tv Black in America CNN November 19, 2011 8:00pm-9:00pm PST
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who's here. he said who. i said muhammad ali. i said he wants to see you. he said okay. so he brings him in, and his manager must have had this in a box or something like that because muhammad brings this box in and he takes out a boxing glove larger than bob dylan. it was gold and he presents it to bob. and then you know, they chatted and i posed the two of them together. and at one point in time, i was going to say should i get an apple box because bob is so much shorter than ali. >> and you can find my entire interview with ken regan on thanks for watching. thanks for watching. good night. -- captions by vitac -- >> you know, this is a white and asian world here. it just is. >> people are minting money in silicon valley right now. i want a piece of it. >> hi. >> it's a capitalist endeavor. you know, we're all serious adults, entrepreneurs.
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>> i'm determined. >> i'm tired of playing games. >> i believe in my product, in my ideas. >> we're building is great companies every single one of us. >> i'm chasing success. >> so we want to stand out because we're just so damned good that they have to notice us. >> each founder is going to have two minutes to pitch their idea. >> i'm nervous. >> the way we're going to make money. >> you didn't tell me a thing about what your business plan was and what you intended to do for revenue. >> when i did raise venture capital, my buddies said get a might guy to be your front man. i did that, i hired a polished white guy and let him do all the talking. >> it's very sad. in 201, we've got a black president and he's not putting no money in my pocket right now directly. so what do we got to do, play the game to be successful. >> if ten years down the road there are no more black entrepreneurs, then than there are today, what's at risk? >> a permanent underclass.
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>> in this unassuming three bedroom home in mountainview, california, angela and wayne sutton hope to make history. >> here? see what this thing look like. >> one of them is supposed to be a sofa bed. >> the friends connected online, two black internet entrepreneurs trying to succeed in an overwhelmingly white industry. >> for whatever reason, african-americans tend to be consumers of technology and not really creators of technology. >> name me one black web tech founder, startup ceo. where's the example of a black market zuckerberg? >> last year only 1% of internet startups that received funding were founded by
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african-americans. so angela and wayne created the new media accelerator, new me for short, a ground-breaking program designed to speed up the. development and success of minority led start-ups in silicon valley. >> if you're going to be an actor you go to la. if you're going be in fashion you go to new york. and if you're going to be in technology, then you come to silicon valley. >> modeled after similar programs, new me offers its dot com founders immediate access to deep pocketed investors, well connected mentors and opens doors to some of the most successful internet companies in the world. >> welcome to facebook. the downside? >> everyone will be living together. >> eight people, nine weeks, one house, one goal. changing the face of silicon valley. >> for it to be successful to me, founders have to get investment. >> thanks for your enthusiasm in
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coming to google. >> the high stakes program backs by sponsors culminates in demo day when each entrepreneur will have just six minutes to pitch their company to a room full of investors. 75 people applied. six were chosen by angela and wayne based on their startup ideas. >> people are leaving their loved ones for the summer. they are leaving their spouses, they're leaving their kids. some of them are quitting their jobs. people are making major life changes to take a risk and be involved in this program. and that's a little bit of pressure. >> nice to meet you. >> they include a former mit student body president. >> pius is really smart. pius is really strong. >> a master programmer. >> supersweet. she's a girl and she's also a programmer. so that's an oddity. >> a former hedge fund project manager.
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>> kristen is really focused. >> a video game blogger. >> anthony, i like to call him cool because he's just laid back. he's not trying to be something he's not. >> an engineer from detroit. >> haj has swagger. he's a sales guy. >> a former dot come millionaire. >> hank is experience pded. he's raised money before. >> country boy wayne sutton. >> it takes courage and xwuts to come out here and pursue your dreams. >> this isn't a charity. it's not a summer camp. we're capitalists. we're all trying to build great businesses and we're trying to secure the funding needed to build those businesses. >> why is this so important? >> how can you have a huge and growing part of the economy with no participation from a significant demographic? >> the odds of success are slim. 80% of all start-ups founded by first time entrepreneurs fail.
