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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  December 5, 2011 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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hormones make attachment issues come up high in women. my heart goes out to her, but she has to follow the court if she wants the child back. >> do you think it's more difficult or not if you're famous? >> it's always easier if you're famous. you have more access to better lawyers. if either of these women were low income or had brown or black are skin, the children would be removed immediately. they are getting special treatment just because they have the money and the access to people who can help had them. >> just can't help but think about those little wunz. wendy walsh, thank you so much. top of the hour. watch this. hour two. i'm brooke baldwin. you have the senate duking it out over the money in your pocket, also judgment day for a monstrous home invader.
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and snail mail? about to get even slower. time to play reporter roulette. kate bolduan on capitol hill, democrats have taken another shot, extending the payroll tax cut before it expires at the end of the year. here's my if to you. if congress doesn't get it done, they can't compromise, your paycheck could be a lot lighter next year. what's the difference in this version of the plan today? >> reporter: in this version of the plan, this is now the kind of newest proposal to come forward, this coming from senate democrats, this keep -- what this proposal does is extend the payroll tax cut for employees and actually expand it so employees would be having to pay even less in the payroll tax. so it would go from 4.2% tax to 3.1% tax. a big change, though, is this proposal does not include -- it has dropped the payroll are tax cut -- employers. democrats say that was done in an effort to bring down the overall cost of the package. it's now about a third of what
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democrats had originally proposed. also a change, brooke, is that it's paid for in a different way. it still includes a sur tax on income, over $1 million a so-called millionaires' surtax republicans are opposed to. but democrats say in an effort to compromise with republicans, that's their wording not mine, they have made it a much skill scaled-down version of a surtax. no details on just how much less that tax would be. also would be paid for through some spending cuts but still not clear if that's really going to be supported by many republicans. >> there you go. what about the republicans? do some agree? do any of them agree? and it seems like there's division among republicans as well. >> reporter: there's he definitely real division among republicans. we can do an entire different live shot on that. on this proposal, it's not likely this will be the final compromise they'll end up using to push forward and to extend the payroll tax cut. right away i start hearing from are republican aides that republicans still do not support
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an increase -- tax increase on job creators, which is what they believe this millionaire surtax is. a very senior republican orrin hatch released a statement shortly after this proposal came out and said that it's pretty mystifying, in his words, that the majority is pursuing in his words more political show votes that won't go anywhere. but i did hear from one top house republican leadership aide that this does move in the right direction. so, as you're seeing, a lot of messaging going on this week where democrats stand, where republicans stand and so maybe they're kind of moving in the direction toward each other. at this moment, still far apart. >> to be determined, kate, thank you very much. live on the hill. keep us posted. a lot of americans would like to know. meantime, whether a triple murderer and home invader lives or dies right now in the hands of a connecticut jury. jurors have just begun deliberations in the fate of joshua komisarjevsky who killed a mother and two daughters. next on reporter roulette, deb
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feyerick in new haven, connecticut. how long has the jury had this, deb? >> caller: i'll tell you, they are getting the jury instructions from the judge. as a matter of fact, they have to take a long break for lunch because this penalty phase it is so confusing the judge had the wrong verdict sheet. so they had to take a little break but they'll be get willti this any moment. they're very eager. this is what it all comes down to. for the last six weeks the lawyers for joshua komisarjevsky were trying to open a window into who this map did, why he could have done why he did, a victim of repeated child abuse. they say he's a man with no self worth. the adults in his life never got him the mental health he needed, that he was a follower, not a leader, that what p happened in the house on july 23, 2007, when dr. petit, his wife and two children inside the wife ended p up strangled to death, the two daughters died of smoke inhalation after the house was set on fire, they're trying to portray this as a man who should
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be at least allowed to live out his days in prison. probably the most poignant moment was last week when the 9-year-old daughter of his was brought in by tape. it wasn't what she said that really moved people. what the convicted killer said, don't brichk her into this. this is not about her. this is about what i did. i was trying to protect her and take responsibility. his liawyer saying, this is a severely damaged human being, his life has value. >> will it be life? will it be death? in the hans in this connecticut jury. deb feyerick, thank you so much live from new haven. finally in reporter roulette, karina huber at the new york stock exchange on this latest proposal from the u.s. postal service to slow down how fast we get our letters. obviously the post office is doing this to save some dollars an cents here. so the question is, if i mail a bill under this plan, does it get to the destination, karina? >> well, it will get to the destination, but the question is
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when. if the proposal is approved, your bill will take two to three days where now it takes one to three. the post office says there's still a chance it will get there the next day if you bring it to the post office early but there's no guarantees. the bottom line is, if you want your rent check in on be time, don't wait until the last minute so you don't incur late charges. >> if this karina, how much would the post office save? >> we're talking about $2 billion a year. that's according to the u.s. postal service. that's because it won't need as many processing facilities, puni machines and workers. as many as 28,000 jobs could be cut. postmaster patrick donahue say cost cuts are a must. >> what we have to do is take a look at what we can take out of this organization from a cost stand be point because we have lost volume and revenue. you can't just sit back and wait. you've got to act on these things. we've got to go with $20 billion. we're going to do that to keep ourselves financially healthy.
