tv Early Start CNN January 6, 2012 2:00am-4:00am PST
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good morning, it is a very early start, 5:00 on the east, i'm ashley vanfield. >> and i'm zoraida sambolin. jon huntsman getting a big endorsement in the battle for new hampshire. being called the best prepared to be president. >> and also, you probably heard the story about a 15-year-old girl who got booted out of this country without her parents knowing. there's a big story behind it. but a bigger story coming. and ha is, she's going to be coming home. we'll te you why and how it's
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happening. and the big jobs report for december is coming out today. christine romans calling it the big granddaddy of them all. it's probably good news for the democrats and she'll share details. and there's this thing that climbers like to do. seven peaks, it's a big deal for anybody. but if you're 15 years old. it's a huge deal. we'll tell you about this kid. who happened to just globe-trot the world and climb the seven highest peaks. >> and we're going to add in an eighth one. >> which one's that? >> you'll see. >> quite a little wonder that we're going to see this morning i'm looking forward to it. >> learn something every day. we begin this morning with the critical endorsement in the battle for new hampshire. for jon huntsman. the "boston globe" has it as a banner headline, they say former utah governor offers the republican party an opportunity to renew itself.
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the "boston globe" editor spoke to our own erin burnett last night. >> huntsman is bold anywhere the campaign. you have a sense of where he would take the country, he's engaged on the issues in a much more forceful way than romney has. >> this endorsement comes at a crucial time for huntsman. he is polling in the single digits. and he's banking his entire campaign on new hampshire. he believes the voters in the granite state are independent thinkers. >> the establishment is teeing up mr. romney as the choice for the republican party. and i say -- the people of new hampshire will not be told for whom to vote. >> democratic strategist kiki mclean live from washington and conservative commentator live from jacksonville, florida. and cnn political editor, paul stein hauser live from manchester new hampshire, thank you for joining us.
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>> let's look at line from that endorsement, the ""globe"" said this -- while romney proceeds cautiously, strategically trying to appease enough constituencies to get himself the nomination. huntsman has been bold. rather than merely sketch policies, he articulates goals and ideals. and just a reminder, that "the wall street journal" came out strongly in favor of huntsman's economic plan, so he's getting a lot of good press here. but he is still in the single digits as he's leading into new hampshire. he's in fourth place there. he's tied with gingrich. do you think press like this is going to help him. will it catapult him? >> this is a very good thing for jon huntsman and it's a very bad thing for mitt romney. one of the criticisms that the romney campaign has had towards the rest of the field is that the anti-romney vote, some of it may have been on anti-mormonism, some of it could have been on
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anti-moderatism. now you have a moderate candidate, that's a former governor and that is also a mormon. getting a huge endorsement from the "boston globe" in the state of massachusetts. this only solidifies the ceiling that mitt romney has. it's a big problem within the establishment of the republican party, that would like to see mitt romney be the nominee. this is an indictment of this candidate. and i think it's going to give huntsman a big bounce if he can do well in the detats. this weekend you will see him shoot out of the single digits and be a player on tuesday. >> let's switch gears here. ki ki, let's talk about rick santorum, it was a very rough day for him in new hampshire. he got into a pretty tense back and forth i'm sure you saw it. it was a forum that was open it all students, let's listen and then we'll talk. >> if your point is, people should be allowed to do whatever makes them happy. right? is that what you just said? >> as long as they don't harm other people. >> so if they're not harming
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other people. who determines whether they're harming people or not? >> anybody can understand that. >> if there's, so everybody can understand it. oh. everybody can we're not going to have courts. >> there's morals. >> so there is some, there is some objective standard. >> two men to have two rights as the same rights as a man and woman. >> what about three men? stop! >> it's kind of welcome to new hampshire, you are not in iowa any more. kiki, do you think he's going to be able to handle all of this increased scrutiny now? >> this is a big issue, right. the scrutiny comes in two ways. number one, it's the scrutiny of the media and the analysts going through his record. the fact that is a guy who did get creamed in his own re-election in 2006. you bounce it against the fact that he did get re-elected to the united states senate from a big state and it's about the
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back and forth. he's not going to be in rooms full of people who agree with him now. this is about how do you persuade and bring people and personality has a lot to do with that. we've been watching in my office, what happens in social media. what kind of conversation is going on. and yesterday we noticed in that, in that brief window, that the negative comments online increased double-fold on rick santorum. debates around what you just saw him do. so it's two things. number one, it's the substance, and number two, it's how do you handle it. he would have been lot better off saying, look, i think you and i just disagree and let me tell you what i agree, rather than the patronizing, picking on her when she tried to challenge hi him. and when you look at the kind of conversations going on. in iowa, it's parallel to what you found in the polling and it's kind of an interesting validation, when you see the
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movement go forward and come up and down, and where in the sentiment of the conversation goes. that wasn't a good sign for rick santorum yesterday. >> i don't want to leave paul out. i want to talk about the mccain/romney show. it was a bit awkward and yesterday it was very awkward. yesterday in south carolina. let's listen and you can give me your perspective on it. >> i am confident with the leadership and the backing of the american people, president obama will turn this country around. we believe in america. we believe that our best days are ahead of us. >> excuse me, president romney. president romney. paul, how do you make a mistake like that and how does this affect mitt romney? >> oops, i guess you could say, sorry, senator mccain, get the name right. listen, there was a lot of talk when mccain endorsed romney the other day, about the bad blood between the two men. but four years ago after romney dropped out of the race, he became a major surrogate for
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mccain in his drive against obama. mccain beat romney here in new hampshire four years ago and mccain also won south carolina. so i think mccain helps romney in a lot of ways. what mccain doesn't help romney with, is where he needs help, with tea party supporters and social conservatives. >> all right. thank you all very much. and for the best political coverage on television, make sure to keep it here on cnn, we've got it all, the massive machine, the election center, 7:00 a.m. on starting point. eric fehrnstrom will join us and then the "boston globe" editor, peter canellos will talk about the big endorsement and what it means. and every morning here, we give you an early start to your day by alerting you to the news that's happening and the stories that are starting now and you'll be talking about them tonight. today, a brand new poll of the race in south carolina comes
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out. the first poll of the state since early december when newt gingrich had the big lead. mitt romney is holding a rally at a peanut warehouse in the state, happening in about three hours. >> and four days to go until new hampshire and rick santorum, jon huntsman, newt gingrich going to be there, trying to chip away at the massive lead that romney holds in that state. and today, joran van der sloot goes on trial for the murder of a young won in peru. joran van der sloot's murder said he admits to killing stephanie flores, but says it was not premeditated. he was twice arrested in the disappearance of natalee holloway in aruba, he was never charged. an update for you on the really bizarre story out of texas, the teenager who ran away and then, oops, got caught by the police, gave them a fake name, got mistakenly deported to columbia, because the name she gave was somebody who might have been up for deportation. now she's going to be coming home. i guess they've corrected the
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big wrong. the colombian government is going to hand over the 15-year-old girl, her name is jaquadrian turner, she's coming back home today. she was a run-away for a year and a half in texas. her grandmother, who managed to track the girl down in south america says she is relieved. >> well it was worth it. all the wrinkles under my eyes, i've aged, look like i'm 80 now, but that's all right. it's okay. i'm not mad at her. i love her. and children make mistakes. >> man, oh, man, cnn's ed lavendera joins us from one of my favorite cities. let me ask you about this. think a lot of people were confused at how a 15-year-old girl could just end up on a charter plane, in a foreign country where she has no relatives, does not speak the
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language and somehow, either wouldn't or couldn't speak up for herself. where did something drop here? >> well there's so many different levels and even though the news here this morning is that jakadrien is in the process of being brought home, there's a great deal of questions unanswered as to how all of this could have happened. she was arrested in april of last year with no identification on her. simply told authorities, local houston police after she was arrested for shoplifting that her name was tika cortez, she told them she was 21 years old. gave them a false birthday as well. that set off this long string of situation here, that it's baffling to be quite honest. i mean essentially she fooled local police, the local court system there. who believed throughout her guilty plea and serving some short time in jail and then being handed over to immigration agents. and the court system there, through the whole deportation
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process. and then even the colombian government ha had to have met with her and given her the necessary paperwork to be sent to colombia, there's a long line of people who fell for the story. >> here's why i don't get that. i understand that teenagers will lie sometimes, but i also understand that the united states government is pretty meticulous on its paperwork. having been an immigrant myself. so why wasn't there some fingerprinting done? the way i get it, you have to get fingerprints to match an i.d., you can't just say you're tika cortez who i think was of age, 21 years old and get away with it. someone's going to check it out. >> this is what i've been told by immigration officials. is that she was foimped on the local level. she was fingerprinted again when she was passed over to i.c.e. but nothing matched anyone that was in the system. so it was essentially in the words of one person i spoke to, it was like a clean slate. this person was in their view, brand-new, brand-new to them. obviously this is still very early. all of this will change. there were some initial reports
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that she had matched somebody in the system. they say that's simply not the case. >> ed, will you do me a favor, will you watch when she gets home and find out if they're going to consider charges of lying to authorities, i know she's a jufie, but that could be down the pike. thank you for all that. you got it. coming up at 8:00 eastern on starting point, our soledad o'brien will talk with jakandrien's mom. >> the colombian government put her in a work training program. she was living there on her facebook page, her grandmother saw all of these facebook pages of her living in colombia. >> can you imagine as a parent not being able to do anything about it? >> having your child run away, not have control of her and have this entire international -- >> what's weird is she doesn't sound too scared.
