tv Reliable Sources CNN November 6, 2011 8:00am-9:00am PST
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italian pilot dropped four bombs on a turkish encampment outside of tripoli. go to our web site for more. thanks for being part of my program this week. don't forget to catch our special, "restoring the american dream: fixing education." 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. eastern and pacific. stay tuned for "reliable sources." are the standards of campaign exclusives, the politico story on herman cain exploded like a bombshell and largely hit its targets. what about the details of the decade-old sexual harassment allegations? >> we made a conscious decision not to go chasing two anonymous sources. >> are the media now going totally overboard? what exactly is cain supposed to have done? and what about the loaded charge by some conservative pundits that the press is deliberately targeting an african-american?
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politico's jonathan martin, who broke the story, joins our discussion. brian williams takes the primetime plunge with a new magazine show. >> as we begin a new broadcast in this studio that has already housed a hot of television history over the years. and tonight we hoped to a another chapter. >> can rock center build a brand to rival "60 minutes"? plus kirby kardashian's lightning round marriage. why won't the media just admit they were had? i'm howard kurtz, and this is "reliable sources." for the reporters at politico, last sunday morning was a chance to ask herman cain about allegations unearthed on the web site that two women accused him of sexual harassment when he ran the national restaurant association in the 1990s. after the presidential candidate emerged from an appearance on "face the nation," that's what jonathan martin did.
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>> have you ever been accused of sexual harassment? have you? have you, sir? >> that was the last question. thank. >> yes or no? >> last question. >> have you ever been accused of sexual harassment? >> the story was published hours later, and you've got to say this for cain, he didn't go into hiding. he did one interview and appearance after another. but the story got increasingly murky as "politico," "the new york times" and others dug up new details and the candidate's denials began to shift. >> as far as a settlement, i am unaware of any sort of settlement. i hope it wasn't for much because i didn't do anything. the word "settlement" versus the word "agreement," you know -- i'm not sure what they called it. >> was there any behavior on your part that you think might have been inappropriate? >> in my opinion, no. but as you would imagine, it's in the eye of the person who
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thinks that maybe i crossed the line. >> you didn't say like, whoa, what did she say i did? >> no, i didn't, i said, what do you mean sdmarmt. >> when you make a distinction between settlement and agreement, it sounds clintonian. >> it wasn't meant to sound clintononian. >> were blindsided? >> not blind sided, bill. my campaign was aware that this story would break ten days ago. we made a conscious decision not to go chasing two anonymous sources. so don't even bother asking me all of these other questions that you all are curious about, okay, don't even bother. >> a good question, though. >> are you concerned that these women do -- are you concern good -- >> excuse me. excuse me. >> there are too many people in the media that are downright dishonest, not all, but too many of them do a disservice to the american people.
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[ applause ] >> that was herman cain last night at a debate with newt gingrich. joining us to examine the media's conduct on this controversial and polarizing story, here in washington, jonathan martin, senior political reporter for "politico" and the lead reporter on the cain story. kathleen parker, the nationally syndicated columnist with the "washington post." and in new york, kelly goff, contributing editor for jonathan martin, let's talk about the story last sunday, you and three colleagues report good this, and what it didn't contain in details. "sexually suggestive behavior that made the women ainge rea and uncomfortable. descriptions of physical gestures, not always overtly sexual, innuendo, and in one case an unwanted sexual advance in a hotel." why publish the story then when you couldn't answer the central question, what precisely is herman cain alleged to have done with these women? >> howie, i think any journalist would find the -- a report of two women who got a five figure
