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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  November 26, 2011 8:00am-9:00am PST

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well, from the cnn headquarters in atlanta, georgia, this is your cnn saturday morning for this november 26th. i'm t.j. holmes. let me tell you what we've got ahead four this hour. seething anger in pakistan after nato helicopters reportedly opened fire on checkpoints dealing at least two dozen pakistani soldiers. a live report in just a moment. also, back in the u.s., thanksgiving weekend celebrations by the families of three american college students. they're heading home from egypt after being arrested during a protest and then released. also, nba fans, if you're
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still out there, maybe have something to celebrate, the whole season won't be a total loss. owners and players have reached a tentative deal in the lockout and start playing ball on christmas day. but at the top of the hour, outrage and accusations after nato helicopters reportedly attacked two pakistani checkpoints killing at least 24 soldiers. the attack got a kick response. pakistan cut off nato supply lines to pakistan. this will likely damage the relationship between the u.s. and pakistan. nick walsh jones us live from kabul. are we starting to get more official word from nato now? >> absolutely. let's start with what pakistan has originally accused nato of here. they're saying two separate checkpoints were attacked inside pakistani territory, killing between 24, 26 pakistani soldiers, injuring about a dozen, outrage on the
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pakistani's side of the border, the prime minister scheduling a meeting with security chiefs and supply lines through pakistan into afghanistan and kabul. we are heard from nato a final acknowledgement that they think it is, quote, highly likely that what they refer to as close air support, to you and me, that's some kind of air strike, caused these casualties. we also believe now they seem to be indicating that they accept this was on the pakistani side of the border. still, a significant amount of confusion here, but key to point out they want a swift conclusion to the investigation they're currently conducting and suppress their condollans to any families of the pakistani casualties from this. t.j. >> nick, thank you once again. w50e8 stay on top of that story. just past the top of the hour, we turn to egypt where a protester was killed in cairo
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today after being struck by a police truck. the government issued an apology. police tried to move protesters who were blocking the entrance of the parliament building. susan kacandiotti joins me now with another update on this story. three american students were arrested. it appears they have been released from custody, but they're also on the way home. >> a lot of sighs of relief, t.j. three american college students on their way home from an experience they won't forget. they are derek sweeney goes to georgetown university. gregory porter from drexel university, both 19. and luke gates, 21, from indiana university. they were all studying at american university in cairo and were accused of throwing gasoline bombs from a rooftop at security forces in tahrir square. forces who were clashing with protesters. a prosecutor said the young men denied the charge and said the
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empty bottles that were found belonged to their friends, not to them. after their arrests this week, the boys were released. sweeney's parents say they did nothing wrong and were falsely accused. the students are free and are already en route back to the states to their respective homes celebrating a be lated thanksgiving, certainly in more ways than one, due back late tonight, t.j. and in derek sweeney's case, his dad says he has no intention of returning to cairo to finish his studies. not a surprise there. >> that's it, they're done, they're not facing any charges over there? this is just an ordeal that's over for them? >> that would seem to be the case. we're waiting to hear from the state department to see if they're going to weigh in, as well. >> susan, thank you so much. we're now talking about nba basketball. owners and players reached a tentative deal this morning to
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end the lockouts. joe carter stopped by earlier giving us some of the details, including, for you nba fans when we could see that first game. >> the tentative agreement was reached early this morning, around 3:00 a.m. eastern time. if it gives you any idea how much pressure they were feeling internally, they guys met for 17 hours yesterday, hammered it out, got the deal done. we're going to have a 66-game season, which is only 16 games less than they would normally have. all things considered, they got the job done. it's a ten-year deal. each side can opt out of the deal after six years. david stern called this as the league was heading into a nuclear winter. totally different tone this morning. >> we have reached a tentative understanding that is subject to a variety of approvals and very complex macnations.
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but we're optimistic that that will all come to pass and that the nba season will begin on december 25th, christmas day. the players said they felt the pressure from the players side and from any person, any business making a living off the nba. >> the most important key, i think, here is that, you know, our fans and the support from the people and the patience, you know, through a large part of this process, that's where all of this credit goes to. you know, the efforts that have been made have been largely with them in mind. >> all right. so we're looking at about 30 days before the bedroom season gets up and running. a lot what has to happen between now and christmas day.
