tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 10, 2011 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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>> in terms of your day job, acting, anything you can tell us about what you're working on right now? >> i did a film with wes anderson, who is one of my favorite filmmaker, he made rushmore and the fantastic mr. fox and we're making the next bourne film now. >> that will be very exciting. wonderful. we'll talk to you soon. thanks so much. >> thanks for the time. >> all right. thanks so much for watching. anderson cooper 360 starts right now. thanks very much. good evening. we begin keeping he them honest with. the penn state child sex abuse scandal, the alleged abuse of eight children over a span of 15 years by jerry sandusky a former top assist not to head football coach joe paterno. he set up a charity for broken kids is grooming some for abuse. he's now faces 40 criminal charges and there's breaks news on that. we just spoke with sandusky's attorney and learn new details
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about how his client plans to fight charges against him. before we do that, we want to run through the evidence, and there's an luflt of it suggesting so many people so early on knew so much about such revolting allegations, it seemingly did little about it. tonight joe paterno is out and university president is out. last night a lot of students did venting about that oampus caing for paterno to play one last game in weekend. overturning a tv truck, chanting one more game and university cheer we are penn state. for the past few days, a lot of people are asking what is penn state? overnight joe paterno, joepa to his followers, who enjoyed -- who believed in the image that he enjoyed for so many years, the image of a no-nonsense, academics first do the right thing coach, he told protestors to go home and hit the books. >> get a good night's sleep, study. we still have things to do.
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all right. i'm out of it maybe now. that phone call put me out of it, but we'll go from there, okay? good luck everybody. thanks for coming. >> we love you! thank you for everything! thank you! >> one thing. thanks and pray a little bit for those victims. >> we are penn state, joe. >> we are penn state. >> image of a coach so revered so at odds with the sickening details of this case. details like this from the grand jury finding of fact. quote, while in the shower sandusky approached the boy, grabbed him around the waist and said i'm going to squeeze your guts out. this allegedly happened in 1998. with ms. mother learned about it she went to the university police and confronted coach sandusky who was the defensive coordinator. the mother let campus and local
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police eavesdrop on two conversations she had with the coach. according to the grand jury finding, quote, she asked him if his private parts touched victim 6. sandusky replied, i don't think. maybe. later according to the finding he tells the mom, quote, i was wrong. i wish i could get forgiveness. i know i won't get it from you. i wish i were dead. the grand jury report says he admitted wrongdoing to the university police. ronald scheffler said at the time his vefx included a second child who he said he was subjected to nearly identical treatment by coach sandusky. these are serious allegations and more than one of them. so what happened next? well, according to the grand jury finding, not much. detectives scheffler advised him not to shower with any child again, and the coach promised not to. the local district attorney was notified, but he decided not to pursue charges. six years ago he vanished.
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we'll have more on na in a second. the local d.a. didn't see fit to prosecute, and the university police warned coach sandusky not to do it again. what about pennsylvania child welfare authorities? turns out they were notified and did nothing. keeping them honest, we asked them why and got no answers and just this statement. the law doesn't allow to confirm or deny an vefx when it involves a child. so remember this is 1998, 13 years ago. the victim's mother knows, campus and local police know, local d.a. knows and child welfare knows and essentially nothing happen. koechl sandusky wins assistant coach of the year for 1999 and retiring 55 years old. an early age for coaches to retire. he could have written his own ticket but got no job offers from elsewhere. that raises the awkward question, did others especially outside state college know about jerry sandusky's alleged transgressions? if so how could joe paterno did
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not know back in 1998 what was going on? coach paterno says he first learned of trouble in may of 2002 when sandusky, been then a professor emeritus raped a boy? a shower. he saw a naked boy with his hands up against the wall being subjected to anal intercourse by a naked sandusky. i know these details are hard to hear and no one wants to hear them, but it's important to know specifically what this man is charged with and what this man is being accused of. it's important to know this wasn't just some few isolated incidents. it's important to know detail what he's alleged to have done done to these young brothers. the graduate assistant told joe paterno what he'd seen but according to paterno left out
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the specific details. paterno said he notified tim curley, and a week and a half later the grad assistant today his story to tim curley and schultz who oversaw campus police. despite that, the grand jury found no one ever notified campus police. never sought information on the 1998 allegations. what they did do is bar jerry sandusky from bringing any more kids from his second mile program into the football building. schultz also told the grand jury his memory was hazy about what the graduate assistant told the two of them. they both deny they were told it was sodomy. the grand jury finds that portions of the testimony of tim can you recally were not credible. mike mcqueary is the receivers coach. the grand jury found his account highly credible. it found that what mcqueary