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-- each -- cash payout after alleging sexual harassment against the ceo of a trade group now a major contend for president newsworthy. that's the story we had, and that's what we published. as my editor, john harris, said, of course we want more detail and to do more reporting. that's what happened this eke. and obviously we printed what we could print last sunday. and of course we had multiple sources on this. a half a dozen actually, as we mentioned in the piece. now, as for the detail of it, we were dealing with sensitive, you know, sources. sensitive information here. >> yes. >> and so obviously we -- we tread delicately when it came to that. as you noted, though, in the build-up to the segment, during the course this week, "politico," my colleagues, "the new york times" and others, have gotten closer to this in terms of the detail of what happened. >> right. but you had to make -- let me interrupt. you had to make a go or no-go decision. i think in a lot of news organizations an editor would have said, you have done some terrific reporting, you have great leads here, but you don't
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have it. you can't have a quote of what he said to any of these women. you're obviously not able to name the women. you don't have the details of the sexually suggestive behavior that made him angry and a couple -- go back and get more. you could have waited. there was nothing forcing you to publish last sunday. >> well, we had the fact that -- one of these women was brought upon by cain in a hotel room. was made to feel very uncomfortable. we reported later in the week more about what happened with that episode. she was so upset about that, that hours later she confronted a member of the board to complain about cain's treatment of her, an explicit sexual overture in that hotel room. >> but you can't tell me what the overture is. >> with these stories, at first you may not have all the information you want. but subsequently reporting by my news organization and many others has corroborated the basic fact of the story. that's not in question at all. you know, mr. cain has offered, you know, various responses to the story. but nobody has challenged -- and in fact, the facts have been
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corroborated. two women -- >> the fact that these two women that you -- they were not willing to let their names be used. i assume you or your colleagues talk good it off the record. you can't say. didn't that cause you hesitation that you couldn't identify the women? >> howie, we had total confidence in this story. and after five days of reporting by other news outlets, you can see why. because the story was bulletproof, 100% on the facts. two women got five-figure payouts after accusing mr. cain of sexual harassment in the late '90s. those facts have been corroborated entirely. i don't understand the issue frankly. >> when you -- when you saw the tape earlier -- went up to cain outside the bureau last sunday, and he would not give a direct answer -- yes or no, you asked him, yes or no. did youic that in effect confirmation, no hard denial that that helped make the decision publish? >> in context. we had tried for ten days to get an answer from that campaign -- >> no response? >> no, actually, one of the first response was their spokesman was, mr. cain vaguely
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recalls what happened and told his campaign staff talk to the in-house counsel at the organization who took care of the matter and who -- to share with them what happened. so that wasn't really a denial either. but it wasn't enough for us. we wanted to ask the candidate directly about the accusations. that's what i did. i asked him four times that question. he didn't give me a straight answer. so that's the response we had. combined with his spokesman's response, it was far from a denial. and we found out why during the course this week because this actually did happen obviously. >> let me bring in kathleen parker. you also interviewed herman cain this week after the story broke, about the allegations. what did you make of his answers to you? >> well, i interviewed him right after he gave the talk to the national press club on monday. so that was one day after it was first reported that this thing had happened. i interviewed him previously so he felt comfortable with me, i know that. i said, look, you have to -- you have to shoot straight, lay it on the table, do the best you can to recall what happened because they're not going to stop. they meaning people like
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jonathan, are going to keep digging and digging and digging. and eventually somebody who knows something is going to speak. go ahead and dig deep in your memory bank and try to tell me what you recall might have been construed as sexual harassment. and i think he really -- you know, my first impression was herman cain is a little bit clueless in the -- in a male way, okay. i know i'm going to get myself in big trouble saying that. but in a sense he said, look, this is a complaint against me -- >> i hope he didn't say, "look, sweetheart." >> he didn't, but i wouldn't have been upset at may age, okay. at my age, i'd say, "thank you, darling." but he said, i think what happened at the time was he knew that there was this complaint against him. he delegated it to the proper authorities. they their investigation, resolved it. we talk about five figures like this is some enormous amount of money. i'm not defending -- cain here, i don't know what happened. >> but you described his answer to you as weak. >> i am getting pack to that. i promise. >> yeah. >> he said, okay, let me think.
