tv Piers Morgan Tonight CNN November 11, 2011 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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recognizance and is due in court next week. we called a number listed for him to ask for comment, but perhaps not surprisingly we got no answer. lucky for him, tech support is open 24/7 on the ridiculist. we'll see you again at 10:00 tonight. piers morgan starts now. down he goes on a straight left hand shot. perfect shot by pacquiao. >> tonight he fought his way to the top of the world. >> pacquiao lands an up cut up the middle. >> the only fighter who could out rocky rocky. >> they are saying pacquiao is not hurting him but his face is telling a different story. >> the best boxer in the world, perhaps ever. >> he is gradually reconfiguring bailey's beautiful face. >> the smiling assassin, manny pacquiao. >> and that's a knockdown for
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manny pacquiao. >> he's the last person anybody would ever want to go up against. look who's getting in the ring with him. i've done some crazy things in my time. this may just be the craziest. trust me, you've got to see it to believe it. morgan versus pacquiao. >> sorry. that was an accident. >> knockout, piers morgan tonight. good evening. i'm at the famous wild card boxing gym in hollywood with a man that many people consider to be the greatest boxer that's ever lived. tomorrow night he fights at the mgm grand in las vegas in an hbo pay per view battle against a man he's fought twice before. it strikes me this one is not just business, it's personal. and the man is manny pacquiao. manny, thank you for inviting me
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to your gym. it's a great story for you, this gym, because ten years ago you walked in that door and freddie roach is here, it's his gym. he's arguably the greatest trainer that boxing has ever seen. >> yeah. >> and your career is not going very well and you're needing a break. you need someone to spot your talent. what happens when you come that day? >> when i came here in wild card, just came here for just vacation and looking for a boxing gym for a workout, and i met freddie roach here in wild card and we do -- we do mitts a couple rounds and i like the way he train. he instruct me about the strategy and he like also my style. >> he said that after one round, he walked away and he said to a friend who was here, this boy can hit.
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so he knew immediately that you had an amazing punch. and he could see you could be somebody special. but i don't think either of you could ever have imagined that here we are a decade later and you've won world titles in eight different weights, which has never been done before. can you believe what's happened to you in your career? >> i never expect what i have done in boxing. you know, it's -- it's amazing, unbelievable. you know, i think it's -- i'm just lucky and blessed by god. i always praise god and give thanks. >> in the philippines, you are almost like a god there. the whole country comes to a stop when you fight. they say there's no crime in the philippines when manny pacquiao fights. there's no cars on the road. everyone stops. you represent your country. is that huge pressure or is it just a great honor for you? how do you feel? >> it's -- there's a pressure
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because millions of filipinos, they're hoping for victory in every fight. and i don't want to disappoint them, so i have to train hard and make sure that i'm 100% conditioned to win the fight. and it's a pressure, but -- there's a pressure, but if you train hard and believe god, i think nothing is impossible. >> how do you feel when people say you're the best fighter who's ever been? >> how i feel? of course i feel happy and people believing my talent, my capability in boxing, but i never -- you know, i don't want to think about what i have done in boxing. i want to stay my feet on the ground, be friendly to everybody. >> when you grew up, there was, as for many people in the philippines, no money. it was a tough upbringing for you. your father abandoned you. it's a well-known story.
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you were brought up by your mother and your siblings. your mother seems a very strong woman in your life. tell me about her. >> she is, she's very strong. she teach us how to believe god, to work hard, how to, you know, but -- she teach everything, about what is life, how to live fair and you don't hit people. >> it's a nice thing to teach you, not to hate people, but when you get in the ring as must most brutal boxers we've ever seen, how do you deal with that? how do you manage to kill people with your hands but not hate them? >> i think this is part of
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boxing is hitting, but what i mean is, you know, i'm always praying that nobody get hitter. what i mean is hurt like a bad hurt. boxing is hitting, but i'm always praying that even my opponent, i pray for him for a good fight and we can entertain people and people will be happy. >> when you were 14, 15, you took part in sort of street fights in the philippines, and people used to get killed. i mean they would die. you had a friend of yours who died in one of those fights. what are your memories of that time? what did you hope to achieve when you were doing those fights? >> yes. my close friend before and in boxing, he died in the ring while he was fighting. all my -- all my teammates, they retired after that when my close
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friend died. but i'm the one who pursued to continue my boxing career. >> did you nearly give up then? did you think about giving up then? >> no, no. i told him i will continue your fight in boxing and i will do everything i can give and make people happy. >> when you get in the ring for a fight like you are tomorrow, as you walk in, how do you really feel? >> i'm excited and, you know, i've been training eight weeks for this fight, so i believe god and i know god is always guiding me. >> freddie roach tells me you never cut your hair before a fight, you're like sampson. you believe if you cut your hair, you'll lose your power.
