did you know hotels are doing the same thing? we've got the details. plus, born with legs, left withered by polio but possessing a rock hard determination. expressing determination right after the break.
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[ man ] it's my new malibu. [ woman ] '57 bel air -- still have it. [ both ] our camaro. [ man ] chevy silverado -- third one. [ male announcer ] people love their chevys. that's because for 100 years, chevy has offered the best value in america. come in now and help us celebrate our centennial open house, november 1st through the 7th. and fall in love with your next chevy. ♪
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well, 34-year-old kenyan man has lived with polio for 24 years and begging by the side of the road is how he survived, until now. zain verjee, i know this touches your heart even more so because you're from kenya. >> i know. you walk around the streets of nairobi and you see so many people begging and many of them are affected by polio and that's the only way that they can survive. so this is a really inspiring story. this guy had polio since he was young kid. he's now 34 and he has joined a dancing troop. it's pretty amazing. this troop is called what means together. you see this guy getting up on stage like this and putting on a perfommance and it's something that is so inspiring to kenyans, as well as to people around the world. culturally, too, in a lot of
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african societies it is seen as a real stigma. people are really treated very badly and you don't have places that are friendly to anyone who has a disability in terms of even being able to get around in a city. so, he's joined this troop and there are about 13 dancers in total and it's really something that has touched people's hearts. ky kyra, i will teach you a little bit, it means very good. >> it means very good. >> you can call him charlie poor, which means cool guy. which is another nickname. >> i like that. you grew up in kenya. is dance and life theater, is it popular and does this troop travel internationally? do we know. is this sort of he's inspiring folks there locally where he lives? >> well, this troop specifically was actually set up by a
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canadian group partnerring with locals. i haven't heard of them traveling internationally. but kenyan dance and theater is really something that does exist in kenya. i grew up going to the national theater, which was opposite the norfolk hotel in nairobi and always fantastic performances and they would range from very tribal and very cultural performances that was very rich in african culture and western type of performances put on. so plays are a big deal and an african country that can show it is done. >> very inspirational. i'll learn that word next. thanks, zain. we're used to the airlines nickel and diming us, now, hotels are doing the same thing. alison kosik, say it isn't so. >> you know what, somehow, kyra, we knew this was coming. guess what, you know, we could wind up paying fees for just
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about everything when you stay at a hotel. if you want to make a local call, even if you want housekeeping. if you want to use the swimming pool and even the gym, of all things. you thought the gym was the untouchable place. some are even charging as much as $2 for the safe in your room. how about this, $3.50 just to hold your bag for a few hours. here's the kicker, some fees may already be added to your bill without you even knowing it. the hotel industry is blaming a drop in revenue because there aren't as many travelers these days. but, i'll tell you what, these hotels are raking it in. hotel fees could hit a record high of $1.8 billion this year. kyra? >> not surprising. well european markets selling off this morning. we have been watching this. wall street expected to do the same. we're just a couple minutes away from the opening bell. >> right. it is expected to be quite brutal open. this is after greece through the world a curveball, especially.
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the prime minister of greece is calling for a public vote on the european debt deal that everybody was so excited about last week that the markets rallied on last week because now the fear is that greece, the greek people won't pass it because it includes very unpopular austerity measures. it's why you've seen these protesters out there in greece day after day. analysts say this could wind up knocking the wheels off the bus of this european rescue plan. i'll have the numbers coming up, soon, kyra. >> as you heard alison stocks are set to tumble at the oep on and we are just about 2 1/2 minutes away from the opening be bell. we'll watch it and bring it to you live. going in depth on "occupy wall street." cnn actually spent 24 hours embedded with the protesters in manhattan. you'll see and hear exactly what we did, coming up.
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no pie today, ted? no, no, i just paid my car insurance bill -- ouch. [ man whistles ] sounds like somebody paid too much. excuse me? i use progressive's "name your price" tool. they showed me a range of coverages, and i picked the one that worked for me. i saved hundreds when switching. hundreds? who are you? just a man that loves savings... and pie. out there with a better way. now, that's progressive.
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what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪ okay. 9:30. the opening bell ringing on wall street. there you go. as we've been talking about, a very difficult day. christine romans joining us out of new york, alison kosik at new york stock exchafg. christine, let's explain what is happening in greece and why we're watching the numbers so closely this morning. >> the prime minister of greece said he wanted an international referendum and that adds a very
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big layer of uncertainty to europe getting its problems in order. we know what the greek people think about austerity. we've seen it in the streets over and over and over again. there are those that are very concerned that this puts a real wrench in that whole deal and you look at all the european and banking stocks are down very, very heavily because a couple of the big european banks, all of that feeding into this feeling that a very good month last month, the s&p was up like 10%. very good month, people are taking their money off the table, kyra. >> alison, we're already seeing the effects of this on european markets. >> exactly. we're watching european markets. they're down anywhere from 3% to 5%. asian markets also down 2%. of course, what you see is the u.s. markets. they're following in those footsteps. the dow down now 244 points. we're seeing the vix and that is the fear index.