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okay, there was this one time where i spoke it her, and i commented -- he called this other staff woman up to demonstrate the difference in their heights. and his wife is apparently a very petite lady. so he said, you're the same height as my wife. and he was standing close to her. that was his explanation of what might have been construed as sexual or not appropriate. and then i said, well, that's pretty good. and he even was able to give details. like the door was open to his office. his secretary was right outside the door. >> get you the bottom line -- >> your memory's getting good here. let's keep going. then he said there was this other time --arm what it was. it was not significant. >> your bottom line, as you wrote, was that it was not a terribly impressive set of denials? >> no, it wasn't. and it kept getting more expansive and more detailed. and i just thought, you know -- go ahead, jonathan martin and "politico" gave you ten days to figure out what your story is. at least figure that much out. >> okay. let me attorney kelly --
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>> i do have a lot more to say. i have to get another chance to talk. >> given that herman cain is not alleged to have had sex with any of these women or have touched anyone as far as we know, unlike, say, bill clinton, does the past seven days amount to media overkill? >> that depends. and, you know, i'm going probably get myself in trouble for say something a little politically incorrect, might get a little hate mail. won't be the first time so i'll say it anyway. a lot of how the coverage plays out and the impact on the campaign plays out depends on one thing which we in the media don't like to acknowledge. that is what we end up finding out about his accusers and if -- how much we find out about them. what i mean by that is what we don't like to acknowledge but is simply a fact is that when it comes to allegations like this, an accuser's class status, her attractiveness and, yes, at times her race end up impacting how people -- how likely people are to, a, believe such allegations, and b, how the media ends up covering stories like this. >> and on that point, kelly, let me jump in. on friday, as you know, attorney
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joel bennett, said that his client -- the woman who reportedly got the $45,000 settlement from the restaurant association -- had been subjected to unwanted advances, that's the quote. unwanted advances by ini can't. but it would be extremely painful for her to go public. cnn covered it live. should cnn have covered it live? and is it unfair for those of us in the media to trumpet the allegations while this woman, willing to send her lawyer out there, isn't willing to put her name out there and remains anonymous? >> well, yes -- cnn should cover it because it's -- whether we like it or not, it's a news story, right? and it's become a major news story. i guess there's debate about whether it's the chicken or the egg there. the fact is it's a major news story. i do go back to, unfortunately -- i wish her all the best. i wish all the accusers their best, and they want their privacy. we've got another year this presidential campaign. if he's able to hang tough and stay in this campaign, i'm afraid to break it to everyone involved, how much longer these people are going to remain
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anonymo anonymous. >> kathleen? let me get kathleen back into the conversation. >> you're absolutely correct. it has become a huge news story. but it was made a huge news story by the news organizations themselves. and the most important thing is we don't know the facts. we don't know what was said -- >> except for -- >> i think he never expected this to come up. i don't know if he expected to be this far into the campaign at all. you know, the -- the fact is you don't -- as long as you don't know what happened, the system has already worked to the extent it was designed to work. these women filed a complaint, it was with -- internally found baseless. they resolved it with a settlement. by the way, that is routine in 90% of the cases. you can't -- herman cain would have had to spend $100,000 to defend himself against charge that could have just been a matter of personal perception. >> a couple things, howie, you said there was no physical contact. we have reported that there was physical contact. >> of what kind -- >> what's that? >> what kind -- >> physical contact. >> tell me what the physical
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contact was. >> the reporting was -- >> you can't -- did he put his arm around somebody, kiss somebody -- >> did he do that? >> secondly, the allegations do not say it was baseless. third of all, mr. cain's defense that he was only measuring his height was disputed by the attorney for that woman who spoke of multiple incidents over a series of months. >> why is "politico" continuing to hold back the names as well as other organizations? >> it was a decision by editors that for privacy reasons we were not going to report the names of women involved. >> even though the restaurant association, in the case of one woman we were discussing whose lawyer spoke on friday, has released her from the confidentiality agreement? she could go public. >> she could. >> on the other hand, if she says to the attorney she doesn't want to be the next anita hill, she doesn't want a media firestorm erupting. >> these women didn't go looking for this. it's a political hit, they said, let's see if it catches fire and see where it goes. >> i don't understand a political hit -- >> not you. i'm not saying are you making the political hit. somebody in the opposition camp