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first, the players have to resfie the union. they have to rewrite the deal. then a fast frenzy of free agency will begin. we'll see a lot of trades, a lot of moves in about a week' worth of time. they'll opening training camp on december 9th and tip off the season tentatively planned for december 25th, christmas day, like i said, with a triple header. at this point, there was going be matchups that we already knew about. expect big teams like the heat, the lakers, the mavericks, the celtics, the knicks going at it christmas day. >> we turn now to the syracuse university basketball team. team one, in its tip-off without its assistant coach, bernie fein is on administrative leave after being accused of sexual molestation. two men say he molested them when they were team ball boys. the claims go back to the 1970s. the 65-year-old fine denies the
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allegations. nasa has sent "curiosity" to mars. it was launched a short time ago. the mission began with a picture-perfect launch. the rocket is carrying a rover called "curiosity" that would collect rocks and soil on the red planet in hopes of finding organic matter. we'll have a live report for you from the kennedy space center later this hour. and in the race for the white house, a social conservative is in iowa have launched a stop mitt romney movement. that can't feel good for this front-runner. we have a live report coming your way. stay with us on this cnn saturday morning. it's megan. i'm getting new insurance. marjorie, you've had a policy with us for three years. it's been five years. five years. well, progressive gives megan discounts that you guys didn't. paperless, safe driver, and i get great service. meredith, what's shakin', bacon? they'll figure it out.
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getting you the discounts you deserve. now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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we're about ten minutes past the hour now. in the race for the white house, just over a month, can you believe it, before they start voting in iowa. now social conservative leaders in that state are getting together to stop mitt romney. they actually held a secret meeting this week. our political reporter shannon traffic advice t one who broke this story. he's with us now from chicago. a secret meeting? who was at this meeting and what exactly were they talking about? sxwlit sounds like a political thriller on those movies. who was at the meeting were representatives from some of the biggest social conservative groups in iowa. groups like the family leader, iowa facing freedom coalition. about 20 to 25 people happened last monday, t.j., in des moines. they're planning on having another one of these meetings on monday, this coming monday. and the point, aus just mentioned, was to see if some of these social conservatives could not splinter the vote, avoid
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splintering the vote and coaless around one potential candidate to stop romney in iowa and possibly beyond. they feel like he's not a true conservative and they want someone to take him on, t.j. >> around one candidate, who is that one? >> with the, they haven't come up with one yet. at this meeting, i'm told they narrowed it down to four. michele bachmann, newt gingerich, rick perry and rick santorum. herman cain and ron paul were not on their list. they kicked them off the list of considerations. they had concerns about whether herman cain has his bona fide in terms of foreign policy expertise and ron paul, some things that he has about libertarian leadings and state rights. >> we're hearing from romney about this. are they concerned at all? >> yeah, absolutely. i reached out to them and said, hey, i've learned about this secret meeting to try and have an anti-romney candidate.
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they said they say, you know what? governor romney is going to run a 50-state campaign. he's going to run in iowa and new hampshire and beyond. they beat back any claims that he's a flip-flopper. they say he's been totally consistent. that's what the romney campaign is doing. they didn't seems to me to be taking this all that seriously. he's up in the polls. just got a major endorsement from john thune of south carolina. >> the polls we have seen, i assume you're talking about some national ones. is he polling that well in iowa right now, romney? >> he is still doing very well nationally, but take a look at this american research group poll pp that's out pretty recently. romney is still doing pretty well. gingerich is up, though. 27%. romney right there in the middle, 20%, t.j., and ron paul at 16%. other polls mirror the same thing or show romney on top tied with herman cain. so, again, he's got a lot of support out there. >> but still, he's gaining.