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witnessed should have been reported to law enforcement and child welfare if not by mcqueary or gary schultz or joe paterno. there's breaking news from his attorney. jason carroll spoke with him. what are you hearing? >> reporter: i spoeske to his attorney an hour ago. he's extremely frustrated. first off, he disputes and his client he says disputes all of the allegations that are being made. i asked him about the case. he says that he's still in the infancy of building that case. still in the very beginning stages of trying to find witnesses and trying to find information that will help his client. i really have to say, anderson, he made it really clear he feels as though jerry sandusky has been tried in the court of public opinion here at penn state, being made out to be guilty before he's had a chance to try and prove his innocence in a court of law. anderson. >> did you ask about the grand
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jury testimony? >> reporter: absolutely. once again, he denied all of the allegations that are being made in that 23-page grand jury report. he specifically talked about that incident in 1998 that you mentioned in that. i think by now a lot of people have heard about. victim number 6 is an 11-year-old boy. apparently sandusky did not deny he showered with this boy, but he says no sex actually took place. his attorney wanted to make that very clear. he said hopefully he'll get a chance to prove that, once again, when he gets an opportunity to put his case together. >> did he say how his client feels about his role in bringing down joe paterno? >> reporter: yes, absolutely. he basically told us that sandusky at this point feels devastated. another word he used is destroyed. obviously, these two men were very close, sandusky and coach
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joe paterno. they'd been connected for many, many years. he said quote it's eating him up these allegations have brought down a man he called a legend. anderson. >> did it -- i mean, is it fair to say -- is it -- i guess some people hearing that say, wait a minute. is this guy more upset about the effect of this on joe paterno or what is alleged to have happened to these young boys or the effect on these young boys? did you get a sense of what he's taking more seriously? >> reporter: it's a fair question. i think based on the conversation that i had this man feels like he's upset on all fronts. first and foremoest, he feels like he's being tried in the court of public opinion being made out to be guilty not just here at penn state but in the media as well. that's first. and second, i think he also feels deeply hurt that because of all these allegations that
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are being made about him, a man who he respected has been brought down. anderson. >> jason, thanks. let's turn next to cory geiger of the altoona newspaper and sunny hostin, legal contributor for trutv and in session correspondent jean casarez. what do you make of the what the attorney said for sandusky? >> certainly it's unfortunate that he is going to force these young children to get on the witness stand and testify against him, because it's always -- not young children, but they're older now. it's very difficult for victims of sex crimes to come forward and testify in front of the person that is accused of doing these things to them and also in front of a jury and in front of a packed courtroom. i think at the first level they need to think about these young victims. i mean, we're not talking about mere accusations from one person. we're talking about at this point, i believe, there are nine victims that have come forward,
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anderson. i think that's unfortunate, that it looks like this is something that's going to go perhaps to trial. >> sunny, he's out on bail. if a guy is arrested for them, can they seize his computers, can this search his home based on these charges? >> well, certainly that's typically something, anderson, that happens before arrest. you get a search warrant. if you have probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed. in this case since you have a grand jury presentment, a grand jury finding, there's a preliminary hearing that's coming up. my understanding is the investigation is ongoing. that's always part of an investigation, so certainly they're looking into all of these things in terms of jerry sandusky's alleged behavior. >> jean, there's an nbc news report that joe paterno hired a criminal defense attorney. a family spokesperson told cnn an attorney wasn't retained. if you were joe paterno, would you hire a criminal defense attorney? >> sure, because the attorney
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general's office said there will be no charges in regard to not reporting alleged child abuse, but as sh investigation continues, the twists and turns and perjury and obstruction of justice, outside the realm of the possibility. also, the civil suits could in the future absolutely mount toward him, and i think eight victims may be just the beginning. >> jean, this is a dumb question. why was there a grand jury, and why did it take three years? if there were children who had come forward or allegations made, why does a grand jury get impanelled as opposed to police investigating? >> it's not a dumb question. i don't think there's an answer. official answer is it took the investigation that long because they had to be so careful. anderson, look at the years that have transpired and december of 2010. we're almost to december 2011. >> cory, i know you're covering
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the status of mike mcqueary, and that's where a lot of focus has been today from a lot of people. he was a graduate assistant and allegedly saw jerry sandusky raping a boy in the shower. he reported it to joepa attorney notice and didn't call the police and he's still employed as a coach by penn state. a lot of people wonder why. if paterno failed a moral test, didn't mcqueary fail one as well? >> absolutely, anderson. mike mcqueary's action in that shower is appalling. to do the doesn't thing is to help that young boy. you have to wonder what's happened to that young boy's life. why did mike mcqueary not take him out of that situation? why didn't he protect him? he must have been shocked to see jerry sandusky in this act, but you have to protect the young child and take him out. we don't know who this young child is. we don't know if he's alive. we don't know approximaif he's