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-- >> sources -- >> obviously, obviously. >> two women accused him of sexual harassment and got a combined approximate $80,000 based on allegations. to me, that is newsworthy. and i think when people in this country are looking at candidates, it's important to know who they are, and about their past, but their character. >> i agree with you. i think it was newsworthy. i think what's important and my job in this world is to put things in proper context. all these other factors have to be included when you say this person was accused of sexual harassment, then you give the whole story of sexual harassment. how it's abuse, sometimes, how serious it is, when it is serious, and what a $35,000 settlement really means. >> kelly goff, could it have a chilling effect on future sexual harassment complaints? this is obviously a difficult and treacherous area in particularly corporate america. if some media web site were to go public with the names of the women involved, who obviously do not want their names made public? >> yes. but i think -- excuse me, what has -- even more chilling effect is the fact that sort of like
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racism, we're getting to a point where people just don't take these allegations seriously. and that diminishes it when people really do have a tough time. i mean, a blogger for "the national review" made a joke saying sexual harassment, is that still a real thing? and that to me is actually more chilling than what could potentially happen if this woman goes public. but it's just like rape allegations, howard. again, where she comes public, we find out her identity. the first question someone will ask is, is she attractive enough for someone to have sexually harassed, is she a golddigger? >> i take your point. i'm not going to ask who the sources are because journalists protect their sources. but the cain camp, mark block, chief of staff, made charges that rick perry's presidential campaign must be behind this. later backed off that a little bit. want to play for you an exchange that happened on fox news. >> you're charging the perry campaign with stirring this up. >> both the rick perry campaign and "politico" did the wrong thing by reporting something
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that wasn't true from anonymous sources. like i said, they all -- they owe herman cain and his family an apology. >> reporting something that wasn't true. >> i don't understand what he's saying this. mr. cain himself has confirmed that he was, in fact, accused and there were settlements. the organization that he formerly led friday put out a statement saying, yes, this woman did in fact accuse him. and she did in fact receive a settlement. and other news outlets have confirmed and advanced reporting. i'm not sure what he's talking about. >> the cain campaign suggesting it might sue "president clinton question o -- sue "politico." i'm going to say that will never happen. coming up, the cain controversy becomes a racially charged culture war. what about the conservative claims that the press is unfairly targeting a black candidate? confidence. available in color. depend for women is now peach. looks and fits like underwear. same great protection. depend. good morning. great day.
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commentators, we'll play the tape, comparing thesati situati with another high-profile incident that happened in 1991. >> clarence thomas used the term "high-tech lynching." is that accurate? >> it absolutely is, it's coming from the same people who used to do lynching with ropes. now they do it with a word processor. >> you mean the democratic party? >> yes! >> what's next, folks? a cartoon on more than showing herman cain with huge lips eating a watermelon? what are they going to do next? i'm not kidding. the racial stereotypes that that these people are using to go after herman cain, what is the one thing that it tells us? it -- well, it tells us who the real racists are. >> catherle-- kathleen parker, what evidence is there that this was racially motivated? >> none, i don't understand that charge whatsoever. and i know that ann kohler said, our blacks are better than theirs.
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i didn't realize they were ours. it seemed odd to me. this are things you can criticize cain on and independent of this issue. but none of it has any relationship what so ever to his race. i'm surprised that he would allow that because he's not -- >> he's done prmore than allow , keli goff, cain said, they, not saying who they are, are trying to intimidate me to convince other black conservatives to not go being. haven't we had other conservatives, most recently anthony weiner, to go public? >> herman cain said in the out, do you think racism plays a part in it, and he said, yes, i can't prove it, but i think yes. if you looked up irony in the dictionary, it would be people like rush limbaugh, ann colter, and herman cain who accuse the president and liberals of playing the race card, whipping out now. do i think race plays a part in this coverage, hate to beat a dead horse but i think it
