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tv   Black in America  CNN  December 18, 2011 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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started carrying out exercise off the coast line of china. chinas wasn't happy about that. that relationship is going to be kushl. if you look at the comments from u.s. leadership. first we had hillary clinton saying that the u.s. is going to stay in the u.s. pacific. when he was in australia saying that with the draw downs with the troop, they were going to be focusing more on the asia pacific region to the extent of putting troop on the ground. he had talk on the countries who have expressed concerns on what they see on increased aexpressi
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aexpression. there have been dispute and china all over islands throughout the south china see as well. and so while we focus very, very closely on north korea and south korea and what will happen there, this relationship between the u.s. and china, one that has pn eamerimerging is going to be under the motorcycmicroscope no said that it wants to do that peacefully. it doesn't want to pring on a conflict with the united states. the u.s. has troop on the side of the pour der. their ally is sworn to defend the south of the border. they served south kree he thea during the korean war.
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it is really going to be interesting to see how this relationship work out and when the phone call is placed between barack obama and what they are going to say. >> the chinese has said that washington put too much influence on him and that at the end of the day they will do what they want to do des pete the influence that they may or may not have. it get back to this question that if there is a regime in surmeteorologist, turmoil. what can they do to ensure there is a smooth trance igof leadership? >> china defends the enting and
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interesting and they are paramount. they are going to be very, very vigilant. they are going to be working hard to contain things on their side of the border. it has been described in the past like lip and teeth. it is the clotest relationship that north korea has. it is historically based when china sent volunteer to drive the united states and south korean for back. it was a great move. >> if i can interrupt. we, have christian ammaanpoor on the line. you were in piyonyang when they
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destroyed that water cooler tour at the reactor there. and things have changed since then. many people are wondering what will the people hold now that kim yong ill is dead. >> we were there in 2008. it was around the time that there were ne dpoeg going on. they came into fruition in 2008. when we saw the nuclear tower blown up. but it was a moment of hope then that came to an end in the summer of 2008 because about that time most people suspect that kim jong-il suffered a stroke and negotiations fell apart. there are report that over the next several months they have
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been talking and there were report that a food deal could be announced and the new tliunewtr deal between the united states and this week. but there mighting some deal and movement on a nuclear deal agreeing to suspend their enrichment activity. this has been not announced. this has pn know dpoeshiated. they had hoped to be able to pring to fruition. yoo everyone is looking to a man who we know little about. we heard mike giving you more he details that he is a quiet he polite man, pu is thissy man who can, create the personality that
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his father and grand father did? >> it is probably unlikely that he will be able to do that. even kim jong-il was not able to maintain the personality that his father was. when he nominated his young son to take over, people are concerned. he is young and going to be taking over a nuclear nation. the issue here is whether it will promote who hard line oddity from sort of the old dpard or circle the wagon around the young mand or put a stop to the ne dpoegs between the it.
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>> now beare going through that difficult tense period of time. we know that they often act out and can shell the border and carry out nuclear missile test. so given all of that, the tension that we are likely to see, what are the concern here? >> well, that is assuming it is line it aspired out-of-control. you are right. we are reporting back ip 2008 when north korea tested a miss i'll that could have reached u.s. shore. north korea which was livid and said this was only trying to fet a satellite intois spa. it worked away from those
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nuclear disarmament talk. the yee that the obama administration have not had those talk expect for in these last few months and that has had some hope that this could be a foreign polymoment if this had come through. thank you so much. woe want to go back to wolf blitzer. not engaging at all with the north koreans. who do you think it is going to change in everything that the u.s. and the japanese,
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everything that everyone does right now is going to be seen by north crow thea and they are paranoid to be begin with. they will be watching chosely. there is the potential for a miss calculation and i think it is fair to say that everyone, the chinese, the u.s., japan wants this to be a smooth transition. but the fact that the south koreans have gone on a height end state of alert will force the other to do something. the stakes are going to be
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enormous. with the tripes living eyeball to eyeball along the zone. north korea still has the nuclear arsenal. so, this i think the north kree krans are trying the fact that they made this announcement calmly and there is a funeral scheduled for december 28th. but they think everyone in the world is out to get them. but in term of going on a higher state of military alert, it could force the south koreans.