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>> she seems like she's a tough one here. let's switch gears, we have good news expected today on the jobs front. i got a little confused, i was reading the report from yesterday and the numbers were enormous. >> that was a private payroll survey from adp. yesterday they said they expect big job gains in december. we're going to know for sure at 8:30 eastern when the government gives as you told you, zoraida, the granddaddy of all economic reports. this is my super bowl. >> she's like bouncing off the ground. >> i ask one question she lit up. >> i'm going to show you on the magic wall what the charts look like and you can see why folks are getting so excited about the jobs numbers. because the numbers are starting to show that things getting a little bit better. i'm not saying we're out of the woods and i'm not saying it's great. so don't email me about that. this shows you what it's like this year. you see it started out tepid and we had couple of big spikes earlier in the year. we got nervous in the spring and summer, it remember, people were talking with a double-dip
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recession and then things started to pick up steam. with 120,000 jobs created in november and then we're looking for 150,000 for december. now a lot of these jobs we're seeing anecdotally, we're seeing from small businesses and the service sector. so keep in mind, some of these jobs being created might be temporary jobs or might be retail or restaurant-related jobs in december. and we always watch this time of year for all kinds of, you know, weather-related. now this is really a political story to you guys. you know that all of the candidates already have a press release ready to go about whatever the job is going to say at 8:30. i want to show you the real fact-check of what has happened with the job situation since the president took office, this is when president obama took office, we were losing 700,000 jobs every single month, january, february, march, april, may, look at all of these jobs losses, this was a really horrible, horrible time for the american economy. and for the american people. and then, you've got stimulus
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here, you've got some census hiring and now you look, this is what economists are focusing in on, the slow, but steady one after another, improvements, slowly but surely in the labor market. so there you go. you guys, i mean it's not really enough to dig too deeply into the unemployment rate. but it is this slow healing in the labor market that economists are watching. we'll know for sure at 8:30. i was seriously watching it like this. >> it's good, right? >> excellent. that's a lot of work. >> we're up for good news. it is now 16 minutes past the hour. wake up, already, you're going to be late for work. but if you're not yet, here are the stories that are going to make headlines for you today. he may barely have a pulse in the gop race, but jon huntsman has a big endorsement, the "boston globe" has thrown its support behind huntsman days before the new hampshire primary. that's the boston paper -- remember, mitt romney was the
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governor of that state. he says that huntsman gives the republican party an opportunity to renew itself. and the air force is charging three cadets with sexual miscountry, including one that is say cuesed of rape. all three eye tended the air force academy in colorado springs, but were reportedly involved in separate incidents over the last 15 months. we could learn later on today, if penn state has a brand new head football coach to succeed joe paterno. "the new york times" is reporting that the new england patriots offensive coordinator bill o'brien interviewed with penn state. fills say they're going to keep an eye on that one. apparently it all happened yesterday. still ahead, new casey anthony video, she never mentioned her daughter. mark lipman weighs in, and so does ashley banfield. >> i spent time with lipman in a courtroom in orlando. he's going to talk about this and what it means and why there may not be as much to the story as you think there is. and if you're in the french
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quarter in new orleans, and it's after 8:00 at night, there's a curfew. why are some people saying it's racist? you're watching early start. glucerna hunger smart shakes.w they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] new glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. dtd so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol
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that music will wake you up if you're not awake at 21 minutes past 5:00 on the east coast. >> it keeths me awake. >> or you're disco bouncing. this is early or very late start, wherever you are. i want to get you caught up on some local news. i know when you're watching a national show, you don't think you should be listening to local news, but some local papers have some good national headlines as well. >> and some local communities as well. so you're watching us. >> our morning papers, we'll start with one in new orleans.
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the "times-picayune" in new orleans is talking about the french quarter being in place to a kid who is 15 years old after 8:00 at night. they're deciding in a sweeping decision, 6-0 in the city council to put a curfew on those kids and make sure that they are not out after dark. here's the weird thing -- most parents would say, good idea, i think that is great. that isn't a good place for young kids to be. but the african-american leaders are saying no way, this is a racist employ so police can profile african-american young males. weirdly, about five seconds late anywhere the same breath they're saying, we should make it a city-wide curfew. they don't like it in the quarter for some reason. >> this happened where i'm from in chicago and they have attached a fine to it as well. so if your kid is caught out after the curfew, they will fine the parents for it. and you know, folks thought, great idea, right? parents should be responsible, that's right. >> once you start talking money, they'll get the kids back into the house. >> so, do you have a dog?
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>> i've had four at one point and i am down to two. >> a dog is like a family member, right? listen to this story it comes from the billings-gazette. a guy who was killed by an avalanche while skiing with his wife. the dog was with him, he was buried with him and presumed dead. they say if he was, that he actually was able to pull himself, dig his way out and then you know what he did? he walked four miles on his stubby legs back to cook city in temperatures that dipped into the teens that night. he went back to the hotel where they were originally staying. they're calling this nothing short of a miracle. the dog is a corgi. >> the queen has corgis. >> i didn't know. >> she loves corgis. >> they're not large dogs. they were not bred to do this kind of thing. they have short legs and they were being -- they herd livestock. on average the males stand a foot and a half tall and weigh
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about 27 pounds. >> this little guy -- >> that must have been amazing for his wife to have that at least -- >> his whole family says, we needed this. we really needed this. >> i've been in an avalanche. >> have you? >> i skied in a avalanche, and i skied out of it. it wasn't big, but you don't know the power of snow until you've done that. >> this may be the only debate in which the candidates want you to laugh at them and it's not really a debate. it's kind of a takeoff on debate. >> our own larry king did moderate this funny or die yahoo spoof debate. it airs this morning. we've got an exclusive preview just for you that you will not see anywhere else. check it out. >> we have reached a very important part of the debate. the reagan speed round. now you know how this works? we give the candidates seven seconds and whoever can mention ronald reagan's name the most wins the round! >> reagan reagan reagan reagan
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reagan reagan reagan reagan reagan reagan reagan reagan. >> time's up. >> and the winner of the reagan speed round is -- >> jon huntsman. >> that's pretty funny. probably the best person, though, the most accurate portrayal of herman cain goes to mike tyson, it is remarkable. look at that. mike tyson? i'm starting to really like mike tyson, he's one funny man. and look at horatio sands, a former "snl" alum, he looks just like him. i've been complaining how cold it is in atlanta. >> she's got the shrug today. >> i was complaining on the facebook page. i'm from chicago and my friends in chicago say come on back. because record highs are possible in the midwest today. rob marciano, is that true? >> it is true.