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but angela is confident her accelerator will help the house mates beat the odds, something she says she's done her entire life. >> i was 15, and i was in ninth grade and i was pregnant. but it was a hard time. i mean when you're around people in society and you are also around your own family and people think they know how your life is going to end up. >> driven to prove people wrong, she earned a masters degree in graphic design. and founded a trail blazing website for african-americans interested in technology. today angela is 30, a single mother of three. in addition to running the new me accelerator with wayne, angela is working on her own start up. get queued, a mobile app that makes shopping and restaurant recommendations based on past experiences. >> people often have a lot of excuses. i hate that because -- i could
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have had every reason to have a lot of excuses. and i didn't. >> i mean just how bad do you want something. >> six people got to share one bathroom? >> door. >> the eight entrepreneurs arrive in mountain view with billion dollar dreams. but for the next nine weeks, they will sleep on $80 air mattresses. >> it's not what i would call five star accommodations. i would call it scrappy. >> but their first event is first class. a welcome reception sponsored by google. >> how you doing? >> good. how you doing? >> the first inkling that something may be a little different than we'd expected is when there is an announcement about a dragon's den and that the judges for the dragon's den should please come up to the stage. >> dragons don't sound good. >> i'm pitching. >> cued is basically -- >> i don't know what i'm supposed to say next.
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so you can focus on what really matters. call humana at 1-800-808-4003. it's 4g, so you can do more faster. so, kathryn, post more youtube videos of your baby acting adorable. baby. on it. matt, ignore me and keep updating your fantasy team. huh? jeff, play a game. turbo-boosting now, sir. dennis, check in everywhere you go on foursquare. that's mayor dennis... of the water cooler. you're the best. liz, rock out to pandora. oh, no i'm an only child. and nick, you shouldn't even be here, you can do everything from the golf course. good? good. [ male announcer ] on at&t, blackberry® torch moves at the speed of 4g. ♪ quaker oatmeal is a super grain. ♪ it gives me warmth. ♪ [ boy ] it gives me energy to help me be my best. quaker oatmeal has whole grains for heart health. and it has fiber that helps fill me up.
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>> by the end of the first day, the new me entrepreneurs find themselves inside the headquarters of google, an internet startup founded in 1998, today worth close to $200 billion. >> how are you doing? >> people respond positively or negatively. >> this place is amazing. >> hello. welcome to google. >> quickly their excitement is replaced by concern. >> if anyone who is involved in judging the dragons please come up to the front. >> we're all wondering what is the dragon's den. it's essentially slang for a panel of judges where they you know, throw you and your company in and you know, they essentially rip you to shreds after you pitch. and it's really the antithesis of an unstressful event. -- haven't. >> the founders felt kind of ambushed in a way. >> first founder to come up is tiffany bell for the company pencil you in.
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>> so yes, i'm tiffany. >> tiffany graduated from howard university with a degree in computer science. she quit her job as a web developer in fayetteville, north carolina, to join the accelerator. >> how many black female programmers do you know? >> before i went to howard i would say none. historically black people whether we are talking about like you know, buffalo soldiers or the tuskegee airmen have not traditionally been thought of as being capable of things. and so i think that's kind of how it is for me as a black woman in technology. >> pencil you in is my startup. >> right now i am allowing the appointments online. at this point i had a functional product. >> by the time she was done and the judges start theed critiquing her they were critiquing everything we didn't know to worry about. >> you do your darnedest to differentiate what you are doing. >> our next is anthony frazier.
