tv CNN Newsroom CNN December 16, 2011 10:00am-12:00pm PST
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>> "cnn newsroom" continues right now. don lemon, you been to chicken and waffles? >> you know how i feel about that food. we have dined together many times. i will eat anything. >> fried chicken and collard greens. that's my weakness. that is my weakness. >> we're twins on that. suzanne, have a great weekend. >> you, too. i'm don lemon. randy's off. let's get you caught up right now. in open court for the very first time, the prosecution's star witness in the child molestation case against jerry sandusky has told what he saw in a penn state locker room in march of 2002 and he's told it in horrifying detail. there is a warning here. mike mcqueary who's now an assistant penn state football coach wasn't testifying against sandusky. this is a preliminary hearing for the penn state officials charged with perjury and failing to report the alleged child sx abu sex abuse that mcqueary reported to them. the hearing continues and we'll
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talk more about it in our "crime and consequences" segment in 20 minutes. the clock is still ticking toward a midnight deadline to avert a partial government shutdown but the pressure's gone down just a little bit. that's john boehner's way of saying both parties in both houses have agreed on a trillion dollar spending package. now they just have to vote on it. the house will vote first. then start its holiday recess. the senate will vote after that. and will try to agree on extending a payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits. if it does, the house will come back to vote on that. stay tuned. ballistics and fingerprint analysis now links oscar ortega hernandez to the rifle used to fire bullets at the white house last month according to new court filings. the 21-year-old from idaho is being charged with attempting to assassinate the president. ortega is in washington today for a hearing on whether he should undergo more missile
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testing to determine if he is competent to stand trial. so far he has been interviewed for 50 minutes by a psychiatrist who said he is competent. if convicted he faces a maximum sentence of life in prison. the senate has approved a giant defense bill and it to the president to sign. the legislation includes a controversial national security waiver that allows the president to transfer a detainee from a military prison like guantanamo bay to civilian custody if he chooses. the $662 billion measure also includes tough sanctions against the iranian central bank over the country's nuclear program. google took another step towards cars that drive themselves. for more than a year the company's been testing the cars on the streets of california and now they've been awarded a u.s. patent for technology that controls when a car switches from human control to computer control and uses gps to tell the vehicle precisely where to go. according to "pc" magazine, the
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technology could even be used as a virtual tour guide of a city. very interesting. today is sentencing day for former baseball great barry bonds for obstruction of justice. in april bonds testified before a federal grand jury investigating illegal steroid use by athletes. jurors said he was evasive in his testimony. april cording to a sentencing memo, federal prosecutors want bonds to serve 50 months in prison. lawyers for bonds are asking for probation. the hearing takes place next hour in san francisco. it is less than two miles from the ballpark where bonds broke baseball's home run record in 2007. what is there to say about christopher hitchens? the legendary british essayist died today of throat cancer. in his magazine, books, lectures and debate, he spoke for left but embraced the war if iraq. he rejected religion, attacked mother teresa, and denied the existence of god. my colleague piers morgan says he was a literary provacateur.
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the actor stephen frye says hitchens was envied, feared, adored, reviled, and even loved, but never ignored. christopher hitchens, 62 years old. in the same week that rick perry vows to end what he calls president obama he attack on religion, his home state approves this license plate. why it has some people praying for change. that's just ahead. but first a utah woman was critically injured in an accident that left her legs pinned under a commuter bus. a police officer saw her, he initially called under the bus to check her pulse but ended up holding her hand until rescue units arrived to free her. a fellow officer captured the moment. officer peck stayed behind to keep the woman calm. she has since been upgraded to stable condition and for your bravery and compassion, officer peck, are you today's rock star. [ male announcer ] imagine facing the day
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if you want the car behind you to know where you went to college or whether you're a veteran or a bird lover, you can get a bumper sticker or you can pay your state a few extra bucks and get a specialty license plate. i know you've seen them. here's just a few possibilities from a state that we picked at random. this is washington. in texas, the dmv has just approved this. the cavalry hill plate depicting the site of jesus' crucifixion and the motto "one state under god." a group called the texas freedom network says the government shouldn't, and i quote, play
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favorites with faith. but defenders say freedom began with free expression for christians and everybody else. now i'm joined by the head of the legislative affairs for the liberty institute and also the president of the texas freedom network. thanks to you both for joining us. doing okay today? >> great. >> let's get this going. miss miller, your state has a plate that says "god bless texas" another one says "one nation under god," we have that one. you even have one that plugs a real estate company. so what's wrong with the cavalry plate? >> well, in this case, we really have a government body at least implying that they're promoting one faith over all others. and frankly, when you want to protect religious freedom, which is what my organization seeks to do, you want to avoid that at all costs. we want folks to be able to freely practice their faith without any interference from, or promotion by, government.
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>> so, is the texas dmv playing favorites when it comes to god, as miss miller is saying? >> don, first of all, merry christmas to you. thanks for having us on. we're based here in the state of texas and look, this is a very simple issue. the one state under god specialty license plate is mainstream texas. it is mainstream america and these plates are nothing new. there are numerous different messages that have come up that people have the private choice. they have the private decision to decide what they want to put on the back of their license plate, in the back of their vehicle. so in this message that's part of this plate, one state under god, has been widely accepted through our state. it was voted on in the legislature and only one member of our legislature voted against it. it was almost unanimous, democrats, republicans. you have wide support for these types of things. the reason that we saw that we had to get involved in this is because you had groups -- these left wing fringe groups that say they're so-called for freedom,
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but then they want to ban the private religious free speech of people on the back of their vehicle. >> hold on, hold on. >> i'll let you finish, let me get in here. would you support something that was a license plate that -- from an atheist? >> well, i don't see what would be the difference. our group doesn't pick and choose who has first amendment rights and who doesn't. but apparently miss miller's group, the texas freedom network, as they call themselves, does pick and choose who has first amendment rights and who doesn't. so the law says that you have to be neutral. >> i absolutely disagree. >> what's troubling is they're now focusing on christians and their religious free speech. christians and religious free speech should not be subjected to second class treatment. >> go ahead, miss miller. >> i think that jonathan is completely mischaracterizing our position on this. i would vehemently support the
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free speech rights of anyone to proclaim their faith on their bumper, on their car, in any other place they choose. this is not about free speech. it's about free exercise of religion as protected in the first amendment. our fournding fathers had it right -- government gets out of the way and people freely practice their faith without any interference from government in any capacity. we aren't picking and choosing among faiths. we thinkie one deserves the right. jonathan is talking about a government endorsing faith. i can put a christian bumper sticker on my car and i don't need the government to tacitly or explicitly endorse that. >> what's wrong with what she's saying? you can put whatever you want on your car. there's already in god we trust on the money. so then what's the issue? >> look, there is no issue here. the law and the courts have been very clear that people have the right to do this, it is not endorsement. this whole issue of endorsement that she keeps bringing up is so
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interesting. you look at specialty plates, the state of texas also has specialty plates for oklahoma university, for florida university, i'm a university of texas graduate. if i really thought or was under the illusion -- >> what does that have to do with the cavalry license plate what you are saying? when you started this conversation you said to me merry christmas an i'm a christian, i appreciate that. but i'm also aware enough to know that not everybody in america is christian and they don't celebrate so sometimes people lump -- hang on. let me finish my thought -- christmas and new year's together and say happy holidays. so why push that on people when they may not necessarily celebrate even if you are a christian at heart, then be a christian at heart and don't push it on other people. >> because religious free speech is what america's all about. and if we reached the point in this country where people are not allowed to have the right to put a message that they choose on the back of their vehicle expressing their religious free speech rights, that's not the
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america that we want going forward. that's not what the constitution stands for and that's not what the courts have said when they interpret this type of first amendment issue. it is ridiculous to say because someone chooses to put a license plate message on the back that you can attach that to the state. that's when i talk about with this football analogy. you have free speech. it is up to the individual to decide what they want on the back of their vehicle. all of a sudden just because christians dare to express their religious free speech all of a sudden these left wing groups have a problem. >> go ahead, miss miller. >> well first of all, when you put an oklahoma sooners bumper sticker on your car you are not suggesting that we are one state under the sooners. that's very different. but. >> let her finish. please be respectful. she gave you a lot of team. go ahead and finish up, miss miller. >> this is the department of motor vehicles. right now they have approved one license plate. the cavalry hill plates which
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are clearly christian plates. we can either open pandora's box and let an unelected body decide weekly which religion to sponsor or disfavor, which ideology to back or not back, or we can do what the founders intended, get government out of this business, let people express their faith as they freely choose. that's what we're standing for. under no circumstances is jonathan correct in asserting that i would ever stand in the way of a christian or any other person promoting their faith on their vehicle. that is absolutely untrue. this is about whether the department of motor vehicles can tacitly or explicitly endorse one faith over the others and the danger's down the road, it might be your faith they choose not to favor. >> that has to be the last word only for time's sake. i can have this conversation until christmas comes. thank you very much. nearly half of our public schools are failing. many pointing the blame at no child left behind. former chancellor of d.c.