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is that right? >> well, i mean, you know, it's my experience to fight -- if i have short hair, i feel weak. but i do try -- my experience to fight long hair, i feel strong and can -- you know, can punch a bigger guy. >> you've been involved in politics in the philippines and people are expecting you to run for governor in 2013 and potentially to run as the president of the philippines in ten years time. how realistic is this for you? >> being a public servant, this is a serious job, not like boxing or entertaining people, but this politics is a serious, you know, y -- you are taking c of problems of those people who are needing your help. and i'm sure to serve them
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honestly and to help them. >> politics in the philippines is corrupt and people know that. would you like to be in a position of power to change that, to make it a more honest politics? >> that's what i'm trying to do to change the politics in the philippines, you know. that's right, there's a lot of corrupt politicians, so i want to show them that i'm the good example to, you know, serve honestly. >> how important is money to you? because you made millions and millions of dollars fighting. you're one of the most highly prized sportsmen in the world now in terms of your ability to sell tickets. does it motivate you, money? >> making money -- i'm happy because, of course, every fight
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i make millions of dollars, but after the fight, you know, i'm sharing to the people, poor people that live in the philippines, giving charity for them. >> the big question everyone asks you in every interview at the moment is will you ever fight floyd mayweather. what do you honestly think? >> i never -- you know, right now i'm not thinking about that. >> would you like to? >> like what i said, i'm -- you know, i always fight whatever my promoter give to me, so i'm willing to fight anywhere, any time. >> do you think you'd beat him? >> it's hard to say. of course he's a boxer and i'm a boxer also and we train ha.
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hard to say right now. >> there's only one guy that's ever won eight world titles in eight different weights, and that's you, not him. >> that's only me. >> it's only you. >> but i'm not -- i'm not comparing -- competiaring my red to anybody. you know, i'm happy that i'm one of them giving excitement and exciting fight to the fans of boxing. >> i'm going to bring in somebody after the break who you know very well. it's your trainer, freddie roach, the man that you stood in here with ten years ago. and get him talking about you. and you talking about him, because he's a pretty amazing character too. >> yeah, he's a nice guy. >> not completely. look, every day we're using more and more energy.
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i have my special guest, manny pacquiao, and his trainer, freddie roach. freddie, this is your lair. as manny is are you puted to be the best boxer to walk the earth, you are said to be the best trainer. what brought you two together, fate? >> i believe so. you know, he walked in my gym one day. he was a former world champion at 112 pounds, this little guy, and his manager asked me if i worked the mitts with him. he said i hear you're pretty good with the mitts. so manny got in there the first round and it was like we knew each other for a long time. we didn't miss a beat on the mitts. it was just really, really a great session the first round. i walked back to my guy and said, wow, this kid can fight, a
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one-puncher. manny said to the manager, we have a new trainer. >> he seems such a nice guy. he says you're such a nice guy. but you can't both be that nice because you've become the most successful duo in boxing. so there's got to be a mean streak to both of you. >> i'd say we have mean streaks in us. i think we have a killer instinct. i think a good fighter has to have that. when he hurt somebody, you need to get them out of there. and i'm sure we both have that inside us. >> it's manny's eyes that are slightly intimidating. everything else about you is fine, but the eyes, when you laser in on people, as you've done with me over a couple of tricky questions, i'm like, whoa, okay. you can tell by a man's eyes. can you tell by a fighter's eyes? >> yes, you can. you can see manny pacquiao, when he's in attack mode, he's like a shark. he's like perfect focus. he sees everything coming at him and everything going out.