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his startup is plead. >> we're going to give gamers a chance to recommend games and also have the app recommend games to them based on they've played. >> you didn't tell me what your business plan was. >> it was definitely a dragon's lair. >> what are your launch plans? >> some people got chewed up more than others. >> i'm a serial entrepreneur. our first product is called cloud organizer. >> i don't know who your customer is. >> don't ever give vague numbers. give specific numbers. >> my way of impressing my girlfriend is building a web app. >> there are things you said that back me off. you're a chief sales person. you have to figure out how to relate to your audience. >> i don't know what you built, what you are inspiring to build. >> last but not least, we have angela bent. >> cued is a mobile application. >> when i was giving my pitch. my mind kind of blanked. >> i am nervous. i haven't been nervous all night and i'm nervous. >> i was like wait. i'm at google and i'm pitching and i don't know what i'm
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supposed to say next. >> that's it. [ applause ] >> your nervousness i think cut you a little bit short. so -- >> the google event is over and the impression left is not good. >> i felt bad for them. because anytime you don't give a good pitch, it's a missed opportunity. >> yet, the housemates feel it went okay. >> the presentations across the board were really strong. >> i would probably give myself a seven. >> i thought people did really well considering that there was no preparation. >> house mate hank williams has pitched to silicon valley investors before. >> are you the oldest in the house? >> by far. >> really? >> i think, yes. >> hank grew up in harlem, the son of a judge. he left the university of pennsylvania after his junior year and in 2000, founded an internet radio startup that raised $40 million. two years later, it folded. >> emotionally it was very
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difficult. i really for a couple of years didn't want anything to do with technology at all. >> hank has spent the last four years full-time developing cloud co, a web platform to help people organize their e-mail and personal documents online. >> what are you looking for money wise? >> over the course of the next several years of the company, 5 to $10 million. >> are you competing with the people in the house? >> no, not at all. we are eight companies out of thousands seeking funding. >> silicon valley is a long way from newark, new jersey. where new me entrepreneur anthony frazier grew up. >> i didn't grow up with a lot of money. when i was living in newark -- how old are you now? >> -- the only time i would see a person of a different color, you know, a white person would be like the missionaries walking around trying to convert people. >> after dropping out of community college, he worked the
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overnight shift at kmart. >> the people i worked with, that was your life. i've realized that a lot of those people didn't have many options. i don't want to work like that. i want to make my own way. >> a video game fanatic, he created a video game website, which led to his startup idea. >> so tell me about playd. >> playd is a social network for gamers. i got passion, determination, heart. i may not have the paper to say i know what i know but i know what i know. >> for new me entrepreneur, the summer in silicon valley is about going all in on his dot come idea. an m.i.t. grad and former student body president, pius quit his consulting business last year to work with his co-founder and girlfriend becky developing be couply, a social network for couples. >> for us, this isn't a summer project. it's not a hobby. >> living off their savings, the couple bought one way tickets to the west coast.
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becky will live close during the nine week program. >> definitely for us, the stakes are very high. >> the house mates know the road to demo day won't be ease. >> you are going to take something personal when someone says i didn't think that was very good at all and it was very blunt and straightforward and that hurts your feelings, go home now. >> there are lots of people who hear about a program like this and they assume it's more or less a handout and that we aren't serious entrepreneurs. and all they're doing is charity for minorities. it's a capitalist endeavor. you know, we're all serious adults, entrepreneurs who we're building great companies every single one of us, and so we want to stand out because we're just so damn good that they have to notice us. >> why do you think there's so few african-american tech entrepreneurs? >> i think that they probably think that it is an up hill
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battle. >> is it? >> it is an uphill battle. >> everyone or for african-americans specifically. >> oh, for everyone. >> perhaps the most influential investor. is ron conway, an early investor in paypal, google and twitter, he invests about $10 million a year in startups. >> we only invest in one out of 30 companies that we see. so it's a very -- it's -- it's a winnowing down process that's pretty brutal. i have to admit that a lot of it is who you know. if they are well known to us we pa will tend to see that entrepreneur before an entrepreneur who's just coming in lined. >> is that particularly hard if you are african-american? >> i would say yes. it's disappointing. but you know, we don't know how to go recruit those people. >> so right now, all you should be thinking about is how do i execute on my idea.