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measures the volatility and the fear of investors. that is popping. that is up 22%. that's a big jump just in the first few seconds of the trade. we're seeing financial shares. they are taking the biggest hit because the biggest worry here is what is the exposure that these banks carry to greece, not just greece, but if greece goes under, it could take all these other countries down with it, too. germany, italy, the list goes on. you see that creeping back into the market. after we all thought this was a done deal, we all rallied talking about the markets, actually. the markets rally last week on the this european debt deal and now it looks like the uncertainty is back on the table, right in the middle. kyra? >> looking at the numbers now, dow industrials down 253 points and we've only, markets have only been open 2:30. >> some people say this was inevitable, frankly, because after the european debt deal was reached, we all said this was the first step and a lot of
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execution that has to go with it. greece saying it wants to have a referendum and let its people decide whether it will accept that deal. that certainly is, you know, it just, it makes the inevitability of the deal that much further away. you had a big rally, don't forget in stocks in october. for the s&p, it was the best month since 1991. so, it shows you that people think, okay, the best case scenario has been price under to the stock market. we will not get the best case scenario. that's what the news flow looks like today. today we'll sell stocks. >> ladies, we'll keep talking throughout the morning and watch those numbers for everybody live here on cnn. thanks so much. we're also going in depth on "occupy wall street." good reason for a closer look. a recent cnn/orc poll shows nine in ten americans still aren't sure about the movement. he spent 24 hours embedded with the movement in its birthplace,
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manhattan zucco orzuccatti park. >> i will be here until i die. i don't know how long some other people are going to be here. >> mike check! >> it's falling apart. see the apple floating over there. >> you guys need towels? >> yeah, thank you. >> so, i'm charging by pedaling this stationary bike and we're taking the deep cycle marine batteries all around the park wherever we need power. >> i hate capitalism. that's why i eat a burger king burger. the revolution can eat its own children, i can eat burger king. >> what do we do?
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why are we here? what are we going to do? maybe it's to help people out. >> all volunteer here. see a need, fill it. >> we're going to eat now. it's dinnertime. >> mike check! >> mike check! >> hi, everybody. >> hi, everybody! >> welcome to general assembly. >> the general assembly has been going on since 7:00 and it's currently 10:40 now. it will probably continue until midnight. as usual. >> good morning, it's about
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8:30. lower manhattan. and i just woke up and had a little breakfast and i'm ready to occupy. shut it down today, what would i do? i would pack up my stuff and go to my girl's parents house for a minute and look for work and live life all over, again. you know. >> it's going to be a good day today. always a good day. trying to make the best out of it. jared with us now. you know, so much talk about a lack of a unified message. did you hear one? >> you know, i didn't really hear a unified message. if anything, more of a lack. the occupation is important and that they're staying here. beyond that, everybody seems to have their own pet topic that they're into and there was a discussion at the general assembly on sunday night where
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they discussed maybe creating a unified message, but nothing really came out of that. >> so, do you get the feeling they'll stay there all winter? >> well, i do. they say they are, anyway. if anything, the storm gave them a little bit of confidence. now, it was one storm and it can get a lot worse, but they said i'm not sure where a lot of them would go. they would have a lifestyle and i almost think if it wasn't here, it would be there and here has hot food. >> jared, thanks to your reporting. in the next hour, same thing, different city. patrick spending 24 hours with "occupy seattle." we'll see how similar or different the two camps are. also ahead, kim kardashian calling it quits after two months of marriage. her husband says not so fast. "showbiz headlines" next.
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we're watching the markets for you. not looking so good today. dow industrials down 265 points. we're all looking toward what's going to happen as we've been reporting on this rejection of a bailout deal sending greece crashing out of the euro. we already see it impacting the world markets and our markets right here at home. christine romans, alison kosik watching it all for us. we'll be talking about it all morning. looks like there's not a happy ending to the fairy tale wedding of kim kardashian and kris humphries. it looks like the marriage is over. a.j. hammer has all the details for us. oh, boy, kim kardashian filing for divorce. what is going on here? i still can't believe all the millions of dollars that went into that wedding, a.j. >> kyra, apparently marrying someone you only known for a few month in a televised ceremony, not the smartest thing to do.
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she did file for divorce, just 72 dedays after a self-described fairy tale wedding. kim is citing irreckon sibl difference s kris wanted to mov home to minnesota, that was not in kim's plan. the larger issue is they didn't know each other all that well. but, of course, kyra, there were the ratings and the sponsors to think of, right? i mean, come on. >> oh, boy. speaking of money, right, it all comes down to the bottom line. okay, now, from divorce to, you know, hey, some exciting news. jessica simpson is pregnant. >> yes, this is very exciting for jessica simpson. she has finally acknowledged something that basically we all kind of knew. she's pregnant. look at this photo. can we put up the photo of jessica simpson in her halloween costume, if we have that. she put it up with the caption, yes, it's true. i am going to be a mummy.
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nice little halloween twist to it. she is engaged to eric johnson. as to waiting so long what was acknowledging what was so obvious, reports that she was trying to shop around the first photo of her baby bump and exclusive announcement, she wanted to sell that to the tabloids. apparently, no one willing to meet her price. i don't know what that price was. but, you know, all part of the territory these days. >> oh, boy, mhow can you put a price on that? just a beautiful thing to have a baby. another singer canceling a concert due to an illness. rihanna had some pretty disappointed fans. >> this looks to be a minor deal. she was forced to cancel a concert in sweden. she has the flu. she tweeted an apology and attached a photo of her arm with an iv in it. she's resting up and hopefully will be well before too long. not a big deal, but rihanna feeling very badly having to
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miss out on a few shows. >> a.j., back by popular demand with more "showbiz" headlines. a.j., we're hoping our nancy grace won't be going anywhere. >> yeah. that's exactly right. gosh. i'm pulling for her. it's a tough week. as it gets closer and closer to the end. we'll talk about that next hour. >> sounds good. see you soon. enough to make the most patient, well, most patient people mad. driving in the fast lane, moving slow. l.z. granderson has a message for all those slow pokes out there. that's coming up. the corn field made famous by the movie, "field of dreams" has been sold. we'll tell you who bought it, right after the break. daddy, come in the water!