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scarred for life. there's a tremendous amount of villification of mike mcqueary, and now penn state says he'll be al allowed to coach on saturday against nebraska. that's an ever-changing story so we'll see it. he'll be in the press box. it's possible by the end of the night penn state officials will not allow him to coach at all. you can't have him around the football team on national tv with cameras pointing at him and everyone in the world watching what he's doing. that would add further embarrassment to the situation. >> there's a lot we don't know about what he saw and whether he could have intervened or not. i don't want to speculate too much about, you know, what he might have been able to do. one of the questions i would like to have answered and i don't know if you have any thoughts on on this, he then went to work for this football
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program. if you have witnessed something like that, and you have reported it, you would think you would constantly be following up every single day saying, what's happening since i reported, you know, in rape of a child that i witnessed in the locker room? what is happening? yet, he seems to have continued in this football program. >> you have to wonder how he's lived with himself. the college football coaches spend a lot of time together, hours upon hours deep into the night. it's hard to believe the other assistant coaches on penn state's staff didn't know about this and the 1998 incident. when you talk about this scandal, who knew? who knew what and who knew it when, i have to believe as the days and weeks go on we're going to find out that many, many more people knew about the 1998
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incident and 2002 incident. it's common sense that leads you to believe somebody might tell somebody and then tell somebody else. one thing that's devastating would be if we were to find out that officials with the second mile organization knew about these allegations and these incidents in 1998 and 2002, because the second mile has been a tremendous help to a lot of young kids, at-risk kids. if those officials knew jerry was involved in these things in '98 and 2002, you have to ask why they didn't come forward. i believe this scandal is in its infancy at this point. the national media will continue to dig and dig and dig. everyone should be afraid of what they might potentially find. >> i want to ask you about a report that a penn state student, the sister of a boy alleged molested by sandusky is saying there's a joke now on campus about being sandusky. students are making fun of this.
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we saw the rioting that took place, the violence, the anger that took place yesterday during the demonstrations on the penn state campus. what do you make of the reaction of so many of the students at penn state about this? it seems like they don't get something, or they're not seeing the big picture here. >> i would agree with that, but one thing, i talked to a lot of students walking around campus today, anderson. they were very, very frustrated and outraged because they thought all of us in the media and around the country made this all about joe paterno over the past couple of days. let's be clear villain number one here is jerry sandusky. i've heard from so many students really furious there hasn't been more focus on sandusky the past couple of days as opposed to paterno, because the student rightly or wrongly felt that paterno was vilified when sandusky actually started the whole mess. now that we're beyond the pa northwestern era as a coach, you lead your show with sandusky and
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mcqueary. now the scandal will get back to the focus of the deviants or the alleged deviants who saw certainly things and didn't report them. so i think that's where a lot of frustration from the students came in yesterday. >> i would argue that is all the people that had some level of information about this, and whether or not they fulfilled their obligations both morally and legally, which is why paterno has understandably been brought up in all of this. but i understand their frustration as well. cory, appreciate you joining us tonight. sunny hostin and jean casarez as well. let us know what you think. we're on facebook and goggle and you can follow me on twirt. jerry sandusky is accused of multiple acts of sexual abuse over 15 years. we'll have more next on why it took so long for law enforcement to take action and more about the charity that sandusky used as a training ground for
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victims. the fallout from rick perry's pretty astonishing outbreak of brain freeze last night. >> it's three agencies of government when i get there that are gone. commerce, education and the -- what's the third one there? let's see. there's so much information out there. what's good for you today, is bad for you tomorrow. i had no idea what to choose. until i found pronutrients -- a new line of supplements from centrum, who i totally trust. omega-3 supports not only my heart, but my brain and my eyes too. probiotics helps with my digestive balance and my immune function. and fruit & veggie has antioxidant properties. new pronutrients from centrum helps make nutrition possible. this is what we can gather from an ordinary crash test dummy. two million data points. this is what we can gather from a lexus crash test genius. [ engine revving ] when you pursue industry-leading safety,
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the breaking news tonight, jerry sandusky's attorney is speaking out. he told jason carroll his client is devastated he brought down joe paterno. found guilty on the charges, sandusky would be the latest in a lodge line of predators who go into child-oriented situations to troll for and in many cases groom their next victims. once again, here's jason carroll. >> after learning details of the allegations again jerry sandusky, listening to him describe the mission of his second mile charity is chilling. >> we thought if we could help a handful of kids, we would do that. then the staff and people have looked at the resources we had at the needs that existed and have grown. we've reached out and touched so many kid. >> reporter: that's exactly what prosecutors say was the problem. >> what happened here was grooming where these predators identify a child, become