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schools michelle reese is going to join us live. right after the break. it's like having portable navigation. a bluetooth connection. a stolen vehicle locator. roadside assistance. and something that could help save your life - automatic help in a crash. it's the technology of five devices in one hard-working mirror. because life happens while you drive. this holiday, give someone you love an onstar fmv mirror for only 199. visit for retailers. not quite knowing what the next phase was going to be, you know, because you been, you know, this is what you had been doing. you know, working, working, working, working, working, working. and now you're talking about, well you know, i won't be, and i get the chance to spend more time with my wife and my kids. it's my world. that's my world. ♪
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nearly half of our public schools are failing. falling short of federal standards. 48% did not hit the no child left behind benchmark for 2011, compared to 39% just a year before in 2010. education secretary arne duncan says no child left behind is broken and in september president barack obama repeated his call to reform it. >> experience has taught us that in its implementation no child left behind has some serious flaws that are hurting our children instead of helping them. and in order to avoid having
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their schools labeled as failures, some states perversely had actually had to lower their standards in a race to the bottom. >> michelle reese is an educator and former chancellor of d.c. public schools. when you see these figures -- first, thank you so much for joining us. good to see you. >> nice to see you as well. >> when you see these figures, what's your reaction? >> well, i think that anybody who sees these figures has to have the same reaction, which is that we are having significant problems in this country with our education system and our schools are consistently facing significant challenges in providing children with the education that they deserve. >> there's been a lot of criticism because it says no child left behind is really blaming the law and the testing when we should be educating our kids. is that getting in the way, blaming the law and testing instead of just educating the kids? >> you know, the problem is that if you look at it -- no child
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left behind is -- i think everyone across the political spectrum agrees that tremendous numbers of modifications need to be made to that law. but i don't think we can look at outcomes of the data that's being shared and say, oh, well that's a problem with the law. if you look at the pisa results, which are an international test that's taken by kids in most of the developed nations across the globe, what that shows is that our kids are 25th out of 34 developed nations in math. that's bad news. i mean our kids are not performing up to snuff and we can't say, well we don't like the results of the test or we don't like the results that are being shown, and therefore let's blame the tester, let's blame the law. we instead have to say, you know what? our schools are not providing our children with what they need. we are not developing a skilled workfor workforce. we're not giving the kids the tools and knowledge we need to
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be productive members of society so we have to stop blaming the test or blaming the law and instead look at what we're doing in our public schools an try to figure out how we're going to improve them. >> you are talking about the quality of education given to kids in public schools, correct? >> absolutely. our children in this country -- and this is every group of kids -- are simply not competing with our global counterparts. so if you look at the data over the next 20 years, this country is going to have about 123 million high-skill, high-pay jobs. at the rate that we're going, american kids are only going to be able to fill 50 million of those jobs. the vast majority are going to be sent overseas. >> i want to ask you this question. there was just a report that i'm sure you saw yesterday. i think it is 1 in 2 people in this country live in poverty or below the poverty level. when you look at disparity in the rankings here, i think 89% in florida schools failed, then just 11% of wisconsin schools
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failed. is it because of poverty or what's going on? >> the issue is not with poverty. in fact, if you look -- not that poverty doesn't matter. poverty does have a significant influence on kids and their ability to be ready for school. but on the other hand if you look, our high-income kids in this country compared to high-income kids in other countries still are not doing well. so it's not just an issue with poor kids. we're having an issue with our education system across the board in this country. so we can't see this as an issue just in one place or another, but to the president's point, there are a lot of perverse incentives right now for states to lower their scores and proficiency rates. we really need something secretary duncan is working toward which is a common set of standards and a common
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assessment, and that way we'll be able to do an apples to apples comparison across states. >> not to say that kids in florida versus kids in wisconsin, just trying to figure out the disconnect. michelle rhee, thanks for joining us here on cnn. see you soon. penn state's mike mcqueary takes the stand. what he says he actually saw that day in the school's shower. detailed testimony next. ks call, some call me the mayor... and i love it. and, i make everybody happy. i keep my business insurance with the hartford because... they came through for me once, and i know they've got my back. for whatever challenges come your way... the hartford is here to back you up. helping you move ahead... with confidence. meet some of our small business customers at: i don't think about the unknown... i just rock n' roll. but my nose is still runny.
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jerry sandusky waived his right to a preliminary hearing, mike mcqueary recounted in explicit detail jerry sandusky allegedly raping a young boy in a locker room shower. his explosive testimony took place during the preliminary hearing today for two of penn state's top ex-officials, tim curley an gary schultz. both curley and schultz are accused of lying to a grand jury an failing to report what they knew. their charges largely hinge on mcqueary and what he really saw which has come into question after conflicting accounts surfaced. today fk query reinforced about what he told a grand jury he witnessed back in 2002. i warn you again details are graphic and sexually explicit. mcqueary says he was picking up recruiting tapes and saw in a 45-degree mirror image jerry sandusky in the shower with a boy. "in the shower with a boy." he check again, he said. mcqueary says, quote, jerry was
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behind a young boy. the boy was up against the wall. mcqueary says he heard slapping sounds, saw slow movement. he then bluntly stated this. i believe jerry was sexually molesting him and having some type of intercourse with him. that's just the start of mcqueary's testimony there. now let's go straight to lisa bloom. it is disturbing, details are disturbing here. but there is a good lesson in this i'm sure about you should do. these are pretty damming details against sandusky. how credible did mcqueary's testimony come off today? >> you're right. the number one lesson we can all take from this horrendous case is if you believe a child is being accused, call the police, period. this entire matter could have been avoided if that had happened. i think mcqueary is a very credible witness. i've handled many cases of child sexual abuse in my career as an attorney, i still do, and this is the way people respond in the real world when they become
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aware a child is being abused, they're shocked, horrified, they don't know what to do. i would say in less than 1% of cases is there an eyewitness as there is here. mcqueerly says even though he was a 27-year-old man and observed this, he didn't know how to respond and he called his father. he went over to his father's and they spoke about it, and decided it had to be reported. the details are also very credible. the sound of skin slapping on skin. how awful is that to imagine. the positioni ining of the two bodies, the boy doesn't object. that's the way it goes down in sexual abuse cases. that's very, very common. >> this is an account -- what mcqueerly was was extremely sexual, was extremely wrong and that intercourse was going on. when he was cross examined, no question, i conveyed to them i saw jerry in the boy with a shower. what does this mean when you hear -- you say this is -- his
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testimony is very credible. what does this mean for curley and schultz? you think they are headed to trial? >> i think they are. keep in mind this is a preliminary hearing. the state does not have to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt now. they have to do that later at trial. the question is only whether there is sufficient evidence to bind them over for trial. 95% of the time in a preliminary hearing that evidence is there and i think it is here and i think it will be held over. i want to caution everyone we haven't heard their side of the story. that will cosm out at trial. >> we saw a little bit on the screen earlier why mcqueary said he did not report the alleged rape to the police. like you said earlier, if you see anything like that, you should call police immediately. sitting right next to curley, schultz, in my mind that is the police. i want to make that clear. he believed in his mind that he was already talking to police. then he said he didn't necessarily in his conversation with paterno say that there was penetration or use any type of
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language like that out of respect for the coach. does this let him off the hook when it comes to going to police and paterno off the hook for maybe not knowing just how severe it was? >> well, don, you raise two very important points that are a real problem in this country when we try to prosecute child sexual abuse. one is the language. all of us are uncomfortable with the language with talking about rape and anal sex and penetration and all the language that you have to use if you work in this field. but ordinary people are very uncomfortable with this language. what we see playing out in this case is very common that one person witnesses an event. when he goes to tell another one with it he hedges a little bit, he couches the language because nobody likes to talk about this kind of stuff. that's later a problem as the case gets reported down the line. the other problem is law enforcement. it is really a confusing morass if you are at a large university. there's university police, and there's local police, and there are all these layers of administrators and i find it credible when mcqueary said i thought i was effectively going to the police when i was reporting to the administrator who oversees the penn state