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[ gnome ] awwwwwwww. i just feel bloody awful. she told tiffany, stephanie, jenny and becky that she was coming to a place like this! but somebody didn't book with travelocity, with 24/7 customer support to help move them to the pool daddy promised! look at me, i'm swimming!
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♪ [ gnome ] somebody, get her a pony! [ female announcer ] the travelocity guarantee. if your booking's not right, we'll help make it right, right away. from the price to the room to the trip you'll never roam alone.
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all right, checking stories across country. a guilty verdict in the murder trial of baseline killer. he was convicted of killing nine people. terrorized phoenix during the summer of 2006. last night in florida, a small plane made a crash landing at key west international airport. rick hen drik, his wife, linda, two pilots were on board. the pilot reported no brakes. no one was seriously injured. the iowa corn field made famous in the 1989 movie "field of dreams" has been sold. they planned to develop it as a baseball and softball complex.
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all right, now, i know that all of you out there are totally going to relate to it. we signal, we never turn, we turn but we don't signal and we rubber neck and we talk on the phone. wow, we're annoying when we drive, aren't we? l.z. granderson sure thinks so, but those things really don't compare to what drives him crazy. so, l.z., speed us through your op-ed on >> i don't think there's anything worse than a slow driver in the fast lane. i just think it just takes driving to a whole new level of frustration when you have a person doing 55 in the 65 in the far left. i don't know what's worse. >> why don't we follow the rules? >> you know what, i think because we're selfish, actually. i think some of us get over there and we think, are we going fast enough? because we're going fast enough for us, we're going fast enough for everybody else. we think if we let them pass us
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they're one upping us and it's like, come on, move over. there is a lot of people in the country. move out of the way. >> do we need a right to hurry? >> yes, i believe herman cain will make that one of his next missions that he speaks about. the right for people to be able to pass in the left lane. >> all right -- >> i won't. i won't. but i promise to forget later. >> now, finally, you actually say that these folks that get in the fast lane and they don't go fast, they're impacting our economy and we can't take it right now in these hard times. >> absolutely. i mean, think about it, you're cut off five minutes because you're behind a slow person. that's five minutes you could use in a mcdonald's or starbucks. not to mention the fact when you're doing over 60 miles per hour, the department of transportation tells us we burn more gas. we're affecting the oil industry. we're job killing when we drive slow. >> note to self, don't ever
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drive in front of l.z. granderson. >> i'm joking. >> i know you're joking. join the conversation, leave him a comment, oh, he'll love it. the nba fines a team owner $500,000 for talking about the lockout. we've got sports in nine minutes. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! [ jack ] yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] half a day's worth of fiber. fiber one.
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dr. conrad murray has an important decision to make this morning. will he take the stand to try and defend himself against charges that is responsible for the death of michael jackson? ch ted rowlands has the latest for us. >> when court resumes, we'll
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find out whether conrad murray takes the stand in his own defense. after court was over, the judge asked him point blank, after everyone had left the room, are you going to testify? murray replied he hadn't made up his mind yet. the judge, in essence, said he better hurry up and gave him until 8:00 a.m. to decide whether he would take the stand. lead prosecutor david walgren attacked the witness on the stand. he tried to dismantle the theory that michael jackson killed himself with an injection of propofol. he also attacked white in that he asked him about standard of care issues. specifically at one point he talked about michael jackson being found unresponsive yet dr. conrad murray waiting 20 minutes to call 911. >> there is no justification for what conrad murray did in failing to call 911, is there? >> as i said earlier, i think he should have called 911 sooner.
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i do not, however, think it would have made any difference in the outcome of this case. >> dr. paul white is expected back on the stand when court resumes. we're expecting one more witness for the defense after white is finished. that is assuming that dr. conrad murray doesn't take the stand in his own defense. ted rowlands, cnn, los angeles. >> and as closing arguments draw closer, be sure to check out our sister network, hln, your place of expert coverage of dr. conrad murray on trial. here's some stories making news later today. a nine-foot statue of former president ronald reagan is being unveiled at reagan national airport in washington at 11:00 a.m. eastern. president obama reached the oval office at 12:20 eastern. and the deficit reduction committee holds a meeting at
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1:30 this afternoon. paul? all eyes are on herman cain this morning as he pushes back on allegations of sexual harassment. details of what he's saying at the top of the hour. i'm christine roman in new york. we're watching a 256 flag on the dow in new york. why? it's about greed. i'll tell you after to want of the hour. russian spies all caught on videotape. i'll have a peek this hour. also coming up this hour, what the costumes reveal. we're going to talk to "new york times" columnist whose story about a foreclosure firm allegedly wearing insensitive halloween costumes and how they're getting a lot of attention.
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i'll tell you what, a play on halloween night could haunt san diego's phillip rivers for a long time. he was in position for a game-winning field goal against kansas city, but he fumbled the snap. the game went into overtime. that's where another player comes in.