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and regardless of the temperature outside, you can hang meat in this studio at times. so forget about that record warmth. >> record warmth across the midwest of the country, it's moving off to the east. over 100 record highs yesterday. some of them in lincoln, nebraska, 68 degrees, omaha, 66. some people in minnesota saw 60 degrees. now that's significant. because never in the state of minnesota since we've been keeping records have they ever hit 60 in the first week of january. so remarkable, remarkable heat across the midsection of the country. and guess what, for our friends getting up in southern california, you saw records as well, 83 degrees in san diego and los angeles. 37 right now in new york city. 43 degrees in chicago, that is toasty by chicago standards, a little bit of snow moving across the northeast, it's a warm front that's pushing off to the east. that will allow the heat to build up into the northeastern and i-95 corridor. you'll start to see the temperatures on the rebound. 58 degrees in d.c.
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48 degrees in new york city. 54 degrees in chicago, come on, 72 in dallas? you'll take that, hundreds of records set over the past few days. few weeks i should say for winter. it hasn't been much of a winter. settle can you just do me one favor, every so often will you humor me and give me the winnipeg temperature? >> when you say you skied out of an avalanche. only somebody from canada. >> i got out of a helicopter and got into a avalanche. >> you canadians are high-mand innocenc maintenance, because ali velshi always wanted to hear temperatures for winnipeg. >> i only want to hear about temperatures in chicago if it's really cold. still ahead, the creepy, strange, bizarro video. i'm not talking this one, i'm talking the one after casey anthony's trial. she's popped up on youtube, my friends and she's done a complete 180 on the makeover. by why is there a video of
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good morning, i'm ashley banfield, it's 5:31 on the east coast. >> and i'm zoraida sambolin. welcome back to "early start," on the agenda, we have new casey anthony video. have you seen it? she looks kinds of odd, she never mentions her daughter. >> she's wearing my glasses. >> kind of sort of, right? >> what's up with that, casey? come on. >> maybe because you spent so much time on her case. >> the attorney for casey anthony's family will weigh in this morning. and i love it when people say, you peak early?
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this one, this kid peaked really, really early. that's no climber, folks, that's a 15-year-old kid climbing all of the top seven summits of the world. there are very few grown-ups who can say that they've accomplished that task and look at joe, he's a cutie. >> i can't wait to meet him. i heard about him weeks ago. we finally get to meet him. >> i'm feeling like a total loser and a 15-year-old can that and i can barely be on the treadmill for 30 minutes? it's time to get you caught up on your top headlines of the morning. did you miss it? the endorsement from the "boston globe," it goes to -- jon huntsman. if jon huntsman does not do well in tuesday's new hampshire primary, i think it's fair to say, it's a big buh-bye. this newspaper bypassed mitt romney, that's the front-runner and the former governor of where the newspaper actually hails from. it said mr. huntsman instead, offers the republican party an
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opportunity to quote renew itself. and by the way, this is the second time that massachusetts's largest newspaper has snubbed the former gov. they say huntsman for gop nominee. three air force academy cadets are charged with sexual misconduct. including rape and assault. officials say the three were involved in separate incidents over the last 15 months. and one of two men who allegedly broke into a woman's home in oklahoma now free on bail. there's the video. watch them. this is dustin stewart, he's charged in the death of his pal, his accomplice, even though he didn't even fire the fatal shot that killed that accomplice. the homeowner fired the shot. sara mckinley, after she called 911 to find out if it was okay to do so. it's oklahoma's doctrine, your home is your castle and you have the right to kill to protect yourself if someone's breaking
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in. this is a picture of jakadrien turner who was mistakenly deported to colombia, after running away from home a year and a half ago. we'll try to get you some answers on that. if you were doing the google yesterday, or even if you were just seeing people doing the google at the office, chances are they came up on what video? >> casey anthony looking really different. >> it was so strange to see that come out of nowhere. and the makeover, like zoraida just said. a very unusual change in appearance for casey anthony. this grainy black-and-white video surfacing. apparently we're hearing not by choice. we're hearing casey didn't make this decision to put this up on youtube, somebody posted it for her. whether she knew about it or not. she's also saying that this is not the first or last time we're going to at least it's not the last time we're going to hear it. it's the first of a series of video diaries she plans to record. but here's the strange part -- there's no mention in
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any of this about her daughter who was either depends on what you believe out of that trial. either was killed or died accidentally she never talks about the loss of little caylee, she doesn't talk about the family, the trial, she doesn't talk about how the entire country was gripped by the trial. she talks about her new computer, her phone and her adopted dog. it's got a lot of people very curious. but she's certainly says one thing. and that is that she's optimistic about her future. >> just a little story on how much things have changed since july. and how many things haven't changed. the good thing is that things are starting to look up and things are starting to change. in a good way. i hope they stay, things stay good. and that they only get better. >> mark lipman is the attorney for casey's family.
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not for casey. but for her parents and her brother. he joins me now. it's good to see you again. we spent a lot of time together in june, july, and august. were you like my best summer friend. >> yes, ma'am, how are you doing? >> i'm curious about the story. when i looked up at the monitor and saw that face, i thought this is odd. i think i'm hearing that you didn't expect it, either, nor did george or cindy anthony, is that correct? >> we found out yesterday, i got a call about 6:45 a.m., from a news agency asking if we had a comment about the video. and of course, i said what video and that's when the storm broke loose and saw the video. called my clients. and from there, that was the first time they had seen it, also. >> and i know that you were very quick to put out a statement on behalf of your clients, because that's what happens when a casey anthony story breaks, you get a lot of phone calls. and it's hard to answer them all. let me just read, if i can, part of the statement that you put
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out from george and cindy. they are concerned that the release of this video or any future videos could endanger their daughter. cindy and george hope that casey remains safe, wherever she may be. my question to you, was going to be, do they know where she is? but it's pretty darn clear they may not still know where she is? >> she still in seclusion. and my clients have no idea where she is in seclusion. and they are definitely concerned that, especially all the analysis going on about this video. that wherever she is now, she'll most likely have to move again. >> i want to play a quick piece of the tape where she talks about a dog that she's adopted and i want to ask you something about that on the other side, let's have a listen. >> this has just been such a blessing in so many ways. now i have someone to talk to, when i'm by myself, so i'm not bothering the poor dog.
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i have adopted and i love. and he's as much my dog as any of the other pets i've ever had. >> okay. mark lippman, when i watched the four-minute-plus tape. i kept waiting for some mention of something about this enormous case, and yet, nada. the dog, the camera, the microphone. i was wondering if george and cindy were a bit upset about no mention of caylee, no mention of them. >> they're really, i guess the best word is ambivalent. they don't know the context of what the video is for. it doesn't seem to be apparent. a lot of people were speculating that it was put out there for some sort of financial gain. it doesn't seem to be targeting any specific audience. especially it's not a tease in any way. so they really don't understand what the context of it was. or who the audience, or if it was just for casey herself and somehow it was leaked.