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>> one week after the google event, the entrepreneurs have dinner with one of their mentors, navarro wright, the chief technology officer for the internet company interactive one. navarro was also one of the four dragons during the google event. >> what was your take? >> i said that they weren't ready. everyone here is kind of looking at this is the environment of this incubator and say i don't want to tell this black person that hey, they're not doing a good job. i guess that is role has fallen on me. >> on the black guy. >> yes. >> show of hands, who thinks they did well? >> so nobody thinks they did well? >> i did okay. >> i think you guys need to be a little bit harder on yourselves. let's be clear. my goal to say that is not to belittle anybody in this room. my goal to say that is that i need you guys and want you guys to understand the vastness of this opportunity. right?
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you guys walked through palo alto to get here. >> this is probably the most black people in the town right now, right? >> no one who walked into that room knew they were about to pitch. >> let's say you walked in there and mark zuckerberg was in there and said i want to hear your idea. so you're going to tell me, it's okay i didn't know i was going to pitch to him and i wasn't ready? you can make those excuses and at the ends of the nine weeks, not be where you need to be but you've got to recognize the only person in control or at fault for that was yourself. it wasn't the valley or the investors. it was you. you made the decision to come out here. it is bigger than you. an investor is only seeing one african-american a year give a pitch and you don't do well you have not only affected you, you've affected other people it's that important. >> i joke with angela, there's a tag line, no what can demos on demo day. >> there are still eight weeks to demo day and every day the
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challenge seems greater. >> this is a white and asian world here. >> when i did raise venture capital, my buddies advised me, get a white guy to be your front man. according to research, everybody likes more cash. well, almost everybody... ♪ would you like 50% more cash? no! but it's more money. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? woah! [ giggles ] is for more than dandruff. how it gives me a healthy scalp and great looking hair. but who used mine up? it was hines. seriously? you lying fool. [ male announcer ] head & shoulders: seven benefits, every bottle.
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they have eight weeks left to develop their dot com companies and refine their pitches before demo day. >> this is anything but the real world, this is anything but jersey shore. we're all here to work. i don't know if there's even any alcohol in this house. there are a lot of computers. a lot of people coding late at night. >> i wake up at 6:00 and there are already one or two people that have taken a shower. i think everyone is pretty focused and intense. there is not a lot of play time. >> start ups are hard. you have to go through suffering most of the time in unexpected ways that will really test and challenge. >> are you also trying to do an actual raise of capital? >> noted tech entrepreneur mitch capor is a sponsor and mentor of the new me program.
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>> they're going to want to know what your plan is. >> in 1982, he founded the lotus development corporation which developed the popular lotus 123 spread sheet. the company was later sold for $3.5 billion. today he invests in startups. >> i'm incredibly excited about new me. >> why do you care about a bunch of black entrepreneurs who have come to silicon valley to try to be successful? >> we have serious problems being economically competitive in the world. we have to have absolutely everybody who can contribute making their maximum contribution. >> it's really true that every entrepreneur with an idea gets an equal shot? that's absolutely not true. >> there's so few women asking for money, i'm not sure if there is enough data to foe if there is built-in the bias. >> michael is founder of tech crunch.