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winning field goal. stalberg's second straight game-winning goal, by the way. the i don't recollect i don't recollect yankee signed a second contract with the team. he says he loves pitching for the yanks and his whole family loves new york. the new deal pays him $220 million over the next five years. harrison is in hot water with the nba. the league has fined him a half million dollars for a tweet. harrison was responding to a fan angry that nba owners and players can't reach a deal. here's what he tweeted -- you're barking at the wrong owner. that not only suggests a split among the owners but also goes against league policy. that comment on the lockout. well, you're going to hear a lot more about herman cain today and those sexual harassment
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allegations. we're talking about whether he's s stoking the fire rather than putting it out. see how his answers seemed to change as time wore on. we stamped the time in the upper left-hand corner. >> if there was a settlement, i wasn't even aware of it and i hope it wasn't for much, because nothing happened. i am unaware of any sort of settlement. i hope it wasn't for much, because i didn't do anything. but the fact of the matter is, i'm not aware of a settlement that came out of that accusation. i was aware that an agreement was reached. the word "settlement" versus the word "agreement," you know, i'm not sure what they called it. there's one incident that i recall as the day has gone on. she was in my office one day, and i made a gesture saying -- i was standing close to her, and i made a gesture, you are the same height as my wife, and brought
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my hand -- didn't touch her -- up to my chin and said, you're the same height as my wife, because my wife comes up to my chin, my wife of 43 years. and that was put in there as something that made her uncomfortable as part of the sexual harassment charge. >> cnn dr. paul steinhauser has been watching all the interviews, too. it seems cain failed in talking all day and changing his story. does he just kind of do his own thing? >> you pointed out really well the evolution of herman cain yesterday. yeah, he seemed to be saying one thing earlier in the day and another thing later in the day. that's never a good thing because what are we talking about? you and i were talking about herman cain changing his story. that is probably not the story line the campaign wanted. remember, it was just two months ago herman cain was almost an
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afterthought for the republican nomination. he's jumped in the center with mitt romney. he doesn't have that much experience on this level. this is the major leagues when you're running for the white house, keira. the campaign saying, listen, this was 12 years ago. do you remember everything from 12 years ago? he was also trying to make a difference or delineation from a settlement and an agreement. >> so what was the comment that someone else planted the seed? >> did this come from a rival campaign who maybe wouldn't want to see herman cain so high in the polls, maybe wants to bring him down? he was asked about that yesterday, where did you get the story? they're saying they received a tip but not saying where they came from. is it common for campaigns to give stories to the media and say, look into this, but don't give any fingerprints?
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yes. >> we'll be watching and waiting. now look at what his former assistant said about herman cain. she worked with him for seven years. >> he wasn't brash. he wasn't even blunt. i think some of the bluntness has come with doing the radio show, which i think he kind of had to cultivate in order to be a good radio talk show host. he was never controversial, he was never argumentative. >> she also said she never saw any signs that her old boss was capable of sexually suggestive language or advances. well, the financial markets are feeling the pinch of a decision halfway around the globe, and our christine roman is in new york watching this for us. christine, explain what's happening in greece and how we're seeing it impact our markets here. >> okay, the prime minister of greece, keira, he says he wants
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to put the eu debt deal, the deal that generated so much optimism last week, he wants to put that to the greek people for a referendum to see what they think about it, and many are saying they think that is an unnecessary roadblock to fixing the problems in europe. the greek people, we know, by looking at those protest nz ts e street, how they feel about austerity. it's a very difficult position for the people of greece, for the people who went to greece, for the government of greece, and also the government of europe who would like to see greece's problems put behind them so it doesn't hurt a fragile recovery there. the european economy is barely growing. the u.s. economy is growing 2.5%, and there are a lot of fears in this country that any kind of road blocks to the eu deal could hurt growth here. a lot of the banking stocks are down more than that 4 and 5% each.
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keira? >> we'll be at the g-20 summit this week in the south of france and how this will all play a part. >> and the president will be there and all the big leaders of the g-20 nations, the group of 20 big industrialized nations. and here's what's interesting about the g-20. before this greek vote was going to come up, the big test of the eu debt deal would be what the leaders were going to say at the g-20 about implementing it. now this comes up and it's even more important for those leaders in cannes and the south of france how europe is getting those problems behind it so it will not hurt a recovery there, hurt a recovery here. remember, europe as a group, the eurozone is the largest destination for u.s. exports. so if europe isn't growing, if europe can't get its sovereign debt problems behind it, it's very dangerous for the american recovery as well. that's why this is all so global, what's happening here. keira? >> we'll keep watching those numbers with you. the dow industrials, how are
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they looking right now? >> they're still down about 2%, but they're also the worst levels of the morning. so watch that a little later. >> christine, thanks. young people have been the driving force behind the occupy movement in this country. they're unemployed and they're fed up. it's the same thing across the globe. what are they saying? >> good morning, keira. unemployment is making headlines here before the g-20 summit in south of france. let's get a look at what the herald in the south of france says. jobless youth are a ticking time bomb. it says the greek crisis, the american government's bailout of banks and the onset of double-dip recession all point to a crisis in capitalism and a need for a global rethink on on you business is done. the south china morning post,
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with the slowdown in the global economy, we are on the edge of a global jobs recession that could last a whole decade. and if we ignore the widespread aspiration for a fair chance at a decent job, the social and political consequences could be catastrophic. finally, a guest editorial by the u.n. secretary general in the herald tribune, the clock is ticking. it says, together, women and young people make up more than two-thirds of the global population. in every sense, they are the world's next emerging economy, and we must listen to them. keyur keira, just to give you a sense of numbers here, spain is 48%, italy 29%. i've got portugal down for 27%, and france with 24%. keira? >> okay. we'll keep tracking all the various protests happening across the country.