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>> as you've seen, the u.s. postal service is trying to cut $20 billion by 2015 to get out of the red. one potential roadblock is major structural changes require congressional and union approval, which is not easy to get. brooke? >> karina huber, thank you very far. that's your reporter roulette for this monday. still ahead, police say one man is behind 15 minutes of hell on board a city bus. why this accused killer thought people were following him. plus, newt gingrich visits go gothem and royalty. >> i don't think the wrong person will be chose be. >> turns out gingrich didn't just come up for a visit but trump with an idea. >> also, an actress is seen posing in her birthday suit, and now claims the magazine doctored the photos. wait until you hear what she says they added. also, president obama surprising everyone with an
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announcement just this past hour on taxes. ali velshi, christine romans in studio today. don't miss it. be right back. financial advice is everywhere. real, objective investing help? that's a little harder to find. but here's what i know -- td ameritrade doesn't manage mutual funds... or underwrite stocks and bonds. or even publish their own research. so, guidance from td ameritrade isn't about their priorities. it's about mine. straightforward guidance. that's what makes td ameritrade different. ♪ [ male announcer ] trade commission-free for 60 days. plus get up to $600 when you open an account.
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responsibility. what's your policy? 26 days until your taxes go p up. that is unless congress takes action. i want you to listen to president obama who spoke just a short time ago. >> i know many republicans have sworn an oath never to raise taxes as long as they live. how can it be that the only time there's a catch is when it comes to raising taxes on middle classes families? how can you fight tooth and nail to protect high-end tax breaks for the wealthiest americans and yet barely lift a finger to prevent taxes going up for 160 million americans who really need the help?
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>> joined by, drum roll, i never get to see both of you in person together at once, ali velshi and christine romans, lovely to have you here. this is your are tease, why you're here sitting together with me. stay tuned for that. meantime, we haieard from t president last hour, sort of this plea again with regard to middle class families, hoping they can have 1,000, maybe 1,500 extra in their pocket next year. are people overall aware their taxes are about to go up if this doesn't go through? >> i don't know. this year $934 per working family on average is what you got extra in your paycheck because of this payroll tax holiday. what the president has done is put the republicans in a box, in a corner. said look, you said you'd never raise taxes if the house and senate can't get this fixed, taxes will go up for 121 million families. >> isn't it 160 until americans,
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overall? big picture, ali velshi, how does this affect the economy? >> it used to be when the economy kmi was level, if you gave a tax cut, that was money they generally used to stimulate the economy. the problem we have right now is this influx economy where some are worried about losing their job, even though the situation is improving, losing money in investments, they're not getting it in their houses. so it's unclear what people do when they have a tax credit. the tax credit disappears, is that money they won't spend? are people living close to the bone? we saw say fairly successful black friday so folks are spending. all of this is to say, bottom line, it's relatively unclear what people would do with $1,000 or $1,500 today. >> i don't know they're getting it, but they're spending it. >> which is a wonderful thing. we just saw the thnumbers on friday. i think cyber monday and black friday were wonderful. the number was almost the psychological bit to be below 9%, now 8.6%.