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today a venture capitalist, arrington is outspoken in his belief that success in the valley is more merit based than any place else in the world. >> why do you think there are so few african-american tech entrepreneurs here? >> i don't know. a lot of the successful people here are engineers because if they aren't engineers, they have to find an engineer to help them build the software or hardware or both. >> so the pipeline issue. >> i think that's a big problem. >> who would you say is the number one black technology entrepreneur? >> that's a weird question. who would you say is the number one black? >> i don't cover technology. >> i'm trying to think of any black ceos in silicon valley and i'm not even coming up with any. >> people making companies. >> i don't know a single black entrepreneur. >> and you cover the industry. what does that say? it means there just aren't any. it's not a perfect meritocracy. generally speaking it doesn't matter what your education is. it doesn't matter who your parents are here. you can become very successful
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based purely on your brain size and how you use it. >> i have not been in the room recently when someone said that's an african-american lead company. i'm not going to invest there. but i guarantee you from personal experience, that's what people are thinking. so i would go toe to toe with michael arrington and say the part that is merit ohcratic is great and there's a big part of it that isn't. >> arington says the rarity of black entrepreneurs might give them an edge. >> this is a white and asian world here. it just is. it's not a good thing. we have a conference three times a year companies can actually launch on stage. we're looking for women and minorities all the time. there is a guy actually, my first client when i was a lawyer. his last company just launched at our event. he is african-american. it's a cool start-up. he could have launched a clown
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show on stage and i would have put him up there, absolutely. it is the first time i have had one that is the sole founder. >> me and becky sometimes watch that showdown home cooking with the nealies. >> the burgers are almost done. >> among the 25 speakers and mentors who meet with the new me entrepreneurs, it's this man's visit that leaves them speechless. >> i think what you are doing is fantastic. >> he is a professor at duke. he came from india in 1980 and founded two internet companies that raised $50 million. >> can i be critical about the community? >> you folks don't help each other. some parts of america you have this entitlement attitude and that we've been discriminated against and we've been slaves and that's what held the community back. my community did the exact opposite. we didn't -- we said all right there is a problem here. we will fix it ourselves. the professor says investors in
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the valley practice what's known as pattern matching. they see entrepreneurs who are successful, mainly young white males, and invest in that -- those who fit that pattern. >> when i did raise venture capital, my buddy advised me, they said get a white guy to be your front man. i did that. >> i hired a very impressive six foot tall polished white guy and let him do all the talking. that's the way it is here. i have done it. this is like i said. this is how i surmounted the problem. that's the way the system works here. understand it and then use it to you might as well understand it and then use it to your advantage. >> i am still speechless. >> there is something raw and very direct about it that's a little -- it's jarring. >> it's very sad in 2011. it is very sad. we got a black president. and he's not putting money in my pocket right now directly. so what do we got to do? play the game to be successful. >> there are so many kids in berkley and stanford that you can hire.
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>> the professor believes and hank gathers the house mates to talk. >> we are alone. we are just us. this is it. there is not that many of us. and so it's kind of weird. we been here a week and no one has done a demo or shown a screen shot or anything between us. i mean, it's crazy. i guess we're all just -- everyone is so focused on themselves and i don't mean to offend anybody. i'm not saying that people are selfish. but i'm saying that we're -- you know, who else is going to help you? we got figure out how to band together and make something bigger and better and more powerful. because there's almost none of us. maybe this is the catalyst. >> we have a bigger success working together than we do alone. >> we need to have something that comes out of this after nine weeks. >> let's get cracking.
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>> they realize to have any chance of success on demo day, they will have to work together. >> i am not too crazy about it. but it's something. >> the simplest feature that will differentiate. develop that and try to make that your demo daypro toe type. [ female announcer ] the humana walmart-preferred rx plan gives you the lowest plan premium in the country... so you can focus on what really matters. call humana at 1-800-808-4003. [ femala $100 cream. we were flattered when regenerist beat so you can focus on what really matters. flabbergasted when we creamed a $500 cream. for about $30 regenerist micro-sculpting cream hydrates better than over 20 of america's most expensive luxury creams. fantastic. phenomenal. regenerist.
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>> the stakes are really high, thinking mistakes respect high enough, maybe you're not taking that much of a risk. i deft took a huge risk coming out here, you know. >> i am trying to get some information. >> my state of mind is focused on the product. get as many big people and places excited about what i'm doing. you know, i guess that comes with it. they thought we were volunteers. up called playd. it's called playd. it's going to be a gaming network. you got a card? >> i do. >> yeah? >> that's what i'm realizing, this whole thing is about relationships. playd is a good idea. i'm thinking this one is going to be the big one. it will be interesting. see how it all folds out.