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thanks so much and overseas, of course. now, the occupy wall street movement has big plans for the iowa caucuses on january 3rd. it's the first in the nation and could change or set the tone of the gop presidential race. protesters are planning to occupy the candidates' campaign offices. shannon travis is in iowa. shannon, what's going on? >> yeah, some of those very protesters you just talked about from around the globe and around the country may descend here in iowa, as you just mentioned, for the iowa caucuses here. the occupy des moines group, the supporters of the larger umbrella organization, will come here the week before the iowa caucuses. the proposed dates are december 27 through january 3 and could shut down the presidential offices of all the different candidates, including president obama. they say they want to have their
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voices heard. they say they will not disrupt the electoral process, but they definitely want to have a presence. i pressed them about is this a publicity stunt? they said, no, it's not. they're is very aware the national or international press will be here. one point of note, the republican critics i spoke to said, you know what, they disagree with it, and they also said the only real goal they'll accomplish is providing a lot of overtime to the des moines police department, keira. >> travis, we'll watch it with you. and occupy protesters in nashville probably don't have to worry about going to jail today. a federal judge has ordered officers to stop arresting demonstrators for now. there will be another hearing in three weeks. and others were arrested when they didn't leave a park. they had a 10:00 p.m. curfew in
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portland. we have some pictures of a very interesting halloween party that's getting a lot of buzz this morning. and passing paper bags of cold, hard cash. a red-headed bombshell and dead drop. cold war spice story, 20th century just minutes away. i'm really glad we took this last minute trip! you booked our room right? not yet, thanks for reminding me. wait, what? i have the app so we can get a great deal even at the last minute. ah, well played get the app. your new progresso rich & hearty steak burger soup. [ dad ] i love this new soup. it's his two favorite things in one... burgers and soup. did you hear him honey? burgers and soup. love you. they're cute. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. ♪ you want to save money on car insurance? no problem.
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you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. ...was it something big? ...or something small? ...something old? ...or something new? ...or maybe, just maybe... it's something you haven't seen yet. the 2nd generation of intel core processors. stunning visuals, intelligent performance. this is visibly smart. hey, it's sandra -- from accounting. peter. i can see that you're busy...
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but you were gonna help us crunch the numbers for accounts receivable today. i mean i know that this is important. well, both are important. let's be clear. they are but this is important too. [ man ] the receivables. [ male announcer ] michelin knows it's better for xerox to help manage their finance processing. so they can focus on keeping the world moving. with xerox, you're ready for real business. checking stories cross country now. halloween night in new orleans. two people died and at least ten others were hurt in separate shootings, including one on bourbon street. police are now searching for the
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suspects. in connecticut people trying to recover from that freak snowstorm. more than 250 people spent the night in a shelter. thousands of others are still without power. jetblue is now apologizing. remember what happened during the snowstorm? more than 100 passengers were left on board during this flight for more than seven hours. they didn't have food, water, even functioning bathrooms. >> and we know we let some of you down over the course of this weekend, and for that we are truly sorry. going forward, we plan to fully participate with the department of transportation in cooperating with their investigation into the events over the weekend, and we're also going to conduct an internal evaluation so that we can learn from this event. because at the end of the day, you deserve better and we expect better from our crew members and our operation. >> well, jetblue faces nearly $3 million in potential fines now. straight ahead, russian spies in the u.s.
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we have surveillance video that helps the fbi pull the plug on t. occupy seattle moves but their message stays the same. we'll take you inside one of the occupy wall street movements.
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it could be a cold war spy movie. a red-headed femme fatale. it's not a movie, it's a break-up from that russian spying we talked about so much last year. here's more. >> reporter: the fbi releases a lot of photos and stories from operation ghost stories and how russian spies collect and pass on information, how the fbi trailed them and finally cracked the operation. in one video from january 2010,
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anna chapman, the red-headed bombshell who later went on to fame in moscow as a tv host opposites in a moscow coffee shop wearing designer sunglasses, unknowingly talking to an fbi agent about problems with her laptop that she uses to communicate with russian officials. you're ready for the next step, okay, he asks? okay, she says. this is not laptop to laptop, this is person to person, the agent says. in another video, the classic spy technique, the brush past, as someone trades a bag of cash with a russian official as they pass in a train station. the fbi was forced to release the material recorded over the decade the fbi had the ten russians under surveillance as part of the freedom of information act request, and it looks just like a spy movie. including one russian digging up a package of money from what in spy lingo is called "a dead
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drop." this spy ring is over, but the fbi says it's not the end of the story. ztz t >> the u.s. remains the target of most of the world's spying, and as long as we have policy information, technology and research that the rest of the world wants, and as long as foreign researchers want to gain information on us, we'll continue that kind of spying. >> so we might be laughing about this because of anna chapman, but the fbi says it's really serious, keira, that these people were succeeding. they were getting closer to what they really wanted to do, which was to get access to influential americans. keira? >> we talked about this last hour, but the fbi didn't really reveal any secrets by releasing this video, right? >> no, they wouldn't. of course, they were required to under this freedom of information act query, they had
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to reveal things that were requested. but anything that could be compromising or anything that would reveal really secret information, of course, they wouldn't. but that said, i mean, if you look at this, it's very interesting in terms of the techniques and also, i would have to say as i watched it, the people look very normal. i mean, a guy standing at a street corner, people passing each other. you wouldn't really notice this stuff. so it's really kind of a fascinating glimpse into how these spies do it. >> definitely an inside glimpse. jill, thanks. we see the movement, we hear their message, but just who are the people participating in these occupy wall street rallies? well, this morning we're going inside occupy seattle. ♪ >> you know, there are young kids, there are young families
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with babies in their strollers. i feel like one of the reasons why i'm just compelled to come out here, because i want people on the street to see that it's middle class, middle-aged people out here, too. it affects everybody. >> my name is darcy thompson and we come down here every weekend with my family. i'm a doctor and my husband is a teacher, and my husband has been laid off every year for the past four years. i owe $150,000, and as a new doctor out, we're actually barely middle class and kind of barely getting by, and that's just crazy. ♪ they're even bigger now >> raging grannies is a group of older women who are passionate for justice. we're told there is no money for schools, there is no money for taking care of the needy in this country. never mind the needy, the middle class, i mean, all of us.