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romney at least here. he is gaining more support. pretty big endorsement from a senator from maybe a small state populationwise, but still, a recognizable and an important endorsement. >> yeah. a name that maybe not a lot of people outside of south dakota may have heard of or what have you. but john thune was going to run for approximated. he was thinking about it, i should say. but he threw his weight and support behind romney the other day. this may help him because south dakota neighbors iowa. they may help him with the caucuses. so a big get for romney. >> finally, did a lot of these candidates take the weekend off to spend time with family? they're not wasteling days right now, are they? >> i think it's a safe bet most of them didn't go on black friday shopping sails sales. you have got some of the candidates taking to the campaign trail these weekend. for the next two days, hundredsman and santorum are all
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across iowa. florida is where gingerich is for today. >> shannon traif travis for us in chicago. we'll see you plenty throughout this campaign. a program note to or vurser here, you can join fredericka witfield sunday afternoon at 4:00 eastern for an hour dedicated to the presidential contenters. she'll be here in about 45 minutes to start her show, but even earlier, she's going to come hang out with me for a little bit. she's coming your way in just a few minutes. cyber monday is around the corner, but do you know what to do on cyber monday, necessarily? you have to have a plan and be focused. we'll tell you exactly where you need to be to find the best deals online. also, some trivia before we go to break here. cnn money taking a look at the gap between rich and poor in america. where do you think income and equality is greatest in this
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country? is it d.c., florida, connect, new york? i'll tell you when cnn saturday morning continues. 4 zone moisturizer with roc®retinol and antioxidants. lines, wrinkles, and sun damage will fade. roc multi-correxion. correct what ages you.
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[ male announcer ] shopping for medicare coverage? the annual enrollment period ends december 7th. now is the time to take action. call unitedhealthcare medicare solutions today.
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before the break, i asked you where income inequality was the greatest. according to, is it new york, d.c., connecticut or florida? the right answer is washington, d.c. those at the top earn a lot as government contractors and lobbyists and those at the
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bottom are stuck with low-wage jobs. a lot of people sat out of black friday. were you one of them? you knew cyber monday was coming. earlier we talked to our tech expert, katie linnendahl. she told us how to take advantage of what's going on online without getting scammed at the same time. >> let's go to it's a great site. it's a subsidiary of a great site to look at to make sure you're staying with everything that's going to be on sale. if you're into a big brand, what i recommend doing is going on to their facebook page and hitting that like button. now more than ever, online retailer res using social media sites. two sites that i use year-round, and, they typically will always have a promotional code at the least for free shipping, but sometimes you get about 10%, 20% off.
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this is a day you want to stay tuned. a big bonus, you don't have to be fight, people in the store over ads 2 waffle iron. >> but if everybody knows we're going to be online on monday, you have some criminals throughout. >> absolutely. first and foremost, fishing schemes. all those scammers will be trying to lure you with big ticket items that are too good to be true. it still amazes me how realistic these ads look like. make sure you know what you're clicking on before you click on it. make sure you're using crypt cards instead of debit cards. you'll face less liability in the event your credit card is stolen. look for that https up in that address bar. that will mean you're on a secure site before you put in your info. and look for restocking fees. people say a couple hundred
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dollars off on those big ticket electronic items and they impulse buy. but sometimes you can get hit with a 25% restocking fee, especially when it comes to tvs, laptops, computers. you want to make sure that you absolutely do want that product and make sure you're not making any purchases on public wi-fi and last but not least, protect your smartphone. 63% of consumers are planning to shop on their smartphone this season. download an app. it will protect your iphone and protect your data should you happen to lose it. the salvation army is recruiting and maybe you can be a bell ringer. but you don't have to go outside and stand there and ring the bell. you can be a virtual bell ringer. stay with us. [ male announcer ] if you're intrigued by the hand-selected wood trim... the 38 1/2 inches of legroom... and the reclinable, heated napa leather seats inside the jeep grand cherokee, just wait until we tell you
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about the heated and ventilated front seats. ♪ ♪ a vacation on a budget with expedia. make it work. booking a flight by itself is an uh-oh. see if we can "stitch" together a better deal. that's a hint, antoine. ooh! see what anandra did? booking your flight and hotel at the same time gets you
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prices hotels and airlines won't let expedia show separately. book it. major wow factor! where you book matters. expedia.