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and it's one of the most important weapons people don't really realize, they think it's foot and hands but it's his vision that's the best part about manny pacquiao that makes him so accurate, and a great puncher. accuracy and timing, he's perfect at it at this point. >> when you look around this gym, freddie, it's like a piece of boxing history. so many great fighters have been in here. you've worked with most of the greats in the last 30 years. what makes manny special to you? he's like a son to me. you know, he was a young man when he first came to me. he came to me for advice at times back then and he's grown into a young man and now he makes his own decisions and we don't have those discussions that we once had. i miss that a little bit, but, again, he's grown up and he'll make his own decisions. you know, this gym is just
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like -- there is a lot of history here. i have an offer to open on sundays for people to come look at the gym and be a tourist attraction. >> how many filipinos come and see him? >> i get at least about 30 a day that come through -- >> every day in los angeles? >> yes. they come from everywhere. from the philippines to san francisco. >> and you've been to the philippines with manny. is it as crazy as it sounds when he goes back? >> yes. i mean it's -- it's so crazy and they give me so much respect and credit, that i can't go to the mall anymore either. >> manny, what are the values that are important to you in life? freddie was saying there that you used to ask him for advice and then you became a man yourself. what are the most important things to you, apart from god and your worship of god, what are the other things that you think are important in life? >> important in life if you know how to love people and to be
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friendly to everybody and always put love in your heart. >> you're married with four children, i think, now. how does your wife feel when you fight, honestly? >> before -- right now she's very confident that every fight that i'm going to win that. >> that's because you haven't lost for a while, right? this guy, marquez, that you're fighting tomorrow, it is personal between you, isn't it, because two very close fights, he's always given you a good fight, but he has actually gone to the philippines and worn t-shirts that say i beat manny pacquiao twice. that's got to hurt you, right? >> it's hurt me but, you know, people don't believe him. but, you know, we're filipino and filipinos respect our
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visitors. but this time that's why i'm very motivated to train hard. >> you really want to beat him, don't you, more than most fights? >> yeah, to focus to make sure the other person is conditioned. i want to end all doubt and i want, of course, i want to prove that he's wrong. >> freddie, let me ask you about the big mayweather question. you've seen, as i say, almost every great fighter since i've been around. would he beat floyd mayweather? >> yeah, i look at it sometimes and i say the average is 15 punches a round, manny averages
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85 a round. can the 85 lose to the 15? i don't think so. manny's accuracy and south paw style will give mayweather a fit, i feel. >> and it's the trump card with manny that he's developed now almost equal power both hands. >> yes. it took us about eight years to get to where manny hasn't lost a round and he's fought perfect fights since the david diaz fight. it took eight years of hard work, dedication and just competitive workout. i mean i was satisfied with his big left hand at one time, but then when we lost to morales, i said, well, i've got to make him a better fighter, it's my skbrajob to make him a better fighter. i said i'm not going to be happy until his right hand is equal with the left. >> there will be women watching this interview. they say why boxing, why do men want to do this to each other. >> it's not only for myself but,
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you know, i keep fighting because i want -- i'm happy giving honor to my country. i'm happy giving a good fight and i'm happy to entertain people, to make them happy. >> when you goes out tomorrow, freddie, what do you say to him before a big fight when you're both in the dressing room minutes before, what do you say to a guy like manny who's won everything? >> you know, we warm up a little bit an go through the routines. when you make this move, you know what move he's going to make. so we know our opponent very well. we study him, we study tapes, we figure out his habits. so we try to take advantage of them. but just right before the fight, i say stay focused. he's right there. >> do you pray before a fight? >> always. >> do you sing? you love singing, right?
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>> after the fight. >> so you pray before and you sing after. >> after. >> we'll going to another break. i'm going to bring in somebody who is equally important really in this whole machinery. he's one of the great promoters in boxing history, and he'll have a fascinating take on you, manny, because he put on muhammed ali's fights for years, so i want to see what he thinks of where you rank in the history of boxers. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone deserves the gift of a pain free holiday. this season, discover aleve. all day pain relief with just two pills.