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police. so i would have preferred that he went right to the local police immediately, that's what everybody should do, that's the take-away. but i find it credible that he thought effectively he was doing that. >> lisa bloom, appreciate your expertise on this. >> thank you, don. it was the last debate before the big contest in iowa. how did the republican candidates do. that is "fair game," that's next. but first our political junkie question of the day. the presidential candidate with the most children -- jon huntsman. he's got seven. do you know which president had the most children? the answer is just ahead. ♪ ♪
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before the break we asked you which president has had the most children. and here is your answer. do you know it? all right. the tenth president of the united states, president john tyler. he had 15 children -- wait a minute. excuse me. tyler had 15 children! from two separate marriages, fathering his last child two years before his death at the age of 70. now you know. we're now less than three weeks away from the iowa caucuses. speaking of people who want to be president. it was no surprise that last night's debate on the fox news channel newt gingrich was the
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things gop debate are fair game for my guests here today. cnn political analyst roland martin. and will cain. before we get started, i want to play back-and-forth between michele bachmann and newt gingrich. >> frankly, i am shocked listening to the former speak her of the house. when the speaker had his hand out and he was taking $1.6 million to influence senior republicans to keep the scam going in washington, d.c. that's absolutely wrong. >> easiest answer is that's just not true. what she just said is factually not true. i never lobbied under any circumstance and i think sometimes people ought to have facts before they make wild allegations. >> after the debate we had last week politifact came out and
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said everything i said was true. evidence is that speaker gingrich took $1.6 million. you don't need to be within the technical definition of being a lobbyist to still be influence peddling with senior republicans in washington, d.c. to get them to do your bidding. >> so roland, gingrich -- >> whoa, nellie! >> gingrich still having trouble answering the freddie mac question here. lobbyist, paid consultant. is it semantics? he's condescending i think to michele bachmann. >> we got an old saying called fever in the funk house. bachmann was absolutely on it. the problem for her though is that she's saying so many things in past debates that was false. even that politifact claim, politifact came right back and said she was wrong about that but she's absolutely right.
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newt gingrich can dance around this all day. but the fact of the matter is, freddie mac, fannie mae, they hired republicans and democrats. put them on the payroll so they can be able to keep doing what they were doing in congress. and so when he wants to say, oh, no, i wasn't lobbying, she nailed it. you were there for influence. i was surprised that romney and perry was not as aggressive in nailing newt gingrich. so he gave a long-winded answer. he has some issues on this particular issue. it is a winner for her. >> will, i want to ask you another question but it seems like you want to get in on this one. >> i was going to say first on the romney strategy, it is working out for romney i think. he is having his surrogates attack newt gingrich from michele bachmann to ron paul. he comes off looking like the nice guy. it is perfect from a sheer strategy standpoint. but more importantly, one of the central tenets of conservative in the republican party ought to be about free markets. this represents the problem with
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newt gingrich. free market, the operative word is free. whether involved in cronyism, lobbying, advocating, whatever, when you take money from a government sponsored enterprise you are not playing in the world of free market. posit this against mitt romney who was asked what's the next industry of the future? and he said i don't know. free markets will answer that. that's the difference we have to look at. >> there was also an interesting back-and-forth with ron paul talking about wars and bringing our troops home. i want to ask you -- listen, ron paul said we can't treat iran like iraq. will that be a tough sell to conservatives, especially -- go ahead. >> undoubtedly. clearly it is going to be a tough sell to conservatives. if you get on any conservative website today from national review to daily caller, any newspaper from the wall street to "washington post," conservatives will say ron paul is very good -- but. big comma, big capital letters -- but. they say he comes off as an isolationist, they say he
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assesses blame to the united states for the terrorist attacks we've endured and he doesn't want to get involved in any potential threats to our country. i'm not passing judgment on whether he is an isolationist. i'm answering your question about how he comes off to conservatives. yeah, it probably is a long-term problem. >> don, these conservatives don't want to hear the truth. >> let me pose this question to you. when i said go ahead to will, i was going to ask him if you think this -- what ron paul is saying if it plays to independents and it plays well to young people especially college campuses and that sort of thing -- >> absolutely! he's playing well to people who actually know how to read and pay attention. when congressman ron paul is saying is the united states cannot continue to meddle in somebody else's foreign affairs and don't think it is somehow not going to impact us later. remember, you had rick santorum reference iran last night saying that they went to war with us in 1979. but republicans don't want to mention 1954. we helped overthrow the iranian
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government and put in the shah of iran. ron paul is saying stop the warmongering. it was amazing to hear republican candidates say we might want to try diplomacy. look, they don't want to hear that stuff from ron paul, but i'm telling you when you spend $800 billion in iraq fighting a war we should not have been in, we're still in afghanistan, somebody speaking some sense to say you can't keep blowing stuff up and somehow think that's going to fix the problem. >> thank you, roland. thank you, will. can you imagine, roland talked most of the time, will. that's shocking, isn't it? let me put it this way. one of us is batman, one of us is joker. >> one of us is batman and you're robin. >> all in good fun. thanks, will cain and roland martin. that's "fair game" for today. moving on, actor christian bale gets roughed up while trying to visit a chinese activist. >> they tried to take the cameras and then just forced us away. >> only cnn was there.
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[♪...] >> male announcer: book now, save up to 65%. call 1-800-sandals. time to go globe trekking. terminator and batman movie star christian bale is used to fight scenes and car chases on a movie set, that is. but the academy award winner experienced some real-life drama on a trip to china. he was roughed up by security
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when he tried to meet a detained human rights activist. cnn's stan grant was with him. >> why can't i cannot go -- >> reporter: hollywood actor christian bale is used to action, but this is no movie set. plain-clothed chinese security who would not identify themselves determined to stop him and our crew contacting a detained human rights activist. we're trying to get out of here, once again we've been stopped. we've been stopped right here. as you can see, they're pushing christian here. we're just trying to leave peacefully. we're trying to leave peacefully. as we leave, the guards give chase in their car. they're still right on our tail. christian bale says this is not what he hoped for. he made an eight-hour car journey from beijing to try to meet a personal hero. the blind self-taught lawyer. >> i'm not being brave doing this. the local people who are
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standing up to the authorities and insisting on going to visit chen and his family and getting beaten up for it and my understanding being detained for it and that sort of thing, i want to support what they're doing. >> reporter: bale has been in china for a premier of the prelim he's made here about the japanese invasion in the 1930s. bale could have rolled up the red carpet, left. but the actor whose movie is about suffering and injustice could not leave china without highlighting this real-life struggle. chen campaigned against alleged forced abortions and the treatment of villagers in china. in 2006 he was sentenced to more than four years in prison for disrupting traffic and damaging property. he denies those allegations. chen has not been allowed to leave his home since his release last year. local chinese authorities in the province have his house and local village in lockdown. no one allowed to see chen. authorities here declined to
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comment on the case. the united states is championed chen's cause. secretary of state hillary clinton has raised his case during past visits to the region. christian bale now wants to add whatever ways he can. >> this doesn't come naturally to me but this was just a situation i said, i can't look the other way. >> bale has followed cnn's coverage of chen's case and approached us to try to meet the blind activist. his hopes were high -- until this. >> what i really wanted to do was shake the man's hand and say thank you and tell him what an inspiration is he is. >> reporter: the chinese security continued to chase us for more than half-an-hour. we got away. chen remains locked in his house. stan grant, cnn, china. 20% of suicide in the united states are committed by veterans. >> he was an amputee who had his
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a $1 trillion spending plan and of course that plan is going to fund the government for the rest of the fiscal year. so there will be no government shutdown for the rest of the fiscal year. the measure goes to the senate where approval is also expected to prevent a partial government shutdown at midnight tonight. midnight on friday. now you know. we're all safe, at least for now, when it comes to the government not shutting down. did you realize that 20% of all suicides in the united states are veterans? now these are the men and women who fought for you and this country. every day hundreds of suicide calls come in to the veterans crisis line. in just one day that we were behind the scenes there, there were two suicide rescues. take a look. >> thank you for calling the veteran hotline. how can i help? eric, first off, thanks for serving. what do you mean by crisis?