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a familiar sound around the holidays. the bells out there around the stores. those red celtss, they've been a staple in this country for more than a century now. but now the salvation army is finding a new way to get you to give. virtual bell ringers who are using social media, of course, to try to get the message out. i talked to major george hook, a national communicate relations secretary for the salvation army, asked him about the new efforts to go high tech. >> it's important as technology has introduced that we are at a point where we can communicate with consumers and donors who
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want to make contributions. and more and more, we're finding people don't want to carry money in their pocket when they're out shopping. so we've created some online opportunities not only to make contributions, but to select angels to provide christmas presents for needy children. so we've gone to the online environment, the digital age, and we're finding many people, particularly the emerging generations love these options as they want to become loyal donors. >> so is it a matter of -- say i was a virtual bell ringer, if you will, am i actively seeking people out online? >> it's a viral relationship where you volunteer to be an online bell ringer and you send e-mail blasts to all of your friends, people you work with, your neighbors and you ask them to donate to your red kettle. there's a thermometer there in the software package that allows you to set a goal and track how much contributions you're receiving and see if you can reach your goal before christmas
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day. >> that's pretty cool. tell me about the traditional bell ringers. does that still work and you still are able to pull in a good number of contributions during the holiday season? >> well, i'll tell you, about eight years ago, i forecasted that we were looking at the end of the red kettle. how much did i know? last year, we raised $142 million in those red kettles across america. >> so that still is going to be what gets it done for you. can you imagine a day, though, when online, the virtual red kettles will be pulling in more than those out in the streets? >> well, we think that that may happen over a period of time. it's not going to happen in the next couple of years, but the idea is let's be accessible to where donor wants to find us. and that's what the technical world and the digital world is all about. >> if you want more information,
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check out the salvation army's website at we're getting close to the bottom of the hour now. black friday shopping, did you go out there and brave the crowds? there was a lot more to it than just trying to beat somebody to a good deal. there was a lot of pushing and shoving and violent incidents taking place across the country. and a california woman even turned pepper spray on her fellow shoppers. we've got the report for you. stay with us. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone deserves the gift of a pain free holiday. ♪ this season, discover aleve. all day pain relief with just two pills.
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at the bottom of the hour now, give you a look at the stories making headlines. pakistani leader are condemning a nato attack they say killed two dozen soldiers. in response, tack stan has cut off nato supply lines into pakistan and the prime minister has called an emergency meeting with his military chiefs. nba basketball fans, they could get basketball by christmas day. the nba and the players and the owners have reached a tentative deal. they announced it literally
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overnight. 3:00, 4:00 a.m. their plan is to start training camp on december 9th, to have a triple header on christmas day. there will be 66 games in the season, just 16 games shy of a normal season. the players still have to ratify this agreement. to syracuse, the university basketball team won last night m.a.t. season tip off without its assistant coach. two former ball boys say bernie fine molested them in the 80s and nients. the 65-year-old fine denies the allegation. the university has placed them on paid administrative leave. and it's called black friday. one of the biggest shopping days of the year. but the rush for bargains got out of control when a number of places across the country yesterday. in california, police are trying to track down a woman who was trying to hard to get a great deal on a video game console she allegedly doused fellow shoppers with pepper spray.
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the story now. >> police say the woman in her 30s pepper sprayed the crowd inside the walmart as the black friday items went online sale. they were around the area where xbox is going for sale and ten victims were treated here at the scene. we spoke to one witness who felt the effects of the spray and reported the frenzy on his cell phone. >> tell me about this woman. did you see her in line before this deal waiting to open up. >> i didn't see her personally. i sure got the scent of mace. i saw people around me, they got it really bad. some woman was crying, my eyes, my eyes. i tried to get away from it as quickly as possible. i didn't think that was worth it. no deal was worth that. >> a spokesperson for walmart said, it was an unfortunate situation but we are glad that everyone seem toes be okay. we are working with law enforcement to provide any assistance we can. police say the woman paid for her purchases before leaving the
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store. this was, of course, before cops arrived here on the scene. as for the witness we spoke with, all he made out with was a $2 dvd. sandra endo, cnn, los angeles. and were you able to see in this morning? just a picture perfect launch in florida. what was no doubt a historic mission that's just getting under way. nasa sent up the most sophisticated vehicle ever and it's headed to mars. we are live with an update on a journey that is just getting under way. employees. not white collar or blue collar or no collars. we are business in america. and every day we awake to the same challenges. but at prudential we're helping companies everywhere find new solutions to manage risk, capital and employee benefits, so american business can get on with business. ♪
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good morning once again to our bonnie schneider. bonnie, they got to grandma's house. now you have to get back home and they might have a weather issue or two. >> getting there was no problem. we had great weather for thanksgiving and black friday. there's still a lot of shopping going on. we've got one delay to tell you about and this one is in houston, texas. the weather is going to be changing 23 that's where you're headed. notice the departure delays were on the increasing side. houston is going to see some colder weather later tonight and into tomorrow, especially monday morning. so big changes in the forecast for houston, texas. and we'll be looking for that.