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>> it's a big deal. >> but it's the seasonal jobs, once it dries p up, are we back at 9? >> we live in a world where 8.6% unemployment, what a great improvement. this is the world we live in, where these improvements are what we take as good news. look, there are too many people out of work for too long. if you're out of work for six months or longer your chances of getting back are diminishing every day. where there's tasactivity in th labor market, it's where people were recently unemployment. hiring is up, unemployment is down. we can say that. you'eurozone. it's an issue, big big meetings in brussels this week. if europe doesn't get its act together, how does that affect us? >> that's major. when you look at economies in the world, the eurozone as a sum total is as big as america, america he's biggest trading partner, the biggest buyer of chinese goods. this is a major problem.
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what you have in europe is you have to think about the healthy economies, france and germany, versus everybody else that france and germ any has got to help out. >> bail out. >> they are having discussions and christine and i were talking about this on the way, about doing things we couldn't have class a close to having now. they're forced into discussions about capping their deficits, budgets, balanced budgets. we have been discussing these for mao many decades. >> on the "wall street journal," the italian finance minister is crying, crying because she has to tell people, you're going to have to work longer, you're go to get less retirement. we have to do this now or we'll be impoverished together. in this country, we can't even decide about whether we're going to -- >> right. >> those two optics to me are just really incredible. >> but it does matter a great deal. we depend for whatever we do manufacture and send out of this country the europeans buy a lot of it. if they keep their money in their pocket, we've got further problems. >> it's about people.
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that's the thing. all of this. >> you two, i love you're coming in talking about this. such finance nerds, i love it. you're here in atlanta because you got a book? >> yeah. we're signing books here at cnn center tomorrow. >> at noon. the book is called "how to speak money." it's because we speak money differently, we understands it differently, we speak it every day on tv. >> we feel people in their houses do the same thing. they disagree, don't see it the same way. we'll be here talking and signing bookz here at cnn center. >> i've got a book. i'll need significances. >> awesome. newt gingrich meets the donald. the presidential candidate approaching the businessman and approaching trump with an idea. think "the apprentice" with a twist. the man in charge of the country's aviation system is charged with driving drunk. just in to cnn -- a major development. don't move.
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the top man in the federal aviation administration is charged with drunk driving. he is randy babbitt, picked up just over the weekend in fairfax, virginia. we have just now learned that babbitt has been requested and granted a leave of action from his post. fairfax police say an officer
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saw babbitt's vehicle driving on the wrong side of the road. babbitt was with alone at the time. police say the faa chief cooperated with the arresting officer. so you remember newt gingrich catching a little flack for suggesting that schools have their students work as janitors? he said fire those union janitors and let the kids do it. be good for them! as i said, he definitely caught flack for that some weeks ago. here he is speaking just a short time ago in new york. >> i do not suggest that children -- children 14, 15 years of age -- do heavy dangerous janitorial work. on the other hand, as you have probably noticed there are a number of things done to clean buildings that are not heavy or dangerous. so what if you took kits in danger of dropping out and said, inste instead, if you'll stay in school, we'll give you a three or four hour a day job. >> let's go jim acosta.
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is that perhaps newt gingrich perhaps deflecting or clarifying something that to some voters sounded a tad draconian? >> reporter: yeah, it did sound that way when he first talked about putting kids back to work in schools and that sort of thing. it sounded like something out of the music al "oliver," little kid in orphanages and that sort of thing. what the speaker was saying at this press conference about an hour ago is that he did not exactly mean for little kids who are perhaps from poor neighborhoods or inner city schools to toil all night as janitors and that sort of thing. so he was trying to clarify that. obviously that is a problem for the speaker, if that kind of idea gets across. and he tried to clean that up somewhat in his meeting with donald trump, brooke, earlier today. he came out of that meeting with donald trump here in new york city and said that he had actually gotten the donald to sign off on an idea or at least he said that he got the donald to sign off on an idea to set of a sort of apprentice program,