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>> with less than two weeks till demo day, the stress level inside the house is rising. >> pius's girlfriend becky doesn't live in the house, but she's a constant presence. >> see you guys tomorrow. >> pius doesn't drive so becky must walk several miles to take the bus to get to the new me house, unless one of the housemates drives her. >> it is annoying that we are supposed to take care of them. it's not my responsibility to make sure that you get home at 1:00 in the morning. >> it is interesting to see how resistant certain people have been about, you know, giving her a ride or anything else. it's kind of odd. >> are people hostile to becky? >> people are honest. how that is internalized, that's a totally different question. >> my name is pius. >> and i am becky and we are quo funders of be couplings. >> some people have had latent hostility towards her.
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for what reasons, i can't speculate. >> is race an issue? >> i do think there seems to be some element, unconscious or not, that seems like this is a program for black entrepreneurs, and you're not a black entrepreneur. and i certainly would not dispute that. i am not a black entrepreneur. >> if no one can pick you up or drop you off, then you had to take the train or bus. it had nothing to do with becky being white. i like becky a lot. >> it's just another problem for angela to deal with. you seem very stressed to me. are you? >> yeah, i mean i am. it's a lot going on. it's a lot happening. >> we need to know what you're going to pitch. >> she is away from her three daughters, running the accelerator, developing her own dotcom company and it's become clear, the best way to make the
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accelerator a long-term success is to move to silicon valley with her kids. >> if i do it, i want to do it right so that they can start the new school season out here. i mean, that's in three weeks. >> yeah. that's crazy. so we'll see. >> for weeks, the entrepreneurs have worked day and night developing business plans, building their websites, refining their pitches. but for wayne sutton, the hardest part is missing his 7 month old son. >> >> it's emotional. you want to play with him or hold him and stuff but you across the country and just dealing with stuff and i could be playing with him. i know i'm not doing this, making this sacrifice so i can get rich. i want my little boy to be successful. i want him to learn so i can teach him to be successful. >> most nights wayne works until 11:00 p.m. at a neighborhood yogurt shop.
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he walks home to clear his head. on a monday night he is walking home when he is stopped by police. >> i saw two cops, hands on their hips ready to pull out a gun, a baton or something to take me down if necessary. snuls 404, clears on one. nc dl number available. >> the officers run a background check. wayne doesn't have a criminal record. ooze told he can go. >> 11:00, 2:00, 1:00 in the afternoon, 11:00 at night. if i walk on the street just trying to get home, i shouldn't get stopped by the police. >> mountain view police tell us they stopped wayne because he was an unfamiliar face in the neighborhood. >> it doesn't look good for me to be stopped by the police. i'm not trying to sell a rap album. i don't need no street
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credibility. i need business credibility. >> apparently he was walking while black. >> you think in silicon valley where you are supposedly judged based on talent alone and great ideas that you would be judged the same way whether you are walking down the street or whether you're pitching an idea. it just truly reinforces that that's not the reality that we as african-americans live in. >> i want to get back to my computer science. >> with just 24 hours left until demo day, the housemates hold one final practice session. >> i have been writing software for a long time. and thinking about data. >> standing in front of a podium is always a little nerve wracking. >> how's everyone doing today? >> i feel pretty good. but i realize there is a difference between practice and game day. it's totally different when the lights are on. >> my heart is still beating weird. >> i'm tiffany bell. when it comes to salons -- hold
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on. >> tiffany the programmer is nervous. >> hold on. >> it's probably the most high profile thing that i've done in my life as far as a speaking event. mostly just because i feel like it could be one thing that determines the course of the rest of my life. >> it sounds like you're trying to remember word for word. just tell the story. you can make a mistake. but if you stop and pause, they know you made a mistake. >> there is no more time to practice. tomorrow is demo day. like our mobile application and phoenixconnect, a worldwide academic social network. it's part of our commitment to you and why last year we invested over 1 billion dollars in our students to help them successfully balance work, life and education. ♪ discover all that sets us apart at it's 4g, so you can do more faster.