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other places we're anticipating delays would be chicago into dallas and houston as well as the memphis and st. louis. memphis facing wind and low clouds, you're going to see snow showers there later on tonight. and in miami, florida, well, the temperatures are beautiful. it will be breezy. much of the country is going to be impacted by one weather system and this one is already triggering some heavy wind and rain across much of the midwest. the wind will be picking up and getting much stronger, meaning it will feel a lot colder because of that. some light snow falling at this hour in minnesota and michigan. we have winter weather advisories in those areas. to the south, a strong line of thunderstorms streaking across shreveport, louisiana, at this hour. along the gulf coast we're anticipating severe storms, two strong areas of low pressure and right behind it is high pressure. we're going to see a pressure gradient and that means high pressure. the northern, central and southern plain states for the
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rest of the weekend. mild conditions in the southwest and very warm in advance of this system, which will be nice. big changes are ahead. we've got a cooldown coming on up. as you can see, we go into this week, high temperatures will be in the 30s in the midwest. low turts temperatures will be in the 20s. and notice this big about it of blue where the temperatures are in the 30s, that's dropping pretty far south into missouri and kentucky. we're going to start feeling colder around here, t.j. >> thank you so much, bonnie. are we alone in the universe? well, nasa will have an answer for you shortly. well, they hope to. that's the question, though. the new mars rover is on its way. the journey to the red planet started about an hour ago. the rocket blasted off from cape canaveral, florida, carrying the rover known as "curiosity." john zarrella looked at this latest mission to mars. >> reporter: mars, does life
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exist there? did it ever? nasa is going to take this bold step to answer questions that could change forever our view of humanity's place in the universe. >> the best thing, why we're so excited about this mission is it sets up up for answering that age old question of does life exist on other planets? >> reporter: the mission is called the mars science laboratory, or msl. it has the capability to detect signs of life. if it works, come next august after traveling 350 million miles, a 2,000 pound six-wheel rover called "curiosity" will arrive at the red planet. using a tether system never tried before, it will be lowered down to a place called the gayle crater. the size of a small car, curiosity is the cadillac of rovers. >> we're choosing the make the
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lovers bigger and bigger because we want to cover more ground. we want to be able to put an arm out and drill a rock. >> drill a rock? why? >> on mars, if live exists as single cell organisms or if it ever existed, we believe it will be under the ground or inside rocks. >> reporter: inside sits what scientists believe is a laird mountain. in essence, the history of mars told in the layers. and if water ever flowed on mars, it might have been in that crater. "curiosity's" arm will collect samples and place them in its onboard laboratory with the ability to detect organic material. >> now, if we discover organic materials on mars, then it gets very excited. the chances of it may be low, but the payoff is huge. organic materials are required for life as we know it. >> but it won't mean life exists, just the building blocks. >> if you go to a -- the driest
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desert on earth, can you find life on your samples if you do a year at robotic study? probably not. it's actually quite difficult. life on has to stick up and make itself seen. >> finding life itself would be left to the next wave of explorers. robotic and perhaps even human. >> all right. as we mentioned, it laushed about an hour and a half ago. john zarrella has been with me all morning for this. and you told me there was a danger zone there about 30 to 40 minutes after the launch. apparently are you telling me it made it through that? so it's on its way. >> reporter: oh, yeah, t.j. we knew it made it when we heard the cheers and all. in fact, there was video from space of the separation from that upper stage booster and the spacecraft as it separated and took off now traveling at about 22,000 miles an hour. the mars science lab and the curiosity rover. headed to mars, august 6th.