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mentors, they're usually children that are having a little difficult. they're at-risk children. through the second mile program he identified these children, give them gifts, establish a trust, initiate physical contact, which eventually leads to sexual contact. >> reporter: for children abused or neglected, the second mile provides opportunities that otherwise might be hard to come by. things like summer camps, leadership training, and counseling. each year the organization claims to serve some 100,000 children across the state of pennsylvania, and for many years sandusky was its public face and primary fund-raiser. troy craig met sandusky through the second mile when he was a young boy. >> i got to go to a lot of penn state football events. i remember standing on the sidelines for certain football games and other games sitting with his family on the 50 yard line. >> reporter: with sandusky's family? >> yeah, yeah.
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>> reporter: despite those good times, craig said he knew at 11 years old something wasn't quite right. >> you knew if you got in the car with him and you were going somewhere, he was going to have his hand on your thigh. >> reporter: this video shows the close contact sandusky had with children in the program. he started second mile in 1977 and last year it raised $2.66 million. >> you reach out to young people trying to motivate them, to mentor them, to provide the means for some sort of life of success, life of excellence. >> reporter: second mile first learned of suspicious behavior of sandusky in 2003 from tim curley who reported sandusky was seen in a locker room shower with a young boy. they didn't act on it because curley said an international review found no ruling.
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it was in 2008 after sandusky said an adolescent boy made allegations against him that the group decided to ban him from programs involving children. sandusky denied those allegations then and has denied all of the allegations in the just-released grand jury report. in a statement second mile says we have done everything in our power to cooperate with law enforcement officials and will continue to do so. our highest priority has always been and will continue to be the safety and well-being of the children participating in our programs. we encourage program participants to report any allegations of abuse and/or inappropriate sexual activity wherever it has occurred. now that you see the allegations out there standing against sandusky, do you feel in some ways that you were fortunate more did not happen? >> absolutely i'm fortunate. i can only speculate as to why. >> that's jason carroll reporting. you heard our guest tonight talking about how stigss went
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unreported. pennsylvania law requires notification by certain person under certain circumstances, but many believe it's not tough n m enough. kevin boyle is working to change that. you say the current law requiring people to report sex abuse in pennsylvania isn't strong enough. how so? >> it is not strong enough because quite simply joe paterno and mike mcqueary actually did not violate the law in not reporting what they saw and heard to the police. >> i mean, that's what stuns so many of us. how can that be? how can it be that somebody isn't required to talk to the police? >> our current law only calls for an employee to report it up the chain of command. why that's regrettable is not only did this prolong the abuse, but it led to a situation where both paterno and mcqueary can
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avoid prosecution. >> so you're planning to introduce legislation to try and toughen up these requirements, right? >> we need to toughen this up, the current legislation on the books, because the current law allows for conspiracies. it allows for cover-ups, and i feel if we had stronger legislation on the books, paterno, who i'm sure was lawyered up from the get-go, would have reported this to the police and hopefully there wouldn't been as many as a dozen victims in the last decade. >> it does seem incomprehensible that one could walk in and see abuse happening, see a 10-year-old boy being raped, could you told -- and someone else is told the abuse is happening and not go to the police about it, not do something about it? you think there's a tlib rate attempt to cover this up and sweep it under the carpet? >> you know what? i represent a heavily catholic district in northeast philadelphia. unfortunately, my district in
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philadelphia was at the epicenter of the most recent scandal pertaining to the philadelphia archdiocese. the local district attorney here, seth williams, released a report about a mass conspiracy locally to not protect children. to basically keep this under the carpet. when i saw this happen again with penn state, i said here we go again. and that's what's happening. i think it was a deliberate plot on the part of penn state to cover this up. penn state football is a huge money-maker for the school. last year they made over $50 million. this is big business. unfortunately, protecting kids came secondary to tell us institution. >> do you think there's more here? do you think this is just the tip of the iceberg? >> i think it is the tip of the iceberg. i think this was a deliberate plot going back well over a decade concerning the first report about sandusky being a sexual predator. it goes back to 1998. i think this is the tip of the iceberg, and we'll see that this really was a conspiracy that
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went on for well over a decade. >> it is so stunning to think about. representative kevin boyle, appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you, anderson. >> we'll continue to follow to see if any law does change in the state. terror and destruction caught on tape. we'll show you video from the latest earthquake that hit turkey. is this latest gaffe enough to put him out of the race? we'll talk about the state of the republican field after last night's debate when we return. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance.