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tremendous unemployment. ♪ >> we bring these deep tensions to the surface so the people are forced to face them, forced to interact with them, and forced to seek the change from the government. >> you go into the market and you download it and it's called "i'm getting arrested." that will send out to anybody that you want to know that you're being arrest and had that you need help. the police are probably going to let you do it unless they're beating you up. >> we're going to gather it up and have our escort take us to the hill and we're going to occupy our new location. >> we are the 99%! we are the 99%! >> don't go home! occupy! >> this is just the beginning.
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>> this is just the beginning. >> here on campus. >> here on campus. >> there you can see patrick spent quite a bit of time on occupy seattle. they spent a lot of time in a downtown park. where did they actually move to, and how is it going now? >> they're on a college campus. good morning from the new home of occupy seattle. it wasn't clear over the weekend whether or not the administration, whether or not pli pli police would let them set up tents on the quad here. there is no water or electricity, but protesters say they will continue to rough it as long as it helps get their message out. >> all right. we'll follow right along with you, patrick, as the movements do continue. now, defending accusations of sexual harassment, herman cain spoke just moments ago in our sister station hln. here's what he had to say.
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>> absolutely believe that this is an intended smear campaign using these two cases -- like i said, i'm not even aware of the second one. it is a smear campaign. when they cannot -- we don't know. we have no idea. when they cannot kill my ideals like 9-9-9, they come after me personally. and someone asked me yesterday in one of the many interviews that i did, clearing the air on this, is there anything else? not that i know of. i knew about that one case at the restaurant association. i've been in business, i was in business before i ran for president, over 40 years, and that was the only instance of accused sexual abuse, sexual harassment, only one. so what i'm saying is, then in the rest of the political article, which was near the end, the last two paragraphs, three people at the restaurant association, members of the board of directors, attested to
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my character and my sbintegrity. but not a lot of people are paying attention to that. >> all right, we're going to talk a lot more about this and pay attention to that in our political buzz section in a few minutes. there is not a lot of love out there for foreclosure companies, and this story could be the reason why. a columnist from the "new york times" received these photos snapped at a halloween party last year. they are actual employees at the steven j. bomb law firm near buffalo, new york. it's a law firm that represents banks when they want to foreclose on someone's home. well, as you can see, the workers are dressed up as homeless people and squatters. insensitive or just a heartless mindset? joe writes about it and joins me live from new york. joe, tell me how you actually got the photos and how did you authenticate them? >> well, i got the photos from a former employee who wanted to
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restore her integrity, she told me, and felt that it was important for people to understand what the mindset was like at foreclosure firms like steven j. baum. she sent me the photographs. i got in touch with the baum firm. they acknowledged that they do hold a halloween party. they deny that the photos depicted people being kicked out of their homes, but i think the photographs speak a whole lot louder than that denial. >> and you not only talk about what knees kthese costumes reve it's pretty obvious, joe, but a pretty disturbing mindset as you got to know this former employee. >> i think that's exactly right. i've actually seen this firm in action before. i've written a fair amount about foreclosure issues, and i've watched people who were perfectly suited for a mortgage modification being driven into foreclosure by these firms which really have no incentive to help people modify their mortgages, and really are only incentivized
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to foreclose. yes, these foreclosure law firms really have no interest in helping homeowners stay in their home. their only interest is to get them out and make a fee. >> i have a question, joe. when you reached out to the lawyers at the law firm, what did they say to you? what did they tell you? >> they just simply sent me a statement, first of all, denying that the pictures depicted what they said they depicted, which, of course, you can see is not true. and then saying at the end that this is yet another attempt by the "new york times" -- and they called it actually a pathetic attempt by the "new york times" to besmirch the law firm. the following day, after the photos had been published in the "new york times," and picked up by bloggers all over the country, they sent a word of apology to the local newspaper, so at least they finally had the sense to understand that the photographs represents something that's pretty intolerable.
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>> joe, we did the same thing. we thought it important to reach out to steven baum and did get a statement. here's the deal. they are under an investigation by the new york attorney general, by the way, the law firm is. it recently agreed to pay a $2 million fine over a department of justice investigation into its foreclosure practices. now, we did reach out to the law firm, and this is the statement we just got from steven j. baum. quote, the images in the photographs that were recently published in the "new york times" obviously were in very poor taste. in fact, we had our annual halloween party this pals week and we reiterated our company. the policy as it pertains to wearing appropriate costumes. no one is permitted to wear a costume that could be interpreted as being offensive. he actually went on to tell us, on behalf of the firm, i sincerely apologize for what happened last year at our halloween party. i was hoping joe could hear that.
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did we let him go? joe, did you hear the whole statement there? it's obviously a different tune than what you got when you wrote the piece. >> right. i think once everybody saw the pig pictures, you couldn't deny what was undeniable. the pictures absolutely show them making fun of people they foreclosed on. it is pretty awful. so they're in damage control mode now, as they should be. >> well, joe, it was good to see that you were able to expose this, because it's a rough time for folks right now, out of work and losing their homes, and there is nothing funny about that. joe, thanks for the great reporting. >> i totally agree. thanks for having me. i appreciate it. >> take a listen here to rick perry speaking in new hampshire. can you tell why this clip has gone viral? >> this is such a cool site. i mean, come on. live free or die? i mean, you got to love that, right? >> so here's our question. did he sound kind of odd to you?