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are you suicidal? >> we've done close to 20,000 rescues since the crisis line has started. first thing i say to a caller when they do have the object that they plan on killing themselves with on their person, whether it is a loaded gun on their lap or the rope whatever, always say to them, can you agree to not shoot yourself, take your pills, get up on the ladder while we are on the phone? >> can you put that knife away for a little bit, just while we talk? >> suicidal on the phone. he stated, like, add big knife in his lap, he was going to use it to kill himself. >> he kept saying he took all his medicine, i informed dispatch there was a possible overdose. >> can i send somebody to help you i think that's what i'm gonna do, okay, because i think you want help, you called the hotline. >> two police officers on scene. >> remember i said i was sending somebody to help you? >> that was probably as close as i've come to a completion over the phone. >> the cdc estimates that
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approximately 20% of all suicides are completed by vet traps. >> what sort of weapons do you have? >> every rescue, there is a hint of anxiety. there is always the chance that something is not going to go right. >> i need to know what we can do to help you be safe today. >> he was an archty who had his leg blown off in an ied and he just didn't feel that he wanted to be a burden to his family anymore. with the sheriffs on the way, he shot himself. we never, ever give up on a rescue. whenever a vet needs help, we will do whatever it takes to find him, if he can't tell us where he is, we will do whatever it takes. >> you said as soon as we get off the phone, you plan on taking some pills. is that all you plan on doing? he lost his wife. he had been married for 20 years. he lost her a couple months ago and he called simply to give me a message to give to his family about funeral arrangements and that he wanted to be buried with a photograph of her.
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what do you think she would say? how would she feel if she knew you were going through this and you were planning on trying to kill herself? when i tried to talk to him about his wife, he became emotional, i couldn't understand anything he was saying, so i tried to flip it around, if you were the one that had died and your wife was thinking about this, you know, would you want her to do this? and he said no. it's okay to cry. just let it out, okay? i'm not going anywhere. i'm going to stay here on the phone with you. >> it's not a weak tons reach out for help and to get help. >> when they ask you to walk a mile with them, you say, no, i'll walk two. >> trying to keep our vets alive. other news now the republican candidates squared off in a last-ditch effort to win over iowa voters. john king is there live with a look at the winners and the losers. and then this, kids forced to listen to justin bieber's song "baby" in school. will they pay up to make it stop? this unusual fundraiser next in street level. but first, time is running out to buy a paper u.s. savings
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bond. did you know that? ♪ buy, buy, buy, buy a bond >> remember bing crosby was hawking u.s. war bonds, people got a paper savings bond and we even had u.s. bonds when we weren't so united, like this 1864 confederate states bond but the days of grandma stuffing a bond into your birthday card are nearly over. january 1st it is all digital, baby. paper bonds, make way for electronic bonds, so it's -- ♪ buy, buy, buy, buy a bond >> bye bye paper bonds, your 15 minutes are now up. ♪ bring you victory ♪ bye, bye, bye, bye a bond and you'll be standing by the victory arch when johnny comes marching home again ♪ paid-in-full discount. [yawning] homeowner's discount. safe driver discount. chipmunk family reunion.
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someone stole the nuts. squirrel jail. justice! countless discounts. now that's progressive. call or click today. [ knock on door ] cool. you found it. wow. nice place. yeah. [ chuckles ] the family thinks i'm out shipping these. smooth move. you used priority mail flat rate boxes. if it fits, it ships for a low, flat rate. paid for postage online and arranged a free pickup. and i'm gonna track them online, too. nice.
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between those boxes and this place, i'm totally staying sane this year. do i smell snickerdoodles? maybe. [ timer dings ] got to go. priority mail flat rate shipping at a simpler way to ship. everyone believes in keeping their promises once a year. but we believe in helping people take steps to keep them every single day. that's why every day we help people across the country get into their first homes. prepare for a comfortable retirement and protect the people and things that matter most. at genworth we believe every day is the right day to take a step toward tomorrow.
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check some stories making headlines the street level. here is something that may surprise you about teens. more reins turning to pot and away from alcohol and cigarettes, that is according to an annual national drug use report that surveyed 47,000 middle and high schoolers. believe it or not, the number of teens drinking and smoking cigarettes are at its lowest point in 30 years. but at the same time, one in 15 teens say they use pot pot on a daily basis, the highest rate in 30 years. to illinois now, where high school students paid money to silence justin bieber. seniors from evans ton township high, they blasted this over the
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school's p.a. system. ♪ first love broke my heart for the first time ♪ ♪ now it's like, baby, baby, baby, oh ♪ >> bieber's song "baby" played over and over again for three days. now, before all you bieber fans get insulted, this was all for a good cause. the students you raised $1,000 for a struggling cafe arts center, paying to stop the song from playing over and over was just their motivation. don't send your tweets and e-mails to me. now to kentucky where hundreds of dui cases are in jeopardy. why? according to a county attorney, some technician did breathylizers after their certifications had expired. hundreds of breathalyzer test results are being questioned and could possibly be thrown out. jefferson county attorney's office will notify defendants and their attorneys and review the cases one by one. we are now less than three weeks away from the iowa caucuses and last night was the final debate before the voting.
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john king has been all over the state of iowa, hosting "jk usa." doesn't have the chandelier behind him, now a new background. what did we learn from that debate last night? >> we learned it was pretty civil, don. the moderators made a decision if the candidates were going to go at each other, they would make that decision, not lead them into conversation. what stuff, a pretty tame debate. former speaker newt gingrich came under attack, particularly from michele bachmann early on. rick santorum went after the other front-runner, mitt romney at that point. it was a pretty tame debate and all the candidates knew this was the last chance a mass audience would see them before the first vote. the iowa caulk suss 18 days away did. we learn anything new? not really. we learned the theme of attacks we are going to get into the final 18 days, a fascinating race here. as you noted, with he have been here all week. you can tell the gingrich momentum stalled.