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depends on the accuser. hate to break it to mr. cain, but if his accusers are attractive, articulate, financially stable, minimal sexual baggage in their history, white ladies, i think he's got a problem on his hands. that's not a popular thing to say, but neither is the fact that we tend to cover missing, attractive, white ladies from middle-class backgrounds that go missing more than we cover impoverished women of color going missing. those are the facts. i think it could play a role depending on the accusers. >> of course, liberal commentators have fired back at people like rush. i would suggest the media secretly love this. the story itself is more probably compelling to a lot of journalists than running about mitt romney's latest economic plan. it's now a full-blown, racially charged culture war, and that gives -- that fills a lot of airtime and columns. >> yeah. my colleague, ben smith, had a very smart story on the split on the right, howie. i think the older conservatives who were more oriented around provocation, limbaugh, colter, i think focused on that angle. someone, younger conservativist who have roots in reporting, i
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think tend to say let's see where the facts lead us here before we jump to too many conclusions. i would say to all of the journalists watching, if you had this story, regardless of the candidate, who wouldn't write this story? and that -- the notion that it was based upon anything besides important facts that we wanted to report, i think is absurd. >> i wanted to get back to the race issue. i think one of the things that these conservative commentators are working and they've kind of skewed the message, but it is a fact that african-americans who choose to be -- who are conservative and who choose to belong to the republican party rather than where the majority of african-americans reside, are definitely -- have a greater challenge and who are -- are not embraced by their own community. and so that's -- that's harder, i think, on them. and that's probably what their point is. >> i don't understand for the life of me. >> but -- >> how this is about anything besides news about a candidate running for president of the united states. >> let me ask you -- let me ask
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you about -- the impact of news. despite the seven-day media assault -- and there's no other word for it -- herman cain is still leading or tied in the republican polls and "washington post"/abc poll as you know the other day, found 55% said that the sexual harassment allegations are not a serious matter. 70% said it wouldn't affect their vote. i have think what we're hearing from republicans is they don't trust the media reporting on this. they don't care. >> gee, you think? i mean, 90 stories in five days. >> on "politico." >> on "politico" alone. >> aren't the poll figures a rejection this journalism? >> that number includes blog posts so it's not really honest. but i think a lot of other jene outlets have tried to match and advance our reporting. it's unfortunate that some folks would not do that but say we're doing too much reporting. i don't get that. look, as for conservative distrust of the news media, that's nothing new necessarily. i think if you see the reaction of long-time political operatives to the story, i think they understand, obviously, that
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the facts out there are not helpful to mr. cain. the fact that two women did, in fact, allege sexual harassment and got five-figure payouts from the organization, it's now not been denied by anybody. so i think that's obviously a tough -- >> last comment from keli goff. don't a lot of people see prosecutorial inside the beltway when it comes to allegations like this particularly when they're murky? >> in a word, yes. although i read the poll numbers a little differently than you do. i think there's distrust of the news media except his numbers are growing with everyone except women. i think part of what's going on is the culture war of there are conservatives who believe the allegations of things like sexual harassment and racism are simply bogus. and i think that that's part of what's going on in terms of his surge. >> got to go, keli goff, kathleen parker, jonathan martin, thank you very much for coming in this morning. coming up in the second part of "reliable sources," nbc launches a new primetime magazine. can brian williams and company attract enough viewers for "rock
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it's been years since one of the networks launched a news magazine show. nbc took the plunge this week with brian williams hosting a weekly houred called "rock center." would it aspire to be a hipper "60 minutes," deeper, "20/20"? take a look. >> good evening, from studio 3b at rockefeller center or rock center for short as we begin a new broadcast in a studio that's housed a lot of television history over the years. and tonight we hope to add another chapter. >> this is the part where we are the most exposed. it's open land all around us. we've stopped in this little ditch. waiting for the sign that we can go forward. >> a car is supposed to be waiting for us on the syrian side. >> we are now inside syria and waiting by the side of the road for our contact to pick us up.