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as i mentioned to you at one time, t.j., if you and i were standing on the surface of mars august 6th, 3:00, noon, right there, it would be. >> and this ain't your grand daddy's rover here. >> no, it is not. >> give us an idea of the size of this sucker. >> okay. so the first rover they sent back on path finder was about yay big, the rover, the whole thing. this is a mock-up of a wheel. one of the six wheels on curiosity. so the wheel itself is as big if not bigger than the entire sojournor, the first of those that landed on mars. so a 2,000 pound vehicle.
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they are hoping to get some incredible, incredible science out of it. i'm already booking my tickets to pass tina, california, to the jet propulsion laboratory because i want to be there when that thing lands on mars in august. >> good stuff this morning. and thank you so much for walking us through it. we appreciate you, as always, john zarrella. >> sure. and coming up next, what is have to do with this launch? he was there with a mission of his own. i'll let you hear from him in just a bit. you know who else we're going to hear from? fredericka witfield will be here. there she is, getting herself ready to come have a little chat with me. come on in here, fredericka.
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just about a quarter to the top of the hour. nasa hoping today's mission starts the next chapter exploration of mars. hope it sparks the mamgation of kids and hope it sparks their desire to learn more about space and science. i talked to leyland melvin as well as about the
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black eyed peaces and talked about is this mission today going to help them in their mission to get kits excited. >> i'm blown away and inspired by these kids, especially the kids that worked with the robotics program. and there's like 200,000 plus kids who are writing code, building robots, doing amazing things with their skill set and it's not like kits aren't, it's just that we haven't shined the light on the kids that are to inspire other kids to get involved, as well. so i'm like really, really inspired by these kids. >> leyland, you pick up that point for me there. translate this for us. how do we get from launch today and how does that translate into getting some kid in a classroom somewhere in this country involved in a field of math and science and maybe even a career? >> well, when i think about a kid seeing curiosity, this
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rover, i was a chemistry major. i mixed two chemicals together and blew up a huge explosion in my mom's living room. that got me energized. but maybe there will be a kid watching curiosity going around the surface of marchs. maybe they'll think, how do i become a science engineer? if you know music, you know math and let them see that the arts, there's science and engineering in the arts, too. for -- uh-oh, whose phone? do you want to answer that? >> no, no, i'm sorry. >> no, i'm kidding, my man. but that's quite all right. one other thing for you, will. what got you into it in the first place? what triggered your curiosity about these types of fields, about nasa, about science, about robotics? >> well, i went to brentwood science magnum school.
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so my education early on got me into science. but from my career on, i realized that our industry, the music industry relies on engineering and science. also. you know, it's about dilutions. how do we change america's inner-cities? and getling kids excited about s.t.e.m. education to take careers and become young entrepreneurs and innovators, that's what's going to change our country around. so i'm about dilutiones and s.t.e.m. >> and about the system, right? >> yes. the system. so i called up with this concept called the system, stands for stimulation technical engineering and mathematics. that's the education i come from. >> they'll be helping us out with the cnn thin utah. so the special show on cnn on
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december 11, we unveil the cnn hero of the year. you still have time to chime in have sxoet. at 11 minutes to the top of the hour, looky here. fredericka. >> happy post thanksgiving. >> happy post thanksgiving. >> we saw each other every day this week. >> yeah. >> don't say it like spend mory family than fredricka. it's been kind of a weird week. >> i know. i'm sorry. that was a good interview. i like the idea of getting kids involve? >> did you see the launch? >> no, i missed it, but saw it on tape. >> it's exciting, no matter what. >> it is exciting. we have a lot of balls juggling in the air, so sometimes we can't see it all. you can see it all as it's happening. noon eastern time our legal guys will be talking about an interesting case out of sheboygan, wisconsin. a mayor is not so happy that a twitter account has been opened in his name, he had nothing to