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fredricka whitfield joins. a blood yi day in syria. more than three dozen people including six children reported killed by syrian security forces. we can't independently confirm the report or this video because we're not allowed into syria to see for ourselves. the president promised to stop the violence and release detainees but human rights groups say more than 100 have been killed since he made that vow. a hotel crumbles. the bahrain hotel in van was destroyed in the quake. 12 are confirmed dead and two dozen have been rescued. a new greek leader is set to be sworn in tomorrow. former prime minister george papandreou has stepped down clearing the way for a new unity government led by lucas papademos.
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he will implement harsh austerity measures. prince william is getting ready to ship out. william whales assest known in the military will be deployed in february to the fauk land islands. he's expected to be home in time to help for his grandmother's diamond jubilee in june. the good news is he gets to spend christmas with his new wife at home. >> that's cool. freed reek ka, thanks. a major league baseball player is missing. this is fascinating. we'll tell you about the catcher who was kidnapped at gunpoint when he went home to venezuela and the debate over last night's gop debate and rick perry's raw politics gaffe. >> i would do away with education, the -- >> commerce. >> commerce. and let's see. >> oh, my. >> i can't. the third one i can't. i'm sorry. oops.
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another day and another republican presidential debate. last night's may be more memorable, but did any step in and stop mitt romney? john king joins me from washington. >> it's safe to say it was not rick perry who stepped in last night. let's look at the dynamic in the republican race. if you come back in time here, here's what we have right now. who will emerge as the conservative challenger to mitt
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romney, then it was donald trump and michele bachmann had a boom. herman cain emerged and still is despite the allegations again him is the candidate to beat if you're mitt romney. we're 54 days way from iowa. here's the poll, cain and romney in a dead het, paul, bachmann, gingrich and perry down here. nut gish rich is moving up. this is a cain/romney race. cain is the conservative although naifk to romney at the moment. nen comes new hampshire 61 days from today. romney is the former massachusetts governor. who is in second place? herman cain. rick perry doesn't make the top five in new hampshire. the problems for the texas governor, last night's debate was part of the rebound strategy. again, it's romney, cain, gingrich. perry slightly in play here.