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we're going to play it for our political buzz panel. they've got opinions. there's a moment where everything comes together. where there's magic. and you now understand what nature's been hiding. ♪ at dow we understand the difference between innovation and invention. invention is important. it's the beginning. it's the spark. but innovation is where we actually create value for dow, for society, and for the world. ♪ at dow, we're constantly searching for how to use our fundamental knowledge of chemistry to solve these difficult problems. science is definitive. there is a right answer out there. [ male announcer ] the same 117 elements do the fundamental work of chemistry. ♪ the difference, the one element that is the catalyst for innovation, the one element that changes everything is the human element.
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all right, it's time for political buzz. your rapid-fire look at the best political topics of the day. three questions, 30 seconds on the clock. robert zimmerman, chris metzler, professor, and founding editor. herman cain started his monday, as a matter of fact, right in our hours, sort of shrugging off sexual harassment allegations, saying some people have a problem with his sense of humor. we saw how the stories changed throughout the evening, and just moments ago on hln, this is what he told our robin meade. >> i absolutely believe this is an intended smear campaign using these two cases -- like i said, i'm not even aware of the second
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one. it is a smear campaign. when they cannot -- we don't know. we have no idea. when they cannot kill my ideals like 9-9-9, they come after me personally. and someone asked me yesterday in one of the many interviews that i did, clearing the air on this, is there anything else? not that i know of. i knew about that one case at the restaurant association. i've been in business, i was in business before i ran for president over 40 years, and that was the only instance of accused sexual abuse, sexual harassment. >> okay, guys, so here you go. he's strongly saying, look -- it went from not knowing about any incident to, okay, one incident, but this is a smear chaampaign. what questions do you have, or is this controversy going to fizzle out? robert? >> i wouldn't say he shrugged
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off the issues yesterday. on the contrary, he just flat out lied. he lied to the press club when he said he didn't know about the settlements, he lied when he said he didn't know about specific payouts of the charges, because yesterday he proved he knew what was going on specifically and what's happening here. he won't get away with this by playing the victim. i would ask him, how do you pretend to be a genuine, authentic leader and a non-politician and a family values person if you don't have the courage and candor to dra s address these issues honestly. >> chris? >> one question, mr. cain, were you ever involved in an internal sexual harassment investigation? if you were, what did you say in that investigation? secondly, are you now remembering that, in fact, there was a, quote, unquote, incident? thirdly, there has only been one allegation of sexual harassment against you. how many do there need to be? and i would also ask him in
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terms of the settlement number, as the ceo, did you not know a case was settled and was it settled for 9-9-9? >> oh, good stuff. i think there are two kind of questions we have to ask herman cain here. first of all, obviously what happened, what did you know and when did you know it? no candidate wants these questions coming at him. did this happen at other workplaces, were these the only incidences? and how could he not be prepared for this? his campaign has known about this story for two weeks and how could they not be better prepared? and this raises an issue in the campaign, there is the problem and then there is the response to the problem. you're supposed to respond and be done with it. he is explaining it, going back, going forward. it's hurting his campaign much more than the initial allegations themselves. >> herman cain not the only one making headlines. a lot of people talking about rick perry as well after this speech in new hampshire. take a listen.
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>> my plan is really simple. it does deductions for the mortgage, deductions for the chartable -- yep, keep that in there -- and your state and local taxes are in there. put those on, 12,500 for whatever dependent you have, and this is pretty easy math, subtract it, send it in. it's awesome. that little plan that i just shared with you doesn't force the granite state to expand your tax footprint, if you know what i mean. like 9% expansion. >> what's going on here, guys? chris? >> well, you know, as a republican and as a conservative, i've got to tell you, i am deeply embarrassed by this. this just kind of looked to me like he was a bobblehead. what was going on? it was like a bobblehead doll in the environment. i'm very concerned what's happening in this particular
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case is we've got allegations of sexual harassment, we've got bobblehead, all these things going on. the party is in trouble here. where are the candidates? this is why we keep going from candidate to candidate. week to week, it seems to be getting worse. >> robert? >> chris, calm down. i'll explain it to you. i did a little bit of political buzz csi on this story, and if you notice, governor perry's eyes look a bit glassy in that video. he looks a bit glazed and there are crumbs around his mouth. in fact, sources tell me on the scene that he was eating food almost compulsivelcompulsively, was hungry. he actually made more sense in that speech than when he was trying to make more serious remarks. he's not equipped to be a candidate, certainly not equipped to lead. >> this has to be barack obama's best day in the presidency because the republicans are really falling apart here. with rick perry, this is very, very erratic behavior and it's
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establishing a pattern of erratic behavior. i was hoping for him maybe these were taken out of context. i watched the whole speech, 20 minutes in a row of this kind of gobbledy-gook. he needs to be career oriented, focused, he's none of those things. he needs to turn things around or maybe drop out. >> came out with this new poll asking which presidential candidate you would most like to see on "dance ingwith the stars." president obama comes out on top followed by michele bachmann. which candidate would you most like to see shake it before a national audience. >> newt gingrich is my top choice for shaking it in front of a national audience. if a man has "dancing queen" on
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his phone, he has shake and booty. i just want to see it. >> chris? >> it's true. >> i think chris can't get past the shaking the booty. okay, chris. go ahead. >> actually, i would like to see two candidates mono and mono. i would like to see rick perry and mitt romney both shaking what their mama gave them. i think that would be an interesting thing. and then whichever one survives gets to become the nominee. at this point, that's pretty much where we are, anyway. this would be exciting. >> i love learning everybody's taste in music as well. bring it home, robert. >> i'll do my best. i still can't get the idea of newt gingrich having booty. i can't figure that out. i would agree, chris, that after rick perry's last speech in new hampshire, after that last speech, he might be a lot of fun on the dance floor. but i tell you who our choice is, and i did query the