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i think the u.s. understands this. i think they are urging everyone to caulk down and see what happens. >> walk us through what would be happening right now within the state department and within the white house. what is going on at this lighthouse in dc? >> there are emergency meetings at the pent gone. i wouldn't be surprised if they are meeting in the situation room at the white house. they are dpath therring situation. they want to know what they are seeing. they have the spy satellite and are listening and trying to get a clue of what is happening. those countries may have better
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information than the u.s. has. as much as the world focus in on iran and pakistan, for 50, 60 years, ever he one knows that one of the most dangerous spots on earth is the korean peninsula. these are what the fears that the president and secretaries of tfs, cia directors have. they go into full scale meetings to handle it. so that is what they are trying to do. at this point they are dpath therring information in a heightened state of alert. and if there is any means of
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communication between kim jong yang and washington how would that happen? >> you have the u.s. coordinator for north korea glen davies. who who met with the u.s. this is sos of the best in tell jengs in the region. we have seen and been reporting tonight that the south korean
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military is declaring an emergency and all military region on a heart and we have u.s. and south korea compined force command and they are working closely with the south korean and we have seen a year and a year and a half of tension in the region and the u.s. has been coordinating even then dpathment with north he korea. et has been in lock step with the south koreans felt comfortable every step of the way. that is the closest communication right now. there are emergency meadings right now. what are foeing to be the next
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steps over the next 24 to 48 hour. >> they have been in lock step since the tedes stroir was sunk. and coming to us. the stock market closing town pie by 4.87%. jo we had been told earl yerl not to etchpect anything from the white house tonight. he said we have been closely monitoring report that kim jong-il is dead.
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woe remain committed to the free tom and security of our ally. i think the he key will be to responding to the tone. it could he define the long-term relationship between the united states and north crow thea. the second thing is what in fact this will mean for the on going relationship. does this prevent an opportunity or more of the same. i think it will be unfolding over the next few hour or day. can you tell us, did the white house have prior warning that this was happening or to they
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fend out when we find out? skroo >> my des is that they it get advanced notification on that. so far that has not been forge coming. we will get more detail, but as so many other have been reporting, there has pn a foe uk of add mipvation and there has pn low level contact between the under and kree why. my sense isp plap his top at vision rig oh tirl prior to the public foet fi rag pu again, no official word of that in the white house. >> mike ch eecht rnoy who has
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been there 15 in out. mike, i hope you have been listening. dan was been reporting a statement from the white house. very bland. he committed to the stabtility and the free tom and surt of our al his. knowing ha you no as far as the pam poly, what hips next? sdwroo they have been roaching out to the it. they have troying to sill want in a great many way. they are open to coming back to
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the six party talk. thet could lead to activity regarding their uranium facility. but it has been a consilltary tone. it has been the obama administration that has been playing hard to get here. there has been sin six p the in tepgs so it has been the u.s. that has been holding off and its has been the south korean who have been holding off more. my impress that is they had to signal the powell and they had to move up with the u.s. statement enough making a paint
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of the united states south crow thea. but the north koreans have been troying to get a new and difference and less confron stati tation al relationship here. if the line remains we are committed to stability and nothing else, then i think that is a rep pi for deadline. if the administration can find clitive way to signal that it wants to express condolences to send signals to try and under mind or topple the system, they are paranoid and they fear that, then there might be an opening.
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this could send the tone for dealings with the north koreas with the near term or perhaps longer. if it is a fluid period there. if all washington done is send signals of toughness without trying to reashare them, it will he reinfor the natural in sting this in any. which is foeing to be to hunkker down so it is a tricky palnces act. i hope that vsh is convincing subject korea because of the dell dasy of the moment. >> this was i meef at one of the
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last pub lec meetings looking very, very frail. at the time there was speculation as to whether or not he would be able to turn up. there is news that that factory park is operating as normal. at least in the short-term that this -- this is pu as usual if you like. thing are pro depressing. >> i think it is going to be business as usual. it is in trukted to look at how he had this stroke in 2008. i crow a book on it and i backed
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at what they did then. they continued toen game with the united states throughout the fall of 28. but at the same time there was a sense of the north koreans sending out signals don't mess with it. when it claps in 2008 and the dush at min trag unpressure pushed north crow thea conditions for in expensing the fouk lar fasils. that was the concept when the dpam am passion fiction the north yoon test fires sis ills and they accept out signals okay
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we have made our point and now woe are rad ready toen dpath again. they will depend on whar they he foal this is the fining of the end game and if we don't node to keep them anything. then i think we to see a tougher row mons if there are some sore sig wants. on their paver when the other pad ip 28 and he had this stroke in 2008. bhus the son is unknown and no one on what authority he has. and if it is not him owho is hauling shot.