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this is a display of boxing skill, power, everything. unbelievable. >> manny pacquiao is annihila annihilating oscar de la hoya. oh, my gosh, what a straight left hand. what an amazing knockout shot. that is the most spectacular one-punch shot of manny pacquiao's incredible career. >> look at some of manny pacquiao's greatest hits quite literally there on hbo. i'm joined by bob aaron, the promoter extraordinaire. bob, what makes this guy television promotional gold dust? >> because he fights the way people want to see fighters fight and because his genuine
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goodness shines through. people, i think, really are attracted to somebody who is a genuinely nice person who cares for other people and they get that in manny pacquiao. >> i mean i wouldn't say it's a contradiction, but some people are going this thing about him being the nicest guy, i'm sure he is, but in the ring he's a beast. he attacks people. i get scared watching sometimes when i'm in a different country. >> piers, if the sport is boxing, it's a hurt business. so the goal is to beat your opponent. it's a sport. and so in the ring he has to be very focused and he shows a little bit too much mercy to his opponents. >> is that true, manny? >> sometimes. >> why do you do that? >> because i feel it in my
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heart. >> you feel sorry for them? >> yes, all of them. >> do you? even when you're pummelling them? >> yeah, i'm just doing my job. >> what's it like being hit hard by somebody very, very good? >> it's -- >> what does it feel like? i've always wondered. i can't imagine. but you know. >> if you don't hit hard, your opponent hit you hard. >> yeah. but when you actually get punched, describe it to me. >> when you get punched, of course if you're not 100% conditioned, you know, it can be a knockout or knockdown. but if you're in shape and, you know, ready to handle the power of your opponent, the fight will be good. >> do you feel pain during a fight? or do you feel it afterwards? do you feel it in the actual
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moment? >> you can feel it if you -- if you get a good one, you can feel it. but, you know, you have to move around and, you know, make all your -- you know, do your whatever you do in training. >> you get hit, but when you get in there with the old mitts, unlike a lot of trainers, you actually take the punches. does he ever miss and whack you one? >> manny is very accurate. he'll show me the opening at times and won't hit me very hard but he'll show me where the opening is and shows me that he sees it so i accept it. >> of all the boxers, what's been the worst punch you ever had to take? >> the worst punch i guess was tyson. he was a little mad at me one day and he hit me with a right hook in the chin. but you know i didn't go down but it hurt me real bad and the whole room was going black. it was like closing down on me. then i started bouncing on my
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feet and it came back. i wondered if it went completely black, was i dead? i'm not sure. >> you put on a lot of muhammed ali fights. you put on the thrilla in manila in the pill fihilippines. >> that's how i was introduced to that great country. >> where does manny rank in the 46 years you've been in the fight game. >> there was a period of time where ali was absolutely super, when he became champion and before the draft. and those two-year period if never seen anything like it. but that aside, manny pacquiao is the best fighter i've ever seen in my career, by far the best fighter. >> how much money could you make from promoting the pacquiao/mayweather fight if it ever happened. >> if i could make that fight happen, then the government, u.s. government might send me over to bring about peace in the mideast, because i've got a guy
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in mayweather who won't fight manny pacquiao because no matter what the money is, he knows he will get knocked out. he has two ways to go in the fight. he can fight manny the way a couple of the opponents have fought him, get hit, quit and go into a shell or fight him like kodo and margarido did keep coming and get the hell beat out of him. he has those choices and those choices only and no money that anybody can come up with will get him to step into the ring with manny. freddie knows that. >> do you agree with that, freddie? >> the thing is, he wants that zero on his record so he can makes statements like i'm better than sugar ray robinson because robinson has losses and i don't. but after manny pacquiao knocks
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him out he doesn't have that argument anymore and can't say he's the best ever. i think he's more in love with that idea than in love with $100 million to fight manny pacquiao, because that's what they're going to make about. >> and in truth, tomorrow night marquez has greater danger for manny than floyd mayweather would ever have. marquez has a style which gives manny problems, which hopefully freddie and manny have worked out a way to solve that puzzle. >> manny, what do you think of floyd mayweather as a man? because you couldn't be more different. you're humble, you're polite, you're sincere. he likes to trash talk. he's not remotely humble. you're very, very different people. >> i think that's his attitude, you know, attitude as a man, but you cannot believe him. that's his style.