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but without knowing more about why this was put on, they don't want to make any decision as to whether or not they should be upset. >> i think that's such a headline that you say that they're ambivalent. i keep wondering when something might break between these two parties. casey and her family, it was just so ugly in that courtroom. i want to put up quickly a statement from casey's lawyer, cheney mason, who was with letter in the courtroom. he said casey has maintain eed notes and memoirs for her personal counseling. she did not upload or release this to youtube. she doesn't know how the video got on youtube. last question for you, mark, did george and cindy think for any moment at all that she was trying to make money by putting out bits of a video memoir? >> no, not at all. again it all depends on the context. at this point they don't have enough information to really understand why that video surfaced now. and what the reason for it surfacing was. >> well, listen, i got kind of sick of spending so much time
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with you in the summertime, but i'm really happy to have seen you again because i did miss you and i appreciate you getting up real early for us this morning, thanks, mark. >> thanks very much for having me. >> i hope we see you again soon. all right, it is 39 minutes past the hour here. an american teenager breaks a record, i'm dying to meet this young man. he tops the world's highest peaks. the youngest one to do it. he started at the ripe old age of ten. we have the opportunity to talk to him live. he's in new york. and we're in atlanta. >> he's a new yorker. >> no, he's not actually. we're going to tell you all about this young man. you're watching "early start."
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youngest perm in the world to climb all seven of the world's tallest peaks. you're looking at video of him in december climbing up mount vincent in antarctica. jordan is actually live at the cnn time warner center in new york and i got to tell you, i'm super bummed out because typically we're in new york. but this week we are in atlanta. i've been dying to meet you. welcome, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you for having me, it's good to be here in new york. >> absolutely. so this morning i got to tell you, you are the topic of conversation while we were getting our makeup done. most of the women in there are mothers so they want to know, where did this love of climbing begin. >> yeah, i was nine years old when i was in fourth grade you know, a lot shorter of a kid, i can tell you that. and it was, it was something that just fascinated me when i saw the mural of the seven summits. it was something that i wanted, a dream that i wanted to pursue and just go for. and i told my dad about what i wanted to do. and here we are, i now set a new
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world record and climbed the seven summits together as a family. >> so i just got to clear something up here. it's not seven, it's eight, right? what's the eighth? >> the eighth mountain is mount carston's pyramid, the highest mountain in oceana. >> there's a list in australia, with the seven summits with australia and then you've got the highest mountain in the indonesian mountains in australia. so we're doing both of those mountains. so this is actually the eighth. >> and so of all of your experiences, and you've been to all seven continents, which was your greatest challenge? >> you know, greatest challenge i think would have to be everest, for how long the trip took. the trip was about two months. we were gone from home, from april 5th to june 5th and that's the whole season when everyone goes to everest.
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how long it tooks, being up in the death zone with supplemental oxygen, it was challenging. >> when you say "we". >> yes. >> did your parents join you at all for this journey? >> one of the moms said the only way i would allow my kid to do that is if he climbed on my back. >> my father and my step-mom, karen, we're the first family to climb the seven summits together. >> so some of these are, some of these records will never have been broken, right? because there are some requirements in place now that say at that young age, you can't climb any more. >> yes, it's i know there's probably someone who is hoping to chase this record. i'm not totally sure. maybe in the future. but you know, we had no intention on actually breaking a record. we're doing it for the experience and the fun. and it's all totally worth it at the summit and being back home safe. >> jordan, one last question, what's next for you? >> it's a lot in store.
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but in the future i'm going to be thinking about a possible south pole expedition to go down to antarctica, the coolest place i've ever been to. for now, we'll let things settle right now and it's winter season, i'm going to be doing some skiing. so you know, but the adventure life continues and it's our lifestyle. >> well watch out for the avalanches, we had that this morning in our newscast. we're proud of you, jordan, congratulations to you. >> thank you very much. this whole goal is always to inspire kids and to let them, have them find their own everest. >> you've inspired kids and the grown-ups. >> you've definitely accomplished that. congratulations to you. >> thanks for having me on. >> nice work. >> what a cool dude. >> i feel so half a person next to this kid. >> but he makes a really good point. i have a 13-year-old, okay, we are going to show you this, right? >> anything is possible. 46 minutes past the hour. time to check news making headlines across the nation.
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"boston globe" snubbing mitt romney once again. massachusetts' largest newspaper giving its endorsement to jon huntsman for the republican nomination. four years ago the "globe" chose john mccain over romney. you remember that romney was governor of massachusetts? can't get the endorsement of the paper there? yikes. virginia's governor and lieutenant governor are calling on the state's republican party to do away with loyalty oath for voters to sign in order to participate in the gop primary in march. governor bob mcdonald said the oath is unenforceable and could work against the party's interests. the aclu has threatened to sue if the oath stays in place. and a mother of the l.a. arson suspect, harry burkhart has her own date in federal court. dorothy burkhart is facing deportation to germany. her son is accused in more than 50 arson fires that were allegedly triggered by her recent immigration hearing. and if you're doing the
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math, the countdown is on. to new hampshire. >> four, three, two -- one. front page faces come up with dan tuohy, the regional editor of in new hampshire. >> you're watching "early start," we'll be right back. t l. but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's new glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have 6 grams of sugars. with 15 grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] new glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes.
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there's some cool stuff going on. dan tuohy is the regional editor for and is live for us this morning. you're covered a few of those primaries, i think five at last count. i want to let people know that if they don't know what is, your aol's platform of over 850 news and information sites coast to coast. i suppose it's remarkable that you've dispatched journalists all over the ground in every key state for reporting on the primaries. and the results and the impact of 2012. did i get that right? is that kind of the best synopsis of what has been up to politically? >> that is correct. we've been all over new hampshire, trying to catch up with candidates. it's local news, the new hampshire primary is a national event, but it's all politics are local and the editors at are making it happen. >> i love that you brought up all politics is local. i thought i was up on new hampshire until i saw the boston newspaper endorsement. were you as surprised as i was? or were you expecting it because
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you're really into the arcane stuff when it comes to the new hampshire primary. >> arcane is a good word. i wasn't expecting it. it was good timing for the "boston globe." a great get for jon huntsman. he's had some endorsements. this is a much bigger paper with bigger readership. we'll see if it can get him to the finish line. jon huntsman finish line might be second place or third place, given romney's wide lead here in new hampshire. >> if jon huntsman doesn't pull off at least a let me just guess here, second or third-place finish in new hampshire, this has been the cornerstone of his campaign. i don't know if he's spent everything he's got on new hampshire, but he spent a lot. put in a lot of time and he's sort of focused i think is the most fair way to describe it. if he doesn't pull off something at least impressive in that state, is it history? time to pack it up? >> that's what everyone says.
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really, he's been here 150 times plus for campaign stops. i think if he doesn't do well, second place, or very strong third and move forward he did well and overcame expectations, the headline come wednesday will be failure to launch. he's really investing the time and he is still maybe about 10%, 15%. everyone is surging, that's the story line if the campaigns. but whether new hampshire voters, who can sometimes be fickle and unpredictable. we'll find out come tuesday. >> dan tuohy, will you come back and talk to us? >> absolutely. thank you. >> good, because i like that you are impressed with arcane. i think it's a triple word score in scrabble, so thanks to being with us. it is almost 6:00 here. >> there's a long day between questions and answers. half the time you think, he doesn't like her.
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who is the home-wrecker? tiger woods' ex-wife demolishes a mansion so she can build a new dream home. with her divorce settlement. we're going to give you some of the details. you're watching "early start." hi. looking good! you've lost some weight. thanks! you noticed! you know these clothes are too big now, so i'm donating them. not going back there again. good for you! how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. whole grain? whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't... multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 lightly sweetened calories per serving... more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios. i understandains. less you! you need a little help with your mortgage, want to avoid foreclosure. candy? um-- well, you know, you're in luck. we're experts in this sort of thing, mortgage rigamarole, whatnot. why don't we get a contract? who wants a contract? [honks horn] [circus music plays] here you go, pete.