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so, kathryn, post more youtube videos of your baby acting adorable. baby. on it. matt, ignore me and keep updating your fantasy team. huh? jeff, play a game. turbo-boosting now, sir. dennis, check in everywhere you go on foursquare. that's mayor dennis... of the water cooler. you're the best. liz, rock out to pandora. oh, no i'm an only child. and nick, you shouldn't even be here, you can do everything from the golf course. good? good. [ male announcer ] on at&t, blackberry® torch moves at the speed of 4g. ♪ [ male announcer ] fellas know that when you don't get your shave right, the irritation can be a problem. [ record scratches, crowd boos ] so get your grooming game right with gillette fusion proglide razor... which has thinner, finer blades for less tug and pull along with the gillette irritation defense shave gel. together they help defend against 5 signs of shaving irritation -- leaving your skin looking smooth and feeling fresh. help defend your skin. ♪
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keep a cool head. focus. >> it's like opening night on broadway. now it's show time. >> we're going to make it happen. >> i'm a little nervous. >> of course you're going to be scared. it's only human. >> let's do it again. >> less than an hour to go and the entrepreneurs run through their demo day pitches one last time. >> now let's take a quick look at some of the -- >> the counsel that i try to give is be real be substantive, but just say enough to get a serious investor interested and hungry for more. >> when we walk in we see it is standing room only.
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investors, venture capitalists, members of the press were there. it was a big deal. really high stakes. >> for anthony frazier, demo day is much more than an opportunity to pitch. >> for a large part of the first half of my life, me and my mother and brother had to go to different houses and stay with different family members. we never had a place to call our own. and one day my mother told me you're going to get me a house. i just think about her wanting that house and i'm going to get her a house. >> father god, thank you for allowing us to take the journey together. let us recognize that our talents have brought us here. thank you for letting these ideas come to fruition. to ignore the fact that we've done great things and we thank you in jesus name. no whack demos. amen. >> amen. >> demo day begins.
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each entrepreneur gets six minutes to pitch. can i ask everyone to take their seats, please. one last call to take your seats. >> good morning, everyone. less than 1% of technology startups are founded by african-americans and in a place where opportunities and chals are overcome every day, what's a significant one. so without further adieu, piuss and becky. >> we kind of just launched into it. >> i'm the product designer and hacker behind becouply. we focus on three things. discovering new data ideas and date spots. >> everything starts to fade away. the crowd disappears and there is nothing but the material. >> we're not just building an app here but we are really on a mission and that mission is to help every couple in the world have an epic social life. thanks.