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committee buzz panel, the one with the greatest appeal and greatest buzz power? this is your moment, keira phillips. you're our choice. >> how about a nice slow waltz at some point, robert, okay? that's much easier for me. >> you would be great there. >> thanks, guys. appreciate it. we have some breaking news to tell you about now. we just got this pretty amazing video into cnn. this is an emergency landing of a boeing 767 at an airport in poland, actually there in warsaw. the plane had some problems with the landing gear. you can see it right there. so it landed on its belly. the flight originated out of newark, we're told. all the passengers were safe, there weren't any injuries. mary sciavo is a former
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investigator with the traffic department, and i got to tell you, this pilot did a pretty good job. >> yes, he did. textbook way to land, yeah. >> it sort of reminds you of sully sullenberger and how he did the same thing on water. when you're coming into a situation like this, there is a lot of things in your mind as a pilot and what you're going to do. you have issues of speed and where you're going down, and if you have emergency crews there ready to go. it kind of puts a lot in the mind of the pilot in a situation like this when you can't get the landing gear down. >> pilots are trained for this. sully sullenberger landing on the water, we were just lucky he had military training. here he was trained to do this. the pilot came down as slow as possible. if he had the gear out, it would have been the most beautiful landing, but that's what you have to do. they're trained to do this. it's typical if you have a landing gear problem for the nose gear not to come down, but
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for a full failure here, obviously a mechanical problem, but textbook landing, this pilot was properly trained. >> when you're put into this position, all right, how much time do you actually have? i mean, there's the issue, i'm sure, about fuel. i mean, how many times do you try? and i guess what's the troubleshooting you go through when the emergency gear or when the gear isn't coming down, kind of tell me the checklist to why or when you reach this point. >> sure. this is one of the emergencies in an airline problem or airline flight where you actually do have time. there are troubleshooting measures to try to redeploy the landing here. you have time to try again and again. there is a procedure you can make of overhead and other aircraft if they can see anything. you can passover the landing
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field and have a look. then on certain aircraft, but not all, on certain aircraft you can dump fuel, others you just have to run it off. you have to keep circling and circling to burn the fuel to make it as white as possible, then you come down and you have emergency crews standing by to put out any fires. i've been a passenger on failed landing gear flights. it's a scary thing, but most of the time it's a good result. >> holy cow. i can just imagine those passengers cheering that pilot or those pilots right now. mary schiavo, thank you very much. we just got this pretty incredible video in to cnn. it's showing the emergency landing of a boeing 767. you see it landing on its belly in an airport in warsaw. that flight originated in newark, and according to a new york spokesperson, the plane had problems with its landing gear but that all passengers are safe and there are no injuries to
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report. as we go to break, let's take a quick check of the stock market, shall we? dow industrials down about 200 points right now. >> okay, yeah, when an investment lacks discipline, it's never this obvious. introducing investment discipline etfs from russell. visit r a prospectus, containing the investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and other information. read and consider it carefully before investing.
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we are just getting word that hilary rodham clinton's mother has just passed. dorothy rodham, 92 years old. apparently she has been ill, l hillary clinton has not
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disclosed what that is. but now we're getting word that she has passed away at the age of 92. her family saying that they will be forever grateful to the gift of dorothy's life and for the memories that they will treasure forever. hilary rodham clinton dorothy's mother passing away at the age of 92. let's check other stories making news today. a nine-foot statue of former president ronald reagan is being unveiled at reagan international airplane at 11:00 a.m. today. obama greets the space shuttle at lapt is crew at 12:20. and the deficit reduction committee hearing in d.c. kim kardashian files for divorce. some saying, not so fast.
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if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. these are the reasons i quit smoking. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. it looks like there won't be a happy ending to the fairy tale wedding of kim kardashian and kris humphries. millions of dollars and two months later, it looks like they're calling it quits. a.j. hammer has all the details. what's the deal, kim is the one filing for divorce? >> she filed yesterday, keira, and this naturally has a lot of people asking if this whole thing was just a scam to promote the wedding series they did. there have been a lot of jokes around.
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but people in the building coming up to me and saying, i'm really ticked off about this. a lot of people are angry about it, you have celebrities who are angry about it, particularly celebrities who support same-sex marriage. the sentiment being there, this counts as a real marriage, but two people of the same sex getting together would somehow ruin the sanctity of marriage? kris humphries reportedly wanting to work things out. he said, i love my wife and i'm devastated to learn she filed for divorce. i'm committed to this marriage and everything this covenant represents. i would love to work things out. here's what rob kardashian said from "dancing with the stars." >> we here to support anything she does, and that's it. >> keira, they made a lot of
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money doing that reality wedding. there is a report the couple made $8 million doing the wedding. i wanted to determine to how much it all extrapolates to. in 72 days of marriage, that adds up to $250,000 every day of the marriage or $10 million an hour. good work if you can get it. >> good work, a.j. all the many causes that money could have gone toward. that's the chartable person in me. a.j., thanks. if you want anything breaking on the entertainment world, a.j. has it every night. "showbiz tonight," 11:00 p.m. on hln. i habe a cohd.
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quick little update for you. let's get straight to mark preston. mark, what's the deal with these ads that will be rolling out soon to support rick perry? >> no doubt about it, we're heading into the home stretch of the presidential nomination. that means these independent expenditure groups are starting to open up their wallets. a group that is supportive of governor perry is going to spend $400,000 in two states over ten days, iowa and south carolina. this is significant because this is the first real buy we're seeing from an independent group that's trying to weigh in on the republican presidential nomination. keira, it's worth noting that


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