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the question has it just plat toad or drop. i'm here today. governor rick perry will be here in a minute. he was the leading conservative alternative at one point, then stumbled in debates, an uptick of his numbers in iowa. this is in the small up to where you find evangelical voters, tea party voters. if perry is going to have a comeback, the surprise in iowa this year it is going to be by winning over people who might be leaning santorum, might be leaning bachmann or undecided between bachmann, santorum and perry, the governor's challenge a lot of chess to be played out. >> we have just a couple seconds here left. i want to know, does rick perry, it seems -- is he doing better in these debates, his performance has got better, hasn't it? >> he had the least amount of time in last night's debate, they felt better about the debates, made the tim tebow joke last night maybe he hasn't done so well in the beginning of the game but he is going to win at the end that is the big question for eye watt last two and a half weeks, again, you do sense an uptick in support. it is not enough yet but 18 days, no more debate, see if he can do it the old-fashioned way,
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on the ground. >> you are in cherokee now where are you off to next, do you know? the airport? >> i'm sorry? >> i said you are in cherokee now. where are you off to next, maybe the airport? i don't know. >> we are going to do "john king, usa" from here tonight, then i'm going to go back and see my little baby over the weekend and then see where the campaign takes us from there. >> oh, that's nice. i'm sure viewers appreciate that daddy john king. john, we will be watching tonight. thank you, sir. good seeing you. now, to a very talented and lovely and smart and informative brooke baldwin. >> and i didn't even have to pay you that so much say that, don lemon. thank you very much. hey, don. happy friday, happy friday to all of you, i'm brooke baldwin. get you caught up to everything making news this hour. rapid fire, as always. this, we are waiting to hear in baseball legend barry bonds will go to jail or face parole, his sentencing expected any minute now in the san francisco federal courthouse. baseball's home run king has already been convicted of purposefully misleading a grand jury that was investigating the use of banned substances like
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steroids in professional sports. also happening right now, president obama getting ready to take to the stage right there. this is in washington, the conference of the union for reform judaism. this as the republican presidential candidates blast him for his policies on israel. also there in attendance, israeli defense sin mer, ehud barak and house majority leader, eric cantor. we are watching that for you there as well. another government shutdown averted, maybe most likely. the house just passed the house spending plan a couple of minutes ago. the measure now, as you know, headed to the senate where approval is also expected. but what if that vote doesn't come in time? senate minority leader mitch mcconnell says, not to worry. >> the administration takes a view that if the appropriation -- the final appropriation bill's passed one house this afternoon, quo have that vote today or it could be tomorrow but the administration, i'm told by the majority leader takes the view that if it has
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passed one house there would not be a government shutdown. i think everybody should be reassured that's not going to happen. also today, the star witness in the penn state scandal testifies he saw jerry sandusky molesting a little boy in a locker room shower. mike mcqueary testified that he told university officials about that encounter. he also told them it was "extremely sexual in nature." mcqueary was at a hearing today to determine if there was enough evidence to try penn state's fired athletic director tim curley and also to try former university vice president gary schultz for lying. and a shocking story out of the nfl today. have you heard about this? chicago bears wide receiver sam hurd busted just this past wednesday for allegedly trying to set up a massive drug ring. his teammate, they're stunned. >> nobody's talked about the situation. it's a situation that you don't -- i don't want anybody to be in, especially a close friend, a teammate that i've
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been playing with now for four or five years now. so, especially a guy from texas with a wife and daughter. so, it's tough for me. >> police say this was no small-town drug deal. hurd is accused of trying to buy up to ten kilos of cocaine and half a ton of marijuana for something like $70,000 every week. even more exclusive than that, hurd has customers among the ranks of the nfl. more on that out of chicago. six he can he can it was from fannie mae and freddie mac facing big charges today. the federal charging them six of them with fraud, accusing them of not 2e8 telling the truth about the mortgage loans give top high-risk taxpayers, as you know, bailed out during the financial crisis. and questions lead to a demand for an independent review how police conducted the search for this 7-year-old girl, jorelys rivera. the mayor of canton, georgia,
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where she is from, wants to know where sheriff deputies were not debriefed after searching and clearing that vacant apartment where, it turned out that little girl was killed and why the police chief wasn't personally heading up that search. >> the police chief, i have been here the day after that little girl went missing? >> i would think so. i would think he should have been, sure. >> i feel like i was there when i was needed. if that's something that needs to be fixed on my part, i will fix it. >> 20-year-old man who worked in that apartment complex, lived in that apartment complex is charged with killing jorelys rivera. abrupt surprise recess at the bradley manning today. manning, the private suspected of passing classified documents to wikileaks. his hearing began this morning and immediately went in a recess and then another recess. manning's lawyer says the investigating officer has a conflict of interest stemming from a civilian job as a prosecutor from the justice department which is
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investigating wikileaks founder, julian assange. and bp getting a quarter of a billion, that is billion with a b dollars from the cameron international company, make over the blowout preventer, remember we talk so much about this failed to stop the gulf oil spill after the well exploded last year. the settlement, not an admission of liability by the company, want to point out, but the agreement does come in advance of the federal trial in advance of the catastrophic spill which begins next february. the map accused of trying to kill president obama is competent to stand trial that is the ruling that's come down from a federal judge. oscar ortega hernandez charged with firing shots at the white house last month. at least one bullet actually hit a window. and we have a lot more to cover for you in the next two hours, including this -- 22 pounds of cocaine, 1,000 pounds of pot, that's what the feds say an nfl player wanted to become a drug kingpin.
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but here's the kicker. there is reportedly a list out there that shows all the players he has ever sold to. i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. as fears grow iran may be trying to build a nuclear weapon, a disturbing discovery found in the luggage of a passenger heading there from russia. tried to take some form of nuclear isotope. >> now, a massive manhunt is under way. a bizarre mystery is unfolding involving murders inside a mansion. >> oh, my god, it surprises me 100%. >> a husband and wife found dead, but the crime scene is baffling investigators. and she is one of the tiniest babies ever born in the u.s. nine ounces, the size of a soda can. and as this little baby fights for her life, at least one doctor is asking where do you draw the line? and --
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washington. he is saving over $100 million over the years, 37 million just on the health care industry. >> wolf blitzer with me from new york today. so i know you have an interview with congresswoman bachmann. and obviously, she has got to make some noise out there in iowa f she doesn't, go with me, wolf blitzer, if she doesn't finish, first, second, third, fourth, how does she justify staying in the race? >> she has got to do well in iowa. she was born in iowa. she is from a neighboring state, minnesota. she spent a lot of time there, a lot of her money there. she has been counting on iowa. she certainly hasn't been counting on new hampshire. so she has got to surprise a lot of folks and do well. and she is really going on the offensive right now. she is not shy, she is not hesitating. did you notice that exchange at one point she had with newt gingrich when she almost ber rated him for talking down to her. >> we have got t we have got t. >> you want to play it? >> let me play it. this is between newt gingrich, because he had said that she
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tends to get her facts, wrong, it was all about the facts. bachmann didn't like that very much. watch this. >> i think it's outrageous to continue to say over and over through the debates that i don't have my facts right when as a matter of fact, i do i'm a serious candidate for president of the united states. >> and wolf, just to be fair, i mean, it's not just gingrich who is the only one criticized bachmann, you know, for occasionally, let's say mixing things up, but be that as itmakers do you think that these debate, several which you have mod rated, do you think they have served to sort of smoke out the candidates' weaknesses or foibles? >> i think the desbrats been very helpful to all of us to better appreciate who these respective candidates r did you notice when she said i'm a serious candidate for president of the united states, what i heard her say, i'm going to talk to her about this later today is i'm a woman, take me seriously, you shouldn't just dismiss what
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i'm saying because i want to be president of the united states just as you want to be president of the united states. and don't talk down to me, newt gingrich, right now, just because i'm a woman. >> so that's how you read it? >> that's how i read it and given the history of newt gingrich and women, three marriages and all of that i think this is a sensitive subject that we should explore and i'm going to be exploring it "the situation room" later today. i know you will be interested, i think our viewers will be interested. but that was just me. what did you think? how did you read that? >> we talked about that this morning. >> she said i'm a serious candidate. >> i didn't think that i didn't think that i would love to know what she thought in that instant going through your mind. watch that question and see how she interpret it. let me switch gears, we have been talking a lot about iowa. let me talk south carolina, that is a little bit down the line, third in the primary lineup, as you know, hugely important today, the news, republican governor there, nikki haley endorsing mitt romney. since we last checked in with
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nikki haley, her approval rating, wolf, it is down to 36%. now, there's this other poll showing romney and gingrich both losing to president obama in the state of south carolina. want to take a stab at that? what's happening there? >> she is very popular nationally among tea party conservative activists. she has got a huge following out there she has got issues in south carolina, obviously, those poll numbers reflect that, but this is a very, very important endorsement for mitt romney because mitt romney's support does not necessarily come from the tea party, got a lot of establishment republicans who are really supporting him, they are very fearful that newt gingrich would alienate so many independents, moderate democrats, reagan democrats, as they like to call t and for nikki hailly, one of the dar ling of the tea party, a strong, strong supporter of the tea party movement, to endorse mitt romney gives him a lot of credibility among those folks and i think it's gonna help him in iowa t will help him in new