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>> oh, my goodness. look at all these babies. i don't want to say anything loud. look at all these babies. >> yeah. she's -- he's big baby. >> they're so adorable. >> the wealthy chinese parents of these babies have no intention of staying in the united states. they're here just to get american citizenship for their baby. >> joining us to talk about nbc's newest journalistic endeavor, in philadelphia, senior fellow at the university of pennsylvania and commentator, and adam buckman, former columnist for the "new york post" who blogs at tvhowell domestic. gail schister, was this "rock center" good journalism and good enough to make it in primetime? >> well, that's a bifurcated question. but i think it was good journalism as far as it went. the problem i had with it geo e journalistically is that the kate snow piece on the babies
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and harry smith's piece on boomtown usa in north dakota had been done by the "times" among other sources a while ago. so as far as original journalism, i was a little disappointed. journalistically, i thought richard engle's piece while daring was about richard engle. and i didn't see much news value there. i give them major credit for trying to be different, however, by having two live segments at the end with jon stewart. unfortunately -- >> we'll get to that in a moment. we'll get adam buckman to jump in. >> okay. >> are there any stories that stood out? television often does stories that -- anything that stood out as being just terrific journalism? >> well, i had not -- i had not seen the stories that gail referenced that the show apparently repeated or followed up on. so to me, the stories that she mentions were very interesting. i had not heard about birth tourism before. the story about boom times in western north dakota was interesting to me. i thought the quality was very high and drew about four million
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viewers. that seems to be in line with just about every other news magazine on network television except, of course, "60 minutes" which gets far more viewership. >> although that viewership, half of what brian williams draws for the "nbc nightly news." gail referenced jon stewart, he was a guest for two segments on this hour. let's take a brief look at that. >> you know what i learned tonight? you and i together, the two of us, make up half of richard engle. >> really? >> that guy's a monster, he's out there -- >> i saw him in the green room. >> he's unbelievable. >> you were getting your man crush on. >> okay, what did you make of that sometimes meandering chat which included a look at going out trick-or-treating on halloween? >> i thought it was painful to watch. and believe me, i am a huge fan of both men. what i think is that they were both out of their natural elements for humor. brian -- brian williams is clearly one of the funniest people on the planet. that's what stewart does for a living. the difference is that stewart
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really needs to be in control in order to be funny. he hates leaving the anchor desk of "the daily news" because he's giving up control. brian williams, on the other hand, generally is much, much funnier when he's a guest. the two of them together when they're on stewart's show are hysterical. but they both seemed uncomfortable, the schtick seemed forced. stewart did two little promos within the show with brian williams that were embarrassing. what also baurothered me, is br just going to stick with his pals? tina fey is going to be live tomorrow night. i'm wondering if two weeks from now if it's going to be jimmy kimmell and they're going do a slow jam. >> adam, was brian williams try too hard to show off his lighter side? >> i think that was the reason why he was on with jon stewart. you know, brian williams is this asset that nbc has. he's the anchorman who's personable. he has a sense of humor when he's on shows other than the "nbc nightly news," of course. and it was interesting to me that they chose to pair him with
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a late night host on night number one. i thought they probably were trying to get jimmy fallon for the first night. but actually jimmy was up town taping "the conan o'brien show." it was in new york for the week. >> you said it's not fair to compare it to "60 minutes." "6 minutes" obviously comes on sunday nights, more protected time slot. does "rock center" had to make its mark with interviews -- >> absolutely, that's the whole thing with news magazines. you have to be in there and fight for the big interviews. look at the contrast -- night before "60 minutes" had ruth and andrew madoff, and got about 1 million viewers. you know, when "rock center" becomes competitive for the big interviews and the ones that get all the publicity and the coverage in the media that covers media, it will have arrived and will be on the sort of top list. >> in a half a minute, gail, it
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looks like williams is looking for a little different tone with this program than "60 minutes." >> there's no question. but i think going two segments live was going overboard, and i would have been happy with one segment. and if it had been more structured, i think it would have been better. i think following up on what adam said about getting the big get, if they get kim kardashian, you watch the numbers soar. >> i'll having to say about that later. it's only been one week so let's give the show time to find its footing. thanks for stopping pie this morning. up next, mark whittaker on his tenure as the first black editor of "newsweek" and the challenge of reporting on his troubled father. in here, pets never get lost. ♪ in here, every continent fits in one room. it was fun. we played football outside. why are you sitting in the dark? [ male announcer ] in here, you're never away from home.