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which sounds an awful lot like the donald's tv show, in which inner city kids would have a chance to work in their communities in sort of an apprenticeship type fashion. sot speaker isn't really backing ost idea, but you could say he's massaging it a bit. >> you mentioned the meeting with donald trump today. something else gingrich is getting flack from, his specific republicans, is he's there meeting with donald trump. listen in ron paul. >> i don't quite understand it. i don't understand the marching to his office. i mean, i didn't know that he had an ability to lay on hands and anoint people. >> anoint people. i meechb, you were in the room when newt gingrich was speaking during the q&a. was he asked whether he was up there to kiss trump's ring so to speak? >> reporter: he was asked about donald trump. he basically said, look, this is a guy who's very influential
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inside the republican party. he has a reality show, is very successful. so it makes perfect sense to the speaker, the former speaker, that he go up and try to get the support of donald trump. and it may not be terrible political strategy on his part. brooke, you'll remember as we were getting into the early stages of this presidential campaign, donald trump was leading in some poll. so newt gingrich is hoping that he can get donald trump's endorsement in addition to herman be cain's endorsement. there's a lot of speculation that newt gingrich is working feverishly to get cain's endorsement. if he could lock down both endorsements that would not be bad for gingrich. >> i think donald trump said he won't endorse anyone until end of december after he pod rates that debate in iowa. we'll see who he endorses later on down the line. >> reporter: that's right. >> jim, thank you. now to a guy who started painting dumpsters and billboards and getting in
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trouble on the law. now he's in 3d art, he's on cnn "next list". >> there's a few project that's thunder dog has done that are basically the perfect example of what i love about doing commercial art and collaborating with brands. i was contacted by the obama campaign, and i ended up creating three posters for the vote for change campaign. to be able to be involved formally to do something official was so cool because it feels like you're making a piece of history. >> don't forget to watch cnn's brand new show called "the next list" featuring some of america's brightest minds, dr. sanjay gupta hosts sunday arrives on cnn. coming up, a beautiful woman posing here on the cover of a magazine with barely any clothes on. there is a controversies here and lawsuit brewing as well. sara sidner joins me next. don't miss it. you ready for your present? yeah.
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all right, i'll be right back. okay. ♪ [ male announcer ] sometimes the giving can be just as amazing as the gift. what do you think? [ laughs ] ♪ [ male announcer ] the lexus december to remember sales event is here, but only for a limited time. see your lexus dealer for exclusive lease offers on the 2012 ct 200h and, as a gift from lexus, we'll make your first month's payment.
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an atetempt to sell magazins has sparked controversy overseas. this magazine cover fhm published in india, showing the extremely undressed actress and model from pack you stan. we can't show you any more of this photograph other than her face. this is all about the rest of her had body. this is the part that's gotten her so, so upset. here's the part that's got all of india upset. you see this? letters, three little letters, marked on her arm that represent pakistan's intelligence service, an agency that's distrusted in india and widely believed to be
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behind terror attacks there, the isi. this model is vina malick. she's suing the magazine. on the phone from mumbai, india, i have cnn's sara sidner. sara, this whole scandal, i imagine, it's not exactly what this magazine had in mind when it designed this sexy cover. or is it? >> reporter: i think that's a good question i'm going to suspect that it is. i mean, anytime you want to sell a magazine that deal with celebrities, usually the bigger the buzz the better, right? that's anywhere in the world the case. certainly this controversy probably won't hurt the magazine that much. i mean, people are going to at least want to see exactly what it is that all of this is about and why there's such a big controversy and try to see the images. so nobody knows exactly whether
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or not the agreement between this actress and the magazine was one that was carried out properly. now there is a big fight. she is now taking this to the courts, saying she was misrepresented, saying she was not nude and that the pictures had been doctored. and there's even a question about the isi, which stands for interservice intelligence agency, pakistani agency. there's even a question in the documents about whether or not the isi image on her arm, whether she understood what that stood for, saying that it could stand for many different things and she was told by the people that were taking her picture, the magazine employees, that it would not hurt her reputation. it stands for a lot of different things. but everyone in these two countries usually when they see isi they are thinking about the pakistani are intelligence agency. an interesting fight going on between her and "fhm".