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romney and cain are the dynamic. after south carolina anderson comes the state of florida, 82 days away. this is sounding familiar, right? cain leads in a new poll today. newt gingrich is up to 17% in florida. rick perry in single digits. he got into this race and everyone assumed he'd be the conservative alternative to mitt romney. at the moment it's herman cain. a lot of republicans assume herman cain will slip. gingrich they say is best positioned to take on romney. we have that giant question mark, anderson. we've been waiting to see who is the consistent alternative conservative to romney. it is tonight herman cain. we'll see what happens going forward. >> jon, thanks very much. let's go to the raw politics starting with the one moment rick perry would probably like to forget. he said he would eliminate three government agencies when elected. when went to list them, take a
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look. >> it's three agencies of government when i get there that are gone. commerce, education, and the -- what's the third one there? let's see. >> there's five. >> commerce, education and the -- >> epa? >> epa. there you go. no. >> let's talk -- >> seriously, is epa the one you were talking about? >> no, sir, no, sir. we were talking about the agencies of government. epa needs to be rebuilt. there's no doubt about that. >> you can't name the third one? >> the third agency of government i would do away with, education, the -- >> commerce. >> commerce. and let's see. >> oh, my. >> i can't. the third one i can't. sorry. oops. >> what about the -- >> we spent most of damage on a damage control tour. after a series of gaffs, can he
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be a serious contender? he does have a lot of money. john king and candy crowley and david ger begin. you have to feel for the guy in that moment. everybody has had brain freeze, just not necessarily on public television like that. is it devastating, though, for his campaign? >> it's certainly not helpful. is it devastating? rick perry was not doing well before this. this was the debate where he was going to show us that he could debate. that he was up there and he was up on his stuff. so it doesn't help. you're right. anybody can have a brain freeze, but the fact of the matter is this was the wrong person and the wrong time to have this sort of slip-up. so certainly it can't help but damage at this point perry's chances, which were looking pretty grim to begin with and even before this. you know, people play into a story line. with mitt romney it's that he's
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a flip flopper and with herman cain it's that he's not a serious candidate. along comes rick perry, and what's the rap on him? he's really not up to the job. he forgets not just one of the three, but the energy department, the main thing he's talking about. he forgets that. understandable, but at this point just -- at this point it was really bad timing and the wrong person to make this kind of mistake because it feeds into his achilles heel. >> david, he has been doing aggressive damage control all day. he's actually going to be going on david letterman tonight giving his top ten excuses for his performance. we have a snippet of it. number seven. >> i thought the debate was tonight. >> there you go. >> that happens to everybody. it was a mix-up ladies and gentlemen. that's true. number six. >> hey, listen, you try concentrating with mitt romney smiling at you.
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that is one handsome dude. >> can this strategy work? nobody's questioning his charm here. >> i think he's doing the best thing he can do, and treat it with humor and be a good sport about it. some find it fetching about him. they respond to him in a very warm, human way. i think candy's analysis is spot-o. the chances of him recovering fully are slim in the time frame he has left. i give him credit for doing what he's doing. the news to me is steady eddie mitt romney is moving right along, and people keep bouncing off him. they keep rising in the polls but they fall back. you see slippage mund republican voters and around the country. pennsylvania, ohio, mitt romney is dead heat with president obama. president obama beats herman cain by 10 points easily. >> john king, what about herman cain? to david's point people have
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been rising up in comparison to mitt romney, and then they bounce back down. herman cain, though, has been staying pretty steady despite these allegations that have been swirling around him. >> at least so far he's turned them to a fund-raising advantage. we will see if he can turn them into an organizing advantage. the key test for mr. cain is in iowa. you prove that by winning. he's raised a lot of money off of this, but with the polling data his unfavorable rating are going up. republican women are peels off the candidacy. there are still a lot of republicans who say he didn't answer the allegations in detail. needs to be less testy when he answers them. a lot of republicans say we have a playbook for what use supposed to do in a situation like this. he does the exact opposite every time, and he seems to be getting away with it. people find him likeable.
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he's not a typical politician. that's the mood of the country right now. >> candy, is there anything -- some of the wounded campaigns, perry, bachmann certainly, i don't know if you'd put cain in that camp. is there anything they can do to stop the bleeding? to kind of rebound? >> sure. they can win or center a really powerful showing in iowa. that will stop all the can't win talk at least until new hampshire comes along. yeah, they can do that. i think at this point what they really need -- john talked a little at the beginning about person after person sort of challenges mitt romney for that. the un-romney spot. basically they have no staying power except for at this point cain. what they may need is for mitt romney to make a huge mistake. the fact of matter is mitt romney has run a very careful campaign. i wouldn't be berth on mitting
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romney to make huge mistakes at this point. he's done well biding his time. there was a saying in 2004 when everyone was crazy for howard dean and he placed third in the iowa caucuses. we dated dean but we married kerry. somehow i feel with cain that's where we're going. >> we have to leave it there. john king, candy crowley, and david gergen tonight. we have new details about this bizarre and frightening story. michael jackson's last words. they say he made a desperate plea for, quote, the only thing that would put him to sleep, propofol, and the controversial tweet that forced ashton kutcher to take a break from twitter, next.
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you can't change the way banking works. just accept it, man. free ? doesn't close at five ? try nature. it's a bank. what do you want, a hug ? just accept it. hidden fees, fine print, or they'll stick it to you some other way. stay with the herd, son. accept it. just accept it. accept it. just accept it. accept it.