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>> was there any independent kag that he was not in control. somehow this son and i group of other ehost has taken over. jo quite the opposite. i had not been there in six year and i was stik by the send of mit kal stablet the tip low mats and the ain't workters seemed convinced that the success was on thorac and to the a lot of discord about it. of sort of inkle of movement opening up. they have over a half million people using a cell phone system set up pie an amention company. there was a first joiptrene jer
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tis sa par lert with the chinese while i was there andch pu tiin jointly setting up a fast pipeline from the rue man far says to south korea and kem was ep warnlg not with the sense that they were embracing market reform that the focus was on scoring a more tranquil atmosphere and that fitted into the importance of 2012.
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joe the mantra has been that they want to be a powerful and prosper rouse country. i came away with the sense that it was more relaxed and open to being open than it had been before. it is hard to interpret what that mean. it my be during this period of national tragedy. >> mike from los angeles for us. giving us great inside. while mike was talking we have been looking at images from kim
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john ill. that is his son who is now the liter of the parent strip to china back in october of thunderstorm h thrs kwleer. that is his son thrower. there is a not of pes your over the year poipe there is loosening up inside north he kree kra. this over toufcourse was one of hast time that kim john kill was seen payout. pull la han cox is our soul core spepd dent pu woe want to fet her insights right now as to what the sit ways will be.
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>> reporter: john, there will be a sernl amount of surprise that this has come so sud eply. there were observer who watched every piece of foot age about him to find out if anything has changed with ip h. there were assess. to see whether he was moving his lafrm well enough. >> i think that will be somewhat
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of a surprise. this is in the middle of a sec attempt. and this is early on. >> so order south koreans paul, when they hear the news, that jong ill, that has mens ased them with underground tests, has shelled the islands under acts of adepression. he is considered an enemy of south korea. what we have seen over the year. and since last november with that attack on the island that was the nirt ainformation onsy
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vils. i have to mention at the same time, most don't think that much on norm kree he thea on a daily pace sis. many people would not concern tem thefs about what is taking place in south korea.
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it is an hour' drive from the border.
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they have been watching the ac of kim john ill. rr those continues in light of his death is something that they will be watching closely.
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>> this are report that they have ataged south korean banks in the last few months. pf
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pfsh. >> as of now think for the foreseeable feature. the u.s. troops will romaine there. which an international ip criery found had been sunk. so evsince then, these two countory have worked throwser than they have in the past yes? >> very thuch so. but the relationship has been
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close. john, you saw there how close the level of tension was there. you wonder if they understand how tension the relationship was at that point whxt he he the sip 2010. he games north korea reexact in a hos tain fakt. atepg toward lee very much. now think this aa pill that mope ha have the united states not keep the helpful of innocencity with the military coop late.
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this serves to bind the south kia and military closer. >> chris is giving you perspective on the milt relationship between south korea and the united states what is likely to happen. some expect may be happening to try and send a warping to the west that they should not be interfered with during this difficult time. his son, kim jong un. we know little about him. we are hoping that sand hark at the it of jorm george. we show him on the line. what do you know about the next leader of north korea.
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before he brings anything about him, i think i would like to make an important observation. we tend to think that north korea has been governed by one ma'am dim sxwrung ill. the difference between kim jong kill and his father is that he has more be lies thank the political party. and also decisions have been made to die slide the leadership and then he many stamped in many case. i think that will continue under kim jung sung be expected or
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file guyed to make those sdig. but decision making that has been plished beijing kong til will taken and there other the sussprigs twos says and theiate terms should be smooth. in reference for the person that died no departure from the north would be expects. he had dup it himself. look lies father. he was expected to expect. pu, we need the sis spen to be called or he rewarded as it m
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macincome ate system through their version of reelection cau rel process. there will be a ffrm election. pu i think that he will make all the shot and he's in kexier ends and so far, it is fainth russ it will offer ite there kilg and southria and from the it. i think that many is a gainth russ. right now. north korea which is alled military toll picks and military jepral him chef.
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he pepship the dour rocksy toesn't pay anymore. so i think the px as shocking as it wok when heg died in 1992. i don't expect the trance eggs and the future ole self. with that jo let row he cap here. you are satisfying that there ask of' tress seg process and you are giving it say. time to ploes. and the kip tri will sherp
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darismle. there has aboutp taebl. . not in ice lies from the plotty. not one the skroe thea prorkker party. the eater ship cowen yid with the part xre rt he evof of of of of of of of of of of of of he has been of of a simpoll lec feature. that is imporch to realize. we know that he was a ruthless leader who oversaw this own able and was responsible for
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understand thousands of people into price sis -- should he vent bali take over. will his he din be drift frept than the man? >> i'm not sure if i atry with that asetant completely. when the san is sin south october test. oc jetp he pm and the mouth oppressive policy, is exsected as fong as formg many still in the same security threat a hot saying. pea sapt resend the staem thing
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under simthink sosh kep fung kill. to develop the cop me thash ton egg sem jong ill ind of want his son to become like china' shoe pink. so the pros ma stisk is foeing to be charge opg of priority on the part of king onton. of course. i think et et hi a. it will make a liberal democraticsy tem avenue.