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>> if you guys work with them, you might want to put them not breaking up in your liquidation preference. >> i personally feel a responsibility to make sure that i leave everything on the court, everything out there. in life you want to be able to say you know what? i have no regrets. >> barber shops and salons in the united states alone made $37 billion in revenue. >> standing off to the side and watching everyone present -- i was just on cloud nine. it was like going to your kids' graduation. >> there is no way i could have expected things to turn out as well as they did. >> today we're going to focus on specific features that we have that relate to collaboration. >> i was a little nervous, of course, but, got to shake it off when it's time to go. >> the cool thing about it is when people see this -- >> what was going through your head? >> i thought about what i don't want to be doing next year. >> what do you mean? >> i don't want to work at
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kmart. so, you know, it's either this or nothing. >> so you had to hit it. >> yeah. >> we will be giving gamers digital rewars when they go out and buy it the first day. >> suggestions and recommendations into you. so queue really connects what you like online with what you like in real life. thanks. >> ask all the founders to come up, please. >> i think you guys can agree we saw some great ideas today and some great products. will you join me in welcoming the first class of the new me accelerated program. >> i think the group did amazing. every single person i thought represented the accelerator, represented the race. >> if you think about where we came from at the first google event and what you saw today,
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what was encouraging is a lot of people in the audience said they were good pitches. there was a writer from tech crunch who sent out a tweet saying this is one of the best startup events she's been too. >> nothing to apologize for. no adjustment in standards and i go on record about that. >> but a strong pitch is just a first step. >> it's not demo day and you just get a check one day, ends up in the may, in your bank account. it doesn't really happen like that. there is follow-up that has to be done. there are a series of meetings that have to be done. >> knowing what gaming is. >> it's not like we can go home and sleep. no. you know? i'm going to go home and work harder. you know? it gets harder from here. it doesn't get easier. >> so if we look three months from now and nobody has received funding, did you fail? >> that's not going to happen. >> if getting funded is a measure of success, who's succeeded? the answer might surprise you. [ male announcer ] what if we told you that cadillac
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borrowed technology from ferrari to develop its suspension system? or what if we told you that ferrari borrowed technology from cadillac to develop its suspension system? magnetic ride control -- pioneered by cadillac, perfected in the 556-horsepower cts-v. we don't just make luxury cars. we make cadillacs. your new progresso rich & hearty steak burger soup. [ dad ] i love this new soup. it's his two favorite things in one... burgers and soup. did you hear him honey? burgers and soup. love you. they're cute. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. you feel it working, so you know you're ready for whatever the day brings. compared to ordinary toothpaste,
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>> is success getting funded? >> i think a few companies getting funded should be part of the score of whether it was successful or not. >> will some of the companies that were presenting get funded? >> i think so. >> nine weeks after arriving in silicon valley, the first new me accelerator ends. >> so what's next? >> everything's next. if i didn't come out here and do the accelerator, probably wouldn't have had the opportunity to meet a lot of key people and bond with other entrepreneurs. that look just like me. >> why is that important? >> there's probably somebody just like me, you know, wanted to do something with computers. >> if i had that example early on, baby i would have done it. if i could go to my younger self and say you need to do this,
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this, this and this i would be different. i would love that. >> if no one were funded, i would be extremely surprised. having been out here, it's clear that people, a lot of them have great intentions but i think a lot of the people we met throughout the program and on demo day were, you know, utterly surprised just how good everyone was. now why is that a surprise? >> do you think you've changed the world? do you think you've changed silicon valley? >> no. >> what did you do then? >> what we have done is that other entrepreneurs who look like us and be like if you guys can do it, we can do it. >> within the black community, we're starting to understand how important technology is and we're starting to want to participate. on the other side, weise have to
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demonstrate success. we have to get some points on the board, and in a visible way. that's why this is really significant. >> when the accelerator ended in august, tiffany returned home. to fayetteville, north carolina. she hasn't received any funding yet but said her startup is adding customers. and early next year, she planston move back to silicon valley. chrisson, wayne and tajj haven't received funding either. they say they remain committed to building their startups into successful companies. >> i want success so bad that it hurts. >> in october, hank received an undisclosed investment. cloud co. he continues to talk to investors from his home base in harlem, new york. anthony is back in new jersey he's also seeking funding and says his playd app will be
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available in the apple app store by the end of the year. after the accelerator ended, pius and becky moved to san francisco. this fall two investors invested an undisclosed amount in their startup becouply. one of those, mitch kapor. and in september angela moved to silicon valley with her three daughters. she put her startup on hold and is planning the second edition of the new me accelerator program set to start in early 2012. this time she says she wants to include more women and other underrepresented minorities. >> a lot of people have complained about the issues of a lack of diversity in silicon valley, but nobody else created an accelerator fix it. >> when i think about my life, being pregnant at 15, all of the circumstances that i've had in my life are really just similar to what i did with the accelerator.
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