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>> whatever she thought that acronym stood for, it's quite significant as you point out. i guess the question is, sort of these dueling stories of yout rage. in pakistan, is it bigger for maybe the photo is so immodest, or in india for that tattoo, that isi reference right there on the cover of the magazine? >> reporter: i'd say definitely probably the reaction is stronger in pakistan. you know, in india there is a lot of this sort of controversy that goes around with different actresses, sometimes you will see controversy because, for example, somebody had a long and extended kiss. just recently in what is usually a pretty conservative society, kissing in movies had been widely accepted, although you still don't see it that often. for a long time it was banned. you couldn't see two actors kissing each other in a bollywood film, for example. so, although india has some cob
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serve ti conservative thoughts, it was pakistan who reacted in the past even with the same actress where ve vina malick upsets conservatives there saying, she's acting immorally, she's not being islamic. when she took part in this big boss, which is the equivalent of big brother in the u.s., she was in a house, she was cuddling and snuggling with someone. there was outrage then. now i think this has pushed it to a whole other level in pakistan. >> i suppose that scandal may not be a bad thing for an actress' career, just as this may not be a bad thing for selling mag zeerns. sara sidner there, very early in your morning there, we appreciate it from mumbai. a familiar tv face is taking an aggressive step against her breast cannancer. here's whatgiuliana rancic told "today". >> instead of radiation i'm
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going to go ahead and move forward with a double mastectomy. >> rancic underwent a double lumpectomy in but doctors didn't get all of the cancer out. police say it's a story of paranoia, schizophrenia and murder. why is a guy accused of storming a city bus and unleeching 15 minutes of hell? more on that. also, news just in to cnn. first, a body has been found in the desperate search for a little girl. from helping to revitalize a neighborhood in brooklyn to financing industries that are creating jobs in boston or providing funding for the expansion of a local business serving a diverse seattle community and supporting training programs for tomorrow's workforce in los angeles. because the more we can do in local neighborhoods and communities, the more we can help make opportunity possible. is best absorbed in small continuous amounts. only one calcium supplement does that in one daily dose.
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just in to cnn, a little girl missing north of atlanta has been found and sadly not alive the 7-year-old's body was
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recovered today by georgia state investigators who say she had been sexually assaulted. they found her bodied in a trash container near the apartment complex where she vanished on friday. the founder of the whistle-blower site wikileaks wins a round in court. all julian assange is fighting being moved to sweden. he won the battle to take his battle to britain's supreme court. sunny, does assange had have much of a chance of winning here? >> you know, people think it's extraordinarily slim that he will get his case before the supreme court because what he has won is the right to petition the british supreme court to look at a really specific issue in the law. so many people are saying, even if he gets there, it is unlikely that he will win in front of the british supreme court. but this is an important win for him in terms of at least perhaps
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getting the petition in front of the supreme court, brooke, because, had he not won this ruling, he could have been extradited to sweden within ten days. so a victory of sorts for him today. >> remind us where he's been living while fighting this extradition order. >> well, he's been living pretty well, brooke. i mean, he does have one of these sort of electronic bracelets but he's living at a supporter's mansion in northeast london. they are keeping tabs on him. he has to check in every day, but he is living in a mansion in northeast london. >> and to be clear he has still not bb char not been charged with crimes, right? >> certainly right. there are accusations he sexually assaulted two women in sweden. prosecutors have been be looking at this for some time. they want him extradited but he has not been charged with anything. case number two, this man in new york allegedly shoots his girlfriend's son, kills him,
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then hops on a bus where police say he shot two men because he didn't like the way they were looking at him. this is according to police. what prompted this? do police know? are they saying? >> they aren't saying, but i think certainly they think there could be some mental illness here. the judge indicated that some of the investigators have mentioned that there's no question he that many people, brooke, said that after he got out of prison he felt that people were watching him, were following him, were out to get him. these are signs of perhaps paranoia, perhaps paranoid schizophrenia. that is what investigators and the courts are thinking about right now. there were some signs that he may have been mentally ill. >> who are these victims? >> well, as you mentioned, the 18-year-old son of his girlfriend are keith ma rely, he he is dead, also a 36-year-old home depot worker who happened to be on the bus, marvin gill dz ks and a 29-year-old man is
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expected thankfully to survive. these are really, other than the 18-year-old son of his girlfriend, just people who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. he did not know these people. they were just people riding on the bus to and from work. >> you know, i feel like in cases like these -- and there are too many we talk about here on television -- generally they're warning signs, right? someone just doesn't usually snap in a day. >> you would think so. certainly sometimes people do snap. you have these crimes of passion, these fits of rage. but there are indications that he may have been suffering from mental illness. i think that's one of the takeaways here, brooke. certainly there are places one can go if you have a friend or loved one you suspect may be suffering from mental illness. they have to get the help they need so that things like this don't happen. >> sunny hostin, thank you. coming up -- don't you hate it when your iphone is running out of juice
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and you're nowhere near a charger? what is someone to do? you can actually carry a charger, rocky come in, check this out. here's the charger. it's right on your key ring, boom. easier said than be done. boom, there you go. one of the awesome tech gift ideas this season that katie linden dalinendoll will be back with. the employee of the month isss... the new spark card from capital one. spark miles gives me the most rewards of any small business credit card. the spark card earns double miles... so we really had to up our game.