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my style is, you know -- >> do you respect him or not? >> of course, i always respect people. that's how i live. >> everybody? >> everybody i respect. >> let's take another break. when we come back i'll ask you an unusual question, probably not something you get asked often, but you all live in america now, a lot of the time. you all have a lot to be grateful to america for and america is going through a tough time. i want to ask the three of you, you've been hugely successful in different ways in the sport. what america should be doing to get out of this problem.
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i hope that the relation of the filipino people and the u.s. will grow, you know, so thank you to the support of the u.s. to the philippines. >> my guest manny pacquiao, freddie roach and bob arum. tomorrow, manny, you're going to walk into a boxing ring and fight another boxer. and the total proceeds from this could be over $100 million with the hbo pay per view and so on. bob, you're a promoter, a huge, hu huge amount of money. flying in the face of all the economic problems america is facing right now, you guys all
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have a lot to be grateful to america for, what do you think is going wrong with america? manny, you're a politician in making, you could be president one day of the philippines. you know america now and you know americans. >> as a congressman in the philippines, my analysis is here in the united states both seeing it in congress, they have to work together to, you know, to look for what is best in this country because i always believe that america is the best country in the whole world. >> do you? why do you say that? >> you know, america is -- for me it's the best country. >> why, though? why do you think that? >> the freedom, all the people, you know, and also the constitution of america. it's good. so i think it's fair for
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everybody. >> manny, when do you think you'll retire? because you're in perfect physical condition, you're in perfect mental condition. you've suffered no apparent problems like this from your boxing. there must be people close to you, your mother, your wife maybe and others saying you should give this up soon, because quit at the top. >> i think it's -- i believe i'm still strong and training so i'm still going to fight a few years. >> do you worry that you may fight just too long and suffer irreparable damage? >> well, i'm looking for -- i thinking for that -- not to get hurt, but my promoter, he's the
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one who knows. >> i'm going to do whatever i can. if freddie and our matchmakers see any type of slippage, that's going to be it, no matter what money is out there. but right now, freddie tells me and my matchmakers tell me that he keeps getting better and better. and it's not going to be longer than two more years. you know, by the year 2013, he'll be governor of the province hopefully. being a governor is a lot more time-consuming than being a congressman. and so he's going to have to devote himself to governing a province. and then, of course, this boxing is just a means for -- at least as i see it for the end game, and the end game is 2022, he has -- there's a 40-year -- you have to be 40 years old to run for president and that's the first election that he'll be
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eligible to run for president. >> are you going to be helping him promote his campaign? >> well, manny had me over. he's run twice. the first time we weren't prepared, we lost. the second time a landslide, right? 75%. i felt like james carvel. >> so this could be for both of you the last big hurrah. >> well, it keeps me going because in 2022 i'll be 91 years of age, i'll come in on my cane, but i'll help him. >> freddie, what would you be, chief of staff? have you worked out your cabinet position yet? >> not yet. one thing about manny, he did ask me, he said am i slowing down. i says, no. he says will you tell me? i said i'll be the first one to tell you. >> let's take another break and come back. i'm going to ask you, because i'm curious for the last half an hour, what these tattoos are all about. we'll get some answers.
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parkinson's is part of my life but we just keep it at that. >> we don't have a problem. >> my doctors tell me, you know, some day it could affect me where i can't function as well as i do. i said, well, until that day happens, i'm going to work my ass off. i'm not going to lie down and die. i'll a fighter and will be a fighter until the end. >> back with manny pacquiao, freddie roach and bob arum. freddie, you suffered with park inson's disease for a while and you still get in the ring with manny pacquiao. >> and the parkinson goes away. >> does it? >> when he goes in the ring and he does the mitts, it goes away, right, freddie? >> the tremors go away and the shaking and it's just like --
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>> that's extraordinary. why do you think that is? >> i'm not sure. but muhammed ali came to my gym about eight years ago and asked me to work out there. as soon as he started working the bag, his tremors went away. same thing. just a combination. as soon as he stopped, he started shaking again. >> you were a boxer yourself. >> yes. >> for years. and you gave up, you lost about 13 fights in 40 fights. was that your record? >> i had like a 41-13 record at the end. bob was my promoter for quite a while. >> did you think the condition you have now is down to boxing or not? >> they believe that my parkinson's is induced parkinson's caused by trauma. but, you know, i mean you can never tell. i might end up with it anyway. but you can't prove it, but you can assume it. >> do you assume the same about muhammed ali?