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tiger woods' ex-wife, elin nordegren apparently took a wrecking ball to a $12 million mansion she bought after her divorce. in this economy? >> yes. pictures of the before and after were posted on yahoo this morning. it was a six-bedroom, eight-bath home in north palm beach, florida, she reportedly has plans to build her own dream home on the site. and i also read there was a house on the market in that neighborhood for $18 million. >> i was looking at it, it was nothing. it wasn't worth it. >> not much of anything. >> you know whey love most about the story? i've got to be honest with you, originally the realtor who was there said they were going to do renovations and that they started the renovations and said, just scrap the renovations and tear the whole thing down. we've got lots coming up, going to break and being back in a moment on "early start."
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>> we are bringing you the morning view. there's a lot going on. if you were sleeping through the day, jon huntsman got a big endorsement in the battle for new hampshire, and it is a weird endorsement because it comes from the newspaper where mitt romney used to be governor. and have you heard about the air force sex scandal? three cadets are charged with sexual assault, and you know, a total of 65 sexual assaults reportedly were made involving cadets, 2009, 2010. these number, going up still yet. >> always a controversial issue and not sure there's an answer coming anytime soon. also want to let you know that penn state may come out with a big announcement on who's going to replace joe paterno as head coach of that team. so we're keeping our eye on for you. and christine romans has been keeping her eyes on this. a big jobs report for december comes out today. she is calling it the big granddaddy of them all, and shep got some bells and whistles to
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show us what it means and perhaps what it means for democrats. >> christine romans, mayor of the morning, we'll call her. i love her. i think i maybe the only one who falls for her, but i really think she is. jon huntsman, that itty-bitty state of new hampshire. it pays off there. for vision in national unity, huntsman for gop nominee screamed the headlines to everybody in massachusetts next door, but also that's the second heaviest read paper in new hampshire. so it's a big, old deal for mr. huntsman who really expects to pull new hampshire off. the "boston globe editor" spoke to our own erin burnett last night. >> bolder in the campaign. you have a real sense where he would take the country. he's engaged on the issues in a much more forceful way than romney has. >> a really important time for him, because he's only been polling in the single digits despite putting out all of this
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effort. thas kind of dissed iowas but he se he believes his message is taking hold. >> the establishment is teeing up mr. romney at the choice for the republican party, and i say, the people of new hampshire will not be told for whom to vote. >> i love how every state says, we won't be told how to vote. i'm not sure i know a state that likes to be told how to vote. personally. weighing in on this, katie mclean, one of my favs, live from washington, d.c. good morning. >> and lenny mccallister. i'm just awake, as you can probably tell from my tone. lenny, you are moving to a new location every day. what is with you? >> trying to keep up with matt lauer. "where in the world is lenny mccallister." >> and cnn political eder paul
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steinhauser, i love the fact you got out of the political center in d.c. must be great being on the road. you don't have to stay cooped up in that little mushroom zone anymore. >> reporter: i won't see d.c. for a while. iowa -- i won't see my family for weeks. >> it's going to get old soon. trust me. i've spent a lot of time on the road. a new poll i can read for you. every poll seems to be so outdated. had we get a new one, we're thrilled. mr. romney coming in at 41%. ron paul straggling away, way below at 18%. rick santorum, boom, boom. it wasn't such a great bump, bump, was it from iowa? at 8% and there are all the others. you want to call them also-rands? it's unfair. we still have four days to go. start with, paul steinhauser. i get it. i get it that this looks like a runaway state for mitt romney, but what does it mean for -- what does it mean for jon huntsman? if he doesn't pull it off in the
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place where he expected of any of the states he was going to pull it off, is this the end of the road? his last stand? >> reporter: good question. new hampshire, the battle is for second place. romney will probably win. if he doesn't, it's a huge, huge story. it's the battle for second. talking to huntsman aides last night here at the hotel? i'm staying, saying just that, what is your goal here in new hampshire that allows to you move on south carolina? a where huntsman hab spent a little time. he does get down to south carolina. he knows he's not going to win. would like to win second place. i don't know how he goes on if he's under 10% here in new hampshire. >> we'll watch the numbers. clearly. i'm curious to see how governor romney is going to do, because he hasn't really broken above
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the 25 mark yet he's polling at 41% in massachusetts at this point. i want to show you two "time" magazine covers. one from a month ago and one from this week. very, very clever of that magazine to do this. look on the left. why don't they like me? and then this week, after iowa -- so, you like me now? kiki mclean, weigh in on this. >> kind of interesting. when you pair that up with, i don't know what the strength of one editorial says. it's almost what it doesn't say. favorite son. almost favorite son moment here. kind of doesn't matter what romney gets. underneath this it demonstrates what newt gingrich has said. which is the republicans and conservatives don't feel confident in what they're going to ge with mitt romney. that's why they're not willing to coalesce and go there.
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that's a problem for him in the primaries. that could also be a problem for him as a nominee. people look up and say, well, hillary clinton and barack obama had a protracted fight up until the end. the difference there was, barack obama and hillary clinton were bringing lots of new participants to the game. new voters. you're not saying that in the republican primary, and at the end of the day, that's not helpful for nominee. >> lenny mccallister. keep your ears close to these next sound bites. a not so comfortable part of the day for rick santorum as he was stumping through new hampshire yesterday. he got booed as he was leaving a stage at a college event. take a listen. [ booing ] >> after a conversation about gay marriage and his staunch position against this. and then look at this. this is at a diner.
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>> no, that's not good. a place where santorum was supposed to be. where is the bump, mr. mccallister? where is the bump for mr. santorum and why is he getting this kind of reception? >> the bump came when he got over $1 million in fund raise frg iowa tuesday towards the rest of the week. however, it seems to be a prerequisite for republican candidates nominated or deemed the front-runner in this process to stick their foot in their mouth at some point in time immediately after getting that front-runner status. rick santorum has done the same thing. look at the debates and back and forth with the college students, there's no way to come out of that situation and look good if you're trying to be fighting with these college students. you're trying to shove your far right wing christian conservative points of view on people that you know are moderate. he should have taken a better message in towards this.
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if you look over the last 72 hours, he doesn't endear them to the tea party. insulted black, doesn't endear them to diversity and now is insulting the moderate base. it's not going to endear him to the people in new hampshire. those three things. >> but it will to the evangelicals. vie that strong feeling. thank you all for getting up early and being so smart. >> thank you. >> thanks. have a good day. and it may sound like they're not smart when they take that long to answer me. it's because we have a big delay with ground crews all over the place and satellite trucks all over the place going bananas. for the best political coverage on tv keep it here on cnn. 7:00 a.m. on "starting point," mitt romney joins her and at 8:00, peter canellos. and expecting good news
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about the u.s. economy. christine romans is with us, psyched to tell us all about it. >> relatively good news. six months in a row of 100,000 jobs are more created. haven't seen that since 2006. think about that. haven't had six months in a row of 100,000 jobs created since 2006. if economists are right that happened in december. >> you say that with caution? >> absolutely. we're still in a very, very big hole from all the jobs that have been lost. we're slowly climbing out of it. >> whoa, whoa wait. you say that. i hear in the last six months, reports of more unemployment, you know, filing. so i don't really understand that. >> every week we have hundreds of thousands of unemployment filings an eve in a good economy you have a few hundred thousand jobless, because people are falling in and out of all the time. we're slowly seeing net job creation each month. we will continue to have jobless claims even in a booming economy. we're slowly crawling out of
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this hole. >> let's see. >> let me show you. okay. going over to the magic wall. the john king magic wall. this is what 2011 looks like. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 months above 100,000 job creation, if economists are right. still a forecast. we're not really sure. remember the middle of summer, double dip recession. what's going on? looks as though things cemented here in the right direction over the past few months. how it's a political story as well. you are hearing over and over how president obama killed the job market and killed the american economy. when president obama took office, this is what happened. these months was what happened in the aftermath of the financial crisis that started before president obama took office. so this is that wreckage of the financial crisis and then things got better because of stimulus and because of you know, census hiring and then it looked very sketchy again for a while, but now slowly but surely, things have been moving in the right direction, and there you go. that is what we're expecting for
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the month of december. so what does that mean? it means if you're newly unemployed it's getting easier to get a job. long-term unemployed, 5.6 million out of work seven months or longer, long term, still the same, old bad job market. >> what kinds of jobs are weeg created? >> retail job, service sector, low-wage jobs in many cases, but smul businesses and midsize businesses are starting to hire again. not the big multi-nationals, money sitting in the bank. they're stretching it out of their workers. the big, big company. it's small and medium sized businesses seeing things get a little better and can't go on anymore without hiring. holding out as long as they can, holding out because of the economy, but they're starting to do better. >> more money for job creators. >> i can't wait to put them side-by-side. you can see, you know -- what they'll do is, the republicans will say, the president's trying to take, call this a victory.