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hampshire, certainly in south carolina going forward, in florida. as we keep saying, i drill this in all the time, this is going to be a long, drawn out fight, i suspect, because it is not winner take all in these republican contests it is proportionate, if you have the money, the stamina, the ability to keep on fighting and fighting and fighting and mitt romney does have all of the above, this could go on long after florida, nevada, into february, march, april. >> okay, wolf blitzer, we will chat next hour. thank you, sir. still to come, radioactive material found in the luggable of a passenger on his way to iran. and guess what? he was traveling from moscow. coming up, we are going to dig into the connection between iran and russia specifically. plus, the alleged child rape at penn state case is in court today. the assistant football coach who said he saw jerry sandusky abusing one of the little boys in that shower? he was asked in court today why he didn't immediately go to police. we will tell you what he said. and incredible video. these pictures are just
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stunning, there is a woman actually pinned under this bus, this is utah. so a police officer gets to the scene what does he do, gets under the bus, holds her hand. i'm going to be speaking with that police officer live in the show. what was he thinking? has he checked back in with her? don't miss it. ♪ i'm burning out this useless telephone ♪ ♪ my hair is gone ♪ cheap cologne ♪ motor home ♪ i'm the rocket man! has he checked back in with her? e up here alone ♪ burning out his fuse up here alone? ahh. [ male announcer ] crystal clear fender premium audio. a
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kind of a murky situation here. an iranian man tries to board a flight in moscow and when his luggage undergoes inspection, authorities find radioactive metal. so, they analyzed the stuff, radioactive material turns out to be sodium-22, which that primary use of that believe it or not, is actually medical. we have got a look at the iran connection here so people are obviously asking some questions. the russians say this case has
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triggered a criminal investigation, but they won't say more about the individual who tried to get the materiel on board the plane to iran. the stunning allegations that one of the city's biggest drug dealers is also a chicago bears wide receiver, sam hurd. he was arrested by federal agents wednesday night after allegedly trying to set up this huge drug deal and take possession of a kilo of cocaine. and that's just sort of the tip of that frankly, we couldn't believe the news when it broke. hurd was signed by the bears just this past july after playing down in dallas, to this multimillion dollar contract, some $5.1 million, including his signing bonus. he also had a charitable foundation. nope by his teammates as hard worker, a really nice guy. natural lakers lot of people, fans teammates, having a tough time wrapping their heads around this ted rolands, let me just bring you in. obviously, we are talking here major drug conspiracy charges. can you just -- i want you to get into the nitty-gritty
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details with me. what exactly -- i see black. did we lose him? we lost him. we will try to get him back. we are also, i should point out, going to talk to a sports writer coming up next hour a little bit more who has been working, out of chicago, following this guy, as we mentioned, to chicago back in july. how perfect is that? we have ted crowlands. like magic. do me a favor, get into the details. what do these allegations involve? >> well, it is astounding, as you said, brooke. basically what happened is fred is been tracking him for a few months and this week in chicago, two nights ago, basically, went into a chicago area steak house with an undercover federal agent and he walked out with a kilo of cocaine, that's why they arrested him initially. that is not the shocking part of it, but the sheer numbers they were supposedly negotiating, he was negotiating with this undercover agent. he said that he was interested in buying five to ten kilos of
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cocaine a week, and 1,000 pounds of marijuana a week he said he had an existing business in chicago and his supplier couldn't keep up with it. this is a guy that is supposedly playing football for a living and he is basically telling this undercover agent that he is a kingpin in the drug world and that he can't keep up with the demands that he is supposedly selling to on the streets of chicago it is shocking news to everybody. listen to brian urlacher, one of the co-captains of the chicago bears. h a good teammate. that's what i know of him. you know, he comes to work every day and works hard. outside of here, i don't know him very well. he comes to work every day and practices hard and plays hard. that's all i know of him. he is a friendly guy. always been really friendly. says hi in the hallway every time you walk by him and i walk by him ten times in the hall way, still says hi every time a good guy from what i know of him being in the building. >> the affidavit also says that
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they traced his cell phone with some activity between some california known drug dealers or suspected drug dealers and they said he negotiated with this undercover agent to try to get some mexican-based cell phones, telling them that he didn't think the feds could listen in on his conversations if the cell phone was based in mexico. his lawyer did appear with him briefly yesterday in federal court. here's what he had to say after that hearing. >> an opportunity to go over the affidavit and the facts as we know them to date. sam stands ready to fight this case and we are going to take it one step at a time and going to take it day by day. >> and brooke, he is scheduled to be back in court here in chicago about 45 minutes. we are expecting that bail will be set and that this case will be transferred to the dallas-fort worth area, but people here in chicago just cannot believe the allegations against sam hurd, a member of the chicago bears. yeah, it's stunning. you point out the numbers. i guess when he caught got
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caught, he was sitting with who he thought would be people distributing and i guess handing him drugs ending up being these informants and he would have been willing, according to reports, paying up to 700 grand a week for drugs, that is just one player of it. now a second layer which, of course is are there other players involved and reportedly, there is a list of players he sold to? what do you know about that? >> well, a -- we haven't been able to confirm any of that. is there a chicago-based radio station that is reporting that there's supposedly a list of potential players that may have been customers of hurd. talked to legal analysts, very unlikely feds would go after customers, they don't want to go down the ladder, they want to group. he is so far, astoundingly up the leader for this, but embarrassing if the names did surface and that was true. right now, just a rumor coming out of one media outlet here in chicago. got it. ted row lands, thank you so much in chicago. as i mentioned, going to speaking with a chicago sports writer covering hurd since he
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came to the bears this past summer. hurd passes a background check, came unclean before being hired by the team. apparently, he has squeaky clean, squeaky cheap background. more in the next hour. now to the acase of alleged child rape at penn state. jerry sandusky's attorney gave an explanation of him in the shower with a young boy. >> teaching a person to shower at the age of 12 to 14 would sound strange to some people but people that work with troubled youth tell you juvenile delinquents, dependent, have to be taught basic life skills, like how to put soap on their body. >> today, the penn state employee who says he witnessed the abuse in the shower is in court. find out what he is saying now next. ous, sneezing, aches, fevers. tylenol: and i relieve nasal congestion. nyquil (stuffy): overachiever. anncr vo: tylenol cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion... nyquil cold & flu doesn't. just a second. just, just one second. ♪ what are you looking at? don't look up there.
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the star witness in the jerry sandusky child rape case is witness number one at the key court hearing today for not one but two penn state university officials. mike mcqueary told the court he believes sap does ski molest a little boy in the shower. i want to go to susan candiotti live for us in harrisburg, pennsylvania. mcqueary also testified that he did make it clear to penn state officials that a boy had been sexually attacked, contrary to what the officials say. >> that is right. now you have both sides of the story, because now you are hearing that testimony of at least one of those officials at the moment, tim curley, the athletic director, being read into the record. now, we are, in fact,ing what both men are saying. as you indicated, it is the first time that we are hearing details from mike mcqueary from his own mouth on the witness stand, sworn testimony once again about what he said he saw
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back in 2002 when he describes a boy being allegedly sexually attacked by jerry sandusky. he says he didn't see actual intercourse but he said, from what i could see, it certainly appeared that that's what was taking place answered also testified that he made it abundantly clear to the two penn state officials that that's exactly what he saw. now, contrast that, brooke, with this, right now as we speak, the testimony of tim curley is being read into the record and he saying that mcqueary did not mention that he saw anything of a sexual nature. in fact, he said that he didn't know if there was any sexual misconduct of any kind. he said it was only horsing around that mcqueary had described to him. we are getting two diametrically opposed stories, accounts of what was said. >> so, is kurlly saying mcqueary
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wasn't specific when it came to describing what appeared to be intercourse. is that the distinction? >> that's right. he said just horsing around. again, of course this is testimony to the grand jury being read into the record, tim curley's testimony. >> what exactly happened during cross-examination with mcqueary? >> well, the defense attorneys tried to get him to be shaken in his testimony, but he really wasn't. he answered each question with great confidence. one of the things they hammered on, you consider this a crime? yes. but you didn't tell police? he said. no but he also added this, by telling what i said happened to these two penn state officials, including gary schultz, who is the head of university police, mcqueary testified, i felt as though i was telling the police because that's who he
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represented on campus. >> wow. when can we expect the judge, susan, to rule whether there is, in fact, enough evidence to send schultz and curley cases both to trial? >> well, the norm, brooke is after the judge hears all the testimony that the prosecutors are putting into the record, that he makes a ruling very shortly there after. he may take a break but we expect to get a decision today whether the judge feel there is enough evidence here to move forward with a trial. >> susan candiotti, we appreciate it there watching this unfold in harrisburg, pennsylvania. coming up, a millionaire is found murdered inside his mansion, alongside his wife of some 40 years. today, new details. that's in two minutes. plus, a baby born weighing all of nine ounces. look at this. this is essentially the size of a soda can, smaller than that person's happened. this hour, we are going to talk about the challenges of caring for such a small baby and what that means for the child's quality of life down the road.