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mark whittaker has been something of a trailedblazer. the african-american african-american to serve as editor of "newsweek," washington bureau chief at nbc, and executive vice president and managing toeditor at cnn. the story of how he got there and the strains of his family are as interesting as his work at these news organizations, he talks about it in "my long trip home: a family memoir." i spoke to him earlier in new york. mark whitaker, welcome. when you were a young pup and
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started at "newsweek," your editor said maybe if you worked really hard one day you could be a senior editor at the magazine. what but say? >> i said, well, half joking, what about the top editor? and this was in 1979. i was just graduating from college. i had done a couple of internships at "newsweek." he said to me, well, "newsweek" isn't ready for a black editor. maybe someday but not now. >> how did that make you feel? >> well, i thought it was actually realistic. i was full of beans a little bit, had just graduated from harvard, done well in internships. he was right at the time. and eventually i became the editor of "newsweek," but it took 20 years. >> when it happened, before i was associated with the musician when its was owned by the "washington post" company, every time you were mentioned in the article, at least in the begin, it was first african-american editor of a major news magazine. were you proud of that, or did it also bother you on some level to be kind of pigeon-holded that way? >> i was -- my father actually was a big figure in my book kind
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of warned me about that and said there's going to be a lot of attention. i actually wasn't that prepared for it. i had come up from "newsweek," had a bunch of different jobs, international section, business editor. you know, covering politics and -- and so forth. and -- >> did the media give you a label? >> that's right, that's right. and along the way, i had actually done a lot of coverage of, you know, issues relating to race, covering south africa and mandela and so forth. you know, but my view is i earned the job the old-fashioned way. showing a lot of different talents for the job. and my response when people said that is, look, i'm proud of the fact that i'm the first black editor of national news magazine, but my goal is to be a really great editor, period. >> speaking of your father, when you got engaged to your wife, alexis calhoun, your dad said to her parents -- >> her mother.
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>> excuse me. not all jewish would be comfortable having a black son-in-law did. you cringe? >> i didn't hear it when he said. that i later -- you know, my mother-in-law told my -- my fiancee at the time. and she told me. and it upset me. i mean, first of all, you know, i mean, i had gotten to know my in-laws very well. i liked them, admired them. had never had a problem. never sensed that that was an issue. by the way, my mother-in-law immediately said to my father, what do you take us for, kind of pushback. my father was actually sort of impressed by that. you know, he had grown up -- even though he grew up in a segregated world, different world than i had, he had jewish friends in college and even, you know, mentors, people that helped him along the way. i was mystified by why he would say that. it was one of those things that made me realize that my father had a very different frame of reference than i did. and he was still sort of had a kind of racial chip on his shoulder. >> and when you set out to do this book, much of this book centers around your relationship with your father, his divorcing
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your mother, his alcoholism. this isn't just you sitting at a word processor dictating your recollections. you set out to report the story. >> that's right. that's right. well, there are a couple of element to the story. there's the story that people always said could make a book which had to do with my parents being an interracial couple in the 1950s. secret romance, he was a student, my mother was a teacher. you know, doubly illicit. they came from really interesting worlds. my father, black pittsburgh, both of his parents were undertakers. my mother, world attack two france, she had come as a refugee. and her father who was a pastor in a little village had helped hide thousands of jews during the war. >> they had to hide it in a way that even barack obama's parents didn't. they were like -- >> yeah. they had to hide it partly because my dad was an undergraduate, my mother was a professor. so it also had that -- >> ah. >> that kind of -- >> illicit in more ways than one? >> illicit element. right. >> you went out and reported the story. i want the journalistic point of this. >> that's right. there's another point which happened after they divorced. and, you know, a lot of unhappiness on everybody's part
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after that. and you know, so i had thought about writing a book, but you know, for a variety of reasons, i was busy, i kind of wasn't sure whether i really wanted to, you know, revisit a lot of the painful parts of it. i had never gotten around to it. my father died. two days after thanksgiving, 2008. and i think that's -- it will never happen. a year later, same day, in the middle of the night, i wake up and say, i want to try to write this book. and i started to try to do it from memory. like, to do a memoir. i realized quickly there were a lot of things i didn't know. gaps. that's when i started reporting. it was the reporting and finding out things i didn't know, uncovering all these secrets, that actually made me totally obsessed with the project. >> kind of a detective story. in a moment, more of my sdus discussion. how did "newsweek" botch the monica lewinsky story and why aren't there more black anchors? the postal service is critical to our economy--
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delivering mail, medicine and packages. yet they're closing thousands of offices, slashing service, and want to lay off over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem ? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains 5 billion a year from post-office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. congress created this problem, and congress can fix it.