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we still have who too many people out of work. true. the white house will say things are slowly healing, going in the right direction. let's not do anything to stay in the way of steady, slow -- >> the spin graph. >> all right. mayor of the morning. thank you very much. >> welcome. it is now 12 minutes past 6:00 on the east. so at this time we like to give you an early start to your day by alerting you to news happening later today. we're not just on the news, we're ahead of the news so you know what's going to be big tonight. joran van der sloot on trial today for the young woman's murder in peru. he admits to the killing of stephany flores but says it wasn't premeditated. of course, van der sloot was arrested in the disappearance of natalee holloway in aruba but nerve are charged for that. and jon huntsman, newt gingrich, all in new hampshire trying to chip away at mitt romney's lead there. as for mr. romney, governor
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romney, she hoe is holding a romney in about two hours. and a brand new cnn "time" poll of the race is coming out. we're excited. the others are outdated at this point. the first poll of the state since early december when it was, remember, newt gingrich with the very, very big lead. and complaining about the cold temperature, but it's kind of toasty warm in the midwest. especially for this time of year. right, rob? >> unbelievably so. records falling, that heat is moving off to the east. a little snow across the northeast now. that's actually a warm front. temperatures will rise from the 20s and 30s into the 40s and 50s before long as this system makes its way towards the east. records across parts of the midwest yesterday. look at california. 8 degree 88 degrees. and los angeles seeing a record high temperature of 83 degrees
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coupled with big waves. folks in the water. lincoln, nebraska and omaha. temperatures balmy. you can't find a temperature in the 30s for daytime highs today. nearly nationwide looking at this record heat, but especially across the great lakes and into the east. that's where this bulge of warm air is moving. 15 to 20 degrees above average over the next couple of days. now, yesterday, guys, zoraida, this came in. especially nikko and sophia. >> you are such a doll. >> your kids lucked out. on behalf of the southeast bureau and the weather team, for your two little ones. >> yeah. that's a cute one. >> look at that. >> you know. and -- >> that's very sweet. >> as if nikko and sophia -- didn't have enough shwag, just a couple more things for them. >> you are such a doll. >> they are literally walking out here with severe weather
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gear. >> such a great time and thank you. i posted pictures of them. >> this could fit me. >> i'm kidding. i'll give it to them. >> such a doll. my kids are in connecticut where you're from. it really helped for you to talk to my son and kind of make him feel he's going to be okay there, even though it's different from chicago. >> when i'm back there, i'll show my old stomping grounds. welcome to atlanta. >> it's a date. with mr. dreamy. and his family. see you, rob. it is 16 minutes past 6:00 on the east coast it's 3:15. getting you the news making top headlines. the "bofting glo i"boston bloeb done it again. endorsing jon huntsman. giving them an opportunity to renew itself. if you remember, four years ago, the "boston globe" chose john
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mccain over mitt romney, too. and secretarixual misconduce air force academy. separate sni incidents over the last six months, separate incidentses. and bill o'brien interviewed with penn state officials yesterday for the position that was joe paterno's. and still ahead a new development in the girl deported by mistake to colombia. we have some developments on that. >> good news. she doesn't have to stay there the rest of her life. she can come back and get her usa citizen shl. a weird story out of the french quarter of new orleans. if you're under 15 years old, don't be out after dark. curfew's coming. why are some people saying, this is racist? you're watching "early start." hey, i'm really glad we took this last minute trip me too. you booked our room right?
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with his wife. this is a picture of the breed. buried with him and folked prevooum head was dead. ole somehow survived, walked four miles back to the hotel where they were staying. he was reunited with his family. they say they really, really needed this, and, i mean, here's the big deal with the story, right? that breed of dog has very short legs. it had to dig out of that avalanche and walked the miles. the wife, who survived said i really needed this. >> it's a good end to a very sad story. >> terrible. >> you kind of wonder, how did anybody miss that the dog was at least close enough to the surface from the avalanche to be able to get itself out or maybe before the rescuers got there? >> they're not sure. that really was the big mystery. the wife said that her husband knew the avalanche was coming and told her to get away and go by the trees. he saved her life also. incredible story. >> avalanche search and rescue. i do a lot of helicopter skiing.
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i love it. one of my favorite things to do. when i go helicopter skiing i have to wear beacon. if i get buried it will transmit to the rest of my party and they'll come digging to try to find me. >> anything i have to wear a beacon to be identified, i'm not going to do it. >> i nerve are thought of it. maybe you're right. maybe i shouldn't be doing that anymore. take you to the new orleans "the times-pikyune." getting a curfew for 8:00 at night for anybody 16 and under. just the french quarter. not city wide. they are thinking about the city-wide curfew. african-american leaders are saying that french quarter thing is a race it ploy so police can profile young black males. in the same breath, they're then saying we want to extend it city-wide. all you care about are the
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business owners, not caring about the city, that's what they're saying. the safety of the city. just the business owners and getting an opportunity to pinpoint the young black males. i'm not sure i can get my head around it. >> this happened in chicago also. the same argument made it was racist, but they slapped a fine attached to it as well. if your kid is up after hour, you're going get fined. >> i'm all about the mom thing. race or no race. 15 years old, get off the street and get to bed. you're going to school tomorrow. >> this was actually into the weekend that they went into that. 23 past the hour here. for a texas family, this indeed is the answer to their prayers finally. 15-year-old jakadrien turner ran away two years then, then deported to colombia will soon be reunited with loved ones. the girl's grandmother says she is relieved. >> it was worth the wrinkles under my eyes and age. look like i'm 80 now, but that's all right. it's okay.