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we will be right back. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond. but with all the thank you points i've been earning... ♪ ...i flew us to the rock i really had in mind. ♪ [ male announcer ] the citi thank you card. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, with no blackout dates.
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john and geraldine mcgee were your ozzie and harriet couple living this seemingly perfect life. he developed real' site, raised two kids, they were well represented, liked in the neighborhood, community. friends say they can't imagine who would ever want to hurt them, but someone did. john and geraldine mcgee were
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shot to death inside their million dollar-plus house tuesday night. the beautiful, quiet, quaint up to of andover, their daughter found their bodies wednesday morning when she stopped by to drop off her children with their grandparents. the couple's suv was also found miles away in boston. it had been set on fire. police right now, very, very tight lipped over this investigation, effective reporter michelle segona has been digging into the story for us. michelle. >> good afternoon. >> good to see you. >> good to see you. >> what have you found? >> i did speak with the police department. just as you mentioned, they are remaining very tight lipped, a lot of things are close to the vest in this case. they are investigating these murders as homicides that happened inside of the house. there are some reports out there that state that the couple, they were shot in the neck, some shell casings were picked up. they would not confirm that information but i did speak with a very good friend of the
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family's, known them more than 40 years. she says on the morning of the murder, she received a call from hollis, the daughter, who found her parents and she asked that the family friend, whose name is diane, she said are you sitting down? she said my parents have been shot, i need you over here right now to help with the children. so the friend, diane, raced over to the house and assisted from that point on. so at that point, what police are saying is that it appears to be an isolated incident. they have not had any murders in this area since 2002. it is a town of about 32,000. >> you mentioned something from police. this is reporting from one of our boston affiliates, whdh, they are reporting there weren't any bullet casings found at the scene. can you confirm that? what does that tell you if that, in fact, is true? >> actually, i cannot confirm that because police will not say one way or another. but if that is true, what it appears to be is something that was planned out. what i can tell you is that i spoke with the boston fire department and that they found
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the vehicle on tuesday night around 10:20, just before 10:30. it was set on fire. it was on a residential street in boston, about 20, 25 minutes away from the home where the murders took place. and so, if this happened, it may have been some time on tuesday afternoon, evening and then once the murders took place, then that person or persons jumped into the vehicle and went there. you know, there's going to be surveillance along the way. i'm sure that investigators are looking to pull along the route. there's going to be people, someone out there saw something or they know something. now, this particular neighborhood, there's not a lot around there. so, it wouldn't -- you know, if neighbors didn't see or hear something, because the homes are so far apart, that is not odd in itself, but someone, somewhere along the way does have information and so what investigators will do is they will go into the house and really start from that point and working their way out. what diane told me is that jerry recently got back from a golf
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vacation with her girlfriends. they also own a home in jupiter, florida, and when they got back last weekend, they all went out to dinner, they had a nice toast at dinner to life and to friendship and to health. and she's really grateful that she had that, you know, those last moments with her friends last weekend. >> so, so far, i suppose, since police are being so tight lipped, understandably so, this is very much an ongoing investigation, do we know, are there any suspects whatsoever? >> no suspects yet. this is still very new. i can tell you that the neighborhood is still closed off. it's only open to residents who live there i can tell you that the house is still considered a crime scene at this time. i can tell you that they are interviewing family members, friends. they are moving in through the computer systems. i mean, the family owned a construction company, a lot of business dealings, a lot of people that had a lot of interaction with this family, very well known in the area and there's really a lot to comb through at this point. i think the next few day we will start to learn a little bit more
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about the dynamics and who exactly would want to target these people right before the holidays. >> thank you very much for us, the latest details of this double homicide out of andover. i was getting news in my ear, watching for the sentencing to be handed down to barry bonds and we have now learned it has -- he faces two years, two years probation and a $4,000 fine with regard to that obstruction of justice charge and that testimony back in 2003 when he apparently misled this jury as they were investigating steroid use among professional athletes. two years probation, home run king, barry bonds, and a $4,000 fine. we are going to talk to sunny hostin about that coming up. also, a baby that could fit into the palm of your hand. this next story is amazing. a child born at 24 weeks. >> yeah, it is a miracle baby for them and for us.
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again this cannot happen every day. i want you to be sure that this is once in a lifetime, maybe twice in a lifetime as a practicing neonate toll gist. >> after this quick break earthquake the extraordinary challenges of saving this teeny, tiny baby and what it means for the child's quality of life later on. first, do you remember what you were searching this past year on google? well, google does. they just released a list of the top global searches that spiked the quickest in popularity, fastest rising search terms in 2011. we have the top 25 four. number five, ever play this, "battlefield 3" popular video game. maybe you did. number four, the mother accused of killing her child in one of the most controversial cases, talked about case of the year, casey anthony. number three, ryan dunn, the star of the tv show jog jackass" killed this year in a drunk driving accident. what are the top two most searched items on google? you will hear them after this. s taste great. but did you know they're good for you too?
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they're high in vitamins and potassium. and idaho potatoes are now certified to carry the heart checkmark from the american heart association for foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol. so they're good for my family, and for yours. heart smart idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. at bank of america, we're lending and investing in communities across the country, from helping to revitalize a neighborhood in brooklyn
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to financing industries that are creating jobs in boston or providing funding for the expansion of a local business serving a diverse seattle community and supporting training programs for tomorrow's workforce in los angeles. because the more we can do in local neighborhoods and communities, the more we can help make opportunity possible. it's easy to see what subaru owners care about. that's why we created the share the love event. get a great deal on a new subaru and $250 goes to your choice of 5 charities. with your help, we can reach $20 million dollars by the end of this, our fourth year.
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we are giving you the top five fastest rising google searches of 2011. now number five, "battlefield 3," four, casey anthony, third, ryan dunn. second place is new social networking site, have you ever been to this, google plus, obviously a bit of a plug for google. and number one, oh, boy, friday, youtube star, rebecca black, we
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are not doing that song. back to this breaking news story here, barry bonds gets two years probation and a $4,000 fine following his perjury conviction that goes back too april of this year for his testimony in the balanco steroi scandal that is what the defense was asking for. a big win for the defense team. the bottom line, he wasn't convicted of the more serious charges of perjury, which would have been punishable up to five years in prison, just convicted of the obstruction of justice charge. not with standing, the prosecutors, brooke, in this case wanted him to serve 15 months inned prisoning the federal prosecutors asked over and over again this morning for the jim to sentence him to some prison time, even though this judge indicated that she wasn't inclined to do so, they still argued the point, but the defense asked exactly for two years probation, a $4,000 fine and about 250 hours of community
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service. i don't know if he is going to have to do the 250 hours of community service, but it sounds like the judge certainly agreed with the defense's recommendation and gave him just that the federal probation office asked that he get some home detention and sew didn't even get that. so, all in all, a big win for the defense in this case. >> quickly, just remind us, i mean, this was years ago when he testified, right, december of '03 and the jury ultimately said he was evasive. they couldn't prove that he actually lied about whether or not he took steroids but he was evasive in the questioning, correct? >> that's correct. let's face it this was a long-standing investigation. we are talking about the 2003 balco investigation. and so, so many things have come out of it, but the fact that many people do believe that he was so evasive to have lied in front of the grand jury, this is a good outcome actually for barry bonds. barry bonds, home run king, finds out he faces two years probation, what is it about two miles from that ballpark where
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he took the hank aaron record in most home runs in major league. so, what a day for him. sunny hostin, i thank you very much. >> that's right. coming up, let's talk about this little baby, this baby weighing not even nine ounces, less than the size of a soda can. so this hour, we are going to talk about the challenges of caring for a baby so small and what it means for this little child's quality of life all the way down the road. we will be right back.