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>> yes. the thing is, i think he's a lot further along than i am. his tremors are more violent and so forth. i think because he's getting a little bit older also. and my symptoms seem to be getting a little worse as time goes on. >> bob, one thing is very sad about muhammed aliin. i met him a while ago and he still has a spark in his eye. his brain is perfectly okay but physically isn't able to function the way he would obviously like to. how do you feel being his friend so long. >> and his promoter. do i take any responsibility and the answer is no, he would have done it any way. secondly, parkinsons ran in his family. his brother who had very few professional fights suffers from parkinsons, i don't think the boxing helped the condition but to say it is attributable to boxing is a stretch because so
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many fighters throughout our times that i've seen who don't show any indication of parkinson's. >> i am curious the last half hour what these tattoos are all about. how many do you have? >> these tattoos, this is a meteor. this is before i had a fight with miguel. >> a meteor. that's the last thing you want to see. your left hook coming at you with a meteor. >> a meteor rock. >> and that one? >> this is when i was young. >> does it mean anything or no. >> it is a rose with a snake. >> a rose and a snake. >> what does that mean? >> it is a green snake. >> does it have a meaning? >> yeah. >> it's a bad one, isn't it? it involves a snake. >> uh-huh. >> it means you want to hit people, right? >> there is a rose bud and a
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snake. >> this is. >> this is the name of my family, my wife, my son. >> what are your children's full names. >> jimuel, michael steven, princess, the real name is mary divine grace and quinn is quinn elizabeth. >> actually. that's fantastic. >> queen elizabeth. >> you named your daughter after my queen. >> yes. >> why have you done that? you like our queen. >> her majesty. >> have you met the queen? >> i need to fix you up with these people. you haven't met anyone, have you. do you like the royal family? >> yeah. >> i like them. you can see the royal family since way back 15th, 16th century. >> who's more popular in the
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philippines, her majesty the queen or manny pacquaio? come on. bob, you are the ro moteer, who will win that contest. >> manny pacquaio is more popular than any person in the world in the philippines, including the president of the philippines. although he won't -- he's an alie of the president so maybe it is not a good thing to say. >> what else, manny, do you hope to achieve with your life when you give up boxing? obviously we have discussed politics but what else do you think about? >> my dream is to help people. because i have been there. i came from nothing. pi know what their feelings to need something. i want to give back and help them. there's a lot of money in the the government, but the problem is most of the politicians are
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corrupt. so -- >> we have to fix that and show them, you know, not all of us are corrupt. there's manny pacquaio that honestly serving the people. >> you fight tomorrow at the mgm grand in las vegas. it is live on hbo pay per view. good luck with the fight. >> thank you. >> before we finish this, there's a ring there. as a are promoter you have won eight titles, eight weights but never met a guy as big as me. saddle up, manny pacquaio. we are getting in the ring. >> negotiate the purse for me. >> you get the purse. you get your mitts out. you, in the ring. is this a chevy volt? [ stu ] yeah. it's electric. i don't think so. it's got a gas tank right here.
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ask him how much he spends on gas. how much does he spend on gas? how much do you spend on gas? how much do i spend on gas? if i charge regularly, i fill up like once a month. he only has to fill up about once a month. [ woman ] wow. that's amazing. ♪ >> there you go. >> ever felt a fist that strong? just remember, when we get out there, just leave the face alone, all right? it's the money face. all ready.
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♪ >> i told him he's from england and i'm from scotland. i'm from scotland an i'm fighting for freedom against the englishman. >> hands up. >> this is exhausting. >> oh. sorry, freddie. >> was it bigger than tyson's? a little bit. >> what am i doing, seriously? what am i doing? watch this. watch and learn. eye of the tiger, baby.
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