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with spark, the boss earns double miles on every purchase, every day. that's setting the bar pretty high. owning my own business has never been more rewarding. coming through! [ male announcer ] introducing spark the small business credit cards from capital one. get more by choosing unlimited double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. what's in your wallet?
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forget the same old gift cars for the people on your holiday shopping list this year. you've got to be creative and give them something they may never expect. tech reporter katie linendoll. >> in studio. >> it's such a treat. it's the little things we get excited over. you're here with all of this stuff. >> yes. >> what we could get our loved ones for the holidays. >> absolutely. i've geared this towards travel but also pulled it from my personal arsenal. i take two flights a week. here are the best gaj eliminadg. you start with a key ring. these are loafy juice packs. that person with the iphone, i ran out of juice. solution to that, these are $39.95 to $99.95. on my phone, i slide it in shlgs eight hours of battery life. >> what about this one? >> it's put more as a reserve. put it on your key chain, only for a last call or two. $39.95, six different colors, perfect for the iphone lover in
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your life. >> next? >> the zag folio i can't live without. >> i love my ipad. what is this? >> the virtual keyboard is like literally impossible. pick it up. there's a lot of cases out there for ipad. this clamps, don't be afraid. swivel it right down and it clasps right together. incredibly durable from that keyboard slides out, works off of bluetooth. and the base you can move it around, which is not typical of an ipad case. >> i'm not so gentle so i wouldn't even break this. >> exactly. the zag foal low. next on my list, skull candy -- >> had when you're running they fall out all the time. >> the gym? forget it. no earbuds actually work. these work. >> you promise? >> you're going to pay for them, 70 bucks but they're a nice option that will stay in without the big bulky headphones. >> next? >> next up, go ahead and grab
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this. these are my favorite bags, bombbada bags, chic and sleek. replace the purse, this one is obviously made for an ipad but you can see i have my ipad, notes in here, my wallet. it's pretty generous in terms of carting stuff around. it also comes with a handle and there's bigger sizes for the laptop bags. >> my big macbook would fit in here. >> it's italian made. >> how much is this? >> $40 to $50. >> not bad. done. like the colors. >> next, i'll give you these. these are free hand gloves so this just in for people that are upgrading to a smartphone. you cannot touch the screen with your gloves on. the solution is conductive tips on your gloves. these allow you to get on the touch screen or tablet or smartphone. plus there's two options here. you have the conductive tip option or the free form option. these have little magnets so it will actually clasp p on the back so you have access to your
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fingers. so two different options. these are $18 to $35. you can get a cashmere pair for 80 bucks. >> if it's freezing cold but you must work -- >> we're tethered 24/7 to our gadgets. >> sadly we are. >> free-hand gloves. >> next up is one of my favorites in audio. this is the jam box. this is all about wireless speakers. this looks small, right? >> it's got good sound? >> oh, my gosh, it's incredible. i've given them to every person in my family. my dad was like, i cannot believe the sound that pumps out of this. you can play songs from your computer, your smartphone, your tablet. obviously using any bluetooth technology gives you that capability. what's also cool is i travel with this. it is work as a conference call. it's a speaker phone. >> plug in your phone. >> go bluetooth and have your conference calls. >> all this great stuff! >> last but not least. >> i take this everywhere i go
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everywhere i go, 300 bottles of water for traveling and also the gym. >> right on. i'll take this and the headphones and this thing. >> done! >> thank you very much. happy holidays to you and you. good to see you in person. we'll tweet out all of this. coming up here, a new pastor faces an old way of thinking. a ban on interracial couples in a rural church. see who won this one in the end. and then i get to talk to him each and every day but i know some of you have very pressing questions for wolf blitzer i guess of a more personal nature. here you go. >> do you think you can dance? >> i'm not a good dancer, but i like to do it. it's fun. but dancing has never been my strength, you know. adequate, not great. when with i went on the "ellen" show, i came out and everybody sort of dances. although anderson cooper refused to dance. unlike anderson cooper i had the guts and the strength, the self-confidence and the ability
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to dance with ellen. i'm very proud of that. >> wolf brought it to ellen. who knew? got a little swagger. wolf blitzer, next.