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have you heard about this little baby defying the odds in california? melinda starr came into the world six weeks early weighing just over nine ounces, just about the size of a can of soda. melinda was so small, she could fit into the palm of her doctor's hand. she is now up to four pounds, 24 weeks into the mother's pregnancy, doctors told her the baby wasn't getting the blood, the oxygen she needed to survive. back on august 30th, melinda was delivered via c-section, emergency c-section and she is believed to be the third smallest baby to ever survive. but this tiny fighter dubbed a medical miracle possesses a bit of an ethical dilemma no one can really answer. doctors saved her life and when she gapes a little bit more weight, she is expected to go home with her family but doctors say she may face a lifetime of health problems. i want to bring in kathy quinoa,
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associate director of emory university center for ethic. kathy, i just want to jump right into these ethical questions. a lot of us were talking in our morning meeting, would you think, one would think, there would be no doctor, no question in terms of as a doctor to save a life no matter the length, no matter the cost involved, the technology, the health risk, the doctor would want to save a life, am i wrong? >> i think you're right. i think doctors are very much wanting to do everything they can at every occasion and particularly with a baby, where there's a much desired pregnancy and anticipating a wonderful, full-term pregnancy, everything is sort of set to go so you're right that would have been the hope but things were not that way here, were they? >> here's the thing, short-term, melinda faces risk of infection, bleeding in the brain, long-term, suffer from cerebral palsy, cognitive, physical problems. at what point do parents and the doctor come together and draw
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the line? >> yeah, so this is a -- this is a really important question. the -- when do we actually say this is something that we should not be doing? so, with a baby that's this small, about 270 grams, which is about -- about two-thirds, a little bit less than twhoirds of a pound, this is a very small, extremely low birth weight baby and also the baby was born very prematurely, i understand about 24 weeks. so, when we are at the cusp of that kind of birth weight and that gestational age, that's when the clinical team will actually really begin to wonder, is it acceptable not only to resuscitate the child but then to continue to provide treatment for the child? so, fairly early on in a case like this, the team would then be coming back to the parents, talking about what the potential for long-term problems are for this child and really asking the question, you know, should we continue to provide aggressive
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treatment for this child? care, yes, but not necessarily ongoing aggressive treatment. >> ultimately, who makes the call? i mean it has to be the parents, right, with the doctor's recommendation? >> yeah, we tend to, in this country, given a awful lot of decisionmaking power to the parents. and i think by and large, that's right. the question, of course, becomes at what point perhaps should we not be providing or offering certain types of treatment that simply may not be in the best interest for the child? and that he is atticus.of the question. and general, when children are born at 25 weeks of gestation or further along in terms of development and are a reasonable birth weight category, we actually are pretty aggressive intervehicle and seen outcome for those children improve drastically over the last decade. when we get down to 23, 24 weeks gestation and even birth weights
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much higher than this babies, that's when the parent decisionmaking process comes in. if you have a much smaller baby and much lower birthday baby, those are the babies for whom no attempt to resuscitation might occur. we are in that cusp here. >> then though you also think about price. unfortunate lakers sad reality of how we function, the cost, how much will it cost to take care of this little, little child. i know the parents here in the story, they have medi-cal, the public insurance program for the poor, so her cost, this child's price of life right now could cost the state of california as much as half a million dollars is what i've read. >> yeah, i have a seen that estimate as well. yeah, there's no doubt that providing both neonatal care while in the hospital is quite expensive on the order of several thousand dollars per day for neonatal intensive care, but then over the lifetime of a
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child that may have long-term disability, of course, there is a heavy cost factor, i would say that, in general, in terms of medical decisionmaking, we don't like to think about that. we like to interintervene, do everything we can for the child and not make a decision based on cost. i think that is really an important question for our public though. we, as a society, need to make a decision about whether there is a limit in terms of the amount of resources we want to spend for all types of health care. and if there is, it would be nice to do that as a matter of public policy and not ask for that decision to be made at the bedside with a particular patient or particular family. we have not been willing to do that. >> what a story, gotten so much of us here on our team talking about this today i thank you very much. >> thank you very much. now, a woman trapped under a city bus in utah and the whole time, a police officer is under that bus, right next to her. look at that holding her hand.
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he, that officer, joining me live, after this quick break. th, post more youtube videos of your baby acting adorable. baby. on it. matt, ignore me and keep updating your fantasy team. huh? jeff, play a game. turbo-boosting now, sir. dennis, check in everywhere you go on foursquare. that's mayor dennis... of the water cooler. you're the best. liz, rock out to pandora. oh, no i'm an only child. and nick, you shouldn't even be here, you can do everything from the golf course. good? good. [ male announcer ] on at&t, blackberry® torch moves at the speed of 4g. ♪ that bus, right next to her.
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tdd# 1-800-345-2550 you and your money deserve. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 at charles schwab, that means taking a close look at you tdd# 1-800-345-2550 as well as your portfolio. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 we ask the right questions, tdd# 1-800-345-2550 then we actually listen to the answers tdd# 1-800-345-2550 before giving you practical ideas you can act on. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 so talk to chuck online, on the phone, tdd# 1-800-345-2550 or come in and pull up a chair. talk about a story of compassion and dedication. for this, with he go to utah. west valley city police officer held the happened of a terrified and injured woman as she was pinned under a city bus. she couldn't move. he promised not to leave her until she got out alive. so officer kevin peck wedged his body between the icy road and the undercarriage of this bus p
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i mean, just look at the picture. just look at this would you do this? his blue latex gloved hand clutching hers. peck, a man of his word, did he not let this woman's happened go until the fire crews lifted the bus off of her and there they go lifting it, slowly but surely, officer kevin peck joining me by phone from west city -- excuse me, west valley city, utah. and officer, wow is first what i say to you, and secondly, how is the woman doing? have you visited her in the hospital yet? >> i did. luckily, i had the chance to go up and see her at the hospital and actually moved her out of intensive care into a recovery. so, it was -- it was a great experience to go up and see her, be able to talk to her and check on her condition and status and i'm glad i got to meet her family. it was good to see them and they were grateful for just the little bit that i could help out
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their daughter with. >> the little bit. the little bit, as in placing your body underneath a bus some 25,000 pounds. i mean, when you first got to the scene, could you even see her? >> not -- not initially, i didn't know exactly where she was. i got right up there and saw a couple people kind of crouched down next to her and i could just see her tennis shoe. >> so you see her tennis shoe and then you somehow get under this bus. i mean, was that your instinct, just to get underneath and help her? >> yeah. i just -- you know, there was no other way that -- i didn't feel it would be appropriate for me to try to yell at her and communicate with her anywhere else from outside, you know, standing and i just wanted her to know that we were there and that we were gonna do everything we could to get her out. >> so you reach out, you're holding her hand.
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is she able to speak? what is she saying? what are you saying to her? >> she couldn't really see that well. her glasses had actually been knocked off of her and her heai was thrown in front of her face. she couldn't reach her own face because her shoulders were pin and she had blood matting had down and she couldn't see that well which with i probably added to some of her phone and you know, it was kind of dark and cold under there and i really just, you know, because of that i -- you know, the next best thing is just having that -- that touch and knowing that, you know, somebody's voice and i can feel his hand and he is not, he is not gonna leave and i just wanted her to know that. >> how long did it take? i imagine it felt like an eternity, but how many minutes passed as both of were you under this bus? >> um, you know, i -- i want to say anywhere from five to seven minutes. give or take t is hard to tell
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something like that when you are in the middle of it and time is just totally irrelevant. >> how long, officer, have you been -- have you been in the police force? >> i've been with the west valley city for nine years now. >> have you ever done anything like this? this the first time? >> first time for being under a bus like that, yeah. >> and so here we are, heading into the holidays, sort of, you know, grateful for the small things, the little things, as i like to say. i mean this is just stunning, stunning to me is it stunning to you, looking back? >> you know, i -- and to be honest with you, i didn't even know that anybody was there recording anything, taking pictures, anything like that, until she was gone and i was standing there and kind of had a chance to look around and assess the rest of the scene there, but you know, i think that's the whole reason i came into this line of work was to have a meaningful job and it's not all the tim
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