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time, was the monica lewinsky story. mike isikoff had the goods or it looked like that later. the decision to hold the story, you had confirmed that ken starr, independent prosecutor, was investigating this. >> right. >> why wasn't that enough to go on? surely you've asked yourself this a hundred times. >> right, right, right. a couple things. mike knew a lot. t it wasn't woodward and bernstein. he knew a lot but never met lewinsky herself. all of his sources were sort of around her. so we didn't know, you know, just how credible she was. and by the time -- when starr had her basically under protective custody to sort of question her, we couldn't get to her. the other thing whichwy didn't talk about at the time but i talk about in the book is i had stepped in for parker, who was undergoing treatment for cancer at the time. mike maynard had been aware for almost a year that mike was working on this story, but he had never told me. and he hadn't told rick smith,
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who was the publisher. he hadn't told don graham. >> you were parachuting into -- >> so we only found out about any of this two days before we had to make a decision whether to publish or not. so there was a lot of during those two days, a loot of discussions and examination going back to the sources, trying to get extra information from them. but frankly we didn't feel by -- from thursday to that saturday that we were on firm enough ground to report a story that wouldn't just be a story about ken starr that ultimately would be about accusing the president of having sex in the oval office with an intern, which was if we had gotten that wrong could have been, you know -- could have been a mortal blow to "newsweek's" reputation. >> potential down side must have loomed large. after "newsweek," you went to nbc, came here to cnn. in this cable environment, i have to ask you, why is it that after 6:00 at night the exception now al sharpton on msnbc, and of course he's not a journalist but an activist, are there no african-american
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anchors? >> look, it's not for lack of desire. i mean, i'm a big -- one of the things i said to jim walton, who's, you know, the president here at cnn when he first talked to me about coming here, i said, you know, i think there are going to be tremendous benefits to the first cable network or really any cable network i think who finds, you know, a diverse anchor, black anchor, hispanic anchor, given the changing demographics of this country, who is really a huge success in prime time. first of all, i think it's important that that person -- i would think certainly that's going to be on cnn -- be a huge success, because i think that unfortunately -- and this may not be fair -- but that if, you know, that were to happen and were to turn out well, as frankly a lot of these shows don't, i think it would be -- you know, it wouldn't -- you know, it might sort of set back the cause. the other thing -- >> you would like to see it happen but clearly it hasn't. >> i would, but the other thing -- >> then you should take the job. >> for the moment, i'm going to stay mostly behind the camera. >> mark whitaker, thanks very
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much. >> good to see you. and before we go to break, cbs announced yesterday that andy rooney had died a few weeks after delivering his 1,097th and final essay on "60 minutes." he was a classic curmudgeon with a gentle sense of humor who often poked fun at himself. i'm glad he got to hear the tributes to his long career before he passed. he was 92. [ woman on cellphone speaks foreign language ] [ male announcer ] in here, everyone speaks the same language. ♪ in here, forklifts drive themselves. no, we didn't pass it. yeah, we'll look at a map. okay. [ male announcer ] in here, friends leave you messages written in the air. that's it right there. [ male announcer ] it's the at&t network. and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. at&t.
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it was the highest rated show in the history of the e channel. kim kardashian, famous for -- well, for a sex tape, a reality show, and basically for being famous, was getting married and millions of people watched the wedding in august. i was not among them. now, i once briefly met kardashian at a party and she seemed perfectly pleasant. if the media wanted to trumpet her marriage to kris humphries, i suppose it's better than wasting more time on lind day lohan. except she was back in the headlines this week, too. a 30-day jail sentence for violating probation, a term that will begin after her "playboy" photo shoot, which may, in turn, draw some publicity. back to kim. or khloe. no. kim. who just got married.
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>> not that long ago, more than 10 million tv viewers saw kim kardashian's marriage to kris humphries. >> kim and kris, it's over. kim kardashian filing for divorce after just 72 days of marriage. >> the dramatic new video of kim kardashian getting the heck out of dodge. as "showbiz tonight" dares to ask, does kim deserve our sympathy? what about the journalis who fell for this reality show stunt? do they deserve our sympathy? how about "people" magazine, reportedly to have paid $1.5 million for the wedding pictures or "ok" magazine which forked over $100,000 to cover the bridal shower? no sympathy. and the rest of the media mob got busy swarming all over the collapse of the so-called marriage. >> i think what really just i think upsets me most is that there has been from the start so many rumors of money and dollar signs, of all these things thrown up in the air. it's kind of what you get for living y
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