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i'm not mad at her. i love her. and children make mistakes. >> what a great attitude. huh? ed lavandera is following this story for us, live in dallas. thank you for joining us this morning. so i want to take a look here at the timeline, because this young lady, there's so many questions here. she runs away from home. and then her family actually tracked her on to houston where she worked at a deejay club under a different name. tried to get help from authorities there, and that didn't work. why did the police not get involved in this sooner, before she was deported to colombia? >> reporter: well, they were following her -- they'd been working with police detectives here in dallas, you know. they were kind of frustrated with the response, that's what they've been saying. there are a number of people working closely with them. it's not exactly clear. i asked the family repeatedly. when you kind of will an inkling
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she was in houston, why didn't you drop everything and go down there? it's been a little difficult to get kind of an answer to that. they don't have a lot of money, and that sort of thing nap was one of the issue, but there are people that were tracking them, and they thought they were tracking her to a -- >> and then this on facebook. this is how they were trashging her. on facebook. she was actually posting when she ran away and clearly didn't want to be found. i think we all would agree with that, but she was minor, and then she gets arrested for a misdemeanor. she claims to be somebody else who happens to be somebody from colombia. a woman from colombia, who has a criminal record. how is it that at that point they did not know that this girl was not who she claimed to be? >> reporter: well, the problem with that is that, i.c.e. officials say that's just not accurate at this point and saying that she had given them a name of someone who was brand new to them, brand new to the system. essentially when she gets handed
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over to customs and immigration folk, that this is starting a brand new slate, a brand new name, brand new birth date and fingerprints and there was nothing to cross-reference her. some of the initial reporting suggested it matched a criminal illegal immigrant that needed deported. i.c.e. says that's just not true. >> when do we expect her to come back to the united states? >> reporter: this is interesting. i don't -- i would imagine it might be today. there's also a possibility, and i guess we'll hear some clear answers in the next few hours about, who's paying for the flight home? i mean, if the u.s. government says, you need to foot your own bill, that might cause delays for the family, because they don't -- told me last night, they don't have the 2340money ty for the flight back. might take a while to get the money and fly her back home. we'll see how that plays out in the next come hours. >> some detail, the detective told the family perhaps she was
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pregnant agency well. es lavandera, thank you for joining us. appreciate that. coming up at 8:00 eastern on "starting point." soledad talks with this girl's mother. johnisa turner. interesting story as it developing here. >> awesome story. another awesome story on the radar today. you know the guy ali loan i all suspected of natalee holloway's murder, he's in a jail in peru awaiting trial. trial starts today. nothing to do with natalee. instead, everything to do with another young lady who died. charged with murder. that gets underway later. you're watching "early start." goals? you can with green giant frozen vegetables. over twenty delicious varieties have sixty calories or less per serving and are now weight watchers-endorsed. try green giant frozen vegetables with sauce. we're getting back in shape.
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get out of bed. get going. get in the shower. don't get in the shower. we got some stuff to tell you about. i'm ashleigh banfield. >> and i'm zoraida sambolin. >> joran savan der sloot, rememr him? on trial for the murder of a girl in peru. why is he saying he did it today if he's going on trial? did you see the video of casey anthony. never mentions her daughter there. john velez-mitchell is there and will talk a little about this video. >> no. we're going to wake her up. >> really? >> poor jane. >> does she know we're calling her? >> no. again, full disclosure, we do ask way in advance, would it be okay if some day we give awe shout and join our early morning club? >> you happen to have her cell phone number. >> yeah. jane if you're watching, here's your heads up. >> she doesn't get up at 6:30.
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kidding me? she's a night owl. probably get up at 10:00 if she could. we're going to wake her up. we'll ask her about something she's very passionate about. it is 31 past 6:00 on the east coast. time to check your stories and top headlines this morning. there they go again. folks at the "boston globe" endorsing jon huntsman, not gop front-runner and former governor of massachusetts mitt romney. the "globe" says huntsman instead offerses the republican party a chance to renew itself. the second time in a row massachusetts' largest paper has done the big, old dis to their very own governor. last time they went for mccain. three air force akd mi cadets charged with sexual misconduct, rape and aggravated assault. the three involved in separate incidents over the last 15 months. we mention at the top, big stories coming up.
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deported to colombia without the knowledge of their parents is on her way back. 15-year-old jakadrien turner on her way back. the hand over today. they have some plasplaining to . >> i think this girl doesn't want to be found. interested in hearing from her as well. it's 3 2 mithts past the hour. the prime suspect in the disappearance of natalee holloway goes to court but facing murder charges of a different woman. and so we are going to talk now -- to mary arnold, and she'll give us insight here. a former attorney for joran varnld sloout avan der sloot an me on the phone. it says van der sloot was
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charged last september with murder. his lawyer says he will accept the trarg of simple homicide not the aggravated charges. what does this mean and how much time could he actually spend in prison? >> well, good morning. this is rosemary. he's admitting to simple homicide by his lawyer, because he'll only go to jail in that case between 8 and 20 years. he's avoiding the aggravated charges of premeditated murder which could land him in jail for an entire life. >> are you still there with us? >> i'll still here. >> so you got know van der sloot pretty well when you represented him. what are your impressions about him? a lot of people find his very deta detached, smug. with that grin on this face all the time. >> right. well, i'm a lawyer. if i was a psychologist i'd say he was a sociopath, a man without a conscience, because he doesn't seem to have remorse for
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anything that he's done. yet, again, with the natalee holloway situation, there really wasn't any proof that he did anything or had any involvement in natalee's disappearance and we have to understand with joran, what he became as a young boy, 18 years old if he became famous for the person who allegedly killed natalee holloway, and in that regard, you have to remember that the people in aruba believe that he wasn't guilty. so he was somewhat of a hero, in their minds, being persecuted by the americans for the disappearance of a woman, and he always claimed he was innocent. when i was with him, i never found him to be cold hearted or evil. he was always lovely and respectful, and he was intelligent. so either he really didn't have anything to do with her disappearance, or he really was as so yo s ss s s ss so sociopa therefore no conscience and
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never manifested anything. >> they're actually making that connection in this case? right, five years to the day of natalee holloway's disappearance is when this other young woman was murdered and perhaps it wasn't premeditated. he was really dealing with all of the pressure and stress from that? how is that going to play out? >> well, it seems to me that if he gets a fair trial, it should play out rather well. not because of the whole connection to the holloway situation, where they're saying, okay, he got upset because she saw something on the internet then he killed her. you get upset and then you yell. but you don't get upset and kill someone. if you look at the facts, he's in a casino, and the guy's a compulsive gambler. he knows there's cameras everywhere. he knows he's on camera. takes her to a hotel where he's registered in his own name, walks right past the front desk with her and takes her to his room. that, to me, is where you lose
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the premeditation, because why would you premeditate a murder and do it in front of all of those people like that? that doesn't make any sense. >> a stronger argument. varnld sloout is still facing extortion charges in the united states for trying to sell information about natalee's remains to her mother. do you think that that case will ever see the light of day? >> my gut tells me that in peru he's going to go to jail, not get a fair trial. go to jail for a long time and i don't think he's going to make it here to be able to even fight those charges. >> we appreciate you joining us this morning. rose marie arnold, former attorney for joran van der sloot. thanks for getting up early with us. great insight. >> that was a disgusting and brutal murder. not just i snapped and punched someone. he was violently assaulted and left for dead. >> her poor family would like to see him behind bars forever.
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>> as with any of the peruvian people, because he happened to have killed the daughter of a famous race car driver. he's -- that attorney could be very right. he may not get a fair -- thinking of trials, do you remember the casey anthony trial? how could you forget? jane velez-mitchell was down in orlando for the duration. this girl is like the energizer bunny, and i can say that, because i know her personally and adore her. she may be tough talking on tv, but she is the sweetest, most adorable princess you'll ever meet, and i'm going to wake her up. we're going to do the old wake 'em up call coming up after the break and jane is probably very much asleep. she does late tv on hln. we're going to find out what she thought about those unbelievable videos that surfaced online of casey anthony. tired eye relief
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good morning, e everybody. 6:41. you're going to be late for work if you don't get moving, but not before you hear this. i was creep the out by it. up came the face of casey anthony with a brand new blond bob. >> i didn't recognize her at first. >> good point. a lot of news organizations weren't ready to say right away this is casey anthony. we all thought it looks a heck of a lot like her. but maybe it isn't. >> hello? >> we dialed her? did we just dial jane? >> is jane there?