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do with it. he's blaming a 17 years old, who apparently is not only using the mayor's name, but tweeting some unsavory things, but other legal guys will be around to say, he's a public figure. >> they can't assume your identity like that, can they? >> you're going to have to listen to our legal guys. it will not be an easy case. noon eastern time. >> okay. i'm sorry. >> last time you had me giving away everything. >> okay. sorry. >> noon eastern to find out, dot dot dot, fill in the blanks. i know you're a big black friday shopper. >> love that stuff. >> even though you were here. you had football plans as well. >> yes. >> so then another chance, cybermonday. >> i'm going today. i'm going to hit the malls, but eastbounder mond ee eer -- cybe this made up? >> we'll have an interesting
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segment. you can be had on cybermonday. very enticing deals that may come by e-mail advertisement, and you indulge and find yourself in trouble. we'll indulge on that topic. then face to say with isaiah washington. you know, you've been used to him whether on "grey's anatomy" or a number of movies since the '90s. he's going to talk about some of his favorite projects along the way and what his personal and professional life has been like. face-to-face with isaiah washington. this is a great weekend in which to see movies "my week with marilyn". >> that looks interesting to me. >> michelle williams' rendition of marilyn monroe. we'll have matt along to tell you and me whether it's a movie we need to see. the muppets. you grew up with sesame street? >> we all did.
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>> so we'll have matt's take. >> last week was the twilight scene. >> that was last week. >> are you into those? >> i'm not. a little too gruesome for me. i like happy stuff. i don't like to get scared. happy movies for me. and requests the descendants" too, with george clooney. i like to keep it happy. >> you make me happen. every time you show up is a good time. seven minutes to the top of the hour. we'll see you here in a second. coming up around the holidays, those credit card companies offering the deals that they claim are too good to pass up. our financial analyst will be up next to tell you that you need to pass them up. stay with us. copd makes it hard to breathe,
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it's like a sauna in here. helping you save, even if it's not with us -- now, that's progressive! call or click today. no mas pantalones! all right. just a few minutes to the top of the hour. let's look at stories making news cross country. in san francisco police officers faced off with occupy wall street protesters. the demonstrators were holding a rally in the city's union scare area. they disrupted the san francisco municipal railway service. last night protesters rurnds to try to keep shoppers from
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spending money downtown, but they left when police showed up. also, washington may be getting involved and getting rid of some airline baggage fees. a proposed bill would require every airline to september one checked back and one carry-on bag for free. some airlines carry up to $35 for that first bag. also an alabama man is skydives 100 times a day. he wants to do this in remembrance of the first american killed in combat in afghanistan in november of 2001. here we are three minutes to the top of the hour. credit card companies are pulling out all the stops this holiday season, promising bonuses, cash back, to try to get you to use their cards. our financial analyst clyde anderson says you need to be careful of what deal you need to take advantage of. >> amazon says if you use the
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card they'll give you money back, just for swiping a card or buying something online. >> what is the problem with that? >> you're going to spend it, a lot of times you are, but sometimes it's an incentive to spend. is but sometimes they'll say if you spend $200 we'll give you 25% off. you weren't going to spend $200 anyway. if you weren't going to spend the money, it's not really a true reward. >> but if you were going to spend the 200, some of the things can pay off. >> some can. remember you have to pay it off on time. if you don't, all the rewards go out the window, because you've accumulated the interest. you have to be strategic. >> what about the rewards points. i need to get into this more. i don't get it, really, but can they be beneficial. >> the rewards are for using the card. they can be beneficial. if you're not solely in it for the rewards. some people are using the card
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just to get the rewards, which doesn't make sense. now, we see it often in the department stores where they're offering you these cards, or get our card from the department store, the box store. >> all the time. >> a lot of times they're higher interest rates and will have a bigger ding because of the third-party finance companies, so you have to be careful about that as well. >> okay. you always just rain on my parade. because i want to think -- they come after us aggressively during the holiday. >> this is their time. >> they know we're about to spend. >> they know this is when people are spending. so they can get some of that interest. they're not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. they're doing it to get the interest. they're knowing that most people will not pay off that credit card on time, so they're financing their christmas. >> you're killing me here.


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