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venezuela. he was taken from gunpoint at the home there. he was in venezuela playing winter league ball with the tigers. the spokes woman report it had on twitter. it's not unheard of for an athlete to return home to venezuela and find himself in the way. what's the latest on this? what do we know? >> this is a huge case in venezuela. according to preliminary reports four heavily armed man stormed the home of his parent in venezuela where ramos was staying. neighbors say the gunmen staked out the home several times before breaking in. witnesses say the gunmen threaten to kill the player if he refused to go with them. we've been trying to talk to the family directly, but they prefer not to talk to us. venezuelan authorities said they believe they foun the car used in the kidnapping. they had assembled sketches of two of the alleged kidnappers. anderson. >> the united states involved in any way in trying to figure out
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what's happened to ramos? >> you know what? they can do nothing, because basically they can't. although the fbi offered help and hasn't heard back from hugo v chavez's, their hands are tied. the crime didn't occur in the united states. >> kidnapping has increased in venezuela over the last few years? >> that's right. >> it's a very unstable country. they have warned increasing cases of kidnapping in venezuela in 2009, the number of reported kidnappings doubled from the previous year. many cases don't get reported there. this is the first time that a professional baseball player has been kidnapped in venezuela, but their families are becoming targets. criminals tend to go after them as they become better known and presumab presumably wealthier. >> i appreciate it. thanks very much. coming up, we're following a
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number of other stories. let's check in with fredricka whitfield. >> hello everyone. a military panel convicted calvin gibbs of murder and other charges in the death of three civilians in afghanistan. gibbs is the highest ranking soldier in a group of five accused of murdering afghan villagers and planting weapons on them to make it look like the soldiers were attacked. he faces a maximum sentence of life in military prison. dr. conrad murray said michael jackson's last words were begging for some milk, which was jackson's nickname for the anesthetic propofol. in an interview with "today" murray denied knowing that jackson had an addiction problem. ashton kutcher says he feels awful and will take a break from twitter after he tweeted about joe paterno without knowing the whole story. he tweeted how do you fire joepa, insult, no class. as a hawkeye fan i find it in poor taste.
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he assumed he was fired because of his coaching performance and found out it was because of the child sex abuse scandal later. billy crystal will host the oscars this year. crystal was announced as the new host today after eddie murphy quit yesterday. this is billy crystal's ninth time hosting the oscars. old is new again. >> he always did a good job. i'm sure he will again. it's almost time for one of the biggest fashion shows of the year. one able gels is talking about how she's getting ready. it will make you thirsty and hungry hearing about it. it's ridiculous. even futures and 4x. complex options, done. [ cellphone rings ] thank you. live streaming audio. advanced charts. look at that. all right here. wherever "here" happens to be. mobile trading from td ameritrade. number one in online equity trades. plus get up to $600 when you open an account.
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time for the ridiculous. tonight we add the victoria's secret diet. it's that time of year again. the annual fashion show taped last night. it will air in a few weeks on cbs. don't think the show is nothing but women walking around in their underwear. there's a lot of preparation and work that goes into it. models have to do more than show
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up and strip down. take for instance adrienne, she toll the telegraph what it takes to be a angelle. she said she worked out every day with a personal trainer for the past few months and for the past few weeks she worked out twice a day. there's the diet. do not try this at home. sghe she's on a regimen of protein shakes and water. for nine days she doesn't eat solid food. she only drinks shakes contained powdered egg. two days before the show she stop drinking the gallon before way and 12 hours before she stops drinking. no liquids at all so you dry out. sometimes you can lose eight pounds because of that. there you have it. gi just swear off the solid food and water and you'll look great. it costs $10 million to produce the fashion shows, about 9 million watched it last year.
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this year's show featured performances by kanye best and the diamond bedazzled bra wort $2.5 million. mark your calendars. it airs november 29th. if you want to get in the spirit of things, stop ooed eating solid food nine day brs. thanksgiving falls in that time period. we're having powdered egg shakes this year. it's an extreme diet to be sure, but other models say they ingest food. >> what is the must have snack while you're in hair and makeup? >> oh, gosh. i know i'm the queen of snacks. i'm always eating cookies and -- we had a really good chef in year at the fashion show. they had like shrimp and rice and salad and like -- they had like you can have whatever you want right before you go on the show. >> so models do eat. that's one thing you don't always believe.
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