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>> yeah. it's me. >> jane velez-mitchell, it's ashleigh and zoraida calling you. >> good morning! why did you wake me up? >> you're not allowed to talk like a sailor. you're live on tv. i'm waking up every second and thinking of things that i won't say. >> i know that you just woke up, because you got a nice raspy voice for us. it's the demi moore sound. this suits you well, my friend. >> oh. >> you know why i'm calling, other than we love you? >> no, actually. >> because this is your story, girl. you and i spent 80 days together. my longest date ever down in orlando, florida, with the casey anthony story and were you really big with this last night on your show. right? >> oh, my gosh. seriously, a team of hollywood script writers locked in a room working overtime couldn't come up with these developments.
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it's truly -- yeah, it's truly bizarre, and we were talking about, what does it say about our culture and our social media? that we sort of have come to this, were people who are notorious for certain things. she was found not guilty of murder, but, of course, many people still believe that she's responsible for her daughter's death. >> and then voted the most hated woman. i got something for you this morning. are you ready? while you were sleeping and we were working, we talked to mark lippman on our show about an hour or so ago and i asked what george and cindy anthony thought about the fact she didn't say anything in that video about little caylee. you know what he said, jane? he said, they were ambivalent. do you believe that? >> well, they're happy that she's okay. they haven't seen her. cindy wanted to be with casey after acquitted and went to the
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jail and casey turned her mother away. so this is a mother who many believe lied on the witness stand to protect her daughter. this is a mother who sat there and supported her daughter, who accused her husband of molesting her. so, yeah. they're imbiv lent. they're happy they're daughter's alive and well and in one piece, but -- >> and i'm talking to you about names -- >> she's alive -- >> names you and i talk about all the tile. i forget to mention, happens to be the attorney for casey's parents and not casey. interesting to hear that. jane, thanks for doing this. glad we were able to wake you up. you're so smart and louisiu luc >> i wanted to say one thing. i didn't know were you going to call me. i have shaved coffee for breakfast good for the migratory birds. >> you're such a veggie head. a total veggie head. jane, love pup thanks for playing along. >> something else we can call
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her about. >> you never know. we have one of those stories. 44 minutes after hour. right back with more for you. more and more folks are trying out snapshot from progressive. a totally different way to save on car insurance. the better you drive, the more you can save. no wonder snapshot's catching on. plug into the savings you deserve, with snapshot from progressive. i want healthy skin for life. [ female announcer ] don't just moisturize, improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula goes beyond 24-hour moisture. it's clinically proven to improve your skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. for healthy, beautiful skin that lasts. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. and for healthy, beautiful hair, try nourish plus haircare.
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13 minutes before the top of the hour, before your bus leaves. his campaign may not survive new hampshire but jon hunts sman getting a big, old boost from the "boston globe" today. endorsing him and instead snubbed the gop front-runner and former massachusetts governor, mitt romney. you might remember four years ago that paper also bypassed romney in favor of john mccain. and the governor and lieutenant governor calling on the state's republican party to do away way loyalty vote for voters to participate in the gop primary in march. the aclu threatened to sue if that oath stays in place. and three air force cadets charged with sexual assault involving three unrelated cases during a 15-month period at the academy. that's in colorado spring, colorado. soledad o'brien joining us with what's ahead on "starting point." good morning to you, soledad. >> good morning to you guys. "starting point," of course, about ten minutes away.
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we're talking to the man who many are calling the tea party's new haymaker. tim scott, the road to the gop nomination could go right to his district in south carolina. plus the race for the white house, no laughing matter, unless it's hysterical. did you see this? playing the part of herman cain. "early start" is coming back right after the break. thrilled. wait. we can have shakes? and boston cream pie. did you say pie? pie.
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she said pie. pie. [ male announcer ] get back on track with low prices on everything you need. backed by our ad match guarantee. walmart. nyqui tylenol: me, too. and cougnasal congestion.ers?ee. nyquil:what? tissue box (whispering): he said nasal congestion... nyquil: i heard him. anncr vo: tylenol cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion... nyquil cold & flu doesn't.
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>> so anyone can marry anybody else. okay? so anybody can marry anybody else. so anybody can marry several people. wait a minute. whoa, whoa, whoa. stop. this is not participatory. i'm going to ask a question. if people want to respond, i'd be happy to respond. i'm posing things you need to think about. so if everybody, everybody has a right to be happy. if you're not happy unless you're married to five other people, is that okay? [ booing ] >> and that's how the event ended. booing as he is signing the convention back drop and leaving the stage. he says he's not backing down on this eve be though this is a state you can legally be married to a gay spouse. he says, no, when it comes to kids. americans deserve to know a mom and dad, he says.
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>> slightly awkward moment, maybe not slightly. another john mccain supporting romney in charleston yesterday. we had an oops moment. everyone is talking about mccain's slip of the tongue in south carolina. >> i am confident with the leadership and the backing of the american people, president obama will turn this country around. we believe in america. we believe that our best days of ahead of us -- >> excuse me. president romney. president romney. >> that was really tough, and the two people had to come in from both sides to say, excuse me, sir -- >> his wife and also mccain. >> tough. come on back, baby. you know, it happens. busy times, and he hasn't been on the campaign for a long time. right? coming up, we'll take you to the campaign live in south carolina. mitt romney gearing up for an event. >> romney campaign's senior adviser live on "starting point" with soledad o'brien as well. you are watching right now
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welcome back. a popular tv commercial that show as woman climbing to the very top of an extremely narrow rom formation has people talking online. is it real? is it real? >> yeah, well, our jeanne moos got to the bottom of it. >> reporter: these days when seeing is no longer believing, maybe you have seen this commercial and wondered if you can believe what you see. >> i use my citi banking card to pick up accessories. new nylons and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? i'm close to the rock i really had in mind. >> reporter: the reality idea,
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being, this can't be real. >> yeah, it's real. >> the citi banking card. >> reporter: thank you for making viewers physically dizzy and sick. i can't help getting wigge when she gets to the top and the camera angle is pointed at her feet and all you can see is imminent death. >> it's not technically difficult. >> reporter: "it" is a rock formation of ancient art in utah. who was that hot ad girl. >> i had a camara on my helmet. it's me looking at my meet as i walk. >> reporter: the feet belonged to katie. one of the top female climbers after she began competing at the age of 15. citi bank hired her anding a lex to do the commercial pup might recognize alex from the jaw-dropping piece "60 minutes" did on him. famous for free soloing, climbing incredible rock walls without r0e7s. >> there is no adrenaline rush. phi get a rush, something has
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gone horribly wrong. >> reporter: the two climbers were using ropes in the citi bank kpeshl. no one fell, katie says she got a few xarpy falls, like this one. viewers of the commercial are almost as curious about the lyrics to the song. ♪ somebody left the >> is it somebody likes potatoes? somebo somebody -- >> reporter: no, it's -- ♪ somebody left the gate open >> reporter: being honest how it felt at tippy top. >> intimidating. >> reporter: the spot, using footage from a swedish diaper commercial. >> i'm close to the rock i heal had in mind. >> reporter: that high up, who wouldn't need a diaper? jeanne moos, cnn. ♪ somebody left the gate open
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>> reporter: new york. and that, my friends, is the formidable jeanne moos in central park. we all know, the elevation of central park? eight? >> not in a million years. >> i love that ad. love that ad. hey, everybody, thanks for being with us. really fun being with us the last two hours. >> and "starting point" with soledad o'brien heading your way next. >> hi there. at least ten feet in central park. congratulations. good morning, everybody. happy to help out anytime. welcome to our new show. you're watching "starting point" and we're coming to you live inside the airport diner in manchester, new hampshire. now, y'all know four days until the primary day here, and our "starting point" this morning is a hometown snub. the largest paper in new england passing on mitt romney. backing jon huntsman as romney heads to south carolina. everybody is waiting for the big jobs report about to come out in
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