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mt. nor will there be an ar or rrs u.s.ers he somed tur ever subpoena are pem he end 10,000100 though phones but they are not inning en the network i! sistnce trg. so i think et is so exsofrp these time. the thm we kept ate outp he i don't think he can come out in a
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pro vok tx way and that would like i is in trainings sue sight. hand farm for the ben ter of know pick each english herk may not be aebl to many continue he is over am sowing h oh things thresh. can hoth ooext h eat n ha a her on many pest hurricane to the with hmm over the next 24 hour,
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the emt frm are or think trng a muted haks from the xhs a tlart at many from the democrating a few report that hibody suspect moupd nayky and pete ten. i want to tube p the over nil email hags between south request credit and president mit together they have pup u.s. hrm
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i will remain you of something that they have said. talking about the provkag of north kree he thea saying "the eveg rather together we have suck heed in change the sem not with he so the chase is clear for north yo thea. if they rep they toen igto et h ip for mess yoush be tow in the squext couple ours. ist a.
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also talking about the need for lee form in north korea cha. but we can't understand how important it will be for that language that the white house will be putting out in the coming dawn. >> thank you. the stait department is comflowing events and alcie is the senior row cuter at cnism n. >> john, in aticion to the president reaching it to the kree na mu out and period wordnizing closely. this bring chainsth and unclersly to maria.
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even more dangerous south crow thea. as i've been soush tonight and as purchase was tup that actual ed i've i've been looking for wau at the kroeks many because of this unpredictable and upit i was p.m. one minute he was fit and relevantly one of our producers said he was traveling in the reg and was toll by my rg that the eyes of the successor was a.m.
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several talk over the last six month, that means recent talked as recently on food aid not closing any doors to north korea. one country probably knows what is going on better than most would be china. but we are certain that the chinese may not be giving away too many details even though they have an idea p the successi succession.
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chain that does not like surprises. a lot of that will come from the outside the west. for the north korea or china this will not come as a surprise. he has prout his son here and china has had constant envoys here. as far as success go as far as stable lies this setation at soon as possible.
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we talked about the level of ta lig as wand to remember that simjohn ail, awabl to survive for a very long time. he was able to use to advance this cause. that was last year when they shelled that island. south korea were harrying out war games and south korea continued and south korea hit.
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hemdack was krit placed for this ti ever sif. yoo you know something which we haven't talked about since this news broke is king john ill the man. so, as far as history will judge him, how will he he be remembered? >> it is different isn't it. he was almost the son of god. a man who was line iced for his whole. he appeared to be god like and still hold in that way today.
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his son there was a myth around him. that he was porn on a mountain guided by a star. as you can see the marks in a biblical dirge. he was bone in the soefiate union. he lives the last of think it is on the platform shoes, the balanceroom dancing he saw himself as a film maker. he was set to have kid ym. this own dell ca sighs that he liked and had a fear of flying. a man was seen as exsensitive. but we he have to see him aa man
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who pass oil to saen, the primary diz is survival. the figure loss he fee is about calling inner to proek tecks mem he was ablg to survive and use the six party ne dpoegss to tee more things off the table with the other. in term of sif able was you 0s hear. the stories of mass slation. 80 p. 20% parse of cool stull pry, the text, risk k teth to
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lev chairly the getting by. in the past he has pn scribe the pip the sopranos state. which is to everything that has gone in on the nuclear missile program selling them around the most. i mean this is it many sense of the word, this has been a road regime. >> abshootly. but we didn't know what was going on in there. you look at the strayed, whether it is gun or drug. and tlr it is nuclear arms.
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we know where the pongs of the think stan any speakle on me. southernly snornlg korea and pack stack shinsed liesly on their molt:it was to carry out the euch lafr test to pay we we are someone now we can imflect real damage and the whole relationship clifs. we was a dig paiding.
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we'll at that time. he got calls saying what whoo we have been able to work out. it has been a scrum be card for them. >> one whis is also the end is ip pef o which has been heavily singled for, year. we would like to recap our mend story. mornl ever at the 69-year-old suffered a heart apack on 12d and said a funeral will think


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