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an about face for a kentucky church that had initially voted to ban interracial couples. we told you about this ban just last week. this happened after a church mebl announce herd engagement it a black man. the congregation of a free will baptist church voted and most of the 40 members abstained. but the ban passed 9-6. >> for someone who has been going to that church for all her life, she was expecting support
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from them. but that -- everyone just fell off the bandwagon and passed a really harsh judgment on her and us and the family too. >> before i make a decision on anything, i like to go strictly by what the bible says. i tried every way possible that i could to resolve this matter before it got to where it did. >> you hear that? so even the pastor, the church's pastor, was against the ban. a lot happened. the congregation voted again, this time against the ban. >> i vote to accept all people, regardless of race, creed or color, and to accept everyone into the fellowship of christ. well do no more than grow from it. it made me stronger. it opened my eyes up to what i need to do the next time i'm faced with an issue. >> apparently this was quite an experience for the church pastor. he had only been at the church one week when this hit. we talked to this man, wolf blitzer, but first you have been
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fielding questions from reporters and we found one asked for bia fish about your beard. >> okay. >> my beard, i just trimmed it, by the way, yesterday. and i have a little machine that has a little safety guard on it. takes a few seconds. and i trim it usually once or twice a week. >> so, so fascinating. >> i get a lot of questions about my beard. i trimmed it this morning, can you tell? >> no, sorry, i can't. what other tips do have you in i remember not too long ago you were talking about your treat on the campaign trail, frozen oreos. see, i listen to you.
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>> i tweet bed thise tweeted ab. and i trim by beard, and the fish's name, did you watch the whole little clip? >> no. do tell me, though. >> the last name was fishsir. >> i get it. >> last week i had a frog. this week a fish. we got a lot of good stuff going on. >> okay, we'll wait for you. we'll see what pops up in the next couple of minutes. >> you never know who will show up in "the situation room." >> thank you, wolf. still to come, for me, what does a republican buy a democrat for christmas? and no, this is an knock-knock joke trick question. this is a very real, albeit, secret santa question. political pop is next.
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now for a quick look at tomorrow's news today, let's fast forward beginning with rob blagojevich. he was convicted of a fraud charge. he t was recommended he get between 15 and 20 years in prison. 9 the president is in kansas talking about the economy. he is talking about teddy roosevelt who also spoke that there.
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and more than five months after her death, the new amy winehouse album goes on sale, it is going to feature songs never heard before. all of that happening tomorrow. meantime, herman cain suspended his campaign, just over this past weekend, and in doing so dropped a couple lines from the pokemon movie in the process. have you heard about this? this had political pop written all over it. joe john says here. joe, what got me, this isn't the first time he's quoted this. >> no, absolutely not. and i have to say, watching the speech was kind of stunning. it was down toward the end of the speech and you're thinking, he's going to wrap up his campaign quoting pokemon the movie. a lot of people couldn't believe it. he dropped out oifr the weekend. once again, quoting the movie, a lot of giggles about this one. but the story does a have a history that we have reported here on plit kol pop. the last time he quoted the movie, he didn't say where the quote came from. but this time as he was
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suspending his campaign, he gave full attribution. we gave a full little mash-up, so you can see cain giving words from a clip from the movie. >> i believe these words came from the pokemon movie. life can be a challenge. life can seem impossible. ♪ life can be a challenge ♪ life can seem impossible >> it's never easy when there's so much on the line. ♪ it's never easy when so much is on the line ♪ >> that's fantastic. >> what could you say, right? this is, you know, modern poetry.
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so why does this keep coming up in speeches? >> why. watch a lot of pokemon on the bus? >> in an interview with gq magazine, cain said he heard these words in a promo by nbc sports for the olympics in the year 2000. this is 11 years ago and words apparently just stayed with him. go figure. >> i don't know why that gives me the kbig giggles so much. so i will move on. >> it is funny. >> senators specifically playing secret santa. >> right. much more serious story. 100 seats in the senate. 58 are playing secret santa for the first time. bipartisan effort, if you will, to bring good cheer to the capitol hill. 37 democrats. 21 republicans. gifts have to be wrapped and government no more than $10. i guess that's the way they get around the house senate gift ban. where did this idea come from?


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